* * - * -9iVf J WP * * t > vmim9' * + * * * tiii.w- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY APKIL 21 , 1880. Vislerthan yesterday : 30U@37c cash ; SOW ® J7c April ; 37'W7cMay ! ; Oats Quiet , slow and steady ; Jio material iliongoj 29Q2 ; fc cash ; 2s @ c April ; JUKc May. Ilyc DullatCOc. Harlcv Dull nt fiOc. Timothy 1'rlme 31.81. Flflx-Fccd-Qulct , nt Sl.OStf. Wlii8kv-SU4. Lard-Unchanged ; § 5.00 cash and April ; * 5.H7K ( < i5.W ) May. ShouIders-81.XX7t4.10 ( ; short clear 85.GOQ 5.D' > ; short ribs 85.l.y * 5.S5. Butter Dull ; creamery , 18@2.c ; dairy , Cheese Stead v : full cream chcddars , l' llo ; Hats , 10'Kjillc ' ; Young Americas , " liltlrs ( frecn , < JKc ; heavy green salted , 7 We 5 light , 8'/c ' ; damaged , rttfc ; bull hides , 65 < c ; dry sailed , 12 < c ? dry Hint , 13Hc ; call skins , I3c ; all skins under 8 Ibs classed as dcncons sold at COo each. Tallow Weak : No 1 country , 3 c ; No 2 Country , 3 e ; cako. 3 > tfta. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbl s 10,000 C.ooo Wheat , on 7.000 258,000 Corn , bu 71,000 714.WTO Oats.bu 150,000 8S.OOO Hycbu None 4.000 Uarlev.bu 21,030 10,000 New York , April 20.-Wheat Receipts , 17,000 ; exports , 5H. ( 00 ; spot , n shade better ; options opened weak but closed linn ; un- traded red 82V ( < i07c ; No. 2 red W f.o. b. , WJfc delivered ; May closed at We. Corn Spot , lower , closing steadier ; options opened lower but closed lirni : receipts , 8,000 ; exports 200OCO ; ungraded , 43@5)c ! ; No. 3 , 45 < < fc ; No. 2 , 40f@4C ; ; c , In elevator ; May closing at 4fljfc. Oats Higher ; receipts. 18.000 ; exports , 21,000 ; mixed western , 37 > $ @ 40)ic ) ; whlto western , 4lQirc , , Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 70 0. KBITS Quint ; western , 13c. Pork Dull ; mess , S'.50 ) ( < 10.00 for old. Lard Active ; western sUam , spot . . Mutter Dull nnd lower ; western , 10 < < 2ic ; Elu'ln.crcamery , 27@29c. Cheese Steady ; western , 7@10c. Cincinnati. April i0. ! Wheat Un changed ; No. 'J red , bOc. Corn Nominal ; No. 2 mixed,37 } c. Oats-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , ! Xc. K > o Finn ; No. 2 , G7ftGUc. ( Barley Unchanged ; No. 2 spring , 70c. Pork-80.75. I.ard 56.80. Whlskv S1.10. Minneapolis. April 00. Wheat Opened weak but closed strong ; No. 1 bard , cash , Receipts Wheat , 60,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 13,000 bu ; flour. 11,000 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee Milwaukee , Apill 20. Wheat Strong ; cash , 7a5 c ; May , bOMc. Corn No. 2 , fl7e. Oats No. 2 , USlJ c. Kye Nominal : No. 1 , CCc. Barlov No.2no } < c , Provisions Mess pork , cash and April , 80.05. St. liouls. April 20. Wheat Easy ; No. 2 led , cash , bite ; May , BS'/e. Corn Lower ; No. " mixed , cash , i May , SlUfp Oats Weak ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2 May. SOc. Hye-Ncglccted at 5 ! ) < fc. I'ork Steady at S9.GO. Lard Fh in at S5.bO. Whisky Firm at 81.10. Butter Quito easy and unchanged ; cream ery. 25@ROa ; dairy , 18@25e. AFrntiNOON BoAitD Wheat Stionc and $ @ % e Mg\wr. \ Corn Finn and % c higher. Oats Kasy and c lower. Kansas City. April CO. Wheat Weak and unsettled ; No. a red , AmII , Kc bid , C4c asked ; May , C4Kc bid , 04 ? c asked. Corn Dull but stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 27'4'c bid , 27\'p. asked : ilay , 2Sc bid , 2S4c asked , . Oats No quotations. Toledo. April 20. Wheat-Cash , S7@S8 c. Corn Cash , 30Kc. _ Oats Nominal at 32' e. Lilvcrpool. April 20. Wheat Good de mnnd ; No. 2 winter and spring , no stock hero. Flour Poor demand ; steady at 8s 4d. Corn ( ! oed demand tor spot and fair de mand for futures ; spot , 4s 3d ; firm ; April , 4s 3d ; May and June , 4s 2d , steady. New Orleans , April 20. Corn Firmer ; mixed , and white , 46a ; yellow , 4Sc. Oats Firmer ; clioico western , 39@40c. Cornmeal ( inlet but , firm at S-.05. Hog Products Easier but not quotably lower. I'ork Easier at S10.12J . Lard Kclined tietro , 85. . Bulk Meats Shoulders , 84.00 ; long clear nnd clear ribs , 85.50. MVE STOCK. Chlcnco. April.20-Cattle Receipts , 0,200 head ; sUady ; shipping steers. S4.20ffllUK ) > stoekers and feedcis , S'J.W@I.O'JcowH ; , bulls and mixed , 81. > < 4.10 ; bulk , S2.00C'W.75 ' througli Te.\as cattle , corn led , 84.4C > @ 3.1) ) . . Hogs Iteciilpts , 7,700 head : active and lOc higher ; longhand mixed , S.90VC4.0 : ) ( : ! : pack Incand shippintr. $ l.20@l.60 ; light , 83.75@ 4.W ! ; skips 8i.00@.75. : ( Sheet * Receipts , 2,400 head ; slow and weak ; natives , & 2.50@5.bO ; Texans 82.00 ® 4.00. 4.00.St. St. TjnulH , April 20. Cattle Receipts , 1.6CO ; shipments , KX > \ market nctUe ; choice Bhlppers and exports , 8500 < re5.co : pommon to medium , 84.25 © .85 ; hulehers , 83.6n@4..r)0 ; cows and h el fern , 82.50@3.75 ; stockers and Hogs Itecelpts , 8,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; market r > ® 10u hlglier ; all &old. closing strong ; butrheis' nnd choice heavy , S4.10t ( { 4.-M ; mixed packing , $2.45 ( < &t.3 ! ! ; light , § 3.00 04.10. Kansas City. AiII ] ) 20. Cattle Receipts , l.'JOJ ; hhlpinents , 1.200 ; strong and hlgner ciiiilroslilppersandbutcliers ; cholcuto fnncy , S4.75@5.2. ' . ; common to medium. S3.00@4.60 : pt clurs and tcedcrs , S3.50 j4.40 ; cows , 33.00 @ 3.75. Hogs Ui'celpts. 7,000 ; shipments , 700 ; mnikt't r > @Hc ) higher ; common to choice , C3.COJl.r > 0 ; skljS and pigs , 53.ixxa3.50. OMAHA lilVK STOCK. Tuesday Kvenlns , April 20. Thoiecclitsof | cattlu were light , nnd the imuKct quiet and steady. There Is a good demand for handy fat cattle , and In fact for nil kinds of good choice stock. Quotations for today HID : Choicoto extra steers , nvcrag- liu : 1.400 to lf 0 pounds , S4.bOffi5.00 ; good , n > eiaglng l.'OO to 1,3Vpounds. ) ii4.2.5 < Jci.75 : ini'dluiii , avei.iglui ; 1,100 to 1,200 pounds , S4.OLVM.40 : good to choice cows and heifers , nvi'r.iKlug 1100 to 1200 , 8.3u : ! < iH < .bO ; medium , UMii.iglnirbOOto 100J. 82.75 ( .2 , ) : choioo to extra bulls , nveraglug 1500 to 2000 , 83.00 ( 3.r > 0 ; common , tuernidiin l W to 1500 , S-.00@ 300. 