Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA OrricnNo.M4 ANnoicFAnxAM ST
NF/W YoiiKOrncK.lloott M.TntnuNR Iiun.nmo
Published every mornlnfr , except Bundfijr. The
only Monday mornln ? pni > or published in tbo
TT.MIK nv MAtf.
One Ycnr . $10.00Threo | Month * . $2jn
SIxMontlH . n.OOOno , Month . l.CO
TtiB Wrr.Kiv DEE. Published Every Wednesday.
TKIIMS' , rosit-AiD :
OnoYcnr , wllli premium . . . . , . . . , . t2.CO
OnuYonr , without premium. . . . . , . . , , . , . , . , , \Z i
MX Months , without premium . . . . . . . . . 75
Ono Month , on trial , . . . . . . , . , , . 10
All rommunlcntlonn rclntlnir to ncwgnnd mil-
torinl matters should bo nddrosscd to the Km-
ton OF
All 1)11 HnrM l t tors nnd remittances xnoutd bo
OMAHA , Irnft ! > , chcch 1 rind poMolllco ordora
to bo mnOo jmyuliloto thoonlorof the company.
E. KOSRWATim , Bmron.
T11U IU3IJ3.
Hxvorn Statement ofClrculntlon.
Stnto of Nebraska , I
County of DoilKlns. f
N. P. Fell , cuslilcr of tlio Hco Publishing
compniiVi docs solemnly nwcnr tlmt the ac
tual drciilntloii of tlio Daily lieo for tlio
past fifteen publishing days of April , 1BSG ,
wnqos follows ;
Dalt. Iiiriilim I'llitton. EtcntnoEdition. TnM
1 IU'00 12,090
2. Ti.770 11.U70
3.B. . . . . .n , , o C.1W 12'HX )
B. . . . . .7,0011 5,840 12,810
o 200 G.720 11MO
5,700 12OfiO
, 11,120
' " " '
u'i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! bo fi.fillO 11,800
10 0,4:10 : 0,050 12.4SO
12 7,100 5,1170 12,770
13 11UIO
it 5.7BO 12,000
JB 5,775 12,050
10..0 7 , " ) 5,72.- > 12.0CO
17 nIBO 0,100
Total . . . .ti : > ,7PO gflK20 182,000
Dnlly nv'ogo 0,183 5,788 12,173
. N. 1' . Fun. .
Sworn to nnd stitomupd before inc. this
17th Uny of April , A. U. leSfl.
SIMON J. Fisiir.ii.
Notary Public.
N. r. Fell , hclnc first duly sworn , dop'oses
nnd says Hint ho is cashier of the Heo Pub
lishing company , that the actual avcratju
dnlly cliculation of the Daily IJco for the
month of .Janiuiry , 1S8G. was 10,378 copies ;
ior February , 1880,10,693 copies ; for March ,
IbSf ) , 11,637 copies.
Sworn to and subscribed before mo this
17th day of. April , A. IX ItteG.
Notary Public.
LOCAL Industries tire the sura archi
tects of local prosperity. The towns and
cities of Ncbinsktv nrc growing the fast
est whoso public spirited citizens : ire in
ducing capital to locate in their midst ,
furnishing employment to labor nnd a
market for homo products.
THE French.government has warned
its people of the dillicnlties nnd dangers
of emigration "particularly to America. "
If half a dozen other governments would
follow surt there would bo no complaint of
workingmen hero , who find every year
the pressure of foreign immigrant labor
harder to withstand.
Slit. GOULD calls attention to the fact
that ho is in the habit of minding his own
business. Unfortunately Gould's busi
ness which ho has minded so carefully
Las been tangled up with the broken for
tunes of a score of wrecked corporations
nnd a thousand ruined business men.
This is the kind of industrious reserve
which the public is not disposed to com
AN honest assessment would bo about
the biggest boom which Omaha could ask
for. It would mean at least half a dozen
millions added to our valuation through
an increase in the valuation of property
owned by wealthy tax shirkers and syndi
cates. The property of men of moderate
means 1ms always been assessed proportionately
tionately higher than that of the rich in
CHOLERA has broken out in Italy and
there is every reason to believe that
Europe is ngain to be menaced by another
epidemic of the scourge. This moans of
course that every precaution must betaken
taken at all American ports to prevent
the importation of the infection. But
after nil quarantine measures have been
employed , the best precaution of all is
cleanliness. Cholera thrives on lllth. It
breeds in garbage and spreads by means
of dot-ay. Clean streets , clean alloys and
garbage-clear back yards are deadly
enemies of the deadly cholera.
OMAHA is stretching out so rapidly
into Douglas county that the interest of
the city in the administration of county
affairs is scarcely less than that of her
own. The trouble with the county board
has boon for years that they have not
felt as thov should have felt the force of
public sentiment. Their proceedings
have tnkon the form more of secret con
claves than they have of public meetings ,
pnd the voters of Douglas county have
consequently been compelled to judge
fcy results because they have boon largely
Jk pt in ignorance of their methods ,
ft paunot ' bo repeated too often that the
wlde'st publicity of administration in
pntyovs on which taxpayers are inter-
Mtod is most wholesome * to the connmm-
Jty. The public is entitled to know the
nnd wherefores as well ns the do-
of plUeJala elected to posi
tions of trust. Street corner caucuses
may , satisfy oflieials by removing disson-
pio'ns in the board , but they will not
'jtixswor a public demand which calls for
full Information on natters Inyliich all
hayp a vital intercut.
