Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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0 A tA Orncit , NO. till Asu 016 FARSAH Bi
Nr.vr VOHK OFFICE , HOOM GS.Tnifium : fitiii.m * > {
Ornci ! , No. 613 POTJIITEENTII Si
Published PVrrj-tTiottilntr.tvicoptSiifi'lar. Thi
only Monday mornlne paper published Itt tin
nr HAH. ;
Otm Vciir , , , . , , . . 10.00iTlirro Month * . * 2.r ,
Klx Months. , . f'.OO.Ono Month . i.a
TtiBWK K .vtlFF. . Published Krrrj Wcdnosdar
TFtntg , roSTTAttJ !
One Yonr , ulili premium. . . . . . . , , . . . . . . 2.0
OnoYfnr.wlllioiitplcinlum . . . . . is.
PltMfintiis , without premium. . . . 7
Uuu Month , on trlnl , . , . , . I
All romrminlcntlons rclntliiR to news and oJI-
toriftlntnttrrft rhould bo addressed to the But
oii OF 'UK HER.
t.rrrr.iis :
All InMltiWR loiters nnd romlttnneos riioulrl b (
miiiri. > * cl i to TUB ! IIK : Puiit.t itinn COMI-ANT
0AtA. Drnfts. checks nnd poitofUco order
to bo made jwyablo to tbo order ot the cotnmny |
m Bit PUBiisHisGlipjw , PROPRIETORS ,
Sworn Statement ofOlroitlntlon.
State ot Nobmskna \
* 8f
Coimtv of Doughs. )
N. 1' . Fell , cafiliier of the JIco I'tiblMiIni
roimtiinv , docs solemnly jwrnr Unit tlio nc
ttml clrciilntion of the Dnllv lco ! lor tli
week cnilliiB April SW , 1W5 , was as follows :
Moinliii ) Kvcntno
Hale. KilUlnn. Kdltlnn.
Saturday. 17th , . . ttr 0 0,100
Mntulny , lUth 7,0.J ( 5,775
Tuesday. 20th. . . . 0'JOU f ,7i50 12,01
Wednesday. uiHt. . o , : x ) 5.700
Timiruinv , Sana. . . O.TOO n.oro ll.UTi
Friday , &M 000 : ! 0,700 rjuo
Average 0,150 5.77U 12,23
N. 1 * . Kim.
Sworn to and subsetIbcd bcfoio me , till
' " day ot ApiII , A. D. 1880.
Notary 1'ubllc.
N. 1 * . Fell , lining first duly sworn , i
nnd says that ho Is rnshicr of the Uco 1'ub
llsmtin conniany , that the actual nverasi
dally circulation of the Daily Hi-o for tin
month of January , 1BSO , was 10j78 : roples
for Febiuary , Ibbfl , 10,5'Jo copies ; for JIurch
IBbO , 11.M7 copies.
Sworn to and subscribed before tno thl
17th day of April , A. D. 18M1.
Notary Public.
CLKMENT CHASE lias incrcasod tin
population of Omtilm another 0,000. Hi
lias put the population of the city a
80,000. Mr. Cluiso should bo cng-ijjed a
once at superinteudout of the census fo
IT is about time for the exposition
malingers to map out their programme
nnd begin work. Omaha cannot allbri
to depend upon spontaneous efforts o
exhibitors. To insure success for nox
fall's exposition there must be systoiiialii
co-operation all along thn lino.
"IKUIOATION" is no now tiriup it
politics , and it has been con
iiued to 110 party. It has however
over , benn adopted as the fundamen
principle of a now political party ii
Ufornia who bollovo that irrigation i
iuirlloro uccUud in th ° lry ranjro than it i
jBinong the dry throat * of thirsty wuri
, -vvi bummers.
THE St. Louis Qlobc-Dcmocral says thn
General Wiles reports that tlio troubli
along the Mexican boundary is causei
" y tlio inadequacy of the protoctior
Jbrded by our troops , who are too lev
jia number to cover the extent of terri
'tory requiring attention. Hero is foot
lor reflection for the newspapers tha
Lave so freely criticized General Creel
at long range. Goronimo , according
to yesterday's disputchcs , is now en
gngod in lifting Mexican scalps am
spreading terror along his trail. Shouli
ho return across the line wo shall set
whether General Miles will do any botto :
in the ollbrt to catch this slippery cue
toruor than General Crook.
