Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1886, Image 1

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    \r BEE.
The Decision on Irish Homo Rule Trem
bles in the Balance.
The Hope KxprcHseel Thnt Chamber *
Inln Will Return to the Minis
terial Kohl Agitation
lit the Country.
A Blest AVondorOtl Oehate.
LONIION. April 18. [ Special cablegram. }
The debate on the homo rule bill has sur
passed In the level of excellence any debate
ot tccctit years. On Monday and Tuesday
Loid Kandolph ChinclilII , Sir William Har-
eourt , Goschen and ( iladstono nil spoke.
Whltbrcad brought much needed support to
the government the only outsider whoso
help has been fruitful. Lord Randolph
Churchill was critical , acute and damaging.
Sir William Harcouit made ono of the
most amusing and least effective har
angues ever heard In the house.
Goschcn was weighty , statesmanlike , and
business like- . The most striking passage of
all contained thu English answer to the dein-
onstiatlons in favor ol home inlo from the
Aineilcan state legislatures and the Boston
mass meeting , "All Kurnpc , " said Goschen ,
"was against the noith In the struggle for tlm
union. The north , foitiinatoly , declined to
listen to the advice of Kuiopo and England
in favor of disunion. England will equally
decline to listen to such Aineilcan voices as
counsel disunion hero. "
Gladstone's closing address was an Incom-
paiably liner effort of oiatory than his speech
Eli in the opening debato. It let In a flood of
light on the state of mind which had led to
his prcbcnt policy. Ho avows that his per
sonal confidence in tha good Intentions of
the Iilsh people is complete , and that ho has
only iien'ccd about homo rule with guarantees
In oidcr to quiet the alarm of other people.
If the Irish people have faults' , or Irlsn agita
tion Is marked by Irregular Incidents ,
it Is because Enclaiiel has governed
haishly and landlords have tyinnnl/cd
o\er tenants , lie announced , ne\oithcless ,
that if he were allowed to Introduce his bill ,
. the door should bo lelt open for amendments.
Ills own convictions were unchanged , but he
was icady to make certain concessions. The
lories , who Ueslrcd to throw out the bill on
Its first reading , found they could not Induce
their allies to go with them , so the bill was
Intioduceel without division. Gladstone's
pledge to reconnlder the exclusion of Irish
members from Westminster , and the question
of imperial taxation , though vague , concil
iates a number of waveiing llbeials. The
piesent estimate Is that the second leading
may peihaps bo can led by twenty majoilty In
May.Many Gladstonians declare themselves to
bo little impiesscetby the meeting of Wednes
day , which listened to Lord Ilaitlngton.Loid
Salisbury and Goschen on same platform.
Radicals tell you there wcio too many nobles
and blue ribbon men on thcstage , while Lord
' vlth Lorel
Haitington's open co-operation
Salisbury only Impaired the clfect of the
speech ho made. In the commons. The fncl
icnmlns that the meeting was Influential ami
impicssivc , and wholly without piecedent.
The Spectator desciibes it as "a brilliant
Inaiigniatlon of n national piotest against n
disruption of the United Kingdom. " Tin ;
next day , however , anpcars the text of the
homo rule bill , the effect of which has been
that It has taken the point out of sundrv
criticisms on the mcasiiro heard In parlla
inent and elsewhere. There aio some cssen
tial leaUncs which Gladstone hardly touchee'
In his statement. The veto , for example , h
wotIced out elabenately In the bill. Tin
press , huiiledly discussing the text , finds the
outlines of legislative scpaiatlon no wist
softened , and abates nothing from its opposl
Wlthoul allowing an interval forthodlgcs
tlon of this vast proposal. Glaelstone , yield
ing to the Impatience of the house , and deny
Ing himself adequate tlmo for prcpaiatlon
intiodiiced his land purchase scheme. Tin
bill had been nairowed In scope since tin
proposal to bonow X1CO,000,000 in ordert <
pievonttho confiscation of Iilsh landloids
propoity diovo Chambeilain out of thocabl
net. Gladstone still recognl/.es and pro
claims England's moral obligation to protcc
the land owners against spnillatlon by hli
now Irish legislatuie , and excludes no classo
owners of tented ngilcultnial land. Hi
puts no limitation on the principle ) of pur
chase , and invites every landlord in Irelam
to avail himself of the opportunity to sell
Ho admits tlio capltali/.cd value of lilsl
estates approaches lf > 0,000,000 , but asks tin
house to sanction the Issue of consols io
ii.10,000,000 only. This mini , moreover. I
spicad o\or n period of years. Tin
explanations of this arithmetical puzzli
are two. Flist , the moral obligation Is to hi
applied oxpcimentally. ( Gladstone , per
hups believes anel hopes that tlio laiulloiel
will believe that the Irish leglslatuio wll
plunder nobody. Many landlords , there
foie , will not avail themselves of the optloi
ot selling. Secondly , a gieat political oxper
Imentis in piogicss.
Hopes have spuing up that nt least om
eulng ship limy return to thu mlnisterla
fold. Chamberlain's objections to tliooiig
Inal scheme woio based hugely on the onot
moits amount of. debt to be created. By ic
diiclng the amount It was supposed thu ol :
jecttons might be met. They have not beei
met. Chamberlain , following Gladstone las
night , cleatly pointed out the possibility thn
enough landlords might apply for th
benefits of the act to exhaust treble the sin
appieipriated. He olfeicd many other pern
trallnuciitlclsms , and oxpiessed the doul
whether the Irish would accept the propose
rate of pmchaso , based on twenty years nc
tental. Thu doubt was amply justified b
tlm dead silence with which 1'arnellltes. ha
been receiving Mr. Gladstone's pioposa
Nevertheless , Chambei lain Keeps the dee
open. lle assures Gladstone that ho won !
bo only too delimited to bo nblo to icnew hi
allegiance. The tiuth Is , the radical
think they sco a cliunco to execut
their long meditated coup. 'Ihe
pieiposo tot i eat Lord llartlnuton's prescnc
on Wednesday , at what they callatoiy nice
Ing as a final severance of his connection wit
the libeuil patty. Most of the whins at
going with him. This , they think , leaves th
r * way clear for "ladlcall/lng" the whole 01
ganUatlon , and Insuies a nullc ;
Durcessloii to tlio leadership o
Gladstone's letlicmetit , which cannc
bo long postponed , lint Chambetlal
Is the only possible radical leader. Ho nuisl
thcietons icsuino his tclatlons with th
paity , while Lutd Haitlngton leiimtus ou
bide. He must taue nls place under Glue
btoue'b uinbit'lla.tcadytoix'celve hlsniantli
Cbambcrlain , nowovcr. whoso politic :
houestv Is of a lilzhcr typo tha
that of some of his follower ;
still adhere * to Ids objections , wide
he rcgaids us objections ot piniclple , nn
still declines himself opposed to the ccntn
le-aUiies of both of Gladstone's measure
The comi'dy. in uny ease , cannot bo plnje
out In the parent pArliamcnt. The bou ;
w 111 adjouru Teiotday tor the Easter holiday :
vhen lue imitation u ill beuln on U > lhbielc
tlnoughout rtiecoutitry on thu whole ) hqui
The Klshop o ? Madrid Pntatly
AVonndcel His Assassin Arrested.
