THE OMAHA DAILY BlffiH WEDNESDAY APEIL 21 , 1880. "W. A. HollenbacK secretary. After a few speeches from some of the prominent fanners of Sicily , they proceeded to organize. They were all nnxlous to sign the constitution. This club shall bo known M the Van Wyck club of Lower Sicily , Its object being to benefit nnd protect llio farmers against monopolies In any form. This society will not support any man for tlio legislature who will not work for the In terest of the farmer. Wo demand "that the producer shall bo put upon an equal footing under the law with nny man or combination ot men. Wo arc opposed to all class legisla tion , and wo are In favor of the re peal of all laws which gives ono man or a combination of men the advantage over any man or class of men. Wo demand Mich legal enactments as will guar antee equity between the fnimers nnd the railroads to the cud that a railroad man shall not accumulate a princely fortune from the net profits of his road , \vhllo tlio farmer haste to economize to make merely expenses. Wo fully recognize the utility of rail roads , and are willing that rail road capital shall have n reasonable per cent ot prolit , but are not willing that It shall tyrannize over and oppress our agricultural ndustrlcs. Wabulloveln building railroads where they are needed and encouraging their construction , provided that when they are constructed they shall not be our masters and wo llielr helpless slaves. ThcBtnto Supreme Court. LINCOLN- , Neb , , April CO. [ Special Tele gram. ] At tlio session of the state supreme court to-day the following cases wcro argued nnd submitted : Stnto ox ret Meeker vs King , Illtto v.i Omaha and Republican Val ley railway company , Held vs State , Towlo vs Shelly , Hoyt vs Sclinylcr , Murphy vs Jjyons , State ex rel Attorney General vs Marron the part of plaintiff , Lincoln vs Holmes , Nelson vs Jiovlns , Cummings vs Winters , Lamb vs [ Sherman. Lcav e to flic mncndcd petition wns given Ju State.ex rcl Hopkins vs School District Ji'o. 7 , of Sherman county , nud the causa was continued. Motion to dismiss In Aid ttmin vs Stickler \vas overruled , and llio Bcnso continued. Court adjourned to Wednesday morning , April 21st. Indignant , Odd Fellows. Bn.YTnici : , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram. ] The Odd Fellows of Beatrice have Irccly expressed their Indignation this even ing , over tbo announcement that appeared in Iho evening papers to the clfecl that the rates to the celebration to bo held in Omaha on Monday next , had been fixed nt ono nnd n third fare. 3Ir. Allen of the 13. & M ! . , U was understood , had upreed tlml tlio rates over this road shcuUi not exceed one faro lor the round trip , and the Odd Fellows hud worked up a Inrgo list of parlies who had pledged Ihemselves lo go with this understanding. The lodge to night adopted strong resolutions condemn ing the action of the roads , und also express ing their regrets to tlio Omaha brethren at * their inabilityto attend. TO TUB imiSAOII. The Irish National IJCIIRUO Urgcil to Support Gladstone. LiNcor.x , Neb. , April 20. A circular Is sued to-day by the executive committee of the Irish National League of America to the olllcers and members of Its brunches , after calling attention to the near npprocch of suc cess for the cnuse of Ireland through llad- ! otone's proposition , says : "These meas ures are now assailed by most powerful and most unscrupulous combinations , composed of men who , from hereditary prejudice and 'class ' interests , nro enemies to all human progress and popular rights , nud all sides admit the great import ance of American opinion In Influencing the ( settlement of the vitnl question , livery branch ot the league should therefore , without a moment's delay , organize a citizens' meeting , composed of the most representative men , of nil shades of Ameri can politics , all shades of nationalities , nnd by that-means obtain such unequivocal ex pression of genuine American opinion ns will strengthen the hands of Pnrncll and Gladstone in the coming struggle. Mem bers of the lengHO should also use all their influence In their various Htntcs to Induce local legislatures nnd other representative bodies to follow the noble cx- nmple of tbo legislatures of Iowa , Ohio , INow York , Rhode Island , nnd Connecticut and the parliament ut Quebec , in passing ap- propriuta resolutions und sending mes sages of cncourngemciit ucross the water. Prompt action Is nil important us tlio debates on the Irish homo rule bill nnd hind purchase bill will bo resumed early In May. Wo there fore rely on nil branches ot the league to lake immediate steps to carry out these sug gestions. A .Fiery Galabrntlon. LONDOX. April 2t. A dispatch from Waiidalay says : To-day bolus the Burmese now year , llfly followers of the Mylngzalng prince set lire to this city in several places nt 4 o'clock this morning. Hundreds ot houses huyo been burned. The treasury , post olllco and smaller buildings within tbo palace enclosure were destroyed. One-third of the waited city has" been ruined. Gladstone Will Not Ilrculc Down. LO.NIJO.V , April 21. Herbert Gladstone , speaking at Bradford lust evening , snld that the government would hold fast to Its pres ent Irlsli policy und would secure victory , reuitlrcd six months or six years. Vivo und , LONDON , April 20. The mills of Braden & Co. , corn merchants , Whites Grounds , S. 13. , was destroyed by Uro to-day. Loss SiW.OOO. The Lund Development association , limited , failed with liabilities amounting to 5510,000. Yesterday's ItiiHn JIull Guinea. The games played by tbo leading base hall clubs of the couutry yesterday resulted us fol lows : At St. Louis Browns 11 , Piltsburgs 10 , At Washington Nationals 4 , Ncwarks 3. , i > At AucusUi AtlantuS i > . Augustus . At Savannah Savannahs 7 , Memphis S. At Charleston Charlestons 11 , Chntta- jioogns 10. , . At Macoir Xash\ll.PS 0 , Macons 4. At Baltimore Baltlmorcs U , Metropoli . tans 10. At Philadelphia Athletics 7. Brooklyns 3. At J.oubvillo Louisville * 2 , Cinclnnatis I ) . The \Vlilnky Pool 3rnst Pay. CHICAGO , April 20. About forty-fire dls- tlllery owners who have been lecelving cer tain fixed sums of money from the western uxpoit association ( whlsuv pool ) to keep their establishments closed , held