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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1886)
I THE OMAHA DATL5T IffiE : FRIDAY , APRIL 23 , 1S6. A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS We Intend on next 4th of July and Christmas following to distribute among the consumers of onr A. B. C. Soap each time 26 PIANOS , 250 GOLD WATCHES , U50 CHINA DINNER SET % CO PABtLOK ORGA1VS , 350 ( SILK DRESS PATTERNS , COO CHINA TEA RETS , 950 SEWDNU MACHINES , 900 SILVER TEA SETS , coo 05-CuatHo Power Lnuips. and other 20,000 PRESENTS All of them magnificent > costly and useful. But at the same time we beg the public to understand [ n * matter what our competitors say ) that we arc not running a gift enterprise. You do not pay us a fraction of a cent for the chance to get the present. We arc selling our A. B. C. Soap cheaper to-day than we ever did during the three years that it has been placed on the market , and consequently you get full value in Soap i We arc simply ADVERTISING our A. B. C. Soap on the most magnificent scale ever attempted by any one firm. Three years ago we started out to sell A. B. C. Soap on its merits , to-day thousands of the most intelligent housekeepers in this and all the principal cities of the Union use our A. B. C. Soap and marvel why it is not used in every home. The principal grocers throughout the Union tell us one reason why its use has not become general is that 'A' lias not been sufficiently advertised ; and another reason is , because many people who have bought it , did not give it the necessary and intelligent attention it deserves. They did not read the directions , and finding that it would not wash by laying A. B. O. Soap on top of the bundle of soiled clothes , they fell back to five cent soap. Thousands Titous : "Your A. B. C. Soap is all that you claim for it ; it not only gives satisfaction * but we find that our most intelligent customers say that it Is & . BLESSING IN THE HOUSEHOLD and are enthusiastic and speak in the highest terms of praise about it. Why don't you advertise it ? " lUs therefore that we-are making this extraordinary effort to bring A. B. C. Soap to the notice of every intelligent person and in order to induce every one to buy it , and continue to use it until they have fully tested its merits , we say to them SAVE THE ABO WRAPPERS And send them to us during the months of June or December next , and we shall distribute among you an array of presents which , for magnificence and usefulness , surpasses everything heretofore offered by any one firm. Send four cents an stamps and we will Bend you a catalogue , which is now in course of preparation ind which will give you a full description of all the presents and the mode TO OBTAIN A PRESENT ; Those who have not used A. B. C. Soap , of course , will ask , "what iff it ? " A. B. C. Soap is our own invention , and all who have used it cheerfully concede to it the merit of being the greatest improvement ever made in domestic economy. A. B. C. Soap , and the MODE OF WASHING WITH IT , is as different froni all other soaps , and the old way of washing , and is as .much an improvement over the old system , as traveling by railway is over that by an ox-cart. A girl of lS , or the most delicate person , can wash WITHOUT THE LEAST EXERTION. ia ono hour , more clothes with A. B. C. Soap , than the most robust , with the hardest work and slavish toil tan wash with the best soap , and the old way of washing , in three hours. And withal , A. J3. C. Soap is tn.c mildest and sweetest soap ever manufactured. We warrant you can wash baby with it and it will look is sweet and fresh as a rose. Remember , that while you can use A. B. C. Soap in anyway or manner you please , it is best to use { > Recording to the directions on the wrapper , which will also teach you the new way of washing. Remember , also , that in order to obtain one of these presents you must save your wrappers and send t tvj to us V mail , during the months of June or December next. C-KOOE3KS. 9 SOAP BOILERS AND CHEMISTS , 9S3 TO 963 WATER STREET , MILWAUKEE , "WISCONSIN. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under th'shoad 10 cones per Ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each Subsequent iCBCrtiOn.and 51.0C n line per month. No advertisement tiikon'ior Ics ? than 25 cents for the flrst Insertion. Boron words will bo conn ted to the line ; they must run consecutively and mustbo paid In advance. All advortlso- mcnta must be handed In before 2 o'clock D. m. and under no oiroumetnncos will they bo talc- . n or discontinued by telephone. ' Pnrtlcsndvortlslng In these columns nnd hnr- Jngtho answers addressed in euro of Tim DBB , will plenao n lc for ohoot to enable thorn to got their totters , ns none will bo delivered except on prcsintntlon of obock. All nnswors to advrr- tlscincnts should bo enclosed In envelopes. .TO lOAW-MONBY. to lout ) at icusonubUi rates on MONI5Y , furniture , watches nnd other per- FOiinl property without removal. . Rmall pay ments taken nt any tlmo and liitoro t reduced in luonoitlon. lluslno C. J.Cas- well , itonm 10.Iron Hank llullJIng , IJth and 1'nr- ' nftni. Talio clovntqi' . 400 , to loan nn business property In . Pmnhn and Improved- ( arms in Douglas .MuIjolmrcnuntloH ; low rate. C , H. Caswt-11 & Oo.Ubom in.Net > r ska National Hank llulldlng , ] 2lhmiQ Fariiaiii. 231 ONES : 'to-lolm on good toolrlty. .1. II. M Frocdumn at Slnmnn Ihos. , 1207 Douglas st. To loun on Improved farms or rcsl MONEY lots , on ono year'H tlmo. Homo 1'ho f JiisiiraiicuCo. . 1515 Douglas St. 152 TO LOAN On residence property , MONEY . No commission. C. J. Caswoli & Co. , Room 1'J ' Iron Hank llulldlag , 12th and Farna m. nnx TlTONnY lo loan on mnrtgngosoeiiilty. Itnnl > JJJLestntu and commercial paper bought , J , II. I'lwdnjin , caio omian llros. , 100 N. llhh Bt. to loan. Hinm 5.VK ) ami iiiwaids. ] Xoncstiutus. llctnls , 15th and Douglas hts. 