Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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All Displayed in the Odd Tallows' Sixtj
Seventh Annual Oelehration.
DolGRAtlonn Tlio Procefulon-
Xlio Speeches The null Depart
ure of Members Next Cele
bration Uuth llobeoca.
Tlio Cclclirntlnn.
Yesterday the sixty-seventh nnnSvcrsnr
of llto organization of Odd Fellowship 1
this country wni celebrated in thl
citv by it procession of members of tli
order , in tills state and Iowa.
The vlsising lodges commenced t
arrive in the morning. Tlio.y were mot r
tlio several depots by homo detachment
nml escorted to the Exposition building
which were the headquarters of the ordoi
The prospects of a largo nttondanc
from lioth Nebraska and Iowa , howovci
nt the celebration , were rudolv blaste
by the rain which sot in in the "morninp
'J-liohlonn extended over this state nn
across the river , and deterred many people
plo from leaving homo.
The scene within Exposition , \vn
both Interesting and picturesque. Oil
Follows moved about wearing regalia t :
nil designs , colors nml grades of valm
Uancis in uniform mm pled with th
crowd , and Indies , too , swelled the mmtbo
nnd gnvo it n charm which othurwis
would have been wanting.
At 13:80 : Chnirmnn Jno Nichols mounl
cd the slago and invited the visitors wit
wives and lady friends to nscend to th
gallery where they would lind dinne
awaiting them. The Fourth infantr
band played u. delightful march and toil
time , the guests marched , surrounded th
tables and did ample justice to
prepared for them. tables prc
sontod an excellent nppuarance , strong ! '
suggesting n first class restaurant of gl
giuiiio dimensions. A corps of forty col
ored waiters satisfied all tlio calls will
courtesy and despatch. The charge c
this department was entrusted t
Louis Hoimrod. Ho left nothing un
done , nnd as a consequence his success i
of the most pronounced order.
Delegation * ) .
The following lodges had reported n
to 1:00 : p.m. :
Lincoln Capital No. 11 , Lancasto
No.TlO , Uermnilia , Lincoln 188 , and Fen
and Saline encampments , with the University
vorsity cadet band , in all about 200 mem
Fremont Centennial No. 125 , will
Fremont cornet band , about 125 men.
lllnir Blair No. M , 1)0 ) men.
West Point West Point No. 53 , C
Missouri Vnlloy Missouri No. 170 , 2
Plnttsmoutli JL'latto No. 7,50 men , ant
B. & M , band , 13 men.
Auburn Mayllowor No. 70,10 men.
Hastings Hastings No. 50 , ono man.
Nebraska City Frontier No. 33 , 5
men ; Nebraska City No. 1 , 25 men.
Aslilnnd Saundcrsxs'a. 17,20 members
with cornel band , 17 men.
Madison Mndison No. 85 , a men.
Greenwood Greenwood No. 9a , C men
Avoca Wyoming No. 29,17 men.
McCook McCook No. 137,1 man.
Pacific Junction Pacific NO. 110 , 2i
men. .
Scluiylor fiohuylorNo. 28,14 men.
Brock Union.No. 107 , 5 men.
Hebron Hebron No.I ! ) , 2 men.
Brainord Hrainord No. 108 , 9 men.
Stilton Siitton No. 53,1 man.
Fairmont Hesperian No. 42 , 13 men.
Burlington , In , , Washington No. 1 ,
Hillsdale Hillsdale No. 231 , 2 men.
, Weeping Water Prairie No.25,17 men
Humboldt , Iowa , No. 73 , 50 men.
Hawkeye , Iowa , No. 80 , 50 men.
Silver City , Iowa , No. 403 , 21 men.
Glonwood , Iowa , No. 97,10 men.
Tecumseh : Neb. , llamlin , 10 men.
Kearney , Neb , , ImlFalo , 7 men.
Do Witt , Nob. . Do Witt , 5 men.
Arlington , Nob. . Washington , 10 raor.
Toknmah. Nob. . Orange. 1.
Norfolk , Nob. , Norfolk , 13 men.
Council BlufTs Pottiiwalomio No. (
20 members with "band of 15 pieces.
Lincoln Saline , 23 members.
Omaha Millard No. 1 , 23 members.
Ruth Koliocca.
I51ulls--No. 3 ladies.
Council - - , 8 .
IMuir No. 8 10 ladies.
Weeping Water Woodlawn No. Z'
13 Indies.
Lincoln Charity No. 8,11 ladies.
151. These ladies will hold a convention it
I * . .pdil Fellows' hall , commencing in the a
tornoon The ollicos of the Grand lod"
nro ns follows : Mrs. F. E , Miller , pros
dent , Weeping \Vntcr ; Mrs , iiUwi
Davis , Omaha , lirst vice president ; Mn
Anna Crawford , Weening Water , secon
vice president ; Mrs. Cherry , Kearnoj
third vice president ; Mrs. Livesoy.Omahs
$ f f Secretary ; Airs. Hunt , Kearney , treasurei
nnd J. B. West , Omaha , corrcspoiulin
This order is composed in the main c
wives anil sisters of the Odd Folloi
lodges. The duty of exemplifying th
beautified work of the order was porforn
oil , after which the meeting udjourncd.
Grunil Tjodgo Olllcers.
The following distinguished ofllcot
tire present :
Arthur Gibson , grand master , Fn
v\ 1 > . A. Clino. grand secretary , Lincoli
Suin'l Maclrty , grand treasurer , Lii
The procession movcdat3p. [ in. in tli
following oidur :
City Marshal.
Platoon of Omaha city pollro.
Hon. ,1 an us K. lioyil. mayor ot Oinnha.
Kuv. .S. U. Hunting , 1' . U. . of Dt-s Molim
Iowa , orator.
City council and Onmha press , In cairlagci
Tlnlon Taclllc band.
( iniul Marshal , K. O. Uylojr.
AUls-W. F. Loronzon , D. Hnitson , 11. I
Standard beaior.
Cantons Millard , Omaha ; Ford , Lincoln
Pottawattamlu , Couuoil U lulls.
Lodges from 141 to 100 ,
Lodci's from 100 to 71.
Lodges 11 om 71 to SO ,
Fouir/rii DIVISION ,
Lodceb train 30 to I.
( ir.iml Lodge ( if INuhraska.
( irnnd Encampnu'iit of Nebraska.
Tlm iii > t division formed on UOUK
Stieet , rixlit reatliiK on Flttcontti.
