Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY Bflfc : TUESDAY , APKIL 27 , 1886. WHOLESALE ) ! AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. UKKUK , WKL1/J & CO. , Wholcs.ilo Agricultural Implements , Buggies , ; , Kto , Etc. Council ninds , Town. KEYSTONK MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shcllers , Stalk Cutters , Dlscllnrrovs , Sender * , Corn Plnntnn , Food Cutters - tors , ito. : Knctory , Hock Knits , Ills. No ? . 1'fll , 1WI , 1 K , 1607 Mnln St. , Council IJliifT * . DAV1I ) UUAULliY & CO. , Mnntifrs nn.l Jobbers of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Carriage' , nml nil klrvU of Farm Mnohlnanr. 1100 to 1110 South Main Street , Council Illulfj , loirn. AXK r.O. OuufloN , T. H.Dotint.s , OEO.K. Wuiaiir. Pros.iVTrea * . V.-Pres.&Miin. See &Counsol. Council BlulTs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of Axle , 1'lck , Sloiliro nad Small Handles , of every description. CA1WKTS. COUNCIL IJLUFl'S CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Clotln , Curtain rixturon. IJphohtory ( lootls , lite. No. 405 Ilroadwny Council Uluffs , lown. OMARS , T01IACCO , ETC. FKKEOOY & MOORE , Wholesale Jolibura In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. S3 Main and 27 VcarlSts , Council muffs , Town. COMMISSION' . SNYDEIl & LKAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants , No. 141'onrl fit , Council Illurfs. Gil AC KK OS. McCLURG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes , Council Jttufft , Tmcci. CltOCKMir. MAURER & CRAIG , Importers fiJoobers of Crockery.Glasswara . LumpR , 1'riilt Jars , Cutlery , Stoneware , Unr Goods , Fancy Goods. Kto. Council DIulT.s , lonn. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , s' Sundries , Etc. No. 23 Main St. , and No. 211'ourl St. , Council lllulfa. DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , Kto. No . 112 nnd 111 Mnln St. , Nos. 113 and 11D 1'cnrl St. , Council liltiirs , lowu. FRUITS. O.V. UUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General CommlBflon. No. 513 Broadway , Council WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. lOamUSI'onrt St. , Council muffs. OIlOCKItJKS. GRONEWEG & * BCI1OENTGBN , . Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 110 anil 121 , Main St. , Council Iowa. L. KIRSCJ1T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy'Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealer * . No. 410 Broadway - way , Council lllulfs. MA1IDWAKK. P. C. DE VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , KefiIterators , etc. No * . 601 llroadway , and 10 Main street , Council Illnir * . IIAIIKKSS , KTG. UEL'KMAN & CO. , ilnnufncttiraisof and Wholesale Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 523 Main St. , Council llluirs , Iowa. HATS , CAVS. ETC. METCALl- BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves , Nos. S1J nnd 311 Ilroudwny , Council Bluff * . J1KA.VY HAIWtt'ARK. KEELINB & PELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Ami Wood Block , Council Illiirrs , I own. JJWKS AKD WOOL. J ) . II. MoDANELU & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , Polls , ( iicnsonnd Fun Council . Uluifr , IOWA , OILS. COUNCIL ULUF1-S OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasollna B3TO. , E3TO. 8. Theodore , Atrunt , Council llluITa. Town. , ETC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , * .ud llrldgp Material Spoclnltli'u.WuokHiilu Lum ber of all Kinds. Olllco No'M \ Mala St. , Council Hlnffn. Iowa. WIXKS AXD MQVOHS. JOHN UNDER , \VUolo3nlu Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , Aiteut fortfl. fiotihariVs Herb Illttora. No. 11 Main St. tftunull Illntla. SCHNEIDER & Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , _ _ IE MBTEBllTElttD CD'S ' , DIAMOND UII4.NDOV STBICTl PURE I.ESD , ZIE AMD OIL Are nbfoluUljr puie.tti loproscnlcd. One g&\ \ . IjU ulll co\ur li o hundroJ nnJ llfty gquare foot two coat * , and M ill tiny on l"iiii.-ur than uny other palm lUKiuifacturthl. rorsuie by' JN Ullt'US , I'AJ.NTS , Oll.K , lilC. SPEOIALNOTIOBS. Advcrtl cmcntiiundcr thshenl 10 cents per 1 no for the first Insertion , 7 tents for onch subsequent ! csort > ennnd I1.W n line pcrrnonth. No advertlsoment taken for Ics ? than 25 rents fortlio first In'ortwn Boren-words wlllbo ooun tcsl to the line ; they must run consecutively and muetbo pildtn ndrnnco. All lulvortlso- tncntg must be handed In before 3 o'clock p. ra. nnd under no circumitancos will they bt > tait- on or discontinued br telephone. Parties ad vertlslmr In thoio columns ami hlr- Inptho answers nddrcssod mcaro of TUB DEB , will plenso ask for chock to onnblo them to got their letters , nsnono will bo delivered eroopt on prcsntntlon ot chock. All ixnwors to adverts - ts should bo cnolosodln cnvclopci. BUBXXTE8S CHANOES. n Complete outfit of nclsnr fnr > tory , oonM'tlnir of benches , mould * , pr ncs , liundlcra nnd iiiimoroun ether thlnirs. i.vory- thlnir In Rood condition nnd olleiod nt n ( ? rnt bargain. Address Columbus , Nob. , lock box 10 ? . WMS TjVW SAI.i : A first class bakery , instaurnnt J3 ami confectionery Aland In n town of seven thousand Inhabitants. 1' P Fay & Co.Oumha. bS.I-8 Foil HAtiK A nonornl stock ot morchnn- dl < = o : dolnc a ( rord bUA'nc f : In tbo Uncut part ot Kanias : w VI tnko part payment In Innd. Add i oss It W. Ooir , Winchester. ICn . S7.V.'flt " " OH HAliK A tl&n stock of millinery nnd fancy poods cheap It sold ntoneo. Address D Bl.lleo olllco. Kt-20 Foil SAM : Tn first-class location , grocery Mock and fixtures : small capital required : rent low. In-iulrn nt drug store , 10th nnd Douglan. 