MADIIID , April 18. At 10SO : o'clock this
noinlng , whllo the bishop of Madrid was
ascending the steps leading to the entrance
) f the cathedral , he was shot with a revolver
> yn priest standing at the top of the steps ,
ho ball entering Ids abdomen , This was
'ollowed by another shot , which wounetcd
lie bishop In the side , whereupon the
wounded man fell upon tlio steps. The
ntest thcii .descended the steps and lured
'till ' another shot , which took effect In
ho bishop's thigh. The bishop was
) erne In nn unconscious condl-
lon to his privalo chamber In the
cathedial , where thu last sacraments for the
lying wciu adiiilnlsteiad to htm. Thu priest
was anested. IBelnij Palm Sunday , the
cathedral was meno than usually crowded by
woishlpcis.nnd when thu fenrtul work of the
irlustwas leall/eel a furious mob followed
tliocanlae In which ho was conveyed te >
irlson by gendnimes , whoso presence alone
nevontcd Ills bolni : lynclu'd. TlwmotUo for
ho crime xvas levenne. Tlm man who thud
lie shots was recently dismissed ft nut tnu
irlesthood , mid had fiultlessly applied to tlio
bishop to bo tolnstntcd.
Tlio bishop Kstill alive. The piiost made
an attempt to commit suicide.
A Gcrnmii Town Destroyed Hun
elrods of Ijlvcs Jjost.
Vtnx.vA , April 18. The town of Stry , In
Gallcla , has been almost completely de
stroyed by lire. TlTe number of houses Inn neel
sooo. Many pei.sons wcio killed. Tlm In-
liabltants are destitute.
A high wind was blowing and the lire
started In scveial parts of the town abemt the
amo time. A bundled jicrsons were kllleel
In ono stieet by tailing walls. The town
Kill , lailwny station and telcgianh olllro
wciodcsttoyed. A large number ol wounel-
: d weie sent to Lemburg , a distance of forty-
, wo miles , wheio thu hospitals aio crowded
with sufferers. Hundreds of persons nro
inls-iiiig. A lack of water rendeied aid by
: hei mi-Italy futile- . Money ami food nio
jclng collected In the sin rounding towns tor
the rellet ot the sufferers.
Tenants Oppose the tjanel mil.
DuniiN % April 18. At a meeting of tenant
waimers at Kildasait to-day the land pur
chase bill was denounced as simply a meas-
ino for the relief ot lanel owners. It was do-
elated that if the fanners got their holdings
on a basis of four ycais rental their position
would be very htllo Improved as they nio
without the necessaiy capital with which to
obtain a Matt. A icsoltitlon was adopted
asking the P.iinclllto members of paillament
to oppose the bill.
Four hundred tenants of the Carl of Hess-
Enough's Kilkenny estate held a mcetini : to
day to consider thu earl's offer of a i eduction
from 10 to S ) nor cent in the lentals. The
tenants had asked for a reduction ol : r per
cont. At to-day's meeting 831 of the tenants
voted In tavor ot accepting thu earl's terms.
The Bartlctt I'nisonlng Case.
LONDON , April 18. The 15artlett poisoning
case was gi\en to Ihe jury yesterday. In clos-
inir the case for the crown , Attorney General
Hnssel contended that from the evidence it
was cleaily impossible for Baitlctt to have
committed .suicide , ami theiccoulel bo no
doubt he was kllleel by the piisoner , MIB.
Adelaide Uaitlett , who had been maintaining
relations with Ifcv. Dyson , and who was in
spired to remove her husband because ho was
regaining his health. The judge , In Mimmlnjj
up , told the juiy that Dysen had taken ael-
vantage of tlio husband a maudlin nonsense
to supplant him In the affections of his wife ,
and advised that no part ot the clonjyin.ui's
testimony , although no had been a witncs-
foi the ciown. be accepteel as reliable. The
jury weie out but a shott time- , and icnelcicel
a 'seidlct ot acquittal.
Homo Tlnlo Is Be-curc.
Nnw YOIIK , Apill 18. [ Special Telegram. ]
The Times' London cable sajs : It Is nol
easy to cet the English members to talk aboul
the land scheme , but there seem to bo nc
doubt that the prevalllngsentlmcnt regarding
it Is favorable. It is at least cei tain thai nc
now antagonists have been created by It
Whether Chamberlain comes in or not , it h
sine that a majority of Ihe house of common !
favor both bills , and It Is not probable tha :
this advantage will bo lost during the holiday
agitation. Gladstone Is absolutely conhdcn
that the dangerous point has been passed ane
that homo inlo is sccuio.
Cost ol * CallpjrrnniB.
LONDON , Apill 18. The coufeionco o !
icpiesentatUcs of the Anglo-Amciican Tele
grapli company , United Stales Cable com
p.iny , French Cable company and Wcsterr
Union Telcgiaph company , as lessees of the
American Cable company , was held yestcr
day , when II was elecldeel that on ami nlte :
May 1st the cable tate to and from all place !
in tlio United States east of thu ninety
seventh parallel of longitude to all places fr
( iieat Hiitaln , France and Germany shall be
twelve cunts per word by the cables ol these
companies. _
Thu Cholera Outbreak.
Vir.NNA , April 18. Cases of cholera an
lopoited ftom Trieste. The outbreak of tin
dlscaso In Italy l.s said lo bo more serioui
than was nt first stated. The authorltici
there , it Is alleged , are hiding the truth re
gaiding tlio lava cs of the disease. Tin
Austi Ian authorities have again establlshei
: i coidon on thu Italian frontier , and over :
precaution will bo taken to piovent tin
spiead of the epidemic.
KOMI : , Apill It ) . The sanitary boaiel ad
nilts that Asiatic choleia has Lnokeii out a
1'rlndlsl , and has ordered that all ariivalsa
other Adi latlo ports from Uilnellsl bo quar
antincel ono week.
Death of a Journalistic Smith.
SrniNorir.r.t ) , April 10. ( Jeotgo Smith
Bcnlor member of the fit in of Smith , Claud
enln & Kees , piopilotorsof the State llcgls
ter , died yusteiday. Ho had been poor ii
health some years , but was only confined ti
his bed for Ihrco weeks. The immedlati
cause of his death was pymenla. Smith wai
bom In Ncwatk , ( ) . , In 1827 , and was con
nested with journalism In that city and stati
befoio coming we > st. Some thirty years ngi
he. located In Kcokuk , la. , wheio ho was con
nected with tlio Gatu City newspaper tinll
1S70 , when thu present Him was formed.
