Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1886, Page 8, Image 8
THE OlttAHA DAILY- BEE : THURSDAY , APRIL 22 , 1886. THE POLICE KALEIDOSCOPE , Interesting Assortment of Oases in Judge Stenbcrg's ' Tribunal. THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AH n New City Officer and Ills Duties I Gciii Cronk'n Arrival iV South Oinnlm Fire Oilier liocnl News. A Lively Session. IIo gave his nnino as Ira Nol. on. Ilo was u small , insignificant looking follow , nntl qtilto evidently from looks and ac tion a Hooslur. Ho admitted Hint ho had conic from Indiana. IIo stood up before Judge Stcnbcrg yes- tcrdtty to prefer a charge of larceny against two young and fast women , who , ns he claimed , Had robbed him of $70. Ills story was to thn cfl'cct that ho came to Omaha , on his way west , to have a good time. He met two fair charmers , Caddie Butts and Ella Hurley in a "cits- tie" on Capitol avenue. Hu proposed to them to take a ride. They accepted. The party ropa'red ' to the road house and a bacchanalian rcvol was com menced. The girls however took earn to MV'iteh oll'on wiilskuy early In the game , exhlleratlnir Instead on sucli mild drinks as M > dii and ginger ale. And so It came to pass that when Ira was thoroughly in toxicated , his two female companions were comparatively clear headed. The next thing the young man knew ho was lying in Hascalrs park early this morn ing His money was -every cent of it gone , and he had not a thing to .show for nis dayH fun. Suspicion naturally rested Hiion tlio two girls and he had them ar rested. Nothing was proven against them this morning , however. They were rceommited for examination. in : WAH iiomir.i ) . A very much similar ease was that of Sadie lucBridu who was arrested for stealing $28 from 11.V. . Htiylo. She de nied the larceny , but admitted that lie gave her $ ! t or .f-l. She is known how ever to have spent considerable money in hack driving , etc. Hoylo related the circumstance of the robbery very clearly , and there is very little doubt but that the notorious Sadie is responsible for the theft. She was remanded for further examination. ISpylo hails from a small town in Missouri. WOULDN'T PAY HIS FAKE. William Cireiror , n North Omaha tough , had been arrested , by Special Ollicer James , of the Law and Order league , for refusing to pay car faro and for using profane language , ete. The charge was not proven and ho was released. Tiiir.o TO sr.i.1. . A nocus UIN < J. Joseph Farrell was a seedy looking young man , who claimed to have came here a lew weeks ago from Massachu- belts. Ilo was caught tryingto sell a bo gus ring on the street , lie made all sorts of wild denials to thn cfl'uct that he didn't try to sell the ring ; that lie didn't know that it was bogus ; that it wasn't bogus.elo. , to. IIo was committed for further ex amination. Iin WAS NOT TUT. Pl'HIMST. "I am not the ghost of the pugilist , judge. " said the next prisoner , as he was arraigned for trial on a charge of being a suspicious character. lie gave his name as John C. Heenan. lie had been ar rested him while renosing in a box car. The judge released him upon hear'niir. Not so lucky was Morris Sullivan , a man about forty years of ago , who has boon seen hanging around the street corners for some time past. The judge sentenced him to ten days in the county jail. Several other cases of an unimportant nature wore disposed of , and court adjourned. THE INSPECTOR. An Important Ordinance 1'nnsed by the City Council. The passage by the city council of the building inspector ordinance creates : v board whoso functions arc most impor tant lit this stage ot the growth of the city of Omaha. The provisions of the ordinance tire clearly in line with the sentiments often expressed editorially by the lri ! : , and are given below in detail It will in nil probability , at once go into effect , requiring as it docs , but the signa ture of the mayor to become a law. Anil as that