Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
6 TPIB OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , APEIL 22 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. if COUNCIL BLUFFS. IT' THURSDAY MORNING , APRIL 22 OH1CE , NO. IS , PEARL STREET. Jlttcrcd \ liy cnrricr In nny pnrt ot the city nt twenty cents per week. 11. W. TII.TOX , . . . Malinger. Tr.rri'HONr,3 * ntJPiNr.pROmrK , No. 13. NlflllT KtltTOII , No. 21. MINOlt MUNTION. Sttililjs , the hatter. New spring goods at Roller's. "Tex" now runs Lacy's old stand. Call and tco "Tex" nt the old Lacy Btanil. L. Williams is building a new house on Angle street. Lawn tennis is now Marling up , the weather being line for that purnosu. Sam Hrilos was yesterday lined for raising a row nt Clmrliu Itiirghuti'iuii's place. W. W lliljror has moved his law ollico to rooms over Louie & Monger's restaurant. The Metropolitan hotel is now to bo painted and freshened tip , and to have a line new veranda. Ticket for the Memlplohn Quintette conceit will be put on .sale at llushncll's , to-morrow evening. Dr. Fish gives the third of his series of lectures tins evening. His MI bice t is : "The Origin of Man.'v U. II. Holmes and Nellie Terhnne , of Omaha , were yesterday married by Justice John J. Frainey. Rehearsals are progressing finely for tno operetta to bo given next week in con nection with the Si.slers' Fair. All the latest shapc.s in bonnets and lints foiilid : it the 1'arisian millinery store. Opening to day and to-morrow. The grand opening at the Parisian Millinery company's store ( formerly owned by Mm. O. A. Rogers ) No. ! JI1 Broadway , occurs to-day. The little Crockwell girl who was run over poems to bo more seriously hurt than wild nt lirst thought. The ice wagon in running over her fractured two ribs. A. . ) . Mandel , the furniture man , has bought out the furniture store of J. J. Aclitor on Main street , and has consoli dated the stock with his Broadway store. "Jako"Sohmit was given si pleasant birthday mirpriso and serenade on Tues day evening at Ids rosidoneo , No. 720 Uroadway , it being his twenty-eighth birthday. A little son of Frank ( trims wandered away from homo yesterday , and was found by Captain Anderson , of the mer chants' police , the little fellow b'jing found on Hroadway. II. P. Kcarns lias boon arrested at the instance of George 'W. Moons for assault find battery and malicious trespass. The hostility arose about the possession of u bouse in Duck Hollow. f5Wallbridge , 1 ho skipping traveling man , still lies in jail , and does not scorn anxious to have any hearing. lie may waive the preliminary examination and wnit for the grand jury. Thomas O'Malley ' has been arrested for obtaining food and lodging at Mrs. Stowart'H. on Main street , by false pre tenses. He is to have a hearing before Justice i'rainoy this morning. The world renowned Mendelssohn Quintette- concert company appear at the opera house nuxt Tuesday night. This club was established in 18li ) and arc known as the "best in the land. " Capt. O. M. Brown , who purchased the Kitchio residence on First avenue , has re- modelled the same and put in all the inodcrn improvements , and in a few days it will bo occupied by G. A. Robinson. The ladies of the Broadway M. E. church will hold an KtiMor tea at the church parlors on Thursday the 22d , from ( Jp. 111. till 10 o'clock. Easter nov elties will bo the special feature of the evening. Everybody Invited. "Tex" now runs Lacy's old stand. Stewart Bros , , the wholesale grocers , sis"soon us they can make arrangements to remove their stock into some other building , will begin the erection of ono of the largest and buildings for the wholesale business in this part of the west , on their present site. The Itcsuo hose company has contrib uted $55 for a window in the Episcopal church , and has also bought n tent and complete outfit for the use of its members during thi ) llshing and hunting season. If the boys should toll too big lisli stories , or go giiiuiinc * ; on Sunday , they should bo forgiven readily. "Tex" now runs Lacy's old stand. Constable Rickotts shot a fine hunting dog belonging to A. C. Graham on Tues day. Itiokctts says ho did not mean