The Mx-oiul dlvlhlon luinicd on Koin
rtccuth stieot , extundlni : noith , light icbtln
on Ooilno. .
Thuthlid division formed on Fouilccnt
extencllng houth , iluht lObtlut ; o
Thu fointh division foriueit on Fiftcent
Ptivet , oxtuudim ; south , ikht tu&ilug 01
JJodgi- .
Firii'cnllistii.Hit , boutli to ihiriioy ; ca.sto
Jlanioy to Toittlr north on Tenth to Fa
iiaincston Fninninto .Sixteonth ; nort
'on blxti-vMitli toOiiinlnt ; ; wc > t on Uiimlng t
. .jvvi'ntit-tli ; counter-maich on I/inning t
'pJVIxtccntli ; south on Sixteenth to Douglas
east on Douglas to Tenth ; nnith on Tenth t
Onpltol nvonno ; west on Capital nvcuuo t
Exposition f " '
Tlio 1'roccsilnn.
The itreeta through which ; 'u urooai
tion ruarchod wore lined wltli uaoplc
while the windows of many of thu rcsi-
donees and stores were also filled will
Tlio rigiit of the line wa ? taken by the
Omnhn , Lincoln and Council Blulii Can-
tons. These divisions constitute the uni
formed rank of the order. The dross con
sists of black suits with gold-mountcc
scabbard , burnished steel swords , purpli
velvet waist nnd cross belts nnd gaunt
lets embroidered with gold bullion , am
high-crowned , black-beaver chancaii !
with purple ostrich plumes.
Considerable emulation was indulge !
in by the members of each of these can
tons as to wnich should create the inosl
favorable impression by their bcuiriii ) .
and nuuuuuvrod. In nppcamnco , tin
Millard canton , ot Omaha , poaii'ssed i
decided advantage. Their bearing wx : !
of tlio military order , and evoked consld
urablo admiration from the spectators.
Following them , marched tlm Fords , o :
Lincoln. These lacked the military ail
of tlio homo canton , as a whole , thong !
some of tliutn bore themselves with f
great deal of grace and dignity.
At intervals along the ronto they gavt
exhibitions of fancy mamimvrcs , such : u
Hie forming of crosses , circles , triangle :
and other Masonic symbols , and in the
main acquitted themselves in a mannci
to receive the commendation of many o
tlio lookers-on.
The Pottiiwattamio canton of Council
Blufl's brought up the rear of the uui
formed rank.
The lodges followed in the order men
tioncd above. These presented an ap
pcaranco greatly above what om
generally expects to lind in such i
procession. The members wcro wpl
clad , and wore a diversity of regalia
both as regards ornamentation and coloi
which interfered with an approach to i
harmonious whole. Tim display as :
whole was creditable in the extreme , and
everywhere the devotion of tlio member :
to the order was warmly oulogi/wd.
_ In tlio JIullillnu.
By 5 o'clock tlio parade bad boon con
eluded nnd the members nnd friend :
taken their seats in the Exposition build
incr to witness literary exercises of tin
celebration. *
The stage wns occupied by the grant
lodge , Mayor JJoyd , Hev. S. S
limiting , P. G. Horn , of DCS Moines
orator of the day , the Lotus Glee clul
anil a number of leading members of tin
The Glee club sang a very pretty nuar-
tetto which was warmly applauded and
Mayor Hoyd was then introduced b }
A. 1) . Jones , and in welcoming the guesti
to the city , spoke as follows :
Ladles and Gentlemen : Thu faithful per-
formu'.ico of the duties attendant upon the
executive government ol a uondcifully
Riowlni ; city like Oiualw Is naturally aecom
luuledby coiitiiiUL'tl w.itclifiilneas and aux.
kty. Save In the honor of holding sucli ti
position , Its periods of pleasure are tllstinctlv
niarktd and can to ) easily counted. Amont
the most notable arc such as 1 am called upon
to pcifoim to-day , when , in behalf of neatly
70uoo energetic , en terrorising , generous ueo
] > Ia 1 am palled upon to welcome so many
prominent members of one of the largest ,
inostdistliixulblicd and lavoiite secret or
ganizations In Christendom.
lUglitfullv 1 deem It ono of the brightest
features of mv iucimibcncy of the mayoralty
of this city. It is no ordinary honor , ladles
and gentlemen , to be the mouthpiece of such
a grand community us ours in bidding you a
heaity and leellng welcome a community
every member of wldeh Is as enthusiastic as
jnysiilf in Raying , "Welcome. Odd Fellows
of Nebraska and neighboring states , wel
come , thrice welcome , 0110 and all to Omaha ,
the metropolis of Hit ) giant young state of the
west , the mirror In which is rellected'tho
grandest results of honest and upright Indus
try known to the records of time.
lam fully conscious that 1 give but feeble
veibal echo to the practical welcome our people
ple desiio you to enjoy. Omaha Is yours dur
ing your stay. AVe have no liebiteiicy In pnit
ing thus with the freedom ot our city , for
we know lull well into whoso bands It will
pass. We uro tully nwaie to-day that wo en
tertain ono of the leading benevolent orgaul
zatlons ot the world on whoso noble deeds
the unanimous veidlct ot all past years audol
nil peoples has placed the seal of appoval ,
ana whoso deeds of charity and unselusli la
bor for the elevation ot humanity form om
of the biightcdl puues In the history of man
Accompanying the honor which ail occa
sion like this brings to Omaha , Its oltlcUl-
nnd citizens , Is the pardonable pride that wt
have in the possession of a city t > o woitny ol
the "day anil thu deed , " so worthy ol tin
high standing of tlie vlsitlnc ladle * and gen.
tlemcn who unite In tills aiiuivcn > ary , cele
br.iting its sunshine , Its llowurs and all thai
can bo conjured up to make days like this
brill ; : joy to memory , and n tinge ol Hudne.s-
that their iiluasuitis me cutlily and like : U
tilings earthly cannot last torevur.
