Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1886, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , APKIL 22 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA OrpiciNo.siH : A.vnoTfiFAnsAM ST Kr.w YoiiKOmiT.llooM Ci.TninonK Iinu.msa WASHINGTON Omcr. , No. fiM VOUUTEENTII ST. Ptibll hr < 1 cvprymornlnir.otcoptPiindnr. The only Jlondajr morning | > a | > cr published la the Mute. Trn i < * Y MAtr.t Onn Yenr . Months . J2JW SlxMontln . t..0oono ! Month. . . . 1.00 Tin : WEKKI.Y HER. I'ubll lie < l Kvory Wednesday. TF.n n. POST-PAID : One Yrnr , with premium. . . . . . , . . , . , . fU.DO One Yrnr , without in-Pinlnin . . . . . . 1-25 Pit Months nil horn premium . . . . . . 75 Olio Month , on trial , . . . 10 Allcommtnilcfitlons rclntlnif to ne-rsnndcdl- torlnlinnttrrx rhould bo addressed totbouui * IOH OF ' 'IIKllf.P. nilfilNF.1' * I.ETTr.IW ! All Ini'lnrss totter * nml rrmlttnnoos Minnlil bo III(1C 8C < 1 til 'IIIB IIHK I'tMl.tHIIINtl COMPANY , < ) > ! / > . ! A. DrnftB. chi-cln nnil tuxtnfflco onion lo bo mndo irayublo to the onlcr of the company. IDE BEE FDBllSBIIfiliPJlIT , PROPBIEIORS , E. HOHEWATnil. Bmron. Till ; DAIIjY UK 15. Sworn Slntcinont ofClrculntlon. Ktnto of Nubinsko , 1 a , , County of Uuiiclni. I N. I . 1'cll. cashlfir of the Hcc Publishing roinpiiuv , docs .solemnly swrar ( hat the nc- ttial circulation or thu Dally Heo lor tlio past fifteen publishing days of April , 1880 , WAN ns follows ; JMc. MtirntiitiKtlUtoH. KventnalMUton , Tainl 12,00 < ) f > ,77il 11.1170 (1,110 ( isio r,8io 12S'0 n r > ,73) ) ll0 r > ,7fifl n,7i ) n.wo I1 , IK ) . ! ' . ; ! ' . . ; ! ! . ' ; ! : l-.t 12 7ii i 5,1170 U',770 1:1. : . . n,2.-fl .l.cpj 11.1110 . Vl 14 .d ir > n 7 ' , r ! 77r. iSlo'iO in iwr r.,72 I2.IWO 17 0,450 (1,11)0 ( ) Tolnl .0 * > ,7SO 80.K30 182,000 Dnlly uv'n o 0,18 > . P. Sworn to nml subscribed before mo. Ibis 17th dny of April , A. 1) . Ibbrt. SIMON .1. Fisitr.n. _ Notary Public. N. P. Fell , bolus flM duly sworn , deposes mid says that ho Is cashier of the Ueo Pub lishing company , that the actual nvcrngo dally circulation of the Dally Hcu for the month of Jiimmry , li > scvai I0i78 , : roplo.s ; lor February. IbbO , 10,5U5 copies ; for Mmcli , 1880 , 11S'7 ! copies. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 17lh day of April , A. I ) . IS'jO. SIMON- . Notary Public. A sEViiNTHKN-foot filuirk was washed on tlio const of California last week. This is the largest land shark which 1ms yet been reported from thg redwood regions. It should bo placed in a glass case and sent to Commissioner Sparks. Tnr. Ucrnhl professes surprise at the re jection of the colored nominee for the police force. Pat Ford hasn't yet liqui dated his two-dollar-a-man debts in the Third ward and there is no reason why the city council should assist him in foot ing the bill. The colored voters will re ceive recognition when a proper candi date is named. THE Kansas City Journal says that Omaha claims about as largo a popula tion as Kansas City. Omaha claims nothing of the kind. Her population at the present time is variously estimated at from 70,000 to 75,000. , Wo do not believe iu inflating our lignrcs the way some other cities do. Wo are satisfied with our steady , substantial growth , which is based on a solid foundation. Gnnucn is still daring tlio distracted Turks to knock that Thcssalian chip ofl her shoulder , while Russian intrigue is urging on the controversy in the hope ol precipitating another war in the llalknns. Russia is now ready to hurl the firebrand in tlio powder house of European > ropoan politics , while Franco has retired from her old-time role of the disturber ol the peace of the continent. THE old ocean cnblo eompanios huving failed in persuading the Mackcy-lionuelt company to maintain rates huvo made an cnornioitH cut In their tolls. Twelve cents a word will now send a cablegram from Omaha to any place In Great Britain , Franco or Germany. This will not make any difl'eronco. howO'COr. In rntos for "grape 7uion cable service paid wy some of our enterprising contem poraries. MK. GLADSTONE'S splendid confidence in the ultimate result of his homo rule nnd land purchase measures is inspirit- in" ; his followers to such a degree that the defeat of these measures on their second reading is by no moans certain. The Irish press is tilled with grateful oulogiiiins on the only English statesman who has had tiio moral coin-ago to draft such radical reform measures and tlio magnltinont gift of oratory to nrgo with convincing arguments their acceptance upon u prejudiced and stubborn con stituency. THE assaults upon promitumt members of the law and order league at Lincoln , which luivo appeared within tlic past few days in our Lincoln correspondence , da not moot the approval of tltu editor oi the UEK. They are unjust , uncalled-for and calculated to bolster up the disorder ly , vicious and lawless elements not only iu that community but all over the state. Our position with regard to closing dis orderly resorts and the curbing of law lessness lias been time and again donned and wo do not recede from it. Wo look upon these attacks aa inspired by elements which should bo repressed Mid not encouraged. It does not mat tot to us or society a't largo , what has been the previous private record ot nny indi vidual who is upholding the hands of the ofllcers of the law in the suppression of dives and dens. Kvon if they had once been the most depraved of criminals , they deserve to bo encouraged in any ellbrt of moral reform , instead of being abused , villilied and threatened with exposure ol their past career. Theoo are our sentiments , uninfluenced by any man , and without complaint from any source. Matter that docs violanco to the principles which wo uphold and the sentiments which \vo entertain will creep into our news columns from time to time iu spite of all vigilance. The at tacks on members of the Law ami Order league of Lincoln were of that nature. v It is hardly necessary to state that the threatened exposures will not bo printed in this paper. If any public ollicial or private citizen gets into tlio courts on account of crookedness , or is guilty of a flagrant public saabdal , it will be a l tritlmato piece Of news no matter | thether ho is a good church member , or officer in some benevolent society , or n htgu foiled capitalist living on his In- omo. TliU is the limit which wo impose uponthUpaper iu exposing wrong. The Government Mnut , Interfere. If the present unfortunate cm of rail road strikes has ( might the people of the country that nothing but national con trol of such labor troubles will prevent their recurrence the lesson will bochcaply purchased. Compulsory settlement ot labor troubles on avenues of Inter-state commerce Is the only practical solution of this perplexing prolilem. If the strikes , .lockouts and dlsturbnncps affect ed only the corporations arid their em ployes , the government might look on as an interested spectator. When such troubles paralyze business , destroy trade and block up trallic the matter becomes one of national concern. A few million aire capitalists now control $3,000,000,000 , invested in a network of railroads bind ing together the Ulflercnt sections of the country. At nny moment they can pre cipitate a strike for stock jobbing pur poses which will throw a quarter of n million of employes out of work and place thirtv millions of people at tlicir mercy. On the other hand thu unconsid- crcd action of n few hot-headed enthu siasts can produce the same results. The public meantime stands in constant danger of being ground between the upper and thu lower millstones of voracious capital and indignaiitlabor. Mr. Heagan of Texas stands on the old democratic ground of strict construction. Ho finds no nioro power in congress to regulate questions between common car riers and their hired laborers than ques tions between common carriers and their butchers or grocers. These arc local questions , ho says , and the fact that one of the parties might bo engaged in inter state commerce does not give congress jurisdiction , if this is the case , power must bo given the government. It is pre posterous to assume that the entire in land commerce of the nation must be paralyzed from time to time because there is no authority who has power to step in and prompt ly settle the trouble. Labor has rarely refused to submit to peaceful arbitration of its dillerencert with capital while capital has frequently found it to its advantage to decline a settlement. The possibility of such disasters as the late strike on the southwestern system must bo forever done away with. A power of adjustment greater than the selfishness of capital and.the hunger ol labor must step in with a strong hand and interfere. The interests of all classes demand it. India. The British foreign ollico is kept verj busj' at the present time in watching the mauouuvcrs of Russia in Central Asia , llussian diplomacy is winning over the Afghan tribes to the support of the czar , Muscovite agents are organi/.ing Russian colonies along the track of the great highway which leads from thb Caspian to the Indus , and Russian engineers witli a large force of soldiers are rushing with remarkable rapidity the construction of the railroad to Morv. Every one of the czar's subjects on the Afghan boundary commission ie proselyting for his master , scattering bribes right and left among the chieftains and losing no opportunity to impress upon the minds of the natives their own powerful backing and the weakness of the British. As a consequence quence , tlio Afghans on the south of the boundary line are becoming disaffected , while their brethren on thu north are well supplied with Russian roubles and arc strong adherents of the czar. Meanwhile the railroad which Russia has long been engaged in building east of the Caspian sea is being rushed onward toward the Afghan frontier with all possible speed , and there is said to be a general movement of the czar's troops toward the line ol communication between the center ol European Russia and the outposts near Herat. If political complications at home or foreign troubles , whether in Egypt or any other quarter , should em barrass the British government and seem to expose India to some measure to attack or menace , it would not be gur- prising to liojir ols.stfl3l6n on the Alghan frontier such as that at I'onjduh a year ago. Unless , however , there should bo some special reason for making the at tack now , it will probably bo postponed until the Russian line of communication becomes more perfect and the invasion of Afghanistan less difficult. The eye of Russian ambition is fixed on India. Help Out tlio Cublo Itoatl. The debate at tlio last meeting of the city council seems to show that there is an organized opposition to tlio inaugura tion of tlio cable system in Omaha , which , unless checked , may deprive this