Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUBSDAY , APRIL 22 , 1880. THE'RECORDOP A DAY , Interesting Happenings Throughout the Great Oity , GENERAL CROOK'S RECEPTION. Shannon's Threats nnd Sliamum'B Ar rest Another 1'rlze Fltflit Ho * twcon Colored Citizens Sot- vices of Holy Week. IMcty nml I'rnyer. She attendance at the Exposition build ing last night differed in no material manner from that of the preceding night. It was large , enthusiastic and devotional. Among those present were the following gentlemen from abroad : Hov. Walter Williams , Dr. 0. L. Paine and Mr. Thos. Hall , of Lincoln. The uxvrciscs of the evening consisted in singing selec tions from the hymnal , in which the aud ience heartily took part , llov , Mr. Sin clair , of Columbus , offered the opening prayer. "Half Has Not Ucon Told" was then feelingly sung by the audience. This Was followed by the announcements usu ally mivJe. after which collection was taken up. Requests for prayer wore then announced , one of which was that of a wife in this city foi tidings of her husband , who is somewhere out west and from whom no tidings have been received in the last four yours. Prayer for those for whom was made then took place , and was led by the Hov. Mr. Pliolps , presiding elder of the Methodist church hi this district. The Kuv. Mr. Hitler then spoke , and referred to the remark of a gentleman who had attended the afternoon exercises , who stated that tlio revival services which were now being held had never been cqalled at any time in Omaha. It was an evidence of a Chvistmn awakening among the people , which was not only gratify- intr , but also cncoutnging to the people. At the close of Mr. .Hitler's remark's , the doxologv was sung and the audience dis missed. COOIIB In tlio Ring. The success which attended the late light between Smith , the colored pugilist of this city , mid "Pomp" Hroiuly , tlio Ktlnopian bruiser trom the Pacific coast , has encouraged the Caucasian backers of the former to look toward a , fistic en counter between the latter and another colored man , who has recently come to this city from abroad. Ho is popularly known as "Coon llarvoy. " He is well built and is said to possess extraordinary hkill with his lists and powers of endur ance. His presence became known shortly after uis arrival hero , and , hinco that time , ho has been distinguishing in an amateur manner in the manly art of self-defense. lie was immediately inter viewed by a number of reporters as well as the sporting fra ternity. Ho has been induced to meet Hroady. To-day a number of ad mirers of both the "unknown" and Mr. Hroady , will endeavor to obtain a view of the pmo-figlitor. Where the meeting re ferred to is to ho held , cannot now bo mentioned. Friends of both parties will meet to-day and agree upon terms. The place where the light will take place will then bo determined upon also. Looking Tor Itovonijc. Frank Shannon was some time ago banished frcm this city because of his frequent arrest and unlawful conduct. Shortly after hta departure ho wrote a series of threatening letters to DulY Grcon , now Union Pacific police oilicer at the union depot. Yesterday , Shannon stepped oil'a train at this point and was immediately arrested by tnu officer men tioned. Ho was asked what he proposed to do with the letters bo is reported to have written touching matters of private importance. Shannon's hand immedi ately "rasped his revolver , as did also the olliccr's. The latter was earlier than Shan non and succeeded in taking the outlaw into court where he will remain for a few days. Days of Penitence. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday , a day of particular solemnity in both the Episcopal and Catholic churches. In both of these , services were held both in the morning and evening , and attended "by largo numbers of people. Last night the pulpits of tlio divines were occupied by the owners , exercises rwero held throughout tlio ovening. To-day is holy Thursday nnd will bo celebrated in , a special manner in the churches mentioned. To-morrow , (5ood ( Friday , \yill bo cele brated the ceremonies being among the most imposing of tho"ritual. . Receiving Crook. At the mooting held yesterday after noon , to make arrangements for the re ception of General Crook , it was decided .tojiold u banquet nt the Omaha club on inixt Wednesday night. Tlio committee of the club , consiMingof L. V. Morse and .Joseph ( luniouu. will confer with a com mittee of eiti/.eiis tq make the ullair a suc cess in evoiy particular. AMUSRMISNTS. Close of Annin rixloy's Tills charming actress brought her en gagement to a close last night. It was a pronounced Miceass , artistically consid ered , but financially , it differed sadly from earlier visits of this estimable actress. This is a source of regret to the lady's many friends. Army ItrlolK J. 1C. Moore , sutler at Fort Washakio , is in the city on business. lieutenant Coodin , of the Seventh in fantry reported at headquarters yesterday for duty , after a three months' leave of ubsnnco. llo has been recuperating his .health in Florida. Leave of absence for tan days is granted Lioutcnant Colonel H. H. llurn- ,1mm , deputy judjiu advocate general U. S. army , judge advocate department of the Platte , Omaha , Neb. Thrown' From Ills IMiaoton. Yesterday afternoon about -l.HO o'clock a phaeton belonging to Stookdalo & Hunehor , and driven by the former , was upset on Sixteenth street , near Cass. The vehicle was occupied by thu former , and on rounding tlio corner of the streets mentioned the horse became unmanage able nnd overturned ( he outfit , The phaeton was injured to tlio oxtoiit of about thirty dollars , though Mr. Stock- dale escaped uninjured , Tlio Vnlloy Dam. The county commissioners returned from Valley yesterday They state that it will take 1,500 loads of brush to re pair the dam , which was washed away bv the recent Hood. Thu citizens , however - ever , will bear a large ihans of the cost and thus the uxpcnsu to the county will be small. f UKUT1IA * JU'.LU. IXiiiqhtcr nf Maria iJmltli. aged S years , fcumi months and tlilr- teen di , ) s. Funeral will-take place to-day , at 3:30. : o'clock , from No , 500Mieatou , cuiner of Cmidugstieet , CIjEA.V YOU a AMjEYS. An Important AVork Which Kcqnlres the Co-Opnrnllon of Prop erty Owners. Policeman Howies and Horrigan have been detailed to look after tlio cleaning of alloys tbroturhotit the city , nnd to notify all properly owners to remove garbage and ashes therefrom. They nro working energetically every day , so already the alloys begin to present a greatly Im proved appearance. Street Commission er Mcnnv also has a force of ten men and several teams at work cleaning up the accumulation of dirt on the alley pave ment. If things nro rushed as at present , the sprinc house-cleaning will bo linishoJ within two weeks. In this connection , every interested properly owner ought to read and -dudy the ordinance bearing upon the subject : ' Sec. 2. It shall bo the duty of cacli and every occupant of any duelling house , shop , stoic loom , olllcc orauv other loom or build- in which liie Is or may be kept , or In or about which any kitchen garbage or offal may ac cumulate , to plnco such ashes , garbage or offal In n piopcrbox , bucket or band , to be piovhled by such occupant for such puipo- , and to be placed In the rear of the picinlscs of such occupant In such manner as to bo accessible for purpose of rcmo\al. Sec. : > . It is hereby declared unlawful for any imrsou to throw , or permit , or authorize to he thrown upon any street or alley of thu city of Omnha , any manure , ashes , kitchen garbage , olfal , niclit soil or other offensive or putrid matter , or for any occupant or user ot any pit'inl&cs to permit to remain upon any sticct or alley ot said city for the space of forty-night hours , any manure , asiies , Kitchen garbage , offal , night soil , or offensive or putrid matter , known from such memlses , and any pcisons violating the provisions of this section shall bo deemed guilty of a mis demeanor , and upon conviction thereof shall be lined in any sum not less than S3 or more than S-'O for each and every offense. * * * * * * * Sec. 7. Any person or persons who shall Intentionally upset Orovciturn any garbage , bucket , box , cart , or otlicr receptacle tor rar- bago In any lot , street or allo ot this city , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be lined In any sum not less than S3 or more than 820 rorcach and every olfciisc. " The city marshal says ho proposes to en force this ordinance light Irom tlio word uo and will have no foolishness about It. lie further wishes to call the attention of all to the fact that the place for dumping all rubt bish and offal is at tlio loot of Division strve- and under no circumstances must reliisc matter bu dumped at any other place. Personal I'nracrnplin. Win. Day , Denver ; T. P. Barker , Al gernon , Neb. , nro at the Canlicld. A. Caaletter , the well known banker of Blair , is in tlio city. Mis. L. Itaatottcr , of Albuquerque , N" . M. , is hero on a visit to her parents , Mr. and Mrs. S. Sehloisinsor. Charles P. Heiuig , of DCS Moincs , In. , is in Omaha. Mr. liuinig is one of the most popular men in Jcs Moincs and thinks of investing money in Omaha. J. II. Daniels and bride , , the latter a charming younc lady from Cleveland , O. , have arrived in the city , after a short wedding tour. They are temporarily stopping at the Paxton. W. S. Hcophrov , traveling roprc. onta- tivo of Collins , Gordon As Kay , has ar- rivodQfrom n successful two months trip through Nebraska , llo reports roller skating perfectly dead throughout the state. JS3S William II. Turner , Gcorgo W. Cclston and John Luty , all well known citi/cns of Elk City , in this county , wore in town ami culled lit the HUE ollicc yesterday. They are going on a three months' trip to California and other points on the Pa cific coast. Mr. Peter Her , the well-known distiller of this city , who is in attendance upon the meetings of the Western Export asso ciation of the whisky pool , now being held in Chicago , was yesterday appointed n member of the committee to frame new regulations for tlio same , the old associ ation being unable to survive. Mr. P. J. Ilealy , junior member of the well known music firm of I/yon & Ilealy , of Chicago , after a stay of a couple of days in this city , left last night for Kan sas city on his way homo. Ten years have elapsed since Mr. Ilealy last vfsitod tliis oily. His surprise , therefore , at the advancement made by Omaha may read ily bo appreciated. Mr. Hcaly's business hero was mainly in connection with the now branch housn established here , which , independent of the other music houses established In oilier places , is in tended , under the supervision of Man ager Lucas , to supply the entire western trade of this large firm. Urcvltlcs. By reference to the telegraph" columns of tno UIB : it will bo seen that an ad vance on the tare by ( lie Union Pacilicand 1 ! . & M. roads to California of 10 per cent has already taken place. About noon yesterday the police patrol was sent down to the Union P.icilic bridge , and Officers , Kurdish anil iMal/.a loaded it with li number of tramps who were captured in that local ity.Tlio Tlio sale of scats for the Mnplcson en gagement at the opera bouse on Satur day nisht opened fairly well this morn ing. Minnie Hank , and the entire com pany of artists , will be. seen in full strength in thu opera of "Cannon. " The body of the miniatured infant found at the corner of Fifteenth and Webster streets Tuesday morn ing was buried .yesterday. Tlio mystery still remains unsolved , despite the fact the coroner hasclo-cly investiga ted every circninstiincoconnected with tlio case. AVantH $1 , ( ) ( ) ( ) Damages. The case of Frostier against Kiitz was on trial before , ) nd"u McCnllooh yes terday. Tlio suit is brought to recover s ? 