(5 ( THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , APRIL 27 , 188G. THE DAILY BEE , COUIMCirBLUFFS , TUESDAY MORNING , APRIL 27. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. by cnrricr In nnj-pnrtof thocltynt m tnty cents per week JMV.Tii.-ioy , . . . Manager. E , No. 4,1. NIOIIT linn on. No. 2.1. MINOU .a Stubbs , the halter. Now spring goods at Holler's. "Tex" now runs Lucy's old stand. Water Oolcrs cheap at Cooper & Me- Gee's. Call and * eo "Tex" at the old Lacy fitand , The Germans gave a ball in Reno's hall last evening. Save money by buying Refrigerators of Cooper it Mcuvo. Complaints are being nroparod against Mich of the .saloons as have been selling liquor on Sunday * . Thomas Richmond yesterday pleaded guilty to disturbing ( lie peace. He con cluded to board out the line. On Sunday Justice Schur/ was called on to marry an Omaha couple , Patrick Carroll and Miss Maggie Bruin. Are you going lo Ihe concert to-night ? It will 1)0 a rare treat. The Mendelssohn Quintette club has a national reputation. The Improvements being made iu Fair- mount park arc gratifying. That park will t-oon be made one of the handsomest ones In the west. Judge Ayloworth was yesterday hear ing a replevin case , in which the lixlures used in Mrs. Rogers' old millinery estab lishment were in controversy. Between thirty and forty saloon men have paid their license for April , and others are expected to pay up to-day. They concluded that it was no more than fair to pay a license so long as they run. Joseph Cole , a Champion chimney sweep , will be hero for two weeks , pre pared to clean chimneys , furnaces , etc. Satisfaction guaranteed or no money asked. Leave your orders at No. 521 Broadway. Mi. s Edith Edwards , ivho is to sing at the concert this evening , is .said to be 0110 of the most promising sopranos who has appeared in pub'io ' ot late. She is creat ing much enthusiasm and winning high praibo everywhere. The Mercer case comes up to-day , probably for a finish. It is predicted that the Huber woman will bo bound over to the district court. The attempt to de stroy the reputation of the Mercer girl Jias ucen rather a failure , and this seems tliu strong point of tlio defense , the rest of Ihe transaction being virtually admit ted by the notorious woman. 1'etor Knccht ycsteiday complained that his bov had been abused by Charles Ludwig. It was claimed that the boy was playing around tlio round house of the Northwestern railway , when Ludwig commenced throwing coal at him , some of the chunks hitting and hurling him. When Ludwig was brought to the front a -VT'7"iniso""was ; cll'octed , the costs paid , " " " " " " ! xnd bVltcry ! chal c dropped. In spcakinff of the conuv.i „ : ' , , „ " in ity by the Mendelssohn'1 t ' 'V3" . Louis Globe : "It iY Oil 1(1 ( says i A.MWUIU Mt\jtj\j ui y u * i ( | ( > pil lin Inird to say much for the musical taui. , of any city where this company should fail , o draw a crowded house. " To-night an , I'lnpcrtiuiity ' will S ivci : 19 test Ol'iuioii * I ftliins. By the way scats nro soiling it p4coms that the city will show that it up- * * 4rprcciates such a treat us is promised , and that the opera house will bo filled. The only success which dye houses in Council lilufls seem to gain is in dying themselves , Either folks hero do not have their old clothes made ever , or else they do not pay big enough prices for having the work done. Every now anil again a dye house starts hero only to gasp , struggle nnd give up. The last added to the record is Unit started by E. Wallace and L. Choynmn on Bryant street. They have given up almost be fore they got started , and have disap peared from the city. The statement was recently made in the BEE that George Stcinbrechor , a brewer at Rod Oak , had suicided because of the prohibition warfare killing his business. In the latter part of March Stcinbrccher was in the city , attending to a case brought ngainst liim in the United States court , for violation of the revenue law. Ho was acquitted and went homo roJ9ic- ing. He frequently was here , stopping at the Pacific House , nnd ho novnr gave nny such impression as to his being worried at the prosecutions of his busi ness. If the district telegraph system had been in operation , it would have had an excellent chance yesterday morning to show its ellleiency as a lire alarm , with plenty of these boxes thickly located , an alarm could easily have been sent in from some one of them , while the hunt was being made for a key to a lire alarm box. Very few people know where the keys to these street boxes are kept , and