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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR,1 OMAHA , SATURDAY \tQJlNENG.APKIL17 , 1886. NUMBER 261 A SUPPLEMENTARY MEASURE , Gladstone's Propounds His Irish Land Bill in the Honso of Commons. WHAT THE SCHEME PROPOSES. DetnllH of the Plan to 1'iirchnflo the I/mul From the Imndlorils Not Favorably llcciclvctl by the Irish. The Irlnh Imnd IUII. LONDON , April 10. Gladstone propounded his Irish land bill to the house of commons thin evening. There was hardly nny excite ment attending the event compared with the enthusiasm which attended the proceedings of yesterday week , when the homo rule mens- me was proposed. At 4 o'clock the house was crowded to Its utmost. Gladstone rosn In ids plncoatfija , " p. m. , ami wns greeted with cheers. He said the aim of ( lie present endeavors of the govern ment wns directed toward securing content- nient nmoiiLC the people ot Ireland and n per manent restoration of social order. The speaker's proposals would greatly benefit the tenants of Ireland , but the landlords were tliii principal objects of tlio measure , although lie thought many of these landlords were most hostile to the-government's ' policy. At the outset tlio speaker wished to make a most emphatic de nial that It was Ids Intention to ask the Scotch and Kngllsh to run nny pecuniary risk on nccoiiut ol the landlords of Ireland. The history of Ireland was a long Indictment ngalnst Its land owners. England wns not clear ol lo.sponslhlllty , for the deeds of Irish landlords wore Kuglisli deeds. With the power In our hands we have looked on and done nothing. The laud nc * . was intended to go Into effect on the same day on which the homo rule bill would become operative. Itcoidd not go on without the operation of the other , which would provide a legislature In It eland to ap point statutory authority to deal with landed estates , and act between the vendor and the purchaser. Purchases would bo made through the Issue of lbO,000,000 at : i per cent , the Htoek being issued at par. new Irish consols might , with the consent of tlio treasury , bo commuted for stock of a lower denomination. If tlio stock could be Issued foithwith , a script of equal value would be Issued for the name purpose. The act was to give landlords the option to sell out under its terms. Its actions were confined to agricultural hold ings , and do not include mansions. The stale authorities , acting between peasant ami land owner , would purchase Urn land from Hie latter and put the peasant in possession ns absolute proprietor , subject to an annual rent charge until the total payments equalled the purchase money. The slate would not force small occupiers to become pioprletors. In districts where the population was congested the state would have the power to dccido wether expropria tion of lee crowded laud should bo compul- sorv. Nobody except Immediate landlords would Imve. the option to sell to incumtiranccr , and then ho must sell by foreclosure and not at an option for himself. Application to sell would have to be made by all tenants on an estate , and all these applications and bills would be registered. The applicants would bo icquired to give security for costs in cer tain eases. Land commissioners would bo cmpoweiodto refuse applications. The basis of prices would depend upon the rental fora fixed period. The judicial rental of 1K45ould be the standard in all cases wherein lite rent of one and to bo bold was then fixed. In all other cases one and n com mission would have the power to arrive at the price by comparing other judicial rentals with Griffith's valuation. Thulandcommlsslou would also bo allowed to examine the state of flic books concerning tlio estates for ton rears back. Twcifty years rental would bo the nominal purchase. In exceptional cases twenty-two years rental would make a purchase. Applications tor sale would not be received alter March 1 , Ib''O. ' Ten millions of pounds of stock would bo Issued during 1S.VT. Twenty million pounds in 1BSS roOUOOM ; , In ISVJ. The charge upon tlio liisli exchequer would bei."J,000tOicrannumtomeet ) | which it would be able to levy lor tents amounting to JLy,500.XX ( ) per annum. And thlssum would bo the first charge on rents mid taxes raised by the Irish government. Adding to this the impei lal contribution , the sum paid to laud by Ireland , would bo XO.SHO.OOO per an num , secured nn the revenue amounting to A.'lOti.'jOOW , no portion of which would bo ap plied to any purpose until .fO.OOU.Otfo . wa : paid Into the Knglish exchequer. The present contiibiitlon of Irish taxpayers to Knglaiid was JL'O.'JSO.OOO , of which England paid back in civil service and in the service of collection , 1,810,000. , The residue , which seemed to represent an liuperia contillmtlon for the army , and navy national debt and imperial civil changes , was .W.OS.ViOO. What did Kugland do with It ? As an Instance she font an army "of U,03l ! ) men to Ireland and kept them there at an annual cost ot i : ! ,000ooo-l"Jl.r > ,000 moro than the balance mentioned. That was a .specimen o the economy of the system the speake : wanted to root UP. Follow ing Gladstone , Chamberlain read letter which he sent to Gladstone tend' ' rlii Ids resignation ns n member of the cabinet. In thu letter Cham berlain stated that Gladstone's policy would throw heavy burdens on Great llrltain. eutailini ; an enormous addition to the national debt , probably an immediate Increase of taxation , not to secure ( lie union of the kingdom , but to purchase separation. Chamberlain then went on to say that the land proposals , although they had been mod ified since lie had left the cabinet , would still Impose a great burden on Great Ihltain without sulliclent security for tlio loans advanced. In conclusion. Chamber lain said lu ) was not an Irreconcilable oppo nent ot Gladstone's policy , if the land pro posals should bu sulllelently modllled , ho would ho happy to hi ) relieved of thu duty of iittimilng his present attltudu of oppsition. I'urncll said Unit It appeared to him that the appointment of a receiver was un- nei'i'Hsnry nud nbsurd , because , nc"ordlm ; to the promised statement , thu UTCI | > IS Irom customs nnd excise duties In livlaud will amount to within .CiO.OOO of the total amount payable by Ireland