Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
* - * * * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : i THURSDAY , APRIL 22 , 1886. SPECIAL NOTICES. jro ; to lonn nt reasonable rates on MOMV PS , furnitiirt. ' , wntchcs ami other per sonal property without removal. Smnll pay- meuts tnkr-nnt nny tlmo nnd Interest reduced In proportion , C. J.Cns- well , Itoom in , Irdn Hank Hulldln ? , 12th nnd Jar- nnm. Tnko plqvntor. 400 , . to loan on business propnrty In MO.VKV Omnhn nnd Impipvcd ( arms In Douirlns nnd nrtjolng counties ; low rnto C. .1. Cnswell & Co.Itoom It' . Nplrnska National Unnk llulldln ? , 121 h nnd Fnrimin. 2" > 1 MONKV to lonn ou good security. .1 H. Frccdtnan at Sloman Ili-os , 1207 Douglas st. 310 To loin on Improved farms or icM MONKV , on one year's time. Homo Fire Insurance Co. . 1515 Douglas St. 152 . TO I.OAN-On residence property , MONP.V . No commission. C. J. Caswolt iCo. , Itoom 19 lion Hank Building , 12tli and 1'nrnnm. MONKV to lonn on mnrtgngo security. Itonl r'lntn nnd cointnerelnl pnppr boughr , J. II. I'ltcdnun , care Solmnn Hros. . IM N. 13th St. to lonn. Sums $ r > tK ) nnd . . . Lowest rates , llcmls , loth mid Douglnssta. _ * . V. * ) TVIONKV TO T.OAN on business proporty. I'l Opposite Poslolllro. W. fl.aiirlvur. Hit r ooooo to lonn on business nnd rosldonco $ property In sums of f 1,000 and upwards. Aiiifs , 1507 rnrnnm st. 8-18 inooonto loan on city residence pro | > crty $ Oco. W.Dny , 1609 Fnrunin. UJ ) LOAN Money in any amount LIO On nil clnfi-csofsecuilty. Bhnrttmic lonns on real estate. I/ong time lonns on rotU ostiito. Money to lonn on chnttcls. Money to loan on colhltnrnls. Money to loan on any good security. Terms cnsy , tlmo toniilt. Apply ntthnOmnlmFlnnneliU Exch n ? , Ilnrkor'Bbulldlnir , 8W corner of Fifteenth and Farnnm sts. unstnlra MO ' CUNT Money to loan on real estate. Gl'llll nnd bonds bought MahonoyA Harris. Itoom 11.1500 Farnnm. n7ynn for evcryoodyl \ ou can borrow MONKY money on furniture , her os. wagons , pltnos , flock of nil kinds , diamonds and line wntchcs on your own tlmo. Payments received Rt any time , nnd Interest reduced pro ratn. I'roperty left In your own possession. Terms l w ns the lowrst. Cnll nnd sco mo. nuslnpss confidential. Noadvantnoro taken. W. IU Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthnell'H Now Iluilc'Jnir , Northcnntcor- npMfith and llnrncy. 43 TO T.OAN O. V. Dnvls * Co. Heal MONKY and Loan auonts , 1505 Farnum St ONKY TO l/AN-Xn good Bceurltios. A McG avock , room T lledlck Block , 15W Farnnm Bt. _ I4 TO T.OAN Ou leal ostnto and chat M tels. D. I * Thomas. 05 | MONKY TO'T.OAN In sums of $300 nnd up wards on ftrst-clnss renl.cstnto security. 1'otlcr & Cobb , 1615 Farnam St. Old rOANKI at C. P. Heed & To'R. I < oa MONKV ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngom pcrwmnl property of nil kinds and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. ,119 H. nth , over Illnulmm's Commission store. All bus- ness strictly confldontal. UI7 BUSI1IE33 CHANCES. TT10U .SAr.K Or rent. "Merehants" Hotel , a Jt ? tli-btclabshotcllnClindron.dolngas busl- ness. Addro'S Mre. W. A. Liingwhortj' , I'hadron Nob. 7S14-23 * vrrANTKD Snlpiy or tmrtnprshlii by llrst * class bualnesmuiin from the past or would lonu omplover (1,000 or $1,500 on siillsfiictory torms. Address E2 lIcoOIBci' . 7.B-21 * SAI.K The fiiriiituro of a n-st olnss EOIl hotel In a booming town In Nebraska ht.v- Ing n good trade. Loa o will bo given. The only first > ln 8 IIOIIPO in town. Address Joseph Krebeck.llliloBjirliiga. Nub. li-13-34 * T71OII SAI.K Or Tindp III tbo town of Weep- JL1 ing Water , Nebraska , n blacKsuilth and wagon shop. Itcnsons tor sclllucr , poor healtn. Addiess Gco. W. Lambing , Wcopiuir Water , Nob. 53J ! ) * Foil SAI.K $3,000 will buy a general slock of goods together with the gooil will of u well established nnd nourishing business In ono ot MndlMin county's best town" , llnlnnco of piivmont on vcrj' Iliioral terms. Ilpnson for polling satlslactorlly Rlvon on application. Ad- dro'-s T. D. .V Co. , Ileo Ollico. 080 F Oil SALK-Chnnp. u milk dairy. Seldcn Hros. . firI ! S. 13th st. WANTKI ) lly a business man , a working In terest lo the amount of $300 In n pitting business. Addrnssl ) W , line ollico. _ 070-31 * F I till SAI.K Mnmitactiirlnir business paying largo profits ; owner has other and more Im- poitnnt nllalis to attend to. Call Itoom 0 , I'rcn- yerjjlock. _ 444 "TT OIl SAI.K Music , stationerj' ana Book Jl store luoupof tlio best towns In the west ; will sell or rent building ; best location in tlio rltj' . AHo laud for oxplmngo or sain In Clio- jcnnoCo.Nol ) . W. W. Lrtdd , Albion , Neb. IIQ-31 * _ _ _ - SAI.K Coutc-r , show pii'cs niiii stool : Foil Mrs 1'olgcr's fancy store nt 30'J ' N 15th st. Hliort tlmo only. _ _ 417 _ PoKXolANC. K Stocks of goods of every kind , lor farina urd land ; nlo hinds to ox- cbiiugo for goods. If J'ou want to matter wbnt It is j-ouhnvo , wrlto , with full de scription , to C. E. Mnynu , real oslnto broknr , OninliaNeh. _ _ 1CS _ " 17"OII SAI.K Crcumory will bo sold cheap , on J ? pnsy terms , to nnyono who will run it the coming season. O. M. Cnitor , Ashland , Nob. " _ _ 818 _ \ir.\NTKI Tocxplimiffn lor stock of hard- ' wnio nnd gonnrnl niorchnndlso , BfiO ncrcsof fiuo Thaj-pr Co. , Nob. , huid ; 5 lots In Genoa. Nob. , good Hloro building ( best coruor ) ; good dwelling ( l > p t location ) In I' sov , la. , nl o 8) ) iicics ' / } mlle Irom town of Essov , In.scodpd In blito grn s. For furtlior particulars nddrnss lolin Llndorholm CPiitrnlCitv Nolirnska. 051 PEHSONAI , . I KItsONAI. To pcrsoim who wish to build a homo In Orchard Hill , 1 will hell lots upon iin\ mont of tlu > nominal sum of ton dollars and milmu'O ut the pud of llvo j-cars. Internet nt K IUMfciit , payubto homl-nniumlly. This Is the I.est otlcroVcr made to any linmo-scokurln this i-liy. Call uud see mo. C. E. Muj-iic , S , W. cor. J Mil und I'm num. fiT'J Tjl OU IlKNT-Hoom nnd board for two. loin Capitol nvo 112 p.V Ilia : board. 1010 DodjjO street. LOST. 14) vr A young i ed i'ow with rl ht hot n t wist- J od. Ilownid will lie palil If rettirnod to Au > drew Johnson,8,17South nve. 7US-3t p OST ( JiiSiimlay ovoulutr , bi'tivccii Clinic st. .1 * and Kniiut/o Mc'iuorinl churvhi a gold bracelet with garuot Rotting In clasp. Tliu Under will bo suitably uiwarded by Icnvluirlt lit tlio line lilllcp.Mr8. _ _ J. lHnint'r. _ _ _ GM-31 _ 'r O.vr lllnek fiiitln satchel containing pocket- JJ book , Saluidayttvonlng , butwitpii 37th and Tarmim mid : : . ) lh nml Douglus. Finder will lie llhoially ti'wnrdod byiotiirniiig sumo to O'Donnlioo .V .Sherly'8noxt to Iho pohtolllee , 072 STUA\V Hats mid llonnets , f-haped mid 10 prcs od In Ihulate-t stjli-s lit 1115 Howilrd , 1 s Agdos Mi'AuiOuiidU 431-21 * NIOHI.i : Corner Cases 111 walnu or cherry , $ | , IU pur foot. Ni'ctar 1'rames , sumo price. Spiingliiugct > . Eureka Show Ciuo Co , : JOS-2C | l.aKust.C'lilCiigo. itJ3niS GAHIIKNINd-AP.UIndsof gurdou work dour by a practical gardener. Frank NImtz 1131 d.JOIJiL . 3Hiu7 > AI'PLIOATIONh lor II 8 Ik-oiiho made oul by John U , ThompbOU , Itoom 10 , Hedleli Hlocl.