Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under thshondTlo cents per
Inn for Iho first Insertion , 7 cents for onch
tubrcquont lcecrtv < ) nnnd II.50 a line per month.
No advertisement tnkcn for les ? than 25 cents
f or the first Insertion. Boron words will bo ooun
ted to the line : they must tun consecutively
nd mustbo pilil In ndvnnco. All ndvcrtlso-
tnontd must bo handed In before 2 o'clock p. m.
mid under no circumstances Trill they be tak
en or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columni nndhiv-
Inirtlio answers ftddro oJ mcnro of TitellEii ,
wlllplenso ask for chock to enable them to sot
their IcttCM , osnono will be delivered except on
presentation of deck. All nnswors to adver-
tlftmentsfhouldbo enclosed In envelopes
MONKV to loan nt rcnsonnhlo rates on
horfcs , furniture , wntchrs nnd ether per-
wiiinl property without removal. Small payments -
monts taken at nny tlmo nnd Interest rcdncid
In proportion. C. .T.Cns-
trcl. , Itoom 19 , Iron Ilnnk Ilulldlng , 12th nnd Far-
nnm. Take elevator. 400 ,
TO LOAN on real rstnto. I/owcst
MONKV No commission. SInlionoy * llnr-
rls.ltonm 11,1509 Farnnm. 873mO *
to lonn on business property In
MONKV nnd Improved farms In Douglas
' iin.l ndjolngcounties ; low rate. C. .1. Cnswoll K
Co.Itoom 1 . Nebraska National Dank Ilulldlng ,
12th nnd lnrnnin. | 2 > 4
ONKV to lonn on good security. .1. It.
M Frccdmnn nt Sloman tiros. , 1207Douglas st.
To loin on Improved farms or rn l
MONEY , on ono year's tlmo. Homo Mro
Insurance Co. . 1515 Douglas St. 163
MONKV TO LOAN On residence property ,
8 percent. No commission. C. J.Cnswoll
* Co. , Iloom II ) Iron Dank llulkllnfr , 12th nnd
1'arnam. 30.1.
to lonn on mortgngo security. Konl
MONKY nnd commercial paper bought. .1. IL
Frcednnn , cmo Solmun Bros. . 100 N. 13th St
30,000 to loan. Hums $5JO nnd upwards.
Lowest rules. Ilcmls , l.'th nnd Douglases.
MONKV TO LOAN on business property.
Opposltol'osloinro. W. O.ahriver. 1D1
nnnnon to lonn on business and residence
$ property In sums of $1,000 and upwards.
Ames , 1507 Fnrnam st. 1-13
lfiOoooto lonn on city residence property
$ Oco. W.Day , 1600 Farnam. U31) )
IT1O LOAN Money in any nmount
JL On all clashes of security.
Short tmio lonns on real ostnto.
Long tlmo lonns on renl estate.
Moncyto loan on clmttpls.
Money to lonn on cf-llhtcrnls.
Money to lonn on nny good security.
Terms enpy , tlmo to milt.
Apply nt thn Omaha Financial Exchnntjs ,
Iliirkor'd building , SW corner of
Fifteenth and Farnam sis , upstairs 010
7or evcrybodyl Vou can Borrow
money on furnlturo , horses , wagons ,
pij.nos , Ftock of nil kinds , diamonds nnd line
wnlchesou 3our own timo. Payments received
lit any time , nnd interest reduced pro rntn.
Properly loft In your own possession. Terms
- low ns the lowest. Cnll nnd sco mo. niifmic < i3
confidential. No ndvantpgo taken. W. II. Croft ,
Boom 4 , WithnolPs Now Ilull < J.lngNorUienBt cor
ner 15lh nnd Harnoy. > <
ONKY TO LOAN O. V. DnvlB & Co. Real
Estate and Loan agents , 1605 Farnnm St.
MONEV TO LOAN On good ( securities. A
McOavock , room7Ilcdlckniockl50UFarnnm
Bt. 041
ONKV TO LOAN On real estate andchnt
M : tols. D. L. TliomnS. 845
ONKY TO LOAN in mims of $200 nnd upwards -
wards on flrstx > lnss rcnl estate security.
Fotlcr & Colib , 1515 Farnam St. 040
LOANKD at a F. Heed & Go's. Loa
ollloo , on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wngoni
personal property of all kinds and all ether ar
ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th ,
over Uliurhim's Commission storo. All bus
iness Btrlctly 017
TjlOH SALi : Or Trade In the town of Woop-
JE ing Wntor. N'jbraskn , n blacksmith nnd
wagon shop. Ilonsoiis for selling , poor health.
Address Oco. W. Lambing , Wccplnir Water ,
Nob. 620-22 *
T71O11 SALK Sodn fountain , flrst-clnss , prloo
X' $100 on monthly payment ) . Inquli oat 1201) )
Douglns St 63317 *
WANTI'JD ' To buy ictall cigar stnnrt. Hush
& Solbj- , Heal Estate on Com. 218 S 16th.
onKXCIIANOK A flno mill all comnleto ,
good residence : 57 ncros of land : line or
chard ; 60 miles trom Dos Mollies * Will take
vrrstorn land or morchnndlso. Will glvo a big
denl. C. II. .lacl : on , this olllco.
SALU An old established rcstnurnnt
with Inrfio trndnm ( iily 103 liotinlers ) . Net
piotlts last jour woio over $2,000. Cheapest
runt In the cltj- . Everything In llrst-clnns work
ing Older. It jou mo looking lor a business
this Is the best thing in the city. Address D
IK ) , lloo oll'co. 60'J
T71O11 RALi : Confectionery , cigar and fruit
K gtoio , best located in city. Inquire at 1430
Douglas. Will bo sold cheap. 608
KXCIIANdK I Imvo a clean hut broken
stock of shoes. Invoice $300 to $400 : alio
Mock of $1,000 in paying Chlcairo MTV Co. What
liavo j-ou to c.xchaugo ? Addicts D B ! ) , llco
olllco. . 604-17 _ l
" | 7 < OK SALK A well pnj-lng business , general
JL' hardwaio with tin phop connected. In n Ilrst-
rate location , or partner wiintod with cnpltal.
For pin tlculars apply toQustavDeiit'ko , Oiuuhu ,
1513 Jackson St. 61J-20
Foil SALi ; Manufactuilnir business paying
IU-KO prollta ; owner has ether nnd moro liu-
portant atlnlrs to attend to. Call Iloom P , Fren-
ror Itlock. 411
"n oil SALU Music , stationery nna book
J- store In one of the bebt towns In the west ;
will sell or tent bulldlnur ; host location In the
cltv. Also hind for nxrhnnirn or sale In Clio-
ycnno Co. , Neb , W. W. Ladd , Albion , Nob.
440-31 *
F OK SALK A flrst-clnss paying business ,
\\llli an oMiilillshcd trade : wood icasonsfor
lliig : would exchange for oity or farm pi op-
orty. Address 1) 71 , lieu Ollloo , 43D-171
I : lliisinosi atNoith Platte , Neb.
Ke taiirnnt , well pntronl/od by llrst-class
) > ooplu , inn In connection wltli MOID Bulling
t'anov grocorlos , liulis , fiesli voRolnbles , oto. ;
liiHlncst ) pitying nnd Incicaslng ; amounted In-
voted , $700 ; good ransons for spiling. Address
Shannon llros. , Noilh 1'l.itlo , Neb.4T5-I7
SALK Coiitcr , Mmw cafes and Block
J' ot Mrs Folger'b fancy store nt 30) N I5tli st.
Blioil tlmo only. 417
rpt > HXCHANi U For 111"cluilidlPO , 320licros
Jland In .Inllini-on county , Noli , nno-halC
mtlo Iicini ( ntinty feat. 0.1 Caswoll ic ! Co , Itoom
1'J Nebraska National bank. IL.'l-l'Ja
flioil KXOIIANOK-Stocksofgoodsof every
JU Kind , for fai ms and land ; also- lands to ox-
chnngu for goods. If you want to trade , no
mutter \\lmt \ It isj'onhavo , wilto , with full do- C. E. Mnyilu , real aatato broker ,
Uinnlia Nob. 108
TT'Oll SALK Crcamoiy will bo sold cheap , on
J-1 easy terms , to iniyoiio who will inn it the
coming bcnsoiu 0. M , Carter , Ashland , Neb.
VI rANTKl ) To o\cluuiin ( for stock of hard-
i wmo nnd gDimrnl moruhandlso , 61V ) acres ot
One Thayer Co. , Nob. , land : 5 lots In Genoa.
Noli. , good store building ( host corner ) ; good
dwelling ( ln t location ) In 1' sox , la. , also H3
nncs li mllu from town of 1'ssov , la. , scodod In
MHO imiss. lor further jinrtlciilars address
John Lliulerholm Central Citv Nebraska. (29 (
PKItSONAL Wo Imvn two cast fronts In
llunscoin place at J I.OOOench nnd lluco west
fronts nt S'lOO ' each , decided bargains , nil of
tlirin , torn low days only. Money talks. Hlco
A Mooio.ii e cor Inih ainl Douglas Sis , over
l National bank. 513 15
pKUSONAL Kvory business man should soil
-L ouriuMit nnd tasti-ty , all-wool stilts at f'.IO.