An Riiibuzilnr Arrested.
LiTTLi : HOCK , Ark. , Apill 18. News I
just iccchcd of the attest of John W. Jones
formerly editor of the Newport ( Ailc. ) Now
but for several months absent in Idaho a
Indian school commissioner by appolntmcn
of Piesldent Cleveland. Ho was secretar ;
for Aikansas of tlio American Legion o
Honor , and was attested on a teqiilsltlon n
( iovetnor Hughes chaiged with umbczzltn
several thousand dollars of the cndowmen
fund. Jaiie'.s came to Aikansas from Vh
glnla soveial yeaia ago and was a member o
the last leglslatuiu liom Jackson county.
The aiurclorotiH Deputies.
CHICAGO , April I" , Tito Inter Ocean'
Sprlnzlield (111. ( ) special sajs : Companic
of militia at Peoiia , Farmlngton , Caithag
and Delavan have been otdeied lo East SI
Louis to telluvu four other companies. Th
Govcinot's miauls are among those ielte\ei
Gov. Oglesbv has Issued a requisition ou Hi
Governor of MIssouu for tlio delivery o
htuwait Martin , Samuel Jones , John F. Wi
Hams , George ) llnniett , W. F. I.alid , Cliarlc
Ilentzler , alias Klngler , Win. Luitoii and 1
G. Hewlett , the deputy slieritfswho tiled lut
tlio mob In East St. Louis.
' , Ohio , April 18. Ait aged coup ]
were cremated In a house south of town , be
t \\een 13 and 1 o'clock jcsterday mornlin
Thu lire is believed to the work of nn Incer
diary. It If thoiiKhl I hi ; old people weio tuui
eleiud and tobbed uuvi thu Louse fired.
How General Black Complies With Oivil
Service Eulea in Appointments.
Vllns * Methods ol1 KcrorniltiR the For
eign Ulnll Service An Instance
of Democratic Iiiconnlst-
cucy ntul Meanness.
ninck'sl'nrtlsnn Schomp.
WAsm.veno.v , April 18 , [ Special Tele
gram. ! Commissioner Ulack has adopted n
system by which ho appoints dcmociats In
the pension onico with the assistance of th < j
civil service commission. When a vacancy
occurs In aclasslllcd grade of clerks In the
pension olllco the civil service commission la
lotilicd , whereupon the names of thrco or
four candidates , who have passed the cl\ll
service examinations , are tiansmitted to
CommlssoncrDluck. The civil service rules
do not penult or allow a candidate's politics
to bo questioned , but tlicie l.s nothing to pre
vent the commissioner from instituting a
tpilct Inquiry as to whether coi tain men arc
democrats or not. This Infonnatlon Is ob
tained In this way : For Instance : the names ol
three persons aiutiaiismlttod to the commis
sioner. Ho calls for their examination papcis ,
which show that thn candidates arc liom cei-
tain towua In certain states. The congress
men loprcEcntlng their respective districts
aio consulted , and if they aio found to be
democrats ono of thoin Is selected for ap
pointment. If all of them should bo republi
cans the civil sciyico commission Is called
upon tosend In an additional list of nnme-
nntll a democrat Is found to till the vacancy.
A fiicnd of ox-President Arthur AS rites
liero that the latter's health is far from be-
Ins so much improved as the nowspapcis rop-
icsontittobo. "Tho fact is , " says he , Mr.
Arthur has been under the weather for t\\c
jeais or more. Ho suiters much from what wa
misnamed malarial influences during the last
1 ear of his term , and ho .has been a very sick
man since Pcbruary last" , most of the time
since then being confined to his bed. Hols
not cheerful about his condition of health ,
and this has a reactionary influence upon
lilin. 1 do not bcllevo that he has Uiight's
disease , as Is .so fiequcntly said , but ho shows
evident symptoms ot an affection of the kid-
ni'y.s and Innutiltlon. "
Anlnstancoof dcmociatlc Inconsistency and
meanness has just come to my knowledge
that may bo pitted against any political ncl
known to politicians. A messenger who ha'
held a position in the licasury depaitmcnl
for along benies of years was informed the
other day that ho would bo dismissed at n
certain time , about a week hence. The mes
senger was a lavoilto in the building , lie
was the most faithful and accomplished ol
any man who has tilled a position of thai
kind since the war. Eveijbody knew him.
and ho knew everybody and every place
about the .building , and ho was more Ire
qucntly than any other employe designated
to bhow visltois about the building. Ho was
veiy much'astonished when ho leainod tlm'
he was to be discharged , because ho had lion
cstly performed all ot his dutic :
and had offended no one. He
went to Chief Cleik Youmnns and inqnira
why ho had been dismissed , and was fianklj
told that It was because ho was a lepubllcan
"So I understood , " tuphed the mcssenzer
"and since I learned that 1 waste be lemovce
I have been casting about for another posi
lion. 1 find that I can get ono In the cmploj
of a railroad as a porter on a sleeping car , mi
the railroad company loqulies every man 1
employes to nave an cndo-isement Irom hli
foimcr or last employer. 1 would like to as !
you. Mr. Yonmans , to give mo a letter of roc
ommcndatlon , If you can. " Mr. Youmam
looked nonplused , and , after a few moments
hesitation , asked the messenger to letnn
presently. When the latter went back to th <
formet's ofllco ho was told that he could nebo
bo ondoiscd by an ofliclal in the treasury do
paitmcnt. "So tar as I am concerned , " saU
Mr. Youmans , "I would give yon as man ;
recommendations and as strong endorse
nicnts as you could possibly want , for nov
yon arc ono of the most satisfactory
men that has eve > r bean conneotei
with the department , but I have scon Treas-
inerSmith and Appointment Cloiks Hlg
gins , and It Icndoised you It would bo dls
appioved by them , because yon have beei
Ismlssod tiom the t-ei vice of this depart
nicnt. Yon see it would bo inconsistent If :
wioto that yon wcio a faithful and cfllcion
man , and that you gave satisfaction IIIMC
People would want to know why you wen
icmovcd If this wciu line , and it would 01
its face show that a case of very bitter am
unreasonable uaitli-anshlp was being pcrpo
trated here' . I would not hcsltato to tcl
anjbody verbally , and , as I said , 1 would no
hesitate , if itweionot for Mr. .Smith am
Mr. Higglns , to wrlto to nnyono about yon
cfliclcncy and your manhood and morn
chaiacter. " The im-sse'iiger hung his hoa <
n few minutes , thanked air. Yonmans am
loft to battle with the wotld as best ho could
NOTT.SANI ) l > iil : ONAIS.
