Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat in Chicago Unsteady and Lower on
Unfavorable Reports.
Corn Exhibits Home Animation , While
I'mvlnlotiA arc Dull and Lower
I'rlccn for Cattle Stronger ,
With Light Itcuclpts.
CIIICAOO , April 20. [ Special Tolcgram.J
WHKAT Tlio niarkot lagged and saRged to-
day. U opened weak and \ic louer , and
liung around the oponlns point moat of the
forenoon , tlio range of the fluctuations up to
VI o'clock bcliiR c. The principal cause of
weakness could bo found In estimates that
the decrease In the visible supply would not
exceed 1.000,000 to l,3.y,000 ) bushels , the still
unsettled statcof labor , and the falling olt of
export Inquiry. There was talk of buying by
heavy local operators , but It could not bo
Been In the pit , and tlio tone continued dull
nnd heavy to the close. By 12 : l0 ! o'clock the
prlco was lc under Saturday's close and about
} { o below "put" price. Unusual cau
tion In expressing opinions as
to the statement of Blocks
now duo was a distinguishing trait to-day ,
statisticians not caring to Imperil their repu
tation by making guesses that might bo
ridiculously wide of the mark. The bulls
wcro generally disposed to get on the s.ifo
slilo by making their estimates low , and the
rovlscd figures ranged from 760,000 to 2,000-
000 bushel.s. King , of Toledo , telegraphed
the probable fiiairo at l.SoO.OOO bushels. Dur
ing the last half or three-quarters of an hour
of the end of the morning session , the mar
ket was subject to Increased pressure. The
bears made a united drive at It , and were as
sisted by the throwing of long wheat May
sold down to 78 @ 78Jfc , and Juno to EO c.
The close was at the bottom for May nnd
within J < c of the bottom for June.
COUN Corn lost % c this morning and
eotno animation in speculation was observa
ble at times. The local scalping crowd and
the representatives of two or three corn
houses did the trading. There was a good
deal of changing over.
OATS Oats were qulot and unchanged In
PUOVISIONS Provisions continued dull ,
nnd In the main steady. The changes In
prices that are noted , however , arc In the
direction of lower values. Brokers and
packers are engaged In looking after their
May trade.
weak and lower , but rallied on buying
against "puts" by pilvllego brokers , and
closed slightly higher than at 1 o'clock. There
was no change ot consequence In the other
2:40 : p. in. Puts on Juno wheat , SOJ c ;
calls ,
Chamllor-Orowii Co. ' 8 Report.
The following report Is furnished by
Chandler Brown Co. , of Chicago and Milwau
kee :
Wheat opened easy and gradually declined
throughout the morning session. Estimates
on the visible decrease wcro conflicting , being
from 1,000,000 to 1,700,000 bushels.
Corn weak , In sympathy with \Uieat
Provisions steady.
' _ :80p. : in. Wheat week. Corn and pro
visions steady.
CincAno , April 20. [ Sjoclal TeleBram. ]
CATTI.H The itHjelntt to-tlay weie compara
tively light Tlio market was not active , but
prices wein Rcnerally stronger. Prices were
lOchlKheron ilcslrablu Block , and the low
grades solil more readily than at the close of
last week. Hnd the maiket been active the
llKlitsupoly would have been cleared at 10
o'clock , but as It was there wcro numerous
lots unsold at 0 o'clock. Little cattle Bold
better to-day than last Friday , as there \\cro
not many Texas cattle to supply the demand
for handy light stock. Other markets were
in fairly good Hlnipu to day. Jersey City and
Liverpool markets were steady. At Kansas
City cattle sold r > @ 10e higher In sympathy
with toports from Chicago. Thirty-seven
Colorados , 1,185 Ibs , S4.M ; 114 Wyonilnirs ,
1.-J5U Ibs , sn.00. Shipping steers , 1,3V ) to isou
Ibs , S5.-Oif5.75 ; 1,1200 to 1,350 Ibs , S4.85@5.35 ;
050 to 1.200 Ibs , SI.OO'i.J5. The Kiontlor
Cattle company marketed ninety head of
1,27:1 : Ib Wyomlni ; cattle at S5.00. They were
meal fed at Herman , Neb. M. French , Crete ,
Nub. , marketed IttJ cattle , 1,3Ibs , at 53.10 ;
al.w twenty-six head ot bTil Ib yoaillngs at
S-i.50. John Iliibtli ! , Auburn , Neb. , had In
t > Ix cars of cuttle ami leeched satisfactory
Iloos Trade was faiily active , and prices
abouljtho same as Saturday. Hough and coin-
nuiii bold nt 8:1.85(2 : ( ,05 ; lair to good mixed ,
E4.10v.J4.25 ; the boht ussoited heavy , S4.0 : ! ( < $
4.-IO. Light sold nt gU)0@i.U5 : ) : ; strong
weights of Httht , S4.03@J.15 , and closely as-
Bdrti'il light , on tlio singeing oid'T , sold at
clilRnco , April PH. Cattle - Itocplpts.
6,5'JO ; talily ai-tl\o and 10o hluhev ; hhlpiiint :
Mccrs , 84.0i ) < y5,7f > : stOL-kt'rsand fi-edins , g-.W )
( < J4.bO ; cow- , , bulls and mixed , 81.fiO.5 ;
bulk. 83.7SQVJ5 ; thiougli Texas cattle , S4.00
Hogs llecolpts , 17.000 ; strong and steady ;
rough and mixed , SI.i5@l.5 * ! ; lucking and
bhlpilnt'S4.M ; light , S.l.OO VJi ; skips" g.,50
Sheep Itecelpts , 2.400 ; stronger ; uatlves ,
Tim Drovers' Journal's special from Llvcr-
) ) eel denotes that tlm cattle market Is &teidy ,
vlttj best American bteers 13o pur Ib on call-
mated dead
fit , I ouls. April 20. Cattlu Itecelpts ,
1,200 ; shipments , 400 ; active and stiong ;
Ido lilghei ; bulU sales to shippers , )
( i\40 : chole. shipping and exporters ,
ri.l5c < ; . % . ( iO : common to good , Sl.s.x&'UX ) ;
tuiti'heis' steers , Si.MKif4.2. ! > ; co\\s aud heifers ,
Si.0 ( < { 4.0Jlockers ; , and feeilt-is , g3.00@J. : .
Ho0's Itivelpta , ( > UO ; shipments , SOO ;
aetlvu aud steady ; butchciV and avlecteil
liwivy. S4. 10 4.'ri : mixed packing , $ a.t > 5Q
4.10 ; , 53.b.X < 4.05.
Kuiiaai Oily , April 26. Cuttle lie-
celpts , 'i03\ \ shipments Saturday , l.XX ( ) ;
liltilu-r ; t-onimou to lanuy steers , S4.25@5.U ) ;
butchers' . Sa.t"04.25 " ; focdcfs , S4.iVcj4.iX ) .
Hogs Itocvlpts , 4,400 ; shipments Sutnr-
dav.ilXW : btioniraiut higher ; choice. S4,00 < 3
4.0JJ , ' ; bulk , sa.DOQS.ttJ ; pous cleared.
