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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1886)
OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRIDAY , APRIL 23 , 1886. TLjcr THE LIFE. " IrlERCE vigor Will be Establislied. ESPECIALLY IS GREAT BENEFIT TO BE DERIVED FROM TAKING- THIS UNEQUALLED BLOOD PURIFIER AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR , for it counteracts the enervating and depressing effects ql , tlie spring-time , changes in climate and promptly dispels those languid , "tired feelings" so generally experi- 'encecl ' "aooiit those days. " Price $1.00 per bottle , or six bottles $5 , by all druggists throughout the world. For Torpor of the Liver , Hiliou ncss nml "Livur Complaints" generally , 3 > r. Pierce's ® olieii ! Medical Discovery. Is n sovereign remedy. It Joes not debilitate the liver by over stimulation , nor irri * tnto the stoinaohe uiul bowels by disturbing the delicate processes of digestion , nei ther does It act with severity upon tliu blood ; but It oporntos so gently , insensibility , nnd yet with so much certainty thai it n.xollos the stirpilso and admiration of all who use it. if the bowels are unusually sluggish ( ehronio constipation ) it is advisable , in conjunction with the Discovery , to usn Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. which are powerfully alterative , besides being mild , gentle , and unirritating , in their oporntlon. T'loy are natural a'lics ' remedial assistants of the Dlscovery.-and tlio two work harmoniously together. They should bo taken in small dosed , and their use pcrsoveringly followed until the bowels are properly regulated. Bilious Attacks and Headache. People who are habitually subject to "bilious" attacks , sick headache , bilious hoadaehe , and loss of appetite , arc pleased to lind that a course of the Discovery and Pellets lurnislie.s immunity from such onsets , anil prevents their usual recurrence. A Treatise on Diseases of the Liver and Digestive Organs .sent to any address for ten cunts in stamps. LIVER DISEASE. G. W. LOTTrudhommc , La , writes : "For four . > ears I have suffered from liver coniliint ] ) : and attacks of bilious foyer ; Joss of apiiotilo , nausea , constipation , Bometinies diarrhea , pain in the back ot tlte head , right side and under the should er-blades fullness after eating , general debility , restless nights , coated tongue , elo. After taking four bottles of Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets , I find I am as well as lexer was. " A BAD CASE. SAJIANTIIA GAINIS : , Lockport , N. Y. , writes : "For six or eight years previous to 18C0 , I had been troubled with n severe pain in the small of my back , also across my shoulder blades , w itli coiiMdorablo bloa'ing of the .stomach from wind ; win BO nervous at times I could hardly s cot ) : also trpabl'il with di//.iness and hard breathing spells. I was induced by my slop-daughter , Mrs. Warner , of OL-an , N. Y. . to try the Goidcu Medical Discov ery. The effects were innrveluiis. After inking three bottles 1 entirely cured " GENERALDEBILITY. S. L. , Sidney Plains , N. Y. , writes : "Dr R. V. Pinitcr , Buffalo , N. Y. Dear Sir My wito .suffered for sev eral yonr.4 from general debility. She had become a confirmed iuval'd. The physicians who Attended her failed to help her , and it seemed as if she must die. On reading one of your Memoran dum Hooks , it occuircd to me that your Golden Medical Discovery might help lior. I procured a bottle , and , after its use , a change for the better was notice able , anil after using live bottles , she was a well woman. 1 have recommended it to several , and in every cas j , it has pro duced good remits I can never feel too grateful to you for the saving of my wife's life. ' . ' DIARRHEA AND COUGH. Mrs. GuitTis Bor.UE , West Enosburg , Vt. , writes : "Two bottles of your Golden Medical Discovery euroil my cough and chronic diarrhea. It hns workcu like a charm in my case. It is truly wonderful , I walked over a mile last week to recom mend your medicines. " Chronic Diarrhea. Mrs. A. V. PAIIUISII , of Ihimpnss , Va. , Writes as follows ; "My bowels have boon regular since I tork the Golden Medital Discovery. " MALARIAL FEVER. Mrs. CAUOUNR SIMMONUS , Medina , Ar. 3' . , writes : " 1 have been troubled with symptoms of malaria , with fever , for three years , but after