rHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEEN TH YE AR. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING. APHTL 20 , 183S NUMBER 262 NOT EXACTLY A PURCHASE , That Is What Garland Testifies in Regard to His Pan-Electric Stock. BEFORE HIS INVESTIGATORS. goino Very Pertinent Questions Pro pounded , "Which tlio Attorney- ticncral Answer * by "I Can not Cull to Mind. " Gnrlnnd nnd Illn Htoclc. WAPIIIMITO.V , April 10. The announce * Itii nl that Attorney General Garland xxas to appear before the telephone Inxestigallon committee caused a laigonudlonccthls morn ing. It xvas neatly tluee-qiiarters of an hour nftci the it-gular hour of meeting xvhcn the attorney general appeared , looking paloand rather weak. With a cointeous salute to thu .committee , ho Immediately took the eland , and , on imitation of the cliahnmn , bean ! to make a statement of his connection with the Pnn-Klettrlo company. Ho wished ho said , to lay before the committee audio- alllnn the mattei contained In his statement to the pie-ildent on Oct. bth last. In addition Mi. Gailand xxished to explain two 01 tlueo points of that statement. In rebtuaiy , Ibb3 , Gciiuial Atkins Bald to wit ness lie bolluxed Hitler's inxentlonsuio all of gieat utility 11 piopeily handled. Buim ; n iiool man like hlmse.il , Atkins desired wit ness to enter Into this. "Hold him , " said wltnuis , "that i hid nuxui undei taken to make any money except by laxv and poker. 1 always lost at pokoi ami guneially won at law. Ixxas willing to go into this If it ot tered any Inducement. " Continuinir , witness bald that Sunatoi Hauls luado.snbstantiallj the same statement about thu Inventions , and two 01 Ihieu da > s aflerwaid ho ( xvituuss ) liad been Intnduceil to Kodgeis nnd Ills son at their home. Ho brlelly told of their orgau- 1/ing tlio Pun-Electric Telephone com pany , ns detailed by Senator Hauls and olhei xxllntbscs ami then tinned Ids at tention to tlm applications made to htm to bring suit against the Bell company. It xxas an InlPiutite , and not a taut , ho said , that the I'.m-Elocfilc company hud in itlu application. The Inluieiicu was founded on two reasons : I'iibt , that Colonel Young e.xmu xxlth otliei gentlemen in the laltei pait of .lulx , and wit ness kiu-xv him to be betittaiy anil treasnrt-i ot tlm Pan-Electric ; second , bteaitbo witness had on Maj U."i icccixod aluttci fiom Kodgeis ieiiebting ( | thu suit to be hi ought ns a stockholdct of the company. Coup- line those Lvts toguthoi , witness took it foi giantod tliat thu Pan-Ekctiic had made aiiplication , but it xxas Mmplj in- luiuntc , as no naiiio had been mentioned. Witness had ticated Kodgei's litter as iiei- Bonal , and hu knew Kodgeis had no author- it } to ind\i > application that suth an appli cation mustcomo tiom the piesldcnt ol the tomp.iny. Thcietoie , the lettti had re mained unanswcied and the puisonal papei had not been bled. In .lull Van Bontliiijsen lmlpii"-ontod his application toi suit , basing It on tlm laxv , which , ho staled , had boon passed at the last session of congiess. Wit ness had he-aid ol thu law bufoio that , and had some -ench made , but could not Hud the ntt. 'llm applUation xxas so well wiitton nnd appaiuutly set out the passage of the bill s-o posillxely that xxltness felt them intiHt bo homo mistake anil that the bill had become a laxx' . The application hnd been rclontdby witiiossto the inlcrioi dcpannicnr. wheiuft should baxogono In tlm hist instance , and witness beaid no mine of it until It xxab ic- tuinullabt .lauuaivwlth otliei papers. Altei mdvmg Van Bentliujsou's lottei , witness had not set to xx oik to examine into the undid , foi , though lie had no intimation totlmt uffce.1 , he was satisliod that appllea- tlons would lie made. Looking oxei authori ties ho coi eluded lie could not older thu suit , nnd w lien the gentlemen came , Van Hcnlliuj- fecn , Vound and otht-is , 1m deteimined hu would not touch it at all under any tlicum- Btances. When witness was still In the senatu Platt came to him xxitli a bill to atithoil/o gox eminent suits , and asked Ids opinion of- It. Witness hail looked It oxei , and legaidod II asunnetuss.iiv that It would do no good. Ti nt xvas all hu exei saxx or lit-.ud ot llio bill until It had been hiou-lit to bis attention thiough the application. In the earlx part ot the tall Huinpliioys , of tlm Globu Telephone - phone company , had called in on him nt the derailment about the publication. "Ho thought ho xxas going to jump ox i r on me. " said the witness. Humpliioxft Insisted that ho ( xxltness ) oidei the suit , and had said that it was xoiv curious tliat because hu ( witness ) xxas In nnotlici compaii } that his ( Hinnphioj'b ) ilghtsshoulil bo tllbiu aiitoil. "lio got mad because 1 would not do anything about it , " said tlio witness , "and x\o patted not xxlth mu tual u-spcct and admhatlon at all. " \ \Vitne- denied that hi ) had oxer glxon an opinion about him. Thu opinion ho had Kixen was to thu cllect that tlm pan electric inxentlons xxore not Inlilngiiments upon telephones that xxeio dilleiently pntentablo on a xxoll oigaul/od princlpfo. While a Mockholdci , ho had bcun vciy deieloct In nt- tendliiL' mot-tings lot thu leason Umt the place of meeting was Incunvlonr'ntiy situated and they woio held at niglr when xxilncss inioly xxent out of Ills house. Although witness xxns ntlonmy foi the company , jet Young nnd Senntoi Hauls usually diuxx up thcUual pi- peis , anil uhen they xxcio lutuiietl tolilin ult- ness made sii h nlteiations as seemed news b.uy. Thc-so papeis had been .submitted to \xllnoss In the senate JudlPlniyioom.biit It xx as fr a mistake tot-ay that any boatd meetings had been held In that loom , Witness xxas satis- lied he had noxoi attcndeil a meeting of thu company slnco tlm last piosldentlal election. Tinning his attention to the nideriiig of- the Memphis Milt , wltnes.ssaiil that hu had aiiangod to leaxu Washington on AuuiibtST unit spoilt ! tlm entire month of So.ptt'iiibt-1 at Ids homo In AlUansas. lie hail ictiuiied to ( .Washington about October 1 , anil when 1m ailed at tlm whlto house the pip-ddent had told him tlio papeis xxeio speaking of thu case , \\heieiipon he had madu thu explana tion that had been published. Witness liad IKHCI opened his mouth to Geode about It , beeaiiHu bollcitoi ( loode , under the statute , xxas peifettly lioo and independent , and witness had no nioiDconttol oxer him In his ( \\ltni"V ) absence 01 disability than hu hid oxoi the gentlemen In 001141 ess , Ho had noxoi to this day