Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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" Buffalo Bill" Talks About Eia Plans and
Prospects The Libel Suit.
A Stvmlo I > rlvcr Him Over They AVcro
In the Show IJiiBliicss flic In
junction Case Decided
i'olicc Local , lite.
"lltifTnlo mil. "
Hon. William P. Cody , belter known
ns "Ihimilo Hill , " arrived In Omaha yes-
lerdiiy and spent a few hours visiting
with Ins many friends hero. Ho left last
nluhl for North 1'lattc. Ho looks as
hearty mid happy us over ( though ho
bears a few traces of n hard season's
work ) , and Ills Immense diamond pin spar
kles as brilliantly ns ever. Ho is very
enthusiastic over his prospects for the
coming season.
"My Trairlo Waif combination dis
banded in Denver , last week , " ho siid :
yesterday , speaking wit ha UKE man. "I
shall go right on to St. Louis and open
with my "Wild West" show on May ! ) ,
in that city. Yes , sir , wo shall run the
show tins year on u grander scale than
over before. There will bo S00 ! mounted
people in the combination. I have just
t'licaged 01 Sioux .Indians from the Pine
Kidgo reservation , besides a score moro
from the Winnebago reservation. Ho-
bides that , I shall have : i herd of bufl'itlo ,
CO in number , and -in horses. In faet , in
every department the show will bo en
larged. 'Ihoro is one new artist I have
just engaged who is simply a prodigy.
She is a younggirl , only 1(5 ( years of ago ,
and her poworw with the rillo , shotgun or
revolver , arc perfectly marvelous. She
can beat the world shooting. 1 don't bar
anybody. Her name is Lillian Smith ,
and fclio comes from California. She will
travel with her father and mother. "
"What are your plans for the coming
season ? "
"I shall play most of the summer , in
fact clear on till fall , in Now York on
Staten Island , where immense buildings
are being erected for the show. Yes , I
Hhall arrive there about the middle of
Juno , in good trim to open the season.
Next vcar I shall take the show to Eu
rope and exhibit at the World's Fair in
London. The projectors of the scheme
had intended to hold the fair this year ,
but could not mtiku the necessary ar
rangements in time , Kor that rea
son I have postponed my
trip to Europe. Wo ought
to make n great hit with the public , lor
the bhow will bo something entirely new
to Englishmen. I shall take about
200 people over with mo. I couldn't han
dle anymore to advantage. "
Mr. Cody was feeling _ paiticulnrly
happy yesterday , llo had just received a
telegram announcing the successful issue
of his libel suit against Dr. Carver. It
may bo remembered that when Mr. Cody
and Dr. Carver were running rival shows
the latter undertook to damage "Uull'alo
Bill" by making defamatory statements
about him. Mr. Cody promptly began a
$10,000libel suit against the doctor , in the
circuit court of Now Haven , Conn. The
case lias since been pending , and as above
noted has been terminated in favor of
Mr. Cody.
A Swede Driver Ituii Over and Tram-
* fc. pled to Jelly.
A serious accident happened near
Uoyd's packing house yesterday which
nearly cost Hcnning Henningson , a
Swede driver employed by the packIng -
Ing house , his lifo.
Hcnningson was driving down ono of
the steep lulls which lead to the packing
house , at a pretty rapid pace , when sud
denly his horses became frightened and
broke away from his control. lie did his
level best to hold them back ,
but in vain. They dashed madly
down tlio incline , aim the wagon striking
a bump , Henningson was thrown out
head foremost in front of the team. Ho
was trampled on by one of the horses , the
wagon passed over his body , and a few
moments later ho was picked up a
bruised , bleeding mass of flesh , to all ap
poaraiiccs dead. It was found , however ,
that Hie was not extinct , and ho was
hastily carried into his house , near the
packing house. Drs. Leo and Robert
were summoned. It was found that the
unfortunate man's skull was severely
fractured , that seven or eight ribs had
been broken , besides countless bruises
being inflicted. At last accounts Hen
ningson was still alive , with fair chances
of recovery. He is a strong , robust man ,
about 28 years of age , and tlio doctors
think that hu will pull through.