1,000 damages on the rental of n build ing. The Kmmott Monument Association , will hold their annual ball at Cunning ham's hall on Kiistur Monday evening , As this is the liist dtiiico after lout there is no doubt thpro will bo u very largo atten dance. This popular association never falls to make it pleasant for tlioso who patronize their balls , The Placer Argus , published nt Auburn , Cat. , has the following regarding nn Omaha business man : "Jt. U. Branch , of Branch & Co. , wholesale commission merchants of Omaha , Nub. , ar rived hero this morning , accompanied by his wifo. Branch & Co. handled a great deal of fruit for some of the Nuwcastlu shippers with good snccoss last year , nnd now Mr. Branch counts hero to make ar rangements for handling the fruit lids coming season. Ho speaks very highly of the fruit from this point. " PERSONAL "IlnvotPstoJ Ittvlrtuo- , personally , nml Vnnw thai lor l ) ) > iici ln , lilliuuiinir * iiwl TlimMilim ItiMdiiihc. It lilhob sl mojlclnu Ilia world mvrwiw. lluvotilc'il forty uthur ruicudlc * bo- li rn Mmnionn I.tvcr Ui-miLilnr anil nonu of tlivni fuMi luurolliini ivmi niry relluf , Imt lliu lU'Kiiliitur not only rollovoi lull cuivd. " Tolo- K'-ajih , Macon , i ; j. BAD BREATH , Nptlilnsjs o iinplca-aiit , none sorominonni IladlrrnUiund In nearly c fry cutdll CUBIC * from Ihotonucli , unil can bo so cully rarrect- od If you Ul.e hlmiiiGmlJiur lloiulutor. Dg nut ioxlcct ( O urou iviuodjr for this rcpul-lro Ultor.lor. It lll also Iniprijro youritiipetlla , romUutlbunuilgcnerul liualtU. Tired and Despondent. "Vor-ouio tliuo my liver liadbcca out of order - der Un.l 1 felt ccncr illy goo-1/or nothlnz. I w inilucc'd to t r siuiiuout Liter Ue--ulator. IU nctioi ) KUI quick and tlioniugli , nuJ II | m- If.cltfla bulk and ti < orou > loalinit , II U mi MC'"tlH-.i y J II IIILAXJ ) , Jlo uiocu HELD AND TARM. Cnro < > ! ' Horses. , JcfT\V. AVaynlok , of Cluiriton , Iowa , writes : Tlio care of horses is a theme of vast importance. It is emphatically worthy tlio careful consideration of every one interested In the welfare of the horse. Care will tell , nml that to n reasonable degree. Then what about the methods Unit have been put forth from tnno to time , are they adapted to the circum stances of the massed ? Methods almost without limit , some without rcrfson , and many with good , practical information have boon given to the world concerning - corning the care iiml management of horses. Many of those methods and in structions nro of good sound reasoning , and whenever tried , have proved practi cal : uul beneficial. Hut at the snmo time they were available onlv to a section of individuals , namely : Those who have plenty of money and abundant time for experimental purposes. Now , the average farmer ha1 ? neither n surplus supply of money nor time to test nml reap tlio good resulting trom such methods , but necessarily nave meth ods at least , practically adapted to his cir cumstances , or else he has no business with them at all. The farmer cannot , especially during the lirsl three or four mouths of the larming season , allow his learn a rosiHle of two or more hours after giving them water before feeding , pre paratory to the afternoon's work. Hut then the instructions say , two hours or more rest after feeding before work. This consumes two much valuable time , which thu average farmer cannot afford to lose. Hut he can the first thing of a morning feed his team a bountiful sup ply of hay a bucket full of water to the horse is bust uefore giving hay. Allow about one hour for eating nay , then feed corn or oats , after which the team is well prepared for the half day's work. A liorsu if food is given first , or botli hay and grain at the same time , will cat the grain , and consequently little or no hay during the allotted time. Special care should be given to the amount of water required for horses un der tlio dill'erent circumstances for in jurious results often accrue from an oversupply supply of water , than is generally sup posed ; while thu real cause of suelt results is frequently attributed to something else , and yet the unsuspected custom contin. uos , adding all the while to the number of new victims. Hay , before grain of any kind , morning , noon , and night , anil a reasonable resting spelt after the noon's feeding , will give , if adhered to any considerable length of time , satis factorily results. Of course , a liberal and vigorous use ot the curry comb and brush n is promotivo of much good , and should not by any means bo neglected. Sonic Rules for .Milk Producers. The Michigan dairymen's association hold a meeting in lialaimix.oo about the middle of February. Among other mat ters they adopted the following rules for the use of those who ship milk to cheese factories or butter dairies : First Cows must have an abundance ot good , wholesome food , pure and not too cold water , to which they can have access at all times. Second Cows must not be overheated or unduly cxeitcd or worried at any time. Third The udder and teats .should be thoroughly cleaned before milking , by washing it need be , and the teats should not bo wet during tlio process of milk ing. Fourth Kindness nnd gentleness should bo used at all times. Cows should not bo excited by loud talk or other noises. Fifth Cows should be milked by the same milker and as quickly as possible , and good pure water and salt placed in easy access. Sixth During cold weather cows should be comfortably housed , ilicirstulls well cleaned and littered , ami an abund ance of good and not too cold water ac- ce siblo. Seventh Milk , if kept ever night , should bo placed in a lank surrounded by cold water or ice. Eighth- the milk is for butter or cream for the creamery or market , cool the creamer to about -10 or ' 15 degrees be fore turning the milk into it. Put the milk in tlio creamer as soon as drawn. It should remain from 12 to 24 hours for complete separation. If tlio milk is for cheese , aerate it well , thoroughly stirring and cooling to 75 de grees before starting to factory. Milk should never bu allowed to stand where it is subjected to foul odors of any kind. Nothing but bright , absolutely clean tin pails and causshould boused in hand ling milk. Mill ; must never bo allowed to stand in cans afterbcingreturncd to the farm , and they should be thoroughly washed in warm water ana then scalded with water boiling hot , and thoroughly scoured with salt at least twice a week. Soap , soda or such alkalies should not be used to clean cans or pails. Improving tlio Farm. Orange County Farmer : The best and shortest way to improve n farm is to reduce - duce tin1 stock , plow your fallows in win ter so that the soil will bo warm and dry and the sub-oil decomposed early in the spring. Harrow well and then s'ow ten or twelve quarts of grass seed to the aero when you put in your outs. If all lake , your chance is good for obtaining from 'live to ten acres of oais ami a field seeded down to grass. Then prepare as many acres for rye sowing , provided your land is not good enough lor wheat and the two crops will give you nil the straw you need and the corn field , with usual good luck , will produce enough to fat stock. At the end of the sen.