using three bottles of your Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgaiive Pellets , I am happy to say that 1 am entirely cured , and to-day I am per fectly well and able to do my own work. " DYSPEPSIA CURED. Lucr A. WOOD , Taylor's Store. Va. , writes : "Attor many vears of great suf fering from the evils of dyspepsia , I was induced to try your Golden Medical Dis covery , and I cannot express the grati tude 1 feel for the great good it has done ino. I do not sutler any pain from eat ing , and I enjoy life as well as anybody can wish. " GIVEN UP TO DIE. Mr.KKir SntKCT , Esq. , Druggist , of JlltiJ/'Spnnas , Ma. , writes : "Miss EMKA GUNN : , of this place , had been sick more than a year with a severe affection of the liver , but when she was at the lowest , she bought three bottles of Golden Medical Discovery from me , and , although before using the medicine she was given up to die by all the attending physicians , her father assures me that she has now fully recovered. " TOO POOR TO BE ALWAYS TAKING MEDICINE. M. LlX./.lK VlNEYAKI ) , Of Houston , Del. , describes her case as follows : "Iliad been sick over tlireo years. The doctors here only helped mo while taking medicineand 1 am to poor to bo always taking medi cine. I had soreness in my left side , near my stomach ; sometimes ! had this is in both sides , and pain the head ; was always constipated , dark circles around the eyes ; I spit a great deal of phlegm , had a cough , was olten sick at the stomach ach and restless at night. My health has improved so much I cannot express my thanks. You advised mo to take the Golden Medical Discovery. I did so and I began to improve right away. I now weigh ten and a half pounds more than I did then. I am sorry that 1 did not know of its merits before I spent so much with other doctors. 1 only took three bottles. My friends told mo it might benolit me while taking it , but the good efforts did not slop there , as you will see from the above. " Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors , from the common pimple , blotch , or eruption to the worst Scrofula or Blood Poison. Especially has it proven its oflionoy In curing Salt-rheum or Totter , Fever Sores , Ilip.joint Disease , Scrofulous Sores and bwcllings , Enlarged ( .lands and hating Ulcers. A Treatise on Skin Diseases will bo Ecnt to any address on receipt of ton cents in stamps. We also send a Treatise on facrofulous Diseases which wo send postpaid for ten cents ABCESSOFTHE LIVER. ISAAC Ginsox. Kenwood , Pa. , writes : "My wife is getting well fast. When she began to uro your Golden Me- Heal Dis- couery , our best doctors hi Indiana coun ty said shu would die. They said your medicine would do her no good ; that she had an ulcer on her liver as largo as half n loaf of broad.Voll , sir , to our sur- prisn , when she began iihingyour Golden I. Medical Discovery , she commenced spit ting up phlegm for fomo two weeks , nnd then eommenerd spittim : up oor- liiption anil blood ( it lookul like what comes outof a blued boil ) for ten days. She now has been well for weeks. " Scrofulous Sores. Mrs , A. L. Coitv.Kadloy , Crawford Co. Kansas , writes : "Mv son , aged tifteon . was taken down last January with swellings on his sight shoulder , left hip p and knee. He lay helpless for live h'.ouths , I'wIiQii great abiessi-s loniuv.l , four of I which continued to discharge at the time I ho commenced lining your ( iolden Mcdi- 1 , cal Discovery under your advice. Now , after having used four bottles of the Dis- , covir.y , ho is almost well and walks throe- fourths of a mile to sel.ool every day. A Scrofulous sere on h's ' arm , which ran constantly fortwoycais , haiioalcd com- pletelv under i tha hitluouco of the remedy named. Boils and Carbuncles. J. AIIA.MS. Esq. , Toledo , Ohio , writes : " 1 hayouscd nine bottles ot your ( iolden I Mol : oal Discovery , and the result is 1 am to-ilnv fioo from boils and carbuncles for tl o first time in many years. " Constipation and Ulcers. * I , Mrs A. D. JOHNSON , Georgetown , Ky. , writes : "The ( iolden Medical Discovery believed mo at once. 1 had a v ry bad sore on the back of my left hand tor live v month ? , and it euiu.l that , as wjll as con- " 6tipallt > n and indigestion , from which I | s was sufloring very much. " "Fovor-eores. " Mrs , A , II. GuwFOHt > , Linn I JUiumt Vista Co , Iowa , wriUs J ! m /U