N > v Vork , April 20.-Mo. iEOu call
: isy at l.Hti'J per cent.
PntME MKitcAjmLE PAPKH 4@3 par
cent. EXCHAVOE Dull , but steady
nnd uncbnneed' 54.SOper cent for sixty
days ; $4.8K ixircont for demand.
( lovKHNMK > TTfl Dull htil steady.
STOCKS Stocks opened dull and generally
a shade low er. The oxtrcmn Iliictnatlons of
the day wore Icis than 1 ucr cent , nnd In
many cases not more than } < per cent
Union Pacific was the most active stock on
the list , and fluctuated between M ( c > 0 <
during the forenoon , but closed at ntu. n not
advance of % per cent , 1'aclllo Mall Is
percentliliheratH3 : < . The rest of the list
cloied with dot-lines of JtffliK l > cr cent. The
news of the day was niilmportant and the
market closed very dull but strong.
S cent bonds. . . lOU/iC. AM. W tC7
U.S. 4Ws HUM preferred. . . 1HT {
New4's ? M4&N.Y. 0 1 < B J
Pacific O's of'9 . 137JOrcffon Tran. . . 29'f
Central Pacific. . 41 i Pacific Mall Wjf
C.&A 1W ! ( P. . I ) . &E yi %
preferred. . . . 16S P.P. 0 133
C. , n. At ) isnj/ltook Idium. . . . 12.- ;
IX , I * & W ISO St Ij. ifeS. F. . . . 18
1) . A U. G IGtf preferred. . . 40
Erie. 24 0. , M. &St P. . . 87V
preferred. . . . fid profound. . 118
Illinois Central. l.ts Str. &O 40' <
J. , It. &W 2I profem-a.
Kansas ife 2IBHf Texas r.icllle. .
LakeHlioro 81 % UnionI'acllic. .
L.&N as < f W. , SU L. * t'
Mich.Central. . . . Ofl profeired. . . in
Mo. Pacific Itt ) Western Union
Northern Pac. . . ! MJf
preferred. . . 57
Chicago , April .HS. Flour Quiet and
steady . winter wheat , ? 4.40 ( < i31.75 ; southrin ,
< H B ; _ . S4..1034.75 ; Mlchl'
u'an , soft , npilne , § .T.70f0I.OO ( ; Minneapolis
bakers , S3.W@HOO ; patents , S4.i5@3.00 ( ; low
erodes , S'.oo.
Wheat Weaker ; opened ? te lower ; quick
ly declined ? ie more ; rallied ' .f@Ve : nsjnin receded -
coded ? fc ; closed steady at Itfc under ; cash ,
78 , ' < @ 7sKc ; April 7M' < e ; May , 3X'il Wc.
Coin Klim ; declined We and closed at In
side liiiuti's ; cash M@nMo ; Apiil , a Kc ;
May , 37'fc. '
Oats-Easy ; 29 < c cash ; 28 'c April ; : xc )
llarley Dull at 5fle.
Timotli v Pi line. Sl.8 fiM.S.l.
Klax Quli-t nt > ( ciS1.0Jj < f.
Whisky S 1.14.
Pork Active : declined 7' ' < ( ! ? lOe ; became
inojo actho ; uilllcd TXGJIUc ; closed steady
at medium liBnicsS8.lKX ; < KU. ; , cash.nud Aiuil ,
S8.irjUtt8.iMay. ( ) .
hard-Steady and firm at tS5.S7J < @ 5.GO for
cash , A pi II and May.
Shoulders S4.K ( ) , ' ( S4.10 : short , clear , 85.55
@r . < JO ; short rllH. SV-0@V--W.
Uutter Quiet ; creamery , 14@20c.
Cheese Quiet ; full cicam cheddars , 10
( ! ? llc ; flats. ll@UKe ; Young Americas , 10
( c81B > fc ; skims , ( K 7c.
Ji : s-l0tf@io < c.
Jlldes ( Jrecn , ii } c ; heavy green salted ,
7tfe ; light , 8tfe ; tfamawd. ifyc ; mill hides ,
GVc ; dry salted. 12Kc ; dry flint , I.'kgMc ; call
skins. lo@lc ! ! ; deacons noe.
Tallow Gi ease , white country , A , 4 } c ;
I ) , 4c ; yellow , 3j c ; brown Sc.
KeceinK Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 10.00J 10.000
Wheat , on . 10.000 157.0UO
Corn. DU . 04.000 17:1.000 :
Oats.bu . 103.000 159,000
Kyc.Du . 1.0fW : t.K)0 ( )
Barley , bu . 17,030 5,000
Now York. April -Wheat Heceluts.
11,000 ; expuits. 18Ti,000 ; spot , heavy and
lower ; options l < < $ lfa } lower , closiii stcaily ;
No. 1 led , OSc ; No. _ rod , May closing at Uic
Corn bpot , shade easier ; options lower.
closing dull and weak ; icreipt.s , 17,000 ; ex
ports. 180,000 ; unmaded,4 Jl4)4'cposted,4 ) ; > @
4iJ9.Cc ; No. a , 4-iXftMCc elevated ,
afloat ; May , closlnir nt45Xc.
Oat" Higher , closing weak ; receipts. 71- ,
000 : expoits , li2 ! ; mixed wcstcin , 4'/ ) @
4l9e ; white westcniH4Sc. ( ( .
J'etrolenm Steiuiy : United closed at 725 < e.
Kjjits Dull and heavy ; western , 12X ( < $
Pork-Dull ; mess. S ! > .2.- @ 0.75 for old.
Lard Dull ; western steam , spot , 50.25 ;
Mav , S0.10.
Butter Quiet ; western , 10@0. > c ; Eleln
cieanicry , Me ,
Cheese Quiet , generally steady ; western ,
Milwaukee. April 25. Wheat Weak ;
cash , 7SJ/c ; May , TOtfc ; June , bO * c.
Corn null ; No. 2 , : i c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2. SOjfc.
Hyo Lower ; No. 1 , C7c.
Uarley-Wc-ak ; No. 2. 4'Jtfc.
Provisions Dull : mess pork , cash and
May , S8.U5 ; June , SO.OO.
Cincinnati , April 20. Wheat Fair de
mand ; No. 2 ted , 8'J@OOc.
Corn Light demand : No. 2 mixed , We.
Data i'alrileniaml ; No. 2 mixed , Gc. !
Ilvo SttongjlTo. 2,87@70a
Barley No. fall , BSc.
' . .
Laid-EaslerS5.77 ; c.
Minneapolis , April 20. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 1 , hard , cash , Ki c ; Way , bile ; June ,
84M'c ; No. 1 Northern , cash , 7b > tfc ; May , 7Uc ;
June , bOc. .
Flour-Patents , S4.00@4.80 ; bakers' , S3.CO ®
S.bO. ; 00.030 1m ; flour , 123 bbls.
Sliipmcnts-Wheat , 21,000 bu ; flour , 21,030
St. Louis , April 2fl. Wheat Weak and
lower ; No. 2 led , cash , 87S8c bid.
