Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1886, Image 1

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    'frwrmtftti '
I T TT \
Two Hundred Armed Deputies to Guard
Against Chicago Strikers.
Tim Clilcn/to Times Demands the Call
ing Out of tlio Mditln Men
I'cisiimlcd N'ot ( o Go
to Work.
The Strlko In ChlcnRO.
Cine \io , April 21. | StcclaI | Telegram. ]
1'relght tralllc on the Lake Shore road Is
still blocked , but the trouble has not thus far
extended to the othei roads. It was icported
thlsafteinoon hy the Lake Shore ofllclals
that no conference will bo held to-day with
the switchmen with alevv of settling the
strike. GovernorOglesby Is still icmalnlng
in the city , hoping for a peaceable olutlon
of the trouble as outlined In his speech to the
Hlrll.ers. He appichcnds no Immediate out
break of violence , and expects to leturn to
Springfield to-moriow. The company has
Imported thlity-tlve oi foity switchmen from
Bntlalo , Toledo and other points east , who
uiilvcdln the city early this moinlng and
mo Intended to tike the place of strikers.
The assistance and protection of armsd dep
uty sheriffs and the police will be called Into
icqulsltlon It necessaiy. The stilkors are
claiming that the tine situation ot nllairs has
not been laid befoio the govci nor , and they
desliotohave him undeistand thelrcrtov-
nnces fully.
At the conference to day they assci ted tliat
tlm swltihmen's union has nothing whatever
todo with the sti Ike , as it is not a union
alfalr. Men who belong to no oiganhatlon
nro striking wllh the ic-st , and the unionists
have no objection \\oiklng alongside ol
them. 'Jhe whole tumble , they say , Is based
on tno objections of the men to working with
the scabs who took the places of union men
dining tlm big sti Ikes of ' 77 and ' 81. These
B.abs they want icniovrd to some other de
partment wheio they will notcomo in con
tact with them , They do not demand the
discharge of the scabs.
'I ho outcome of the trouble is regarded vvitli
tlm greatest apprehension by the business
men of town. The Times assails Govemor
Oglesoy for his tempoil/ings , and tugcs the
calling out ot the militia without tinihei
delay. _
Now Arrivals.
CHICAGO , April 21. The situation of the
Luke Shoio switchmen's strike was un
changed to-day. No action was taken elthei
by the lallvvay oflieialsor the stukeis. .Gov-
cinor Oglesby ts still In town and has had
iiumeious conferences dm ing the day. Late
this afternoon in-bound tiains on the Lake
shore brought fifteen or twenty switchmen
Into Chic igo. They came most ! ) from Tole
do and Cleveland , In i espouse lo ouleis from
licadquaitcis heio foi men to take the posi
tions vacated by the tiikeis. The union got
wind of theanlval , and in ashoit time had
committees ciiculating tlnough the v.ulous
hotels , uiguing with the new men and induc
ing them to giv e up thuh intention of tilling
thu vacancies. In many cases fioy vveic snc-
cesslul , and by dint of piomises and amu-
ment they claim to have won neatly all , u-
An ofllclal of the Chicago , Buillngtoii A ;
Qiilney ioui wont to the Lake bhoio yaids
tills attci noon , and had a talk with J. L.
Monoghan , chlet ot the switchmen's aa-
sociation , concerning Illinois that the men
on the Bnilington would sti lice. Monoghan
said he could give no dellnltu Infoimalion ,
but added that the switchmen's association
was not ordering such action.
Aitvni : > ni.i'uiiKS rou rinrAno.
This evening riheiill Hanchett decided to
swear In 200 deputies and distnbutu them in
the Lake hhoioanls to moiiovv. The depu
ties will bo Instiucted toalloid the lullest
piolcctlon In theli povvei to fuithur any et-
loit by the railioad company to scud out
tiains. ( iovcrnoi Oglesby left the city to-
uluht lei the btate capital.
Now York Street Cnr Strikers Pail to
NivvYoiiK : , Apiil 21. At n o'clock this
monilnis an agicemenl was niilved at , that
the men on theThhd avenue line should go
to vvoilv at 10 this'moining. The exact letms
on which thu men at u to go hack have not
been le.iined. It vvas dicl.ucd that they
weic lionoiablo to the stiikus. Itwas agieed
that the men should assemble at the head-
( puuteison lUsjlit ) seventh street beloio 10
o'clock and maich in a bed ) to the stables.
The stilkcib held .1 meeting hist night at
whhli it was announced a settlement was
expected this moinlng. The Italian consul
was notitied by the btiikeis that Italians
vvcio at woik In the stables and asked to
have them withdrawn. It was decided In
riison favoiablo answei was glvou to the
piopobltlons last night to letinn to work
today at ten o'clock. Aionnd ( lie stables
nt blxtv-lifth Mioct only n law men weieseen
eon fiom tlueu to seven o'clock. Soon
after the stiikeis maiehed down Thiid
aveniiu In a body ,
tuinoii. m. 'Iho stilke Is not nt an end.
Tlieiowasno conference this moinlng , and
no luieement has been leached. The intfioad
commlssloneis piobably will meet at il o'clock
this ntteriioon.
About 0 o'clock Fred Maglhees , a non
union dilver , going to woik , was Inteifeied
vvitli bv .loliu Allison , a union diivci. Mag-
tlieesdiewa lovolvci. Both men weicai-
u-sted. 'Iho levolver was tuund to bu un
loaded and bioken. Both piibtiners will bo
luought into comt today. At 7 n. m.
tlm police bo.'an to assemble at thu olllce to
jnepaiti toi the c'aj'.s ' opei.itlon.s. I'lvo bun-
died men wcro deposed ot In thu same man-
nei asesteiday. The III steal stalled out In
charge ol lout policemen. From this time
the ears stalled out on live minutes head
way. By U o'clock twenty cam vvero making
tiiiisfiom the city hall to Hiulum. All Is
quiet aumnd thu depot at SKty-llftli .si i eel.
Thudlicttoisot the Thhd avenue lines
this utteinoon iiuaiilmoiisly adopted lesolu-
tlinis leliislng hi accede to any of the de
mands ol thoslilkcis in regaid to the men It
shall 01 shall not employ , and ictuslm ; todls-
ehaigo any non-union men , or take back the
Milkens wlio have dcsttovi'd piopcity , 01 any
who have incited otheis to dcsttoy pioucit ) .
' 1 he dliectois Intend to hi ing thu full povvei
ol the lawagi'nst thu btiikeid and to inn
laisntall luuauls.
It Is talked about among the strikers
again , as It was on Monday , that unless a
speed ) agreement Is ieached thev will Mop
even-means ol public convcvaneo In tlm
eltyby tielng up thu Miifacu nnd elevated
toads and even feuy boats. Thu laihuad
committee ; ? , tindlng thuii mission vvas at an
end , stalled for Albany this iilternuon , leav
ing thu load and Miikcis to light it out.
AMU m it\i. iii-i'i' : .
NilvvYoitK. Apiil a-J , 20 : ! a. m. While
thu meeting ot Milkei.s Is still In bession it Is
irlven out that a detei initiation has been
leached to order a tie-up of all .stieet cat
lines in tlio city at1 o'clock this moinlng.
