Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Barnum's ' Old Thoionghbrcd Stallion ,
"Soda , " Sold for Breeding Purposes ,
\Vlint Has Uccn Accompllslieil Uy tlio
Society in tlio I'ast SK Months
Is Ho Innocent ? Mat-
tcrs of Interest.
Tlio thoroughbred stallion , Soda , was
Bold by Gran Ensign yesterday to John
and Harry Stout for ? ' . ' 00 , and will bo
sent to Louisvlllci for brooding purposes.
Soda wn < i one of the horses used by Bar-
mini in his circus steeple-chases , and
when the show was hero two yours ago
bad a bad fall in tlio ring , breaking a leg
and being otherwise "stovo up. " Ilo was
Klvim to Gran Ensign , who succeeded In
saving tlio animal's life , but could not
euro him of n stubborn lameness , which
renders him unfit for anything but tlio
fltud. It is a singular coincidence that
Miss Mattie Jackson , who rode Sodn at
tlio time of the accident here , anil was
considerably bruised herself in tlio fall ,
met with n , similar mishap in New York ,
where she was riding tlio mare Queen
Anne for Harnmn , about the lime En
sign was selling the crippled Soda.
TIII : HOMK I'oit TIM : riuiNnuss. : :
Tlio Numi-annual meeting of tlie Homo
for llio I' society , just closed in
this eily , was well attended , delegates
being present from Pawnee , llumboldt ,
Johnson , Hed Cloud Valparaiso , 1'latta-
month , Hroek , Slorling , Ilastinj's , Fro-
inont , Unadilla , Broivnavillc , Wavorly ,
Wahoo and Lincoln. Tlio report vt Uj.o
huperintcndent slimvCil t'ip.l ' ( luring tlic
plx mouth" from October 12 to Hie date of
meeting , twenty-seven adults and seven-
ty-four children had been admitted to the
borne. Of these , twenty-three have boon
ilismifHiul and homes found for seventeen.
Mrs. Sabin , tlio medical director , report
ed eight deaths , and said tiiat there had
boon iv great improvement in the condi
tion of inmates , especially the children ,
since tlloy wore moved into the now
building , where they can get plenty of
fresh air , sunshine and warmth. Mrs. A.
M. Davis was elected treasurer to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of Mrs.
Latham , and Mrs. H. II. Wilson was
elected financial secretary , to succeed
Mrs. Davis. The report of the financial
bodretary showed the total receipts du
ring the six months to bo $ l5i.80. ! ! ) ! The
next meeting will bo hold at Lincoln on
October 12.
A Mr. and Mrs. Tridlor , from Indiana ,
have como to Nebraska , for the purpose
of trying to secure the release from the
penitentiary of their son , who was con-
yicted about two months ago in Furnas
county of an attempt at rape and sen
tenced to live years imprisonment. The
old irentloman suys that his son , who is a
married man , of about 38 years , loft homo
with an Indiana colony a few years back
nnd settled in Furnas county. In the
colony was a family whom Tridler had
beaten in a law suit back in Indiana , and
who had sworn to cot oven. Matters
wont along quietly until oarlvin February
lasl , when the daughter of this man had
Tridlor arrested for trying to outrage her.
Ti-ldlnr iM-owiKtnd liU ' _ OCOJlCCi but the
family swore strongly against him , and
be was convicted. The Tridlor family
stand high in Indiana , and when the an
tecedents and character of tlio prisoner
wore looked into after the trial , the jurors ,
fearing that they had made a ml.stako.
drew up a petition for a now trial , and
forwarded it to the old man , with a re
quest to come on , and lock into the case.
Schwart/ Mover havq filed an appeal
bond anil will ask the district court to
revel so the sentence of Judge Parker ,
who lined them ? 25 and costs for selling
liquor to a minor son of John Mhmick.
Tlio case was tried before a jury , who
found Schwartz & Mover guilty as
charged. They made no defense , except
that MSnnick senior had told them to sell
the boy all the liquor ho wantedlift. .
Miiifilck swore on tlio oilier side that she
had repeatedly warned the defendants
not to allow the lad to bavo drinks in
their placo. Mrs. Minnick has n civil
suit for $5,000 pending against the sanio
parties for the loss of her husband's &or-
vices through drink , and a similar action
1ms been brought on behalf of the minor
A deputy sheriff came down from
Hastings Thursday night to hunt up
some cattln thieves , but Lincoln whisky
got him into a bad row at the St. Charles ,
during which ho drew a knife- and
tlirontoni'd to the
carve bar-keeper.
Marshal Beach took care of the rustler
and then started on a midnight search
for the thieves , but failed to find them.
Complaint has been made bv Samuel
Thompson before Justice Cochnuio.
charging James Mclntoo and Patrick and
Michael Shea with setting 11 ro to the
prairie north of the town , 011 the 20th of
Mrs. Ivingman and son have severed
their homo ties in Nebraska and gene to
California to live.
\Varron llunion , of Geneva , has put a
squad of fourteen drivers and teams at
work on a Missouri Pacific grading con
tract near this city.
Amanda Pembroke , the girl who ran
away from Ottawa. 111. , with John Gross
and enmo to Lincoln to Jive , was taken
back homo by her father , when John's
arrest and Imprisonment loft her penni
less in a strange land. A few days ago
Mrs. Gross mot the giddy girl on the
fitreot , and an Ottawa paper says that fern
n few minutes tlio air was full of hair ,
Rhrieks and tattered millinery , Amanda
finally boating an undignified retreat.
John having served his thirty days' son-
toneo in the county jail , was released
William Dovcraux is another Lincoln [
man who has found California moro at
tractive than Nebraska as a place of resl
donco , He has sold his O street store ilto
James Kelly and gene wes > t to grow up
with tlio country.
Mrs. P. J. Nichols and daughter Gracie ,
of Omaha , arc guests at the Commercial. :
It was a progressive euchre party that
called Mayor Burr away from the cases
of state at the council meeting , and 03.o
diiced him to surrender the ilirono to
Captain liillingsly.
Dr. Spcaro dtodat the Trcmont honso , ,
about 0 80 yesterday morning , after a i'O
days' illness from heart disease. Ho as
n.single man , about 83 years of ago , and
came to Lincoln in 1681 , from Chicago ,
hanging out his sign over Carpenter As
Stein's drug store on P street , where ho
attained a good pruntlco , His parents '
who live at Detroit , Mich. , have been
notified of his death , and the remains are
hold nero subject to their orders.