U'hoy will bin ( irlso you : al-n our all wool sin Ing
OM'icoUS at fl KO. Jono3 & . Co. , Economy
Clothois , K U t'mnnmst. K.VJ7 ,
73KUSONAL TII persons who wish to Imtl.l n
J homn InOtchitrd Hill , I will soil lots upon
imMiiont of Ihu nominal gum of ton dollars und
bnlaiuoat thn fttdof llvo JIMIS. Inturest at S
IHT i out , pa > able Foinl-annually. 'IhU la the
lic t olfer ever miulo to unv homo-soekcr In IhU
city. Cull nml ecu mo. 0. 15. Mayne , 6. W. cor.
ISth nnd rariinin. fi'fl
I OU llKNT-Unoiuundboanlfur two. mil
1 Cnpltol two UJ
f I Wi JLK 1010 Dodi'o street.
-T of Oov't mlloa
- - - elixlm.3
- east of I Ui'yenno on IT , 1 * It'y Depot nud
P O In conuir of c-lnlm Ou'ut lidnniuu t'or
1o > Mi-tHo nuinoiog. DtfccrlpUon nud iiilco 0.
11 KaiiJull , Klniball , N.cb fOi-l'J'
STHAW Hntaanil nouncts , shape-it nnd 10-
jitoiscrt In HID latest etyUs ut llo ) Huwanl
NICKLi : Corner Cases In wnlnu or cherry ,
tl.fiT per foot. Nectnr frnmes , snmo prlco.
Springhlnpo. Eureka Show Cnjo Co , 2os.ia
Lnkost.Chlcngn. , SBm3
" " "
"A"iri-NT > iO All klndsof garden work done
by n practical gardener. 1'rnnk Nlmtz ,
1121 8. 10th st. 811m7 *
Al'PLlCATIONSforU 8 license ma-lo out
by John 0 , Thompson , Iloom 10 , Kodlck
Block. 223
"OAHTIKS wishing furniture clonnol , plenso
-L address mo through 1 * . O. Fred Gray.
197-30 *
PltlVY and Cesspools cleaned by n. Kwlnir , P.
J ) . llox 427. OIOariJr _
T7\OU \ ItKNT A f tore on n good retail street.
JApply ! the Omaha Heal Estate nnd Loan
Co. 107
Foil llliNT-Squnro 1'lnno , l monthly. A.
IIospo , 15H Douglas. U10
TTioil itKNT Organs , f3 per month. IIospo ,
JJ 1513 pouglns. _ 903
Foil llKNlCsniinro I'liino , $3 monthly. A.
tlospo.lBn Douglas. t'H
"JTlOIt SALK rurnlttiro for 2 to 3 rooms com-
Jplcto for light honsokepplng ; almost now.
Cnll In the afternoon orSundny ut Victor's Tark
2ltli and Mason Sis. 551-19
FonsALIi-chenn-A black mare 7 jo ri
oldnlsohnrntss ! nnd leather top co\erod
Iihactoti. Address D IU , Uoo olllco , 575-UU *
Foil SALK I'lno Pointer dog 1 year old nt
_ Victor's 1'nrk , gUh nndMnson. 5)3-23
8A"ii-Cnr : load of No. 1 frr < h milch
cows. Call ntour } ards,2Gth and Hurt Sts.
Penny & .lostor. 510-20
T71OU HALK-Ono Improved Prnflold brick mn-
JJ chine ; nlso ono Philadelphia hand press. In-
qulro Itooin 80 , Wltnnoll Uulldlug. 475-20
Foil SALK A Hare Clianco Stock and Ilx-
tuios of n grocery store doing a good busi
ness ; cheap rent , good location : reason for sell-
intr , ether business. 1323 Saundcrs st. 491-10 *
Foil SALK Fifty slmroi Nnbrnskn nnd Iowa
Insurance company's block , also tllty shares
Western Homo Insurance company's stock. I.
A. Miller , Council Illulfs. 471-21
I A. MILLKlt I will buy your Nobrn kii
nnd lown Insurnnco stock nnd pny jou
forty per cent protnitim on your c.ish Invust-
mcnt iortlio enmo. J. T. Hart. 473-21
F OH SAt-K-Cheni ) ; road cart at 1507 N llitl
street. TJ'i-17 *
Foil HAM : A 5-horso power boiler and on-
( jliio cheap , at Onmlin Snfo and Iron Woiks.
F Oil SAli ; uno good liorao. 1G10 1'nrnam.
lOltHAl.B Square piano , ? 50 , monthly pay-
Ijpspo , ISlJ Dounlas. _ t)07 )
"I71OKSALK Lunch counter nnd rostaurnn
JL ? ilttlnKS , Rns Ilxturo3 , and Inrzo hoiitlnff
stove , at the Senate , 1W5 I'urnnin. Inqulro nt
olllcool' J. .1. O'Connor , 14th street , between
Uouglaannd rurnnm. _ 110
Foil SALU Match teams and horses of nl
kinds to suit eiHtomora nt Star Salu Stables ,
SOth nnd Cumlnir. II. Cannon , Prop. 7T7
1710U SALK A now steam roller mill In No. 1
JL * business locality ; tlno wheat country ; hut
llttls competition ; $17,500 ; cost tnoio. w. II.
Orccn , 215813th St. 8-"J
Foil SALK Upright piano , SIM , monthly
payments. IIospo , 1513 Douglas. DOS
W ANTKO A ( rlri as nurse for one child. Ap
ply 70J3. IQIb ijt. _ 677-18 *
\WANTKD A good dlnliiff-ioom ( jlil nt the
> > Planters House. 1C03 Dodpo St 571-17
V\7ANTii : > Ghls for ( housework.
' kitchen , laundry , dlnliiioom nud hotel
work. Omaha Employment Uoieau , IliO Fur-
nain St. 67.1
WANTISU First class dre 8inakor , either
wnNtoi-Hliht llnlshers. 15U ! JJodgo. Up
stairs. Miss Maud Itooco. b.M7 *
W ANTRIJ One smart girl about 10 years old
to run button-hole machine at CnnfioM
Co. , car. llth and Douglas , up-stalrs.
55B-17 *
WANTP.n-Glrls for prlvnto families nnd
Rood wnges , NoU. Kmploymont.ARuitcy ,
1101CthStcor Capitol avcnuot , 67a
WANTKl ) Skirt maker lininedlntoly. None
but first class need apply. Jlrs. K..T. Ar
nold , Ilia7 Duvonpoi t. 6bO-ll )
W ATs'TIiD Two peed hand Bowois , Canllcld
' llth and Oouirlns , up-stalrs. s
WANTI : ! ) A llrst-class American woman
cook ; vrniri'i $30 per month Addiess ,
ulth rofoioncos , Avails House , O'Neill , Nob.
ANTiu An active , competent kitchen
( jlrl at 1013 Hnrnoy. 6D9-17 *
WANTKD Good dining room flrl at Can
llcld house. 528
" \T7A3 TJ3I > A jrlrl to ilo general housowoik.
$1.50 IJQI-week to itood ihl. S U cor. aibt
nnd Leavonworth St , Mrs Martin. 510
WANTKD Ladles and ircntlomon In city or
country to tuko lluhtwoik nt their homes.
Sl.OO to $ .1.00 a ilny easily made ; otk sent by
mull , no LtinvassiniVo Imro it good demand
for our \\orlt , and furnish btcudy omploymcnt.
Addtcss , wltJi stump , Ciown M'l'ff Co. . 2D1 Vine
Street , Cincinnati , Ohio. KJiul4l
A wood cook , washer and Ironer
by .Mrs. F. 11. Kennard , N. E. cor. IBth and
Dodge sts.
WANTKD A girl nt Doran Houso. 013 Far-
nain. 4'K )
\vrANTKD-2 first-class laundresses , also girl
M to assist In kitchen. Apply at Cozrons
House olllco. 4V )
WANTKD-A dining-room girl nt the Atlan
tic Hotel , S. 10th st ; Scandium-mil pio-
fcrrod. 505-10'
\\7"ANTii : ) Good competent girl for general
Y\ housework : good wages. Apply 1013
Howard st , 5U1
WANTKD-Luiy cnnvniM for the Van
Ordcn Corsut ; no btjllsh lady will do with
out this omset ; eommlssions qood Apjily nt
once for trrniH , etc. No. 315 North 15th btioet , <
tills city , or Clmroi Prlnglo i Co. , Kiui'm City ,
Mo. Agents wantodovorywhoro. 4UI-20 *
ANTKD Dishwasher * nnd hcoond cook.
Applj' Emmet Houso. 4'J1 '
WANl'ii : ) A enpnhlo and obllitlng girl to do
second woik and assist In tukl'ig euro of
ohlldronjgood A-nycn lor satisfactory service ,
Call nt brick losidenco , lu'lOSouth llth si rent.
"Y\7ANTIn A Kood first , and pa'try cook.
i \ AddiessTieinont House , Lincoln , Neb ,
If ANTKD A good \\omiiu cook ; good wagos.