-on you will luivo to pro duce from fifteen or twenty acres of land , represented in oats , corn and potatoes ami as many acres sown with rye and wheat. Keep ju t Plonk enough to eat up the produce in grain nnd hay , and alter gathering your no.\t year's cropof hay and grain , covering wiy lifty nuroof your farm of 100 acres , you may think of adding as many cattle us your farm will sustain without purchasing very heavily of foreign supplies , By tlio end of the fourth year you are ready to put in a crop of wheat and save plowing up your bottom meadow , yon have re-seeded the whole farm and are now ready to en largo your dairy and at the expiration of ton yours your land ought to boin a condi- lion to double your crops and the mini- her of your cattlo. This is i rotation. Tlio I'Vont lor of Draft llorso. IntorfiMH. National Stockman and Farmer ; \Vcst- orn farmers , nlivo to the their own inter * csU und seeing the adaptability to the country and kind of furmin" carried on in their section of the United States , in vested their money in anil took hold ot Iho importation and breading of thu heavy draft horses in such a manner that it may be truthfully said that the "homo of thu draft horso" is on western soil , and that tlio eastern or older section of this country may bo properly considered the frontier of the draft horse interests. This is true , notwithstanding the fact thai s'cvurul of the largest importing and breeding ostabliuonts jiro situated in the eastern or middle sti"s. While im porting and breeding cstablUmenls attract thu attention of the public more through advertisements and other sources , it mu-t bo remembered tnut the "rank and lilo , " the farmers who ruisu the majority of all the horses produced in this country , are the onus to look to lor a correct idea in regard to the true status of the matter. From this stand point wo lind again the diflbrcnco in favor pf our western fiirmurs. They scorned to have roali/cd the fact at once that no class of horses was lee good for them if they could b& procured at anything like reasonable prices,1 anil the result was that these who. were jengtgcd : in introducing the best imported horses i o- CfiVd such cncoHrapiMiicnt and patron- a ? ? Unit they piifcljprl their business for ward with fonnmmdnblo seal , nnd were successful In their vbuturcs with the ex- coptionof but fo\y \ cases. Finding it moro profitable than 'raising inferior horses , these same farmers , have increased their operations instead of dlininNhini ; them , and now many ot our eastern dealers lind customers among them more readily than they do nearer /Some. / Hints nmt .SMuROsllon1 ? . Hogs give return's so quickly flint even if only a small profit is made on each lot these profits can bu made quickly. Hogs multiply rapidly , and hence less capital is required lor beginners than for other stock. The heifer should be trained from her birth , says the Stockman , to stand , leader or allow any one to handle her. A calf treated in this manner will makoagonllo and a valuable cow , onu that will not kick , and which will be easily and moro conveniently milked. All the hmtorlal that can bo returned to tlio farm without loss is simply a sav ing of the same for another season , and as the manure may again bo converted into plant food the placing of it on the sod is to simply use raw material .tor manufacturing Into salable crops. The problem of farming consists in making the soil increasingly fertile. Manure is the farmers' savings bank , and if moro of them would have largo heaps of it every spring to spread upon their lands , instead of money at interest they would prosper hotter in the end. Clover growth is helped by llmo and plaster Large quantities of nitrogen are contained In the earth nnd air , anuclovor nusorhs nitrogen moro than any other plant. The plant and air work together in furnishing an oxlumstless supply of food for all kinds of food plants. teed ! tillage is the strongest weapon Avlth which the fanner can light hard times und gain success. Imperfect cul ture on the other hand , will scarcely en able him to gain a living from the richest soil , and the soil will deteriorate rapidly in quality from such treatment besides. Whenever rhubarb throws out a great many leaves and tno stalks are sninllnnd worthless , the roots should bo dug up and transplanted , dividing them so that only one thrifty bud is left to each picco of root. This should bo done early in the spring , as soon as the newly formed buds are ready to push through the soil. If an iron wire bo twisted during or soon after thu passage of a voltaic cur rent through it the wire becomes mag netic. When the wire is twisted in the manner of a right hand screw , the point at which the current enters becomes a south polo ; in the opposite case it be comes a north polo. If during the passage - sago of the current the wire becomes twisted in different directions , tlio po larity changes with tlio direction of the twist. i Geese can be fftWencd cheaply , as they will eagerly consifincChoppcd : turnips or any other kind of cheap material at this season ; but to get thorn very fat they should have corn also. A should not bo too fat , as i such is objectionable , but they should be kupt fat enough to present an excellent market appearance. The young gceso tliatfhavonol completed their growth , however , cannot bo fed too liberally , as they wfjll not become ex tremely fat until matured. It may not bo necessary and j'et not amiss to urge farmers to sow or drill a good supply of sweet qorn to cut up and iced to milch ( ! ows , diiVing the month of August , when pasture's dry up , or par tially so , There