Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; -TUESDAY , APKIL 27 , I860. A STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE. A "Well-Known Resident of Lincoln Wan ders Away From Home. AN ATTORNEY'S GREAT BREAK. He Asks for Specific CliargcB , nntl Xhcy Cotno With n Directness Not Anticipated Otlior Slnto Capital No\vs. Inimt TUB IIF.B' MHCOI.W nuuKAti.1 The sudden mill somowlmt mysterious ells- nppcnrnnco of Henry Witlo , nn agotl ami wealthy German cltlren , from his lionic nt the corner of 11 anilTentli streets , was an nounced In nil the churches Sunday night , and created considerableexcitement. . Mr , "NVItto was llrst inlsaod l > y hla family Satur day evening , but no particular apprehension was felt untl Iqiilto lain at night , when Mr. Louie Meyer and other friends wore noti fied. Knowing that since a severe attack of erysipelas , contracted about three years ago , Jlr. Wltto was In tliolinbtt of rambling about. by himself , and imliilKiiiK In the Harmless' vagary of picking up all the papers ho could llnd about the streets , Jfj.Meyer took a long drive nround the city Sunday In the hope of finding him at his favorite occupation. The Ecarch was not successful , and the outlying coimtiy was Jiunled over for a rndlus of six miles without Retting trace of ( ho missing man. Vvstelday noon won ! was brought In that a man icscmbllng the description of Air. Wltto Imit been seen Sunday about two miles northwest of town , walking along the road with a bundle of papcis In his hand , and a party was at once sent In that direction. Mr. Wltto In n man of over sixty yearn and has alamo family. Ho Is one or the best known citizens of Lincoln , nnd pievlous to the Hlcknm that In tv measure deprived him of his mental faculties , wild nn energetic , fauccesslul business man. A "spKrinc" A.xs\vr.i : . Deputy Clcik Wheeler , of the supreme couit received for iccoid yesterday four alll- davits that will stait a very audible laugh among the attorneys of the state nt the ex pense of one ol the leading lawyers of Saline county. About n year ago Thomas Powers and his wife Laurn , of Sutton , nppimrcd In the uiHlrlct court for Clay county as princi pals in dlvoico jnot'ct'dhiKH. Mrs. Powers' attorney was F. 1. the linn of Dasves. Foss .t Stevens , of Crete. Ono of the results of the litigation was that the custo dy of an Infant hou was given to Mrs. Powois under orders of the court not to remove him from Saline eoniitv for inoro than three days at a time. Mrs. POWCIB , desiring to move to Cheyenne county with iclatives , applied to the court for permission to take the child with her. This was opposed by Powers , who claimed Khu was not a lit person to train and educate It , Powers In the meantime cot possession of his sou and placed him In charge of a gentleman named Shcarlock. Habeas coipus proceedings weio then hiought in the supreme premo eoint to compel Powers to produce the child. In setting up Ills reasons why Mrs. Powers should not be allowed to take the boy , Poweis alleged that she bad been guilty of Improper conduct with her attorney. At this Mr. Foss "lose to a question of privil ege , " nnd demanded that the charpe bo made more spec ! He , or withdrawn. There were three members of the linn , ho said , Governor Dawes , Mr. Slovens nnd himself. nml It was uot fair to make siicli a sweeping accusation , and that Powers was in duty bound to name which of the three ho re ferred to. The answer came yes terday In the shape of the ullldavlts mentioned , leave having been given by the t'ourl to take the proof In that wav. These ndldavlls are from K. T. Sher lock , Thomas Owens , F. II. Shurgcr and Henry Bryant , of Denver the three latter employes nt the Windsor hot l and are to the ellcct that on October 1 , 1SS5. Mrs. Pow ers ixnd V. J , Foss occupied rooms No. 218 nnd ISO In that hotel ; tlint the rooms were connected with u door , nnd that when they left the house instcnd of going down the limit .stalls , or in the elevator , Foss paid one of the bell-boys to show them down tlio back way , where they took a carriage and were driven to the