Corn Lower : No. 3 mixed , cash , 32Jtc.
Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2y' ' @ 2'J5 < c.
Kro Firm at GOc ,
Whlskv Sl.10.
Pork AVeak at 80.55.
Lard Easy at S5.75.
Butter Steady nnd unchanged ; choice 10
fancy creameiy. 24@20c ; dairy , I7 22c.
AFTIKNOON : BOAIHI Wheat Steady and
c better. Corn and oats unchanged.
Kaunas City , April 2fl , Wheat 3Iodcr-
ately active but weak ; No. a red , cash , ( He
bid ; May. fiOc ; June. C9Jc.
Corn Active and lower ; No. 2 , cash ,
27 o bid , 27c asked ; May , as @ 2S c ; July ,
2D ) < : c bid. ! c asked.
Oats No quotations.
NowOrleniiH. April 20. Corn Finn ;
White , 40c ; mixed. 48u ; yellow , SOc.
Oats Steady ; choice western , y'J@40c.
Cornmeal Quiet at 53.05.
Hoi ; Products Dull and unsettled.
Lard IlefiiuHl tlerre. $5.Ki % ,
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , S4.00 ; Ions clear
and clenr ribs , S5.40.
Tolorto , April 20. Wheat Lower ; cash
Coin Cash , : c.
Outs Neglected.
Alonday JJvenlns , April CO.
The receipts of cattle were the same to-day
as on Monday n week ii . As usual on the
first of the week , the market was very quiet ;
everything \\nsHold eaijylntboday , and both
bnyois nnd wilesmen went away , uivluu the
yards a very desei ted appearance in the af
ternoon. Values remain about steady at
SiUiudav'b ( ( notations. The supply of all
kinds of fat cattle falls far short of the de
mand. Quotations tor to-day were : Cholca
to extra btecis. avcniyln It50 : to l,4.r > 0
pounds , S4.b.Vft5.0J ; Kood , averacliiK 1'JOO
to 100 ! ! pounds , S4.00 ( 4.7S : medium , aver-
a 'lnu' 1'JOO to i.isoo iK > iinds , ? 4.a.Vi4.50 ( :
fat , little Mccrs , 1,000 to 1,150 pounds , $4.00f ( < !
4.50 : Kowl U-edeis , Uoo to 1,0V ) pounds , 8.flj : !
( ; { : ! . ; Kond to choice cows and hellers ,
ftveragliisllOOto 1200 , S.50 : ! < S3.75 ; medium ,
bOO to 1000 , 82.7f > ( ( ti.25 ; ; choice to
extra bulls , uverasl UK 1500 to 2000 , S.00 :
,25 ; eommon , uvenit'lnt ; 1200 to 1MX ) , 52.50v.ij
3.75 ; chok-u toextia btai ; > > , $1.00&i.75. :
The hog maiket contiiiued steady at Sat-
uiday'squolutioiis. there lie In , ' little or no
change In values. The lecclpts weiuveiy
Unlit , and cvorytliiiic met with ready bale.
The week opens with aery fair prospect tor
'ntood market during the balaiu-Hof tlio week.
Choice light and medium weights , s.75C' : ! ' %
abO ; choice heavy , S3.70@3.75 ; good to
choice mUed. Si.W.Kia.70 : ; eommou rough
The arrivals of sheep am lljiht. Market
steady , nnd good belling at S4.W > ( 5.00.
Hhowlne the hlehcst and lowest prlcoi paid
on this market for mixed pack Inn hoes our-
Ine tlio nast seven days and for the corresponding -
spending period last month.
March I April
Monday . - S3.70 ( < ? .377lfSS.75 (38.80 (
Tuesday 3.72Jtf@3.76 8.75 @ 3.S )
Wednesday. 3.7. , ( ft > : u
Thursday. . . S.75 ta.1..K )
Friday , 3.75 W3.00 3.75
Saturday . 3.85 ftl.W (
Monday . : t. < r oet.80 :
All sales of stock In this unikct are made
per on t. live woluht unless otliorwlso stated.
Dead hoes sell nt 'fc per 11) for all weluhts.
"bklnior , hos wekhiiii ; loss than 100 Ibs ,
no value. ProKimn t so wsaro docked 40 Ibs
and stags SO Ibs.
Hogs steady.
Dull Monday.
Cattle market steady.
Too much wind nnd rain.
llogs averaged CO to the car.
F. Kropf , Schuyler. umikctpd a load of
Itlvott As Hates Lincoln , marketed n load
of hogs.
1) ) . A. Lord , ClarKs , marketed a bunch of
100 sheep.
The shipments were 7 cars of hogs and 11
cars of cattle.
Bliss & Hllss , Schuyler , sold n load of hogs
on the market.
Millard.fc Fra/ler , Genoa , had 120 head of
cattle nt llin yaids.
C. Ahrams , Ciowcll , was at the yaids and
sold two loads of hoc * . .
J. ( > . Noidgren , Chapman * , had 0 ! ) head of
cattle and a loud of hogs on tlio market.
Shcei > men say that there arc not over toner
or fifteen thousand fat sheep In the state.
Dwlght D.iki'i , of Fiemout wis : n visitor at
the yards. Mr. HaKer has been feeding 2,000
head of sheep at Fremont. It has boon n good
wlntei toi slicep. and as n ntle feeders have
done well. Mr. linker did not shelter his
sheep , hut only pi ovided them with a wind
break and plenty of hay for bedding.
During the whole winter lie never lost a
sheep tiom the. cold.
Gcnri-iil .Mnrkctti.
.Monday Evening , Apiil 20.
Bans This iccelpts uro in excess of the
demand mid weak at IK.- .
I'otM.TiiY IJicssed poultry Is out of the
market. Live chickens aie selling i cattily nt
§ 3.50@i."rj. :
( IAJIK The lecclpts are light. Mallard
ducks aio minted at S1.50rW.OO ( ; teal , 81.25 ;
mixed. 81.50 ; jack .snipe , Jjl.50t.5 : plover ,
OvsTints Tlio season closed at linllimoru
on April Ifith. Dualets have dispo-ed ot
about all the stork they have on hand and a
few days will Ilnisli the balance. New York
counts , 43c : oxtin selects. 40c. selects , 35c ;
staudaids l0c ! : mediums. 25r. .
Pm : ! Kuvi.s : , .11:1.1.1-4,1 : : r.TC. Preserves , all
kinds , 20-lb. palls peril ) . lOc ; do In pall
lots , per II ) . ! ) } ic ; as-.oited5-lb. pails per lute ,
pails , S3.75. Jellies , nil kinds , grade ,
20-lb. pails , per Ib. Sc ; assoited , lirst grade ,
5-lb , palls per erate , ( I palls , § 2.50 ; do
Mb. pails , per case , 2 doz. S2.2.V do. tumb
lers , per case , 3 doz. , 81.40. . ) ly. all kinds
second giadc. 30-lb. nails , per Ib. 5c. Mlnco
meat , best grade } / bbl. per Ib. 7cdo. ; fi-lb
pails , per crate. 0 palls , S2.75 ; do 40-lb pails
per Ib , 7Jfe ; do , 5-lb palls , per crate , 0 pails
82.75. I'e.ieh. plum and quince butter , as
sorted , fill ) pails , per crate , n palls , 53.75 ;
hoi si ? radish. Dint bottles , per doi S1.50.