- ; _ _ J _ 23J pllIVV mid Co ! , pools cleaned by K. Kwlnv. P. X 0.110X427. "ITtOH UKNT A Kioto ou a good retail otreut , JApplj" tlio Oniiihn Heal Estate and I < eau Co. _ 107 _ r57ioii UKNT-Siiuuro Piano , $1 monthly. A. JL1 Hospo , 151'J Douglas. _ uio _ T710H HKNT Organs , f'3 per month , Ilospo , V 513 Doimlns. jlQS ijliMl UKVr Aiuiiro Piano , J3 monthly. A. -L' Ho.-pe. 1513 poiUflas. lUI TDK Foil SALT. A butcher shop coiling frim llvo lo six bi'ovw ti week. Apply 121 Nnrtl luth M. i'-.1-- ' ! ! . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . i : Cheap ; road cart. lie 7 N ll'lh ' ft IHAVK-sume maplu tiivs for sale at lie. O O. Hiiuard. . _ lM-21 ' " : near1ur-'Ba\ --dust. "J. F. Coots - - Pth and Jones. tflS-iul rlMH SAI.K-WII otU-rlJOU-yoa oM bloois , A1 wos-jo-ir-old-tPi'is , ; -00 l-y ( vir-okl sieei s , 400 heolcia uud ions , mostly conilnp on. Tlio above cattle are jeodbtnilt ; hi loniuini Dakota Mock. Straugo llros. , Bloiu flly. _ 72.VIU30 a poll SAI.K Wlro-topnod. lmsk.Pl boltomoi chkKcu ( .oopr , L > y I ) . 11. lleeiucr.- TTTiOll SALK-iYtsh luHi'hcowi.H. llcnl's mc.i J } uuirUcVJlb tl.ljcnvi.'euJacliO-iinnd J ' FOR SAr.K-Oood phaeton , almost now. F. W. Gray,2024 Douglas st , . KSM1 MAI.Or trade Ono new 8S H. P Foil an. ! * ) H. I' . Engine Will sell cheap for cash or undo doslrabla real ostato. Au dress Goo. A. Fry , Dpffanco , lown J7 OllHALK-Flno Pointer dog 1 year old at L1 Victor's Pork , 24th and Mason. 653-23 TjlOll SAI.K Kitty shares Nebraska nud Iowa JL ? In iirnncecornpnnj'8 stook , al otlftyMinros Western Homo In urnneo companyJ8 stock. I. A. Miller , CouncinilulTs. _ 471-21 A ? JlTlTl. KH-I will buy your NobTaska nnd Iowa Insurnnco stcok nnd pny j-ou forty per cent pri'inlum on j-our cash Invest ment tortho snmo J. T. Hnrt. 472-21 Foil SAI.K A 5-horso power boiler and en gine chonp , nt Omnhn Safe nnd Iron Works. _ _ _ _ _ 2.iiinay7 : " _ Foil HA17K Uno good liorso. icid"l'iarimin. 200 OIlSAI.ISquaro piano , $ .V ) , monthly nay- _ monts. Hospo. l.riiUguglas. ; _ V07 J71OU.SAI.K s Lunoh counter and rostnurnn fittings , gas fUtttras , and largo halting Stnvoat the Senate , 1V > 5 nirnam. Inquire at ollloo of J. J. O'Connor , llth strcot , between Douglas and Fainnm. 100 KOU SAI.K Match tpnnn and here > of nl kinds tnMilt customers ntStar SnloSHhlcs , 20th nnd Ciimlu'g. M. Cannon , Prop. 7J7 FoiTs\T.K-A now ttonm roller mill In No. 1 business locality : Hue wheat country : but little competition ; J17WO ; cost moio.v. . H. G rcon , 215 8 13thBt 83 ! ) FoilHAr.K-Uprlght piano , $105 , monthly payments. Hiispo , 1513 Douglas. 1KH WAJTTED-rEMAX.B TITANTKO A gooil smnrt woman chnmbor- . TI nmld , $4.00pur week. Apply 1113 Douglas. 1 ' Ii TTTANTKU-Oood kitchen girl : must bo llrst- TT class wnMior nnd Ironcr. Apply 3414 liar- ' . * noj' 753-22 WANTKH-Mllllners Two assistnut trim mers : also assistant saleslady ; alto young lady totukochnrgo of stock nnd orders S. G. Joyce , 123 N. 15th st. 744e > WANTED Two first class sklrt-lii'lkeis. No others ncod nppljMrs. . Murrlo & Hhono , 1512Dodgo St. T.K-21 _ \I ANTKD-airl forsenonil housework , 2107 Harnoy strcot. 737-31 * W ANTKD Two girls for general bou o- workgood wages to good workers. Eagle House , 414 S 14th si. 737-23' ANTKIAt No 415 NSOthst. A girl to dogciiural lumpen oik. 7.15-21 * tt ANTi : ! ) Several good girls for private faiallcs ; good wagei ; places given Irooto the girls. Call nt ( lie Nebraska I'mploynumt Agency , lln Idtli nnd Capitol nvc , 704 T"\7'ANTii : > A girl for general housowoik In T > n small fnmlly. Apply at Oil south 30th at. Tso-aa * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vt'ANTEO Snlesliidy and Junior snlcsmau at T O'Donohoo A : Shorfy's. Apply hetwoon 8 nnd n 11. in. 714-33 W ANTIID A good girl to do dmlnir-room and chamber work at 117 Nortli 14th st. C'JO-31 * WANTKI ) Good German girl In pi Ivato fnm- lly of two. 103 South 10th st. C7fi-23 * TT7ANTKD-A coed woman cook and dishwasher - washer nt Southciu Hotel ; Gorman pre ferred. 051-31 * WANTKI ) Experienced coo'c lor family of three : J3.CJ pur wcolc. IiKjuIro 33 W llurtst. 040-21 * W IANTKD-Ohl for housework. 813 South lOtlist. Mr . W. W. Iliiighmn. 1)77-33 ) * WANTED Good glil for gouornl hoiiFowork in suiiill family ; good wages paid to rlirht partj' . Apply ut lI3J.lones6t. 073 T7ANTKOGood kltclicii ( jirl at 415 N. 15th \ > st. 037 _ _ V\7ANTKI-Good dining loom girl ut CanT - > T Held liouso. 538 W ANTKD Ladles and gontlomoii In pltj-or country to tnko light work at their homos. $1.00 to Sl.ouadaj'onslly iiuido ; work sent by mall , no ciinvi'sslng. Wo have a good demand lor our work , and turnlsh steady employment. Address , with stamp , Crown M'l'g Co. , Sill Vine Sticot , Cincinnati , Ohio. 52511114 * V\7ANTIM-A girl at Doran House. U13 Far- nnin. 4'.ty ' \\TANTKD unrst-clnsslaundrossos. al o girl M to assist In kitchen. Apply nt Cohens Hoiifootllcu. 450 VlfANTKI ) A good woman cook ; good wages. > > Address City Hotel , Fairmont , Nob. 447 V7AIJTED-MAI.B HELP. \\7-ANTKll-A good boy nt S. E. Lohmann's Fruit and News Store , 50H S. 10th st. 741 NTED-Firstcluss harbor at 318 SlOthst. W _ _ _ aFE8 ! Sor. _ 707 VyANTKli Two good agents In Life Insur- i aiicoCo. lorcltv. For piirticulais call at 1120 Farnnm. E. 0. Hello Isle * Co. 71V3 : ) TrfA'NTlfli-A boylim "would likn"iMo ltlon inn store or otllco : can speak Emilishuul German. Address J. K. Horniau , Dee otllce. 748-33 * ANTKD-FIist class barber at 318 S 10th rt. G. I'.Elsassar. 707 "V\rANTKI > An experienced bookkeeper , IT who has had nxperiouco In buying hind , shipping gram , loirerenco rctiulred. E\o'er Holler Mill uud Elovutor A ocintlon , E\ctcr Nob. 731-3 ! ) W ANTl'.Ii Coatmukors at 310 S. 13th Stieet. A. Kallsli. 7111. " \l'ANTKD At OIICP , n Rood coat-milker. Call cm or address E. C. Sawyer , Fairmont , Nob. ICT5-21 * " \\rANTHD-A Moadj' , roliiiblo limn to soil TT goods In tlio city ; steady employment. Cnll 131 South 10th street. W7-33 * ANTKD A butchoint33dl Farmim stioot. 7C021 * _ _ " \SrANTKIt Two good lilo iisuraiico soliciT TT 01 s for pin n vciv easy to work. Cull ut olficc Piovldcut Lilo. Mlllnrd Hotel Hlock. 073-31 " \A7"ANTKI ) IDinon with good , stioug tennis , T T plowbimd RcrnpcM to do Mima guiding ; only good icllnblo men noeil apply. Hoggs & vy.VNTKD Local ngeut to handle While TT I. : tors : must omplojBiibnseiits and push balus ; will give oxcluslvo ngcnoy and low- i'bt ciihli pilco to the right pnrly. Amorloau White LettorCo. , B Eiist 1th st , Cincinnati , Ohio. TTTANTKI ) A good canvasser to soil furnl- M I nro ou weekly pay moats' . Omaha Tlmo 1'aymciit Co. , GI3 South luth St. 451 l'ANTKII Two flrft class coainmkors , Ad T dicssJohn.MorrisonLnooln. 3sO W ANTKD 20 jouiigmnii and Indloi to on- gngolntho tclcgi-.iph S'ji-vieo , Address W. .1.1)room 1 , L'rounsu block , 10th st. ara.iJl * \l/ANTKl > 3 nhoa cnuvas'ori to soil furnl- T ? turo on instnllir.cnta. Call ou M. F. Mar tin,310 bouth litest. TO ) > ANTKD Stxtooii hariiuu miiKurs at HJo- man Uro * . , 1.1th and Dodge 41.3. 