can bo no doubt that such corn is a wholesome and profitable supplement to-paMtiifces nt that time , or if there is , a single experiment will dispel the doubt Oats may not bo a profitable crop to raise , and in soijio sections of the country they are not , hut a few acres to bo fed by cutting the bundles in a cut- tinjbox _ and feeding with bran in con nection witii other winter feed will pay well. well.How How to make a cheap and ample gate in a wire fence is thus described in the ( ieriniintpwn Telegraph : The fence is made as if no gate wore thought of , and then the wires are all tightly stapled to the two gate posts. After this a light post is placed close to one of the gate posts , and to this every wire is stapled , after which they are clipped between this and tiic gate post , and tlio gate is then read } ' to swing , tlio wires being hinges themselves. Only a 'fastening is required to kooi ) the loose post in place , and a gate is ready for use that will answer very well where it is only occasionally used. Often has it been known of a cow eat ing poisonous substances without injury to herself , says the Farmers' Magazine , but her milk was impregnated with the poison or diseased germs , injuring Hie human consumer. Milk is much moro tenacious in receiving impurities than water , as it seems , nccorimii ! to some writers , that the impurities .of tlio ani mal's system are unloaded into the lac teal ducts nnd pass oil' into the milk pail , impregnate the system oi the consumer ; and for this reason the cow should not be compelled to breath foul air in the stables , or use food or drink which will injury the milk The [ injustice of soiling eggs by count will appear' when it is stated that a dozen of the 1'arger s'r/.o weigh twenty-four ounces , wiiilo a do/on of the smaller si/.o.s weigh but fourteen and one-half ounces , The dark colored eggs are moro nutritious than thu white , tno color ot tint shell being an indication of the qual ity of the contents , and neither i- deter mined by the food of the hen , any moro than thu quality of the wool , whether long or short , line or coar.-c , is deter mined by tlio feed of the slioop , Bo-ton buyers make a diU'erenco of M per crmt. onjtho prici ! , in favor of the dark colored cgf's , as they find the saino number will makes richer cakes , custard , puddings , etc. _ _ Tlic Trade in Slave ( Jirls at Stain- Constantinople Correspondence of the , Now York Times ; . . The old Turk threw a questioning ghinun at _ my guide. Then ho clapped his hamlj .again , The brown- skin attendant whft appeared was given nn order , and ten mimdes elapsed , dur ing which now colluu was brought in , ac companied by jf sweetmeats , of widen I did not partake. Then the door opened and a porhonago , got up in very much the same fus iiqu as the Khavasscs , a negro , pompous and fat , entered first , followed by a half do/on females , clad in loose garments' ' of silk , and wearing the vaiiiuuc. | Thu pompous negro was the ku'igjrs- ! i ( literally girl-,1 boss ) , of course a Hiiiuvh. and the females wcro the "first .l t. " Ono by one the girls , obeying their' ' ma.-tor's behest , stopped ui ) cldso' ' nnd unveiled. There was not < it pretty onu among them. They wore till Nubian girls , quite young , between 12 and M , 1 should say , excepting ono Syrian girl of perhaps 15 , who was just tolerable , The grand old Turk began to descant on her beauty nnd good points , but I out him short suy- iug : "Bon lijriioel ; deildir" ( This girl is not pretty ) . The < ! O. T. said nothing , but clapped his hands apdn and made a Hwonpingmotiontotlioku-ngnsii , as if ro- ( jncstmi ; him to sweep tliia dirt oil' the face of the earth , or at any rate out of his and my si/ht. The kiagas i/ marched the first lot out again just as pompous and silent as at first. 1'rotty soon ho entered again , followed by seven other girls dressed and veiled similarly , but a tnllo more expensively. This second end "lot" was a little iietter , but not much. They were all Syrian and Circas sian girls , all .of them very young , and rather shy and niodVat when encounter- ins the gaze of a stranger. I repeated my plirasu , "No good.1' mid they wcro also swept out of my sight. Lastly thrco gills were brought in , nnd ono of them was a beauty , and no mistake I think she must have been about 10 , quite fair , even for a , Circassian , with light hastol P.VCS , black eyebrows , and long , yellow hair. She had no objection to taking oil' her lower garments , but evl- ( tenth' showed her face with reluctance. 1 think she liked mo not ; eho hardly looked nt mo. "Boll ku guozeldir , " ( this girl is pretty ) , si'iilcntiously remarked the G. 0. T. I didn't dispute HIP point , but asked : "Bou ki/.ln liatl nekadardir ? " _ . . . pahili , not too dear ) , he said. 1 could probably have knocked off JWO from the i'300 , but 1 thought it was about time to bring this interview to a close , and told the old man I would think about It. llo did not insist , but merely replied : 'Tnhilll di'lidir" ( It is not dear. ) I bade him good-by. in other words saying : "Alluha ismarladik" ( I commend you to Uod ) , which I thought was very necessary in the case of the grand old rascal , and ho was polite enough to say : " gold- ! niz , safah potdluiz" ( moaning you are welcome ) , and then I was conducted out of the house Y NOTES. A pretty picture ot two young girls "who answered the cry of ferry , " opens the Quiver for May. The first of a serial on Three Famous Abbeys opens the read ing matter , and describes St. Alb.ins with pen and pencil. "Tho Heir of Sandford towers" has now reached its twentieth chapter. That very sad story , "Mothcrles.s , " is continued. Other fiction is "Across the Ferry , " "Oliver Langton's Ward. " and "Sylvia Moroton'a Proba tion. " By way of theological reading , we have "Tho Resurrection Miriele , " "Ways of Pleasantness , " "The Rain bow , " ami a chapter on "How nnd When to Read the Bible. " In general litera ture , wo have an interesting paper on "Confucius ; " the first of a serial on "The Sages of All Ages , " and n very enter taining chapter from the poet Dora Grconwcll. In Harper's Magazine for May , Mr. U. 