Farley A ; Co. , the bucket shop men
from Omahn , have opened n branch 311hi
ono of the Commercial hotel stores hin
P street.
The contract for furnishing linn
bor for the packing house to
ho built at the West Lincoln stock ok
Yards has been awarded to It. A , Handy
* t $7,100 ,
Architect Hawkins , n now arrival by
the way , from \VHkesbarro , Pa. , is preparing
paring plans for a church building for
the First Baptist society.
Heal estate in Lincoln continues to
change bunds frooly. Yesterday Count t.\
Cleik Boll t.oe
rcportou fifteen deeds handoc
in for record in which tlio consideration
eggrogatod $23,480.
' The Bunch of Koya company gaye a
very enjoyable performance to ft largo
amiionco at the opera housa Thursday
night. The next attraction is the cele
brated Boston Quintette ou Monday
evening ,
CitrKditor Lincoln , of the Democrat ,
rcceivcel a telegram from friends in Now
York yesterday stating that his brother
had been found dead lu his room in that
city. The deceased was employee ! ou the
American Agriculturist. The particulars
of his death we-rc not given , but Mr. Lin
coln inclines to the belief that it was
caused by heart disease.
John Kincholla has been appointed on
tha paid lire department , to fill the
vacancy made by the sudden resignation
of Carr Kindle , driver of the hose team.
Tlio animal meeting of tlio Nebraska
Division of the Traveler's Protective
association will bo held at the ollico of
the Nebraska Implement company , in
Omaha , on the 15th of May at 8 p. m.
Mrs. K. T. Roberts has returned from
Kansas where she was summoned some
weeks ago by the serious illness of her
The rain fell in sheets nil day ycslor-
day and but low people were on tha
streets save those compelled to hustle for
bed and board.
Mr. Chute , of the Stewart-Chute Lum
ber company , drove a gang of tramps
out of tha yards Thursday night. Tlio
villains showed their resentment nboitt 4
o'clock yesterday morning by setting
lire to the ollicc building. The firemen
vvcro on hand in time however , and the
Humes were quickly extinguished. The
loss will uot exceed'$160.
L. C. Humphrey , Bennett ; J. M. Rich-
arils , Omaha : J. G. Southard. Bennett- .
K. Inglolmrdt , Omaha : E. I ) . Webster ,
Stratton ; H. K MeGlntio , Wilbor ; U. K.
Wells , Sovvard ; A. Alice. Omaha ; J. J.
llalligan , Ognlhila ; William C. Lane ,
Oinalm ; George M. Humphrey , Pawnee
City ; A. 11. Bishop , Omaha ; W. S. lluek-
art , Weeping Water ; Lewis \V. \ U.ill ,
York ; J. Farley and I ) . V. Miller , Omaha ;
John F. Dillon. Charles A. Boyd and II.
T. Clark , Omaha ; J. W. Wooils , York ; A.
y , McUunnM , Dfftaiit.
Don't hawk , and llow , and spit , but
use Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remcely.
News From Silver City.
SinvRii Cm' , April 10. As your paper
has n large circulation here and you have
no regular correspondent , 1 thought I
would send you a few items that the rest
of the world might know that there was
such a place as Silver City , and that it is
a witlo awake little town whoso business
men are pushing and energetic , and are
bound to got to the front. Ono of those
days wo will move the county seat over
hero from Cocnvilla , and let that old
town die a natural death.
W. C. Svvarts now sports a line watch
that ho received from the BEE. He says
it is a good timer.
These big rains nro keeping the farm
ing baolc considerable.
Hcman Harmon has disposed of his in
terest in the house of Taylor & Hat mon ,
nnd will soon go to Kansas where ho lias
purchased a largo farm. Dame Rumor
says ho will take a wife with him.
Our business men hero say that Silver
City handles more grain and stock than
any other point on the Wabash.
Last Wednesday Mrs. W. II. Foster and
her little daughter Nellie drove over to
her brother's , noitr town. Mrs. Foster
got out of the buggy to open the gate ,
nnd the horses became frightened and
ran away , completelv demoralizing the
. .y > lnl lUQkily liltlo Nfll eaiue out of
thoTackot without a scratch.
The storm last Wednesday elonc us no
particular damage.
Fruzor & Bcnton anil Allison it Taylor ,
our " shipping firms , are receiving lots ot
Tlio BEE has a largo circulation at this
oillco. It is read by everyone , irrespec-
ivo of party.
Our city is ono saloon short now , and
probably will bo shorter soon. J.
Death of Noah Miller.
Mr. Noah Miller , whose illness has
jcon noted from time to time , died yes
terday afternoon about 1 o'clock. Ho
liad been ill for about three mouths , but
it was not until recently tho.t his condition
was doomed dangerous. His father and
mother , living in Kingston , Mo. , were in-
formcel.ot his condition , and have boon
here some time in attomlanoo , and were
by his bedside at the last. Ho was about
23 years of ago. and had boon in the cm-
ploy of Z. T. Lindsay < & Co. as their trav
eling salesman. The body will bo taken
to Kingston to-day for burial tnere.
Personal Paragraphs. .
W. A. Highsmith , of the Union Pacific ,
leaves this morning for Waterloo , Iowa ,
on a visit to his relatives there.
Mr. C. Hcndrio is slightly improving ,
and has been able to ride out a littlo. His
son , Mr. Frank Hcndrio , of Denver , is
hero in attendance upon him.
Alderman Straub has returned from
his California trip.
Mrs. Zcrbor. of Burlington , is in the
city visiting Mrs. E. W. Jackson.
lownns were plenty in the city yester
day. Auionc them wore : C. U. Bolter , is
Logan : F. Brown , Carson ; D. M. Wil
liams , Tabor ; T. N. Hanford , Irwin ; Geo.
Umphroy , Manning ; W. D. Gibson , Ir-
The marrlago of Prof , W. S. Paulson
and Miss Isabel M. Fairman , whicii oc
curred Thursday evening , calls forth
hearty congratulations from many
friomis. Prof. Paulson , as principal of
the Western Iowa college , has shown
himself to bo a most successful educator
and a true gentleman. Ho has won an
accomplished lady , who is hold in the
highest esteem in this city. Rov. Dr. Me-
Croary , pastor of the M. E. church , olfici-
atcd. the ceremony taking place at the
residence of the bride's parents , No. 100
North First street
E. J. Vorby , from Maploton. fowa ,
slopping . . . at . tlio . , . Koil . . . . hotel , swallowed a
ft.l.ll'1. ! ' _ . _
fiddle key last night. It stuck1 in his
throat. A physician was called and had
to cut it out. Ho came very near dying.