I Address City Hotel , Fnlnuont , Neb , 447
WANTlin First-class advertising Eollcltor.
AJdtoss.JM ) . UUKQllluu. S-M-IO'
ANT12H aiiiuit young man to uorK In
store. W. 11. Ulbsoii ic Co , , Qnuilto block
> 60teams for lallroad work ; UP
i i It U. Good wages. Call 1120 Fainam tit ,
WANTKD LAIlOKKIlS-For now railroad
work. Steady employment. K. S. Al
bright Labor AguncylJl3 Furuam stioot , 519-21
WANTKD Hoot Agents. Local and travel
ing book agent : ) wanted to poll standard
subscription books ; any one can take urdord ,
whotheroxporienoedornot. Thomorltsof our
books and our piivato pamphlet , "Success in
Cain asslog , " free to agonU , always assures suc
cess. Name tonitory wanted , and nddioss or
cull on H S Smith , Publisher and ( io.icral Western -
orn Agent , Oinaha , Nub , ijOS Hth St. 510-10
WANTKD A man of good address to luiiidlo
Ilto-slzo crayon aud oil portraits ; must
( d\o hU entiio time and attention to the work.
Call alter 4 p in. Collins & bbuiitz. 1513 Douir-
las at. 4i > 0-lC'
\\TANTKD-Two intelligent bojs.wJth horses ,
to carry the Dally Uco. 4U )
WANTKD A urood canasscr to soil furnl-
tuioon wooUly payments. Omaha Tlmo
Payment Co. , 013 South lutli St. 451
\\TANfKD-Salosmo for n Btnplo sldo line ;
li llhoinl commissions : Knights of Lihor
bnind : latest gift Indiiromonts with thu goods.
Union U. I' , Co. , IS Lake sticct , Chicago. -
\WANTI.I ) \oliit | class coat maki > rsnnd
li one pantaloou maker , nt oneo. Highest
wngcs ] iaiil. llainabjr x UiUick , 10JJ O street ,
Lincoln. Neb. A3
"VVTANTKli A joung mui or iclinblo boy
TI withuhoriotocurrj'iirouto oil Erunlug
Dally llco. aM
\\TANTKO T\vo ( Irot clasa oontmokurs. Ad
ii dre 4.IohnMOrritonLincoln. btl
WAVfKD Su-joungmon uud itvllostocn.
gnsolutho tclugiaph sorUce. Addras )
W. J. 1 , Cranny block , 10th st , O'iJa.'l *
canvasser j to eolt'turnl-
> l ture on imtalliufuts. CM ou M. y. Mar-
tin.fllO South 15th st. ' 673
\\7 AN riU ) Sixteen h.irneM luatvorj at Sly-
monllru * , Urh'ftuJ DoJffo sts.
) Situation by two rcspcctnblo
WANTKl ns cook without wahlng , the
other M second girl In n first-class private Cam-
lly. Apply nt 131 1 Capitol nvonuo. 687-17 *
WANTKU Situation by young man , exper
ienced , speaks 5 languages , Oormnn , Ho *
hcmlnn , 1'olnnd , Swodonnd Kngllsh Work for
emallsalary. Address D 83 , llco ollloo CCj-lC *
Sltnat on ns hotnol.oopor by
WANTKD lady. Call 1571 N. I'lor St.
600-2J *
_ _
> Tii > Uy n steady nnd rcllnblo man , n
slttiptlon In n grocery store. Has ycais
experience ; speaks KnvilOi , German nnd Scan-
dlna\lnn. Can give city rofcronco , Address D
to , lloo oinco. _ SM-lt *
\A7ANTKI > l'o llloiiby o young man as clerk
ii In cither dry goods , groceries , boots and
shoos 4 JOIIM o.xporlonco Can give good ref
erence' ! Willing to Btnrt on small snlniy Address -
dross K K Itoains , Dollnnco , lown 53U-17
WANTJHi t'oslllonby young lady ns book
keeper or nssl tnnt. Inferences gUon
AddrofS M. Itoscllo , 1' . O. _ IH.V17 *
\\rANTl : T7 Two or throe furnished rooms
IT for light hoiifekcoplng , for family or two.
Address I ) t2 , lloo onico. _ M3-17'
T\7ANTKn-o rosldonco lots east of 23th street
InOinnlm ; to business lots on Ctimlng
St. ; two on Ltmvpnwotth St. ; two on 1'iirnnm
street west of liith , 1'nrtlos lm\lng such for
sale whl find It to tholr internal to call on lllg-
glng & Pnrk , 1515 Douglas St. _ 6CO-10
ANTKI > By Mny 1st , two rooms furnished
W for light housekeeping m nlco loentlon.
Hoforonccs. DB7 , lloo olllco. _ 553-20 *
WANTKD Gentleman room-mate In private
family , with board. Terms moderate.
Address D W , Uoo olllco. _ f.43-21 *
A furnished room with clothes
closet or suite ot rooms for gontlcmnn
nnd wife , South Omahn , within 4 blocks or U.
P. depot. Address A. D. C. , care Mall Car.'lor
No. lb. _ 515-lu *
Houses to rent within ono tnilo
WANTKD poatoITlco. Stockdnlo & Dunoher ,
1511 Dodge st. 403-10
Moro vacant lots on California st.
WANTKD & Hinichor. 1511 DoJgost. 4117-1(1 (
ANTKD Hcllnblo contractor to build
house costing $1 00 to 52,00) . anil take
Hnnscom Place lot for part payment. Addicss
I ) 72 , llflo olllco. 478
Ht * ANTKD Everybody to buj- groceries ,
11 fresh eggs , butter , nnd green vegetables
ntHclmrod'g.NlCth. 407-17
Teams for ratlroal work. E. S
WANTKD , Labor Agency , 1303 Farnam-st
ANTKD 3 unfurnished rooms not tar
from liith nnd Hnrney at onco. Addioss
D OS , Dee Olllco. 401-15 *
10) houses and cottages to ront.
WANTKD you good tenants nt onco. Mil-
honey & Harris , Iloom 11.15)9 Fainnin 3771119'
To nuy n second-hand type
WANTKD J. B. llnynes & Co. , Omaha.
To rent house , 8 or 9 rooms. All
WANTKD conveniences. Would hku htun.
Not over ten block from 1' . O. Address P.j O.
bo.x3JS. 570-18
IlKNT 8-room houso. Inquire 2110
FOH nvo. f.OM7 *
IlKNT Nicely furnished room with
FOH . 7U N. lUth st. 017
TTlOK IlKNT Saloon , and n.xturcs for sale ,
JD 108 South 10th st. 500
TTlOK IlKNT Now ton room house nnd barn ,
-13 largo lot. city water nml gas , clstoin : Illti-on
minutes walk liom opera house. Price Jii.r > .OJ. P
O. box 303. 431G ! '
KKN r Nino-room house on Capitol
Ijioil ; nil modem Improvements , a r. DavU
&Co. 412-17
ItKNT OHlco sultablo for real ostnto :
Foil oillco furnituio for salo. Call Itoom I ) ,
Fronzcr Itlock. 44' )
oil IlKNT Two cottages , D-rooms , now
Apply to ChiulosOgdou , IJth nnu Douglas-
KENT 3 stores. 1412 3.13th st-G.'ir. '
Fen . 724
IlKNT 2 Dricit stores on South 13th St.
FOIl . Howard nnd Jackson. Paulson * r Co. ,
1513 Farnnin St. 58. )
TfOU IlKNT Brick yard. T. Murray.
TTKMl IlKNT rarm ot 101 acres , twolvu miles
-I ? fromOtnahn. Apply ut thn Omaha rimm-
clal K\change , SW corner of 15th nnd Fuinnm.
- 471
IlKNT Desirable residence , o iootn < < ,
Iiioil 1 ' add ; house of I'rooms.-South 5th ,
also 2 barns with lofts. J. Phlpps Uoo , Ho v 557.
- 454
Oil SALK At n bargain , flno U-oom house
F with moJcrii convcnlunuost full lot ; on
Hnrnoy at. , nuar 25th ; 85.2JJ. I'ottor & Cobb ,
' ' 'J.VJ
15L' ) I'urniiinst.
1011 KKNT-Gardon tarro. , 303 S. llth St.
J3 730
Oil IlKNT Nlco O-room cottago. 8. T.
Petorson. S. K. cor. 15th anil Douglas. 5S {
ron EEUT Kooms.
TIOIl IlKNT Unfurnished rooms on reason-
C able terms , 1815 Cassbt. 3 5
IlKNT Largo furnished room. 2131
POK . 552-23 *
WANTKD Nicely furnished moms for light
housekeeping , good location , inralerato
toims. Address D Ut , Hot ; ofllce jpn MU-Iti *
F'll IlKNT rurnlsliod rooms. , ltii : Cupitol
nvcnuo. . J. , Jlfl23-
IlKNT I'llSt-cl.iss roomsnt 1831 Fainum
FOH block west of court nousp , 53.V22 ,
IlKNT-Nicely furnlsho I rooms. Lo
cality lino. Toinisitusonablo. 714 S. 18tli.