in time of excitement , when time is big money , it is about as much trouble to hunt up a key as to run to an engine house and turn in an alarm. It would bo n good idea to have painted on the boxes thu place where the key could bo found , or else publish n directory or a guide book. Do you know where the nearest ularm box is to your residence or your plnco of business , and if BO , do you know where to go to get n key in case a tire should breaK out ? Very few can answer these queries m the atlirmativo. About the quickest way is to hunt up a police man or a fireman , and got him to turn in an alarm. A telephone or a district telegraph box would generally bo easier to iind than either u policeman or a lire- num. For the latest style ot ( Iru.ssinnuing KOQ Miss Ulonson. No , ill Pearl strcot. 9 Drossmnklii" , cutting ami lilting by Miss Gleiison , No. 154 Pearl street. Dr McLood , oculist unit nurlst , No. 503 Bvomlwtiy , Council Bluffs. Very Fair Kntcrtnlmuoiita. The fair for the benefit of the bisters of Bt , Francis' academy opened last evening - ing in Mii-sonio hall , and will continue with sonio variations through the week. In connection with the fair are given a Eurics of entertainments , the firt > t of which was given in the opera house last evening. It was entitled "Tho Fairies and the Interviewer. " It was a charming operetta , the following being the cast : Quocn of the FairiesMiss Jennie Keating ( queen of Dreamland ) Miss Sophia ( Jerner .etolhx ( Star fairy ) MUs JosleDurgan Puck ( dooikeeper of Fairyland ) i . , , , , Toiiimlo Keating 'I'rulnmo ' Hluo ( editress.Miss ) Cellu Hughes * 4 , K. Porter ( an Inveterate Interviewer ) . 1 J. 11. McWilllams Chorus of Fairies. Thonis of ( J nonius , ( juards of Fairyland. ° evening the "Dress Ho- t will be given at the opera houso. into has been spent in preparing .hciWntertaininonts , and they certainly erit a generous patronage. Go tothoN.V P , Co. for GARDEN HOSE. THEY WAUUANT ALL THEY" SELL. Opera House Block. , TJ o best lawn mower in tho. market is f'lho "Philadelphia , " sold by Cooper & i McUoc. CLOSE CALL FOR A SCORCH , Prompt Work and a Big Virtor Snpply Stop a Hot Start. A RATHER HASTY ENDORSEMENT. Tlio Prolitliltlonlsls Oet Fresh Hope , Hut the Saloons HUH IlunnltiK . The State Mpotliiff of the Irlsli Fighting Kirc. Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock a fire broke out in II , A. Hainl's confectionery nnd fruit store , No. 523 Broadway. In tliu basi'iuotit were piled up a lot of boxes mill other combustibles , and the 11 a in OH started in tlicsu. It is supposed that tbo 4luo was left open , nnd when the lire was Marled in the furnace in the basement ot Foster Uros. , next door , some of the soot getting on lire was carried into the bo\cs. The clerk in Haird'a stoiv ; , n boy named Olkor , first discovered the smoke when he wont into tne rear room to sweep out. Mr. Uaird ran to tliu nearest Urn alarm box to turn in an alarm , but could not lltul out who had the key , and so con- cliiilod the speediest way was to keep on running to tliu engine hou.se , where the alarm was gjven. The lire lads got out in pretty ipiiek time , but the llames wt < ro spreading rapidly when they got at work. ] < ) ! a few minutes it looked as though there was to bo a hot contest with llio flames , as they were breaking through into 1-oster Bros' , large drug house , where , if once fairly started , they would have had plenty to feed upon. Prompt work and the excellent supply of water with which the city is furnished , soon put an end to the fight with the llatues. Con siderable damage was done , ho\vcveras \ it was. The basement of the building oc cupied by Jlr. Uaird was badly cluirrcd , and the stock about ruined with water and smoke. The drug hoiibo of 'Foster Uros. also suffered considerable damage , mainly by water. The buildings are owned by Horace Kvcrett , whoso loss will amount to less than that of the occupants. Mr. Haird was just starting in busiue s. and be sides the loss on stock he will Miller from the delay in getting fairly started again. Ho lias an insurance of $1,500 equally divided between the Rochester Uor man , of New York , and the Council Hlull's Insurance company. He estimates his loss as fully reaching the amount of his insurance , considering the interference with his business and the delay , as well as the stock ruined. Foster Bros , put their loss at ? 