300.Tliehoj mnikot opened veiy quiet and nt nbout yesteidav's quotations. Later in the day thu fuvoniblu advices liom the east caused an advance. Ono load of choice butcher IIns ) went ns lilirli as S'J.W. The closing quo tations lor to-d.iy were : Choice light anil me dium \\elglits , 8'I.bOC'"C'WK)5 ) clioico heavy , S8.7.rvii3.N ) ; good to clioicu mixed , 83.or j 3.75 ; common rough gnutes at 83. i5@t.50. : Shwp Theto nio 110110 on thu market and prices are only nominal. Choiceshm ) welch ing 75 to 100 poumlsa.o quoted at 8.75l,03 ! ; ftvcraging 100 to 123 , at 84.2 , > 5.00. HKCKIl'TS. Catllo nee llo s ' . ' 00 JlEl'llKSHNTATIVK SAI.KS. STEKItS. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. ' ' 84.00 1U. . , 81.75 1. . ! lO-8 4.40 81. . . 4.10 10 . 4.00 ' ' ' .1233 4.tO 4 , . . .12.V ) 4.70 . . . .1415 6.00 17. , . .1409 4.70 110I.I.S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. . .IttJO $3.00COWS. COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . .1110 83.10 83.10Mixir Mixir : > . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 5. , uoas. No. Av. Pr. NO. Av. Pr. .802 83.75 74. . . . .203 83.65 ( ; ; 07. , . . .230 63. . 3.BO 67 , . . .2S7 ass S.SO M. , . . .803 8.b5 W. 3.bO 70. . . . .212 3,8.5 so.W . . ' 'O'J a.b5 75. . . . .205 3.00 W , B.b5 B.b5SUITS. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. * . ICO * S.CO 2. . . 1 . , . BIO 3.25 „ . _ _ . AND I.OWBSr , Show Inc the hUrliest and lowest prices paid nil tills uiarkut for mixuit packing hotcsuur- Ine tno o.ist seven days and for the corro- spondlng period last month. March April S3.SO @ 1.00 S3.77K@3.00 rVedncsday. . . . 3.SO M3.U5 L'hnrsday . . . . . 3.M ) 3.W ) @ 3.8.- 'rldny 3.75 @ 3.tO 'latnrday 3.75 ( &J.80 8.75 ( JJ3.80 londay 3.70 3.75 M3.80 . 'ticsday 3.75 @ 3.00 All salrs of stock In this mtrket nro made icrcwt , live weight unless othprwlso staled. ) cad liots sell at IVc jicr Ib for all \\ulilits. HlclnV of hoffi wclRhlns less than 100 llw , \alnc. . Pregnant sows nio docked 40 Ibs , nd stags W ) Ibs. Note * . A. Jenkins , Mnnley , sold n load ot 74 hogs. Fuller & P. , Fnllcrton , sold a load of lioqs. F. I'nlmerton , Klvcrton , marketed 137 hogs. Fisher & Wagner , York , sold n load of logs. Clark Hios. shipped Ocnrs of cattlonnd2of logs. Martin Miller , Harncston , sold n load of K. 12. Day , South Bend , marketed a load of C9 hops. Walker Bros. , Wavcrly , disposed of a load of 60 hogs. Alex Lavcrty , Ashland , was n visitor at he yards. A few much , lic.ivj hogs , culls and skips , were left oxer. T. White , Plum Creek , came In with CO head of cattle. Jackson & W. , Cortland , were at the yards with a load of hogs. B. S. Bliss & Co. , Elkhorn , had a load of logs on the market. Clark lleaton & Co. , Weston , had a load of logs on the maiket. .John Lemke was at the yards , and mar- ceted a load of cattle. Hawks & 1C. , Albion , had another load of togs on the market. A. L. Spearman , Springfield , had C5 head of cattle on the market. 0. S. Lucas , Central City , was at the yaids and maikcted a loud ot hogs. John Rlttcr , of Mor&p , Rogers &Co. , North Uenil , was a visitor at the yards. J. B McCoy , a welj-known cattleman , was at theynuls and sold 141 cattle. W. L Patrick , formerly In the commission business here , was at tlin yards. Mr. Oiccn , of the firm of ( ! iccn & Walker , well known live stock shlppcis of Circen- wood , \sas at the yards. The Union RendcilncCo. have boon pay- ig Ic per Ib. for dead hogs , huthavo reduced t to } fahlcli Is the mice paid in Chicago. OMAHA. AVIIOIiESAIjK MARKETS. General Markets. Tuesday Kxcninc , April 20. Eggs The matket Is not quite so stiontj , sales ate belntr made at tiJ QMOe. Bunr.it The receipts aiocivllght and lie market good for the choice grades , Clioico cicameiy , 25 ( . : Xc ) ; clioico tiesh table , I7 ( > l c ; good fiesh table , I4@10o ; lair , b@ LOc ; poor. 3@"c , POUI.TKV The demand for live poultry Is bilsk , while there Is considerable inquiry for dtessed. Chickens , live. perdoz.F3.25@3.75 ; dii'Ssed. per Ib. . 10ifll2e ; turkeys , live , tier Ib , 7M > 7Ke ; ilicsscd , perlb , 12 13e ; ducks , live , pei di82.75 * ( < ! .OJ ; diesscd , per Ib. , 10C'llc , UAMI : Ducks aiu quite low yet , although supply is not near aslaigeasn week ago. There Is some demand for jack snipes , which thus far havu not been vety plentiful. Ducks , mallaid , per do/ . , ? 1.50ui.75 ( ; tc.il , per doz , 7B' < B31.2. > ; mixed , 75@Sl.2 i ; jack snipes. Sl.OO @lr ; plover , Sl.003l.50. PniMKKVKs , , ) ii.i.isi : : ITC. : Preserves , all kinds , 20-lb. pails perlb. lOc ; do In pail lots , per Ib. 9 > ic : assorted5-Ib. p.iils per rate , lulls , 83.75. .lollies , all kinds , lirst grade , 20-lb. palls , per Ib. Sc ? assorted , first giade , 6-Ib. palN , jer crate , 0 pails , 82.50 ; do Mb. palls , per case , 2 doz. $2.25 : do , tuinb- leis. per ea e , 2 doz. , 81.40. .lo'ly. ' all kinds , second grade , 30-lb. nails , per Ib. 6c. Mince meat , best grade M bbl. per Ib. 7c ; do. 0-lb palls , perorate. OpalN , 82.73 ; do 40-lb p.iils per Ib , 7 , ' edo ; , Mb pails , per ci.ite , 0 pails S2.75. Pe.ich and plum butter , 40-lb palls , 75- Ib. Ok'c ; peach plum and quince butter , as sorted , olb pails , per cute , 0 ptillH. 