to the Imperialexclutimof. Would it not bn Kiilllclunt security if Eng land took a lien upon the revenue cot- li'otiiil by liisli authoiity in event of the customs falling to yield a sum sufficient to meet the Imperial charges. The appointment of n iwelvor general would bo must uffuiiHlva to livlmul. because It would .show n rclurtaiu'u to trust Irishmen even for such n small hum as J iO,000. Mutiny announced that the hill would be in the members' hands on Monday , and per mission was given to Introduce thu bill , nnd tint second reading was lixrd fur May \'J , Kiom ojduiuns gathered In thu lobby of the hoiisoof commons It Is learned that some Irish miMiibers are willing to pay for the rid- daiico of landlords , but the majority con sider that eight or ten years Is lung enough time In which to complete the purihtis'u. Many radicals are pleased with the reduction of the sum , and consider the security good. O.IIITS consider the amount extravagant and predict that the bill will not pass in its pres ent form. _ _ _ Purnoll Iletitrns TtmnkH. DKTIIOIT , Apiil 10. The following cable- cram was received lu this city to-day : "LoxnoN , April 10. Uoverond Charles Hullly , treasurer Irish National hcague , De troit. 1 thank you for your I'licouniging niessiL'c udvlslm ; of the dlsnatch of thn mag nificent biibscilptlon of 1'OW.Vo \ hero attach no'ciedenco wjiatover to thu statement HTontly cabled troin America as to the exist ence of nny ill t'lvling on Iho pnitof the National League of Amcrloa or Its lenders towaids our muviiiuciit.Vuhavo thu utmost confidence In the leaders of thu American league. We value thi'lr exertion and liclp highly , and we trust that oui organiza tion may be maintained , nnd extend In its Influence nud high tMUclcnvy until vlctoiy of the IrUh cause Is seemed. PAIINKI. ! . * ' 1 'I A MUSlCAIj UAKE. lie Imposes on JHIs Frlcmls and Loses Them. KVANSVIM.E , Ind. , April 10. About two years ntco a fcmalo minstrel party went to pieces In this city , and among those who were left high and dry was the leader of the orchestra. "Prof. Theodora A. Mnrlln" was his signature , which ho soon changed to Met/ , claiming that the latter was his real name. Helng a good musician ho was engaged by T. J. { trover to take the leadership of the opera house orchestra. He was prosperous , ami soon bo- Ran to have outside engagements , Henderson being the principal point Itcccntly he hired a hall for musical and social purposes , which he christened the Metz hall. At the dedica tion of tills temple he sought the services of one of the prominent ministers to do thn honors of the occasion , but lie met with a rebuff. Having opened his temple of music lie managed to persuade scveinl newspapers to puff up the enter prise nnd aid him on the road to fortune , Ho still owes for the same. In the meantime Ids wife left on n visit to friends In .lanes- vlllc , Wls. During her absence lie became enamored of onu of the demi-monde and lav ished considerable money upon her. A week ngo Thursday night ho was professionally called to Hender son , nnd he took tlio woman nioni ; with him , Intioducing her as his cousin. They put iii ] nt the leading hotel there , nnd 'he woman was Introduced to many of thu mst people- and went to supper with them , hiring thn evening she was rocoanlzcd by mo of the Henderson bloods. He informed Im pioprietor of the hotel , whoo wife was hatting with tlii ) woman , of the character f the "cousin. " Prof. Metz was called .own Into thu lobby , mill ns ho nndcd on tiie ground floor the iropnetor struck him between the n-es , and knocked him nlmut fifty feet. If nn officer and other men had not In- erfercd , he would Imve been killed. The irofcssur lied nnd left Ids cousin behind. They botli met on Water street , and 'n the rain and mud they walked o the depot , n sadly broken ip pair. Since the matter be came public in this city Metz has not been ; ten ; on the street. A friend yesterday pur- ihased a large package-box , am ) Mutz at once lommeiiced jiackini ; all Ids elTccts nnd was een on thuKvansville it Torrellauto train ivlilch left at midnight for Chicago. He was ylngdown on the seat , evidently endeavoring o avoid recognition. Manager Groves has wen handed n note from Metz , to the effect : hnt ho had left for parts unknown , but ivonld return In time for the fall opening , 'letIs well known In Chieairo , St. hottls , ndlanapolis , Terre Haute , and other places iVhcre he has worked. Cholera at Niw Yonit , April 10. [ Special Telegram.J Tlio Herald's IJoiue cable says : For some lays past it lias been rumored that cholera lad appeared at Brindisl. To-day 1 have nformation that there have been sixty-two undoubted cases with saveral deaths , of ivhlch three are undoubtedly from Asiatic cholera. There are also some cases in the country immediately around lirimllsl , but it s dilllcult to get at the precise facts on nc- coiiut of the reticence of local authorities. liiti.NDisi , April 10. Sixty-eight cases of cholera have occurred here , ten fatal. The : ) lllcials declare the disease sporadic. PAIIIS , April 10. The development of chol- _ n at Hrinulsl causes alarm in France , espe cially along the Italian frontier. Precautions ; > t the most stringent kind are being iusti- utpil to prevent the scourge entering Franco. AI.KXANIHIIA , April 10. A quarantine of seven days lias been ordered hero against nil arrivals from Brindisi , Venice and Ancoua. Central Trnilic Association. OIHOAOO , April 17. At a meeting to-day : > f the Central Traffic association it adopted a resolution requesting Commissioner MIdgcly , if ) the Northwestern Hallway association , and Commissioner Bianehard to prepare a plan for Inking cnio of the business going through cross points between St. Louis and Peoria nnd Pcorin nnd Chicago , so ns to avert In- larmonlous action by lines having routes through Seneca , Beardstown and like points. A telegram was received from Commissioner FinU saying that the Lclilgh Valley had given him assurance that it would positively maintain tariff rates. The special commit tee , to whom was assigned the task of ap pointing an executive , will meet In New York next Thursday. Commissioner Hlch- ardson was authorized to confer with the successors who were selected to take the ilace of Arbitrator Uiddlo and ascertain If : hey would