H. & M , depot , ' Jlcpry Un nn * n ithodonoi swears that Foss cave him S5 and told him to "keep his mouth shut , " and not say anything about taking them out by the back door. The Impression about the clerk's ofllco Is that Foss has been answered as specifically as ho could demand. nitinp MENTION : The Homo Mutual Fire Insurance com pany , of San I'ranclsco , have withdrawn from business In Nebraska and reinsured all ita > risks In the Westchester , of Now York. The village authorities of Albion , lioono county , have sent In $0,000 of water bonds to Auditor IJ.ibcock for lustration. An adjourned meeting of the board of pub lic lands and buildings will bo held to-day to llnlbh business Ictt over from last-week. The Omaha Preserving and Canning com pany has been Incorporated by A. 11. II. Chirk. . ! . M. Eddy , M. 11. Oohlo , JoluiT. Hell , Leo lllrd , W. 0. Shrlver , and Jctur 11. Colliding. Capital , SM.OOO. Vivo SI.000 refund mi : bonds of the city of Lincoln were registered In the auditor's ofllco vcstcrdar. The entire Issue amounts to SMOIX ; ) . the remaining 817,000 having been accepted by the purchasers In thd cast with out registration under the ruling of our supreme court that It Is not vital In bonds of this class. Of this Issue S2.r , ono Is to take up the Lincoln & Northwestern bonds of I860 , and 327,000 to pay elf the lloatlug Indebted ness securities of 1875. Mrs. Carrie Hayes and Ada Cnrtls.'two coloicd women , wore lined 55 aim costs each In the police court yesterday for lighting In the street. A thirty-two page moeazlno , to bo known as "Tho Western lloalth Journal , " will bo published monthly In this city on and after the 15th of May. Ir. Garten , of the Medical Institute , Is lobe the editor. BTwo tough darkeys got Into a dispute with a street car driver-yesterday over making change for their faro , and settled It by pound- IUK the Jehu over the hood. An elderly man , wiio refused to give his name , was run'in by the police -yesterday on a charge of drunkenness. A few hours after wards ho was found in an insensible condi tion-mul the doctors have thus far been una ble to resuscitate him. The horses on ono of Ensign's hacks be came frlchtcncd by the breaking of the whit- llotreo Sunday am } tool ; a short run down Twelfth street. The hack was badly wrecked and "Fatty. " tito driver , got a bath In the mud. hut the passengers escaped without a scratch. STATK ARIIIVAT.8. 11. V. Itagau , Itaymond ; V. 1) . Raphael , Yiilimniibo : W. N. Carpenter , Syracuse ; J , N. liccker , Friend ; J , 11. Farley , Omaha ; W , K. lleans. Beatrice ; H. N. Dodson , To bias ; C. L. White. Omalm ; Will Clouston Omaha ; L. Cniuie.UI , Bennett ; C. J. Dull" Nebraska City ; 11.11. Cowdury , Columbus J. II. IJoniiott. Nebraska City ; F. I ) . Mulr OmalmC.S. ; Miller , Fairmont ; W.H. Payne hulls City ; / . T. Hrllt. York ; 3. T. Hum ! ! ton , Omnlm ; C. F. Atkins , Omaha ; E. Ful ton , Wymoro. Tim Sisters of Mount St. Joseph Emuiittsburg , "Md , , endorse Jlcil Sta : Cough Cure. It Is said that the spray of the grca Yullowfttono Falls in tlio nationaljiurl built up at its foot n mountain of leu scarcely yet alloetcd , by the sprin ; warmth , and almost as high as the fal it elf , which in midwinter was magnil ! CDut In Form ftiul color. FILES ! nrifjES ! PILRS A sure cure for Blind. Blooding , Itqhli and Ulcerated Piles has boon discovered b ; Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Di Williams' Indian i'ilo Ointment , A slugl box has cured the worst clironto cases of a % o 80 years standing. No ono need sutler flv minutes nfter applying this wonderful bootli ing medicine. Iotions and Instruments d inoio liarm tliau good. Williams' India : Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays th intense Itching , ( particularly nt nluht aftc getting warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , clvo Instant relief , and is prepared only for Pile ; itching ot private pans , and for nothing else SKIN DIHKA8K9 OUHKD. Dr. FrazU-r's Magic Ointment cures as b magic , Pimples , Hlack Heads or Oiub : Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leavln