Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1886, Image 1
TV - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FIFTEENTH YEAT ? . OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , APBIL 27 , 1880. NUMB Senator Van Wyok Arraigns the Dishoneat Methods of Railway Monopolies. THE WRONG WILL DE RIGHTED. Tlip Nntlon Cannot bo Cnjolcd Into JtcltcvliiR In the Ilonewty of the Fictitious AVcnlth or Gould and Vandcrblll. The Senate's WAsm.smo.v , April 20. C. Whltlborno , appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Si'iiator Jackson of Tonnes- hcr , presented his cicdcntlals nnd was sworn In today. Mr. Hoar icported fiom the committee on jml'cl.try ' the bill extending tlio time for the completion of this rocoids oftlm elcik of tlie commissioner : } of Alabama claims. It was passed. Mr. Morrell , ftom thccommltteoon Itnance , icnoitcd , with amendment , the house Dill ie- latlng to tiio bonds of blowers. The senate committee amended the hill so ns toiequlte Hint at least once In four jcars the bonds shall. . In any event , bo renewed , whether tlm collector ieiiobts ( | llor not. After debate the senate amendment was agiecd to , and tlio bill , as amended , was passed. Mr. Van Wjckdeslicd to take up the bill taxing lalhoad Inndfl , but jlelded to Mr. Blair , who , according to piovious notice , then nddiossut the senate on bis proposed constitutional amendment prohibiting the inannfactiito or bale of alcoholic liquors ns beverages. lie announced his well known v lew s upon tlio suhj ° t t at considerable length , nnd then entered upon the political aspect of the mcasttie , and said the movement-foi local option nnd niiicndiiicntstoslaloconstltullons f\ \\asolneat ns a menus of cre ating nn enlightened public opinion In the btatcs ; but nothing short of n movement ki'od on a national Idea piesented a clear ptospect of complete succvss. It was time for tlie piohiblllou Idea to nssimio contiol of na tional p.utlc3-at least of tlio republican paitv. Tholnlci-shlo comnictco bill vvas then taken ii ] > nnd Mi. Van Wjck addressed the huniitc on il. We weie , he said , In tlio midst of depression , jet all piiisnlts must be laid under eontiibution so lull dividends shall be declared bj' raihoad companieswateiod ) ! ! block and fraudulent bonds. Grain , beef nnd pork mlghl bo leduced one-half in pi Ice , yd there could be no abatement on freight thaiges. Billioad and telegraph rates west of llio Mlssomi ilvet weie about four times tricatcr than the tales enst of that ther. For jeais capital had been oiganUed , uuscinpu- loiiSand rapacious , moving ns Gould bid ; moved , aocoidlng to his sworn testlnionj' , and as Ituntlnglon chaigcd in Ids own wilt- ten hlstoiy it had moved , on state legls- Inttnes , tlio court" , nnd congiess , nnblnsh- Ingly pnich.iMntr judges and legislatures. But the ei Isib w ab coming. There was nn ir- repiesblbleconlllLt between tight and wrong. Could tlio nation bo made to believe Hint the SI,000,000,000 of wnteird stock nnd bonds were honest piopcity deceiving pip- lection liom coutts or legislatures , or tliat tlio S.'iOO.OOO.OOO claimed by Vandeibllt and 8200,001,000 claimed by Gould were hon estly obtained ? The owners of these ficti tious values should accord decent tieatincnt to the remainder of mankind tiom whom they expected to foico dividends and intei- Cbt. If Industries weio only ieoulied , to pay fait dividends on the ical cost ot railroads the nation would bo prosperous. The senate committee could take an cx- nmplo liom Jny Gould. The senate commit tee on education and laboi had Indiibtiloiibly obtained fiom tliat worthy a complete hKtoiy ot his lite , piobably for tlie jonthot Ameiica to imitate. The committee had tiemblliigly and bcbcechlnglyiniploicd him to give n mi nute account ot his dniing exploitsnnd lie consented , F.aily in life , when haul messed foi dlnnei , lie ndontcd his hlsttu's method and went behind tno blacksmith shop to praj' . In n lew jeais the laiiuin , . ' business In whicli ho was encn ed was Inn financial stress bo ovciwhclmiiiKh that liib i > aitnei wns diiven tosulehie , w idle he himself boughta nillio id. The vviomr p.utnei had committed suit-ido. The committee was doubtless dn/ed as mueh hv ( Jonld's leeilal ns by tlio exciting exploits of .lack the Giant Killei , 01 KIdd tlie Pirate. Mode.sty Induced Gould to ichain liom telling one teatuie of the hibtoiy ot Ills time. At Kniibns City lie was once qveitaken vvitli another-lollgioiis sprim nndiestled n second time in pinjcr , tclllnt ; the people how happy ho was and that ho wanted no more money , life had puiehai-.ed the -Missouri Pacihe only foi the good of mankind , nnd should use It only tor the glory of God nnd thobenelitof tlm people. As ho was con templating another raid he felt the necessity of another Installment of divine grace , so lie went bhorl on tlio pinmise by pictcnding that ho would not benefit himself by tlio blessing. It wns to be Imped ho would not Indulge In n thlid prayer on e.uth. Should he , in the end , becme nn entrance into tlio New Jciusnlein , lie would bo lonspiilng Ibeie , fiom n foice of habit , to buy a tallioad , and when ho should have torn up the fihlnlngH\enne- angels could not lestraln him Irom stealing thu golden pave ments. [ Laughter. ] The strong arm ol labor. Mr. Van Wjck added , had alvvnjs piotected the nation in the day ot peril. Tlicio need In1 no le.u to the icpublle from the oignnl/ntlon of labor. Theianlcbof the union army had been re- einlted liom the men who hnd been delving in the mines. Mi. Stantoid then addicted the Ronnto on thoblll. It pmpoiteil , ho bald , to bonn act to legiilato commeico between states , lln bad lend it vvitli n good deal of caie , hut did not find anj tiling lu It that tegiilnted com- ineiic. llvt'i\ttilng In it wns in tegard to the e.ii i let only. Instead of being called n hill to le'iilale coinnicrcc , It hhould bo called a hill to legulnle caiilci.s. Pinetleally this bill denied to the vaiIons r.ilhoid companies tlie light ot coin- petition. It iiiecludtd shippers from reap- In , ; theli light to tliu advantages of competi tion , ind elided theiailio.nlcompaniesaitiml loss , it n low rate lor longei distinces meant n leductlon lor shoitei , canlcrs must Mihmlt to n loss tiom the usual rates on t-hortci dibtiimes , or else abandon business at competing pnintx , A bhlppci tor a xliort dis tance wiib nnti'haiged moic , but the