1,000 , which is amply covered by insurance , they having about $ 5,000 of insurance placed in the follow ing companies : Council Kind's Insur ance company , Niagara , American , Imperial , Milwaukee Merchants , JEtnn , Hawkeye , Gorman , of New York , Under writers. Client , Commercial Union , ( Men Falls , American Fire , PhuMiix , Union , Iowa State. A very similar lire occurred last year , when Mr. Ucrksen occupied the building now rented hy Mr. Baird The damage was about the same , but the lire this time seemed to got a greater headway , and was moro threatening to Foster Bros. At one time when the Hume * bo- gnu ' shooting into the drucr more it boomed that the whole n" ° ' S ° i alu < it took a quick shrowi . * nt on the part of the lire boys \ ° rtl ° P where they aid. HOSE , WARRANTED GOOD Hfjpoy foot. ISoner foot. 24c nor fool. ' " Of all styles. HOSE REELS , LAWN Si'itiNKLnus , Etc.Etc. NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , Opera. House Block. To Bo or Not to Be. Tho.prohibitionists have taken fresh hope from the recent decision of the t > u- prcmc court of Iowa iu the case of Le mon et al. , vs Wagner & Sherlock. In this case a petition for an injunction re straining the defendants from running their saloon , was filed in Judge Loof bou- row's court. The defendants asked for a change to the United States court , and Judge Loufbourow granted the request. The prohibitionists appealed from this ruling to the supreme court of the state. The supreme court at its term atDubuque has reversed the decision of Judge Loof- bourow on this point , and this in effect means that the supreme court of the state does not believe these saloon oases should bo sent to the United States court. This particular case has already been sent to the federal courts , and now that the state supreme court has inado n decision ugainst such an order , the case will have to bo got .back again into the state court. To thus got it back may take a little time , and some more litigation , so that so far as this case is concerned it docs not seem to be liable to an immediate ending. It is not because of this particular case , that the prohibitionists take so much encour agement , but because they believe that this decision of the supreme court will lead Judge Conner , of the circuit court , to decide immediately on the cases now pending bcforo him. In these cases a like motion was made to have them sent to the federal courts , and it is claimed that in view of this decision , he will at once overrule the application and order injunctions to issue at once. In these cases the federal courts have already decided to scud them back to the state court , but from this decision in the fed eral court the saloon men have appealed to the UniloU States supreme court. They claim that pending this appeal there can be nothing moro done in the circuit court by Judge Connor , but the other side claim that ho never having ordered the cases Bent from his court , ho has but to ovuTiilo the motion to do so and issue the injunctions. There are some lu- ) buquo cases sent up to the United States supreme court on the same question , and these cases are sot for the October term. It has been expected that Judge Conner would watt until those cases were decided before making any decision , Now it is claimed by the prohibitionists that , hav ing the decision of the state supreme court to guide him , he has no business to wait for tliu United States supreme court decision. It is also intimated that unless some speedy decision is reached in the cases now pending , that these cases will all bo dropped and now cases started under the now Clark law. One prominent prohi bitionist remarked to the IIK ! : man yes terday : "if I was a betting man I would .stake every dollar I am worth and all I could raise , that the saloons in Council Hind's will bo closed within two weeks. " "You do not moan to say that you can stop whisky being sold iu Council Blulls ? " "No. But wo will do away with the open saloon. There ma1 bo some boot leg business carried on. but if wo can do away with the opou saloon , it will bo a long stride towards tint bettor. If folks want to drink bad enough to sneak around in the alloys , and carry bottles around in tho'r pockets , I don't suppose wo can help it altogether , but there won't ' bo many who will want to run the risk of prosecution for the sake of doing busi ness tliis way. " The saloon men on the other side , and many citizens who are not directly or in directly concerned in the business , favor the keeping open of saloons , rather than have such a boot-leg business thrive hero. They nr o that the city needs the rev- emio.'Uml that so Jong sis whisky is being sold at all nore , it is better to have it where it cau bo watched