the SKln clear und oenntlful. Also cures ltd Halt Ul'eum , Sere Nipples , Sort ) Lips , au Old Obstinate Ulcers. Hold by druggists , or mailed on , receipt c CO ooii U. Kctalled by Kulm & Co. , and Schroctar < CounuL At whuk'ialu by C. F. Uooduuu. Pormnl * for Coninmptlon. ( From tt Bilto. , MJ. AnrrkanJ We nro In rectlptot a number of com munications on a teplo which Jnst now etems to bo receiving the attention ot n great many persona. It U the question ot the treatment of consumption , nnd all kindred of diseases , without drags. Many rears ngo. In France. It WAR decided by the leading physicians tbat nothing was equal to beef as an article of diet In consumption nnd all ailments which tend to Its clovelop- rncnt. This Is now A Rencrnlly-ndmlttcd fact. Much dintcnlty , howerer , has be n experienced In the promulKatlon of this truth , from the fact that many stomachs cannot digest it. Tim indigestible quality of all cod-liver oil having led to lu belns abandoned In medical treatment , it was found that blood taken from an animal just killed , It swallowed , produced mar velous beneficial effects. This found favor With fow. however , but the Idea has been put Into practical operation , and there are In all parts of the world to-day hospitals devoted to the cure ot consumption , and kindred diseases , where beat combined with alcohol , In some form , Is the chief nrtlolo ot food. Efforts Iirxvo boon made by those Interested to keep this simple rem edy from tno majsoc , partly from selfIsh - Ish motives , but quite as much from the fact that the wonderful benefits to bo received would bo donbtcd by many if they know In advance what constituted the cure. Another reason was , that Its efficacy depends on the presence of spirits free from ndulterntloim and fusel oil. In tbo pnstench nn article has boon dlillcnlt to procure. Now , however , it can bo obtain ed , and the commulcatlons wo have referred to are from parties wbo are using a formula of tills klud received from the Duffy Malt Whiskey Co , of Baltimore. ' Md. The formula , which was prepared specially for thorn by an eminent German 2lontUt , consist * principally of raw beet- ntcak and Ingredients , which any house keeper can got and mix , combined with their pure malt whiskey , which will , if reu- gulnrly need , add on nn average from 6 to 8 pounds In a month to tha weight. On the receipt of a two-ccut stamp , the formula will 1)0 sent , to all parties using tholr whiskey , under the seal ot the company. From the abundance of testimony there can be no question as to its value. This method ot treatment Is In accordance With tbo views of the two recognized leading medical authorities of this country , Pro/csior Austin Flint and Professor H > O. wood. The company has received so many Inquires concerning this formula , that they have found It neces sary to add n medical department to tholr other business facilities. Is It Not Singular that consumptives should bo the least ap prehensive of their own condition , w hie all their friends are urging and beseech ing thorn to bo more careful about ex posure and overdoing. It may well bo considered ono of the most alarming symptoms of the disease , where the pa- tiontis reckless and will not believe that ho is in danger. Header , if you are in this condition , do not neglect the only means of recovery. Avoid exposure and fatigue , bo regular in your habits , and iisolaitlifully of Dr. I'ierco's "Golden Medical Discovery. " It has saved thous ands who were steadily failing. Ono of tlio horses of J. L. Kennedy , of llarnosvillo , Ga. , which had been stiller- ing for some time with what was sup posed to bo distemper , in a violent lit of coughing the other day coughed up a silver quarter of a dollar and has been all right ever since. Society in Adrian , Mich. , has been stirred to its deepest depths on learning that a pretty young woman , whom it lias known for some months as Miss Alona lliploy , and has been very kind to , is really the wife of ono Friar , the express robber of Gloncoc , Canada. Purify Your Blood. Among spring