1)17-17 *
IlKNT-4 unfurillsliou looms , fi3 ( N 16th
Foil . 614-17 *
TT1OII IlKNT Two unfurnished front rooms
-L1 to man nndwlfo wlthlmt'dhlldron ; best of
roforoncos. Apply 31ft N loth Si. 61'J-21 *
HKNT Newly furnished rooms In sutto
Foil single. Rtrout cars puss the door. Houtd
If doalrod. 113 a JulTiiiuii St > fjl-17 *
T7IOII IlKNT Desk loom , Imposition liulldlng
4-A Western Pottery Co 531-17 *
IlKNT Nicely fiiriiished fiont looms
Foil 2301 Fainam bt. Ilroakfnst nud fiiuiner
if rcqiilioJ. Mis Win Young 607-1 * *
ItKNT Deslrablp fiunlshod jooms In
Foil two-story brick ; nil niodurn conveni
ences : fchort block from "car lines ; bicnkfastlf
dcsliud. Apply 2333 llurtst. _ 4' > a.lO *
oil IlKNT Largo turnlsUod front loom
with closet ; f 10 pur month. 2310 Capital
avenue , 618-15 *
' oil IlKNT Furnished room , 401 N. IBtli StT
48'J ' 15 *
JjlOR IlKNT Newly fin nibbed rooms with
-I ? board. 623 Pluusaut st. Kofcioncus 10-
quired. _ 4BO-10 *
IlKNT Uooms in Barker lilock. C. K.
Foil , 15th and I'tinnim. 455
Oil IlKNT Store room on 13th. C. K.
Muyno , S W cor Kith and rarnam , 401
FOK HKNT-Nlcoly furnished rooms with all
modern couvcnlonccs. 01U N 17th. 4J3
"OOIl IlKNT ror light housokocplnir , rooms ,
.13 furiilehod or unfurnished , In lloomor's
, cor IClglith and Howard. _ 431
FOll'ltKVr FuinisliPd front room " blocks
from depot , 1011 South llth StUIO 10 *
TCTOll IlKNT rurnbhod rooms. 007 N. 17th St ,
j _ 31MB *
Foil IlKNT Olllco nnd t-toro room. Gratton
&Drummond , UI5 Hiiinoy. _ KiJ
Foil IlKNT Two nicely furnished rooms ,
with board , with all lujdoni convontenccs.
2225 Dodgo. 73d
FOIt IlKNT Kloifuut and doslrahlo rooms ,
furnished or unfurnl-liocl. lw/7 Douglas
st. llclerences required of uppllcaiitj. t > 05
OU HKSTWith board , ono lar o nioaly
furnlshod front room , gas and bath room ut
J7\OK \ SALi : Ttro of the best lots > n Walnut
-L. Hill , ono block cast of licit line und facing
Nichului street , which has icsunolr water main
liicenKr of ItYill tell a hundred dollars
cheaper than lois aio celling tor all around
them , because am not able to keep thorn. 1'or
further information address D Si , lloo ollloo.
65S-1T *
J ONKS Addition , ISO Farnam bt i ect.
| 63 M7
_ _
1f\OK-S.\LK-U > Uoii Goonrift nvo , for $1,600
1 thnt ' will bring J'-i. O nctoro fall. O. K.
Mayuo , S. W. coy. 15th imd Farnam , 610 20
T7SOH hAL -A lot CSxUO fcot on Virginia me
J-1 bftncen Iivcinrorlh and Farnam for
S3..VX ) ; this U U baie-alo. C. U. Ma ) tie , 1Mb. and
pATTKMSON PAHK-Gtf mlles from Court
JL House.
t r
Klisoi :
VAUK Acres nt $173.
jft J'AUK Acres nt $ JOO to $3W.
pATTEHSON JfVHIC Acres on easy terms.
pATT HSON PAHIC Acres the cheapest.
f AUK the best place to buy.
F Oil SALK By. D. C. Patterson , Iron Hank
llUlldlllg. 483-34
_ ' _
AMKs'T'LACK-No grading needed ; level
ION. Anniq.lf07 _ Fainam st. _ 411
rf IBiOOO For2 lot1" , 3 dwclllnff' , cream otlo-
P cations. Itusli&Sclby. 218 Kith st. .T.Mr >
T/lOIl SALi : Ijots In l/owo's 1st addition ,
-C south front * , easy terms , only S30X Potter
&Cobbldl.i Fnrnam st. all
FOK9ALK Atmv of the best ots In Wllcox'a
ndd. nt $0)0 each. Pettor & Cobb , 15Fi Far
nam st 855
TsALK VTill lot , W foot oa t front on 10th
St , near future llrownoll Hull , with nearly
now lo-rootn bouso , $3,10) . Thee , Olson , 218 S
13th St 637-24
OK. MAYNK'S nowmnpof Douglas county
Is complete In nvory detail : It tills n long
felt want. The prlco Is low , considering the
nmount of w ork necessary to produce it. For
sale at C. E. Mnj no's real estate olllce , CI3-ml4
1IKN YOU consider the location of Hod-
Ick's Grove , the character of surround
ings , the neat ness to school , store" , churches ,
cars , etc. , when can you mutch those lots ?
Amo , 16071'arnntn. 484
"T71OHSALK 2 lots with goon hou'o , Park nvo
J ? Hnnscom Place , $5,000 Thoo. Olson , 213 S
15th St 627-24
ptOK SALK-T.0 font front on Farnnm st nt
J corner of 31st for $00 per ft out foot : this is n
chance for some ono to mnko n etako. C. U.
Muyno , 15th and Farnnin. 537-20
Foil SALK Ilcatitirul lots ono block south of
Lcnvcnworth ; the most honutlrul lots in
thnt neighborhood , $1,800 ouch. C. E , M115-110 ,
15th and Furmim. 638-20
oil SALi : Having mndo nrrangcmonts to
go west , 1 will sell the following doscrlbod
leal ostnto : House and lot on Ilowery Hill ; two
lots near llanscom I'nrk. Address Homy F.
Ithondos , noithwcst corner Eleventh and Atbor
streets. , 402
Foil SALK For a few days only Choice lot ,
Douglas , near 21st , ono of the nlcoa homes
on Davonportstrout , near High School. Como
and sco this. 100 ncica near city , good build
ings , now used as Uulry , everything complete ,
only $0" ) per acre. Como and sro the ton-aero
tract ntlnun pilces. J , L. Picrson ft Co.,1003
Fnrnam , 2nd lloor. 581-17
C. I'ATTKIISON , 13th and Douglas Sts.
Tluod new cottages and lots , monthly pay
lloautlful ncros. Illmuhnugh's addition , S500
Two live atro lots ( boiuitllul ) , $1. > JO
Several line residences throughout tlio cltj' for
sale on casvforms
Abstiucts furnished nnd gunrantcod.
1C C. Patterson , 13th nnd Douglas , 403
KSKUVKirNKwToilT lots now for sale In
1 to 10 orlO nero trncts : per Herd , $30 * ;
tcimsto suit bujor. Amos , 1507 Farnam. 434
3roil SALK-lly lloll ic McCnndlbli , J511
Dodge street. - '
Cottage nnd lot , Leavonworth St , $1,500
Itou&iulurn and two lotsnoirLonvcn-
wrtitlf , ? 3,50i
West Sldo lots , Loavcnwoith St. exten
sion , SW.
Laigu bouso , east fiont , near Park
live , # 4,100
Story nnd halt cottage , full lot nonr
Park inc. , f3.5'J
Two houses and lots on Pmk nvo. , ono
$4Ui nnd tlio other S" > ,0) )
East front/lot on Virginia ave. near St.
Miliy * nvo. , 75 feet Iront , $3,000.
Fnlrio * acres $ .T)0 ) , on long time.
Hoaco and lot on Charles street , ? 3,090.
West Sldo lots , $300. 315-13
FOIlSALKJot6ncro ! tracts In the market ,
only $300porSiero. . Inquire about them.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnara. 853
ONKS Addition. . 1300 Farnam street.
. - . - ( Phnll's.add , 23nl
-D nndPlorcoffttPjO. T-lioo. Olson. 218B 15th St
V.-P '
FOIt SALE improvol forms , by Hamlln &
Iliawn.Sll S. llth street , Omaha , Nob.
Cass County , Nebraska :
Kll 8114,27,10 , 12. 8a acres , nbout three miles
from Avpcn50 acres under cultivation.
Oton County , NobnHka :
NWmV31li , 13 , 100 ncros , improvements ; 120
acres under cultluitlon nnd now coin crib.
Ni.iai,0 : ; , 13 , lOO acres , impiovoments ; 155
acres under cultivation , with a double corncrlb ,
SWM , 31,0,13,160 acres ; 00 acres under culti
SWU,28R. 13. 158ncroslmprovoinentsll3 : ncri
under cultivation , nnd n new hedge loncon ) !
mound tlio farm.
SW4,5 , 9 , 12 , 100 ncros ; 100 acres under culti
SWiJ.4,8,12 , 100ncres:120 under cultivation ,
with a good dwelling , srubioouthousos and corn
crib" .