53.75 ; horseradish , pint bottles , per doz 81.60. Pins' FEKT. TIHPK , ETC l-igs' leet , pcrK bbl , 84.00 ; oo , K bbl. 82.00 ; do , per kit , twc. Lambs'tongues , perJtf bbl , 83.25 ; do , per kit , 82.60 ; do , quait jars per doz , 55.25 ; do , pint jars tier case , 2 doz. 80.75. Tripe , tier % bbl , 54.00 ; do , per > { bbl , SiOO ; do , per kit S'AUKII KKA.TJT Best quality , 30 gal bbl , SC.r > 0 ; 15 cal bhl. 83.75. Coxin HONEY Callfoinia 2 ID frame oo Ibs , In case perlb. , 15n ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska. . CIDKU Michican leflncd , per bbl. , 50.SO ; do. half bbl. . S4.00. ViNKOAii Whitowine. lOc ; cider , 12K& BANANAH The marKet Is well Mtppiied. Quotations are S2.03M4.00. accoullne toalez. . Ari'i.iw-Tlie maiket Is \\oll stocked and sales nro diacglng. Wcitein btock , S2.00a2.25 ( ; MIchiKan apples , S2.rX ) ; choleo Missouri stock. S'-.W per bbl. CuANnunniKs Bell ana Bnsle , per bbl , S0.no ; 6 bbl lots. 50.00 ; Jersey , per bush box , 82.00. OIIANOKS Klversldo Seedlings , per box S3.75 ; Mediterranean Sweets , per bov , SI.00 ; 5 to 10 box lots per box , 53.75 ; San Gabriel Navels , per box. 84.50 ; los Angeles , ner box , Si.CO $ : ; do5-bo\lots , per box , Si75 ; Valencia 429 , per case S8.00. Li.Mn.\s : Fancy Messina , per boxS3.00 ; choice Messina , per bov , 35.50. NEW Kios , UATHS , KTC. Layer figs , 8 and 10-IbboKcs , per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , lie ; PeiUn , 50-lb boxes , nerlb , lOc Pruuclles , 30-lb boxes , porlb , MAPI.T ; SuoAn Bricks , strictly pure , 50-lb boxes , per Ib , ICc ; penny cakes , 25-lb cases , 12Kc. HONKV Fresh California comb honey put np In 2-lb frames , tiO-llis In case. California comb honey , per Ib. . 15c. OYSTKKH New York counts , 45e : extra selects. 40c. selects , 85c ; standards noc ; mediums. 25c. NKW VKOKTAIU.ES California cabbage , per Ib. , SJtfc ; caullllower. per do-t. , S2.60 ; cel ery , pei doz. , S1.60 ; asparagus , per Ib. , 15c ; SDinueh , per bbl. , 3.00 ; gieun onions , cuciimbcr.s , S2.60 per doz. PitovisioNs-Ilam , l" @ 10c ; breakfast ba con b@sWe ; clear side bacon , 7C'i7Kc \ dry sal to sides , OaCHc ; blioit rib bides , OVe ; Hhoulders , &c : mess i ork. 312.50 per bbl ; dilcd beef , ham pieces , Kic : lard , tierces , OH'c ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ; 70 Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7c ; A Ib cans , do , lc : 3 Ib cans , do. , ? Ke ; boneless ham , lOc. BKASB California and Michigan are bellIng - Ing in n small way. Callfoinia Bayo , per bu. , 81. ( IV do Pea. per bit. , Sl.b5 ; Michican Medium , per bu. , SI. 75 ; Country , per bu. , 75 COCOANUTS- 100 , 54.50 ; less than 100 , 85.00. Fi.oim AND JIu.MTUKFS Winter wheal Hour , best quality patent , S3.00@3.10 ; second quality , S2.no@3.00 ; bi'bt xu.dlty spiing wheat Ihiur , ualcnt , S2.50Q'3.75 ; buckuheai Hour , In batiels. 5:5.76 ; icady ralM'd , 31b pack ages , 84,00 : 5 Ib packages , SH.W ; bran , GOo per cwt ; chopped leed , 75c per cwt ; whllo corn meal , bOo ; yellow corn meal , 70cper cwt ; tciet'iilni , ' , we jx3r cwt ; hominy , SI.60 percwt ; bhoitoo iier cwt ; graham , 81.75 ; hav. In bales , $ , < Xii)7.00 ) ( ) per ton. HIDKS Urcvii tmteliers , Co ; grcnn cured , 7)fedry ) ; Illnt.llQiHo ; dry salt. WtflOc ; dain- aced hides two-thiids price. Tallow Sc. Ureaso , prime wlilta Kc : yellow , 2)fc ) ; biow n , 2c , Sheen Pelts 25Td75e j < TiitH AND SKINS Mink. each , looioc ; mnskrat , winter , 5@l c ; do , kits , lo ; Utter. 82.swa5.00 ; skunk , short striped , ISGWxj ; do. broad striped , 10015 ; badger , 25@50 ; llao roon. Mo. 1 largo. 40@X ( ) : do. No. 2. Wta > W do. No. 3 , lOiVs ; wolf , uralrin HXSirio ; rlo. mountain. J > 2.00@3.00 ; wildcat , 1540 ; boa- \er , S1.50@2.50 per Ib ; lox , each. 4 < h@l.75 : : deerskin : , dry winter , lO jlSo perlb ; do. fall and summer , 15 ( JCc : antelope , StfClOj pei Ib. LKATIIKII Piiino slaughter polo leatlicr , 29 < . (33e ; prime oak solo leathets. : WMS\ > . iipper leather , i > er toot , 202io ; hem. kip , 75ftS5c : oak kip , 85@95c ; French kip , S1.001.2.5 ; hem. calf. 8U > 0@1.10 ; oak calf , Sl.OOMI.a'Si ' French calf , S1.25Q1.85 ; Morocco boot lt80ffitt ; < ! ; Moiocco oil jiebble , 2S@3.Jc ; topplnu'sand llnlncs , 86.00 10.00 per doz. OOAI. Antimicito crate. t8.25 ; egg , Sa25 ; ranire , 8S60 : che nut , 88.50 ; Iowa , 83.25 ; Walnut block , S3.Mllllnols ) ; , 85.00 ; Missouri , 84.00. HKAVY - . HAHDWABE-lton - . . . . , - rates , 82.35 ; -lo steel , do ; per set , - . . - _ „ , _ . , felloe3 , bawwldry , ! MO ; tongueb , each. 75e ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. 7@lle ; cell chain , per Ib , CQlSos inallcabK 0g8c ( : Iron wedges , Co : crowbars Cc ; harrow teeth , 4ut siring | steel , 7@bc ; Burden's lior eshoe.s. $1.40 : Burdeii'8 undo shoes , S5.40. Baibet Wire , In car lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron Nails , nitas , 10 to CO. $3,00. Shot 31.W : huckbhot , Sl.bS : oiiental | H > wder , kegs , 83.50 © 1.00 ; do , half led , ' * , S-.OO ; do , quarter ket. S1.50 ; bUstlns , ke : s. 83.35 ; fuse , per 100 feet , COc. Lead Bar. SI.Co. PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P. , "kc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. S7.SOJ Mar seilles green , 1 to 5 tbcans , 20c ; French zinc , crcen seal , 12p ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; i-'ronch ilnc , In varnish asst , 20c ; trench zinc , 75c ; vennllllon. America. ISc ; Indian- red. lOc : rosonlnk.He ; Venetian , red. Cook- son's , 1fifVenetian \ , red , American , ! he red lead , 7' < c ; chromo yellow , gcnninc , 20c ; chronic yellow , K. 12e : ochre , rocliclle ! V , ; ochre , Ircnch , 2J e : ochie , American , A ; ; Winter's mineral , 2 0 ! LehlKh brown , 2J c ; Spanish brown. 2' ' < c ; Prince's mineral , % > DIIY PAINTS White lead , Sc : French zinc , 12c : Paris wlilllnp , 2)chltlng ) ; ullders , J e ; wliltlnc , com'l , Hfc ; lampblaclf , Qcr- antown , 12cj lampblack , ordinary , 8e ; Prussian blue , 65p ; ultramarine p 18c ; van- lyke , brown , 80 ; umber , buint , 4e ; umber , ratv , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw4c ; I'arls preen , cenulnc. 2. " > c : Paris prct-n , com mon , 20c : chrome green , M. V. , 20c ; chrome crecn , K , 1 % ; orinlllton , Kngllsh , In oil , 70c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12e ; lawand burntslenna , 12cnndykf. ; . brown. ISc : iclinrd lampblack. 