13. Bhickmoro continues his now story , "Spriughavun , " which has about all the charm to bo found in that wonderful novel , "l.ormi Doono. " There is another installment of "King Arthur , " Mrs. Di nah Craik'.s .serial , which began well and gives promise of oven better things as the simple p"lot develops. In "Their Pil- gi image , " Charles Dudley Warner makes a half sentimental , half cynical journey to the Kalskills. The famous Punch art ist , Mr. George Du Mauricr , contributes a number of striking illustrations for an article on "Tho London Season , " and the third purl of 13. P. Hoo's scries on "Tho Homo Acre , " deals with the gar den and the best methods of grape cul ture. Mr. W. II. lugersoll's article , "Portraits of the Saviour , " is accompan ied by a number of heads of Christ. Mr. William I ) , llowolls is still found in the "Editor's Study , " and Mr. Gcorgo Wil liam Curtis in the "Easy Chair. " Casscll's Magazine of Art for May lias fur a frontispiece an engraving of Mil let's "Bonugatlioror. " Mr. Ueorgo Sainrsbury furnishes a sketch of pi raeli , illustrated byu number of portraits taken at different limes , and J Ilungorford 1'ollon writes in a dieciir.sivo vein on "Ceilings and Walls. " "An English Sculntor , " by J. A. Blaikic. is a sketch of T. Nelso Maclean , ono of the foremost of young English sculptors. Lewis F. Day writes on "Art in Metal Work , " ami Charles DoKay , under tlio title "An American Gallery , " describes some of the best paintings in the Morgan collec tion. Vladimcr Stassof , in n review of Alfred Mnskoll's "llu i.m Art , " argues that wo have no right to regard tiio Scyth ian nation as the forefathers of the Rus sian people , or the Scythian art as the parent of Russian art. The Pansy is an illustrated monthly , containing from thirty-live to forty pages of reading matter prepared especially for tlio boys and girls. Each month they will bo introduced to some wonderful man , or celebrated woman. Eacli mouth will bo given a story of some of the dis coveries , inventions , or experiences which have taken plnco in our own coun try. "Reaching Out , " which lia , < caught the hearts of nil the Pansics , will not close until October. "Around the Fam ily Lamp , " a department conducted by Margaret Sidney , helps the boys anil girls to wholesome amusement for homo evenings. The frontispiece of Casscll's Fiunilj Miigaxino for May is culled "Ho Loves Mo"und ) illustrates a poem found fur ther-on in its pages. The serial , "A Wil ful Young Woman , " is followed by n "Defense of Mothers-in-Law. " "A Week on the West ( . 'oust of England" is de scribed with pen and pencil , and is lol- lowed by "Touch and ( Jo" a midship man's slory. The "Family Doctor" comes nuxl with some excellent advice. "An Hour in Iho National Portrait Gallery" of Ixmdon givo.s us a number of bright little sketches of some of ICngjund's ' fa mous men , soldiers , statesmen and au thors. "A Paper to a School Girl when her School Days uro over" is full of good advice. This is followed bv the serial , "Lyndon of High Clill'e. ' A practical paper on "Nico Dishes at Little Cost" is lull ot excellent , hints to the hoii-cwife. An important subject , ' -The Welfare of our American ( Jills in Paris"isdiscussed by Hon. P. ( 'nrlorel Hill , llieru are two or tlirei ) pnoins , some short stories , ami the fashion letters from Puri.s and Lon don , which are very absorbing at this time of the year. "Liltlo llcurlwaso , " from the pen of Annie L. Wright , just published by T. li. Peterson As Brother.Philudelpjiia' , is ono of the brightest , hcstuml mo.-t interesting novels of tlio day. It is broc./.y , humor ous and pathntio by turns , b'ut always attractive and absorbing. The topic is American homo lift ! and the characters are mostly young 1111:11 : and women , though , of course , there is a sprinkling of older and graver personages to appropri ately till out the charming picture. PIIJ39t t I'llTuS ! rifjHB A sure cure for lllliul , lllcoilln : * , Itchln and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called l > r Williams' Imli.ui Pile Ointment. A single box has cured the woist chronic eases of B5 or U ) years standing. No ono need sulfer live minutes after applying this wonderful sooth Ing medicine. Lotions and instruments do moro harm than Rood. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the Intense itching , ( particularly at ululit after celling warn ; In bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves Instant relief , and is prepared enl > for Piles , Itching ol pilvate paius , ami for nothing else. SKIN 1MHKAHKS OUIIIOU , Dr. I'Vazicr's .Matrla Ointment cures as by masric , Plnmlc.s , Black Heads or ( iiubs , lilotclias and Kruplions on thu face , leavlir , ' the sKin clearaml beautiful. Also cures Itch , halt KK'iim , Sore Nipples , , Sere Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. bold by druggists , or mallei on receipt of COcants. Retailed by Kulm & Co. . and Schroder & Conrad. At whclcsalu bv 0. K. Uoodmau. II. 1Burket , of Crcston , Iowa , is in the city on a visit to his namesake H. K. Burkut , the undertaker , of this city. Nebraska Wont tier Indications. For the state of Nubia-ku : Local rains , tolhnml by slightly cooler weather , Ronel/ung ) l\cw and desirable for Cm- r/r.utv Cast Iron VASI : of Beautiful design with ur.sKvoiu for walcr supplying con- stunt moitlurc at EVAKS' S > KKD store. Wo lead But Never Follow. Norrh1 Restaurant. Dr Hamilton tturran , Eclectic Physi cian and Surgeon , Room 0 , Crounso block , corner 10th and Capitol avenue night calls pr < nnpUyulteuted to ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLTJIFS NEWS Unulc Sam' * ItotiHp. Work on the government building Is progressing. Already the stone work is thirty-three foot above the ground with most of the- brick work completed as far as the building has gone. The height of the basement is eighteen feet , while the frst story is sixteen feet and the second thirteen feet and six inches. Tlio third floor is ( o bo fifteen feet and an attic seventeen feet high. The tower la to bo sixty feet above the roof , thirty-six feet of which will bo of stone. The entire height of the structure will bo about HO feet. O. J , King , superintendent of the work for Contractor Rice , yesterday told a Bur. man that the stone work would no doubt bo completed before the time allowed by the contract , which is August lth next , and that the brick work must bu completed inside of a month later. 