Xho Kxporlonco of Two Hoys Who
AVanleil to l > c MltiNtrcI.s.
'Ton never know I was once in the
show business , did you ? " asked a well-
known man about town the ether day.
His auditors shook their head and
risked for tlio story , which ho told as fol-
"lows :
"I ran away from homo when I was
17 years old , together with another boy
about the same ago. Wo used to practice -
tico singing and clog danelnir , and , if I
do say it , wo could do a pretty good turn.
Well , wo got stuck on the minstrel biibi-
ness , and nothing would do but wo must
run away and go into it. Wo save"d up
: our money and when wo had enough to
buv our suits , started out. Wo had sense
onougli to keep away from tlio railroads
us wo know our people would bo telegraphing -
graphing all over the country for us. Wo
started out on foot , and when wo reached
a back town about llfty miles from homo ,
got some bills printed and advertised
ourselves to play in a school house. Wo
stayed there three nights and our total
receipts were $58 ami our expenses com-
parativcly nothing. After that we drove
around the country * in a buggy and
made enough money playing to give
us a line layout ot clothes.
"Finally wo struck a good sized town
where wo wont broke playing bank. Our
clothes were in hook nt thn hotel , and wo
didn't htivo a cent to our names. 1 went
to work in a printing ollico at $ l.r > 0 a
week , but Jim , lie was my partner ,
couldn't get a thing to do. Wo were
very solid with tlio clerk at the hotel ,
though , and when u celebrated female
walker , Madam somebody 1 forget her
name now came along and wanted to
got two young men to walk a twenty-live
hour match with her , the clerk hit upon
us."Noither of ns had scon a walking
match in our Mves , but wo didn't '
think of that , because wo had to
hnvo the monoy. The madamoagreed to
give us half the not receipts. When the
1 time came for tjio match to begin , Jim ,
who was to go on tlio track lirst. was so
nnv'vous hu could hardly stand. 1 took
him out and throw a big bowl of whisky
into him and that braced him up The
atl'air was hold in a big hall , which was
There was a brass bandwhich
-iilflTyod terribly out ot tune- , that was to
furnish the inspiration. When Jim got
on the track and started to walk , you
ought to have hoard the crowd yell.
Ho walked as if ho was sawing wood
til the time. After a whio | lie got
cooled down nnd in the course , of an
hour or so got a little applause.
"At the onu of the tenth hour I saw. him
i tell iu Jho uiiddlo of tlio track iu a dead
faint. I was scared to death nnd sent
for all the doctors In town , most of
whom , however , were nt the match.
They said he'd b nil right in n little
while anil 1 got ready to go on thn track
myself. I walked out my twelve and
one-half hours all right and the people
thought it was a good show. They tried
to cheat us wlich they divided the money
but thcv couldn't do it. We got $90 each
as our share and then made up our minds
we'll bolter go homo. That was my ex
perience with the show business. "
The Itusc Employed ly Detectives to
Aul n Dcscrtctl Wife.
An exceedingly pretty woman about BO
years old. walked into the onico of the
Western Detective ngoncy a few days
ago and asked to see the chief. She \vnt
neatly dressed nnd altogether prepos
sessing In appearance. She was
nt lirst reluctant to make known
her wants , but at length modestly stated
that she was in search of her husband ,
who had rim away from homo , she
thought , with another woman , and had
conic to Omaha. Sim gave her name ns
Grilllths , nnd said that she lived In Brad
ford , PH. , where her .husband was for
merly n well-to-do butcher. The case
was placed in the hands of John Ding-
man , who nt once went to work upon it.
It was discovered that Griniths
had a friend in Omnlin named
Roibcrt , also a butcher. Accord
ingly a letter was sent from
Fremont to Rolbert , the purport of which
was that the winter who signed himself
as J. Lndwiek , had mot Hcibert's brother
in Iowa ami had become well acquainted
with nim. "I want , " continued the
writer , "to obtain a nmn nnd wife to
take charge of a largo butcher shop ,
which 1 am going to open in Grand Is
land. " Reibert replied that ho know just
the kind of people Lmlwick wanted , ns
the man had been a butcher In the east.