Allot the above lands within 4 miles of Dun-
bar.N ' 4 no . 10-8-11 , 80 acres ; o ' 5 s wU , 10-s-ll ,
80 acres ; so U U-8-11 , 160 ncics 330 ncrcs ono
and u half miles southwest Syracuse , known , ns
tlio Clioni farm , 3W ncros under cultivation ,
has two good dw ollltws , burns , cribs , etc.
All the above lands will bo sold on favorable
For prices and further information call on or
addic's Hamlln & llrowii. real estate dealers ,
illlSouthllthst. Omuhii , Nob. U30.30 *
Fffu fr.VI.K S. trout lot with 5-rooin liou-o ,
stable , cistern , well , etc. Iloom for KnothiT
hotieo , li block from street car , I'urlior.'s-utld ,
81,750. Thep. Olgen , 218 B 15th St , 537-jU '
JONKS addition. 13D'J Farnam street. ,
LODWICIC S SKAY , itonl Estate llrolcors , S.
K. Cor 11th nnd Douglas.
Hiinscoin 1'luro rosldoncosforsulo.
01 ooin cottage H. F. block 10,100x130. Will
Elegant cottage E. F. block 3,100x150. Will
7 room cottage E. F. , block 8 , WlxlSl.
4 loom cottage W. F. , block 15,150ii33. Will
5 loom cottage I * F , block 19,60x17) ) .
Five 0 loom cottna-os , north 17th. Monthly
Hroom houso.1. I. HoJIck's subdiv. , Park
ave , 75\1IU.
10 room house , Terrace ndd. W f1. , IHvllO.
Will divide.
Fivocottugos.SliiiU's add. N , F. , 00xl3. ( !
Elegant lusiilcnco , Webster St , H. F. , 3.1x13' ,
bctvoon ISIh anl'Jth. '
2 elegant iculdoiic'os between Webster and
Duil,0xl.J2Nnith ! 10th.
2closrnnt residences , Clilcngo St. , aiz33 ! , each
bcitwccn IMli ami loth.
Iltisliio-8 pioppity , corner on Douglas , In-
motud , 44x133.
llusluoss property cor. on nth nnd Iliuncy , Mr
133 ,
Lot 2 , block 103 , GCU33
Coiner on Ilarnoy nearlOth , 00x77 ,
23 f out front on DoulnSnoar IKth.
44 foot on 10th hutwcunJacki-on and Farnam.
Ixits In Ambler's Place , Hnuihomu.
Lois In Hnnscom I'laco.Thoiiihing
Lots inCortlniid Place , IKIIIIU & Sholdon'a.
Lots In Pai It Phlco , Hlilnn'a ndd.
Lots in r.llziib Jtli'Placo , Omaha View.
Lots In Millaffl/lfv. Smith's.
"To bo sold In ton/days , " 4 lots In Tiiornburg.
"ToboeoldlUtolfdays , " ! lotonCumlng at.
"To bo sold iu Uiu.ilaB3 Jots In Lake's mid.
"To be gold id toff < Viys , " Slots In Sunny Sldo.
"To 1)0sold intnrrriajs , " ! 4 lot onSaundursSt
"To bo sold In tcytlay , " 1 block In lloyd's ndd.
ForlKiiviiliisoilOui'lBoous. ' Ludwlck&Soay ,
* . E. cor. 15th Douglas. 1W
Foil SALK a ) lnq lots on grndo , Donnock-
ons add. Vm-'coming St , at $4JO. Thoo.
013011,2188 , IStUiStn 627-31
JONKS AddIlloiinM303 Farnam street.
- 581-17
Foil SALK-JLTflno 4-room liouso not quito
llnlshcd wfui pT rch , closets , pantry , collar.
oUterntll , out ho uses. Walk nil mound houeo
nnd jilckut luiini'uTyo thing neat aud complete ,
3 blocks f i oin Ifitl8ork9 , at $1,200 on very ciiby
payments , U pxrwaiit to eocuro a nlco hotiiu
In center ot town uomo soon , Thoo. Olscn. 218
B15thEt 627-ai
WIIKlK ( _ you lltvl acres to match our _
Now port lots ? Wo now olk'r the boi-t iiart
of Now port. Amos , 15'J7 Farnam. _ 411
TilJSll A : SKLnv iiovo tor sale all the H F
-LV UhoJospioporty. Auk about it. 213 8 15th
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fir. will 1)0 puvod 6 Mocks beyond
lioilIcU'titirovo. Can you Und lots 113 near
as tills at the prlco asked ? Amos , 15 J7 Fnriium.
ONKfj Addition. 1300 Farnum struct.
_ _ _ _ '
NKWl'Uli r cviiinnaiurs Tin sui paaiiid vlews'Jir
tortn und country. No pioporty sol i on
oaMur turms , No propoity bettor worth the
prlc o. Amos , 1507 Farnam. _ 411
IF VOU luuo any property for sale or rept
lUt with mo and It iMll liavo prompt ulttu-
lion Thco. Ohon , 218 h 15th St _ 6J7-S1
FOKhALi : A 6-i-oom house , 71 N. llth st.
Inquire nt G. A. Llii'lquht & Co. ' 6 , 130U Fur-
num. ll'i-iG'
FcrilSATKl-ATot 03rHO , uaa dwcllluF JrtiT
near future DrownollHall.chi-ap ; hqlf cash ,
baUuco small , moiitlily iiaymonU V. JVo . -
_ lcaWJ S. Wlh st , U
T\r H. MOTTKll. llcnl Estate Agent. 211 S
ii t 16th St , offers for sale real oMito In all
pirts o ( the city , llelow I nnoto a fowbnrgnlnst
For Snlo 0 ncros In West Omaha nt n bargain.
For Salo-1 ncro and 6 room house , Park place ,
1 or Snlo J lots In lllmouruigliplace.
For Sale 1 full block In Isaacs A Soldcn's odd.
For Sale 2 elegant lots In Ilanscom place nt
nbout two-thirds their value.
For Snlo Corner near 12th and Howard with
JI5.0X ) worth of Improvements , renting for
Mnoo ; can easily bo made to rent for $ JOXX
lor Snlo An elegant cottage nnd full lot In
Hnnscom place , at n sacrifice for n few days
only. * Mottor , 211 S 15th St.
For Snlo 2 rcrcs within two blocks of street
cars ; ran bo subdivided and your money
doubled ; small cash pnvmcnt : Investigate
this. Mottor , 211 S15th St.
ForSalo OcottnTCSft teems each , beautiful lo
cation ! everything now nnd In flno shape ;
only f3,3.W , $2W cash , balance monthly ;
these nro bargains , oveiy onu ot them.
Moltor , 211 8 15th St.
For Snlo 1 noweottajro nnd lot,0 rooms , 3. 00.
$300 cashbalance monthly ; will take good
house or cows In exchange : call nnd pee mo ,
, 211 a 15th St.
SALK Lot lii Polhnm Place , 5J7J , easy
I/ts In Hnnscom Place , S7S9 to 11,00) .
Ixit on Vliglnla avo. . $3.000.
Slots In Punnjsldo , f J.300.
2 lots on Wou Farnum St. , $15,5)1.
Lot In Lowe's add. , SI3J.
Corner lot In lowo's ndd. , ? 35J.
Lot on Hnmllton St. , S'KX ' ) .
U lots on Hamilton St. , $ IGOO.
lfltonSowni-d8t.$1 J.
Corner lot In Prospect Place. $750.
Corner on f arnatit St..nnxl33 ft. $30,0)3.
2 houses and full lot , 10th near Woh < tcr , $ ,9)00.
y lots In La to'sudd. , ? l,175 nnd $1,20) each.
11 lot nud 0-room house , Izard St. , near 20th ,
* 72B feet on S 13th St. , 811,00) .
3 lots on 24th St. , $ WtKW.
2 lots on Durnttir St. , Jl.OOO.
Ixit on 23rd St , , fl.WO.
Ixt In Nelson's add.(1,703.
House nnd lull tot , barn , well , etc. , on Hamil
ton St. , $1,000. Easytoims.
Oco. P. lloinls 15th and Douglas St * . 873
Foil SALK-ny J. L. Plot-son & Co. , 1500
Farnam M , 2d lloor.
Four choice loU , lloyd's nddltlon.
Gd.xl.i3corner , Jackson St. , business ,
00x14) , Hnrnoy , unimproved.
33x140 , Chicago , house , 4 looms.
60xla ) , Cnpltol uvonuo.
Jrxl"0 : , Cupitol ax onuo , Z houses.
180x100 , Sherman nvcnuo.
40x140 , North 23d st , near car line , house , 8
rooms ; n comnleto homo.
S3x.UO , nbw house , near business , on Califor
nia st , ; possession Immediately.
Patterson Park aero lots.
Lots in Klrkw ood.
Lots In Sunnygidu.
Lots In Hnwthoruo.
100 ncios , near city , a flno farm , at n bargain
If sold at once ,
The bust 10-aero tract In the market.