This Is the sixty-seventh anniversary of the
Odd Fellows'ouler In tuu United Status. 1
know ot no association of men or women
that has over been In oxl tanco more duiorv-
Ing of extraordinary anulverbary lecognltloi
than yours. Its histoiy has been a berles ol
good deeds nobly planned and faithfully per
lormed deeds that have given a foretaste ol
the mllluninui season of "peace on earth anil
good will among men. " From tlioOth ol
April , ISl'.i , when 1. O. O. F. became mag
notit ! chatiictcus In the ulphabqt of Chtl.stlai
and benevolent manhood : trom the hamllu
of biethien whobtouuht the seed Irom "ovei
tlie .sea , " and Hist wanted in the United
States at It.dtimore , ilown to the piesent time ,
when over OHO.OOO of thu best people ol
our land , representing all laudaWo pursuits
of lile , aio joined together by tho"tliiet
links , " the let-old of Odd Fellowship lm <
been one of glorious , chivalrous practice ami
s-ncresbtul effort toward tlio advancement ol
Truth , Justice ami Charity. Itapidly has one
golden chapter bocn added to another in tin
idstoiy ol your growth in tills country. Tin
volume will grow in size with years , and
when an Omiilpiescnt 1'owcr shall oidnln
that Ihoscroll of time be rolled up for tin
custodlanslilp of Kteinlty , there will bo m
giaiideriivlilenee ot the existence of good in
the woihl than tlio lecoul of the wont of tin
Oiid Fellows ot these United States.
Willie our citizens , ladles and gontlemon.
are not acquainted with you individually , II
is sulllnlent lor them to know that von art' '
Odd Fellows , or tlio wives and chlldieii ol
Odd Fellows. That Is tlio "open sesame" to
Omaha's best hospitality. It is all that Is ne
cessary to liisuro yon a cordial and heaitfoll
reception Hero today. Omaha leels proud ol
her gue-.ts , and bo It known that no yoiini !
cityot thu west has had more distinguished
guests within Its walls. In you nio recog
nized guests bccond to none who havu
over found her latch Ueya without -
out the doors , and ovary emu 0 [ our health-
( .tones glowing with the kindliest welcome.
It Is the earnest desire ot tlm citizens of this
community time your stay among them , nav.
In a manner , be akin to your feelings as Odd
Fellows while alive to tlie glories of anni
versary woik. We want your temporary
lusldonco in Omaha to bo of such n character
that you will t.-rmiunto It with rogiut ami
curry away only the kindliest remembrances
of tlio city nud Us people.
Ladies , and gentlemen , it is a crcit satis
faction to us that on occasions like this \vi
liavu the means nt our command to appro
prlalely do honor to our guests. I urn Hurt
you will lind Omaha well worthy ot ! n visit.
Its hotels are as commodious , as comfortably
arranged and as systematically equipped n ;
those of any city in tlm west. , The hlgli
social diameter of our cit'.zens will make
you leel at home nt every stage of your visit ,
Their Individual activity , cntcrpriso and pet-
severance enable them to show yon a col
lection of busy maitb which no city of llki
ago In the laud can equal in number 01
excel in pro iussho and successul ! man
agement. Immense producing establish
ments ot various kinds nmku tlm city theli
headquarters and have iccitilted tor us an
nrmy of skilled mechanics and wage work
ers , tlie great majority of whom have com-
tortabluaudeo/y homes. Wholes.ila empo
riums of nil branches of trade nra Hero In
plmitltul numl > f > rs , whtuh , by means ot out
biiperior lallroad advantages , glvo Omaha In-
tiodui-tlon to thu best muikets In thu nest ,
whllu our elevators , stocU yards anil
kindred Industries liavo made thu name ol
Omaha familiar vyjictcver there are people to
be fed 01 clothed. Vouill bo escorted along
pa\ed thoroughlnrcs whose i > ertect consUtic-
tion surpassu-sauytiilngof the kind In the
west and \\hlch havu cliallcnged the iidinlra-
tiou of all vialtois. Our public bulldlng ! > can
Lu exhiliited with thu consciousness that they
are models of their kind. Ju your rambles
iliiongh our city don't forget our esplcudld
.cj stem of iohool-i and the attractive nud > ub-
ot.tatlal character of lha buildings de
voted to educational requirements.
Churches you Mill meet In most
generous numbers , and tlio worshipper
at any shrine known to tlie creeds ot Christen
dom , can here lind a pow for his own partic
ular leoognltlou of n Supreme Uolng. "ion
\\ill lind Improvements of c\ery woitliyclmr-
nctcr around you which the progress of the
nee can suggest , with abundant evidence of
other Improvements soon to ho.
1 think the reputation of Omalia for hospi
tality slnnds high among those who
have had a practical Illustration thereof.
Let the enjoyment ot your present visit
add the seal of assurance thereto. It is
the desire of the citizens of Omaha that
April ur > , 1SSO , shall always ho recalled In your
memory ns a day fraught with the pleasant-
est recollections , and , without detaining you
longer fiom the regular feast of these exer
cises , permit mo again toiopoat what every
citizen of Omaha Is only too anxious to say ,
welcome. Odd Fellows , to our city , and Its
c\cry enjoyment.
The Cadet band of Lincoln played n
wait/ , after which the anniversary ser
vices from tlio form book worn rend. The
Glee club then sang the Thanksgiving
hymn , nnd were lollowctl by the intro *
tlhction of Kcv. S. S. Hunting , the orator
of the day.
lliV. : S. 8. HL'XTINO'S SIT.ECH.
Mr. Hunting commenced with u refer-
nnco to tlio oecuninry and charitable
assistance which Odd Fellowship had
rendered during the past year , untl then
traced its history from llio time of its
inception in England , through llio partial
establishment , in this country , concluding
with n succinct statement of the manner
in which Independent Odd Fellowship
hail taken its rise. Speaking of its trials ,
he said :
"In 1832 and 1833. during tlio anti-
Masonic excitement which spread over
the country like a tornado , thundering
against all secret societies , anil charging
them with political corruption , immor
ality nnd intidolity , Odd Fellowship was
sevurolv tried ; tlio order disappeared in
Massachusetts , But it survived nnd
under a newly revised and reformed
litany in 1810 continued to prosper till
1801 when tlio war cloud settled down
upon the country lint tlio history of
those four ; years proves that oven the
desolation of a civil war , unequalled in
this century for some of its harsher
features , could not destroy our order.
\Vhon the war had closed , a eall of tlio
Grand Lodge to meet in Baltimore in
1805 brought together a band of the most
devoted friends of tlio cause , and tliero
they cemented their friendship over tlie
laying of a corner stone of a monument
to Thomas \Vildoy , tlie lirst grand mas
ter of tlie order in the Unitid States.
That monument bus been erected in
Broadway in thn city of Baltimore , by tlio
voluntary contribution of Udd _ Follows1
and on ono siile are inscribed those
words : 'Ho who realizes that the true
mission of man on earth is to rise above
tlio level of individual inllucnco , and to
recognize the fatherhood of God over nil ,
nnd the brotherhood ot man , is nature's
true nobleman.1 "
Air. Hunting then showed how tlio
society had grown in twenty years to
eight grand lodges , 0,581 subordinate
lodges , and in membership to 5U2.-107.