Further correspondence ensued , under
cover of the nnmo Lmlwick , who alter
nated between Fremont and Grand Is
land. Finally the proceedings got to
such n point that it was only necessary to
have a meeting to perfect the business
arrangements supposed to bo contem
plated. Thursday evening at 0 o'clock
the mooting took place in
Hurry Higgius' saloon. On the
inside were lloibert , Griffiths , and n
young man from the detective agency.
Airs. Grilllths , who was present for the
purpose of identifying her husband ,
paced to and fro near the door , while
Uingmnn also was in n convenient place.
It was not known for certain that Rei-
bort's butcher friend was identical with
Grilliths , hut this was the supposition
upon which the detectives worked. The
nion on the inside completed their ar
rangements whereby the man and his al
leged wife were to go to Grand Island on
a salary of ? 50 a month , and started out
from the saloon. As thov reached the
sidewalk there was u rushing pound , the
swirl of a woman's clothes , and Grilliths
was confronted by his wife. "Aha"said
she in a melodramatic manner , "I've
caught you at last. "
The truant husband wilted and made
no response. The couple then were taken
to the detective agency , where a long
consultation was held. The wife did not
care to cause her husband's arrest , al
though ho stated that ho would not live
with her again. How the matter was
finally settled between the recreant hus
band and his wife is not known , but
when last seen they were walking down
Dodge street nrin-in-arai.
McCnllacU Holds Tlmt Olio
Cannot Sell Without the Other's
In the county court yesterday Judge
McCulloch rendered n decision for the
defendants in the case of Gibson , Archer
& Co. , against Martsen & Russmusson.
The facts in the case as brought out by
evidence nro as follows : Some time ago
the defendants advertised their stock of
clothing for sale. The plaintiffs In this
suit wont to sco them and made nn agree
ment to sell tlio goods at 25 per cent , off
the invoice price. Subsequently Gibson ,
Archer & Co. brought two men from
Wymoro to examine the stock. They
were nt the store nearly all dny ,
having most of their conversation with
Mr. M.ulson , who at times consulted
his partner. Towards evening they
made a proposition to Madscn which was
sit once accepted. On relating the fact to
llnssimissen , however , the latter refused
to ncccdo to tlio terms , stating that ho
would rather buy out his partner's inter
est. A bargain was struck between them
by which Kasnuisson became the solo
proprietor. This of course broke up the
bargain onlerod into by Mudseu and the
two men from Wymoro.
Gibson , Archer & Co. , however , who
brought the prospective customers to the
store , claimed tins commission amount
ing to § 250. This claim was refiihcd and
they instituted proceedings to recover
through the courts. The Nebraska laws
in regard to commission are
somewhat broad , and allow commission
men to obtain their percentages , when
agreements to sell are entered into , even
if no actual sale is mado. Jn this tran
saction they claim that the compact was
binding , although the assent of ono part
ner only was obtained.
The court held that in general n part
ner has the right to dispose of a business
for the purpose of paying the debts of the
linn , or in the absence ot the ether part
ner. In this case , however , both part
ners were prosunt , and the men know
that they were dealing with a partner
ship concern. It would be an unjust
law which permitted ono partner to soil
out the entire stock of a linn at whatever
price ho chose , regardless of the inter
ests of tlm other , llo hcldthat Mudsen
had no right to make an rtgrccmont to
soil without the consentol Rasinusson ,
and that therefore thuro was no agree
ment which entitled the middlemen to
their commission.