Hon. Gcorgo ( ! . Wilght , of Iowa , is in tin
city.Today's "Mrs. Van Wyck
To-day's ( Capitol ) says :
wife of the senator trom Nebraska , ontci
taincd the young ladles and uontlciuon win
takopait In tlio Klrnios minuet on the lOtl
piox , at a handsome Biipper patty. The In :
mediate duscendantsol those who , a few ceu
tinlen since , stepped the btately mc.isiuo ii
menio JCnglnnd jnoved on this occasion tha
they had iitheiltcd the giaco and beauty o
their anccstoiB. "
oi.ivin : VII.AS ASKS FOII MOIII : .
Postmaster Ueneral Yllas started out as i
red-hot refoi mer and economist ospcclall )
the latter. Kor economy's rake ho has beei
paying the Cunard Urltlsh steamship lln
IWX cents per mlle per annum for carryliij
the American malls , while he pays America :
lines for the same servlco horn \yf to 5 cent :
per mllo. And yet with all his chaso-parlni
economy ho has asked congress to appropriate
priato nearly S2CO,000 more for thn postoflic
department for the fiscal year beginning Jul ;
1 , lb 0 , than was appropilated for the curien
year. What occasion there is for this inereas
no ono scums to understand , for there ha
been a cutting down of the mall servlco al
over the country , oven to causing much howl
ing upon the pait of the people. Perhaps Mi
Postmaster YHas , tha Wisconsin sap-sucker
wants to Increase the pay of Ilrltlsh steam
ship lines for carrying our malls for us.
To-day's Herald , of this city , says : "Ii
connection witli the ruinois of the president'
Intention to be married to Miss Folsom dm
lug the cuircnt year. It IB of interest to rocn
that her name was ono of five on the lU
which was put with the wedding cake umU
the president's pillow the lln > t nicht ho sler
in Washington , which was ut the Arlltigto
hotel , March 3,18S5. "
Western Nebraska Storm Preellctoel
WASHINGTON , April 19. fSpccIal Teh
gram. ] The conditions appear to-night la' '
orablc for severe local stoinu In Western Ni
bntska , which necessarily does not mean to
nadoes , but quite high winds , wlUi fo
Statlouary temperature tit tuo cas
Switchmen's Strike Mettled A Now
York Tlo-Up-Xho Hoycott.
Cntt'Aoo , April IS. Taa swltclnncn em
ployed in the various yards of the Lake
Shore inltway throughout the city and sub
urbs have cairled out their threat to strike if
.ho company refused to dlschareo eight men
who accepted work from the road during the
strike of 1831. The strikers number seventy-
fourinen. The f calm oof the strike Is that ,
nnllko the Missouri P.tclflo strikers , the men
who have gona out do not claim to bo any
ongor employes of the Lake Shore road.
They say they have "gone out foruood. " All
disclaim any'lnteiitlon of Intcrlorlng In any
way with Uio operation of the road.
It Is reported that the switchmen on the
Kock Island and Hurllngton roads hero have
plovaiices similar to those of the Daltlmoio
Ss Ohio switchmen , and they talk of going
out. ' 1 ho Kock Island ami Uurltngton of-
llelals Intimate- that they are prepared for a
light and will support each other In rcsi.sting
what they think aio nnieasonablo demands.
l/.ito last night Lake Shore ofllcials at
tempted to take out a freight train from their
jmd at Fortv-thlrd btroet. There were largo
ciowds of people In the vicinity , and the
sight of a moving train quickly excited their
ire > . A rush was made for the engine , and
before any protection could be ntroided tlio
engineer and firemen bothwerodtagged from
their posts. Each was given a tenible beat
ing bolero being allowed to escape. In ad
dition to maltieatlng the engineer and lire-
man , the lire was diawn tiom the endue ,
and for the time It was fcaied the ciowd
would be led to fuither and much moio
serious dcpiOdntlon * .
No fuither distuibancc , however , was cre
ated to-day , but the switchmen stand linn
and say they will make no concessions. No
fieiirlit came In or went nut to-day on tiio
Lake Shore. Officials of the lonUiemalncd
letleent , and m > thlng is known icg.udlng
their contemplated action In the matter.
Tin : n. A ( i. sinner. ixmi : > .
First Vice President Smith , General Man
ager Dunham and Superlntende-nts 1'oiaeker
and Hrltton , of the li.iHimoie .V : Ohio load ,
held a consultation to-day with tlio com
mittee of striking switchmen and airango-
ment was made wheieby the freight blockade
ot that road will end at 7 o'clock to-mouow
morning. The strikers modified their de
mand that eight men bo dischaigeu Into a
icqucst that they bo transfoired to some
other point. Tins eight men leferrcd to an
nouncing their willingness to bo tiansfoncd ,
thn company agu'cd to a * ettlement ot the
dlfllcultlos on tills basis. The strikers have
been oidcily since tlio elilfcronco came up
and will return to work contentedly in tlio
Saturday in Cant St. Louis.
ST. I.oi'ts , Apill 18. activity pre
vails In all the railroad yauls to-day. About
Oo'clocklast iilcht In East St. Louis First
Lieutenant lUiuoughs , of the Eighth tcgl-
ment , on duty guaidlng thocoal dumps soutli
ot the St. Louis bridge , noticed six men
prowlinsr about the cars in that vicinity , who
attempted to escape when they saw the sol-
dieis. They were siurounded and tlio ofllcci
in command questioned them as to their bus
iness in that vicinity. As they could give no
satisfactory account of themselves they weir
placed under ane-st and maiched to the gimid
house north of the iclay depot , where they
weie scaichcd and placed under tcuard. The
prisoners appear to oo strikci * . Two of them
arc Hailoy biothers , who lignred piomlncntly
in East bt. Louis labor affairs. The casea
will bo investigated to-day.
Louis Kelly , a passenger engineer at DC
Soto , Mo. , iccelved n letter purporting to
come from the wife of a Knight ol Ljibor ,
warning him that tlio Knights will soon nut
some eloaelly agent In locomotives to dcstioy
boilers without a moments warning.
A member of the clti7ens' commltto ap
pointed to makearranucments.fornibitintlon
ot the southwest labor troubles have written
letters , similar to that addicsscel to Hoxlc ,
to tlio resident dlrectois of the Missouil
Pacilic railroael company , ami aio now await
ing replies. Mombois of tlio committeesav
they all expect the directors will
take the same view ot matters as
that taken by Ho\io in his answoi
to Dr. O'ltellly , and their cffoitsatarbitia-
tion will botirultlcss. Should ( hid bo the
case , the committee- will make no further at
tempts to settle the strike.
McOanah , HunU'tto and Chase , tlncc
strlkeis tried a few d.ivs ago for interleiiiif
with the ! li semi .Pacilic ralltoad and ob ;
structliig'tralns , and acquitted , were indicted
to-day for the same offense. Maitln lions ,
A. 0. Coughlan and Ueorgo Jackson , toi
whoso arrests bench wauants w ie issueei
yesterday , voluntarily appeared beloie tin
criminal couit this morning and gave bonds
in SbOU each.Tim
Tim DinncTOKs nnri.Y.