218 BITDATIOH WANTED. \\7ANTKD-Sltuatlon by young man n < M clerk ; wagoii no object. Apply 13 M Fur nam , Hoom 3 , 752.31 - i WANTED By young man , a corafortnbli room "Ithliilw miles from oppiahoiiti > rent must bti nmdoralo and house have ball room. Address E A , Ileo olllce. 742 33' Situation , A young lady would like a situation us compaiiljii or house keeper , uuderstiuiJs bowing. E U Hen Ollleu r.H-31 * _ "VirANTKO A No. silu : iunn speaking live T i lauguiiiiod whhoj M Bltualioii In some good Imcinesa housu , wholuaalo or retail. Address A , K. , Allaiitlo Hotel , Oauiha. iiui-33' WANTKI ) Situation as housekeeper by mlddlo-ayod lady Call 1.171 N. Pier St. Ml-33 * W ANTKD Slluntiou III grocery ordry Moio by joung man ol Ihicu J'ema'ox pciiiiuo. Addie.ts DM , lleoofllco. tk > 7-21 \\rANTKtJ-A gltuatlou us flrst-class cook Ii i hotel or icstaur no objection to loav ins the clly. Apply u ' : npitol nvo. C7J-31' ' MISCUt.I.AUEOUS V/AlfTS. ytrANTKI ) A small furnished house In gooi i > locution tbo Ut of Mnytiil September : m S'ualluhlldiuii. Address E 4 , Ileo ollico , 7CO-231 -\\7ANTKD To rout , building Bbout I8x 'i or larcor , outtldrof bueluesj poitiou ol citj.adiois D'JT licoUineo. 731-31 * _ " \\rANTr.D-To buy ono hor.o nud wiijfoi 11 uioci-ryicomer20th und Uouifliis tts. f ( V * > i * 03--4 \\TANTii : ) Ae nts. Ladles nndgontlomtn 11 XJooil nulliu pcroous of either sox fpi llsnt.ploiiannt nnd extremely proUtablo uu 1iioss Steady cuiiplc/ymcut aud liberal pay to nghl parties , l.iovtous c.vpuiloupo not nceesjuiy Apply at oiu to H II. Cb.tforrtiCo.,10-.S. : I5tl al-.Cft , Iruirzcr's bloclt-rooin.9. Jtt-Sl * ) Two prontlemen want 2 nlco fur- nlshcd rooms , or parlor with 2 bed rooms In prl vnto house on onoot the bills of Iho town ; state terms , conveniences , etc. D 16 lice ollico. 709-21 _ _ \ \ ANTK1i To contract with rciuihlorinrty to cot out about 1'W ' ) trees. IIORRS& HtlU 751-31 _ _ WANTii > To buy nne. fo < mdyouuf ( drlv- Inif lmro : must be one of the very best ! will only "uy of n responsible man , none other need apply. Itofrgs & Hill. 753-21 TTiOU HUNT Furnished house for the sum- K mor to pnrtloa without small olill Iron , 251A WANTii Small pony : must bo gentle nnd thoroughly broken. K.V. . Orny. O.VJ-1J \-\7ANTi : ltou osfor good tenants. J.n. VI Kvans & Co. , 1513 Dodge. _ 013 V\7 < VXTii : > Tennis ; stondy work ; blir pny ; chcnp feol.ntul free pass to the work. II. S. Albright , labor ngont , HUM rnrimin Bt. rat WANTii > Dcntlcmnnroom-ninto In private fnmlly , with board. Terms moderate. Addrossim ) . Ileo onico. 643-31 * _ ANTii-ltelh7blo : contractor to build W house co .tiiiK $ triOO to $3OJJ , nud tnko Hnnspoin 1' lot for part payment. Address I ) 73 , line ollico. _ 78 W ANTii > 103 houses and oottaea to rent. Cnn Rn.l you ( rood tenants at onco. Ma li o u oy TDK BENX-nOUSKS AND I.OTS. Foil ItliNT Saloon with boni-dliif ? house of 8 roomi , fitrnlhnd , Omnhn , No license. AUdiessliC. Ik-o ollleo. 751-33 * HI'.NT Choiui , 11 fix room lioiifo In Foil Hnwcs Hdditlon , nnrn for six hordes nnd > i acroof land. H.O. Clink , 1510 DougliiB. 7H3-3 ; ! "C1 Oil HENT 70-ncro fnrm.T. Murray. _ _ FOH KENT Houso. 0 rooms , f 14 per mouth. 315 Noitli 17th at. 8. Lehman. CH3 ( RKNT-.l-room cottage , No. a'.IS Call- IfOU 1 . Iniiulroat Itooni 15 , Omaha Na- lonul Unnk HulldlnR : . I * . .1. Creadon. OiH-33 * UKNT In one of the best business cor ncrslnthoclty : a flrst-class stoio building ; none but responsible parties need apply. Address - dross 1) 59 , Ileo ollico. ( HO S2 OK UKNT 8-room liouso. Imiiilio 3510 F Capitol avo. 018 FFoil Foil IlKNT Nicely furnished room with board. 714 N. IDthjit. 517 Foil IlKNT Saloon , and fixtures for sale. 103 South 10th st. 600 Foil UKNT Ollico suitable for real t-Mnto : also otllco furultuio for sale. Call Itoom S ) , Freiuor illook. 4fl Foil IlKNT 10 acres , 110:11- : the fair ground suitable lor dairy purposes , by I'atilson&Co. 705 _ IlKNT-2 stores. 1413 S. 13th st. G H. Foil Peterson. 'il HKXT 2 bricic stores on fouth 1'Jth St. FOH Howard and Jackson , Piiulscn Co. , 1513 Farnam St. f > 85 F' llliXT-lJrlck yard. T. Murray. TJIOIl IlKNT Doslrablo residence , 0 rooms , JL 8lilnu's3d add ; house of 9 rooms. South 5th , also 3 bams with lofts. J. Phlpps Koo , Uoxfi'iT. _ _ _ 454 Foil SAT.K At a bargain , line U-oom liouso with modern coiivciiionoos ; full lot ; on Harnoy St. , nonr 35th ; $5,303. 1'ottor & Cobb , Ifil.'itainiitnst. 9VJ F OIl llKNT-Qardon tarin. U03 S. llth St. _ UKNT Nlco 0-room cottnifo. S. T. Foil , 8. E. cor. 15th and Douglas. 5St FOB EEUT 11OOMS. Foil IlKNT Nicely furnished rooms with board , 0.1) South 15th St. 740-33 * Tmoil IlKNT llnllon Hros. having icmovitl J ? their ollico to 1510 Douglas stiott , oiler their former ofllco for rent. 35521 Till ifKN'F Furnishcd todni with boaid for P gcntVomaunt704 S. Ibth i-t. 715-3 ! UKNT Plea = aut room for one or two FOR gentlemen. 311 B. 3Jd tt , iiearFKi-iumi. " \\7 ANTKn-To lout , funilahcd room without T board by a goutloman in tli-stclis < ncljih- liorhood. AjdroElHco Ollico. _ 733-31 * IIEN'T A ulcclv lurnl-lied front room FOH wl th largo closet , S E cor30th & Farnam st. 710-33 _ _ Poll IlKNT 3 iiiifuriilshed rooms , with bay window. 1017 Chicago. 4'I3 IlKNT Quo unfurnished room in llecmcr's block , cor. Eighth and Howard. _ OJ- _ IlKNT Furnished room , 401 N. 15th St. FOIl _ 48' > 31 * Tmoit UKNT Pleasantly furnished rooms In -1 } private family with board ; rolurnncca ox- chuugcd. U33S. 15th st. O.S9-3I * UKNT Cheap , to paitics without chil dren , two uico rooms , suitable lor light housekeeping with pintry and cellar : re lor- oncos ovcliangcd. 4U Convent ht. o ° 0-33 * F OU UKNT Two inovponilvo i-ooms , with board. 1914 Webster slrc-ot. OS3 Foil UKNT One vo.-y nicely furiiKhcd front loom : uNo ono buck room ; gentlemen pre ferred. 3117 Webster St. OSI _ IlKNT Doslrablo furnished rooms In Foil two-story brick ; all modiu-n comoiil- dices : short block from 3 car Hues ; bi oaldust if desired. Apply 232 llurtst. 453-311 * IlKNT Elogaut fioat loom and good iriOIl 1 . . 1U3) ) Farnam strcot , 033-31 UKNT anicclv furnlihcd looms. Cnll Foil Mr. llojd , 1510 Dougbu it. 011-21 UKNT Furnished loom ? atrnuthoist Foil Pleasant mid lliiruoy streets. OJJ-3-1 * UKNT Furnished rooms , 1418 Dodge. FOIl IE3-31 * _ Tnbll lir.NT Largo furnished room. 2 l JD Davenport. M2-22 * Foil UKNT FurnUhcd rooms. 10 , ' ! Capitol avenue. 110-33 * T71OH 11KXT First-class rooms at 1B21 Farnnm JL ? olio block west of court liouso. 555-33 HKNT Tire uiifiirnlshml Iront looms FOH toman uud wife without children ; bsst of references. Apply 310 N 15th St. ni'J-21 ' * TT/OlTllKNT-itooiin In llirrkor Itloolt. C. K . JU Maync , 15th mid Farnam. 45" > llKNT-Storo room on 13th. C. E. POIl Mnyuo , S W cor 15th and Farnam. 401 TTIOIl UKNT onicn and toro room , ( inittou JU i Drumiiiond , 1J15 Hnnioy. K'3 TJ OIl UKNT Two nicely furiilshud rooms , J ? with board , with nil madam eonvenlonees. 233.Dodge. . . 730 KKNF Elegant anl desirable rooms , Foil or uuturnUhod. 10)7 ) DougUa st. IlotoreiU'os loqulrt'd of applicants. lAi "EVIIl lir.Nr With board , one tnro niooly Inrnlaliedt'rout room , if.13 und bath room at HW Jones SU 371) aAr.E-HOUHE3-I.OT3. ItCHAUD HIMi IxiwcKt prices , oaslos O terms , nieebt lots. C E .Mnyne , ugont. 