Pins' FIIT. : Titipi : , 1 ? re Pigs' tcct , perjtf
bbl , 54.00 : do , > _ bbl. 52.00 ; do. nor kit , We.
Lambs'tongues , pci-,1 bbl , 53.25 ; do , pet-
kit , 52.5U ; do. quart jars per do85.25 ; do ,
pint iais per o.ise , 2 dor , S0.75. Tripe , per J-j
bbl , $4.00 ; do , per bbl , § 2.00 ; do , per kit ,
S.vunr. KTIAUT Best quality , SO gal bbl ,
80.50 ; 15 gal bbl. 5X75.
COMB HONEY Calllornia 2 ID frame eo Ibs ,
In case per Ib. , ino ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska.
10frf)17c. )
CIDEU Michigan rcflned , per bbl. , S0.50 ;
do. half bbl. . S4.00.
ViNKOAUViite \ wine. ICe ; cider , 12J c.
OUA.XOKS lllveisldo seedlings , per box
S3.75 ; Medlteu.inean Sweets , per bov , S4.0 ;
5 to 10 box lots per box , ? : ! .7. > ; l > os Auceit ; ,
per box. S3.25 ; do 5-box lots , per box , S3.1 ;
Valencia 420 , per case SSUX )
LIMO\S : Fane.y Messina , per box.SO.OO ;
choice Messina , oerbov , $5.50.
HANAJJAS There arc vciy lew In the mar
ket and pilces aio coircspondliifjiy stiouger.
Quotations are S3.50O4.00 per bunch.
Ai'Pi.r.s-Tlio market Is oveistocked with
Infcilor apples which aio bclns sold for what
they will mine. Western stock , 82.00@2.25 ;
Michigan apnles 52.50 ; choice MIssouil
block. 82.50 per bbl.
CiiAXBiiiuiis : : Theuiis very little demand
- ; , " ; 2i- " is not much stock being bold.
Dealers'ftfo cioar'.n ? nji tl.r ! ! t"Eks ns V.'M *
they can. Quotations aie S.Vxkgl.SO per r 'ii
Jersey aio selling at S2.00 per bush box.
COCOANUTS Per 100 , S1.50 ; less than 100 ,
Nnw lrios , DATES , ETC. Layer figs. 8 and
10-lbbo\e.s per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Fard ,
12-Ib boxes , per Ib , Uc ; Persian. fiO-lb boxe- % ,
tier Ib , 10iPruucllcs. . 30-lb boxes , pur Ib ,
18c.MAi' Bricks , strictly pure , 59-lb
boxes , per Ib , ICe ; penny cakes , 23-lbcases ,
"NIW : VnonTAiu.r.sCalifornia cabbaee ,
per Ib , : < e. ; eaullllower , per doz , 2.50 ; eel
en. per doz , S1.50 ; asp.iragus , per Ib 15c ;
spinach , per bbl , 82.50 ; gieen onions , per
doi5w : < ; radishes , per doz , OOc : lettuce , per
" ' ' ' ' ' " ' " "
peas pcrf-
" "
, . _ onions ,
per box , S4.00 ; Bermuda tomatoes , per box ,
Fi.buit AND MIT.I.STUFPS Winter wheat
flour , best quality patent , SH.OO@'UO ; second
quality , S2.M0JI.CO ; xu.illty spring
wheat Hour , oaten t , S2.50@2.75 ; buckwheat
flour , in barrels. 85.75 : ready raised , : i Ib pack
ages , 84.00 ; 5 Ib packages , 8-'UK ) ; bran , f > 0c
per cwt ; chopped feed , 75 < j per cwt ; whlto
corn meal , KOc ; yellow corn meal , 70c per
cwt ; screening , Ot'c per cwt ; hominy , 81.50
percwt ; shoits , COc pur cwt ; graham , S1.7& ;
hay , In bales , 8 ,00@7.00 per ton.
lliDP.s Green mitchers , Cc ; creon cured ,
7Ccdr.v } ; ; flintIl@l3c ; dry salt. OfrtlOc ; dam
aged hides two-thirds price. Tallow 'c.
Grease , prime w'llto. ' : ) u : yellow. "Yfi\ \
brown. 2c. Slieco Pelts 2575e
iMritb AND SKINS illnk. t ich. 10S40c ( ;
muskrat , winter. 5Cl c ; do. kits , lc ; Otter.
t2.M > @ 5.00 ; skunk , short striped , 15@25c : do.
broad striped. 10815 : badger. 25@50 : Itao
coon. No. 1 large.iOQipO : do. No. 2. SOOiW ;
do. No. 3. lOuW-Vj ; wolf , nralrio 50 < < ii75c :
do. mountain , VJ.OO@3.00wildcat,15@40 ; ; Dea-
ver , S1.50a.fio per Ib ; fox. each. 4uV@i.5 :
deerskin : , drvwinter , l'@H5o ) perlbdo. ; fall
and summ'ir , Wan c : auieloiio , .VltlUj pot U ) .
LIA niKii Prime slaughter solo leather ,
28y > .tic ; ; primu oak solo leatheis. 'Mity.k :
bpper leather , per toot , 20rtl2Ss ; hem.
kip. 7.yiW5e : oak kip , M@O-KI : French kip ,
61.03 1.2. . ; hem. calf , S1.00@1.10 ; oak calf ,
S1.00M1.2.5 ; Fiunchc.ilfS1.25 1.85 ; Morocco
boot Icir , ! ! 0 , ' 32c ; Moiocco oil pebble , 2SJJc : ;
toppluusand linings , ? 0.00relO.OO ( per do/ .
COAL Anthnicito grate , 8.25 ; egg , S8.2.5 ;
range , 8850 : clio > tnut. SS.50 ; low.i. S3.2.r ;
\Valnnt block , S3.J,0llIlnols ; , S5.00 ; Missouri ,
HKAVV HAiinwAitG Iron , rates , S'J.35 ;
plow steel. bpe'Mal cast , 4e ; eruclblo steel , fc ! ;
cast tools do , r.ijlbc ; wagon spokes , ) ) . ,
81.7SfiBl.00 : hubs , per set , 81.25 : tolloM ,
sawed dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each , 75n ; axles ,
each , 7r > o ; sijuaio nuts , per Ib. 7@llo ; cell
clialn. per Ib , 1x 1.0 ; inalleabK ( TgHc : Iron
wi'tee8,0a ( : crowbuis Oc ; harrow teeth , 4ci
spiing steel , 7@sc ; liurdcn's liorhoshoes ,
$1.40 ; Burden's mule shoes , 81.40. Barbed
Wlie , In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron
Nails , rates , 10 to fiO , 53,00. Shot 81.50 :
liuckbhot , 81.85 : oriental powder , kegs , 58.50
© rl.OO ; do , half kegs , 82 00 ; do , quarter kegs ,
81,50 ; blasting , kegs. 83.35 ; luso , per 100 feet ,
We. Lead Uar.