city of the benefits of safe and rapid transportation. Suoh a result would be most unfortunate. Cable roads are now everywhere taking the place of railways in cities whore grades are sleep streets climbing the bluffs are dilllcult oi access , They have boon a success for years in San Francisco. Chicago long ago adopted them. Much of Kansas City's tremendous boom is due to the construc tion and operation of the cable roads. It will bo the crowning act of folly of the city council of Omaha to allow itself to bo made the tool of interested men in throwing such restrictions around the organization of u cable system in Omaha us will prevent its operation , The now company organized to intro duce the service iu Omaha is a strong nnd a rosponslbla ojitfj Jt has the means anil tlio inclination to give this city ius good as the best , All of the stockholders are heavily interested in Omaha's growth and development. While they see in the construction of the cable line an oppor tunity for profitable investment , they also recognize that in its operation Omaha will reap more than equal ad vantages through the bonttliU of rapid transit and increased value of property along and near its route. Our pooplu need a cable system and are anxious to sea it put into speedy operation. The opportunity has come. The men are hero and thu capital is on hand. Nothing stands in the way but action on Uio part of the city council granting thorn proper privileges of right of wny unincunibcired by harnuaing and needless restrictions. If in order to operate Its line the cable company must pledge Itself to run in f rout of every councilman's property the road will not be. built , If under the name of "safeguards , " provisions are exacted making it impossible for the line lo pay any prolits in the future , tlio capitalists interested will not invest. U is right : < nd proper that in return , for the privil eges granted rates of fnro and the route to bo travelled .shall bo regulated by ordi nance , and that the public convenience shall bo carefully protected. But there is such a thing as an undue regard for private interests outweighing anxiety for the public welfare. The council owes It to Omaha to help out the cable road by every legitimate moans , not to hamper it. Drifting Apart The president and his party are daily drifting apart. Democrats of the old fashioned school arc disgusted with the failure of the administration to swing itself into line with JacKsonian princi ples , and latter day democrats are equally disgusted because every move toward harmonizing one element by patronage distribution widens the breach by oft'oud- ing those who are left out in the cold. The president has set views on a variety of subjects of national importance , while the views of the majority in congress are almost as divergent as the districts from which they conic. Congress , which was expected to prove itself nn able working body capable of sustaining the hands of the administration and strength ening the party throughout the country , has been a lamentable failure. Its pro fessions of economy have turned out to bo hypocritical shams , and its able leaders have devoted their tahmtalo trying to de stroy each other's influence. It is divided u pen every question of national policy , and devoted only to building up the po litical fortunes of individual members in their home districts. Five mouths of the session have passed and the only record made is of envy , jealousy and imbecility. The party luus no confidence in the ad ministration , largely because tlio admin istration has less in the party. The coun try has none in cither. Tin : Quinn Bohnnon case has now be come of national interest. The supreme court at Washington lias decided to hear the arguments on the question whether : > citi/.cn of the United Stales can bo placed twice in j < japordy of his life. Bo- haiiou , it will bo remembered , was con victed of murder in the second degree , appealed his case and on a second trial was convicted of murder in the first de gree and sentenced to death. His counsel appealed to the supreme court on the con stitutional question whether his execu tion would not bo unjustly depriving him of life. The appeal was opposed on the part of the state on the ground that the court had no "jurisdiction. The court overruled the motion to dismiss and Quinn will now bo given another chance for his life. Whether he escapes the gal lows or not , he is probably convinced by this time that it is a dangerous experi ment to kill a fellow-man because ho spoiled peddler according to Worcester's ' unabridged. Tin : attention of the board of public works is called to the condition of several of our loading paved thoroughfares. They are full of holes and depressions , unllllcd cuts , planked over trenches and dangerous gans. On Farnam street , in half a do/on places , the pavement lias been replaced so badly that accidents are likely lo happen at any time. North Sixteenth street is even worse. The asphalt between the rails of the car tracks is worn away , and in many places on the street outside of the tracks it is loose and crumbling. Dangerous ruts and jogs , deep cuts iu the pavement and the base , trenches covered with planks and holes entirely unprotected , make the roadway dillieult to travel over , and in some places dangerous to horse flesh. Now that settled weather has come llioro is no reason why the necessary repairs should not bo made at once. The