n mooting hero to-day for the purpose of taking united action In regard to the alleged failure of the pool to meet its obligations lo them. A reso lution was adopted demanding that the pool , jiay ut once the amount demanded by distil lers. This resolution will bo presented at tlio meeting of the western export association to morrow. Leather Dealer * Fall. UOSTO.V , April ! . Salforrt & Sargeanr , dealers in hides and leather , made an assign- incut to-day. Their , liabilities aio S2JO,000 , mid It Is hoped that the assets will cmial th\t amount. The failure is due to the dullness - ness of trade. Another Meeting. The "Oninhu Ulco Club" hold another mooting yesterday afternoon. Ihov huvo oujiuged u room on Furnum street , nnd f the melodious sounds showed plainly thut ninny of the members uro urtists. tt Although they huvo been organized only n short time , und several now members on the roll , the meeting yesterduy ufter- jioon was 11 success. Several very uilli- "cult pieces worn rendered in n most conunendublo way. The club now numbers souio twenty-two members. J , ; X-Cut. Solution to the problem Cross Cut. The phort route to Atkinson's Millinery and "HairEmporium , 10th street , near Cupitol avenuo. Chicago , Rock Isluud & Pacific H'v. " freight and ticket olllco removed to 1305 J.'arnuui street. Telephone No. ? oi. THEY RUSHED THEIR WORK , The City Oonncilmen Dispose of a Largo Amount of Business. LEAVENWORTH STREET GRADE. It Is Finally Approved Tlio Gfts Ord inance Falls to 1'nss The Vlndnct and the Cubic ICaltwny * Other Matters. The Atdcrinnnio Hoard. The meeting of llio cily council last night was attended by all the member. * , Probably a dryer session never took placn. The spread cugle eloquence of Fumy nnd Hie blalherskito oratory of Lcedor both wcro elements of intercsl conspicuous bv their absence. Much business was disposed of , and corlaln im portant measures wcro put through as notably the ordinance repealingthu fran chise of. the gas company. COMMUNICATIONS. A communication from the mayor wns read approving the contract and bond be tween J. E , Knowles and the city for con structing and repairing sidewalks from April 1 to July 1 , 1830. A communication was read from Mrs. J. F. Allan , asking permission lo plant cutulpas in Jcflcrson square on Arbor Uny , April S3. The request wus grunted. Paul Nelson signified his desire to pur chase a tract of land on Sixth street. The matter was referred lo the mayor and city attorney. A communicutiou from Charles Con- oycr , sccreluryof thu board of education , wns read , asking Hint a sidewalk on the outh side of Furnuiu street from Twenty- eighth street , west to cily limils. lie- forrcd to commilleo on sidewalks. Louis Hummer called Iho attention of the council through n communication , to Iho fuctlhnt F. 11. Davis intended laying out an addition to the city that does not conform to llio law. Referred lo the com mittee on grades and grading. Acommunicalion from property hold ers was read , asking that Twenty second street , between Davenport and Cass , bo put lo the established grade , known as the Phillips grade. ' Uclcrred to the com- millco on grades and grading. A petition from Kreivitt & Johnson , brick manufacturers , was read , asking thai they bo allowed lo remove Iho hill near Parker and James streets , to llio established grade , lief or red to the com mittee on streets und alleys , with power to act. A petition from Charles Nober and seven others living in the vicinity of Capitol avenue , between Ninth and Tenth , wus rend , staling thatlExpcrionce Estabrook , James Mcvoyand John E. Edwards wcromaintuining a nuisance on the north side of said street , und renting their houses to women of the lowest nnd vilest character. Thut Iho action of said women is vulgar , ollonsivo and profane to such an extent that property owners in the vicinity cannot rent their property to reputable persons. The petitioners asked for protection. The matter was referred to tlio city marshal , with power lo act. A communication was read from County Clerk Nccdhum , stating that the county commissioners desired to do some grading on Sixteenth street , north of llio city limils , and asked Iho council lo ea- lublish a grade on said Sixlecnlh slroot from Luke strce.t north to city limits. The petition was grunted. A c.ommumcution from Chas. Kaufman , W. A. L. Gibbon and Thos. L. Creisrh , the gentlemen appointed to appraise property for change of grade on "Mason street , , from the west curb of Tenlh slroct 10 the wosl curb of Eleventh street , and Tenth street from the trucks of the B. & M. U. U. Co. , to the north curb of Pacific street in the city of Omaha , Neb. , stating that they had performed their duties. The report was accepted. A communication from Charles Kauf man and seventeen others wus road stat ing that un cll'ort wus being made by the cubic railway company lo secure a right of way over llio Eleventh street viaduct for a line of cable cars. To this Ihoy ob jected on the ground that their properly will bo especially laxcd for Ihis improve ment and Hint Iho bridge would bo ren dered unsafe for teams and pcdcatriuus. They therefore asked Unit Iho council do not give the righl of way to said company- . Q'lio matter went to the committee on viaducts and railways.- An opinion from Vf. J. Conncll , city attorney , was read , regarding the bill of Alwood & Fox for keeping n pair of mules left ul their burn by u policeman. The city attorney held that the city was not hablo for the past or future keeping of said ninlos. That the city has no power to establish a mule infirmary. The opinion was placed on file. , The question of the curbing contract motion to the O'Neill- came up on a ratify - lironnan contract- . This was amended seas as to make the motion order the board of public works to reject all bids and road- vertiso for samo. "I am in favor of allowing the decision of the court to stand , " said Mr. Leo , and 1 don't gee how wo can got out of it. If this IJorca sandstone wasn't a lit ma terial for curbing , why did the board put 11 on llioir lisl ? As the matter stands now the contract ought to bo let to the lowest responsible bidder. If we try to get out of il God knows how many law suits wo will have on our hands. " Mr. Herman KounUo was called