PAINTS IN On. Whlto lead , Omaha , P. P
7fc ; whlta lead , St. Louis , pine , 87.W ) ! Ma
bellies green , 1 to 5 a cans , 20o ; French zinc
tricen beat , 12e ; Fiench zlnu , red beat , lie ;
Ftench zinc , in vainisli asst , 20c ; French
zinc ; 75c ; vermilllon. America , Ibc ; Indian-
red. lOc : rose pink. He : Venetian , red. Cook-
son's , 2Jc ; Venetian , red , Ameilean , 1 J/e
red lead , 7J c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ;
chiomo yellow , K. 12c ; ochre , rocbelle IV. ;
oclue , deiich , 2c ; ochie , American , c ;
Winter's mineral , 2)jo : lehlgh brown , SJ c ;
Spanish brown. 2Uc , : . 'rince' ' !
Duv PAINTS white lead , Be : French zlne ,
12c ; 1'arlsMiltlng. . 2 > < c : whiting glhf
whltinir , com'l. H/c ; lampbTacK , Gei
mantown , 13c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Prussian blue , 55c. ; ultraumrlnep Ibo ; vandyke -
dyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber ,
ra > v. 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna. raw4c ;
Paris gieen , Kenulnc.35c : Paris irreen. com
mon , 3oo ; chiomegreen , N. X , , 20c ; chrome
gtcen , K , 13o ; vermlinon , Kngllsh , In oil ,
70c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12c :
rnwund burnt sienna , 12c ; Vandyke , blown.
13c ; retlued lampblack , V.c ; coach blade and
Ivory .black , lOc ; drop black , lOo ; Pnisshin
blue , 40cj ultramarine blue , 18c : clirome
grcnn. L. , M. it 1) . . iGc ; blind and biuitter
green , L. , M. Jt D. , IGc ; Paris green , Ibc ;
Indian red. IVJ Vrnctlan rcil , t c ; Tuscan
2Jo ! American. Vilrmllllon. L. , t 1) . . 0c
yellow ochre , tvj U M. , t O. 1) . , 18o ; i odes
ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , be ; graining colors
lleht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut nd
ash. 12c
Duuo1' AND I'HKMicAi.s-Acld. caibolle ,
Sic ; acid , tnrtaric , Wc ! ; linl am copaiba , per
lh , 45c ; bark , sa afr.xs per Iti lOc : calomel.
per Hi , 72e ; ehiuchoiildl.i , per oz , 40o ; chloro-
lonn , per Ib , COc ; Dovers powders , per Ib ,
51.3. ' , ; cpsoiu salts t > er ft , se : gl > cerine ,
pure , per ll > . ISo ; lead , acetate , pet Ib , 20c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per cal. , 51.00 : oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per pal. , 51.40 ; oil , ollvp. per pal. ,
81.40 ; oil. orlcanum. TiOc : onitim. S3.ii5 : qui
nine , P. A : W. , and It. .fe S. , per oz , b. > c ; po
tassium Iodide , per Ib , 53.00 ; sallcln , per or.
40c ; sulphate morphine , per or , 52.00 ; sul
phur. ner lt > . 4cstivchnine : , per oz , 51.40.
OILS HO" carbon , po g.illon , lOe : 1509
headlight , pcrgalion , He ; 175" headlight , per
gal , 15o : l.W water white. 14e ; linseed , lianl ,
per gallon , 4lc ; linseed , boiled , PIT gallon ,
47c : Innl. winter str'd. per callon , COc : No. 1 ,
40c ; No. 2. 40c ; ca tor XXX , per gallon ,
81.53 : No. 3. S1.4t ; sweet , per uallon , 81.00 ,
sperm , W. B. . per gallon. 51.00 ; lisii , W. 11. ,
IH.T gallon , 05 ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon ,
icne , per ir.'illoii. I4c.
VAIWISIII : Hairels , j > cr gallon : J-'urnl-
tine , c.xtrn , 81.10 : fuintture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach , extra , 51. 10 ; coacn , No. 1. 81.20 ;
Damar , extra , S1.7. " > ; Japan , 'Oc ; asphaltum
cxtta , nsc ; shellac , S3.oO ; hard oil finish ,
Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 81.12 ;
do 101 proof , 51.13 ; spirits , second nuallty ,
lOlpiool , 81.12 ; do , IbS proof , 51.11. Alco
hol , IbS ) ) ioof , 52.10 per wine gallon. Redis
tilled whiskies , 81.0001.50. ( Jin Mended ,
Sl.rxxS'.OO ; Kentucky bourbons S-.IXWO.OO ;
Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania i yes § 2.oo@.50 ! ! ;
Coldcn Sheat bourbon and lye whiskies ,
S1.M > < S3.00. Brandies. Imported , S.'i.OOWS.50 , ;
domestic , S1.KOM 1.00. Olns Impoitcd , S4.M
( ? 0.oo : domestic. 81.2.V doo. Rums , ini *
polled , 54.50i ( 8.00 ; New Knglaud. S1.75@2.00 ;
domestic , Sl.'i.yffl.oo. Clmmpagucs , Impoit-
cd , per we , S23004.00 ( ; Ameilean , per
case , 810.OX.510.00 _
. nsn.
. IPf llbls O'rlJbls'P'Is'lCtt '
. nsn.
NP.W 100 IX ) W 40 13 i ID
No. 1 Wlillo Flsli 7 ooo : ioi : HUI : in i ut no
Family " 30 _ ro i 7oi , DO , r > o no
No. 1 Trout. 4 oo ; i BO a fio'i ' MI o * 01
No. 1 PlcUorol. 3 on-i roil HOI BO no no
Grocoru' Ijlst.
SYitur No. 19 , iite , bbls ; Xo. 70. 4-callon
kegs , Sl.O"New Orleans 3S@4 ks per gallon ;
Mnplo byrup , ) bairel. stilctly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1' eallon cans , S .i > per am ;
% gallon cans , S5.5iierdoz ; Quart cans S3.00.
Si'Aiicu Muror gloss , 1 Ib , ( io ; .Minor
glos , a Ib r > J4c. JUiror gloss , 0 Ib , Kc ; Craves'
coin , 1 Ib. ( i ! c ; Klngsford's coin , lib Tc ;
Kingsfoiil's gloss. 1 II ) , 7c ; Klngsfoid's nloss ,
0 Ib , 7' c ; Klngbtord's pure , Ib , n o ; Kings-
foul' hbiilk.-ii\
I'lCKi.Ks Modlnui. In bbls. SO.OO ; do in
halt libls , SUU : ; siiull. in bl > K S 7. 00 ; do In
half bbls. 4.01 ; gherkins. In bbls , S8.0J ; do.