787 Fen SiVMC J.1,000 will buy a general stock of goods together with the good will of n well established nnd nourishing business In ono of Madison county's best towns. Ilnlanco of payment on very llnornl terms. Heaon for soiling fititlsrnrtorlly given on uppllcntlon. Ad- drossT. T ) . to Pa. lloo Onico. fi T7TOH HAMC-Chnap , n milk dairy. Peldon J ? llros. . fi24 3. intli st. ' Foil HAI.K Couter. show cafes nnd stocl : of Mrs Folgcr's fancy etoro ntao.l N 15th st. Short tlmo only. 417 FOH KXOIIANflK-Ptocks of goods of every kind , for fnrms nnd land ; nl ° o lands to exchange - change for goods. If you wnnt to mutter whnt It It you have , wrltn , with full do- Bcrlptlnn.ln C. C. Mayno , rent estate btoknr , Omnlm Nob. 163. _ To o.TChanRn for slock ot hard- wnro nndgnunrnlmorchniicllso , 500 neresot fine Thnynr Co.Nob. , land : 5 lots In Genoa , Nnb. . good store building ( best . .corner ) : goo I dwelling ( best location ) In Essex , In. , also 81 ncres U mlle from town of Kssov , In. , seeded In blue grass. For further particulars nddress John Ilnderliolm Central Cltv Nebraska. KM FilSONAT : , Young gent , stranger In the city , doslros to form the acqimlntanco of n young hidy of pleasing mldrovs. Object , fun nml pleasant time. Address C. 11. 8S1-27 * i To persons who wl h to build n JL homo In Orchard Hill , I will soil lots upon payment of the nominal sum of ton dollars nnd bnlnnto at the end off ! vo years. Intnrort nt 8 per cent , pnyahln soinl-nniinally. This Is the best olfcr over mndo to nny homo-seeker In this city. Call nnd see mo. C. E. Slnyne , S. n . cor. iniliiinil Farimm. r > 71 BOABDUTQ. \-\7ANTiiJ Hoard A young mnrrlod eouplo desires nicely furnished rooms with board In good location. Address , stating terms , E IB , lloo olllco. 8.-U-20 1011 KKNT-Uoora and board for two. 1813 Caiiltol nvo 2 I.OST. JOST Urown plush lady's pockotbook. 1'lonso lonvo at lleo otllco. S TKAVKIi Small light red cow , 0 j ears old , . _ ' April inth. Finder ptoaso return to 18th and Williams and got toward. B13-20 * STKAYii > A large whlto nnd brown fresh cow ; largo whlto topknot between the horns. Itounrd willbopnld if loft nt J. 11. Jardlno.lW N. 10th ft. mil FOUND. TAK1IX ITI' Ono sheop. Owner can have Fnmo by proving property nnd paying charges nt 318S. 10th ft. Apr 22-23-May 0-ll-20 ! FOR BAI.E-3BIBCEI.LAKEOUS. jion SATiK Or trndo , a bay hoiso welshlnir . ' nbout000 pounds , pcilcctly sound , reasona for gelling , Is too email lor our bushier. Omnlm tfl Cent Store. 1200 I'nmnm st. 8711-28 TTlOHSAIiE 111oom corn seed S3 per bushel. JJ It E Copson , 15th mid I'uclllo. 8U1-2S * Foil SAT.U At n bargain , now papcr oflico In growing town of North Nebraska. Ad dress , Ulado , Durnctt , Nob. 6CG-20 * POK SAT.U Chcnp A anmll hnli'-Shctland pony mrro 3-yenrs old , \ > 1th i hnrnoss. 1 Price ? M , Iniiuiro 1122 N. Kith St. 841-27 * TJ1OKSALE rurnlturoof a 0-room cottage ; JD 20.8 Hnrnoy St. 8U-27 * " | 7\OH \ SAIiU At jirlvnto sale , household fur- JH nlturo , stoves , i.c. , 1500 Unvonport , south aide. 701-20 * iK neslrnblo 0-room homo nnd full JJ lot on grade : alliusplcudld condition. Cull IitHUTK. DUi Bt FOK SAM-Ftno Pointer dog 1 year old at Victor's 1'ark , 24th nnd .Mason. KW-87 * IT OKSAlii : Furniture tor 2 to 3 rooms com- ! pieto for light housckooplnir : nlmoit now. Call in the nttoinoon or Suiuiny nt Victor's I'ark Slth nnd .Miisun it3. 5Til-27 * FOK UAT.K Cloar.dry saw-dust. J. K. Coots , t'th ' audJonos. CDS-ml FOK KAT.K-A light seat , full Innthor ton , iHiow buggy , ncnily now , by C. I ) . Wood- orthSMS , ICtli st. 707-28 T71OK SAI.B A biitcbor hbop selling from -L live to lx bcovos u week. Apply 121 Nurth 10th St. 7.IV-27' FOK SA l.i : Wo oircrlOO U yoai-old Hlecrs , UiX)2-yeir-od ) ) steers , nooi-yrar-oldstreia , 400 beutors nnd cows , mostly coming on. The above cnttlo nni ROodKtiiilghl luwniunl Dakota stock. Strnnso llios. , Sioux City. 72Vm20 TT1OR SAI.K Wlro-topneil. bnsKet-bottomod -i- chicken coops , by 1) . U llcomor , solo iigont. .S\M : Or trodn. Ono new Si H. 1' . J3 Iloilor aniiat ) II. 1' . Engine. Will soil i-lionn loroush or tiiulo fordoslrnblo real uslnlo , Ail ill ess ( JL'o. A. Fry , llotlanco , lowu. KJ'J FOK HAM : A Mini so power boiler nnd on- irlnouhcnp , ut Omaha Safonud Iron Works , SiHinuvT 'Oil SALli Ono EOOA boieo. JUll ) I'lirnaui. 2UO * niOKhAliH Siiuni-o'phino , SSO , monthly pay. J-monts. _ Hospo , IBIU Douglas. 007 KOIt SAI.i : Match teams and liorju of ul kinds to .suit customer utStnr Snlo titulilcs , 20th and Cumlnir. M. Cannon , Prop , 777 -7OU | HAT.K-A now a team roller mill In No. 1 Jbnsliu'Bsloeiillty ; line wheat country : but lltllo competition ; I1700 ; coat moro. W. 11 , Gicen , 210 S Uth St. 29 FOK HACK-Uiirlzlit piano , * 103 , monthly payments. Kospe , 1CIS Douglas , ixu ron HJLr.B-Hounna-i.oT8. OUCIIAltD IHIiti-Ixiwcst prlcej , onslos toriua , nicest lols. U E Mayne , agont. 7 J TJ1OK HAI.K See the bargains ottered by the X1 Oinahc lloal ICttnte & Loan Co. , Wltluuill lUillJInu. No. .Mj-I.ot on ? th atrrot , f 15,000. No. - nj-Uotslu tiocc ! : , Kuuntie & Hutu's addition. . No. W7 Lot In block 12 , Kountze & Itutti's add. No , Xoi-l.uts \Vili-ox add. , f I9U. Kcvcrul hotifcj and Inn on litutrxln nvt > . , all now hnuros nnd uioUt'in linjiroionients , ollcroJ very cheap. No. > u-Acroj of land near city limits. No. MI Acres nrtjoinlnp city limits. THIVVI ttl K'ts In lUrUauh add , , fi'-Jt ot ICIh St. 4 lot * In lianc St Siildun'c. Lou in all paru ol the city. 830 "ifCII Xl t iFj ft CT l'bwc t"jitTclpeoa5loJt tin ms. lilt ait kits. U K Vuyno , HKCIII. 