The Easter issue of tlio Chicago Cur
rent was a double number filled will
special articles from some of the bes
known writers in this country. The to
blo of contents includes contribution
from Hon. Join ) A , Bilud > * l5"VY"ilf Carlo
JSP'-fitVTw Swing , Eugene Field , Hou
t. D. Thoman , Don 1'iatt , Joel Benton
George Alfred Townsend , James Wlill
comb Riley , Professor Elias Calbort , Bil
JNyo , E. Hough , . Professor John Clarl
Bidpntli , Alice King Hamilton , Join
McGoverh , Elwyn A. Barren , G. C. Mat
thews , Franc B. Wilkid , Edward J. Me
flidliin , and a host of others. The Cut
rent certainly presents an inviting IH
e'r'afy feast to its readers. It is a publl
cation deserving of most liberal supper
from western people , as it is a westori
periodical conducted with as much abil
> ity ( is any similar magazine in America
fans statement is frequently made tha
( present congress is a do-nothingbod.
that no previous congress lias eve
8k so slow m the passage of bills. Tli
biPhiladolphift Jlccord answers tills com
Ollpllht by saying that "the merits of i
COHgress in these times are tested best b ;
the bad measures which it stifles ratho
ii than by the coed legislation which it ao
eoEiplishos. In this point of view tin
1 ! Forty-ninth congress is doing a groa
deal to commend it to tlio favorable judg
e neat of the country. " It is one thing ti
introduce a bill and another thing to pus
ft it. If congress wore to pass tlio thoua
ands of bills that are introduced it wouli
overwhelm the country with logislatloi
taxation. Tlio dilliculty is to soloc
i vast number of bills introduce !
"those that are really meritorious am
I conducive to the general welfare of th
I wantry , ,
f , TUB city council will bo asked to re
ocmsidcr its action in rejecting the ordin
9-inco which proposes to repeal the fran
S | ui e of the Ouialia gas company. Tin
nly grounds on which this is urged i
tat the now gas company will bo able t <
ive us hotter gas for loss money thai
10 old company , Now what i
> hinder the now company from doinj
its , oven if the old company continue :
i business ? Does it stand toronson thai
> .izons would patronize the old com
any if the now one would furuisl
[ ( icaper and better gas ? Lot the nov
,1 company < iirst show that it moan
> % . Give it the right to cstablisl
i < iu > operate works and grant it tin
to'-jjflit of way through our streets , upoi
conditions that will compel it ti
i tlio pavements and make gooc
[ damages by reason of digging up tin
its. This is all that the council shouli
that the gaa consumers can roa
y ask.aud all that the now compun ;
i decency demand. There is uoth
i gain for the city by repealing tin
, although it miglit prove a verj
ble olub for Nathan Sholton. Tc
up a tree it looks very much as i
i ii * imgo darkey somcwhcnt ii
| Mt wood pile.
Ijabnr Acltntlons and Their Kcsnlts.
The steady advance In. the material
prosperity of worklngmcil 1ms bcon large
ly duo dming the nnbt Hftyycnrsto the
organization of labor to secure n fair
filmro in the profits of labor. The gen
eral tendency of wngcs has been upward ,
ami In many important branches of in
dustry the rise has been signilicant. Sta
tistics show that rates of wngcs vary in
the ntno occupation , and in the same
state , and often very considerably in the
different 8tnto3 ( It cannot bo expected
that the improvement in the condition of
workingmcn will bo uniform in all de
partments of industry nnd in all portions
of the country. Mut , when all drawbacks
arc considered , and all allowances made ,
it U evident to the patient investigator
that the industrial march is onward and
upward. For this many causes may bo
assigned , and not the least is the pro
gress that has been tnndo in the organi
zation of labor.
Workiugmcn have attached more 1m-
portancn to shorter hours of labor than
to rates of wnges in their struggle with
employers. ( Ircat progress has been
nuido in this ri-spcct since the time when
the weary working hours ran "from sun
to sun" the year round. Forty years ago
a work-day of twelve hours was the rule
in most mechanical crafts. In many
manufacturing localities the work-day
is more than ten hours long , but in few
is it longer than twelve hours. Since the
organisation of labor the eight horn
movement has made steady progress. It
is not necessary to dwell on the bcneli-
ciput olleets of this reform upon the
physical and moral health of the wage-
winners. With diminished hours of labor
they have more opportunities for self-
culture and for social enjoyment in the
bosoms of their families.
While rates of wages have advanced
and hours of labor have been shortened ,
the next point of interest is whether witli
those assured gains the purchasing
power of the earnings of workingmen
has increased. Statistics of trade show
that smeo 1870 the wholesale prices oi
many leading articles of necessity have
declined. But worklngmen in manj
localities have not been able to take ad'
vantage of the decline. Methods of re
tail trade to which working people art
subjected often nullify the advantage'
which should flow from a decline in
wholesale prices. The company-store
abuse practiced in the mining and in
some manufacturing regions robs tin
wages of labor of n largo share ol
their purchasing power. In some in
dustrial centers rents have advanced
at a rate that has overtaken the
nominal gain in wages. The protective
system again cripples the purchasing
power of wages by mercilessly taxing
many of the necessaries and comforts of
workingmen and their families. But on
the whole the prices of commodities have
not kept pace with the steady advance in
the purchasing power of the earnings ol
labor. The uriccs of some necessaries
of living have fallen with improvements
in labor-saving machinery , which have
vastly increased the facilities of chcaii
"production. The facts in the condition
of the wage earners ought to go far to
dispel the alarms of the.prophots of evil
who assert that the rich arc
growing richer and the poor poorer ,
In spite of the croakers of evil it cimnol
bo disputed that throe essential points
have been gained in the labor struggle
The hours of labor have been lessoned ,
and this tendency is still in progress ; the
average rates of wages in most industries
have advanced , and are still advancing
and at the same time the comforts oi
workingmcn and their families are en
htiuced by the increase in the purchasing
power of their earnings. This is not al !