In hall bbls. S4.50.-
CAN.\ID : < 5ooV > s Oysteis. standard , per
case , & 3.5 ; strawbcnies- . percuso , Sib. ) ;
laspbetrles , 3-lb , jier case , S'v ! : ; Calitoiulu
pears per case , i.'i.OO ; apricots , per case ,
5'4.CO ; poaches , per case , S4.7o ; white cherries ,
poruasc , § . i.U3 ; plums , par case , whor-
tlcbeiiies , per caw. Si 10 ; egg plums , C-Ib
licrcase. S'-.SO ; gieen gawslb , pur ease
82.50 ; ilne.ipples , a-lb. per case , S3.SO@5.50.
PLUG Ton ACCO Climax , -l-Jcper Ib ; Horse
shoe. I7c ! : Star. : nc ; Spearhead , 9c ; Gold
Hell , : ! < ; Piper lleidslck , COc ; Punch , 3Sc ;
Voung Frit7. ! 5Sc : JT.I. 3 ic.
Vo\k-TiTb \ papers. $3.33 a Ce ; salsoda ,
keg , per Ib. sa , c.
biiinn FHUITS No. 1 quarter apples , In
evaponited boxes,8iiyeblaekbcrrles ; lioxes.Oi
' We ; peaches , eastern , 4 < < M ) c ; i > eaclies
evapoiated , ! 5 > fiJ17c ; Salt Lake , new , " " "
fcc : raspberries , new. 20ffi2lc : currants.
7c ; pinncs. new. 4J _ ( < f4jc- ! ; .
OUOABS Powdeieil , 8Ve ; cut 'laf ,
eranulated , % dt > % c ; confectioneis A , 7 * < c ;
stamiaru extra C , 7 ; < © 7 > e. : extra C , 7c ;
medium yellow , ( ijfc.
MATCHES Per caddie , 35c : round , per
case , 45c ; square cases , 81.70 ; mnlo square ,
SOAPS Kirk s oavon Imperial. S2.03 :
Kirk's satinet , 83.15Kirk's standard , M.30 ;
Klik's whlto Itussian. S4. : : Kirk's Whlto
Coj ) , 80.50 ; Dome , 84.25 ; Washboaru , 53 15
( IOFFUKS Ordlnarv trades , O c ; fair , 10@
lOJ c ; prime , llW@12 < ! ; choice , 12I ( < ? l3iJic ;
fancy green and yellow , 13K@HKc ; old gov
ernment Java , 202fic ( ? ; interior Java , lOJ fiS
20c : Mocha , 23@24c ; Ai buckle's roasted ,
13c ; McLiuehlin's XXXX roa ted , 13 r ;
IJllwortli's , 13' < c ; Hed Cross , 139fc.
CANni.ns Boxes , 40 Ib , Os , lie ; 8s , lie ;
boxes , 401 b , 10 oz , Os , lie ; half box , 201b ,
SPICES Ground Black pepper , bo > , es , 1
@ 22i ! ; allspu-e , 12@lOc ; cinnamon , 18rtj)25c ) :
cloves , I525c ; gingT , 15@25c ; miibiard , 15 ®
25c.CitAcicnns ( Sarneau's soda , butter an
picnic , 5) ) < e : creams , Sj c ; ginger suapd
B c ; city bOtlo , 7l , c.
'wi.uii.iTt - .
AIlf < eiptrl < c > . K mrl W a quick earn. TrWl * k-
. Hc&d HIAIDD for. lcdiartlculari. | AddiMi ,
Tbe Millird ,
S , Shears , J. 1 ! . Mnrkcl.Thos. Swobo , Proprietors
lob 'printing ,
Job PrinersfBook | ; , Binders ,
And Illault Hook MaiifiictuitM. ) 100-lOd SoutU
KourtoonCttu ) >
F/our' / nd Feed ,
Wholesale lilour , Feed and Grata.
Manufacturers of W.J , WcUlmns & CO.'B Quick
llaislntf lluckwlu'iu lloiir and iironrletors Omaha
City Mills , cor. btu and Varnum Streets , Omaha.
LeaJther ' .Hidej , Etc ,
iiuoa ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Baddlcry und Hlioo lliulliitru , lildcs , Wool , Purs ,
I'clts , ( Jtcasc , Tullow , lite. , Omaha N ol. .
F. P , FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1211
Fainain St. Omaha , Neb.
Agent , for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n
6iccial | brands Fuust , BuduuUcr , lirlapgcr
Cor. 8lU .aud Cnpltol vf. , Oiouba.
Book Binding , Etc.
> " " " *
Printers , Book Binders ,
Ami lllnnk Hook Manufacturer * . NOR. 108 and
108 South lllh Street. Omaha. Neb.
Bridges Steam Pile Driving ,
Knfclnecrs ami Contractors.
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination and llano TTIIM
1'lllnv ami ( ) ak Timber , l&th si. , near
Telephone No 7 1.
Cigars nnd Tobacco ,
MAX A. CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns and Ammunition , sir , to 231 Poutli llth
BtitL't , litMto 10J1 1'uinam Street , Oninlm , Noli.
I.STEH-UCKAN Cnun TAcronv.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Ami Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tolmccos. Nos.
108 nml 110 N. Hth.Sticot , Omaha , Ni
Ajrcnt for the Manufacturers nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
I/ompg , Culimicjp , Ktc. Onicc , 317 South 13th
Sticct. Omiilit , Nub.
Agents for V. A. Whitney Cmtlugo Co. 8
Children's Carriages ,
Jowott's Colclit iitvil Hori iterator ? . Scml
door prlco lists. 141.1 Varna m St. , Onmtia. _
O. S. PETTIS A : < "O. ,
Wholsala & Retail , Fiue Cirriages ,
Plmctom. Iliiciilcs nml llimil Wueono.II PIT cent
wivcil lib yln "f ii' . MN-1 110-1 IIJ , Irnnl.ftroct ,
Oin. Mm , Nctiril-kii.
llmnch nl Council lllutrn , IIIIMI.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Wort
Jolin Kpcnotcr , I'romlotor. MumiCnrtmur of
GulMinl/nl lion ami Oorniru. ( ! Doch-o uiullOl
nnd 11)3 ) Not Ih Utli Stiect.Uinnhn , Neb.
Mnnufncturora of Ot immcntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Final * , Etc. , 310 S. 12th fit. Workdono
_ ol thocounlry.
Western Cornice Worksi
C SI'ECHT. Proprietor.
Oalvnnlrc1 ! Iron Cornices , Ktc. Spccnl'g lm >
vnivitl I'nlont Mclnll'o bkyllghU fiOb nnU 01U S.
Kill St. Oranlia. Net.
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
fiTGate CKy Ploning Mill.
Doors , Rush unil Hllnds. Also nil kinds of
tmnlnp' . cioll nnd StuUorl ; ol o\ery do-
Manufacturer and Denier In
Doors Sasn Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Itnllg n Rpcuialty. Tolcphonu No. 0"-
J : > tli nnd Marcv Si . . Omaua , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLKB & CO. , Elcctriciotisi
Electrical Supplies ,
Maeonfc Block , Oinnba. Durular Alarms. Hells ,
Uio Alarms , i-'cctilo Mnttliif , SiiotiUliijr Tubes ,
-i -S , _ . , _ _ _ _ _ i _
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
Jron Stairs , Italllnir , Kollcd Itc'ims nnd Ulrdor ? ,
Blcnni Knslnes. llru s Work.Conetal Foundry
Mnclilnn nnd lllack-tnillh Work. Olllco and
Works , U. 1' . Hy. nnd 8 171 h bt.