'ti. > .TVf ONKY TO LOAIS" on business propoity. MM Oppoallo Voyolllcn. W. G. Shrlvrr. lot Hl'5 < m,0 ( > i > to loan on linslnoss and iL > lilonco ' P propoity In sums of f 1,000 and upwards. . Ames , 1M)7 ) Fixriiftm Bt. S.IS Q > inflonotn loan on city residence property P Gco. W.Day , 160U I'arnam. trw ri O r.OAN Money in any amount JOn all clacs of security. Hliorttnno loans on real o tnts. Ixmg tlmo ( onus on real ostatix MoncyK ) l"'iiinn chattels. Monuy to loan on oohatornK Money to loan on any good security. Terms cnny , tlmo to suit , Apply attlmOmnhn FlnrtnclM F.xchnng , Ilarkor's building , 8W corner of riftccnth and Fainnrn Bis , unstnlra 010 . CIINT Money to loan on real ctnto. Mortgages nnd bonds bought. Mahoney & Harris , Room 11,15U8 Fnrnnin. ' MONEY for tveryoodylfiu can borrow money on furniture , horses , wnirons. pl.nos , block of all kinds , diamonds and line watches on your own time. Payments received lit ny tlmo , and interest reduced pro mta. 1'roporty loft In your own possession. Terms law ns the lowest. Call and * oo me. Business confidential. Noadvnntncratnkcn.y.UCroft , JJoom 4 , Wlthncirs New UulWlng , Northcnst cor- wer 1Mb and Hartley. ? 13 ONKV TO LOAN O , f , Davis 4 : Co. Ite&l M BttBto and Ixian agcntBIMfi FarnumSt. . VJ TITONRV' TO LOANln good eorurltios. A JM-McQavock , room7 Itcdlck Dlock , IW > Farnam jjt. 014 * TO LOAN On real cetato and ehnt MONIA D. L. Thomas. W5 MONIJVTO I.OAX-In sums of fan nnd HP- warVi cm Ilrst-class real estate eccurity , I'ottor & Cvbb , 181S Farnnm St. _ 010 NKY T.OANKU at a F. JlcrdJc CO'B. 1 3 , JM olllcn , en f uralturo , pnno3. | horflps , xvagon pcrronnl property ot ftu Kinds ( ind all other ar ticled of value , without removal. UIV 8. r.tli , over llhiL'ham'd CummlMSion stoia All bus- ness ftrlctly conddontnl. 1)17 ) BUSINESS CHANCES. -ij-uiii HAI.i : Or rent , " .Merchants" Hotel , a 1 llrtt class hotPlInC'hadioudonga ! good bust- rii'SS. Addrcfs Mrb. W. A. Loniruhorty , 'lindron [ Nob. 71H-a : TT oil SAI.I ; fi.ouo will buy a general fctoci ? .1' of goods together with the good will of u yrOH established and flourishingbutlnois in one of MadUon ixiuuty's best towns , of yuvincn. ! oncry lloend terms Jtonson for foilinguntutuctoilly gi\enon application. Ad- drosT. D. i : Co. , llooOOlte. . 'toe T71OU SALE The furniture of n first class JL' hotel In a booming town In Nebraska hi.v- ing a good trade. Lcaso will bo given. The only first class hou o In town. Address Joseph Krobock. Hluo Springs. Neb. _ CH-1 FOIl SAI.R Or Trade In the tow n of Weep ing Water. Nobrnsltn , n blacksmith nntl wagon shop. Reasons for sclllujr , poor health. Address Geo. W. Lambing , Woeplinr Water , Nob. 629-22 * Oil SAI.i-Chpap. a milk dairy. Seldon llros. , Ml S. 13th Bt. _ 085 FOU'SALK-Couter. phew cases and stocl : of Mrs Folgor's fancy store at 303 N 15th st. Bhort-tlmo only. _ 117 FOU KXOIIANGi-Stocts : ! of goods of every kind , for farms and land ; also lands to ox- chiuigo for goods. If you want to mnttcrwhnllt iayoubavo , wrlto , with full do- . scrlptlon. to C. K. Mnyno. real estate biokor , Omaha Nob. _ _ 1C3 FOU BALI : Creamery will bo sold ohnap , on easy terms , to nnyoiio who will run It the coming Gon&on. O. M. Carter , Ashland , Nob. _ 818 ) Tonjtclianffn Tor stock of hard- T ' wnro hnd general morchnudlso , 5CO nrrmof flno Thayer Co. , Nob. , land : G lots In Genoa. Neb. , good store bulldlnir ( ticst corner ) ; good dwelling ( best location ) In IJssox , In. , nlso 81 ncrcs ' ,4 mlle Irom town of IIssov , In. , soodoil In blue crrn s. For further particulars address John Llndcrholm Central City Nobraskn. C53 I nithONAL Tonorsnnswho wiili to build a homo In Orchard Hill , I 'will sell lots upon pafmout of the nominal sum of ten dollars and balance at the end of five years. Interest nt 8 tier cent , payable soml-nnnually. This Is the best oiler over made to any homo-sPoUor in this city. Call nnd see mo. C. E. Mayno , S. W. cor. IStli nnd Farnnm. 57'j OK KICNT-Room and board for two. IfllS _ Capitol ave _ 142 : board. 1010 Dodge street. ' 704ap3t 1O3J. LOST A Water Spamol dog-pup four months old ; rolor black with brown lect ; had col lar on when last peon. Finder w 111 bo row arded and paid lor his trouble liy rotuinlng him to II. H. Cannon , 1511 Douglas St. TrJ- ) O > jT On Sunday evening , between Clink fct -J and Kountzo Momorlal church , u itold bracelet with gat not getting In clasp. The Under will bo Miitahly loivurded by lo.ivliur It at thultcocilllru. Mi-d. J.It llrnnor. OSH.-'l TOUND. rpAKEN ur Ono Bhi'op. Owner onn have J- same by proving propoity nnd paying charges at3188. lUth ft. Apr 22-23 May 0 IJ-20 liy A. D. T. mesaonger.key-ring and 4i keys. On nor can have same by calling at A , D. T. ofilco , HOI DoiiuhiB St. 7711 1 MISCELLANEOUS. A TTKNTlON-TbU is to certify that Texas Tom took a Uino-worui from my wlto about : a foot , head complete , In two hours , alter she had been suITorlng for seven or eight \ ears , and I recommend all sultoilng to call on him before ho loin OH Omaha. H. Lorunzou. 77tf- * \rrn.L LIASI : Vor a term of'years , a brlclt T yartl on Raundors btrcet. 1'cck St Dodge , opposite postolllL'o. 7G7-2G' STKAW Hats and Ilonncts , shaped and re pressed In the latent ttylca at 1415 Howard. Agdcs MoAlislaiid. _ _ 43t-4 vriciciK fornor Case * In walnu or cherry , - lfl.iM per foot. Nwtar fianicj , eamo prlco. HprliighliiKce. Uurcka bUow Cote Co , ) V.'io Lake B t , Chicago. - by a practical gardener. Frank NlmU , 1121 s. lothn. _ aiipi ; _ ! Al'I'lilCATIONMfor U S llceiuo made out by John C , Thompson , Room lu , Itedlck lllock. _ _ yg Fll ) ItllM' A feturu on n good ivtall Micot. Apply the Omulm Real llstato nnd Ixinn ( > . _ 107 Foil ItKNT Square I'iaao , ? 