Tliero wcro14 grand encampments , and
1,1)43 ) subordinate encampments. In 1881
§ 3,112,000 had bocn expended on the sick
and tlio orphans , as against about § 800-
000 in 1801. In reference to this
' share said ' 'Nebraska
state's ho : jravo
§ 10,242. ami you know how it was given.
You ask tlie 43 ! ) brothers , the forty-nine
widows and they will tell you what this
relief means. The 2,030 benefits for
weeks of sickness have each been voted
and n fraternal feeling 1ms gone with it.
* * * Compare this method of giving
relief with the ordinary gush and par
tiality of city charity 'committees. ' IF
$350,000 were given to bury the dead , the
burial was attended by brothers of tlie
order , though the deceased may have
been a stranger in a strange land. There
is no diminution in the zeal of the mem
bership , no desire to halt by the wayside ,
but the energies of this vast brotherhood
of more than half a million of men con
tinues active in the great cause of human
By way of illustrating the working of
Odd Fellowship , tlio speaker told of the
finding of n membership card from Macon -
con , Ga. , in the pocket of a drowned pas
senger on board tlie foundered Schiller ofT
Sicily Isle in 1875. It led to his burial
followed by brothers who had only known
him in death.
"Pennsylvania leads all the states in
membership with her 80.000 strong. In
New Hampshire one in ton of tlio lepil
voters are enrolled as members. With
Nebraska , the outlook has never been
fairer. Our order lo-day holds no second
position , but occupies a trout rank of
honor among the other agencies for good
by which wo arc surrounded. * * *
' 1 ho great principles of fraternity that
underlie our organization nro permeat
ing all classes , and men nro beginning
to realize now as never before tlio true
relations that tliuysustain to each other
ns members of the same great family. The
germinating seeds of tlio Odd Fcltow.ihip
that were sown by the pioneers of our
order are taking deep root in tlio hearts
otf our people , and wo begin to &eo tho.
liolds whitening for the harvest. * * *
Odd Fellowship inspires the hearts and
animates tlio soul of living men , who ,
with an upward looking of their whole
being , arc striving to place humanity
upon a common , world-wide platform ,
upon which all mtin 111:13' : stand irrespec
tive of parly. Wo may remember that
our drdor reaches around the globe. Not
only in tlicsu United States and territories ,
but in Mexico and South American re
publics ; in the Sandwich Islands , Now
/oalund , Australasia , iu Kuropo , Ger
many , Denmark , Sweden , Franco , Portugal
tugal , Spain and Swit/.crlanil.
Mr. Hunting continued at length , and
closed with an eloquent tribute to the
Tlio Kail.
The grand ball , the closing feature of
tlio celebration , took place in tlio Expo
sition building last night , Like a few of
the enturtninmonts which hnvo already
been given in that institution , it proved a
notable event.
The hall was brilliantly illuminated.
The lloor and galleries wuro lilted with
spectators. There wcro about 8,000
people present. The orchestra occupied
the stage , the front of which was lined
with a choice array of beautiful llowers.
Above the orchestra was the word
"Charily" llaminjj in hundreds of minia
ture gas jets.
Thu grand march occupied about
twenty minutes. It was led by Mr. ami
Mrs. M. Goldsmith , These were followed
by tlio several cantons in uniform , and
tnoso , in turn , by a miscellaneous nggro-
cation of rognliud members and frionds.
The ellcct was charming , especially when
the great throng was in motion , keeping
time to the strains of n beautiful march
under Hofman's leadership ,
The programme consisted of twenty-
four dances , the dancers remain
ing m largo numbers until toward the
close. The percentage of dancers to the
attendance was greater than has
thus far been noticed in the now build
ing , i'lio percentage of good dancers
was equally gratifying , nearly all who
essayed thu fascinating movement of the
waltz being able to do -without attracting -
ing unfavorable attention'to themselves ,
The following is the
Grand .March To Our Visiting Brothers
Luiiciers Oaadrillo Initiatory
Waltz , Plain State Lodge No. 10
Quadillle , Plain Three hiuks
Polka i , . . .Scales nnd S woru
Waltz Quadrille ,
, . . , .Covenant Ie r. Lodge No , 1
Schpttische Canton JJiliard No. 1
Prairie Quean Omaha Lodge Xo. S
Newport . Throe Pillars
Lancicrs Glide Allemauuen Loihrc No. ti
La Comas.- , llalubow
Quadrille , Plain..Eeipcrlan Kticatpi > . No. 3
x von surrrii.
Waltz Sccptci
Virginia Keel. . > . - . < . .1Beacon Ledge No. 2 (
Hipnlo. ' . . . . lov (
Qundrlllo ttllntlillcbcccn Lodge Xo. 1
.Mazurka . . . ( . . . . , , Uoyal Purple
AValtr. Qitndrillo.v ] . . , * Heart and Hani ]
Schottische . . . .i ) . . . Globe
quadrille ? ; . . . , Bee Hive
Polka K. . . , . . . , . . . . .FrlcinMili
Landers , Saratoga. . Lov <
Wnltz , , Hour Ulasi
Schottlsclio. OoodNl ; ht Trutl
At ten o'clnckithot supper was spread
in tlio north gallaryvnnu hundreds of the
guests eagerly pin-took of the refresh
ments which worts diegantly served. Ii
the early part of the livening the banquet
was spread. The tables accommodated
01C people at once , nnd they had to bo sol
a third timo. The material used was sup
plied by tlta wives of the local member !
of the order.
The gentlemen managers of the
ball wcro : Alfred D. Jones , master
tor of ceremonies ; M. Goldsmith
assistantK. . C. Cooper , Gco. A
Uennett , A. Van Trott , jr. , Louis Falst
Jno. Desbrow , Thos. G ClilV. 1' . Von
strand , S. J. Larson , Henry Bolln Hnroh !
E. Thompson , Max Kletto , Henry F ,
Rhodes , Alfred Vlnoy , U. E. Wauch , J. 11 ,
Piper , D. Knuflman , P L. Edholm , M. C
Roberts and . B. Bryant ,
ad Uuth Ho bee
Next Celebration. ?
Last night tlio following committee was
appointed to decide upon a place at which
to hold tlio next annual celebration : O.O.