B person who wrote to jo't tvvojiai- : agp forailv'oo respecting fovor-so < i oil 'itty.lcg. I too ] ; six .boitles of j oar d.u . < ! ,1 Metilcul Discovery and \\v.s curwl.1 Scrofulous Tumor mid Sere Eyos. Mrs. S. K. GU.VVDO.V , of GreenwoodS. O. , writes : "My dangler has 1 * on en tirely enroll of scrofulous sores oycs and a largo tumor on her neck , by the use of your Golden Medical Discovery. I have great faith in all your medicines. " SALTRHEUM CURED. Mits. L. J. DiLVKUj , of Jlartfjcsloion , Hans. , writes : "My daughter has been cured of salt-rheum by the Use of Golden Medical Discovery. " ERYSIPELAS AND ULCER CURED. Mit. E , B , Wir.cox. of Clalskanie , Col umbia , Co , Orcflon , by an accident , broke his leg ; erysipelas set in at the ankle , and an ulcer followed. After frequent trials of physicians and proprietary medicine , lie determined to iixe the Golden Medical Discovery , of which 1m took over two do/.en bottles , Ho writes : "Since writing you in the spring of 1881,1 continued using the Golden Medi cal Discovery and Pellets until they made a perfect euro of my leg. It healed up thirteen months ago , and there is no sign of return of the disease. 1 have been able to work every day this summer , tha iirst 1 have worked for four years , for which I thank you most gratefully. " THROvVS AWAY CRUTCHES. Mrs. MAUV WOLF , Milan , Sullivan Co. , Mo. , writes ; "Nearly three years ago our little boy hurt his ankle. Wo doc tored this as a sprain lor some time , but the case steadily grew worse instead of better. We then applied to a succcsion of doctors of whom would treat it for a misplaced joint , another for bone-disease , Another for something el < o. and so on. Amputation of the allectod limb was even suggested. Last April , at which time the child had not had his foot on the floor since the previous December , wo placed him under the inlluencu of your Golden Medical Discovery , and the improvement was im mediate , and in a short time lie was able lo walk , with the aid of crutches. For merly his ankle would swell and pain him. and Was to very weak" that a jdgh ft-vcr wouh } result , but sineo eommenc- i'lg the HSU of your Discovery ho 1ms not hud a Miigjo one of those spoils. In four montjis'from the time ho commenced the u ( < of the Discovery ho t.hrcwliis crutches .aside for he was well. " cv. = f-Tir.1 .JrTJ-mvx"1 , is-iiJ TJ > > i i ilVM- A jaA.a ! , dvwiJiKaij 4'iiWiV > V World's Dispensary Laboratory Building1. The above illustration represents the immense six-story bnildiiur occupied exclusively for the imuinfncturc of DR- PIERCE'S ' STANDARD MED1CINKS , ami known as the WORLD'S DISPENSARY. Within its walls are nmnufaclurcd medi cines of such exceeding great merit tltitt they have acquired a world-wide reputation and sale. Golden Medical Discovery cures Consumption ( which is Scrofula of < the Lungs ) by its wonderful blood purifying , invigorat ing and nutrative powers. 1-or Weak Lungs , Spitting of Blood , Shortness of Breath , Bronchitis , Severe ( 'oiurhs , Asthma and kindred affections , it is a sovereign remedy. While it promptly cures the severest coughs it strengthens the system and purifies the blood. The nutritive properties of cod-liver oil are trilling when compared with these nossesscd by Golden Medical Discovery , It rapidly builds up the. system and increases the llcsh and weight of those reduced below the usual standard of hc.ilth by "wasting diseases , " A large pamphlet treatise on Consumption and kindred diseases , will be scntto any address on receipt of ten cents in stamps , A WONDERFUL CURE. Daniel Fletcher , Esq. , Glouccstoi Mass , writes : "Nearly live years ago , I was taken sick with a disease regarding which the three physicians who attended me were unable to agree. One of the foremost physicians in Boston called it a tumor of the stomach , and treated me for that nearly killing mo with physic ; another , a lionueopathio physician , thought I had consumption. When taken sick , I weighed 157 pounds. I suffered from a heavy cough , night-sweats , kidney troubles , etc. , and was reduced so rapidly that my physicians gave mo up. They were unable to help mo in the least. At that time I weighed but ninety pounds , and had not been able to lie down , but had to sit up in order to breath. I had been confined to my room for six months , expecting to dio. I was so bad at