Call and sco the olmticcs wo Imvo for good n-
vestments. 474-17
Addition. 1309 Farnam btrcct.
JONKS 681-17
HAVK YOU teen Itcdlck's Grove ? If not ,
como nnd look at tlio bo t icsidcnco lots In
west pnrt of lown. Ames , 1507 Farnam. 411
Foil SALK Cheap lotslnllurr Oak , lust east
of Ilanscom Park , near street cars , $75) , easy
terms. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Farnain st. 851
'Oil S ALB uno car mules nnd 10 head of
horses , nt2)7 10th St. 30S-23 *
COMF ANI ) SKK the ncio lots wo oftor. They
c-innot bo mulched In location , pilco or
terms. Ames. 1&U7 1'iirimin. 411
Poll SALK Four lots , cor. California nnd
30th sts. , ! J blocks Trora proposed pnvlnir on
Cuminirsl. , ? 33aucl ? a. > J ouch , 1'ottor & Cobb ,
liS 1'LACK ftota sold to these who want
A ; homes they can pay for. 411
FOHHALis Olbson has for sale lots In Hans-
corn Place , fSOO to S1.SOO.
Gib > on IIHS for salu houses and lots In Hans-
com 1'laco.
Gihson has for sale houses and lots In nil parts
f the city.
Gibson has Impiovod farms and lands In nil
parts of Nebraska tors ilo or exchange.
Gibson has thousands of acres of land In
Western Nebraska for sale from ( J to 51 per
Gibson would llko to see you 1C you want to
buy or sblU
Glbson'sis the place to ll t your property. Cnll
and see him nt ItoomS , Wltlm ll Block , cor. 15th
and Ilarnovsts. SJQ
1 ONKS Addition. ISO'J Farnam street.
tl CSM7
RKUlCIfS aKOVE Natural growth Phado
lots just a mile from postolllcc , 8SOO to
? 1UCKX Ames. 1507 Farnnni St. 411
Tji SALiOne larpro lot , south fiont , In
JD L wo's addition very cheap on favorable
terms Inquire at Y M C A rooms 531-iil *
SAM : Beautiful lots on Irn-in st In the
FOU Itcdlck's OrG o for $1TOO onch ;
tley 111 ho worth $ yQW Inside of a J uar. C. K.
llajno , l.'itli and I'urnuni. 510-20
birLKA"8K ifiloti ill Parke's nddltlon on
F Clailc nnd Sounders Sts. Ames , 1507 Fnr-
uum. 350
BAKOAINS in lmpro\od and unimproved
property. W. H. Orcen,215 S 13th bt. 832
ASIKS PLACK-Chcapcst city lots.
VTKU'POIlT acres make 5 city lota Ames ,
-LNlWJTFurnaiii. 411
-7 O SALK The host east front lots in Haw-
Jj. thorno udd , nt t-750 Thoo. Olsun,218 S 10th
fat 627-21
ONKS Addition. 1339 Farnam sticot.
- 5S4-17
A IMKS ] l LACi : No such lots In nny other lo
cality at the prices asked. 411
.Mi ; JI'LAOK Easy terms ; bettor prices
i-.tliau.unv ether iidditlon gives you. 411
$250 cash will buy a small lioueu with giocory
btoiu. Addiess 1)73 , llauUlllco. 477-20 *
iSKDHJK'S nitOVU XoaiOit unil most do-
J-t ) Blrublolots In this city ; convcnlunt toc.irs ,
'paved ' Btroats , stoics , churches , nud schools.
Sco Iteilick's Giovo. Ames , 1507 I'liinam ft.
ST11KKTS within 110 foot of Hod-
Ick'fl Orovo make this aJdltlon especially
dosliablo ; low pi lees , easy terms. Ames , 1007
Fariinm st , . " 481
'jpVMlSALU Aero lots , fJiso'sadd , , only .
J ? Patter & Cobb , 1315 Fnrnam. 837
> 'ii A"uTiTtIoii. llf/J I'al iinnTsti eel.
JO 581-17
Hit frALIC 1IK foct on Iea\iii\Viith Kt
with Impiovemonts uoitli o\er ? ( iuou..ll'
fold lit once 87 500 will tuko tlio whole U.K.
Mnyuc , 16th and raiiuun. _ 53520
IT ONi : of O i : Muyno's now maps of Douir-
Ins county It U the only complete mad
ovcrmaUo of thoco.nty Th ciulvuls&7.5i.
\ ' bus sold lastor than niiy ncro
properly aver oirci od. Ames , 1507 I'limnm ,
ii > r < JK'H OHOVi- : ! block from 28th street
pchool house , 1'iirii.iin ho paved 5
blocks beyond , bringing liudlck's Qiovo 140 lect
from pa\ud stiects nud cms , Amos , 1507 Fur-
nain Bt. 411
OHHALi : Fino-Jot 1B7 foot deep froitim :
east on Bhuiinun nvo , west on 17th St. 1
block from street car , near 1'opploton'nSJO ! ,
Thco. Olson , 218 SIStliSt _ 5J7-2I
SIIADK In Ho lick's Ore Near
est desirable residence lots. Am .1507
I'urmun , 11
OKOWTII shade trees such AS
j outbid In Hodlck's Orovo are a lurltylu
Nebraska. Hecuio your homo lot In Hodlck's
Uro\obufore prlcoi advance , Amos , 1507 Fur-
num. 411
"rONis : 'A'ddltlonTTKW Fariiam stieor.
d E8M7
FOIt.SALi : ThoOm ihalteal Rituto and Loan
Co. do not ml vorti o ai luigely iisguuiu , but
they liavo just in a list of pioporly as uny
other firm , und It will pay jou to too tnum before -
fore buying. It is manured by olJ and noil-
known lesldonts ot thu city , und nothing but
honorable nnd upright dealing Is Indulge I in.
Their olllco Is UooiniU Wlthnell lilock. ( JoT
KSKItVi : ! ) LOTH in Newport now forsnloat
$ : iOOpvruci0. Ames , 1507 I'urnuin. 411
TTHJH SALK Jj uoro lot , a geol o-room house.
-V ujrocorvstoio , with stables , out-lioiisoj nnd
ottywutQfI near Luivonworth , icnt * 1-JO )
er mo. , price f ' 1,501. TliU H u llrst r.itu Invu -
mont. Omaha Kotil fist'tto k Loan Co. , ltoons :
, \yithncll block. 710
Tnoit SALi : Kii-Bt-class icsUlunoo jiroportr
-U on St. Mary's aro. ; largo lot , good fioiioo
and orl.or innrovemonts ; price reasonable ;
tujms v-V. Cochrau llros. 15/J Farnam. 705
B KDlOK'b Ultovi : , Amoa , 1597 Fainam. 411
1'LAOK , Not n poor lot in the uddl-
31011 SALK-Threo tlno lots In Shlnn's 3d add.
ntf 3M oach. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnum.
liEHIDl'.NCK lots in Itcdlck's Grovo'com-
J l nm nil the attention of those desiring rlcgl-
ble tiomo locations. Bco ItodlcU's Qiovt' .
Ij'Ji ' Furiuiui ,
Jn. KVAN3 co. , 1513 Dodge St. , b vo for
sale In Hnnscom Place ;
Lot ? ,
Coiners ,
Ituslti oss lots ,
lluslnc's Nocks ,
llosldtnro property.
132 feet trackage onNlctiolns St
3Vl fcot trackage on Lonvonworth St
133 feet trackage , to Icnso. on Douglas St
150 fcot traekngo , Doyd's addition , Trackage
westsldo station.
133 foot d. front , I avonwortli St
133 foot sq. corner on Ijcnvonworth St , $2,800
CO feet front on Lonvonworth St. $ OX )
154 feet corner on Lcnvenworth St. $12,000
Corner , now cottngp. Clarendon. $3,230
Conicr 100x112 , Windsor , Just west of Park ,
with now house , bnru , cistern , well , etc , ? 3,800
Uiautlful homo on California St , onstofSinil
St.tnoro than full lot , l.irgo house , fruit , etc. ;
onoof tno l > o t , $9ow
llou ° o and half lot , Hnrhnugh's S > \ add , $ ? , COO
Elegant corner , line cottago. Shhin's ndd , f.1,000
Cottasos and lots , Shlnn's ndd , monthly pay
ments , $1,000 i
A choice line of corner lota south of the R , It ,
tracks. $1,2)0 to $ .1,000
Corner , 2 lotn , now cottatro , $ .1,000
Klcgnnt homo corner of 11 nn < com Pnrk , 4 full
lots , fronting on two streets , now house , fruit ,
etc. llnrenln , $10,000
2 lots , Koster's ndd , monthly payment * , $400
Cholco rpdldonco lots. Marsh Plnco , $1,800
4 lots. Amber IHaeo , n bargain , $ WO
Flno lot , Arbor Plnco ; u pond Investment , $301
It you want lots Inany addition to the city , erIn
In nny particular locality , call nnd look over our
lists before buying. Wo hnvo over $1,000.000 of
ptopcrty situated In every part of the city and
subuibs. 670-10
Illgllargaln Corner In Isaac &
FOHSALK additiononljr I blocks from Lear-
onworth st. , 133x121 , only $1,5) ) . Potter & Cobb ,
1515 Farnnin st. 833
SALi : Lots In Muyno's nddltlon south
FOU the railroad for $300 that cannot bo bent
for beauty and cheapness nny whore , easy
terms. C.K. Muynu , S. W. cor. 15th anil Far-
nnra. 641-20
VTKWPOKT nearest , host acres. See for
J-l yourself that the choice of Newport wo now
oiler. Ames , 1507 Farnam. . SI
ARIKS PLAOK ricst lots for the money In
Omnhn , Sold so thnt tlm man of moderate
menus can got a homo on ensy torms. Sco
Ames Place. Ames , 15)7 Farnam. 411
LOOK IIKUK List your property with ns ,
whether Improved or unimproved city
property , farms , rnnchi ! lMoclts of goods.whlch
you do lroto pell or o\chaniro for ether proper-
y. Million ? & llnrrli , room 11,150 ! ) Fnrnnm.