official has more than once ex pressed himself in favor of some such measure , his lormal approval of the or dinance will doubtless not be wanting. Tlio ordinance creates , upon its becom ing n law , a board to he known as the Hoard for Inspection of buildings , which shall have charge of all ordinances per taining to the erection , alteration , repairer or removal of buildings and the arrange ment of heating appliances. The chief oflicor of the board is to bo known as the Minurintcndent of buildings , and is to hold his olllce for ono year ( on appoint ment by the mayor ) with a salary of $1,500 per annum , giving bond in the sum of The other members of the board , ox oflicio , shall be the city engineer and the chief of the lire department. Tin : I > UTIIS : or Tin : MU'iiii.xriN'i : : > iNT. : It sh all 'be the duty of the superintend ent of buildings to ISMIO all permits for the erection ot buildings or thomakingof repairs , and to perform such other duties. as may be rcipured of him. IIo shall ox- nmiiie all buildings in the course of erec tion , alteration or repairs , throughout the city , as often as practicable , and see that all ordinances , rules , or regulations In relation thereto are complied with. IIo shall inspect all public ! school build ings , public halls , churches and theatres , and all buildings used for manufacturing or commercial pur poses , at least once in each year , for the purpose of determining the safety of such buildings , the facilities for egress in easii of liro. and the overloading ot lloor.s. In the performance of his duties the said superintendent bhall have the right dur ing the daytime to enter any building or promisi ) in the city. Thn board shall have full discretionary power of declar ing to be a public nuisance any building or Mnietiiro in the city , as to said board bh.ill appear evidently or probably uns.ifo or dangerous , and shall thereupon in-ti- tutesuch btuns as t may deem proper to do away with MIUI ! nuisance , IUTAUS : or-riii : OITICK wnr.s. Doforo the erection , construction or material alteration of any building in the city , the owners , architects or builders shall submit to the superintendent of buildings at Ids ollleo , full specifications and plans of the proposed construction , or alturation , or a detailed statement in writing. Such statement shall give 1. Location of proposed work. SJ. ( ieneral dimensions , lumber and height of Movies , U. Dimensions of joists and timber and distances apart. A. Dimensions of supporting iron work. fi , For what purpose thn building Is de signed , ! U. Contract or estimate cost , The owner , his agent or architect , bhal ) then sign an agreement that ho will construct the work in accordance with the description set forth in the spec ification , and the superintendent may then grant a permit therefore according to his description. The fees on such penults shall bo us follows : ( hi all buildings costing over $200 and Hot exceeding * . 'X)0 ) , sf'J. On all buildings 'over &QQ and not wvr * 1,030 , tU. On all buildinRB over fl.COO and not over f 3.000. * 1. On allbuildln | < zs costing over § 2,000 , 5. And for an additional if-.OOO , * 1. The fees realized from the permit shall bo turned over by the superinten dent to the city treasurer. Furthermore , any person desiring to remove any building in the city , within the lire limits or upon any paved street within the lire limits , or upon any paved street , shall bo required to obtain a per mit from the superintendent , to cost ? 5 if the board shall decide that such remov al can be made. UANOKIIOUS nuiun.vns. Sections 11 and 12 arc devoted to mak ing provisions for the declaring of build ings to bo in a dangerous condition. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the superintendent that any building within the city is in such condition as to endanger anyothcr building or property , lie shall at once lix n time and place when the board shall sit to decide whether the building is in a dangerous condition , and shall serve duo notice of such meeting upon the owivor. If , upon duo examin ation , the board shall decide that the building is unsafe , they shall instruct the property owner to put the building in safe condition , if such t\ thing be possi ble , or , if it Is not. to leardown the struc ture. TIII : mcoims. : The records of the board shall contain , besides a register of its transactions , a re port of violations in the improper con struction , alteration or repair of build- ! nrs ; , or in the unsafe condition of any building , witli the location and 11:11110 : of owners , contractor and architect inter ested in the construction of such build ing. Such records shall bo open for the inspection of the public. rixAi.Tiis. : : Any persons who shall willfully violate or neglect any provisions of this ordin ance is to bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor meaner , and upon conviction thereof shall bo lined in any sum not exceeding $100 or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days , and shall furthermore be lia ble to a like fine or imprisonment for each twenty-four hours ho or they shall continue in the failure to comply with such provisions. THE CHEAT IMPKKSSAIIIO. Railroad Men Kejolco That lie Ilns Left the CoaHt. General Passenger agent Morse of the Union Pacific yesterday roccivcd n telegram from U. W. Hitchcock the Frisco representa tive of the Union Pacific as follows : "Thank God , Mapleson has gone. " The doughty colonel , it seems , has been on the Pacitie coast for the past few weeks bothering the life out of the rail road men who were unfortunate enough to fall into his clutches. He has refused to pay his railroad fare , his Pull man fare , and has threatened to do this tiling and that thjng and the other thing , until he has driven the general western passenger agent and his associates nearly crazy. It is not to be wondered at that they are gjad to get rid of him. One pai tieular grievance that the colonel has against the Union Pacific is that they ( sidetracked him near Ogden some time ago because he refused to put up his Pullman faro. Ilo talk's wildly of instituting suit against the Union Pacific , besides doing all manner of horrible things by way of revenge. He will arrive in Omaha cither late Friday or Saturday morning. , "Mapleson is not making inonoy on grand opera this &uy.son , " said a well- known theatrical man yesterday. "In truth , I am inclined to believe from what I hear that he is losing heavily , lie hasn't played the winning hand on the Pacific coast this year as no did last. 1 was told yesterday by a gentleman in a position to know , that when Mapleson landed in San Francisco last year ho owed $ 5,000 to Patti and ! ? 10,000 to Gor.ster for back salary , besides § 10,000 , for railroad fa\-e. When he finished the four weeks' sea on of grand opera in Frisco , fo. well had he been supported that he not only paid Ids debts to the last cent , but came out with ! ? 'JO,000 ' , in his pocket. This year he is again in the hole , and I understand that ho has lost already Sao.OOO , with every prospect of dropping more. " GKN'fillAIj OliOOK. lie Will Arrive Here on Friday A Gfund Reception. ' Private telegrams received in the city yesterday announce that General Crook will arrive in Kansas City Thursday even ing and proceeding to Omaha will land in this city Friday morning. He leaves Ash Fork , Arizona , to day. Yesterday special committee ap pointed to prepare a grand reception and banquet for Gen. Crook , met at the store of Mr. J. S. Collins on Douglas street. There were present , Mr. J. S. Collins , chairman of the board , C. K. Yost , FiankColpet/.er , W. II. MeCord , A. L. Strang , Jo.s. Ciarncau , Jr. , J. J. Dickey , and W. V. Morse. Up to the hour of writing , nothing definite had boon de cided upon , though it is probable that the banquet will be given one night the