7-'s-3 T ti. EVANS i.Co , 1513 Dodge St. , offer spo- f I . cinl bargains In Lake's add. , splendid lot , tlrstPlasi lioiue , 8 rooms , beshlo bath loom , good cellar , water , ( rus , I'O bill elkieru , nice shndo tree s , t-oal house , ot P , closu to 2Htruutcar lines ; pilcoonly t'.i W. Terms easy ; cun bo Fold on monthly payments If desired. 74H-23 . , ulcost lolg. O E Mnynp , ngent. 72i20 rpAKKn i Kioto Orchard Hill , U costs nothing. J Ou no otlior bpot can you got biich n vlow of Omaha. C E Mayno has bugglos mid drivers ic-ndynt all tlmca to take panics out , 731-30 OHO | I AIHU 1 1 LI Lon cst prlciiscalc3t terms. iilepsllots. ( JEMuyuo , nsout. 738-30 VrrAVroiT"AND IliJLVElTlTltE ncro iots are J-i iihu id ol all othoi > . Call mid see lor jour- ( iflf. C E Mnyno , itfc'cut , 8 W cor 15th and Far- num. 73J-30 Foil SAI.K Lciuod school lands In traetsor so ncios and up nrds , no taxostopuy'on -ol.imUfor3Uyoais. . O.F. D.ivis.V Co , Iiu5 I'ariuuu st. 730-m 30 _ _ r pTlvK liTldoloTrix-luird Hill , it costs nothing JL Ou no oilier spot you get ouch u Alow of Omaha. C' E Mnyno has bug lei and drivers icudy at all llmei to laKe ; riles out. 731-30 O , t terms , nicest lot' ) . OEMiiyno , ngent. 733d OE. MAYNE gives the best terms , sells Ilia cheapest , ehows you moio property than any other ugunt can , ( ! o und bc-o for j'oursult , 73l < . -0 _ OHCHAHD HILL- Lowest pi Ico' terms , ulcoat lold. O E May no , agent. 738-30 NKWI'OHTnnd lliilvcdereapro lots nretibpad of ull othord. O-ill and see lor your.-ulf. ' . E. Mayiie , ugont , b. W , cor. lith mid Far- imm. 711.34 _ OUrUAltl ) IHLII.OM en Pi-Icc9cuslest terms nicytt loU. 0 K Mayiiv , itfouU . 711-31 Aero lots , fOOO. I Cunnlnglj Hronnnn , 1511 Dodge. mt. ! . is the best aero WASmN < JTqN'rfiiir. You onn btty nn ncro lot In thisTipniitlful suburb for less monty thnn you will have to pny for a city lot In the Immediate vWujty. TtfAsniNGTON HIM.-Acro lots on very TT pasy terms. Cunnlnghnu & Dronnnn , 1511 Dodge. * $ 000 ' will buy an ncro In Washington Hill. WASHINGTON HILL | 3 near the Hclt Line depot. f f \\MSlTlNOTOM ill LI. acre \otla \ ono of the TT best Investments. $ HOO will buy fomo choice lots In Hnnseom Place ; ory iasjterms. . Cunningham Se Urounan , 1.111 Dodito. 741-21 \VK HAVn some bargains In real nlco T T houses nnd lot ) . Cunningham & llrcnnnn , 1B11 Dodgo. RGHAllD ffiLli Lwvbtt iiricps , cnso | t terms , nicest lots. C E Mayno , ugont , ' * . prces easiest tcrnm , nicest lots. 0 K Mnyno , ngcnt. 73'K.i ' ) O ltCHAHD itlMI/iwust prices , enslest terms , nicest Ion. C H Mnyne. ngent. 733-30 O UCIIAIU ) HII.Ij f.owprt pliers , easiest terms , nicest lots. C V Mnyno , agent 73 3 < ) o UCIIAIU ) Illliti Lowest prices , easiest terms , nicest lots. 0 K Mayno , agent. 73S-30 Jll. KVANS A CO. IBM Dodge st. nro foiling beautiful rosldonco and business lots , cen trally located , with n straight and good guar- nntyas to fiitui-o valuation. 747-83 TIAKKiirldotoQri'hnrd Hill , It costs notblnir. On no ether spot win you net such a view of Omaha. C II.Mayno Iris buggies and drivers ready at nil times to take parties out. 7lt-3t ! ) O UCIlAUIHIMi I.o\vctprco \ ! , uaslcst tcims , nicest lots. C K Mnyiic , agent. 7i30 OOK. OK. MAYNn gives the boot terms , sell the cheapest , shows you moro property than nny other agent can. Go and tec for yourself. 733l ( FOK SAT.K 3-story house on N. 18th street $ . . ' ,100. This mustbo sold within the novt'J weens ; $100 ca h , biihiuco monthlv imvmouts. This is n bargain. One can mnlto ? 50J by buj Inj ; this. this.Why pay rout when by paving $310 us cash payment you can got jou a nioo homo S blocks Irom streetcars. $ ' ! ( W as cash payment will buy you a peed homo one block fiom Oumliiir street. 2 cottniosou I'nrkuvomio , beautiful grounds , nvory modem convenience. A good thing , It both sold nt onco. (0,000 each. Hlgglns Ac 1'ark , 1513Joilglas st. C43-33 012. MAYNE glvos the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows you more piopcrty thnn nny other agent can. ( Jo nnd sco for > ourscll. OHCH Alt ! ) HlLIr-Lowcstpiices.o.islesttprms , nicest lots. CE Mayuo , ugent. 711-24 CE. MAYNE gives the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows jou moro propeity tiinu any otlior ngont can. Goaiulscoloi ynuiself. 739 20 OUCH A HD HILL-Lowest prlces.onslost terms , ulcost lots. CKMuyno , iigeut. 72820 rpA K P. a "ililo to OrchnnTTlTTOt costs yoi"l JL nolbiDT. On no other spot can jou got such a \iuw ol Utmilm. O E Mayne has buggies and drivers rcaJj' at all times to take parties out , 711-24 rpAKK n r'do to Oiclmid Hill , It costiTnotbing JL. On no otheuHporicun jouget such iMlow of Omnhn. C E Mnyno bus b'igglps and drivers loidynt all times to tnko parties out. 731-20 ltCHAltD IIIIiL-Lowost prices , easiest O toinia , nicest Ip iJ CE Mnyne. agent. 73.S-30 OGE. GE. MAYNE gliiJ'io best terms , soils the cho.ippst , shows jou mom propcrtj than any other ugunt can. ( ! o and sco lor yniir elt. . § 739-30 f _ fil ; LVEDEHE acre lots mo ahe id of all oilier' . Call and see for your- sell. C E Mii\noagcnt , S.W cor 15th and Fur- mini. iiO-30 ( 1 KT a homo. " In tbo o times of hltJi rout a vji Having caui'bcinailo each j-oar by buying. Tbo plnti Kiigseijod Jf this : f opct ! j-our plan for a cottage Bfiltaulo to accnmmodato tlio ncpdsof tliotaniily : submit It to Itallou Bros. , U178. llltli st.Vwlior lllilumofUatPlyglvolli'ur'S lor the house and a suitable pieou of ground In a good neighborhood , sell yun the pioporty on a moilest. paymoiit of $ . ' 01 down , and take the balance in small monthly payments. 'Ibis firm have nlioudy provided over forty families with coinfoitablo homos and nro now prcpailiiK to build n now lot of houses to ho ready lor uho bv.liiuolst. Cull now and suggest changes in pin us ah cndy selected , linllou ltio3.H7 : S. 13th bt. 0)l-2J ) OHCHAUD IHLfLowPSt pricps.onsiostterms nicest lots. C E Mnync , agent. 728-2D rp.MCK u rldo to di-chiird Hill , it osts nothing. Jl On do otlipr spot cnn jou get such a i low of Omaha. C E Mnyno h's buggies nnd drivers loidj'atallt mcs to Inku parllos out. 731-20 0. E. MAYNE glvos the bo t terms , selLs tbo . cheapest , shows yon moro pruperty than unj'other ngcut ciin. Go nud see for yourself. 730-30 /"Vllf'HAUD HILI/-Lowcst prlcos.onslest terms , W iiico-t lots. C E Mnyno , agent. 728-21) a rMo' to'Iu-qliard Hill. It costs you JL nothing. On no other spot can j-ou pet such n view of Oiniihn. C. K. Mnyiio has buggies nnd drivers le.idy at all times to take parties out. 711-34 T3ATTKISSON I'AlK 3Vi miles fiom Court J House. PA UK Acres at J175. ATTKIISON I'AHIl Acres at S.'OO to 313. -pATTKusON PAUK Acres on easy terms. I ISON I'AHIC Acres the cheapest. 1'AUK tbo best l > hlco lo buy. K lly D. C. Patterson , lion Ilauk Huildlng. 48J-31 HMIAltDHlLL-Lowo-t ( p'-coso.islesttorms | , o nluott lots. C E Miivno , nifont. 