hhippcr foi n long distaiuo wns chaigcd less because earileis could not help thenifeclvo8. Mi. Plumb , tiom the nppropilatlons com mittee , lepoited tlio postomeo nppinpilatlnn bill with amendments. It Via plnudon the calendar. Questions of details Involved In Camdcn's pending amendment to ( lie intei-state com- ineieu bill as to long nnd Hhoit haul weio ( lien taken up nnd discussed bv Mesais. Cnindcn , llairls Plait. Brown , Wilson of lovvn , nnd Culloin , alter which the senate ml join ned , llOIIHC. Messrs. Wllklns nnd Grosvonor , of Ohio , iiilindiued lesolutions for the re.stor.itlon of the wool taiilf of INK ) ; Mr. Springer , tor the admission of the whole ot Dakota Into the union of btatea ; also to Obtnhllsh a board lor theaibltratlon ofeontioversles hcUvccn labor and capital , The house went Into commltteo of the whole , \\ellboin In tlm chair , on the river nnd liaibor nnpiopilatlon bill. Fab piopre.s.s was niado with the bill until tlio cl.uibo au- thoii/lng the seeietnry ot war to negotiate for the purchase of 'ho ' woiks ot the Gleen it BiUion itiver Navigation company In Ken- tnokj piesenli'd nn opiioitnnltj' for the light ovei ihoMnnonuahcla Navigation com pany to uieak out afiesh. Mi. Havnp olfeied nn nmendmont niithot- l/lng the ( ccrt'taiy of war lo'iuv'oti.ite tor the i.iucliasp of tlie vvoikb of thu Monuugaheln Navigation coiujiRuy. The amendment was ngicrn to , 90 to 34. After ootiUdoinblo dttiilc on.manitenauce , ole. , for Nt Yoik itatc canal * , I he commit tee Wit dud ttu tiouio adjourned. NATIONAL CATlTAti NOTES. Van Wjck's Speech Moots Approval AVontcrn IjcglHlntlon. WASIIINOTON , April 20. [ Special Tele- gram.J Senator Van Wjck delivered a speech on Cullom's Inlcr-state conimcrco bill tlds afternoon whlrh attracted much atten tion and vvas approved by very many. Sen- ntorVan Wjck docs not like the present form of Cullom's bill , but thinks it better than nothing on the subject , lie wants n law that will plncu the adjustment of grlcv- nnccs In the hands of the courts , where tlio ngcrlovcd pirtles may go directly nnd not to commissioners , lie has proposed nn rtmcnd- incut to the bill giving state courts jurisdic tion , or rather Inking Cnllom's proposition of adjustment from the federal courts nnd placing It with the slate courts. Senator Van Wjck Intended starling for Nebraska to day , but be will not leave until about Wednesday , lie will remain till ho liasconsldeiatlon In the senate of his bill compelling the railroad companies to pay tax on their lands. Itepicsentatlvo Oorspy wlllgo to his homo nt Ficinoni this week. inr.i.s tiv IOWAX * . Colonel Ilcndetson of lown , Intiodnccd a bill In tlie house today autliorl/lng the con- stinctlon of nialiioid , wagon and foot pas- senge.1 bridge across tlio Mississippi ilvcrnt or near Dubuqnc , lovvn. Mi. Sttublc intio- diiced n bill to pension John M. Henley nnd Mix. Maigaret M. Cllno ; Mr. Conger to pen sion Annie S. Webb ; and Mr. Ljman to piy the helis of Jnmes Nelson SThJ7 ! for propel ty destroyed dining tlio late war , and tlio hehs of Maiy Walkei 85,531 for the same purpose. STAU ItOUlB CIt.VNflUS. Time schedules ol Iowa star mall routes have been oideicd changed as follows : Win- tcisct to Maeksbiirgh Leave WlnteisetTues- dnjsThuislaj ( sand Satin days at 7 a. in. ; ar- ilvo at Alieksbumh by 13 in , ; leave Macksbnrgh Tttesdnjs , Thuisdajs and Satmdays at 10 : ! ] i. in. ; ar- ilvo at Winteiset by 0:39 : p. nt. Clailnda to Corning Leave Clatlnda Mondajs , Wed nesdays and Fndays at 7'W : a. m. ; arrive nt Coining by C0)i. : ! ) m.1eavo ; Corning Tucs- davs , Tlmisd.ijsand Satindavs atTioOa. in. ; jtilve at Clatlnda by 00 : p. m. ix-i'ni.sni.N : r AitiitLMt's CONMIITION. Notwltlistaiidlnir a New Voile dispatch imbllshed heie thlsmoinlng stating that ex- I'lesldent Aithur Is In a fnlr way to iccover , ho Impiession pievnils among his iiiends icio tliat ho is on ids death bed. A gentle- nan ho has Infoimntlun liom one who sees the ex-president olten that ho Is Inn condition and may die at any time. AV IOWA rmiTio.N. Senator Wilson intioduccd in the senate o-dny a petition laigely signed bj' eiti/cns of Albla asking lor tlio passage of tlio bill for ho lellel ol purclnscis and other gtantees of he United States of ccitain swamp and ovet- lowed lands , and to lelnibuiso and in demnify cet tain states. 10 i.vcr.iiAsi : ITS CAPITAL. Mi.Vcaverot Nebraska intiodueiid a bill n the house to da > aiithoil/lng the htalo Na- lonal bank of Lincoln to its capital stock to SiiO.CCO. Campaign Coiiimittoo Selected. AoiiiNmo.v , April Qil. Rupiesentativo McComas , of Maivland.secictaty of the joint ippiiblican caucus , who vvas nnthorl/ed to re ceive tlio names of the congressional cam paign committee when selected by icpiesen- .uthcs of .slate delegations , toports the fol- owlii ! ! committo whicli will speedily meet mil organi/o : Caiifoinia , C. N. Felton ; Colorado , Geoigo G. Sjinnie ; Connecticut , Joseph It. llavvlc } ' ; Illinois. .losepli G. Can non ; Indhna . , Geoigo W. Steeio ; Town , Inmcs F. 1 Wilson ; Kansas , Thomas Kynn ; Kentncl. . , W. II. Wndsvvoith ; Maine. C. A. Boutelle. ; Maivland . , Louis H. McComas ; Ma-sachusetts , W. W. llieo ; Michigan , Thos. W. Pnlmei : Minnesota , John 15. Gllllllin ; Missonii , Wm.ninci ; Nehiaska , Gco.V. . K. Dot sev ; Nevada. Win. Woodbmn ; New llainpshlin , II. W. Ulaii ; New Jersey , Wm .1. X. Wells ; Now Yoilr , II. M. Bnilelgh ; Noith Carolina , James E. O'l Lira ; Oliio , Al beit C. Thompson ; Ouiron , .1. N. Doiph ; Penti'iylvania , 11. 