A Suit Which Involves the liottoiu of
Ciit-OlT linkc ,
A suit was commenced in the district
court yestorduylbylUyron.Rccd against tlio
Union I'acillo Railway company to sot
usido a deed for right of way made by the
pluintiiTto the defendant In 1301. When
the initial point of the railroad was
located at Omaha by President Lincoln ,
in 1803 , Mr. Reed was the owner of a lot
of laml , containing seventy-live acres , In
the northern part of the city on the bunk
of what is now kn own as Cutoff Lake
Ho gave the railroad company the rigli-
of way inrough the land free of cost , tnl
getnor with the right to nso and maintnot
a steamboat landing thereon , nil of
which was fully sot forth in u deed dated
the 13th day of March , 1801. The road
was built ami used for two or three yeura
after which the company took up the
track , moved away all Its pioperty.
and never sineo mudo any usa of
its right of way through this particular
lot. About that time the river com
menced to encroach on the land , and con-
tinned until it washed awny and com
pletely demolished over forty' acres of it ,
including all , or nearly nil , of that over
which the right of way had been granted ,
Then the rjver cut n-now channel below ,
and left the land , which is the result of
this suit , at the bottom of Cut Off lake.
It is now supposed that it is the intention
Crane Bro's , Manulacturing
Wrought Iron Pipes , Pumps , Beltingand
And every variety of materials for
Steam and Gas Fitters and Plumbers , Ele
vators and Factories.
of Mr. Rccd to fill up the lake and restore
his land to its original condition , lieforo
commencing the work , which will bo
very expensive , ho wants to know
whether the railroad company has any
ownership in the land. Hon. George I4.
Brown Is the attorney for plaintiu" .
Pol I co Court.
Judge Stonberg disposed of the follow
ing cases yesterday morning :
Pat Kelley and Win. Miller , drunk and
disorderly , discharged.
William Hicks , vagrancy , released and
ordered to leave town.
William Copeland , an old gray-haired
man , had boon arrested as a suspicious
character. Ho came hero from Denver ,
where ho has been working in a gam
bling house , and claimed to be an honest
man. The judge , however , thought
dilHorently , and ordered him to leave the
city before night. The police claim that
Copeland and his two sons are a trio of
crooks , who arc export pickpockets , con
fidence men and thieves.
Wanted to exchange for stock of Hard
ware anct general merchandise , 509 acres
of line Thayer county ( ) ; Hyolots
in Genoa ( Neb. ) : good store building
( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( best loca
tion ) in Essex ( Iowa ) ; also eighty acres
one-half milo from town of Essex ( Iowa ) ,
seeded in blue grass For further par
ticulars , address John Lindorholm , Cen
tral City , Nebraska.
A Saratoga AVcclding.
Mr. Charles 11. Thompson was united
in marriage to Miss Ada Smith , the only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Smith ,
Thursday at 8 o'clock nt the residence
ot the bride's parents , corner of Marnier-
son avenue and Nineteenth street. The
ceremony was witnessed only by the
near relatives and a few intimate friends.
The Rev. Geo. S. Pelton ofllciatcd.
The bride was becomingly attired in
vrhito , with Howe rs and ornaments. She
was attended by Miss Alice Rustin as
bridesmaid. The groom appeared in the
conventional black , W. G. Rustin being
his best man.
A beautiful wedding supper was given
duo justice by tlioso present , after which
; ho evening was spent in social converse
and in listening to nn excellent musical
programme. JMr. and Mrs. Thompson
loft at 10 o'clock for the south on a bridal
tour. Their departure was the occasion
of the traditional onion of good luck , as
well as the congratulations and best
wishes of those present , to which are
added those of a host of friends. Among
these present were : Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
Smith and daughter , Miss Minnie of
Council Bluffs , Mr. and Mrs S. I ) . Hiis-
tcad of of Palmer , Kan. , Mr. Will Gould
and Mrs. Nelson Gould of Blair , Nob. ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith of Florence ,
Neb. From the list of presents were :
Mrs. Nelson Gould , elegant parlor lamp ;
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Thompson , bible ; the
Misses Cora and Luclla Thompson , sot
of glassware ; W. G. Rustin , water service ;
Mr. and Mrs. Quick , toilet sot ; Mr. Louie
Littlcfiold , elegant French clock ; Miss
Alice Kustin , majolica bread plato and
decorated fan ; Mrs. M. M. Borgloy , pair
of vases ; Mr. U. H. Christie , table scr-
vco ; Miss Ilussie Smith , fruit dish ; Mas
ters Bertie and Klmor bmith , silver but
ter knife ; Miss SadioPlummcr , sot towels
and butter dish ; Mr. and Mrs D.J.Smith ,
sugar Hioon and set of silver spoons ;
Mr. and Mrs A. C. Smith , half dozen
napkins ; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ilustcad ,
silver pickle dish. Space foroids further
Public sale of Short Horn cattle at Lin
coln , Neb. , April 11 , 1830. Fifteen cows
and heifers and twenty bulls. For cata
logues imply to Col. F. M. Woods , Lin
coln , Nob. , or Williams & Lacy , Lacona ,
Sporting Notes.