board of public works should insist upon the work being promptly completed. WHIIK wo wish to give every en couragement to such an enterprise as the proposed cable road , it is only right , and proper that no monoply of tiic roadway should bo granted and that proper safeguards should bo provided agjiinst any ajjoiupts to proyejit the si-rcSt'ntiltVay from having access to the viaduct on equal terms. The cable roads will necessarily have to pay for any attachments and alterations required by it , as a condition to its right of way. The street railroad will have to pay for the eost of its tracks on tlio viaduct , and both of these corporations should bo compelled to pay their portion towards maintaining the viaduct. When a street is paved , the street railroad is required to pay for the cost of paving between tlio tracks. The same principle should bo applied in tlio use of the via duct. THE council has very properly refused to repeal the franchise of the Omaha Gas company. . That should , however , in no way interfere with the design of the new company to give us cheaper gas. If the capitalists behind the now company moan business , and they say they do , the coun cil will doubtless grant them the right to establish and operate their gas works. When their works are completed they will have a fair chance to carry out their promise. Tlio company that gives u.s the cheapest and best g'ns and the slowest meters will get the patronage. Tin : telegraph , telephone and electric lighting wires in Chicago are being rap idly put under ground , and the poles are disappearing. The removal of the poles and wires greatly improves the ap pearance of the streets , and it is set tled beyond question that the wires work botior under tlio ground ! tlian overhead. The time is near at hand when telngraph wires and poles will not bo fceoii upon the streets of any city. WITH the completion of the Bolt Line , Omaha will have hundreds of eligible locations for manufactures. Will she retain them or by distributing them on liberal terms to employers of labor build up her own fortunes and the fortunes of her real estate owners at tlio same time ? AXOTIIKII dam lias broken in Massa chusetts. The enoet is nothing to tlio damns which are daily breaking out in \Vashlngton \ when the administration is under discussion in the democratic caucus. IMPOUTS are increasing and imported labor heads the list , Protecting manu factures and throwing wide open tlio doors to competing labor is not to the in terest of tlio workingmen of America. Ea.\Not tlio National league , calls upon all subordinate leagues throughout the country to give every aid and countenance to Gladstone and Par- neil while the great question of homo rule Is pending in parliament. The men who "work for Ireland" with dynamite bombs and loud-mouthed bombast are called upon to retire to the rear. A better way has been found 'for the liberation ol a nation. J THE senate lids killed the Mexican treaty bill. Since the killing of Captain Emmet Crawford under ft Mexican treaty treaties with the Greasers have been atn discount on this side of the line. f TUB UK KM sworn statement of circula tion is n thorn in the'pido of would-be ri vals. They are iiot , rushing into print with any statement a , sworn or otherwise , as to their circulation. PAT Foiui's colored nominee for the police force was rejected. The city coun cil declined to pay Pat's political debts in the Third ward. OMAHA is sadly dellcient in the matter of street signs. Every street lamp should have the naino of thu street painted on it. KINGS AM ) QUKKNS. Queen Vlctoiln has taken quite a fancy to Miss Hose Elizabeth Cleveland's book. "Quito enchanted" Is how Queen Victoria expressed her feelings on henrliift Gounod's "Mors et Vita. " The prince of Naples Is an amateur anil- ( Uiarlnn. mid has one of the finest inlvate col lections of medals in Etiiopo. The Queen of Italy will soon iccclve a real Indian birch baik canoe , whleh has been seal to her by the Italian luliilstorat Washington , Doiu Pedro , , lr. , Is quite a lion among the Now Orleans ladles. He Is a princely fellow , with a Draztllan admiration for bcautllu ! faces. Swedish paper * are talklnp of a possible match between Prlneo Oscar Charles , second son ot the Icing of Sweden , anil the Princes : Louise of Wales. The Princess Beatrice Bnttcnlmre will ne > l penult Bait to witness "The Mlkndo " II shots not his Yimi-Yiuii she 1ms a loft elbow that Is the woiuierof European com Is. Queen Margaret , of Italy , Is a wise woman who never follows fashion at the expense ol beauty. She utterly refuses to wear the ex tiaviipnnlly hlch and towering head gcarno In vogue. Their highnesses the princes am princesses of the house of llohcn/.ollcrn ai < hiivIiiKa run of measles , it appears. Thej will get another kind of a run some day whci the Germans tire of the Iron rule. A Bljnjer Town Than Koine. San Francisco Alia. Tne city of Rome has about the same- pop ulatlon as San Francisco , but this is a bottci town for business. Glean Up. St. Zouti Tltyililtccm. There Is no occasion for alarm about chol era , but no city can hltorjl at any time to b < in condition to luvlte the pest. Clean up. .Liberating Two Countries. /iK/iimijow / ! Times. The discussion iof T rish freedom Imi kindled the flame of , Kiiftlish freedom. Par nell may stand in history as the liberator o ! two countries. AGooil Man To TloTo. The Knights of Labor will do well to tlo tc