11. Blngliam : Ilhode Island , Nclsini Wnldilcb ; South Cirolina , Kobeit Smalls ; Tennessee. L. C. Hank ; Voi- niont , John . \V. Stewnrt ; Vltglnia . , Win. . Ma- hone ; West Virginia. Nathan ( Soil , jr. ; WIs- cousin , Liicien B. Caswell ; Ail/ona , A. C. Bean. ; Dakota , O. S. Colloid ; Wj'oinlng , Joseph M. Catej' . The Educational mil. WASitiXdto.v , Aptll 20. Tlio house com mittee on labor , alter a long and very ani mated session which lasted till 7 p. in. , de cided , by a vote of 9 to a , to teport to the house n .substitute for tlio Blair educational bill. The nieasuto , In substance , piovldcs that the leceipts trom the sale of public lands and other IP venues of llio general land olllco bo divided among the bovcial states and tenllories in piopoition to tlieii school population for edu cational purposes tor tno next ton jeais. Twenty-live percent of the sum is to bo used for indnstilal and technical instruction and ( ho test tor the snppoit of the common schools. _ _ _ _ _ The Order MlHiinderstood. Apnl 20. Gencial Atkins , commissioner of Indian affaiis , to-day sent the following teloginm to Indian Agent Mc- Chesnoy , at Cheyenno.Uiver agency In Da kota : "Olllclal oidei ot Apill 8was Intended to apply only tonnllcensed tiadcrs outside of Foil i'lc'iio , on Indian tcseivatlon and to loibld nny tiadcis in Fort Pleno or clso- whctoon le ervatlon to violate Intcrconisc law.s such as belling liquor or lim sums. " The commissioner says It appeals the agent inibtindeibtood the older ot Apill 8. For Dairy Protection. WASHING rex , Apill 20. AVednesdny next tlio senate committee on ngrlciiltiiio will tnko up foi linnl disposition the bill for the pro- te tlon ol dany Inlciests. , - * Another Itaiso in llatoH , Ciiir.voo , April 20 , Tno nnnouncoincnt was made to-day that , taking effect April 20 , Iltst-elasb Hiiilted lines from the Missouri rl\ei to San Francisco tlioAtdilson load , will be S-V ) ; second and emigrant , S".0. To Los Angeles , Mojave nnd points on the Cali fornia Sonthcin , ( MO ; second emigrant , &X > . Those aio Hat tales , without icbatc. The 840 southern points first-class rate Is expected to foico the Oniuhn lotds to a slinil.ii tigine , or id vo up the light tor southern Caiifoinia business. SAN FUANCISCO , April 20. Tlio Southern Paclllc t'ompnny issued nu third class tickets to Missouri tlver points bo lalsedtogas. Tim Klitln Dairy CIIICAQO , HI. , April 20. Tlio Inter Ocean's High ) , 111. .special says : The butter market \\asweaktoHl.iyand dull nt decline , nil sales being nmdo at 20e. The feeling Is tliat nil line buttei will bo wanted at that lignrolm the next twenty dajs. The grass , owing to tlio uvent warm weather , is about thtee weeks ahead ot last joat. Skim checao Is dull at 5e. VifRinlnnti AVantVlilsky. . lltctisiosii , Va. , ApUl 20. Prohibition met with an overwhelming defeat hero to day. the election resulting In a majority of 5.GS1 lu favor of licensing the bale of liquors Tlie vote In Mancnestci was an nntl-prohlbl tlon majority of G20. Thecoloied vote was almost unanimously anti-prohibition. Lt.NCinifKO. Va. , Apill 'M.r'lho nntl-pia hlbitlonlsts uitilod this city by l.lbb majoiity Death or Woiulell I'lillllps' Widow BOSTON- , April 20-Awna K. Gteen Phil lljis , vvidaw of the late Wendell died Saturday NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD , 'ho ' Progress of the Humorous Strikes nnd Some of Their Effects. THE WORK OF TRAIN WRECKERS. V Missouri Paclllc l''relrht Thrown Front the Track Ijy Vlcndi and Tv\o Men Klllcd-Tho Klglit Hour Movement. The Gould Strike. ST. Louis , Apiil 'M , Two bundled strlk- iigcmplojes of tle Missouri CarnndFoun- ry company held a meeting jcsterdayto car the report of their cotnniltteo appointed o call upon President McMillan. The com- nltteo repoitcd tliat they could obtain no ns- uraitco from him tliat tlieii demands would ie complied with. The meet ing then adopted evolutionssi > tup they would not tetiirn to vorli until their demands were planted. All hcstilkeis were not niescnt , and not being' jonnd by the action retiiined to their old > laces tlds nioinliiLr. Soveial finvv men aie low nt work. McMillan tald the manage- neiit of the company would take liark all old mplojes who npply for woik. lie sajs tlie vntks w ill be In lull operation by the end of ho week. Nr.w Voinc , April 23. Tno following tel- iptam was recnivcd ntt'ic ' olllco of the Mis- unrl Paclllc this moming : Sr. Lol'is. Mo. , April 20. At ! ! : ) tills notnliiKlreiuht tialn ! W vvasdeialied east of 'iVjandotte , Kas. , by spikes being piilio 1 out it the ties and the llsli pintes taken off the -alls. Fiieman lloiton and Biakeman Car- Isle weie Instantly killed and the enclneei Pliotisly Itijiued. Have olVeied S'-,000 re- vnid tor tlie nnest of tlie patties who caused ho wreck. lloxti : . KANSAS CITY , Apiil 20. Three suspicions- ookini ; men were chased up the tiack alter lie wtecklng ot the tmin. Heluslng to lia t hey weie Hied upon by the wntchman and leputlps witlioiit effect , and the Ingltlves undo lei tlio woods and escaped. The Missoml Paclliecomp-inv has offered lovvatd of S2,50U lor Intoimitlon vvbirb vill lead to tlie auost and conviction ot the : uilly persons , or Sl,000 for atij" one of them. 101 ton has a wife at Oak Giovo , Iowa , and y'atlislo lias a family living at Atclilson. Tlio Street Car Strikers. Nr.w Yoitic , Apill 20. The sliike on tlio I'lilid nveiiuo surface still con- Inucs unchanged. The general sessions joint giand jury met culior today and ic.ud the cases of tiie men wlio ordcied the 'cneial "tie up" on idl smface lailroads leie last week. The officers nnd diiectois of ho'l'hlid avenue toad , ns well as the police olliciais weie oxnmined. The foieman of the grand jury handed a nindle ot indictments to Itccmdci Smjthe , found upon affidavit * made bThltd nvcnuo rnllioad olliciais , cliaiging seveial poisons with conspiiacy , and while tlio names of the )3i oiis could not bo ascpitained , it is gener- illy believed it Is airainst the committee of tlie Kmiiiio Piotectlvo association , whose mines weie fixed to the oidei lorn goneial 'tie up' ' of the sinfnco toads in tills citj' last wielc. Tillsafteinoon one of tlio stilKcis placed itoncs in tlie gioove of the companv's cable blanch on the steep decline , and loss ot life vas prevented only by tlie catitlon tliat wns cxeicisedin the opciation ot cats. The nan , whose name Is Miller , was aircsted , ieveial ancstsof driveison other lines have JCPII ntado to-day for malicious interfer ence with dilvers of the Third avenue road. The fact that indictments asalnst some slxtv leading strikers had been found ' caused excitement among tlio hitter to- liglit. The stiikcr.s will begin running stages on Thltd avenue to-morrow fiom Ilat- ein to the city hall. The executive board ot ho strikeis will be ntrested , it is believed , nt 111 eatly liotif to monow morning. Imported Contract Lialior Discovered. Nnw YOKIC , April 20. Eighty-live inuscn- ar hioklng men , passeiigets on tlie steamship CIrcassin , ailived to-day at Castle Gaiden ind w cio detained by the snpcrlnteiidjiit on ho ground that Ihey weio going to work on 'scab" jobs. They ate said to bo nndei con tact as masons , stonoantters nnd blacic- smllhs , to work on the now stale cnpltol nt Vtistin. Texas. Tlie chaige Is made