7-V-O AlVKVisry ipVtfinr"biii"r.iln ( fora Jaj-J only ; tu I CM run riont r < n tiilivk-w by in Icct duupi ihtt llnoat pioprrty In Cini'k'rt tiJit.rk'CiQ ; | ) ; ti ! ' to run a years M S if rccii I. l > uliiuc& casli. Apply JUT I'm U tive. MUUKn rJJi ) to Oruhnid IIIU , U caste nothing. -1 On nn itlior pot cun' you get t > uuh a view of Omnhn. U K Mn ) nu lint butfjlns niul tlilvure ready mull times to take piu-tlcs out. 731-M " / \ UCfl A III ) inn io < vT'it ! pr-OJlc \J nicest lots. C 1 ! Mnyno , ix ent Jim south of purk.050 and t7'JJ ' ; cr.r ' .cnas. Ingulro Vest , at I'alcocer. * \TEWrOUT AND imLVEnKHE acre lotJ nil 1 > uhoad uf ul' othore. < 'nll und sco for your- f > 'l" . C K tluytib n.ft-nt , Sv cor 1Mb ntl Fur- mnn. FO1S SA.I.i : LfH'oJ seliocl lunil lu tracts of tO acres nud upwards , no fau ( to | > uy oa tiosonudjforWjr : ! .iri. 0. F , Iils i Co , 1J0.5 mAKE R rldo to Orchard Hill , It eosU nothing. JL On no ether spot cnn yon get such nlow of Omaha. C E Mnyno has Impales nnd drivers ready at all tlmos to take rtlus out. 731-Zfl 0 " "E7MA\'NE"glves the best Torms. sell the cheapest , shows you moro property than nny other ngont cnn. Qo and soo. for yourself. 72020 [ 7 < OU HAr.n Or trade , two cholco lots In 1 Walnut llll" " . Will trndo for nn tns'do lot and pay dllTcrcnco. Omaha UiMicnt store. 874-23 " ETMAVNlfplves thei bcst7crm , sells" the clioi\po t , shows you moro properly than nny other ngcnt can. Oo nnd see for yourself. /"vHCHAltDlIlit/-IowetprIce iOi5lest terms , \J nicest lots. C E Mny no , ngont. 711-21 $ nnfornsiiburbnnacrolot. Hush & Sdby , 213 S. Ifith street. Ml CE. MAYNE clvc the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows J on more property thnn nny other ngent can. ( Jo ana see for your elf. 720-10 OHOHAHD IIIIiTj-r/nroci prlco < < , cn8lest terms nlcostloU ) . CE Mnyno , ngenti ItSSt O\r Oltn-cholcolo forJiM. nush&Selhy , IBS. 1Mb st. Kit rilAKIO a rldo to Orclmnl Hill , It costs nothing. JL On no other spot mn you get such n view of Omiilin. C E Mayno h < is buggies nnd drivers londy nt nil times to take parties out. 731-2il O IlicTlAltlf "illliK-lowost jrrlccsl easiest terms , nicest lots. CE MRyno. ngont. 7282(1 ( OE. MAYNE gives the best terms , soils the cheapest , shows you moro property than uny other agent can. Oo nnd see for yourself. 72V-2IJ VfEWl'OUTANO lluTA'EDBIlE aero lots ino li ahead ol nil othor. . Cull nnd see for your- polr. C E Maync , ngcnt , 8 W cor 15th nnd Fiir- nam. ' 30-20 fItCHAIlD HlMTiOwost prlcos.oasloM terms. nicest lots. C EMnyno , agent. 7-t-2'i ) riTAlOriri rlilo to Orchard HIM , It costs nolTiTngT J On do other spot cull you get such n \ low ofOmnha. P E Mny no bus buggies nnd drivers rondy nt nil times to tnko parties out , 731-20 OK. MAYNE gives the host terms , sells the cheapest , shows you moro property than nny other agent can. Go nnd see for yonrsoll. 729-20 OKCHAIU ) HUjfi-Trfiwost prlcos.oaslost terms , nicest lots. U E Mil } no , ngcnt. 72S-21) rilAKK n rldo to Orehnrd Hilt , it costs nothing. -L On n o other spot can you got such n vlow of Omiilin. ( ' E Mnyno tins buggies nnd drivers ready nt nil limes to Uikn parties out. 7.ll-"fl CEMAYNE gives "tho best terms , sells the cheapest , shows you moro property than any other ngent can. ( Jo nnd see for yourself. 7211-20 OUCHAHDHlLt.-l.nwost prlcos.o.lslost terms , nicott lot s. C E.Mavno , ngont. 72il OUTII OJIAIlA-rots for BnTo by HusiTft Selby , 218 S. 15th st. 8(11 ( /\UCHA11D Hlll.-Ix > wcst pricosca lcst terms , \J nicest lots. C E Mayno , ug-cnt. 7ill l OltCHAHD llll.ti Iowt"it prices , easiest terms , nicest lots. C E Mayno , agent. T2i-"il : rpAKK a rldo to Orehnrd lllll , it costs nothing. X On no other spot can yon get sueh n \ lew of Omaha. C E Mayno has bugglos nnd drivers ready nt nil times to tnko puttied out , 711-2 ! > 1 f VUCH AHD HIMUvost prlcos.onsiost torniri , vy nicest lots. C E Maync , njiont. 722ii - AND ItEDVEnEHE ncro lots nro uhead of all others. Call nnd see for your- snir. C. E. Maynoagent , S. w. cor. 151 u nnd Farnam. 7UO-2t ) LOTS In Hatiscom , Marshps , Nowpoit , Ilcl- vlilcio , Hlllsldo , Hawthorne , Sunny.sldu , Thornburg. Orchard Hill , 1'nttor-on's I'ark , Klrkwood , Washington Hill , Jerome I'ark , Hlgli- Innd Place and all tno otlier additions to Omnha , forsu'o ' by Itush kSolby,21S S. 15th st. 601 O ItCHAIlD IIIMr-kowcst prices , easiest terms , nicest lots. C E Mayno , agonl. 72S-2J GU. MAYNE'S now map ot I/oiisliM county Iscomplotoln every detail ; It tills n long felt want. The prlco Is low , considering tbo amount of work noccs wry to pie luco It. 1'or sale at C. E. Jlnyno's ostnto olllc-e. r > 12-mU OE. MAYNE gives the bos terms soils the cheapest , shows you moro property than any other ngont can. Oo nnd see for yourself. 729-211 CE.MAYM" gives terms , selU the cheapest , shows you moro property than nny other ngent can. Oo and see foryou elf. OUCIIAltD inijl/-ljoivostprlcosoaslcst terms , nicest lots. C E llayno , aijoiit. 728-23 -n ucro lots 111 o - uhoad of nil others. Call and BOO foryour- self. C. E. Mnyno , ngent , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Furnuni. 7JJ-2il C E MAYNE KIVOS the best terms , pells the cbonpo > t , shows jon moio piopcity than any other ugout cau. Go and see for yourself. 72l-2 ! O HILrj-IiOwost pricos.onslost terms , nicest lots. C E Mtiyno , ngont. 7-8 20 A 1MKS ; riiACi : No such lots In any ether lo- ciillty at the prlco.s nskod. 411 CE XIAVNE gives the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows you tnnro property than nuy ether agent can. Uouudsoa lor yoursolf. OE MAYNE gives tbo best terms , bolls the chL-upest. f-liow.s you moro property than any ether agent cun. Oo and bco lor yourself. 723 20 O HCHAItD JUIiti Lowest prices , easiest terms , nicest lots. C E.Miiyne , ugcnt. 