due to the organization of labor , but its
influence in ameliorating the condition
of workingmen is incontestable , The
great army of organized la'jSr ' , if true tc
itself , will vft permit the territory thai
nag been gained to bo lost. It will noi
only hold its ground , but advance to now
Exposure of Land Grabbers ,
The Now York Herald is exposing tin
land frauds throughout the entire west ,
Its special correspondent is now devoting
his attention to Nebraska. So far ho has
written some very scathing letters f ron
Chudron , Valentino and North Platte ,
showing up the methods of land-grabbers
sharks and perjurers , and in many cases
giving their names and a full account ol
their peculiar transactions under the
loosely constructed nnd poorly enforced
pro-omption nnd timber-culture laws. It
all goes to confirm the previous charges
of the BEE , that outrageous swindles have
been perpetrated in Nebraska as well us
in other sections of the west. Further
more , it goes to sustain Commissioner
Sparks in the position which ho has taken
in regard to the public domain. The
howl Qngainst him has not come from
honest settlers , but from the monopolists ,
the land grabbers , sharks nnd perjurers.
In commenting upon its correspondent's
letters the Herald says :
Well , hero are millions of acres of virgin
land in Nebraska. When our eastern popu
lation becomes too numerous those lauds
should be open to them. The government
virtually gives them away In the Interest of
pcaco and tl e prosperity of the people ,
They nro the richest possessions of the to-
public and must bo guarded as a father would
eunrd the honor of his daughter. If a man
wants thorn to live on ho can have them ; If
a man steals thnm to speculate with lid
should bo handled roughly and mercilessly.
Our correspondent's letters me an alarmIng -
Ing levi'latlon of unchecked vllllany. llu
docs not deal In fancy , but in facts which
disgrace the government by the implied
charge of Incompetenoy. A. man enteis Ills
claim , lie puts his shovel Into th side of a
hill until ho has a "dugout" eight by ten.
This ho calls a domicile , llo swears to resi
dence. Ho Is n shameless perjiuer. lie
swears to nu Intention to llvo there. Ho
Is doubly a perjurer , Then he soils tne deed
to n gieody purchaser , a receiver of stolen
goods , and moves off to play the same game
clsowhoro. Not once , not twice , nor yet a
thousand times merely has that been do no.
Our national domain Is bohif ; swallowed by
those lascals.
The president Is said to have taken this
matter vigorously In hand. Itlswoithy of
his attention. He has shown jthat he Is ac
quainted with the resources of the English
lanjuago when he has n decided opinion to
express , but wo can assure him that the
stronger the language with which ho may
call the attention of congress to this un
mitigated swindle the better pleased the
people will be.
Notwithstanding the charges and ex
posures miulo from time to time by the
BEE , and upw followed up by the Now
York Herahl , there is an Nebraska ouo
paper , the Lincoln Journal , which has
the brazen audacity to defend the villain
ous rascality of the land swindlers. In a
very flippant manner it criticises the no
tion bf the agents of the general land
office for reporting "in some cases" In
the western land districts entries for can
cellation without any hearing. Wo ven
ture to sny that 00 per cent of such cases
linvo been reported upon good grounds.
The Journal says in its issue of April
23d :
Now it can readily bo perceived how
It would be for a special otUccr and a rlnc of
friends to acquire much wealth by simply re
porting nil lands bought by non-residents for
cancellation. It would strike the average
man that the best way to prevent fraud uiron
the government Is to put the lollowslio
peipetrato It Into the penitentiary- finud
that will justify the cancellation of a claim
will also justify teuns in prison. And it has
been remarked that special agents have np-
parcntly oveilookcd this patent lact. It Is
very singular that the circumstances which
are sulllclcnt for the reporting of llfty-fdur
claims In the McCook district for cancella
tion arc not held strong cnoueh to base even
one slnglo indictment upon. There Is A
coed deal of "fat" for somebody lu the pres
ent system of land Inspection nnd the hand
ling of claims nllcgcd to hn\ebocu liaudli-
lotitly passed to title.
The above chnrgo ngninst special
ngonts so far ns they have acted in Ne
braska is not only unjust but untrue. II
is n fact that the entries , referred to by
the Journal , wore , with few exceptions ,
made in entirely fictitious names. Sev
enteen men have been indicted for com
plicity in the nfl'nir during its various
stages. Two have bcon tried in Lincoln ,
under the very nose of the Journal , and
several others have been tried In Omaha.