fore part of notcek at the Omaha club rooms. Ills Darn Hurried. About 3 o'clock yesterday the fam ily of Patrick O'llcarnc , the custodian of the Catholic cemetery , living near the stock yards , were awakonud by a very bright light which Hooded the house. Mr. O'H. arose and discovered at once that his barn was on tiro. The htrnctiiro was wrapped in flames , and it was too late to save a couple of horses and a cow and calf which were in the barn. In a few moment the barn was in ashes. No effort was made to stop the llaincs , and nothing was saved. Thci barn and its contents will be a total loss , . The lire was doubtless incendiary. This misfortune is particularly hard on Mr. O'Hoarno , as ho had just put H mortgage on his little place to buy the horses wliich perished in the lire. Chicago , Rook Island & Pacific R'y. freight and ticket ollleo removed to 180.1 Farnam struct. Telephone No , ? B-J. Hall NOICM , The Missouri Pacific is running out regular freight trains every day now , all ot them heavily loaded. From telegrams received at headquar ters , it is probable that that the Adams' party will arrive hero by special train to morrow evening , President ex pects to leave lor the cast Saturday or Sunday. The Union Pacific will run special trains on Monday , the 'ilth , for the beneti.t of the Odd Fel lows' state reunion , leaving Stroins- burg. Blue Hill and Grand Island at 11 a. m. Monday and leaving Omaha at 3 o'clock the next morning. The prospects are that a largo number of state Odd Fellows will avail themselves of the op portunity to visit Omaha and exchange fraternal greetings , Dr. PfoiU'er , chief goon of the Union P.icifio system , is out in Wyoming look ing up a good site for a hospital for the accommodation of the sick and wounded men on the western divisions of the road. The company has a line hospital in Denver , and it rents wards in the hospitals at Kansas City , Omaha and clsuwhero. The. chief Surgeon is ex pected an his return to make a recom mendation for the location of a new hospital at some- point in the west. It is possible that Lanuuio nill be selected as the place , X11EIU ANNUAL MEETING. Tlic Ivxpoiltlon nnllcling Directors Elect Onicera. D A numbcrof gentlemen assembled Tues day at the office of the exposition association on the occasion of the regular annual meeting of the stockholders. Tlicro were present : Messrs. Max Meyer , F. W. Gray , John A. McShanc , n. P. Smith.J. W. Gannett , C. E. Squicrs , J. A. Wakelicld , J. E. Rllov , Samuel Shears , L. Mendelsohn , A. L. Strang and I. W. Miner of the stockholders. Win. Wallace and Dewey & Stone were represented by proxy. The following directors wore elected : Max Meyer , K W. Gray. John A McShnue , Wm. Wal lace and John A Wakcfiold. The di rectors elected the following olllccrs : May Meyer , president ; F. W. Gray , vice president ; Win. Wallace , treasurer ; I. W. Miner , secretary. It was stated that the wholesale dry goods nrm , who had otl'erod fl.fiOO rental for the main hall , had increased their offer to ? 5,000 per year , but it was the sehtlmcntof the stockholders that a full and fair trial of the building as a public hall , for the benefit of the city , should bo made , be fore any such oiler should be entertained. The whole subject , however , was re ferred to the directors , \\ith authority to do as they deemed best. \V \ Inn you conn to Lincoln , stop at the Commercial Hotel , if you tlwaut homo comforts. C. W. KITCHEN , Proprietor. Atlilctic Park Aimmcincntn. The managers of this resort , always on the alert to cater to the wishes of the public , have arranged the following ex cellent programme for next Sunday : ATIII.r.riC I'AUK 81'XHAV , Al'lllLS. " . One bundled and twenty-live yard race , scratch , opnn to dl amateuis Prue. silver cup. cup.One bundled yard handicap , professional Parse , SM ; liist prl/.e , SIS ; secoml , § 10 ; tlilul S" . Tlneo bundled yard handicap , professional I'inso Sol ) ; lirst