The fiddle is all right.
Tha Greatest Medical Triumph of tha Ago I
Uoweli costive , 1'alu la
the bead , wllU a dull ontallon In llio
back purt. 1'uln tinrlor llio boulder *
blade , 1'ullneia after tailim , wltUndU. less
locllontlouta ezcrtloaaf liadr oriulnJ , for
Irrilbllli7orienjper , I.oiv spirit * , wllU
feoUucorbnTlnnueclcrtcd aamoilutr ,
licart , lo ( before tbo eye , llcnilacbo be
over the vlgbt ejrei lte tlc noi , rltb
fitful ilreanii , Illahlr colored Urlue , uoJ
TtJTT'S 1'IZ < X,8 are especially adaptad
to lueh cases , ono close oirccta eucli a
Tberlncrcaie the Appetite , ana cause tno ily
body V > Take ou FJoih , tliu ( ba ( tem U
uonrldicil.nnil tiyUielrToiilo Action on
tliaI > Ulc tlveOrgaiiiillei < uiaritaol > are
- - -
--T.- -
' was
IteuoTutej tlio bodruakos hmilthy flesh. no
strengthen * tbo weak , ropaln the wastes of
Vie system with pure blood unj hard muscle ; kapl
tones the nervous nvbtom , InTlporates tha
brain , aud Iruparfs Oiu > kor : of tnanbood.
91. Sold br
Uurf rSt. , oiv Vork.
V-P *
Jfttc York Srin ,
Near that dim threshold where death lurks In
To clutch thocrown of seasons lent delayed ,
Iy ) weaklings' base desertion undismayed
Ilo stands , majestic , by the load of state
Unbowed , undaunted , equal still to fate.
Not rank , nor wealth , uor prcjtulico ar-
Nor halo ! nor hope may make his soul
afraid ,
Whoso fruit of aim Is certain , ripe though
When the'bravo falter and the strong grow
.cold ,
With hand unshaken by nll-ralsylne ago
He writes the word of Justice on the age
Where Wromr tor generations hath been
. "crolled.
Ohl nation-shaking tonfruo , on I volcootcold ,
And heart that vcars nor seasons may make
cold I
Land of pure women nnd heroic men ,
Who .o sons thiough ngc-loiiff darkness
braMily giopu
To pluck the llowcr of long too hopeless
hope ;
Dvvollcis In lonely huts by bog ami fen ,
Still licico to dt Ivo the robbers from their den ,
Still aiming straight at .v our Immortal scope ,
With old and new or foes still stanch to
When dawns now near your day of triumph ,
When hymns are chanted and when thanks
me bald
To all w ho loved vou In the darker days
Whe-n the full nloiy of a people's praise
To light thiough lingering nlglit and tempest
Shines like the front of heaven among the
dead ,
Weave then the Immortal wreath for that
white head I
r.impndoiiisilks aio in favor for trains.
Uelicalo Mad i.13 silk Is used for drapery.
I'mbroldercd tulle will bo In high favor for
ball toilettes.
llright red jackets will bo specially popular
with young ladles.
beaded with dull pearls Is exceedingly
Orange ] is to bn the leading color of tlio
coming season abroad.
Beaded gioiiadlnes with cashmere effect
haveliuitoriloral designs.
Vests of bugles have high collars and have
small jabots of lace at the side.
Lomrwiaps will bo worn only for travel
ing and rainy weather this spiing.
Crimson guipure lace , foi ty inches wide ,
has narrow edging to correspond.
Bnttcilllcs and blossoms of chcnlllo aio
sold ready to bo applied to net or tulle.
Tlio Austilan colors , black and yellow ,
picdominatu In millinery and paiasols.
A led cloth house jacket can bo vvoin by a
mation with perfect piopiiety , If becoming.
Jetted Figaro jackets nro slashed acioss the
chest , showing nulled plastrons of bright col-
Beads are used in gicaler profusion than
over and rival in their tints the gems of "Or-
muz and the liul. "
Cashmeie , navy blue , cardinal and brown
Spanish guipure Is much employed for diap-
oiy and trimming.
Plain silk skirts will bo worn with polo
naises ot cambiic or sateen with pompadour
or loulard designs.
Double-breasted jackets of plaid wool In
.shades of eciu or blown aie worn with black
orcoloied dicsses.
Short loose jacket fronts opening over long
pointed waistcoats are seen on some of the
new spiing street dresses.
The hello of Butte , Montana , wears a shoo
fourteen Inches long ami has been teudcied
the captaincy of a base ball nine.
A woman made-the first orange box in
Califoiiiin , ami has built up an industry that
now amounts to TjO.OOO noxos annually.
The iriopiessiblo jcisoy is protean In its
foi ins. It is hardly to bn rccogni/ed , so
Mnboi.Uq is it in design and "eiiiichnient , "
The bridal diess of the Piineess Enlalle of
Spain cost SM.OOO. The material was prob
ably a Urge check and it was made up with a
bullion train.
Vnlenclennc. Clmntilly and gnlpmo laces
are so skillfully moduced by the loom that
scaicely any ono but an expert can distin
guish tlio real fiom the Imitation.
Folly lorn ? drawn was exemplified at a
recent royal wedding in Vienna , where the
principal ladies in attendance were dress
trains liom thirteen to nineteen feet long ,
Over2,000 women me compositors in Paris ,
and are giving the male printers n good deal
of trouble bo-auso of low priced labor.
Book work Is going to Paris on this account.
Shoulder capos and netted silk and brails
coin-spending . ju col'ntjt tlic. SilkIl.rTo filglr
cpllaisaii. ! jirouiiKeit with deep points bor-
tieicd with rosary beads of the same tint.
"I llkesmait women well enough , " said
Fcndcihon , "but 1 wouldn't caio to many a
woman who know moro than I did. " "And
90 , " suggested Fogg , "you have beenfoiced
to remain sinjrlc.'r
"t bless Eve for eating that apple , " said a
young lady the other day. as she stood before
thumiiror. "Why ? " asked a companion. "Bo-
ciuibt ! there Is such a delight in trying on a
new dress when It lits well. "
Josopii Cook recently said that every one
.should have an aim In life. Wo presume Air.
Cook does not allude to women. An aim In
llto wouldn't do them any good. Thev would
never hit It. anyway , unless they Improveu
very much In their throwing.