'Iho gravest appiehcnslon foi thu ic-.ults
dining the next luity-clght horns aie fell
Moro Dilllculiles Knconntored null
Additional Troops Ordered.
Sr. Lens , Apiil21. A freight train was
made up In the Cairo Short Line ) aids , in
Diit St. Loui , last night and pioceeded on
Its \vayout of the city. When boond the
last line of scmtiics It was boarded by stiik-
ei-s , w ho sel/ed one of thu bmkcmen and beat
him seveiely bt'ioio the guard could respond
tohlscilcb lei help , llo la in con
About fifty boys attending tlm upper school
In Kabt St. I.onlb btiuc-k jeateul.iy demand-
Jmrbhoiu-r hours.
ThuColccuu road , luunlng between Last
St , Louis and Carondolet , rovcial tunes since
the commenccmcntof thcstriko brought men
from other points to fill vacancies caused by
the strike. The men were persuaded to
quit by theknlKhts jestcrday. Six men at
work on the Cologne road weio also persuad
ed to quit work by the sti iker > ,
Several of the men emiiloed by the Bur
lington and the Louisville & Nashville rail
road companies quit tills mornlntr , because of
their fear of Uolenco of the strikers should
they continue lomrcr In the companies' em
ploy. Not enough oftheso men stopped work
to seriously Inlerfoio with tlio running of
trains , and the companies' business con
tinues uninterrupted.
MOIII : moors oimrnnu OUT.
ItorK ISLAND , UK , April 21. The Hod-
man iUlllei , conipiny A. , Sixth regiment.
Illinois National Guards , have been ordered
to Hast bt. Louis , and leaves to morrow morn-
lug. Mollnu and Cambridge companies have
simllai ordeis.
Hellners Strike.
NKVV YOIIK , Apill 24 At midnight to
night 0,000 employes of the sugar iclinerles
of the eastern district ot Brooklyn stiuck ,
because of non-compliance with their de
mands for an advance In wages piesented
jestc'iday. U Is estimated tnat the loss to
one Him on sugai now ii-adv for shipment
will bo batvveen Jj.10,000 and 3100,000. ills
bellevul l.r.OO of the < ! .Ui)3 stilkerd aie con
trolled by Havemcoi .V Klder.
lrav\lng to n Oloso.
B VI.TIMOIII : , April 21. The < ti Ike of street
cai dil vets appears to bu teaching a close. .
It Is stated that the Union Hue hasniiangcd
with tlio old di hers to go to woik at i educed
pay until the Ilistof May , when their demand
will bo gi an led.
Supreme Court Decisions.
I i\roi.jf , Neb. , April 21. [ Special. ] Tlic
following opinions weie handed down In the
biipicmu court to day :
Btddlc , V. Peiry. Krror fiom Saundcrs
county. Afllrmcd. Opinion by Maxwell , Ch.
J. Iteese , .1. not sitting.
1. Wheio a wager is Illegal , cither p.uty
may claim the money deposited by him Irom
tlio stakeholder , even aliei the \\a-tei Is de
cided against such paity , provided the de
mand Is made befoio thu money is actually
paid ( o thn winnci.
2. II the inunev was actuilly paid by the
stakeholdei to the winner beloio notice or
demand of the loser , he w ill bu exhoneiated.
! 1. bection 214 ol the ci ImlnnI code does not
nppl ) ton ineii ! btal.elmldei wlio has taken no
pait in the Illegal tiausactlon.
Meei vs. Wilkle. Luor fiom Douglas coun
ty. Atllimed. Opinion by Maxvv ell , Ch.
1. Tno veidlct ot a juiy will not bo set
aside unless It Is clcaily wioug , and whoio
there Is acontllct in the ovIdoiicJ and It is
neatly eipially balanced , theveidlct will not
bo distill bed.
State ex icl M ndloy vs Skii v Ins. Quo Wai-
Kinto. .linlgmcnt ol oustci. Opinion by
Maxwell , Ch. J.
1. A county commissioner must continue
to reside In the distilclin and liom which ho elected , and his liom thu dib
it ict , although lie leniaiiis In the county ,
vat ates tlm olllce.
2. Wheio a vacancy occurs in the office of
eonnty commissioner motetlmn thlity das
butoiu a geii'-ial election , Ills to bo tilled , and the lailinc ol the county cleik
to call attention to such vacancy in the
election notices posted by him. vvhciethe
lactls L'cnetnlly known and ai ted on by the
voteis of ilie countv , will not invalidate the
votes east to till saidvacancv.
btato ex. lei. Llndbuig vs. Gtosvenor. Enoi
liom Polk couiitv. Keveiscd and wilt al
lowed In tblb couit. Upiniun by Maxwell ,
Ch. J.
1. Wheio a county superintendent ibsues a
ci'itillc.itu intlioii/ing the peison named
theielii to teach scliool in such coiinty , thu
count ) snpeilntcndent of any othei ( oiinly
ma ) eudoiso such ceitihcate , which will len-
dei thocertllicatealid in the county wheie
cndoised lot such time as the siipeiintcndent
shall dcteimlne , not to exceed two vears , nor
longei than the ceitilieato was oilginally in
2. A ceitihcate being Issued , or cndoised
bythoollicu spceiall ) autlioil/ed to make
the same , it Is jneniiiiicd to be valid ; and In
the absence ot fi.uid Is not subject to attack
! i. Wheio a teacher when cinnlojcd by the
dhectoi and moderator of a school distilct ,
and while teacltlnc such school , pobsessed a
ceitilicute duly endotsed by tlm county supei-
Inteiulent , held , tliat the tieasmei of the
di..tial. in the absence of fraud , could not
lelusotopav a vv.iuant diawn by the diiec-
lei mid moderator lor the tcaohei's wages , the endowment was
ThaliJicr vs Adams county. Appeal fiom
Adams county. Itovcrsed. Opinion by
Keese , J.
1. Wheip a scliool district Issued Its bonds
foi the pmposool hollowing money , and at
tei wauls vvas subdivided Into othci distiicts ,
His the dnt ) ot the taxing olliceis to low
taxes on the pioneit ) ol the oilglnal distilct
biilllcleut to pay the indebtedness , but they
have no powei oi antlioilty to levy such taxes
on the leal estate which had never consti
tuted a pat tot the distiict , not upon icisonal
piopcit ) outside ot such distilel.
2. biu h taxes , if levied , would bo for an
"uiunihoii/cd jmipobu" within the meaning
of section H4 ol en tpter 77 ol the Compiled
Statutes , and their ( ollectlon might bo le-
stialned , 01 thu cic.itlon ot an ajiparent title
thciefor , pievented b ) an Injuiiciion.
