V . , -i.f . 1711 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , APRIL 23 , 1886. 3 The Strike Situation Oivems Prices on Chicago cage Board of Trade- EVERYBODY WANTS TO SELL. AVIiont Drops Utiilur ProplicolcB of Direst i\II-Tho Cnttlo Market Dull nnd lovcrVith Llliornl CHICAGO Git A IN MiVltKCT. Cni6Ano , April Si [ Special Telegram. ] WIIHAT Wheat ; was active and lower , anil the entire spt'ciilatUo nmrkct symitathlrod tea a greater or lc s pxtont. The crowd was large1 , anil nsa Rood many ot the scalping element \\rie anxious to clo o up tliolr trades , a lar o qn.intity of pialn came out for which Ihero was fewer bu > crs than expected. DIs- ul-lliiK strike news at home and In New Yo l < Intd n decided ueakcnlnf ? circct on the tone ( J the general markol. The burning of Andrews fiiinlturo fnctorj' and other acts of \ loU-ncc were quoted as likely to drl v capital Into retirement , parallzo business and cause ivido-spicad ilrpu'salon and distress , com pared with which tlm bard times of the pnst two or three years would seem a pcilod of bonndlessprospeilty. The nroachcrs of evil times and cheaper prices found audiences , and a sense of timidity stole over Investors. The disposition to trade oil wheat for cash licrani'j more pronounced and the weakness In thu market moio apparent. Wheat opened XC' < > * < e iindurtho last quotations yesterday , and for the Hist half hour or Bitch a matter the tone of the market was stiong and prices advanced ? fje. Cables were linn and an ad- vnncn In sprlnir wheat of S Os was reported. Anan offBct consols were higher , and news fiom the winter \\hcnt llclds was conlirnin- foiy of iircvlons loports of line prospects ) of a bouiilt'onsciop. Tno conditions were sue h as to Inspire In speculative holders a deslro to rake In their prollts , and the maikct could nolnb'.oih the ofTerlngs nnd stand tip under the load. The decline did not stop till May wheat irached bOc and Juno 81 e , a droji fiom tlm best figures of tlm moinlng of J < V. The downwaid movement was not clmiactciiml by excitement , values selling easilv anil with becoming dublburatlon. For the last hour the market was sluggish and was h-lt cntliely to the manipulation of scalpels. It hardened slightly , and the close at 1 o'clockas % @Xc above low water mail ; . COIIN Corn was J c lower , and the market w as elinnictci 1/ed Dy dullness. The tiado Is waiting to see bow leadily pioperty that is moving ea-itwatd will bo nlisoibed before Ink- limadcclsiM ) plant. The stocks along the rallioidii am kno\\n to hn lar c , and owners aio In a mcaiino inuleteiinlneil as to the fnlnrc. OATS Oatfi were a shade blubcr. 1'itovisioxs I'lovislonscio vrry dull to day and easier. Tiado In lutuu-s wn * almost at astamlstlll. AKTHIEXOOX UoAito The afternoon nnuketsweie ncivnus , nnd there was little dolmr. Some war news gave wheat a slight ialsi > , and the prospects ot ilotlng In the L'iko Shore yards gave tradei.s enough to tilk about Little Qlsu was thougbt of , Wheat closed J CXe higher than at 1 o'clock. O.ils was slightly higher. 2-lO : p. m. I'nts on May wheat , TO c ; calls , Cimmllor-Browii Co.'s flcport. Tlm following report Is furnished by Chandler Brown Co. , of Chicago and Milwau kee. kee.Wheat Wheat opened easy at S0i for May , advanced to H ) > < , then sold to bO , and closed at bOxV < ? ? HJ4'at ) 1 p. iii. Trading was lighten on account of to-morrow being a holiday. No new fi-atmes \ > eio developed , and the situa tion remains the same. Think pmchascs on bicaks will yield piollts. Corn and oats quiet but firm. 1'iovKions easy 2:30 : p. in. K\erythliig steady and unchanged. CHICAGO MVE STOCK. CHICAGO , April 22. [ Special Tclepram. ] CATTI.K Tlio receipts to-day were quite liberal the olTerings Including thirty-live cms of corn letl Tuxuns ami elu'htcen cars of slop fed c.iUU' . There were not very many pialile fed mttlf , but tlm offerings Inclmleil a great many good thick fat beexes , good enough for any market In thuwoild. The ilcmanil was very weak. Huvci.s wanted a few of the { -holce.st cattle of all weights If they cou 1 < 1 gut them about lOc lower , while thu geii'Tn ! run of stock illil not seem to \\anteil , except at much Rieatcr reduc tions. lllils on common to nieillum cattle In Jimny can's were ir 'to lower. Sales were made at about 10@lfxi ilccllno from yesti'nlay , nml | ) ilces weto fully We lower than Monday morning. Shipping .stoci.s , 050 to ir ooibs , S4.-J00A.00 ; ii-J Neluaskans , 1,074 Ibs , S4.75 ; lOcorn-feil we.stcins , l,40ribs , 55.20 , lions TnulijwiiH ilnll anil juices lower , making a ilrop of 15j20c ( since Tuesday , the lilgho.st ilay lor the week. The host assoitetl , heavy anil hntclier pigs sold at S4.20@4. : , nilNeilatS4.IO(2VJOanil ( light at g4.00@4.eo. ( lOoil Kihlay will be geni-ially obssinveU In JCnglanil anil Ami'i lea. Noailyall commer cial boilieci have ailjonrned until Saturilay. FINANCIAL. Now York , Ainll it ! . MONKV On rail ronthuicb abnnilant at 2@t : pur rent. SrKituxo KxciiANOE-Unclmuscit ; for sixty ilnyn , and S4.tt > } - on di-inand. OdVfcHNMKNTS Veiy dull but steady. S'rocKfa Stocks were extremely dull. Prices weio about steady dining the fore noon , yielding slightly after mlditny on a lit tle Increase In luiilness , but again became steady Lite In the ilay and closed veiy dull at er than last evening. STOCKS ON WALL 8TUEBT. SVeeutboiuU. . . C. JtN.V us. ; 4)4's i 1 lSb New 4's 120 N. rt : : : ] I'Rcincrt'Hof ' ( H. 127 Oreson Tmn. . . Central 1'acllio. . 