1 monthly. A. Ilospe. 15U Douglas. _ _ 010 _ TlumilKNT Organs , J3 per month. Hospo , J.1 151U Douglas. t < Jj TTIOIl UIINT S < iunro 1'lauo , fa monthly. A , J Hospe. 1513 Douglas. till TOR BALE-MISCELLANEOUS. POU SALi : A 6ur ) y , almost as good ns now ; only been used tbrc > u months ; owner lias no life lor U ; ptlto f lij ; can bo eecn at 2215 Wobatcr bil out. 7b" 2l * TmoJtiAr.i-ciearary6a ; : r.du8t. J. r. Coots , JCth ! andJoncd. .Cfi-ml 1 ? U V&I.K-A. light U f cat , hiir leather top , J' U-bow buirgy.nunily iiew , by 0. D."ood - . MOrth.SlJS. lOtust. W-ii FOU SALK A butcher shop selling from live to six beeves a week. Apply 121 North 10th _ _ 7J.I-27 * " " I" , O"ll SALK WoollcrljOa-ycar-old fcteois , 1 1100 oar-old 2-j - steers , 8001-year-old elects , 400 hectors and cows , mostly coming on. The above cattle are goodhtralght lonannd Dakotii Etock. Straugo Dros. , Sioux City. _ 73.Vin30 F OU SALK-Wire-topned. basket-bottomed chlckca coops , by D. D. Uccnior , solo agent. C-.I3-24 FOU SALU Fresh milch cows.II. lloal's meat market , Oth st. , bctw con Jackson and Jones. 720-21 * _ _ _ _ FOU SALE A Ilrst-class stylish and young carriage loam ; lluubiod. Imiulio of C. u pricltson , opp. 1' . O. f 724 FOU SALIS-Or trade. Ono new 25' H. V. Iloilor and 20 H. 1 * . Engine. Will soil cheap forcashor trailo for doslrahlo real ostato. Au dro s Oco. A. Fry , Dcflniioo , Iowa. ' tti'J OU SALE Flno Pointer dog 1 year olil nt Victor's 1'nrk , glth and Mason. 5W- ' FOU S.VLI3 A S-hor o power boiler tind on- trlno cheap , nt Omaha Safoand Iron Works. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ glBninvT ' IT > OH'SALi : Ono good horso. lUlO Fnrnam , _ IfoicHALli Squarn piano , S.TO , monthly pay < _ momB.I _ I ospo , ISU'Uoll ' glas. J > ij > UO ? T71OU HAI.K Lunch counter and rostnurnn * * - flttlims , gas ilxttiroi , and largo boating Btovont tlio Senate , 17Jj Farnam. Inquire nti otllcoofj. J. O'Connor , llth street , between Douglas and Farnam , IW FOIt SALi : Match teams and horses of al kinds to pull customers at Star Hnlo Stables , gOth and Cunilng. M. Caiiiion , 1'iop. 77" " 171 ou SALi : A now steam roller mill In No. I J- business locality ; line wheat country ; but llttlo compptltlon : f 17,500 ; cost more. W. H. Otceiisir.aiJtli si. b"J _ T7 > 0it SALII-Uiiilsht piano , flO- > , monthly JL1 payments , llospo. 151U Douglas. Mi WANTED PZMALU HELP. -GIrl nt 1114 fieorula aveniin. Only light noilc In family of two. 70S-24' WANTHD-20 ghls for second and kitchen work. Over IE2 North 10th ct , , upitalrs. _ 7 l-2n * _ _ \VAM'ii : Agents. Ladloi and gclitTeim'TT ' i Oood notlvo persons of either sox lor Hunt , iileiimmt nnd oxticnu'ly profitable business bteady umploymcnt and liberal pay to right jiaitles. I'revloux oxpoilonco not nrcessaiy. Apply atonco to II. II. Cllllord i ; Co. , 101 8. 1Mb Blioet , Fron/or's block , room H , 717-22" WANTlJIi A Orst-class cook ; none "oilier need apply ; Ocimun pioferrod , Call ut 2219 Dodge Bt. 7M ANTKI ) A too I sainrt woman chambermaid - maid , $4.00 per week. Apply U12 Douglas. 74:1. : _ WANTKD-GIrl for general housewoik. 214 Douglas St , 77I-23 * ANTKD-A clrl to do housework In u small family. SOOU California St. 770-211 * ANTii-Good : kitchen girl ; must bo first- class \ \ asher and Ironcr , Apply 2tl 4Hur > noy. 753-2J * _ WANTIIIl-MllllncH Two assistant trim. mers ; also nsalstimt saleslady ; also young lady to take charge of atoek and orders. 8 , O , Joyce , liMN. ISthet. _ 74U-22' WANTini Two girls for general house work. Bood wages to good woikers Kaglo House , 411 1 > 14th si. \\7ANTKli-Sovcriil good girls for private ' famllcs ; good wiigns ; places irlon Iroo to the glils. Call nt the Nebraska Kimiloymont Agency , 11 Iflth and Capitol nvo , 701 " \\7ANTED A girl for general housowoik In i tibiiuill luuilly. Apply at 6i ; boutli 2oth bt. 730-22' " \\7ANTKD Saleslady nnd Junior salesman nt l > O'Oonohoo&buerfy's. Apply between8 and 0 n , m. 714-22 WANTED-A good girl to do dining-room aud. chamber woik at 117 North 14th st. C90-21 * WANTED Good German girl lii private fam ily of t o. 1U2 South 10th st. 078-22 * 1:11 ( ilrl for housewoik. 812 South i ICth Bt. Mrs.V. . \ \ ' , llingham. 077-22 * \\7ANTKU-ljidles and gontlumen in city or 11 country to takullghl work at their homos. SI 00 to t'3.Ou a day easily made ; work sent by mail , no tmivosslng Wohuvougood dc.mand for our work , and furnish steady employment. Addi-cf s , with fclamu , Crown M'rg CoJl Vine Btrc.01 , CmcmtiHtl , Ohio KUmU * i7ANTit-A girl ftt Doran House. 1)13 ) Tar- i num. iw WANTnn-ftooh girl for general housework In small fntrtHr ; good wages paid to tight party. Applypt jp Jones St. C7J \17ANTKiJGobd kitchen RlrTnUlS N. 15th V > gt. _ , | CCT \ \ TANTiti3flrstcla : siaundrossc > 7nl o girl > to n lst Inikltchcn. Apply nt Gmons llousoomco. n . 4W \17ANTCD-.A ( foo.l woman cook ; peed wniros. Address fltr Hotel , Fairmont , Nob. 417 wAiioJED-MAi.15 HELP ] WANTID7Irfl ) orcr8 for now railroad frork. Steady einwoymont , Uood Job. K. S. Albright , Libor A'gency , 1303 Farnam St. 733 AIXTKO-Cont and pants makers , nt Va por's. 77u--'l \\7ANTED-An experienced crtlcsmnn fpcnk- > > Inn nvo language * wMics n situation In eomogood buslrin 9 lioiiso. wholesale or retail. Address A. 1' . , Atlaiitlo llolol , Oinnho. C04-3 ! WANTKI ) A wood boy al 8. K. l.ohmrinti's 1'ritlt nnd NOWB atoro. fiOH 8. luth gt. 741 \VANTII Two ( rood ngcnts In Mfo Insur- nncoCo. for city. For pnitlculnrs cull nt 1UO Farnnm. U O. Hello Ielc& Co. 745-23 \\fSNTii i A oy oTir wouliTTikoTpoMtToii In a store or olMcc ; citn speak Kmtllsh and Gorman. AddrcsaJ , K. Hoiman , lloo olllcti. 7422 WANTKH-Flrst class barber at 818 8 10th st. O. t.KUixssar. 