upon to spoak.and.briefly expressed himsoH in favor of Colorado sandstone. The amend ment wus then put by ayes and nous , ro- sultingin its being carried. The ayes were Dailoy , Ford , .Goodman , Goodrich , Lowry , Manville , Uochel. Noes , Huiloy , Cheney , Kusper , Leo , Schroder. From the county commissioners , ro- quoslmg that the grade of Eleventh street , from Lake street north to the city limits , bo established , in order that the county may continue such grade beyond said limits , Grunted. From the Omaha While Lend Works , asking for a , .remittance of u property tax of $570. which , as alleged , wus illeg ally assessed. Referred. l-rom W. J. Council , city attorney , pre senting nn ordinance to raise ids salary to sfy.OOO per year , Referred. A largo number of sewerage and other contracts were presented , together with bonds therefor. They were referred. ItKSOLUTIONS. The city engineer was instructed to resurvey - survey Capitol nvoniio lo Twenty-lift h street , to ascertain what change of grade , if any is necessary. The resolution wus introduced by Mr. Lowroy. Uy Lowry That the council commit tees moot hereafter on Thursday instead of Friday evening. Adontcd. Uy Goodman That the marshal bo authorized to employ two special police men for ono month. That tlio board of publio works bo instructed to have the pile bridge on Eighteenth street between Sherman and Pearl repaired. Adopted. That the city engineer be directed to make the necessary survey for the pur pose of opening St. Mary's avenue from Sheridan street to Virginia avenuo. At this point Mr , Kaspar introduced a scries of resolutions to the elt'eet Unit the city marshal bo instructed to see that all officers of the police force while on duty shall wear full regulation suits and hats uniformly , and that I'urthermorOj ho. bo authorized fo mirehaso for the force one' dozen dark lanterns , throe dozen chain nippers and three dozen duplex police cull 'whistles. After grille discussion the rpsolution w'as referred tcrpolice committee. . Tint the dty engineer bo instructed to report an ordinance , with profile , for the establishing of the grade of Capitol avr- uue , between Twenty-sixth and Thirtieth streets. Mr. Dally hero Introduced n resolution that the city marshal be directed to have tlio pile of immure standing on lot No. 8 , block IB , Smith's addition , removed as soon as possible. This was adopted. Tliat tlio street commissioner bo direct ed to put in two crossings on the north aide of Dccatur street , ono across Pier nnd ono across Twenty-sixth street , lie- ferrcd. That the street commissioner bo di rected nnd instructed to remove the wooden bridge now on lot 10 , Pclham place , lief erred. COMMITTKR IIKI'OKTS. Grades That the reports of the Lcavcnworth street appraisers be adopt ed , and the city treasurer bo directed lo lender to tlio property owners the amount of damages awarded , aggregating $1,010 , and that thereupon tlio city engineer bring in the final ordinance making said changes of grado. Approved. From Iho same committee , passing favorably upon Iho bids of Andrew Hose- wulcr und Joseph Aub for a strip of land in block 2501. Approved. Streets and Alleys Thai some point on the Missouri river between the water works pumps and smelting works bo selected for dumping grounds for disposal of manure , garbage , etc. Recommitted. Police Thai Iho charges against Ofll- cor George Graham having been investi gated and found to bo Into , that said Oillccr Graham bo suspended and dis charged from Iho police force. Ap proved. From same committee , reporting that the mayor's appointment of John H. Moore for policeman ought not to bo confirmed. Approved. Gus and Electric Lights Recommend ing that the communication of Iho Sun Vapor Light and Steve company , in which they offer to furnish lights to the suburbs of Hie city , bo referred to gas inspector specter to make necessary investigation as lo its merits and report same to coun cil. Approved. From same committee That the audi tor bo instructed lo settle the bills of the gas company according to his lisurcs as already submitted lo the council , and to tender the amount thereof to llio com pany. Special committee Thai Iho ordinance providing for the compromise of Iho suits involving the validity of certain taxes , as brought by John I. Rediek , bo passed. Approved. The special committee appointed to pass upon the ordinance giving the Cable Tramway company the righl to run their cars across the Eleventh street viaduct. handed in their report. They intimated that Ihere was considerable opposition on Iho part of rcsidenls south of Iho viaduct against allowing the company r..o righl lo cross it. However , the com mittee suggested that the ordinance bo amended or a now one presented so as to overcome certain objections : 1. That the cable company bind lliem- selves to operalo their road within a cer tain time ( some four or six months ) after the completion of the viaduct. 2. That they also bind Ihcmsclvcs lo ojicrale llieir road three-quarters or ono mile south of the track. U. That they do nol sell or Iransfer llieir righl or charter to any other party or company without the consent of the mayor and council. 4. That they give the mayor and coun cil the right to regulate the spceil of cars over the viaduct , sous not lo interfere in any way with the travel. The report was adoplod. OltDINAXCKS. A special ordinance providing for pay ment of registrars , judges and clerks of election , was passed. An ordinance locating certain addi tional water hydrants in the city was passed. The ordinance grunting the right to construct and use a track over Iho Elcv- enlli slreet viaduct to the Cable Tram- yuy company , subject lo certain condi- lions , was read n lirst and second time and referred to the committee on rail roads and viaduotH , und the lirst ward delegation , for report. An ordinance ectublishing the grade of Douglas street from Twenty-fifth avenue lo Twenty-ninth avenue andTwenly-sixlh avenue , from Farnam lo Dodge slrcels , wis referred. Anolhcr ordinance declaring the neces sity of changing Iho grade of Thirteenth street , between Center und Dorcas , to Vinton street , was passed. The ordinance creating a board for the inspection of buildings in the cily of Omaha , defining the duties of