times that 1 could not allow any one to come into my room , as I could not talk ; nor was i able to walk. J picked up one of your memorandum books on the floor of the hotel where 1 was bo.lrding , and after reading it I began taking your Golden Medical Discovery , and the first bottle brought me around so that I could walk around the room all day. 1 soon began to build up , and gain so rapidly that it began to astonish mo. 1 have taken no other medicine since then , and have used perhaps twenty I ottlcs in all of this medi cine. 1 stopped taking it in August , one year ago. I feel that it has saved my life. 1 now weigh about 100 pounds , and 1 think , and my friends with mo , that this medioino saved my life. It certainly is worth its weight in gold , and I consider it a wonderful remedy from its effect in curing all my ailments. " CONSUMPTION CURED. W. J. llAitTixv , rent Cruz , Ala. , writes ; "I met with an old friend of mine not long since , and lie told mo of the very low state of health he had been in , and ho applied to our best doctor , but grad ually grew worse under his treatment ; was reduced to a skeleton , had a fearful cough and was thought to have consump tion. While in this low state he made a visit to see Ids relations , and while in a distant town , ho purchased a bottle of medicine called Dr. Pferco's Golden Med ical Discovery , and took it , and by the time it was ua'ul ho was as well as ho over had been. When I saw him ho looked to be in the bloom of health. His statement caused a trroat deal of inquiry , as he is a man of high standing. " BLEEDING FKOM LUNGS , JosEi'ii F. MCFAHI.AND , Athens , La. , writes : "My wife had frequent bleeding from the lungs before sli3 commenced using your Golden Medical Discovery. Site has not had any since its use. For some six months she has been feeling so well that she has discontinued it. " CONSUMPTION CURED. J. ANTHONY SWINK , Donyola , Ills. , writes : "For live years I suffered very much from a terrible cough and debility. More than a year since I commenced to take your Golden Medical Discoveryand it has completely cured me , I thank you for the splendid health I have since en joyed. " A LINGERING COUGH CURED. Mus. M.II. KOX.I-.LT. , of 0/tkJIill , Texas , writes : "lam happy to say ono bottle of your Golden Medical Discovery com pletely cured my cough. 1 had coughed lor a year or more without receiving any relief.1 BRONCHITIS CURED. M. M. Rogers , of Schulenburg , Texas. A teacher , 2 ! ) years ot age , who sullercd from pains in the chest , short breath and bronchitis , writes : "I have used two bottles tles of Dr. Piereo's Golden Medical Dis covery. I feel entirely cured. " BRONCHITIS AND WEAK LUNGS. J. W. McCi.rui : , Pincvillo , N. C. , writes : " 1 am using yourGoldon Medical Discovery and your Pleasant Purgative Pallets for chronic bronchitis and weak lungs. I have used two bottles , and it has done mo more good than all the med icine I have before taken , and I have used ito bottles of one proprietary medi cine , 10 bottles of another and It ! bottles of a certain 'Lung Balsam'all , of which 1 pronounce of no account. " CONSUMPTION AVERTED. HANNAH BAHNKS , Bartonla , Ri Co , Iml. , writes : "Dr. R. T. . Pinna : : , Dear Sir Four years ago 1 wan suffering , feartuily from the depressing effects ot nursing a child , 1 could scarcely walk. Wo thought that I was going down with consumption. After suffering two years my husband procured ono bottle of your Favorite Prescription , and by the time I had taken half of it 1 begin to fool much bettor. I then proeurrcdjthree more bottles tles , and have regained strength so as-to do my work with case , THREATENED WITH CONSUMP TION. HON J. E. BISHOIof .Viotnria , Coffee county , Ala. , reports : "I have put on llcsh and gamed strength , and my cough Is bettor , Sincn taking the last prescrip tion I improved go much that I consented to run for and was elected rf prosontativo Irom my county to the general assembly of Alabama. While there I contracted a cold , and upon inquiry i found 3our Golden Mfcdionl Discprory and com menced its use. I continued it through the winter and spring , and consider it did mo moro good than anything 1 had used. I had some oignteen bottles and am as hearty as I over was in my life and am able to look after my business. " CONSUMPTION. GAINED 15 LBS. MBS. THOS. VAN SICKI.EN. Briyhton , Out. , says : "I have long felt it my duty to acknowledge to you what your Golden Medical Discovery ami Pleasant Purga tive Pellets have done for mo. These medicines cannot bo too highly praised. They almost raised mo from the grave. 