707 WAXTIJO An experienced bookkeeper , who has had nxporlonoo In buying land , ohlpplng Krnin , roHoronoo required. Kxotor Roller Mill and Elevator Association , Kxotor Nob. 724-23 ANTKO-Coatmnkors nt 318 8. 13th Street A. Kallsh. 710. WANTKD At oners n good coat-maker. Call on or address E. C. Sawyer , rnlrmont , Nob. C05-81 * \\7AJfTKn-A steady , rollahlo man to soil T i goods In the city ; steady employment. Call 421 South 10th gtrcot. _ 6JT-88 * WANTnil-Locnl agent to handle Whlto , Letters ; must employ euh-agonls nnd push sales : will glvo exclusive ngonoy nnd low est cash prlco to the right party. American White Letter Co. , 5 Hast 4th st , Cincinnati , Ohio. , | M2-24 WANTKD A uood cimvnsser to sell furni ture on weekly payments. Omaha Time 1'aymont Co. , 013 South 10th St. 451 \ 7ANTKO-TwoHrst class contmakers. Ad i' dress John Morrison , Lincoln. 280 WANTJID Sgood canvassers to soil furnl- turo on Installments. Call on M. F. Martin - tin , 310 South 15th St. 673 WANTED Sixteen Harness ruuKors nt Bb- man llros. , 13tU and Do-lgo sts. 243 SITUATION WANTED. WANTKD Situation by a competent woman as housekeeper nnd cook ; can take full charge ; understands butter making ; no objec tion to the country. Apply 1511 lice olllco. 770-32 117ANTED Situation by a jottng man of i family ; has 11 j cars oxtierioneo ; cnn speak English , Gorman and all the Scandinavian lan guages ; no objections to go In the country. Addioss K 13. llec olllco. 780-24 WANTED Hy n man of peed address , a po sition Inn ll\o uroccry store ; references present employer. Address K 0 , lloo Olllco. 759-26 * WANTii : > t4lyyounir ! ( man , a comfortable room within IVi mile's from opoiahousu ; lout must bivmodorato and house have bath room. AddrOsay { , lloo olllco. 743-22' ' WANTED situation as housekeeper by mlddlo-afcedJady. Call 1574 N. 1'ior St. J ' I. ' 50U-2J * 'WANTS. WAltTLDjuDpsliiihlo building lot at once ; gh o niiSibol bt lot and location. Address EB , Hoe Olllco:0 * T 701 WANTED4-A rtliall furnished house In good location the Istof May till September ; no email children Address H 1 , lloo olllco. 750 22 * WANTED To buy ono horse and wagon Oiocery/icorner-9th nnd Douglas sts. WANTED Desirable house and lot for homo at moderate urleo ; no fancy prices-ivnnt- cd. Addics8E7 Oo ( } olllco. 760 TlTANTi : | > Small pony ; must bo gentle and IT thoroughly broken. F.V. . Giay. 652-L ! T\7ANTED Hotisos for good toaants. J. U. V > Evans & Co. , 1513 Dodgo. 013 WANTKD Toiims ; steady work ; big pay ; cheap fcod , and free jiass to the work. 13. S. Albright , labor agent , IMS Farnnm St. 034 WANTKD Reliable contractor to build house costing Slr > 00to ? JQJJ , and take Hunscom 1'nipo lot for part payment. Address D 72 , Hue olllco. 178 WANTED loOhouses and cottages to rent. Can tlnd you good tenants nt once. Ma honey & Harris , llooui 11,150'J Farnnm : i77m'J ' * TOR RENT-HOUSES ; LTD LOTS. FOU IIKNT Iloti'o ; Brooms,2closets ; cor. 1th and Walnut ttreots. Inquire 1317 Chi- cugo street. 777-24 * FOir IlKNT Saloon with boarding house of 8 room ? , fiiraihoJ , near Omaha. No license. Address U C , Use olllco. 701-23 * FOU UKNT Cheap , a Fiv room house In llauos addition , b.irn lor sUhor.-.eiand ? acrnof land. H.O. C'li , Ifiia Douglas. 73S-2J Tp oil IIKNT 70-acro farm.T. Murray. * - 700 FOU UKNT House , ( I rooms , $11 per month. 2l5 North 17th st. S. Lehman. p'J3 T7IOU UKNT-, cottage , No. 2018 Call- X1 lornlii st. Inniiliout Room 15 , Omaha Na- lonal Dank DulldJng. I' . J. Crcodon. 031-23 * FOU UKNT 8-room houso. Jnnulio 2510 Capitol a\o. ( il'J T7IOU UKNT Nfoly | ; furnished room- with J board. 711 N. llltli St. , 517 _ _ _ POlt UK.vr Paloon , and flxturcs for snloT 103 South inth gt. 000 OU UKNT 10 r.crcs , near the fair ground iiitabo ! for dairy purposes , by I'nuHon&fCo. FOU UENT 3 stores. 1112 S. 13th St. G. H. 1'etorcon. 721 FOU UENT 2 tiricit stores on South 13th St , bet. Upward uud Jackson. I'aulson A ; Co. , 1513 rnnmm Bt. Liv ) Tnou UENT-Brlckyard. T. Murray. 531 "IT1OU UENT Duslrnblu residence , 0 looms , - 81ilnn'ri2d add ; houeo oft ) rooms , South 5th , also 2 barns with lofts. J. 1'hliips Roe , l > ox.V > 7. 454 FOIt SALIC At a bargain , line U-oom nouso with modern eoiivcnlonoai ; full lot ; 'on Hnrnoy st , near 23th ; $3m l'oitof& Cobb , 1515 rurntirajit. 'Jj'j JJIOIl JCKNT a don ( arm. W9 B. llth St. TjOU | ICKNTIflqo ( l-room cottago. S. T. JL1 I'eturson , Kfcor. | 10th nnd Douglas. 081 fop. BjEHT-BOOMB. TTIOU UKNT Nlco furnished front room.hiilt- X1 able lor t.wo.ePiitlemen ; 818 S. Ibth btroot. AUo barn for rent. 77U-2U * _ TT\OU \ UKXT-Jtniims , all newly furnished , JL1 1316 Capitol avu. 7SU-2.J * _ T7IOU UKNT NJucly fiirnUhod rooms with JJ _ board , flSMij 16th st. 740-22 * FOU UKNte-Uj lmT llros. having romnrixl their ollieo to 1610 Douglas street , olfor tholr former olllco for re/it. / ' , , , . lfir . . . . | . loom * ith lioard lor gentloraarW foi B. Ifcth et. 715-2- ! FOIt KENT .I'U i'ant loom for ono or two gentlemen. 211 8. M bt , near rurnara. T ! ! > FR RHNT A nlcolv furnWied Ijont room wi Hi laigo closet , S U cor Oth & Farnam st. . FOU UKNT a iinfurnlslicd rooms , with bay \ \ Indow. 1017 Chlciigo , I'-'J ' | ) UENT Ono unfurnished room In IMK Itccnior's block , oor. ICIghth and Howard , FOU paitlos without chll- drrn , two nlco rooms , suitable for IlKlit houM'koiplng with pantry nnd collar ; rcler- oaci3 ! exclningul. 441 Panvcnt 8t. CSO-22 * T7\OU \ UENT Two inotpeiulvo looms , with JL' board. 1814 Webster btri-ot. C8J OltllKNT Ono vc/y nicely furnhUfd front room : also oivo back room ; gunllumen lire- fcrrod. 