41 Pacific Mall If P. , 1) . &K 11IV11 155 P.P.O 133 o. , n. it Hock Island. . . , 133To F. . . . To D.&ILU. . ; . ; . . . I0 } i jirefeued. 40 Sj tt , SI. &St. P. . . . 53 preferred. , Illinois Cmitnil. IJS ! StP. iltO 41 J ; . II. & \Y \ . 24) ) | proferrea. . . Kansas .kTexas. ii7KTcxa , I'aclllc , . . 10U LakeShore . bivlunlonl'acilio. . . 1N. . . . . . & > > | W. , fit. 1 & ! . . 7 Mlch.Ccntr.il. . . . CO i pruferreil. . . 15VI Mo. 1'acllio . 104K WeMww Union 1'ac. . . siSWO.iJ.AcN . . rnonucK. April C2- Flour Steady and unchanged : winter wheat , S4.40rtN.47 ; southern , S4.XX < M.tt ( ; Wisconsin , St.rAf ? . " . : Miphle.ui soft prlni ? , SU.70ftJ.00 : Minnesota hakerV , S3.fOrf4.M ; patents , ? 4.M ( a.\W ( ; low rradct , 8iO ST.Oo ; rye Hour , gt.Wilt.tQ. In lurreI , S3.0)if.0 ) : ! In sockB. Wheat ActUo but unsettled ; opened fe lower , ritvanccd 'Vo , became weak and di1- cllned lc , recovered Kc. became weaker , and closed Kc ninlcr yesterday : 70@792fc for cath ; 70c for April : s-OcforMav. Corn Weaker ; Mav closed -\c lower , and .June ' e lower : SlVrtJlT'fc ' for cash ; a for April : 87fg37J ( < c for May. Oats Firm ; deferred fiilnrei He higher ; i < nOclor cash ; 2\&c \ for April ; W6 } < & .OXc for .May. Hjc-JiiletatClc. Hnrlcv DnllaloOc- . T mothy-rriuw. 81.82 1.83. Flax-st-wl-SI.0 % ' Whlskv-S1.14. 1'ork llasli-r ; drcllnrd 2' < ( B-V ! , and closed steady nt decline : SS.O.VuO.00 for cash ; S3.05 ( < 5 8.07' ! for April : SS.oftaoo for May. haul Shade lower ; 5f5.b7K ( < r > .W ) for cash , April . and May. - short ' " " " ' 14rai7c. Cheese Full cream chendars , 10llc ; tlats , lOmillXrt Young Americas , HQl'Jc. Kittn Avcakcr at lo fffliic. ( Hides Oreen , OJ < c ; neavy green salted , 7J.fc ; light , 8fc } ; dannced , ( ijfe ; bull hides. 6 ? < e ; dry Baltod , PJKc ; dry Hint. l @Hc ; calt skins , lite ; all skins under 8 Ibs classed as deacons sold at fiOc racli. Tallow Weak ; No country , 3 c ; No 2 country , 3 , ' c ; cake , -WC c. KecoipU. Shipments. Floitr.bhh . 21,103 0.000 Wheat , on . . * . 10.000 KVMWO Corn , on . : uooo 212,000 Onts.bu . W.ooo 0:5,000 : ] { yi-.mi . l.ooo 11.000 Harlev.bu . 22,000 Wono Liverpool , April 23. Wlio.it Good de mand ; new No. 2 winter and spring , no stork hcic. Flour Poor demand ; steady at Ss 4d. Corn Fair demand ; spot , linn at 4s 8 < l ; April , steady at4a iid ; May and June , steady at 4s 2d. Friday , Saturday and Monday will be holi days. Toledo , Apt 11 27. Wheat Cash , S7Jf@ OOe. Coin-Cash , ROj c. Oats Neglected. Unions City , Aplll 2i. Wheat Dull and Illeiess : o. 2 n-d cash , M a bid ; Apill , 04e bid : .May , Mj 'c bid. ( ! Wc asked. Coin ltill but stionger ; No. 2 , cash , 27Xe May , 2Si/c bid , 2SVc asked. Oats No quotations. St. IJOUIH , April 22. Wheat Quiet and easier : No.2 led , cash , UOj c. Corn Dull and easier ; No.2 mixed , cash , , Oats Lower ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2fl bid. bid.Hvc Hvc noc. Whisky S1.10. 1'ork j ! ) . 0. hard 55.7S. llnttcr Dull and weak ; choice 10 fancy ctoamcry. tl@20c ! ; dally , 17@22c. AFTKIINOOX JioAUD Wheat Firm and Vc hlghi-r. Corn Kasy , } c lower. Oats j c liighur. New Orlc-nns , April 22. Coin Flrmir ; mixed , and white , -lOc ; yellow , 4tc. ? Oats Firmer ; choice western , : w@l9c , Coinnical ( Julct but firm at S'J.O. ) . Hog I'loducts Kailer but not qnotably lower. Pork Kasicr atS10.12K. Lard HeliniMl tierre , W.57T.1).uS ) . Hulk Meats Shoulders , S4.00 ; long clear and clear ribs , S. . .r)0. Now York. Apill -Wheat Itccolnts : ! 1,000 ; cxpoits. ( Vj.OCO ; spot dulland nominal ; options opened lieavy but closed .steady ; un graded i ! dat70cgS1.00No. ( ; 'JicdandMay closing at : ? % c. Corn Spot and options lower : receipts , lfi.000 ; exports. 1G5.0CO ; nngi-.ulcd , 4a@lc ( ! ; No. 8 , 44Mc ; No. ' . ' , 4rtx@lU ( fc In elevator , 479fe alloat ; 47J c 1. o. 1) . ; ilay closing at JCjtfc. o.Us Higher and fairly active ; receipts , 30,000 ; expoits , 21,000 , : mixed western , 3'J@ 42o ; white western , 42ffl4"Kc. 1'ctroleum Steady Unltod closed at 704'c. EBKS ( inlet ; wustern , li } VSc. Pork Dull but nominal. Lard Shade lower and dull ; westcin sti am. spot. SO.X. . Butter Dull and declining ; western , 10@ 2-Ic. 2Ic.Chopse Chopse Quiet , Cincinnati , April 22. Wheat Firmer ; No. 2 led , Die. Corn Strong and higher ; No. 2 mixed , Oats-No. 2 mixed , 3 % - . , . . HaHcy Unchanged ; No. 2 spring , 70c. Poil-S.ro0.7o. : ! Laid-S5.N ) . Whlskv 81.10. Minneapolis. April 22. Wheat Active ; No. 1 hard , cash , NJ c ; May. bii c ; Jnno , ; No. 1 noithern , cash , 78 > c ; May , i Jiine.Sl'ic. Flour-Patents , 84.55 ® 1.80 ; bakers. S3.S5 ® ' ! .bO. Uecclpts Wheat , 48,000 bu ; Hour , 125 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 4,000 bn ; Hour , 10.000 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee Milwaukee , April 2 > . Whcat-Stiong ; wish , bOJic ; June. 82c. Corn No. 2 , 37 c. Oats No. 2 , : Uc. ) live No. 1. CSc. U.irlev . No. 2 , 50c. 1'iovlsions Mess pork , cash and April , 88.05. g liIVK STOCK. ChlcnKoAprll22. Cattle Rccelpts.8,503 ; Mow and lO&ZlSc lower ; shipping steers , 84.25 (35.10 ( ; stock-CIS and feeders , 82.7504.70 ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.750iM.25 ; bulk , 82.70 ( a3.10 ; tinough Texas cattle , S4.40 ( 5.00. Hogs Keceipts , 10,000 ; very Blow and 10 ® 15c lower ; lough and mixed , S2.75 ( < 44.15 : packing and shipping , S.00@4.5U ; light , 83.iiO M4.20 ; skip , S3.753t.4U. : Sheep-Receipts , 3,000 ; dull ; natives , S2.00 @ 5.50. Kansas City , April 2J. Cattle Receipts , 1 , ( > 03 ; shipments , 1,500 ; market weak andioo lower on .shipping ; bntchors' dull and 5@lOu lower ; feedi-i.s selling a shudo lower. Hogs Receipts , 7.00J ; Hhlpmonts , 3,400 ; market opened about steady on clinico lots , closliiL' with a decline ; line choice , S3.Wcj ) ( 4.10 ; mixed packers 83.05@'i85. St. LoulH , April 2i Cattle Receipts. 