Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1886, Image 1

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Lord Spencer's ' Conversion to Irish Homi
Rule a Power for Good ,
DlrmlnRlinm Solidly Acnlnst tin
MCOHIIIO null Iinnil Purclinno
Dutcriiilncil KfTortH Itciuu
Alnilc by Itoth Slilcs.
For Iilsli rreciloni.
x , April S > . [ Speelil Cablegram. ]
The homo rule controversy holds the Hold
The great meetings ut Nowcistlc and lllrni
Inglmm on Wulnesday pto\ed oven mon
Important than had been expected. Lori
.Spencer's snecch nt Newcastle was by lar tin
most helplut to the government of all tin
public ( leclaialions which Includes Olad
stone's own. The autlim It j ol Loid Spencer'
nnme , deseivedlj veiy high , hns been dail ;
Invoked on the behalf of home inle , but fov
Mipposod that tlio conveislon of tlio hit
vlctoiy In Iiolnnd wns so complete. Hi
blesses vs bom ho once cm sod. He oulogl/e
those * ngnlnsl whom hevvlelded all Hie tetror
nl tlio law. Not content with snpportlni
homo ink * , ho pij sn tiibuto to liomoiuler
wholoulod him with calumnies He acult ( |
tlie Iilsli reprcseiitatlve-i ot complleltv Ii
crime , believes that Iho now Irish paillamcn
will bo faithful to its mission , and lepols al
Fiiggestlons tliattho Iiish nation wishes fo
that complete sepaiatlon whlcli Painotl n
Clnclnnali piocliimcd ns its ical object
Lonl Spencui , vvhllo still asseitlng the pintl
blllty of enfotclnglnw and pioseivlug oidc
In Iieland. believes that English :
will not poi severe in coetclon , and , thi'iofoir
] ) roiiouuces thuold methods ex-haiisted ant
nsseits that nothing Is lelt but the policy o
tntst In the Iilsli people and lilsh Ic.utcis
Ho would not , however , trust them to dea
faiily wilh Irish landlords , and thinks I
would be mean nnd trcnehcious if tlie Impc
linl p.iillnmcnt neglected to defend the land
lords' Interests.
The expulsion of thcso sentiments by mci
occnpj Ing positions so exceptional as Lore
Sncncet , pioduees nn Impiesblon which I
probablj stiongei with thecountiy Ingenoia
than wllh the pi ess. The Times objectIlia
his judgment In council wnsncvei so mucl
esteemed as his conduct In .ulmlnisti'atmi
and Insists that every nigiimenl which Ii
uses is not less valid lor homo iiile * . Moiloy'
speccli nt the same Hireling wns much oecn
pled with n defense of ills own speech In tin
oouse , which I tailed the speech of tie-spall
The Itiimlnghiim meeting the suno nigh
set veil tot sninc'thlnr ulsc than an announce
nient of Cliambeilnln's ultimatum. Tin
sttongcst libcial association ii
the kingdom , expressing 4)10 ) dc
llbeinto conviction of the most Intelligent
energetic nnd of English con
hlllnencles , has pronounced against Glad
stone's homciule schemes. Thebody knowi
nstlio "two thousand , " whom Chambeil.ili
addressicil , are the ledei.ited eaiicuscs ol nl
seven eleetoial divisions ol lilinilnghain
'llii'y paldeveiy compllnient to Gladstone
but dcclaicd tliomselv es hostile to Ciladslono'
homo rule mc.isuic , unleb8 the Cbsenta
piinciplesand fcatm s should bo modified
nnd hostile to land puicbaso in any shape
Hinningham sjieaks wllli n single voice
Negotiations lor n coinptomiso have me
with a check which beems him ! . Chnmbei
Iain's List woid Is h.mlei th in his fnst Hi
Insists on the letentlon of the Iilsli at West
mliistei , no tnxatlon without icpiesentatlon
a sepaiato assembly lei Ulstei , and no lam
puiebaso at any ptlce , Gladstone's ns-ont t <
these conditions to bo signified bcfoio tli
beeond leading of the bill. So vanish al
hopes of n conciliation between ( iladston
and Chainbctlain. Tlio srhemo tints modi
lied would cense to bo Gladstone's scheme.
lho Duke of Aigjlo's speecli the sun
flight nt Gkibgow , like Loid Selboino's tine
i-ohimn litter In jesteul.ij's Times , inlli
onees clilelly those nhcadv opposed to honi
Tiilo. Xo small i > oi lion ot the libcinl pait
Is sllll on tlm Icnce.
The 'limes lev lows some mcmoiicsof Iiis
methods by nublislilng a lem.iiKnblo accomi
ol tliodynnmltopiity , pist nndpiesont , wit
hpeclnl leferenco to Daly , convicted In iss
of Intent to attempt Iho wholesale asb.issin ,
tion ol the leadeis of bolh paiiios b > tlnov\
ing a bomb fiom the gallci ) ot the common'
U de-bciibes Daly ns the chosen instalment u
Alexnndei Sullivan , of Clue-ago , and ih
bwoin lilend ol Patilck l an. Sullivan I
the nulhoi of the recent telegiams nnnoiiiii
Ing Ills ndtieslon lo Pnincll.
Gliulslono Api > iaiHln li Int.
LONDON. Apill 25. ( ilatlstono lias wiilte
the following letlei lo the Chtonicle.
"It Is not mv custom to answei connnni :
Hindi ) b ) hostile nuvvhuajxTS , bntlinvliiir sii
( do lObpict lei the Cliionlcie , 1 would c.i
iiltention to an allegation made b > it In
le.idei Unit I have hcictoiqio thought tlm
homo iiile in Ireland would bo a bimico c
Impeiinldaiigei. I will not challenge pror
ot thu asseillon , vvhleh was doubtless mnd
In goodfaitli , but It Is ontiielv an on or.
havoalwajsnsUed foi nn oxjdinatlon of th
meaning of homo into In nulci to make ele.i
the qucMInn w bethel in not it would bo
KHIICU of d.iiin'or.'u \ hivi ! now leaine
tlm demand of Iieland tiom ilu
sixths ot hei ehoson lepicsent.ithii' '
biieh hoiiiniulo was , In the language ol m
iiddioss ot boptomhor last , aboince not i
ilaiiget-bnt ol .stiengtli. The dangei , It nnj
lies in utilising It.
U Is btated that some onieois now st ,
tinned m hi'l mil hnvo nnpllod to tlm u ,
olllto foi a ti.nisfei to India lest tlic j lj
called upon to servo tlio people of Llstci.
Ylnliln lo the I'opo.
IllMti.i.v , Apiil 2.V-U Is stated positive )
that an agieenient has been clleeted betvvee
Pussla and the chinch. Thcio Is no donl
that tin * object of Piince Hlsmniek In ylcli
tin ; to tlm demands of the Vatican Is lo gal
lho Mtppott nt the ecntii nnity In Iho can ;
Ing out of ceitiln schemes In the iiiuncdlu
fiituiu The lihmnls taunt Hismaiek wll
havinugimo to Cdiiossa. They piedlet tli.
the bptiMd ot nltia-monomlsm In Piussin vv I
piuvedisabtioiib to clvili/ntlmi andtopio.
less. 'Hie nowbnnpci.s violent !
denimnca thej teim a Miiiendci to tl
Vatican , 'lliuielehstng has gianted : i .s.ilai
ill ACOO maiks ( Sl'J)00) ( ) ) to lien Von Geillsl
tlionc-vvly appointid consul general at C.i
eutta , and lotmeilj consul nt bt. Louts.