by the Jentraf Labor union of tills city. The men lenlcd being under any contt.ict. It is in tended to communicate vvitli the distiict at- oinles ol this city and Austin , Texas , to lav o suits bioiight against tlio Austin con- ia'tor : foi violation ot the conti act labor bill. _ Serious Aspect ol'llic'Ijahor Tronllcs. NLW YOUK , Apiil 20. Inquiry among the eading teal estate men shows rcnls for all classes of property tor living purposes have wen i educed fiom 10 to 25 per cent. Strikes and laboi doubles In the building tiadcs aio irovcntlng the coinmcnccment of many new mildings. Some of the largestcontiactois said last evening that building In thiseity will be practically suspended this summer on lids account. A dispatch liom Boston shows ! lie same slalo of nllnirs there , nnd savs a stiuggle of the most set ions portent Is about to bpgin In that city over tlio eight liom movement. An address Is published to-day signed by 125 omplojeis In which they state they do not favot the eight hour movement , believing It Is Impracticable , but will agiee to eight horns on Saturday , 'Ihn Coal Scale Fixed. ST. Louis , April 20. At an adjoin tied , meeting of tlio coal operators and inliicis of the St. Louis distiict held In this city to-day , the committee submitted n icpoit which em bodies n set of lesolnlions decl.ii ing "Yt cents per bushel weighing eighty ) ionnds , or2 cents per bushel top weight , should be paid , nnd that tlio minimum t-elllng pi Ice shall range fiom ( % to 10 cents per bushel. These nilcesvvero unanimously adopted. A stand ing committee ot three mlnei.s and tlneu operatois was appointed to arbitiato nnd sot- tin nil future dlneience.s whicli may arise be tween emplojos and cmplojeis. The Hlgtit Hour Movement , Citin.vcio , April 20. It is repoiteil that the workmen In one of the laigcst brick yards In tlds city quit woik this attcinoon owing to the refusal of the propilotors to nceedo to their demands that eight lioins shall consti tute a day's , woik. It Is expeited that tlio movement vvill become general in this eltj' . Sr. Loi'is. Mo , , Apill 2(5. Contractors and builders to tlm number otM \ ngieed to con sider eight hours n day's woik and pay their emplojcs 'M cents per hour. Carriage Maker's Strike. Nf.w llAVKN' , Conn.April , 20. Three car- lingo stiops lierj notified the shilling body- makers' to return to work to day or remove their tools. The Cairlago vvoikmen's union retaliated by ordctlng out all palnlere , blackbmlths and tilmmcrs. Hoys on a Strike. ST , Louts , April 2f ) , Forty-lit a bojs em- plojed ns helpers by the Gieat Wcstem glats company struck foe higher waos this mom- ing. tin owing 75 men out who depended upon tliobujs' sei vices In peiroindug tlieii duties. An Los-nox , Apiil r.fl. The Pall Mall Gnretto advocates the foimatlon ot n supreme am pemanent : couit ior tlie settlement of fisher ies disputes Lctucen Canada and the Unltet States , to roiibist of live members , two o whom should bo American , twoL'nglishmen nnd the tilth should be selected by tliete foil and be either nn American 01 on I'.ngllbliman Tito Spanish IMectlonn. M.UMim. April 2 > i. The Spanish senator lal elections have tesulted In the return o 125 ininlstcilallsts , tvvcntj-e'ght ' conservn tlves , six independents , tout lepnbllcans and two members of tlie dynastic left. AVcatlicr t'o'r Nebraska. ' For State of Nt.braska , ; Fair , warme weather. A COMPLtC.VTUD MIC Proposed Method of I'nyiiii ; the rncillo Road * ' Uoht. WASHINGTOX , D. C. , April SO. The house ommlttec on Pacific railroads to- < lay adopted , bill providing for extension of seventy cars of tno bonded debt of the Paclllc rail- ends to the government. The bill as tiianiiuously agreed upon by the committee nakcs provision for the payment of the 'acilic roads indebtedness to the govcrn- nent after the following plan : To find the otnl amount of principal nnd interest that hnll have been paid by each one of those ompnnlcs on their subsidy bonds to the United States nt their maturity. From this amount deduct the paj incuts on the bond ind interest account that shall have been > aht by each company to October 1 , Ibitf. Use find the actual vnluo of the amounts In he sinking tund bclonilnc to each company lav ing one , on a dnv to be fixed In Ihc ngreo- nont bptvvcen tlio secretary of tlio reasiny and thu inpsldent of the com pany Inteiested. Compute llio interest nine at thu rate of 8 pel cent from that fixed Hv until tlio average date ot matin ity of the substitute bunds , and subtract the amount of Ills sinking tund and Inteiest from the imotint ot debt nnd Inteiest chargeable igaiiisttlie compnny. Compute tlio Inteiest on thu remainder ol tlie debt and Inleiest , liter making deductions nt tlio rate of ! ) > s > ei cent , until such date as will bo the aver- ige dntc of 110 semi-annual payment' . Add Ills Inteiesltotlio ii'tnalnderot tlio debt and ho Interest nfoiesald. and divide tlio sum so onnd into 140 ciual ( parts each company o pay the Hist ot tlieso ciiual In- stalmenls Apnl 1 , 18 7 , nnd another nyment every six months thcie.ifter , nu ll tlie whole 110 shall have been paid. fiie period of extension foi the payment of he last Installment Is llfty-nlnovcnisbejond he date ot nmtmltyof the substitute bonds , if an average extension of thowholo debt of wcnty-tout jean bejond the date when the lebt becomes duo undei the existing laws , In consideration ol the extension thus granted , all the earnings of the road by gov ernment transportation upon any toadR ) wned , lea e.l or operated oy the conipanj' . ihall bo applied to the paj mentof the cniient natuiing Installments , and no money .shall bo paid bj tlie government lei ttanspoitation or sci vice of any kind over the aided 01 nn- ildcd loails until the Installments next ma- uring shall bo fully paid. Homo Hide. LONDON , Apiil 20. Loid Hartlngton , In a speech In Lancashire this evening , said no alterations would remove his objections to hellish scheme. Ho hoped to create an In- lependent patty 01 Induce the withdrawal of lie nicisnie. A uottion ot tlio audience nado hostile demonstrations against tlio iiicaket. Blight , who vvas unable to attend , sent n etter. In which ho aiJ lie thought Lord luitington's conduit had been consistent nnd courageous. It would bo a calamity for he country if measures of the transcendent nagnitude of Gladstone's should be adopted on the authority ot unv Jo tiler , howevet eminent. Tlio Dnilv News refciiinir to Biicht's lettei to llaitlnuton , says It in- icnses theseiionsness of the liberal paity. , , oid llaitington , replying to an electoi , said 10 would possibly move tlio rejection of he home rule bill. DUIII.IN , Apiil 25. At a lojnllst meeting it the M.i/ec.conntyAntrmi , to day , Johnston , coiiseivative mcinbor , of pailiament for Soutli Belfast , inoVeQ.that the liibh loyalists refuse to leco nUe tlm Dublin parliament if established , decline , tc ) pay taxes , and resist attempts to enforce them to pay ta.xes. He .aid . ho intended to rtrfiw up n list of these oj.illsts who weio'p't'l'nrcd ' ' to heai aims. lie was greeted with loud and enthusiastic chceis. _ The European War Cloud. , Apiil 20. 