pii/.e , SIS ; second , § 10 ; tlllld , § . * > . Olio mile handicap , professional Purse , SM ; Hist pli/e , SIS ? second , 810 ; tliiid , Sfi. Kntrnnco In piolesslonal races 10 nor cent ; amateur races fiee. Entiles close with CJco. E. Kay , 1312 Doug las , at - p. m. Satuulay. Mr. II. B. Kennedy will act as handicapper - capper in all the races. Wanted to exchange for stock of Hard ware and general merchandise , fiOO acres of fine Thayer county ( ) ; live lota in Genoa ( Neb. ) ; good store building ( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( best loca tion ) in Essex ( Iowa ) ; also eighty acres one-half mile Irom town of Essex ( Iowa ) , seeded in blue grass For further par ticulars , address John Linderliolm , Cen tral City , Nebraska. OMAHA , April 1 , 1830. Editor UEB : While we are discussing the manner of remodeling and enlarging the court house , lliave a suggestion to make , which looks practicable and feasible : Why not add two wings , east and west , the founda tions of which shall be below theT grade of Farnam street , containing entrances , elevators , etc. This will support the pres ent structure , without danger of weaken ing it , as many apprehend in case a story is built under it , and can be made to look symmetrical. The expense will bo comparatively small. Yours , S , G. Public sale of Short Horn cattle at Lin coln , Nob. , April ! ! , 188 ( > . Fifteen cows and heifers and twenty bulls. For cata logues apply to Col. F. M. Woods , Lin coln , Neb. , or Williams & Lacy , Lacona , Iowa. Will Goto St. St. Joe. The Union Pacific base ball club has concluded arrangements to play a match game witli the St. Joe team on next Sun day , and will leave for that place on Sat urday. The Chicago League team will plqy in St. Joe on 1-riday and Saturday , going ' .bonce to Kansas City to open the season. IJIy Division. Lily Division , Uniformed Rank No. 8 , Knights of Pythias , will be instituted on Friday night , at the Myrtle Divison armory. An urgent request has been is sued for all Knights ot the uniformed ranu to bo present. Recovering on Heal Estate. The case of Henrietta Guiitor against the city was on trial before Judge Wake- ley yesterday. The suit is brought to recover taxes upon some ical estate. I'repnrod with special regard No Ammonia , I.lmo or Alum , PRICE BAKING POWDSK CO. . i num F. M. ELLIS & Co. Co.'S 'S ' OMAHA , NEB , and DES M01NES , IA. Ofllcu , Cor. 14th nnd I'm-nam Streets , Hoomll ICQ HOG liimi.iNOiioK with V , M. Kill * . . . gST.fpgMBBJ Tgg iCTjTarei f ? i r.yjg-.a Patent Upright Piano ? nro conceded to bo tlio bosl in thu market nt n i.indornto price. 0,000 now in tiso. Romurknblo for t'leir ' lurability , and capacity for fctamUng in tune. Kndorscd ly Hive- KiiiKi Sliorwood , Hoscovitz , Luibling , Kildy , Pratt , and other eminent members of tlio musical profession. WAREKOOMS : 1305 and 1307 Farstam St , wed THE BESiTTHREAD Fim SEWING MACHINES SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Full Assortment for sale to the Trade by VINYARD & SCHNEIDER A.T3 : A. IS One of Best ai'l Ltry&st Stocks in the US to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BTJBKE & SONS , STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , OHO. nUIlKB , JlnnoROr , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : Merchants' nml Farmers' Hunk , U.ivlil City , Nob. ; Kearney National Bank , Kearney , Neb. : Oohnnbus Stito Hank. Columbus , Nub. ; McDonald's Hank , North i'latto. Neb. ; Omaha National Hank. Omaha. Neb. Will pay customers' draft with bill ot lading attached for two-thirds value of stock. FIRST CUSS III [ M RESPECT ML DAVIS i @ 0 , KsJl ! > lKItcd ti 1K77. CIHTCINNATI , OHIO. Different Sf Ses , 2OOOO Veliiflcs Annually. Scud for O.lioie ! ; , 1'rltcs , B'rei Iil 9 atcg urn ! TTesf'-ajii C. E MAYNE , ULI S. W. COK. 1 5lli AXIS FARXASff , OMA3JA. Property of every description for sale in all parts of the city. Lands lor sale in county in