accept. Thu association then nil journcd , subject to call. \'cstcrduy'B llnaollall ( James. Tim base ball games played by the leading clubs of the country yesterday resulted as follows : At Savannah , ( ia. Snvannnhs4.Chlc.igos - . At Augusta Augustas 8 , Nashvllles 0. At Washington Nationals 0 , Jersey CItys ' At Charleston , S. C. Atlantas 0 , Charles tons 'i At Macsn Macons 0 , Memphis / > . At llnltlimire-IJiiltlmoresl ) , Ietroits2. At Philadelphia Athletics : i , Philadel phia . The Perm Hank FrittiilR. PiTTsnrun , Pa. . April 10. The jury In tlio case of McMullcn vs. the Penn bank direc tors found for the plaintiff this morning in tlio sum of S24SU1. This was an action , In deceit , tlio plaintiff claiming SOSOM , , because tliodlrcctois had induced him to leave his money in the bank when they knew it was Involved. Thu result will open up n number of other cases Involving several hundred thousand dollars , which were waiting on the result In the McMullon case , A Dad Dciil For I'aync. Coi.UMiiUf , Ohio , April 10. The consider ation of tlio rcpoitof the Payne Investigating committee- was resumed in the house this morning. A motion to postpone it till next Thursday for the purpose of printing the evidence was defeated , as was nlso that to substitute the minority for tltu majority leport. Tlio majoiity report was adopted by a pnity vote , together with a resolution or- del Ing the same forwarded to the United States senate for Its consideration by that body. _ Government Direulorrf ol' tlio Union I'aclllc. WASHINGTON , April 10 , The picsldent has appointed F. U. Kandort , of Now York citv ! Franklin MacVeagli , of Chicago ; Kd- waid P. Aluxander , of Augusta , ( ! a. ; Marcus A. Hiuina , of Cleveland , and James W. Sav age. of Omaha. Neb , , trovcriiment directors ot the Union Pacific rail mad company. Another Hnllroml War I'robulilo. CHICAGO , April 10. The Hock Island to day i educed rates to Watertown , Dak. , to SI1 ' , nicductlon of SMO , and toKmmctsburg to § ! > , a icdiietion of S3 , to meet the alleged cutting of tlio Noitliwestern nnd St. Paul roads , Itock Island officials Intimate that n general passenger war between the three roads is by no means Improbable. Tlio Great Moral Persuader. NKW CAbTi.i : , Del. , April 10. Charles Itoblnson ( colored ) was hanged here tills afternoon fur a criminal assault upon Mrs. Klla F. Gardner , wiffc of n farmer near Clairont , last October. Failures. NKW Yoiti ; , April 10. Tlio total number of business lailures occurring throughout the United States and Canada during thu last seven dajs wnslKJ. Tcnncssco'B New Senator. NASHVH.I.K , April 10. Governor Bate has appointed Hon. W. C. Wnitthorn to succeed Howell 1C. Jackson ns United States senator. Weather R r To-day. MisRoum VAI.I.KV. Fair weather ; nearly stationary tcmperatutd : variable winds , gen- wnllycstuily. . " STRIKES STILL SPREADING , Switchmen on the Baltimore & Ohio at Chicago Stop Work , WITH OTHERSTO FOLLOW TO-DAY They Aflk That Non-Unlon Men Uo UlsehnrRod Now York's Street Car Strike Knights to be Arrested. Chicago Switchmen Uo Out. CmcAflo , April 10. There Is no freight entering or leavlmr Chicago on thoHaltlmoro & Ohio lines to-night. About sixty switch men employed by that company struck at eon to-day and only a sufllclont number are till on duty to cnio forniilving nnd dcpart- ng passenper trains. Division Supcrln- cndent R 11. llrllton sold to-night : "Tlio .trlklnt . ; switchmen scut In n petition re- .uestlng the discharge of eight men whom hey alleged to bo unlit associates for them , ml giving the company till to-day to answer lem. At 10 o'clock this morning General lanagcr Dunham , Superintendent Foracro ml myself went Into consultation with n ommlttccof the men. Alter wo had heard lielr statement , and they had acknowledged hat their leal rcnson for desiring the dls- hargo of eight of their fellows was that they vorkod during the stilko of 1831 , tlio com- ilttec went out. While wo were conslder- ; ig what to do 12 o'clock arrived and shortly ve were notllled that the men had quit Superintendent Urltton said the company i'as prepared to make no concessions , but as' ; ome of the objectionable men were already caving the company's employ of their own iccoiil , matters would perhaps adjust them- elves shortly. It is said tliat the switchmen or' ho Lake Shore and Michigan Southern com- lanles , who presented similar resolutions. vlll go out to-morrow noon. The statement hat the Chicago , Hurllncton & Qiilncy men lad struck Is now found to be incorrect. Alt the Indications are that there will bo a triku of switchmen on the Lake Shore road o-morrow. To-day General Manager iVrlglit arrived In the city , nnd after n con- 'ercnco with the ofllccrs of the road decided lot to grant the request that a number of non-union men bo discharged. Wilght re- 'uscd positively to clvo nny information to lie press as to t'ho course the road would pur- lueln case of a strike. Matters nt lOnHt St. EAST ST. Louis , April 10. Late last night .he sentinels patrolling the railroad yards ivero startled by hearing several shots fired , I Is supposed , nt them , from the direction of ho houses near ttie junction of the Cairo ihort line nnd Pitt-sours railroads. This sort f attack upon guards has been frequent , but : io ono has yet been injured. General tcecc , commanding the militia force icre , issued orders that hereafter If ihots nro fired from nny building n cast St. Louis , tlio guards shall surround atich houses , raid them and arrest all guilty or suspected persons found thereon. Two .lepnty sheriffs last night , while guarding the Vniidalia yards , were approached by a num ber of men supposed to be strikers , who cn- jngcd them in conversation , during the prog ress of which they attacked the deputies and beat them badly. Upon thn approach of sev eral sentinels the assailants escaped , leaving 'ho victims In an unconscious condition. ST. Louis , Mo. , April 10. Last night an .tnknown man occupying n position made vacant by ono of the strikers of the Uurling- ' 011 road , was attacked by a paity of monwho iiiockcd him down and ocat him severely be- 'oru he could escape. During- the light n shot was liredby some one , which had no effect. St. Ijonls Citizens Snubbed by 11 ox I o. ST. Louis , April 10. 