12c ; coach black and Ivory black , lOc ; drop black , ICe ; Prussian lilttc , 40c ; ultramarine blue , ISc : chromo green , h. , M. & I ) . , lOc : blind and shutter ercen , b. . M. & D. , Ific ; Paris utcon , ICc ; Indian red , lie ; Venetian red , PC ; Tuscan , 22c ; American \eimllllon , L. & I ) . , 20c jellow ochre , Cc ; L. M. As 0.1) . , 18c ; Rndrs * Dchre , Nic ; patent dryer , fc ; grain i nit colors tlclit nak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. 12c. DlllHiH ANI > Ulir.MloAl.S Acid , carbolic , flic ; add , tartarlc , K3c : balsam copaiba , per Ib , t5c ; bark , sassafras , per HJ lOc : calomel , per Ib , 72e ; clilnchoiildla , per oz , 40o ; chloio- Imni , per Ib , COc ; Dovers powdcts. per 1I > , Sl.Bft ; epsom salts , per Jl > , 3 } c : glyoerine , pure , per Ib , 18c ; lead , acetate , pei Ib , 20e ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per ttal. , Sl.OO : oil , castor , No. 2 , per gnl. , 81.40 ; oil , olhe. per pal. , 81,40 ; oil. orliranum. We : opium. i&ii5 ; qui nine , P. At W. , and It. AS.per oz , 85e ; po tassium Iodide , per Ib , 83.00 ; sallcln , per o ? , 40c ; sulphate morphlnt > , per oz , 82.00 ; sul phur , ner lt > . 4c : strvchnine , per oz , 81.40. Oir.s 110 ° caibon. po gallon , lOc : ino headlight , ] > crgalioii , He ; 1759 headllulit. per gal , 15e ; 150 ° water white , 1 In ; linseed , liaid , per cation , 4lc ; llnscpd. boiled , per gallon , 47c : lard , winter Htr'd , porcallon.nOc : > io. 1 , 40c ; No. 2. Itic ; castor XXX , per eallon , 81.55 ; No. : , 81.41 ; sweet , per irallon , Sl.OO ; sperm , W. B. . per gallon , Sl.OO ; ilsh , W. B. , per gallon , GTxj ; ncatsfont , e\tr.i , per gallon , 70c ; No. 1. fi c ; lubricating , zeio. per gallon , No. 1 summer , I5c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 30o ; No. 2. ase ; speim , signal , per gallon , 75c ; tin pcntine , per gallon , 55o ; gaso lene , jier eallon. He. VAIIMSIII : Harrels , iicr gallon : Fttinl- tine , e\ti-a , S1.10 ; furniuue , No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach , extra , S1.40 ; coacii , No. 1. 51.20 ; Damar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70o ; astihaltum pxtra , OSc ; shellac , 53. . 0 ; hard oil finish , 81.60. bi'iniTS Cologne spirits , ISSpioof , S1.12 ; do lOlimiof , SI.13 ; spit Its , second quality , 101 piool , 51.12 ; do , 1SS proof , 81.11. Alco hol , 163 pi oof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Hedis- tlllod whiskies , S1.00@1.50. Gin blended , S1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00.iO.OO ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.0i ) @ ( .W ) ; Cohtcn Shc.it bourbon and lye whiskies , S1.6U@3.00. Brandies. Imported. S5.00@8.ftO ; domestic. Sl.liOSt.OO. (31ns , impoited , S4..riO @ 0.00 : domestlt1. S1.25@t.OO. : Hums , ' . . . . . . . . . . . , . . * .l es t fr/i/TAo f\f\t X rt. * C17i \ case , SIO.OO&MO.UO I-'isli. IIEHIIINQS. TIBH.'f IVU Q'r Hbls Pli Kts TIBH. 100 00 GO 40 12 10 Munn'sB'tNo.lL'b I ) 00 : i 60 3 ! 1 81 1 ,0 IVgoGlb'od rnney.r . , 6U j 1171 071 40 ' ji"cyB | BO.J 'Jo 'J U7 1 b7 1 40 63 47 MACKr.ltKU Bbls. 'Half ' Bbls O'rllbls' ' yt NEW FISIU aw i 100 no i so 40 , St BlontorMosi 35 oo is oo 10 an m 7 so i 5 Ex. No. ISh'r 24 oo 12 no u M o yo r > 10140 No. ISboie 18 00 U 60 U UJ 1 ( Oil 1101 10 Med. No. 1 Shore. . . 1300 7 00 G3ii ! : uTiaOJI & > 14 " Bnv 11 00 0 Od 5 4iy , tt'iU , fiO 75 T.nrgo rumlljr U 00 : 5 CM 4 ro'u ' K , 2 10 nr Fat " 700 4 CO a G5a , 051 | 70) ) 53 LAKi : FISH. . H'f BbU Q'rBbls P'la Kta KJTW nsn. 101) ) W 6J 40 1U No. 1 White Fiuh 7 oo a uu u HO : i 101 04 so FRinlly 3 0 P 70,1 , 70.1 M. 50 60 No. 1 ' Trout. 4 00 00 3 M 1 IHt 68 03 No. 1 Pickerel. SOU3 70l | B0l , Mi 60 60 . ' .MPOKTEU F1 II. NSW nsn. llhls Illf llblsO'r lllils , I'nlls or kits UOO 100 00 50 40 15 13 10 Norwegian KKK Her'inss 12 00 0 50'u 00 3 M 3 70 83 Norwegian KK Hen ings. 11 000 DOS 453 Of 13 60 83 75 BllbtllllgS . 8 IW4 | W 4 003 ] M.I V ) C3 , OJ Grocers' Lilst. SYHUP No. 70.Jtc. . bbls ; Xo. 70 , 4-srallon kens , S1.0" ; New Orleans SS34'c per gallon ; Maple byrupi ] barrel , stiiotly iiuro , 70c per gallon ; 1 Dillon C.IIH , Sl'J3pcr ) doz ; M gallon cans , SS.iUperdoz ; auartcans S3.no. Jlirror nlo s , 1 Ib , Oc ; .Mirror gloss , 3 Ib 5 } e. Ml 11 or gloss , C1 b , ' 0 } < c ; G raves' corn , 1 Ib. ( J c ; KliiKsford'a corn , lib 7c ; KlngsforJ's gloss. 1 Ib , 7e ; Klnsfoid's uloss , 0 Ib , 7J c ; Klngsford's pure , S Ib , 5 c ; Kings- foul' sbulk.4c. PICKI.KS Medium. In bbls. 80.00 ; do In half bbls , S3..V ) : small , in bbls. 87.00 ; do In half bbls. S4.03 ; gherkins , in bbls , SS.OO ; do. In halt bbls. 84.50. CANNIII * ( Joons Oysters , standard , per case. 83/5 ; strawberries,2 Ib. per case , $2.85 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $ ' /i5 ! ; Callfoinia pears , per case , 85,00 ; apricots , per case , S4.CO ; peaches , per case , 81.75'white ; cherries per case , 85.00 ; plums , per case , 83.M ) ; whor ilebuii tes. per case , 83.40 ; egg plume , 2-lb percaso. 82.50 ; green gases , 2-lb , per case 82.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb. per case , S3.20a ( > ' 5.50. Pi.uu TOIIACCO Climax,42operlb ; Horse shoe , 37c : Star , 3lc ; Spearhead , 3'Jc ; Gold Roll , 89c ; Piper lleldsick , COj ; Punch , 3Sc ; Youn Frif38c : JTJ. sic. CANDY Mixed , 9 } @ 12c : stick , O t llc. SALT JJiay loads , per bbl. 81.55 ; Ashton , In sacks , 83.35 ; sacks , Ashton , b5c ; bbls , daily , 82.CO@2.75. SODA Inlbpajiers. 83.25a case ; salsoda , Jfitir tuit * ] h * * lic liiiiiir * FIIUITH No. 1 quarter apples. In evaporated boxes,8S9c jblackberries huxes,9j U c ; jieaches , eastern. 4 % ( | 5X'c ; peaches evaporated , I5 } @ 17e ; bait Lake , new , 7 > ( $ Be : raspbeirles.new. 20c 21e ; currants. 7 % ( ) 7c ; ] ) runcs , now , 4JfW4K ( . StiOAiis Powdoied , 7 , < ffe ; cut 'laf , 7 < c ; granulated. 7c : confectioners A , 0)fc ; standard extra CG } n : dxtraC , ( i 'c ; medium yellow.Oc ; J ewOjJeans. 