72320 CE MAVNE Rlvos the best term = , soils the cheapestshows you inoiti ] iioorty than nuy ether ngcnt cun. Oo and EOO lor joiu--cir. 2J 20 , nn.l dwclllnir S3v3 } , nonr future Urownoll Hull , cheap ; hull'CM ill , balance smnll monthly payrannts. V. L. Vo- dlckn,520S. 13th st. Oil CEJIAVNE gives the bo5t terms , soils thr. cheapest , shows jon moid propoity thnu uny other ugontcnn , ( jo mid sco for yonr-olt' . CE JIAVNE Klvoslho best terms , polls the cheapestshows jon moro piopcroy than nny oilier ngont can. ( ! o nnd sue lorjnnrsoll. ) / - . , ' . | ) , terms , nicest lots. C E Mnyno , ngunt. 718-i : ! C E MAVNE gives the best terms , soils the chonpc t , shows you moro pioporty than uny ether ngcnt cun. Go nnd see lor yourself. ' OE MAVNE gives the boat lorms , soils tbu uliL'upOit , shows you moio pioporly limn nny other agent cnn. Oo und tee toryourscilf. 72ii-2tl OE MAVNE'Ivcw ( the best tnnns , tells the ohcapust. ebons you uiuro projiorty tlmn any other agent can. ( Jo nnd see lor yourself. 72J-2I ) OE. MAVNI' gives the best terms , polls the cheapest , shows you moro propeity than any ether ugcnt can. ( > o and too fur yonr.'olf. 7.11-21) ) \TK\VrOllT AND IlBIiVEDEHE nero lotsuio Jnhuiiil of nllothuis. Cull und bco lor your self. CE Maynoagent , SWcor 15th tinil I'm-- num. 730-29 O .HUIIAItl ) IHLL-towost prlcos.caslostterms , ' . /nicest lots. U E Mayno , agent. 72j-2ij _ _ _ _ _ _ F OK HAMS Lot ill I'olbani Plaoo , J373 , easy teniifl. Lots iu llnnscom Place , $759 to 11,00) . Lot on Virginia nvo. , $ .vXX ) /Jots In Sniiiijaldo , t ± 'M ) , 2 lots on West I'arnnm St. , $15.50) . Lot In Lowe's add. , (15 > ) . Corner lot In Iiowo'a ndil. , f 553. Lot on Hamilton St. , 9JU. 2 lots on Hamilton St. , $1,000. Lot on Sovrurd St.m Corner lot lu Prospout Place , Z7W. Corner on rurnnm Ht. . ( ixiu ; ft. ? ,010. 2 bouses nnd full lot , 10th nonr Webster , ( ,039) , Slots In Uio',17omid $ l,2Uj ouoh. Yt lot nnd il-room lioiifo , Irani St. , near 20th , i 2i leet on S 13th St , $11.003. lots on Still tit. , J.0UOa X leif on Ducntur t-t. . fl/JOO , . . . Lot In Nelson's add. , $1,70) . lloiuonnil lull 'ot , burn , well , etc. , or. Hamll- ton St. , $ I.'V ' . 1'usy tornii , _ Oco.J\llemls I5thaml Douglas Sts. 873 N ENVPOHT AND nULVBDEHE ncro lots nro ahiud of all others. Cull nnd sco for your- ielf. . C. E. Mnyae , ugont , SV. . cor l.'ith and I'm nntn. 71V2a _ _ _ GE MAVNE Klvos the beet terms , polls the choiiprt-t , shows you moru piopeity than nny other rtconl can. On and see lor yourxclf. . iilftstlnu. OEMitynu , nivout. 711-24 PolS\IiK-ChB.ip lois In Ilinr Oak , Just east ol Hansami Park , uoarbtiootcarjIiJ , imsy terms. Potlor & Uobb. 151"i b'luunm t > u 831 Cii VN'Ltlros ibo best terms , soils th ? ' chojpost , shovisyou moro property thnn any ether atom cau. ( Jo nnd scu for yptmelf. O HCIIAItl ) HIM/- on o t prlco8oasl03t turms , lilcu.t lota. 0 H .Mayne. agent. _ Tgg-al OUCH AKD IHIil.-IxiwestrrIceieaaIcst terms. uicostloti. C E Jluyne , ayouu 7J3 d ? \HOIIAItDHII.I-Ixwc5tprlcej.eiuIcbt terms , \J nicest loll. C E Mayne , agent. T2i-&J CE. MAVNE BlvvsTho best terms , sellj'tho t ciio | io t. ahauayau moro property than Any ulhur dvulcr cau. Go miJ seu for yourself. 5U3-SO / "vttCHAnn lilLI Lowodt prlcosOMlest term' , V./nlcosUoWiO B.Mnyrionitent. _ _ TO 21 } T7IOU s < } ' 'nr ° no < ? f thonleostTroom houses ' JJ In Shlnn'p R-ldltlon , with cry water , Ao. , complete. l rlco low. O. F. DftVls Jl Co. , linn rnrnnm street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7o8-niS3 OllCUAIlD Ult U Lowest prlce , cnsTost terms" nlccnltoW. ' OK Inyno , nRont. 72WM . SMKI vr.u-Now7oTfiwo 4 rooms , full I6toti Uhnrles St. , very easy terra * , $ IAiO. House 5 rooms , full lot , cast fiont.Mtb , ncnr , . I'lnolatro liouap.nll modern liupi-ovcmonts , r o lot , -Mill nertr St. Mary's nvo. , floral. Larso 'i ' ° " * * ! nco'nor lot , sightly location , on Dodpo Bt. , f 15,000.1 2 lot ? , corner , Rood cottage , 1'ark nro. , $5t01 or Mnjrlo lot , $1,100. Slots , corner , en t front , with " now bouse1' , Virginia avo.noar Ijcavoiiwoith st.t f4"OJ. or $ .yiUO oiioli. House of 4 rooms , largo corner lot , 33th nnd Chlcnco , $4OJO. Full lot 0)xlW ( , corner , wllh store nnd 3 cot- tnirrs ; n big bnwaln , $ VX . 3 Tuil lot" , corner , ( rood In.ptxjvcmonti.roftrof iBh sclmol , jscon. ? Lot COJilW on DoJpo , opposlle high school , , . lot 00x110 , east front. Oeonrli nvo. , . , lt Htl27S4 on Snundcrs-st. . 51'JJO. Larfio number of low In Hatiscom Place nt voasonnblo jit Ices nnd terms. Full lot , south front. Hood' * 1st add , $3,000. 10 lots In ClnrR's add. , $1.3ro to * 3SlM. Corner lot. Heed's ndd. , t3.0ja beautiful lots , II unicorn I'lnro , (1,003 onoli. Ixit on Hurt near Drown St. , $1.100. House' nnd lots In nil parts or the city onoasy terms. W. 0. Sliutvr.u , onnoslto V. O. Tele- > hono78 . WK-27 LJIKS lT.ACi-No ( trndlnir needed ; level lots. AH1C3.1517 Furnam Bt. 411 CE MAYNn jflvos the best terms , sells Iho cheapest , slions you moro property than any other agent can ( Jo anil see tor yourself. TSIKM OK. MAYNE ( fives the beat terms , solU the cheapest , shows you moro property than any other agent can Oo and see for yoiirso If 729-20 OUCHAlUHIIiT.-r , wostprlces.ensiost terms , nicest lots. 0 K Mnyno , ngeut. 72S-2 TAK1J arldo to Orchnnl Hill , It costs nothing. On no other spot onn you gut such U view of Omaha. C R Mayno has buggies and drivers ready ut all times to t.\ko parties out. 731-20 IilOH S.VI.Kots In liwo's 1st addition , ootith fronts , easy terms , only 930) . 1'ottor ft Cobh. 1513 Fiu-nam st. 851 OE. MAYNB Jflvos the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows you more property thnu any other agent can. CJo nnd see lor yourself. TSI-SIl $ ! iooo lor house and lot , barn , well , etc. , and on monthly payments. Itush & Sclby , 218 S. inth. toi OE. SlAYNi : tjlvos the best terms , sells the cheiipost , shows you more property than uny other ugcnl eun. Oo and sco lor yourself. 