. _ . ; . ? thuy como. The immigrants int
io obraskaaro pouring with unabated , across oiir borders ' and pushing
'ewlossjy into sections w'lijeli a'yo yoarij
Jgq were uninhabited anil prpnonituqd
Hinlubltblo. | : ( KorUi and south alike
( tro fooling tlio impress of tho' inllowln
.population which is crowding tlio trajijs
nnd ( lowing in long processions of white
pqyqreil prairjo scJiooNprs jnto tjio fron-
ijgr ppuntios. } Jqt jt | ijot ulono pppn-
lajlnn wlllsh is being added to Nobrnskn ,
Tlfc western I'mDors ugl'1' lmt V10.clasq .
of immigrants is bettor than 'n
ny preceding year , bringing with
* them considerable capital ns well as
industry and experience and pluck.
> Many como from Illinois nnd Iowa with
comfortable menus to take up free land
while land is still free. Others have sold
valuable farms olsowhnru in order to
, * UU't tielr | buys in a state where farms
, -win yet be obtained at a small cost. It is
.pleasant to note that in n number of in-
.etanccs colonies , with all the c.qulpments
t-older nnd mnro settled life , school * ,
Tchurch orcanlzations. ludustrial oeoupa-
/ tion * nud jevoral lines of Inislnosi , have
taken up land together to build up mm
' eminunltloj in a now state modelled
, 'in obdoiy and nnrgy aud thrift after
" i cM from tVhich tliey como. '
Vnu AVyck's Trmluccrs. .
Whom the gods wish to destroy they
first make mad. The political sleuth
hounds arc su furioualy barking tit
the heels of Senator Van Wyck must
surely hnvo been seized with the rabies.
Vnn Wyckophobla will bo the death of
them. Although the senatorial campaign
is still six months tihcadof us , the phials
of gall and wrath have b6en emptied nt
the senator and the state is deluged with
the frothings of the political mad-dogs.
The Omaha Republican has not only
devoted n whole page to Vnn Wyck , but
has followed It up with columns of edi
torial vnporings ever what the maniacs are
pleased to term "publlo opinion" against
Vnn Wyck. That page of Van Wyck-
ophobitij embodying extract * from twen
ty-six papers , is headed "Thirty-six pa
pers belonging to the grand old party
express their opinion of his ( Vnu Wyck's ' )
treachery. "
There nro over SCO papers in Nebraska ,
nnd twenty-six of these constitute
one-tenth of the entire state press. But
do these papers voice Iho sentiment of the
grand old parly , or are they merely the
paid telephones of the central monopoly
oxchnngo and hireling assassins of char
acter ?
Let us pull the masks from the treach
erous faces of some of these bushwhackers
and lot tioncst republican's judge for
themselves out of whoso mouth Van
Wyck Is denounced and vilhlled.
Tirst in order comes the malignant and
over-zealous home organ of Jim Laird til
Hastings. The kind of republicanism it
represents is symbolized in its patron
saint. It Is Stinking Water republican
ism , with the morals of n whisky bloated
libertine , the bravado of a rowdy , and
the overbearing swagger of the slugger.
Next comes a shrill snarl from the
dog-in-tlio-mangcr down in the slate of
Beatrice , who has boon yelping at Van
Wyck over since Algernon S. Paddock
failed of re-election. Who Is setting him
on , nnd why he never stops snarlinjr , wo
leave the publlo to divine. Ho docs not
voice the sentiment of republicans in
Gage county , whoso nominations ho has
bolted whenever his kidneys were out of
order. The average "yallor" dog is on-
titled'to greater respect than such a mis
erable cur.
The sublimity of impudence is reached
in Valontina's West .Point paper , which
peremptorily demands that Van Wyck
should bo retired. Valentino , wo re
member , was a bar-room and billiard-
hall loafer until ho happened , through
the generosity of John M. Tluiyer , to be
appointed register of a land oHico. Ills
career in public life has been a disgrace
to the state. Cheek by iowl with the
lowest of political bummers his highest
conception of political statesmanship
was to'paek conventions , play capper
tor monopolies , assist land grabbers , and
engineer all sorts of jobs. Ohl Sonu-
onschcin nnd Schwonkl What a great
man you have made of n small bore
politician !
Next in prominence comes the epistle
from St. Paul , through the Kendall organ ,
which concocted that confederate spy
libel that Yost and Nyc repeated until
convicted by'a jury of twelve men , good
nnd true. Shades of Lincoln , Garlield ,
and Grant ! What a republican model
this man Kendall is for all Nebraska !
Kendall has good reason to froth at the
mouth at the mention of Van Wyck's
name. Had it not been for Van Wyck ,
nnd republicans who detest jobbery and
thievery , those school land swindles would
never have been ventilated , and Kendall
might still bo up for some fat oilice.
From the homo of the notorious ropro-
brnto Cams , at Seward , comes a howl of
pent-up indignation at Van Wyck. Cams
is just the kind of a republican who is
shocked at any exhibition of honesty ,
decency and independence , . It would
not do for him to miss the opportunity to
lling dirt at Van Wyck through pismire
From Saline county , whore "tho man
of straw" has posed as an example of
pure republicanism , comes a protest
against Van Wyck. But we understand
that Mr. Dawos expects to bo struck by
senatorial lightning himself. Therefore
Mr. Dawcs is excusable for repudiating
and retiring Van Wyck.
The North Bond coyote shows his
teeth , but lie , to'o , is excusable. Ho lias
just been bounced out of the postollice.