7i-30 rp.VKK arldo to Orchard Hill , It co ts nothing. J On no other snot can j-ou get such a view ol'Omahn. C E Mayno him buggies mid drlicrs iciidy ut all times to lake parlies out. 7 > ! l-3i ] OE. MAYNE ( rives Tbo l' ' ( ) . t IcM-iu- 'Tu Uiii olipiipest , shows jou morn pioporty tluiu any olboingcut can. Oo mid boo lor ynurt-olf , ' - O HCHAHD HfuTlxWP9t piiOpTonsiost torms" nicest lots , i E Miiyno , agent 73t-3 ) XTEWPOIiTAXD HEVEIElti ! , ) : nciploU aic Jnlioiulot nllothoN C.illuiidboo r your- self. 0 E Mayno , ngout , SW oor isth and 1'ur , mini. 7-0-30 ! TTioit ii-ruii lot , oi ) root Minr JL' St , noirfiituro Ilrownoll Hall , with nearly now 10-roiiii ) house , $ JbOJ. Thoo. ONen , 318 H l5tiSt (1J7-31 O r. MAYNK"rtVoi ui bo t terms , chonpust , Bbon-s j'ou moro piopeity than any other ngentTalrr'Oo and see lor yourself. _ .13 _ 711-24 _ rp.YlvKn rldo to Oyhiml Hill , It costs nnthlng. 1 Ou no othur s-oican | you got sueh a view ol Omihu. U K Mayiie b'i ' > bugglos und drivorf ready at nil limes tiilnko parlies out , "ll-2 < OUCH AMD HILL-Lnw st prlcos Tnsloiit termit _ iilecst Ion. C EJIayno , uyunt. 72-2i VTEWPOIIT A HrteLvl'.iEUK ncro lots arc i-i ahead of all otliors. ( 'all nnd set ) for your. self. U. E. Mayiio.iwtHt ! , S. W. co ' . IMn and Farnam. tji | ( f 730-20 " " llCHAHD owo7t prieo rwi'-iosi HII < ! I < ' - terms , iiloca * { ott < iO 1 ! Mnj no , ngenl , 73X. 2 vii- - - - 01 % MAYNK'S iion'mapof UouchH county is complete li < nin-ory detail ; It fills u lonj ; tclt want ThaipV'f0 * low , consldcrliiff Hit uuiouiitof wo.-k/oXjJ'i' < iy to pioJuco It. Foi Milo at C. E. Ma ) no'd estate otlicc. 513-mll OK JIAVNE"gI\oTtbo bos terms gcllt. the t i'Iu > iipe > t , bhows j-ou moio property thai nny other a ent can. Oo and ECO lor jour-oil' 7.M-30 Haiibcoiu Plafo , J3.0JO Thoo. C3tornL ! 218 fc OE MAYNE gives the best ti'rms , soil * tin cheapest , t-hons you more propurtj * thai : unj' other ugciit can. ( ! o iiudEuj tor j'oiir.-olf rnAKB a ride to Orchard Hill , it costT jlui 1nothing. . On no other bpotoaii you ge ( Miel 11 view ot Onmhn. OEMaynelras bungles IUIL cJilyeis ready at ull tlmos to laku parlies out , 711-34 _ _ OHCHAHD IiIIJ/-jr/ \ it prlcos.oaslc-st terms _ nicest lot ? . C E Mayuo , ogciil. 73S-2I Tlio "iM Tou f lilmt luU in Iluw F thorno add , at $750 Tneo. Olson , 218 S 15tt Bt | 537-31. _ _ VT E WP011T AND HELVEDEHE ucro lots an -i-i ahead of-ull otherJ. Cull und. sco Tor your t.ilf. ; C. E , Mnyuo , Audit , S. W. cor. 15th ant Vaiuum. \ 7UJ-23 i , MAYNE jrlvcs the best terms , sells the OF cheapo t. shows you moro pioixrty than ony other ngent can. Uo nnd see for jourjolf. ORCHAKD HILI/-Uiwpst prlccs.onslest terms , nicest lots. C E .Mnyno , agent. 7JS-20 _ _ AMKS I'LACK No such lots In any ether lo- _ cnllty nt the prices lukpd. _ 411 the bo t terms , sells the CEMAYNEglves cheapest , shows you moro property thnn nny other ngent can. Uo nnd 800 for jour elf. _ _ 'iTloirsA'lTK A nneTT-room lieu o noVquTio" JL1 finished with porch , elosot.i , pantry , collar. cistern , well , outhouses. Walk nil around house nnd picket fenpp' , cvcrj thing npnt and complete , 3 blocks from Null works , at $1,200 on Tory easy payments. If jou want to secure a nlco homo In renter ot town come BOOH. Thoo. Olson , Mia S loth St 837-21 _ "VfKU'l'OIlT and llolvoderoncrolotsaro ahpnd J- > of all others. C.ill nnd see lor jour'Hf. C. L. Mnj tie , agent , S. W. cor. 15th and Fnr nnm , 711-21 CE MAYNE glvos the best toims , soils the cncapest. shows you moro propeity thnn nny other ngent can , Oo and sco lor jnuwcir. HCHAHD HlLL-Lowcst prices , easiest terms , nicest lots. OE Mayno , agent. 73920 II" VOU hnvo nny properly for sale or rent list with mo and It will have prompt atten tion Theo ONon , 318 S 15th St _ 537-31 CE M AYN K irlurt the best terms , sells the cheapest , shows j-ou moro pioporty than nny other agent cnn. Go and see lor jjourolf. 72i-20 ! T710HS.VT.H-A lot 00x110. and dwelling 20x31 , -L nonr future IlrowncllIIall , ohenp ; hnlf cash , bnlanco suiall monthly payments. V. L. Vo- dlcka.G3J 3.13th sL 811 K MAYNE gl\es the best toims. soils thr ohonpnst , snows jou moro property than any ether agent can. Uotuidscn for yout oll. ttM-Sll nnd llolvodore Hero lots arc NEWrORT nhea-l of nil others , ( 'all and PPO for jour- self. U E Mayno , itgont , 3 W cor Ifith nnd Far- nam. 711-34 CE MAYNE glvos the best terms , sells the chonjHsstshows joumwre properoy Hum nny other ngent can. Oo and bee lor joursolf. 739-20 ji-t prlcos.oiislRSt terms , O nicest lots. OH Mayno. agent. 7 IS--it TTIOUaAI.K-lly K. F. Hlnger , 11 ! North 15th. JU 133.\iu ; , line house , rarnain street , near 18x41 foot lot. house woi th f0,000 , nil forS5,000 , ShInn's udd. , fair bargain , l/ot ; i houses , South llth , icuts SC5 month $8,500 U aero , good house , South 10th st 210J House ami lot Haruoysti-pot 3,150 Ui.xll'hotidP , I ! rooms , Capitol nvo 3 , < > 00 44.-U40 , Hnrnoy stioet , business 20,000 ( lilxiosn rooms , Douglas strcot tl.SG" ) 20 choice houses In Hnnscom Place , Irom $3,500. 1,500 , t5,000 to f 10.0UO. Ho ldenco property In nil pnrls of the city Commencing nt $1OOJ , and auj- prices pui-chus- or.s wl h up to $25,000. I liuvc u number of special bargains In unlmpiovcd'lots , 132X70 , Harnoy strcot , line sight $ J.OOO. L 2 beautllul lots , 21st street , very tlicap , ? 1,5M each. East front lot,30th North Leaven worth $ . ' 1.150. 50 lots liillnncoin Planfsoj to SJ.OOO each. 50 lots. f50to ! SOOO each , Omaha Vlow. will build outlip o lots ou monthly payments ; streo' cars will run to this addition. 3aO lots in SouthOnialm very cheap. Lota in I'm It Placd , Suunyslde , Kilby Place , Hillside Nos. 1 and 2 , Walnut Hill , Oi chard Hill , Impiovomoiit nssoL'intloii , Hodtoid Plnco , Hun- Oak , Ambler I'lneo , Slilun's add. , and every oilier addition woith mentioning. Laud near city 25 aci es , good housp , 700 fruit ti-pes , ndjoiniug Nmvpoi t , w ill sell iitotuo at JWM'J. ' 110 acres on Fnrnniu street , In 10-noro luicts , $10) cni-h. 2poti ) a-'t-ps Kind In Kobrnskn from $5.50 to $21 per acie. HoCoro buying or soiling pee E. F. Ilingor , 119 Juirtli15tlu Oil _ _ MAYNE gives tlio best torms. pells tbo OE clioapc-t , snows you moro pioporty than iinj- other ascitt can. Go and tee lor j oursclf. 72J-2i5 TVT and Holvodero acio lots nre J.N ahead of nil others. Call and MJO for j our frulf. C E Maync , agoiit. S W cor 15th and Far- nam. 711-34 J MAYNE gives the boat forms , soils the CE chraO't ] ) , shows you more piopeil ) than nny other agent can. Oo and see lor youisolf. Tjr : llenutlfill lot.7S\15 < IJcctrn Huir JL ? Oak , near I'nrk fiate , $1.500 ; easy term's. C. E. Mnyno , I nth nnd Fnrnrm. 017-3 JOE MAY.Vi : glvos the host terms , sclU the OE cheapest , 'hows you moro pro ) orty than any other agent can. Oo und boo for ouiBclf. "Vf KWPOUT and Ilolvcdoro aero lots are nliead .Li ol all othcis. Call and sco lor yoursolt , C. E. Mayuo , agent , S. W. cor , 15th and Far- mini. 711-21 . MA YNB glvos the best terms , soils the cheapest , shows you moro piopeitj' than any other ngent can. < Jo and see for J oiu-ioll. 730-20 EVVFOKT AND HBLVnDElin ae/rTlotsiiitj / N ahcnd of all others , Call mid f > e for your- i-olf. C E Maync , agent , S W cor 15th nnd Far- num. 730-2D ItCHAUl ) HILL-Lowost prlces.onsioittcrma , O nicest lots. O E Mayuo. agent. 