TTIAIlNAMSTUKKTHtinlKhtouttoSSth street
J ? school house brings you to Hodlck's Grove ;
handsome ground , splendid natural shudo.
Ames , 1507 Farnam. 484
FOH SALi : Or Trade Improved nnd unim
proved lands In Furnas and ether western
counties. Address Win. Slmornl , Arnp-ihoe ,
Furnas Co. , Nob. 275
RKDIUICS OIlOVK-Only JSJ9 to S1.20) for
lots In till1 * location is exceptionally cheap.
All tlio requisites for a flrst-class homo location.
Hco Itedlck's Grovo. Ames , 1507 Fnrnam. 411
ONi : Mil.i : from the postonice. ever paved
niloet1" , will bring jou to ItoJick's Grovo.
Ames , 1307 Piirniini. 481
JONis'ADDITION : Latest and best paved
stioct , elect tic light nntl ovoiythlng Hist
clnsq. The rich and poor allkn delight delighted.
1'JCO ' lots ( ol clothing ) In .lonos nddltlon , 1300
Fainnin St. , ntiuaivclous low pricos.
Men's Suits to order , lit guaiantod . ' ' ) 01
Suits to order , voiy stylish pattoi us. . . . 280)
Stntato eider , lltstcluM in ovciy resiicrt. , 3) Ol
Butts to order , superb styles nud qualities. 35 01
Suits to Older , llnost in tlio land 4000
Punts to Older ft ) , S7 , f3,810 to 1250
Ktiong nnd desirable every day suits 10
Ilusinoss suits , nil wool nnd tastoly 7 0/1
Bt j IMi English worsted suits li ! 00
Splendid llttlng all wool sulls 1500
lluslnoss and ilrcss suits poiloct Illlors. . . . IS 00
Snlrstlm * will please you every time 20 n' )
Munltlcont suits , very ttylUh patterns 23 Wl
Tnllorinndo suits \oryllue " 300
Wedding or lull dro-s suits , elegantly
made Irom tlno Imported gooJs 3000
Men's all wool hair line pants ! ! 00
Men's stylish casslinoro pants 400
Mon's vvonr icslsting pants 500
Pants of modi stylish patorns extant at SO ,
5050nnd TOO
Mon's hats , splendid qualities , In Dunlnp
nt $ ! , M mul 40fl
Men's shlitp , umloiwenr , hosiery , ties , and
rubber coats nud umbrellas , nt prices that defy
If jou npprcclnto four cornered squnro deal
ing nnd honest goods at low in Ices , jou should
visit L. O. Jones & Co. , Economy Clothcrs. 1303
Fin nain street 1303 6317D
F oil SALK lly j.E. nilojHooms 4 and 5 ,
Gninito Illocic.
2 lots in Ilnrtlult's addition $1,050 and 1,25) .
5 lots , llurr Oak , S80) to SOJO.
IllolM , Iloj-d's addition , f.iOOuuch.
2 lots and cottngo,20tli St , near Farnam , $1,00) .
Honso and lot , 20th St. near Farnnin , $3W ) .
TO feet on Hnrnoy near 13th St , $33,0 M.
10 lots near llod and Groun oar Hues , & 039 to
44 foot on Oth nnd Jones Sts . 53,03) .
132 feet on llth St. . nt end viaduct , $12,0)3.
25 lots , Ilanscom Plnco , $750 to $ IT , ) .
25 lots , Hawthorne Place , $100 to $1T > 0.
Hlotu , Hillside addition , $ ; : > 0 to gl.UU.
Slots , Lake's addition , 81,175 to Sl.3)0.
Clots , Marsh's addition , 5775 to $2,3) ) .
1 lot , Nelson's addition , .ITO.
6 lots , Polham Place , $570 to § 5V ) .
Clots , Potter's mldltlon , fitOO to 8700.
aiots , J. I. Uoillclc's addition , S1.W3 to S2,0)0. )
K room house anil lot , S. I5th St , 8300.
House and lot , barn , otc. , S. ir.tli St. $1,5)3. )
Lot on S. lllh St. , near , S1.-35) .
134 foot front on Campbell St , 31,800.
Lots In Sliull's addition $1,200.
6 ION , Shhm'R2nil addition , S751 to 81,533.
Lots In Thorntmrg , $ .Vy ) .
7 lots , Wust Omaha addition , cheap ,
.T lots , Walnut IHU , $173.
House of 4-rooins.2 lots , Walnut Hill , 51,159.
Aero lot , Washington Hill , $750.
6 ncto lota , JMnyfloM , $ JV ) iior ncro.
In addition to tlio nbovo , I liavo a largo list of
holco residence und business lots , also subur
ban ncro piopoitj- .
For sale by J. B. Ulloy , Ilcnl Estate nnd Lonn
Ilrokor , Uooms 4 and 5 , dnxulto Uloclc , 15th Bt.
near Farnam. U3' )
TTIOnSALi : Tn-olotsin Plalnvlow , 3133 each.
-L ? Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fat mini st. 033
INVKSTKJATK the Itcforvod Newport ncro
lots now otfoiod lor tlio Ill-it tlmo. Decide
for yourself ns to tlio merits of this vorj' popu
lar location. Ames , 1507 Farnam. 4t > l
i Slots
on Nichols St. ,
Cunningham & Dunn , 1511 Dodgo.
.soo Will buy u6 room house , lot 00x103 ,
south front ; voijdoslinble loi-allty ; oasj-
tun us. Cunningham lliunimn , 1511 DoOgu.
Foil SALK 75 fcot on Paik avc , $3/300. Cun-
nltighim & IIronnan,1511 Dodgo.
Insldo the
I'ity limit * .
Lots $100.
CnnnliighJin & Ilrcnnan , 1511 Dodge.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $050,000
Suplus May 1 , 1885 . 35,000
H. W. YATKS , President.
A. K. TOUZALIX , Vice Prosldont.
\V. IL S. 1100111:3 : , Cashier ,
. . , . . OIUCCTOKBI _
.r r „
VV. V. Moitra , JOHN S. COLLINS ,
II.V. . YATES , Luwis S , UEHD ,
Cor. 12th Hnd Fnrnnra Streets.
General Iluukliu Uusluojj Tramaotol.
Commission MercMnts
Hoard of Trade , Chnnihcr of Pommoroo ,
. Alllwuukou.
C , MILLER , Y/estern / Business Solicitor ,
hocal IJuslnois ( Solicitor , IUOI
iKr1 And cither * rnlTcilnff from
feNERVOUS dtUutr .u.h.uutliu
fe n < Urunlo dixtavcc * 1'iruiAluii *
'jd'Kline of Toun or old are
/IxwlUTt-Jy cuad by l > r
" itM turA * * II ' ni t f iuoui Lltrlro *
A * Mucurtfo Hilt Tl.'ju.aiilj
In eTorrtl 4 < Ututo In tlir uui' 11 lia\u Wm tunJ
iiectrlrl : "v/lr liuua'l/ t 1'n'tn id ami M IU
Iran Wholt fauilljr can wrar lamt L. It'lrlu
Hu ucii orlitifu vilUjnmtcljUU Aroltl fdrti ii lm
Itatlunc ana boias ivmraultr > Elrclrlr 'i'ruttrv fur
liuplurc. 700 cured lu'US. ftir.J nlii | ! imiut'ilct ,
Short-hand Institute
The Iftrgost , best ami cheapest short-hand and
typo-writing school In Ilio west.
Lcnrn this vnltmblo rt nnJ secure nlucrative
position. Short-hand taught by mall to these
who cannot attend the Institute.
Wo keep on hand n full supply or Pitman s
short-hand tott book * , also type-writer supplies
for particulars send for clioular * to
Valentino's ' Short-Hand Institute
1113 nuil 1120 0 snoot Lincoln , Neb ]
Milwaukee & SI , Paul
The Skorifxiiiie
and Best Route
From Omaha to the East ,
Chicago , Minneapolis. Milwaukee ,
SI. 1'AuU Cedar IlnplJi. Dav jnporc ,
Clluton. Dubuque , llockford ,
llock Island , Freeport , Jnnesvlllo ,
I'.lgln , Mndlson , Lacrosse ,
Hi-mlt. Wlnnnn
Aud all other Important points East , Northo. * !
mid Southeast.