3117 U'ouBtor gt , fol UKNT-Doslrablo furnlslioj rooms in ITvOlt 1 now two-story brick ; all modern conveni ent : OH ; short bloolc f rom 2 car Iliiu ; breakfast If dcsimL SOU llui Ut. _ 4yi-2U' Tpoil ItllNT FJrnlshcd room , 401 N. Wth St. TTiOU UENT tllcgant front room * rnt rooil JUbonril. _ 19 < CT j'arnain glrcot. R5J-g4 FOUUINT : a nlccly fuVnl hod room * . Call on Mr. lloyd. ISlOpouglai st. 644-21 " 171011 UENT-'KutnlshPd roomJ at tnuthont JL1 corner 1'lcasant nnd Hnrnoystrootg.S3 < * FOU UKNT Largo furnished room. 2491 DnvonporU 602-23 * THOU HKNT-1'urnlshcd rooms. 1K1 Cnpltol * J nvenup. 110-23 * 1710 It UHNT-Flrst-clftgs rooms at 1B21 Fnrnntn J ? ono block west of court nouso. 6.VV88 TTtOll UKST-Hooms In IlArkcr lllook. C. U. JL ! Mnyno , 15th and rnrnam. 455 171011 UKNT Store room on 13th. C B. JL' Mayno , 3 Vf cor 15th and Farnam. 4fll 171OII UKNT Office and store room. Oration JH XcDrummond , 1JI5 Hnrnoy. PM J71OU UKNT Two nloolv furnished rooms , JL' with honrJ , with all modern conveniences. S2 I Dodgo. 730 HUNT Klcgtuit and desirable rooms , FOU furnished or unfurnished. 11)37 Douglas st. lloforonccs required ot applicant * . 0& TT10U UKNT With board , ono largo nlooly J- ' furnished front room , gas and bath room at H09Jono3Ht- 270 BJLZ.B-nOUSB3 X.OTS. OnOIIAIlD HIMrIron prices , oiislos loniia , nicest lots. 0 K Mnyno , npcnt. 7 8 2 I ) . EVANS & Co.,1513 Dodjro St. , ollor spo- . clnlbar nlns In I.nko'a add. , sptondld lot , 'nrstclns house , 8 rooms , besldo until room , good collar , wntor , Kns , ISO hbl olatcrn , nlco sluulo tree ? , coal IIOIIPO , etc , cloqo to Sstrootcnr lines : price only .1,200. Tormt easy I can bo Hold on monthly payments If desired. 740-23 IrfHYOSt prlcos.onslost terms nicest lols. 0 IS Mnyno , agent. ' AKKa rl.loto Orohnnl Hill , It costs notlilnc. On no other unot cnn you got such a vlow of Omnlm. C K Muyno hns bnpRlos nnd drivers loady nt nil times to tnko pnrtlcsout. "ill--d OK HAtE A Hno farm of IGOcicron. If gold within n few dnys 540 nor aero , woith much more. 1'nulscn &Co. , 161 ! ) Knrnnin strcot. 7fil > 3 * _ _ UCI1AU1) 111 Lli-I/o\vt > 3t prices , easiest tcrmB. iilccat lots. OK Mnyno , nnont. _ 728-20 \TEWrOUT AND ItnLVliDKUB ncro lots nro Jnho.ul of nl' others. Call nnd see tor jour- golf. C E Muyiib neunt , 8 W cor 15th nnd Far- 730-2(1 ( FOU SAT.K Ion od school lands In trnnts of BO ncros nnd upwards , no taxes to pny on tho"o lands for-0 years. O.K. Davis & Co , , 1505 ' rilAUEarldoloOrchnnl Hilt , It costs nnthlnp. JL On no otlicr spot can you irct such nlow ofOiunhu. C E.Mayno lias buir los nnd drivers ready nt nil times to tnko rtlus out. 731-20 FOi ; SArI3 Ono of the nicest 8-room houses In Blilnn'H addition , \\ithclty wntor , &c. , complete. Price low. O. F. Davis Jc Co. , 1ITO Faruani street. _ 7CO-mn OUCI1AHD HILL-Lowcst prices , cnslcst terms , nicest lots. C E Muyno , ngcut , ? "S-'Ji ! . MAVNE ulvcs the best terms , Bells thn CK. cheapest , shows you more property than nny other ugont cnn. Go nnd see for yourself. 729-20 _ FOU SAI.K Now building for giocory or tnont marliot ; prlco , fljj. Address ft ID , lloqolllco. 757-23 * f HCIIARD IIITiL-Lowost prlco4caslosttorin < ( , \J nicest lot . O r. Mnyno , ngont. 7Ja--'U _ OK SAI < i-fl4.0CO not will buy my thrco houses with nil mo Jinn liupiovemonts ; " lots , 60xin > onuh , located on seth street , 140 foot front St. ilnrv's nvo. ; half c.i h , bnlanco to suit ; improvements cost $3,03J. il. Tot'l , 1513 Dmlpo street. 7U3-2J NKU'I'OKT and nolvcdoroncro lots at o ahead of all other * , dull and ECU lor your-.oir. C. K. Maynu , agent , S. W. cor. and Tar- num. 711-21 _ O HCHAKD HlI/tr-Low on prlcos.oaslost terms nicest lots. OKMayno , ugont. 71 1-2 1 O RCHARD HILL Lowest prices , easiest terms , nicest lots. C E Muyno , agent. 720-211 ORCHARD HIM-Lowest prices" easiest _ terms , nicest luti. C 13 Maynu , agent. 728-2U OKCHARD lllLli fxiwcft prices , easiest term ? , nicest lots. C K JIayno , UKOiit. 7J8-2J RCHARD HILL trfiwcst prices , easiest terms , nicest lots. G K Mayno , agent. 72i-2il H. KVANS * CO. 1513 Dodge st. are felling . beautiful residence and luislnc.-s lots , cen trally located , with u Mralnht and good iinty as to future valuation. 717 ASHIN ! TON 1IILI- . Acio lots , f&JO. Cunningham & Rronnan , 1511 Dodgo. \ 7-ASIIINGTON HILL Is the best acio prop- V > oily. ASIIINOTON IIILL-Vnu can buy an nrro lot in this beautiful subtub lor lest money than you will have to pay for a city lot In the Immediate vicinity. \X7-ASIIINOTON HILL Aero lols on very easy terms. Cunningham A ; Uioiimm , 1611 Dodgo. tt 000 will buy an acio In Washington Hill. -ITr-ASIIINGTON HILL js near the Dclt Line > > depot. TVTASIIINGTOX HIM. ncro lot is OI1O of the I boit-investmcnts. $800 will buy some eholco lots In Hunscom Place ; very easy toims. Cunnhighum i ; llrcnnun , 1511 Doduo. 741-21 ORCHAUD IULL-Lowo t prices , cn < do-t torniH , nlccBtJotg. CE Mnyne , ngont , 722n rt\\lit : arlflo to OrelMiifHllCltrrst'Tnotlilnjr. J. Oil no other siiot can you et such a vloi. " of pintiliii. C E Mayno li n bujrgius mul drivers io.iyjilull ( ] times tn taKe parties out. 7UI-20 ORCIIAHD IHLI/-Lo o'tiricosoasiost ] terms , nicest lots. OE Mayno , agent. _ 72ti-2il GE. MAYNE iflves the ben terms , sell the choupost , shows you moro pioperty than any otlicr agent enn. Coand.Eoo for yourself. 7JJ-2II _ _ _ Tmoil SALU-2-story homo on N 18th street J,11)0. ) . This must bo sold within the uo\t WJCOKS ; f too tush , bnlanco monthlv payments. 'i his is u bargain. One can maUo i5W by buj lug thin. thin.Why pay lent when by paying ? 300 a < < oash payment i on can get you a nli-o homo i' blocks Irom htiectcais ? 300 as cash | ) .iymont will buy yon a good homo ono block liom Oumlnjr stiuct. 2 cottajres on P.irkavoituo.braiitllulgiounds , nvory moileiii loiucnlcuco. A good thing , if both sold at onco. $0,00. ) oacu. lllgalns \ 1'aik , 1512 Douglas bt. BI3-K ! OE. MAYNE gives Iho best ( onus , sHIs the . cheapo-l , shows j ou moio pioperly than any other ugent can. Go and sco lor \ ouruolf. 