72--2U Foil HALK Lot In Polham Plnco , f575 , easy term" . Lots In Han com Plnco , ? 750 to 51,03) ) . Lot on Virginia live. , ! ? 2,0K ) . 2 lots in Siinnysidc , $3.iOJ. : 3 lots on WoU Farnnm St. , SIVOJ. Lot in Lowo' ndd. , SI.VJ. Coruor lot In Lowu's udd. , 5553. Lot ou Hamilton St. , A'JiX ' ) . 3 lots ou Hamilton St. , $ IU)0. Lot ou Sowarii t-t.SSO ) . Comer lot in Prospect Place. $750. Corner on Miriinm St-.ODxl'IJ It. $ ; 0,010. 3 houses and lull lot , Iftth near Wul tor , S/ni ) . 3 lots In La < o'sadd , $1,175 and $1,30) ) each. , ' /i lot and 0-i-oom house , I/.iu-d St. , near 3Jth , ' " " "li..i feet on S 1.1th St , Sll.OOD. : i lots on 24th St. , fjo.uoa 3 lois on Decntui- . , S1 , OJ. Lot on 23rd St. , < 1W ) . Lot In Nolhon's udd. , $1,701. House niul lull lot , barn , well , etc. , on Hamil ton St. , 81,003. Easy torms. Geo. P. Ilomls 15tii ini'l Douglaa Sts. 873 I1KLVEDE1IE ncro lots nu . . . iihoadof all others , Call and FI-U for your tclf. C. E. .Muyiio , iifont.S. W. cor. IMh and Faiimm. _ _ _ _ 715-20 ) , / - pri(03Visicst terms nicest lots. C E MnyiiK , agent. 73S-2I MAYNE ltivoS tlio bcot terms , sells tliu OE , phows j-ou moro p.opeity thnn any other iv'eiit can. Gonudsoolor join-self. HCII Alt ! ) I IIIiI/-- Lowest prlco-caslfM toims nlcistlols. CE Mnyno , agent. 711-31 S.I.K Chpiii ) lots In Ilurr Oak , just east FOIt Park , noiu-htroot car5sr.J , p.isy torms. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Faiiium st. 8il UMAYNEglvPs thu bo t tprms , sells tlu cheapest , shows you moio property linn nny other agent cnii. Go nnd see for youivolt 73'l-30 . . tuo car mules and 10 head ol roiiH.vr.iv 307 10th St. 3ul'f' : ' * _ _ _ ItrilAIlDHILL-Ionost prices.pnsiost tei-uiH O lots. 0 E Mnyno , ugent. 72-3i OFoil SAI.K--Quo largo lot. south fiont , Ii Foil ' ' tavornbli Lowe's ndditlon very pho'iji on terms Inquire at V M C A rooms 511-31 * nnd HulviTiero ucro lots UK NEWPOIIT ull others. C.dUindseo for your self , 0 E Mayno , agent , 8 W cor 15th uud ,1'iir num. 711-34 . Cm tier of Faundors and Nichola1 rous.XLK frout.x , f4 , ' ) JO. Tills Is a bargain C. E. Mayno , 15th and Farnnm , 010-33 HCHAHD HILL Loucst procBeualot ! tprms O illcostlots. C F. Mayno , ageuu _ 738 3i OUHAI.K lllirlianraln Corner In Ihanu& Boldon's addition , only 3 block * from l.oav- onworth t , , 13U13I , only Sl,5)J. Potter i : Cobb , ' 1515Farnara ut kSI I.oweht inlces.oatlcst tt-imti OltCIIAIIDIIILL E Mnj'iio , n eiit. 73H-2 SAI.K Dallou llios.il7H : 13th Et. olfoi POlt lollowlnif tpoiilul hiuvUns ; 10 hoctloiu of farming Kinds In Hi own inn ether counties in Nebraska at ? "i per aeni ; i ; llniher eUilms on b | > oclal tormv-would t.iki ether properly In ovcliuiifo. AUo tuvural ECO t Ions ot school lands lor ullooi'lois : ) . Thesi lands urn \vell located near railroad and school : und mo the cheapest JnmU lor actual bettlonli tliu fatal p , OJ3-3i OE.litAYNE gives the best terms , tclU tin t clienpost.fchons jou moio propinty thin any other doiilor can. Go uud sco lor yourself 73J-30 mAKi : irrTdolcT Orchard Hill , It costs joi JL nothing. On no ether Bpot can you got suul n vlow ot Omaha , ( ' E Mujnu bus buggfos am drivers icady at all thnoi to tukti partio cut. ItciUHD HILL-Lowcst prlcoBon ict terms nicest lota. O E Muj'iio , ng-cnt. 7-H3 alid iTcTvolcre aci oTotsTiriTnTicnu ot till othi'is. Cull and sop lor j-oui-iolf C. E. Mayno , iufcnt , S. W , cor. 15th und Far Uti in , 711-31 _ . gives the bou terms , 'eolls th CE.VAYNE cheapest , shows you muro piopoily lliiu any other iigoiit can. Go und see for yourself O lien Ann HIIiTrIx > wc > t r > rleo , esslpn terms , nicest .lots. 0 E Mayna , agent. RM-Sd A MKS 1'I.ACK-No grading needoJ : level Frtrnnm . 411 _ OH .MAYNE ( rive * the nest tctm , foils the cheapest , shows you more properly thnn any other agent can Uo and sco for joursolf. 789-iM _ OnOHAHDHlljIi-I.owpnpricp.s.o.islosttprms nlccn lots. OHMnyne , agent. _ " 11-24 OK. MAYNE gives the bpst tcrmi. Mis the chonpost , shows you more property than nny other ngontoim Uo and see for yourself O1tcf\KDHlL1rT < owotVrlwvan > t terms , ulcost lots. O K Mnyno , nnoiit. 7.JS-20 T AKK nrtdo to Orchard Hill , It costs nothing. On no other pjiot cnn you get such u vlovr of Omnhn. U B Miiyno has buggies am ! drivers votuly at ull times lo take pirllos out. T3Rtl "IjiOU SALK-Lot3 In Lowe's Ut addition , -L south fronts , easy terras , only $53) . 1'ottor * Cobb , 1513 Farnnm st Ml _ _ Oil. MAYXlfBlvoTtiio lies ! lorms , sells thn phenpost , shows you inoro properly thnn nny oilier ngout emu CIo ami sou for yourself. 7211-20 _ _ unit IMvedoronrro lots nrontioml rKWroitT of nil other ? . Onll niul sco for yoitrsnlf , 0 I ! Mnyne , agent , S. W. oor. 15lh nnd Fnr- nnm _ _ 711-24 OE. MA YNK gives the best terms , sells the I'lu'wpost ' , shows you more property thnn nny other agent eau Go mid see for join-self. FOH.SAI.K A tow oftho beat ots In Wtloox'n ad' ! . nt $000 ench. Potter & Cobb , 1513 Far- nnmst. 853 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K.MAYNM glvos the bo t terms , sells the C cheapest , shows you moro property than nny other ngont cnn. Go nml see for youisolf. 72ii-2'l ORCHARD HILL-Ixiwost prlcps.unslostterinsi , nicest lots. U E Mixviio , agent. _ 733-20 TVrKU'POUTiitul llotvedoro ncro lotfttiro ahead JL > I of ull others. Call nnd see lor yourself. C. H. Mil } no , u go nt , 3. W. cor. 13th ntul Far- num. 711-34 _ OR. MAYNE glvos the best terms , pells the phenpost , shows you moro property thnn nny othur agent can. Go nnd sco for yourself. BiM.11 _ _ _ OltCHAnn UlLL-Lowost prlccs.caslcst terms , nicest lots. 0 K Miiyno , ngont. 711 " 1 Foil SAI.K-Ily .1. L. Plot-son & Co. The ( icorgo Lludo fnrm hns liucn sub-dlvliloil Into ft mid 10-ncro tracts. Tills line piopoity Is less than llvo miles Irom the postollloo directly on thooxtonilou of Dodge at. It Is beautifully located , not a poor noio In the u hole tract , niul trom It unn bo seen the high school anil a num ber of the new additions to Omaha. Those choice tracts nro ottered on lontr thno nnd easy ti'inm , nt luun prices. Anne ilrlvo equal to a houlornrtl extends Irom the city light out Dodsost. to tlio hind. Wp nrp M > lo agontrt and will take pleasure In ehowlng you line aeios. J. Li. Plorson A ; Co. , 150i3Farmim,3d floor. _ OOVSt CK. MAYNE gives the best terms , soils the cheapest , shows you move property than any other agent can. Go nml too for join-sell. OllCHAUD HILL-Lo\voUprlco , easlc8t tm-ms , nicest lots. O K Mnync , ngcnt. 723-30 and Bclvodoio acre lots ara NKWPOHT nhond of all ollims. Call and t-eo lor your- i-olf. OE Mayno , ugont , S W cor 15th umlFar- liuiu. 711-24 rpAKK a rlilo to Orohnrd Hill , It costs iiothlnir. JL On no otlipr bpot can you pot such ulov \ of Omaha. C I ! Mnyno bus buinrltis and di Ivors ro.idy at nil times to take piu-Ucs out. 731ri IT OIS SAIili Or Trnrto Improved and unltn- Jl proved lauds In Kurnas nnd otlior western countlos. Aiidruss Wm. Slmeral , Arnpnhoc , Kuinua Co.Nub. 275 AICl : n ride to Orclmid Hill , It costs you . nothing. On no other pot can you ( jot nth a view ol Omnhn. 