An interesting foot race took place
Thuri-daj at the Athletic Park between
Ed Vornoy , grocery clerk , Clinton and
II. Briggs. Both men are amateurs.
Vornoy has been training under the
tutelage of W. A. Gregg , and Briggs
under John Ilourihan. The latter won
the race , which was ono of 100 yards , in
11 seconds , Briggs is considered n
promising young sprint runner , and his
backers oiler to pit him against any ama
teur between Omaha and San Francisco.
Tlio lusers in the race will dlno the
wiiinore , to-night. Besides the principals
and trainers. Gco. E. Kay , Will Ken
nedy , B. Kennedy , Goo. Parr , J. Wcst-
luke and onn or two others will bo pres
The first shoot of the season of the
Omaha Gun club for the diamond modal
was hold at the Athletic park Thursday
afternoon. The conditions were twenty
Peoria blackbirds , eighteen yards single
rises. Following : is the score :
Kay 10111 11111 11111 11111-10
Worley 01111 11111 10110 01111 18
Kennedy 11001 mil 01101 11011 15
lirucker . . . .loon n no 11011 ooi n H
Lnno 01000 OOlli 10111 11111 13
Smith lion oilll oilli 01000-13
Flutter 01011 lion mot ootoo-13
Icken 00000 00011 llllO 10100-
Leedcr 10011 01010 00100 01001 8
Cotter 01000 00001 00101 01001 0
Kay won the modal and is entitled to
hold it until the next regular shoot.
A Slight Misumlorstainliiitj.
John Buckley nntl J. W. Jones were
brought into pohco court yesterday
to Biiswor to a charge of being suspi
cious characters. They had b * > ou found
at night in another man's house. Both
succeeded in explaining the circumstance
saljsfaotory and they were discharged.
It seems that Buckloy. had engaged
rooms iu a boarding .house , unbe-
knowncst to the proprietress , whoso hus
band made the bargain. Buckley failed
to put in an appearance the next day ,
and not till early Thursday did ho go
around to the new lodging place , lie
took with him his friend. J. W. Jonc * .
and together the two retired. The land
lady seeing two strange men occupying
ono of her rooms , immediately con
cluded that something was wroiig. She
called the police and both Buckley and
Jones were arrested. The matter being
cleared up yesterday as before men
tioned , both men were released.
The National Fnik.
Lieut. Dan Kingman , of the engineer
ing corps of the department of the
Platte , will leave in a few weeks for the
Yellowstone park. Ho says that there
still remains about $0,000 , from the ap
propriation of last year to expand upon
the park , in the way of improving roads ,
etc. , and a liberal appropriation of about
$70,000 is expected for the fiscal year , be
ginning July 1st. The park already has
a largo numibor of finely opened roads ,
and with this additional sum Lieut. King-
man says that a vast deal more can bo
accomplished in the way oft constructing
roads to the different places of interest
notably Yellowstone parkmnd Yellow
stone lake \yhich are not now easily ac
cessible. Fine hotels arc being erected
at different points throughout tno park ,
and in that direction the accommoda
tions the coming season will bo better
than over before.
He Pulled n Gun.
William g Ilcnnesoy "was jailed
yesterday on a charge "iof carrying
concealed weapons , llo ligurcd in
n little episode mcar the
cornerof Fourteenth and Douglas streets ,
which created quito a sensation. It seems
that ho had been drinking during the
morning. About half past 10 ho became
involved in a dispute with an express
man known as "Dutch Jake. " The lat
ter ordered him to.go aw.iy. Instead of
complying , Hennsov drew a ivolver
cocked it , uul dropped it under the Teu
ton's noso. Jake gave one wild ! shriek
and bounded away. Henncsy turned in
the other direction and ran like a grey
hound. The police wore too quicK for
him , however , and ho was
captured in a room above a
Douglas fetreot saloon. The circumstance
created quite a commotion and a largo
crowd gathered on the scene of the al-
Rail Notes.