11. M. lloxle to-dny addressed a letter to Dr. Thomas O'Hcilly ac knowledging the receipt of his letter of the IRth lust. . Inclosing a copy of the preamble and resolutions adopted at tlio citizens' meet- ng held on the 13thrcqucstlng ; him to ap point a committee of three resident directors of tlio southwestern railroad system to con fer with six others , three each , representing eiti/.ens nnd unemployed railroad men , the committee to devise menus to put nn end to the labor troubles , lloxio , in the letter , calls attention to the fact that tlio railroads lire now in full operation and that the action of such a committee would necessarily relate entirely to the methods by which ox-em ployes might bo restored to tlio places they voluntarily abandoned and would not bcnc- lit the public nt largo. Knights to be Arrested. ST. Louis , April 10. Warrants were issued this afternoon for the arrest of Martin Irons , hairiiian of the executive committee of District Assembly No. 101 ; A. C. Coughlan , chairman of executive committee District Assembly No. 93 ; George M. Jackson , formerly n prominent local politician , nnd S. M. Nichols , telegraph operator , on n charge of felony for interfering with the telegraph wires In connection with wire tapping alleged to have been done two weeks for the purposeof Intercepting telegraph dispatches between Gould and Vlce-Presldent lloxle. Against Noii-Unlon Men. Niw Yoitic , April 10. This morning all cars operated by the Third Avenue company "tied up. " These lines are the Third nvcnuo main line , Lexington avenue nnd Grand Central depot , One Hundred nnd Twenty-filth street , cro > s town nud cnble road , which runs up to the nveiuio from Ono Hundred nnd Twenty-fifth street nnd beyond. This Is owing to the refusal of the foinpuny to ncci-de to the demands of the Kuiplro 1'iotcctivo association thnt the com pany discharge a few non-union men. Third avenue from early this morning between the .stable nt Sixty-fifth street and the ISowcry , was lined with police to prevent Interference- on the part of thu strikers if the company hhould procco.l to run emu Po licemen were held In reserve at headquar ters and police stations along the route of the load. Tlio superintendent of pollen had n confcioiico with the olllcers of the road nt which It wns decided to make no attempt to run beyond Sixtieth street stables , or below Grand Mieet , and to keen up communication between thcso two points to the greatest piactlcahlo extent. The company has de cided to run ns many cars as they can pel drivers for between the stables at Sixty-tilth street and liroomn street , beginning at 10 o'clock tills morning. : A 1IA11) ON" HATS. HANKIIIAI. , Mo. , April 10. Last night the strikers or sympathisers attacked three nun employes of the Missouri Paclflo railroad. Ono CM-'apcd without Injury , but the other two were badly beaten. No arrests were made. _ _ Milwaukee Tailors' Scheme. CHICAGO , April 10. Some of the clothing manufacturers of Milwaukee/ whoso men struck for an advance in wages last Tuesday have been compelled to send their goods to Chicago to be made up. To prevent this thn Milwaukee union sent two representatives hi'io to-day who nro endeavoring to induce the Chicago union to refuse to wjrk on jobs sent from Milwaukee. The local union wll hold a meeting to-morrow night to discuss the matter. A Reduction of Wnjres. CHICAGO , April 10. The Inter-Occan'b Centialla , III. , special says that Supcrin teiulent Dent , of the Ohio & Mississippi rail road , served notice to-day ' on all etatloi agents nnd foremen that their wages wouh bu reduced in consequence of business de pression resulting from the southwestern railroad strike. Tlio cutting of wages of thu station agents varies nom $5 to 15 pe month. Kmlorslng Gladstone and HomoTliilc Mo.vntKAi. , April 10. A largo representa tlvo niiotln < : was held hero la&t night , whlcl endorsed Gladstone and the home. rule bill AIUUDER AT * CHADHOX , V Farmer Siiot > hml Rolibcd on tlio lllgtnvny. CIIADIION , Neb. , Aptll 10. [ Special Tele- ' Tiu.J A settler ot li'awcs county , named IcDcrmott , was foutul , lying unconscious on ho bank of the White rlrcr , four miles west f this place , lastSunday morning. Ho was mmcdlatcly brought to this place and placed iidcr the cnro of a physician , when It wns Iscovcrcd that he had been shot through the eg and body , and that his life was In n angcrous condition. At 2 o'clock this after- loon McDermott breathed his last , Ujfore ho lied ho said that whllo crossing the White Ivor bridge Saturday night with a team , omo unknown person fired at him with i Winchester rifle , the shot of which took fleet and ho fell from the wagon on the iank. Ho also stated that lie was robbed of The coroner's Inquest , held this evening , csulted In a verdict that McUermott came to its death by a gun-shot wound supnoscd to nvo been done by a person named Woodard , i'ho now lies In jail at this pl.ico. Wood- rd's wife Is also supposed to have been Im- illcatcd In Urn affair nnd will bo placed under rrcst. The latter person lives In Dawes ounty , five miles west of here. UAOMENT3 O1TI1I3 CYCLONK. Vddltlonul Deaths and Burial of the Victims. ST. Ci.oun , April 10. Solemn requiem nass wns held In the cathedral this morning > vcr the remains of thirteen victims of the yclone. Father Stempcr ofllciatcd , and Imllar services took place in the Church of he Immaculate Conception over the remains it four victims. The services wore conducted iy Fathers Gross and J. Casper. Both ihurches were heavily draped , The funeral cortege passed on Its way to the cemetery lirough the devastated districts. About 2,000 icrsons were present who came from ail over lie country. The dead were burled in two argo graves nine adults in one , and eight ihlldren In the other. Mrs. Stein was buried esterday and Mrs. Fehr to-day , in the North Star Protestant cemetery. ADDITIONAL FATAI.ITir.S. Annie Xiebald , : t years of age , died from ho effect of n fracture of the skull In tlio hos- iltal this evening. Wilbur D.ihlmacr , a 'armor of Uuckmantown , twenty-lire miles 'roin here wns killed , and n workingman mined Clark on Senator Huckinan's farm , vasalso killed. Fifty-four wounded have > een attended to at the hospital. There ore hlrty there at present , and live nt the con- , -ent. Everv house in the vicinity lias one or uore