Hcsidcntdiicctoisof the Missouri Paclfii
lallroad company , who were communicate. !
with by Thos. O'Reilllcy , president of tin
citi/.en's committee- , have replied to that gen
tlemen's letter , but tlio coiie'spondenco can
not bo obtained. It Is understood , however
that tliedlicctois decllno to scivoas or on i
A Big Boycotting Scheme.
ST. Louis , April 18. It has transpired hen
that a scheme Is on fool to boycott the Oouh
tallioads thiough eastern manufacluicrs
District Assembly No. 550 , Knights of Labor
vlth headquaitcis in Boston , embrace :
about oOO local assemblies , with a mem
beislup of some -40,000 blioo am
cotton woikcis. Largo quantities of art !
cles made in the teiritoiy covcici
by those assemblies arc shipped to points or
the Gould system and the plan Is to notify al
mannfactuiert ) to stop shipping their good'
over these loads. There Is to bo a incctiiu
of dlstilct assemblv No. 30 at Boston thl1
week tei discuss this matter , and it the pliu
Is decided upon , and manuiactuieis rutusi
to accede to the demands of the assembly
a stiiko will plobably bo oulurcd o
the woikcrs In thoteuitory named. A repie
fiontativo of this district assembly has beui
In consiiltatlnn with tlio general uxccutivi
and local committees hero and wllliepoit te
the Boston meeting what ho learned o
tlio situation hero and In the south
west. It Is also said that rtlstric
assemblies 77 and 7S , whirl ! include the smoi
and cotton woiki'is In Maine. Neiw llainp
shirt ) and Massachusetts , will hold meeting :
immediately alter the Boston assembly , aiu
it is thought possltilo that they will pursui
the same course decided upon by that body
lllotous Strikers Sontoncod.
OALAT-STON. To < as , April 17 , The News
special from Dallas savs : United State ;
Judge Pardee , In the trial of the contemp
cases yesterday , passed sentence on the fol
lowing persons , who had been convicted o
offenses against the Texas & Pacilic : Cliarlc
Wilson , charged with misplacing a swlth fo
the purpose of derailing un engine at Denton
was sentenced to five yeats Imprisonment Ii
the county jail ; 0. JMshop , for taking posses
slon of a switch engine nt Fort Woith , wa
remanded for sentence ; V. P. Lane , taklm
possession of a switch and pieventlng It
use , admitted to ball In tliQsiiiu of § 1,000 am
case continued ; Kiclmrd ( Joidon , stiiking
fiwltclnnau with a stone , tinea months In th
county jail : Charles Barlow , intlmidatin
laoorers In Palo Pinto county , continued til
next tciiuot court ; Timothy lllgglns , foum
guilty on Thursday of Intlinldatlon by usliu
abuslvo language , was held for benteuce. 1
number of others wcic discharged.
The Street Oar Strilco.
Nnw YOKK , Apill 18 , The first car on th
Third avenue line loft the depot at 8 o'cloc
yesterday morning and at noon twonty-elgh
cats weto running. Policemen weiu aboar
each car and lined the route at regular Ir
tervals. E\eiythlng IB quiet. About CG
men applied yesterday in answer to the con
pany'sadveitlscment , and seventy \verecr
famed at once. They weie diHied to-day I
the depot. No cars wuio run out to-day fei
prudential reasons. Some of the striker
swore outaiu > .it wauants for the new drlvei
who have no llcenses. The ineslelent of tli
road says the now employes will not bo ell ;
charged to make loom for the strikers in cas
a settlement is icachud.
NEW Yonic , April W. The executive con
mlttoo of t\ie \ car dilvcis * association hav
decided to "tie up" all th * surface lines I
the city uxrqptlUK un KlKhtTTand Kluth uvi
nues , Kt4 o'fiJyuk iku
A Large Proportion of Grain Winter Killed
and Being Plowed Under.
Reports From Other State- ? Highly
Satisfactory , With Gooel Pros
pects For Excellent Crops
Flax in Nebraska.
The Crop Summary.
CHICAGO , April ia The following crop
summary will appear In the Karineis' Itc-
vlmv this wcuk :
The chief leaturo of the crop tetiirns up to
the close of the week Is contained In the
closest unlfoimlv gloomy tenorof thorctums
"tout Kansas. Tlu repents 1 1 out Kansas for
; ho past six weeks have Indicated only n
tial crop , but the latest bulletin predicts1 an
almost total failure In a number eit the coun
ties , while at the best theio Is thopiemilso
of not to exceed one-thlid an nvuiage' yield
Tor the entire state. The ! leports fiom
Mi'Phcrsun county ere that the ptotpcct Is
the pooiest ever known , and the yield will
not pay for the cutting. The outlook in
Nooslio county is very little , and already
many fields aio being plowed under. In Ot
tawa county fully 60 per cent of the ciop Is
reported to bo winter killed , while In Sedg-
wick county the outlook docs not promise to
exceed SB per cent of the acteage. In sumo
of the southern counties the outlook Is
slightly moio ta.vor.iblc , but n bountitul yield
does not seem to promise In any portion of
the > state.
The prospect In . .Michigan shows no im
provement , and in many of the counties
wheat is rejioite'd tobo going b.ickwaiel on
account of the lecont dry and iieezmg
weather. In Mime ot the counties a gieat
deal of the wheat Is icpoi ted lying on the
ton of the giound. In Lenawee and two
other counties Indications of the Hessian fly
nio tepoiled.
Kxcept In these two states , the outlook con
tinues not only good , but in manv the pros
pect is llattenng tor winter wheat. In some
portions of Ohio the iccent % storms have
lett the gionnd lull of water , which
with the accompanying cold weather , has
threatened tlio glowing plant , but , as n title.
the repents are very favorable. Throughout
nil southern Indiana the fields are looking
green and the plant healthy. The fields on
some of the high lands do not appear at the
best , and some look badly , but they are the
exception. In Alissotnisomo of the upland
wheat Is leioklng pooily , but on the low lands
the prospect could hardly bo better. In some
of the count1 ! : ) in Tennessee the plant has
nhcady attained the crowth of twelve Indies ,
and the general prospect Is encouraging.
In the spring wheat area Dakota appeals to
b ( ! In the lead , with line weather for sowing
and plenty of moistuie. In three of thu
counties icpoiting thcio will boa largo in-
eieaso on the acieago. Very little seeding
has been done , either in Wisconsin , Minnesota
seta , Iowa or Nebiaska , and in the two last
named states seeding thieatcns to be ( delayed
twenty to tliltty days. In many portions of
Nebiaska the season is alieadv becoming so
far advanced that lar o tracts will be seeded
to lias. _
A ncmnml Miulc on CoiiRress to E.v-
liluln tlio Spalelin Act.