Wo arc not surprised that ho nlso wonld
like to Hail Van Wyok.
The wretched little whiffets who make
up the rest ot the mad canine menagerie
nro hardly worthy of notice beyond the
moro remark that nearly every one of
them belongs to the old kennel in which
the most disreputable whelps , bred by
the spoils system and railroad domina
tion in Nebraska politics , were associ
ated. It is very tortunato for Van Wyck
that this villainous crow nrp his sworn
enemies. Ho can dare them to do their
worst. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The DoorH Must Open.
Senators Phttt , Butler nnd Logan have
spoken within the past week in favor of
abolishing the secret sessions of the
senate. All took the ground so often
taken by the BEK thai the transaction of
public business behind closed doors was
detrimental to the publlo interests , nnd
only served ns , a clonk boliinu which
nialiuo uud envy stiUkod fitife ( Yarn rebuke
by the country. The secret executive
session has long beeq ( ifarea so far us the
publicity of tin } essential parts of
the proceedings huvo been cnnci'nuul. '
The dcsiro of senators to plaeo them
selves right before their constituents or
to make political capital has for years
operated to. mnkq the average participant
in executive session a very Jcaky vessel ,
So long as the republicans warn [ n power
nnd the question of conlinning or reject
ing a nomination atlootcd only ropubllr
cans ( he demand for throwing open lluj
doors jvnf ) rnsj&tcd successfully. Now
that opposition to a nomination moan
very often the retention of a republican
olllcinl or his displacement by a demo-
orfit "lo polut ° f view has changed.
Sticklers foi' 5e ! aier.W oUqiiottq
are giving way befoi'e A Jm" '
lie sentiment which insists upon
knowing the true inwardness of
thu reasonv for senatorial actions. Sen
ator Logan spoke unruiervodly a few duya
ago of the corrupting iuiluencei of eoi-ct
MusloDf upuu Buniuur * , who niuk Uie of
the veil of tecivcy to ooucwni iholr advo
cacy of unlit nomination * . No one
knows bettor bouv till * matter than General -
oral LouNU , who eertainly has telt and
admitted the full , fore * of party obliga
tion ! in tht matter of nypomtmentd. But
Charles II. Vuu Wjok Is the man who
sUrted , more than two years u o , the
crusade against secret sessions , -when ho
demanded on behalf of the public that
Iho doors of the senate should bo thrown
open for the consideration of Minister
Foster's Spanish treaty.
An Inprnctlcnl Solieme.
The county commissioners have adopt
ed a resolution requesting architects to
submit their views ns to the construction
of another story under the court house.
In our opinion this resolution will servo
no other purpose than to delay the much
needed improvements of the court house
grounds. The scheme is utterly imprac
tical. It would not only bo extra hazard
ous , but would not warrant the enormous
outlay , even If wo had a guaranty of per
fect safely to the structure. The main
object , ns wo understand It , is not so much
a dcsiro to enlarge the accommodations
for the county ns It is to cut down Fur-
nam street eight or ten feet more. That
project may as well bo dismissed tirst as
last. That proposed now story under
the court house would not place the city
in n better condition for lowering the
grade on Farilam than It is now. At the
very furthest the now story would bo nix-
teen to eighteen feet high , nnd tiiat
would only bring it two or three feet be
low the present grndo. To cut Farnam
ten feet would not only require , another
story under the court house but n now
retaining wnll around it. Grant even
that this would bo feasible nnd we still
meet tin obstacle to lowering the grade
which cannot be overcome without an
outlay of n quarter of a million dollars.
To lower the grade of Fnrnam ten feet
would require n cut not less than thirty
feet at the summit of Douglas street nnd
fully twenty feet at the crossing of
Eighteenth. Hartley street , which is
already iivo or six feet lower
than Fnrnam , at Seventeenth , Eigh
teenth and Nineteenth streets , would
have to bo regraded. The entire
asphalt pavement on Fnrnam be
tween Eighteenth and Twentieth streets
would have to be destroyed , and repaying
these two blocks would bo as expensive
as the original job. The Sioux Falls
pavement between Fifteenth and Eight
eenth would all have to bo taken up and
rclaid , nnd so would the block of stone
pavement on Sixteenth between Far
nam and Douglas. Now who is to
pay all this expense ? The money
to cover damages and cost of ropnving
cannot possibly bo raised by voluntary
donation , and the taxpayers of the whole
city nre not likely to vote a quarter of a
million dollars to carry out such a-gigan
tic scheme. Much ns wo would like to
see Farnam street lowered , wo do not re
gard it ns a practical scheme. The com
missioners nro only wasting precious
time. Wo wapt the court house grounds
graded and sodded this spring. They
have been an eye-sore long enough. The
retaining walls should bo built just as
soon ns possible , nnd the tomfoolery
about building smother story under the
courthouse should bo dropped.
THE Vandorbilts have made another
generous gift for which they are receiv
ing well deserved praise from the New
York press. This time it is the donation
of n quarter cf a million of dollars for
the construction and endowment of a
building for Iho clinical instruction of
medical students in connection with the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of
New York. It will bo remembered tliat
n few months prior to William H. Van-
derbill's death , ho made a gift of § 300-
000 for a new medical college building
and grounds. In January last , Mrs. Wil
liam D. Sloan , his daughter , together
with her husband , agreed to present
to the College of Physicians and Sur
geons , properly endowed and equipped ,
a maternity hospital and lying-in-asylum ,
to bo known as the Sloan Maternity
Hospital. Tim gift of Messrs. Cornelius
Vandcrbilt , William K. Vanderbilt , Fred
erick W. Vajiderbilt nnd George W. Vanderbilt
dorbilt is to'bo supplementary to the two
already endowed. The Vanderbilt Clinic ,
as it will bo called , will include a free
medical dispensary on the first floor , an
amphitheater for clinical instruction on
the lloor above , nnd a number of small
rooms for private instruction or instruc
tion in specialities. The clinical work
will bo on diseases of the eye and ear ,
throat , heart , lungs , nerves , genito
urinary organs , wkin diseases , and
diseases of women and children.