wounded , and therp are close on 100 in ured in the two towns. AID FOU TIIK suFFintKiis. ST. PAUL , April 1C. Nothing further has ) oen received from the scene of Wednesday's cye.loue. This afternoon seventy-one dead bodies were reported In all. It is believed no others were killed. Cosh , provisions and clothing are being rapidly forwarded from til points. MixNHAi' , April 10. The city council o-dav passed a resolution appropriating S23.000 for tlio benefit of the cyclone suf- 'ercrs. _ The Storm in Iowa. _ DKSMOINKS , la. , AprlllO. Keports fronf points visited by theBtorm , of Wednesday show a vast amount of-property destroyed , uid a number of persons killed or Injured. At Coon Hapids forty buildings were wrecked valued at SlOO.ojo. Tho" railroad track was. covered with iiltiil three feet deep , and the country around for miles was covered with do- tirls. Ascvcn year old'bov named ICe ors was Itilled.Two men , a woman and a child were seriously Injured. Many persons arcentlrely liojnelPss. The house of F. 0. Leo , five miles from Lennox , was picked up and scattered in splinters over the country. Ten persons were in the house at the time , but none of them were killed outright , three of them re ceived fatal injuries. The residence of a farmer named Nobles , near Prcscott , was demolished , but the family escaped with slight injuries. A vast amount of property wsis destroyed In Adams county , but no lives lost. The barn of Mr. Schaeffer was wrecked and two horses were killed. Numbers of houses were unroofed , barns and sheds wrecked , and fences and outhouses , , . . trees , luiiuu iliiii uuiuuunuo , iv > v.n-u. . Ill Taylor county a farm house , live miles from lied ford , was carried 303 yards. A'bQy of 14 and a girl of 11 were severely bruised , while the mother and babe escaped without a scratch. The darriago to property in Story City and vicinity Is estimated at 55,000. Four farm houses ami a school house were wrecked near 12xi ra. Kmmetsburg had six hours of rain and hall , doing great damage to windows. Science fur tlio Sick. Popular Science Monthly : Invalids , as a rule , have n great deal ot time on their hands more of it than they like and to lill tins time pleasantly is a question in volving a good deal more than mure amusement , The importance of mental distraction to invalids is a fact lee uni versally recognized to call for comment here , my object in this paper being merely to suggest a mode of distraction that , in my own experience , has not only been attended witli the happiest results physically but 1ms proved a source of in- teiiso and never-fulling pleasure. I al lude to the study of botany , not the tire some , prolitless study of text-books , but of the woods and fields and meadows. The beauty of this pursuit is that it takes tlio student of doors , and throat and lung troubles , as has boon truly nald , arc house diseases. I am speaking , of course , to those who hare begun to light tlio enemy before ho has "caji.turcd the inner defenses , and who are. supposed * o bo .strong enough to do a reasonable amount of walking and some solid think ing. Tor botany , though the simplest of the sciences , cannot bo mastered without some ell'ort. You are mot right at tlio threshold by that fearful , Icohnicnl vo cabulary which must be conquered be fore advancing a single stop a labor so formidable , and ropellunt , when under taken according to the old school-book method , that I do not wonder so many have shrunk away from it in disgust erin in despair. . . There are no Jvead-I'onoils. New York Mail arid'Express : There is no lead-pencil In existence , to-day , and tliero hare , been , none for moro than forty years past. Tlioro was a time when a spiralo of lead ciit from the bar of sheet sutliccd to 'make marks on white paper or some rougjied abrading mater ial. The name lead-pencil comes from thu old notion that the products of the Cumberland mines m England are lead , instead of being plumbago or graphite , a carbonate of iron , capable of leaving a leiul-colorod mark. "With tlio original lead-pencil or t > trip , and witli tlio earlier styles of the lead-pencil made direct from Cumberland mines , tiio wetting of tlio pencil was a necessary preliminary of writing. Hut since it has become a manufacture , the lead-pencil is adapted by numbers of letters to each particular design. Thcic are all grades of hard ness , from tlid pencil thnt can bo sharp ened down to n needle point to thu ono which can not maku other than a broad mark. Hotween these two extremes are number of gradation which cover all the uses of thu lead-pencil. These gradations are made r > y taking thu original carbonate and grinding and mixing it with a fine quality of clay , in different proportions 0I I , according to the quality of thu pencil re I- quired to bu produced. Thu mixture if made thoroughly , and then Muoe/cd | through dies to form and size it , after which it is dried and incased in its wood' en envelope. NATIONAL CAPITAL NEfS. Legislation for the Benefit of Nebraska and Nebraska People. NEW LAND OFFICES CREATED. Dorsoy Makes n Talk ARnlnst Imita tion nutter JuilRO SnvnRo's llo- nppolntmcnt The President too I'oor to Mnrry. Senator Vnn "U'yolt'fl "Work. WxsntNoo.v , April 10. [ Special Tele gram. ] Senator Vnn Wyck reported with fn- vorablo recomtncnilntlon from the committee on Improvement of the Mississippi river , to the scnnto to-day , his bill making npproprla- tlons of'SW.OOO for the Improvement of Knst- port , opposite Nebraska City. Ho added nn nmciidinont appropriating 553,000 for 1m- provemint of the Missouri river nl Plaits- mouth and 850,000 at or near Omaha. NnnitASKA's TWO JJKW T.XXt ) OFKICU0. The honso to-day passed Mr. Dorsoy's ' bill , which was passed by thu sctinto some time ORO , creating two Innd districts In Nebraska the northwest land district and tliojSlilney district. Tlio bill only needs the president's signature to make It n law. The president will Immediately designate the location of the otllces , and then there will bo a scramble among Nebraska mugwumps for the four of- ilcos It creates. DOKSKT TALKS AOA1NST IlUTTEKINtt. Ilerjresontntlvu Dorsuy , of Nebraska , to-day appeared before a sub-comnuttoo of the hotiso committee on commerce , which has for some ; time been considering a bill to tax the manu facture of