: i. A wilt of mandamus can only tequlio
an olllier , boaul 01 couit to peitoim a duly
which tlm law enjoins. It cannot cieatooi
enlaigu theaulhoill ) of the peison or ollicei
lo whom It isdliectcd ,
Bowman v. State. Knoi fiom HaIan coun
ty. Iteveised. Opinion by Cobb. ,1.
l' The delendant was aiialgned upon an
Indictment lei a statutoiy lelony , wheicnpon
his counsel piesented a motion lor a continu
ance olahl rause , and in suppoit theieor
piesontcd and lead the allldavlt of the piis-
oner , in whicli he svvoio that he could not
safely piocecd to tiial at the then picsent
term of the coiiit for the want of cnitaln
maleihil witnesses , aiming the ic-st , Calvin
Bowman , the lather ol thepilsonei. Wl-eie-
npon the comt , oi judge thcicol upon the
bench , In the pie enco ol ceitalu of the rejti-
lai jianel ot petit jnrvmen , some ot whom
atleiwatds satin the dial oi the cause , said ,
slated and declaied that said allldavlt was
faho ; tliat defendant's lather had told him
ho would hive nothing to do with the de
lendant ; that delendant had committed pei-
juiv , and tliat a maud jui } would uo called
to Investigate the same. Held , eiioianda
new tilal awaided.
Lipsiomb vs. L\on. I'iror from .leffcison
county. Alllriut'd. Opinion by Cobb ,
1 , In a casu involving a transaction be
tween a husband mid wile In lelatlon to bet
scp.iutc. estate , iiiheilted trom her father , thu
sanm luluelples ot law apply as aio applica
ble lo dealings between stiaiigci- , ; but wheio
the effect of Mich dealings Is to dcpilvo their
ciedltoisof their oppoituulty to subject the
pionoitv of the husband lo the p.ijnientof
their claims , the lacts Involved In s.ich
tiansactlons will bo vhnved with susplelou ,
and proot of llieh bonn tides lemilied.
2. Instiuctlons eonbideied and hold , pi op-
erly given and icftised.
: t. A vvltni'ss who hast.iUnn memoranda of
facts , at about the tlmo of the rucuiience ,
and who knows that such memoranda Is cor-
icct , may hold such memm-anda in his hand
and testify to thn facts , as tacts , although
he at tlio timuadmUs tint , oven with the aid
ot the memoiaiida , ho docs not icmembcr
thuoccnireneoof thu facts.
4. Tlm lepojt ot the bhorlliaud icpoitei of
a dlstiict court , of the testimony of a wit
ness examined In Mich comt , is not admissi
ble as evidence in a Inline ar tlon between
ithosnmu patties , as doeumuntaiy or Inde
pendent evidence.
Ooveruor Murray Biibtaliietl.
S\I.T L\Kr , Apill 21. JrnU'o.moron -
deied a decision tonlay In fie noted ton I-
torlalolllco cases , which Governor Miuray
iind the Utah legislature split upon , by sus
taining tlio governoi in ovoiy point , main
taining the supiemacy of the national stat
ute ousting old Incumbents. It declares ; the
light of thu govcinoi's appointees ( two deiii-
oci.itb , oneiepubllean ) to otllce.
Now Yoilc'a G' A. 11. nucaiupiucut.
Nr.wYonic , April 21. The annual en
campment and convention of the Grand
Aimy of the Republic of tlieetatoof Nu\v
Viirk began line to day In the Academy of
.M lisle uiid Tammanv Hall. PIvu lunulreil
and ninety-two pc b wuio lepiescuted in
Powderly and McDowell Tell the Congres
sional Committee About the K , of L.
An Orcnnlzntlon to llcncfU tlio Plain
lcoilc | , Without Itccnrd to
llucn or Condition Juy
Gould Next.
The SoutliwcBtoru Labor Troubles.
\\A iii.Nn ox' , April 21. 'ihc second ses
sion of the house committee to Investigate
the labor tioublcs In the .southwest was held
to-day. Mr. McDowell , of the Knights of
Laboi , was the first witness called , llo re
viewed the featines of the several Intel-
views between Powderly and Gould , In
cluding the discussion on the subject of ar-
bltiatlon , at consldeiablo length , hut nothing
was ii-vealed which has not already been
made public. Then , afteran examination as
to vvlicthei the men on sti Ike would have
oboed the older to lebtuno worklflloxlo
had compiled with that sent him by Gould ,
to which witness answered In the altirma-
tive. Witness at the lequcbt of Mr. Cniln ,
enteied into a long statement relating to
the position of the lahoi side of the qestlon.
Ho said It was the thooiy that the exactions
made upon the men weio caused by tlm at
tempts of the tallioad companies to pay
dividends on watcied slock , t'uitheron In
the examination , witness declined It was his
belief that lloxlo was responsible foi the con
tinuance of the bttlke. Witness stated that
he did not believe that there was a lalhoad In
America which had been pu-bbcd to half Us
carrj ing capacity. He favoied the abandon
ment of competing lines and the concentia-
tlon of all business on others. This would
reduce the numbei of cmplojcs one-half pci-
haps , but they would Immediately lind em-
plojmentin othei walks ot lite wheio they
would not bo living by a tax on the country.
Powdeily was then icc.illed and give tlm
hibtoiy ol tlio oiigln of the Knights of
Labor. "The organization was Intended , " ho
said , "to take In not only the man who
worked at the bench or mine , but any man
who tolled by hand 01 bialn in any honest
occtipition. Weleltoutoneoi two honest
occupations law ) eis and bankers because
wo telt they were fully capable of taking
c.uool themselves. "
Clialiman How about pieachcis ?
Powdeily Once in a while wo pet one of
them. Wo will not take in saloonkeepers
Lven if a membei'b wife begliib to sell Ihpmi
we make him take a divoice not Irom his
wile , buttium theoigaiii/atlon.
Clialiman In othci vvouls , it Is a benevol
ent society tor the piotcctlon of all kinds of
people who toll , and is entirely within the
Powdeily i'es ; It Is cntlicly within the
Paikcr What is the number of the present
Powdeil ) Our present membership docs
not exceed 5JO.OOO , although wo have been
cicdltcd vv lib 5,000,000.
Chaiiman Aio women mcmbeis of the
Powdeil ) Vcs ; on an equal footing with
Clialiman When vvero women ad
mitted ?
Powdeily In 1831. Wo claim that if
women pcitoim equal % voik , they should
icceivc equal pay. We have one assembly ot
women with a mcmbcibhlp ot 1..500 , and Irom
the da ) ot oiganUatlon to the pie.-ent day , i
sintjlii expulsion or suspension lias nevci
taken place. They manage ttieli uiralrb in
bitch a wa ) as to retlect cieillt upou them and
to bu a pallet n toi the men.
Ciain Do ) on make any difference as to
the admlsbion ot coloied men into the oigan-
i atlonV
Powdeily Wo make no distinction In re
paid to color , ciced. sex , or condition. Wo
have one assembl ) in New Yoik , where the
incident is n Itoman Catholic , the v Ice-piesl-
dent Piebbteiian , and the man who occu
pies tlio next position a Hindoo. Coloied
men .seldom eiitei assemblies ot white mem-
bi-Ks. They have nsscmblicsof their own and
aie managing them veiy nicely.
Biic-lian in Up to how lately have you
worked at vourtiade ?
Powdeih Not since Maicli , 1877.
Buchanan Since that time j on have been
engaged as you aiu now I
Powueil ) Vespiinclpaliy. ; I havowork-
cdliaideinow than 1 ever did sometimes
eighteen hours a day.
McDowell , upon being recalled , and asked
as to his connection with the Knights ot
Laboi , said ho had been connected vvitli the
oiganl/atloii about eight > eais ; that he was
a m ichlnlbt by tiade ; and that to dav bo was
at thu head ot one ot the Uigesl machine
works In the countiy.