Hon. B. H. Barrows , who left seine
days ago for Salt Lake City , has returned
and will remain In Omaha. Ho says that
his failuo to stop in the Mormon capital
was duo to tbo fact that the two roads
the Union Pacific and Denver & Rio
Grande- determined not to appoint a
joint agent. Instead , two old employes ,
ono Irom each road , were selected to fill
the positions of local agent for their
spcctwc companies. Mr. Barrows has
naught but kindly words for Salt Lake
City , and thinks that it is bound to be
come a great center of trade.
The Union Pacific and B. & M. failed
to-day to make the expected raise in
Paoiho coast rates.
A prominent wholesale dry goods firm
from Council Bluffs will , it is said , short
ly occupy the Stubbondorf building on
Eleventh and Douglas ,
Purest end strongest Natural ! Fruit Flavors.
Vanilla , I mon , Orange , Almond , 11030 , etc. ,
ilavor as delicately and nalurnlljt&s tbo ( rult.
cmoAoo. _ HT. i/ma
OVER 400,000
" "
Ia lt t Itldlnjr Vehicle ra de.
rlUioue persontJlwo. The WprlllKM IciiBtliva - .
khorlen icoonllBktotliewelinttueyt.rrr. r.quiuj
well odupled fo rougU country roniU uiidl
fine ilrlyv * of cltuM.AIanuriirtiirril unit Hold by
< ul luaulUK Ciurrliuio Uulldern and Dettlrr * .
and JaH Work.
1020 I'tirnaru Street , Omaha , Nob.
Lincoln Steam Dye Works
W. D. ROHEUTSON , Trop'r.
OfBce No , 1105 O t. , Worlts 8.E. Cor. F. & OtU.
Lincoln , Neb. GunU' Clothiug Clt-unod nnd llo
I3lh St , Cor. Capitol Avenuo.
Chronic 8t Surgical Diseases.
DR. McMENAWIY. Proprietor.
Sixteen. } cars' llosnltnl auil 1'rivato I'rnctlco
We hnvo the fuelling , npimratu * nml remedies
for the successful treatment of every form of dis
ease requiring cither inodlcnl or eurRlcnl treatment ,
and Invltoalltocomoaud InvcetlRntoforthcuisclYca
or correspond with us. Long experience In treat-
Irm cases by letter enables ns to treat mauy cases
scientifically \\ltlimtt eecliiL' them.
WHITE FOR CinCULAU on Deformities and
Unices , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spine ,
DISEASES op WOMEN , 1'llcs , Tumors , Cancers ,
Catarrh , Bronchitix , Inhalation , Electricity , Paral
ysis , Upllcngy , Kidney , Eye , Ear , Skin , Blood and
all surgical operations.
IlnttorlcH , IiihalcrH. Ilrncps , Trusses , and
all kinds of Medical nnd Surgical App.Eaoccu , man.
ufnctnrcd and for enlc.
The only reliable ) Medical Institute making
Private , Special i Nervous Diseases
from whatever entice jirnduceil , successfully treated.
. Wo can remove Syphilitic poison from the system
without mercury.
New restorative for loss of vital power.
Call and consult us or send jinmo anil post-ofllco
address plainly written enclose etatap , nud wo
will fend yon , In plain wrapper , our
cr , Svrmus , GoxonunccA , GLEET , VAHICOCEI.B ,
UniNAiiy OIIOANS , or tend history of jour case for
an opinion.
Persons unable to vtal us may bo treated at their
homes , by correspondence. Jlcdiclnes and Instru
ment * tout by mall or express SECURELY PACK.
HI ) FIIOM OllSEHVATlON , no marks to Indlcato
contents or render. Ono pcrson l Interview pre
ferred If comcnlent. Fifty rooms for the accom
modation of patients. Hoard and attendance at
reasonable prices. A'dilrcss all Letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute-
Car. 13th St. and Canltol Avo. . OMAHA. NB. '
Best Goods in the Market
- III.