1 had tlireo brothers and ono sister die of consumption , and 1 was speedily follow ing after them. 1 had severe cobgh , pain , copious expectoration , and other alarm ing nyiyptoms , and my friends all thought I had but a few months to live. At this time I was persuaded to try your Discov ery , and tlio first bottle acted like magic. Ot course I continued on with tlio medi cine , and as a result I gained rapidly in strength. My friends were astonis'iied. 'When 1 commenced the use of your medi cines , si\ years ago , I weighed but 120 and was sinking rapidly. I now weigh 18 , " ) , and my health continues perfect. I have a copy of 'The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser , ' and neither money nor friends could ever induce mete to part with it. " CONSUMPTION , "LIVER COM PLAINT , " HEART DISEASE. THOMAS KULAND , Esq. , Etsl Jlcnlon , Lackawanu Co. , I'd. : "Three years iigo 1 was a dreadful siiil'ercr from consump tion and liver complaint. I exhausted the skill of several physicians and was quite discouraged. Doctors and Irionds alike thought ! must dio. 1 had a dread- till cough and raised a considerable amount of blood and matter ; besides , I was very thin , and PO weak that I could scarcely walk around the house. As this time I read in tlio Xcw York Weekly of the wonderful cures performed by your Golden Medical Discovery. I procured the mcdicino named and began using it in connection with the Pleasant Purga tive Pellets. Under their influence I re covered my health completely. I would also say that your Discovery cured my grandchild of lieart disease. " FOR SPITTING OF BLOOD AND WEAK LUNGS , GOLDEN MEDI CAL DISCOVERY SUR. PASSES ALL OTHER MEDICINES. W. M. MOHIUS , Esq. , 85 Center Street , Indianapolis. Jnd. , says : "Some time ago my brother , Mr. M. L. Morris , had a homorhngo of the lungs and catarrh , and vour Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Sago's Catarhh Remedy completely cured him. " CONSUMPTION CURED. Mas. E. A , RIVINOTON , 830 Seventh St. , N. E. , Washington , D. 0. , writes : "I lippo you will pardon my delay in not writni" you of the arrival of your priceless Golden - don Medical Discovery. I am now on the last bottle 3-011 sent mo , May lipavon bless you for your kindness in sending it when you did. My cough lias ceased , and I feel like a new woman in every way. Golden Medical Discovery Is sold by Druggists. 1'i'lco ? 1.00 per Bottle , or Six Bottles for 83.00 WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , Prop'rs. . ' ' . ' . KO , 663 MAIN STKEfcT , MJFFALO , N , Y. , . 1 Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription Is not a "cure all , " but admirably fulfills' a singlones , of purpose , being a most potent Snerillo for all these chronic weaknesses and diseases peculiar to women. It i.s a powerful general as well as uterine tonic and nervine , and imparts vigor ami strength to tlte wliolo system It promptly cures n.iusea and weakness of .stomach , indigeston , oat talions of gas , nervous prostration , dobllitv and sleeplessness , in either so.v , For " 'worn ' out , " ' 'run down , " debilitated school teachers , millinprs , dre s niak ers , general hou.-.ekccpcrs . ami over-worked women generally , Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pioscription is the best of all restorative tonics. CURED OF WEAKNESS PECULIAR TO HER SEX. EMKA P. 15iriiAii ! ) ONt Alvarado , Johnson - son county , Te.xas , writes : "Woui.D'.s DiRi'iNSAiivMr.iiCAi : ) , ASSOCIATION , Buf falo , N. Y. Gentlemen : 1 feel a deep sense of gratitude in my heart to you for the great benefit received. Had it not been for your treatment I would have been buried long since. 1 have induced many of my friends to take your medi cines and vvith good results. I am using your Favorite Prescription and Pellets as you directed , and have been cured of a weakness peculiar to my sex , and of a severe dyspepsia. That success may crown your every effort to relieve the alllieted is tlio Miioero wish of your grateful patient. " GENERAL DEBILITY. PAXIP.I. Br.Ai'oiiAMi * , Marino City , Mich. ' , writes : "Wom.n's DISPKNSAIIV MnmcAi. ASSOCIATION. Gentlemen : I will say that 1 never have seen a euro effected in so short a time of such a severe cuso : as Unit of my wife. I had begun to despair of her ever getting hot ter ; and now alter taking five bottles of Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription , she is feeling so well that she hardly knows herself. She thinks your medicine a na tional blessing , and I agree with her.