Clialiman 'llicic is nollilngjon know of
in tlio organisation which is inconsistent
with tlm obedience ol law and with the ad-
mlnlstiatlon of the goNcinmcnt ?
McDowell Nothing whatever. On the
othci hand it is a peilect biippoitei ot law in
Buchanan Vonr observation Is that the
falrci tii ated , bettei paid and the moio con
tented the Aineiiein woikiiigman is , the bet
tei citl/en he makes ?
McDowell That's exactly Irne.
Powdcilv One ot the things vv hlch a mem-
bei of thooiganl/ationpiomises todo is this :
" \Yo shall , with all our stiength , suppoit the
laws made to Irirmoiii/.e with the inteicsts of
iaboi and capital. "
Tliu committee adjoin ncd till vto-moiiovv ,
when it is understood the examination ot
Ja ) Gould will bo commenced.
finiri.i ) IN WAbiii.NnioN.
Jay Gould , wlio li is been summoned toap-
betoiu the house stiiko investigation com
mittee , iniived heio this evening ,
The Ilorrllilo Treutiiient Thnt Ko-
Hiilled In u Cliild'H Dnnlli.
Scn.VMO.x- . , Aniil 21 , The trial of
John McAndiews and his wife on tlio charge
of mnidei In having caused the death of
a thli teenenold gill named Maty
Gaughan , who had neen end listed to them
borne tiniu ago , Is piogicsslng here. I'lanlc
Gaiighaii , the glil'a brothei. tigd 11
je.iiri. ( ( stilled that at no time blnco last fall
was she permitted to wear shoes oi stock
ings. On I lie batnrday beloio shn died
McAiuliuws heated a pnker until it
was led and nibbed it upon
hei teeth , saving tbatdf hei ghost letuins to
this woild lie would bu abluto Identity her ,
The Sunday beloiosho died McAndiewb le-
moved Man's clothing , ] int liei In a tub
ot watei and then beat hei vvitli a hoisawhip.
This teiiiblo stoij was corioboiated by the
nelL'hbois , and Coionei Dean , vvhocxamlncd
tlm bed ) of the child Immediately alter her
death , testified that site died of staivatlon and
_ _
Hours n DIIJ'H AVork.
CIIICAOO , Apill 21. C. J. L. Mceis , Son
& Co. , sash , door and blind manntactinnis ,
cmplolug several bundled men , acceded
today to tlieiequcst of theli employs that ,
commencing May ] , work shall bu upon an
eight liom instead of ten-hour bisls , w ithont
ncoiicspondlng reduction In vvaires , and that
all piece and over-time woik be abolished.
Tim linn also agiced to employ none but
union men.
Jake Slmrp'b Clinrtor Ilepcnlcd.
AmNV.N. . V. , Apiil 21. 1 he bill repeal
ing tlm Bioadway surface railway cliaiter
passul the assembly this afternoon by a vote
ot 100 to 10. The bill now goes to the gover-
noi foi lib bignatuie.
CfilJdrcn nuruoii to Doatli.
ST , PAUI , Apill 21. A Volga , Dakota ,
special to the Pioneer Press , say.s tlio house
of Andicvv Nelson , six miles from here ,
buinud. ills two jouugcst chlldien weio
bunud to death. ,
The fl > alor Jury D
Nr.w YOIIIC , Apill SI. The Jury In the
casu of General bhaler have ulsagiei'd and
w.cio dlschaiged.They stood eight to four
for acquittal. .
The Condition of the Unfortunate Tor-
rlnlc nishty-elRht Jcntti < t.
Vir.NXA , April 3t. The condition otnlTnlrs
at Stiy among the people who lost their
homes by n crcat tire , Is most pitiable. Most
of the \lctlms nro without food or means nml
arc rendered lU'spernto by the Ihoucht of stai-
\ation. Farmers In \Iclnltyha\obcen
\lsltctlbv mob' ' ? of turn who lirst demand
food , and It rcfuicd , steal It , ' 1 ho ovv ncrs of
farms arc now compelled to bariicade their
houses as the only way to sa\o
them from being plundered uy
hungry men. for the teinalns of pei-
sons who lo t their lives durlnt : the conlla-
gration has b < Hii } proceeding as rapidly as cir
cumstances would allow. Thus far sixty-
eight bodies , so chaiml as to tiinko iccognl-
tion dllllcult , have bcon taken fiom the ruins.
There have been twenty deaths In the Holds
since Sunday of invalids , joung nml old ,
who were taken out of the to\\u to escape
the flames ,
The llurmeso llutchcr the itiltlsh.
LOMIO.V , April 21. Advices fiom Manila-
lay say the British expedition { scut against
the Kachccn tribes hns been compelled to tc-
treat. 'Jho rebels In overwhelming force
made n desperate nit nek on the Biltlsh ,
chaiging Into a battery of mountain Kims
and ( hiving the expedition back. Uelnfoice-
ments for the expedition have been ordeiod
from Maud il.iy. The rebels captured Meeg-
audrl , a police st.itlon. They bound the gur-
rlson with coids and massacred t\\enty-tlueo
pel sons. _ _ _ _ _
Gladstone Sincere but Misled.
LONDON , April 21. The Duke of Aigjle ,
In n speech at Glasgow to-day , admitted the
slnceilty of Gladstone. Jlobullo\ed that the
memlci was misled by the Parnollllcs when
he Decoded from theposltlon assumed by him
before the elections , llo strongly opposes
Gladstone's pioposais as embodied in the
homoiulu and land purcliasu bills. It would
be Impossible , ho said , toentinst the RON em
inent of to men whoso object w. is
scp.uation. _
Signs of AppioachluR AVnr.
CoxsTANTiNoi-u : , April 21. Seven men-
of-war have been 01 doted to hold themselves
In icadlness to sail nt an hour's notice. An
ordei piohiblting the circulation of Greek
nuvvspapeis In TiuKey been Issued.
Donoiiiico Home Iliilo. O
Come , Apiil 21. An immense lojallst
meeting was held hero this evening , at which
homo iiilc was denounced. A procession of
nationalists paraded the sti cots at about the
same time. Theiu was no dlsoidoi.
Greek Dllllculttcs Discussed.
LONDON , Apill'M. IJcpiOsentatlvesot the
powers , including Gcnadliw , Gioek chargo-
dealTaiis , had iv lengthy conversation this
afteinoon with Loid Busebeiy respecting
the Gieek dilliunltlcs.