0. E. Bell , who is assistant to Mr. Muxon , the government , superintendent of the grounds , and Mr. King , both think the building will be completed by Decem ber , 1S37 , notwithstanding the largo amount of work to bo done. The faot that the building is being built by Undo Sam will no doubt cause seine delay in completing It , as Uncle Sam uses plenty of red tape iu the con struction of his buildings. . A Mute Drowned. One of the students of tlio deaf and dumb institution was drowned in the Mosquito creek yesterday morning. His name was Ueorgo Irwin , and his homo was in Dubuquo. Ho was aged about fourteen years , and had been attending the school hero for two yours. Ycslcr- day forenoon ho went down to the creek , near the bridge , in company with n smaller pupil , and taking oil' his clothes started to take a bath. As he approached the edge of the bank he slipped , and fall into a deep hole in the creek. His little companion was badly frightened. nnd hurried oh" to thu institution and did not report the accident until afternoon. The boy being missed from his classes in quiry was made us to his whereabouts , und at last the little fellow managed to explain that ho was down by the creek. On going there his clothes were found on the bank , nnd murks were left showing where ho had slipped. A search was made for the body , but up to a late hour last evening it had not been found. They Wcro Only Jo kin jr. About half past two o'clock yesterday morning , two strangers came into Met- culfe's saloon and tried to induce the bar tender to give them drinks , offering as security a chock for $1,230 , which they claimed they would bo able to get cashed as soon as the banks opened , The men were described to Captain Anderson , of the merchants' police force , who kept on the hunt for them until yesterday after noon , when ho arrested them. They gave their names as James 11. Biesenand John Kulmus. Tlio chock was found upon then ) , and read as follows : No. iiS-W. BuitUNr.-rox , In. , April 15. 1SSU. German American Savings Bank , Pay to James H. Bicscn or bearer twelve hundred and fifty dollars in cur rent funds. .JOHN KAI.MUS , They claimed that they just made out the check for the fun of the thimr and did not intend to work any confidence game. A pair of knuckles was found on one of the pair. They will be held on the charge und investigated further. It may not be so funny for them. MorePavlufj Onlurnil. At n meeting of the city council last night tlio city engineer and city attorney were instructed to prepare tlio necessary ordinances for the paving of the follow ing streets : Pearl street , from Broadway to its junction with Alain street ; Fourth street , from Broadway to Willow avenue ; Broadway , from Madison to Oak street ; tlie alloy north of Broadway , between Bryant and Alain street ; tlio alloy be tween Alain ana Fourth streets , miming from Willow avenue to Story street. Personal Pnrnf-raplis. Mrs. S. E. Aluxon is seriously ill. Gcorgo W. Thompson is back from the oust. ' Swan Swanson is confined to his home with a sprained back. W. J. Trotter , of the Avoca Delta , was in the Bluils yesterday. John Aides , tlio retired blacksmith , has returned from liis visit to California. Air. and Mrs. E. Landmark are the happy parents of a little daughter , just arrived. Ouplnin Russell has returned from his wedding trjp , and is receiving hearty congratulations. James Turner , HIP old-time newsagent , who now runs east from Missouri Valley , was in tlio cily lust night. W. B. Wyunkoop and his partner , William Si.sol.y , tlie well-known and jolly news agents on the Fremont , 1'Jkhoni & AIKsouri Valley road , were in the city last evening. .John Barrett , the oldest brother of Oliver Barrett , ot Ha/.oj Dull , loaves to day lor his homo in California , where ho Jms resided for twenty-six years' past. Ho has been visiting his brother ami friends hero for a short time. Hurry Birkinbinc , thu manager of thn water works , leaves to-day for his homo in Philadelphia , having received u mes sage ofhis father's sjowl.y declining con dition. Mrs. Birkinbiiiu und children have been at the bedside of Air. B. sunior for a couple of weeks past. Airs. L. Simmons will .shortly open 11 dress making establishment on Broad way. over Kirklnud'ti jewelry storo. She is tlie wife of the ugont for tint Singer machines hero and has hud experience in some of the lending houses ot the cast. FiirniiH County llonm. AiiAi-AHOK , Neb. , April UO , [ Corres pondence of the BKK. ] Ho has returned. It is llioroby understood that ( J. T. Web- stcr , ex-editor , etc. , of the llomervillu Boanerges , has once moro shied his cas tor into the ring of Homervillo. Ho says ho would sue tor libel if a judgment could bo collected , and it is too bad for his purse that everybody Is so poverty stricken. In tlio meantime Air. Stowurt still runs the "Sous of Thunder , " and Mr Webster is defendant iu several suits for money paid for his use and benefit. For some past Furnns county has ixu-n hlci.sud with excellent weather. Thu roads are good nnd business is pick ing up in every brunoli , und ono can now ECO the beauties of the Republican vulloy. A liner farming district can not bo found iiu.vwhero , and land is rousonubly cheap anil considerable of it on tlm market , and .salni are rapid. Land brings from * S to $ l.r > for good farm laud , and that which is broken uud good only ) or pas ture , from $5 to § ( ! und $ ? . Arupahoo will this jour sco u bigger building boom than nt any other time , und u lariio emigration Is looked for. AIr.s. William Klliott , u vw.y ebtimiiblo lady , died on Saturday morning , leaving a child only live days old. Her loss i- . sadly regretted by her husband , relatives und friends , yours truly , WIU.IAM SIMBKAI , . Jlnady Torn Fluid. Lovnox , Apiil yi. A contiict on Urn deck frontier IbliomlrcxiKftctl , The ( Jieel.s as sumed a very piovoking altitude , uhieh had