800 ; shipments , 100 ; market fairly active and a shade easier ; cliolcu shipping and export , SJ5.00i ( $ : > .50 : common to good , S4.iOi : ( ! < .lK ) ; butchers' steeis , S3.25@4.40 ; cows and heifeis , S2.50Q3.75 ; stockers and feedms. S3.00@4.20. ? Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; maikct falily active but 5@10e lower ; butcheis' and choice heavy , S4.10i4.15 ( ; mixed packing , 83.850214.05 ; lights , § 3,85 ® 4.00. _ _ OMAHA IjIVB STOCK. Thursday Kvenlng , AIMII 22. The cattle market continued ijnlet through out the day with Ilglit receipts , Tlm packing houses were compelled to snip In over two liundicd bead of cattle , to supply their present needs , over and above what they were able to buy on this market. Dressed beef cattle aio in stiong demand , and 1110 nicked up Immediately on arrival. Cholco butchers stock , such as fat cows and liolfers , Is wanted. Quotations for to-day weio : Choice to extra steers , averag ing 1,400 to 1,500 pounds , S4.bOr ' " 5.00 ; good , aveiaglng 1,200 to 1,850 pounds' , S4GOC 4.75 ; medium , averaging 1,100 to 1,200 pounds , l.ucxi.40 : good to choicti cows and licifers , averaging 1100 to 1200 , S3.50@3.80 ; medium , averaging bOO to 1000. 82.75(5Si.25 ( : choice to extra "bulls , averaging 1500 to 2000 , S3.00Ci ? 8.50 ; common , a\erasing 1200 to 1500 , 82.50 ® 3.00. 3.00.The The hog market was more actlvn to-ilay , and a good many changed hands. The mar ket opened about steady at yestei day's quotations , but closed weak. Only ono load sold for over 83.80 , Quota tions for to-day weio : Cholco light and medium weights , 83.80 3.00 ; cholco heavy , 83.75 3.80 ; good to choice mixed , 83.05J5 ( S.75 ; common lough grades at 83.450J3.50. Tliero were no bheepon the market. 1100 . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 72 217 S3.70 Ti . .2IX ) 75 201 a75 65 3SI 3.SO 74 212 S.75 m 274 % M ) G4 273 J1.75 69 22. % 3.JO 51 Ka 3.bO 70..217 3.W ) 50 200 3.80 10..22 $ .VO 09 214 S.PO 53 2f.rt . aK ) 61 307 affl 71 211 3.b5 43 2f3 3.80 IIIOIIF.ST AND LOWEST. Showing the hlirhcst nnd lowest prices prill on this market for mixed packing hoes dur- Inc tno east seven days and for the corresponding spending period last month. Match April Tliuriday S3.SO 3.W , ' S3.80 (33.85 ( Friday 3.JO &J.M 3.75 @ 3.bO Saturday. . . . . . . 3.75 ( fc.b ) 3.75 ( S3.80 Monday 3.75 ' 3.75 ( < * 3.tK ) Thursday. ' All sales of stock In this market arc mndo per cwt lUc weight unless otherwise stated. Dead lings sell at Kc per 11) for all weights. "Shins" or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs and stags 0 Ibs. Notes. Cattle market quiet. No sheep on the market. ling market closed weak. Hogs averaged 03 to the car. John Wiggins , Duncan , Bold a load of hogs. J , G. Hall , Gibbon , maikctcd a load of ho s. llii.im Jeff ivy , Osceola , sold a load of hogs. F. L. Hicks , Cohldgc , imukctcd a load of hogs. A. W. Uraat , Blue Springs , sold a load of hogs. Al. Powell bought 840 hogs and 35 head of cattle. W. U.xys , Valparaiso , dlsprssd of a load of 08 hOjS. Lobmaii & It. , A Ida , Imd 170 head of cattle at thcyanK K. 1) . Welkcr , St. Kdwanls , m.uketcd a load of bogs. Scholield & Taylor , Wa\erly , disposed ola load of hogs. Ostciiberg & F.Vahoo \ , Imd a load of hogs on tlm mniket. M. Delany , Fremont , had a load of cattle on the market. Gco. Hoetcl , Milliud , was at the yaids with 48 nead of cattle. W. Weyant , jr. , Malcolm , had a load of cattle tlo on the maiket , T. J. Taylor , Shelton , sold a load of 73 boss on thu maiket. Gieon & Meeker , Greenwood , had a load of hogs on the m.uket. About JsOO ho''s and 40 head of cattle weio shipped otitof theyauls. .Ir.mes AlireM , Unadllla , sold a load of 60 lion's on to-daj's maiket. Mr. Ulvett , of the linn of Ki\ctt & H.xtc.s , Cheney's , wasat theyauls and sold two loads of hog * . S. 1 > . Stone , of Stiahn , was at the yauls wlthaload ot cattlu shipped fiom Mal\cm , Iowa , which sold very satisfactory. OMAHA WHOLiKSAIjR MAIIKKTS. General Markets. Thiiisday Kveiiinj : , Apill22. Koos Tim maiket , was not settled to-day. Thoeommisiion men weio stilvlng linr.1 to keep up prices and weio asking HJ lOc. ' 1 lie bulk ot sales weie made at ! i , ' e , a lew going at ll c. Tlioiecelutsaii ) liberal and a decline woulil not bu stirpiising. UOTnit : The u-celpts have been moio libeial and juices are not quite as stiong. Choice cieainery , 251 .Vc ; ehoiculiesh table , 17 ( > t8c ; good flush table , 14@lio ( ; fair , 8@ 10cpoor ; , S@"ic. CIIII : > B Fnncvfiill cream rlieddars , Oc tober make , llj o ; Hats , 12'xfe ' ; young A HUM lea , ll'le ' ; urst qualltv SwKs cheese , 15e ; M-cond quality , I2' cel4c , Limburger , lli(112e ( ( ; vUim Hats , ! iIlOc. ( Pori.riiY Thoiu Is no dicssed poullrv of any account coming in , and it may bn eon- sidcied out of the maikct. Llvu chickens aie in good demand and sell readily at S3. 0 @ : ! .7.