Every facility for practical study under
the most skilled physicians will bo af
forded , while surgical work proper will
bo loft to the Roosevelt- hospital and Ma
ternity hospital , ndjoining. These
three gifts of the Vnndorbilts will
always inseparably connect their ntimo
with the advance of medical science in
the United States. Combined , they will
give to the College of Physinns nnd Sur
geons a leading position among the med
ical institutions of the world , while they
will afford to the poor the best of medical
advice free , and also will enable them to
secure medicine without cost.
OUR cable dispatches show n stoadyif
a slow revulsion of feeling in England in
favor of the Irish measures proposed by
the ministry. The modifications of the
land bill from the first draft have con
ciliated many of the dissenting radicals ,
nnd oven thought to have left the way
open for Chamberlain's return to the
cabinet. Mr. Gladstone's declaration
that he would not insist upon the exclu
sion of the Irish members from West
minster , and would reconsider , if the
house saw | it , some of the provisions of
the ioiip | ) riq | | bill concerning imperial
taxation , has also gained the adherence
of n number of wavercrs. The
postponement , of the second reading
of both bills until next montti is
also considered favorable to the ministry.
The opponents of Mr , Gladstone have in
sisted throughout \ \ \ debate that the
country has hud no opportunity to ex
press itself nnd that consequently it was
unfair to bring forward such radical
measures nt tlfu time. The Easter vaca
tion will give all parties nn opportunity
to make their appeal to the rural districts.
Bptl } sjdeq are now indu&trJously qrguni-
zing public meetings. Although the dni-
lv uross of Loiiaon is a unit against Mr.
are united in his support and shonm2 , , ( \ \
premier finally record n victory it will
recall the ancient distrust ho 1ms had of
the London press. His faith in great
< iuestiou5 has always been with the coun
THK Now York supreme court has de
cided that it takes something moro than
representations that a couple are man
and wife to constitute a marmgo in New
Yoik ; namely , that thu woman must up'
nose that she is n wife nd not merely bo
a party to uu imposition on the pubio. |
The case wns that of Cnmilln G. Bartlclt ,
whoso "husband , " Joseph E. Bartlclt ,
forged a marriage 'flbrtlficato to enable
him to live with 'tlio girl in her moth
er's house. Tlio flcjinan tirst sued for
support of her child , unucr tlio statutes
and later bronchi stlit for divorce on the
forged ccrlllicatc. The judge held that
the court could ndt find n mnrringo
ngnlnst the admission's dt the woman ] in
the other suit.
TIIEKK are other cllles , besides Omaha
that think the city council can fix the
price of gas. It has Just been done in
Kansas City where the price lias been
fixed at $1.00. The gas company made
no prolost , but on the contrary "saw"
the conipany and went it ten cents bet
tor , making the price $1.80. No bolter
proof Is wanted of Iho immense pro 111 in
gns. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE striking epidemic nmong the
school children of St. Louis has been
summarily squelched. They had organ
ized n regular union and proceeded to
inaugurate a strike ngainst long hours
nnd music , when one of the teachers
corralcd several of the loaders and gave
them n sound threshing. That ended the
Nr.nuASKA and Iowa have became
great butter producing stales. Their
dairy interests ilomnnd protection. Tlio
bocus butter fraud is a Mvlndlo on con
sumers and n damage to the producers of
butler. Our laws forbid Hie sale of oleo
margarine or bultcrine as butter. The
should bo enforced.
. CONNECTICUT became famous on ac
count of its wooden nutmegs , and now
Iowa seeks notoriety through tlio pro
duction of bogus eggs. * It is high time
thai n hen convenlion bo called lo insti
tute n boycott.
IP there nro any "prominent demo
crats" in Nebraska who haven't spoken
for one of the four now olllccs to bo cre
ated under Iho new land districls. lot
them speak right out or forever hold
their peace.
THE exposition building is proving its
capacity lo accommodate all classes ,
sizes , and conditions of entertainment
from n masked ball to an old style re
THE men who howl loudest about Inxes
are llic men who lie awake nights in
scheming how to evade them.
Emma Nevada is soon to become the guest
of the wife of Senator Jones.
Ex-Pi csident Arthur I has not been out of
the house since early lit February.
Private Secretary Lament will remain at
Old Point Comfoit until cured of a severe
attack . .
of neuralgia.
, ,
Mrs. General Sherld n is the Princess of
Wales of Washington society. She is as
amiable as she is lovely. '
Prince Fuscliinl , a imimbdr ot the Imperial
family of Japan , is at Paris , studying mili
tary science. '
Thaddcus Fairbanks the celebrated scale
manufacturer , died April 12' , aged.OO years , at
St. Jolnibbury , Vermont. |
Many charming young ladles are wonder-
ingiwhy Mr. Carnegie , tliuPlttsburg million
aire , who is so good to his employes , does not
marry. '
Mrs. Van Cott the
, silvcr-toiiKiicd revival
ist , so impressed a young man In Denver that
ho voluntarily returned 51,000 ho had stolen
from a friend.