spoken to ( Joode about the lirst suit , 01 the ono alleged to bo pend ing , ( iotitlo had spoken something about counsel and the piactko ot tlio go\em inent in dealing xxlth counsel. Ho did not knoxv xxhiit was In the bill , hail noxoi sten the papeis on which thu suit was inodk-tnted , and had noxortidkud with Seojolaiy Lamar 01 thu gentleman who hail sat with him. Hu had ext-n iieellned to talk xxith tlm picsldonl about tlm suit. Ono of the gentlemen in bi'iietuiy Lamm's dupniimunt.ach Mont gomoi ) , an old ( olle'o lilund , and appointed at his solicit ition had declined to bit In thu t.iMi In calico hu had seen some notice , now ami Hun. about Gal 1 mil being the leeipicnt of a block of block as a gilt. Of t ouibO theio had In on nt ) gilt about It. As to thoijucrtion ot ) iu pilcty , theio xxasno moio impiupikty In his position than la the caio ot a gentle man Holding inlhond stockIn con- giobs , or eongiCbMiipn going our to thu supieniu couit to pi.ictlcu foi moiiex. It xxas lo.'itimnto biiblness and witnosb had nexerdroamod of any legis lation being Hiked. Ills only logitt xxns it liad not "panned out. " If any question had como up In congress connected with thecom- patiy hu should not haxu xoled on It. Ho bnd it commended Dr. Itodgors nnd his son to Mobsi-s. Cox and Hewitt bocaiibuMio reminded thorn ab xoiy competent men In their line. Witness had talked with Aichl- . led C'niko ' about Hauls Uodgeis' upnllca- tlou foi appointment us housu electrician , and about putting in Itodgus' telephones , but after consultation xxlth Senator Kd- niitndb , proildeut pro tempt n of tlm senate. I'laiku.had . ic tilled to niiikotlmappolnlmunt. The chairman ItiimlitHl If the wltne.ss le- gnrrietl the stock ab a gift. Ho u-plicd In the negntixo. . Chaliman llujlo "Did > ou contemplatq xislngioui olllehd position lei thoadxautugo of tbueiilfipiibuV" Witiu us "Not lit nil. If 1 had been a prl- v t citiicii 1 tould haxu done nuah better tlmn when lu olllco. " la atiiwvr to a auottlon by thu clinlnunu xxltnetsinld holiad ne\er argued a patent case In his life. .Mr. Hnnncy took up the examination at this point. Ho questioned whether the wit ness rciardt < l Ids stock as n purchase , as ho had said It was not n ulft. Witness replied th it It xx-ns not precisely a purchase. It would be dllllcult to detino It In ono \xod. : mill , taking the nsscssmonts Into ronslderntlon , It niluht be called n pin chase. Ho w ns SICO out by tlio assessments. ilr. Knnncy bppan nn liKpilry Into the con tracts of the company , but tliu w Itnpss know xcry little about them. Kanney lookup the letial phase of tbtfcasp , and examined the xv itncss at some lunctli as to his undcMaml- Ing of the Issues litigated In tinDolbear. . Drnxxbaticli , tind other cases. Witness had noxer understood tiom the cases ho had road that nnjthlnif moio than a ipirstion of In- filngeniont had been decided in tnch caso. Ho noxertindpistood that the IssuewaalJell's bio.ul claim to the art of lelophonv. It was ilno to all shies that he sliould state the fact that aftei he had declined to taKn any action In the matter of 01 tiering the suit a niimbci of prominent centli'inon ( k-ptl gcntlomiMi ) had wiilten to him Inslbtliu ; that notxxltlistaiullnc his conneetlon witji the J'an-r.littlo It was his duty to haxo bioitght the suit. Some ot tlio most prominent men In the countij had wiltten to that elfoct. Mi. Kanney xxlshcd to Know If the witness had felt th.it It would be. Impinpur to loll the applicant that ho xxas disabled , nnd icfer them to the solleiloi general. 'Jt xxoilld not have been improper , " 10- Pontpd ) | thewitiicbs , "but It wnsnnuebtlon of delicacy with me. " Mi. Itaniiey impihed Iflt had occurred to xx Itniss. m a leason for not lulling : ( Joodo of thoipcei | > t of the application , that If he hnd tohl him of his action In icfuslng to consider the application that ( ioodu might fuel bound toiefect It , while If ho bald nothing , ( Joodo would act upon the orlirlnal application anil nilL'bt giant the leipiest. Witness lesponded llnulv In the nceatlx'p. As Hannoy btlll piessed tlie witness foi his ipison In lemainliig btlll , ho rcmaiKed that aftei xxlint had tccinred it seemed to him that Itxx.is with tlm utmostpiopiiety thatliohad kept silent. Oates 'Sinco you lmo been attorney genoial , haxo 5011 done any net or thing , dlicetly or Indlieclly , to piihauco the Inteiests of the I'.in Klectilc company , oithei as counsel tor the company 01 btock- imldor , as an inteiested paitxV" Witness "I cannot call to mind any thought 01 any xvoulot mlno since 1 Iiaxo be come nttoincv gpneial tli.it is calculated In the lemotost dpgieo to iucicnso tnox.ilm ; of that stock , or enhance its xaluo In any \\av- haxc not been at n meeting , and haxe had 10 conleienco xxith the gentlemen connected xitliilalall. Tlm examination of the attorney general x-is concluded at this milnt , andthecom- nltleu ndjomncd until Wednesday. THIJ nun AT STIIY. Xddltioiuil DolnllH or the Terrible ] lolocniiHt Many Lives IKIHI. VIPNNA , Apiil 10. The the atSUy is still racing. The blttntlon theio Is apnalllng. 'hoiuands of Inhabitants aio binkiupt. 1'lip charicd icmalns of many \ictims haxo alieaib been dug out of the iiilns. The mjot of tliotoxxn has sent u tclegiam to .enibeig asking that tioops bo sent to Stiy \lthappliancestocxtliigulslitlio lire. The lamago is estimated at scx-eral million lei ins. Tlio total number dead is noxx' fortj. Most of the victims xxoio chililien. When the llio at Stiy had leached Its height ho prisons woioopcned , but 'tho niithoiitles mil delajed the loloaso of pilsonei.s too long and louiteen cf tlie unfoitunato Inmates xeie burned to death. In the biiburbs of the oxxn all xxas confusion. Peasants looted louses and shops alter conflicts \\itbtheh oxvnors , some of wliom , in thcii dcspah , ommitted biilclde. The gale \\as so sexero hat spaiks weie can led tlueo miles nndot no to a niimbci ol huts occupied by the pcas- intix * . The emptioi has donated S'V/JO for the relief of the sulleieis. I'ho latest estlmati.s ot llio fatalities is ilacPd at 100 , including lilty thildien sttp- losetl to haxo been binned to death in a scliool house. When the Hie commented the bulkol the Inhabitants xx ere absent at : i fete , and on theli letiun thpv xxcio so completely lazed by the calamity that the conilasiatlon xx ab alloxxcdto piocced undictked. Scotch Oppose tlio Iantl Hill. oNDOJf , Apnl 1' ' . The defertlon of the Scotch ladlcal memboib of the housu ot com- nons has bjcn gioxxlng since llio land