Crazy cloth appear this year lu extraordi-
naiy vailoty. It is easily put In order when
soiled , as It requires no lionimr , owing to Us
ciape-liko surface. It is to bo had In every
shads of plain color without tigurc , and also
wltli cream white ground covered with deli
cate designs.
"How does my wives take my Incaicora-
tionV" asked a convicted Mormon of a
biotlier. "Snsio cries her eyes out ; Jon nlo
bad at times ; Martha doesn't seem to care
very much ; Sophlo says she Is point : back to
her parents in Tennessee , while Eugene Is
already engaged again. "
Some of the latest Paris styles of halr-
drosslng are exceedingly graceful. The hair
waved ami Is airanged on the top of the
head. Tight locks caress the forehead below
the wavy masses of hair , arranged pompadour
fashion , and adorned with jeweled lloiir-de-
lls. Ono or two long loose curls stray down
the back of the neck , as was the fashion ten
year.s ago. Another style has the hair waved [ 1
over the head , with loosly twined cells of
hair covering the back of tlio head.
Itough-niid-ready straw bonnets , In golden
brown , dark bine , and black , are sot foi tli for
Kaplercar , to accompany the stylish tallor-
inadu suits of clothctamlno , or fancy biiltlmr.
The pe.ikud or coionet hi iius nroco\cied w 1th
vchot , and clustery of whlto lilac , piimroses ,
hyacinths , jonquils , chciry and peach blos
soms , and other seasonable ilo\\crs , mo
massed upon the front of thubonnnt , mingled
with wood mosses , ilbbon grass , water cross
and other greenery. Flower bonnets mo
again in high fashion , these made of tiny
fipiing blossoms devoid of folllage and a
brim otelet with very narrow strings to
Tlu-oo Cus-Tomcrs.
The circus , tint cnucus.'tho crocus-
Three curious ciistomeis they I
They bud aiuMhey bloom In the focus JU
Ot spline's warm and Iciigthciilnggray
Some mm cliculato with the circus
And others In caucuses cioak
Tney nil unrelentingly work us
Till bankrupt In temper or "broke. " CO
Theciocus , the circus , the caucus- w
Quite curious customers all , Hi
They como with a spring just to walk us to
Moro bwittly along to a iall. lei
This Is a bad year for gieat men to dlo un 1C
they leave funds enough behind to pay 1)1
their own monuments , EtlWl
The piospect of the strawberry crop this Wl
season Is that the bottoms of the boxes will
men neaicrtho top than usual.
A poet asks , "Why are thy spirits thus
concealed ? " Because this bar Is positively of
closed on Sunday unless you know the
If the present battle of Shlloh Isn't speed
brought to a close , there will ba a largo
number reported among the missing. " And
they will all bo magazine readers.
John lUiskln'b poem , "The Last Smile , "
probably written January 1. after he had
s\\oi n olf. ' The Firbt Smllu1' w hlch followed
next : day has not been published.
Agnyapi hmlyanna taku waskuyeca otrna-
Is the Dakota tor plu. Let us not carry
civilization too far. Fancy getting up the
menu tor u dinner of teh o coursed. ,
An Irish magistrate ashed a prisoner if ho
was mnrrlcd. . "Nd , " replied the nun.
"Then , " replied His Worship , amid peals of
laughter , "It Is ajropd thing for your wife. "
Captain DoWltt.Wallaco , of Lafayette , Intl. ,
is the author of 'a ridvol shortly to appear ,
called 'Love's Ladder. ' It evidently docs not
refer to love at UrsUlght , for that usually
begins with a pair of stares.
Boston lady "HaVo you seen nur Mr. Sul
livan us Alex defying the lightning , Mr ,
Knickerbocker ? " Mr. lviilcla'rbocker-0h ,
} es , I saw him defy ing the lightning only
last week In Now 1 ork , and , In my judgment ,
the llclitnlng vvas'gcttlng ' way the best of It , "
Mcchanlcsbun ; , ' Pa. , boasts of a man who
can "lill nis mouth with water and blow It
out of ids cars. " A man who can blow his
mouth out of hit , after filling It with
water , should bo on exhibition In a dime mu
seum. All the talent In this country is not
centered In Boston.
"I don't know what you mean by not being
an Irishman , " said a gentlemen who was
about hiring a boy , "but you wcto born In
Ireland. " "Och , your honor , ii that's all , "
salt the boy , "Small blame to that. Suppose
you cat was to have kittens in the oven ,
would they bo loaves of bread ? "
An article In nn exchange is headed ' 'The
damps Cut Her in Two. " This Is rather
startling nt first glance. The cramps often
double her up , or tie her ami him. too In a
bow-knot ; but tha attack Is seldom sharp
enough to cut him or her In two , although It
may prove fatal. Upon reading the article ,
however , wo lind that the Cramps icferred to
areA the siilp-bulldcis , and the "hoi" a vessel.
A New York man having Invented nn olec-
hlc Kim took It to London to luiioduco It to
the British public. The other day , while
.showing the cun , ho shot himself dead with
It.Hid We don't know what kind of an argu
ment Is required to convince the British pub
"e , hut looking at the matter over a broad
expanse | ; of laud and water , vvo think the
gun dues all that Is required of It , and moro
too ,"
H. F. Amlcison and Maud Melville , of the
vVllber Comedy company , were lately mai-
licdnt Jackson , Mich.
A Georgia woman stopped a wedding be
cause she was Intciesti'd to the extent of
having paid for the gloom's clothes with the
idea that she was to be the hi Idc ,
The late ajul most imnnrio ; 0cleh'
Tievvj tiom at. Paul Is that Jo-Jo , llio dog-
faced liiisslaii boy. Is engaged to Kce-lioo ,
the Mlchluan dog-faced girl. The wedding
will occur in Now I'ork in July.
Swedish papers are talking of a possible
match between Prince Oscar dimlcs , second
.son of the king of Sweden , nnd the Pilncess
Louise ol Wales. The pilnce , who Is duke
ol Gothland , will presently visit Cnghnd.
The Now York Join nal In an mtlcle , "No
Time to Marry , " conclusively set * lortli that
tlicio nio actually over a hundred thousand
young men mid maidens in the cltv of Now
Voik alone who hnvo llteially no time to
mai ry.