to kill the dog , and did not know whoso dog it was or how valuable it was. Mr. Graham says ho would .rather have lost nny ono of his cows than that dog. * " David Dtinklo , of Crescent , is circula ting a petition protesting against the con Urination of Thomas Bowman as postmaster of Council Blnfl's , It Is said that ho has succeeded in getting throe hundred signers , but who they are , and whether they have any Interest or not in the noitolllco business hero is not known. It Is easy enough to get names to a peti tion , but numbers are not always indi cative of its strength. If the strongosl light against llowman consists of peti tions , the light Is not a very heavy one. I am making a specialty in this line this season , Have put in a heavier stool : than ever before , Have over CO styles of jointed rods in split Itamhon , Laneowood luul other kinds. Kvory thing in baits , oiled Hilk , raw silk , braided lines , and all kind of JiiiL'8 , Come in and see mo. I jyjll take uK'iihurn in hhowing you the goods wliotlKM' you buy or not. L. U. llitAfMcirrr , No. 238 Hroiidway. Council IHulVs. Huby Gai-rlngcs. I have ono of the lincst lines west o ! Chicago. My prices will bo right and quality always of the best. Call am ! MJO my lino. I guarantee you will bo satis. fled all around. L. C. Jlrackott , No. 238 Broadway , Opening to-day. All the latest styles in bonnet * and hats found at the Parisian millinery store , No. ! ) ll Uroadway. "Tox" now invites his friends to call on 1'im at Laoy's ' old stand. For the latest style ot drossniauing see " Gleason , No. OU'earl btreot. Money to loan by Forrest Smith. See "Tex. " Lacy's old stand. Ladies , boar in mind the oponingat the Parisian uiillinory store to-day. Dr. MoLcod , oculist and aurlit. No. 60J Uroadway , Council Ululls. Substantial abstracts of titles and rcii estate loans. J. W. & K. L. .Si.ulro , 10 Foarl street , Coimoil IHull's. f Dressmaking , cutting and lilting bv 1 Jllss Glcuionl\\ 1'carl street. "Tox" now invites his friends to call on him at Laoy's old itind , , Spring opening 1'nrisian MUlinerj toro to-day aim to-morrow , No , ail Broadway. AN ADVERTISING SCHEME , It Proves Objectionable to Some of the Knights of Labor. THE LULU MERCER SEDUCTION The SuiicHntemlcncy of tlio Dcnf ami Dumb IiiNtltiitlon Progress or the HOIIKO Ilcl'iK llullt l > y Uncle Hnni. An Krrnnt Knight. The Knights of Labor scorns to be liable to abuse ; , tlio same as other organi zations. One apparent instance has arisen here , aud has attracted tlio attention of sonic of the members of tlio local organ- 1/titioii , who pitrposo entering some sort of u protest against it , A gentleman arrived hero the other day , appearing in the role of traveling agent for a watch case factory , and at the same tlmo as master workman of an eastern local assembly. Ho was canvassing the retail jewelers and furnishing them with ad vertising circular * , of which the follow- inir is a sample , the names omitted for obvious reasons : COM.MU.NK'AIIO.V TO UNION ! S OK l.AUOH . \NI > WOllKl.VdMll.V. Wo desire to call your attention to t no HUM its ol the \\ateli case. Dtulni ? tlio Into conlllet ot the Knights of Labor with Hint company , the qiiallly of tlio ijoods was uuvcr railed In iincstion. They mo without doubt tliu best made watch cases in the mar ket ; mid now that tlio company hi\e : ac knowledged the justice ot our cause. It Is our biiunden duty to do all In our power , as per agreement , to lestmc their business to Its fminer piospeilty ; thercrore , when any KnlKht ot Lalmr wants a watch case , by buy ing ono of thin make he will he doinc an net of justice and eomtesy. and at the same time will hectuo autch case that is as leiuesentcd , and that for duality and workmanship eannot be surpassed. We hope thnt all Knltthts of Labor will see the justice ol helm ; as leady to help the company when they hiuo acknowledged their orior as they \\eio to place the boycott on when thetiouble lliht commenced.oins , f K. or L.IIST , XowpoVtVky. " This is said to bean nttemnt to use the ollieinl position of the .signer and the in- liuent'o of the order to help him port-Dual ly in liis business as traveling salesman for the watch case