5:30 : p. m. Gteece's rc- ; ) ly to the powers Is regauled ns unsatisfuc- , oij' . A conference of foreign ministeis is icing held at the Italian embassy for the impose of drawing up and sliming nn ultl- nntum , holding Gieeee answerable for the consequence unless she defeis without ro sere to the w islies of Km ope. The ultima tum will bo picbcnted to the Gicek govern- uent toithwith. Cable Flashes. LONDON , Apiil 20. The Italian scientific expedition under Count Pone , the iiiembeis of which weio tecently mnssacied by the Kmn ol ILirian In Asiatic 'I'utkej , consisted of eleven poisons , nil l inopeans. A party of pieasuio seekers vvhile towing on tlio Thames jesteiday weio tliiown into the watei by the upsetting of their boat and six vvcrcdiovvned. Advices to tlio Standaid say that the Biit- ish outpost at ijnakim was binpil'o.l nnd lif- iccii Indian soldieis captuted by tlio enemj * . Floods In Now Mexico Subsiding. DKNVHU , Apiil 20. The floods nt Las Vegas , N. M. , caused bythohcavj'inln of tlio liast week , subsided jesteiday. Besides tlio real loss to Inmbei coniDinies , tlie Santa Fe round house and Condensed OH company piopeity , prlvnte citizens are damaged S15- 000 to § .20,000. Tlie water woiks are under water , and citi/ens of the uppei portion of tlio city are expeilenclng avvntet famine. Five liniulied east-bound passengeis on the Santa Fo road have been detained theiclivedajs on account ot seveial htindied jaidsof track in the Mnta canon being washed aw ay. Tlio break is expected to be repaired to-monow. So fat ns leatncd but one lite was lost. Itarhcd Wire Choapcr. CIIIOAOO , Apiil 20. Tito Inter Ocean's Jollet bpecial sajs : A clicular vvas Issued today Mgncd by C. 0. CollliiP , secietniv of tlie national b.iibcd who iiinnntnctmeis asso ciation , icdiicing the piice of b.ubed wlio 25 cents pet bundled. It Is claimed the AVashbinn faction Is trjlng tocnibh out the lilty other iiiaiuifaetincis nnd confine the trade of tlio ontlio eot'iitiy to tlio hvclvo combined wire drawlngand bail ) who estab lishments. Tlieielsn prospect Hint the fifty mniiiifaetineis opposed to tiio Wns-libuiii faction will retaliate vigoionsly by onrani/- ing a Dool to eieetand maintain n who du vy ing plan ot their own. Cliloii"-o for Home Iluln. CIIICAOO , A v 3 20. Tie | city council to night unanimously adopted resolutions that tlio nmj or nnd city council view w til plensni o tlio comprehensive and equitable scheme foi Irish self-government which has been sub mitted to the lliithh parliament by Piemier Gladstone , misting that Gladstone's elloits will bo ciowned with success , nnd congratu lating Pimicll nnd his compatriots on the wonderful piogrcss that has attended their elfoits to emancipate Ireland trom pen in v , nilsinlo and despair. A5copyof these reso lutions vvill bo cabled to Gladstone nnd Painell. A Jtnllvvuj' Mortgage Foreclosed. ( lAi.vjsioNToxas : , Ajull 25. A bill of foicclosiiro against the Houston & Texas Central Itallroad coir.piny was tiled in the United States clicult court to-day by the Farmers' Loan nnd Tt ust company , of New Yolk , tnuteo of tlio general moitgago. The suit foues ( lie road to an e.uly bale , nnd cm- bi.u e betvv ecu -1,000,000 and 6,000,000 nci us of choke lamb gianted the company by the state of Texas. An Important DeclHlon. NKVV Yottif , April 20. Jndco Andrews in the supreme court has decided to deny the motion of the Westetn Union for a stay of dial of the action of Itecehcr John G Farnsvvortli. of thu Bankers' nnd Merchants telegraph company agnitisl It to tecover S OW.OOO for cutting nnd desttoylng the wires of the latter company last July. The Bicycle llocord licaten. Ci.Auusvii.i.i : , Mo. , Apill 'JO. George 15 Weber , of Sinlthville , N. J. , won the hUj mlloblcjclQioad race In H hours , 7 minutes and I'JJf seeonds. lowciins ; the woild's recoil by nearly half an hour , The swond tun third men , C. E. Kluw , of MiilthMile , am Peicy btojie , ot St. Louis , nlso beat the rec ord. GATHERED FROM TWO STATES All the Happenings of the Day in Nebraska and Iowa. A FATAL RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. 'Mayor nutl Council at lloatrlco nt 8\\ords' rolnts OIK Appointments Marshalltovvu Ijcada TOP the Soldiers' Homo. impaled on a "U a on Pole. UEATUICF , Ni'b. , Anril 20. [ Special Tc'e- fiam. ] 11. Titus , n jotingnian who has boon Iv Ing bete , was killed jostetday near llan- on , n. station noitli ot hcio on the Union Pa- lllcro.ut. Ho vvnsdilvlng In n wagon \\lth ds wife nnd child , and Feeing n train np- iroacltl MB sot out , holdln g the t cam by the bi I- lo ! bits. The horses becitnc unmanageable , nnd starting tn run , tnrcod hint against n tele- jraph pole , mangled htm honlblyand killing ilm befoio ins wlto and child. Lust night ho vas brought hero tor ANOTiinu Artorvr. Ltxcot.x. Neb. , April 20. [ Special. ] Sal- nday iifteinoon n young man named Tiltts tarled to drive with Ills wife and child ftuni Jcntrlcn to Utymond , where ho had icnteil n nrni to work this summer. When neat IJoc.i test tuck a bad wnsliont In the toad which ils team ofnronchos tefuseil to cioss. 