theeiicvt of malting tin ) ' WHEAT C01IES TO THE FRONT Prices Jump Up Rapidly and Shorts Are Badly Billon- NEWS FROM ABROAD THE CAUSE. Other Ccronls l-'ecl the Rlso lu Wheat Xho Cnttto .Market Unintlsruu * tory niul Lower A Hliovt Sitppl- . CHICAGO ClliVIX SfAUKKT. Cutr.vno , April 91. [ S ] > cclal Telegram. ] WIIIIAT The wheat market was excited ami higher to-dny. Coinniciclal cables quote wheat firm , with an upward tendency abroad. Tim amount ut wheat on passage showed an Increiiso of ncaily 2,000,000 bushels a compared \\llh the preceding work , but a * thu bulk of Hio Increase was wheat shipped from America , these ( inures did nut seriously alleot Iho situation hero to-day. Now York cmtio In strong , and houses with New York connections ) appealed lu the pit eaily ns heavy buyers. Other domestic markets fol lowed the leaders and tlio general public showed signs of awakening to a conscious * ness that something was golnu on outside. Huslness was larger than on uny other day for a long while. Although a bull ish start was made and puces hitched up 11 little from the oponlng , which was Xc above ycsteiday's llual iiuolattons , ttie market cased otlsoon i id sold down nearly * & . Then came hints of Impurtaul nous and cables to several sources to the effect that tbu tor- cipn complication was becoming seilons , turned the tide. A moment later It was an nounced that Nightengale Imd telegraphed his coiresiHUidimco hero that the political situation In Europe was getting more threut- culm ? . Tills set thoscalping < : ro\ul to buying fuilously and pi ices kited , May climblnc ; from WXQSOc to Sltfe , und June fiom S\X \ ( & Sljfc to K'e. The ascent of tlie scale was rapidly accomplished , \\lth heavy business all the way up , Ke\v Yoik still uppoarlui ; at the front as a buyer. Coti.v Coin was stagnant until Ilia bulge In wheat , when that cereal advanced 'fe out of sympathy , dioppod back to the stalling point when It became apparent that the mar ket was slipping ! > . \ck fiom the cicst. The 1 o'clock Quotations show no change from yes terday's. OATS Oats felt the excitement In a slight dcgieo. 1'novisioNS Shippers west hccm to bo re covering from their tears of blockade 011 the granger roads. The iccclpts of hogs weio laigur to-day than for days preced ing , ami give promise of u further Incicaso as the pinspccts of u blockade diminish. The result was an easier feeling on provisions , pork being especially weak. OlVetlngs of May propci ty wore heavy , and prices broke to S''e ' , rallying fiom tliat point , but closing weak and at a loss , as compared with yesterday , of lOc. AKTmi.voojf HOAUD. Very little wheat wasollcied for sale this afternoon and pi Ices talrly jumped , the scene on the boaul yester day aftci noon being re-enacted today.'ay went from 80s'c to SIJtfc , and June I mm SW @Si c to saj SJc , wlieie it closed. Shorts who sold the market down the last hour of the morn ing session , on Urn reports that the advance had been woikcd by Clews and Niehtcnpdo to sell SOJ.OOO bushels of wheat , bought before the sending of the dispatches lefencd to above , weio caught. Coin and mo visions weru somewhat higher. Chandler- Brown Co.'s floport. Tlio following lepoit is fuinislied by Ciiandicr JJrown Co. , of Chicago and Milwau- Kce. Kce.Vhcat \Vhcat opened ttrong at SOj.j'c for May. Sold at SOK ; declined to 7y ; ; advanced to 81f } and closed at bO at 1 p. in. KcceipU at jiiimary markets l-Ji',000 bush els ; shipments , 1,0.1'J,000 bushels. Mr. Miller whas : "Kinht between bulls and beats ; both trying to keep wheat down , but wheat itself Insists on jumping up iu suite of them. Would buy on bicaks. " Corn Him. 1'iovlsions weak. ! ) : : iOp. in. All strong and high. CMICAOO MVH STOOIC. o , April 21. ( Special Telegram , 1 CATTJ.K. The icrelpts to-day wcio lalily laigo. The general nmiket was not veiy satisfactory to salesmen , as dm demand was chiefly lor smooth cattle , while ( ho supply was very hugely poor to medium quality. Tliemveie some piimo 15l'i Hi cattle sold to New York at § fi. Other good to inline cattle cold at ahoul steady. Common to fair medium c.ittlo wore slow sale und went at about a lOc decline. .Somo rithor lough but very tat 10 ; Ib cattle sold at Sl'M. The close ot the miiiKct was quite wc.ik. Klght cais of coin led Texans sold at § 5.00 and above , 1,011 In 1,1 II Ib slock selling at , . SevL' lots ot Texas cattle weio sold to day , Shipping steels , IKO : u > ir/jo His. sruot/ ; 1,200 to 2ttO : Ibs , S StiS.IX ) ; OiU to 1'WU llw , IJoiiS-Tlicin wnsnllRlil minimi blc fall ing off in Ihe supply as compared with lust week. It docs not siuiin to advance values as the above adviintiitrcs' of thn seller has been ollset by tlio irrcat falling ofl' lu tlio shipping demand , biouu'ht about by tlio labor troubles on lallways and tlio imceilalnty of getting slock dcllvcicd lit Knstcr niaikcts. To-day Iho ( list sales of heavy and mixed Hhowrd llllo or no change as compnicd with ycslei > day , but at Iho cloacHuch weiu fully fie lower. UKIII soils chopped a good lOe , and wr-ia i.iiil In sell at ( hat. A Jingo niiiiibfi being canlnl over sold at SI.1'i' ' M : .0 , and mixed at S-U.r > 4UO ; packing and shipping , ' # to J-i'ilbj , 8UOQI.0 , slow ; common 10c loucr ; shipping xtucu , Si/JVinnOjMockcismul fccdei , , JSJ.T' * ® ! 7ft ; IIWH , bullami mi.xeil , Sl.V l i ; hulk , g-.UOit.iOi ( ; ] lliiiingh Tiix.i cattle , * UO' < . . llojfi.IteceipN , 1'J.OOi ) ; do-rd So low- ei ; lough ( Hid mixed. Sl.Wnl/itl ; pack- lilt ; und bhinplm : . $ MMU.3 ; liirld , S 4 , . ; bluji- , fei5'uo.GJ. SlitvplUcinj.ts , ! ! , OJO ; low and weak ; na tives , sa.WXjJVTft ; Rliinn Tuxans , &l.60a'J ' f/J. Ki. Ioul * . April il. ! ( ; : tU0"Uwuijd ! | | , SOJ ; shipments , M ) ; murkot iictlvo und Mionger foi shipping aaoimt < : .uly , closing cav ; cholcu f-liiupi'iA and cxpoirb , S.TOO'3 ; VO ) ; common to good , Sl.4Vi4i.ViO ; butchoie steeu , : J..jy < fl.iV OOUH nnd liolfMS , SJ.til ( tf.7.V : ! Mockers and Icuxlcis. ( JJU'&tojt.y.'i. "Jlo i - -ILmilptf , < K'D ' ; sliipuii'iils1.000 maila-t tvctho ynd Ilk higher 11.11 ly. cloalnj the iiiUaneetoit : butclmih' and ' 'hold U'i < M.r ; mlxc-a | aeUlu , ' , . V .WJg