bill xxas made known. It is estimated that : wontj-ltxo \otoagainst Gh.dbtone , nnd : hat 111010 will abstain 1iom Doting. Duncan Jrc-Laion , n loimei nipuibci lor J'dinburgh nnd n niomiiient radical since lb-0 , denounces tlio whole schemo. He Is Iiigbt's ? brolliei-in-laxv. liilght's hostility to the s-ohomo is pio- nouiiced. Ho consldeis the lei nib of the pui- chase lutolpiable. It is repoitotl ho inges ( iladbtono to appeal to tlm countiy it the homo uilo bill passes by onlj a small nia- Joilty. t The ( Ji-pcks Still Kiiinliitf. AamNH , Aiuil ! ' . > . Greek troops are being pushed to the frontier as rapidly as possible * . DeHut/oxv , Kusslan mlnlbtcr to Gieece , do- paitcd toi Llxadla to ht-o the czai , In pursu ance to urgent orders from Ills Majesty. I'Aius. April I'J. ' hoTemps slates It Is ru- moi ed the Cheek consul nt Candla , Cicte , with the appioxal of Ids gox eminent , has been actlx elj engaged in plotting rebellion among the people , the majoilty of whom aie ( iieeks , against Tiuklsli anthoiity , and that the consuls ot other powcisasKfd tncir ox- ernmeiits to inleifeio to piexent the moxe- ment 1'ioin being cariled out. Tlio Cholera Scours * " . Koxii' , Apiil 10. Choleia has appeared nl Leccc , tlio capital ot tlio piovlnco of tliat name , and is bpicadlng lapldly. Suxoial siispicioub case-j have been dis-comed nt Milan. _ _ _ _ i _ The " \Voinnls 1'toxo Fatal. M.vniili ) , A pi II 10.The IMshopof Madiid , xxho wasbhot boxeial times x citeulay by a ptlest , has died tiom his Injuuos. Counrdly Woilc of n Aloli. ANIHONV.KS. April lO.JAbouttwo months agon tight occuuod nt Danxlllo , neai this place , betxxeen two biothcis named Weaxor , nml a man named Add. The latter xxns fa tally xxoumled and the Woax-ea bo > s xxeio nr- u-stcd and hurried nxvay to axold mob \Io- lence. Labt week they xxeio icturnod for Irl- nl , but the cases woie continued for the tenu with bail of SIO.OJO each. At ono o'clock this inoinlng a mob of foitvoi moio ainicc mon smroumlcd the shei ill's icsidenco in this cltxwhoio the piixmeis xxoro undei gu.ud. The guaid hoailng them uishei the prlsoneib out tlio b..ck door mill Into the bisitincnt cf the now school building. Tlm &hoillf was taken pris oner by the mohnnd guarded. The deputies , linding it useless to leslst , buiieiuleied. The Wenxor brotheis defended tbeuibehes xxlth a Kixtdxei whleh they had taken liom ono ol the iteputles. They were llnally oicipow- ciod by the mob and disarmed. Hopes xxeio plarod'around tbeii neck and luepaialions madu to hang tbeiii , but the tiaiup of np pionchlng feet fiiglitoncd the mob , so they iiiod fifteen 01 txxonty shots Into each man literally shooting them to plccos. Mounting theii horses they ictlw rupldlx' away. Tlio mothoi of the boys and the xxife of ono o : them \xltucbbed tlm entlio tiagedy. YeHtordnj'a llasn Hall Oninc ? . The games pi tyed by the leading base bal clubs of the coiuitiy ypsteulay leaiilted as foi lows : AtHnitfoid-nctioltsO. Haitfoids . At Ualtimoie Halthnoies2 , lironkljusO. At I'hiladelphm Athletics 1 , Metiopoll tans I. At Hlclnnond liostons U , Hochestvrs 'J. At fat. l.ouls UroxxnsS , I'lltsbur s C. 'Clilcii'o'B French Consul Apill 111 The piesldon has u-cOtjiiUod Henri Leon Ycikje , ol Fialicu nt CJilcngo. Ncbr.ialruVcatlipr. . The weather indications tor tlm state n 'ebiaska nro ; Ktiirxeaher ( , and El.ghtiy cooler , WEAVER WILL HOLD HIS SEAT ? ho Democratic Majority Report in Favor of the Iowa Qreenbacker. DIRTY WORK ACCOMPLISHED IT. The Minority Argue In Vain for Camp- hell Hills Introduced in Con * cress ft > r the BcitPl.lt of loxxn and Nebraska. The IMcctlon Commlttoo'H Koports. ASIIINOIOX , April 10. fbpcclal Tele gram. ] The majority icport of the hou o : ominittco on elcetlons In the Campbell- Yt-axpr contested election from the Sixth dlsirlct of loxxa , In fa\or of Wiaxer , xxlilch soxcliislxely democratic , and the minority report In fax or of seating Campbell , which Is ixcluslxely icpublican. were made today to he house and xxill come un for action , and iVeaxer xx 111 hold his seat by the grace of the 'orty-ono deinocintlc majority , made up of slxly-soxen of the most uniepentaiit rebels and the balance of northoin coppcihcads and dough faces and fuo tiaders. The ina- oiity rcpoit xxas written by We.xxoi's assist ant attotney , Hen Hall , who was left In charge of thu case by Jtulijo Cook xxhcn ho clthorc. It is a mailer ot common notoriety icre that Hall , instead of acting as a jtulge on the committee , has been Wo.ue'r's special champion and attorney. Ho was closetetl with Cook the da > aftei the argu ment befoio'tho committee , and lecolvcd special instructions boxv to piocoed In tho. case. While Judge Harris was argi'lng for Campbell. Hall Inlcr- upted him so fioquently as to finally be lemlnded that.If ho xxantcd toaiguelor iVeaxei lie would plcasp xxalt nnd nmkohis armimentat the pioper time. It now tin ns out that Ida appointment on the committee on elections xxas seemed b } Weaxer in return 'or ills \ote cast foi Carlisle foi spoakci , and xasapait of the scheme by xxhich Weaxci xas to bo enabled to hold his stolen scat. It x as a sluoxx d , uupi incipled mox o on Weavei's > art , but xx hat must bo thought ot the con- ; ressman xxho penults himself to be made a .ool for such dlity xx oikV Wt'.axci holds his seat , but Hall loses xxlint little vlitne ho may ia\'o had on coming to this congress , and ixill liPiicclorth bo regaulcd 'as an unpilncl- iled political ttamp , instead ot the faii- nlnded man some had ghen him ciedlt tor ( dug. Hall's rcpoit is a it-hash of Cook's speech. Xcxei hax ing read the ex idente , ho adopts Cook's views and Ineoipoiatos them nto the lopoit with all their iiiisstateinents and clew ing nilsicpresentations. He gl\cs Wcaxci sevcial moio xotcsthan he claims , and cuts Campbell oil with less than one-fifth of the illegal xoto he clearly showed for Wcaxei. The axx In regard to registration lie pencils , and , ho decisions of tlio comts I'dbiepiebcnts , anil is so unfaii and nnsciupulous as to lead a pioinlnent tlemociat outside to tlenounco ds icpoit as a tissue of falsehoods and mis representations , lint the demociacy w III fol- oxv It down foi the good of the patty , and Wcavei will think huls a "blsrgei man than old Clexer. " The majority u-poit Is a sttong legal docn- ncnt , tlraw n by Pa > ne , of Xcxv Yoik , assist ed by Kly , ot M asspchusctts , anil dcnton- stiates In the cleaiest i osslblo manner that J.ampbell was boncstlj1 elected and is en titled to the seat bejontl qiitstlon , opinion tiom such eminent law j ers ns I'ayne , Ely , Hopkiiib or Illinois , and Pettl- bone ol Teiinubsoc , I& a testimonial that lampbell may well bo proud of , for they aio considered among the ablest laxxjers In the 10USO. Weaxer is nlicady beginning to feel his oats and swill xvlth Impoitancc , as lie con- ratulatos himself that the fuslonists of the Sixth loxxa dlittict cannot get along without 1dm , nnd tint tney will bo compelled to ic- iiomlnnto him this fall 01 go undei , and ho opobCb to "lie'lit It out on that line. " ron AX IOWA f-oi mints' JIOMI : . In the house to day Mi. Frederick of Iowa Introduced a bill locating a branch homo foi disabled soldlcis and sallois foi .Minnesota , Kt-biaska , Dakotaand loxxaat Marshnlltown , Iowa. It authorises and directs the board ot managers of the homo lei disabled soldiers and sailors to locate a blanch homo ntbomo Initial ] olnt within a distance of n icxv miles ot tlie tlty of M.ushalltoxxn , upon n tract of land of not less than 03 ncics , xvlihin three months nftci the passage of the bill , pioxklctl the pint-base price of the tiact of land shall bontlxanccd ami pahlbj thoclti/cns of that state ; that woilc shall bo begun within six months alter the p.issairo ot the bill , and nppiopriatlng StOO.GOOfor the constitution of the building. HII.I.S iMitoDUcr.n IIY IOX\TAXS. Hills woio intiodueed by other lowaincm- beisas follow a : Uy Mi. Hendeibon Au- thoil/lug thu construction of a rallioad and wagon bridge by tlm Council Hind's it Noithem Itallroad company acioss the Mis sissippi rlxei at 01 neai Dulniquc , Iowa. UyVc.aci Pensioning Hannah i : . Wll son , .Itilla A. Coinell ; roinoxlng the ehaigo of desertion fiom tlm mllilmy iccoid of Geo. W. Moss , Nicholas Holt. Hvl.vman Amending tlio pension laws by Increasing the pinslon ol soldleis and sallois who haxu lost an aim or leg In the scivice to 318 per month. Uy Holmes Chanting a pension to Uiicah Fiencb. Hy Hepburn Pensioning John S. Cams and Nancy J. Clino. lly Conger-Increasing the pension of Claik Boon toSJI n month. stuni'ii\'ft HAD ni.uxnnn. Jerry ilurphy , oflown , the alk-ged filentl of the Heiincpln canal , committed another error to-day , which will icsult In simply lele- gatlng that measuiu to another conyie . Ho attempted to haxo the house set aside n day lei tlio bill to make It a special outer for a day a fortnight bonce , and lie presented his claims 80 bunslintrly that his motion failed by a vote of 113 to 10,1 , asatwothiul votowas rcaulied. Thcro xxns biilllclont debate on the bill tn bring out its sticnirth. This Icaxes tlm measure on the calendar where there is no show lor It xx hat- oxer , unless some able and Influential atlxo- cato of It , like General Ileiideiton , of Illi nois , takes hold of It , xxhcn a day for lib con sideration may bo fixed. Exery time Mur phy moxes lor It , Its chances of success are depreciated and it Is In peril. M'.DUASKA AMI IOWA I'OSTAI. CnAXOKS. Tlm postofllco nt Hosklns , Woodburj county , Iowa , has been discontinued. The mall xxill go to Sioux City. The postofllco a Anderson , liiown county , Neb. , has been ic moxcd by the authority of the postofllco do paitwcnt to n point a half mlu | south , i-uiii.io miiniM.s ran MIHI. : KA , . Thosub-commltteoof thohouso coinmlttco on public buildings and gioimds northwestern bills In charge , has In favor of the bill for a building at Ficmont Keb. , and the pies ] > ects are that both Hast Ingand ; Ftemont xxill get public buildings b.x lids'congress. Mr. Van \Vjck Introduced In the senate to-day a bill appiopriatiutf § 100,000 for a pub lie building at PJattbiuouth , Xeb. A MUIIIASICA CLAIM ALLOW nn ' Tlw becretary of tLo luteilor lias allowet Klchard F , Bariett , . of btoiliur , Neb. , $1,05 of Ids claim against the goxcrnmcnl , amount- nc to 82,912 , for depredations committed In SC4. by the Kloxva and Ampahoo Indian" . It s untlcrdood lie xvlll nccopt thonlloxvanco as 'nil paj ment of Ids claim ] rUKSO.VAI. AND OTlir.ll MATTKn < > . Ex-Sonntor Wrlht , ot DCS Molncs , xvasnt , ho capltol to-day. S. P. Adams , counsel for Cobb and Parley n the famous Dubuque wblsky suit , lias ilcd In the supreme court of the United States a strong nllldax It ngnlnst the contlnu- anco nsUed for by the saloon men. The mo- ion lias not jot been determined. Mr , Touzalin , of the Council UlutTs A Northein lallroad , Is here , and Is working 'or the bill Introduced in llio house to day by Colonel Hundciton , to biltlgo the Missis sippi at Dubutiue. The brltlRo is to bo fortho accommodation of wagon and foot passcn- ers. The icpublican members of the Ioxx-a dolo- gatlon Intioduccd In the hou o to-day cojiles the eoncuiront resolution pissed b > the ioxxa leclblattno Infaxorof Scnatoi Cullom's iiitcistatc commerce bill. KUHTY-XIXTU COXGUnSS. Senate. WASHINGTON , April 10. The senate ic- nalned In secret sesmon about tlueo hours anil a half considering the will and Labio Mexican tioaty , and adjourned xxlth the tin- lerstandlng that a vote will bo taken to- inoiioxv. House. Mi. IlQibeit , fiom the committee on naxal affahs , moxcd to suspend the iides anil adopt the lesolutlou making the bill to Inciease the naxal establislnhetit-the continuing sjcclnl ) oidei from Thurbday , April 2i , until Tiles- lay , April 27 , on xvhlcli lattei day tlio pie xious iiuestlon shall bo coiisldeiedasoulcied. It expects , hoxxcxei , tlie appropriation bills , itior .spe' lal niders , public land bills , and prl- , ate bills on Friday , which shall not bo an- : agonl/ed. Mi. lleibeit appealetl foi thccon- sltleiatlou by the house ot the gieat qticslion nxolxed in the resolution. Om cities by the sea , 1m .said , xxero absolutely at the mctcy of any toieign power. Hr.iiilcould saccobstully hombaid any city on the Atlantic const , whilf Chill could successfully bombaul San Francisco. Uoth pal ties were cnnmittod to an Incie.iboot the naxal cstabllblnnent and on no motcnso should the bill bo allowed to tall. The motion was lost yeas 110 , nayb 101 not Iwotiiiidsotlng In tlio afliimatlxc. On motion of Mi. Dockuiy , fiom tlio committee - mitteo on postolllcos and nostioads , the ndes xxciotispeniled and the bill passed to extend : hc Immedlato delixeiy seixlce. It pioxltles foi this t > eixice within tlm cairlot delix'eiy Imit of any ficodolixoiy oflko , and within one mile ot anv other postolbcp xxhich the ; ) ostmastei goticial may dcsicnat/1. On motion ot Mi. Melt IP , fiom the com mittee on public lands , rules wcio suspended and the bill passed piovidiilg foi the salt ) ot the Choiokeo ic-b < ; ix'ation In tlio state of Kan- ls. ls.On motion of Mi. Hill , liom the committee ot territories , tlio lilies'wero suspended anil the lONolutlon adopted 8rttinu aput the 1st nnd 8th of Maj lei tliocoiibklciation of busi ness repoitetl bj that committee. This busi ness will include the Oklahoma , but not the Dakota bill. Mr. Muiphy , fiom the committee on coin- mcice , nioxod to siispond thp lules anil adopt ; he lesolutlou making the llonnopin camd bill the toutinuiiiK'special older for May 0. ill. Uroxx ne opposed the resolution becatisc ic oiiosed ] the canal bill.which ought not to ! ) . ! > $ tlio house. TJio motion \\.as lost yeas 112 , nnjs 10J not tho.ne.lcssuy two-thhds .lliiimatiXP. > r Mi. lik-haidsoii. from thboommlltco on Pa- cilie rnllniadi , also moxed to suspend the ides and jfiss the bill rcquliiiigt1mN'oitIieii : ! 