A I'eiibaut Hunro.
VIIJXSA , Apill'IS. A dnugeioiis slnto i
cxcltoment exists among the Iginuaiit pea
ntitiy ot Galicin , Aiistio-lltingniy , ovvln-4 to
rumor that the gov ei nment intends to rcstoi
foiwd labor hws nnd to a icport that tl > mo oiganlzlng n massacre i
Polish IH'.lsllllts III IOU'llU'0 foi lltroi'ltll
whhh the peasants eominittcil on tlio nobh
In 1 Wit. .Secret meetings nio bolng held I
the peasants u nmjoiity ot whom tuo arnu
The nobles nio taking icfinio In the cltle
Poicesot oavaliy and intantiy have bee
disposed throughout Gnllcln , buvenil nglu
OIK whorio biipposed to bo Husslans. ha * .
been nui'sted tliero. The govoinmont is tal
Ing me.isincs to calm aud > the mini
of thu peasants. Grain Trail o TC\OAV. !
Loxno.v , Apill 23. The Mark Lane Ii
piobs , in Its weekly loUew of the Hilth
Kixilii tiadi * . sa > & : Tlio vvpather is nilldc
Late seeding Is bolng ropldly pushed. Occ
Elonnl bliowera would bo welcome. It
feaied thu w lie worm wlllinovii tioubh om
All ve0'etatluu is excctdiugly bad.w n
HnslncM ) durliiR the week has been of n ho
Id.iy character. Trade In foielgn wheat is
little slow , but prices are firm ovv ing to smn !
impoits. Prices of corn favored seller ;
1 here were two nrrlvnls and two sales. Tvv
cargoes were withdrawn and nonerrmili
Trade forwaid is very lirm. On Monda
there will bo no market
TJio Orcolc Wnr Cloud.
ATIIHSS , April 2 > . At a incotlng of tli
municipal council today a icsolutlon w.i
adopted wishliiff God-speed to the troops nn
expressing the hope that they woul
do honor to their ling In the strui
glc for Greek unity nnd freedom. .
resolution was also adopted Invltln
cltbeimto bid tlie dcpnttltig soldiers heart
fnicwcll. 'lho government has received
friendly note fiom Piance In which It Is Ii
tlinateil that the ultlin.itum of the Pienc
govc'riinient mn > bo expected slioitlv. J
poKrejcinet has vviltlcn toPilmu Mlnlsti
DiO.innrs assuring him of the sympathy i
1 rauce , and begging him to use his Inlliiem
to jucservo pence.
Ordeisto forvvnid tioops lo the frontli
hnve been coiiiitcimamled. 'lho nspect t
nlfnlrs has become moio pieillc.
For nniAunlmt Homo Itnlo.
Dt'iir iv , Apiil 2'i. More than SOJO men
bcisof thccivll seivlco in Imlnnd liivoa ]
pointed a committee to watch tlio pie rcss i
the home inle bill and undeivoi lo secure n
Inipiovcmunt of the piovlslon In the hi
which lolates to tln-niselves. I'etltlm
agilnsl tlio homo rule measuio wcinlntn
duci'il at I'.ister im-etiinrs ot tlm I'n lls
rhiiiflies. Aiclibislmp Cioki * speiklng i
Thin ! ( * < , dciivcied n piueirvnc on ( ilidslom
dci'laiint ; tliat the premiei was Iieland
gtcatobt tiiend.
I'nrlslntm CIltuhliiK Hcnvonwaiil.
PAUIS , Apill 2X An lion tower 01 fci
high is to bo elected on tlio mourn
of the coming Pans Intel national o'
lilbltion. The towel will bo snppoited lj
font plllais which will be nlghei than tli
timers of tlio cathedral of Notre Dame. Tl
stiiietini ) will cost oni ) million dolkusaii
will bo sm mounted by n poweiliil eleetr
Ihrlitlslble , It is.believed , as lai as DIJoi
107 miles soiithc.ibt ol P.nis.
on American Strikes.
LOXIION , April 25. The bland ml , con
meiitlngon strikes In the United State
sa\s that they will strain the icbourccs i
Ameilcnn stalesmanship , ns tliov h.ivi * oul
once been tiled slmo llio wai of Indepem
enectokeep the conflict within the boinu
of legality and constitutional older. Ileunl
licnn institution's me still on theii trial. :
look" us it tlm social dlllleulty wouldbecon :
their bo\eiust test jet.
GI.ASOOW , Apiil 25 A collision bctvvcc
orange .mil nationalisl loughs oecuiiednfte
thu holding of a loyalist meeting hero Fi
day. Pom niiestsvvero made. At a lati
liom nn oiaugo mob attacked tlio Cntliol !
church , ciowded with wotslnppeis , nn
sin ished nil the windows. Tim police * wei
powciless topievent tlio mob's woik of il (
Tlie nr.-ulriil Kvploslou.
MADint ) , Apnl2r. . It Is asceitalned tin
the cindlo in whieli was concealed the sul
stance which canted the explosion in tli
church of Snn Luis Piiday had been pn
sen ted to the church by a stiangei. It wr
supposed that the object ol the donei was t and s.ieilstvoUtho s.xcicd go !
nnd bllvei vessels dining the conlu&ion.
Aiulcnlly ArraiiRcil.
LONDON , Apll : 25. Loid Hoscbeiy , fo
eign secietaii. liad along conloieiico jcste
day witli lepiesentitlves of all the Iliiiopca
poweis. The Gicek minister alone was pic ;
out. The chiet points In the dispute ns I
the position ot England aud China in Hu
mall lias been ami cably aimngcd.
Knibci to the I'or > i .
HOMH , Apiil 2' . Haion Von Scliloczc iciuesentntlvo at tlio vatiean , h :
presented the pope nn nutogiapli letter an
jnosent liuni I'-mperoi William in iccogn
tion of tlm pope's action in tlm C'aiollnas a
An Opposition
LONDON , Amll 25. The Hiiminglum I-o :
sijs it undeistands that Chnmbeilaln hi
given notice that ho will Introduce In tl
house of commons nn amendment In onpos
tton to the land bill.
Sj utllcnto to Import the llcatl
CUB in DrovH. .
Nrw Yor.u , API 11 2T . [ Special Telezinm
The Xew Voik Heiahl has an inteivio' '
with nn A met ic in , foi some time n mllitat
oliicei undoi the M exicnn KOveinment , o
tlio lejioil that an Knglish , Gcimui nn
Clilneso syndicate was about to Inttodm
000,000 Chinese into M exico. Ho sajs M
Cluing has boon In Mexico a jeir ns ngei
lor six companies of San Pranclsco foi t !
pmposo of seeming iavot.iblo condition
liom tlio Bovoinment by wlilch Inr e nun
hei s of his conntiymen could entei Moxle
ns setllcis. lie also sajs the Mexicans aie I
mueh nccdof lahoicisto till the soil , an
piefcr to linpott Chinamen to having Amor
can inllnmico extended. Ho adds : "Th
( migration scheme will ancst n poitlnn
the tindo that would othcivvlso belong lo tl ,
United States. ClilncbO agents will biin
along with them m.inj articles ol commeic
1 see shovels nio now b.'iug m.mtilactuioil i
Chinese pmts fiom piping and steam boiloi
nijd nio sold nt 40 cents oach. The ChliiO'
In Mexico will have tlioli unbleached i |
mestics supplied byJetmnns. I look upc
tills sciiemo as In oppusltlon to Amcilcn
commeiei.d Inteiosts , nnd 1 hnvo no doubt
w 111 bo .so i collided In Mexico , both by dlpl
mntle nud lepicsentitives
Kinopcan poweis , who aio euu icndv
woilvharmto tlio inteicsts of the Uniti
States " _
A MUM lilt ) MntliiT'H Dccil.