- IT SURPRISES THEM ALL HILDA DAVIP.I.SON , Gowrie. Webster Co. , Iowa , writes : "Dr. 11. V. Pierce , Buf falo , N. Y. Dear Sir I should have written you long agr , and thanked you lor the great relief I have obtained from your Favorite Prescription. To my sur prise , it was all the medicine that 1 re quired. I have advised many to give it a trial , and they nave all found il satis factory. " "BEST THING IN THE WORLD FOR FEMALE SUFFERERS. " Mrs. MAIEV L. EVAKD , of New Haven , Iml. , writes : "J am very thankful you gave me such good advice , and 1 have been taking Dr. Piereo's Favorite Pres cription. I really think it is the best tiling in the world for all female sulferprs. We nave your Discovery and Extract of Smart-weed in tlio house and their use has always given good atisfactioir" THEY WORK LIKE MAGIC. BlCXSAMIN FHANKUN Fit ATT , Eist : Do- vcr. Piscataquis Co. , Mo. , writes : -'Dr. It. V. Pierce. Dear Sir My wife lias boon taken jour blessed and valuable incdi- . cine. She was so she could not walk across the room. After taking two bottles tles ofyoitr Favorite Prescription , bought of our druggist , slio is so she can do our housework. Your medicines are saving a great many lives hero. They are sell ing extensively , and work like magic. " A WOMAN'S GRATITUDE. Mns. F. OATS , of Shumway , III. , writes "When 1 had used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription one week , I could get into a wagon and ride two miles to' see inv neighbors. I had not been able to walk out in the dooryard for six months. " Alter using the favorite Prescription two weeks , I rode in a wagon ton miles ; my neighbors were all surprised to see mo up and going about and helping in my house work , after doctoring with thirteen of the best phv. > ician.s wo could get and the last one told my husband that I would never bo able to do my housework any more. I am thankful that 1 wrote to you , for I had suffered Organic Weakness until 1 had almost given up in despair. " TERRIBLE PAIN , Mis. : V.K.Vn.COX , Friendship , N. Y. , writes : "For live or six years 1 had been badly troubled with organic Weakness ( and terrible pains across the small of my back and pit of the Momach. Three bottles tles of Dr" Pierco's Favorite Prescription acted like a charm , and cured me com pletely , to iuy great joy. " MARVELOUS BENEFITS. Kiiv. SIDNT.Y C. DAVIS , ( lalicn , Mich- ifjan , writes : " 1 wish , In this letter , to express my gratitude for Mrs. Davis and myself for the great good which has been accomplished in her case by the use of your proprietary medicines. When slio began to take tlieiii , in January hist , slio could not endure the least jar , could walk but a very few steps at a time , and could stay up only about thirty minutes at a time. Now she not , only sits up almost the entire day , but can walk , call on her neighbors two or three blocks away , and not fool any injurious effects at all. When we consider that she had kept her bed the greater part of the time for fourteen months , and would IOM : repeatedly the advance she had made , her progress now scorns marvelous. _ Wo had almost lost C'onlidcnco in medical practitioners and advertised remedies , but have found in your Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and Pellets the properties needed , an which wo believe will brinjr about a com plete and final recovery.1 TREATING THE WRONG DISEASE. and potions , assuming them to be such , when in reality they are all symptoms cause ed by some uterine disorder. While tlio physician is ignorant ot the cause of suffering lie encourages his practice until largo bills arc made , when the suffering patient n no better , but probably worse for the delay , treatment and other complications made A proper medicine directed lo the cause , would perhaps have entirely removed tlio disease , thereby instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery , DOCTORS FAILED. ' OUOANIC \\nAK.NT.bS" ruitnn. Mas SAIIAII A. LOVKLV. Greenfield , Adair Co. Jowa , writes : "R. V. Pnitci : : , M. D. 7c c Sir Having been ill a number of years , and having tried in vain almost every ad vertised remedy , as well as having paid nearly a hundred dollars to our local phy sicians , without benefit. 