Mrs. Phelps , wife of the American minis
ter , made n deep impicsslou at Her Majesty's
last drawing-room. Her dress wns a perfect
poem bound In velvet.
Mary Anderson Is computed to bo worth
SrxW.OOO , which is said to be safely invested
in real estate , gas stocks and railway shores ,
both In England and America.
Kate Flold is one of the most attractive la
dles in Washington at present , judging at all
events from the great amount of attention
she is receiving from the most prominent
Carl Schttrz Is acting -as attorney for cer
tain boudholdlng Interests of the New York.
Philadelphia & Buffalo railroad , a position
ho secured through the friendship of Henry
Mrs. Oscar Wilde says that Oscar makes a
very good husband , only when she asks him
to Dii t coal on the fire ho always Insist that
theio Is a sunflower in the room , mid that 1m
Is warm cnotign.
A Poor Arbiter.
Having rhetoric Is a poor arbiter between
capital and labor. _
AVoumu Suffrage.
St , Louts Republican.
The Connecticut senate voted down the
woman sutTrago amendment two to one.
The movement does not move In New Eng
land whore It originated , nnd there Is very
little hope for anything In politics that can
not carry its own ward.
Bribers and Bribe-Takers.
Sonic danger still lurks in rascality , The
man who Is mean enough to accept n bribe Is
also craven enough to expose the brlbei when
ho Is concerned. Out of this Infirmity of ras
cals justice sometimes reaps her proper har
vest. _ _
Needs Coiillrnmtion.
The story from Nebraska to the effect that
a mnn who wns | nvltfd by another to take a
dilnk seized an ax anil broke In the head of
the Individual whq Hindu1 the pioposltlon wll |
need confirmation. Under ordinary clrcuw-
stances the Nebraska infrn who Is called up tea
a bar comes with t'nongh enthusiasm to make
a dent on thu rail. '
- ! -
Huinblo , Ho rocs.
There are men of woitUandihonor
Who are ever bravo and true. '
Who aio stroiif : to work andisutfor
In whato'er they find tP dos
And although their lot bo lowly.
Though they ne'er bo known to fame ,
Tlinnsli theciowd should pass them coldly ,
They are heroes jnsttlijs aamc ,
lie who docs his duty l > r'iivoy ] , '
Though It lead thronglr ( tumble ways ,
Who would scorn nn evil action ,
Who would not withhold his helping
Fiom a sulfcilng brother's meeds ,
Sin el y U as much a hero ,
As ho who does greater deeds.
Her JlusJmiuJ.
May Brown swore out n complaint in
the police court yesterday against her
husband , Charles Brown , for assault and
fonpryi According K > , or story lie
placed her eomo weeks flgo u" 2 "ousfl 0 !
ill repute , nnd has since been supporting
himself on her infamous earnings. Sun
day she went to thu road house with n
young man Brown learned of this , nnd
hiring a horse und buggy started after
the couple , lie overlook them near thu
road house. A scone of violence ensued ,
in which the woman nnd her friend re
ceived harsh treatment nt the hands of
the infuriated husband. On the way
home Mrs. Brown was beaten brutally by
her spouse , and she bn * determined to
prosecute him for it.
Death of Inventor Gtanscoak , IVho
Itothcrcd Her.
There died a short limo ago near Flom-
ington , Clinton comity , Pa. , a remarkable
young man who was two or three years
slnco well known among the young
bloods of this city. His nnnio was Jasper
Glasscock , and his occupation that of an
Ho first achieved notoriety by his devo
tion to Mary Anderson , the actress.
Not content with admiring her from a
box in Now Yo k. ho followed her
wherever she traveled nnd attended every
performance she gave. Hnuquots , per
fumed notes and valuable gilts handed
nn by ushers cost him much moro than
his railroad faro nnd hotel ncpommoda-
tions. Glasscock actually believed , as
long as ho lived , that Aliss Anderson
cherished a tender feeling towatd him.
His attentions were so marked and an
noying that Dr. Grlflln was at last com
pelled to have him arrested. Returning
to Now York , Glasirock wns so chafed
by Ids champions that h6 again took to
the road anil shadowed the fair actress
moro than over. Ho was again arrested
at the instigation of Dr. Grillin , and tliu
justice lectured , threatened and lined
mm , anil Glasscock became completely
discouraged and abandoned the chase ,
although ho could never free himself from
the illusion that , but for the inter
position of the cruel slop-father ,
liis happiness would have been complete.
Glasscock was the inventor of numer
ous patents , but his reckless and spend
thrift habits soon placed the ownership
of them In other hands. Ho was in great
favor with curtain manufacturers , who
would make for him any article he mod
eled , and they usually .succeeded to the
proprietorship of the invention. After a
Saturday night and a Sunday of extrav
agance lie has been known to borrow a
dollar at the Hotel Brunswick lo pay his
faro to some New Jersey town , shoulder
liis lawn sprinkler or other similar inven
tion , and return before the week was out
with $ ; ! 0t ) or § 100 us his share of the prof
its on the sales. Handsome , with charm
ing manners , a quick wit and a ready
longuo. ho was known in almost every
city and town within a radius , of fifty
miles of Now York. Village belles bought
his goods on sight , but the recollection
of Mary Anderson rendered their charms
and smiles and coquetries harmless to
his heart.