Ticket omco at 1101 Farnam street , ( in Pnxton
Hotel ) . nnd nt Union Pacllla Depot ,
I'ulhnim Sleepers mul the Finest Dining & \ MIn
In the World uro run on the main tines ot the
CiiicAno.Mu.wAUKmi&ST. I'Atiii lUu.w.iv.nnd
every attention In paid to pnssaiifrora by court * *
oiiRomploycs of tlm company.
K. Mli.Lim , Qcnoral Manager.
J.F. Tuonan , Assistant General Manager.
A. V. H. CAiU'ENTEit , Qoniral Passongeriul
Ticket Agent.
Guo. K. IlKAfroiin , Assistant
Ber and Ticket Agent.
r. Nprroin nml PIIT | ( > I nabilltr
Premiiture DsrMlno In Man , Krrora of Youth. , nml tha
nntold mlsorlos rosulllnir from IndNcrotlon nnd ox *
cones. A book lor ovorr rann , yonnir. nilildle-nieit
nnd old. Itcontnlna 12 J pruacrlutlonn for all iictito nnJ
rhronlouBCimG9 | , cncliuno of nhlcli H Invnfnnblo H < >
found liy the niitlinrnlioin ciiiorlonce for II reinl
tuch us pruhublr never uofnrofoll to tlio lot of nn
ph > plclnn : ! IOOpimo9 , bnnntl In benutlful Kroncli inus *
lln.rtnljoa-edcovori , full nllUKuarnnteoit to ho minor
work In ovorytoiMu-moclnnlcjil.lltornry untlprofoi.
eloml tlmnnnr other work In thli country fort.M ! ,
or the money will bo rotund In avery In tnnca. Hrloo
nnlr fl by m'lll , panpali * . . Illuitr Unit sainplo , 0)3.
Honcinow. Uoltlmodnlnwnrdad tlionutUor bytUfi v
tlonul Mcdlrnl Amnclntlnn , to the Ilnn. A. I * , lllmoll.
nml ntsocl'itu onicnra of the bo.irJ tlio realtor Is ro-
( iirctfully rnforri'rt. .
'i'ho hi'lcnoo of Llf * l worth moro to tb. o Toitn nnd
mlddlc-.ieeJmcnof this tronarnllon thin all thaitnM
inlniM of Callfornlniiinl Uiu Bllvorralnoi of Nov.iiU
combined. S. K. Chronicle.
'Iho Science of Llf o points out the rooks und qulok-
pnnda on which the coii tltutlou ami hopoi of m > inr
nyoutiBman Imvo boon fatally wruclteu. iluiioboitor
'Jhoscloncoof Llfoliof uroitor value than till till
modlcnl works published In tills country forthapait
W years. Atlnntii Constitution.
IhoSclonc'eof l.lfo l iisunorb ntm mnstorlr troid-
l o oil nervous aud physical doblllty. Uotrolt k'eaa
1'ro1 * .
Addrcrstho Poiboity MoJIcil Instltulo. or Dr W. IL
1'urkoa.No. 4 llulltlncb Btroot , lloaion. Miss. , who mar
tiocoQSultodon till dlsuuaos requiring aUII hmdoiporl-
cnec. Chnmlonnd obslnntu dUuiuua th li liavo but-
nud the Bktll of nil othcrphyalcluiu Bpuclnltr. Sucli
treated Biicconsftilly wltuout ou I uaUuco o ( lalluri
Mention umaua Uoo.
llr reason of It * central iiorltton andclnio relation to
nil principal llnol l.iuil anil Wet , at Initial ami tur-
inlnal pointn. imiitlttito * the innnt Impottuit mltC
continental link In tliut Hvetrni of thluUKli trnlifrot
tatlon whlcli Invite ami nicllltalrn tiavtl nnd trlina
Ijetweon rltloj of the Atlantic anil IVidflo Ounati 1C
i utfiu the farurlt" nnd brntioiito tuanUfiuin
l ist. NorthOAKt nntl Hnntllnaiit , ttnil corrcBOlUllJg !
| iolnU We t , Noitliwoit unil houthwunt.
The Croat Rock Island Route
OuaiontofB It ; imtroiii tbat nemo of personal coU.
rlty aiToicicil liy a sollrl , thoroimhly l.nllmtcil road-
iiad. smooth traclta ot ooiitinuoua pfpel rail. bubita4l *
t tally liullt cnlttti Is nnd bridges , rolling lee It a near
| iirfui > ll < m on liumait nklll ran malin It. tlio eafotj
appliances ufpttt nt litilTi < riilatrnriiia | ami alr-brakti.
nnillliat oinruuir illnclplluovlilch Knrciiiy tlio urae-
tlcal operation nf nil Iti train * . Oilier n | > aclalll < > of
; ll ) route nr Tranifiiri nt oil rnmmetlnir iiolntu In
Union Uerul . nnd the iinnirpntwMl cuiufaita oud
luxuilosot Its PamonKfr LQuli'inrnt.
Tlie Fait RinrM 'fialn > bptm-en Clilpujrn ajtil
Pcorln , Council Ulurfr , Knniai ( Ity.U.avciiwiiilli nnd
Atehlion ala uotupom-ii nt null rcntllati'il , llnpiv tll >
liolKtpied liny Uoachca MiiKnlllccnt ruilnian fnlnco
bluepoiaof the lutot nc'.lnn , and enmptuoiia Dlnlne
Cjirs , In wnlcii emhoiatcly cooked nipaUfiinleUuiblr
oatin. KctwionClilcuio mul KiininaCltynnd Auiiiiba
uie also inn Ilia Celebrated ItoillulUK Clialr Curl.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
Ii the direct anil faroiltn line Imtwcen ClilcnRoaml
IllnnunpolliundNl. I'aul.nlirru ronnictloin aiulnadu
In Union Depots for all point ) In the Tvriitorlra and
llrltlili I'ruvlncpt. Our tlih louto Knst I.iprtt *
Iraliu nrn nm to the waturl-iir i > lirr , auminnr to.
eoits , iilctiirciqini loonllilm. ami buiiUnc nml Ilklilnc
fjroiin Uof Inwa and Klnnrkntiu It li ulto llio muit
Ji'slraLlarnulotn the ililj wlioat llelda uid uabloiui
lanili nf ind'rlor lllllot r
Htlll anotlirr IHKLUf MKB. vl'x Ftn3n nnd IC a.
uakpe , nan In on npcnnd ljetwin ( 'Inclnimtl , IniHiin-
iinolli ami Laravetir. ami Uniuull lllulta ICnnnnMUIty ,
Mlnnenpollii ami Bt. I'alll anil IntcrinedUji poinlH.
. . ' r netallrn iifoinmtluii tun Alapi nnd Kuldpra.
cibtalnablu , u neil ui tkkot ) , at nil principal 'llclict
OiUco ln tlio United Utaloj ami Cauiulai ur by ad.
Trji't i. Gcii'l M's'r , Ocn'l T'kt i 1'azs. Ao'l
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only rend to take Do * Momoi , Mar-
htilll own , Cedar Hiiili3 | | , Clinton , Dixie. Clilcasro ,
Mlhviuikc'o mul nil points oust. To the iiooploot
Nobuisku. Uoloiiuln , Wj-omliig , Ulah. Ilaho
v.ld , O plOll ! , Wasliiiuton nnd Cullloiiilult
oirerooilpciior udvuntagos not possible by nny
othL-i line
Among n fuw of thi | numerous iiolnts ot supo-
rioiltr enjoyed by thoimiions of this road bo.
twtitiiOnmhu mul CliicuKD , 1110 ItR two tntlnsa
day of DAV CO.U'lU.rt which mo tlm | lnst thnt
human nrt und Intimity i-ju fivnto. Its I' A I , .
At iSUii'IMJ : : : CiltdMi - nin models of
romfoit ivnd ok-jfiuifo. IlH I1ltI < JH 1)H * WINU
IIUUJI t'AUS. mused , nnd Us
utijtii by uny wlilo-
Jy colebiutfdl'ALATIALUINlNt CAH3 , iluJ
ixjuitliif which cannot bo tound clsowhc'io.
At Council lllull * thu ti.iins of the Uniou I'uci-
Ilo Hy. co n net I In Unuin He-pot with these of I hi )
Chicago Noithwostcru Uy. 1 u Chicago the - . .
tiahw of this line niiiko tlo o coiiutotiou wltfi
thosoof ull lUitcrn ( Ini ; * .
For Dctioit.Coluniljii * . Jndlunuiiolls , Cinclu
nntl , Niagara 1'iilU. Hutltilo , I'ltttshiirtf , Toronto
Montreal , Ho.toti , Nuw Vurk , I'hlludelphU , Uil-
tlmnreWu6ttlnglun uud nlliiuints hi thu oust , asi
the ticket tisent for tifkot * vln thn
" "
, , ,
If you wish the bent accommodation ? . Alltloket
Ocucru Mnniuof'Qen. .