Boll , Lancaster , 30 ; J. U. Fox , 103 ; Ike
Ktollbachor , 7 ; Harry Jackson , 10 ; Max
Meyer , 8 ; Ernst Karl , 3 ; I ) . ( Word , 53
W. II. Stubblcliold , 11 ; Gould Hickloy.
14 ; James Heaton , 1J13 ; E. 1) . Davis , I ) ; A ,
Vinoy , 20 ; J. C. Hagoiwok , 07 ; 0. N ,
Karstons , 1 ; L. C. Pollard , 21) ) ; L. S ,
Moore , -13 ; J..L. Loomis , 50 ; John Nich
ols , 2 ; C. M. Wiltslruek , 47 ; Kmil Faust ,
140 , and J. B. lloyee , 53. These gentlemen
mot and after discussion referred the sub
ject to Nichols , of Oinnha , Bell from
Lincoln , to report at the session of the
next grand lodge in October bills made
by lodges for the location of the next
OfT for Home.
This morning at one o'clock the lodges
of Plattsmouth , Ashland , Greenwood and
Lincoln took their special train for their
The special on tlio Union Pacific was
run out nt about the same time. Botli of
these left but few of the members in town.
The local Odd Follows , however , occu
pied tlie lloor of tlio exposition till 2 a.
m. , when ovury light was extinguished
and the last loiterer retired to his homo ,
It cost just about $2,000. ,
The Odtl Fellows are even with the
Hofman's orchestra ot thirty pieces ac
quitted itself finely.
The munngen'ioTitu6 ' > f the celebration is
to be commondud. > o
North Omnlnt Cars'Van ' from the bail al
2 o'clock tins morning.
The Exposition building will soon find
favor with stockholders.
The Lincoln ( jfadct'band has much to
learn in a musicnl way. But tlio mem
bers are youncv go6d-looking and de
meaned themselves as gentlemen.
Public sale of Short Horn cattle at Lin
coln. Neb. , ApriP 14 , 1830. Fifteen cows
and heifers and'nvonty ' bulls. For cata
logues apply to ( 'ojf F. M. Woods , Lin
coln , .Neb. , or Williams & Lacy , Lacona ,
Iowa. U iU
. . , Held < > u Suspicion.
Big Ed. BurnVaCliipigo ; : character , is
in the city jail awnifjng trial on the
charge of being a suspicious character ,
It is said that lie is wanted at many points
in Colorado and Now Mexico for numer
ous crimes and ofl'euses. Ho will be
held bore until called for. Burns'
last exploit occurred in Lcndville ,
in front of a saloon kept by the
chief of police. After mortally shootinc
n man , it is alleged ho turned himscll
loose on a crowded street with a shotgun ,
firing botli barrels and wounding numer
ous persons. lie escaped , though armed
men .searched the mountains and gulches
with the intention of lynching him. A
month afterward three men in tlireo bos
pitals , who said they had bocn shot bj
Burns in dilVorent dance halls and gam
bling halls , died the same day. Since
then lie has been a refugee and traversed
the entire west. He says iiis arrest is an
outrage , nnd claims lo be a Dopulj
Shoriir Hopkins , of San Francisco.
The spirit of mortal should bo proud
It has St. Jacobs Oil to rcmoyo its pains ,
For Sale or 'I'ratle.
Forty sections of extra choice western
agricultural lands ; twclvo hundred and
eighty acres. of York county. Nob. , land ,
divided into ten very desirable farms ,
For particulars address the owners ,
IIoi'Kixs & COWAN ,
_ York , Nob.
When you mine to Lincoln , stop at the
Commercial Hotel , if you want home
comforts. O. W.J.CITCIIUN , Proprietor.
tinder thu lli-nigo nt Midnight.
Last night , a man whoso name the
policeman hud forgotten , was waylaid
near the Sovontn street bridge and "rob
bed of hif watch and about WJ. Ho had
no clue to his robbers.
HI * Tinker ,
Last night Olllcor Wbito deposited ir
the jail n man named James Donahue ,
who said ho had been robbed by a. couple
of colored men of a btcm-wintlcr wutcli
worth about $35 ,
Hattlo orCJuttyHlmr ; ; .
The great picture , the Buttlo of Get
tysburg , will bo exhibited to-day on St ,
Mary's ' avenue.
yprs ,
Boston Record- } * The modern rngo for
abbreviations , oMiouiullv in the names ol
.societies , was Htriulngly exemplified I lie
other day at accriniu woman's prayer
meeting , Ono orthb ( .istor.s , who is vorjy
much interested i"'U " ] Woman's Chris
tian Temperance' union , tlio Woman's
Homo Missionhfysociety and the
Woman's Educational and Industrial
union , prayed fervently , witli a ccrU.iutj
that she would ha understood :
"O Lord , bloisPtbo V C. T. U. , the W ,
F. M. S. . the W..iH.M. . S. and the W. E ,
andJ. Ui".i ta
"When I hear stories of odtl prayers , "
said a certain col nc l 'on hearing the one
just told , "I alwltfte riink { of ono I heard
offered by an old uarky down on Ship Is
land during thoiwaiyi Ho prayed : "U
Lord , ranshak tlio 'worP ' all ober on a
white horse and gib us all charity like
bounding brass and simple tinglol"
A distinguished Boston divine preached
a few Sundays ago for a cousin who is
pastor of a church forty miles out in the
country. His relative was feomowhiit
Hurried by the presence ) of the city minister -
tor , and in the opening prayer with
which ho prefaced the other's ' &eruion , ho
prayed :
"Help thy servant who la to speak to us
to-day , Wmiout Thee help ) iim for "
Ho stopped , tried to collect himself , and
h'nishud , "for , O Lord , -ho can't do much ,
Tin ) pastor of a South End church
called on a bereaved widow of his con
gregation thu other day and began consoling -
soling her with scriptural texts. Her
husband had long been an invalid , and
the minister's selections bore on thu rcit
into which , ho had editored.
"YtV'shu sighed , "and. there Is onn
beautiful verso in the PsulJiis. that -applies
to mo that I think of so inucl | ! 'O.thullo's
occupation Is < ; o.:4Cl' ' "
Tlio Gross Hank KxctmiiRcs For the
Iinnt AVock.
BOSTOX , April CO. The following table ,
comDled ! from special dispatches to the Post ,
from the managers of the loading clcarliiR
houses In the United States , shows the gross
bank exchanges at each point for tlio weeli
ending April JJ4 , In comparison with the cor
week In
° * lcnvernnd Galvcstonare not Included In
the totals. . . _
Tlio Visible Supply Stntoincnt.