Nebraska. A complete set of Abstracts of Titles of Douglas County Kept. Maps of the City , State or county , or any other information desired furnished free of charge upon application. Best Goods in the Market , III. Ask for our goo Is fiml sec that the bear our trade murk. KSTA1JLISI1KD 1870. Lincoln Steam Dyelorks W. D. KO1JKIITSON , Frop'r. Ollleo No. 1105 O St. , Voiles S.R. Cor. V. & 0th. Lincoln , Ncli. Gouts' Cluthlnir Clcnnod and Ito pnliccl. SEWT C. O. D. O.SI3 OH MOHK AT U IIOIXSAI.I : I'KK'll. I PAY nil ciprw > rhargra to nil point * ulthln UOO miles. lUK'rarrnffr ( to Hcloct Horn Scnil twoni * itjiup forlltustrAtctlcutalotruu. AU'iitlon thlM | > upcr. L , G , SPENCER'S TOY FACTORY , .T21 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. VALENTINE'S Short-hand Institute LINCOLN , NEBRASKA , The Inreost , best nnd clionpost sliort-lmiul nnd typo-wrltlnir school lit the west. Lenin this vuluuh'o nituiiJ Euouro n lucrative position. Sliort-lmiiil tnuzht by mat to these who cannot attend thu instituto. \\'o Keen on Imml n full supply of 1'ltmnn's flioit-luuid toil bookti , also typu-writor Bupullos For puitluulurs send forclraulnvs to Valentino's Short-Hand Institute 111S and 1183 O street Lincoln , NubJ REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITERS , Poiter & Mzgeafh , Law Reporters and Copyists , Sliito Afonts for Kobraska. Typo-writer supplies and impcr kept In stock. Send for cntuloK'uo. UUAIIA NATIONAL IUKK IlL'ir.ntNa , OUAIK , . - _ . . . Krmrdy rc < ) . A i ictli of ) onth. ill imprudence cuidiiir 1'ronuture U ny Ner7 \om J > eUUtylx4t Mm. iiXKl. o.Ustln * tried \Klnovejykcowurrmi-xly btidlccoveredailmplareh curowlilc-Ulie UUmd > 'JIli' : ta hli felloK-nufTcrer' . Addiu' i. II. UtEVJ-S. U Cluthai ittrctt. New Vork Citr. 'l3lli SI , Cor. Capitol Avenue. I-OJl TUB TJIEATMKNT OP AM , Chronic fit Surgical Diseases. DR. McKlENAMY , , Proprietor. MUcun jearii' lloppltal uiul I'mulu I'rnitice Woluvo tlio facilities , nppuratiis anil remedies for the successful treatment of eiery form of'ills- ca o ricmlrln cither medical or purglcal treatment , ami tin ito nil In coinu nnd InvcttlRUto for thoinsch m ur correspond \vlth uu. linng c\-pirlcnco In trott ing cases hy letter enables UH to treat many canes Bcitntiflcalfy without Hecinthem. . WHITJJ FOR CIUOULAH on Deformities nnd nrncp ? , Club Feet , Curvatures of thu Sjplnc , nisEAsrs op WOMEN , 1'Ilen , Tninnrn , Cancrrs , Catarrh , nronclutic , Inhnlatlon , Klectrlclly , 1'nrjl- } fl , Epllcniy , Kidney , Eye , Kar , hkln , Dlood and ull snrKlcnl opcratloiiK. lliitterloH , Inlialem , llrnrrs , Trnssen , nnd nil Kinds of Medical uud Surgical Appiiaucuu , man. ufactnred and for nnlc. The only rollable Medical Institute making i n * lsS&ll f\ * Private , Special i K/uvous / Disease ; , rA hl'Kt'IAI/l'V. ALL CONTAGIOUS AND III.OOT ) DISIiASKS. from \\lmto\cr ciinso jirodn cud , ruccessfnllytrc.tlcd. Wo can remove Syphilitic polcon from the pjttcm without mercury. New rentorathotreatmont for loss of vital po cr , AfL L'OMMUNIUATIUNH CONF1UKNTIAI , Call nnd consult us or t-cnd name utid posunlllco address plainly willtun enclose etamp , uiul uu will fend you. In plain nrappir , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEP tires 1'mvATK , Hi'j.ciAi , AMI NMMUU ; D > UA hi , HfMINjU , WEAKNESS. KfrSMATOIIIIIIU ! * JwPOTKN- cv , firming , UoNoni'iiniA , Clu-fir , VAIUCOCEI.E , STrJL'i'tiiiK , ANI ; AM. aisKAsrs OK TIIK OKNITO- UIUNAIIV ( JnuANH , or ecud history of your cuso for an opinion. Persons iinnlj'ii tr > vl'it na may bo treated at their homes , by roiro'poiidenco. Medicine * and Instru ment * pent by mull or r\\m-t \ .SECUKIiLY 1'Al'K El ) 1'ltOM OHSIUUVATIO.V. no marks to Indiratu contents or gender. Ono pfroiml Interview yro. fuirod If convenient , i'lfty looms fjir th iiccom. .iiodatlon of patients Hoard nnd attcndauui ut reasonable pi Ices. Address all I.cttcrb to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. f-ar 13hSI ! and Cinltol flve. . OMAHA. N'-'B. ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL J.870. mmm PARIS OF THE WORLD Ufs unit I'rlcraon appllrutlon. Koidbsr All thu best ( 'urrlavn Itullilcrx and Dralers. CINCINNATI. U. W.A. Cablu AdrtrM , COO CIN DBEXEL & MAUL , ( Buocossors to J. O.Jacob * , ) UNDERTAKER 8 , AND UJIBALAIfillS. At the old stand , 1(07 ( l-'unmm St. Orders by tcloKrnph sollcltod mid promptly uttuiiduJ to. Tcleiiliono No..ri DR. IMPEY , SI1 , Fructico limited to Diseases of til EYE , EAR. NOSE AND THROAT , Glasses flttcil for all forms of defective Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted. BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. - THE LEADING ASSOCIATION OF THE WEST. CASH CAPITAL , PAID UP IN FULL , $100,000.00 , GROSS ASSETS , DECEMBER , 31st , 1880 10O.820.0O certificate of membership in this Association furnishes benefit at the lowest cost. Men and women , between the ages of 17 and Go years , who are in good health , may bocomn members. There Is no changing from ono class to another , and assessments do not IncreabB with advancing ago. The Company has a guarantee fund of $103.030 paid up In ca h , which is an ad ditional security to that fiirnishud by any company in the United State- ) . It has a Reserve fund which provides for u non-forfeiting poliev and a paid-up policy. Thn Company Is located In the Wests Its business is confined to the healthy West , and applications from persons residing in uvilarial districts ace not aocepteil , which will insure few assessments" , and a consciuiunt exemption from any onerous liability. A local Advisory Hoard , composed of not less than live leading citizens of each vicinity , may b ! formed , who may act as advisory counsel in the satnem Mil of claims by tin ; death of m > mburs and as to the ndmtasio i of applicants to niomburshlp. A member who lapses his cortlllcato liny ru-mstato the .same at any time upon satisfactory evidence of good health , by the payment of all delinquent dues and assessments. .Noinsuranco company in this or any other country has ever failed by reason of of the death-rate experience The failure in each instance has been caused by pecu lation or speculation. The safe guards introduced render both Impossible' in thn Association. Our business is confined to the endowment for old ago , and the payment of the widows and orphans after death. The poliey is more liberal , and the plan more secure , than any company In the United States. Co-operative Insurance Companies existed in England 300 years boforj the stoek plan was thought of , and the same companies exist to-day , some of them having nearly one million members. When managed judiciously , they cannot break. Wo guarantee every iiromisj we maked with $100,00 ! ) this being in addition to the $100- 000 provided for as a Reserve Fund which is n more liberal provision and oiler than any other company makes. The Strength of This Association Consists of GUARANTEE FUND , ENDOWMENT PLAN , RESERVE FUND , NON-FORFEITING POLICY , GRADED RATES , PAID-UP POLICY , SELECTED RISKS , A DEPOSITORY TO PROTECT THE TONTINE SYSTEM , RESERVE FUND , LIFE PLAN , CAPITAL STOCK. The cosl of life protection in this company is loss than any company in the United Slates. The company is good and payments prompt. This Association is now entering its third year , and has a largo membership , which is constantly increasing. . At death or maturity of endowment the member receives his interest In the Reserve Fund in addition to the amount due on the policy. All policies become non-forfeiting after the third year to the extent of the mem ber's interest in the Reserve Fund. AGENTS WANTED in every town and city where not supplied in all of the states west of the Mississippi river and north of Kansas. Good reliable canvassers can obtain mort favorable rates by writing to the company. The West-Til Mutual has consolidated the mombnr.shlu of the "Nebraska