'lltus cot out and , Inking the nnliimls by the head , ndnced them to jump over. As they did so ho end ot the polo caught under his vest. i'hojat of the wagon In Jumping tlio ditch iroko the polo off behind the whlppletieos , tntl the hoi scs , fiecd from the vehicle , tan way with Titus fastened by his vest on the end of the polo In ftont. They ran about $0 jauls and bi ought up against a telegraph > ole whetoTitits wns Impaled , his back bo ng jammed ngnlnst the post and thevvaeon onguo foiccd Ihiough hla body , lie lived but a few ininutcs , being literally smashed o death. The tonialiis weio taken to Itoca whcio Uoionci Uoberts held an inquest jcb- teulay. thc.abine tacts being elicited. f * City onicinls. BIATIIICI : , Neb , Apnl 'JO. [ Special Tolc- jiani.J Out new m.ij or and council ntohnv- iigaelicus o\et appointments. Out ot ten lominatlons made by the major only thrro iavo been confirmed by the council. Phil ips , the kicUei ot the cnnncll , has been try- ng haul to lm\o 0. O. Hates letalned as city ittoiney , while the mayor , voicing the sontl- iient of tlie best people of the city , has noml- lated Pemberton , Hush and A. 11. Babcock. Elites lias held tlio position lor two 01 thioo jcais , and In tlio light of past events tlio naj or seems to see the need of a change. 1'heie is no appointment yet. W. A. U'ngnei , antilicenselio was nom- nated nnd elected city cleik by both tlio emperanco and anti-temperance people , 1ms lbO been appointed water commissioner. Wanner Is an efllelent man and will make a good officer. Improvements nt Beatrice. . . * BnATiitCK , Neb.- , April 20. f Special. ] TliQ Fltst National bank moved Into their now julldinglast week , and have a very line place for doing business. The Flist National , Smith Bros' . Loan &Tiustconip.iny , and the Beatrice Savings btnk , ail contiolled by Smitli Bios. , have homrato and distinct do- [ laitmpnts on tlio first lloor. Their combined MislnessieQuiresa loicoot foniteen persons. Their building just completed is handsome and , and an oinamcnt to the city. It is builtof btiek and stone , Is thioo sloiies ind a basement , and Is all occupied. This and the People's bank , which Is a loin- stoiy hi Ick and stone , together cost about 5100,000 , and aie linet buildings than arc usu ally found In a place of 7,000 inhabitants. The .Masonic liatcinity ate just'cominenc- ingthe erection of a thiee-stoiy btick to cost JJCO.OOO , and adjoining tliem some ptivato paities will erect good buildings this season. Tlio agent ol the Holly Mniinr.ictiiiing com pany Is hero making arrangements to com mence putting In the system ol water woikb. They expect to have tlio system in opei.ition i > y A'igust. Thejoung men of Bcitiico have oiganlml a Y. M. C. A. , with a charter memboibhlp ot bi\tj-livo. They have a. commodious ball , lilted up and leased lei a term of yeais , and the organisation statts out in a flemishing condition. Among Its members arc some of tlio best business men In town. Fiiday uvcninit of this wcekSt. John will addi ess oin people on the tempeiaiico ques tion. Itohhcd Ills Ranofiictor. PAl' , Neb. , April 20. [ Special. ] B. F. Ainger , an old gentleman lioni Black llavvk county , aiilvcd hero last night and put up at the S.upy house , lie was accompanied by II. N. Pugh , a young unit linm Omaha. 1'ngli was biought out Irniu Foil Dodge by Ainger , wlio paid all the boy'H expenses , under promise tliat as soon as they got to Nebiaska I'tigh would ieiiiibiir&o tlio old gen tleman. The ptlr .slept togcthet at the hotel last night , and when Ainirer awoke tills motnlng lie found 1'ugli missing , and on closer examination discovered that the boy whom ho 1 1. id so kindly assisted had stolen his pocKcthook , containing SIS ? . The old ninn will remain hero until ho leeches money fiom his Iowa lel.itlves. Jiil > iiiio | County Fatalities. ] ) ! : > MUINKS , la. , Apill 23. [ Spejlal Tele gram. J Tlie body of a well-dressed ninn was found hanging to a tieuncat 1'otosl , Dubiujno county , vcileidty. llehadhcen dead some time , as thofeatuies wcro not rccognl/able. Wm. McMithon , ot I'talilo ( Jicek , DiihiKjne county , was thto\vn Irom a buirgy ycster ln > and instantly Killed by breaking Ills neck. MarHlmlltown In tlio I cnd. DU.S Motxi : < s , Iowa , API II SO. [ Special Tel egram. ] The advance gnaid of the soldletb' homo lobby hasanlved in the city and parl of thu commission to locate the liome aie nlsopiesent. Tim towns which aie making the strongest fight are Mniahalltovwi , Bui- llngton , Colfnx , Dubiiqutt and Mason City. The commission organises In this city to morrow aftei noon , and af let healing state ments from sevcial localities w 111 begin bal loting for location. To-ulght Maish.illtown bceins to bo the tavorlto and In thu lead. Iowa Odd Fellow * Celebrato. Dr.s Motvns , la. , April 2J. [ Sppcial Telo cram. ] Odd IVllovvs day was veiy guncrall ) obseivpdthiougliontthe&tatc. In tills city tlit exercises wcio pittielpated In by all the Dos Moines lodges and delegates from Stewart , fjnthtle Centre , Coon Yalley , Sebabtopool Dexter , St. Charles , ( irlmes and ( iicene. A Jnt go celebration vvas held at Uilnnell , a which lodges weio picsent tiom Iowa City OsKnloosa , JJiookljn and Malcolm. A Btato Appointment. DCS MOI > TKS , lovva , A lull 20. Govenio Larabee to-day commissioned UeoitroS. Bal ley , of Clinton , as judeo advocate genuial with the tank ot bilgadiet gunutnl. A XchraBknn Killed in Colorado. Dt y\'KU , Apill 2) . The's St Elmo gpcclal siys that while tlio men were a woik In tije- Franklin tnnncl to-day , the tun neihouicwas deitrojcd by lito , cuUing oil ho air supply. Slvcrcon ( } rles cr mothered to death while attempting to reach ho nlr shaft. Ills live coaipaitlons wcro res- -tied on thonoo-foot level In an unconscious condition. Their recovery la doubtful. The leeeased was from Doichestt-r , Neb. , nnd caves n w Ifo and child. A Toy Pistol Victim. DBS MOI.NCS April 20.-Speclal ( Tclc- Ri-am.J Itcnna Gominsky , a Journojiuan allor , snapped a toy pistol i\ few days ago nd a pleco of the cap embedded Itself in his hntnb. Lock jaw followed and the man Is dead. CONQUUSS lOxtcnslvo Proparntlons ncinj ; Mmte for ItsMoetlng iu Denver. , AprilVO. ISpeclal.J A mectlns ; ot n committee of the State Foicstry assocla- Ion was held hrro ( o perfect airangoments ' 01 the teccptlon and cnteitnlnmoiit of the Vmctlean 1'oi-cstiy congress which has been in ited to hold Us annn d mcctlntr this year n Denver. This empress nlthongli jonng n yrats , lias many members , and all ate vvoiking eainestly in tlio aid of thu foiestry ntcrusts tlnou-jhout the country. Foinicd n IbSl with but a fo\v members , at the pies- out time 200 names are on the niombeishlp 1st. meetings havoalvvajsbcen n success , paitlciilatly the one held last jear n lloston. San Fianclsco and Denvei both lave cvtomtcd Invitations for a place of nectliifr , and although the fotmerclty vv.ti jiaitlrtilail.v anxious that the annuil mectliiR slinuld bo held