0. I < . Miiynulms buirsies and iliivoi > icady at all times to take parties nut. 711-31 : .1 lido to Orchard Hill , It rots you J nothing. On no ether spot can you ( ret such a view ol Omaha. O. II. Mnyne hns biifrtflcs and diirurs ready at nil times to take parties out. ' Oltril AIID II JU-L < rf > = t prk't'S.easiost terms , nicest lots. C K Mayno , agent. 7i8-'ii CK. MAYNE Rives the bi > st tcnnsi , sells the chcaiost , shows you moro propeit3' thnn nny other agent can. Go and EDO for yourholf. Wi 2fl FOIISAT.K 1'our lots , cor. California and 30th tis. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on Cumingst. , $350 mid S'J50 ' ouch. Potter As Cobb , 1 u 15 Farnam st. 6II ! - MES FLACK Lots sold to ttioso who want A- homes they can pay for. 411 AO O lU'HAHI ) IllIjTj-Lowest prlccs.oasicst terms , nicest lots. C K Ma > no , agent. 72S-20 FOUSAI.K-Hibsou has for sale lots in Hans- corn Plnco , $ BM to $1M)0. ) Gibson has for sale houses and lots In lions- com Plnco. Gibson has for snlo houses and lots In nil parts t the city. Gibson has Improved farms and lands In nil parts of Nebraska for sain or ovciianiro. Gibson has thousands of nuros of land In Wosteru Nebraska lor sale from $ i to glpur ncro. Gibson would llko to see you 1C you want to Gibson'stlio ! ) plnpo to list yourproportj' . Onll nnd SPO him at Room ; ) , WiUiuoll Uloolt , cor. l" > th find Haruov sis. SJD I > AI < A INS mimpioxcd and unimproved -O proporly. W. H. Green , 215 S 1'ith Ht. b.)3 ) fi. MAYNE gives the boit terms , foils the 0 . cheapest , shows you moro propcily than nay other agent can. Go uud sco loi-j-oiirself , 728 20 nile to Orchard Hill , It costs JTJII A nothing. On nn other spot can you pet Mich n view ol Omaha. C H Maynn has buggies and ( Ulvfi.s ready at all tlmcm to take pintles out. ONKof C K Mnyuo's now maps of Doug- GKT II Is tlio only complutn mud over inuilo ot Iho co'utjTh oprlco is f7 51. ItCIIAKI ) 111 I.I , lowest prices , iiu iost O terms , nicest lots. C. Ii. Majno , agent. 711-31 rn.VKKu rid ; loOialinid Hill.ltcosts nothing. JL On no other spot can jou pot such u view of Omaha. CE Majno has buggies and drivers rondy at all times to luke parties out. 731-20 Foil SAM : Fine lot 187 Icet ( loop fronting < > iigt on Sherman ave , wpst on 17th St. 1 block I'lom Btrcot car , iionr Popplclon's , .WG . Tliyo. Olx-il,318 S 15th St BJ7-SI rpAICE a rldo to Orchard Hill , It costs jou JL nothing. On no other bpot can j-ou gel such n vlowol umuhii. > ' K Miiynp has bugglos and drivcis icudy at nil tlmoa to take pai tics out. . : TlioOaiiiluiltoal Estate and Loan FOIlhiAl.i Co. do nut advoi tiso as largely ns bouiu , but they have just in lawo u list ot pioporty as any other llnii , and It will piy : yonto > oo them lin- lure buying. It la mnna od by old and well. known residents ol' the ully , and nuthluT but hononiblu nnd upright doiillug Is Indulged 111. Tliclr ollico Is Itoom 3 J Vlthnoll Itlofk. V)7 _ _ HCII All ! ) IIILL-LowiiAt m-ices.cnslojt teriiifi" O nlcftt lots. O E Mayno , ngunt V.'S2i ) Poll NAI.K U acru lot , a gou I ii-roulir7ioii3or ugrncorv eloro , with atables , out-lmiiso and city water , 3Jd : near Lo'ivonworth , rout ' ormoprlco fw'l,5'J. ' ) This is n first rate Invest ment. Omaha Itnal Estate & Loan Uo , Hoomi 23and33 , Wlthncll block. 710 TVTEWl'OllTANn llELVEDI'.ltE ncro lots urn -l. > abcud ol all olbors- Call uud see lor jour. solf. U E Mayno , uguiit , S W car 15th and Far- nam , TJ020 T71OII hAI.K First-class roildoncu property J on St , Mary's avu. ; largo lot , good li and miirnvpincuts ; prlco reiMoimblo : terms easy , Cochran Hros. 15/J Farnam , 70 1 NEWPOHT ANDllELVEDEKF. ncro lot * nro nhead of all others. Call uud too lor your self. 0 EMuj'iio , ngoiil , 8 W cor 15tb mid I'm- Hum , 73J-30 OHCIIAHI ) HlLL-Lowcst prlccs.uiisloat terms. nicest lots , i ) 15 Mayno , ugont. riffSO FOU S.VI.K l'bi-oo fiuo lotTFu 8hmu' < : id luidT atiJJ each. Polter ii Cobb , I51 > Farnam. BIT I710U . \ , : _ ] Marshall A : Ixiljpck , inomt ) , JHudick's block , 1U3 uud 1311 Fiirnaiu urcoi , ( up stairs ) : 4 lutaluThorntiiir phlco nt f1Xench ) ; terms cash ; wiiith IVJonch on u uulteniH. 3 lotb In Paliltu'ti 1st ud dl , ' . ! . } ) ou oaby lernn. Ari-acia lot In Ilouflcld , to olonn ut J JO per ucro. No moio nt this lotr prlco. I'lvou-ucrj lots in Murshiill .V I < obock'3 aJd , ut $100 per acre. Will boon udvancc tu il.'i. ' 1 wo liuusoj and lots In Eogjs & Hill's add , ut 81.MXI and 83,5 0 , Fiuo losldcnco and lot on Webster nuar cam , SO.KW. I/otn and houses In nil pnrLs of the clly. Lois In Lincoln place , ) to $10) ; tbo best uud chcnpcbt , Call on us at our now ollico , room 8 , Itudick'a block , up stairs. ICM31 O U(1IAItDHiriIlxwoMpilco9cii8ost ( ) ! nicest lots. UEMaynu , ttgoiit. ( VTKWPOI5T und lUlvodoru ucie luH nru JLN nhendot all otheirf Cnll nml ecu lor your- felt' C , E. Mayuo , ngcut , ti , W. cor , 15tb mid Tainuin. 711-31 _ OHCHA III ) HII.L-I wostjirUe , casio t terms , nicest lotK. ( j EMaynpajuut , i2-2U T710HH vT.K-T" Fot4 lii "I'Mmvii-wTliVi c.usu , J. 1'ottor i' CobU , 1 Ji J .Fat nuin St. . U > i rnon sAt.K-nyj. R.mioy , noomi 4 nita B , JD Granite llloen. Slots In llnrlletfs ndditlon $1,050 and l JX B lots , Ilurr Oak , $ ? 03 to $ WO. H lots , lloyd's addition , $300 ench. 2 lots nndrottiiffo,23th st , npnr Fnrnam. $ .1.003. Hotifo nnd lot , 29th St noir Fnrnnm , (3,003. M foot on Hnrnpy npnr l.lth St , t-IJ.OJO. 10 lots uonr Hod and Green our Hues , f . $750. 44fppton Jth and Jones Sts. . $0OOX IIS ! fpot on llth St. , at end viaduct , (13,0) ) . 25 lots , Hnnjpom Plncp , $750 to $ IVO. 25 lots , Hnwthorno Placo. $100 to $853. R lot * , Hillside addition , $7-V ) to $1,40) . Zlot * , LnkP'a addition , $1,175 to $ I'J > X Blots , Marsh's ndditlon , # 775 to $2,333. 1 lot , Nelson's addition , $ itX X B lots , 1'plhniii Place. $5X ) to $ V)9. Blots , Potter's addition , $ W to $703. 3 lots , J. L ltodlck'9 addition , $1,50-3 to $2,033. 5 room homo and lot , S. 15th ft. rJ,703. House nnd lot , burn , etc. , S. 15th St , $1.53X \ AIon S. llth St. . near Castpllnr , $1,250. 131 foot front on Onmpboll St , $1,830. Lots In Shull's ndditlon $1,3)0. ) 5 lots. Shluu'82ii I ndditlonStJO to $1WX Lota tu Thornlnirg , $5VX 7 lots , West Oiiinhn ndditlon , cheap. a lei , Walnut Hill , $475. . , . . . . . . House of 4.rooius.U lots. Wnlrut HIM , 51,451. Aero lot , Washington HIM , $7M ) . 5 ncio lots , Maytleld , J3.V ) per ncro. In addition to HIP above , I hnvo a Urge IKt of holco residence and business lots , nUo subur ban aero propoitv. . , For snlo byI. R. Hlloy , lloal Kstato and Loan Ilrokor. Rooms ! Htulj , Gi-unlto lllouk. l&th at. 13.1 near I'arnniiu PJ" " " " "itcilAin ) Hll.IIxiwpst prices , onslont O terms , nicest lots. 0 E Mayno , nnont. 