A Will Contest IJccnusc a Alnn lioved
BAT.TIMOKK , Md. , April St. The long trial
of issues as to the will of the late banker ,
Gustav us Nicholson , was concluded yestei-
d.iy. The ecconti Ic olu banker left the bulk
of his wealth to one brother , and the contest
was made by the other brotheisand their
childien.whoclalmed that the banker was not
of sound mind when lie made the w III. An
amusing ) et one. ot the principal p < oofs of his
Insanity as held
love lor cats , and his sonants tostihed how
the licit old b.inkei lived in his big house
alouowith his cats. The house was an asy
lum foi cats , They blcpt In the bankers bed ;
ho ciled whenever a died. Jleniy Lataiu * .
in aigulng tlio case for the plaintillb , de-
sciibi'd Gust.iviis Nicholson as a man with
Snoooo , spending tlio latter ) caisof hlb Hie
in the back loom ot n latgo house in hlth ,
bin lounded by cats ; and this was the man
who in ills cailler life accus
tomed to ( luxury. In aiguim : for the
defendants John llaiily declaied that a
weitthty question for the Inrj tocoiibidei was
jiijthow m.iiiy citslt takes to maUe a man
riay. A man may be sane if ho has two
cats , but must ceitainlv be er.i/y if Ills cat
has Kittens. If the old banket did get do\v n
on his hands and tcot , face upvv.uds and
ci.iw 1 along tint llooi ho showed gicatagillty ,
and it was doubtful whether any gentleman
on the inry could liavu done it , diuukoi
sober. The Ilcv. Ji. ) Isaac Nicholson , ot
Philadelphia is one of thn plalnlilfs. The
case was given to the jui ) with Instiuctlons
for a healed 'verdict.
The Jlnidshlpgof the Compulsory Sys-
loin Illustrated.
BOSTON , Apiliai. Tlio campaign against
compulsory piajcis at Ilarvaid is being
waged vigoiously by the students. One of
them tells this incident to illustuto the haid-
shlpsof the sjptcin.
"The pra ) er cut Is busted , " said a sopho-
moio when ills gill askeil him last nlithl to
come with his bicycle and join liei with hoi
tilcvelo fora mot niiigsnln. "I can't come. "
'Tho prayer cut. Don t jou Know what
thopiaji'i cut Is' ' It's cutting the morning
pi a > cis. Don't > ou know ? Not going to
chapel. "
"And yon'v o actually got to go to the chapel
eveiv morning'.1"
' vnas ; got my piajei warning jestei-
"And what's a piajor wainlug ? "
"Oh , It's a thing about so long and anout so
wide , and looks something lIKe n postal caul ,
01 .something trilling HUe that ; but what is
lionoi when jou taku Itupaltei a while
to lind that it is a wnuiiug that you have
absented jouiM'lf fiom iir.vjeis all that Is
pt'imlttfd , and that join attendance atchapel
will bo required heii-altei. "
"And joii'voRot to go to prayers at tor this ? "
"I H'giet to s i > tliat I liave. Von can only
cutpiajei' ' ' J ht bo much , and 1'vo used up
in > cut , as Ih.dd. 0)1 ) , I tell > ou those Invol-
nntaijpi.ufiHniotho onotjiannlcal
of bail ) n Km that dlsllguii's the ( ithervvlso
lair and ) il < > aslug nsju'ct of thu nineteenth
century. They have got to go. "
A Wliislcy
CIIICAOO , April 21. The Wostcin i\poit :
association ( wlilsKy pool ) was In Mission
hero to-day , and Indulged in considerable
ceneial discussion. Definite action was con-
lined to the appointment ot the lolloping
rommittco to formulate a plan for an entiie-
ly now nml more stablu association to take
the place of tlio pre mit one : K K Gulf ,
Waltei l-'iieburg andV. . * l. llobeit ,
Cincinnati ; J. J ! . Grccnhut , Adolph
Woolnei and 0. S. Clink uiid
Walter Haikei , I'eoiia ; .ionathan Abel ,
P. J. llenni'stiy rind Thomas j jnch ,
Chicago ; I'etei Her , Omaha ; 0. Faiibanks ,
Tlio committee at lield a nipeting and
unanimous ! ) agreed to unbuilt a icpuit 10-
niouow reeomniendlng an association to bo
incorporated under thu laws of Illinois , with
a capital ot about JOO,003 , Stilct regulations
to limit piodutllon uio to bu adopteil , 'I ho
inembi > i ! > hlp is to bo icstilcted to ihms In
the jue'-ent association. The in tin points
In tlio plan Is that dlstllleis whonio paid by
the pool to keeji theli establishments closed.
will have. In the Incorpoiation and capital ot
the association , tangible guarantees toi their
claims. \ \ hen pool b estalillbhcd It is | iro-
posed to tommcnco vlgoious warfare upon
nil nimlllllated UUtlllcib and "ftct/e them
out" ot business.
FallH & Whirlpool Uulli-ond.
UUFPAIO , N. V. , April 21 , The survey of
the Ma.tira 1'alla \Vhlilpool \ railioad has
been flnlshed. Chief Knglneer faliielda re
ports that ( lie cnglnmliudltllcultlcs are not
as great as ho h id supposed. The great dif
ficulty appears to bo in the popular Idea of
the value of land along the line of the load.
President Uenuett buvs the lotjowneis appear
to think it is worth more than land on. Main
sheet in llulfalo. Tlio next step Is to obtain
a commission t& appraise the laud. The load
istobetlnee mlleV and 200 lei t long. The
1014 Is to bu built at the Toot < if the bank In
ithoL'oigoof thu livu iiomNia ai.i rails to
The Senate Affirms His Wisdom and Poro-
sight Ooncorning Oonflnnatlons.
A Nomination Conllrinotl lit Direct
Opiiostttnii to Tlicni Sp.irUs' New
Orders Good Ibr Settlers
Cnpltul NotcH.
VnnVyck \Vns
WASIIINOTOX , Apill 21 , [ Spechl Tele
gram. J In executive session this afternoon
the senate repudiated Its action on one of the
Edmunds resolutions adoptid some tlmengo.
and alllimed the wisdom of Mr. Van Wjck
and some cthei icpublican senators who had
th'i courage and toieslght to vote against
it. Thu nomination ot liitulluy to bu
collector of Inteinal levenuo foi the
Chailetfon , S. C. , dlstiict , was undei
consideration. It was a tjplcal case
of "suspension , " such as the Kdmuuds leso-
lutlon declared should not bo continued. 1M-
munds himself Mood up foi his icsolutton ,
and demanded that upon It the nomination
should bo lejeetcd , but it was conllimrd by u
vote of 2 * to 1(1. ( This Is considered a com
plete lepudlatton ol the lesolutlon which
Seimtoi Van Wjck declaied Impiactlcablo
when Hist piomiscd.
M > r HAD rou sr/r
"Mlko" Day , the dcmociatic boss of
Dakota , who Is heio attending to tlic patron
age of the tcriitory , said to day that the new
ordei of Commissioner Sp.aiks , which icfeis
all land claims to thu boaul of levlowbcfoie
patents will bo Issued , is not so bad for the
settleis as it appeal s on Its face. "I am not
paitlculailv filendly to Smiks , " said Mr.
Day , "but I bcllovotlmt the devil Is entitled
to his d'ics ' , and Sparks , In this instance at
least , lias done a good thing foi llio ettleis.
The boaul otievlow has been Inei eased liom
Unco to eight mcmbcis. It is to bo still
fmthei Incrcasd to lifteen next week , and
within thlity days it will consist of twenty
members. With eight men n.OOO cases can
be examined each week. Before the fust of
Juno patents will issue at a inoreiapid rate
thanovci befoio in the hlstoiy of the dcpirt-
In this connection a letter was received
hero to day tiom Boston Coibelt , the man
who shot , liooth , In vvlilch he piolcsts vigor
ously against the course ot Spiiks tovvaids
thesettleis. Jlo has lived foi six jens on
eighty acics of land near Coucoidia , Kansas ,
and Is unable to obtain a patent foi his home
stead because of the now oidcis in the land
dcpaitmciit of the gov eminent.
rAMrur.u.-w i : v. CASI : rovrroxnn.