Nr.wi'or.T , N. J , , Apill 21. Vc-steuli
moining Mis. Smith , mothei ot six cliildui
lesidlugfieven miles aoulh of this place , to <
ntlotool poison , nttei which she took t
u\o and Mist killed hei 4-.veiu-ohl dangliU
spllttlnx open hci head. Shu then attncki
Hnfus , aged 13 , dealing him sovcial blows c
the head. Next she bulled the nxo into tl
head ol her 11-jeai-oid daughter. The 1
jeai old dniuliti'i then locked the baby in
KHUII , and seie.nning to her lather oi
side. Alter a teiilble stiugglo the worn.
wns socuit'd , Ono child is dead and tl
otlieisnielikelj todli > l-ofoiemoiiilj ) ( , ' . Mi
Smith lieiselt is in iierj luecailous conel
Hurlril MI nu Aviilaiicho.
DKNVKII , Col.Apill25. ] ThoHepubllcar
SHveiton special .sn > s : Mr. Nleliolb , Jam
Stoops , Theodore Tilton , n teunistei iiaini
Miles , amLilall C.nilcr Hobertb , witlitvvcnl
nine mules left heio Tlunsday moining
open tliotniil to Hed Mountain , widen tl
snow btoi m ot the past week hits blockade
When about fem miles trout the city the c
tluipaitv was Miuck bviisnow slide , whl
cm ried them to tlm bottom of the niounta
and buried thorn under the nvalancl
Nichols , Stoops. Tilton ami Miles succeedi
in gutting out alive , but Huberts nud nil
teen mules were Instantly killed.
IiiiUc.uIons oT a Storm.
WASHINI.ION , April . -Observer , Oir
ha , Neb. : Conditions appeal favoiablu f
local storms of considerable ) seveilty , accoi
panitHl by high Winds , nud lollovved by acn
The Hunk Statement.
Nr.w Yninc , Apill 2.1. The weekly bai
statement Issued Saturday shows reserve i
sl.aiW.OOO. 'I hn banks now hold Jfel
exceisot lecal icqulicmeuts.
She Tolls a Straight Story Concerning th
Ncligli Infanticide
Tlio Victim of the Assault Xcnr Uur
nctt Dies or His Injuries
Anutlinr Sitspr > ctcd Cnso
ol1 Int > y Kllllnir.
Tlio Onkilnlo InCnntlctao.
Nr.r.Kiii , Apill i ) . fSpcclnl. ] The p
llmlnaiy examination of F. L. 1'ulney K
sidled In Ids being bound o\er. llond wa
lixed nt Sl,000 , which was prompllj u'hcn.
Mi. I'ntney , who Is cdltornnd proptletoi o
IheO.ikd.iIc Journal , Is charged uith Infant
eido In Iho killing of tl.o illegltim lie child n
Mary A inlet son , his accuser. Who Is a Swede
aired Hi UMIS. At the mollmlnaiy oxamlnr
tmn , whieli excited gieat inteiest owing t
thopioinlneiicoof the accused , Mary Andei
son was the witness , and testiiie <
siibbt.intlally as follows : Sim became at
( iminted with tlio defendant at the house ci
W.V. . rntnej , his fathiM , HUng in Oakdalc
\\lieieshe\\aseinplo\cd. The child , whos
lathei she sa > s\\as Foi KM I'utnej , was bori
about t\\omontlis ago , nt I o'clock In th
morning nt the bolide of John Ira > ton. DC
fond nit was nresent. * * lie took tlicchll
w hen it was bom and took It away , si > lm
lie would le.uo it on someone's doorstei
Ilotliieateiu'd tokillhci it shu told who w.i
the lathei. and piomihcd It bhe did not In
plicate him that he would mairv her. Sh
testllied dial she was nfiaid , and at lirt
chaiged ono hwaiison with the ciime. * *
"Alter the child was born , " continued th
witness. "I wont to my brother's neai Clear
water. Putney came twice to eo me ti
Ml. Butter's and twice at Mr. Diaj ton's , on
ot these times helm ; when tlio child w.-i
born. It was moonlight at the time. 1 neve
inw riitney hince. 1 did not Injuie tli
child and uc\or had it in my hinds. HP pi
it in some lags , a pillowcase , I g.uo him , pi
It under his coat and went of
Ho said lie came late to sc
mo because he did not want nu\one t
see him. 1 lieaul tlio child make a sllgl
noise. I in t bend the baby was dead whll
woiking at Fuuik llowell's. to whicli place
went alter Iea\ing Mi. lra > ton's. Ucfot
that 1 had watched the pnpeis to sec if ani
one liad found a child on the dooistop. "
A rU'id cioss-e\aminatlon tailed to wcake
the toatlmony of tlio witness. ' 1 he gill mail
t lined hci composiuo bte.ullly thioughou
until at the close , when questioned conceri
ing the ciicumstancesof her fall , when li
broke completely down and cilcd piteoiisli
At one time it appealed as thoiuh she woul
faint , and it was found nceessaiy to take hi
to the door foi air and linall
to take her out ot tlio roon
It was an affecting scnee , and ono tlm
will long be icinembered by tlioso piesen
Though she had held up wonderlully wei
until then , she was evidently at that tlm
buffoilng Intense meutii agony , and her sul
dued moans and sobs weie tiuly pitiful. Tli
sobs were broken cvciy tow minutes by ejai
illations such as " ( Sod knows I didn't do ill
and "He lias killed my child and why does h
pntsuonio ! "
Thobojs who found the body In the live
tcstilied as the fact.
Tiank How ell and wlfo both testified to tli
defendant c.illlnc at theii house and ha\in
a coinersatlon witli Mary Andeison , an
that thereafter the gill cried considcrabli
They also testified as to the gill proUdin
clothing for tlio expected by taking some bi
longing to their ow n childii-n.
J. F. Unllcr testified that the dcfondai
pilled at his house and liujiilicil ioi M ai
Dus. Wait and Leas testllied tint the chil
found In the ilvci had been ali\e , and als
do > cribed the Injuilcs on its head an d throa
The detenso did not Introduce much test
niony , and that only to prove nn alibi.
Miss Cooper testified Hint along about tli
tirstweck in IVbrnary the defc-ndant w.i
keeping company with hei and that tiioy sr
up and Hiked e\eo night until about
o'clock in the moining.
'Ihodelendant's loom mate , James Smltl
RWOIO to thedofemhiit's sleeping with hh
nn the night the affah is said to ha\ooi
cuired. On cioss-cxaminatlon ho state
that ho wont to bed ami went to sleep bcfoi
defendant came In. Did not know wlion Ii
came In but defendant was In bed when wl
ness nwoko in the motnin ? .
Jicil ol'Ilis Injuiieq.