\ Farmers aiu bilnging In a good many which they soil directly to the retail dealers. GAMI : Theio Is no game of anv account coming in and the demand has almost cn- tliely fallen oil. OVSTEUS The season closed at Ualtimoic on April 15th. Dealeis have disposed ot about all the stock they hnvo on hand and a lew days will linisli thu balance. New York counts , 45c ; extra selects. 40c. selects , 35c ; standards 30c ; mediums. 25c. PIIISKIIVIS : : , .lii.iiHr. : ivrc. Preserves , all kinds , 20-11) . pails per Ib. lOc ; do in pail lots , per It ) . UJe ; assorted5-lb. palls per late , pails , § 3.75. Jellies , all kinds , iiist giade , 20-lb. pails , per Ib. 8e ; assorted , lirst glade , 5-lb. palls , ) ) cr crate , 0 palls , 2.50 : do 1-IB. pails , pur case , 2 doSA25 ; do. tumb lers , per ea < e , 2 doz. , 31.40. Je ly. all kinds , second made , 33-lh. pails , per Ib. 5c. Mince meat , best grade } j bbl. per Ib. 7c ; do. 5-lb palls , per crate. 0 palls , $2.75 ; do 40 Ib pails per Ib , 7-Jc ; ; do , 5-lb palls , per ciate , H palls 52.75. 1'e.ieh anil plum butter , 40-lb palls , 75- Ib. OJ < c ; peach plum ami qnincu butter , assoiled - soiled , 51b pails , per crate. 0 palls , 33.75 ; hoise radish , pint bottles , per doz S1.50. Pins' KEEP. Tniri : , KTC 1-igs' leet , pcrV bhl , S4.00 : do , } i bbl. S2.00 ; do. per kit , IWc. Lambs'tongues , perjjf bll , S8.25 ; do. per kit , 52.50 ; do. qmut jaro pordoy , S5.25 ; do , iiint jars per case , 2 do80.75. . Tripe , per ) < f bbl , S4.00 ; do , per tfbbl , S .OO ; do , per kit Ooc. Ooc.SAUEII SAUEII KIIAIIT Best quality , 30 gal bbl , § 0.50 ; 15 gal bbl. $3.7.1. COMII HONEY Callloinia2 lotranmtX ) Ibs , In case per Ib. , 15 ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska. lGrt17c ( ! , CiDEit Michigan refined , per bbl. , S0.50 ; do. half bbl. . 84.00. ViNEOAit WSilto wine. 10c ; cider , K e. OiiANiiKS Itlversidu bi-eilllngs , pei bo S3.75 ; Mediterianean Sweets , tier bo84.00 5 tn 10 box lots , per box , 83.7.1 ; San Gabiie : Navels , per box. 81.59 ; Los Angeles , per boxl 83.00 ; do5bolots , per box..52.75 ; Valencia 420 , per cao S8.00. LKMONS Fancy Messina , per boxS1.00 ; choice Messina , per box. $5.50. li ANANAS Tlicro ate very few In the mar ket and prices aio coiresnoiidlngly stronger. Quotations are S3.50it4.00 ( per bunch. Ai'W.KS-The maiket is oveistocked with Inferior apples which aie being sold for what they will bring. Western stock , S.i.00 ( < i2.25 : Michigan apples. 82.50 ; choice MUsoiui stock. S2.50 per bbl. CiiANBEHiiius Theiois very little demand and theio Is not niueh stock being sold. Dealers art ) dealing up their stocks as best they can. Quotations are 8 * > .50@.50 ) per bbl. Jersey mo sellum nt 82.00 per bush box. COCOANUTS Per 100 , 84.50 ; less than 100 , 85.00. NBW Fios , DATES , ETC. Layer figs , 8 and 10-lbboses , per Ib , lOc , Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , Ho ; Pcr-ian , 50-lb boxen , per Ib , lOc. Pmnelles , 30-lb boxes , per Ib , ISc. ISc.MAPM : StroAit Hiicks , strictly mire , 50-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc ; penny cakes , 25-lb cases , 12Ke- HONEY Fresh California comb honey put up in 2-lb f minus. GO-lbs In case. California comb lioney , per Ib. , 15c. Niw : VKOK.rAiii.Ks California cabbage , per Ib. , S'fo ; catilillower. pur do * . , S2.50 ; cel ery , per doz. . 51.50 ; asmuagus , per Jb. , 15o ; SDiuach , per bbl. , S3.00 ; green onions , per doz. , 35c ; radishes , per doOOc ; lettuce , pcrdoz. , We ; pieplant , per Ib. , 12Uc ; peas , perK-lmsli. box , 51.25 ; Jf-bush. box , S3.00 ; ciiciimbeis , § 2.5(1 ( jcr doz. Oi.n Vr.or.rAiii.ns Onions. Michigan , choice yellow , iier bbl. . 83.50 ; rutabagas , tier bbl. . 82.001$3.25 ; canots , pur bbl.,51.75 : horse ladlsh loots , per bbl. , 85.0J ; do per 11' , 7c ; sweet uotatoes , perlb. . 4o ; paisnlps , per bbl. , 82.00 ; beets , per bbl. , 82.00 ; Salt Lake pota toes , per bu. , SOc. PnovibioNS Hnm , O' @ 10o : breakfast ba con 8@8W'e ; clear slildhacon , 7@7Kc ; dry salto Bides , Oijti ) < c ; shoit rib sides , ( ! Kc : .shoulders , 5o ; mess pork. 812.50 per Obi ; diled beef , ham pieces , 13c ; laid , tierces , O 'e ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ; 70 Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7' c ; 6 Ib cans , do , lc : 3 Ib cans , do. , 7 0 ; boneless ham , lOc. UIIANS California and Michigan are sellIng - Ing in a small way. California liayo , per bu. , 81.05 ; do Pea. perbn. , Sl.bS ; Mlcliltran Medium , per bu. , 51.75 ; Country , per bu. , 75 &S1.25 POTATOES Tne market Is In a very unfa vorable condition. Tliero have been several car loads received during thu past few days. Them Is very little Inquiry for potatoes , and dealers arc not able to dlsposu of them readily. The \eiy choicest assoited stock can not ba minted over 8.it40o ( and slow sale at that. It is Impossible to sell car lots , and commission men ant compelled to sell them out in small lots. Local farmers are bringing in a good many which tends to lower the wholesale price ( iiiAix-rOa the streets and at the mills : Corn , 23c ; oats , 23 > c ; wheat , No. 2 , OOc ; rye , Ftouit AND MILLSTUF'KS Winter wheat flour , best nii.illtJiwlciif , § 3.00 .1.10 : "second quality , sa/A'fyfO , bc < t xiiahty spiing wheat Hour , intent S2..V3 ( 3. 75 ; buckwheat r , In barn-K 85.75 ; toady ral ed , 3 Ib pack ages , 84.00 ; fl Ib packages , S.T.TO ; bran , nee per cwt ; chopped feed , 75c per cwt : while corn meal , fcOc ; yellow corn meal , TOe per - - ' ' ly , Si. ! Grease , ptltnu w'lllii. ' 3c : ) el low , S' mown.Sc , Sliceu 1'qlts ! W < 5TSc ft ns AJfn SKINS Mink. each. mnskrat , winter. 