AVASHIXOTOX , April IB. The postmaster
gencial has written to members of the house
commlttegon postolHcos audpostroads a let
ter xnging'that'congreis ! lefiutely.raneUun- !
tnlstakably declare the put pose and intent of
the so called "Spaldlng act" for a readjust
ment of the salailes of postmasters who
served between 1W > | and 187-1. When this act
was passed , In IB * ? , its tine intent and mean
ing a matter of gicat doubt and perplex
ity. Postmastw Geneial Gie ham studied it
carefully and wioto an elaborate opinion
upon it. lie also ealled upon Attoiney Gen-
eial Biewster for his consti notion of the law.
The interpretation placed upon tlio law by
theattoincy goneial loimed the basis which
made the leaeljitstmont adopted by the elo-
paitmcnt. This mode has uiven great dis
satisfaction to most ol the a OOO ex-post
masters who supposed the law to mean ono
thing , while the ollicials construe
it to mean another. They aio
pom ing their complaints into con-
grcbS and demanding tlio method of re
adjustment bo change 1. Postmaster Geneial
Vilas has thus tar pursued the method
adopted bv Ills predecessor. He did not ieel
authorized to channo the rule In view of the
tact that the foity-eighth congiess nppiopil-
ated iie.uly a quarter of a million do'lars ' to
pay the reaeljustments under the title
adopted. Up to Match 19 some 24,8Ti !
ctses had been icviowed. Of this number
tB8 : claims weio allowed , the aggregate oi
the allowance being S. I8,87-1. As an ox-
pondituicol over thie'e-touitlis of a million
under the constitution ol the law now fol
lowed Is not likely to put a quietus to those
claims , the depailinent is desirous that con-
tji oss make plain a very * complicated and
peiploxing piece ) of legislation. A resolution
Is pending boloio conuicss declaring the
postmastc'rs' view of this law as the true
conjunction. A bill IB also pending latlfy-
Ing the action taken under Attoiney Gen-
oial lire.w.stcr's interpretion of the Spaldlnt !
act , and Instructing tlm derailment to con
tinue to tollow it.
A \VliltolioiiHo Wedding.
Nnw YOHK , Apill 18. [ Special Telegram. ]
The Sun's Bullalo special says : The state
ment of Rev. Wm. Cleveland , brother of IN
president , that the latter will marry Miss
Frances Kolsom , the lovely daughter of th
late OMjar Folsom , together with some add I
lonal Information gleaned by the coirospond
out ol the Sun. leaves no doubt of the tae :
that a white hmi'-o wedding will take place
The weddlnc will Ue ol the most.qiiiet char
actcr possible , and It Is tube solemnised Ii
the white IIOIIF.O in Juno. Theio will not be
a do/on pcrMins piesent , and If it is possible
the time of its occurience will be kept secio
until alter tlie cciemony. Miss Kolsoni li
modest , rothlng and sensitive and her wishei
are that there shall bo no display. In this , 1
is uudci stood , the pieshlent concurs.
A ninclc Murderer Umitf.
LOUISVII.M : , Ky. , Anrll 18 , Hobert Smltl
( coloicd ) was hung yesterday at Nicholas
vlllo , Ky. , befoio a small crowd. Ho as
cended the scaffold with ttembllng stops am
told the Btory of his eilme , saying ho wai
ready to die. Smith killed his stepfather
.lames Sea , at Pckln , Ky. , Nov. SS , 167.1 , b ;
boating his brains out with an axe whllo hi
was asleep. Taking the dead man , whom hi
had killed for S1- , Smith wrapped the hod )
in a blanket and thtew It Into the Kentuck ;
tlver. The crime was easily traced to him
as ho had tried to secure the assistance of hi
brother to help him commit the crime. Smltl
was only 10 years of ago.
In Hoorot Kcuslon.
Dixifae : > N , Texas , April 18. Four loca
assemblies of the Knights of Labor are hold
Ing a consolidated meeting hcie to-night
the attendance being unusually large. Th
knights give indications of something Ini
poitant under consldeiatlon. An t-xti
guaid watch tlio dewis and backslleleis wei
caiefully exclude Jliom the meeting.
Collapse of u Htecl Mould.
PITTPHUHO , Apill 18. Shortly before 11001
ycterday a mould contalningoverl.OOO pound
moulten steel , suddenly gave way , scatteiin ;
tlio steel in every dlicctlon. at thu lion woik
of Singer onel Atenlck. Some Illty orsixt.
IHiople svere more or less burned , i'ivo stir.
posed to bo dangeiou ly Injuied.
A Fatal VJ II.
NEW CASTI.K , Pa. , April 17. Mrs. Hogn
and a lady visiting her , eight miles from thl
city , were standing In the doorway watchln
the btorm about 4 o'clock yesterday altei
noon , -when a stroke of lightning killed Mil
liogimand Injuied the other , so soveiely the
she died several hours later.
Tlio Weekly Hunk Slntomcnt.
NKW YODK , April 18. The weekly ban
statement shows : Keserve , decrease , SSi-t
OCO. The banks now hold JHJACW IB c :
of legal lequlicuiout ,
A Wily Olel Tov Who o KOUP Wives
Attenel Ills Funeral.
PitirAniii.t'iiiA , Pa. , April IS. fSpcclai
releKran. ] Elijah t'ox , who , ai nn attorney ,
rained n wldn reputation In connection with
lie rase ot Annie Cutler , the colored girl
who killed her lover , hai died with a record
hat seems impossible to credit. As his boely
ay In n collln In the house of ( Jeorgo H.
Jauiowes. 413 South Elo\cnth street to-day ,
hrco veiled tnoitrninir WOIIHMI entered the
room and tool ; scats near the casket. They
'ollowed the remains to Monument cemetery.
A fourth woman telegraphed from Chicago to
lolny the futtornltopei mil her attendance. All
huso are , or claim to be. widows of Lawyer
'ox. Tlm tuio wife Is now living In poverty
tltor ycatseif ne'slect and descitlon. Fox ,
luring the wast thieo years , 1ms be-on away
rom her a ireat deal , and she beliuved his
isiertlons that he was haret at work , and was
compelled to slee'p In Ilia eillle'e. She believed
ils e-veuses for nhort Iluaiiclal allowances ,
and sympathi/ed with and pitied him. Dur-
ug nil that tlmo I'ox has Hvod with Haiih't
jlttle1 , who claims to have boon inairled tei
ilm by the .btiund's ce'iomony. Theiy
heel together ns Mr. and Mis.
' "o\ In a number of fashionable
loaielliiK house ? , the lastplaco being 117 I'lne
street , wheiu Pox died. When not losldlng
vlth llaitlet Lltllu , b'ox , U seems , wasl > nown
as Ihe husband of Jiajipto Williams. They
Iveel In a boarding IIOHMat M1 ! South Ninth
stieet. The woman who tuleciitphed tiom
Chlcaco tor a delay of the was May
barney , whet also was known as Mrs. Feix.