preparations , do you neglect that which is most important to all your own body. During the winter the blood absorbs many impurities , which , if not expelled , are liable to break out in scrofula or other disease. The best spring medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It expels pvery injinirity from the b''u. . ai"i7es strongtn to every function of ho body. Sold oy all druggists. A woman in a remote Maine village , razed by excessiveUiblo reading and re- ival excitement , endeavored to gouge icr eye out , and afterward cut oil'an arm with an ax , in order to obey the injunc- ion , "If an eye ofFoml tneo , pluck it aut , " etc. She is recovering , but still m- ano. Angostura Bitterw were prepared by Dr. J. (1. B. Siegert for his private.use. Their cputatlon is. such to-day that they have be- ,01110 generally known as the best appetizing onlc. Beware of counterfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist for the genuine article nanufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siogert & Sons Tlio first American establishment for ho exclusive manufacture of 'edged tools vas "founded by Samuel Collins , at Col- insville , Conn. , about 1820 , when the pro- _ tluct of a day's labor was the forging and tempering of eight broadaxcs. The ladies must sooner or later ac- tnowledgo that Pozzoui's medicated com- iloxion powder is the only cosmetic made that will io injure the skin. For sale by all druggists. The Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers has UK ) divisions in the United nates and Canada , and a membership of about 20,000. Tlio order is growing Tory rapidly , and already over 00 per cent of all the engineers in Amorica.aro members. Halford Sauce in valuable for soups , hashes etc , Ho Missed It. 'Wall Street News : "Dot bruddot of mine In Chicago vhus.iio treed , " said Mo- ses.-as ho dusted a-pair of second hand punts at the door. "Ho close his shtoro dor.oUdcr day uud .puts ou a sign dot his wlfo was deadt , und ho iloau' keep open for two days. " "Wasn't ' that right ? " "It vlias nil rignd to shut oop , but why ( loan1 ho say on dor sign : 'On dis ao- gount 1 haf to dispose .of ills mammoth ahtock , und all poods shall bo solt at 10 per cent pelow cost ? ' Vhon a pocsness man's wife dies it vims n clianco 'to ad vertise dot doau' come once in twenty years. " L. Woslphal a Council Bluffs gambler , was arraigned before Juilgo Stcnborg yesterday afternoon , charged with being a suspicious character , and was ordered to leiivo the city. TUT"FS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tat QmUst "Medical Triumph of tbo Agel SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. ho bead , with a dull BDcatlou lu llio back tnri , i'ala uader llio Uoulder * Uado , I'ulIatM after oalluB , with mll - IncllBKtlon to exertion of body * r inlnd , Irritability of lemperf Low plrll , with ufeellnrof UnvlnimciBlectDd comeilutri Weariueii , JtzKliio * ( Flutterlov ot lie Ueuri. Iot > beforatlio eref , Uendoclio orer the rlgbt ere , Iteitloiineii , with llul dreamt , lllgUly colored Urine , ana _ CONSTIPATION. ' . TDTT'S riiii8 are especially adapted to such coses , cue doau effoou such a change of feeling us to oslonUU Uie sufferer. They Incr a < e th * AppetU , nd c&uie tba body to Take on "lc Utbui tba * r tua U uuurl lie < laDd by Uiolr Toulc Acuou oo lh Dluestlve Oriraaiinruular Ntouli ara | iroducd. . Pr lea aS . 44 Murray tit. . IV .V. TUTT'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA llenoTatas Ui bod/ , makes healthy tlesb , streogUivni the wait , repairs the wasUia of Via ijwleui iUi pure blooj and liard mucl ; loaec Uie Berrous iritoip , invigorates tha brain , and impani the vigor of ' inmihood. 