6 < al c ; do. kits. lc ; Otter. S2.50@5.00 ; skunk , short striped , l.Xai > cdo. : broad striped. 10(315 ( : badger. 2550 ; llac coon. No. l law. 40 ® ) : do. No. a. eoraso ; do. No. n , 10L 25c'wolf ! mnlrln fiO iTV : ; do. moiintnin. S > 2.003.oowildcat ; 15@40 ; oea- er , S1.60 ( < ? 2.50 per Ib : fox. each , 40(3l.7. ( ' > : deerskin : , drv winter , I9@l5c pcrlb ; do. fall nnd summer , 15io.J.c : antelope. 5 ( 10. ; poi Ib. LVVUIKK Prime slaughter solo leather , 2sn : c ; Mitne oift sale. Jch.f ( \ < . senate , bppcr leather , per fool , ' 'umiS ; ; num. kip. 75MS5c : oak kip , 8T.@nv ? : French kip. 51.0 * 1.25 ; hem. calf , St.OOtfUO ; oak calf , Sl.OOai.2.- . ; Fieiiclicalf1Sl.SXSl.85 ! ; Moioceo boot Ice , SOutMc : Morocco oil pebble , S3 < 3& : toppings and linings , SO.OOftdO.OO per do/ . COAT. Anthracite grato. sa.25 ; egg , 88.25 ; raucc , S3 Ms chestnut , S3.50 : Iowa , 83.25 ; Walnut block , S3.Mllllnols ) ; , 85.00 ; Missouri , $4.00 * HEAVY HAiunvAiu : Iron , rates , S2.S5 ; plow steel , special cast , 4o ; criiolblo * tecl , Go ; cast tools do , 12ilSe ; wagon spokes , per set , Sl.7.v < it.o0 : : hubs. per set. 81.25 : . , felloes , sawed dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each , 7.V. ; axles. each , 7. > o ; sinnro nuts , per Ib. 7@llc ; cell clinln , per Ib , < X$12c : inalleabK o@Sc : Iron wodgcs , Cc : crowbars Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c ! spring steel , " ( St-c - ; Hurden's horseshoes , 31.40 : Bunion's iiinlu shoes , 8V40. Harbcd \\lie , in ear lots , 54.00 per 10D Ibs. Iron Nails , intns , 10 to CO. $ : too. Shot 81.M ) : buckshot , P1.85 : orlontal nowdcr , kens. ? 8.50 © J.OO : do , half kegs , SiOO ; do , quaitrr kegs , 81.50 ; blasting , kens , 3.35 ; tusu , per 100 feet , Wo. Lead Jlar.Sl.O-V PAINTS ix on. White lead , Omaha , P. Pa 7 > < \\hltolcad ; , St. Louis , pine , S7.brf Ma' M'lllesgreeu , I to ft ib cans , 20c ; KiuncSi 7lnc green seal , 12e ; French 7(110 ( , ted seal , lie ; Fieuch zinc. In vainlsh asst , 2Uc ; French 7lnc75cernillllou. _ ; . Ameilea , ISc : Indian- I/O oclne , trench , -J/p ; oclne , American , Winter's mineral-K < H Lehiiih brown'JJ o ; Sianisbbro\Mi.2' ) c : 1'rince's miner.il. 113 DUY TAINTS Whitcleadtkj ; 1'ieneh zinc , 12 : 1'aiis wliltliii ; . ! ! ) < c ; whltiiiR Kihlers , l4e ; wliltlDK , com'l , I' ' c ; lampblack , Cier- iiiuiitouii , l-'c ; lampblack , oiillnary , He ; 1'iiiiMaii blue , "MP ; ultrainartnep Ibc : vandyke - dyke , bioun , Sc : umber , Innnt , 4e ; umber , iav.Ic ; sienna , bmnt , Jc : sienna , law-ic ; Pailscieen. irennlne. U. " > c : 1'arls irieen. com mon , "Oe : chrome green , M. V. , 20c ; chiomo Kicen , K , lie ! ; vermlliton , lOn.ullsli , In oil , 70e ; raw and burnt umber , I Ib. cans , 12c ; lawand bmnt sienna , VJc ; Vandyke , brown , i : > c : lelinud lampblaek. 1'Je ; coach bl.icK and ivory black , Ifie ; drop black , Hc ! ; Prussian blue.lOo ; ultiamailiie blue , l e : ehioinu ( 'rcen. L. , M. Ar 1) . , Kic : blind and shutter irieen , L. , M. it I ) . , lOc ; Pails uicen , Ifcc ; Indian led , 1'xj ; Vcnotlnn led , Oe ; Tuscan , i-'c : American \eimillion , L. it 1) . , ace yellow oclno , PC ; L. M. it O. 1) . , ISe ; sodos ochre , Itic ; iiaientdiyei , to ; ( 'iaiiiliiK eolois liu'ht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. 1-c. Dui'os AND ( jiiF.JticAi.s Acid , carbolic , ! VIc : acid , tartauc. Mu ; balsam eopatba , per Iti.-iric ; bark , sassiiti.ifi. per Ib lOc : calomel , per Ib , ? Jc ; ehlnclmniUin , per ot , mc ) ; chloio- totm , pei Ib. COd ; Dovei.s powdnis , per Ib , Sl.U. " > ; epMim salts , ner Ib , 3J.jc : gljeenne , pine , per Ib. ISc ; lead , acetate , pot Ib'JOc ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per irnl. , Sl.OO : oil , castor , No. 2 , per pal. , Jjl.lO ; oil , olive , per ual. , S1.40 ; oil. origanum. fiOc : opium. S ! ! . < Vi : qui nine , P. .t W. , and 1C. k & . , per obTw ; po- lassimn iodide , iier ll > , S3.00 ; .salictn , per 07 , lOc ; biilpliatit niiirphine , per o2.GO ! ; sul- phur. er Ib. 4c : strYchuine , per oS1.40. . OILS 110carbon.po pallon , lc ( ) : 130 ° headlight. j > cr gallon , lie ; 17.1" headlight , per gal , ISe : IW water wlilto. lie ; liiibced , haul , " " - - - per call 47c : 49c : Sl.f spcim , AV. H. . pei-'ailon ( , " Sl.OU ; lisn''W. H. , ' leiie , jier callon. He , VAU.VISIIIiiairels : , per gallon : j-'nrnl- tine. extra , 81.10 ; fiuiiitiirc , No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; co.icii , No. 1 , Sl.-iO ; Dauiar. extra , & 1.75 ; Japan , 70u ; asplialtinn extra , 58c ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil linisli , ' bi'iniT ColoKiio spirits 183 proof , SI.12 ; do 101 proof , Si. 18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 piool , 81.12 ; do , 1K8 piool , 81.11. Alco hol , 183 pioof , § 2.10 per wino gallon. Kedis- tiilcd Whiskies , S1.0U@t.r > 0. Ciin blended , domestic , Sl.'iX'i'lOJ. CliampaiiicH , import ed , per e.i..c. $2S 03(231.00 ( ; Ameiican , per case , § io.ojaio.on ; Dartnioutli htudunt.s petitioned to liavo thu college reading room opened on Sun day , but the college trustees uiuminioti.s- ly rcti.bud. A man's better half is not his wife , ns the hoieiitists now .say , but tlm luft "HHO ! of his brain , a nil consequently the right side of his body. " Out in Rnttc a man attacked a woman with : i Hpittoon and disligiirod her for life. Ho waH required to fdvc bonds in tliu bum of $25 for his appearance. DIIOIX HKKTHA BELLE Daughter of Maria Smith , aged H years , seven months and thli- teen days. Funeral took place yestoiday , at 't0 : o'clock , from No. DOS Wheaton , coiner of Cnmlngbtreet. City Cleric South ml lias prepared nil tlm warrants for thu judges , clerks ami registrars of Die late election , and now 1ms them ready for delivery. GK1AHA HOTEL DE ECTORY. The Mlllard , E3. Shears , J , E. Murkol.Thos. Swohc , Proprietors Omaha , Nobiutka. Job Printing. JtKES rniNTI.VJ CO. , Job Printers , ' Book Binders , And . 