7Jil-2f. _ ORCHARD prices , oask'Bt terms , iilcet't Iot9. C EMiiyiio , Kent. 711-24 CE. MAYNU glvos the heat terms , EolH the cluMipcet.Bhowsjoii moro piopeity than any otlior ugout can. Go nnd boo lor yourM'lf , 72JI-20 _ OHCHAltn HILL-Lowrstprlees.onslest terms , _ nlcost lotsOK Mayno , agent , 728 2 5 m.vKE a ihlo to Orchaid Hill , It costs jou Jnothing. . On no other spot can you got such a view of Omaha. OK Mayno has buggies and drhers ready at all times to take parties out. 711-21 _ _ _ _ a r'dto Orchard Hill , It costs nothing JOn no other spot can you get such a vluw of Omaha. O E Muyno hns buggies and Unvorg ready at all times to rake p.ullcs out. 7Ul-2tl OIICHARD HILL lowest prices , easiest torinsnlcc3t _ lots UE Mayne. ugcnt. 72S20 015. MAYNK glvos the lion ternis , sells the cheapest , shows jou moio pioperty tlmn uny otlior r.gont can. Uo and f-uo tor yiiui Mill , 7..l-2il _ NEWPORT AND 1IEL.YEDRRE ucro loiTnTo iiboHd ot nil othej. Call anil BOO f or jour- tell . 0 E Muyno , agent , S W tor 15th and J'ar- num. 0-20 _ GUT n homo. In thoio times of high runt a saving can bo made oaeh year by bu lng , The plan auvtrostod Is this ; t-oloct your pl'in lor u cottugo biiltablo tn accommoduto the needs of HID janilly ; HVibinlt It to llallou Uros. , 1117 S. lilth St. , who will Immediately give figures lor thohonsii and a Mital ! > ; o pleoo ol ground In ngond neighborhood , t-cll you tint pioiiMty nil 11 modest payment of 820) down , and take the balance In small monthly payment * . ' 1 his llrm hu > already provided over forty families with comfuitublo homos and uro now piopuiliiK , to build a new lot of houses to bo ready for UEO byjiino 1st. Call now and sug est changes In plans nlroudy suloctcd. llallou llios. , an 8. 13th bt , C01-SJ _ _ _ _ _ . prlces.easIostterinT ORCHARDHILI-I.owost . nicest lota. O E Mayne , ugent , 7220 rn.\Ki : a rldo to Orchard Hill , It costs nothing. J On do other spot c.m jqu get such u vK-w ofOnmha. C E Mi-ynohusbugglos and driven ) ready at all tlmos to tuku purlins out. 731-20 OE. MAYNU gives the host tcrmj. Fell * Iho . ohcnpost , hoHsyou more property than any other agent can. Go and st'o lor yoursell. ' " _ _ _ _ _ - OltCHARD HILfr IxjHos't prlcos.ouslcst tormiT nicest lots. U E iluj uu , us t ut. 72S--J j TARE a rid * to Orchnnl Hill , It co ls you nothing. On fie other < pot cnn you gel Such n view of Omaha. C. IV. Mnyno luu hufmlo * and dnvrmioaOy at nil tlmos to lake pnrtio out , 71KJ4 : T > VTTEUSON > ATTKUSON I'AUK 3H mlles from Court 1 House. _ , . . . . . . ATTKI19ON VAltR Acres nt S17 . P ATTKUSON I'AUK Acres nt $200 to f3VX pATTKHSON I'AUK Acres on easy terms , ntSON 1'AllU Aoros the cheapest. : USON I'AUU the best place to buy. OUNALK-lly D. G I'ntterson , Iron Hank llUlUllng. 4RJ-2I llCHArUlllLlLowost prlces.onMosttrrn O nlooltlotfl. C K Mavno. agent. TAKI ! n rldo to Orchard Hill , ItcoMs nothing. On no otlior spot cnn you got such alow of Oiniihn. 0 K Maynp hns buggies and drivers ready nt nil times to take parlies out. 731-gfl E. MAYNU elves Iho best terms' , ? olH the cheapest , snows you more property than any ether agent can. Uo and see for yourself. ltd ! AllD HILL-lx > wostpricps.caslost terms. 0 nicest lots , i K Mayno , ajronU 728-20 XTRWrOHTANO HKLVBOKUK aero lots arc J-V ahead of all others. Call nnd soo' r your self. U K Mayno , ngont , S W oor 15th nnd Far- naiu. 7JQ-2Q 171O11 8AM ! Full lot , GO foot ea t fronton 10th JJ St , near future Drownoll Hall , with nnnrly now 10-tooui house , $ ' ,80J , Thee , Olson , 213 S ISIll 8t 627-24 KMAYNK glvos the best term * , soils the cheapest , snows you moro propoity than nny other agent can , Go and see for yourself. TtAKK a rldo to Orchard HUI , It costs nothing. On no other spot can you gotsuolt a vlow of Omnhu. 0 E Mayno hns buggies and drivers roiulynt till tlmos to tnko parties out , 731-20 fVlCII AllD HILL- Lowest prlcos.castcst tornid , \J nicest lots. 0 B Mayno , agent. 72S-2IJ KWI'OUT AND IIELVKimitK acre lols nro ahead of all others. Call and SQQ for your- solf. C. E. Mayno , agent , S. w. oor. ISIh and Farnnm. 7UU-28 O HCHAHD 1IILI/ Lowe t prlooo , caislo t terms , nicest lots. C K Mnynoagent. 72J5-20 OOK. OK. MAYNE'S new map of Douglas county Iscompleloln every dotnll ; It tllli n long felt want. The prlco Is low , considering the amount of work necessary lo pioduco It. For Bale nt C. K. Mayno's real ostnto olllcc. 612-nil4 . MAYNE glvos tlio bos terms sells the cheapest , shows you moro property than nny otlicr agent can. Go and BOO for yjnitvsolf. T71OU SALK 3 lotl with good hoifso , I'atk nvo E Ilanscom Place , $3OW Thoo. Olson , 218 S 10th Bt 027-24 1 ! MAYNE glvos the best terms , soils the cheapest , triiow * you moro property than any otlior ugont can. Go and see lor yourself. fllAKE n rldo to Orchard Hill , it costs you -L nothing. On no other spotoan you got such n vlow of Omaha. 0 E Mayno has buggies nnd drivers ready tit all tlmos to take partlot out. 711-21 OUCH AllD HILL-Lowest prlcos.ooslcst terms , nicest lots. 0 E Mayno , agent. 72ti-2il Oil SALE The bnst east Iront lou In Hawthorne - thorno add , nt S760 Thco. Olson , 218 S 15th Kt 527-21 EWI'OUTAND IlELVEOnilR ncro lots are ahead of all others. Call and boo for your self. C. E. Mayne , agent , S. AV. cor. loth and Farnnni. 730-26 OE MAYNE gives tlio best terms , sells the cheapest , shows you moro piopcity tlmn any other agent cau , Go and ECO for yourself. . / - prlcos.oiialestterms , OllUHAUD.IlILI/-Lowest nicest lots. C E Mayno , agent. 7-8-2ii M US PLACE No such lots In any other localIty - calIty at the prices asked. 