The Umaha papers nnd the Lincoln Jour
nal have all publised accounts of the trials ,
and of the flight of Arnold and Moore ,
the head conspirators. The Journal
also ought to remember the proceedings
against Lcgnard , the Chicago land
grabber and his associates in
Brown county , accounts of which
were published in the daily
newspapers. The Journal cannot plead
ignorance. It strikes us that it is cither
actuated by malice , or its natural pro
pensity to defend jobbery of all kinds ,
It is upon that kind of provender that it
has fed and fattened for years.
A Itooin 111 Stcht ,
The now Union Pacific management is
alive to the importance of giving tc
Omaha the local improvements that are
demanded by the growth of the city. The
cnlnrgement of the headquarters build
ing , the construction of a now bridge , the
erection of a union depot and a new
freight house , and other improvements-
planned for this year are necessitated
by increased local biuincss , but at the
same time the people appreciate the fact
that the management has concluded to
respond to business demands , not only in
regard to Omaha , but to the state. An
effort is to bo made to build at
least six hundred miles of branch
lines in Nebraska this year. This
however , depends upon the contin
gency of raising the necessary funds , but
in all probability this can and will be
done , through a plan that is now rapidly
maturing. These branch lines will all bo
tributary to Omaha and assist in build
ing up her trade and increasing her com
mercial importance. Taking all these
things into consideration It begins to look
as if Omaha wore really going to have a
boom. Wo have grown to bo a city of
about 75,000 people without a boom. Now
that wo have a solid foundation , wo say
"let her boom. "
Raid on Sparks.
The railroad land grabbers have joined
with the thousands of fraudulent entry
swindlers to drag Commissioner Sparks
down from the seat whore ho is doing
his best to honestly and faithfully ad
minister the business of the Jniui oflic -
MaskiDg IhoiM-l Velflmi the nsaumed
indignation of "tho honest settlor" they
are filling the columns of the press witli
calummy and abuse of the commissioner.
They have exaggerated tho.eli'oct ol some
of the honest mistakes which Mr. Sparks
has made and call loudly
for his removal because ho
has not proved infallible in all his dis
cussions on technical points of the law.
Ex-Gov. Crawford of Kansas , now comes
to the front in defense of Mr. Sparks
and in a forcible letter addressed to
Mr. Cleveland calls upon the president
to support the land commissioner in his
endeavors to bring the land grant roads
to justice. Ho warns the president that
every land perjurer , claim jumper and
fraudulent entry man "will join the land
grant crowd in their howl for the
oflieial scalp of Commissioner Sparks"
and assures him that the campaign against
the administration of the land ollico is
engineered and directed from railroad
headquarters. Mr. Sparks is an honest
and a fearless ollicor. His administra
tion of the land has been the first in
j'oars which has gone to the bottom of
the frauds with which that department of
the government is honeycombed. In
carrying out Ills policy the commissioner
may have muclo some mistakes of judg
ment , but ho has saved hun
dreds of thousands of dollars
to the government nnd inau
gurated n reform of his department
which will permanently change its meth
ods , The disposition to make too much
of Mr. Lamar's reversals of the commis
sioner's orders is not a healthy one. The
orders reversed wore intended to protect
the public domain , however much they
operated to the inconvenience of settlors.
They have done much good in the dotoo
tion of fraudulent entries. Commissioner
Sparks may not always liayo acted in
strict conformity with technical provis
ions of the law , but ho has honestly and
courageously endeavored tosavo the pub
lic domain , und for this ho deserves the
public thanks.
THE sonata ouo day last week passed
525 bills in throe hours , or nearly three
bills a minute. Of these 420 wore pen
sion bills , involving about $1,000,000 ,
The rest ot the bills also "tapped the
treasury. " They all went through like
greased lightning , as the dispatches say ,
and nobody , except the clerks , really
know what was passed. Perhaps when
some of the senators cometo look over
the record they will fiud that they have
recklessly voted away the public money
in many cases. In the expenditure of
the people's money the public servants
cannot bo too careful or go too slow.
MK. SHELTOK has returned from Chi-
cngo , nud wo understand that ho pro
poses to resurrect the defeated ordinance
that takes awuy the franchise of the old
gas company , with a view of giving Mr ,
Shelton's company an opportunity to dja-
tate terms of surrender , consolidation era
a "whack-up. " This scheme promises
well , provided it oknlbo carried out.
There are not millions in it , but n codl
hundred thousand or two might bo made
without risking a .dollar. Mr. Shollon
has a very long head.