The consideration ol the Campbell- Weaver
contested election case liom the Sixth Jovva
district , which vvasset foi to-day In the house
ol icprcsentatives , has been postponed till a
week liom to-mouow. A veiy lively time is
anticipated , and Weaver , who will undoubt
edly ictain his a paitisan vote , will
not have a walkover.
President Cleveland lias concluded to ap
point Alfied Oiensdorf , a nevvspapei man of
Spilnglicld , 111. , to be superintendent ol the
Indian school , a place made vacant by John
II. Obrily , of Illinois , now civil service com
missioner. The picshlcnt wanted to appoint
Mi. Slilnn , an e\-stipeinteiidont ! ot the pub-
lie schools at Albany , but Slilnn Is a Cath
olic , and theie being strong objections made
to him on that ground , prominent icpiescn-
latlvci * of the Catholic chinch requested that
he should not bo appointed ,
POSTAL ritANGis. :
A postoflice has been established at Giace ,
Brown county , Neb , and Aloxandoi Schlegcl
appointed postmastei. J. 1'iank .Million has
been commissioned po--tmaslei at Magnolia ,
Iowa , and Kdvvln J. Stiovvbiidgo at livvln ,
The supiemo couit of the United States to-
'lj granted a continuance till tail ot the
famous Dnbuqne , Iowa , Jlighei caf-e , peti
tioned lei b > the saloon men oi that city.
Tin : rnr\PN.M : A xonini.itx.
Senator Mandtison intioduccd a bill in
the senate to day authoii/lng the Chejenni'
itailio.ul company to build its
load acioss the I'oit itusbcl umiroithaiamio
inlllt.uj icscivatlons.
Rlack's rilinsy Uvidoncc ,
April 11. Commlsslonci
Black vvasacrain befoul the senate committee
on oxppiidltnies of public money to day. A
ease in which the name of a pilv.itoboldiei
had been restoicd to the pension lolls by
Gcncial Dudley was laid belore the commit
tee. Ihisca'e , General Black Mid , in icply
to liiQnliiPb , wm the Hist biought to his at
tention attei benator llauisonV icsolutlon
of investigation was intiodnccd In
the senate , and was unknown to him
when he made his icpoit chaiging
that UIQ action ol the ollldal was
liillucncrd by itolltlral motives. Scnatoi
llniilson repeated ! ) questioned the umimls-
slonei as to his opinion ot tint .sulllcieney of
proot in the iceoids to subsiaiitlate the alle
gation that Commisslonei Dudhi ) hid acted
Irout impiopui motives in this case , nnd the
commissioner as oltcn uigcd In leiily that ho
had outside evidence to sustain his allcgi-
tlon. Thonatinu ol the Kvldoneo was not
disclosed , and the committee adjoninod.
W \SIIINOTOX , Apiil 21 , The cousldeia-
tlon of the sfiiatu bill lei the ailinlssion ot
Dakota Into the union ol states was 10-
humed by the house committee on the teul-
toiles today. Mi. lakri ? pirsentcd an
ammidment ] uoposng ! to iiaiiui the noithem
half ' Noitliern Dakota ; " to Mitmilt the ques
tion of division to the people ol the whole
tcnitoiy , and therpicsllou ol admitting the
Miuthi'inh.ill undei thuqiu > slionalir.ul.v llxcd
to thu peonloot poi ( ion , Itcpiesi'iilatlvu
Coonei laid theann'iidmont siemo I to moot
all the objections which have IK en raided.
and advocated tlii'li adoption , and the bill
thus amended hi * icpoiled favoiibly , Pend
ing action the committee adjoin neil.
the Slgiuil ! ) or\loq
WASHINGTON Apiil 21 , The Iimiso com-
mltti'eon win ilepaitinent expendltuics con
cluded the heating of lnonliiiilj ; in the
accounts of the signal soi vice bin om , and
adopted icsolutlons deflating that the evi
dence docs not show the existence of any
Hand 01 Loiiuiitlon.
A Formal Dninund 3Iado ,
WASiiiNftioy , A pill 21. Commlsslonci
Sparks of the gencial land olllcc , made a
toinml demand upon the St. Jo ejili A : Don-
\ei City railroad company lei aieconvi'-
nnie to the United btateb of some 1J.030 .
acres ot land.
\Vcst Conflnneil Oo\ornoi- Utah.
WASHING rex , April 21. Among the con
firmations made by the senate In executive
session to day was the nomination of Wil
liam T. West , ot Kentucky , to be gomnur
of Utah by a vote of 4r > to 15.
A llnjilst Indicted. , April 21. W. R. Miller , a
well known photographer , has boon Indicted
on tlio charge ot tape upon a 1'J-jcar old gill
in hlb employ.
_ _
Tlio Knead of the Hour.
ST. PAUL , Apiil 21. Halters thieatcn to
btriko May 1 , unless tlio terms of nut moio
than twelve hours a day and not Jus thaji
fel 1.00 a vv uk arc ajjiccd to.
" " " " " " "
_ , L i" f S
-N i NTH CO.VH unss.
WAIIIINOTON , April 21. A resolution
offered by Mr. Gorman directing the com-
inlltro on library to consider the subject of
the celebration In ISsfl of the centennial
anniversary of the foimatlon of the govern
ment ; In ISWof the 400th anniversary of the
dlsiovoiy of America. The resolution , Gor-
nirii said , was In placoof that alieady sub
mitted by him -which called fur a special
Mi. Call offered a icsolutlon which , on his
motion , was refeirod to the Judlclaiy com
mittee , tlliecting the commltuo to Inqiino
wliether any legislation was nccobsaiy , and
If so , what , to vcqtiho the United States
coin ts when they take possession of lallioad
piopcitv in any state to carry Into elTcct the
obllitatlons ofthochaiterof tholncoiporatton
granted bv such Mate , and to picvcnt viola
tions ot the simp by siu-h courts and oillcers
theicof , and waste and wionglni appropua-
tlou of the asbcts ami lecelpts of such coipor-
atlon in the intcicst of iudlv Idnals. In uiror-
ing the lesolutlon Mi. Call lefcued to the
recent speech on Florida land giants
especially In connection with the Hoi Ida
railioad eompuiv. In which speech he com-
moiitod on the tom-i' pursued by the United
blates comt ami the conduct ot the iecel\cr
npnolntedbv It.
All the private pension bills on the calcu-
dai , with the exception of a half dozen , wetu
pass ( d.
The follow Ing bills were passed :
llousoblll to piotcct homestead settlers
within i-allioad limits , home
stead settleis on public lauds within imlvvay
limits who niu icstiicted to lessthuu IWIacies
who have hoii'toloio imdi' , or may heiealtei
make , an addltlodal entry allowed elthei by
the act ot Match 3 , 1MV , or of July 1 , 18W ,
altei having made linal tuoof ol settlement
and ciiltlv.itlon undei the original cutty ,
shall be entitled to have the lands coveicd bj
additional entry patented without any fur-
thei cost , 01 piool ot settlement 01 cultiva
After an executive session the house ad
join ncd. _
The house went Into committee ) of the
whole on the ilvei andhaibor apmopilatlon
Mi. Ilepbmn moved to stilko out the paia-
giaphs appioiui.iline : ? IOOOOU , lor the im-
piovemc'iit of ( lalveston haiboi. Tlio motion
was lost , but it was agieed that the vote
should he taken upon It in tno house.