81 . SoM br dniir cists. Ofl'lOU 1 * MurrH St..NewVork. CROSSED OVER THE DIVIDE , Oarlin'a Ballots Send George Daris" Soul Into Eternity , HIS ANTE-MORTEM STATEMENT. Appearance nnd Wounds or tlio Iinto Brnvo Suffering nnd Patience How thu Dullots Caught Him on ttio Fly. In sneaking of Davis' shooting , yesterday tlio prisoner related Ills side of tlio story as fol lows : "On Saturday night 1 was tvulkincr along tha bottoms , looking over the yards to see that all was right whoa this man Davis commenced to act threat- Ingly , firing his revolver and threatening to do up everybody that lie came acro&s. There was a sick woman In the neighbor hood and I was asked to see Uavls and keep him quiet on her account , t did so. Davis spoke bliistoringly and threat ened to shoot me. Ho knocked mo down and as ho had a revolver with him , while I was not armed at all. I concluded not to push the quarrel. ' 1 ho next ilny , Sunday - day , ho met mo again on the bottoms und again sought to pick n fins with me. ilu ninilo another rush at mo , nntl knocked mo down , at the same time liring his re volver at mo. Ho did not hit me , though ho was standing but a few feet away. Ho was about to shoot again , and I thought to myself 'this has gene far enough , ' and milled n revolver that I happened to have. I lired at him twice , hitting him , I think , both times , Soon after that I was arrested. Jt was only by chance that 1 happened to have the revolver with mo. It was given to mo that morning by a woman named Mrs. Ross , living on the bottoms. She said it was out of order , nml wanted me to look at it and see wnat the matter was. It seems that Davis had been around her lioiibo that day rais ing a disturbance , and she tired at him with it. The first time the revolver wont oil' all right , but the next time it refused to work , or she would , perhaps , have succeeded in shooting Davis right then and there. I put the revolver in my pocket anil walked oil , promising to see what 1 could do with it. I did not dream at the time that I would have occasion so soon to use it. No , I never mot Davis until Saturday night , anil don't know anything about him except that I under stand ho is a hard character. " DAVIS1 STATEMENT. It was ascertained yesterday that Davis cannot long survive his injuries. Last night Dr. Ayres was in doubt , not having been able to determine whether or not the wounded man's intestines had been injured. Accordingly he pi escribed a liquid for Davis yesterday to ascertain the facts of the case. Yeotcrday the passage of a largo quantity of black blood showed that the intestines bad been in jured und that the wounded man's ' life could not bo saved. The HKE reporter thereupon called at the hospital and had a talk with Davis , Ho was found pale , emaciated , and suffering intensely. Ho was asked , to tell how bo had been shot and what provocation , if any , ho had given his assailant. At first bo claimed to know nothing about the afl'air. Subsequently , when plied with leading questions , ho admitted having struck Carlin before the shooting , but subse quently changed it and held strongly that ho had been shot before ho struck bis assailant. He denied that ho had shot at Carlin either at long range or bo had knocked him down , and claimed that be was about 15 feet away from the latter when the first shot was fired. That shot gtjuck.W' " yet ; he apnrn-cSSu Cuflm , accused 'him of having secured his arrest and then struck him. Davis says ho then ran away , anil while running was shot at anil lit a second time. This story , as may bo seen , difl'ers radically from that tolu by Parin ! and agrees with that given by iVaybright , except in the particular that both Davis nnd Carlin exchanged shots. Davis is growing weaker rapidly and lis dying statement ought to be taken joforp ho fails beyond the power of cx- > rcssion. Davis * mother lives in the bottoms near Eighth screot. The son expressed a de sire to see her , and she was accordingly sent for. The man's courage has for- snkon him. Ho is no more in appearance the terror ho has been , nnd ho realizes now that ho is about to encounter a fee with whom ho'can but grapple in vain. DAVIS' DEATH. Davis , the victim of the shooting affair on Sunday , died at St. Joseph's hospital at 0:80 : o'clock last evening Ho bad been in an unconscious condition tlio greater-part of the afternoon. The body was taken to Coroner Drexel's ollico last evening. The inquest will bo hold this morning. The Kmmot Hall. Cunningham hall was the scene ol a brilliant and pleasant social event last evening , the occasion being the sixteenth annual ball of the , Emmot Monument association. Nearly ono hun dred couple of merry dancers partici- . 