-a , .
Ask for onr gooils and sco that tlio
bear our trade niarlc.
F. M. ELLIS & 00.
's '
am , NEB , an ! DBS HONES , IS.
Ofllco , Cor * Hlh nnd Fnrnnm Streets , ItoomU
Oconnc Btmr.iNOiiop wlthF. M. KI1K
( Successors to J. O , Jacobs , )
At the old stand , 1407 Farnnm Kt. Onlorfl by
toleirrapli solicited uad promptly uttondoJ to.
Teloplicmo Nn. . '
ON AFBIL 1st ,
Wo will open our
Horse and Mule Market
Cor. Horad and Klh Sts , , Omaha , Neb. .
With sovernl car loads of good stock , mid will
keep constantly nu luuul u lull assortment of
IMIAFf and UIUVING 110H3KS In cur lots or at
1 , . lulttttd Ctttlcfvt of
* * p l > yu COKM Umroiu * . tO colored
futlua pUki * llluit/klloui * ad i Uts
of lUU.It'lmtU , C * [ . I'ouffcw , IltlU * |
I > mm M&J r OulfiU. FOOMBI , riutott ,
Mulctt ti phoulijsf KooUi Utld CMd ted
ft. PutttUi CWDAOWOU. tiD4 Dll IIOCM-
itoft PlufftQd fluids , CApLAtau , etc.
LYQN & HEALY. Chiccgo
Practice limited to Discuses of th
Glasses fitted for all forms of defective
Yisiou , Artificial Eyes lusertcd ,
GHOSS ASSETS , DECEMBER 31st , 1880 160,8)30.80 )
A ccrtillcato of membership in this Association furnishes bonofll nt tu !
cost.Men and wonion , between the ages of 17 and 03 years , who are in good health ,
may bccomo members.
There is no changing from ono class to another , and assessments do not Increase
with advnnolng ago.
The Company has a guarantee fund of $109.030 paid up in cash , which ia on ad
ditional security to that furnished by any company in the United Statoi.
It has a Uoscrvo fund which provides for n non-forfeiting policy and a paid-up
Iho Company is located in the West ; its business is confined to the healthy West ,
and applications from persons residing in imlarial districts ace not nooopted , which
will insnro few assosMnouts , anil a consequent exemption from any onerous liability.
A local Advisory Hoard , composed of not less than live leading olti/.ons of each
vicinity , may bj formed , who may nut as advisory counsel in the settlement of clalihs
by the death of m-mbors and as to the mlmlssloi : of applicants to membership.
A member who lapses his certificate may rj-mstato the same at any time upon
satisfactory evidence of gootl health , by the payment of all delinquent dues and
Noinsuranoo company in this or any ether country has ever failed by reason of
of the doath-rato experience The failure in each Instance has been caused by pecu
lation or .speculation. The safe guards introduced render both impossible in this
Our business is confined to the endowment for old ago , and the payment of the
widows and orphans after death.
The policy is moro liberal , and the plan moro secure , than any company in the
United States.
Co-operative Insurance Companies existed in England 300 years hcfoiM the stock
plan was thought of , and the same companies exist to-day , some of them having
nearly one million members. When managed judiciously , they cannot break.V6
guarantee every promise wo maked with $100,000 , this being in addition to the $100-
000 provided for as a Reserve Fund which is a moro liberal provision and olVor than
any other company makes.
The Strength of This Association Consists of
The cost of life protection in this company is less than any company in the
United States. The company is good and payments prompt.
This Association is now entering its third year , and has a largo membership ,
which is constantly increasing.
At death or maturity of endowment the member receives his interest in the
Reserve Fund in addition to the amount duo on the policy.
All policies biicomo non-l'oi'foUing after the third year to the extant of the mem
ber's Interest in the Reserve Fund.
AGENTS WANTED in every town and city where not supnliod In all of the
states west of the Mississippi river and north of Kansas. Good roliablu canvassers
can obtain vnoU favorable rates by writing to the company.