Strangely enough , Fox , In lb"l , caused the
ancst of his own lather for bigamy , the lal-
er having lefl his wife and gone to live with
mother woman , lor which hu
\as scnteneed lo four months
n the penitentiary. Fox had a
emunerallvc practice and could have given
ono wlfu comtenlablo and oven luxurious
suirotindingb' . He always eliessed well , ami
wore diamonds valued at from 81,000 to
31,500. Ills feu In thu Cutler case , It is said ,
was Sl.OJO , but his true wlfu and pictty ton
jcaV old Kin tecel\cd only ix slight pittance
riom it.
Tlio Lcaelltin Cluba of the Country on
tlio Dinmemel.
At Louisville The first game on the homo
grounds was witnessed by 10,000 people ,
inel was won by the Loiilsvllles by haul
dtting at the right time. Kainscy struck
out fourteen men. Louisville , Cincinnati 9.
Al St. Louis The American association ,
which was to have opened the .season hero
Saturday , but which was postponed on
tccountof the lain , waspackeel with an nt-
: undance of 30,000. St. Louis 8 , Pittsburg 4.
1'ho second game between St. Louis and
I'lttsburg was played in thu atternoon to
l'jooo people. St. Louis 10 , Pitthburj : : t.
The championship season of the American
association opened satm day and the follow
ing games \\eio nlaye'd :
At Washington Nationalists W , Jersey
City 2.
nooa-i. El'giit innings.
At Augusta Augusta 0 , Xashville 13.
At Maeon Macon 1 , Memphis 3.
AtChaileiton , S. C. Atlanta 8 , Charleston
3. - . .fepr TUM.nMrttMr .i * * aii
At Norfolk , Ya. IJoslou 7 , nbchcstCr3.
At Ualtimoic Fully 0,000 peiMtns were
piesent at the opening ot ttu | American as > so-
chitlon champlonsliip season. Haltlmote ) ,
Bioolclvti 1.
At I'liiladclphia Xe-arly 0,000 persons wit
nessed the opening ot the Ameiiean associa
tion championship game. Athletics 10 , Metro
politans : ! .
At Cincinnati Over 5,000 saw the opening
of the championship sc.ison. Cincinnati 1 ,
Louisville. 5.
At Newark Philadelphia 1 , NewniU 0.
A Frightful Kxploslon.
MII/\VAUKII : : , Apill IS. Eight kegs of giant
powder exploded while being unloaded tiom
i Irain at Cllntonvllle. Arthur Edwaids ,
station baggage master , hael the top ot his
licad blown o1T. J. IIniKwood , tcle-giaph op
erator , ami ( icoigo Stoims , biakcman , veio
fatally Injuied. The conductor and thico
other train men were bciioiisiy Injured. The
force of the explosion was tciiillo. Houses
In tlio village wcio shaken and glass In
uuildlngs at a consleleiablo distance from the
depot was broken by the concussion. The ex-
net cause ot the aeHdent could not bo ascer
tained thisnfteinoon. The poisons most su-
ilottsly Injuied ate young men , and it Is un-
dnistood they have lamilles depcndinfrnpon
tliLMii. An eye witness of the accident bays
the scene was a most hariowing one , as tha
injured wciu leaiiully dlsliguied. Ho states
that the e.xpleislvos wetei being taken to Shawnee -
nee to bo used for mining pm poses.
Public lintel Measures.
W.vsinxeiTON , Apill ! . The senate com-
mlttcoon public lands ycsteiday agreed to
loportlavoi ably Senator Ingalls' bill loci cato
two addlUonal land dibttlcts in Dakota and
to dcline the bemmlailcs of the Deadwood
dlstilct. Milclicll's bill to establish addi
tional land ( listiiets in Oiegon. and Black-
burn's bill fixing the piieo on the cxi-mplin-
c.itlon ot patents or papcis of iccoid in the
gencial land olllco to uaitlet , in inleiest at
15 cents per hundird wends and ! JO rents eaeh
lor photo-lithogiaphlc copies of towiibhlji
An Aimi'olilHt'H Ilnran < ; iic.
Ninv YOIIK , Apill 18. What Is known ns
thoWoikinKmen'sritlecoips to-day filled the
hall at No. U Second a\eniic , They were ad-
eliessed by Editor Sowolteh of the Volkh-
Xullnng , iion ) ) the labor question. He ail
vised ills hearers to arm themselves us rapidly -
idly as povilblo and picpaio themselves Ini
fntmo tioublcs. Killed could bo had lor S' ' :
each anil amunltlon was ehoap. Tliociowel
checie'd Ihcsu sentiments.
I5iiHlnosH Kniliiro.
CINCINNATI , Oliio , Apt 11 l . David L.
Johnson & Co. , I'uinltiiru de > ah'rs , nsslgnuil
yesterday to Frrd A. Johnson. Liabilities
S,0,000 : ; piefereneu Slb.OOO. Abscts estimated
Is prepared from Sarsaparilla , Dandelion ,
Mandrake , Dock , I'lpslsscua , Junljicr Her-
rlcs , and either well-knoun and valuable : \cgo-
tnblo remedies. Tlio combination , proportion
and preparation are peculiar to Hood's fiarna-
parllla , giving It curative power not possessed
by other medicines. It elTccts remarkable )
cures where others fall.
"I consider Hood's Harsaparllla the best
medicine I ever used , U gives inn an appetite
and refreshing sleep , and keeps the cold out. "
J.8. Fooa , 100 Spruce Street , Portland , Me ,
IH tlio best Mood purifier before tlio puMlc.
Ueradlcates every hnpmlty , and ernes Surol-
ilia , Halt llhcuin , llolls , rinijilcs , all Humors ,
I > )8iepsla | , Dllloiisness , Hick Huadnclio , Indi
gestion , Oeueral Dcblllly , Catarrh , lUioiima-l
tlam , Klducy and MvrrCoiiiiilalnts. It over
comes that extreme ) tired feeling , and builds
up the system.
" Hood's Sarsaparilla was a God send to ma ,
for It cured mo of d > BpcpsU and liver com
plaint with 1 had suffered 20 years. "
J. 11. HoiiNiiUtiic , Bouth 1'alUburt' , N , V.
Purifies the BSood H
" Wien I bought Hood's Sarsaparilla I made
a good investment of oao dollar in medicine
for tlio first tlmo. It lias driven off rliemna-
tism ; md Improved my appetite so much that
my boarding mlstrrss ba > s I must keep U
locked up or she will bo obliged lo ralso my
board with every other boarder tliut lakes
Hood's Sarsaparilla. " THOMAS Kyiiiicm
83 Tlllary Streel , IlrooHlyn , N. Y.
" I find Hood's Sursaj'arllU ' tlio best reirfdy
for Itnjiure blood I ever used. " M. H. lUxi HU ,
ticket agent , 1' . & It. ltd. , Hound Urook , N. J ,
I Hood's Sarsaparilla
Boll liy all dnifKltu. fl ; itx ( or f ) . rrciMed
ij o. i. noun it co. , Arottitcifitt. i.o ei ; . > u .