Uunvr-iT , Xeb. , Apiil 27. [ Special.- ]
Ocoige Downey , the man who was nssallc
by John A. IJisklns with an nv tineoEmile
noith of thibillagoon the 10th lust. , die
last nUht. Dis. Jackson and iddy : , of tli :
village , ga\o > oiy little oncouiagnient troi
the beginning , owing to the natiiro ol th
wound. Public hO'itlment ' Is setting qnll
stiougly against K kliii , jet noIolcnt di
monstiatlons aio looked for. Downey1
death can bo attributed directly to whiski
as the facts concerning the fatal blow shov
On tlio night of the tiagcdy , nbout O:1 :
o'clock , two joun ? men , Uakcr nn
( ieorgo Downey , lode up to the school hous
wheio nnumbci of men wcio linul at wor
finishing u Job of moving. The jonngme
had n bottle ot alcohol , which they Mind pu
chased nt Unmet ) , and Geoip
Downey hud a lovolvor. They got o
their hoises , and scUlng some of thos
ntvoik , shook them nnd tried to throw thoi
down. They then jumped on ono of tli
levois which weio placed under the liousi
It tell , nnd the } ft-II ovei on it. Some of tl
mount work rcmonstmted witli them , nn
told them to stop botheilng. This biou l
on n low In which Downey , who Is nei
povveiful jouns man , knocked down tw
men , blaoKlng their ojcs , and othciwh
sovcicly punishing them. Downey then a |
pioacheil Krsklns , who had taken no part I
thefrnMis , nnd was quietly at work , an
asked him to drink. KrbUns replied that I
didn't drink , whereupon Downej shoved tli
bottle in his face. Downey then oftcied I
bet Ki skins 5500 ho could whip him , andcoi
tinned In that vein of talk until sudden
Kisklns stopped back and picked up an ax
nnd told Downey that ho would hit hln
Dow ney said , "Let her conic , " nud the bjo
descended. ,
A Supposed Infiintlcltlc.
XFMOH , : eb. , Apill 25.-Speclnl.J [ Tl
dead body of a newly bom intant was fem
1'rlday by Mis. C. L. Hauls In the room o
cuplfdbya genaiit girl emplojed by h
named Hulda SamuoUon. The eiil a
knowlcdgcd being Its mother and says It VM
born dead. She gives rather equivocal n :
swcrsnsto why she did not Infoim tli
family of the occurienco. Tlio child was ov
dcntly tully matuicd. There are no marl
\lolenco on the person. The gill wi
mound the house at the tlmo of the discovci
and none of the family wcronvvaru that s )
had been sick. She is a Norwegian andllvi
at Tiaucea , Xeb.
A Haclitflor'N Suicide.
Il.vr.VAUi ) , Neb. , April 2.5. fSpecial.j V
H. Kolgate , a bachelor ngeil 43 j ears , eoi
mlttid bulcldo hero \catcrday by luiuglu
Ills lifeless body was found sinpendcd fior
a tree , and was cut down nnil will bo shlppc
to Ills brother nt Freeportt 111. The cau o i
suicide It supposed to bo Ill-health nud ( U
spondcncy. _
Bnrmun's Herd Starts Out to AniiUill
nto nn Audience.
Nnw YOUK , April 23 [ Special Telegram.
Uarnum's season In New York c.imo ver
noarwlndlnir up with aternblo tragedy la'
night. tt'hllo n hcnl of enty-lH o eleplianl
were performing In tlio rlusr , 0110 of then
Columbia , refined to obey her keeper , w he
tlio keeper pricked hcrshaiply. Stic thrci
her trunk up o\er her back and uttered
deep cry of law and pain. It rang throng
the clictis and pierced Urn ears of llebo , tli
big feuialo elephant. llebo Is Columbia' '
mother , nud when she bend hci babvcij
she gave n squeal tint undo tlio circus poop !
jtinu ) , amd made a clmgofoi the ring. tlel
did not stop to go nut to the ring In tlio mu :
way , but went rl-jhtneioss lots , pushing dow
tones nud stakes in a bco line. All tli
othoi elephntits , tnrovvnn * up tholr titink
nud tnIK ran squcillng hither and thlthc :
Cnlt.ilmn , the keeper , was dashed to tli
ground , and women bcruunod and talute
on "ecinc him citishcd under the feet ot tli
fin lolls beasts. Common elephant kccpei
cimo summing In from tlio "stables wit
sh up goads In hind and sttugcled despeiati
1 > to got the elephants bick I t > their qua
tois. Ihttthoy would not go. Pinallj Ilebi
after slashliic ; atouud with her tiuuk foi
while , daslicil atouud to the eltIilch Icai
to that section of Iho circus containing tli
giants , fnt woman and dwarfs. The entli
held lolloped after hci. Tliero no1
cr was n moro scaled crowd tha
that In the clious. When the eli
ph.ints disappenied from the ling tliccro\\
thought It was all light , but In two sccont
them was a lo.ulng light uiuli'i the seats nn
people- became mme frightened than cu
and began to bie.ik for the dooi , and nil tli
lungs and entreaties of the attendance wei
helpless to prevent a panic. People on tl
lo\\er seats made nlucak foi the exit , but
new dlllleulty picsented Itselt. The eloplmin
weio rushing aioitnd among the animal
Thu circus huises and all the actors came llj
Ing In to escape them , and the nolso set n
by tlio cage nnlnmls , which wanted to join I
Iho fun , was stunning. The people nislic
back to the high seats and giei
offoits wcio made by the show people to call
Ihoii feais. The elephant tameis were woil
lug like beavers , nud aftei the inteiiupttoi
which seemed like n week but which rc.dl
did not last moio than littecn minutes tl
band , which had nairowly missed belli
walked ovei , stalled up aild the show wei
on again and finished , Hoyouel bruises su
tallied by some of tlio attaches and neivot
piostiation of numerous women , no gre
hat m was done. Hut , as ono man aid ,
was the most foitnnato tiling e\ei knovvi
that a do/en people weio not killed in tl
ten iblo stampede.
A. Now Statement of Some Vor
Ancient Nous.
CHICAGO , Atnil 23. [ Special Telegram. ] -
Tin ) Times tills morning snys : Tlio c.icklin
by telegraph o\er the discoveiy in Now Yoi
that tlie Hock Island cbinpiny was goin
into tiie extension business IF a lingo nois
over \erynncietit piece of news. The ma
tcr lias been an open seciet in this latitut
toi tlio past fem mouths. Authoi Ueil agcnl
of tlio Hock Island liavo been in tlio liel
west of the Missouri rivei going o\or tl
gi omul of the contompl.itcd double llni
seeming tlio riglit ot way. working upcount
and township aid , ami generally picp.uln
the held for the project. Ono of tlio coi
tcmplatcd extensions will tap the tciilloi
tiibntaryto the St. Joseph & CJraml Islam
the 13. & M. , and thocontral biauch of tl :
Union I'acilic , ono of tiie i idlest corn jieh
ing regions of tlio wcit. The oilier wll
bo pointed tow aid tlio Indian Ton
toiy where tlio Hock Island ptopose
to arrho as soon as any t
Its competitors. Tlio extensions blocked o
the map of the Hock Island company west i
tlio Missomi airgiegato a length of 700 mile
Tlio company will piobably build within tli
next two yeais a total nt100 miles , unless a
occasion should m ise tourgo it to the tempi
tion ot all. Tills invasion ot Kansas terr
tory Is no sudden conclusion on thup.ut (
the Hock Island unpoiatlon. It was lull
determined on a jeai ago , and the lust ntov
ton aid calling it out was the building <
the extension of tlm main line fiom Can
eion to St. Jobcph. Tlio only new teatuio 1
tlio m.xttci is the negotiation of gomo 51(1 (
OOO.OtO in bonds by I'lesldent H. H. Cab !
during his visit to Now Yoik. That Is tl
closing of prcliinlnaiy oiieiatlons. Actu.
woik will begin by Juno 1st.