Cmc.voo , Apill23. The number of bush
els ot grain In store In the United States nnd
Canada , Anrll 24 , and the Increase or de
crease as compared with the previous week ,
will bo posted on change as follows :
Wheat 44,531M)3 ) Decrease 1,204,2.72
Oats l.GIO.UW Decrease 14WOO
Corn iJ.WU4U ; Decreasu 1C4,2S4 ( !
Ityo Sll.ft-iS Decrease JVi/l-JS
Bailey STo.lOO Dccieaso 12SWW
The number ot bushels lu Uhlcas0 ele
vators was :
Wheat 11.700,009
Coin ; i,8 > aiKi
Oats . - 441,715
Jtyo 145 , JbO
Hurley. 60,103
Mrs. Nottingham , being unable to get
the means from her husband to supply
her necessities , nt last informed him tlmt
bho should rcsnmo her profession of
teaching , so as to be as independent as
she was before she was married.
"You're not in earnest , my dear ? " said
Mr. Nottingham.
"Of course I'm in earnest. Why not ?
Do you suppose I intend to go on this
way , bogging and prayinjr for nvory
farthing 1 spend ? I've boon independent
once , and can bo so again. "
"No ; but look here ! " Mr. Nottingham
had risen , and was pacing up and down
i-atlior uneasily. "My wife can't go to
lunching ! What is it you want ? "
"What I can earn 1" proudly replied
Mrs. Nottingham.
"But put it into words. "
"Well , then , look here , " said Mrs. Not-
tiiigham ; "Lhnvc. jilwnys done my own
work and sowing. Considered as a cook ,
1 demand 915 u month ; ns n seamstress ,
$5 ; as your wife ami the lawful mother of
your children , at least $50 moru. And
then I shall not consider myself ade
quately compensated. "
"Whow-w-w ! Let mo sec it's § 70 a
"I consider my services as worth
at least , " said Airs. Nottingham , with
dignity ; "but if yon would rathnr hire a
housekeeper , I will prosecute my original
idea of opening a tTuIect school. "
Mr. Nottingham walked ii | > and down
tlio room once more , rubbing his hair
into porcupine fashion with his lingers.
"I will consult Uncle WcUierbuo , " ho
said."Very well , " said Airs. Nottingham.
"I'm quite willing to abide by his deci
sion. "
Uncle Wctherbco. n bron/.o-viznged cx-
snilor , who was comfortably smoking his
mcurnchuum up stairs , was summoned at
onee. Ho came down rather slowly , on
account of a wooden leg and listened to
the pleading on ritlicr sidu with the ut
most gravity.
"D'.yo want to know my opinion ? " said
Uncle Wetherbue , when they both had
"Certainly , " said Mr. Nottingham.
"Of , " said his wife.
' Then look hero , " said Uncle Wether-
bee , "matrimony's a co-partnership of
joys und .sorrows' , and it ought to be of
money as well. My advice is , Nophuw
Nicholas , that you divide oven with your
wife ? "
"Divide oven ! " blankly repeated Mr.
"Or , bettor still , " went on Uncle
Wolhorbco , "tako one-third ot this money
yourself , lay aside one-third for house
hold nnnloMis , nnd then give llio other
third to Pho-bo. "
"Yes , but , uncle "
"You asked my advice , " said Uncle
Wolherbco. "Tficro it is , and I have
nothing more to say. "
Ho stumped of ! ' up Muirs ugiihi. Mr.
Nottingham looked nt his wifu ; his wifu
looked buck nt him.
"Wolh" said Plinibo.
"J will try it , " said Mr. Nottingham ,
"It seems si wild idea , but Un 'o ' WcMmr-
bee is a rumurknblo bunsiblu man , Y jJ
I'll try it. "
For the no.\t three years Mr. Nottingham
ham remained in iiartuership witli hiti
wifu on these unusual financial condi
"Though for the life of mo I can't Pee
what you do with all your money , " said
ho to ins wife.
"Tho very idea that has often sug
gested itself to inn in regard to your
money , " retorted Mrs. Nottingham
"I had intended to buy a house for you
if it had not been for the unexpected ap
propriation of my funds , " saiil .Mr. Not
"I can wait , dear , " said his wife ,
serenely. "All in good time. "
But- one afternoon Mr. Nottingham
came homo early from business nnd rush
ed un to Unclu Wetlierbno'H room.
"My dear uncle , " wild ho , "that house
of Filkirk's is in thu market at fo reed
Bale. Such n bargain ! Only three thous
and dollars ! "
"Why don't you buy it , then ? " ( .aid Mr.
Wotherbco , scooping fresh tobacco out of
his jaw.
"Beoimso Pvo only been able to lay tin
two thousand of Hint diicsodly small at-
lowMiiun of iniuo , " btiid Mrs. Nottingham.
"Kyer since 1 divided with Pliwbu , accord
ing to your suj.'gi'Stioii "
"Yns , " nodiu-d Uncle Wclhcrbcon ,
"ncrord to mj auagost'tm ' "
"Pvo been a ucmpui lively poor man , "
sighed 1Nottingham. ' . "Only can't
lay up .iiiytlilug on such a small pittance
us that. "
"Perhaps j-our wife thinks so , too , "
chuckled Undo Wi'therbeo.
"Oh. that's ultogother a diflerent matter -
tor , " said Mr. Nottingham. "I'vo been
thinking to reconsider that nfTulr. "
Um-lu Wfthorbuu started intently at
his wooden It- ; : , and * > aid nothing.
"Jut"nddodMr Nottingham , "about
the Filkirk place ? It's n little gem of a
house , nnd I've always wanted a house
of my own This ruin-paying business
don't iillogoCher suit mo. And I could
give a iuorlg jju for the f 1M ( ) if you
would allow mo to use your name aa
security. "
"O certainly , cortntnlyl" said Uncle
Wclhcrbee ; "uso it as much ns you liko. "
And Mr. Nottingham went off rejoicing.
But Wicgs te Snnsrstcr , the agents in
charge of the Filkirk placewcro exultant
when ho arrived.
"Two thousand dollars and a mort
gage for the balance is very well , " said
Mr. Snngstcr ; "but wo had another ofl'cr
this morning of cash do vul Ami wo
considered it our duly to Mr. Filkirk to
close with it. Very sorry but perhaps
wo might suit Mr. Nottingham with some
other piece of property ! "
Mr. Nottingham wont homo sndly dis
"What's the use of trying to save
money ? " said bo. "I'm going to glvo up
after this ! "
"I don't ' agree with 5-011 Ihoro , dear , "
said Mrs. Nottingham. "Pvo been sav
ing money for the past throe years , nnd
I'vo found it pays. "
"You ImvoV" said her husband.