A certain good clll/cn of Sanborn county ,
I ) . T. , whoso wedding day had been ap
pointed , chanced to bo drawn on the grand
jury , and was obliged to .spend the day sot
apait for his wedding in the service of his
magistracy announced that If elected ho
would chaigo only SI for marrying any cou
ple , and would wait until theio was a "chris
tening" tor his payment. Ilo lett the ilval
candidate in the shade.
"There is no truth , " uavs the London
Truth , "In the icpott that the duke of Poit-
land Iscngascd to bonmrriPil to a young
lady Irom New York. Theduko is not en
caged to anj body ; and has no picsout inten
tion of changing ills condition. "
Tlio 15cv. J. U. U'inclicstci's being de
tained at Hawklnsvllle by the flood , whoio
ho went to marry n couple , recalls a iact that
when the llov. Jossu Boiing , of the Method
1st chinch , inarrietl his Hist couple he had to
swim a swollen cieelr to icach them. His"
leo was S2. . " > 0 and a vvrlgonload of pumpkins.
[ Macon TelPniKph.
At Rome , Tex , , lately theie was a wedding
at the odd hour of , 3 a.m. , without giving any
vvhisorwherpfoic ! ) , and a local correspond
ent vviites to the Forth Worth Giuette : The
usual , quiet , . . of _ oui'town . . . was distuibcd jester-
day ijioinlng by llio anuOUiiCC0nt | | | of the
iniunaco at 3 o cjijck a. in. of Mr. W. W. Moi-
ristoMIss Lulil Cates. The noble gentle
man and his elegant brlelo have thn hearty
congratulations o ' the citizens. Wo wish
them a happy ami piospcrous vovagc on the
' *
sea of life.
Two reports as to the president's matri
menial Intentions came from Washington on
the same day last week , and now another one
trains currency by reason of some siossip in
Troy , N. Y. Fiist it was said that Mr. Cleve
land would many on Albany belle. Then It
was reported tlmt ho would never mary , because -
cause lu his early lite ho had had some soinei
such disappointment as tlmt which made a
con lu mod bachelor of James Buchanan.
Novy a youn lSr X JJevv YprX says tu
gllflls tn jSririyT.iln liciself and that the the
ceiemony wilt take place during the piescnt
- -
voar '
Atonrhlnc little incident occurred at the
Van Cleve Uoldun wedding Monday , One
of the elf ts to the bi hie of 50 years was a very
pictty out old-fashioned '
lady's gold watch ,
and it was observed that upon none of tliu
presents did the General and his wife look
with fonder eyes than upon this. The story
leaked out that tills was the very watch
which , nearly 50 years ajro , Lieut Van Clove
had presented to his bride. In the "tight
times" which followed it was found nccchsa-
ly to dispose of the watch for "ready money , "
which was then a scaico article. And so the
watch was sold. Tlio pmcliaser had always
saciedly preserved It , and was able cense
quently , at the golden wedding , to make one
of this most delightful gifts of the day.-St. [
Paul Pioneer Press ,
In Pails bodies aio cioiuntcd for 81. They
must in n much to earn little.
A clergyman in Chester county , Pcnn. , has '
struck tor higher pay , refusing to preach un
til his salary Is lalscd. Jay Gould is not a
member of Ids church.
Sitting on his mother's Inp one summer's
evening watching the jilay of the llclitnlng ,
alittlothieoyearold boy asked : ' Mamma ,
is God striking matches In the sky ? "
The natives of the Congo arc threatened
with a famine this sammer , ; and close upon
tills dismal announcement comes the news
that twenty missionaries have sailed ior
Ati lea.
It is said that the revival meeting In Chi is
ago : was opened the other evening with the
jnging ot a hymn ontltlcd "Jesus Is Cnl-
kaiTo. Ing" " to the "Tit Willow" fiom the "Ml-
vuuu *
Chaplain Mllburn now makes prayrs six
minutes long. Some of the words ho uses
areas long as the ontlro prayer used to lie.
The dictionary and the gavel will have to bo
used on Mr. Mllburn If ho does not do better.
A crank In Montana Is preaching a nnw nis
gospel. Ha says that black Is the devil's
color , and no one who vvc.iis black can enter
tin kingdom of heaven. "Mark my words , " try
howe says , "any man who will deliberately
wear black clothes has a black soul , and of
would rob the widow and the orphan. Boy
coLe all men nnd women who wear black. The
Lord hath spoken through inc. Selah 1" the
oCountiy minister , to'tnimor ' You nnd your her
good wife , Mr. Hayseed , don't get in for Sun
day services as ottPn ns I would Ilka to bee
| Jan J ure
you. Mr. Hayseed I was coin' to hitch up
an' drive In Ins' Sabbath , wit It lalned.
did you .proach rthoutV Minister My text
was. "Feed My I ambs. " 1 attempted
JUhe . IIlyseed Is that KO ? I'd like to have
hecrd that sermon. Jest at this season ot the
year a farmer vvlml'keqiS sheep can't know
tee iiiurli 'bout foctlin' J mbs.
Two ( pretty quick-witted minds came in '
contact when tlio Jtov , , Dr. Vincent Intro- is
emced at Clmutauqijii a Chicago cleruyimm it
whovvns ! to Iectur upon "Fools. " The pio-
liiiilnfuios mo thus , mpbitfid : "Wo are now
have a lecture upon fools by one [ a veiy
long pause nnd lou l hujghtci fiom the nndi-
elicit , when the president concluded with the
saving clause ] of tlui wisest men in the coun
try. ; " The lectuier advanced to the desk and
lespondcd : ; "I am not half bo big n fool as
Dr. Vincent [ another very long p.uiso ami and
still moro heaity laughter from the audience ] Dr.
would have you suppose. "
The activity of the tompornnco folks in U )
Massachusetts has incited tliu liquor men
that stale to form an organization Ing
which will bo called tliu Massacnusctts Pile
Protective Liquor Dealers' , Brovvois1 , Dis
tillers' and Clerks' association. Accord
ing to the constitution , no disreputable
person , no one who sulls to minors , no
keeper of n house of ill-fume , no ono
under 18 years of go , and only such
druggists as pay an annual forfeit of $50 ,
will be allowed to become members.
Tho-most enicaclous stimulants to c.xclto Old
thouppctlto aie Aniroaturu Illtturs
, pio-
paredbyDn-J. G. B , Siegert & Sons. IJo-
vvaro ot counterfeits. Ask your gtocer or
druggist for tlio genuine tu tide.
uiuu bt.
In an cgir-sucklng match In Iowa , recently ,
the victor disposed of sixty-live eggs.