Ex-GovEitKOR FtfnxXs , of Nebraska ,
has accepted the vlco' rcsidcncy for the
Far West for the American Exhibition to
bo held in London nexbyear. No bolter
selection could linvp been made as Gov
ernor Pumas' experience ns Nebraska's '
commissioner at Iho Now Orleans
World's exposition admirably qualifies
him for the place , and besides ho is tin
cnthusinst in this kind of work. It is safe
to say that tinder his direction the pro
ducts of the west will bo well repre
sented. „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TitEFarnam street cross-walk contract
ors linvo laid crossings nt Ninth street
nnd linvo tnkon a rest. What they arc
waiting for wo cannot imagine. Perhaps
the Union Pacific has gone on a strike
and raised the price of Colorado sand
stone on Woodworth.
TUB malingers of the Exposition build-
inn have no further complaint to make
about , the attendance at their entertain
ments. The only thing that Omaha in
sists upon hereafter is that no timid
young prima donnas should bo engaged.
THE reduction of the Chicago Tribune
to three cents a copy has compelled the
Intcr-Occan to follow suit. The Tt'wcf
will probably fall into line next. Such
great newspapers at such a piico are the
cheapest thimrs in the world.
WHY can't the Odd Fellows change the
calendar and put their anniversary into
May instead of April ? They would then
have less rain and more sunshine.
SENATOK VAN WYCK will not reach
Nebraska before the end of this week ,
llo may bo expected in Omaha about the
yd or1th ot May.
Gr.N. CUOOK has not yet reached the
headquarters of the department of the
Platto. Has Geronimo taken him in ?
THE city of Omaha wants cheap gas
Mr. Nathan Shelton lias a big supply on
hand nt very low figures.
OMAHA paving contractors have fright
cued Chicago with n grand bluff.
Congressmen Lawlcrand Wailo of Chicago
nro known as the "toughcsi and the tender
est. " P. c
Senator Morrll ! , of Vermont , is 7C years
old. lie has spent thjity-two years In con
gross. n j
Harper's Weekly conphtejs Senator Vance's
speech on administrative reform the fuunicsl
clfort ot the session.
Senator Warner Miller Is working for the
support ot the Union league , which did sc
much towards electing Senator Evaits.
Senator Hoar wants to educate all Indian
chlldien to some useful .pursuit and gralil
the Indians lull cit eiishln * and laud hi
scveinlty. \ n
Gov. Alger , of Michljian,1lvtornis a report
er that Senator Joues'jtaetions In Detroil
have convinced niaiiy > el > plo that his mind
Is unbalanced.
Although Senator Ingalls Is charged with
scepticism in religious matteis , It is observed
that ho had all his chllaien baptised In the
Episcopal church.
Senators Edmunds and Hoar publish n
card to the effect that they have never de
nounced the G. A. R. or objected to the
statute giving prefeienco to soldiers.
Senator Halo has been to Maine , looking
after his fences , The Grand Annneu ar (
opposing Wfchifiante for Koyornor , nnd
VUreaten to defeat Halo's re-election to the
According to the Galveston News John H.
Reagan Is about the biggest man In the pop
ular branch of congress nt present. In fact ,
Reagan would bo a big man In the so-called
uppci house.
Representative Boutelle , of Maine , is the
republican Adonis in congress , but his
charms are laid In the shade by Stahencckcr ,
of Now York , not to mention Jlahonoy
both demociats.
Congiessman Gibson's greatest delight Is
to saunter down Pennsylvania nvcnuonnd
gaze longingly and lovingly upon his own
photograph , which adorns the window of an
artist's studio.
The Nashville Union says of Senator
Whltthorno that ho Is a democrat of the old
school , but ho Is a man of progressive Ideas
and Is well known to the people of the state
as a useful nnd elllclont member of the lower
house of congress , where ho served for sev
eral terms.
The Democratic Kickers.
Hoston Advertiser.
It Is only when its president does some
thing right nnd honorable that the democratic
party protests. >
Our Now City Council.
/fump'irty IndciKiultnt.
Omaha's new city council scorns to bo com
posed of peaceable ami even tempeied citi
zens , much to the distress of the active and
alert reporters of her enterprising dally
A Hint to Gould.
Ghtcaaa Herald.
Jay Gould Is entitled to credit for his gen
erosity in bonding S500 to the man who was
slightly wounded In Arjcausas whileuUoiimt-
ing to defend his pioporty. If ho .would pay
nil his men In the same liberal way ho would
have fewer strikes.
Propagated | > y thtj Machine.
Humphrey InilciKHdcnt ,
Church Howe Is being boomed for congress
man In the First dlstnat.rUHetter turn him
out to pasture with Vrtlrntlrfo of the Third.
Being Doth of the same political sex there is
no dancer of either becoming pregnant with
nn ofllclal boom that tlib producing classes
will foster nnd protect with any degree of
pridoaud enthusiasm. "It's1 n bastard senti
ment propagated by the machine ,
Jay GouUf'l 'J obby.
Si. I\iu ! riotteer prc&i.
Jay Gould said yesterday that arbitration
had "always been a hobby with him , " A
great many hobbles have been charged on
Mr. Gould , but ho has not generally been
credited with this one. It is the most com
mendable hobby which can get possession of
a man , and In the case of Mr. Gould , Its Im-
mlnenco gives great promlbo for future
peace. - . ,
Ho Has the Approbation of the People.