and regulated. These , nnd the saloon men , do not scorn to fear any immediate closing of the saloons , 'Ihe city authorities arc pro ceeding to collect the regular monthly licence under the "pop" ordinance , with the understanding that the saloons will not be closed for some mouths yet any- Substantial abstracts of titles and rca estate loans. .J. W. & E. L. S ulro , 10 Pearl street , Council Blulft. Leonard tt Jewell refrigerators at low prices at Cooper & McGce's. Toollnsty nu Kiuloi-scincnt. The supcriiitendcncy of the institution of the deaf and dumb is attracting con siderable comment among the many friends of tbo institution , and especially here where the Institution is located , and where so many come in personal contact with Superintendent Hammond. There is no question but that Mr , Hammond has made many friends hero during his slay. To such the report of the legisla tive committee recommending his re moval comes as a painful surprise. There has been much sympathy created in his favor by the fact that those who have howled Ihe loudest about the manage ment of the institution , have been howl ing about so many matters In which personal malice was Hie evident motive , tliat the public supposed this was also a case of falsely crying "wolf. " Now that the investigation has been inado. and the result declared , It is found that many of thft charge's against the management were exaggerated , and that spite has naturally inado the nio.st possible out of what facts reallv existed. Several of Hie business men of tbn city have remarked lo the llr.t : man that Superintendent Hammond is Hie onlv real business man who has been at the head of the insti tution , and such is quite the ireneral feel ing among that class of the community. Others have mot him hocially , and have seen much to admire in the man. Others have vi ited the institution from lime to time , and from such casual acquaintance with the work , declare tlio management is all right. A card has been prepared and pub lished , signed by a number of the best citi/.eus of Council Binds , declaring that the management of the institution lias never been belter , and endor.-ingit heart ily , and declaring thatii great injustice has been done by the legislative report. The signers also urge the board to retain the superintendent tor another year , de spite tnc report of the legislative com mittee. It is understood that Superintendent Gillette , of the Illinois institution , has been hero in the interests of Mr. Hammond mend , and has expressed himself in the same way. Ho has known Mr. Hammond mend for some time , Mr. Hammond hav ing taught under him , bill he has known little personally of him as a superinten dent. Superintendent Gillcspic of the Omaha institution , is also a strong supporter of Mr. Hammond. Now that so many friends are coming to the front , and declaring that the man agement is all right , the query naturally arit-es as to how many of those really know much about the details of the man agement , and how many of them know what the testimony was on which the re port ' < is made , recominci.diug bis re- unnul. This investigation was conducted secretly , and the testimony has never been made public Some claim that this evidence was damaging in the extreme , and that facts were developed which show that iho committee wore fully justi fied in their report. It is understood that the board of trus tees will pay little attention to petitions from OtnsiricrB nml flTOH ! cHi/iins , or the indorsements of Mr. Hammond's former record , but that before they will consider the question of retaining him in the in stitution they will secure and carefully peruse all the evidence taken before the committee. It is dillicult to imagine how any one can fairly bay that the report does the superintendent a gross injustice , if he has not read the evidence as pre sented. Much less does it seem that the board can defy the action of the legisla ture without thoroughly acquainting themselves with the same facts on which the committee made up its report. The evidence has been taken verbatim and is on record. The carefulness with which the public generally has been kept from perusing it awakens , suspicion that it contains cither a great deal too much to suit the superintendent , or a great deal too little to suit the committee. It seems that oven these who are so ready to en dorse Mr. Hammond have not had any opportunity to acquaint themselves with the evidence brought against him , except by hearsay , and few if any of thorn have read the testimony given by the witnesses. Such an acquaintance