tliete. the Toiestry as ocla- lon , It Is undei. > ttiOil , lias expressed a de cided piclerenco tor Denver. Tlie object of the congic's In assembling icto Is to excite nn inteiestin and to sttmii- ate and cncoui.igo tlie tote try Inteicsts In 7olnudo. The date of tlio meeting lias not ) een exactly decided , tout doubtless It will bo some time between July Hand August 1 , and about foity members ate expected. Pioles'-or Van Deist , Avcty ( iallnp and l'o e > S. Wil son weie appointed a committee to co oper i ate w lib tlio committee appointed prcv lously tlie chamber of commeice foi thcpuiposu of securing exclusion tales to the mountains mil other points of Interest In Colorado. This committee was also veiled with utithoi- ty to net in any mattei conducive to the best ueans of ciitett.dnlng vlsiling foiebtui.s. riiogovetnoi , inavoi and state onglneci , will , > e Invited to dollvet addresses of welcome. J'lio meeting will bo held In the Kxchange loom. airs. AUTjiuu-s CONDITION. The Hcport That He in Dying Denied A Cr.inlc Doctor. Nr.w YOIIK , Apiil 21 , Tlieio vvas consid erable surpiiso manifested bv the announcement - mont , app.uontly autlioiitive , tills motnlng , th.itcK-Piesldent Aithur is actually In so dnngeions a condition as to leave no loom foi doubt that his dajs nio nnmbcied , nnd within n veiy shoit time the coiintiy will bo called upon to follow tlio icmnius ot another of its chief magistrates to tlio grave. x Tnoovpiesident has been confined to his months. 11 is physician has loliibcd to make any btatcmeiit , nnd the' pub lic vvas left to juilzp bctvveen.'f6iifllctlufe-i { ! phits. Tlm sloiy to'-dajvItnsTthctofoio. made a deepci impiession than anything hitheito given. The cx-piosldent's nhyslMan Is Dr. C. A. Peteis. lie has been Mr. At ( bur's attendant lor twenty jcnia. His course In iciusiiii : to snv anj tiling as to his patient's health is commented upon vailonsly , lei though il is the general opinion that his pilnciplo is ilcht , it Is thought that In a case ol so much public interest ho ought not to be secretive and may be cinslng needless public anxiety by sodding. When asked if no had .seen nn aiticjelnn niotniug pnpei conceinlng bis action , be said : " 1 have jtibt finished leading It ; they know a good deal according to their btoiy , nnd at the same time they justify mj position in the matter. " "Is Is title 01 false ? " "That 1 decline fo slate. Where they ob tained tlie iiifoimation I cannot tell. Cet- tainly not liom me , and them is no one else that could give sucii iiifoimation. " "Will you not say whether he Is better or woisoV" "Thatwould bo giving tlio whole thing away. It is only a mmbid cuiloslty that seeks tills iiifoimation. " "But Mr. Aitliin is ilifTcient from other pitients , in a sense ; ho belongs to the public , and Ills thousands of friends who will be made veiy anxious by theto minors , especi ally when they me allowed to go undeiiied. ' " 1 deny that ho belongs to the public. Ho is his own piivate piopoity now , and what good would It do to make a denial1 ; It would probably not bo published. No , sli. 1 leel .sure that my couiso Is light and 1 shall stick to It. " ' Istlicio nny other phjslcian attending him beside jourselfV" "I don't ' see what good that will do jou , and I decline to state. " "In the event ot his giovvlng woiso will jou Issnonbulletin , so that the public may leant of his condition'/ " "I don't wish to pledge myself as to what I shall do. " "Then his condition must at piesent re main a mj'steijV" ' So tai as 1 am conceincd It must. " Tlio tepoiter next called at tlio house of Mr. Aithur and asked lei Mis. MoHhoy , as it was lealncd that tlie lady had letiiincd to tlie city. It was said that she could be seen , and it was also stated tliat tlio ex-piesident's bon was not at homo. A nelson ol the house hold , when nskcd hovvMr. Aitliin wastodaj' , bald that lie wns bettor. "Is lie able to leave his bed' " ' ' 'Oil , yes. ho walks liom lib loom to tlio llbiaij without difllctilty. " "is II tine flint his relatives nionlatmed about him , nnd tliat lie U not e.\peeled to live long'1' "Vim tofiT to the nrllcle published this nioinlng. No , It Is not tine. Mi. Aithur bus boon giovvIng battei for tlio last ten dajs , anil II this weather keeps on , the doctor bayh ha can lake a lido in a daj 01 two. ILt IIIIH not grown thin and ho eats well , nnd ( he htoiy that lie c in retain no solid food on his bloimich is not so. Ho lias not Hilnht'.s dis ease and the fninllj me not at nil alarmed1 Tlio Hoiitltiirn ANS , Apill SO. dispatch es trom up the ilvcr tlio levees at Jyna , Aiknn ns ( Jtrenvillo and Vlcktf- buig , Mississippi , nnd othci points , are had- ly fcoaked and novices opened , At Ftlai'b Point , Mlbs , , the levcu was broken tills mom- Ing , A gap llfty tcet wldo and live. Icct deep i.soiion , and tlio water is pom Ing tluongh wttn tremendous lei re. Owing to tlm MIUTO Btoi ms along the river lelo taiih eommunica lion Issonieuhat InteriiinU'd , and the details cannot lie obtained , A dispatch Irom Hel- eiuihavh the pioipc'cts aie DM eeili iiiily gloomj for Arkansas and Louisiana , and aio by no means blight lei Mississippi. Tlio piedlc tlon is made that the vvnler will contlnmt to i iso at least until tlieOlh : ins ! . A disnatel fiom V'icKhhiug st.itos the olllelals ot tin Queen and Cie cent totite slate to-night Ilia tiom present indieationti the Vlcksbmg am bhievoport division will bi ) tompelled jo bus pond opctatioiiH liclween Yieksbuig am Momou wltliin a fewdaya o.i account of hlgl water. Tlioy Have an Olijpct. Niw : YOKK , Apill ! W. Tlio statement is madn that the annoiineeniont of the si-ttle inent nt thu tranxLontlnental vvai is belli ) , withheld pending thu election ol olllcetb o the Padim Mail company next month. A Vtsbbul Forfeited. Ktv : WKSI , Ha , April 'JO. In the rase of the stcamei City ol Mexico Judge Locke dis mlseutlho pri/u libel , but deiicc.d the foi felturofit the vessel on the gioniuUof prob able Intention to violate the Invv. ' ' Known by llor O < nprinK. OSVVKCO , N , V , , April ! * > . Mi . Alval Wnlkci ; mother of Dr. . .MaryVnil > ei , diet inst night , aged JA. Jilittwasa LOU | II of jt. U. FOUGHT HARD FORl HIS LIFE , " ( [ ' A ; Fifteen Tennessee Moonshiners Attack * , Plucky Deputy United Styles 1 A TERRIBLE BATTLE Tlio Gallant Officer Kill * Pour of HI * ' Assailants , UOUIH tlio Balance i and Thou Kiops Dead. , A Untile to the