The Western Mutual hasoonsolidatodtho mombnrshiuof the "NebraskalUutimlJ. '
"Farmers' and Mechanics' " and "Lincoln Mutual , " and with its own members in
sures perfect protection.
"Wo regard the Western Mutual as ono of the yory best lifo insurance associa
tions in tuis country , and expect to see , at no very distant day , it covering the entire
Held of the hcalty West with its active , gentlemanly agents. " > iily Express , March
STATC OF NimtA : icv , >
LINCOLN , February 1 , 18S3. )
It is hereby certified that the Western Mutual Ileiiovolont Association Insurance
Company , ot Beatrice , in tlm State of Nebraska , has complied with the insurance law
of this state , and is authorized to transact the business ot lifo insurance in this st t
for the current year.
c ' Witness my hand and the , seal of said of said ofllce , the day and
{ SEAL. [ yar lirst above wiitten.
1 - ' 11. A. UAHUOCK , Auditor Public Accounts.
Omaha National Hank , the company's financial agent , at Omaha , Nebraska.
Reter by permission to lion. J. II. Milhird , Omaha , Neb.
All communications should be addressed to
Secretary and General Manager , BEATRICE , NEBRASKA.
OTIS HAYNES , Agent at Omalia.
Fine Business Lots at the South End , and
n I I
I LUlO i
111 the north ciul of this Town. Two and ono half miles from the Onmha post-
ofllcc ,
Ttese as1 ®
( Tallin ; , ' Into consideration tlio streets nnd iilloyn ) , and nro sold
One Quarter Down ,
Iltilnncclnl,2nnd3 years at 7 per cent.
The Finest Suburban Lots ,
Around Omulin. 2M foctnbovo tlio Missouri nivcr. Now hero clso about Omntm lira located uch tmnd-
eomo Bites for Modest , Medium orUlomiit liomea.
Investigate this and rccuro some or tills Una property.
Before a Higher Appraisement is made.
DON'T Iliin\'IC a word of this until Jon liavo thoroughly Investigated It.
That this property Is only two and ono hull miles from Oilman's bushiest center.
That thn altitude Is hliih.
That the location Is beautiful.
Thutmiiplo trees nro planted on cnch sldo of Iho street ! .
Thutcnch lot contains ! ) , UX ) square feet with 20 foot nlloy.
Tlmt the streets uro 80 and 1W feet wide.
That there are six dummy trains each wur , besides the regular trains.
That the street cars run to within ono half mllu of there.
That the sticetcnr * will run there this year.
That the i > rlca Is ono third less than Is asked for property the ennio distance In other directions. the lots uro one third laruor than mo t others.
That they nro backed by n syndicate rcprcsenthiK f 10,000.000.
Thauthcra has already booij oxpenrtej batweon } I,0)JOJ ) ) and IJ.IM.OM.
That there Is a fine system of waterworks , furnishing pure spring water.
That the railways all center thero. ,
That South Omuhii Is n town of Itself ,
That It has Its own railway station.
That it has Its own newspaper. _
In Fact
It has every thing to make the property the very best imjlng Investment In Itcal Estate today.
Look Into It. Examine It Carefully.
Don't Buy a Lot.
Until you nro convinced that there Is no portllilty of Incurring a loss. The liandiomo residence lots are
one mllu tills sldo ( directly north ) of the U.sio.v STOCK VAiins uhcrc itru located the ZDrcsced. Bcei ,
3orlc Faclsizic' and.
Bjsf C atn.n.1 xig Eatatollelimon
Which In ten years will bo Iho I.AHOKST INDU3TUV in the west and will make property worth per lee t.
ribut U now utkcd fur a lot. The drainage of thu above Initltutlons Is perfect und Hews south from tlio KJIMI
Any real estate agent will sell you lots. Man with horse and carriage at the Uloba-Journnl office , Kt the
"Humtult , " South Oinalm , has maps and prlco lltts and Is ulnays ready to shuvr property. For further In
formation maps , prlco lltts and descriptive circulars , address ,
M.A.UPTON , Manager
, , ' - . . Omalia , Nebraska.