5 C < 4 < ic. K ATCIIKS Per caddie , aso ; round , per case ; 45c ; squaie cases , 81.70 ; mule square , SOAPS-Kirks Jtivon Imperial. 82,03 ; Kirk's ' satinet , 83.15Kirk's standout , Sii.iiO ; Klik'a white Uusslan. S4. : : Klik's White Cap , 80.W ) ; Dome. 84.25 ; Washboaia , 83.15 Coi'Ki'.ns Oidinaivirr.ules , 9 > c ; fair. 10 ® 10 > fc ; prime , Ill < jt2c ; choice , KQWio } ) ; fancy green and yellow , IHj WUKc ; old cov- ernment Java , 20uJ20c ( ; Interior Ja\a , 10 ( u ! 20c : Mocha , 22@J4c : Arbiicklo's loasted , l ! > Ke ; McLauelilin's XXXX roasted , 18Vc : 1)11 ) woi th's , 13V < c ; Kpd Crois , 13Jfe OANIU.KS Boxes , 40 Ib , Cs , lie ; 8s , lie ; boxes , 401b , 10 oOs , llo ; lmf ! box , 201b , 11 We , hi'icus ( Sround Black pepper , boxes , 15 ( 22oj nllspu-o , 12@lCc ; elnnamon , Ifaffi'ti' ' ' ) coves , 15@25c ; BlngT , 15@25c ; mubiard , 15Q TKAh Gunpowder , fair , 20@37c ; good. 45 @ 5' > e : cholc-e , C0rti75o mod Jniperlal 4W U'l ; , < ; . . , . . nlxtl/.n ln.1l \ . V7..r- ' - * , good @ia ; choice , ! i5@45c ; .laimns , lair , K@3.5c ; good , : iV 45c ; choice , 5.x 75o ; Tea bust , 15c ; Tea Siftlnirs , Ibc. CitACKiits : Canipau's soda , butter and picnic , 5j < a ; creams , 8 > { c ; g'l'b'or ' ' snap 8Ke ; cltv boua , 7 > fc. FINU CUT Haul to Heat , 70c : Charm o , the West , COc ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Tliread- 07c ; Favorite , GOc : Htids , 60c Hocky iio un tain. SOe ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy. 40e ; North Starf Oa ; Good Luck. 55o ; Our West , CJ c ; Good News , 660 , Dry Goods. Piu.VTS American , 5X ; Arnold's. Co : Co- checo , Cc ; Manchester. Go ; Lyman , .r > c ; ( iloti- co-ter , SKO ; Dunnell Jacotiard. Cc : Dunnell , 5 } c ; Windsor. Co : P.xciac. Cc : Ilarnion 4Vfio : Anchor Shirtings , 4 0 ; Meuhnac , Shirtings , 4Ko : Herwlck , 4o. Di.KAniKi ) COTTONS Farmers' choice , Ctfc : Cabot. OJfc ; Hope , 7o ; lllll 4 4 , 7 } o Hill , K. Wo ; Lonsdale , be ; Fruit , So ; Wain ! sutta , 10J < c. C'oitsr.r JKANS KearsarRe , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; Pi'v > i > erell , 7 > fc ; Indian Orchard , Cs ; Naumkeag , 7e. Dunic tllnblpachod ) 8 ot. Magnolia. lOc ; 10 oz. Maitiidlia , 12o : 8 ot. W * ' t Point , lOVc ; 10 DZ. Wiht Point , 12K& liuowx COTION Luwieuco LL , 60 ; Sliaw- mut , LL. Be : HoaVortDam LL , 6c ; Atlantic LL,6c ; Indian Ifead , 7e : Wauchusset , njfc ; Crown XXX , CV.J Clifton CCO , Co ; Utlca C , 4 c ; Atlantfc'P , $ Xe. CHEVIOTS-AiiiosHcae , checks , 9' < c ; Amos- keasr , stripes , 8'ic : Slater , stripes , Be ; IMIn- burg.9i c : Whlttcndon , stripes , Be ; ( llen- rose , PC : Otis , check * . O'jc ; Otis , stripes , PC ; Koyal , G9fe ; Amoskeaic , napped , 10) ) < c ; Lu- ray , book fold , 12c : Obcron , book fold , HKci Endurance , book fold. 12c. TioiiiNds Amoskbap ACA 13Kc : Thoin- d\ko OOO , 75o : 'Ihorndyke fanev. ' < c ; Vorir , 10' ' c : York fancy. 12' ' < c ; Mllbury , 12' < c ; Pearl Jtlv'cr , UVe : Hamilton , 12p ; Swift Itlver , O'fc ; SlK-tuckelS. S c'.Shctuck- ctSS.OJic ; Monlauk AA , ISe ; Montauk BB , HP ; Omeca ACA , in\ DKNIMS Bea\-cr Creek AA , lie ; Bea\cr faiicv , M c : Kver'ett/iOc ; Haymaker's blue and brown , We. Dun < ( co.ored ) Uoston 0 oz. brown nnd ilrnli , 13fc ; Hoston 0 11 blown and drab , PC ; Huston XX brown nnd diab , lOc : Hoston XXX brown and drab , lljtfc ; lloston O P blue , like : Watron Tricot. 15c. Dry humour. AND 12 ft'u ' rtU ft'is ' ftL-o rt'sa ' tt'stft ' 2l4 1S.1) I1M 15.50 13.6J J7.50 18.W 10.M 2xn i.o ) 11 ai ir , oo inoa 17.00.uoi -.M.oo Jj(8 IBJWlft 50 1t. in.59 17.50 1U.50-JO.50 2x10. 15.5. ) 15.50 1V50 in.VJ , 17.50 20.50 21.50 2X1U 15.50 11 ' 0 15 5JlB.ro1 IT.fO IM.fO 21.60 44-88 15.W1 > W 15 fit ) 10 5011.50 18.50 1U/X ) noAitnt * . No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10ft S17.00 No.2 " " 12,14 and 10 It 1B.OO No.3 ' " 12 , 14 and 16 ft 13.0T No. 4 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 11.00 FKN'OIS'd. No. 1 , 40 Inch , 13and llfeet , tough..810.60 No. 1,4 & 0 inch , 10 feet , rouzh 17.0) ) No. 2 , 4 & a inch , 13 and 14 feet , rough. . 11.00 No. 2 , 4 & 0 IiiPh. 10 feotlottgh 15.03 1st Com. , 12 , 14nnd 10 feet . S22.SO " " " " . 20.00 " ' " " . 15.00 Fence , " " " . 11.00 cr.IUNO AXI > PA11TIT10N. 1st Com. , J ? in. Wltlto Pine Partition. . S31 0 2nd Com. , kin- " " " 2"- ° Clear. % In. Norway " " . 14.5 2nd Com. ftTln. " " . 13-5 Fl.OOUINO. A Olnch. white pine . S3' .00 flinch , 00 inch D Olnch , E Cinch. " " . 17.53 BTOOIC no.vitns. , . . . A 12 Inch , slsl'J , H and 10 feet . 54000 jj u , i u u u . 4'j 00 ( J > " " . SO 01 1) " " " " " " ' ' ' , , 21 ! 0 ! ) No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 anVl'id'f't. . 18 00 No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1800 No.3 " " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. 10 00 SHIP LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 nnd 10 Incli . 517.50 No. a , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 15.50 No. 1 , O. U . 1".00 * HIIIMILUS , I.ATIT. AStandaid . S2.05 n Inch , clear , 81.55 ; 0 inch , cleat . I.IM No. 1 . 1.25 Lath . 2.25 i.isin , r.rc. Qulncy white llmo ( best ) , S3c ; cement , Akron , § 1.7. ' , ; plaster , SVO : hair , per bushel ax , ; tailed felt , pel c\vt , Sl.03 : btraw board , S1.03. _ _ _ l&ailway Tims Tabla. f OMAHA. Tuo followlnsr Is tlio time of arrival and de partment trains by Central Standard tliao ut tlio locul dopoia.i'ralns of ttio C. , St. P. , M. & O. nrrlvo nnd dojtnrt from tliolr depot , corner of 14th and Webster streets : trains on tlio II. & M. , C. . 