Among his inventions were a railroad
catr wlucli could bo smashed to pieces
without killing a passenger ; a machine
for opening hot boiled eggs without burn
ing one's lingers1 , an indestructible water
proof covcritKT for tents , horses and ord
nance , far superior to rubber or canvas ,
and an improved wire insulator , with
which ho parted for a pittance , and which
is now extensively used throughout the
United States.
Glassclpck left New York about a year
ago , a disappointed , disheartened man ,
without money and with broken health.
The announcement of his death is the
first news that has since been received
concerning him. The imriicdiato cause
of his breaking down was the failure of
a pet scheme on which ho had long med
itated , and which had cost him a vast
amount of labor and patience. For
months ho gave himself up to perfecting
a plan whereby ho might rob the sub-
treasury in broad day light of a large
sum of notes or bonds. To this end a
captain of a sailing vessel , brought from
Brazil a baby monkey of a species that
never exceeded the size of a dwarf. For
days and days ho secluded himself with
his pet , teachinghim nllmanncrof tricks.
Those before whom liu exhibited the in
telligence of the little animal pronounced
its performance marvelous. At an al
most impreccptiblo signal the monkey
would jump on the breast of a by-stauu-
or , snatch a concealed handkerchief from
his cdatpocket , and return with it to his
master , before the astonished victim
could realized what had occurred. In
the same way ho would deftly take a
dime from a man's vust pocket , or re
move u mere scrape of paper from the
frame of the highest hung picture in a
room. Ho was made familiar with the
touch and smell of bank notes , aid ;
seemed to realize that they were of value ,
for when turned loose on a hunt he
would pass by handkerchiefs , scarfs ,
rings , etc. , until ho found a bill.
When the monkey's education was
completed Glasseock began visiting the
sub-treasury with a view to picking out
the dullest custodian of money. Glass-
cock felt confident that the monkey could
do it unobserved. His frequent visits to
the sub-treasury on trivial business , however -
over , soon aroused the suspicions of
Capt. Sampson , and Glasscock found
himself constantly shadowed while in-
side. Thus foiled at the outset , ho
ho turned his attention to the down-town
banks , and finally selected two which of
fered exceptional advantages for the
success of his scheme , the cash being
easy of access.
His plan was said to bo to enter ono of
these banks dressed as an English tour
ist. A largo , perforated field glass case
hanging by his side was to contain the
monkey. Presenting a check which
would be lidcly to demand a consultation
between the paying teller and cashier , ho
would , as the former stepped away a few
paces , let the monkey out , point to a"
package of bills and show him the way
through the open space beneath Iho
grated window. Then stopping a
little away * from the window ho
would turn his back toward
and await the monkey's return
to his case. Should the trick bo success
ful bo would be in possession of $35.000
or $50,000 in cash. Should the monkey
bo detected ho would explain that the an
imal had escaped unnoticed by him , and
being of a mischievous nature had pro
ceeded to amuse himself in his own way.
If the bank officials were inclined to bo
suspicious or to have him arrested ho
would aak ono of them to accompany
him to thn postollice to secure a letter
which ho had just mailed to a friend in
San Francisco , notifying him that ho had
that day slilppod his monkey as re
quested. The letter would bo found , and
subsequent Inquiry would show that the
friend was a genuine ono and was ov-
pocting the monkoy. Glasscock would
then explain that ho was on his way to
an express ollico to ship the monkey , the
check presented would prove to bo genuIne -
Ino , and there would be no evidence
against him. .
On the Sunday prccpding the carving
put of this plan dlasscock went driving
on St. Nicholas avonuu with n parly of
friends , On their return at night a heavy
cold rain sot in and the monkey took a
chill , A bad cold followed , and although
Gassconk | attended his pct-ul ht and day
mm secured first-class medical attend
ance , the delicate creature died in Glass-
cook's anus on Wednesday night of quick
Glasscock was almost heartbroken
over the affair , for | io had learned to Jove
the monkey better than ho did any hu
man frioiujs. Ho took the corpse to
White PJalns and buried it in liis favorjto
ramble on one of the banks of the Bronx
river. Ho was under .the inllncnce of
liquor when ho came back , but avoided
his old chums Und spent most of his time
in unfainllhir and out-of-the-way places.
A few weeks Jator ho relumed to the
Brunswick , paid all his bills and left the
city without a cent or a farewell to any
body. His career from that day lo the
tijuo of his death is not known there.
. , , , "sslnjr Situation ,
* *
. . .
An Kmuart. - .
Philadelphia North American , _ -
was a marked change in the cast of
Popitaon Friday night. When Lillian
lUissoll warbled "comu and kiss me , " it
was not Chaiincey Oicott who bent over
her , as heretofore. Mr. Oicott is a .sing
er , and had no knowledge of acting
when he began in Pepita , but he hoped
that his voice would carry through
until ho could learn to kiss a woman be
fore an audience without blushing. The
critics cut htm tip sevcroly because of hl
alleged awkwardness. Now Mr. Oicott
has quit.
" 1 don't profess to know anything
about noting , but 1 believe 1 could hav
lonrned enough to carry mo through if I
had tried under moro favorable circum
stances , You see , when the lender of the
orchestra is the husband of the lending
lady it sorl of unnerves n man when the
Indy stretches out her rtrms to him nnd
sinus 'como and kiss mo. ' ns Miss Kusscll
dltl in Poplin. Mvdutv was to wind my
arms about Miss Kusscll nhd bend ovorj
her. I wns on the point of doing
this the first nijjht when three slmrp
Voromptory raps startled mo. 1 glanced
toward the orchestra , nnd thcro was Mr.