72l-2il ! F ( > lt.S.YtU Alowoftlio host ots In Wilcox's adi nt $ OJO each. Potter i Cobb. 1313 t'ar- nnni st. a > 3 CE. MA YNE gives the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows you more propcuy than any other agent can. Qo and sou for yourself. 7J3-23 D ItSIC HOO.U for Kent Hush & Solny , 21 S. ir > th. w > i / VIICHAHD HirL-Lowos > t pricos.onslost terms , \J nicest lots. CE Jlnvno , ngcnt. 72S-2U O E. MAYNKfrljrrs the bo < t terms , Bolls the cheapest , gllowsj oil moro projicrty than nny other 050111 Crtn. Go nml boo for yourself. 7"1./1 1U5 mi need. 'Hush & Sclby , 213 S. 15th. > * 801 CE. MAYNE ( rites the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows you moio propoity than nny other agent cau. Oo und see for yourself. I f 733-ai O ItCHAHI ) HlfI/-I-o -ostpilcosonslest terms , nicest lots. 0 E Mnync. agunt. 723-20 HCHAltn li'ir.liLowost ' pricos.onslost terms , nicest lots. C-K Mayno , ngent. 723-20 mAKIi n rldo to Orchard Hill , It costs nothing. J. On no ether snpt can you got such a vlow of Omnhn. C'K Jlliyno has buggies und drivers ready nt nil times to , take parties out. 731-2(1 ( Foil SA1.K Or Trade Improve ! mid unlm- prorod ltvuds.ln.l < 'urna < i''nnfl "ot lor western counties , Atulre > M Win. Slincrnl , Arupalioe , . . , " * * ! r f il f"V Vrtl * > " . fltt CE.MAViNE ( fives the best terms , sells tbo cheapest , shows you moro propeity than nny other ugcnt cun. Go nnd see for yourself. 729-20 FOKSALK I'onr Inrs , cor. Uilifornln and 30th sts. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on CumlngSt. , ? 3 > 0 and S93Jo3ci. ! Potter A ; Cobb , 1515 Kiirinun st. 64(1 ( A MIS : I'liAOlI Lots sold to tliosu who wnnt homos they can pay for. 411 O ItCHAIlD HI Lt/-Low ot prlccs.oaslest termg. nicest lots. C E .Mnyno , agent. 72v2ii FOKSAr.t-albSon has forsalo lots In Hani- corn Place , $3M to Sl.SJO. Gibson has forsalo houses nnd lots In Hans- corn Placo. Gibson has for snlo houses and lota In nil parts f the city. Gibson 1ms Impiovod fnrms and lands lu all parts of Nebraska forsalo or ovchanso. Gibson bus thousands of acres oC land In Western Nebraska for snlo from & ! to $1 per aero. Gibson would llko to see youif you wantto buyorsfcll. Olbhon'flls the plaoo toM \ your property. Call nnd see him at Itoom'J , Wlthnnll Ulock , cor. 13th nnd Hnrnov sts. 8SO BAItUAINS m Improved nnd unimproved jiroporty. W. H. ( Jiecn , 215 S 13th Bt. 8'U CE. JIAYNE gives the best terms , soils the cheapest , shows you more pioporty than any other agent cnn. Go and sco lor yourself. 32fl GiT : ONKof C E Mnyno'snowmapsot Doug las county It Is tin.1 only coin plot o mail over imido of tbo county. Tb oprlco is $7 M. rilAKHn rde : to Orchard lllll , Itcosts nothing. JL On no other spot cnn you got such n vlow cif Omaha. CE Miijno bus buggies nnd drivers toady nt nil tlmos to take parties out. 731-20 Foil SAI.K The Omaha Itonl Estate mid Loan Co. do not nJvoitiso as largely asROIIIU , but they hnvo just ns laivi n list of property as nny nthcr llrm , nnd It will p ly you to FOO thorn ho- fore buying. It Is mnnngi'd by olJ nnd woll- Itnoun ii'Slilciits of the city , and nothing but honorable nml upright iIonllii'T-ls Indulged In. Tholrolllco Ultpoin ; ! ! Wltlinoll Illoc'k. UJ7 IirJHA1tirHILll.nnost tormsT 0 < -l.nnost pricos.cnslost nicest lots. 0 E Mnyno , ngont. 72a-2il T71OK SAM ! 'i ucro lot , n g7io Iroom ( House. JC agrooorv store , irith stnbles , out-housoj niil oltywntor , 22d near lioiivonworlh , rent $11.0) ) ormo. . price f 1,51)0. ) This Is n Ilrit i-iitu Invest- menU Oinnlin Until Citato & Lo.ui Co. , Itooini 22and23. Witlmcll blook. 740 -\rr.WPOHTANn HELVEDEIti : ncro lots nio -L > nhondof nil othorH' Cull nnd see lor your- self. 0 E .Mnyno , ugcnt , BV cor 15th mid Fur- T7HU SAI.K First-class rosldenco proiiorty JJ on St , Mary's avo. ; largo lot , good house and o.lior1 mpmvomonts : prlco roasonnblo ] terms c-asy. Cochran llros. 15'W ' Kiinnun. 705 NEWPOIMSAND IIEIA'EIIEUE uoio lots nro nhcad of iill'tftliors. ' Call and see for your self. U E Muyno.-aifent , 8 W cor 15th and Fur- num. , 73J-20 UCHAltDHlLrJ'IiOwost prlccs.oaslost terms , nicest lots.Jlnyno ; ! } , agent. IM-'M E MAYNll'JjilVos the boat termg , sells the cheapest , Uo.wu you moro property thnn any other agent io-ut. Qo und see for yourself. .J- V 7JJU-J1 O HCIIAIU/fil / > llxiwost price j.tmslosttonns nicest lots , U ! ; ilayno , ngont. FOK 8ATK i,200 acre ranch , llvlngr wntor running through land. Can cut 1,000 ton hay oil land ; also I'M head cuttlo , 3J bund IIOTKOS with nocossarvImplonionts , ia , Ao.&o. : , to run said ranch.'rIdft'l3JO. ' ( . Address Hart k JloAndrew , Aitiawnrtli , Nubr. Aho , 010 iiccuibphool land appraised at $3.00 per aero , running 20 yearn ut six percent , with * in4 miles of Alnswoitli : living water and will lake $ l40 ! tor lease. Addioss Halt it MoAndrow , Alnsworth , llrowtrCo.Nebr , .niti-J OltCHAltD Il1fJ-U.wof-t prices , vastest terms , uleosj Ion. O H > luyno , iig-ent. T''ti-2d THOIII ) family that Is poor can buy u nlco J fotta eel us in fobblonablo locality , Hush Solby , 218 S. , SDNXTBIIIK lots for $1,15) . Hush & Selby , 218ai5thS ( . Ml ilClTAlTD l\lLli-lM\toft \ prlccli onfelost tenna , nicest lots. U 12 Mayno , nxcnt 728-21 mATOfuTldo to o'reiTurd 11 lllTTt colrts iiotTifiTi - IOn no ether upot cau you KCt Buth u \ low of Omaha. O B Mayno ba.s butrtrles and ilrlvrrs ready nt all tlmos to take parties out , 731-26 WKWPfilfFAND llWiVKOlUtKaero lotsuTo J-X ulieuil ot ull others. Call nud bee for your self. U. B Maync , iigont , S. W , cor. 15th nnd Pnrnuin. IM-fO rldo to Oichnrd Hill , It costs nothing1 , On no other eiiot can you gut such u view rfOnmlm. 