with the testimony seems necessary be fore the giving of such warm endorse ment. I sell the celebrated Twin Burner gaso line stove. That double burner beats them all. A 4-burncr same price as a 3- burner ; a 8-burnor saino price as a 2- burncr. W. A. Wood , 504 Main. A. Christian Convention. Extensive preparations are being made for the annual convention of Christian workers to bo. held in the opera house next Sunday evening. The general topic to bo considered is that of orphan and destitute children , their needs and the duties of Christians to them. The exer cises are to consist of brief addresses on various phases of the work , interspersed with singing , recitations , etc , by the children of the Homo of the Friendless. The Baptist churches of Woodbine and Dow City are to give up their services seas as to enable the pastors and others from there an opportunity to attend. In this city the pastors of the Congregational , Presbyterian and Scandinavian Baptist churches are to participate in the exor cises. Rev. B. F. Thickstun , Professor McNaughlon and Doctor B. F. Montgom ery are to give addresses. Among Iho prominent Sunday school workers of Harrison county is Mr. H. A. Shaw , who promises to bo present and will sneak on the rotation of temperance to the chil dren. Doctor Fish , who recently deliv ered such an able course of lectures hero , is to speak on the relation of the Protes tant church to the children. A poem , written by Rev. Mr. Crofts , is to bo re cited by one of the children. Other in teresting features are being prepared , and all the exorcises will bo made so brief that the whole may bo brought within the limits of a reasonable evening service. Iho Irish On Thursday the state convention of the Irish National league takes 'place in this city. The convention will last two or three days , and will bo hold in tliu opera house , the first session beginning at 11 o'clock Thursday morning. Them are from 800 to 400 delegates expected from abroad. On Sunday six delegates wore elected from this city to attend and six alternates chosen. The delegates are J. J. Shea , O. P. Wiokham , J. J. Sullivan , James Wick- ham , Martin Hughes , John J. Frainoy. Alternates G , F. Hughes , John Short , W. F , Patton , E. A. Wiekham , W. J. Conner and M. J , O'Donnoll. The St. Patrick Benevolent society has appointed as delegates M. Keating , Gcorgo F. Hughes , E. A. Wiekham and John Gegan. . Last evening Miss Sadie Clark was given a birthday Burpriso at the residence of her parents , No. 210 Harrison street. There wore about twenty couples in at tendance and a merry time was cnjoydd by ull. Personal . * C1. M. Cripson , of Neo'ln , was iu the city yesterday. * * Bernard Wickhamliag | gene to Kansas City to report for duty in tlio mail ser vice. vice.G. . A. Willis lins gone to Grand Island , Nob. , where bis brother is confined to his bed by sickness. A. M. Marshall , spcclhl ncont of the Sintrcr machines , arrived in this city last evening from Chicago. Money to loan by Forrest Smith. The lire dopartmoht seems to bo get ting down to business pretty well. There Is a marked did'eronco in the dis cipline and activity of the department compared with what it was under tlio old regime. Coum-il Bluffo may well lake pride iu its lire department so long as the boys do as good work as they did yester day morning. Tk9 Novelties of the Season are now Open at DRESS GOODS. NEVER SO CHEAP. For lOc worth 12 l-2c For 20c worth 27 l-2c For 25c worth 35c For 35c worth 50c And liner fabrics in the same proportion. Good LAWNS , fast colors , atlc. . Handsome Plaid Muslins from 10a up wards , all at one-third less than last year's prices. Choice Cretonnes , Embroidered Suits , Canvass Dress Goods and other Novelties. Laces by the yard and in Dress Pat terns. Space forbids enumeration , but wo have the goods , and our low prices will tell. tell.CARPUS. . The LOW styles in Carpets are now in stock and going fast , ball early and select your Carpels and thavo them put aside for you. r CURTAINS. i ) t , Our Curtain Department is complete in all varieties of Liace , ' .Turcoman and Silk Draperies. Wo make a specialty of , ' Drapery Work by Skilled \Vorkmeni > Caii Immediately And see the New Goods before the as sortment is broken. Orders by Mail receive prompt atten tion. No. 401 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OGKDEN HOUSE BATES Oil and Alter Itliiy 11 Will flic $ ! 