CincAiio , Api 1125. Attei fllti'cn jeais c
servica with tlmVc > itciii Union Tclegiaii
company at Its main olllce in this city , tl
past lom jeus as mnnau'ciof the opeiatln
depulment , .Mi. A. J. Meioness will to-ino
rowietlio from thoboivico ot the compniij
Mi. Merencss has been a most elllclei
and faithtnl I'inplojo ot the ion
nany , and will be gieatly misse
Iij his associates , "Jouy , " as ho Is famlliail
Known , will engage. in n business enteimi'
of his o\\n. A. J. Lloyd , tor some tlmo pi1
manager toi the Wosloin Union on tl
boaid ol trade , will succeed Mr. Moienos
Mi. Llovd Is well and fnvor.iblj known I
the public ns a genial , drai-heided , quit !
willed business man. Among piofesslon
telo.niiphcis heio and tliioiigliont tliueom
In iDiigcnjovcdn pnpuliiiltv tor h
nbilltj , comtesy and even-handed tnliness.
Stiilcliif ; Indictments ,
ST. Louis , April 25 , Hctvv ecu twenty nn
thlity Indictments werorutinnedto timciii
Inal comt je.steiday by the giand jm
Among the poisons Indicted aio : Mai tin hoi
A.C. Conglilln , Ct-ouo M. Jackson and I ) , }
Nicholas toi tampering with tfle-'raph wile
McCnny , Hauled and Clmso ar
three other strikers for obitnic
Ing the Missouri I'acilic inlhoai
hvo or six mon for using djnamlto on tl
sticet rallwnv tiaclcs dining thostilkola
Oetobei , and all the doppty bhciills who Int
on the mob in Hast at. Louis. The spet-il
otfonsofoi which thuttopntica mo Imllcted
nianslauilitcrln tliothiid degree , toi klllii
U. II , Thompson on tlio bridge while tin
were uossing the ilvei to como to this cl
after shooting In Kast St. Louis.
The Ijulco Slioro ficttlnmont.
CHICAGO , Amll 21 , The cases of tlio Lai
Shore switchmen , which has been heldov
until to-da } , came bufo.o Justice Meecli tli
moinlng. The solicitor of the company n
morning. The solicitor of the company a
nouiiced that , ns tlio men had ictiirncd
w oik. ho did not wish to piosecuto thei
'Iho dilU'iuiees having been amicably suttli
I o would make no charge against the me
Accordingly tlm cases were dismissed 1
want of pioscctitlon.
Coulil Sajs a KOVV Worils.
NKVV Yonif. April 25. ( Jould was ask
what lie thought of the tin cats made ngali
the Wnbash railroad system in the o\eilt
his obtaining conttol of It at the ala to nu
row. Jloicplled : "Tho WabashemplojOba
hardly any of them Knights of Labi
A reorganisation was made after the Augi
strikes in ugaid to tliel.ibor employed 'I
abash w ill bo sold to-morrow nndoi a foi
clo&uic , and It will bo bought in bv tlio Don
holdeis. A nujoilty of them aio in Scatlai
aim England ami Iho list aio widely DC
tuied tlnoub'hont this countiy. "
Kindly Gossip anil Friendly Tales Oon
coming President Cleveland's ' Intended ,
Her Grcnt-Ornml-Aunt Who , TlioiiRl
A r\c.v I iilnu )
i' , itlnrrlcs
Stoi'lliiR N
At I.onst a 1'tptty Story.
W.vsni.voTo.v , Apill 23. ISiiecl-il. ] Jus
atpieseut the most Inteicstlng gossip In thl
city Is that connected in &ome way with th
i tmimcd bride-elect of the \Vhlto liousi
Pnia raplis about Miss 1'olsom mo floatln
aboutas thick nstho biuldlii ! ? leaves on th
ttecsherc , but 1 was told to-day a most u
mantle stoiy about the grent-giand- r
this Miss PoKom , wlio was tlm
Steillng , of P.nglnnd. She , too , was a Ml'
Polsom bofoio she became "My Lilly" Ste
Hug. blio lived in tlio quaint Now Knqlnii
town of bt.i'tonl , In Connecticut , and w.i
the daiighUu of the village blacksmith. .SI
was the beauty of the hamlet , nnd sopiett
was she that her face was lamous in tli
state. She was just budding Into womni
hood wlienilt happened lint Loid Steilln
passed through tlm little \ilhigeon his wn
to Hoston. 'llieatiivnl of such a noblenia
in tlie colonial tow n w as an event of much In
poi tanco and of com > > o ev et j one had a gllmps
ot his loulshlp. Jly nnuatoi sis hlstoi
docs not mention oxactlj liow mv loid tli' '
caught a glimpse of Miss KoNoin. Hut tli
tiaditlon Is extant that lie tell In love at lir
siglit. llei sweel , pure and Innocent fac
won him at once. Instead of going dliect I
IJostnn hostajcd in Stalloid foi some daj
nnd met the village beauty. Veij piob.ibl
lie took his lioioes to hei fathei's black snilt
shop to be shod and then got solid with tli
old man. lie went to Huston , bat letuine
and in.ulo quick w oik ot Ids con it ship. 11
popped thoqiiestlon in a mattei-of-tact mai
ncr , was accepted , and man led the innlde
nnd then loft , s.ijiug lie would come bic
and cany her oir to his English homi
Months passed and no woul came iiomhl
loidshi ] ! . It was long bcfoie the daj
of fnst ocean ste.imeis , penny po i
nnd tclcgiaplis , but still he li.i
time to communicate witli his bildc , but 1 :
did not. The gossips in the \ illao Innghe
nnd shook tlieli heads at the beautj , and sal
she liad been tooled , but still she believed i
hei noble lord. Time Hew by. A bon w.
bom to hei. Gossip then glow loud nn
hiish. K\on the blacksmith and his wile b >
gan to leek seriously nt tlio alTali ; but at ti
end ol tlie lust i ear , n retinue ot noblcmc
tuiivcd in tlie town andaskcd foi Lady Ste
ling. They inhumed her that her huslnn
had sent a ship over fiom Ungl-ind to bei
hei to hci manor , and It was wailing in tl :
New Yoikharboi to set sail lor moiiy Ihij
land witli tlio bildc. Still then * , wei
evil tongues that wagged and waincd tl
bilde to btay nnd not bo lured away to , i to
oign slioro to become tlio inistiebs <
nn English loid. Hut the lady believ ed i
her loid , nnd went with his incbsongeis. Tl
ship she loniul nwaltlns her was indeed
rojalone. It was httcd up \ \ Ith every con
foit known in tlioso tlajs lor n pleasui
ocean \oj age. 1'ho mother and son fauei
manv happy dijs in theii lloatlng pilaci
Ontlicli aiiival in England tliev lonnd Lei
Steillnij awaiting hei. She was lecehc
with great distinction , lie acknowledge
hei as Ills wlfo and his famll
welcomed hci as such nud theii ma
ried life is known to liavo bo.'ii most h.ipp ;
Now thogieat-gioud nie-cu is nbout to sa
fiom Ungland , not on a special ship , but o
a inwnilicPiit ocean stea-nei. The ioi
picked out lei hci will piobably not bo wal
ing lieraiiival attlio New 1'oik quaiantini
but ho will DO heio and soon aftei lit
arrival , it gos-lp Is tine , she will eonio hithc
and become tlie hrat lady In the Unite
SIAU Horn : TIME ciiAxnr. ' ' .