Pending action on unimpmlant motions
the committee : ese and the house adjourned.
A YomiK Miin's Sad Suicide.
liorivi-oin , M o , Apill 21. [ Special Tele-
giam.J To day a hslieiman dlscoveied the
body ol a man In the Nlshnabotna ilvei ncai
licie. which upon examination pi ovcd to be
thatot Ilcimaii L. WaniibchatT , of our city.
who has lately been cmplojcd by Paltcison ,
'Ihomas .t Co. , wholesale boot and shoe
iheichantsot Kansas City , but lost his posi
tion. Deceased had a bullet hole in his head ,
and tils body was highly decomposed. It
had been In the watei some nlno days. Ho
had evidently waded into the watei , placed
a pistol agilnst Ills head , and tiled , Killing.
This is themoicpiobablo bocatiso ho was out
of employment aim money , had loimcd ex
pensive habits , and tlneatcnrd to take his
own lilcwhcnhc led heio the night of the
nth. Ho was well connected , his biotlier
being cashiei of one of om banks. His sad
death lias cast a clooni over the city. He
was 20 icaisohl. The Jury found a vcidlct
of suicide.
Now Freljrlit Kates to On , aim.
CmrAno , Apiil 21. The fielght
agents ol noithvvcstcin lines met hcietfi day ,
and after consultation aieed that iiibtcad
ot the eight and ten cent Kites In vogue on
all classes for some time past , the taiilT
bhouldbeas follows , beginning tomonow :
Fhst class , SO cents pel bundled pounds ; second
end class , : n icnts ; thiid olas , 3J cents ;
louith class. lrt cents ; special , l'i' ' cents ;
class A.i cents ; class B , 11 cents ; class C ,
12V $ cents ; cla s 1) , 10 cents ; agilt im
plements , 10 cents. Iheso Kites aio west
bound. I-ast bound late' wcie lei t untouched.
'Ibis action , It is nndcislood , was taken moic
with a view to lualiitalnlnc Omah.i Kites
than with the expectation piescnt anj-
thlng mine than a nominal adv.tnu1 could bi )
made in the Noilliwestein taillt. None of
Uio questions that luoiuht about the leeent
bieak-up weio discussed.
Inoculation lor
IJ.v cAS : It. Pa. , Apiil 21. Dr. Biidgc ,
the state v eterinaiy stiigeon , Secrctaiv Kdge ,
of the state board ol ugilcnltme , and Di.
Webei , of this city , have just visited the
laiin ol B. S. Kiy , at Mastcisonvllle. They
Itllleil one bleei which had been suffering
liom pleuio pneumonia to obtain vims , and
Inoculated eighteen hcadol cattle. As soon as
the vlniscan bo obtained moie cattle will lie
inoculated. In sevcial heids w heio tim cat
tle have been inoc nl.itid the disease has been
cntliely fitainiicd out , and It is Imped that It
111.1 $ * bo checked heio. Mi. Ki > has lost thirty
head out ot a neid ot 110 , and his Is tlio only
held In which the disease exists now.
Yostcniaj'H Iliihn Hull OninoH.
The games phycd by the leading base ball
clubs ol the countiy ) csteulay icsiilted as fol
lows :
At Washington Nationals in.ltoohcsteis-l.
At Augusta Augustas 11 , Atlanlasn
At Chailcbtoii Chattanoogas 2 , Cluules-
tons 1.
At M.acon Macons 7 , NashvlllesO.
At Cincinnati-Cincinnati 7 , Plttsbiugs
At Baltlmnio B.altimoies 12 , M eliopoll-
At St. T.onls-St Louis 1 , Louisvillcs \ . " 1
At Philadelphia-Athletics 2 , Biooklynb IS.
A li'nmily Jlyhterlounly I'olsonod.
KA.M.AKI.I : , 111. , Apill 'il. Aitliur Vin-
Ing , a laimer near Kank.ikcu , wile nnd
( langhtei aio at the point of death w lib symp
toms of poisoning. They have been sick
two da ) s. Vlniug has Ixvn given up b ) the
phyblclans. Thconllie famll ) , except a 10-
u'litl.v adopted boj liom an i.istem lulinum-
toiy Institute , Is ciiticillv III. The phs | .
( lans aio unable to stall ! whiil klndol poison
ing It IK. An investigation will lollow Vin-
Ing'.s death.
'Musical ( ' "
Ci.Nn.v.xAn i , O. , Aiill | 21. The Ihst dav's
bale of seats foi the season of the M ty Musi
cal 1'estlval bionjht tot il icjulnts of S'J.021 ,
ol vvlilch ? : ) , 191 ieprieiiti ! piemlums uion )
the OH se its sold. The average piomlum is
s vn. In l&si , vvlien thu tickets sold lei SIS
cadi ( the ) aio now SlOc.ich ) thu total h.dos
liiht day weio S7'i ) : punninms , 820 is ;
nmnbci of scat * Mild , lit. The hlgiifit
piemlumpild was 81 uo.
A ( "urged luillin ! > ; Collapses ,
HICII.MO.M ) , VA , , Apill 21. One of tlnc o
tenements composing the building know n as
Llbbypiison , used dining thu lite wai lor
Keeping fedeial piIboneiH , collapsed this
evening fiom o\ci burdened lloois. Thu
building Is occupied by the souilicm leitll-
I/Ing courimy , and thu collapsed tenement
was used for the stoi.uu of leitili/ers. The
damage to stpck and biilhllnQ' is likely to
leach S103.COJ.
A Tornmlo .Scii"l.
ST. PAUL , Apill 21. Itnmoia have Just
been rctcivod line of a touiado In thu viein-
ity of Janesvlllo. this state , but not veillied.
Charle ) Degratf'b bain vvab sUuck b )
n Ing and destrojeil.
Pa. , Apiil 21. The Mer
chant's mill at Pcnnslvania bluet whaivrs
wascntliolydeatrojtd bv ilio this imnnlng ,
caused by the explosion of a lamp. Tim mill
vvasvahied atSlWOfX ) , on which theio is an
lusniancu ot i 40,00 J , which will covci tli ( <
lion , J. M. Woolworth Makes n Strong Ar
gument Before the Snprciuo Oourt.
The Contract for Conntriiotltur York
Count J'H Court HOUKO Iict null
Iilnooln IllddernKick Uroutz
Death's Door.
I.ISCOT.V , Neb. , Apill 3 ! . [ Special Telegram -
gram , ] The time of the Miptemo court to-
lay was mostly occupied In listening to the
argument of the lion. .1. M. Woolwurth ! n
the Buirillsbaimentpiocecdlngs. Mr. Wool-
worth's speech was long , but full of Mronic
points and was eloquently and loiclbly de-
llvered. He maintained that the law was ox-
vlictt on the point that It must ho shown be-
jond a leasomiblo doubt that Hun acted with
bad Intentions and coriupt motives , llo
luithcr claimed thatthucaso is \\ltlilntho
jurisdiction of the state snpiemu couit bo-
iisaon thestntemeutof theattoincy general
himself , Simmeiman was Illegally held and
no one can be punished foi even aiding him
to escape. In suppoit of this Mi. Woolworth
( inoted Horn the cases of Tllllnglmst und
Biadloy , which ho claimed established
ly the fact that this couit had no Juilsdlctlon.