1UO-108 South Fourteenth Slice Flour and Feed. W.J. WKLSHAN8& CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers ofy. . J , Welshans 4 : Co.'s Quick Italelng lluckwheat Uour and proprietors Omaha City Mills , cor. Bth and I'arnam Structa , Omnlio. Leather , Hides , Etc. BLOMAN 1IH0.1 , Wholcsulo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eoddlery and Hhou l'jndlnra. Hlderi , Wool , T'urs , Pelts , Uieasu , Tallow , Ktc. , Omalia. Not. Confectionery. F. I' . FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , Xuts and Cigars. 1211 Farnain St. , Omaha , Neb. Beer , M. KEATING , Agent for Anlieuser-Busti Brewing Ass'n Special brands Faust , lludv > clscr , Urlungtr Cor. 9th aud Capitol AVe.OuiaLi. MANUFACTURERS. Book Binding , Etc Etcco. co. , Printers , Book Binders , And Illank Hook Manufacturer * . No . 104 and 108 South lllh Strost. Umntm , Neb. Bridges Steam J HeDrving. _ ! RAYMOND & CAMl'HELU r.nclnccrs nml Contractors. Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving lion Combination and llano Trues Ilrldpo ? , Tlllnir anil O k Timber. 15th si. , near rarimui , Telephone No 731. Cigars and Tobacco , . " ' " * ' " " " "jIAXSlKVEU &CO. , Joboers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Guns nml Ammunition. BIS to 2 lSouth Itth Htrcet , KKOto 1KI Tarnam Street , Omaha , Neb. WES'l' A KIllTSCIinn , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Anil Wholesale Hcnlers In I.onf Tobaccos. No * . _ lOSjuid 110 N. 14tli Street , Omnhn. Neh. ' " uocKery. Accnt for the Manufacturers nml Importers , Crockery , Glassware , I/ampt , Clihnnc } , Htc. OOk-o. 317 South 13tb Street. Omaha , Neb. Carriages. C. S. OOODUICH & CO AgcntB lo > - V. A. Whltnuy Carrluso Co. s Children's Carriages , Jewell's Celobrntcd Ho'i iterators. SonJ dnor prleo Ists. 1415 1'arnnm ft. , Oimihn. O S. I'KTTIS & " ( ' ( T Wholsale & Reta" , Fins Cirriages , I'liarliinj , llncKit nml llmiilVIIKIIIK SO per cent piiNcil In btiliRi ) > ru . law 1110-lilJ , Itunl fctrcct , Omalui , NFlmik.i , llninchntCuuiifll Ululf' < , ln n. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works , John Eponotor , Promletor. Mnnufnr.turcr of Qnlvanl/i < d Iron and tornlro. If-'J Dodr.o ami 1UI nnd 105 North 10th Street , Omaha , Neb. KUEMPINO & 150I.TB , Jinnufncturersof Oi-nnracntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Final * , Ktc. , 310 S. 12th St. Workdono In any p.irt of the country. Western Cornice Works , O. SI'ECHT. Proprietor , ( inlrnnlrcil Iron Cornices , Etc. Spccnt'Blm- . rcnwl l Pali-lit Metnll'oBkjilBht. ' ' W und 61US. ii'tli St. . Onmlm. Neb. Doors , Sash. Etc , The Gate Ciy : Pltn'jfg Mill. Doors , Sash nnd Hllnils. Al o nil l.lnds ft turnlnpr. Scroll undStulr voile ot e\cry de scription. Manufacturer nnd Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . EUilr Hails a specialty Tolimhono No. C2 JSthamlMutuvSta .O.nalia , Neb. _ _ Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians , Electrical Supplies , Mnsonlo Block , Oinaliu. Iturgl.ir Alarm ! : , DclU , Fire Alarms , 'outrla Matlln f , Cpcnkliiff Tuboi , Iron Works , I'AXTON &VI KULINCIKOXWOUKS Wrought and Cast Iron Buildiug Work It on Stairs , Itnlllmr , Kollod lloams and Etcnin Enslnes. llrass AVork , ( ionoial Foundry Mnclilnoand ] Ilauk mitli Work. Olllco and Wotks , U. P. Ily. nml 8 17th Et. Iron a ; d Nails , " " " jJM N'UFACTUKIXG CO Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire Kails r Sjy ; i.11 i v. Oiunha. Neb Safes. Omaha Safe Works' , 0. ANDUEEN. Manufacturer of Fli o and llunrlar Proof Safes , Vault Doors. Jnll Work. Shutters and Who Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , Omahti , Neb. Wajrons and Carriages , Established 185S. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , I4C'Jnud UU Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission , Etc. M. liUHKK & SONS , Live Stock Commission Goo. Durko , Manager. Dnlon Stock Varda , S. Omaha. Telephone 582 W. F. HUOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. OClto E\clmnso Ilnildinp , Union Stock Yutds. South Onmlm , Nob. Telephone No. OOJ , Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. Ho > d , Superintendent. SAVAGE & ( SUKKtf , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Bbl | menu of any nnd till Kinds of Block solicit , ed. Union Mwck Vuida.Omahn.Nob. Lumber , Etc , " " LOU1B UHADFOHD , Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime , Bneli , Doors , 1'te. Vuids ( 'or. 7th and DoUB'22 , Cor. BOHN MANUrAOTDIUNG CO ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Stair \Voili and Interior Hard Wood J'lnlhli. Just opcnul. N. K. tor. till and l.cuvca- vortb Streets , Omaha , Nob. CHICAGO LUMIIEIl COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , EH S. Ktb Sttcct , Omaha , NuU F. ColpcUcr , Maunder. C. N. UIKTZ , Lumber , ] 3th and California Sttccts , Omaha , Nob. FHED W. QUAY , Lime Cement Etc. Etc Lumber , , , . , , Cor , Cth and Douglas Strtutu , Omaha , Nub. GEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , Omaha , Nebraska. CHAS. It. I.EK , Hardwood Lumber , "nrcn Block , Fancy Woods , llrliltfo Tlmhcn , ic. , ri. W. for , inh und UouHlanUmahu , .S'cb. Q. P. E.VMAN , Dealer in Sasb , Doors , Blinds , llulldlmr I'niicr , Ktc. South 13" ' " ' Kcbrasko. Fish , Ltc. FISlfc6".r Buccoiioiu to Ickcn SlcmEBcn & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Forcbru Hub , Nog. 011-913 Jono t Btrcvt uuU U. 1' , Track. Omuhu , NoU * _ , OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY * Agricultural Implements , _ _ _ ' J.ININQKU A MKTCALV CO. , \Vholcalo Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Offlce , Corner Cth nml 1'nclflo Sis , Omah.i , Xo't. " TAUUN , OUKNDOHKl ? & MAUT1N , , WlioU'W.'o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd llupgli's , Omaha Nob. ' CHUKCHI MJ PARKER , Wliolcsalo Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cnrrlntfcs ami llunilr * . Jrne < < Pt. , bet. 9th and 19tn , Omaha , Noli. Boots and Shoos. V. V. MOUSK * CoT Jobbers of Boots and Shoos , 1411 Farunm Street.Omnlin , Nob. Manufactory , Summer Street , Houtoii. Carpels , B. A. ouciiAnn. Wbolesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MMtlnga , Curtnln Good * . Ktc. . H23 Fftrnam Street , Oiuahn , Nob. Coal , Lime , Elc , " .iiiVp w. nniKORi , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. 1,2138. Hlh rt. , Onmlm. Noli. YorJs , Oth nnJ lpcnport ) Strcctg. " " " "COUTANT & SQU1HK3 Dealers in liard ana Soft Coal. Beet varieties. Oftlec. 2133. 13th St. Tclephono No. 14EC , Omaha , Kib. . ' NKIIUASKA 1'TJKIi CO , Shippers of Coal and CoXe , SH S. 13th St. . Otnahn , Nell. fli o. U.Towi.t : , 1'rcsldont. GKO. 1'ATrrnsoN , Seo. anil 1'roag. 3. H. ilui.nr.nT. i' . A. UAJ.CII , 1'ioprietor. MnnnRor. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NttltUASKA. " 17H. UlhSticet. Tulcphono43. OLO. r. liAiiAon , 1'rcs. C J. A. BUMJKItl.ANI ) See. UIHl TlVUB. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard and loft emu , i0'J ! S. Utli St. , Oiimlin , Ni'li. _ OMAHA COAL AND 1'llODUCU CO. Hard and Soft Coal , Eiclutivo dealers In Hoiilder Colorudo Coul,21J tontli Htli btrcet. CofTee and Spices. GA'l'HS , COLK vVM I ! , ] : HomeColTej and Spica Rlls HTgCo. Oilfeo Itiiiistois nml fploo Oil.tilorx. mntiii- fauttiioisof ISiikimr 1'cwJir , 1 luxe r mM'Atinc'H , lllulnp , ntc Try ono rn i" nf our l-n > l ucUiii'o ' Hiiaioll ml Itoaslcil Coffee. 10U1) ) HonnnUt , Cmiiliu , Nili. CLARKE llUOS. Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Ten . Cotreos , Spleea , Daltln 1'owilcr I'liivorlni ? Kxtraels , Laundry llluo. Ink , etc. 1414-lU liar- ney Street , Omuha , Neb. Commission , Etc. „ „ " " WHIU\.NCII & co. , Y/holesale / Fruitb , Produce , Oysters , J121 rnrnum St. , Omaha. Apples Our own iiaolc- Ins I'latt.'cCo.'sTljrer ' llriiud Oystijii ) , Huttor , ? , Gamo.roultij.rotntoes. JOHN P. FLACK General Commission Merchant , Vroduce , Provisions , Frultp , I'lonr unit I'eed , 105 5. 1 1th St. , Oir.ulm , Noli. Consianiuenlt. itcturns mudu ui'omutly- w. E. Storage and Commission Merchant. S I'uciAi.Tins-CIiPcsc. Hiiltcr 1'w' . . Poultry nd Gumo , 1U ! S. 14ti. ! , Omu'i.i , Nul ) . Tclo- hnnc No. LI'J'j. 1C. McDOXALlX COMMISSIOIl MERCHANT. C15 12th Street , Oinuliu. Neb. Speclultlos : Rut * UT. _ " UT.VraiEMAN \VraiEMAN & coTi Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , nutter , Clnmo , Knilts , Etc. 2-'OS. 14th St. , Oinnhii , Nebraska. WESTKItFIHLD HKJS. , General Commission Merchants , 14C8DodjjoStroet , Omaha , Nob. Consignments Solicited. WUKKS & 311LLAUO , Storage and Commission Herc'naats. ForolKii and lomo-.tlo . Fruits a tpeciulty. Kl- cpant Btoniso fiicllltlcM. Wuii'lioiuu and olllcc , 10 Noilli Ijth St. _ Tclnpliono in. * D. A. KUItLKY , Commission and Jobbing , fiuttcr , r Ksaiiill'ioiluco. A fulllluoof Stono- "aio. Coubli-nuicntb tollcltcd. HU Dodge St. , Omalia. n. MOUONV , General Commission Merchant , Butter , HKKP , Cht-cso and Conntiy 1'ioduc erully , SOU S. Kth Bt. , Onmhii , Nob. McSHANR & ECllilOKDUui Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Refrigerator nnd I'aulclmr HouM ) , 14th & I avon- worth St. , on U. 1' . K. . Track , Omaha , Nch. Krl.ilIlshcd , ) 1870. HOIIEHT PUI'VIS , General Commission , II1B. Hth St. , Omaha , Nub. fipccliilties-nuttor 1''jgB , 1'onltiy und Game. ' PEVCKR HHOS. , Commission Merchants , Vrultj , Pnduco : and Provisions , Omuha , Neb ISAAC CHIKKITll. Commission Merchant , nml wlioU''alo denier In country pioiluco. Irnllf , butler , tgnrt. i > | u. ( iooils tin coiiNlgnmcrit n Bpccltlty. LiUO N. 10 h ft. , Omnlm , Neb. KIHSrilllllAUN & SONS , ( Snctpwiirt to A. P. Pclmok. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No.13 South l.