A four-year-old cow In Kentucky Is the
mother ot ten calves twins , triplets nndn
Tlio largest authenticated snake over seen
was a forty fpet long anaconda , vv hlch had
swallowed n horse.
A boy at C5era,0ermany , died of blood pols-
ilng in consequence of plavlng with a cat
which hod just killed a rat.
A fir tree cut down on a ranch near Santa
Kosa , Cal. . contained. Inside of the trunk ,
eleven gallons of line balsam of fir.
A pig born at Athens has eight well devel
oped legs and foot , three ears and two bodies
joined at the floating ribs but only one brad.
A cat at Orlando. Tla. . has adopted two
young rabbits , and appears to bo PS fond of
them as of her kittens , with which they play.
A bar-room cat on Coney Island road
hatched n brood of live little chickens. She
was very fond of them at first , but soon
grew weary of them.
A cat belonging to J. AI. Dlckson , of Fny-
ettcvlllt' . ( la. , lias adopted four young squlr-
icls , and appears to be as fond ol them as If
they were her own kitten ? .
A cow snake , six feet long , was ciught
stealing chickens at Albany , ( .la. It had
eaten throe little chickens and was trying to
swallow an old hen when klllc.l.
A boy living within sight of Plymouth
Hock welched. 01 pounds ( nt last accounts ) ,
though he Is only t-1 years old. lie has
giovvn nt the latoof llfty pounds a jcar o
A child was boin In Tennessee last week
that weighed but two pounds. Us head is
about the sire of a goose eirg , while its aims
mo no i laigcr than the index linger of an
nil ul .
Maj. Ballard. of Madison. ( ! n. , killed a
white crow amid a ( lock ot black mutes. It
was perfectly white , with the exception oC
Its head , which was as black as those of the
other ciovvs.
LMIjah Lane , the tallest man In the state nf
New Hampshire , was in town to-day. Mr.
L.ino Is fiom Keene , and is 0 leot 8 Inches In
height and weighs 'J10 pounds , lie spoke of
hlmscll as "ono ot the long lanes that 1ms no
turn. " ( Snutog.j Join unit
PctGf Yv'aie , of Washington , ( la. , found
five young foxes the other day whoso cyrs
wcio not yet open. Ho took them home and
turned them over to a dog whoso young pup
pies had just been killed. She rceoiv ed them
kindly , and seems to think as much of them
as though they weie her own little ones.
Mow To not Fat.
( The Phils. Medical Bulletin. )
Iicannoqs of the body Is a thing to bo
avoided 011 the ground that any dopnrturo
f om c6u < lltlons which are natural must
certainly prcdISppscs tha body to dtBeaso.
Ono of the first positive evidences of the
development of the conditions which lead
to consumption , Is thn knowledge that the
botly > Is throwing off in nn undigested
forhi , the fat that Is taken into the stpiu
nob. i'Ula Is followed by a Iocs In qnnn-
tlty and quolrty df tna blood and corres
pending loss In flesh. In those cose ,
there ns truly exists consumption ( thouRh
there may not bo necosaarlly consumption
o the lungs at tU beginning ) as In any
case that ever existed.
Loan persona are the only ones who
furnish material for the quick develop
ment of iniuiy ailments. SiiBCoptlblHty
to changes In thb weather , feeble diges
tion , limited atrongku and enar'ay , ncr-
vousneaa and disturbed sleep , soon lead
to gome serious dlsoaso. Another pppu-
Int fall ljioy wltli lenn persons IB , trfat tbey
must niicesfenr. | ly always remain lo/in JjcV
nuse tholi ; patents have perhaps slidwn a
tendwc > , pt rtua Wnd.
These loan persons d
tohdoucy to Itoporfect notion of the di
gestive functions. For the euro of this
difficulty , tnnny medical antborltloe have
agreed that a pnre stimulant Is the best
thing. A stimulant which can bo united
with nil < jf the beet things which enter
Into nil ordinary diet may wall be con
sidered n desirable onp. This is secured
In a pure male whlMtey , as It cnn bo naed
with inllli , fltrg" nnd with food at meal
Ora _ l _ . $ . _ _ It } , ' QDWfi.Ver _ _ _ _ _ not * only deslrnbio .
% *
-t > a ffTi !
but abioltt'toly necessary ft gut the best
results , that whiskey known to Bo
free from fusel oil and all other
adulterations should ba used. The chief
difference ) in stimulants of all kinds Is
the percentage of alcohol and. by diluting
whiskey , which contains the greatest
per cent , any percentage can bo obtained
to snl ( any taste , Tbo special properties
of a pure inalt whiskey ara not destroyed
by being diluted ana sweetened , and la
this way inany pefsqns who cannot nsa
alcohol In any other form , can use
Duffy's rrmlt wlilglcav jJ S. fllBj
Cflicioi" * JJ" " Yiiiott ffft xmj BOJO pro
prietors of a& Resolutely pure malt
vrhlskby free from fufiel oil and all adul
teration * . Tbo comoany Is furnishing
constantly an abundance of testimony
that by the nee of their whiskey taken
three times a day at meals , a marked.
constant and permanent Inereoio In
has teen , obtained by parties sufforlna from
lounDens. stiBpoaea to bo uoausoptililo to aujr
other nEeuo > .
A farmer of Ithaca , N. Y. , had to defer
the completion of touio important legal
papers the other day because , after try-
me for twenty minutes to recollect the
full name of his wife ho failed to do so.
Anna Leo Wilson , of Memphis , strapped
her haby to her breast and jumped into
the riyer. In a pathetic letter found on
the doael body of the young mother were ;
those vyortls : "God , deal as gently with
an erring and broken-hearted girl ami
her innocent little baby as you can.1'
For infant's toilet is an indispensable or
iole , healing all excoriations immediate-
Mothers should use it freely on the
ittlo ones. It is perfectly harmless. For
ale by druggists.
The finest tiger in America , it is said ,
was received at the Philadelphia Zooloc-
ical gardens Saturday. Ho is one of tlio
throe cubs horn in the Antwerp Garden
1883 , and i.s not yet four yours old. He
remarkably well elovolopotl for his
age , weighing about 400 pounds. His
head is enormous. ly
The Mansion House London Relief
committee gives tlio following us rates of
remuneration paid to women : Shirts , It
cents each ; llannel drawers for Chelsea
pensioners , til cents a do on ; lawn tennis -
aprons , elaborately frilled , 12 cents a
do/en. Such are the blessings to u coun
ot an overflowing population , the ah-
sonco of which in Franco a certain class
Frenchmen are contimlly deploring.