said board , providing for the inspection of buildings and for tlio construction , alteration , re pair und removal of buildings , wus passed. An ordinance regulating the erection and use of telegraph , telephone and elec tric poles nnd wires in the public streets and alloys , wus referred. The ordinance to repeal the franchise of the old ; us company on the ground thai it hud broken its contract with the city , wns then voted upon after 11 very brief debute. The vote wus a tic , as fol lows : Ayes Bailey , Duiloy , Gookrieh , Lowroy , Schrocdor. IJoeliol. Noes- Cheney , Ford , Goodman , Kusnor , Lee , Man villo. After some further unimportant mat- tars were disposed of , Iho council ad journed. g MnuuttiotiirlnK Sites. EDITOU BEI : : So much is being said pro und con regarding ma.nufuQtoric.s locating hero and 1 am glad that this important question is becoming a leading one , for , ns expressed in my letter you so kindly printed some six weeks ago , tlio one thing needou to make Omaha's "elec tion snro" is for the producing olcmont to grow in proportion to the consuming elements , liul the purpose of this note isle lo say something relative to the bpstsites for factories. The impression soonis to bo that n place on Iho Holt line is the very best location for them , inasmuch as prodtiets could bo switched to anv trunk line. This is true , but this switch is where tiio burden for factories comes in. Every man that conducts a business re quiring good shipping facilities knows how ho is tied up when his works are located on some one trunk line , but oven then ho has to pay no switching charges on goods coming in or going oul on Unit line , liul when ho is located on the Belt line and no other you can readily see that no matter by what road ho receives freight or ships it , the Dolt Line charges will have to bo paid. It will bo hard work for a manu factory to live in these close competing times when it hns to pay switch charges on every pound of stuff that comes in or gees out. Now outside of uny personal interest the fact cannot help but com mend itself to every candid mind , and i\ culm unbiusod survey of thu situutlon will contain it , Unit no where in or about Omaha can there bo as good sites for manufactories us where nil the railroads , including the Kelt Line , do , or will con verge , und where there is nn abundance of land lo bo hud nt nominal prices. The organizing of an association to assist manufacturers lo locate hero is a wise move and just what is needed. I am ne gotiating with a novelty iron works and foundry linn at Osknloosa , la. , whoso business has outgrown the plnco Five thousand dollars will bring those works to Omnhft. They don't ' usTc it to bo do nated. They want a partner to furnish Unit amount or loan to them at u low rate of interest. . "South Omaha" stands ready with the ground and the shipping /aolHUus. Let the "help" association do the rest. The. South .Omaha land syndi cate was formed for the express purpose of fostering manufactories , and the land selected with that view in end. For nearly a mile a running stream of water llows mill Way. ietiVccn tracks , where switches can bn connected with three trunk lines [ nniLflio oBelt lino. All other railways , as thoyicomo into Omaha , will naturally build down this valley to the stock yards. So. throwing alt prejudice or soil interest \A\dff \ \ , no honest thinking person can holp'bui ; own Ihal from the H. & M. bridgewlloro 11 crosses the Union Pacific track , nl the "summit , " to the stockyards , arc Hie very best sites for miinn factories , htnl > vhat , is more , wo are going to have lliem'lhoro nol ono only , bnl twenty or thirty within tlio next ten years. ' \ M. A. UITON , Malinger "South Omaha. " KKAIl TiSTATT. MEN. They Moot , Organize nnd n. Number of Committees tire Appointed. Last evening the real estate men l.cld n meeting at the board of trade rooms , for the purpose of aiding manufacturers who may wish lo locale in Omaha. Two Important committees were appointed , ono to oiler inducements to manufac turers lo coino here , and Iho other lo compile a history of the city , to be soul to eastern papers and bo published , giv- ingoastcrn people something of an idea of the resources and past growth of Omaha. About thirty real estate men were present , and n very profitable meeting was hold. Another ince'ting will bo hold in the board of trade rooms on Friday evening to perfect the organi zation and detail a plan for the work to bo done. Governor Sauudcrs presided over last evening's meeting and Mr. 11. B. Ivcy acted as secretary. The following is the committee on per- .mancnl organizalion and lo oiler the in ducements to would-be locators in Iho city : Geo. W. Ames , John T. Bell , John W. Marshall , Gco. P. Bevius and C. E. Mnvno. The committee on data is composed of the following real estate men : R. C. Patterson , L. V. Morse and John L. McCaig. Lnst Night's Uevlval. The meeting at thn exposition building last night was quite well attended , some COO people being present , and all seemed intcnl uu religious iuiiiuaus | , not friv - olous thought or chance bringing them thcr ; . The doxology was lirsl sung and with a will by all present . Then Mr. Mellows Kaig made n few remarks , after which came Rev. Hitler's usual discourse. The audience wus appreciative , and listened with alt possible avidity. lie spoke of the saving of .souls , saying that euiih und oven ono could bo saved if they so do- sireil. As on the evening before a largo number responded to the cull to all who desired to be Christians , lo bo prayed for or hud friends needing Iho prayers of good Christ inns. Ladies were promi nent , although qmto a number of gentle men were present. The song service wus as interesting us usual mm almost all those present joined. This is a great fea ture of the revival , and one which all ap preciate. Aftcf several prayers those present wont hpiiie , many declaring thai they would comA ug in this evening , as the discourses by My. Bitter are highly in teresting. und have n tendency at least to raise tlio monlls of. the community. ' A Policeman Talks. "I wish the make few llnjj wquld a sug- geslions to Ihe Jtvfor the benefit of us policemen , " sud : "o'\ie \ ot the finest" to a reporter yesterday , us the two wcro walk ing down the sti'Sct together. "There arc a number of things Unit wo ought to have , " ho continued. 