Powdeily. He Is not a socialist ; ho Is not iu anarchist. Ho Is sluiplyj an American cltl zen who believes In organized labor and whe has the bruins to put hi.s ideas Into effect. The Vnluo of a Uooil Reputation. I'litlailetplihi Ilcciird. , Mr. Gould can now perceive for himself tlu value of a good reputation. People Insist upon judging him more by his nets than hi ; facts. He 1ms been so often wrong that he If not trusted when he IB right The Panama Cniuil. Chtcaaa Utrald. Jf. DoLesseps * confident prediction that the Panama canal will bo open in 1SSO has beer repeated so many times that ho probably be lieves that it will be , but all this is con dttloned on the extent to which the purses ol French capitalists are opened in the meaii' time , Tit ? Coming Jjo is5l , r- CoIuniLiM DltMtch. O , sing of the genius and the skill Of milliners whoso trade is To meet the fancies , cuib the will And crown the handsome lattlusl The birds were shot a year ago To trim the Kantcr bonnet ; But now they put the things that grow In market gardens ou It The vegetables and ( lowers and fruits , Tomato , radish , carrot , Banana or the bud , as suits The lady who must wear It. A turnip , on a curving brim , Will hold It In position ; A carrot bo some lady's whim To Indicate omission ; And onions , odorous and young , That aid the tears In Jailing , On mourning bonnets wlllbu hung To niarlc the grief appalling. The hat or bonnet most complete The envy ot all women , Will bo the ono with biggest beet Amid the garden trimming. STATE AND TKIUUTOKY. NobraHka Jolting. Ashland's now hotel will bo opened May 1 Hastings' police are hunting for opium joints. A farmer in Red Willow county is forc ing the season with new potatoes. Hustings burglars hud a busy time Sunday night and gathered In $100. A force of forty men are laying the mains of the Maxwell gas works m Grand Island. The licrtrand Journal had an "oxlon- sivo exclusive" last week , headed "Uoom- ing Hertrand. " The ladies of TobTas are indulging in "painting bees. " HoW'thoy furnish the "biisinesa end" Js 150 jUa.tvAl , Clay Center is out wjth u coal find 250 feet below the surfuqe.Mll Is deep enough to keep it out of sight for some time. Hon. J. Sterling Merion , the parent of Arbor day , will participate hi the tree planting services in Nebraska City to day , i n Loup City is alrwidyichocring the approach preach of the Union Pacific branch which will reach that town by the middle of May , A prominent married man in Nebraska City is under a smutty cloud which threatens to burst in the courts at un early day. Hod Cloud applies the Hastings method of calculation to the school census , and figures out a population of 2,000 , n gain of 400 in a year. A. U. Uarton , of HluoSprings , shot over the prow of his bicycle quite suddenly and shattered the contour of his nose on the sidewalk. The Grand Island creamery will in crease its business 85 per cent this year , and purchase all the milk and cream to bo had within a radius of fifty rniics , Plattsmouth is elated over Senator Van Wyck's bill appropriating | 100,000 for a public building , and the citizens propose to boost it through congress by every pos sible means. Gallon , the Sherman county brute , who , while embracing his wife , stabbed her in thebuck , , was convicted iiut week ; and sent to the pcnltontiaJy for n year to sober up. Editor Smiles , the sly cuss , has secured the good will nnd smiles of the teachers of 1'reinont by donating copies of the Wc9kly Herald to the schools. There is hope for him j'ct. Two business crooks in Ashland sllppod away from their creditors in a novel nut successful way recently. Ono of the hrm was boxed up with the goods and shipped to Kansas , while the other footed it to Greenwood and took the train for biishwhackerdom. An overdose of buck beer brought about n bloody fight between John White and John Kennedy in Nebraska City Monday night. Kennedy's beer mug was knocked out of shape , his peepers closed and Ids nose spread over a vast sea of gore. He was carted to a hospital. A wild and windy cow prod from Mon tana attempted to gild the suburbs ot Grand Island Monday , but two policemen smote his rib.s with lead and laid him out for temporary repairs. Ho had mistaken tlio cops for toiulerfeet. Ho had been in town several days and "blew iu" $000. Wyoming. The noted mercantile tirm of Cowhlck & Whitcomb , of Cheyenne , have sold out and will enter the land and cattle business. The Kvanston Oil company is wrest ling with a financial draught. If the stockholders will not Day up their as sessments , tin $800 mortgage will scoop in the platit. Two Cheyenne prospector * have stum bled on to n deposit of carbonate of lime , showing traces of silver and lead , and have located several claims , which they propose to develop , The district is llftcen miles from town. A gang of tramp toughs are quartered in tlio neighborhood of the Choycnno stock yards , and committing numerous petty outrages , such as beating children and compelling them to bring food to the hungry seedlings. The .sheriff is pre paring to swoop down on them , Colorado. Tile assessed valuation of the state is 00,000,000. The valuation ot Denver and Arapahoe county is $2(5,170,018. ( Scott , the ex-clerk of Arapahoe county , who was indicted for various crooked transactions involving the rfounty funds , was tried last week and acquitted. Shavano , a first assistant chief and scalp lifter of the Utes , was