At the time of Slnimermnn's escape the case
was In thoMipicmocouitofthoUnltcdStntcs ,
and the fcdeial com ts , uo the only ones that
can take cognl/aneo or the nlfali. Going
down Into the facts ol the case , Mi. Wool-
w 01 th read fiom the evidence of S.ivlllo to
show tliat the pioccedtncs weio not clandes
tine , as chaixed , and that at the
time of nuii's'appllcatlontohaveSlmmormnn
admitted to ball theio wcro prcbcnt , besides
the pil&oner and his counsel , Commissioner
Savllle , Maishal Hastings , Coionci liakeu
Shoiill Shales , C. .iohiison , W. 11. Pound ,
a lawyer and notaiy public and Slnimcr-
inan'sbiolhcr. The pioccodlngs weio bold IV *
in a public room , in the most piomlnent
hotel In Koainoy , and woto open to the
world. Mr. Wool woi Ill's most
tloqucut appeal was at the close
when ho said that ho not
onlv appeaiedas the Irleiul of Bun , but 1 for
htmscll and his piofcssional biethrcn , mg-
Ingon the comt tlio point that the statutes of
Ncmask.ibind nttornojs not to counsel or
maintain any pioceedhus except those which
aiipcai to them to bu legal and Just , and that
when an attoinoy , under this obligation ,
uudcil.iKos tlio doteiibo of a poison chasgcd
with a blub olTetibe , no powci ought to step
between him and his client.
Court In Cass County.
Pr.vnsMouiii , Neb. , Apiil 21. [ Special. ]
The Apiil teim of tlio dlstiict court ,
in and lei Cass county , opened in thin
city jcblciday , with Judijellaj ward , of Ne- ll
biaska CIl ) . piesldlng. The cilmlnal cases
to bo disposed of tills leim vveio the Pimple
bos , chaigcd wllh hoise .stealing and tlio
Avoea case of Inlantlclde , in which Klla
Butts Iseliaigrd vvitli murdcilng bci b.ibo
and tlnovvlng itto the hogs. At least thu
babe was fon'nd In the hog yard par
tially "divrnrcd.This latter pilsoner
was aiialgned and plead not guilty. DIs-
tnct Attoinov Strode will piosecuto the
casu and J' . II. Wooley , ol Weeping Water ,
will defend.
mong tlm other cases to be tried this teim
will bo the libel case between thu Weeping
Watei editois. in which W. A. Kelthluy sues
H. G. llace lei 53,000 damagcb to hlb cliiuuc-
Tlio Contract I ct.
VOIIK , Neb. , Api 1121. [ Special Telegram. ]
' 1 heconti.ict toi the election of the new
couit house was aw.uded by the Imaid of
biipeivlsois , this aftei noon , to Hiitchoison &
Collier , of this city , foi S4'IOV ) , all other bids
being lejirted. D. It. Howaid. of Lincoln ,
.submitted a icvlsed bid of 518,700 ; J. F. Con-
siult , ol Lincoln , $18,71)0. ) The Lincoln men
aie not satisfied , and may do some kicking
on the i ejection of tliuli bids. Only ? 50,000
was voted last fall , and the boaid was com
pelled to keep wllhln the limit ,
Hi ant/ Must Die.
YOISK , Neb. , Apiil 21. [ Special ]
Hairy Biont/ , the man who was shot
tlnough the head at Cli.ind Island last Tues
day , Is I ) ing at tlio Wiomini ; hotel in tills
city , and Is .still alive , but physicians i-uy ho
lovvn ITiidururltcifl in Session.
Dis : Moi.vr.s , Iowa , Apill 21. [ Special
Telegiam.J The annual meeting of tlio Iowa
umleivviiteiH is bolng held In this city to
day. Mi. J. Bums , ol Ottiimwa , Is picshlcnt ,
and II. C. Alverson. of DCS Molnes Is senc-
tary. The sessions aio seciet , hut It Isnndui-
stood that the Insurance men aio discussing
a pioject foi unjlormlty of rates and pool
ing ol Issues in the laiiro towns. Delegates
aio picacnl trom Chicago and nine lovvu
A VoiJthl'iil ICnilP77lor.
DiuiUQi'i : , Jovva , Apiil 21 , [ Special Tele-
giam.J John ICaiiirmann , a joung man em-
plo.ved In the olllce of theDubminu I'iio and
Maiino Insnranco company , wasanestcd to
day on a ehargt ) of embcv/Iemonl of tlio com-
pany's iiinds , which was done by making
l.ilso entiles In the books which ho kept. So
fni as dlscovcied , ho Ib S-XIO bhoit. The
money Is boliovcd to have be-on r.penl In
gambling and last women.
A Dan-joioiifily TJnpopular I'oMiimstci1.
DIHM : < HXIS : , la . Apiil 2l.-Spcclal [ Tele- The bad feeling ovci tlm appoint
ment of an ohjct tlonablu pobtumstei at Pora-
hontaseiilmlnated vcstculay when ho inlsed
uwlmlowas some Iwyu WPIO passing who
weio talking about him , and shot a luvolver them , hitting two but not wounding
them danu'eiously. Public excitement luns
high and I lie objectionable postmasloi H still
mom unpopular , (
Oled Ijlko 11 in JSrolhnr.
Dr.s Moi.x-is : , la , Apill ' Tele-
Kram.J O > cai Barney , 7 > e.iiH old , died at
Anita hist night liom a kick on the bldoot
his head hy a 'J-jeai-ohl colt. A singular fact
In eonnet tlon vvitli thu accident Is that his
Inothei , some time ago , met Mn death In the
same way.
Declined the Appointment.
Dr.s MOINKH , la. , Apill 21. [ SpecialTelo-
giam.J Captain W. W. Moisoman , of ClarInda -
Inda , has declined the appointment as tiuetco
of tlm new Hodieirt' [ home , and Governor
Lainbctf to-day appointed In his stead Cap
tain Gi6\uC. \ Moilson , ol Ottnmvva.
IOUII'H Hovvln.'c Itegatta ,
CriiAn ItAi'ins , Iowa , Apill 21. The ox-
ctntlve commlttc'oof the State Am.iteiu How *
In.'asMiciallon met heio today , and do-
dded to hold the next annual su-Latta at
Snliit Lake , Jul ) JO.
lovvn Lumber Kntes.
CiiirAfio , Apill 21. The membcis of tlio
Iowa Uential Hillvvay assoolationeie In
fcsslon ! to day , ailemptlng to form a pool to
cover the lumber business into DCS Molnes ,
An .igicomcnt was biibmllled piovidlng that
the percentages ot seveial ioas | should b <
aibltiated. An ctloit vvas. then inailo to ai >
point atb.LU.iloiH , but inovi'd
und action Uasilelciu-df