'VFor : instance , the coun cil ought to dcfliio djno sort of lighl sum mer uniform tliut'wo'coiild all wear. As it is now , half tllo ihcu are dressed ono way nnd half another , without any refer ence to uniformity. Another Hung > yo ought to have is a now set of police whis tles of the steamboat pattern. The way things are now ono can'l loll a police man's whistle from those which are used by hulf the fast women in town. And in the last place , lo complete ourcquipmont , llio council ought lo furnish ns wilh dark lanterns and hand-cull's. In all these re spects llio force is poorly equipped , andil is to bo hoped that Iho 'council will recognize - nizo Unit fact. " Interesting Cases. Justice Berku bus the past two days been trying some quite interesting cases. Ono is that of two prostitutes , a replevin suit fora Irunk. Viola Busha claims thai she docs not owe n certain proprietress of a house of ill fume uny money , but this claim is hold by the respondent to bo false. ' Her trunk contains a largo num ber of articles of female apparel , and the said proprietress hus held it for money she claims Violu owes her. Viola says she doesn't owe a cent ; lienco the suit. Another is between two families , over Iwo sluiwls , ono a largo black ono with fringes , and tlio other a small red ono with no fringes. They tire real angry about the mutter , and seem bound thai llio judge shall use all his legal talent in deciding the euso. The last is n horse case. It seems thut n mun took a span of horses lo a black smith shop to bo shod , and failing to pay the charges , the owner of the place kept them us security. The horse nnm now replevins , on llio ground Uiut tlio mun cannot keep his property on such u small bill. _ A Colored Excitement. Quito a row was started by a colored gout yesterday on Jackson street. Ho got full and went to a house of prosti tution und naked Iho woman who keeps il for money , and when slm would not give him uny ho commenced firing tlio furniture , etc. , around. After breaking all llio windows in the place ho pulled : i knife and threatened Iho woman's life. She run out of doors nnd escaped , yell ing "Murder ! Police ! Fire , " und raising a big row. Two police ollleers went in search of him , but their ollbrts weio fruitless , ho having skipped. Lnst evening ic to expressman look a loud of furniture irom ono of the sport ing houses onNintli street , und started his horses to take it * to the destination , The temn scorned to too disobedient , however und uvrtiy'm ' their throwing ever , ran , flight ing the driver frinn the wugon und muti lating tlio harness quite a good deal. Tlio driver's head war , eiit onsiderably and ho will probably bo'luid up several weeks in consequence. Tlio'tt'am ' wus stopped ut the corner of DonglnF and Tenth streets. . The following ! luttor was received nt the Bin : olllco yesterdays I arrived In' ' this1'town * ' lust night en route for SunFrnucisco. , I will open up a campaign in the M. E. church , begin ning this evening. My love to all my inquiring friends. Yours truly , _ BIN : HOQAN. "TiTrPTlCorboirof the Ilnmboldt Lum ber Mill company in California , was in tno city yesterday , .returning fronj n busi ness trip through Michigan , Wisconsin , Illinois and other eastern states. The company that Mr. Korbol represents owns extensive foresU and many mills in Cali fornia , and Mr Korbol is introducing the celebrated California redwood of hisoxyn manufacture in Omuhu and eastern markets - kots , The characteristics of the redwood ( scquioa ) nro its beautiful grain , clenrnoss nnu lightness ; it never warps nor rots , nnd is entirely free o.f pitch , making it the most desirable ma.torial for finishing , and especially for brewers' tanks. It can bo furnished about at the same prices as the much inferior pine. THE OLD MAID CAPTAIN , The Little Eomance Which the Stew ardess Told , How the Skipper's lllnck Hoard AVns Dropped , tlto I/ost Child l''ound nud n IJQVO Story HCRUII , Now York Times : "I liavo boon poins to sea these twenty-five years , " said the stewardess of an American coastwise steamer , one afternoon recently , as slio sat sowing in llio coxy ladies1 onbin of tlio vessel to which she belonged , "and yet 1 was never wrecked , nor has : i ship 1 have been on lost so much ns n spar wliilo 1 was aboard. Yes , my life lias been a very commonplace ono. There has been no romance in any way connected with it- stop , though ) 1 did play u very small part in a romance once. That happened full twenty years ago , and now it seems like a ( Ireim ; I sometimes wonder if it wasn't after all a dream. It seems stranger to me now than it did even than. " The worthy stewardess paused and a far-away look In her eyes showed that sue was in dulging in retrospection. "when I was young 1 went on sailing vessels instead of stoamboiiU , " continued the stewardess. "About twenty years ago-that was when 1 was young 1 vis- tiled some friends in the country after a Voyage , and then I came to New York to find a ship. The agent that I went to told me that I could go as stewardess on a ship bound to Australia. 'The skipper , ' said he , is : i 'good man. but lie is a regular old maid. I saiu that I didn't mfnd old maids , and so it was settled tliatr was logo with the 'old maid cap- lain.1 The next day I went aboard and reported to my new captain , who was called Harris. The captain was short and rather slightly built , with mild gray eyes , but with u full , heavy blaek beard. Ho seemed about 33 years old. His hanus were small and delicate , and his voice was high and just a tritle shrill , and lie walked up and down the deck with a mincing sort of gait. Thinks I , 'Uapt. ' Harris , if you wasn't a skipper you'd have made a lirst rate single woman ; 1 regularly dispised linn until the iirst storm came on. Then lie went on deek and handled the ship in such a way thai 1 could not but admit that lie was the bust navigator I liad ever sailed under. Then 1 began to think bet'.or of the old maid cunluin. I never saw a captain so con siderate of his num. If ono of them was the least bit sick , the captain would go into the forecastle and attend to him as tenderly as a nurse. And