Solomon holding his bow suspended ever
thu footlights nnd glaring nt mo. His
face said as plainly as it could do. 'Don't '
you do it.1
"Of course , my business wns to loan
over Miss Kusscll , but ! only thought df
Mr. Solomon at that moment , and lot go
of Miss Kusscll ns though she wasn't n
very handsome woman. If I appeared us
awkward nt thai moment ns I felt , I
don't blame Iho nudienco for not liking
mo. The same Ihing occurred the next
nijihl , nnd occurred every night after
ward. Those three fierce raps came
from the orchestra just nl the critical
moment. They not only unnerved me
for that particular moment , but they
made me afraid to approach Miss Uussoll
nl nil. I think I shall return to the
minstrels again nnd stay there until I
can gel an engagement in n conipany
which does not recognize nnv relation
between the leading lady nnd the leader
of the orchestra. "
Tlio Fashion orsta o hatties
Tliolr MntrliMl NninoR.
Philadelphia News : The use by no-
tresses of their maiden names or assumed
lilies is common in. Iho theatrical profes
sion. Say what you will , it is an evi
dence of a desire to create an unnatural
interest in tlio male portion of nu au
dience. True , many of the moil uslima-
bio women on Iho singe , model wives and
mothers , permit this suppression of their
wifely names from no wrong motives , and
simply nl Iho pleading suggestion of
managers , who never hesitate an any
thing to excite the pruriency of the
public. In the days of the old stock com
panies it wivs customary to see man and
wife billed in the stime cast as "Mr. nnd
Mrs.1 So and So. But now you rarely
see the marital title on a play bill , and
yet , strange to say , there nre very few
women prominent on Iho slaco who are
not married. Think of Hint , yo callow
youths , who send lender missives and ex
pensive bottquels to favorites of the foot-
lighlsl And not only nre mosl of them
married , but many of them have a brood
of little ones to look after. Let me run
over for you , in proof of what I have said
n few names that I can nail to mind.
Fanny Davenport , nil Philadelphians
know , of course , is Mrs. E. I1. Price.
Louise Pomeroy , who is now playing in
i'orcpaugh's theatre , is Mrs. Arthur
Elliott , her husband being the leading
man of her company. Louise Thorn-
dyke , who is playing "Tho Jilt , " is Mrs.
iJion Boucicanlt , and Agnes Roborlsou
claims Hie same title. Theresa Vauuhn ,
who was at Hie Arch slreet theatre last
week with "We , Us nnd company , " is
Mrs. William Meslayer in private life ,
but legally she is Mrs. William Houpf ,
thai being her husband's real name.
Maggie Mitchell is Mrs. Henry Paddock.
The royal looking Hose Etyngo is at pres
ent Mrs. Cyril Searle. Hose Coghltin only
recently became Mrs. E. F. Edgerly. Mar
garet Mather's proper name is Margaret
Miles. Kate Clnxton , who created such
a furor in tlio Two Orphans und who was
in nearly nil Ihe big hotel fires , is Airs.
Charles Stevenson. Little Ellio Ellsler
has Mr. 1'rnnk Wuston for her husband.
Lillian wns , up to yesterday , Mrs. hd-
ward Soloman , but the marital band is
dreadfully strained just now. Agnes
Booth became Mrs. John B. Sciioellel
about six months ago. Little Ida Mnlle ,
who looks like n child \ipon the stage ,
carries around with her in privnle life the
ponderous name of Mrs. Benjamin Tut-
hill. Jolly Kate Caslloton , who was the
ideal of the dudes , was devoted to two hus
bands who were sent to prison , Joseph
Elliott , a forger , and Harry Lee , a
defaulter. She is now married to
her present manager , Hairy Phillips ,
Eliza Weathcr-sby 7s Mrs. Nat C. Good
win , mid Alice Atherlon bears the name
of another clever comedian , Willie
Edouin. Even Minnie Mnddcrn is not
unfettered , her gorgeous name being Mrs.
LeGrand White. Cute Minnie Palmer is
said to bo Mrs. John Rogers , but as that
gentleman is her manager , and n very
shrewd ono al thai , he denies the state
ment. Marie Wainwriglit is Mrs. Louis
James , nnd Marie Prcscott is Mrs. Peiv.el.
Irene Perry is married to the piano man ,
Albert Weber , nnd Luura Joyce , who is
the best "Kntisha" In this country , is
married to Digby Bell , the "Ko-Ko , "
who objects to having her as his
wife iu the opera of The Mi
kado. Minnie Conway is Mm.
Osmond Tearle ; DicKlo Lingard is Mrs.
David Dalziol ; Kittie Blnnclmrd is Mrs.
McKco Knnkin , and the graceful Louise
Davenport bears Iho nainu of W. E. Sher
idan. Mrs. Albert Follin is the proper
title of Maude Granger. The tragic Jan-
nnschcck is Mrs. E. J. Pillott. Annie
Pixley is a devoteil mother , whose chil
dren know her best as Mrs. Koburt Ful-
ford. Clnra Morris lias a handsome , gmy.
haired husband in F. C. Harriott. Lix./.lo
May Ulmur uses her husband's last name ,
she being properly Mrs , George Ulmer.
Albinti io Mer is tlio wife ot Sam'l of
Poson , or , moro properly , M. B. Curtis.
I'll hurry through a few more names
which I can recall. Caroline Hill in
Mrs. Herbert Kelcoy. Lily West is Mrs.
Harry Brown , Ello | Millon is Mr.s. Frank.