1'acltic laihoad company to pix the cost ot oeatinv and binxc , Ing the lands giantedto that lailioad. Pending action the house adjourned. Tlio Democratic Campaign Com mittee. April 10. The house demo- ciaticcongiessional committee met at the capltol to-night , and alter tilling a number ot xacancies In the committee , appointed an e\ecntl\o committee of nine to constitute , w itli tlm pommitteo to bo appointed fiom Lite nienibeis of the senate the democratic congressional campaign committee , llio mcmbeis ot the committee appointed ate : Messis. McMillan of Teuncbsoo , Bums ot Missouri , Murphy ot loxxa , Giceu of Ix'oitli Caiolina , Wilkms of Ohio , Ilohertson ol Kentucky , HIanchaid of Loulsnna , bpnggs ot Nexv xoik , and Cinln of Texas. Favorinc the Ivand Forfeit Hill. WAMIIMUOX , Apill 10. Senator Dolph to day leportedfiixoiably fiom the committee on public lands the bill to foifeit all lands which apncil.dn lnornio ( coterminous with tliat ] > iu t ot the Xoi thci n Pacllic main line ex tending fiom Wnlliila'Junctlon , WashliiHton toriitoix' , to Poitlaud/Oieiron , except such of the lands as appeitaln to branch lines noioss tlm Cascade mountains. The bill also pio- \ldcs that whom poisons aio noxv In posses sion ot lands lortoited by the bill undei deed seemed Irom the railroad company , they ' hall hnxe tlm right to pnioliaso the lands from the Vnlted States in quantities not ex ceeding 1SJ acrt-b lei ij'-.OO per acre. A Ti'inpcranco IMonnnro in DlBfavor. WAsiiiNoroN , April 10. The house com mittee on the alcoholic liquor tiaflle to day , by \otoofslv to fixe , oideivd an adxeiso rcpoit on Keprfjentatixo Taulbeo's bill to pioxido that no person shall be licensed as a H-taii dealei in intoxicants by the United States until ho Hist iccoixcs n license Horn Hit * local iiiithorithswheio it is proposed to cany on thu business of belling llquois. Entered On ItiH DutlcH , WASIIINOTOX , April 10. The bond of William T , TRUholiiias comptioller ot tliu cuirency , xxasappioxed by the acting secio- tniy anil sollcitoi of the ticasmy to day , nnd ho Mibbonuondy qualllled nnd untuiod on the diitios of that ofllce. The bond Is for § 100,030. Cannon's Forfeited Hall. WASHINGTON , Apill 19. The tieasuiy de- pal tment has recelxed a certificate ol deposit cf Si'i.oco In tlm case of Oeoigo Q. Cannon , of Utah , who was held In that amount ot ball and which xxas foifeltpd by reason ot bib failure to appear for trial. Hull-Dog-Kelly tint IJOOHO. ST. PAUL , April m-"Hull-Iog" Kelly , net-used of murder In I ortlixvestern Tern toiy , xvns released from contineiiient this morning upon jiapers recelvcil Irom Wash ington , niter conilnemont foi ncnrlv half n ji-ai. The Canadian government xxill juob- ably make no luiUicr'attcmpt toget him oxer tliu bordei. A Btillco of Newsboys. DETHOIT , April 10 , Th6 afternoon news bos to-day stiuck on the Kvuilng News , of this city , demanding two papuis for ono cent , liibtead ot ono ns hott-toloio. About one hundiid boy s are in 1 rout of the Noxx h olllco and will allow no other boys to sell pa pel s. Pruhlhktion in West Virginia. CiiAiu.rhTON \ . Vn.i Apt II10. The mat- tci ot piohlbltlon which has been hotly con tested In this country during the past xxcek , resulted this afternoon In t he county commis sioner re fusine to grant licenses. The sa loon men say tliey will sell , lot como what may , Tim prohibition paity nay thoj xxill do all In their power to piosecuto those who sell. A Colored Thief Ijynchcd. DANVII.M : , April 18. On Monday , near Axton , a negro named Kellis Moorman In duced Mike Mahone , a xvhltu man , to go to a neighboring liousa to pjay a game of card $ . Mahono took a small sum of money xxitl him , and on the way Moorman knocked Ma- liomi down and rol bed him. A paity ol inciiboon captured Mounmi and Ijncboi him last nli-bU Mahnue'b in Junes aie thought to bu lala ! . THEY RAN THE STREET CARS 3ut tlio New York Police Had to Ohargo a Kob , Injuring Saventy , A NUMBER OF ARRESTS MADE. The Striking Sxxltclimcu nt Clilcago Prevent Tinko Shuro Trains From Due Slan Injured Other Imlior Troubles. The Street Car "Tlo ITp. " NKW YOIIK , Apill 11) ) . With the exception of the Klghth and Ninth axcnucs , the streets on which boise cats usually inn arc deserted and quiet today. All rgntl men , dilvois , conductors and stablemen have concluded to nko a holiday In sy mpatlij xx Itli their bi etb- en of the Thlid axeniiu lluo. The execu'lxe ) oaid ol tlm Kniplie 1'iotootixc ass ( > tlatlon Iccidod last night to tie tin allioulsln ( ho city , but evcepleit the Eighth and Ninth axo- nies roads , becausi ! tin1 men on the o loatls mxo tin gtloxances. The lines tnxolxtd aio ho Second , Thlid , Hointlt nnd Sexcnth axcnucs ; Hrodxx-nx' , Holt Lino. Axeiuio C ! , Iiy nock , Hast llroatlwnx anil Dntlciv. Uleclfer sticet and l''ulton feiry , Ihu Ceiili.il. CiosstoxMi. Cliam- bJisstrect and ( ! innd stieet fenx , Chilsto- diei and Tenth stioet0 , I'oitj-second itioot , Slanhattanxlllo nnd St. Nicholas axenuo , rotty-spcondsticot and Omiid stioot tony , Houston sticot. West stioot ami I'axonln eny , Tlilily-tointlibtuot and Twentj-thlid stitet Crosstoxxn. Almost tlm ontho pollco forcoot thocltv ins boon on duty sluco 5 o'clock this moi- ilng. Allstieetcai btablos aio gnaulcd by Ictiicliinonts ot police and tinstuots along xxhleli the lines run : ue Illlod with "blue oats. " The employes of the Dry Dock line state that they left work beraiiso tliey xxcro irdeicd to do so by the committee and not ICCMUSO they bail any Kilovauces , Foity Secontl street line men stopped for HIP s.uno pason. In fact , on nonool tilt1 lines , xxlth ho exception ot the Thlid avii- nuo linp , haxo the