. IOO Dosoa Ono Dollar
The Strike Holds Operations in Check , But
n Strong Undertone Exists.
M H * *
With ClmiiRcs Entirety Unimportant
Tlio Memoy Market Too l < Vco
For n llcnr Movement
Now llallroael Uemels.
The Worlel of Speculation.
NKW VOIIK , April 18. [ Special Telegram ]
Strikes cfliitlnuu to piny nil Impottiuit palt
In Wall street eiperatlems , The fnvurnblo
condition ot nlfalrs ivt tlio be'glnnlngof the
past \\ock led to considerable ! npptcclntlonin
values of tocuiltles de-alt lit nl the exchange
on Monday. Tlio advance , In fixct , was too
gte'at not to tempt operators for small prolltu
toiealtoe1. llenco a moilcinto reaction fol
lowed , but tills was succeeded again by a
linn tone , with good pmtnUrs of n reasonably
active market during tlio week , and with a
decided mhanco In in Ices. Tlio llist chock to
the bullish sentiment which pervaded the
itiecton Wednesday , and which promised to
ptodticu decided lusults , was Riven In
the letter wiltten by l'o\\dcrly
to ( Jotild and published on Thmsday morn
ing. It was foil , after rending the pnpeis
Tlniixlay mot nine , that Mr. Poweleily had
been loix-od by his more hnthended associates
to take a very dllfeient position Irom that
which ho had occniilcd In the past , and tlio
fear WAS onteitalned that his moio recent
asset lions would lead to such cnceuuagcmeint
to the men in the southwest and else *
wheio as to piecludo the possibility
of nit early settlement ot the
troubles existing. The immediate result
was a moderate decllno In prices. But this
has since been followed byoxtiemo ,
without any material change in quotations.
Tlio lluctuatlons dining the latter part of the
week have been within very uariow limits
and luinlslied no Indications ol the plans or
puiposcs of spccnlntois other than they ate
disposed to await tintliur developments.
Naturally , the bcais took advantage of the
situation to circulate adverse icports , as
well as to attack coilaln stocks \\liicli wcio
supposed to bo most directly affected by the
existing condition of allalis. These attacks ,
however , have been of a spasmodic chaiacter ,
and had so little off eel upon the gencial mar
ket as to lead to the Impression that stocks
aio closely held In strong hands , and that
heavy holdeisaio not jetltlghtencel to such
an extent as to induce them to tluow their
.stocks upon the market. In other \\ouls ,
whllo yielding modeialely at times , the market -
kot has exhibited such a strong undcitono as
to call for general comment.
The total sales tor tlio week were 1,737,100
shares , but much more than one-half : of that
was diiilnir the first thico days. Only slfc
stocks weio dealt In to the extent of 100,000
shaics , and they jointly contributed lH.i,5dO )
shaies. Those MCIO Union Pacific , Lake
Shoie , Lackawana , St. Paid , Western Union
and Pacilic Mall , in the order named. The
The "samo conditions which have so long
controlled the actions of the leading bear
opeiatois still cxtbts. Money is as easy as at
almost any time within the pabt year. The
supply is far in eixcess of any demand , ac-
conipaiilcd by satisfactory profits to londois.
As long as this condition ot the money mar
ket continues It will remain o.xtieniely
ha/aieloiis to sell the maiket short on any
considciablo amount , as the power is always
within thu teach of thu bulls to maku onor-
atois pay denily lor such opciations.
The cut In cable latos as announced yes *
tenlay , Is n ledtietion to ligiiics which will
not pay the actual cost of tiansmlsslon , and
of this can Inuo but one object , and
that Is to ciipplo thu dliect cable company ,
which is con It oiled by Jhickny and Dennett.
Ncvoi tholess , tlio news of the cut
had little , if any cll'cct on the
piieo ot Western Union , although it
was announced that the company would
Joiego their aibitraiy land rale and pie ralo
with the Cable company on the icdiictlon.
Fin theimoie , Western Union Is also tespon-
bible to the Aineilcan Cable company foi the
Intciest ntul dividends , thus practically as
suming the nay ment of any deficit lhat may
occur in the accounts ol the latter company.
The notion of the lialtlmoiu it Ohio rail-
load In reducing Its semi-annual dividend
liom 5 to 4 percent , and the announce
ment that the Chicago & Nenthwestoin
waslo Issue additional bonds , hadnopaitlcu-
lailyunlavoiableeilfcctelther upon the stock
ol Ihe laltci ( the ISaltlmoruiV. ( Jhlo is not listed
hero ) or upon the market In gencial. The
new Northwestern bonds uie undeibtood to
bo Issued for thu extension of Its lines fur
ther west , and as the latu of Interest in tlm
loan will bo only 4 per cent , Instead of 5 to 7
per cent , as on the older Issues ,
In this icspcct it Is altogether
fnvoiable to the company. Pie.sldent
Mitchell , of the St. Paul , Is quoted as haying
thai the nuw Issue by that company will bo
53,000,000 , Instead of S'-ViOO.OM ) , as piovlously
lepoiteel. The bonds will bear fiom
July 1 , but the ) Hist payment ol will
not bo duo until Januaiy 1 next. Thu bonds ,
It Isgcncially understood , have been taken
bypiomlnent uankeis , but Mr. .Mitchell H
quoted as having he will pay i > 5 for them.
Cnrpnt Milln Khut Down.
CI.INTO.N , .Mass. , April IB. Tlm Ulcclow
raipe't mills , employing 1,000 hands , .shut
down yusttiidity on account of lioulilu wltli
its Gigniy htiiKeiB.
Jniisr.v CITV , Apiil IB. Loiilhud.t Co. ,
ha\o dlKchaiged 4M > girls , not having em
ployment lor them.
" Hood's Bnrsaprullta takes \an \ tlinn and
quantity to show Its cUcot tliun any other prep
aration. " Mltfl.C.A.lluitliUM > , N.CMII.N.Y.
"MyTO | ( liait very pour health for a li > t < 3
time , nutlet In ; ; duiii Inaigcstlcu , pocr ajijio-
lite , and constant licaiincle. Stic Uln ! ever/-
tlilnc n could cf , lol foiu'il no relict ill ]
she tried Hood's UariapaillU. Hlie U naif
tnkitic lh tlilrd boltlr , Mid ueier ( alt ietltr
111 her UN. AVe feel It o'ti dntjr te rccunmtu4
It t/i ere Ff no yio Uuow. " ticunoe Boneo-
TILI.B , Uuit'.tnd.Coolc CoimtT , UL
Hood's Sarsaparilla
B M l > f ll dniEKi'U. fl ; ill It I f
tQO Dosoa Ono Dollar