7Sketl OT < AK1 ! a rldo to Orchard Hill , It costs you T nothing : On no othnr spot can you g t suoli a view of Oniiihn. C. U. Mayuo lias hugglus nuil driver.u'.v nt all ti mes to tnko parties out. RWPOHT nnd llolvodoro nci-fl otq ar ahotid of all others. Cull nnd pro for your- self. U K Mnyno , agent , S W cor IJtU und Far nam. 711-34 _ UC1IAH1) HIMr-lowi st prlcos.cn4lost terms , O nicest lots. 0 1 ! Mnyno , agent , 711-34 rn.VKK a ride to Orphan ! Hill , It cc ts nothing. X Ou no other spot can you get Mich n vlnw of Omaha. O It Mnynn has bugglps unddrlvnrs icadyatall times to tnko paitloaput. 731-86 KOnAltDlltliTt-Txiwost prlcos.oasiest terms , nicest lots. C E Mayno , agent 728-2(1 ( AND I1FLYKDEUK aero lots nro NEWPOHT all othprs. Call and BCD for your self. ( J. B Mnyiio , ngciit , 9. W. cor. IMh and Fin num. 730-fo . St CO. No. 1513 Furnatn stroo \ 1JAII1.SKX to call the attention of the publlo to homo special bargains wo oltor to-duy. If not found what wautud please call mid got our catalogue. 4 A No 1 lots , In Ilurr Oak on Virginia ave , , . $3,300 , en y terms. Comer oliJuncs and Oth streets , 44 feet front , . . o SlODcas Kxcollciit lot In Dwlght Ac I.yinnn's nddlllon , Lot M 00 on Georgia avi > . Rini\H hnuso.stnblo. cMorn , t cncrd , cultivated , $ J,5UJ only. Do not full to Investigate. ISO loct fi-ont on Colorado stroot. nonr 8t. Mary's aveinio , with two 4-room housos.ut only , $ Jr > 00 ; ? lOiXouuli ) , balance to suit purolmsor at bporcent. 40 Icot east front , South 1'Jth , nonr Center , with t\\o now 5-room cottages , well and cl3lorn , S3..WU. 33 fptt on Douglas , npnr 11 th.9,00) . A No. 1 lot In Lake's add. , $1.175. Splendid lots In Sunuysldo add. , $1,150 oacli , Coiner lot Marnli's add. , near Loiivouwoitli , wllh 3-story new bouao , $4,00' ) ; enjy terms. ' ,4 block , coutnlnlnir4 lots , In Isaac .V Solilon a ndd. , with not loss than $4,000 Iniprovoiuonts , , . Choice lot In Uodlck's add , Georgia aye , $3.000. 3 choice lots In block 10 , iihull'u ndd. , 81,493 cucli. H lot ou South 13th , near Hickory , with store nml ton dwelling looms.S-I.COO. WolIKo t'u.ill the n'loiitlou to n \ wnrtdltlon of ncio lots that will bo on Biilo ncU wccU , 15x- ( . olleatlanduiid low pilees , Tiacics In llellnlru add , with 4-room house , largohtablo , etc. , SI.40J ; ousyiprms ; adjoining 10 acres can bo used 1'icool cbai' o for u few ycai-s. I'ur llont Thrco fi-ncro lots with houso3 , HiUlil ( ; = . wells , etc. , at SI5 par month. ' li-s " * _ ' 11OIIAI1 > Hir.l , Lowest prices , oaslost _ O toi-ins. nicest lots , C. K Mnyno , agent. 711-34 rpAKKa rldo to Oi chard Hill , It cobt-i nothing. -L On no otlior spot can you get such a vlow rf Omaha. C n Jlayne lint , hiigglcsniul drivers ready at all times to take parties out. Tlil-SO "t E. MAYNE gives tbo best terms , soils the III"t * cheapest , shows you more pioporty thnn III ny other agent cnn. Go nnd fl"o lor yjoursolf. ' | Htt'lf ( t K Dost 5 acio tiacts In the mnrkot , J1 enl } ' $ . ' 00 per uci-o. Inquire about them. Potter i-c Cobb. IBM Fiirnnin _ _ 85 J "VTEWI'OHT AND IlIILVEDIMIE ncro lots are Jabend of nil olbois. Cull and M-O lor your- Rolf. C K Mnjno , ngout.S W cor 15ib und Far- nam. 730-20 _ HCIIAHDHILL-T.oncst prlcos.easlost . terms , O iiicost lots. OE Mnyno , agent. . 71124 OF , OIl SAT.K East Iront lotn. Rhilll'S ndd,2ird ) F nudPIcrco , l,100. Tiico. Olsuu , 318H 15th St 637-24 rpAKE a ildo lo Orphan ! Hill , It costs you Jl nolhlnp. On no other npot cnn you gatBUcu a view of Omaha. C ICMayun has bugglos und drlvovs londy nt nil times to take parlies out. 711.24 mAKK oriaotoOic'inid ' Hill , It costs notlil-ig- . JL ( in no otlior spot pan j-ou gut such u vlow ol Omaliii. ( " E Mnyuo has buggies nnd drivers ready nt a 1 Itlnu-s to tnkti pnrtluj out. Wl-20 OE MAY"NIS gives the best terms , soils the cheapest , shows you more property thnn any other ugonl can. Go und sco for yomapIC N I'WI'OHT AND IIEhVEDKUE ncro lots nro'id ot all othuis. Cull mid see for j-our- solf. 0 E Miij'uc , agent , S W oor IDtb and K/ir- / nam. _ 730-3(10 ( MAYNE gives tlio best terms , polls tbo uheapost , bbo\vs yon iiiiuo piopurty than nny other naoiit can. Go and sco lor yo in-Bull' . TTioTl SAiTlT sriront lot witb frioom houeo' JU Rtablo. clstoni , woll.oto. lloom for another house , ! 4 bloiik fiom htrei.'t cnr , 1'arkor's udd , Sl,75'3. ' Theo. Olson , 218 S 15th St 527-3 1 TvfEwFouT AND UKTA'KlfEUK acre lots are IN abend of all others. Call nnd HCO lor your self. ( J. E. Mnyno , agent , B V.r cor. 151 h nnd Fainnjn. _ _ P50 ! . : 1 line lota ou urudo , Doumrjk POUHAI.r ou ( Jiimlng B ( . nt ? 1'30. Thoo. 015PU.218H Ifitli St 537-24 and Dolvodnro tmro ots uro NEWPOIIT ahead of all others. Call and sou loryour- Fclf. 0 E Mnyno , ngoat , S W cor 15th ami Far- 711-31 rpAKH n rldo to Orchard Hill , It castH nothing. JL Ou no other HI ot can you got Miuh a vfotr of Omaha . ( ' E Muj-no bnjbuggiusaiid drlvciH loiulyut nil times to I nlco pnillos out. 731-29 MAYNE glvos the best li-rins , solid the OK olionpcist , hliown jou iiioic piotiurty tiinu any other itgont ciin ( in and see lor your i'lf. 37/OII SAI > K-lly Hell 6 : McC'nndlUh , 1511 , Uodgi ) btrcot , offer Moiv'J-ioom luiusoand lot on Georgia avo. , line vlnw ; $500 cnsh , lid. ' montlily..f'V-1'J. Vlri feet on Goorgln nve , per loot , $41. 1'nik ave , Hiooms , cast Iront , tormti , $ "iU Park live , 7-iotm liouso , liurii , SI.05J I'aik nvc , lots line vlnw , cuvy torum Story and halt house , line v.'uw. ' 105 It. Loavoiiwnrth , H. front liouse , 5-.I.500 Nice cottage , tices , Louvcmvorth , LouvcuHorth ( juslni-di corner per foot fOi Iicnveiiworth acron , fioutli fronts , $ IOX ) Lcnvunwoi tli St. , 9 lots. f'W ' ) to $ I,10J Llneoln 1'liicu on llult lllio , $ a'JHo 8193 Arrulotii , flOOto (10) ) Fnlrvlow aoroi , SliOO Muisliudd$7r > 0ti > $1.030 Vlr lnlti nvo. lots , f 2HW to 83.050 W < nt Bldolols , bust Invcsimoiit , $310 Good hiifcluosg proper ! j10th Bt , DoiK'O 81. mil 81 , 8 1. Mary's nvo. , How ard St , Fanuun St , und roiidunco loU ull over the iity. : I'ropcrliu * ou very ( niny loriiu. roll X MoCaudlUh , 1511 DoJgo. _ KS3 rnAKin : rldotoOinliiird 11111,11 ( JL ( jn r.o other ajiot can jou gut biich u vle.iv ol Omaiiii. ( ' E Muyim bus buggies and clilvora ruudy ul nil llmi'sto take piiillea out. 7il-'M ; CEMAYNEuivo * thn best terms , sells the ' hoiipoi-t , bliows jou mnio propoity tluiu nny ether iicont uau. Go und t > eo for j oui-H. lf. 739-20 _ , TTIOU KAiiK 14 foct on rnrnnm , near 10th at. U i'iOJ ! ( ; H hai-tfiiln. C. E. Mnyne , Mb und ' - JE MAYNE Blv'us the liefct toruiH , folU ( ho cbcapent , slici.vH jiiu luui'u | u ipirly than any uthcr agent caiiJJo uud set lor yo.irsclf. FlU-jAl.K Acre lota. Gi > u'sadd. , only II. JT" rPoll' ' r& Cobb. ni' ) F.mui u. K'.7 ti r EDWABiB IE17BHL , MAGISTHU OK PALMY8TEUY AND CONDI- TlONALISr,30)Touth ) Strnut , between 1'nrnam > und llaruey , will , with the nld of guardian fcplrlts , obuiu for any ona a Blanco In the past and prusunt , und of certain conditions In iliofuturo. HosU au.l bhoos madu to orjor , , I'crfettsatljfacUon guurautoo L Notice , ItliU wllllo j'M'Plvcd by tlrj echoo ) bo-urt of Council I1'inuntil ! t booth dayf Mnylb'-O , lor lou-oilnirtliu hiich school build ntriU boiuucb per nfli'm T.IU bund lo iisn-ivi'jtliti light tu tel jm nny ornllL ds Ilyoulei btliool lloaid , . . - . . Apr21-cpUtuuit. ' ; - Vvie TtulL ,