men any com- ilatnts to m.iko legnidliig the hoins 01 pay. Thegoneial tie up xvas ordciotl seas as to force the dltectois ot the Thlid ax onuo ino to } ield to the demands of the stilkeis. I'hi ) men oideied out on a iiunibai of the lues toelciy bitter oxci the action of the committee In slopping all can , and s-av that lilsgoiieral tlo-up business is inn into the ; roiuid , About 4HO : this afternoon tlioThhd avenue Inostaited tlie liibt ot ixvcntx-llxo cats they noposed to inn oxei tlio line. Inspector Jjines and fem men xvelP on the plntfoim. At SKtvfomtli stieet a big lelloxv rushed out , gtaspcd tin * hoises by the bits and diexv a knllc to cut the tcins. Ho had not accom- ilished Ids purpnsnhcn Insppctor Hjines ml him asleep xx tth his club. The man was eft senseless in the bti eels nnd the cai xxent on. The no\t oai was driven by a noxv luxoi , and xxhon at Nineteenth stitctt ) iioot the hoics > fell on tlio iiuumciit , a ciovxd ot btiikois along the xxalks clu-eicd in leilsloii , 'Ihe tumult gioxv giealei , and mally the cioxxd began hulling biieks Irom bo nexv bulltling ou thp cornel.Vindoxxs xxoie smashed anil the cai iieniollsh'-d The olllcorsxxpro hurt by the missiles , The police lien ehnmod the cioxxd and soxenty of them xxeie Iniuicd. lliglit piisoneis woio taken. mil in the pockets ot txxool them xxciu toiiud ioonses as dilxers ot the Foiiith ax-enuo mo , the men of xvhleli load liaxo no giiox- anccs and aie out be'-anse ordered to tie up. The. Strike in Chicago. CIIIOAOO , April 19. The Daily Ncxvs' soutb. Chicago special says : A cioxxd of some 200 men are concriegatcd aiound the Hacks and loiind houses of the Lake SlioiettMichl- ; .ui Southern lailxvay at Foity-thlid stieet his inoi ning. As only sex cnty mon aio In- xolxed In the sli ike the majoilty of ihe cioxxd is composed of outsldeis and s.xmpathl/eis. ' The commttteo of safety , " which the btiikois appointed to "looK out for the Inter ests of the companj and to piox'cnt any tlam- aje to the piopcrty or violence to the mon , " is on hand. At bJO : a. in. an engine gnaided by two deputies loft the round lioubo and steamed sloxxly up the liack In the diuction of the freight > mds. The groups ot strike-is xx'ho had been btand- Ing around Idly gossipping xx 1th policemen on duty Immediatolv biokeop. Txxooi tlnco of tliciu jumped on to the moxlng engine and hnd an eaincst consultation with the engineer. Thoj' jumped off again an I tlio engine pioccecled to xxheioa tinln oftlneo lettlireiator cats and ono common cm and t.iboosii stood. The engine w.ib couplet ! on without any difficulty. The signal to go ahead was glxen anil xxith two policemen stationed ateieh eai HIP train hlowly stalled up. ( loneial l'ieiiht Agent Hlodirptt anil. Cicnci.d Ymd Master Jones bonded the cahoriso and ex eij thing seemed to be moving all light xx lion ado/en men climbed ontopofthe ttain and hft the biakcs. The tialn began to slow up and in a moment tlm full hoid of steam xxhichthp t-nglneei tinned on only soi xcd to tinn llio englno xx heels , like so main windmills , without moving tlio tiain an inch. Ciios of duilslon were bent up by the cioxxd of stilKcis , which iiisbod toi the Ualn In spitn ol tlm pspostulatlons ot the police , uncoupled exeiy cai and sent the coupling plus Hying thiough the nil on the otliei hidnol Hut eais standing on thosldo tiaeks. The otllciaK dismounted liom tlm cahoot ) and the polices nnd stilkois formed little knots discussing the affali and await ing linthoi dexelopnieiits. Not a blow was sti nek bj either the police 01 the men , who maintained tlio utmost good biiinoi tliiouL'hout tlm nlfaii. The town ot Lake lias aiiout Ihhty pollceiiien. Itlsstatod on gooilnutlimity that the ' nko Shoio olllclals ( impose to mal o the pusi-nt .stiikoan absolute IbMio as to ttieh lU'bt to le- tnln tholr non-union men , and also toalToid them absolute jnotectlon. The Inilum of tlio polioo of the toxxn of 1/iKo to iiiotrcl thuli juoixnty airalnst the stiikei.s will bo taken as i lent ly hlioxx Ing that the town cannot 01 will not affoul protection , and the Mieiirf ami goxornor In tinn xxill be tailed upon lot as sistance. All Ualtimorft & Oldo strikers wont back- to xxork at 7 o'clock this momlng. Tlm non union men xvill ptob.iblj be sent out on the toiul. hoxoiitecn men. snmofiom as far cast as liull.ilo and Kilo , xxeio on hand tills aftei- noon to takothoplacesol the sti Iking switch- mon. Kv piomlaobot other employment 01 by intimidation , eight o ! fl | ( , boxontecn Im- modlately upon their nulxal woio made to bonuxp ) that it xxas to their intcioit to lolialn fiom doing nhtinko ot xxoik. The lenmln- ilorof the sex mill on oxplalnetl to thostiikcis that they were without menus ol MibsIMonce , nml theieupon nltoi much pulny , ono bj ono ot HiPbO men f in tix uly accept ! d boaiding housii tickets f loin the strlker.s and decamped inn bin i y. There was one execution In the sex en- teen , Ho lepelled all adxniiccs fiom tlm stiikers , nnd linidly , becoming nngoicd nt theii poislstenco , applied an offenstxo 4il- tiict to them. Instantly tlm man xxns felled by a blow from behind nnd Injuied to such an extent that 1m xxill bo ot no setxiuj to the company lei teveial daus. Ohalrmnn Staid , ot tliiiMilKeis1 p\eeutl\o committee , had atnlk with ( iunui.il Yiudmas- tcr Jones this evening and It xvas agit-ed Hint three engines should bo smit out as a pi le.m- tionaiy measuie , one toTwellth btrec-t , ono to Foity-tldid stioet , and ono to Knglewootl. About dark the engines xxuio sent out , anil aio to be pounltled to inn in u uo of tnca 01 any serious tumble. AH an evidence that tlm company has no idea of j loldlng to tlie fell ikcis , CSoneral \ nut- master Jones was instructed by Ids supeilois to Issue an order to the men notltylngthem that their money was ready tor thorn at the Polk stieet olllte. Jones did not issue any written ouler to this ellcct , but gent xxoidto btahl. When tlm matter xxas made Known to the btrlkcib they huighcd at the ordci nml bald It wasablull that the company had a it-eular pay day , and they Knew when It ( .nuo around. None of the men applied lor their money. _ The Situation in St. I > ouls. ST. Loujy , A pi II lO.