company , and hence a gross violation of tlio rules of the order. Several other circulars are being used by the sumo traveler for a like pnrposu , one being addressed to locomotive oiiiitncers , and others to dillerent trades , till being signed by him as master workman. The attention of the Knights of Labor of this city being called to the circulars , they are considering the advisability of tak'ing some action to head oil' such at tempts to use the order for such personal purposes. They object to : i master work man going about the country in this way. If he wants to travel on the road for some factory he certainly has the right to dose so , but not to use his title and position for the sake of gaining business for his par ticular house. A Dirty IJi The examination of Airs. Frank , charged with having enticed the Mercer girl into a house of prostitution , was commenced yesterday before Judge Aylosworth. Mrs. Frank , whoso real name is said to bo Mrs. Huber , keeps a notorious house in Oma ha , and the allurement of this girl is said to have occurred several weeks ago. The prosecution of the woman is being vigor ously pn h"d by Mr. James , of tlio Law and Order League , who is present during the progress of the examination , and who sooins confident that ho will succeed in convicting the woman. Seott Williams is proaoontinsr attorney , while the defend ant's interests are beinp cared for by Mr. Felker , ol Omaha , ana G. A. Holmes , of this city. The examination was made a secret one , not even the reporters being allowed to remain. This secrecy was at the request of the dolenso , who seemed to shun any farther publicity concerning the matter , a wish wbiob scorns not un reasonable jn view of the story told by I he girl , which , if true , should consign Mrs. iM'ank to some scene of still greater retirement than a court room with closed doors. There were several witnesses over from Omaha yesterday , among them Capt Cormiek , ot the police force , and Constable Kdgerton. The girl herself , Lulu Mercer , first took the witness stand , and occupied it mo-it of the afternoon , her testimony in chief being given freely and speedily , but the cross-examination being tcdion * and very prolonged. The defense tried hard to break down the force of her statements and got her to cross herself , but despite the cunning of the attorneys , slio dung to her original account of the allair closely. Her statement was in effect that she came to Council Bliill's with her parents about n year ago. She was then 15 years old. She had worked at dilVeront places , but earned meagre wages. About six weeks ago Mrs. I'nink came to tha house and said she was a dressmaker in Omaha , and wanted to get a young girl to learn the trade. After talking over the matter with the family it was decided ( hat she should go. On reaching Omaha slio was taken to Mrs. Frank's house , and for several days she remained there with out discovering the character of the house , or what was to bo her life there. Her questions in regard to sowing wore mot with evasive answers , and finally the truth was broken to her that it was a house of prostitution. She said slio tried in vain to leave , but tho.y would not let her go out of the bouse , and alter spend ing two or thrcodayu in her room , nearly crying her eyes out of her head , she was induced to enter the parlor and see com pany. Her protests against such a life wore continued , and several times she attempted to got away , but was forced to slay. Finally she got away , but with out her clothing , and when she wont back afterwards to claim her clothing , she was kept locked up in the hoiibo for two days , until Mr. James secured her re lease. The attempt of the defense will bo to break down the character of tlio girl , and to show tjmt she Wi1 : not gueh un utyg pouts ! \ she would have the public believe. An attempt will bo made to bolster up such a claim by witnc s < en , who claim to have known the girl before she wont to Omaha. This seems to bo the main ques tion in the case , the woman jiudhor busi ness not being so much in the contest. In confirmation of the ' girl's story snv- oral witnesses were examined yesterday. The father