Iron nr d Nails.
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
FlroNnihr.RK [ jinllv. Ornnlia , Ncl )
" "
"Omaha Safe Worts ,
G. ANiinnur , * .
Mnnufncturpr of Flionnd linrirlar Proof Sftfcs ,
Vnult Doors. Jail AVork. Blintlurs nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. llth nnd Jackson Sis. , Omnha , Neb.
Wajrons and Carriapei ; ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
KWnnO Ull Pcdgo Street , Ouiubu , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
Live Stock Commission
Uro. Ilnrku , Mnniu cr ,
Union Stock Yards , a. Omuha. Tolo.hono B8J
W. F. IIKOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Onico Kxchun'oHulldliir. ( | Union Stock Yards ,
i South Umiilin. Nob. TclcphonuNo.flCU.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John F. liovil , Hiipurliilciiilont.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Bhfi monlfl of liny mid ul ! liliids or stock hollelt
cd. Union bt , uk Yards , Omtiha , Nub.
Lumber , Etc.
IX3U18 IIRADronD ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , DoorB , Klc. Yards Cor. 7th nnd Douglas ,
Cor. Vtb und Douglas.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Stulr Woik nnd Interior Hurd Wood
I'lninli. Jiihtopnnod , N. K. cor. bth und I-C-KVOU-
worth Strcic'U , Oninlm , Ntb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
( U B. JUb Btrtot , Oinuhii , Nolj. V. ColpeUer ,
C. N. DIET2 ,
Lumber ,
nth nnd California Struct ? , Omahn. Neb ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Cor. Cth und Douglas Sticctu , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oiuuhn , Nubrueku.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wn.-cn Stock , Fancy Woods , Url.lgo Timbers ,
i.c. , B. W. Cor. Vtb und DougltiaUurnlia , .Sob.
G. B1. LYHAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uulldlwr Paper , Etc. Fouth I
Fish , Ltc ,
6uccof ors to Ickcn Blcmssen & Ca
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Foreign Fish , N6s. Ull-Oll Jonot
t - Street and U. 1' . Truck. Oiuulin.NuL _ _ ;
Agricultural Implements , _
" " "
"j.lNlNQKH JkJIirrCALF CO. ,
Dealers In Agricultural Implements.
Omco , Corner nth nnj 1'acino Ht > , Omnhn , NP'J.
1'AHI.IN , OltiNlK : ) ri' * , MA11T1N ,
\VholeeL.'o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nmt IUKKO ) | , Omaha Neb. " _ _ _
Wholesale Denier In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrrlnjcs nml lUipjrlos. .1 ( n" < St. , bet. Vth nml
_ IJth.Oinahn , Nrb , _ _
Boots and Shoes.
w. v.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
HII Farnntn Street. Oninlm , Nrb. Mannfoctory ,
Summer Street , Uoston.
Carpets , _ _
" " " "
"B. A. onciiAiiiV
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Good * . Kir. . UK ) Fnrnani
_ Stiect , Oninhn , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
TI-.FF - w.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 213 S. Hlhrt.Oinnlm. ; Neb. Yiirdd , Pth
nnd Ir , -t'iii.ort Streets. _
Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
Best vnrlctSos. OIleo,2WS. ! lllihSt. Tileplione
No. me.omahn.Ni'b. _ _
NntutASKA rrniico. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SH S. 13lh St. . Omaha , Neb.
OEO. C , TOWMI , I'resldont.
Cro. I'A-rn-.nsos. Sco. iitulTrc-iis.
J.H. llDi.tiFKT , VA. . ,
1'iopiirtor. MannBor.
Kebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OIIIce,217S. IDtli Struct. U'olcphonoW. _
GEO. 1' . Ln jii"l'io . C. T. GOODMAN , V. Prca.
J.A. SUNiinii.\Mi Sec. iindTicns.
Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbcid ol Inml nnd uift coa > , 2U'J S. l.Hh St. ,
Omaha , Neb _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Eiclublvo dealers In Iloulilcr Colorado Coal. 21 J
fcouth Hlh strict.
Coffee and Spices ,
Home Coles and Spica Hlh M'f'gC
Colleo Hniihlors nnd Splco ( Iilndnis. nuuiit
fncturoiBof linklnvl'owlcr , riiuTr.naK\trncB : !
ItluliiR , iitu. Try ono eiv-o nf our 1-m ) utukmo
Homo I I'liil ItoaMcd Collce. 1009 llowm-d ht ,
Cnmha , Ntli.
* "
CLAHKK illtOS. & CO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Kills.
Ten0 , ColTecs , Spiers. Itnklni ; I'oivdor Flnvorlnj ?
Extinct ? , Lnundry lllmi. lull , etc Mil-IB Har
tley Struct , Omahn , Ncl ) . _
Commission , Etc.
" "
"uiiANCir & co. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
IISI rariiuni St. , Oinalin. Appli'S Our own i.aok-
' . - ' ' , Uuttor ,
Ing-I'lntt & TO.-R 'I'lgi't lliuml Oybters
EKBP , Game , Poultry , 1'otatocs. " _ _ _
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Piuvlslons , Fruits , Flour and Feed , 305
S. Hlh St. , On.ahn , Nob. Consignments bolicftod.
Iteturns iinidu vromvtly.
W. E.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
SPECIAI.TIK1 ? Clioeso , nutter Ej9 , Poultry
nd tliiniu , 112 S. 14th. , Omtl'Ja ' , Nob. Tclo-
hnnc No. : ! J" > .
815 12th Street , Oinu'.m. Nob. Specliiltlos : Dut-
U-r Ut-'UH , imdClilckcns *
WIHDEMAN & CO.j = : -
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'oullry , lluttcr , fimno , Frnlta , Etc. S 0 8.14th
St. , Onuilui , Nebriiskiu
General Commission Merchants ,
HOCDodgu Stwct , Omaha , Neb. Consignments
Storage and Commission Merchan is.
Foiuftn nnd Domostlu FiulH aapuclally. I'.l-
cnaiit Etorniro fnclllil ( " < Wiiu-lioiiso and ollico ,
10 Noilii llitli tt. TI-I' ! | 'IO-IO 7TC. _
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter. Eggs nnd Produce. A full line of Sfono-
nnro. Coiiblgnnients lollcltod. Mil Dodge St ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butler , I'KKf , Cheese and Country Produce gen
erally , UOU S. 13th St. , Oroabu , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilcfrlgci-ntor and I'ttcldnir HouseHtli & l
worth St. , on U. P. It. IJ. Trauk , Omiiliu , Neb.
itojiuttx ptri'.viB ,
General Commission ,
211S. lith St. , Omaha , Nub. Spuclaltles-Iiuttor
Eggs , Poultry and Uame.
iinos. ,
Commission Merchants ,
Fiutj ; , Prcduco und Provisions , Omnlm , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
nnd wbolojaludualur In country produce , frnllc ,
butter , CKK , etc. Goods on consignment a
BOLinlty. ; ; ej N , lO'.ii ft , , Oiimlia , Neb.