when the weather was bad ho would not allow the mates to make the men do any work that wasn't really necessary. The mates used to make fun of the captain behind his back for being so considerate of his men , but somehow 1 thought it was a good trait in him. I began to watch the captain closely , and 1 soon made up my mind that there was some mystery about that man. Once on a pleasanteycningl came on deck and saw the captain looking at llio red sunset with tears in his eyes. At another time , when 1 thought ho was on deck , I went into the after cabin for something thing1 found him there. What do you think lie was doing ? Why , lie was sew ing and crying into the bargain. "They are right in culling you the old maid cap tain.'thinks I. "The mate , Mr. Wood , was a tall fine- looking down-caster about. ! W vcars old. The captain boomed to like him , but I thought how ho must envy him his faize and strength. The captain , though , was much the smaller man of the two. The mate , somehow , seamed to take a fancy to me for as I said I was young in those days. He was always running into the cabin on some pretext to talk to mo. Hut I never encouraged him. You see L was engaged to be the mate of another mate , and that mate , poor follow , was lost at sea a few years afterward. Al though the captain didn't scorn to care much about me , he didn't fancy the mate's taking si liking to me. That used to puzzle mo. Une pleasant evening when I wont on deck I saw the captain , who stood aft , looking admiringly at. the mate , who was sitting at the starboard gangway. When the captain saw mo coino on clock lie gave inn a sort of suspicious look , and when the mate came up to mo ana began to make himself agree able , although , as 1 snid before , Fhad not given him any encouragement. I glanced iicain at the cajitain and there was an angry snap in his eyes. Ho did not like to fceo the man and mo together. That was plain. Imt why should ho ob ject to it as long as ho didn't seem to care for mo hinisoli ? 1 tried to hit on some rcsison for this , but 1 soon gave the whole thing np as a mystery too deep for mo to attempt to solve. "Ono morning when wo wcro in llio South I'acilio some ono cried out that tli'jro was a small boat with several people ple in' it in sight on the lee bu\v. Wo bqro away for the boat , which in a short time was alongside the ship. J'ivo men and a little boy climbed up from the boat to our deck and we gave them n warm welcome' . The little boy couldn't ' have been a day over 8 years old. Ho was a .bright-looking little fellow , with long curly hair. Cuj > t. Harris took to him at once. Ha carried the little follow into the .after cabin und put him in his own berth , and took him something to cat , while the rescued men were telling us how they came to bo in the open-boat. They belonged tp ti bark winch wns bound to Now York , but had sprung a louk and had loundorcd the day boforu. The crew loft the vessel in two boats just before the vessel went down , but wnoii She did go under she sivampcd one of the boats , and the captain and seven mon were thrown into the water and drowned. The other boat- , with the mate in charge , managed to keep ntioat until wo came up with it , "Tho mate of the wrnckod vessel , Mr. Bradley , was a graj'-haired , rough-look ing man , but lit ) scorned to have n kind heart. Early in the evening , when ho was silling in the forward cabin with the second mute und my.sol I' , ho told us that the little boy , who was still in Hie after cabin with Cunt. Harris , had boon ship wrecked twice before. The little follow was llio son of a sea captain , and hud boon going to sea with his father and mother over since ho was born. About four yours ago , when the ship on which this sea-going family were , was ncaring the Knglmh channel , a heavy fog sot in. The hocond mute was in churgo of the dock , and the captain , with his wife and boy and the mate , were at the dinner ( allo , The captain's wife happened to think of .something in the gallery that bho wanted and she went lorwnrd for it. Just then u big steamer loomed up suddenly in the log , and without any warning , struck the ship aft and smashed in the cabin. The poor captain was crushed to : , but the mute and the little bo3 * weru only imprisoned by the broken Umbers. The mate cried out a number of times , but received no an swer. Ho could hour occasional whis tles from the steamer for about half an hour. Finally ho mmlo a struggle and succeeded in touring away enough broken 'timber to liberate himself. Ho took the little boy with him , and going on deck found that llio wreck was sinking. The vessel hud been deserted by the others , who hud probably climbed on board the steamer. The wreck was now nearly oven with the water , and the mute made u little raft und launched it. Ho took the boy and sprang on to the raftj where ho lushed hfnisult .and the little fellow. tSoou afterward the wreck sank. Next morning it was clear , and tlio mate and the hey were picked up by u small iron bark bemud to Jupau. The bark , however , goloul of her course , and was driven ashore on a small island , nol far from the Philippines. The island was inhabited by Iriomlly natives , who took care of the stranded crew , but nearly three years elapsed before any vessel came to the island. They wore finally taken on" by a man-of-war , which landed them at Hombay. Hero the male was taken sick and scnl to the hospital , where ho was visited by Mr. Uradley. The lat ter , who had once been befriended by tlio boy's father , said the burk ho was on was about to sail for Now Nork , and ho un dertook to deliver the little fellow to his friends. Imt now tlio poor boy was again on his way to the other side 01 tlio wo rid "While Mr. Bradley was finishing his account of how ho came by the boy , Cap tain Harris came in from the after cabin and said that the little fellow was sleep ing nicely. Mr. Urndluy began to tell the captain about how the boy was wrecked the lirst timo. Then llio captain rose up , pale and trembling , and asked the name of the shin. When Mr. Uradley gave the1 name of tlio shin that was run down and said that llio boy's latlior was Captain Wilson , the skipper staggered back ami then rushed into the after cabin as if I in had gone mad. Wo couldn't make