The tlmo selteiluh's ol Stai mall loules i
Iowa have b en changed ns lollows : Uct
ford to Lconnid Le.ivu liedfoid dally , c :
cept biiudays , at 7 n. m. ; an Ivo at Leonai
by 12 m. ; Leave Lconnid d.illj , except Sin
days , nt lw : : p. m. ; niiivc at liedloid by fl : . '
1 . m , Paliheld to llediick Leave Palrliel
dally , oxccpt Sundays , nt 13 m. ; auive i
Abingilon ntl ! p.m. ; leave Abingilon dnil ;
except Sinidajs , at 7 a. m. ; an he at K.ilillol
by 10 n. m. ; lcn\o Abingdon Tnesdaj
Thin sdaj sand Satuidaj s at 7 : : ! 0 a. m. ; at i h
at Hedrick by 11 a. m. ; leave Hedilck Tne
dnjs , Thuisdays nnd Satmdajs at 1 p. in.
nulvont Abingdon by 10 : j ) . m. Indlnno !
to Osceola Leave Indlanola Mondijs , Wei
nchdaysand Fiidavsat 1.0 : ji. m , ; milve i
Medina by 7 p. m. ; leave Muloia Monda >
Wediiesdajhnnd Kiidajsnt 7 n. m. ; nuh
ntlmliinola by 13 m. ; leave Mcdoi.i Tut ;
dn > s , Tlinisdajs and Satindays at 7 a. In
nnlvo nt Osecola by 1'J m. ; leave Oscco ]
Tuesdays , Thmsd.iys and Salindajs nt 1 : . '
p. m. ; an Ivo nt Medora by 7 p. m.
lAiim Ai'i'iiorwA-rioN nnr.s
"I btllovo congiebs will not adjoin n befoi
the 1st of Aiunst , " wild Senntoi Vnnco t >
day. "Of couise , It depends upon the hon
ot repicsontatlves , foi the senate Is w.-i
ahead In the ti uisactlon of business , 1 don
think it will bo the tmlll bill which will it
tain the house , but tlio consldei.illon or tl
nppiopil.itlnn bills , which nlwnvs take alon
lime , and whieli uic bchln Jliand in tliejue
cut congicss. "
ron run OPNOA srnooi. .
Hcpicscntatlve lei ey hns sueeecdi
In Ills elToits io Indiico the coiiteiein
committee on the bill to letaln tl
clause which appiopilntos S10XK ( ) lei the I
dlnn bdiool at Uenoa. This cUuso was addi
by the bonate.
Forecast of tlio Work ol'
for tlio AVoolc.
WASIIINOTON , Apill 25. After loutli
moining business In thu bcnnto tomoiur
benatorVnn Wjek will ask tlmt the bill :
tax inllroad lands bo again taken up. Se
ntor Hliilr has given notlco that 1
w 111 nt the same bom ask the sennto to ll&ti
to a speech on Iho liquor quetlon. . Itini
rcqnho \otoot the bOimto to decide betwei
the two. At 2 o'clock unfinished business
tlio intei-stato eomineieo bill will bo l.i
before tha bonntn nud will thcie.iltci oeeni
the hesslon nltei the moiiiliig hour until d
posed of. 'J ho nicnsuieb lo bu conslden
next In ordei , acconllng to the ino'unimo
the caucus committees , are the genei
] > cnslon bill , the DPS Molnes ih
Innd bill vetoed by the piesldont , t
bankruptcy bill , and the lesolntlo
foi ojien excculivo sessions. Hut the
lOitin. on its record of ovei 400 bill * pass
hist week , will take matters leisurely , and
Is not likely to get bojond the inter-btt
commcico bill duilni : the week. The no
otllco appropriation bill will bo lepoitrd :
moirovv , and will tempoiaiilj dlsplacu 1
regulai oulei some time dining the week.
Thu ilvoi nnd liaibor bill Is thu niillnish
business of tlio hoiibO , and the hope is i
pie sed that It will bo parsed cnily In t
week. 'Iho featmo which always gives i
to the gtcat test ot the controversy t
Mississippi livnr npiiropilatlon lias , ho
evci. not been i cached , and
coiisideintlnn may command tlm i
tentioil ot tlm hoiiho lor the gicnt
of tlie vuet. Thu Cuuiiibell-\Yca
routestcd election ciso will bo called up on
Phut-Mlny , ninl Saturday 1ms been set npnrt
or the consideration of bills reported by the
ommltti'o on tcriltorlc * . but excluding , by
nclt consent , the Hogota bill.
Congtess has Demi In session nearly nvo
nonlhs nnd more than half Iho number of
gencial ntipcoptintlon bills lenialn unacted
ipon by the house. In w hlch body they must
oilglnato. The consular nnd diplomatic and
ntlltary ncademv bills aio the only u'onural
appiopilutlon ullls now on the calendar.
Y TI1K G. A. it.
The Now York "loinrttncnt | Views
Clovcliuul1' } Courao With Sat-
AVAsinxmov , Apill 25 The president
insiccclvcd n loleriam fiom 11. Clay Hall ,
department commnndei , subnittllng a copy
of the following icsoliitiou which w.w nmnl-
uously adopted by the encampment of the
irandAtmy ot Iho Itepubllc , held n few
days ngo at Now Yoik :
Wheieas , U Is ] ) rope ) that the \eteians , Ir-
cspiellvo of pal tv , should lecot-nl/o any-
him : done , by a public olllcei w hlch demon-
stiali's his Intentions lo enny out the
nonilsosnmde to the men who dared death
01 tlielt countiy , nnd
\ YlieicasVo have leasons to bolicve ,
Inoucli Iho lUcIaratlons and actions of Hon.
iiovei Cleveland , pieshlent ot the United
States , tliat be means to cany out the pilncl-
) li * that \eterins , w-lillo competent , nio en-
itled to leco nitlon beenuse ot Biivlcu ion-
leied to tholi countij In time of wai ; theie-
me , bo it
Hesolvi'd , That the dcpaitmont of ISPVV
Voik of the ( iiand Armv of tlm Hepnblle ,
epie'sonllmr an oi .inl/ed body olOM
\eteiansof the wai , In annual sivdnn
) led In New \oikeity , Apiil 21 , ibid , \low-
ilseouiseln tills lespiet with satisfaction ,
mil heu'b ) puts Itsclt on leeoulasappioving
ho con'cluntloiis dlschiige of this patilotlu
lulv , boiicving It to bo the wish ol MID pie l-
lent thai the rpirlt nnd letter ot nil enact-
nentsin lavorol the veleiansshnll be 1-ilth-
idly culled out bj all those In stibmdiiinto
nutlioilty linvlng powei of appointment ,
emiilojmi'nt in retention In the si'ivlco of the
government under his iidministintlon.
Hcsohed , 'I lint these icsolnilons be lele-
ginphed to the pieshlent In the name of this
'iicaiupment. and that n copy ot the same ,
Inly nnthoriyed by tlio department com-
nandoi and adjutant ijenctal , bo loivvaideil
o him bj mall.
X , April 2-1. The house S.itur
lij jiassed bills to piovido foi holding tenns
of comt foi tin * noithcin distilct of Illinois
it Pom la , dividing the state of Calilomlti
nto two judicial distiicts ninl then nil
oin lied.
the SlilHary.