shot in the back and killed by a rival chief recently. The murderer was instantly riddled with bullets by Shavano'.s followers. The lat ter was a notorious murderer as well as kicker. Five years ago ho killed a freighter named Jackson. The shooting and death of the two red-handed braves shows that the tribe is well .supplied vvith anus and know how to use them , besides an unlimited supply of whiwky , to stimu late their murderous propensities. How the agent manages to preserve his scalp is a state mystery. Utah and Idaho. The banks of Suit Lake City handled $183,920 in bullion and ore last week. John Sharp and Fernando ; ; Little have paid into court 512,500 each for the for- teitcd bond of George Q. Cannon , the missing apostlo. There were shipped from Salt Lake during the week ending Saturday , April 17 , twenty-nine cars of bullion , 712f08 ; pounds ; three cars of matte , 09,080 pounds , and three cars of refined sul phur , 70,000 pounds. A Salt Lake tailor named Bergen , who had been indicted for monopolizing more than the legal amount of female charms , brought about a crisis by hastily marry ing his fourth lovo. The ofHeer.s swooped down on him as he was retiring with his bride , and lugged both off to jail * . These unexpected raids of Uncle Sam's of ficials are what shake the foundations of Mormon piety and pleasure , and fill the penitentiary air with woeful lamenta tions. Tiio Oregon Short Line is greatly in creasing its working force , and bringing tlio road up to full standard. The Shoshone - shone shops now employ 175 mechanics. Now ear shops are talked of at that place. The road is bringing large numbers of immigrants to settle along the line , which , with the heavy through travel , makes business livelv. The inllux of strangers from the east is rapidly settling the land around the various towns , so that from Slioshono west the Snake river plains show largo numbers of new houses all the way to Iluntmgtou. Moutu ! - . & . . Six conntcrfoilers were recently can- turcd at Uutte. Bullion shipments from Butte last week aggregated $100,210. The third rail is to bo laid on the Utah &Northern between Butte and Garrison. The Nettie Rae lode , near Kllistou , at a depth of nine foot is live foot wide and assays $283 per ton. Helena elected a complete set of re publican afliciuls at the recent Lcloction tor the first limo in its history. HOIK Sam. Word recently raked in $1(10.000 ( by a sale of Drum Lummon stock. This Word is as good as a bond. Frank Brown has bought the interest of his three partners in the Blue Eyed Nel lie lode , Deer Lodge county , paying $150,000. Butte boasts of a policeman who tramps his beat in shoes that measure fourteen inches long and fivc-and-a-iiiurter ( inches across the sole. And the snoot ; t > eom to fit his feet like the paper on the wall. The Helena fire department consists of three ongjnes and four hose reels. The losses by tire lastyoar were about $10,000 , The total receipts of the department for the fiscal year were $12,871 , and Uio ex penses $7,308. The Little Jennie mine is again being worked. An ore chute lias been exposed 400 to COO lect wide , the vein being four and a half feet wide. Many assays yield thousands of dollars to the ton , the average being 500 ounces. The Pacific Const. The Lick observatory has just ordered a complete set of instruments for auto matically registering earthquake shocks. The owners of tlio Stockton woolen mills announce that on April UO they will discharge all their Chinese employes and till their places with white men. Work hog commenced m earnest on tlio magnificent now hotel at Santa Monica , which will bo the first hotel in Southern California , excepting the Kaymoud. The salt mountains in the lower part of Lincoln county , Nevada , are all taken up , and the owners are making preparations to obtain United States patents to the bUIIlO. It is estimated that there are at least 800 varieties of wild flowers in Los An- geliw county , Ono young lady has 150 varieties nicely pressed and preserved. This is a great field for botanists. The United States circuit court of Cali fornia , Judges Sawyer ami Sabin , mudo an important ruling in a boycotting case recently. Thomas Baldwin was arrested for assisting in expelling Chinese from the town of Nicolaus. The prisoner claimed that the federal authorities had no jiirindiction in the matter ; the oll'cnsu was answerable only to the btate authori ties. Sawyer rendered the decision , Ho tayd the charge is apparently founded on section 5.11 ! ) , revised statutes of the United States , which imposes a heavy penalty on persons engaged in conspiracy to deprive any pcroon or class of persons of the equal protection of the laws , and adds : "If this section is valid , what is popularly known as boycotting is cilmi- mil , " An appeal will be taken to thu supreme court. Medicinal baths.might help rheumatism , Kt. Jacobs OH cures it m every cuso. The tloycott n tnuhlo-EilRod ) Sword. Chicago Tribune : April 4 the boycott ing board of the Irado and Labor assent , blyof Chicago stated that ' 'they were alarmed by the increasing frequency of demands for boycotts , " and reported the following resolutions , which were adopted ! The oxporlcnco of your boycotting board during the last few weeks compels it to make the following recommendation : Whenever any union of this body desires tlio support of the Trade and Labor as sembly in matter of strikes , that it bo re quired