'the evening's ' enjoyment. The programme was excellent and varied , comprising all the now dances. The as sociation was 'especially successful in managing the affair to tlio complete sat- isfuotiou and enjoyment of their numur- OHS guests. .lirnvitlcg. The Ladies Musical society .meeU Wednesday afternoon at hn.lf past two. Jerry Terrell , the well known all nroumi crook , relieved tlio city of hi ? obnoxious - noxious presence yesterday afternoon. \Vm. Kelley and Jos. tfresoott , who have boon bleeding the unsuspecting on the ring racket , were sent to the county jail vostorday afternoon , Kelly for twcn- ty-fivo days and Prescott for twenty days. An action on u promissory note was commenced in Juslicu Borka's court yes terday afternoon by Peter Furrou against Patrick Donnelly , who is charged with having made an attempt to dispose of his pronnrty witn a vimv of defrauding his creditors. The amount of Forren'sclaim is $175. Personal Paragraphs. E. \Vliltmoro , treasurer of Boyd's opera house , is in Minneapolis. E. li. Drown of Glenwood , Iowa , audi tor of Mills county , is in the oity. Mayor O. B. Dutton. of Missouri Val ley , spent Sunday in Omaha. Gco. E , Cole , mayor of 1'iwifio Junc tion , was the oily yesterday. E. B. Hyde , of the Lincoln News , and L. Wessol , jr. . of the Capital City Courier , wore in the city yesterday. William Simeral , a prominent younc attorney of Arapanoo , Neb. , formerly ol Omaha , is in thu city on business. Mrs. W. J. Mount and Miss Maggie Truoland raturnod yesterday from a pleasant sojourn on the Pacific coast , Hon. Paul Schuiinko , E. Kiber. Frank Turner and E L. Overtoil , residents ol Nebraska City , paid the BEI : a pluusaul call. When B ty wu tick , w giro b r Cutoria , When sh wu Child , ( he cried far CutorU , .When ah * bourne Ulai , the clan ; to CMtorU , WhM h hid Children , the g ro them Cwtod * SOLOMON ADDITION. V I This map rcprys nts Solomon's addi tion to Omaha fao , acres platted in ono acre lota. The Inml is one milo from city Hunts , one-quarter mile from deaf and dumb institute , ' fifteen minutes' drive from postofllcc , hear Belt railway. Tlio boulevard will bo 'completed this sum mer , it runs near our cast lino. Land contains ICO acre lots , which I offer for sale without rcscvcrvc nt f230 to $300 per nero , on very easy terms one-third cash , balance five years' time , 8 per cent inter est , or ? 50 cash , balance $10 per month with interest. Hero h tlio best oppor tunity to secure homes nt a small outlay. Koally loss monov per acre than parties are now selling small town lots five lots to one acre. Heal ostnte dealers are now platting out town adjoining us on the south ami also west of the above Hues live lots to one aero. Uemomber , that you can sub-divide your aero lots in live town lots and sell them at once at n iiandsomo advancn. There is no doubt you can double your investment inside of six months. The above land joins TuttloM addition west. I offer 23 acres of tlio above land with three story brick dwelling , 10 rooms , Six 82 feet , soft and hard water supplied through pipes forced by wind mill , brick bntn (10x100 ( foul , one frame barn U'JxlOO feel , mill house , grinding mill , corn sheller , hay .scales , 14-foot wind mill , ice house , now woll-lltled with ico. one-aero chicken house and fence , with other out houses , etc. There is now on the above 28 acres 1,000 choice fruit trees three years old ; 5,030 grape vines , four years old ; 5,000 raspberries , also gooseberries , currants , blackberries , strawberries.etc. , etc. Also a good half mlle racetrack now complete , The Improvements cost over $10,000. For further particulars call at St. Omaiia Neb 1509 Farnam . , , , JV. I. 1) . SOLO3BOi\ . NORTH & AMES AVENUE 66 66 W V I N E L A N D STREET W CONCORD S T R E E T BUUl'li THE TOWN OF i Fine Business Lots at the South End , and i Beautiful Residence Lots ! L- J 111 the north cud of.this Town. Two and one half miles from tlio Omaha l ! ' J 5' office , I , ; ± , OOO Quarter Acre Lots. . ? v ; , . - * ( Taking Into cpaBldtretlo&itw'HrttU nd ullejri ) , and are ta\lf \ One Quarter Dowr Unlnnco In 1 , 2 nnd 3 years at 7 per cent. The Finest Suburban Lots , Around Omnhn. 