Death. , Tenn. . Apill 2cA bloody tragedy wns enacted hoio at an cnrly hour this morning. About ten days ago Deputy United States Marshal Purdon mulnposso mnaon taid among the Illicit dlsllllerles ul * Chundv county nnd captuied and destroyed seveial stills. Between 12 and 1 o'clock this nioinlng fifteen moonshiners rode Into Miiiche tor , delei mined to have Purdon's life. Seven bioko Into Pur- don's house nnd the balance surrounded It. Pimton met them , levohers In hand , nnd n tctrlble battle ensued. Two moonshiners tell to the lloor mortally wounded , nnd the gang rctioated , but had succeeded In fatally wouutllnirPiiidon. Disabled ns ho was , ho sniped n double bniieled shotgun nnd flrcdJ ; Into the letteallng gnng , nnd two nioro fell mortally wounded. Puidon llion Jell dead j beside tlie body of one of lila victims. The ' gnng cm i led nw ay Unco ot their wounded companions. A latgo posse Is now In pur suit ot them. The Apaches IiiniiiR Hair. SAX FitAxnsco , Aptll 20. The Call's ( iiiajmns ( Mex. ) special tins morning says : ( Icionimo's band attacked ranches no" Imni Is completely destroying * ajl bulldlnj ntCoslta , n small vvny statlohmcar T on tlm Souora railroad , killing fiUeu. . . . . sons , all Mexicans. A company of Holdlora < weie sent ullei them. Two soldlors vvero ' 'I villed. I he Indians wore moving In the ill- lection ol iNatoil , Sloiio Madre mountains. Iciioilsm.pievnils tlnoughuut the district. Devilish Work of a'Dajro. ' J insr. : v C n v , Api 11 20. James Forfestor , wglncnr on tlio Anclioi line steamer , jivhllejy riding on a sheet cat jcbleidiy , offoretl hts feat \ -eat to a lady , but befoio the lady could'tnko V nn Italian named Cervasso Bcnteclji."ii Jiimsclf In It. Foncstei expostulated without "f.3 nvallniid finally took tlie ninn byth6'coJar ! / ' * and put him out , when tlio Italian drown i knife and plunged It Into Forrester's back- . ' Inflicting a fatal wound. The Italian " "was " k attested. - f" Mn\vvcll Was aGoodjMnii. Sr. Loms , Apill CD. Depositions In tl'o ease of Waller IL Lennox MnxwJl. Hugh JL Brooks , chaigedjvJlti the murder C. Arthur Piclier , arU'.od fiom Englnnd to- day. The di-posltlons aio made by these whoknw liio''ls in cnily life and up to the time ho sl'.ited on his tout In America. iclMTT iess tostllles that thu jirisonor bore . . .trod icnutntlon while ho resided In EIIK- innd nlid knovvof no bctious misconduct by the defendant. The case will bo _ palled May jt Arrested iu Canada. " NEW Tome , April 20. A Montreal special * * to the Post sajs : Dr. Smait , ajient In New i > " ' Yoik ot Geoigo Fowler As , Co. , produce merchants- Liverpool nnd Knnsas City , w itli his w ife nnd biother , wcrO arrested hero lodny. Smait Is cha.-ed with . .defrauding ilseiiiplojcis out of about 850,000. George Fovvlei , of Kansis City , arrived here tins nioinlng and seized all S mint's effects. ' An Unnatural Mother Dying. Asitwmv FAIIIC , N. J. , Apiil 20. Coroner Smith will not hold nn Inquest on the case of the child killed by Its. mother , Mrs. James M. Smith , near Poit Monmonth , on Fiidny. Tlieothei eliildien ate slowly im proving. Mis. bmith , wlio took poison , la still alive , but bet rccoveiy is considered Im possible. Pacific Mall Steamer Wrecked. < LA LinniiTAi ) , San Salvndoi ( vlniUalvesjf jf ton ) , April W. The Paciho mall steamer > Honduras has been wiecked on the bar of the ihcr.Lntnpa. Pnsseiigcis and ctevv wore An Accidental Killing. " Dnjvji : ! , Col. , Apill 20. .Mrs. M. V. Sides , ajoiing mnrilcd woman living iiunr Bijou Basin , whilediesslnga baby this afternoon , nsked a visiting friend , Edward McKay , for his pocket knlte. McKay unbuckled bis cart- ildjre boll to get at the Docket , when n revolver ver chopped on the llooi , exploded , the ball , crashing through tlio chair , the woman's * light aim nnd into the lira it , killing her In-- stantlj. McKay Is almost crated with grief , An ICdllor'R Iloily Cremated. , , " LANCASTER Pa. , Apill 20. The body""ot" " F. B. Plimpton , associate editor of the Cin cinnati Commcielal-Ua/ette , was cremated hero this altcrnoon. 'I he. body was ncconi- innled by n nnnibei ol Intimate fiionds ol ' the deceabtd. Orjran Factory Destroyed. Nnv Yoitif. Auill 2fl. A hie gutted the. oisnn l.ieloiy of Kilborn A ; * Hoosevolt to- liiclit. Loss S"iO,000 , to 5p75,00) ; lully insuicd. An ArlcaiiHnw Ulovv. Fr.SMInrAPIII2 < ! . A dostriictlvo wind' sloim swept ovei this place Just night , ac companied by inln nnd hail. The storm be gan at 7 o'clock , continuing over nn hour , ' ! Stoics \\eio un 100fed and stables and shops i of blown down In several p.uls of the city , damage IH estimated nt S'iO.OOO. . A Furniture House Iturned. Wii.i.tAMSi'oni , Pa. , A in 1120. The finishing nnd storage building of the Willlamspoit Ininltnre manufacturing coin- burned this oreninjr. Loss , § 55,009 ; f * hUUIlLO , 810,000. Hohool lloiifie lUiriiocl. MANifeini : , Midi..Apiil 20. Tlio Uni _ sehonl building nnd contents was burned this T * nioining. Loss Sr > , ( Wu ; Insurance $ Uf" ' The lire Is thought to bo incendiary , YcsliM-dny'n H.IKO ilall Game * , The games played by the leading Iwso ball \ clubs of thu counti y j eslerday lesnlted asfoV ' lows : ' \ At Washington-Nationals J3. Yale Col. } lego 0. At Phllndelpliia-Atliletlcin , Baltlmorenl At Lcmlbvlllo-Lciulsvilles , PittsbiirKSl Af .leiMJVCity Hostoiib' ' , .Icisoy Cltys At I'hUadelphla-I'hlladelphlas 18 , Inlands o. At New Voik MetiojiolltnnaS , Brooklyn * 'AtSt. Louls-IhovviiRll , CIncInnatlsia. J 'Jho AVnbiisli Sale. L Br. Louis , AptII ai-Unllul Ktates Commissioner - ' ] missioner Allen to day sold , under foieclose' ol moitgage t public auction , the Wabatk , ' St. Louis it Pacific i.iilioad , The total pat lei the piopoity was SCW.OOL Tlie roinini tLonpiiiilnted by thestoel ; and bond lioldu to look altei Uieli inteierits wore tlm on ] hidden , and tlio wholesjblbm , excepting . bt. .Joseph tV ; hi. J.uuls branch , vyuu pi chased t > J thorn.V. \ . K , N'tipllt , " iJintli.isud tlie lattei load. Wanted to o\olnngo fo)1 ) stopk of Hard vvhro and general iiii-telii.ndiso , OUO tct of line Tlinyer county ( Neb jluiid ; live 11 in ( iOnoi ; ( Neb ) ; < rood stoio unlldl ( bestcornuriyojd ) ( dwelling ( bcht Jot lion ) in Kssex ( lown ) ; nUo eighty tier onu'half mile ( rqin town of KSS.OX . ( Iowa seeded in bue | rass l6r fuithpr tipul.uii , address John LiL'it'rht ' : > hi . tul City , ubniska , "r