( Sneei'S-'ors to A. I1. Sehnck. )
Producs Commission Merchant ! .
No. ' . ' 13 Soutb.l.-4h Streot. Omnlm , Nob.
Dry Goous ,
" " " " " "
"j j IIIIOWN A C0. ,
Y/holesaie / Dry Goods and Notions ,
13-3 Douulus Street , Omulm , Nob.
L. & co. ,
Whole-solo Dcnlcrelii
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , I.UCUK , Embroidery iin.l Whlto
ItL'UDoiigluubliL-et , Omnlm , Neb.
White Lead ,
Stilctly Para WlilU Lnl
KOth Ht- , und U , P. fty. , Onm'm.
Harness , Etc ,
Manufacturers andJouutiigof
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf ( ! oocls , IIJimkftH imil Holies. 1421 Kunmto
SUci t Oiiiiibii , Nub.
" Mattresses , _ _
"n. M. HUtJSB.
Mattress Company ,
Manufncturlnir .MuttrcEtos , llwklln , Trathrr
f , Cold , Ktc. ] _ ut ! unU KM DoiiKlas Htrout ,
Overalls. .
NTirAciruJiiNa co
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Hlilitii , Ele. . JIK and I > ( Doucla *
bltou , Oua'iu , N b.
* i v ( it i
J b j 'a w i ir is U'loria J
OMAHA L vrtKH CO , /
Dealers In All KlmVs t L , \ i
Building Material at WWisil *
18th Street nnd t o on 1'ao ft Track. f
OKllMAX 1) . WYATT ,
Wholesale Dealer In Lsito ,
lOth and \n\n\ \ \ Streets , Omahn
Wholesale'LumbV Lath Slliglw '
, , , V
" " K ; Vapcw. Sa h , Doors , llUmU.Me jij ' '
lair * . I'k-hPtR. rosto , l.lmo. T : Mtr , * * f t
tVmrnt. Vlntn nun .f . mine , Oinnlm .TJnK. * * H
Millinery ,
i. onKitnu.DKit ,
Importers nnd Jolilicrsot
Millinery and Notions ,
il 1J14 llarupy SltTut , Oinalirt , Nok _ *
' * Musical Inslrutncnls. t . , .
Wholesalers of Musical Instriments- !
Ptclnwuy I'lanoYbpr , Dcckpr. Jllalnos * n <
Hi IRKU 1'iuiKii , I'nekaixi OIRIUIS , ciaso Orjr * * j
Notions , Etc.
Wholesale Job Lots )
Dry OouiU , Notion" , Oents * Furnlnhlng QoojUi
Unnilo fniin Nnw Yoik. Trtulo salon d tlT > ? >
nml f 8 South iuh ; St. , Omaha.
Fnraitara , BsJdin * , UphlsterMlrrt ,
Kio , l.'Oil , ul8 11,11 ! I'Olu ruin mi "ittroot ,
DKW15Y i.
Wholesale Dealers .
Fiirnam Street ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ lllCnndlllS Douglas Street , Omnha ,
K. II. CHAPMAN * CO. , f
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , _ |
Tobacco and Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard Sfc
" '
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , _
Sjilces , Clgurs nnd ' 1'obiu-cos , 1317 und 1319 Do uf lj ]
Ins Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and Farnam Streets , Omaha , N
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Kos. 705 , 707 , 70-1 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hardware ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , J
BprlnpsVnpou \ Flock , HnrOu-ood I.timiior , ete. *
12W ) und 1311 11 HI-MI'y htrcev , Oumhn , Nob. " ' J
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon j
And Currlaso Wood Stock. Heavy Hardw r ;
Ktc. 1.17 and 1-1'J Lcavuiiwdrth Street , Umfth,1 *
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics'Tools and llutTi > io ucaloa. M05I
la'ii Stifu'i ( Jmahii , Nob.
1.1IK , 1'IUKD & CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinwart
Slinot Iron , ntc. Accnta for Ilowo Scr1 * " * '
Miami Pci dor Co. , Omaha Neb.
MILTON iiooina * SONS.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , j
Mantles , Unites , Uri ; Kooda. 1821 and 132J r
nam Stroct.
fftiolcsale Hardware and Nails , .1
ITinerson Stcol Nulls. Cor. 10th and llarnay ;
Strcote , Omulm. Nob. xj
WM.'DEKKINQ & co.'i
Manufacturer of the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Writ * to Win. W. Ixrhncr. Oonortd
Omaha. Toloiinono 010. I-
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines ,
Steam , Wntcr , Itnlhuiy and Mllllmf Bupplles.l
VM , vz : iiIU | ir.4 iMiinum Bt. Omaha , Nob.v jj
Wholesale Pipe
Pumps , ,
Etcam und Water Kupjillos. Hoadquarfors tar
Mast Koost CO.'B Goods. 1111 '
Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silverware , Diamonds ,
Clockn , Jowulum' Tools und Materials , . ,
and luJ , 15th Struct , Cor. Dodge , Omaha , Nab ,
Notions Etc ,
VINYAItl ) it S
Notions , Hosiery &Gents'ParnisMng 6 9
HXMJ und 1008 l-'uinam BL , Oumliii. Net ) . ff
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
< m Hiid tf ( , S. lOlli M. , Omaha , Nob. ' - f
Wholesale JJciilerH In Notions and OenU' T
nlehliiK tlpods.
" "
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gn sol I no , Mlc-a A loJrcuEol'o. ( A. H. ni
Manitk'cr , Oinklm , Nob.
_ ] Pork Pacing
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omr.liu , Nobiusku.
Packers and Provision Dealers' ,
, Union Market , Irl7 led o Stroot. I'aakl
liouho , U. ] > . H. U. Tiuclt. Omaha , Nob. 'h
phone No. IDT. T _
Safes and Locks ,
V. IIOVEIt'jfc ' CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Tire and llurxlur l'i oof SuM.TImo Jxxilu.V/ /
nud Jail walk.W ( rarnuin bticot , Oiiialin , W
" v.cds7r li l
' " "
J , KVANS , 'a '
Wholesale and P.etail Dealer in S
Aurlcultural. Vt-ci'talilo , Kto. Odd Followx1
_ N. W , jr. nth aud Dodiro Ht. , OmaUall
Drugs , Etc ,
' - * $
Wholesale Druggist' ,
Anrt Bealer In I'liliit * . Oll nniJ ' .y
, , - - 1
Cji < ? 5 and Liquors *
iuit : A co. ,
Distillers and Importers of II ,
And Liquor * . ? o\v \ inunulnctururi of Ken
IJast India Jlltters. 111.1 "
Nlu. _
or.ii , w. jiurfOAN ,
Buccctsor to Mi'N'AJiAiu A ; DI > MAM , ] ui
mul Wholtbiilu lcalu lu
Y/ioes / , Liquors and Cigars ,
l SI-J