Massachusetts has expended $90,000 , in
last twenty years in trying to stock
ponds and rivers with nsh. In the cu
rivers the ofibrt proves a complete failure
, and so fur as trade ro.sults are con
cerned the reports are discouraging ,
Ponds leaded and protected by sporting
clubs hayo been successfully utookod ,
and that is about all.
It is n mooted question whether tlmsmi-
light falling upon nn oriilnury wood lire
ri'tanls the progress of combustion. This
a popular notion , and ono writer bays
looks us if lire burned feebly
when the sun shines full upon it. It is
now alleged by sciontilic men that tlmro
may bo some inlliieiico produced by the
action of the chemical rays.
A Hiiro euro for Blind. Bleeding , Itchin
Ulcerated Piles Jus beun dlscovoiod by
. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A single
has cured the vvoist chronlo case * of 25 or
> cars standing. No ono need suffer Hvo
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
medicine. Lotions and fiiMrumnnts do
nioio li.iiin than good. Williams' Indian
Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays tliu A
Intense Itching , ( particularly at night after
getting warm in bed ) , nets as a poultice , gives
Instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles ,
itching of private parts , and for nothing el o ,
Dr. Fiazii-r's
Made Ointment euro ) as by
magic , PimnljA , Black Heads or drubs ,
Blotches and Arnptions on the face , leaving No
thosKln clcarand beautiful. Also cmc * Itch. slu
Khemm , Sore Nipples. Sore Lips , and '
Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
SOcents. T.
Ketalled by Kuhn & Co. , nnd Schroeter &
Conrad. At wholesale by C. P. Goodman. .
Oneoftho Best antl Lurgast Stocks inthe \ U3
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator
S. W. COK. Iff Hi AM > rAKtfAM , 0.11 AHA.
Propcrlv- every description for sale in nil nnrU of the city. Lands lor snlo In
county in Nebraska. A comiiloti' sot of Ahstrni'ts of Titles of Douglas County kept.
Maps of the City , State or county , or any other information iloslrcil furnished
free of charge upon application.
nuilKB , MnnnKor ,
KEFEIIKNCKS : Merchants' anil Knrmuis' Rink , D.ivlil City , NVIi , : UW'y.JKallPJial '
ank , Ki-arnoy , Nob. : Columbus - .
St-ito N-
Bank. yoluinbUR- - .f MeSoniilu Uanlc ,
. a JSoitli
Mntlp.Npb,50unhahntoualI } | ; . ! ; Oinalia. ml ) . . . . , . ,
wiliViy ! customers' ihntt wltli bill „ .
ol laillnc attached for two-thirds vnluo of stock.
2T CAPITAL 1'UIZB , 575,000
Tickets only K. Slimes in 1'ioporlloiu
I'Wodolioioliyoortlty thutvo snpnrviso tliu
nirdiiRcincnti for nil thoMoiillily nnd Qunrierly
JlrawliiKd of Tlio I/oiiisIimii Stulo Ix > tlory
Conipnuy nnd In noisou nuinnno nnd control
tlio Dnuvlnurs themselves , nnd tlmt thnsnmo tire
conducted with lionosty , fnlniu 9 nnd In jtood
fnlHi toward nil mtrtkH , nnd wo luitliorlzo the
Company to use ttilscortlllonto. with rno-slinlios
ol our Blirnnturnj ntluolioj In Its ndvnitlsmcnt
We. tlionnrtorslffiicil Hunks nml Bankers , will
pny all Prizes drnwn In Tlio Loulsliinu Btato Lota
teili's hicli inny bo presented at our oouutors
j. ir.
Pros. Louisiana National Bank' .
j.v. .
Pres , tate National Bank.
Pres. NowOrl6ansNaiional Bank.
Incorporated In 1803 for 23 years by the losls-
luturo Ior Educational nnd Clmrltiiblo purposes
with n cnpitiil or ? looo,000 to vvhlcli it reserve
fund or over f "iSO.OOO has since boon nildod.
IJynn overwhelming1 popular VOID Its fmnclilso
wiismudo apart of tliu present State Coiistllutlon
adopted Docomuor 2il , A. D. 187U.
Tlio only lottery over voted on and endorsed
by tlio people of any Btuto.
It noror scales or postpones.
Itairrand slnglo number drawings talco place
montlily , and tlio extraordinary dtmvlnscs resu-
Inrly ovcry thrco months Instcnd ot
ally nsnoictoloro , DcwliinliDrMiucli , 1SSO.
Mli Oinnd llnnvlnt , ' , Clues i ; . In the Academy of
Music , New erlcims , Tuesday , Mnylltu , 18bD
10'd Monthly Prnwmor.
) U ur 1-ryo , Tuotioua
lu Fifths , lii rioportio'u.
I do do 25,000
1 do do 10,000
eriuziss OP JO.OOD 12,000
do 2,000 10,000
do 1,001) ) 10,003
20 do KM 10,000
100 do 200 20,000
300 do 100 80,000
600 do 50
1000 do
8 Approximation Prizes ol $75f ) . . . . 6.TW
0 do do 500. . . . 4.500
0 do do ! ioO. . . .
1007 Prizes , amounting- . $263,509
Application for rates to clubs should bo mndo
only to the ollico of the company lu Now Or
For futtlicr Information wnto cluiulv. srivlti ! ?
full address. POSTAL NOTEd , Urpress Slonoy
Ordois , or Now York Kvchaugo m ordinary letter -
tor , currency bvo\pi ess ( nil sums of 55 and upwards -
wards nt our expense ) addressed , ,
iSuwOrluaiig , La.
Or 41. A.nADPHIN ,
Waslilmrton , D. 0.
Maho , P. 0. Money Orders paynblo and address
New Orleans , La.
Or M.O1TENB & CO. , IGOSFarnum st,0mnlm
Asthma Cure.
This Invaluable speoldo readily and perma
nently euros all kinds of Anthiiia. Tliu most
pLiBtliiuto and lomr BtuuJn | cawa yield prompt
to Its wonderful curlna properties. It Is
known throughout the world for Us utirlvalod
J. L. OALDWKI.L , city of Lincoln , Nob. , writes ,
Jan. & , 1H8I : Bluce unliur Dr. Uatr's Asthma
Cure , for more tluiii ouo yi-nr , my wlfo hus boon
entirely well , nnd not oven a symptom of the
dlecnflu had anpourod.