imitation butter. , Mr. Porscy frankly stated that ho was largely Interested In the manul'actme of pure butter , being n third owner of a dairying association , but bo was the better prepared , by reason of that Interest , to represent the evil effects of the Imitation butter now imposed upon the public for the genuine- article , lie made a very convincing argument , described the nmnnfncturo of oleomargarine , buttcrlne , etc. The commit ted has decided to report a bill to tax oleo margarine , nnd all Imitations of butter , 10 cents a pound , and Mr. Dorscy is conlidciit of Its passage. .JUDGK SAVAOK'S HKArroijmiENT. Colonel James W. Savage's reappolntment to bo a director of the Union Paclllc railway to-day was no surprise here. Mr. Savage Is a well known citizen ol Omaha among the poli ticians here and In New York , and It Is said the president , received Indorsements of him from the latter city as well as the former. Secretary of War Kndlcott , who Is an old personal friend , secured the rRappointmcnt , however. TOO TOOK TO M.VllllV. A local newspaper , speaking of the report that President Cleveland is engaged to bo married , says to-day : "One of the lady i > at- ronesses of a leading charity organization is have been told by Miss Cleveland that she ( Miss Cleveland ) expected that there wo.iild bo.n now mistress In the white house wiiiilu ayoar.nnd the lady says that iliss Cleveland spoke as though the coming change Wo'irl < "l'-not"ralford her any great amount of pleasure. The president is amused nttho way gossips are making a benedict of him , and does not mean to pay any atten tion totlio , stories. Ho goes on working , ami does not seem so particularly fond of ladies' society. Wliilo Miss Cleveland had some friends visiting her recently the latter are said to have seen the president but twice in a two weeks' stay. To a friend who asked him about the rumors of his apprqachini ; marriage , the president responded : 'I can not nlfurd to get married. I am a poor man. ' " FOIl TIIH PROTECTION OF SKTTI.KIIS. The senate , upon motion of Senator Vnn Wyck , lias directed the committee on public lands to ascertain by what authority timber cut upon the public domain , by the consent nnd knowledge and under the rulings of the Interior department , issci/.ed by the agents of that department nnd ordered to bo sold with out judgment or execution of court directing the same. This resolution is not directed at the Montana Improvement company , which Is charged with having shipped a largo area of timber , and there is no complaint that the proceedings against it are irregular. Hut it Is intended to protect citizens ami miners of Die frontier , to whom the timber on thu lands Is absolutely necessary. An act of congress passed In 1S78 permits actual settlers to cut timber on mineral lands for actual use. Secretary Scliurz construed the law to mean that timber coiilu be cut only for domestic purposes , and that every man must cut It lor his own use , and that It could not bo sold. When Secretary Teller came into the interior department ho modified that order so that limber could ho cut by persons who ( Ihi not require it for their own use and could be sold by them for domestic pur poses and for use at mines. But he prohibited its being cut for bhlpmcnt out of the country. It lias been claimed In the Interior department that miners nnd settlers in the uorthwost have exceeded the authority given them by Secretary Teller , and arc ex porting large quantities of timber , nnd Secre tary Laumr has returned to the construction originally given the law by -cretary Schurz , which is said to us working very great hardships among the hctliers on the frontier , BAM IIAXIIAI.I.'S KC'IlEMi : . Sir. Uandall says ho proposes to do what lie can one of these days to dispose ol the appro prlntlon bills In the hotiso and that he will not bo responsible tor a lone hession of con gress. Hut for borne icason , which no one has boon able so far to name , Mr. Id'.ndall's committee has done less in four months than It has been In the habit of doing In six weeks. The work of that committee Is nway behind , notwithstanding half of Its labors were distributed to other committees. It is plain , therefore , that the reason thn committee on appropriations Is HO late with Its bills Is n do- si ro upon Its part to have a hold on the proposed legislation of the house. Tor many years It lias been the tactics of the chairmen of the committee on appropriations to hold back u Bulllclcnt num ber of the thirteen to fifteen appropriation bills to control the woik of the IIOUMI. Ap propriation bills are privileged , nnd can suc cessfully antagonize the consideration of any other measure. The scheme has been to call up an appropriation bill whenever an elluit was made to secure consideration of a measure objectionable to the majority of the committee on appropriations , and thus Jockey all measures with appropri ations until tlieywcra worn out. It Is said that Mr. Kindall Is "lying low" with his ap propriations to defeat the tariff bill. So far no one has been able to get an impression from him Hoarding his proposed action on the tariff bill. I.KOISI-ATION FOIl Till : FAJIMEKS , A member of the house committee on ngrl- culture said this afternoon that ho did not IKS- Hove the bill establishing a distinct depart ment or cabinet ofllco out of the agriculture would bo passed by this congress , notwith standing the fact that It was proposed teat - tnclr a bureau of labor with It , and make the department one of agriculture and labor. This , notwithstanding the fact that any suggestion for the labor Interests gives strength to any measure nnd makes cowards out of members. Ho believed , however , that the bill to tax oleomargarine and place It In the control ot the commissioner of internal revenue would bo passed , as ho never saw such a demand for the enactment of any law as this one to protect dairy nnd farming In terests. Tin : nousr. MAKKS A srrnT. The session of the house of representatives to-night , which was devoted to the considera tion of pension bill ? , lasted forty-nine minutes , lu which brief period forty-seven bills were passed. 