1 was finally in duced to consult you. You advised mo lo scud for your medicines , j accordingly sent for your'Medical Adviser. ' six bottles tles of your Golden Medical Discovery , six of your Favorite Proscription , and six vials of your Pleasant Purgative Pellets. When I'firht began using those , I could not stand on my feet. In ninety days I could walk a milo , ami do light house- house ; whilst in six months I was com pletely cured , and my health has re mained perfect ever since. I recommend you and your medicines wherever 1 go , and loan your 'Advisor' to my friends. Two of our most prominent physicians have read your great work' , 'The o's Common Sense Medical Adviser. ' iiinco it tlio best family doctor book uivo over scon , " A THOUSAND THANKS. Mus. CAUOMNI : Uvnits , corner Duke and Argyle streets , Halifax , N. S. , writes : "Dit. U. V. PiKitCE , I thank God , and thank you a thousand times , for the rn- lief that your valuable medicines , the Favorite Prescription and Pellets have given mo. I am perfectly on ml of a ehronio sickness that bus troubled mo for years. How mv heart is overflowed with joy and gratitude town rds you.mytongu can never express. " "ALL RUN DOWN. " Mrs. V. II. Pr.TKitsON , of Lockport , N. Y. , had suffered for three years from "Organlo Weakness , " was greatly ema ciated and "all run down"as she expressed - pressed it , nnd Dr. Piorce'.s Favorite Pre scription and ( iolden Medical Discovery promptly cured her , as they have thou sands of similar cases. "DO LIKEWISE. " Mil's. E. F. Moitr.AN , of Newcastle , Lin coln Co. , Maine , says : "Five years ago I was a dreadful sufferer. Having ex hausted the skill of throe physicians I was completely discouraged and so weak 1 could with diilieiilly cross the room alono. I began taking Dr. Piereo's Fa vorite Prescription and using the local treatment recommended in his 'Common Sense Medical Advisor. ' I commenced to improve : il once , In thrco months 1 was perfectly cured and have had no trouble since. I wrote a letter to my family paper , briefly mentioning how my health had been restored , and offering to send tlio full particulars to any ono writing - ing mo for them , and Inclosing a stamped envelope for reply. 1 have received over four hundred loiters. In reply 1 li.ivo de scribed my ciiso and the tnmtmonl used , and have earneslly advised tlinm to 'do likewise. ' From a great man > I have re ceived a second latter of thanks , stating that th'iy had commenced the use of Fa vorite Presotiptioiij had sent the # l.fiO ie- quired for the Medical Adviser , and had applied tlio local treatment so fully and plainly laid down therein , and were much uotlor already. " A DOCTOR'S MISTAKE. Mr.s. Hn.vuv PArrr.iisoN , of New York Cili/ , writes : "I had been under an emi nent physician's earn for eight months , for what ho called 'spinal disease,1 I be came worst ) during all this ( hue , when , chancing to sou a copy of Dr , Plerco's Med ical Advisor at the residence of a friend , I read that part devoted to 'Woman and her Diseases.1 I soon became convincml that my disease was an alfoction , which , IIR you say , caused sympathetic backache , inward fever , nervousness and general debility. I commenced the use of Dr. Pioroo's Favorite Prescription , and Golden den Medical Discovery , applying also the local treatment which he recommends in the Advisor , and in thrco months I was well and strong. " ' FAVORITE Dr. PIEBOS'S Is sold by all druggists under positive guarantee. For conditions see wrapper around bottle. Price reduced to ? 1 per bottle or Obottles for ? 5 People's Common Sense Medical Advisor , " in which over fif > the consideration ot diseases peculiar to woman. Illustrated with'n'umor'ous 'wood cuts and colored plates. Jl'willUboiil , post paid , to any ad. drcsVfor50. . A Treatise on the Diseases of Women , (100 ( page * ) prof use ) v illus trated with colored plates , and numerous wood-cutswill bo sent for ton cents In postage - age stamps. Address 1)IS1 > KNSAUY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION No. CIM Main Struct , Buffalo , New York. ,