411 CEMA.YNE glvos the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows you more piopeity than nuy ollier.ugenl fan. Uo and see lor yourself. FOH HAl.i ; A llao l-room liouso not iiulto llnlslied with porch , closets , pantry , collar , cistern , well , outhouses. Walk nil around hoiiho and plcliet loneo , everythingnoatund complete , 3 blocks trom Nail woiks. at $ I,20J on very easy payments. If you want to secure n nlco homo In center of town como soon. Tlioo. Olson , 218 S 15th St 527-24 VpiAVI'OKT and llelvodoio acre lots are ahead- J- > of all others. C ill and see tor yourself. C. E. Mnyno , agent , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Far- num , 711-24 K MAYNK ( rives the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows'you more property than any otlior agont/can. Go and bee for yourself. 723-20 O ItCHAUD HILTj Tx > wi > prices , oasloit terms , nicest lots 0 E Mayno , agent. V.3-20 IF You have any property for sale or rent lift with me and It will have prompt atten tion Uhco. Olson , 218 S 15th St 527-24 GE MAYNE glvoa the best terms soils the cheapest , shows you more piororty tlian any other agent cnu. Go and sou l'oryour > ulf. 72120 _ TTIOHHALIJ A lot(18vin ( , and dirclllntr 20x21 , -L' noarfutuio llroivnoll Hull , cheap ; half cash , balance small monthly payments. V. K Yo- dlcka.520 S. 13th st. _ Ull MAYNI ! gives the best terms , sells the CE vhoapost , shows you moro property than any other agent can. Go and see lor yourfolf. _ TVTEWl'OKT and llclvedero aero lots nio JLN uliea'l of all others. Call and see lor your- ficlf. 0 E Mayno , agent , SV cor 15th and Far- num. 711-24 U MAYNK lvo5 the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows j on moio piopi'roy Hum fiuy oilier agent can. Co uad see for } oiirself. O HCIIAUIIHIJ/-Ixwost | > rlO3ru3lofct ( tonni , nicest lots. ( J J5 Mayno , ngont. 71l-2if ! CKMAYNE erlvos the best terms , polls the cheapest , shows you moro pioperty than any other agent can. Go and ECO lor yourself. . 72J-3I _ _ _ NEWPORT and Itclvedero aero lols nro ahead ofallothers. Call i > nd sco for your pelt ; U E Mityue , agent. SV cor 15th and Far- imm. 711-21 j _ CE MAYNE gives the best lormfl , cells Ihu eheapo > t , fihoiva younioio proiiniy than any other agent can , Go and eco lor yum self ' , ' . 72'.i-2 _ _ _ _ _ _ FOUSAMI-Hnniilirul Int. 75x1.7) ) rs-tn ! liiirr O li , noir 1'nrlc Gate , Sl.'iJO ' ; easy terms. 0. E. Mayno , 15th and I'arnrm. U17-2J GE MAVNK"ffivortTiu best lornn , fells the cheapest , I-IIOUH you moro piopoilj than nny other ngcnt can. Go nnd &ou lor jonisulf. NIMYI'OKT anil Ilolvndoro acre lotsaioahead of nil others. Call and aca ttir youiBoir. C. E. Mayno , agent , Bv. . cor , 15th and Far- "am. 711-ai _ OE. MAVNB glvos the best terms , sells tlio cho.ipcM , show * you inoro piopcity than any otlior ugcnt can , Go and sco for joinvclf. 7Ji-ai ! EWl'ORT ANDllHIVI5 EHr. nero lotsaio nho.ul of all othois. Call and s * o for your. > olf. U 15 Mayno , agent , 8 W cor 15th and Fur- num. _ 7 ! > 0-aj OIICHARD HILL-LowoEt prlcos.easiost terms. _ nicest lots. O E Muyno , agent. 72j-2ii EOll HALii-Lot In Tellium I'laeu , $ } T5 , easy ( Onus. Ixns in Hnuscom I'luco. $75) Ixt on Virginia avii. , iJOM. JlotB In Runtiyalilo , $ i.X ! } ) , M lots onVo t rurnam St. , . ' , , . Corner lot In I-owo's add. , I5W. Lot on Hamilton St. , fHW. 2 lots on Hamilton St. , § 1,003. . Lot on Howard BU.SrtOJ. Cornoi lot in 1'rospoot I'luco. f'W. Corner on t'ariiam8t..iWxiu : it. SW.OTa 2 1'oiise-nuul lull lot , llith Wuhiter , J.0033. Slot * in Ln { o'sndd. , § 1,175 un 1 41'iOJ uMoli. ilt , ( und 0-room ( muse , I iril St. , near 20th , 1st Irct on 8 isth St. ? 1I,001 , : i lots on 24h ( St. , SiOOi . 8 Inig on Duoaturht. , tfl.OJ. Lot ousted St. , ? liQJ. 1-ot In .Ncl < on'B iidil. , $1,700. IlmiEoand lull 'ot , b.iru , well , etc. , on Unmll- tonbt. , flMJ5J8V tonim , . _ Oog.J' . llomla Hitli anJ Douglas Sit. BH TUEWl'OUT AND linLVHDEIir : aero lots aio ki ahead of all otlior.i , Call and > co for your- f elf. O. E. Muyav , utont , a. W. ior. i : > th and Iiiriuiiu. _ _ 74M OltCHARD IIILt Lowest prlce3en ! est t rnn , _ nicest luu.UIJ _ _ Maynu , agpnt. 72.4-M OE MAYKE glvos thq best tonns , Foils the cheapest , shows yon moro inopoity tlnni uny otlipr ajunt can. Go and BOO lor yourself ORCHARD HIfil4-I.owcstprilostaslo- terms , atccstlots. CEMiiyiio _ , agent. . 7IKM FoirsAi.n ciio ipTotgiri UuTr oTETiuiTu odlnnsonin I'ftrU. nojriitr.ootcari. j.Ji . , cajy termj. l-ottor A : Utb.l5l3 Fiunmn st. 831 ORMAYNr.Rlrcs Iho lie < i tcrm , soils the Cheapest , shows you more property than nny other spent oun. Go mid coo for your cU. < ( ) USAtu tno ) our mules and 10 hernl ot 1J J horses , at 207 1 6th St. OOSWS1 * _ _ _ OltCHARD UlLtrt owp t prlce .onslost Tcrmii , nicest lots. E Majno , agent. 7a.J ! THVUt SAM.oTo InTdolotl south fnmt , In J-1 Lowe > addition very cheap on fnvornblo toriiis liMnlfCftt Y M tA rooms 5JI-21 * NnWl'OHT and llovpero new lots flVo nhwirt of nil others. Ciill and co for your- frir. u E Mnyno , agent , B W cor lUllt nnd Far * nnm. . _ 7il-2t Foil SAliKCurncr of Snundrrs mm Nicholas Bt . , three front * , C4 , . This Is n Imrgaln. a E. Mayno , 15th and ramam , 010-2J ncr.X III ) 1 1 1 Lli-IxiweMrrcc ! , oftSlest term > , nicest lots. OBMixyiip , agent. 7t8-M ! JC Soldon'A addition , only 2 blocks from I.OHT- cnworth St. , 132x121 , only f 1,5W. rotter fc Cobb , 1515Fnrniunst. 3 OltCHARD HIM/- Lowest prlvca.onslcst terms. nicest lots. ( J E Maiio. ngmit _ TiS-iM inoil SAI.U-Dnlloh Hroi.,317 8. 13th sU offop X' tlio following spoelrtl bnrgnlita ! 10 U sections of ( arming lnud.i In Ilrown ami otlior counties In Nolua ka at $5 | > orncr.o ! 