"Of course I have. Do you suppose I
spoilt all the money ? Not a bit of it. I
put tlio best part of it out at interest , al
ways following Uncle Wothorbeo's advlco
in my investments' and I've bought a
hotiso with ill"
"What house ? "
Mr. Nottingham's eyes opened wider
and wider.
"The Filkirk house. " said Mrs. N. , her
lips anil cheeks dimpled all over with
satisfaction. "I completed the bargain
to-day. My dear , " ( stealing one arm
around her husband's neck ) "how do you
think I have held up my end of the
business partnership ? "
"Better than I have tlouo myself ,
Plirubc , " said Mr. Nottingham , with a
curious moisture coming Into his oycs.
"My plucky little wife , lam proud of
yon. "
"It was your money , Nicholas , " said
the vvlfo in a faltering voice ,
"But it was your pmrtcnco nnd
economy that stored it up , Phoubo. "
"Then yon don't regret the tcims and
tlm articles of our partnership ? "
So tlio young couple moved into the
Filkirk when the 1st of May cnmo
round , and tlio cosiest room with n south
window and an open lircplnco for a
wooden lire , was reserved for Uncle
Wctherbco. And Mr. Nottingham is
never tired of tolling his friends his wife
bought tlio place with bur shnro of the
partnership profits.
"Tho most charming woman in the
world. " says Mr. Nottingham.
An Immense Hush of Settlers to
SoittlnvuHt Nebraska.
BIIKIEMAN , Nebraska , April 21
[ Correspondence to the Bii : . " | The
immigration to Dundy county and
contiguous territory has bocn marovlons
this spring. It is estimated that not less
than 3,000 people have landed at Benklo-
man in the last six weeks , nnd that 2,000
have taken land and begun the founda
tions of a homo. The immigrants are , as
a class , enterprising , intelligent , well-
to-do people who do not comet nero be
cause of poverty , but because of seeing a
a good investment in a western homo
They have be on favored by nature in
every way ; a mild winter , nn early
spring and copious rains. During the
past two weeks there has been nearly
four inches of rain fall and tlie ground is
wet for four font from the * pin-face. Nearly
every day sees a shower of severity and
long duration. Crops of every kind are
being planted and all encouraging wign
is tlio immense amount of fruit trees and
small fruits sot out. It is conceded , now ,
that the danger line of drouth has parsed
Dundy county and it is supposed that
bravo spirits are struggling against it
further on. Nearly $1,000,000 , has been
spent this improvements , and
all the region round about is witness to
the labor and cnro. Bcnkleman lias
grown marvelously and all the neighbor-
me towns have risen so rapidly as to
huvo no jealousy of Bcnkiiiuian. With
tlio line prospects of crops all feel satis-
lied and many a pleasant homo now
smiles forth , where tlio untelopu made
their homes years ago. The soil of
Dundy county is black , as deep , as fer
tile and tlio surface as level as central
Illinois , and that is good. A very dis
tinct line separates this good portion
from the sand hills comprising the re
mainder of the county. Adjoining
Dundy county in Colorado , on the line of
tin ; Oberlin extension of the B. & M. lies
a country far larger , as fertile , ot tlio
blackest boil and of wonderful product
iveness. This is now the Held of settle
ment and is sure to make a renmrkulilo
region , l.ying just west of Bird City , Kan
sas , and just Mich land. There are thoii-
anils quarter-sections upon which a
ImiiilKuruhief could be dropped and seen
fiom every part of llio quarter.
The complaint of fraudulent entries of
Commissioner Sparks never applied to
this country to any extent. A larger per-
uenlugo of actual settlers , who intend to
rear homes and remain , never came to
any new country. Some instances ot
fraud hayo occurred among the entries
ot the eattlo men made in an early day
before tlio scrutiny of the actual jiottliTt )
was upon them , nro undoubtedly reeking
witli dishonesty. These instances wuro
entries of bottom land , good for grazing
purposes only , and alVi-el the interests of
no settler or farmer wishing agricultural
laud. There have been no con Mints here
nhonl land , as there is too much -rood
laud lying open to llio settler , which af
fords a satuty vnlvo for the pressure to
obtain u farm of Uncle Sam. Thu time
i now piiht of fonrd for the pro porlty
and fertility of tliUiotiiitryanil : the grow
ing prosperous towns , tlm building rail-
rouils , tlio thick settlement of fnnner.s ,
thu valuublo and numerous improvu-
iiienls , this growi'ig crops and favorable
prospects shadow forth dimly the coming
greatness of this country and tlio solemn
departure of thu Great American Desert
from the limits of tlio state.
Voller.s it Ew'ng ' , at Bunkclman , arc
very obliging gentlemen , and wi'l ' fur
nish information to government l.uuls.
T. C. Al.
How tlm Cnnnl Huokct la Worked ,
Wall Street News : A Now Yorker who
was traveling in Maryland came across a
big dry ditch about forty rods long in liiu
outskirts of a town nnd uaturully in
quired what it wan intended tor.
"A canal , " was tlio answer.
"Why wasn't it finished ? "
"No need of it. By the time they had
dug this far the company was consoli
dated with a railroad , tlio subscriptions
were all in , the stock-holders fro/.en out
nnd the leading men ready for a year's
pleasure trip to Kuropo , "
Ho Never Fooled 'lt\iu. \ In His LU'c.
Arkan&aw Traveler : One night re
cently Judge JJulvago met several old
friends , gentlemen nt thu old school , us
ho termed tuem. They grow mellow in .
endearing recollection and their lugs bo-
cumu no emotional that the judge , upon
starting homo , discovered tlmt it was
only in the most wayward manner--a
manner of unexpected nnd uncurtain
direction that ho could wjilk. Ono
thing favored the old follow. IIU tongue
never becamu thick , but his eyesight ,
alas , was ut times woefully bad.
" ( Jot to rig up something , " he mused ,
ns ho pursued bib scalloped way in the
direction of homo. "Never fooled 'Liv.a
in my life , but it stands me in hand to
do it his time. Let mo see. Ah , luih'
believe I got it. When & drunken man
goes home , lie never thinks of uk'niv. up
a book. Ho wants to talk. Now , if i go
homo pretend to bo absorbed absorbed
that's a devilish good word. Ho , ho ,
hoi Go in nnd bo absorbed and without
making any extra nourishes , merely
speak politely yea , must speak politely
and take xip a book , bo absorbotl
there's that word again anil read until
tlio old laely drops olT to sloop. Good
plan. "
When ho reached homo , Mrs , Bnlvngo ,
although tlio hour was late , .sat in ex
pectancy of his arrival , bho spoke
pleasantly when ho entered the room.