2.OO and $ 2.50 Per I > iiy , KxcnptlnK front piirlor rooms. Day Uoaril , $125 Per Muittli. B. SIM.OWAV , 1'rop. MAUK UUUQEB , Manager. Council IllufTs ONLY HOTEL , In Council Bluffs having Fir © Esoei-p © And all modern Improvements , call boys , fir * alarm bolls , etc. . Istuo CREST ON HOUSE ! Noi.315 , m and 319 , Main Street , MAX 110IIN , Proprioto METROPOLITAN STEAM DYE WORKS. Clothing Hats , DFCNSCH , SliuivlN ClotikH , Scnrlfe , Fcutlicru , Etc. , Renovated and Dyed. Itryuut Street , OppohlteC'Ity Jail. STEM DYE WORKS HRS.C.L.GILLETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No 29 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo. Postofllce , Locking Bracket , for Fences ANl ) OTHUU IIAU S , ItODS , ETC. FENCES BUILT WITHOUT HAILS. Any part readily taken < "out. or roplnco I. 1'or picket or rail f CIIOIH , Irott'w tmod , cannot bo excelled - celled for rtilllnff of liny sort. 1'or piutlculurs write C. J. BCCKHAN. Inventor. uj , Council JJIutra. Stnto and county rlt'llti for sale. China , Glassware and Lamps , W , S , Homer & Co. , No , 23 , Main St. , Council Muds , la. RINK LIVERY STABLE. Flint-clues Accommodations In Bverjthlnjr 1'or- tuliiinif to tlie I.hcry Business. Finest Landau in the City FOB LADIES VISITING. Hoarding n specially , Tclcpuono ITS. FIELD & COLE , Props. PEARL STREET RINK STABLE. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace. . Omco Over American Eipresg Comuanjr. A PLAIN STATEMENT OF PACTS , . ' We Intend on next 4th of July and Christmas following to distribute among theTol&Unicrg'of otrf A. B. C. Soap each time r - ; ' * r-- - " " * - " , " 25 PIANOS , * > ' 250 COLD WATCllGS , SSO CIII\A I > t * XEH SETfc 1 50 PARLOR < m A\S , 250 SILK DRESS PATTERNS , COO CHINA TEA SETS , S50 SEtYSNG 250 SILVER TEA SETS , , COO 05 > Cuudlo Power Lnnpff and other 20,000 PRESENTS All of them magnificent , costly rind useful. But .it the same time we beg the public to understand ( nt matter what our competitors say ) that we are not running n gift enterprise. You do not pay us a fraction of a cent for the chance to get the present. We arc selling our A. B. C. Soap cheaper to-day than wo ever did during thc three years that it has been placed on the market , and consequently you get full value in Soap , We are simply ADVERTISING our A. B. C. Soap on the most magnificent scale ever attempted by any one firm. ' Three years ago we started out to sell A. 13. C. Soap on its merits , to-day thousands of the most intelligent housekeepers in this and all the principal cities of the Union use our A. B. C. Soap and marvel why it is not used in every home. The principal grocers throughout the Union tell s one reason why its use has not become genera ) -r is that - lias not been sufficiently advertised ; and another reason is , because many people who have bought it , dij not give it the necessary and intelligent attention it deserves. They did not read the directions , and finding that it would not wash by laying A. B. C. Soap on top of the bundle of soiled clothes , they fell back to five cent soap. thousands wri \\is : "Your A B. C. Soap is all that you claim for it ; it not only gives satisfaction , but we find that our most intelligent cummers say that u is A. BLESSING IN THE HOUSEHOLD and arc enthusiastic and speak in the highest terms of praise about it. Why don't you advertise it ? " It is therefore that we are making this extraordinary effort to bring A. 11. C. Soap to the notice of every intelligent person and in order to induce every one to buy it , and continue to use it until they have fully tested its merits , we say to them SAVE THE ABO WRAPPERS And send them to us during the months of June or December next , and we shall distribute among you on array of presents which , lor magnificence and usefulness , surpasses everything heretofore offered by any one firm. Send four cents in stamps and we will send you a catalogue , which is now in course of preparation nnd which , will give you a full description of all the presents and the mode TO OBTAIN A PRESENT ; Those who have not used A. B. C. Soap , of course , will ask , "what is it ? " A. B. C. Soap is our own invention , and all who have used it cheerfully concede to it the merit of being the greatest improvement ever made in domestic economy. A. B. C. Soap , and the MODE OF WASHING WITH IT , is as different from all other soaps , and the old way of washing , and is as much an improvement over the old system , as traveling by railway is over that by an ox-cart. A girl of 18 , or the most delicate pcison , can wash WITHOUT THE LEAST EXERTION. ( * one hour , more clothes with A. B. C. Soap , than the most robust , with the hardest work and slavish toil i m wash with the best soap , and the old way of