-'tli Sti-uot. Omalia , NcK Dry Goous , " " J. J. IJItOWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , 1323 Jou lia Street , Omnlm , Nub. I , . aiNBHIlllG & CO. , Wholtsulu Dealers la Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , f.ucus , EmbioliSery mid Whilu C o g , JUiOUouirlcabtrfot , Omnlut , Nob. White Lead , CAIITKUviinn UAI : > M. , Strictly Pdra White Lnl. SClh St. , mid U. P. Ily. , Omulia , HarnesSi Elc. WEl.TV i IiANDUOCIC , Munufacturura und Joljbcraof Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , , Turf Ooodd , lllunkuts and Itolu-s. IU'1 Farnttiu Stunt Onmlm , Nojj. Mattresses. Mattress Company , Manufacturing Mp.ttrcsiop , IluKllrii , ' , Fcnthor I'illijws , 1MB , Etc. t 0 and UW Douulus Struct , Omaha , Nc.b , _ Overalls. Manufacturers of Overalls , JuinsPaiite.Hliiits , Ktc. , lift. juidl'&i iju-ott , OmaUU , KtU OHflHfl JOBBERS'DIRECTOJlt OMAHA I. M1IKH CO , Dealers In All Kinds ot Building Material at Wholesale IfthSticctmul t n.o.il'nc fl'Trnoh.Omnh * . ' OE11MAN T ) . WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , _ 0tli nml Itnnl Streets , Umahn , Nclirnsk * . J. A. VAKKFIKU ) , \ Y/holesalo / Lumber , Lath , Shinglas , IliillillnR Vnpcrs. Pixsli , Doow , ltlliul < , Mnnlf i \nttf \ , 1'Ickpts , roM u l.lmc , I'lnjlcr , ll f i1 Crnicnt. Mntn niui Jotic1 , ( Jiimlia Neb. < Milllneryi ' H i. oiiKittT.i.nun , Importers nnd JohbciaoC Hillinory and Notions , _ Kin nnd 12U llnrnoj : Street , Omaha , Not * Musical Instruments. r.imoi.M & Cf Husical Instruments , . Stclnway PianoWobcr , IVcVei * . llr.i" J Slu HrlpKS Pianos Packard Organs , Cunso Oruaua. lOlind 103 15lli Btrvot. I Notions , Elt. J. Tt nilANDir.fl .V PON , ? " Wholesale Job Lots , - Dry flood ? , Notions ( lentu' I irncliln7 ! Good * . Ooods f rout No\v \ York. Tnulo snlos daily. WJ and tan South iitli : St. . Onmhii. _ _ Furnit ure. Etci _ . . iw UHAHLKS SHU'HUICK , i Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mfrr * J- Ii I o , l.'ja , U'lS anil 1-Jtu Tain < m . tiutt , o.ima | DRWKYASTONR , " W Wholesale Dealers in Farnitara , _ _ _ _ _ rnrtmm Street , Omaha , Nub. _ Groceries. _ _ * AM.KN I1UOS. , Wholesale Grocers , IllCnml 1113 DotiRlus Btroot , OmMia , NcU K. U. CI1APJIAN CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Bmokeis' Attlrlcs , 1.J17 Howard St. MEYIJH & IlAAl'KD Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Flcc8 | , Ciearx and Tobtiecox. 1J17 and 1319 Dauif las Street , Omuha , Neb. HcCOlin , UltADY & COMl'ANV , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th and ruiuum Bit cuts , Omnua , Nob. " " PAXTON , GALLAGHER i : CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , b Nps. 703 , 707,71M und 711 S. 10th St. , Omulns Neb. Hardware , w. J. Heayy Hardware , Iron , Steel. , \VaKon Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc. J'A and 1211 Harnoy hltecv , Oiiiuha , Nob. " EDNr.Y&GlHUON , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And C rrloo Wood Stock , Ilonvy Hardware , Ktc. 1217 and lil'J LeaveintoitU Sttcct , Omaba , Neb. HUinilAUGlf & TAYI.OII , ' in Builders' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools and Hulfulo fc'culus. limSticct , Omuha , Nob. Lin ; , FKIED k CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , i- Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aitcnts for lloWo Scales anil | : illaml Powder Co. , Omaha Neb. la MILTON ROOEltS & SONS , 3(1 Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , jj- Mantlcs , Gtatos , Urass poods , in and l'3 F&r- nam Street. IU3CTOH & WILIIU1.MY CoTi ' Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Stcol Nulls. Cor. lOili nnd llanicy Stretitu , Omaha , Nub. Harvesters. WM.'DBBIUNQ & co. , CHICAGO , JIunufr.cturcT of llio Deerlng , Harvester Goods , ( Vrlto to Win , M. Lorlmcr. Qanornl _ Oiimhu. Telepnono U10. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STHANG COMPANY , " K Pumps , Pipe and Engines , Steam , Wntui. Hallway undMllllnirSnppllcs , I3t ) _ ST-U VXi mid Itil Kurnani at. Omaha , Nob. , ' ' CHUUCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Eteam and Water Supplies. Heiulquartora fo Mubt 1'oobt Co.'s Goodb. 1111 Itanium Street , Omaha , Nob. Jewelry. ' KDHOLM * UtllCIvSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Silvern are , Illuinoiids , Watch as Clocks. Jeweloi-s' Tools nnd Mulorlull , IUa , 131 and 10j , 10th Street , Cor. Ilodyo , Omaha , Nob. Notions Etc * V1KYAHD tt SOI1XKIDEK. .lobnnrr. in Motions , Hosiery & Gents'Furnishlng ' Goi ) ItKtl und 10JS Tainam St.OiuahaNeb. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 4ft ) nnd ( ( in S. lOtli St. , Omaha , Nub. Wholcsulo Dcalc'is hi Nntloi-.3 und Oils , Etc. CONSOLlIUTUn TANK LINK CO. , l Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ' Onsollno , Mica A\lo Gieutc , Ktc. A. II. Jllshop , _ .Miinujjcr , Omaha , Nnl > . IH"Zr ir k Packing. ' " " " JAMIW 15. 1OYI ! > 7" Fork Packer and Shipper , _ Omaha , Nobiaslui , HAHIIIS t ! 1'lSllKH , Packers and Provision Dealers , OOlce , Union Market , 1517 Duiluc Strcut , Paeldnz boubu , U , v. It. ll.1'iuvk , Omaha , Nob. Tolin pliony No , 1&7. _ Safes and Locks. " * " " P. HOYlill ( i CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' Flro and Ilui-Klar Pionf Palcs/rimo Locks , Vault ! Itt-'U I'm mini bti cot , Ouiulia , Neb Seeds. _ " " J. KVANS , Wholesale and .Retail Dealer in Seeds , Aprlcultniul. Vc cliiMo , itu. : OJ > 11'ollowV Hull , N , W. Cor. llth and Dodao Hi . , Onmlm , Neb , Drugs , Etc. * TIIK r.OODMAN J > HU(1 ( CO Wholesale Druggist0 , , And Dealer In I'uinlH , Oilx and Window Qla V Omaha , Neb , t Wines and Liquor * . n.r.u i co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And I.iijnors. fc'olo i > uinufucturcr if ICcnnoJy'l JIufct India Hitters. 111J Hiunuy Street , Oiuuhu , ' Neb. _ _ , . „ liKO.v. . uunTAN , Succcetor to MLHAMAHA i-lrjc\S ) , Iinport rl iiiul U'liok'fulu Dcalori ) In Wiues , Liquors and Cigars , SllumU'JiiS. llthSt. , OmahuNcU