1J. & Q. nn'd K. C. , St. J. * C. U. from the B. &M. depot : nH'othcro from tlio Union J'aclflo < lePOt UUiUGB THAINa s w il leave L' . ! ' 'Input ' at 6:5 II7:35-S:00-8:10-a0-lllO:00-ll'jO : : : : ' a. m. . n 1OC : 1:20-1:118 : : 8:00-3:00- : : 4:005:005MJ : : 0:10 : 7:00 11:10 1 > . in. Leave trni"ler : lor Omaha at 7:13 : R 8:15 : 9:30 : 0:12 : ' 1 low ron7-llJ7 : R. : m. : ; i:37-2I3 : 2 :373 : :30 : 3 :37-4 : :3 : 7 6 :5 J 0 : 12 7 :20 : 7 :50 Arrival and donaituro of tiains from the trnnsf or depot at Council Bluffs : DEPAl'T. AIIHIVB. CHICAGO , HOCK IStiANU & PACK 1C. B 7:15 : A. M I IJ :11 : A , Ji 110i5A.M : 115:3Jp. : M C0:40v. : M I U 7:00 : p. M CHICAGO & NOimiWESTKIlN. B 0:13 A. M I 1)0:15 : A.M CU.4vP. ) M I H7:03 : p. M CHICAGO , nonu > aroN & QUINCV. AH.ar > A. M i A : V A. M B 6:40 p. u 110:20 : p. M I A7iO : r. M CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE * ST. PAUh B ! ) :15 A. M I D 0:15 : A. M C 0:4 : Jp. M I II 7:01 p. M KANSAP CITY. ST. JOE i CODNCII , UMIFFb. A10.0JA. M 1 > Iil > A. M C 8:55 : P. M I A 5:40 : P. M WAUASn , ST. LOUIS i PACIFIC. A 3:00 : P. Ji I A 3:3J p. M 6IODX CITV Si PACIIIU A 7:30 A. M I A 'JiPS A. M A Br : > P. M J A B:6)P. : M Depart. WB3TWAHU Arnvo A.M , P.M. UNION 1'ACll'lC. A. M. I P. JI. . . . .I'ncltto Uvprass. . . . 10:55:1 : . . . , Dou\or lixpro-s . . O. & UKV. VAIiLCr. . . .Mall nnd Express. . . I Ma B. & JI. IN NUH. 8:10a . . .Mnllund ICxpross. . . 6:40a : H.xpicss. . . . 10:40.1 : Popart. SO UTIIW AJ D. Arrive A.M. P.M. .MISSOUHI A. M. | P. M. 10:30a Day Express 0:25d : 8:45b' : ' . . . .NlphtUxprcps. . . . K. C. , ST. J. & C. n. 8:4&b : . . .Vm I'lMttbinoutb. . . 7:00d : 7:10 : Dopnrt. NOUT11WAU1) . Arrive. A. M. I P. M. I O. ST. P. . M. Si O. I A. W. P.M. 8:15a' ' . .blouxdty Kxpross. . 5:15o : . . . . | 5:45oOakland : Accmniiiod'ii'lO:3'jH ' : DcpBrt. EAST WA UP. Arrlvo A. M. I P. M. I C. . II. & Q. A. M. I p. M. 8 20 I 6:00 : I..Vittl'lattBincutb. , . . | 9:20 : | 7 W STOCK YAHD3 TKAINS Will leave U. P. depot. Omibn , at 0:40 : 8:35- 10:45 10:55n. : m. ; 2:40-l:50-5 : : : : 5p. m. Livestock Yards for Oinnha nt 7:55 10:25 * . 12:01 1:29-4:40 : 5:07 : tt :20 : o. in. NOTE A trains dally ; U. dally oicopt Sunday : 0 dally except Saturday ! U , dally except Mon- dAT. OMAHA HOTEL DEREQTORV. The Millard , B , Shears , J. E. Mnrkel.Thos. Swolo , Proprietor * Omubu , Nebraska. Fish , Ltc , BENSIK"li < ISII "CO. " Successors to JeKcn Slcmeecn & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers ot Foreign 1'hh , Nos. 011-913 Jonoi 4 = 5 = . Street nnd U. 1' . Truck. Omaha. Nob.- _ , .t Job Printing. KKKS-1'IUNTINO CO. , Job Prinfers ; peek Binders , And Dlank lioolc iliinufitetiirors. 100-lUd Eoiitb Foutfcntl ( ) Ptrco Flour and Feed , W.J.WEL8UANB & CO. , Wholesale Flour" , Feed and Grain. Manufacturers of , W. J. Welshans 4 Co.'s Quick Kiilting lluckwlifiit Hour and proprietors Omalm City ilillb , cor. btb , und Funmm fatreets , Oiuaba. I Leatheri Hides , Etc. BLOMAN 1IIIOS. , Wbolcsalo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Enddlcry and Shoo I'indln/B , Hides , Wool , I'urfl , 1'elte. Oifiibu , Tallow , Ktc. , Omalm. Nel. Confectionery. F. 1 * . FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts niul Cigars. 1211 Beer. M , KEATING , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Special brands Fuust , lludwelscr , Ki lunger Col.Oth und Capital A\o.Omah . OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. Dock Binding , Etc. N " ' * * riUNTlNO CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And Illnnk Hook Mnnufnctuters. No * . 108 and 108 South lltli Strcot. Omahu , Neb. Bridges Stcarn _ Pile Driving It A YM ONI ) A Engineers and Contractors. Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination and Howe Truss HrldKcs , I'illnir and Onk Timber. 16th St. , near I'nrimm , Telephone No 734. Cigars and TobaccOr MAX MKYKIt & CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Guns niul Ammunition. Clri to S1 South llth Street , 1(0) to 10SI Farnnm Street , Omitlm , Nob. IXTEH-OCEAN ClO Ml F\CT011V. WEST & nuTscliKit , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Anil Wholosnlo Dcnlprt In Ltnf Tobacco * . Nos. 108 mid 110 N. llth Street , Oinnha. Nob. uocKcry , wTu win m IT" ' " Arcnl for the Manufacturers anil Importers , Crocke , Glassware , ChlmticS , Htc. Olllco , 317 South 13th Strcot. Omaha , Nub , Carriages. C. S. GOODU1CH & CO ts lor F. A. Whitney Cnrrlngo Co.'a Children's Carriages , Jewell's Cclobrntcd Herrlgcrntors. Send dnor price llslg. 1415 Farimm st. , Omnhn. O. S. PETTIS & CO. , ISholsals & Retail , Fine Cirriages , nml ' Of US. - - - - - - Onmlm , Ncbrn Vn. llrancli nt Council llhifTt , lown. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works. John Epcnotcr , 1'ronrletor. Mntiufni.turcr of GulvnnUretl lion und Coinlco. RM Dodpo nnd 101 und 105 North 10th Street , Omnhn , Nob. JlUEMPINa Si BOLTR , Manufacturers of Ornninontnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Flnnlx , Etc. , 310 8.12th fit. Workdono In any part or thucountry. Western Cornice Works , C. Sl'ECHT , Proprietor. Oalvnnl7cd Iron Cornices , Etc. Spocht'fllm- iiro\cd I'lilcntMotiilUc Skylight. f > 0a und 510a ITtU St. . Omaha. Nub. Doors , Sash. Etc , The Gate City Plfin'Dg Mill. Doors , Sn = h nnd Blinds. Also nil kinds of turning. Scroll nnd Stulr oik of e\ery do- ecrlptlon. A. 110SENBEHY , Mnnufncturcr nnd Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Btnlr ltnls ! n specialty Telephone No. 03 13th nnd JIarev St . Omaha , Keb. Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOI.FE & CO. , Electricians , Electrical Supplies , Mnsonlo Block , Omaha. Burglar Alatms. Bolls , I'iro Alarms , Klectrlu Matting , SpoaUini ; Tubes , Iron Works. PAXTON &VI EltUKGlllOXWOKKS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work Iron Stnlrs , HnllliiKr , Itollod Ilcnms and Glidem , Stcnm EiiKlnes , Itra s Work , General foundry Machine nnd Hliicksniltli Work. Olllco and Woilcs , U. 1' . lly. and S 17th 8t. Iron ar d Nails , "OMAHA NAIL iu < urACTu7uNf co" Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire K.ills cr \ ; ! nltr. Omahn. Neb Safes. Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDIIEEN. Mnnufncturorof I'iiound But glar Proof Sifos , Vault Doors , .lall Work. Shutters nnd Wlro Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Onmhn , Neb. Wajrons and Carriages. Established 1858. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , NWiuul UU DcKtKO Street , Omuhn , Nob. Commission , Etc , M. IlUltKB & SONS , Live Stock Commission Oeo. Buiko , Manoiror. Union Stock Yards , S. Omalm. Tolo.ihono 683 W. F. BHOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Offlco Exchange Building , Union Stock Yards , tkmtu Omabu , Nob. TclophonoNo.603. W. I * PATRICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Address all communications to usat Union Stock /aidsSouth Omaha. Advances nmdo onutock. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. , tilmltcd. John lBo > d , buporliitondont. SAVAGE & CUC1W , Live Stock Commission Merchants. 6hl | niL'iitB of nny nml nil l.lnJs of Block bollclt I vd. Union bt ck Vardj UinulmNcb. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS BHADrOHD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Eofih , Boois , Etc. YaiIs ( ( 'or. 7th and Cor. BOHN MANUFACrmilNG CO , . ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , gtnlr Work nnd intuilor Hard Wood Finish. Jim opened. N. K. cor. btb. und Leaven- worth StreetB , Oinaliu , Neb. CHICAGO LUMBEIl COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , tit a 14th Street , Omuha , Nolj. F. Colpouor , C. N. DIETZ Lumber , nth and California Streets , Omaha , Nob. J'llED W. QUAY , 1 Lumber Lime Cement Etc. , , , . , Etc , Cor. Cth anil Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nctv GEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebraska. CIIA8. It. LKE , Hardwood Lumber , , -cn Stock , Tnncy Woods , Ilrldfo Timbers , ic. , ti. W , Cor , Uth unJ Uoutrlus.Oinubu , Nob. 0. 21. LYMAN , Doors Blinds 1 Dealer in Sash , , , Uuililliur 1'uptT , Utc. South UtU Klr , ViZZ-J * . OMAHA JOBBERS' DiBEGTORY Agricultural Implements , & MirrCAU" CO. , \VUolpfalo Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Offlcc , Corner Cth nnd 1'actnoSts , Omnhn , NV PAHL1N , OUiSl)01.FF : & MA11T1N , Wholc _ .o Dealers In Agricultural Iraploraents , Wagons , Onmh5 Neb. CIllMtClllLlj PAHKEK , Wholesale Dowlor In Agricultural Implements , \Vagons , Carriages niul HiigKlcs. Jt nes St. , bet. Dili nnj 10th , Omaha , Nob. Boots nnd Shoes , V. V. MOl'SK ' & CO. ? Jobbers of Boots and Slices , 1111 Fnnmm Street , Omnhn , Neb. Miuuifnctory , Bummer Street , lloston. Carpels. * . . , 8. A.OHCHAnn. Wnolesalo Carpets , Oil Cloths , Muttlnffs , Curtain Good . KIP. . 1413 1'amnni Street , Omaha , Neb. Coal , Lime , Etc , Ti'.vv w. ur.DFoiu\ Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , S13 a 14th ° , t. , Omnhn , Neb. Yards , Oth nnd Diwcnport Streets. COUTANT & SQU1UKS Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal. HeBt varieties. Onico.snR. 18th St. Tclcphono No. 1402 , Omaha , Nub. NKHIUSKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 814 8.13th St. , Omnhn , Neb. Ono. 0'fowi.B , 1'rcsldonr. Of a. IUTJT.IISOI * , Boo. anil TICIIB. 3. II. llur.ncnT , F. A. 1'ioprlctor. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NUIIUASKA. OHlceL'17S. l.HhSticet. Telephoned. OEO. T. LABAOII , Prcs. 0.1\GOODMANV.Pica J. A. SUM > KUI.AM Sec. niulTrcns. Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard nndott toil' ' , XV03. l < Ith SU. Oiiuibn , Neb. OMAHA COAL AND PltODUCB CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Eiclufivo dewlcrs In Boulder Colorado Conl.SlJ toutli Coffee and Splcci. ( TATKS , COLE k MILl5si Home Coffee and Spice Mil 5 MTgCo , Items ! < n B iind Spice Cliliulors. iniinu- ructuioiBof llnklnKl't.w Icr , riiivoniiijKxtinots , ItlulnfT tc Tiy one eusp ( if our Mb I'liekiiso Homo 1 1 ml itousted Coffee. 1009 Itownnlfct , Ciuuliii , Nub. 'cLAHKiT7iit6sr& co. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tea' . Coffees , Spices , Malilnjf 1'owdor. Tliivorlna Extmcts , LBiitiiiry lllini. Ink , oto. 1414-la Ilur- noyStreot.Omuhn , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ Commission , Etc. * BRANCH & CO. , liggs , Uamu , 1'oultiy , 1'otutocs. JOHNF. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce. I'io\ l loiiB , Fruits , rtour and Food , 105 ? . 14th ht. , On.ulia , Neb. Consignments solicited. iictuins inudu cioiuutly. W. E. KIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. SPECIAI.TIUS ChocK" , Huller Kjfgs , I'oiilliy nd OimiP , 112 S. lltli. , Omuhn , Neb. Tolu- hone No. 'I'll. ' u. MCDONALD. COMMISSION HERCHAKT. BID 12th Street , Omu'iii , Nob. Specialties : But. tor E ? s , und ChlcKous. ' WIEDEMAN & CO , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Butter , Onmo , Frnlti , Etc 2208.11th St. , Omalm , Nebraska. WESTEHFIEU ) General Commission Merchants , set , Omaha , Neb. Consignments Solicited. \VKKKS . .VMi Storage and Commission Merchants. niul Don.c.tlo Fiiilts ufcpcclulty. El egant Btorngu facilities. Witrclioimo nnd olllco , 10 Noitb l , h bt. Tiluplioiio 77" . D. A. : iUHIHY , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , Egiffl und I'roduco. A full line of Stnno- na.ro. Coii&lgnmuiits toliciUxl. 1411 Uodgo SL , Omulio. E. MOnONY , General Commission Merchant , Butter , 1'fKS , Cliccso nnd Countiy I'roduco croa * cruliy , W S. l.'th bt. , Omaha , Nub. Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Refrigerator nnd I'aclclnir HOUDU , 14th & Leaven * woith St. , on U. 1' . 1U 1L Tinclt , Omaha , Nub. IIOUKUT 1'UIIVIS , General Commission , 118. lab St , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Iluttor Eggs , I'oultry and Qainu. PEYCKE J Commission Merchants , Fruits , 1'roiluco ana I'rovleiona , Omalm , Neb ISAAC ( JIMKKITH. Commission Merchant , mid wholesale dcalur In countiy prodiico , fruits , butter , ( gfrs , olu. Goods on consignment a - " . KJON. I0h : st. , Oinnhn , Nob. FONS , to A. 1' . Feliaek. ) Produce Commissioa Merchants , No. 313 South 12th Sticot. Ouiatiu , Nob. Dry Goous , j , j. mtowN & cor , " Ifcholesala Dry Goods aud Notions , 1J 3 loujlaa ) SlrtLt , Omutia , Neb. L. aiNsnina : & co. , Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , I.HCUS , Kmbrolilc'ry niul Whltu C'oods , 1"1T1 ' - , t , Omuhit , Neb White Lead , _ " CAHTKIVII1I ! ! : LKAl ) CO. , Strictly Para White Laai. ZOtL bt- , und U , I' , lly. , Omuhn , Harness , Etc , WEI7TY k LANDKOCK , JIuiiiifncliirers unUJobbcrsot Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf OooiU , lllankuta niul Jtobcs. 