to submit to the n.ssomblv a full statement in writing of its grievances with such demands ( also in writing ) as are involved in the issue. That such grievance. ! ) nnd demands shall thereupon be placed in charge of a committee of arbitration the executive olllccrs are hereby elected as such com mittee \vnoso rttity it shall bo to use all honorable and peaceable means for the adjustment of the dilllcully , and that no boycott shall bo issued against any indi vidual or linns until said committee of arbitration shall have failed. That when the assembly assumes tlio responsibility of any strike , boycott , etc. , its power to adjust .such dill'ienltles through its proper committees , aided by a similar committee from thu union hav ing such grievance , must be recognized. To the extent that those resolutions eon- demn the un-American practice of boy cotting they de.sp.rvo hearty approval. Evidently they were drawn bv men who son that the "boycott" Isx dangerous , donblc-cdjrcd weapon , and something must bo done to suppress the rngo for resorting to it The Chicago Trade and Labor Assembly lias done wisely in at tempt ing to put a curb on the boycoltor.s. but It ought to have gone further ana condemned the boycott itself as a prac tice entitled to no toleration or encour agement in a free country. It was well for the Labor Assembly to condemn fre quent and indiscriminate : boycotts , but it ought not under any circumstances to give its sanction to an invasion of the personal liberty and rights of free citi- /ens under whatever name or pretense sueh a dangerous practice may bo at tempted. An American citi/en is supposed ( o hold as inalienable the right to life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness in all that these terms imply. Among these rights there is none more sacred than that which st'curos ' to eaeh cltl/cn the privilege of buying and selling or disposing ot his goods or his labor on such terms and in such manner : is he sees lit. The boycott has no place iu this country , unless free citi/onship is to bo regarded hereafter as a miserable sham. Boycotting originated in Ireland as an incident of the btrugglo between foreign landlords and the peas ants ; it is an ollshoot of inisgovernmcnt and oppression , and took root only when the country was in a condition scarcely a degree removed from revolution. The boycott is an exotie on American soil ; there is nothing in the condition of thn United States to excuse or palliate it , and men who are disposed to boycott the per sonal rights and liberty of others ou lit to bo told in all kindness and sincerity that the American people will not tolc- erato it. Personal liberty includes the right of every man to buy , sell , seek employment , or dispose of his wares in any quarter without interference. The law guaran tees him those rights. Men who claim such rights for themselves and yet organ ise to prevent their enjoyment by others have jot to learn tlio first principles of American citizenship. .Nothing can bo more certain than that if boycotting is not brought to a stop in this country all classes who believe iu the preservation of personal rights , including e.mployors and employes , will combine and boycott the boycotters. Just as certainly as ono ex treme produces the other will the boycott prove a double-edged sword to bo turned against those who appeal to it. We trust the Trade and Labor Assembly will go further in Ihu line of the resolutions al ready adopted and condemn the boycott as a practice wholly evil and entitled tone no countenance in a free country. Couldn't Stand Good Fortune. It is paid that Newcombe , the heir to the great Morgan estate i Now York , was for many years a hard-working , robust , and vigorous plumber , who by diligent labor kept the mouths of n large family of children filled. The effect of Iho fortune upon him has been iinfortU- natty Ho hag settled into a condition of pallid melancholy which nothing can lift. His ruddy color is gone , and he is as while as a spook. More than this , hi.s face lias taken on a pained and harassed look , and ho exhibits a nervous haste in his movements which is almost pitiful. Along with the vast fortune he inherited all of Mrs. Morgan's family coaches , and. being a conscientious manhe , drlvea resolutely in them every afternoon , thu picture of overawed and plaintive dis content. IIis good fortune 1ms complete ly unnerved him. At least this is the representation of a Now York letter- writer. ProofW for Tiinoy. Indianapolis News : Among other traditions of the government printing ofiicn at Washington is a story told about a boy sent with some proof-slips of an important decision of Chiet Justice Taney. He appeared at the office of the chief justice and asked him : ' 'Is Taney in ? " " 1 presume ; " was the dignified re ply , "you wish to see the ohiel justice of the United States > " "I don't cure a cuss about him. I've got nome proofs for " ' 'I ' B. . " Tanoy , am Hon. Uoger Tanoy. "You're Taney , aren't you ? " "I um not , follow ; I am Hon. linger B. Tuiiey. " "Then the proofs are not for you , " and the unceremonious messenger would have gone oil'with thorn if the judge had not admitted himself to be Tanoy simply. A Queer Complaint. John McCaun , acitiKon of Omaha , will bo arrested yesterday on a queer complaint filed iu police court. lie 1ms been In the habit of driving a wagon loaded with dirt without an end gate and has , to use a homely expression , boon littering - tering up the streets. 