250 feet above the Missouri niver. Nowhere lsa about Omaha nre locntsl such hand- eoinc erics fur Modest , Medium orKlceant homes. Investigate this und tecuro some of this Uno property. Before a Higher Appraisement is made. DON'T BELIEVE a word of this until you Uaro thoroughly InvestlfiRtod It. CONSIDERS That this property Is only two and one liolf miles t torn Omaha's Muslnoss center. 'That the altitude It high. That the location Is beautiful. Tlmt maple trees are pluntod on each slda of the streets. Tlmt each lot contains 9,000 square feet with 30 foot ullor. That the streets are 80 and 190 feet wide. That there are six dummy trains each way , boMdos the regular train ) . That tha street ours run to within one half mlle of tuero. That the street cars will run there this jonr. That the price Is ono third lees tban Is asked for property the same distance In other directions. That the lots are ono third lamer than most others. That they are backed by a syndicate representing III.OM.O' ) ) . .Tlm-tliero has already been expanded between Jl.OJWJ ) und 5OH,01) ) . That there Is a ttno system of wntervrorlu , f urnUblnz pure sprlnj water. Tlmt the railways all center there. That South Omaha Is u town of Itself. That It Uas Its own poitofttce. That U lm Its own railway station. That It lias IU own newspaper. Iii Fact it has OTcrythlns to make the property the very best paying Investment In neal-Estulo today. Look Into It. Examine It Carefully. Don't Buy a Lot. Until you arc eonrlnead that there Is no posslblty of incurring a lost. Tlio handsome residence lots Jiro one mlle this slUe ( directly north ) of tbo UNION BTOCIC YARDS wbero arc located tlio Im.mcr5.ce Dressed. Beet , E orlc FadrlKif ? and. Beef C annlnfj E3staTollcto.rn.Qii Which In ton years will bo the TjMlOEST INDUSTIIY In tlio won and will nuke property worth per fee what U now ukod ( or a lot.-The drainage or the above Institutions 1 ] perfect and Hews noutli fiom the town THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOTS ARE SIMPLY PERFECT. Any real estate agent will Bolt you lots. Man with hone and carriage at the { jloba-Jouriml offlco , at tlio "Humnilt , " South Omaha , has mu [ und prloo lilts and U always re.iJy to show property. Fur further In formation maps'price llala and deecrlptlvo circulars , address , /CJUPTON , Manager LLABD HOTEL BLOCK. ! ! ? ! Omaha , Nebraska. 0:1223 CEIBArPSaZ1 E JJA.OEJ I T Ols CA-TaCA. TO y cmiiiucEsEic. , Jft.0 ? DEWEY d STONES' Oneofthe Best and burgest fttoe'os in the U.S. to Select from , N Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator BEATRICE , NEBRASKA , . - THE LEADING ASSOCIATION OF THE WESH CASH CAPITA ! , , PAID TIP IN FULL , $10OOOO.OO ' " GROSS ASSETS , DECEMBER 31st , 1885 ' * - A oertiiicate of membership in this Association limits'-1 ' Ucnrofe at tho.lovji , cost - - 'y * * . * ' * < w : - i. - t ' ' " " " " * " " Men ana n .mm. between the'S of 17 and 05 a . who may become momuBrti .rf.rf't- Thera oBer'and assessments do is.noohauglngjklbm one class to o- , " with . * * * * * advancing age. v * . - aw The Company has a guarantee'iurtd of $100,000 paid up la cash , which Is It uri a * * usorvo"Jnnu "wUicli provides for * non-forfeiting P -Tlio Company is located in the West : its business is confined to the healthy Wcifi1 and applications Irom persons residing in malarial dibtricts ace not accepted , jrai"1 * will insure few assessments , and a consequent exemption from any .onerous liobilil A local Advisory Board , composed of not less than live leading citizens of wT vicinity , may bo formed , who may act as advisory counsel in the saUleinent of cUlmf by the death of members and as to the admission of applicants to membership. . A member who lapses bis certificate may re-instato tbo ny time