"Ah. " ho mused , "think I'vo got you
this timo. So devilish blind I can't and
a book. Hero's ono on llio trunk. "
Ho sat down , nnd after some dlfllcully
opened his book , and so "absorbed" was
ho that ho ditl not know his wifu was
looking at him with contempt.
"Pisistratns , what are you doing ? "
"Vcryjnucli Interested in this book , "
ho replied.
" \ \ hat's the name of the work ? "
"Murm ? "
"What's thn name of the book ? "
"Oh , now , Ll/.a , you ought to know.
You've scon It aroniid here for years and
have doubtless rend it a dozen times. "
She did not reply , but after a long
silence , she said :
"Why do you want to sit Ihoro holding
that old valise open , looking into it ? "
Ho acknowledged his drunk on the
lAltlff % 1
nro wlmt mnny people mo llnlilo to , which
nmltos thorn very sick , nml If not thrown off ou
lu bilious I over. 11'symptoms ni > i > oiir , such u
Yellowness of the lives , A dull , heavy
feeling , A chilly feeling at times
witli perhaps Pain in tlio
Back , Head , Bones ,
Fuvoriflhnes , eto.
The pntlcnt should not rtolay n mcmmnt as there
UKroiitilnitRor or belnif tnkua down with till-
Ions rover. Do not alt until the fovcr liaf
suited upon thu system before you begin to
"I hnvo lioon n victim toblllouanofs for ycni-fl ,
nnd utter tiytim : viulous remedies my only mio-
CPSS wimlniliuuso of Simmon * I.Ivor Itcxnla-j
tor , which never railed to relieve me. 1 snoixlc
not ot no Pell , nlonu , In It my whole family. J .
31 , I-'H.I.MAN , Sclinn , Alii.
Short-hand Institute
The largest , best nnd choimest shorl-hatiil nnJ
typo-wrltlutr school in thu wost.
Ixiin-n this vnlunhlo art nml sccuro n luorntlro
position. Sliort-limut ttmsrht by mill to these
who cannot nttund the institute.
We Itccp nn hand a full supply or 1'itnmn's
short-hand text hooks , also typo-wrlior supplliu
lfor particulars Bond forelrculixis to
Vacntine's Short-Hand Institute
1113 nud 11 0 0 street Lincoln , Nub :
Architects and Building Superint's '
Olllco , Cor. Hth und 1'arnam Streets , HooraU
IInuuaqiiQF wlih V. H. RI1K
i llorno'afcloclro.jimiuellr II *
! TriiMcoitil > lii l. Ou ironlccdlho
only ouu 111 tlio world Kinernllnjr
i - ncnntlnuous KltctHo ie Hagnrlia
„ - currmf. hrlcntlllrrowcrrnl , l > uralil .
7Comfortnhlo nnil \ trnuiK.
. Ovi-riMiMOoiirrrt. ht'nilStampfnrnainnbUt.
1SCO Sj&.tt'3HiJ&.3V SO ? ,
Pi-act ice limited lo Diseases of tli
Glasses fitted for all forms of defective
Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted.
. . , . . . , . At . ftu1 kll
F.ur ftui w.
fcUI. flj. J > > M.nt
i > etirr j. | rm.
ai.lJ.i..lil , < | Af wdf ilrr l > < i ul < nr
. . . . . .bnMJrloki tit II , ftb4
| Uf cr cbu.l it fui 19 ftll .bnM-
l w.r. or.oUM.rfMU A.k 3,41 jt .r .rjrvpj.tfnr ( L { i.uuiL
MUbUlaftDuliu 4bvl > ll.J II. I ) blLGIRT 40IJXI.
< 7J JiJtVAJJirAY , A . IT.
J0-E. IlAIIt'S
Astlima Oure.
Tills invalunlilo nprclllo readily and pormn-
nnilly euros all liluJs of AMIimit. Tlm most
nliHtlimtu nnil lunjr BtiindliiK cnsun ylolil piompt-
ly to its wnnilurrul cilrlnx prnpurlli-H. It Is
ItnonntiirouKliout ilio woiia for iu unrivaloj
J.I.CAMWKI.rcltyof ) MncnlnNnb.wrlioi ,
Jan. 25 , lb 4 : Hlncu iibliu : Jr. Hulr'B Astlnuu
L'nrc , for moiu tliiin ono jour , my wife Imx boon
i-ntlroly wuli , und not uvou a symptom of llm
illnoimo Inm uiipunruil.
WILLIAM lIKNNI-riT , Rloulund , Inwa. wrltos ,
Kov.M.lsai : I iiuvo liomi allHded with Hay
I'ovoraud ABllimu elnco IbVj. I followml your
illroctioiiH nnd am huppy to Buy tlmt I never
Bk'iit boitur In my llfo , I am ulud tlmt I am
RmoiiK tlm many who can spoulc go fuvorutily of
your nnnedloB.
AvaluBblofi < pugo troatlso contalnliiflralmllni
proof from ovorjr sluto In ' .ho U. 6. , Canada 11114
Grout Britain , will bo mulled upon upplloitloa
Any druetrlst not bavlair It lu Block will pro-
The Orlirliml ii S Only tioualBe. '
B . .nl lw. , . . H.w.rofwurtlilr .liiilUUomfc
loili.p.niil.U u LADIES. A k Joul Utuugitt * *
'CbUlirtlrr' * EnglUh11 ud U . m nb.r.or P.clU. .
( Umi.i ) to u. fur | ftxliaulftri in lattr by rrlnfn inmtt *
NAME /yJUudBtfJJlJ1re11jp1iJJ / | | { | | > | i- >
old lij I > rurzl.U rrtrrwktjrn. ilk lit "CLIrlicv
t r4 * cllo H I'cnnvrujiil I'llI * . Takiboutbu.
CIVIAI.E AGENCY. No. 17 * Fulton it/teU New Yolk.
Ruro without modi-
A POSITIVE i oluo. I'utontoJ Ucto *
1 bur 10 , jH-a.
Ono box will euro
llio most obtluato cuso In fourUuyjj
No naugoniiH doius of cuboln. copaiba or oil of
FKmluluood Unit are certain to produce dyi > uu-
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