1121 Funmia Btioot Onmlm. Ntb. Mattresses , B. it. : Mattress Company , Manufacturing MuttroBscs , llcddlng , Feather , 1'illOHB , Cotb , IHO. 1'MG Ulid ll'W IJUflU3 bUOCt , < JmahuNob. _ Overalls , _ CANHKU ) M fNTJFACrtTHINa Co7 Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pauls , Bhliis , Etc. , 11W u-nj 1 ui Uouglu . BUXMt , , Oauihu , Nub. _ _ _ _ _ OMAKA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY OMAHA 1 * 'Vimt ? ; CO , Dealers In All Kinds of Bnllding Material at Wholesale. Itth Sttpct nnd ii o'i 1'nc fl "Trnok. Uiiiali * . (1NHMAX IV WVATr , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , " I0th niul Imnl Streets , Onmlm , yulirnahn. t J. A. Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shlngto , illdlnc Vapors. Si h , Doors , HllmU , Mniilft . . . . ; ! , 1'lckrts , rest , I lino. Plaster , llRf ( Cement. Nlntn ami Jonc , Omaha Nob. Millinery. Importers nnd Jobbers o t Millinery and Notions , 12in nid 1211 Ilnrnoy Stroct , Omalm , NotvJ _ Musical Instruments. * EUIIOI.M .V EHICKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Stolmvay IManoo , Wnbor , Decker , llnlno nnd DilfTK * * 1'iiuion , 1'nrkaitl Oigau ? , Cliuso Organs. 101 HiidllXl 15th sticct. i _ Notions ) Ett. I1UAN131KS & SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Goods , Notions , ( louts' i'lmilslilnpr floml * . Ooods from Now York. Tindo sales daily. t > ) t andfiOS South 13th St. , Omnhn. _ Furniture. EtCi _ CHAKLICS SlllNMiltlCK , Fnrnitnre Mirro , Bedding , Upholstery , Etc. , liMC , U'ls nnd Ulo I'niu tin b troet , Oiimht " " " * STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furnitira , ruinnm Street , Onmlm , Neb. Groceries. AI.LKN BU03. , Wholesale Grocers , lllCamlllK Douglas Strcot. Omaha , Neb. K. II. CHAPMAN CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco nnd Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard St. MKYEll & HAAl'KE Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Erilcus , Clgurs ami Tobuccos. 1317 iind 1319 Doug * las Street , Omulm , Neb. ilcCOHD , I1RADV& COM PAN Vi Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th and Farnam Streets , Omnhn , NoU 1'AXTON , QALIiAUIIUU & CO , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Kos. 705 , 707. 709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. _ _ _ f W. J. BHOATCll , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Springe , tVanon Btoek , Hardwood Lutnnor , ota laifl nnd Ull lluiney btieev , Ouiiiha. Nob. _ ' EDNEY&GIIIHON , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Carrlazo Wood Stock , llonvy Hardware , Etc. U17und 121U Leavuuwuith Street , Omaha , Nob. & TAYLOK , i Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools nnd Buffalo Scales ) . Ins Strcot , Omalm , Nob. LKI5 , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Bbcot Iron , Etc. Agents for Ilowo Scales and Mluml Powder Co. , Omulm Neb. MILTON KOGKUS & SONS. Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Hnntlcs , Grates , Drafts good" , lli-'l and l' U I nnm Street. IIECTOH & WILHKLMY CO. , ffholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Stool Nnlls. Cor. 10th and Hnrnoy Stieete , Omnhu , N < b. . Harvesters. WM. DEEIUNO & CO. , CHICAGO , Miuiufccturer of the Deering , I/arvester / Goods , Write to Win. M. Loilmcr. Gonerol Agent Omaha. Telephone (110. ( Iron Pipe , Etc , MV WV A. I , . STHANO COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam. Water , Hulhuiy nnd Milling Supplies , IKO , IK und UU'4 Fiirmuu St. Omulm , Neb. " CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Etcam nnd Water Supplies. Headquarters fov Mast Foost Co.'a Goods. 1111 1'urnuia Slruott Omalm , Neb. it Jewelry. EDHOLM k EUICICSON , . Wholesale Jewelers. Dealer ! in Sllvorwmo , Diamonds , Wateba * Clocks. Jewelers' Tools nnd Jlutcrluls , Kta. , 10J end 103 , Hth Hlrcul , Cur. jodgo , Oinalia , Nob. J Notions Etc. VINYAHD & SOHXfilDER. .lobtiors in notions , Hosiery & GentsTurDlsMng Good 1000 und 1008 Kuiimin St. , OmulmNub. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ? ' 4U1 and 40A S. lOtli St. , Oinaliu , Nub. ] Wholcsalo Duiilers In Kotlons und Qcnts'Fun I Oils , Etc , CONSOLIDATED TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Dealers la Oils , Gnsollno , Mica Axle Oreuso , Kto. A. 11. lllshop , , Omalm , Nub. , JAMES 15. I10YD , Pork Packer aud Shipper , Omulm , Nebraska. HAKHIS & FIRIIiit : , Packers and Provision Dealers , Ofllcu , Union Market , 1517 DiMUro Stroiit. I'ueUlMf homo , U. 1' . It 1L Track , Uirniuu , Nob. Tulo- liliono No. 157. _ _ Safes and Locks , " ' 'i' . IIOYKK & CO. Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Flrn and lliirftlurl'ioofHales/riinu locUHVmilt mid Jail win It. IttiQ I'm limn bli eel , Oiimliu , N.ub Seeds , J. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds , Agricultural. Vdgotulilo , IHo. Odd I'olloWH1 Hall. y _ W. tor , llth iind DodKo St . , Omulm , Nob. Drugs , Etc , THE GOODMAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggists . And Dealer in I'nlnts , O1U iind Window Olasv Omului , Nub. , | V/lnet / and Liquors. ILKIl * CO , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Mquors. Hole niuiiuruutiiri < rs of KuiuiO'ly'l. KustIndialllttt-ia. IIU llaincy Hlrot-tOiuuli * . ' " ' 7 5"5" . v. wunCAN. Euceebfior to MC.-NAHAIIA i DUMUN , ImporUrt und Wliulc-biilu Doulou In Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars , 14 und S10 a. Htli St. , OiuuUa , NuU >