WILIiIAM J1KNNIJTT , lllohland , lown , writes.
Nov. M , 18SJ : i have boon initiated with Hay
Fever nnd Asthtnii slnoo 1H.VJ. I lollowodyour
directions and am happy to sny tlmt 1 never
elopt bolter In my llto. I mn glad that I urn
ttmonir the many who can speak flu favorably ot
your remedies. , ,
A valuable At pate treatise containing similar
Ptoot fium ovury etulo In .Uo U. S. , Canada aaJ
Great Urittiln , will bo mailed ujion upplloatloa
Any druggist not Uavlns It In stoult will pro-
Kt ( lecllnt utrtUUilnOo
Ok , . . - . . . .
ttnlm * lill I l t Vifta * ' < "M l"-f 'l 4.1 n. . * > . r
ilu r cbftwt vi , 4 I * All touatcr Jiltkt. Trr U < &Bt
r * < f ewjnuiblu Ak r kr astir * t dfunit tj U > | | B M
, uuo/uiiu. ui i > u. 1 u. iTntQmr 4 tuia.
j. \7orpEaAitH , ELS AOSIIT ,
til * X. 3T.
Guru without modi-
POSITIVE cliui. I'atontoJ Octo
ber 10 , JfcTO.
Onu box will euro
tliomotit olillnaio omo In founlitys orluil-
iiiiusoous doses of cubobs. copulb.ior ollof
nandulnood that nro certain to pioJucu dyapep-
by dostrovlnir the coalings of the fttoiuncli.
I'ricoSl.50. Bold by nil driiiftrlsu or rnallcd on
receipt of pi ico. For further particular * sent
forrireulor. P.O. Box 1531. /I TT D D
Ov A-LXj-A-KT CO. , IjM K K.
' WJoUni : ! . . Now Vorlt. VW * MI
, . . lUou-Ui-tutlnni *
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block ,
OradoSjstom'iniKlSoworHSO Plans for CHIOS
nnd Towns a upoclnlty. 1'lnni , KMImMos nntl
Hpclllrnllons ( lor 1'ulillo nnil ether KtiRlnoorlnc
iMirk rnrnNlii'd. aurvojs uiul lloporl nuido
onl'ulillo Improvements.
ANIIIIKW HosiWATi'.ii. Member Amerlcnn Soolo-
Oty Civil KiiRlnouM. CltV HiiBliioor oC Umnliu
FO. It. CmusTic , Civil liiiKlnoor.
Polfer & Mggoafh ,
Law Reporters and Copyists ,
State Agents for Nubraskn.
Typo-wrllcr supplies nnd pnper kept In stock.
Sand fur catalogue.
England France &
, Germany.
The steamships of this well known line di'n
built of Iron , In wator-tltflit coinpiutinonts , and
are furnished ulth every roiiulslio to nuiko the
piica.ivo bolh sixfo and uerrounblu. They onrry
the Uniloil SinMn anil Kmopc'iiii mnlKand lo.u'a
Now Vork Thursilnyi nnd Saturdays for Plv.
mnulli , < LONDONChorbouf ) ( , < l'AKl3 unU UA5I-
Kuturiilng- , the stcnmcrs leave Humburfr on
WodnosdnjB nnd Sundiiys , via. Havrb , takluff
pas3enBOr3 ut Boutlmmpton uiuj LQii'Ioftj. . >
- Jinil
I RailrAj luAUis noiii I'lymoutu to Bristol , Cflr-
illll' . London , or to any place In ths South of
Kiifrlnnd , I'llHE. Slcoruuo fiom Europe only
$25. Send lor "Tourist Utizetto. "
General IMssenacr .Airolbts ,
01 Broadway , Now York ; Wusliliitftou uudLa
Sullo Sts. Chiciwo. II ) .
Red Star Line
Carrying the Del ium Koyitl and nulled Stataj
Jlnll.enillug ovury Satuiday
Between Antwerp & flew Yoi k
Baton from $1)0 to $100. Excursion trip from
J11U to fiso. SoconU Cabin , outward , ftJ ;
piopuld , # 45 ; oAfurslon. t'JO. Btoorat'o passage
nt low ralos. I'otor Wrlifht 4s 8ous , Uonorul
Affonts , 55 Ilroadwoy , N ° w Vork.
Uiimlm , Nebiaska , Prunk U. Aloorcs , W. , St , ti
& V. ticket
Or tlio Liquor Jihblt , 1'ovltlyely
Cured by Ailnilni tcrliif { Dr.
Ilnlnct' tioldoii NlivclUo.
It cnn bo given Inn cup ot coiroo or too without
the knowledge of tbo person tailing II , Is absolutely-
hnvmlcst , ud will eCTec | a poriimuont cud siiecdy
euro , wuotbfr the patlsnt la a inodcrataurlnkuroi :
lu ulculiollo wreck. It Imn bovn HlveD In thou-
and3ucasoaandln ( every liintancoaijer'cetcura ' ,
lua follovvuO. It never Inlla. The ayatom uiice
Impifgnated wltli tliu bpocl.1i ! , It becoiflcjnu utter
Iui | > o33lblllty for the liquor nppctlte to ozlit
rou SALH nv roirxwiNo nuuaaisTO :
KU1IN iV CO. . Cor. 13lh and I > auali , anil.
18th tV Cnmlnic tilm , , Omalin , Wcb.l
A. D. 1'OSTKH Ot IinU. .
Council niufT , lown.
Callorvrrlln far pnmpblct contalnlnt ; tiundreda
O7 tnslluionlals from tliu bcrt woineu una tucnmat
r'iri rl8o ( the ctmntrv.
I I'AV nil eilire's * clmujrs to all iwlnta nltliln SOO
Inllcn. l.l ) ( 'cnnlaLa'9 to ulict from fU'nil Iwoct'U ,
ttani | > forllliutrauucatalr > i'uu. Mention tlilg paper.
_ _ - BOGaBtaSlM
Vfliotn VITAMTV In tailing , Ilraln IIIIAINI'U > nn < l
Sml.V rfS "nd * ' *
. | r ll > Uoriijo.lii'tA > |
crleiuutcd hy i'rut. JTAN ( 'IViAl.lai'f raiT Tlrauq .
Ailupto'l hy all 1 i liyilcUna ana ( H li'H ' rapidly aM
FurLuKufully lntrudiicc < l Jitje Allveakcmiiif lokteaand
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