and the Miter told about the woman coming to the house , and what she represented to thorn in regard to'the life the girl was to load. Captain Cor miek also testified to the real character of the house kept by Mrs. Frank , and the number of girls there , and the lines im posed upon thorn from time to time. The examination is to hocontimicd this morning , and will probably occupy a day or two yot. The I ) , niul l > . Siiprrliitonilency. It is understood that the board of trus tees of the institution of the deaf aud dumb is to meet in special session next Monday , All sorts of rumors are atloat as to what will bo do no concerning the action of the board as regards a superin tendent , Ono Is to the effect that some of Prof. Hammond's friends will try te get the board to retain him , the report of the committee recommending his re moval being only a recommendation , leaving the board to act at it $ pleasure. While tlicre may'bo no legal require the board to dispense with Prof. Hammond's services , yet an attempt to retain him under such circumstances would be bitterly opposed , and rniso a storm about the ears of the members of the board , which it would be very dif ficult to still. Another report is that an attempt wilt bo made to scc\iro Prof. Talbot. who woj formerly superintend ent of ( he institution , and who is now nt Columbus , Ohio. As Prof. Hammond's term docs not expire until August or September , there will probably bo no Im mediate action taken in regard to the matter. WHOLESALE ] ! AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. t.i L DEEKK , WELLS & Wholesale Agricultural ImpUuant ? , e ? , KtoKto. Council IllnIN , Imvn. Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , Dlscltnnows , SotUTS , Corn I'liiiloM , roa.l Cut ters , lite. Kiiotory , H' > ck 1'alU , Ills. yos. IfOI , li ) ! . 150 % irOT Main St. , Council lllutTt. liAVll ) IMAHLKV & CO. , ' Mimitf'rq nn 1 Job'iors of Agricultural Irapleraents.Wagons . , Buggies ; Carriage * , ami nil kin Is of Kar.ii Aino'ilnorr. 1IUU to llltf South Main Street , Couiull WuiN , P.O. ai.mso.v , T. Il.noirnnvs ( Jno.F. WitmiiT. l'rc&Trent. V.-l'roj.\M in. Snj teCnuasol. Council IMs Handls Fact1/ ) ! , ( liicorpnriitocl.l Manufacturers or A\lo , I'lt-lt , Slotfro nail Small HmullPi , of uvory ilo crlptlnn. CAlll'KTS. COUNCIL IJLUFFS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , OH Cloths , Curtiln Fixtures , Upholstery OooJs , Etc. No. 405 llmndtvny Council lllults , lowu. ClOAHS , T01IACCO , KTC. PEIIEGOV & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. 28 .Main and 27 1'cnrl Sts. , Council Uluffs , lown. CO.VJf/SSIO.V. SXYTDEK & LEAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. 141'ciirl St , Council lllutla. CltACKKltS. McCLURG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers oT Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cain , Cimiicfl Iilit < ft < , Iowa. cnocKKiir. MAURKR & CRAIG , Impoi'ters&JobbersofCrockery.GIassv/ara . / Lamps , Fruit Jura , Cutlery , Rtnnownro , liar Goods , Fancy Goods , lite. Council lllutfs , lown. DKUGOISTS. 11ARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries. Etc. No. 22 Main St. , and No. 211'cnrl St. , Council lllutrs. aoons. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of .Dry Goods , Notions , Ktu. NOB. 112 and 1U Main St. , Nos. 113 nnd 115 I'cnrl St. , Council Illutrs , lown. FRUITS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Gcnornl Commission. No. Ml Uroadwuy , Council Illuirs. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 mid 18 Fonrl St. , Council lllulN. ailOCKRIKS. GRONKWEG & SCI1OENTGHN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 uud 121 , Main St. , Council Illufls , lown. L. KIRSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale I.lquor Dnnlors. No. 410 llroad- way. Council lllutld. 11 A ItD WA UK. Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Refrigerators , etc. Nos. BJI Uroadway , nnd 10 _ Main street , Council Dlulfo _ 11AKXKSS , KTC. UECKMAN & CO. , Manu'acturcrg of and Wholesale Do'ilors In Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No. 625 Main St. . Council llluffa , Town. HATS , CAl'S. KTG. _ _ METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. aii nnd 314 Ilroadway , Council KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council IllulfH , Iowa. WOOL. It. U. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , I'elta.CieiiHO ana Fur * Council Ulutrn , lown. 0//.S" . COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Uonlors In Illuminating & Lubricating Oil ; , Gaslln3 ) H3TO. , U3TO. S.Tlicodoro , AROiit , Council Illulfd. lowu. LUMllKH , P1LIXO , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Wood Southern Lumber Hard , , Piling , And Ilrldgo Material Su'tliillloaVholooiilo | Lum ber or uU Kinds. Ollico No. 1 W Main Si. . Council llliitls. Iowa. IIV.VCS .dA'O LIQVOHS. JOHN UNDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , Afiuut for St. ( iotltmnVs Ili-rb UllU-rd. No. 13 Mutu St. Council Ululla. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Vu CM ) .Vulu ( . , Cvxn Th3 Novelties of the Season are now i Open at DRESS GOODS. NEVER SO CHEAP. For lOc wortk 12 l-2c For 20e worth 27 l-2c For 25c worth 35c For 35c worih 50c And liner fabrics in the sumo proportion. Good LAWNS , fast colors , nt 4c. Hnmlsotno Tlnid Muslins from lOo up wards , all lit one-third less than hist year's jiricos. Choice Cretonnes , Kmbroidercd Suits , Canvass Dress Goods and other Novelties. Laces by tliu yard ami in Dross Pat- teriiH. Space forbids enumeration , but wo liiivo the goods , and our low prices will tell. tell.CARPETS. CARPETS. The styles in Carpets arc now in stock and gem < ; fast. Call early and select your Carpels and have them put aside for you. CURTAINS. Our Curtain Department is complete in all varieties of l ace , Turcoman and Silk Draperies. "We make a specialty of Drapery Work by Skilled Workmen. Call Immediately And see the New Goods before the as sortment is broken. Orders by Mail receive prompt atten tion. No. 401 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. "MURDER MOST FOUL" To Allow Anyone to Die ol Diphtheria. ! DUIUNfi the last six years thcro has not boon a death from DIpttthcila In any ease whuio 1)11. THOMAS JKFKKHIKS1 PRKVKMIVK and Cuiu : wns uted. It has boon the means of sav ing thousands of lives and miirht have saved humlruJs of thousands moro. Indispcnsiblo In putrid soio throat , in malignant Mai let fever , cliansrliiK- In 48 hours to the pimple form. In- lalllblo cure for all Intlammatory , Ulccrntivo , I'utrld , Cancerous Ulceration of the Womli nnd nil Cutarrhal conditions. Pi Ice fJ. Full printed instructions how to use tliu medi cine sent with it. No doctor required. Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! Dyspeptic , why live In mlsory , and die In dls pair with cancer of the btomach 1 Dr. Thomas Jofl'crles cures every cuso of inclKt'Stlon and constlpiition inn cry short tlmo. IJestof ref erences ( riven. Uyspopbin is tlio cause of nm"ty per cent of all diseased conditions. 1'rice f"i lor two weeks tioatmcnt. rnnn the Council Hind's Dully Herald : Mw. K. M. Gunnel , wllo of Engineer Ho rani , of the Union Pncltlc , this city , lias been a Krciit suirorrr for niiiny ycais , with ivluit wns sup- potcd to ho cancer of the throat. U wns so bad that she was threatened with btarvation- Her Rcnornl health was completely bioken down. She could only swallow liquid food , und oven that her stomncli could not digest or ahelmllntc. Physicians of Council Dluffri and Omaim guvo no relief Dr. JotTorls , of this city , was called. In tour weeks' tlmo ho ourod her throat , and has completely ic.stored her general health. Had Mrs. Gerard not obtained relief soon bho would have die 1 from blood polfon , tlio Fame condition that destroyed tlio llfo of Den. Grant' Dr. Jeifcrlcs'diptlieri.i medicine Is Infallible In all kinds of soto throat. DR. JEFFERIES' REMEDIES Can only bo obtained at his Odlce , No. * ) P. Klghth tit. . Council Illuirs , Iowa , Orfaout by livings * on loolit ( ot Pilee. Cliiir.i , Glnss'iViifo and Liimpi , \V. S. lloiuor & Co. , No , 23 , Mala St. , Counoil Hlull-j , Iti. Locking Bracke for Fances AND OlHI'.ll HAILS , HOD3 , KTC. FENCKS HUM/I' WITHOUT HAILS. Any part readily taken out or replace I. l\u picket or rail fuiiaus , Iron or wood , cannot bo ex celled for rulllutr