out what was the matter witii him. An hour later 1 wont into the after cabin tor some thing , and 1 saw the captain leaning over the boy , who was fast asleep. The cap tain looked up , and 1 noticed Hint Ins eyes were red , as if ho had been crying hard. Thinks 1 , 'Well , well , you are ah old maid of u caplain , indeed. ' "The next morning wo were becalmed. Nearby us lay a big clipper ship , which toward noon sent a boat to us. The olll- cor in charge of the clipper's boat said that they were bound for Now York , hut were short-handed , and told Mr Bradley that ho and the other men from the losl bark were welcome to come on board and work their passage to the United States. Mr.lirudluy jumped at the chance , and , the men being all ready to leave our shin , lie looked around for the boy. Wo found tlio little follow in tlio cabin , where ho was being pelted by Capl. Harris. The caplain made n great outcry when Mr. Hradloy said that the boy would have to go with him. Our skipper begged hard for the youngster , but Mr. Bradley said that ho would have lo lake him to his friends. Mr. Bradley was about to lead the youngster out of the cabin , when Capl. Harris fell on his knees and put his arms around the boy. Thou ho looked up to Mr. Uradloy and said : " 'You must not take him. I am his father ! ' ' "His fatherl' replied Mr. Bradley. 'What do you mean ? Why , 1 knew Capt. > Y llson myself. Ho was at least ton yours older than yon , and was a largo man in the bargain. Come , let mo have the boy ! ' " 'No , no.1 cried Capt. Harris , pressing the little follow closer to him. 'i may not bo his father , but 1 am his " 'lon't ) say you are his inothhr,1 sneered Mr. Bradley. " 'Yes , 1 am his mother ! ' was llio reply ply"And "And with that Capt. Harris nulled aside the heavy black beard 1 mentioned. There was no doubt about it. The cap tain had a woman's face , and not a bad looking ono either. Mr. Bradley blurted buck in astonishment and cried : " 'You don't mean lo say you arc Capt. Wilson's widows' " 'That's exactly what I am'said our skipper , rising to her feet and putting her beard buck into place. 'After my husband's ship hud been struck by the sleumertwas lifted on board the hitter by two of the men. My husband and child were given up for lost , although I bogged the people to return und search the wreck for Ilium. They would have done this , but the steamer could not iind the wreck in thu fog , and il was supposed that she hud foundered immediately after wo loft her. 1 went homo to my friends. My husband had left very little money , and I found thai 1 would have to work for a living. I didn'l euro to hire oul us housekeeper or do uiiy other drudgery of that kind. I hail learned navigation thoroughly from my husband and was well lilted to lake churgo of a ship. I went lo an old shin owner who was a friend of my husband , andgtold him jusl how things .stood. He thought under the circumstances 1 cotildn'l do bettor than dress up as a man and go to sea as a captain. Ho found mo u ship and I've been a skipper over since. And now no ono is going to tuko my lioy away from me. " T'Thit they ain't , " said the good hearted Mr. liradloy. who then kissed the hey and shook hands with us all. In live minutes ho and his men wcro on their way to the big clipper , and our skipper , with her arms around the hey , was lean ing aguinst tlio lullrnil waving her hand t them. "Now , I understood the captain's liking for Mr. Wood , our mule. She was in love with him , and of course slio was a little jealous of me. Tlio whole mystery about Capt. Harris , as HIO ! called herself , was accounted lor. ' Ono evening seine weeks afterward when we were in tlio Indian ocean 1 glanced Ihrougji llio after cabin door , and what do you tiuii'k I saw. There sat our muto. Mr. Wood , by the side of our skip per. She had her beard oil' , , and 1 noticed then that she had let her hair grow. In Mr. Wood's hip sat the lltllo boy. She was looking tenderly at Mr. Wood , and he was talking to tlio boy as if ho had made un his mind to bo very good to him for his mother's suko. Then 1 know that it was all settled. " THE WOMEN OF WYOMING. A. Loiter KxtolliiiK the Purifying In- lliiciico ol' Their Votes. A fcnialo sufi'ragist , writing a letter ox- trolling tliu purilylng inlluonco of women voting in Wyoming , relates this incident us happening ut the lust election in Clio.yoniiu : "ll is a popular belief Ihal a woman will votu just as her husband , father , or brothers do , but this is emphatically a mistake , If the ticket of u husband suits the wife she will vote il ; if not , she will vote against him. This does not , us might bo inferred , cause quarreling in the family. If a husband cannot con- vineo his wife that slio la wrong , or n wife cannot bring her husband to her way of thinking , they marcher or ride to thu - _ polls to gether . and vote directly opposite tickets. In this connection I will give an amusing incident which occiircd at the Carbon county election , A foreman of the building department of the Union Pa cific road hud boon laboring for a week to convert his wife lo his political faith , bill she remained proof to all of his tir- gunnuitativo darts , Finally , election day , lie told her that one of their votes would .simply kill the other , and said he would refrain from voting if slio would. To this KIO ! assented , kissed her good by ho said ho would goto the shops. 