AVvsnn-nio.v , D. C. , Apiil 2" The fol-
owing olllceis have been letiied fiom active
service : Captain Ma on Jackson , Eleventh
nlnntiy : Captain Cbniles liciidlnc , Pirsl
civnliy ; Captain. I. Scott Pajne , Pitth cav
iliv ; Captain ( leoigo W. Uvnns , Twenty-
lust iiilantiy ; Captain Homy U. Tooio ,
Kljhth cavalij ; Onptaln Wiilfam Mltoliell ,
riilm inlnntiy ; CapUin John Whitney
Eleventh infantiy.
The extension of the leave of absence * ol
Fust Lieutenant John Scott , Ponithlnt.intiv ,
Octobei 2-5 , lias been tuilhor extended one
jcai on account ol sickness.
The leave ol nbsenco on account of dis.-v
billtv giniited M.ijoi Lewis Men ill , Sovontli
cav nh \ , Novcmbei 23 , bus been extended
until linihei oulois on oecouut ot disability ,
A FavornlIc Ilcport Oriloroil.
WASHING ION , Apiil 2 > . Tlie .senate conv
mlttec on public lands jesteidav oidoiedM1
fnvoiablo icport on tlie homo bill to foifeil
the land giant to the Atlantic it Pnclflc Hail-
oad eomp my. The eommitteo amended the
till so as to exempt tiom loifcitino the lighl
o lake ni.ileilnl lot constitution tiom public
imh and the light to gionnds lei the coin-
piu > 's maohine bliops and buildings.
Cxploriiifj ; Grociilnuil ,
WASIIIVCHOV , Apiil 2'-- Civil P.ngincei
liobt. K. Peny , U. S. N. . has been granted
ea\o ol absence foi a vcai lei tlio puiposo ol
exnioilng the Inteiioi ot Gieenland. He
will leave St. Johns cailyin May tin Disco
inil be areoiiipank'il bj tin en men. It is a
n\ateonteipilboand : entails no cost on the
Jlapidly Iloco'/oi in { .
Apnl 2) . Secictaiy Man
ling lias so t.u lecoveied tliat lie ib now al
owedto bee vlsitois. He came dovvnst.iii-
ind his plijsiei.ins say ( hat ho willpiobablj
bo able to go out to dilve to-mouow.
The JUiisiSHlpi'i -iujiei'ouhly Hi/li / ,
Nr.w Om.pANs , Apill % A special to the fiom Helena , Aik. , sivs
.hat the olTcrt ot tin * pipsnnt swollen coiidl-
ion of tlio St. Pi .u ois iivei on the Mi siss
ppl ilvei was lust peiceived heio yesterday
'vcnlne. Tlioihei heic Ins ilsen twelve
nclies duiiinc the pist twenty-tout boms ,
mil still continues to libont tlio latetof hnll
in Inch jiei houi. The vvatei now lacks one
mil oiu'-li.ill Inches ol reaching the hlgl
w ater 111,11 k otlhbJ. The inpoitcd bie.ik In
l < 'niii'u Point levee l.u k& coniinnation ,
Bforc Indian
XP , AiIApill2VAiepoitfion
Mnitihile'iin , Sonoi.i , nniiounees that Apiclief
ittacked HadoScc's Much , tvventj-live mile1
southeast oi Mngdalenn , killed tlnee me
nu ! two women nnd deshovud tlio piopoity
It is , iNo iip i ted Indians , believed U
be a poitlon ol CJeionimo'H band , attacked . -
innili neat banta Cm/ , Mexico , nnd killed *
nuinbei ol i.inuhci" .
Itntrs Uetluccil.
Sr. I'AUI , . Minn. , Apill 2" . 1'ho Noithcir
Paelllc yesleidav icdiieed liciglit intes ti
Poithind , Out. The tales have bci-n COceni'
liei linndicd pounds le aidli'ssol elassllka
tion. The = ( Mveio icunccu to one- halt oi tin
minimum i.ites , which aiu GO cents lion
bt. IMnlnnill'i-ilinni Chlcigo. This will , IM
involve a icdiiction to Inteiioi ] iolnts.
Tlio < . ) utpui or Colorado.
Di.NVi.n. AmII Gi.Olllchil lUiiu-1 fion
the ] ) envei mint gives the nilnuti ! output lo
Cnloi.nlo lei issi .is follows : Cold. $ " > ,00it ,
000 : hllvi'i , SI ! .r.i)0.000. ) copiici , S101.0JO : o.ld
s:5Viiooo. : : Total , ki' . ii.ooa.
Arnnt Socialists Rant nnd Rave at Chicago
Under the Eed ling ,
IJut tlio HtionVci-s Talk In n Itlnod nniJ
Thumlrr-Htrnlii Not Onlculntcil
to AwslKt tlio CniiNO or
ConlUlouuo ,
Tlio Hnuo ol' liatior.
CIIICAOO , ApilPJS. Thioughout tliolaiRcr
portion of the city to day nil reminders that
tills was Ulster Sunday were permitted to nt-
tiact much less attention tlinn evidences that
It was the day ot display foi the "Interim-
tlonnl worklngmon's ussoclatlon. " Sticam-
InKcilmsoii banneis nnd huiijlng gioupsot
swartlij faced foielgneis weio far moio con
spicuous In the eastern liilf of tlio city than
any tokens of tlio lesurieetlon or ot chinch
going. The day had been chosen lor the
eight bout dcmunstiittloii undei the auspices
ot tlio Central Lahoi union , ivp-
lOM'iitlng tlio communistic element mining
tlm Inboilng people ot thu city.
Thete was n great nnmhei of men In line
pinhablv : ! ,000 to IH)0 seural bands of inn-
sle , and b.iiineis bj the seoio , and ueiy low
United Mates Hags The oiirunl/ntloiis bo- gatbeilngon H.nulnlph stieet in the old
Unmaiket bofoie 10 n. m. The line of
maicli was appaicntly chosen to eiossnnd 10-
01 oss tlieimnn bticet cat lines ns often ns pos
sible. At many plates oats stood in lines
oci hall n mile In length. 'Iho objuuUo
iiolnt wast lie lake limit , where a mass meetIng -
Ing of all tlm pnitlclpaiits vs.ib to bo bold.
The long ionic * of Iho pioeesslon was thtougcd
by tlioutnuds of people * , but not.ibly laek-
ing in any semblance ot enthusiasm.
. I'lieeu-d nnd
Tlioso in the i.iiiksjiowover ,
shouted foi "Hlght Horns" and "Down With
the Capitalists. " Theioweiohnidly a do/on
banners in English In the eutlio length
ot the pioeesslon. Two 01 llneo contained
InstiucHons to bojeott icitain Individuals or
tlielt nmniifnctuics , ami 0110 was ns lollows :
"Pihato Capital Itepiesonts Stolen Labor. "
Aiiolhei had lliewoids "Ulglitliouis a Day. "
Onobanni'i boto , in ( iciinan welds , "Difnk
Watt-i WkoCattlo"SoS.ijsMastoi ; Woik-
iiitin 1'owdoih. " On tin * way down Madison
sttoettlio dnver ol a wagon attempted to
dihe tliiough tlio piocos-lnn. His wagon
was iinicUlj uveitmned and lett upside down
In the guttoi.Vliou tlio procession iciiclied
the lake tioiit the vailous oigani/anons ,
augmented by Huongs of einl-
ous people , In all ncihaiis 10,000 ,
gnthcied inoiind the two stands
ami listened to speeches by A. H. Paisons ,
Michael Schwab and a Mi. Haras.ich liom
onobtand. P.usoiib spoke in r.nglisliScliwab
in ( ieiiiian and Haias.ioh In liohemiaii. On
the otlici plattotni bam Pleldlug , Angus
bplcb and John A. lloniy haianguui
tlie mnltitude. Spies spokei In Her
man nnd the otlieis in r.ngllsh. The
speeches weie all ot the blood and thunder
oulei and decl.ued In t.tuu of nnillcatlon ot
all wealth. P.iisons decl.ued that it stinva-
tionvas 1 01 ceil upon tlie misses they would
laisetlie bannoi of llbcit > null equality anil
bwceii awaj nil thcli uppiessois. Heniy said
tliat heictotore allbtilkoH had been vviong.