'FOUTV-MXTU coxa mass. Scimtc. WASHINGTON , April 10. After routine Imshu'.ss , at a o'clock , the Intcr-stnto com merce bill was passed before the senate nnd Mr. Cnmdcn took the floor. The bill before the senate would , In the main features , Mr. Cnmdcn thouu'ht , meet the views of the sen ate and the people. The public sentiment of the country , ho said , was dally becoming moic and more Impressed with the necessity nnd propilety of a national commission to regulate luter-stato commerce. Mr. Camdcn thought the bill defective , however , In the fourth section , which dealt with thn question of long and short haul. Mr. Cnmdi'ii sug gested nn nmcndnmtit omitting the words "from the same original point of di'partme , " nnd omitting nny per mission to the commission to make exceptions. His amendment would prohibit nny greater charge for shorter than for longer distances , which includes the shorter dis- tnnco on any one railroad , the term "one railroad" to include all roads under the con trol of one company , whether or not operated under lease. Mr. Heck offered a resolution , which was agreed 10. appointing Mr. ( ieorgo to the membership ot thn senate committee on ju diciary In place of Mr. Jackson , resigned. After mi executive session , the senate ad journed until Monday. IIOIIKC. Mr. Wortliluglon called up for considera tion the senate bill to provide for the sale of the Bridewell property In Chicago to the Chicago * Great Western Hallroad company. The bill passed with the amendment that all non-competing railroads not having the right of way Into Chicago , desiring to use the trarUs , switches , depots and terminal facili ties ot the Chicago < fc Great Western rail road , bo permitted to do so , to the extent of the rapacity of that company to furnish rail road terminal facilities , upon fair and equitable terms and regulations. On motion of Mr. Dorsey , the senate bill was passed for the establishment of two additional land districts In Nebraska. The committee on foreign affairs reported .back . the Diugley resolution calling on the president for any information in his posses sion relative to the exclusion of American lishiiiK vessels f i om the right to cuter ports of Canada for the purpose of trading , pur chasing supplies , or lauding fish rauglii in deep water for shipment In bond to the United States , or doing other acts which Canadian or other British vessels arc freely permitted to do In ports of the United States ; nlso reqiiestlnc the president to in form the house what steps had been taken to bring snrli unwarranted and unfriendly acts of the dominion authorities to the attention of the British government. Adopted. The house , at Its evening session , passed forty-live pension bills , and adjourned until to-morrow. ' A DAillKY mSAGUEEMENT , A Split on nil Emancipation Celebra tion. AVASIIINGTON , April 1C. To-day was the twenty-fourth anniversary ot the emancipa tion of the slaves In the District of Columbia , and the event was celebrated in a somewhat unusual manner. The colored people dis agreed among themselves as to how the cele bration should be conducted , and as n result divided into two factions. Each party made elaborate arrangements for n parade and public meeting at night , and each endeavored to excel the display of the other. Party feeling ran high , and It was feared that trouble would , ensue in case the two pro cessions should come together. Fortunately nothing of the kind occurred. In view of the lack of harmony between the two parties , tuo president positively re- fusea to review either procession. Both passed In iront of thu white house , but mounted policemen guarded the gates nnd prevented their entering the grounds. The president , through his private secretary , had previously notllicd the chairmen of the opposing committees that It would give him pleasure to accept a joint invitation to re view one procession In which qy , could pos sibly pailfcipate. but that ho could not take sides in the quarrel , and therefore declined to accept cither Invitations to review the parade. ConflriimtioiiH. WAMIINOTO.V. April 10. The sonata to day confirmed the following : Army Colonel H. J. Potter to bo brigadier goneial ; Colonel J. II. linger to bo brigadier general. J. T. Gregory to bo Indian agent at Lanolntc nuoiicy , Wisconsin. Postmasters 0. 1' . Gibbons , Kookuk , Iowa ; G. .1. Kvans , Hast ings , Neb. : II. C. Hunt , Uelavan , Wls. ; F. C. Sharp , Oconto , Wls. Approved the Acts. WASHINGTON , April 10. The president has approved the net for the construction of a brhlso over the Mississippi river near Alton , 111 , and thn net for the construction of n dam across the Mississippi river near Ifraln- crd , Minn. _ Humored Change of U"l llo Printer. WASHINGTON , April 10. There is n rumor that General W. F. Itodgers , of llulfalo , member of tlio late congress , Is tube ap pointed nubile piinlcr in place of Hounds. Itodgers is a practical printer and successful of affairs. man _ _ _ _ _ Gnrlnnd Will Testify. WASHINGTON , April 10. Attorney Gen eral Gailand will appear before the telephone Investigating committee on Monday , IOWA PARTISANS INDIGNANt , Judgs Kinnc , the Lending State Democrat , Gets a Very Small Appointment , ! AND A HOWL OF RAGE GOES UP , Ho Asplrcil to n Cabinet Position , mill Profllilcnt Cleveland Given Him n Job or Countliij * Tlts. An lovvnii Appointed. WASHINGTON , April 10. The proslilwU has appointed L. G. Rhine , of Toledo , low ! } , one of thn commissioners to examine into niid report upon forty miles of railroad con tracted by the Noi thorn Pacific company lu Yak him valley In Washington territory. WHICH CAUSES A 1110 KICK , lr.s ) MOIXKS , Iowa , April 10. [ Special Teleprain. ] The democrats of this vicinity urn very Indignant nt the president for put ting the favorite , Judge Klnno , off with the little appointment tlven him to-dny as In- specter of forty miles of track on thu North ern Pacific railroad. Mr. Klnno hnitwlco been tlio democratic cnndfdato for governor , and Is present chaliman of the democratic state committee. Soon after Cleveland wns elected the democrats of the stnto Dressed Klnno for a cabinet position. Then they Insisted that ho should , have n foreign mission ; then thu' governorship of a territory ; then the head ol an executive bureau at Washington. Then they were sure that ho would bo appointed pension agent , nnd when the la < t pl.ico failed n week ago they tied their hopes to a place on thu Utah commission ; but after nil theio disappointments lie is now appointed tie counter on forty miles of track. They feel Insulted that thu president should treat so niggardly thu leading democrat of the state , nnd their Indignation knows no bounds. ' It Is rumored that Klnno will not accept tlio appointment. A SAI.VK roit woiT.vnnn pn WASHINGTON , April 10. [ Special Tele gram.J It was stated In Iluwkcyo circles here to-night that the appointment of L. 0. Kinnc , of Toledo , Iowa , to hi ono of th commissioners on inspection of forty miles of rallrord constructed by tlio Northern I'n clllc company lu the Ynlclnm valley , on the Cascade branch of that company's road In Washington tcirltory , was glvou to mollify the disappointment on account of the ap pointment of C. S. Lake to bo United States pension accnt for Iowa and Nebraska. Kinne , It Is said , felt very keenly his failure/ / in that campaign , and it is hoped lie will come around all right now. The pay of thcso railroad examiners Is § 10 a dixy , traveling ex penses nnd certain perquisites which make It possible for an examiner to net from ' COO to SSOObyatrlp like thu onu Kinnc has been given , . - Sfnrdcrcil by n Frloml. Dns MOINKS , Iowa , April 10. [ Special Telegram.J Kldorado ad vices report ono Klliott murdered near there yesterday by companion named Daniels. The two had rbcoiiiworklng together in the.'fieldwhen . Klliott was assaulted with nn ax and foully murdered. Daniels has given evidences o Insanity before ana It Is supposed thnt wjillo Insane he committed the murder. Ho has not been found. Grlnnoll JIns ItcciiTljore. GitiNXiii.L , la. , April 10. The cyclone dis aster In Minnesota awakens deep sympathy. here. A public meeting will bo called bjr Mayor layman to-morrow nnd some sum will be sent to the sulfcrers. Parcel Delivery company removed tq 307 S lith s.t. Wo nro now prepared to check baggage to and from railroad de pots , i o In 5th Dcnlo. | New York Tribune : Stories of Gen. George A. Sheridiui , the stump speaker nud lecturer , who is generally parndod na "of Louisiana , " tire often to bu licnrd Ii ' places where public men gather. Ho is i said to have pnee declared the uxloife thnt the one thing which : i stump orator docs not need to burden himself is facts. It is the general's idea that a facile speaker can croiilo nil the fuels ho wants ' as ho goes silong in his speech. In illus tration of his meaning 1m told a story otal an occurrence- when lie wus out on ti tour with Gen. ( Jarlluld. Ho hud mndo nn : is- sertion witli reference to the tariff which , seemed to him to need some bolstering , nnd lie said tliut. his statement had been , based on tlio decision of tlio highest court of the stuto of New York. Ho was about to pass on , when a young man In the audience interrupted him nnd bcgueu. permission to ask where this decision could bo found , Tlio gonorul wtis "up n. Mump. " and as a jight for time in the , hope thai ( iarlleld might , help him out ha asked tlio inquirer. " 11 lawyer1' The stranger replied in the nlllrmativo. "I thought so , " said Slioridnn , "You look like a lawyer , and like a Miiurt | nnd intelligent ono at that. You have doubt less read this decision yourself ninny times , lly tills time it became apnarnnt to Sheridan that Gariicld wns enjoying his discomfiture and that liu must gut out of thu serapu thn best ho could. It Hashed , across his mind that there was u report in New York known as Dunio's , and ho naiil : "J'lio report is in uth Donio , pa-jc - , so and so. The young lawyer wuyorcd a ininiilo and then Hat down , saying meek ly , "Ah , yes , 1 do remember now having road it myself. " Sheridan says that he- had curiosity years afterward to look up thu particular pngo to which he referral the iniiiisitivo | young fellow , and found that it was the middle- 11 report of a case involving questions of idiouy , prm edicine That extreme tlrcil feeling which la BO dis tressing and often so unacoouiitaWo la tlio spring months , is entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsapaiilla , which tones the whole boily , purifies the blood , cures scrofula and all humors , cures dyspepsia , creates nn appetite , rouses the torpid liver , braces up the nerves , nnd clears the inliul , Wo solicit a comparison of Hood's Sarsaparllla with any other blood purltlcr in tlio market for purity , economy , strength , anil medicinal merit. Tired all the Time "I had no appetite or strength , and felt tired all tlio time. I attributed my condition to scrofulous liumor. I had tried several kinds ol medicine without benefit , lint as soon as I had taken half a lioltlo of Hood's Sarsaparllla , my appetite was restored , anil my stomach felt better. I have now tukea nearly three bol.tlcs , and I never was so well. " MIIB. JESSIE P. DOUIKAIIK , Pascoag , It. J , Mis. C. W , Marriott , Lowell , Mass. , was completely cured of sick headache , which the had 10 years , by Hood's Bareanarllla. Everybody needs and should take a good spring medicine , for two icasoas : 1st , The body Is now moro susceptible to benefit from medicine than at nny other season. 2(1 , The Impurities which liuvo accumulated In tlio blood should bo expelled , and thu sys tem given tone and stiength , before the pros trating effects of warm weather are felt. Hood's Barsaparllla Is tlio best spring nu'dl- cine , A blnglu trial will convince you of Its superiority. Take H before It Is too late. The Jlcst Spring MctHclno "I take Hood'a Sarsaparllla for a spring medicine , and I find It Just tlio tiling. U tones up my system and makes me feel like a differ- cnt man. My wife takes U for dyspepsia , nd tlio derives great bcneflt from It. Hlio says It la tlio best medicine blio ever took. " V. 0. TUIINEII , Hook & Ladder No. 1 , Huston , Mats. "Last spring I was troubled with bolls , caused by my blood being out of order. Two bottles ot Hood's Barsaparllla cured me. I can recommend U to all troubled with affc tloiis cl tlio blood. " J. Sciiocii , 1'eorla , lib Hood's Sarsaparilla Gold by all ilruggliti. 'fl ; ilx for ( i. I'rcrared | Bold by all druxtltti. f\ \ ; lz for JJ. Prepared by 0.I. ' HOOD & CO. , Apotliecarlei , Lgwcll , Man. I by 0.1. JIOOD Jt CO. , Aputliecarlci , Lowell , Mast. I IOO posoa Ono Dollar I .IOO Doses One Dollar * * * * , .Z. * * * rK- $ * * * * "Ai 'p ' " ' "W S ! " " " ' 5 *