-lllttoi k Hoist butchers , xxeio called upon by , i committee o : the Knights of Labor ycsteiday. xvho rpquest- ed them to tease to supply Vice 1'iesiden Hoxie , of the illssouii 1'aclllc , with meat under palu. ot bcluil > jyu > ttud. Tboscmor member of the firm informed the committee ic could not accede to their demand ; that dr. lloxlo xxns a good customer , and ho would ontliuio to ill ! Ida orders as long as lloxlo hould continue his patronage . . The Bridge and Tunnel and Holt jlno companies cmplojcd a sufficient iinnbor of men to man nlj their engine * anil sxx Itches , and they noxv uinounco their readiness todoall liansfei- ng across the rixorbclxxcon llio xarlous rail road jauls In East St. Louis xxhich may bo emitted. Their inability hitherto to cnpneo 'ufl crews has been the only Impediment to i full resumption of operations by the dlt- 'crcnt roads , and noxv tliat this difficulty has bten rcmoxed the freight business on the east sldo of the river has assumed Its normal condition. Furniture Makers Strike. CntcAdo , April 10. The men cmplojcd In ho school fm iiituro factory of A. II. An- hews & Co. , at Wabash axenuo and Adams tieels , stuipl ; at noon tn-tlny. The number mplojod at Hits shop Is about ono hundiod. I'ho men asked lot an Inn case ol in per ( Mil. Thopoininny claim that they locktd ho men out. XI1I3 CL-n.YUANOK IlKCOUI ) . The Gios * itank KxelmiiKCs For tlie Iiast Wrclc. Ilosrox , April 10. The following table , joinpllod fiom special dispatches to the Post , mm llio maiiageis of the loading clearing louses in thu United States , shoxxs the gioss jaulc exchanges at eaoh point lor tin * week -ndiiig Aiirll 17 , in rnuimli | > uii wllli the toi- espoudlui ; xvouk In I'W * : .I.KAltlKOS. . Voxv Yoik . . . . . toston 15.fi1. . . . 'hiladelplda . 'hleago IT.SVI.OOO st. Louis H.UVVJIO ialtlmoru 11'K. , ' . J.540 fi.-t .an 1'Yincisco ' ' ' w liticiunatl 10,70 , ( > flo ! 'r.'o 'ittsbing 7f 70,77l Nuxv Oilcans 7 , lr > 7,000 CansasClly i7i TO' : ; ' yj o ' 'loxidonee 10.7 .oulsxille 0.7 lllxxaukco S , 1 113,000' ' 1.1 * leu\ei ) 2,1117,078 Jetiolt ) m ilia ,17.0 ; ie\ eland 17.0 Minneipolis 12.5 I.utloid 1,07-1,210 15 0 Jolnmlms V > ' > i.ir > ' ' Memphis l.ls.V--il li'p'l * Galxeston lH3b' , ' ' iidlanapolls iH7r. 'Olfi s'uxv llaxen 35 ' 001 la i . . . .23.5 'oitland ' M ) . . . . Woicosloi Di .i.ri1 o 128 St. Joseph 04soro , 11.7 MO.OU 27.7 S > racn-o r.Hi.osi ! r iJsilb Total | S 17.0. . . . Oulbido Xexx1 Yoik. . . . | 10.1 * Denxorand Galxobtonaie not Included in lie totals. lititisli drain Trndo Tlcvloiv. Loxuox , April 10. The Malic Lauo Ex-- iress icxlexv of the IJritisli giain tindofor ho past wuelc. says : Wheat tiadolms been oxceedlnsly > dijllrt 8alos of English xxheat xvero 49,514 quaitcis nt 30s lOd , npalnst 44,137 at Sis Id during tlio conespoiullnc week last rear. 1'oiolgn wheats aio sloxvof sale and alhcrweaker. I'lotn ! > ( id lowei. Coin is steady. Tlueo caiuoes of xxheat aitixod. ) nu caigo was sol-l anil two lomalnod. l'i ado foi waul is languid. To dax's wheat naikot xx'asnot imptoxcd ; onlv a it-tall biisl- loss xxas done. Flour xvas milot and steady , but geuerallv neglecti d. Oats xx eio M low or. The Visible Supply Statement. CiiiCAfiO. April 10. Thu number of bush els of giain In stoic In the United States nnd Canada on April 1' ) , and the increase 01 de- cieasettbcompaipd xxith the piexlous week , xxill bo posted on chaugu to-moiioxv as 'ollox\n : Wheat 15,819,121 Decicaso 1,803,71" Corn IV-i'U-fi ' Dcciease l.iTil/SSi Oats l,7H,4is ! Decioasu llr > .tlS Itjo 4 0-nt Dec-lease ( > V > flt Bailey 70iJ , ( ) Dot-lease K'l.lJl ' The nninbei ol bushels li > Chicago elu- x'atoisxa > : Wheat 11.97U01 Coin : t'i.20l t Oats : /ij,7J Ilxo n 1,101 Cnirxno , April 10. Tliu Intel-Ocean's El- cln , III. , special sajs : llultei iieellned heax- ily today undei lioo offerings , liognl i- salts xxeio 17,000 pounds at Sl'iiSto. No cbcese xxas olfoied 01 told on change. Pil- xnto sales ol 70,477 pounds ol buttct and 701 hoxt-s of choose xxeio lepoitt-d. The tol.tl -yn , . IOWA'S II031R. Tlio Fiutit Hctxvocn Uiirlinuton nnd fllariiliiilUnwn Tor llio liisiiliitlon. lis : iloiNi'.s , In. , April 10. [ Spcthd Tele- ginm. ] Tlio bill Introduced In congicss to day by HiipiOicntallxo Kicdoilcks lei a na tional suldlois' homo at Maishalltoxxn , Is In tended as a foil foi Congressman Hall's bill locating a national homo at Hinllngton. The Mrifo tor the Iowa soldlcis' homo Ispinctl- cully naiiowcd down to those two cltks , and life rivalry Is veiy Intonse. I'.ath hopes to gain tlio ndxnntago ol bi-lng a possible loca tion lei a national home , xxlth tbooxpccta lion Hint If this were done , In a few \eais tliu slate and national homes could bo combined , and the stale could thus lulin- qulsh Its piopeity. \ \ hen Burlington led oil a fo\v ila > , s ace , with n bill foi tlio homo theio , exonbcdy knew that Marbhallloxvn xxoulil lolloxv suit , as It has ilonu. Tholoxx.v commibslon t locate the lo\xti \ homo oigaiv l/cd on the 2Sth ot this month , and It Is ex pected that thu site xvlll hu sohvied xxith some leleienco to the contingency contemplated by thcbo bills for llio National home. A MyiucrloiiH DlHappn.uioe. Ur.s Bloi.vi'.s , lo xn , April 10. [ Special Telogiam.J A mysturions case ot disappear ance Is baflling the Ingenuity of the jiolice. Last Satuiday allernoon a lltilu boy , Percy CiobS , about 7 01 8 juarb of a e , wont llshlng on the bank of thu lixor. As lie did notio- tuin , Intel In thu day beaich xxas made for him andiilshat ; xvas found on the bank.butno . tiacc of thu child could bu seen , The piosinnp- tlon xxni that hu had fallen Into thu ilxei anil had been diowned , but the police dinggctl thu rixer yestciday xxltlioutnxailand to nlghl thoieis noulue xvhituvur to the mjsteilous dlsappeunuitu ot tlio child. IniituliiK Tlieir lllval. SioiixCuv , lovxa , April 10. The Sioux- Clt > iv.les.Molnes ) Kullio id company , lollou- Ing Iho example of the Chicago , Mllwniikto & St. Paul , commenced giadlng east of the city to-day. Piosideut Pieiie. ot the DCS Mollies company , disclaims the o.xUtt-nco ot any contlkt between his tomp.any and the St. Paul. An loxxa Man Kulcidcs , Jr.s Mtii.NKri , la. , April 10 , [ Special Tele- siam ] James Uruce , a wcll-todo tanner , lixlng neai Itockwt-H , Cenogoido county , bliot himstlt dead this foicnoon xxhllu under a spell of tcmporaiy despoiulcnuy. Messrs. .W. Mlllbmi mchiirloH Uml clitlo rettnned Simuav from u pleisan trip to California. Tliootbc-isof.lbup.uli xvho auoompaniiul ( heso ' 'entleineii nio stilt in Califoinia , u-tuincu theio iij < er turn sttonji uttnictious. THE EIGHT-JIOUR MOVEMENT , Now York's ' Central Labor Union Discusses tlio Advisability of Enforcing It May 1 , CONCESSIONS ALREADY MADE , Itttt the Conclusion Itcnchnd to IjO.avo the Decision to tlto Various Trades ChlcnK" AVoi-k- men Urge