Men sti uck to walk out. They must change
flout nnd stiike to walk In nnd tlnow thu
maiingcis nnd owueis out. It was better
to tlnow out tlie ovMiui of the factoiy than
to tluovr ont200oi ( VJOwoikmiHi. While tlio
speaking was in progress all the United
btati'b on tlio bland on which P.usoua
stood woiu tinted nnd tucked out ol sight
while the led Has was lloiintcd on all sides.
Someone jelled out : ' 'Wheio's the Btnis
nud sliipesV" as P.usons spoke ol iiilsliiff
the "b.uinei of libeitv , " .mil jioinied to the
led ling of llioi ( Vnti.ii Laboi union , no nn-
swer was vouchsafed. I5ul In n couple of
minutes the stais and strips wrio initialed
tiom thepl itloini. When the speaking had
been concluded at e-ich plattouu tlnee eheois
woio given lei the eight-hoin movement and
thociowd quiekij melted away.
St. Ijouis for Ki lu Hours.
Sr. l.ot'is. Ainil2 > . An unusually lar o
nnmboi nt l.iboi meetings , including tin *
contial laboi unloii , amalgamated building
tiades , which embiaeo a good many societies ,
was held hero this altomoon and to-nlirht ,
The eight bom si stem was tlio piincipal sub
ject discussed and it was piotty geneially
dci hied to put the plan into ouoiation one
week fiom to-moiiow , 01 MayJ. !
Hanillers Fly IHsli.
CuiCAfio , Apill % Vice Pieshicnt
Ilmthltt said jisleiday ho had given no
nnswci to the petition ol 000 men In the em
ploy of the height simps ol tlio Noilhweslem
i.iilvvay , wlioa k-wdajH ngo nikcd lot nn
adviineo ol 33 pel cent and eight honih a day.
The lallway otllchls have the niattoi under
eonsidoiation , but llnghittwas disinclined to
make any nicntion ol what they Intended to
do. _
Nine Hours n Day.
PitTMiuiiu , Apiil 25. Tlm jomncjmon
plnmbois who demanded eight horns lor a
dii's woils at the old vvagcs liavo vvlthdiavvn
thoii demand and submitted ns n substitute
apiopoiilinn that nine hoiiisbncoiibldeied n
da > 's work and eight boms S itinilav. Thaso
terms will piobabl } bo aaeptod ti > the mas-
tei plumbeih. The iaip < 'nteis , stone masons
ninl othei building limit s expect toniiangoa
compiomlso on blmilni teinib ,
Yoli I.ittlo
Uosro.v , ApiiI1r > . Thumastei masons of
the Mnstoi Hulldeis' association hive Is-
Hited a loiiKllij irjioitto the Inli.lJnjei.s' as-
( emhly of the Knights of Labor , which ie-
IKII t ic'commonds that the whole question ot
a H'uiiLtion ot hours of labor bn abindoncil
till a mom piopltlous time , but on S.itnr-
da > eight houisbo .iccojiled us , i ilaj'H labor.
Nn DlHliii'linnufl in Now- Voile ,
Isirw Yoitif , A1IIII21) . The Tlilid avcnno company lan tittj-sevon eats on
tlieli main line today nnd twelve on tlio
Ono Hundied and Tweiity-llfth htieet line.
Contiaiy to e.sieci.itloiib ] them wnsnodh-
tm banco , _
Trowel VVInldci-i lor Hlulil Iloui'H.
Si. Lot is , April 2V-Tlm mitstoi pltK-loioia
of this eit > liavo iigieed to put the eight hour
sjstem into ellect M.i ) 1 , and to pay their
men * . ' \.T \ > pet il.iy.
10v That extreme tlrtd JeellnR which Is BO dis i\erj : liody needs and should InKo a
v , tressing and often Bn un.iccuimt.i'jlo in tlio tjn Ing meillclne , for tw o i c'asons :
o sjnlng months , b t ntlrely uveicomo by Hood's 1st , llio body lj now moio tusrcptlblo to
Hani | > .iiilia , vvlikh tones the whole lioily , bciicnt from incdlelno than .it any other season.
purincs the blood , cuies suofuU and all 2d , The hnpuiltlcs whlcli have nccumulatcd
limnurs , cures il spejish , creates an ajipetlte , In the blood fclioulJ lie expelled , and the t > js-
rouses Iho torpid liver , braces up the nerves , tciu Riven tone and stieiigth , before the jiros-
Ill and do n a the mind. Wo solicit a comparison trathii ; cdiels of warm v\i ither are ftlt.
of Hood's S.irbjjparllU with any other blood Hood's h.irsajiailll.i Is the Lest f | irhi | ; mcdl-
Id purincr in the mitikct for purity , economy , clno. A fclnglo dial will eonvineo > ou of its
Idy strength , and merit. sujicrlorll ) , 'J.Uo it before U Is too late.
Z'lrcil all the Time The Hcbt Spi'lnu
jfal "I had no appetite or strength , and felt "I take Hood's H-.isapirllli for a spring
cr tired .ill Iho time. I attillmted my condition nicdldao , and lllml it Just tliullili.i ; . It tones
10 to scrofulous humor. I had tiled iiji ni ) s ) ttcm and nukes mo f ( 11 UXo n ilIITi r-
us Kinds of iiiedlthio without benefit. Hut .is entmiii. JI > v.lfo talicalt foi djsiiepsla , and
e. soon as I hid t.iKcn hall a bottle or Hood's ehoderivescieit brnent fioinlt. hhosajslt
e."it Barsap.iiilia , my ari > ettlo was restored , and IS tllO llCbt lIlClllPlllO Vlltt CVCl tOOk. " 1' . 0.
to my stomach felt better. I have now taken TuiiHi-it , Hook , Ladder No. 1 , JJo * > toiiMas.
too nearly three bottles , and I neve r vv as jo well. " "Last spring I wai troubled with bolls ,
o- Mus. JUSSIK K. Boi iiHAUK , Pascoag , Jt. I. caused by my blood bclii out of order. Two
lie Mrs. 0. W , Manlott , I.ot.cll , M.iss. , was bottles of Hood's fcaibajiaiill.i cured me. I
completely cured of ilek lic.ianehe , vvhleh the cm recommend It to nil trimblod with infec
Ml had 10 j cars , by Hood's barsaiiarllb. tions ot the blood. " J. Senocn , 1'coii.i , 111.
ifo B
ius BoIiJ by all xJrivs1 U. El ; al * fur fV I'rrfwrcd E"U l > y nl ) dtii/ul . PI i ix for f S. J'rcpaieil
L'bt 0.1. HOOD A CO , Apotlioiart it , l.inreil. It-8 . bj C.I HpoDiApollitc ( rlt , tiOvifcllM a.
IT L.IOO Doses Ono Dollar , ! OO Pesos Ono Dollar