1 Hi hail boon gene but u few moments when she donned her hut and cloak , and placing a ticket which she had procured the pre vious day in her pocket wont to the polls in it roundabout way , avoiding the shops where her husband worked , Slio reached the voting place , and when the crowd separated to allow her to pass through she hurried up und mot her Imshand fuoo to face ul the window , each with u ticket in his hand. They laughed heartily at ouoh other's treachery and bad faith , up braided ouch other , and , locking amid , wont homo. " Special Sale of Hosiery at Falconer's all this week. Two now upright Pianos for sale ut a special bargain for cash ut KDIIOI.M & li Thosq Wild Will can have lots In Amos' Puico on payment of $10 down , No further payment for 0 months. Further uurticulura on applica tion AUKS , 1DOD Firn.u.u. A REGULAR GAME OF SEE-SAW Wheat Fluctuates Up and Down and Olosoa Steady and Firm , CORN AND PROVISIONS LOWER , The Cnttlo Market Active , AVItli Idttlo Nebraska Steers nt n llltf Pre mium Gcucrnt Market Quotations. CHICAGO CHAIN MAIUCET. CHICAGO , April SO. [ Special Telegram. ] WIIKAT During the bulk of to-dity's morn ing session prices remained very steadily around the opening prices , and \\oro llrn rntlier than otherwise. Some bullish mews was received from the east nt the opening , many telegrams hinting at a comer In wheat at HufTido , nnd possibly another nt Now York , belli markets being ropwteil as largely oversold , llulfalo moro so than Now 1 ork. Talk of this kind set Lester StniilTcr and other Inruo operators buying quite freely. They found wheat plenty , however , and could do no bettor Hum keen prices up mound llio opening quotations , which were TOtfc for JIny. By 10o'clock everything weakened oil on dispatches saying tliatoxpoilers weto re selling. This chanced the tone Of the local operators entirely for a little while , and nmdo nu nctlvo and almost weak ninrkct , May declining to TSjtfo. Subsequently It Improved , as much on lucid trading as any thing else , again touching 79o , but from this polnl reacting to TSJ TDo. Still later It advanced to TO fe , nnd once more started Its regular rending Inctlcs. No decided Inter est was displayed In the market. Local oper ators were governed largely by outside con ditions , und saw no reason why they should go In on the tall of the month heavier thttn was necessary for n scalp. The morning ses sion closed steady nnd about llriu at opening prices. Coux The market was sustained by the puts , principally provisions , but ns the strength oozed out of this , In sympathy with the temporary weak spots In wheat and else where , corn became heavy , and dropped , from ! tt ; < c to aiKJ7 ? < fe for May. - PROVISIONS At different times the hog T.1 product presented a sulllcleiitly Interesting feature to keep the crowd In the pit , but nt other times It was deserted , nud the market left to take care of Itself. Juno park opened nt Its highest figure , S9.M5. From tills it ran down to'J.ll ' } < ) , nnd picked up to SO. IGXQ 9.20. The close was nbmtt steady. Chnmllcr-Browii Co.'s fioport. The following report of Chicago's specula tive markets is furnished the BKI : by W. P. Peck , Umnliu representative of Chandler , Drown Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee : Wheat opened firm at 7l .f tor Muy. Tlio market soon weakened slightly. May selling nt 7SJX from which point It advanced to 711 , closing steady at iUJ @ JV at 1 p. in. Tlio visible supply showed a decrease of 1,602,000 bushels. Wheat ought to advance. Would buy on weak spots. Corn quiet nnd easy. Visible supply showed decrease of over 1.000,000 bushels. Previsions steady. ! ! : 0p. in , wheat higher. Shorts covering , Corn steady * Pork linn. CHICAGO LIVE Sl'OOIC. CHICAGO , April 20. [ .Special Telegram. ] CATTI.I : The demand to-day was much bet ter than is usual Tuesday , which has come to DC regarded as an unlucky day for country shippers , from the fact that eastern buyers seldom receive aiders for that day. Trade was fairly active lor suitable shippers aim dresMJd beef stock. The cars of stock that commands the most money for size and weight nro the nice little WO to 1,0.10 lb teers from Nebraska , such selling ns high as 1,150 to 1,203 lb steers from other states. The prime cause for the Jpromlu'ii is that that they are bettor bred and hotter fed. Common cows and canning slock continues to sell at extremely low prices , with the out look that from this time un until utter the close of Iho Texas season prices will rule low. Poor and common may bo quoted nt'51.00 ® 2.25 ; fnlrtojtood , S'J.753.25 ) ; best dry cows and heifers , S2.60C.K5.75. The slocker and feeder trade has been rather light the past week , yel prices have undergone little or no change. First-class feeders , say 1,000 , to 1,100 averages , are selling at lOQC < il.OJ ; lighter averages , say ! > SO to 1,000 , uro making S-1.000 I.C. " ) . Light and common btoekers may bo ipioted ul § .1.00(33.50. ( Iloas As compared with yesterdayMon ( day ) values uro u slrong lOc higher. To-day choice assorted heavy nud linn butcher pigs hold at Si.-I03l.03 , and mixed SU513l.i5. : Light sorts have been cheaper the past week and have not Improved In the same proportion tion as heavy , selling to-day at 3J.15Q1.80. F1NANU1A.U. Now York , April iiO. ilowEV On call , per cent. cent.pAjrm.K pAjrm.K PA run 1@5 per cent KxoiiA.Vii--l : > uI ! but steady ; for sixty days , and Sl.BSJjf on Io nian it. , ( lovhiiNMRSTS Dull but steady , STOCKS This was the day In stocks luuu the dog days last year , but while tlio market Is intensely dull It Is also strong. There wus u dowmvaut tendency after mid ; day for a time , but In the last hour all previous losses were record ed ami thu mar ket closed extremely dull but Mixing nt or neir the /wst / ligwes of the day. BTOOICH OK WAI.r STIIHKT. art cent bonus. . . lOOtfO. &M.V 100 % artu. a.Ufa - H'fi ! preferred. , . JilH New -1's 120'tfN. ' V. 1) ) W Pacific ( i's of'05. I'- * Oregon Trail. . . 20W Central Pacific. . 11 Piicilii ! Mall Ml C..SBA HO j > D.AiK ' preferred , , , , 165 P.'P.U. . . . . . . . . . Hit' au& < i isi Itock Jflann. . , . w ] > . . L. ibAV 1'40 : St. L. & . I' . . . . D.&JI. ' a lUMi piefenud. . . Erie 214f 0. , M. iVSt. I' . . . preferred. , . , fiTJfl prufeneJ. . Illinois .MJtf.'tit. P.iVsO L , U.V ' 'I I iirt'ferriMi. , . Kunsnsit'l'u.vis. 27/ Texas 1'iichiu. . . 6'ijJ Union Pncllio. , . MsV.Vr . . , Mt . I. , AP , . Wlch. Central. . . , m i preferred. , . 'Mo. Pacilio JWI \\Vhtern \ Union Koitheru Pao. , , 35 ] 0.1. . N , . lucfened. . . . 57j IMIOUUOG. I . . Apill ' * 0.-Flour-Quiet , steady nud uneluinged. winter wheat , 84.40W.I7 ; southern , si.0'r ) < l,0"i ; Wisconsin , tH.WSi 4.75 ; MirhlKan bolt Silling , S.70I.OO : ) ; ; Minnesota bdei ; ; > ' , f.0wi.vr ; ) ; patents51.63 " C > ( .XOO ; low irraden , SJ.OO'/J'J.OX ) ; rye IVyur , HS.vy : : < c 1.5'J , hi Imrrels , 3).OJ ) < J MJ in suck ; ) . Wheat'Opoiircl he higher , 'rcccdod Ke , ndvalii'i | „ ! , ea'jed off and closed about l//o uhovo ye 'eiday ; cash anil Apiil , 7SQi7ik . ' ; * 3l.iv VJ e l uui ste.uly ; declined J/c. closed n aha4 |