Senator Van Wyck , by hs ( fearless course ,
by his accomplishments for the labeling , pro
ducing class , has gained their strong appro
bation , nnd If the masses could vote unpreju
diced would be ro-elcctod ns euro as the sun
rises on election day , but regardless of this
popular sentiment a combination of sclicm-
line politicians have inaugurated an early ,
most unjustifiable campaign of tlaiiiit-r
against him hoping to turn the tldo of pop
ular opinion nfcitlhst him by poisoning the
minds of the voters !
Gnrlnnd Hoard Prom.
KuSKnt Field ( n ChtMgo A'cws.
I'm wearied to death with this scandal elec
tric ,
These cosslpy lies that my oncmlos prate ;
I pmo for the scenery , subdued and symme
tric ,
That richly abounds In my Arknnsaw state.
The bold mountaineer atnlkstnocoou and the
The crapplos disport In the sulphuret rill ,
The fennel and fcago brush nnd dogberry
In the modest seclusion of Ilomtny hill !
May torments environ this trarrulous Hosiers ,
Who vilely consulrcs to seduce and betray
And n plaque on those mouthing congres
sional codgers
\ \ ho nro trying to smirch my fair record
to-day I
As 1 sit mo alone In the gloaming ami ponder
On tlio scouilnc clfoct of adversity's pill ,
I curse tlie nmbltlon that Ird mo \vnnder
Away fiOm the iniiet of ilomlny hill.
'Ihe ominous volco otn public , that's calling
Mo dally nud hourly to rise nnd explain ,
Is somewhat moio vivid and much moro ap
Than the sapsuckcr's uoto or the Jaybird's
So , oh , for the haunt of the fever nud neue ,
Where the moonshine bioods covertly over
thn still ,
Where neither reform nor your conscience
will plague you
The sweet sequcstiatlon of Hominy hill I
John Knsuor , Having liost Wife nnil
Property , Attctnpa Suicide.
John Kasuer is the name of a man
lying now at St. Joseph's hospital in a
rather precarious condition. Ho tried to
commit suicide Sunday by cutting his
throat , and came very near being suc
cessful. Still , jtis thought that ho will re
cover , ns the jugular vein is not severed.
The facts as they have developed since
the iilT&ir occurred are thcso : Knsnor ,
who is a laborer , living until recently at
the corner of Seventeenth and Dorcas
streets , lias been living an unhappy lifo
of it with his wife. About six weeks ago
his wife succeeded in getting a divorce
from him , together with si decree which
gave her the greater part of the property
and the custody of the children. Since
that time , Knsner has bcon feeling very
down-hearted. Ho left his homo and
went to visit relatives in Pennsylvania ,
returning a few days ago. QSundny ho
appeared at his homo and his divorced
wife noticed that ho acted nnd talked
strangely , as though ho were intending
to commit suicide. She telephoned for
police to come to the house , anticipating
trouble. Oiliecrs Matza and Hoyo ut
once posted to the place , but before they
arrived on the scene Knsnor had cut his
throat. The oflicers found him lying on
the floor in a pool of blood. Drs.
Wirth and Durham were summoned and
dressed the wound. Knsnor was de
termined to die , and uttered the most
violent protestations against any attempt
being madn to save his lifo. His strug
gles were terrific. Finally , by the com
bined efforts of four men ho was bound
hand and foot to the bed. In this way
ho was kept sufnciontly still to allow the
doctors to operate upon him. Ills wife
heartlessly refused to aid in any way ami ,
furthermore , declined to allow the SICK
man to remain in the house until ho
could safely bo removed to better quar
ters. The patrol wagon was consequent
ly called and the unfortunate man re
moved to St. Joseph's hospital. As above
stated , it is nuito possible ho may re
cover. The divorce from his wife and
the loss of his property are undoubtedly
the direct causes for tiio man's attempted
A Fifth Story and Mansard Roof to bo
Added to the Bulldlnir.
The addition to the Union Pacific head
quarters building makes that structure
133 feet long , with a width of 100 feet. It
was at first determined to make tjio
building only four fito-i - ; dur _
" "o visit of President Adams and Mr.
Ames it was decided to go on and add
another story to the entire structure , to
gether with a mansard roof. The plans
have boon drawn and approved and
the work will proceed at onco.
This will make the headquarters
building five stories and high basemont.
The plans provide for a lunch room on
the fifth story for the accommodation of
the employes. This will prove a great
convenience and a great saving to the
employes , who no doubt will appreciate
this and other contemplated improve
ments. There will also bo rooms pro
vided for tno lady employes. 'Ihe build
ing , when finished , which will bo within
the next sixty days , will not only bo one
of the largest and handsomest structures
in the city , but the most complete and
convenient railway headquarters in the
The Union Pacific management has in
contemplation several other important
local improvementswhich will bo carried
out in the near future in nil probability
tliis season. Among these improvements
is a now depot nnd a now freight house ,
both of which are greatly needed.