0 1 * Muyno bus bungles and driven ready at all times to tnko piutlus out. "jl-28 CK MAVNE irlvcs the best terms , tells the clienpogt , ghowg you moro propoity than uny other agent can. Go and see for yourself , 72320 FOBS.U.K Host 5 acre trauu in the market , only $20Q per ucro. Inuulro about thorn. Potter H UObb , 1515. Furmiot. ' bJH \TKWPOnTAND nKlA'KDKKH ncro lota are I > ahead of nil others. Call and see for your self. U n Maync , ntent , S W cor 16 h and 1 nr- nam. L' rPAUK orl4o to Orchard Hill , H costs nothing. JL On no ether spot can jou stt ; such n vlow of Omnhn. C K Mnyno has biiKRlcs nnd drivers rondy nt al hlmes to tnko parties out. 431-CO K MAVNlTirivcs the best terms , pells Iho cheapcM , shows you moro property thnn miyothcr _ njrent cnu.0o _ _ and sco fpryoiirself Nl'.WPoTlT AND HKIiVRDiIul ? ncro lota nro nhoiul of all others. Cull nnd ep for your self. 0 K Mnyno , URont , 8 W cor 15th nndtnr- nan- . . . . WJd AUK'S ADD Vull lot for ? 1 00 , for n few days only. Hush * Solby. 218 IMIi St. M iTnoo" for nn iiivUiiKr homo ; fa hjonnbl $ nolRhboord. Hush .V Solby , 2183.15th. 8 pfp. MA * Sn ptves the best terms , sell * tbo \J chonpeM , shows yon moro property than nny other HRont ci\n. Oo nnd see for yonr oir. Fort'sAr.K Three Hnelots In Shlnn's 3d ndJ. ntS900 oaeh. Potter & Cobb , 1613 Tarnnm. 817 13OO11 man cnn buy n lot of us for ! ) cents n X sgiinro foot. Uush&folby. SOI UcTlAHTHlEi > IxiwoitprlceAcaslosttertn . nlcost lots. 011 Mnyno , unont , 7S4-Stl ! Mi property listed with us 1ms nn oiutnl Show , wo soil only on commission nnd ! m\o no property of our o n to put to the front. Qlvo us n coll. Hush & Selby , 218 d. 13th St. 801 / VHCHAUnHIM/-IxWcstprlPOcnslost torms. \-r nicest lot * . 0 K Mnynoagent. 723-20 Kt.LO. CKNTItAIi-niro Ul Hush A Sclby , 2188ir > thst. the real ostnto llrm tunt soils only on commission nnd have none of their own pioporty to show before ours cots n chnneo. Wo wnnt to list our property with them. < "IJIonsATiK Two lots In Plain vlow , 4453 oaoh. JD Potter & Cobb. 1515 Painnm st. U33 HCIIAItl ) HIM -towest pi Ices , oaslon 0 terms , nicest lots. C B Mayno , ngront. ias-26 HANSCOM ri.ACK From $ JOO to $4.200 for property hero. lUish&Solbv. 218 B. inth 3t. 801 UCMAItDHIIilrlxiwostliilccs.onsiosttoims , nicest lots. O E Mayno , ajront. _ 7J5-2U OK SATK-Or Trado-Ono of J. W. Tuffs soda fountain Apparatus' nearly now. Ap ply to ur addioss D. M. Hnvcrly , 4W N. ISth St. , Jmnhn. 84 V5 _ HCHAltl ) HILTj-Lowcst pxlcos. easiest terms , nicest lots. 0 K Mnyno , ngont. yjj-2il down will buy n house nnd lot , bnlanco $3oo suit. liish&Solby,21BS. { loth. 681 O UCIlAltn HILI Lowest pilces , onslost terms , nicest lots. C E Mayno , ngent , 728-2 < l . MAYNU gives the best terms , sells the CE. cheapest , shows you moro property tluin nny other ngout can. Oo nnd see for yourself. 72T-2fl TIAKK nrlilo to Orchard Hill , It costs nothing. On no other spot cnn you et such n vlow of Omaha. C E Mnyiio has buggies and drivers roiuly nt all times to take parties out. 731-2.1 ORCHAllIHILT/-Lowestprlcosouslost teims , nicest lots. C E Mayne , ngont. 728-20 -nWPOUT AND IIHLVEDEKE ncro lots nro Li ahead ot nil others. Cull p.nd see for your- elf. 0. E. Mayne , iigont , 8 W. cor. 15th nnd I'nrimm. 7OT-2G TIAKK n ride to Orchard lllll. It casts nothing. On no other spot can yon trot such n view of Omnhn. U E .Mayno has buggies nnd drivers ready nt nil times to Uika parlies out. 7J1-20 FjpAKIS nrldo to Orchard Hill , Itcosts nothing. -I On no other spot can you get such nlov of Omaha. C EMnyno bus buggies nnd drlvcri ready nt all times to tnUo parties out. 731-2. ! O E. MAYNE ( lives the best terms , bolls the _ - cheapest , showson moro propeity tluin nny other ngont can. Oo nnd sao for yoursoll. * /"VllCHAHD HILIi-lxjwest prlccs.oaslost lorms. \J nicest lots , c E Mnyno , ngont. 728-20 1 A dwellings for sulo on Mil St. Hush & Sclby J-U 2 18 S. nth St. Mil AND HEIA'EDEIIE ncrc lots uro nbcjid of nil others. Call and sco T your self. C E Mayne , ngront , S W oor 13th nnd Far nam. 7.50-2(5 ( M ONTHLY payments SI , 700 house nnd lot. Hush & Sclby,3ia S. 15th St. _ Ml VIUG1NIA AVI : Splondld cottage for $3,50J Rush & Solby , 218 S. 13th St. Wil. OE MAYNB g-lvcs the best terms , Polls the cheapest , shows you moio pioporty thnir nny other uccnt cnn Oonndsco lor 'oursclf. A1 GUI ! lots lor snlo by llusli & Solby , 2188. st. OE MAYNE glvos the best , terms , sells the cheapest , sho.vs.yoii moro'proporty than nny other uacnt can. ( lo und see for yourself. > 7X9-2(1 ( Tjl Aero lots. ( JHo's nda. , only 81.590 JD 1'ottor & Cobb. 1515 Kurnain. _ KiT P. BOYEB & OO. DUALCIISIH and JaiS Work. 1020 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. FROM the COUNCILBLUFFS DAILY GLOBE M. A. McPiko , editor of the Cambria ( Ebcns- litnv , Pa. ) Froeninn , 1ms boon the porionnl friend ol the editor of tbu ( llobo for minotbnn twenty years , nnd ) q known whorovnr ho Is Known , us ono ol the best men living. Ho Is tilsu nn Intlnmto frlund of Mr. Clurl. of the Nonpareil. Ho has been iiiUnrtunntu In the fact Hint h Is f itmlly wns rnvngi-d with dlphthoriu , and greatly distressed , Mr. Chirk having lirnrd of bm ca- Innilly Hint him some of Dr. .lellurios' DIph- tboria Cure , it wus utoJ nt once , and tbo lives ol the io tel his children saved , l.nttcis Irom .Mr. .McPiKonio nubouiiilod In tlmlr expressions of Knitltui'o lor llndlnir Homu inoinsol avertIng - Ing tliolosof bis whole group of little und tender - dor ones. rivool Jlr. Jlol'IKo's ohllilronout of olght died fiom dlphlhcila huloru holiiid an op- poitunity of using Dr. JcUotios' remedy. Dr. .lofforlos1 cllpthorla modlclno Is lufnlllblo in nil kinds of sere throat. Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia I Dyspoptlc , why llvo In misery , nnd dlo In dls- pair with citnccr of the Ptomach ? Dr. Thomas Joftorlcs cures every case of Inclgostlon and constipation Inn very short time. Host of. i of- orencos given. Dyspepsia Is the cause of ninety per cent of nil diseased conditions. Prlco ? 1 lor two weeks trontmont. During the last six ycnra there has not boon donth from Dljilitliorlii In any ease whuio DH. THOMAS JEPnitir.S' : PHEVBMIVB nnd CIIIIK wns uicil. It hns been the means of BIIV- Ing thousands of lives and might have saved hundroJsof thoiiBiinds more. Indliponslblo In putrid sere tluoat , in malignant filuilct fuvcr , obnnglng It In 49 hours to the pimple form. In- falllblo euro for nil Inllnmmntoiy , Ulcorntivo , Putrid , Cancerous Ulcorntlun of the Womb ami ull Cntarrhal conditions , I'rlco $3. 1'ull prlntnd Instructions how to use the modi- clnu sent with It. No doctor requited , DR. JEFFERIES" REMEDIES Can only bo obtained at his Office , Ko.2J H. Eighth Bt. , Council lilulfs , Iowa , Or sent by Express on Itocelpt of Price. L. W. Tut-i.KVfl , Pros. T. J. EvAhS , Vloo-Pros. JAMES N , Uito\YNCafhlor. Council Bluffs National Bank 102 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 200,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Do a general banking busings. Accounts of banks , bankers , merchants , man- utucturora and Individuals rocolved on fnvora- bio torms. Domcstlonnd foreign cjrchunjo. Thoverybust of attention ylron to all bus ! ness committed to our euro. i -vyir Xj 2 > .A.-sr The Highest Market Price For all kinds of second hand household goods and andSTOVES. . M. DROHLICH , 008 Broadway , Council Bluffs. R. BIOETM. D. riKfPR or other turn ira removed without liflnunnt ) t 0 kfo , | or druwlny of blooi CHRONIC DISEASES of mi kiujl. 3ocuur. , Over thirty yearj' prtictiool exnp No. 11 IVjarl Street. Council mini * . IIftIIKH \ AJMtin THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. - Full Assortment for snlo to the Trndo l > y VINYARD & SCHNEIDER FIRST CLASS ID EVER ! RESPECT HIRAM W. DAVIS & CO. i : tnl li tic < l In 1877. CINCINNATI , OHIO. Build over 50 Different Styles. 2OOOO Vehicles Annually. Send for Catalogue , Prices , Freight Rates nnd Testimonials. ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , & mm mm Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock , OrndoSystoinsnndPoworngo Plans for Cities nnd Towns a hpcclnlty. 1'luns , Estimates nnd SpeclHeat Ions for Public und other Engineering \\oiks furnished. Surveys and lluport mndo onl'ubllc Improvements. AHUIIKW lUSB\v\Tin. : Member American Soolo- Uty Civil Kuglnocrs. City Engineer of Ouiuhu 1:0. U. Cliuisiir. . Civil Engineer. PEOPLE And otlirrt nulTcrlnEr from nrrrous debility frxhniiittnf * rhronlo dURiu t in-eniflturu [ Urcllnc ot youtttf or okl nro 111 Tel y cured by Dr. ine'H fnninus K tret to- MBsnc-tlo licit. Thousands . , j3Slalo In the Union ha\n been cund. f. Vf ty iiKUtitb nit I'mcniMujHl r > olillO carti Whole family onn wrar luiino belt iClcrlrlo HupcnurltM free n 1thinalo hclU. Avoid "orthlcn Im HAtions und bo us rompanlct Klcctrlc Trtinr for Itnpttire. TOO currd in'85. Hpnd atftnipfnriminphict. DR. w. J. HORUC. iNVFNTon. 191 WABASH Av. . CHICAGO. A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MGH ONr.Y t IIV MAIL , POSTPAID. TO RHQV ? THYSELF. ErrmunteilVltilltT. Norroni nnd PhTaloil nahilltr Prematnro Dnclln * in Mnn , Errora of Youth , nnd tin untold mlsorlei retiilllnzlrom indiscretion and ex- CCMCS. , JL book lor < i T > r mnn. yonnjr , mlddla-ncal nnd old. Jlteontatu 12Sp scrtpttnns for all ncnte i " o s , caui. or which l > inrnlnnblo. found brtba author whose experience for 23 rein Is rich as prohublr noror Doforofcll tntlio lot of phrslclnn ; 200 pages , bound In beautiful Kronen mm- lit. cmbojjoil covers , lu ! ! iU.cnuraii tcccl to Im minor workln nvcrf Bonsn meclinnlcjil.lltornrr iindpr r i. ( lonHl tbnnanr other work ; In thlt rountrr for ! W ) . ortuemouer will be refund mnvory lintnnco. Prlca only ft by mall , pontpxlc ! . lllnstralnd namplo , lil ? . Bonn now. Koldmednlnwnrdod IhaiuitUorbTthD Nv llonsl llodlca ! AmocUtlon , In Uio Unn. A. I' . Illmdl , and Bssoclnto offlonn o ( the boird the render lira- - itfullrretemt'l. ' . -ie8cl urBofllN ( worth moro to the Touniranil rolddlo-nred men of thli Konoriitlon thin nil the soil niluci o/C llfnrnlnuim tlio silyoruilnoi of Nov.iJa comblnoil. S. K. Dironlolo. - The Scloncn of I.tre pohiti out the rocks nml quick- ennds on which the conslltutlou nuil hopas or muny ii yrmnjr mnn have boon lixtnlly wrcckod. .Mnncliostor Tha sclcnco of I.ifoljof greater value than ull tli3 works publlsho.l In tills countrlorthopajt lrenrs. All iiitii Constitution. The Science of Wfo It n Hunoru nnd niustorlir trait. IBB on 'nervous nnd physical debility. Detroit t'roj the Poibody Meillcil Instltuto. or Or W. Q. 1'orkur.No. 4 Uullflncli etroot , Iloswn. M.m. . who mar liecoDBultaU on ull diseases roqulrliin ukll lund oxparl- I'noo. uiiroulOHiid nlijlniito illiuusui tlut liavu liar- Hod the fklll oral ! othoruliyalulnns n specialty. treated f > iirco9 Mlly ' .uout an . usuncu or * falluri Mention Omiihu ] )3U. Curryinif the Ilclgltim Itoynl nnd United States Mull , tailing ovvry Suturdny TO TJE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , 1IOL- LAHD AMD FRANCE. finlon from t 0 to $10' ) . Kxcurslon trip from SHU to JIUO. Srrnnil Cnbin , outward , f-O ; pruiialil , H. > ; u.