15 Umber claims on spoulnl terms would tnko other property In ovohanfto. Also wornl see tlons of school Inndu for faloor loaso. These lands nro well located near rflllrom ! nnd sohools and nro the cheapest lands for actual settlhr In thostnto. OK. MAYNE fthos tha best terms , pells the ohonpost , shows you more property than any other dealer onu. Go and sue for ymirsolf. TIAKK a ride to Orohnrd Hill , It costs you nothing. On no other spot cnn you got gjolt n vlow of Omaha. 0 E Mix ) no has uugglos and drivers ready at all tlmol to take parties cut. 711-24 _ AllD niLL-liowost prloos.oaslest torma. OHCH lots. U E Ma ) no , agunU 7Ja-8i > i\VroilT : and Helve lore nero lols are ahead N of all others. Call and see for yourself. C. E. Mayno , ngont , 8.V. . oor. 15th and Fur- num. 711-24 MAYNK give * the best terms , soils the OE cheapo * ! , shows you moro properly than nny other itgonl can. Qo and see for yourself. 720 30 HCHAHD HILT/-Lowo t prlcoi.cnstost terms. O nicest lots. O E Mayno , agent. KM-S8 l'LAOK-No grading needed ; level AMKS . Allies. 1537 Farnam st. 411 MAYNU gives the best terms , sells the CE uhoapo't , shows you moro property Ihnu any other agent can Go and see for yourself. 72U-20 OHCI1AH1) IUTjL-Lowcjtprcclotislost ! terms nicest lots. U E Mnyno , agent. 711-24 . MAYNE gives the best terms , sells the cheapest , hews you moro property tlmn any other agent can Go nnd see lor yoursolt' 720-20 OUCH A 111) ) HILL-Lowest pi Ice .oasiost terms , nicest lots. 0 B Mayno , ngcnt. 723-20 AKE n rldo 10 Orchard Hill , It costs nothing. On no other spot can you got such u vlow of Omaha. C E Mnyno has bngglos and drivers icndy at all times to taKe parties out. 731-20 TjiOU KALIS Lols in howo's 1st addition , XJ south fronts , easy torius , only J5W. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Farnam st. 831 . MAYNE glvos the best forms , sells the cheapest , shows jou moro property than any other agent can. do and sco for yourself. KWI'OUT and Ilelvedoroacrolots nro nhond N of all othorf. Call and see for yourself. O E Mayuo , ngcnt , S. W. cor. 13th and Fnr- nnrn. 711-34 OE. MAYNE gives the uou terms , soils the choupost , showa you moro property than any othei tigrnt can. Go and sco lor yourself. 729-26 OU SALE A towof the best ots In Wileox'a lull , nt JOOO each. I'ottor M Cobb , 1515 Tar- nnm st. 855 CE. MAYNE glvos the best terms , soils the cheapest , shows jou moro property than other . Go and for . any agent can. see yourself. fca-23 /"IRCHAHD III Llr Lowest prlcos.oaslost terms , \J nicest lots. C H Mavno. agent. g26-2l ( KWI'OUT and elrdoio nore lots'iivo ahead of nil others. Call and see for yourself. C. E. Mayno , agent , S. W. eor. 15th and Far- nnm. 711-24 GE. MAYNK ( rives the best term' , soils the cheapest , shows jou moro property than * any other ngont can. Go and sco for yourself , 723-20 UCHAHDIIlLL-Lowostprlcos.cuslost terms , nicest lots. CEMayiie.agont. - 71124 OU SALK-Hy j. L. 1'lorson & Co. The George Llndo farm has boon sub-divided into 5 and 10-acro tracts. This flno property Is loss than live miles from the postofllco directly on tlioo.xtoiislon of Dodge st. It Is beautifully located , not a poor aeio In the whole tract , and Irom it can ho seen the high school nnd a num ber of the nuw additions to Omnha. These choice tracts are ollcrud on long time and easy terms , at taim prices. A line drive equal to a boulevard ox ton U Irom the city light out Doduost. to the laud.Voaro solo agents and will take pleasure lu showing you these thio ncios. J. L. 1'Ierson k Co. , 153(1 ( Farnam,2d lloor. 0-J5-S1 C" ErMAYNiy give } the bust terms , sells tlio cheapest , showa you moio pioporty-tlmn nny otlior agent can. Go and boo lor yourself. OltCHAHD IIIId-r-Loivn t pi leoseasiest terms , nicest lots. U E Mnyno , agent. 72J-20 NKWI'OIIT jind B olvoaoia 'noio ' lots nro nlir-nil ol all olheis. Call and t > oo fqi-your- poll. CE Mayne , auont.S Wcor 15th nnd Far- nnm. ' 711-21 0 ItCII AHD H ILIi-LoycPt prlces.onslest tonns , nlcostlots , .CEMayno , agent. WS-'Ji ) iSTUSl ClltW fntliiully rtllci otlitl ino.t > lult nt ult Fkr , | iiiul InMiri1 * cniiirurl-B - uklr ti'ci. Used LjB Inli'UUion.tliun renchlni ; the ditoaui direct. cs thn FiiiBni , ( arilltalo fruu [ irhrrFAtlotlirrrciiir llr fall. A trial routlnm ( bennlH > kritlr | > l of ll | luinrdlalr.illrtrt oann r.f llliir tlTtf Li l'rlronOu. aij.1 * ! . ( Mil of rliuttliu or l.r tl > ll. Trill ] 1ik' | fri > ufjricaiiii. ; llr. II S ( IIIH'MiN.M. I'lnl.Wlao - Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBMSia. . Paid up Capital $250,000 , SuplusMrty 1 , 1885 85,000 II. W. YATUS , President. ' A. li. TOIJXAI.IH , Vice Proslddnt. \V. II. S. UUOHKS , Cashlor , DIU * V\r. V. MoiiaK , JOHN S. COLLINS , U.r , yATics , LBWIS S , HIJKU , A. K. TOUZALIN , BANKING OFFICE. THE IRON BANK. Cor. 12th and Farnatn Street ] . General Hanking Tr E > V B O KK MMIVA nK * * m v * " . ' In ralllnz. Brnln IlKAINKIt And > J MI.VUNTKI orrovrerl'lljf IAilIIKLY\VAMT- ! I II lliov llml IK-rfi-rt > nil reliable eurn In tlie | paix-raiiiiu i > iior i , ( . - . llonlollkuorl.y inullmlllitU tiuiiiliit ituctmul < U' CIVIAI.G AOEfJCr. o.l74 Fulloii Street. Now Yoi iK > GOLD MEDAIii rAEIS ieTa , Warranted < Aiolnlctit jnira Cocna , from > , Ulth llio cicfwof Oil lia boon rtmovcd , Itha Wr < ftmet Hie ilrtnstfi ol Cocoa mixed with 6t .rib. Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd I tluicfcru far moroccouoiol- cal , mttlny ttn titan ovt ctnt a . ; > . It li delldou * , nourlstln ? , BdinlmUy inJojilcd for lnvaIJ ! M well pa fof pcrfino IP linltli- Sold lijr Urori nOTcrTlih _ ) p W , BAKER & CO , , Mtcsler , Mass , iESTOREp.npin ! - . Kicr. A\i tiiuof joiilllJ ; id Imiiruclonuo C3U 'fif ,1 I'rtiUJtuii ) Hccay. IM0 'I V * r N V W v u3 il * l.i'.itjLett ' Maa. orl. i. lminftrlHmv ! * . . VnowurcmeJr lu * illnti > < red aKhni > ( ! > - , .ihUlilionlUbcxil 1II PI 11 hi * fvMnw-KiUTrrrr * * AcHnst VoikCllr. f. U.lH.UVKa.lJCliitlijrjtrout.Vow V .