Milton , Helen Danvray is Helen
Williams. Marion Elmoro is Mrs. Frank
Losoo , Ada Gray is Mrs. Charles Watkins -
kins , Lollio Church is Mrs , John A.
Stevens , Julia Wilson is Mrs. Charles
Fox , Dora Wiley is Mrs. Richard Golden ,
Mattie Viekers is Mrs. Charles Rogers ,
Lizzie Harold is Mrs. W. S. Comloy ,
Maggie Harroldis Mrs. William Davidgo ,
Jr. , and the beautiful Mury Burroughs ,
of the Madison Square Theater , is Mrs.
Louis Mas'sen.
Tlio songstresses nro equally deceptive :
Alice Oats is Mrs. SuuiuulVatkins , und
Einina Abbott is Mrs. Eugtino Wethurc.ll.
That wonderful eoiijralto , Mine * . Soalchi ,
is the Countess Lolli , 'nnd Efclkn
Gerstw is the wife of Dr. Giirdlni. Min-
iiiu Hank lias a dreadfully long name
Min. G. Von Hesse Wnrtejrg , Marie
Ro o is the wife of Henry Mapluion. So
1 might go QII for hours , mitil both you
nnd I went tired , But I think I have
said enough to carry juv point.
The word landlord probably bucnme
applied lo innkeepers and tavern keepers
by virtue of their letting their rooms and
apartments for hire. Landlord , in com
mon phraseology , no\y mciins u person
from whom houses , lands or Ipclging ? nro
rented. The word is u reliti of feudal
times , when thu possessor of hind was
actually dominux Urruc. Addi.son uses
the word as meaning the muster of nn
The rays of the sun do ; iot strike at tjie
same angle upon thu earth at all times
and places , h has boon ascertained .that
water is rnibod four imtl a half -f'ie.1 ' al the
equator. This elevation corresponds , to
the increase of tcmponunru. 't ' iionw \
" 'i nt the bottom aNo decreases. 'This
isUtho self v"f tliu idf J > trca i , which ex-
crcises Jo important " uonce , , , ,
the cllmuto of the eablorn ana i-fteui
_ _
Mrs. fJ. S. Spooncr and Mrs. George
Lnwton are in Culltoniiu , iniendnig to
make u trip of 11 few. months through
southern California.
Physicians , Ministers , Missionaries.
of Factories , Work-shop * , I'luntnllous ,
KiirPos In ItopltRlg-ln eliort , every
body ovorywlicro who has
over given It n trfol
TAKES mrem > Ai.t.Y rrrn.t. . TIR rotixn A Nsvnn
, cunc KOII
THROAT , &c.
osLAitrn roil CUHINO
Prices , 26c , , GOc , and $1,00 per Bottle ,
CSfBowaro of Imitations. $ }
A rnulir r lo t of two UodlMl Cnllr | > i , hti bun I on Mm
toiireillli llii ip el l trMtratet of Ctiionie , Ntmi * . sJi
md BLOOU Dtiiiiks tbanaar other rhviUUn last. t > oaLik
aielly rnpfrsilioir aQdBltoldr iMrnti in w.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Altec *
lions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
Old Sores and UlCCrt , re trtitrl Trllh inrirtllclftt
itrrn..rnltlt.l idntHorrlnclplK. rrlriitlt ,
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excel * .
Exposure or Indulgence , nblet , rr atc. , m , , t th ,
toiiewioi ifttcui ncr < outBrM dtMlhj , dlrnnni of ilthl
uiddcrictlrtRumorr , Vlmrlnco Ibe tut , rlir > lc IJtt j ,
vrrtl ntotbt voelftf of fpnktei , eoofuilo * t > t Idtu , cto. ,
renclorliic McrrUjjo Improper or unhtnnrr , u
rtrm.nfDllj eoreJ. r inihlfUSB p ci ) on Iln .l.ort , liol
imnirddircKpg , rrtetomifiiddrtii , CoMnlutltn
it of-
' ' I > T " "H rrtr.lnrlled nod ililctlj c.nOJenllil.
fl Poslllvo Written Guarantee Ei n
riblecne. - - - - - -
300 , PAOES , PINE PLATES. eUttnl clolh u4 rill
i.J , ' 'fi'"i'Jl'Ki.8.0.0' ! ! ! . ! " i ; JfM < " 1 n Ber. . OT tnj
I ?
Warranted to aivo sntHfno-
jtoiii on nny work and in any
Price $ 2.50
Lincoln ,
Solo Wholosiilo agent * for
N. 11. This IB not n Stylo-
graph pencil , Inn a flrst clim
flexible Kolil pen of any Jo
Blrua Oneness of point.
Do you lynnji a jiuro , bloom-
lug Cfl uJoxibul ) Jf fjo , ; i
Tow jiimHi-uliotiH ol' Hnguu's
3UGN.ULI A. BALM ivjl ) gral-
il'y you to your heart's cou-
lout. II docs luvay with Sal-
lowncss , Ilcduoss , riniplcs ,
Blolclios , and all diseases nnd
ininQii'cclious of the sin. ! It
ovorcomo.s the ilu.shod appear *
unco of heat , i'atiguo and otv-
ci toniont. 1 1 makes a lady of
rnirri > rnir „ . , , , . „ . , , , , IJIU'VK'
uiiiJfni wuv - iilj
TY j and so'iiatiiral . gra'luni ,
nnil jiorl'uct are its elfocls.
lliat it Ls impossible lo detm
its ui i > licatiuu.