satisfactory evidence of good health , by the payment of all . . . . . assessments. . , . t. vj ? Mo insurance company in this or any other country has over failed byr * s ajplj of the death-rate oxperiouco. The failure in each instance has been caused bypflOUTJ lation or speculation. The pafo guards introduced render both iiuppssiblo w'ltMT Association. , , . , S"s $ Our business is confined to the endowment for old ago , aud Ujo.naymtjnl plMOK widows nnd orphans after death. The , and the plan more secure , than anjTcjompatiy'In United States. , , / J. Co-operative Insurance Companies existed in England 200 yeari'boforBJfae ; plan was thought of , and the same companies exist to-day , stnuo' of them m nearly one million members. When managed judiciously , they cannot breajc. , guarantee every promise wamakod with $100,000this being in addition to .the ,9V 000 provided for as a Bosomf-Fund which is a moro liberal provision .arid offer * ' uy other company makes. The Strength of This Association Consists $ f GUARANTEE FUND , ENDOWMENT PLAN , RESERVE FUND , NON-FORFEITING POZilOJT , . GRADED RATES , PAID-UP POLICY , - * j SELECTED RISKS , A DEPOSITORY TO PROTECTtfln TONTINE SYSTEM , RESERVE TUND , LIFE PLAN , ' PAPITAL STOCK. The cost vof life protection In this company is loss than any company -in < United States. The company is good jintl payments prompt. Tliis Association is now entering jta third year , and uas a large juoniborgW ; which is constantly increasing. At dentil or maturity pf endowment the member receives his interest In Reserve Fund in .addition to the amount duo on the policy. All policies become.non-forfeiLlug after tlio third your to Jtho extent of tbo bar's interest in the Reserve Fund. AGENTS WANTED in every town and city .whoro not supplied la U of Jt states west of the .Mississippi river and north of Kansas , peed xoliftble favorable writing to the . . . can obtain most | .tl VUI.4VUm rates by ! AL' lr WW VMV company. j i Western Mutual has consolidated the mouibnrship of the "Nobrasjca Mutual , "Farmers' and Mechanics' " und "Jviucolii Mutual , " and .with Jits own inuuibeiji H sure s perfect protection. "Wo regard , thp Vpstcm Mutual as ono oltho very best insurance. ; tions in tnis country , and expect to see , At no very distant day , it cioverinj : ftfa field of tho.healty West with its actiye , gentlemanly agents. > ' Daify Kxyreti , 2 , 2880. 'OFFICE ' AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS , ) STATE OK NEIIUASKA. , > LINCOLN , February 1,1880. } It Is lioroby certified that the Western Mutual 'lionovolent Association Insurant Company , ot'lJeatricc , in the State of Nebraska , has complied with the insurance Iti of tliis state , and is authorized to'transnct tlio business of lifo insurance in thisst for the current jear. , MJ . r - > . Witness my iiand and the seal of said of said ofllco , the day MM \ SEAL. \ yar first above wiltten , . J < , H. A. BAHCOCK , Auditor Public AccounU. Omaha National Bank , the company's financial agent , at Omjiha , Nebraska , V Refer by permission to Hon. J. It. Mlllard , Omaha , Nob. f All communications should bo addressed to Secretary and General Manager , BEATRICE , OTIS HAYNEB , | General Agont. Ofllce , Jtoom 10 , Crclghton lilocli , Onuilm , Neb.j MJ C. E MAYNE , ESMTE DEALER , S. W. C K. 15lli AXU ) t'AZSXAM , OMAHA.Lands tfq/ Property of every ilescriptlon for sale lu all parts of the city. Lands lor county in Nebraska , A complete sot of Abstracts of Titles of IJonchis County MHJJS of the City , State or county , or any other Information vJoslrou free of charge upon application , M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHAHTS ; Ir' I OKO. QUKKB , Jlmi Ker , ' r' UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEBfy HKFERENCE3 : Merchants' and Kaiinurb1 Uauk , D.ivltl Uny , N < * .5 Ke f | y Bank , Kt-ainoy , Nch. : Columbus St.tto llinl.Caltiiubii < , b. ; MoJonald lui PJatto.N < tb. ; Omaha Natlonid Baiik. OinalKi.'Ncb. . . , , . . . . . . , , . Will pay cust iuer& ' draft with bill of ladiiis attaclied for t\vo-thltds valu * ol itoolc. . ; : - -