tliu Movo. Shorter Hours for 1/alior. Nr.w YOIIK , April lit. [ Special Telecram. ] Dm question whether the skilled xxorklng- iicn of this city should Insist stilctly upon iiittiiiR Into t-ITect on May 1 their demand 'or eight liouisasa dxj's laboi xx'as discussed atjcstordnj's meotingof the contrnl labor inlon in ( Jlaiendon hall. Many delegates said they hrvd alicady made their leinnnd , and In neatly oxery In- staiico It had been acceded to. The lolegntes of the united piano innKots , ho cabinet maKers , the custom upholstuicrs nnd the xxoodcatxcis , bald they had niiulo a luiiiand foi eUht hours , and In the majoilty ol tlm shops It had been aeeetled to. The tin ind slate toofirs said they bad asked for eight houis , but had compiomlsed upon ulna I'ho machinists' nnd pattern makers' unions nro to demand nine horns. Ono Iron noulder rcpoitcd that tweiitj-tlnco out if txxentjeight foundries had ngieed to xork only ten houis each day. The central laboi union decided finally that on account of the gieat number of unions In hch body It was unwlso to Insist upon the enloicement of the clght-hotu rule for all , nit the unions should moxo for shorter Hours n all trades. They mo to hold a mass meet- ng In Union Squiioon tbooveulng of May , nnd tohax'o npaiadc with toicb lights be fore tlm mcctliif , ' . CIIICAOO woitKMf.x FOU imiiT nouns , f CHICAGO , Apill ! . Tlio eight-hour com- iiiltoo of the trade and labor assembly to- lay Issued a clicnlai to the trade anil labor associations of Chicago and \lclnlty an- iimnclng that May 1 has been set apait for hogoiicial Inanimation of the eight-hour system ; that the tiadcs nsscmoly of Chicago , iplng the most iniluentl.il brdy of oigani/ed aboiwestol Nexv VoiU city.lt was natural hat the woiklng people nnd tlm pub ic should hold It responsible In n gieat iieasiiro foi the success 01 lalluie of the eight-hour movement ; that theiols a unlfoim indcistanding ainoni : tlio different unions to accept acoucsponding i eduction In wages , It leeessaiy , to bilng the elght.honi bjstcm nto opeiatlon ; and adx Islns nil trades w hlch inxe not jet completed ariangcments to elect snitablp committees anil picpaio lei tlio mu- lual solution ot the ijueibtlon at the time men tioned. A. Now Tmbor Party. Ciur-Aoo , Apill 19. William U. Tn > Ior , iieslilentot tlio Indoppndunt IVoplo's labor ; iaily ol the United States , is In tlm tlty , and will soon bo joined by other members of the patty. Tlmy haxo in vioxv the oigani/ntion ot tlio woiUingnien into bodies called "coun cils , " and the object U to suppoit candidates foroflicc1 , iiivsprcthoot paity , who liaxotho ii'teiests of wage woikeis at heart. The paity adx ocates the elght-houi woiklng day among othoi things. Till : OAXAOIAN FhOOIJO. [ Montreal nnd the SiirronndiiiK Conn- try Suhmcrgoil. April 1C. [ Special Telegram. ) Jt la almost impossible to gixc any adequate Idea of the state of things c\Isting hoie. 'llio water Is txventy-olght feet above the summer level , tlnco feel hlghei than excr reached be- foie. St. I'aul sticet , the sjioat conlorof the wholesale trade , has tluco to font It-ct of watoi In it. Kxtiy stoio is inundated and the loss liguips up in the hundipilsot thou sands. In Point SI. Clailes ( nndCilirontoxvn cx'Ciy house 1ms liom four to elglit loot o xxatei in it. This is the pool qu liter and the sulk-ling and mtseiy are appalling. In St. ( labiicl the houses aio collapsing , the foundations being undermined. The rlxci Is luiinlng oxui tlm eounliy thiongh llio eitv by xxay ol Oliabollle/ squaio fiom tlm Laehlno inpids , and huge jileces of Ice aio being can led thiough tlio sticets. Two suicides haxo occulted. One man , Dojle , liad his house bxxontaxxay and lost alt ho had. Ho hung himself in a bain. Soxoial deaths fiom luirand ono or txxodioxvnlng accidents .110 lopoitpd. On tin ! south side tlm houses ami bains haxo be-on cariicd axxay bodily , cattle dioxvncd by liniidicds , the inllioad tiacKs and biidgos tamed away , and genoial haxoc caused toi miles loiind. The Iccgoigp Is still souiul below and the waterstlll ilslng. Tlm loss xx ill nex'ei he known. Nnxv. Yontf , Apill U1. Advleos just 10- oelxod tiom Montieil states that the nuns on bt. Paul's Ihland , opnosllo that city , aio In i\ xoiy pieeaUotis condition onaceoiint of food. They aio obliged to take loltigo In the attlo ol the building , and thp blockade of Icoion- deis all access to them Impossible , Holld .South. Nr.xv Youic , Apill 10. [ Special Tolcci am. ] The Woiltl's Washington srecial says : A pioinlnent fioiithein demociat sild to mo to day that llio leaders of the party must not count positively upon noild doinociatle top- icsantallon In tlm house fiom tliu south. IIo said that the situation nl Washington was so dlbcouinging to the party In the south that Ulspojsiblolortlioiepubllcaimtocany fiom twclxoto liltecn distilets. llo.s.iid that two dlstikts xxould bo lost In Tinas if the lumber foatinesof the tmllf bill woio ndheicd to. Tlieto Isa piospaet ol tlueo being lostin Lou isiana , ono In Mlsblsilppl , Ironi two to tlueo in .Missomi , two In Tonnessec , oim In Ken tucky , one. In North Caiolln.t and ono In South Caiolina. Thorn is a luithei piospett ot losing two in Vliglnla. TU loss ot tx\en- \ ty-tln co districts xvoulU pass the majoilty oxer to the republicans. The Vastness or Ijund Finiuls. Nivxv YOIIK. Apill 10 , [ Spptlal Tuloyram.J The Hoinld'a ' Washington special wajs ; Then ) IK a xxcll founded tumor that the pies- Itlent has beromo so tlioron jhly convinced of thoxastness of the land trnnds , of tlm niKuso of the land Jaws foi laud grabbing syndicates nndcoipotntlons , nnd of the necessity of thorough retoim of both land laws and land mlmlnistiatlon , that he xvlll piesontly send a special messav'o to Li.ngioss uiglng It ) Imme diate ar-tlon In ( ho way of loform and lopcal of bad laws to help him In saxlng the ht'll ' 10- mainliiB public lands Jor homoatuads lei the people. An nxi > rfnmiiiiM ArroHtod. Jlein y niorHii is in the city jail on u clraigo of obtaining money under falbo jactenses , and a complaint ti ninbt him to thntollcot xx-as filed in pollcoeotntyoH- tordtiy. Hoischurycd by IVtorUoscn xvitli obtaining $2.23 on Hatiudai' to haul a sewing machine , and pocketing the money without doing the job. The ox- pre&Mmm claims that lie could not get tlio maohino on Saluula'y , but ugiccd to haul It yestotday , In tlm uioantjinu hf siuint'the money , suppo.sing that lie coul' i etui a it within a day 01 bo. . Set' Luhnuinn iV Co. " ' . l.awaa uud OrgiUtiUtT