\c'iirsiiin. } ; KJ. btccrHKo passiiBO nt low julos. Polor Wright X. Suns , ( jciicinl Agents , 53 llraiulwiiy , MOW York. Omaha , Xobrasliii , frank 12. Moorcs , W. , St , u & P , ticket npent. HAMBURG -AMERICAN 3acteet A DlllECI LINE FOU , Francs & Ocrmnny. The steamships uf thin well known Hue nio built of lion , In wntur-tlght oumpiutiiionlB , and nro furnlshi'il wllh every loqnlslte to mnko the piifbugii both biifo nml ngroi'nblo. Tbuy carry the United Siulfinnd Eunipiuin miills.nrid lenvo Now Vork Thursdays and Saturdays for 1'lv. mnutli.IiONUUNCliCibougl'Altl ( ; ( and HAM- lliituinlng , thestonmuis loa > o Hamburg on Woilnoiilnyti nnd Kuiida > H , \lu. Ilavie , taking DassongcrHnlBonthampton nnd I/onUoii. I'nst rabln $5U , 01 and f7fi ; Btoorngo SJ1. Itullioiul tlokots from PI ) mouth to llristol , Car * "HIT. London , or to uny plnco In the Couth ot England , VltEE. gtuorugo fiom Europe only tfft. Bond for "Tourlsmuyotli- . " C.U. mCHAKO&CO. . General J'nssongor Agonta , 81 nroadwny , Now York ; Washington and La BalloKtB. Chlengo , 111. ESTARLTSHKU 187U. LincolnSteamDyeWorks W. D. ROIJEHTSON , I'rop'r. ' Oflloo No. 1105 O St. , Wet Its S.E. Cor. V , , V vtb. Iimcnlu , Nob. ( Jentb' Clothing Cleaned nnd Ho pnlrcd , Best Goods in the Market oft ford ; 'III. ' ' . . ; Ask forour ( roods ami see tliat ik leur our trade _ " } You are nllowpa a frtt IrMl rf Mrtuctaya ot Ike * 5 of Dr. DJO'I Crlclirnttvl VoltnloMt Wltk Klectrio MM' ' penjory Appllancpa , for ttio apradr " " tnnnontcuroot AVm i.i DtMUfu. tower JUnnhotHl , nnil nil kindred trouMM. Also for ottirrdlioasos. Complete restoration to Hrana , and tlanliooO ininrantnxl. r-orufclalni trntocl pnmMilpt In pcnMrmvlopemiuli OTCBSlng VOLTAIC UKJ.TCO rai r h H ESTABLISHED USED1NALL PARIS OF THE WORLD , i Cntnlocuca nnd Frlcn ou'appilcftttoti. BOtdbf mutt test CnrrUciHullilernand lifalew. CINCINNATI , U.-B. A. , _ , Cabin AJAreiui. COO-CUT , ECENNESS Or Ilin I.lrtior llablt , Cnrotl by AiliulnlitterliiK I > r. llnlm-M * Gel ( ! < > } ! Hpcclllo. It can botilvim In rt cup pf correct or tea n the knun lodge of the person taking 11 , laabi , harmless , nml will cflVct imrmnncnt und L cure , wbetlur thopaliant Ian moderate 4rlnZ i incoiiollo wreck. It lias been Riven In tliouj \ tiv.ids of cases , and In every InaUncu a geOact euro T baa followed. It ncrur foil * , T ) > 9 cjwtcra ouco Ji ImpiVf nated with tbo Hpociac , It becomCR nn uttttl Imposalblllty for tbo liquor appellto to oxlit- FOU SALE rV FOLLOWING DIUJH3I8TSs > KUHN ACO. . , Cor. 13th nnd I > 3nnln , i JSlh & : C'limlnff Hta. , OmahaMeb.l , -A. D. FOSTER & IlltO. . Council BlnrOi , Iowa. Call or write for'pamphlet containing liundrejsil c ; toi > tlmonlnlx n inn t hp bet women and tnenlrMi ml narwof the countrv. 'Nebraska National OMAHA , NEBRASKA. ' Paid up Capital . .7. . " . . . . $250,000 , s SuplusMay 1 , 1885 . . . ' 1 . 28,0fg | U. W. YATKS , l'rosidont. # " A. E. TOUZAI.IN , Vice Prcsldont W. H. S. UDQUKS , CashJer , W. V. MOIUE , 'JOHN S. . U. W. YATKS , LEWIS S. BEKD , A. E. TOUZAXtlf , ' BANKING OFFICEt THE IRON Cor. 12th and FarnnmBtrMMk General Ilanlilng llusInau'Traaiiiatsl. REMINGTON STANDARDISE WRITERS/ PoSScr & BlBgeathf - Law Boportors nnd Copyists , , * 3 State Ayonts lor Nebiii'ku. Typo-wilier suviillos anil paper kept in stock.- " Himd for catalogue. , OMAHA NATIONAL IU > 'U UuiLuuva , OMAJIA. RRIAGEi ENVC.O. D 'l ' OM : uu MOII : AT \VIIOLEDALE l'IUt'1I I I'AV nil tirrcm clmrgrB lo nil polnta wllliln 909 mllo. l.noi'rtiiliiBOi to eli < ct fie n. 8 < > nd two itauip for ilintratc-U ! hitnlosuoj JlciiUo tun paper. L. G , SPENDER'S TOY FACTORY , n 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAQO. ] ORftAHA 13th St. , Cor. Capitol Avtnut , ran TUK rriEATiir.NT or ALL ' Chronic & fHI R1 Diseases , DR. MoMENAMY. Proprietor. fiulecn jrcurir IIo iili l uud I'rlvvUi 1'ructlca Wohav * tha ftcllltlea , ni [ > nratua and rcmrdlM for Ilia lucecmful treatment ofuinry form of ilia , rate remilrlm ; either mrdlcnl or aur lcal trcAtmeot , oud Invl to nil to tome nnd liimtlgattiforthcnuirlve * or correapond with us. Lung experlrnio la treat- lucraiei by IctU'r enables IK lo treat manciuvi acrcntlOcalfr without tcelne them , WIUTK 1'OH CIIlOUUVIl i > n Dcformltiei and Ilriicci , Clah Feet , C'urvatiirra of the Hpluo , DISKABES or WOMEN. Pllcr , Tiunora , Cantera , CaUrrb. nroucliili" , Inhalation , ] ; iuctrlclly , Parnl. jile , ijllfniy : ) , Kldnry , Kjv , Car , tikln , lllood'uud ull tut"etoiicMlloui \ \ , Hiitturlen , Inboler , llrnnri , Trnaioa , nnd pi I llnj ol M nil lea I and Surjlcul ; AppliuLccii , man- ufitctnml and for ule. Iho only rellablo Medical IniUulo miking , Private 1 vSpecial | Nervous Diseased rA Sl'fil IAI.TV. , 'dj CONTAGIOUS AND 11I.OOD 1 from tthatcvfrcauFCpro'liirnl.Bii > Vd can r-'iuove Hypiullllo pjlta without mcrtiiry. New restorative trrptmmt for loia ( if t Itnl po\tl AM , COMMUNH'ATION.S ' CONl-'IDKNTI// Call nnd coniult u or icml r.cuio ami po | , Q aiMrrj * plainly vvritlou tncluiu Hauiji , iiudl will acnd joii , In plain rnhir | , ciur I PRIVATE 'CIRCULAR TOJVIEJ HI-UN I'KIVATU , fcl'tCMI. AM ) NKHVWl'a , tiuaiVAi. WririNLia , Si'f'SUATonuinr.i rr , tJviMU.u , OoNCiiiiniia , Uitr.T , . iirlUtTl'lir ' , A.NH Al I. JII'KAIC. * OK ' GrNl\ UiiiNAi'.v OIIIUM , or icml hiilory of ) uu mi oj ) in i mi / " MII uuablo to .le.t r.J inny lo : trralrd at lh lt 1 , by coirci > | iudtiii'i' . Altritviiiraanil initiu- | cnt by mall urespreit.SKi'UIIKIjY PA' ft. ' Kll I'ltOM OIlShHYATIO.V , no wnil-i lo hi-llpt * eonli'iita or fender. One pcrionul Inlrrrlrw ptc- ' fr rid If comcnl nt. flfly MKiini fur | li arc ta. tnoilatlon of patUnU Hoard und uttenCaucc ol ( cataiubla ulan. .AilcUtu all Jctcm | to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. ; r-nt. , ' . . - indC30llOI'A > 8..0UAHA. r