Quito a washout is reported at Nieho is
just cast of North Platte , on the Union
Pacific. Several freight trains have been
delayed on account of this , though the
passengers trains have not boon thrown
fur off of schedule timo.
The now rates to all points in Califor
nia , which wontinto effect ycstorday , will
doubtless oauso a speedy failing off in
the number of excursionists bound for
the Pacific slope. Ever since the rates
commenced to go upward the trntlic 1ms
gradually become lighter. By tlio end
of next week it is thought , it will have
reached its normal volume ,
The report that the schedule time of
trains running on the Union Pacific be
tween Denver and Omaha is to bo
fehortoned six hours is stamped at
lioailqunrtors as ridiculously false. Tlio
ollioials say that no such thing is even
thought of.
John II. McAlvin , C. E. , of the Union
Pacific land department , loft last even
ing for a trip to Boston.
A Thirteenth Street Burglary ,
Burglars visited tlio hardware store of
C , W , Sleeper on Thirteen street buJow
Howard , and adjoining the Troitschko
building on Sunday night. They effected
an entrance by breaking one of the rear
windows und unloosening the sash
fastening. Tlio thieves confined their
attention to the show case which con
tained the cuttlery goods , About thirty
bpxos of pocket knives wore taken , the
empty bo\es ) > ciiie loft in R pile in the
alloy. The stolen property was valued
at aooiit $100. Mr. Sleeper is just open
ing his store , having removed from
Corydon , Iowa.
Creditable Home Work.
I hereby acknowledge the receipt of
six hundred nnd forty-live dollars (1045.00) ( )
from the Home Fire Insurance company ,
ot Omaha , Nob. , being in full payment
of my loss by llro to my corn crib , grain
and farming utensils which burned ou
the night of April 23 , 1880. The adjuster
of the company called on mo within a
day and a halt uftcrtho fire nnd promptly
settled .und paid my loss to my entire
satisfaction uud in full of my claim.
. BI.AIR , Neb. , April 21 , 1680.
An Alleged nrcnch of Contract ,
II. C. Motcalf has commenced nu aotioi
in the district court to soouro dnmngci
ngninst J. II. Erch for ail alleged bread
of contract. The plaintiffs petition nl
logos that in October , 1885 , Mr , Ercl
plncod a business lot , situated on Six
tocnth street , and occupied ns a grocorj
store , in the hands of Clnrko & Co.
ngents , for sale , tlio price desired Uolnf
f 10,175. In November of the snmo yoni
Mr. Motcalf purchased the lot nt n stipit
latcd price ot $11,000 , paying $50 at tin
time to close the contract. The plalntlf
nllcgos Hint ho lias boon ready at all time !
to pay for the said property , but that tlit
owner , the defendant , has persistent ! }
refused to accept the payment or ftirnlsl
n deed In accordance with the origlnnl
contract. Mr , Motuntt alleges Hint the
properly named is now worth fl,00 (
moru than it was nt the time the t-ontracl
was made , nnd ho considers himsell
damaged in that amount , llo therofon
asks judgment for f 1,000 , with interest
from November 1 , 1895 , nnd coats of suit
Plokcd a IMn.
A. Ncoly , nn eldmly gentleman from Lin
coin , who was attending the Odd .Follows .
celebration ycsluulny , was robbed of n flm
diamond scnif pin , valued nt $200. Ho snyi
ho was standing In the Kxposltlon butldlnc
witnessing the 1,01 vices , when a colored fcl
low Inform d htm thnt his tie was unloosed ,
nnd kindly volunteered to mljust it for him ,
Soon thcicaftcT Mr. Necly discovered thai
his scnif nlii was missing. It is still missing
So Is Iho darkey.
Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors.
Vanilla , Ijcmon , Orange , Almond , Hose , etc. ,
llavor us delicately nud naturally as tbo IrulU
1209 Farnam Street ,
Visit the 99 Coat Store.
1209 Farimiu Street.
Visit flic 09 Cent Store.
1209 Farnatn Street.
Visit the 99 Cent Store ,
1209 Farnara Street.
Visit the 99 Cent Store ,
120 ! ) Farnam Street.