'Ihu police caught him and propose to "put him through. " Constitutional Catarrh. No xlngltt disease has ontnllcil more suffering or liiutuiii'il tlio biouUuu up of tlio constitution tlmu catarrh. TUe aoii&o of iinull , of tustii , of 8l litof bumIner , tlio liumiui volt-o , tlio lulml imuor more , am ] houicllnios nil. yield lullsiln- btrtictlvo Intlimiico. The poUou It Uittrllmtoj Iliroujcliout tlmujfltnm nttiiuku ( ivory \lliil fin to nml nrnukii up the most rolnibt ril constitution ; , lunoifU , liccuugo but lltllo uiiiirihtood , l > y 111091 IihvsIclniiB. ImpoU'iitly usuulluil by IIIIIIUKB anil chuilatuns , UIDMI Hiiuurmtf In mi it liu\u Illtlo liono to bo leliyvrxl ol It tliUvlilo ot tlie trril\u. It latlino , limn , lluit tlio i > oiiilnr | iHMtmciit ot tills tcrulilo dldfiiso liy ruaui'lloi urltliln thu rc-nuli of till imaged Inf ) liiuida lit onuncQiiipvttnt mid trustworthy. The now nnd liltliono imiiM inollioil mloiitixt liy Ur SiuifDi'd In ll o pri'l'iini. ' tion ol hU IfuilOil. CuiiU hub nou Uio lio.irly npprornl of tliu-.iBanilH. It l | n tanluni'Oiis In iiirordinif rollof In all litad uoliU , m o/.ln , ainil' . tlliitf aim obstructxl biouthlujf , anil lupiillyre- moviM the- must oi > | > roblvu ) mpiutm , ulunrliiK Ihu licart , iweelonmif tlio IIICHUI , rcvturinjr Uio scn'osot diuoll , tHSto nnd liourjna , nnd neutral- l/ini ; the constitutional Ictidnnoy < i | the illscai-n tuwaids Hi" lungs , llvnr mid kldnojs titNtOIID'H 11A Hid * I , ClIIIK UOIISMk Of OI1O I'llt- tlo of thu ItAUiCAi , Cunt : , one box of CATAKIIII- AISIH.VI.XJund iMi'iinviui IMIAI.KII ; price , $1 , I'orrKR litri & CIIIMICAI. : Co. , KIDNEY PAIN8 And tUnt weary , HltloM. nll-Konc ami- ' satloti over present with those or In- Miunod kklnuyu. wouk hneli iind loin" , netting lilpi and t > ldui- , ever vor ! ed or i\irii out tiy dllOHSo , duullfly or diHuIpnllim. Uio nllurtU In oiiQMlSXiit , nJ upouduy I'liirx ) by Ihu I'oriuviiA AMI-I'AIN ri.AsrKii , n now , orliniiHl. nlcgmit. and Irilulllblu uutidulo to pulu tmd Inllaujicalloii , At all drutrtfUtu. : & ; Uv lor ji.OO ; or or 1'orn.n Uuua AMI > Cusuic.ii. Co. , Uuatou. , C3T PERRY D AVIS' PAIN-KILLER IS IIKCOMMKNDKD 11V riiyslclnnj , Minister * , Missionaries' ' , Mnnnjtort of Factories , Work-shops , Plnntntlous , Nurses In Itopttnls In short , ovcrr- body oorj where who 1ms over given It atrlnU TAKEN 1NTKI1S.M.1.V IT Wtt.t. UK fOVND A MtVKl PAlt.tSa CtlllB fOll SUDDKN COhDS , CHILLS , PAINS IN TUB STOMACH , CRAMPS , SUM- MKU AN'I ) IIOWBL COMPLAINTS - PLAINTS , SORB THROAT , &o. r.XTKItNAU.V , IT is THE MOST Etrr.ertvn AMI HI-.ST ON KVIITII ron cuniNd SPRAINS , niUJlSlvS , RHKMAT1SM NEURALGIA , TOOTH-AC1115 , BURNS , FROST-U1TES , &c. Prices , 26c , , 60c. and $1,00 per Bottio. FOR SALE BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS , fSTBownro of Imitations. . 3 617 SI. ChnrlcNSf.,81.1.oulM , .Vo. ArmtiUrKra ti'tttRnr two UrJIeitlCo'lfjre , , bMbttnlancrsr tBRigtj ID lh ipeel llrr tmcntot Ounio , Starti , flrtu .fid UI.OJD DniiiM Ibln inr other I'hTileliu luSt. Loalx , u tit ; ptptrt ibow tnd all oM r nl ' * l , know. Nervous Prostration. Dobllllj , Menial unil Physical Weakness ; Mercurial anil ollior Atloc- llont at Throat. Skin or Bones , Dlood PolonlnaM old Sores and Ulcort , r tt tr < i with onr.r.n.ilt oftenen IM t irlrnlim rrlnclplri Sifelr. rrlrxtlr Olsoasos Arising from Indiscretion , Excess' . Exposure Or Indulgence , nhlgh rroJnro . asotlki rollonlm cllctli I n.tioumo , , , Utlilllir , dlmne.i ot iljij ftou atrectlTe nifraerr , pimples on the fnrp. i.hvtletlklceiKT tcriIon lolh loelitjor frniili ) , conru.loi of ld , , vlx. . rmilorlne lUrrUtto Improper or HiUmppr , nr rttm n nlly eorej , I'.mplilf M'61 f l > thob > Vr , loal ) ttt or bj mill ttti , Ixlted > ml illIcllj > BiaVetl\Ll ( > A Positive Written Cuar.intco , ufn i Tftblfi CM * * Utdlcino icot f f erjwtef br nil 101 MARRIAGE C _ _ _ aOO TAOE9 , FWE TLA.VE3. clflint ololh anl' ctn ) blDilltifr , tfKlearnr 6Oo. In ilitjooreutrco y. Oter flnJ wonjf rful pin plolur < i , true lo lll | nrllcln 011 Ibn rollowlnM ubjretlt who raer niftri-y. lionot. h ; tuiftobooii , nomanZ Bo d , phrilrtl ilfc r , f ( Tfeli ofcelthlpy aa > leie4i'.tb rUrt lolofj or rrproJudlou , ami in nj more. Tb n corrlil - - nnlempltlluic in rrU ilioul.l r rt It. r-nr\.r \ JI-lo.L l m , i' ' r t eoTcr. li3o. AJJra.i' ' to fc. , TkluUrf * TJK&MMtT KEKMB . . .F " ' ' ' 3 rKMitE * * IIKC-IY. iiiiac\rcicicct rtemarkkMtkodqnlokCQrea. Tila" MM. 8 nd auras rort > rltcut t . AJflten , Dr. WARD A. CO. . LOUISUNAj 1 .T-LOOK FOR STAMP ON EVERY'CASE PHUl E , MT FOUITMI FED > BEST IN THE WORLD. - Jlon on any orfc unU til uuy Unnds. Price $ 2.50 JBTrickey&Co WHOLK3ALB JK Lincoln , 60)0 ) Wlioloialo agents lot Nobrtuka. DlCALKItS SlJITLIED A1 N. Ii. This Is uol i piupli pancll , but a first clolf ( luxlblo Kola | > on of tiny do slreil fineness or point. sB Do you want a pure. Woom- L'onmloxioii ' i if MO , a low iiniilicntioas of Jln an'.s MAON6UA BALM will grat ify you to your Jioart's con- lent. It docs away with Sul- lowiiess , Kcdr.osH , I'implofi , oH , and all diHCu.scu urn ! imperfections of tlio nUbi. Jt overcomes 1 ho 11 iiihotlapjCftr ! ) once of heat , fatigue and ox- citoment. It imiKCH a Iwly of TJIIHT V appear but TWEN TY ; and so natural , gradual , and porfiMst are if # oU'nots. ihttt it in impossible to < M ct its application. mmm , w i \vssxB&2 \