Mutual , " "Farmers' and Mechanics' " and "Lincoln Mutual , " and with its own members in sures perfect protection. "We regard the Western Mutual as one of the very best life insurance associa tions in tnis country , and expect to sue , at no very distant day , it covering the entire lioid of the healty West with its active , gentlemanly agents. " Daily Jewess , March 2 , issa. OFFICE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS , STATB or XCIIKASICA , LINCOLN' , February 1 , 1835. It is herebv certified that the Western Mutual Benevolent Association Insurance Company , ot lU'atricc , in the Slate of Nebraska , has complied with Ihoiiisurancohiw of this statj , airl is authori/.ud to transact the business of life insurance in this si t , for the current year. , , Witness my hand and the seal of said of said ollice , the day and J SCAT , . { yar lirst above wiittcn. 1 , ' 11. A. 15ABCOCK , Auditor Public Accounts. Omaha National Bank , the company's financial agent , at Omaha , Nebraska. Retcr by permission to Hon. .J. II. Millard , Omaha , Nob. All communications should-be addressed to ox-iirv-isiR. o.Aiensr , Secretary and General Mnnng-or , BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. OTIS HAYNES , General Agent. Office , Room 10 , Crcighton Ulock , Onmha , Neb. Fine Business Lots at the South End , and In the north end of this Town. Two ami one half miles from the Omaha post oflice , ± . ,000 A ja fisre Lot ? ( TaUiJB Into consideration tlio streets nnd alloysand ) lire sola One Quarter Down , Ualancelnl,2uml3 > ut7 per cent. The Finest Suburban Lots , Around Omiha. 2VHcrl above the Missouri Hirer. Nowhcio else about Umnlm are loc.itod such hand- nonio Piles for.Mndot , Medium orKlognnt liomci. InvcUluato this nnd tecuru BOIIIO of tills line property. Before a Higiier Appraisement is made. DON'T HKUKVI ! a word of this until you havu tliorouchly InvcBtlguted It. That this property It only two and ono half mllon irom Omaha's bunlnojs center. That the ultltuilu In high. That the locution In heuiillful , 'J'liat niuplo trees nro plnntoil on each ldo of the streets. ' 1 hat each lot contains 'J.I/JU squiini foot with 2J foot nlloy. That the streels nro 81 and W ) loot wldo. That thcro arc MX ( lummy trains ciich way , hosliliM Iho rozular Iraiiu. That Iho street car * run tu within uno half mlle ill thcro. Tlmt thu street curs will run there this > i ur. Thut the prlco Is ono thlnl lens tlmn In uskod for property thu sumo Ulstanca in other direction ' 1 hat the lots are ono thlnl lamer than most others. That they uro hacked hy u syndicate representing $ IO.OHOM. Thn * > I hero hus ulio.itly been uxpendo I Uotwoon SI/JIJ.U J ) an 1 f ! /lll ) ? . That thcro U n Uno system of water * oiIts , luriiUhhu pure springirator. . That the lullnuys nil center there. Thut Honlh Oinah.i li u town of Itself. Thut It has Hi unn postoflico. Tliut It lias Its own rullw.iy slutlou. That U has Its ( mil nun Juper. | In P"act It has o\rrythlnff to inulo the property the very bct pajlna Inroitmont In Hcil nilatn today. Look Into It. Examine It Carefully. Don't Buy SL Lot. Until you are convinced Unit there Is no ponltlty of Inciirrlni ; n lots. The hundtniuo rcildcnce lots ura one uillo thU side ( direitly north ) of the U.MO.S BIOCK VAIIDS nhero aio located tliu 03oe ± , cxncl sof C an. ' caWlilch in ten jenrt will bo the IiAItdlCST INDIJSTUV In the we l nnd will mike pnpcrtr TO.per ! lot hat Is now asked for u lot. The drulmttco of the above liiBtltulloin U perfect and How oatn from tlio town THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOTS ARE SIMPLY PERFECT. Any real oWtouxt'iit will ell fouloli. Man nllh horse and carrnKOUt | the Globa Journal ofllc * . ft tbo fcuminlt , " South Omaha , maps iind prlco llstn nnd U nlnuyi ready to huw propui ty. Kor Jurmcf lu. furiautlou luai'n ' , pilic llttt uud Ui bcri | > tlTe cliculanuddivts , M. A3 UPTON , Manager MILLARD HOTEL BLOOK. Omaha ,