Visit the 99 Cent Store ,
1209 Farham Street.
Visit the 99 Coat Store ,
1209 Farnam Street.
Visit the 99 Cent Store ,
1209 Farnam Street.
Visit the 99 Cent Store ,
1209 Farnam Street.
Visit the 99 Cent Store ,
1209 Farnam Street.
Visit the 99 Cent s'torc ,
1209 Earnam Street.
Visit tlio 99 Cent Store ,
1209 Farnam Street.
Visit the 09 Cent Store ,
1209 Faruam Street.
Visit the 99 Cent Store ,
1209 Farnam Street.
lurlnnllr rcllrrralfct
liiutt violent ittlnrl.1 ,
und liiiurt * corafurl.
ubl * > l rp. Uftofl by
inh&lftlion.Uiua rtueliinjr thedlM&mi direct. r ljix-
M Uiu ipum , faciliuuu free ft I ID IT f
aipoctoratl m. &ud KlTKOTi * t U If b O
wbr. til i > U r r.a.,41. . Ikll. A Irltl < . , | BW , Ib. DMt
( kretltftl bf IU ltBmc4I t,4lrt t and atir.ffttllnit tffMt.
Trice BOe. nlJ.oO | of dru < it > u or I.J uitlUTrUI
pttafrta for lump. l ) > . B HUlll'HllK.St. ' l'.laiii .
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
( Successors to J. O. Jacobs , )
M tbo old stand , 1407 Faruam St. Orders br
Icgrupltaollcltc.d and pruuiplly uttouJoJ to.
esgr PERRY DAVIS' ' J )
Vlijslclnn ? , Ministers , Mlaslotinrlos. MnnftRcn
of rnotorksVorksliops , PlnnUtlond ,
Nurses In llopltnls In short , every-
boclr n orywhero who hits
ftvor glvon It n trial.
TllllOAT , &c.
Prices , 25c. , 60c , and $1,00 per Bottle.
C3j"Bowaro of Imitations. JS9
617 St. C'Imrlp f Ionl , Mo.
ArrcuUrRnjuitQftf two Merloni CAUpgM , hat been lonjttr
ttiftngfdlnlheipo lat trffttraonlof Cuaonic. Nturoci. HRIM
ktta MIDDD Uiflum ihtn nr olhof rbvilelattlnBt. Louli.
tl fit ; ptpcrilhow mill nil Ola rtAliUnlikDOlr ,
Nenous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Phftlctl Weakness ; Mercurlnl and other Altec-
tlons ol Throat , Shin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sbres and Ulcers , ere treited with np.r u itli
luretii , in Itltst ktlPOUflti principle fl.Htrflv , FrUitcly.
Dlioaces Arising from Indiscretion , Exoest.
Exposure or Indulgence , wiilob jroJut. > 0nt or ih.
roll.wlnf rCtellt BmouinfH , dttlllij , dlmtieil or llhl
nil d > r llto mtmorr , nlnr > l t on lie r r. phMleildteij ,
Tffticntolbe .atli-ljor reunite , , eoaniiloi of Iden. U. ,
rendering Mitr-rUgo Improper Or Unlmtiny , u >
prnuiifntlr enrtJ. r miililet(3 ( ric ) on Ihobnie , itnl
Intrtlcileiivclnr * , rreolonnr ndilrtii. Con ull Hon tof.
Ccior It ; null fief , Inrllpd nd itrlctlj c nnJ tU1.
A Positive Written Otiaranloo iirtn u tTcrrn.
nt , cut. lledlelDt icaltrer ; wlutt 117 mill resir < tit
SIBO PAGES. FINE PLATKB. ettgtnt cloth ml jtllt
tlodlnft.iraifil rorQOo. tn t > okitrcor carrcac/ . Over nrtr
wonderful p nplotur i , truata llret trileltiontht following
ubjccti ! wbomijrmirrr.ffliMiot.ithjrikiioliood , wonua.
food. jihj.lcnl dMur , effrru orcillUi ; nJ c i ce i , the rl > ri.
loloijr ot reproduction , tail rotor mote , Tbotc n&rrl d or
contetuiiUllug iiiftrrltc * hut < ] rf d It. r-ptUr edition
larae , r P r corer , SQo. Addrena ftbo
Krcf--A \fcttm ofyoiulj
fm irnpruilonco counlnir
ITcnwturo ' . JJocar , No
- - - - - " voua DuMllty , TxMfc M .
r ; , n.
hoe , | AO.I , , , ! „ , tri it rttlnoTorT known romwlr
" ' ! ppll-curow1il (
. . . . - " " ' ' ireiw
J. H. UKBVKS.43 ciiatl wlrcol. . Now York Cltr.
Wnrrnntod tcs.'roBatlsfao.
hand0" My WOIJt und ln nny
Price 2.50
Lincoln ,
Solo Wholesale nsontu for
FAcrronr KATE ? .
N , U. This U not n Stylo-
grnpli pencil , but a first clau
flexible gold I > on of uuy do-
Blrod fineness of point.
Do you want n pure , bloom
you to your heart's con
tent. It does awiy with Sal-
lawless , Holiness , Pimples ,
Ulotclios , nnil ull diseases and
Imperfections of tlio Kltin. It
overcomes the il ushed appoar-
nnco of heat , fatitjuo and ex
citement. Jtninuesaladyof
THIRTY appear butTWfcN-
TY j and go natural , gradual ,
nnd perfect are its effects ,
that ft is impossible to detect
its application.