washing , in three hours. And withal , A. II. C. Soap is t\je \ mildest and sweetest soap ever manufactured. We warrant you can wash baby with it and it will look 4 ! sweet and fresh as a rose. Ilemember , that while you can use A. B. C. Soap in anyway or manner you please , it is best to use Iaccording to the direction * on the wrapper , which will also teach you the new way of washing. Remember , also , that in order to obtain one of thcso presents you must save your wrappers and send bv. mail , the months of December next. . I m to us during June or t . , , . * * -wV V' ' ' - SOAP BOILERS AND CHEMISTS , TO 963 NORTI-I WATEI > STREET , MILWAUKEE , WISCONSIN. Choice EHspIay r I ntc l 5nt- tcrng , All firiuies. Council Bluffs 4OS Broadway. A Select Sloe-It ol * Cliolec in. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special advertisements , Buoh ai I,08tFouncl , , To Loan , Fo- Sato , To Kant , Wtinti Boardlng.ota , will bo inserted in tula columnat thelow rate Of TEN CENTS PEK LINK for the flrstinsortion and FIVE OBOTd PBlt LINE for each subsequent insertion. Leave alvortUo mcntsat our ollloo , No. U Foarl struot , no.tr Broadway , Council IllulTs. ' WANTS. ItUNTTlio L' 1 . bum , lower Iliond- FOIt , Council Mini's In fiont of dummy trnnBfershuto , tt iblosllfly liond of stock , iiltoll. 1' . siloon ImllJiiur. oiibt of liiirn , nnd bulletin ? OUHI of siuno , suitable for tostiiuriint. Also ilnclllnx house wlioru 1 llvo , unJ tminll ical- ilonco In roar of sitmu , ami n line barn with brick biifomont and lour stalls on suno prop- oily , liuiulro of J. I' . GoulJon. _ 171011 BALK Heal Estiito in nil parts of the J ? cltv. Lurirefct list. Most Bales. F. J. Day , No. IK ) 1'oarl street. _ TT'OK ' SAUJ A very desirable drill ? store In a JJ choice locution. Cm bo had at u bargain on easy payments by npplylnB to George Hfiiton , Council lllulTg , lomi. _ SAMI Old papers. In quantities to eult , FOK Moo olllco No. la 1'uarl struct. _ OR SAM : ou TKADE-SIOCIC or F and lunoy notions. All now , Good locu tion. gales $12,000 a year. 0 , Uco , Councl Illulfs , Iowa. WAN & WAUtUK , No. Ud Main street , S ( under Citizen's llanki , rout eutnto ana mer- chttnaiuouxchanifu brokers. Our books are full of special tmraalns , but It Is Impossible to pub. llbh a relmblciilst from the f nut of BO many daily chaiiBPS. What wo usk Is ; If you want to seller or trade anything In our Jlno , write us nnd wo will send you a pile of bars-Bins to select from. jjincH Improved or unimproved , city or town property , stojkH of ( foods of any kind in any iiluci * . it such jou Imvu or such you want lot us hoar from you. Swan A. Walker Council Illulfs _ „ * . in . MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS WIGS MADE TO ORDER. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOXTNOUj Practices in State and Federal Courts. Itooiii3 7 and B , Siiiuiirt Block. TBOS. orncen. JI , V , V , 1'UbEV OFFICES. . & PUSSY , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , Established l T. , . ' W. 3P HOUSE MOVER RAISER Hrlc1c b.ilMln < ! nnv kind rnlsn-l or moved and satisfaction gunruiitccd. Finino houses moved onLlcuoCUaat trucks -tlie host In the worn. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Strnefc , Council Bluffs. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , TIMOTHY SEED. I have a quantity of Bound , well cleaned seed n htch 1 offer at reasonable tlRiucs. Feed of thu crop of 188J. Coircnpondonco Bollelted. F. 0. UUTLFU. Bchallor , lown. C. & N. W. Hy. Omaha Dental Associa'n Cor. iGth ami Douglas Sis. Filling at Ion cat price , with gold , illrer nnit other couililnutluni Uuld plate uuu cuntlnuoualiuui Tcutb a ipcclultjr , Best Sots of Teetli , S , Former price 115. I'erfect lit and best material. All work Riiarunteeil. Council Bluffs Office , 23113UOAWVAY , WEST SIDE. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at iQtull and n lot * Large quuntittca to select from. ' MASON WISE , Slre'i ett , Neif Pai.i . : HJJSJ , Cjunll 3UT. , KIEL SALE STABLES Horsoa and Mules kept constantly on liiind for sale at retail or In cur loads. Orders promdtly tilled by contract on blunt notice , titnuk Hold on coinnilfi lnn. CUIMJTHK & flOI.Ur , 1'roprlUois. Stable Coinnr Fifth Avc-nuo and lawrth St Council IljuiTtf Iow . RUSSELL&Co Manufacturers of all slzojot Automatic Engines Especially Designed for Itunnluit MILLS , GUAlNlELEVATOHS , AND ELEOT1UO LIGHTS , Tubular and locomotive Boilers. New Masaillon Thresher * . Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House- S10 Pearl St. , Council Bluff * . BEND FOR 1880 ANWffAL. . I