of any sort. For p.utleularD write C. J. linc'KMAN , Inventor. Council Bluffs. Plate anJ county riglitti for Bale. STEAM DYE i WORKS * i MRS.C.L.GILLETTE'S ' PUGOODS STORE No , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs ! Opp , Postoffice , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , HAIR GOODS WIGS MADE TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. THE CARTER WHITE lEftOK DIAMOND 11IUNU OP STRICT ! PURE LEAD , ZIKC AH D OIL Are absolutely iniro. as represented. Ono gal lon will coior two hundred and fllty wiinue feet tno cputs , und will i-tuy on lontcrr than any othpr paint iimiinfaMUiul. 1'orbiilu by S. . . , De Drnaleringj , Paints , Oils , Etc , A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS -i1' We intend on next 4th of July and Christmas following to distribute among the consumers of oar A. B. C. Soap each time 85 PIANOS , 250 GOLD WATCHES , 2SO CHINA DINNER SETS , i 1 60 PARLOR ORGANS , 25O SBLK DUESS PATTERNS , fiOO CHINA TEA SETS , ' 850 SEW A MACHINES , 250 SILVER TEA SETS , 030 05-C'uaillo Power Lumps. and other 20,000 PRESENTS All of them magnificent ; costly and useful. But at the same time we beg the public to understand ( no matter what our competitors say ) that we arc not running a gift enterprise. You do not pay us a fraction of a cent for the chance to get the present. We nre selling our A. U. C. Soap cheaper to-day than wo ever did during the three years that it has been placed on the market , and consequently you get full value in Soap , We are simply ADVERTISING our A. B. C. Soap on the most magnificent scale ever attempted by any one firm. Three years ago we started out to sell A. B. C. Soap on its merits , to-day thousands of the most intelligent housekeepers in this and .nil the principal cities of the Union use our A. B. C. Soap and marvel why it is not used in every home. The principal grocers throughout the Union tell > is one reason why its use has not become general is that has not been sufficiently advertised ; and another reason is , because many people who have bought it , did not give it the necessary and intelligent attention it deserves. They did not read the directions , and finding that it would not wash by laying A. B. C. Soap on top of the bundle of soiled clothes , they fell back to five cent soap. Thousands wri * v us : "Your A. B. C. Soap is all that you claim for it ; it not only gives satisfaction , but we iluu that our most intelligent customers say that u is & . BLESSING IN THE HOUSEHOLD and arc enthusiastic and speak in the highest terms of praise about it. Why don't you advertise it ? " It is therefore that we are making this extraordinary effort to biing A. B. C. Soap to the notice of every intelligent person and in order to induce every one to buy it , and continue to use it until they have fully tested its merits , we say to them SAVE THE ABC WRAPPERS And send them to us during the months of June or December next , and we shall distribute among yon on array of presents which , for magnificence and usefulness , surpasses everything , heretofore offered by any one firm. Send four cents in stamps and we will RCIK ! you a catalogue , which is now in course of preparation and which will give you a full description of all the presents and the mode TO OBTAIN A PRESENT > Those who have not used A. B. C. Soap , of course , will ask , "what is it ? " A. B. C. Soap is our own invention , and all who have used it cheerfully concede to it the merit of being the greatest improvement ever made in domestic economy. A. B. C. Soap , and the MODE OF WASHING WITH IT , is as different from all other soaps , and the old way of washing , and is as .much an improvement over the old system , as traveling by railway is over that by an ox-cart. A girl of tS , or the most delicate person , can wash WITHOUT THE LEAST EXERTION. J- ono hour , more clothes with A. B. C. Soap , than the most robust , with the hardest work and slavish toil tan wash with the best soap , and the old way of washing , in three hours. And withal , A. B. C. Soap is lYje mildest and sweetest soap ever manufactured. We warrant you can wash baby with it and it will look s sweet and fresh as a rose. .Remember , that while yen ; can use A. B. C. Soap in anyway or manner you please , it is best to use t'litccording to the directions on the wrapper , which will also teach you the new way of washing. Remember , also , that in order to obtain one of these presents you must save your wrappers and send t ti ) to us In : mail , during the months of June or December next. SOAP J3 OILERS AND CHEMISTS , D33 TO 963 WATER STREET , JT/IILWAtllCEE , WISCONSIN. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE : . Special advertisements , suc'i ' : x t LostFound , To Lain , Fo3 ilo , To Ita it , W.uiti Boardlneretc. , will bo inserted In this column xt thclowrato of TEN CGNT3 I'CIl LIMB for thj flrstinBortkm and FIVU CU. 1'3 1'Uit Ll.VU to.- ench subsaiuent Imartlon. Leave alvortlu monteat our oOico , No. U Foarl Btroet , no r Broadway , Council Illutrs. WANTS. FOll SALE A Vfny ilosIrnlilPdr.ifrstoio In choice loftuion Cm bo hid .it u on easy i > .ijimiits liy nppljliitf to ( Jcor c IliMiton , Council Illutrs , IOIMI. _ _ SAM-Ok ; ! impcr * . in iiuaiititlos to suit , FOR lleo ollico No. 12 1'o.irl street. SALK Oil T t Vnn-Stock of millinery FOR tancy notion. * . All now. ( iooil loca tion. Sales Sfi-VWfl u year. O , llco , Councl Itlutrs , lown. _ _ SWAN & WALK Kit , No. ! U .Muln strout , ( under Cltl/oa's lluikl , leal eahite unu inor- chandlsii o\chanso brokers. Our bo < ik * are full ol'Bpc'clal bargains , but It li impossible to pub- llbh a icliablo li = t from the fact ot so many dally chaiiHX's. What wo Uriels : It you want to Mill urtr.ulomiytliliiK' in our line , write us and wo willcond you nplloot buw.ilns to select from. Lands improved or unlinprovo I , city or town proper ! y.btocUH or ooJot any kind In any place. It such you IMVO or 8UjJi you want let us ncarfrom you. Sw.m & Walker Council HliitTj TIMOTHY SEED. I have u < | iinntlty of found , well cleaned seed which 1 offer nt reasonable Urines. Feed of the crop of IBS. ' ) . Coircf-pomlcneo Kilieitod. F. O. HUTLKIt , Schallor , lown. C. & N. W. Uy. R. BIOE , M. D. riTirPRQ or other tumors removed vrlchout 1/AnuuuD / the knlfo or drawinsr ot blooi CHRONIC DISEASES of nil kinds a spoelalty. Over thirty years' priet.oul ot No. 11 1'carl Stieol , Coutir U lllui iTj. " KllE- N. SCHTJEZ , Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Express Company. Omaha Dental AOGia'2 ' Cor. iGtli anil JotipIiis ) Sla. FIllhiE at lowftt rrlre , with gold , ( liver and other combliimloni Gold jiUte anil coiillimou ( ; uul Tccllj a ejivclulty. Best Setc of Teetls. , S , Former price IIS. 1'erfett III uud best material. All work Kuurantccd. Council Bluffs Office , 23113UOAD\VAY \ , WEST SIDE. Tiios.arriCEn. OPPIGEB & PU3KY , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . .L'stuUithcd 1S17. i W. Tlrlek b.illdlnu nnv k'nd ial rd or moved an t S-illsfaL-tlon t'lianintood. IVanio houses niovol truo'ia-tho b''it in tha worlJ. 803 Eighth Avonus mid Eishfcli Stnvjt , Council Blulfe. , o-L u > - 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , KIEL SALE STABLES E2 = Hoi BOS and Mules Kept constantly on Imnd for tiilo ut lotnil or In car louds. Oiduifi proindtly tilled by contract ou slioit notice. Ktock hold on coimnl8 > lon. SULUTI'.ll & IIOLIiV , 1'ioprletors. Stable Comer Fifth Avenue ami Fourth 8t Council Illnirs loxvd , RUSSELL&Oo Manufacturers of all elzoiof Automatic Engines Kepeclully Designed for itiinnliiz HILLS , OHAIN.ELKVATOHS , AND ELECTRIC LIUHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Poilor-i. New Slassillon Thrcsliera. Carey ami Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONAHV , SKID , Portable nnd Traction Engines , SAW "MILLS , ETC. Factory Mossillon , 0 , Brunch House & 40 Pearl St. , Council Hlutfi. SEND FOR 1880 ANNUALv CARPe o niNplay of l atcxl I'at- , All Ciraclcn. 1 Council Bluffs PARPET 4OS Br-oacl-wzxy. A .Select Slock of Choice in. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOXJJSrOIIj rrnctlces In State and Kcdoral Courts. I'.ouiua ' 7 Hud S , ijiiiUiirt lilunU. Horses and Mules For all pmposus. lionulit and S9lil , t ictull and n Iota I.tngu ( | iiunllttut lo tcluct from. MA-SON WISE , Strest , Hear Pacific House , Council BlufTj' .