Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertl cmonts under tli shond 10 cencspor
Ino for the first ln ortlon , 7 cents for each
lulecqucnt IcsertlOn.nnJ J1.5C a line per month.
? o advertisement tnkcn for less tlmn 23 cents
Jorthollrst Insertion Bovenwords will bo ooun
led to the line ; they must run conieoutlToly
nd mustbo pild In mlvance. All Rdvortlso-
montB must bo handed In before S o'clock p. m ,
and under no circumstances will they bo talc-
in or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In those columns an 1 hav
ing the answers addressed in cnro of THE HUB ,
Will pleneo nsk for chock to enable them to got
their letters , ns none will bo dolivoro I except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
MONKV to lonn nt rcnsonnhlo rntc < ) on
horses , furniture , wntchos and other per-
socinl property without remoxnl. Small pay-
incnta tnkcnntnny tlmo nnd Interest reduced
In proportion. lluslnrsflrontldrntUI. C. J.fns-
well , Itoom 19. Iron llimk Ilullding , 12th and Far-
nam. Tuko olotntor. _ 400 <
ONKV TO LOAN on rcnl ostato. Lowest
rales No ronunls'lon. Mnlionoy 4. llnr-
rls. Itoom 11 , Ufa Farnam. _ mtmi *
to lonn on biiMness property In
MONKV nnd Improved farms In Douglas
nnd adjoins ; counties ; low rnto. C. J. Caswoll &
Co , lloom ID , Nabrnskn Notional Hank IJulldlng ,
MthjMid Fnrnnm. _ 2' > t
ONKV to lonn on good security * .T. II.
M Frccdman nt Slomnn llros. , 1207Douglns st.
! ! 10
To lonn on Improved fnrmior reM
MONKY on onuycnr's time. Homo 1'lro
Insurance Co. . IMS Douglni at. _ 152
TO LOAN On residence property.
MONKV . No commlislon. C. J. Cnswoil
A. Co. , Hooin 1 Iron Hank Ilullding , 12th nnd
I'nrnnm. _ HCJ.
n f ONnv to lonn on mortgage security. Kent
aTJ-tstnto and commorclal paper bought , J. II.
I'roodmin , euro Solmun Hros. . 100 N. 13th Hi. to loan. Sums $500 nnd upwards.
Ixiwost rates , llemls , 13th nnd Dou8lnssts. _
TO LOAN on business property.
Ill Opposite I'ostollloo. W. G. Blirlvcr. 1B4
noonno to loan on business nnd residence
$ property in sums of $1,000 and upwards.
A in t B , UiO ? rarnam st. E.18
inooooto lonn on city residence property
$ Gco. W.Dny , 1W ) rnrnam. 1)39 )
1O LOAN Money m nny amount
T On nil of security.
Pliort time loans on real ostnto.
Lon r time lonns on rcnl estato.
Honey to loan on clmttpls.
Honey to loan on collaterals.
Money to loan on nny Rood Bocuritf.
Terms easy , tlmo to suit.
Apply nt the Omnha Financial F.xchnnve ,
Uiirkcr'n bulldliKT , SW corner of
PI fteonth nnd Farnam sts. upstairs 010
ONKY fur everybody I You can borrow
money on furniture , her os. wnponi ,
pll.noa , stock of nil kinds , diamond" ) nnd fine
wntchcson your own time. Payments recolvod
lit ny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn.
Property loft In your own possession. Terms
low as the louest Call nnd POO mo. nuslncss
cniifldentlnl. Nondvnntnuo tnkon. W. II. Croft ,
lloom 4 , Wlthnoll's NowlJulk'lng.Nortlienitcor-
nor llith nnd Ilarncy. _ il- *
TO LOAN O. K. Davis k Co.
M Kotnto and Loon agents , 1505 Farnnm Sb
U4 i
ONF.Y TO 1/AN ) On peed securities. A
JIcGa-ock , room 7 llodlck Block , 1KW Farnam
Bt _ _
' . TO LOAN On real estate nnd chat
M tola. D. L. Thomas. 015
MONUY TO LOAN In sums of f JOO nnd up
wards on first-class real cstnto Bocurlty.
Potter & Cohb , 1515 Farnam St 04
ONKY LOANKD nt C. F. Uocd & Co'8. Lon
J-'L ofilcc , on furniture , pianos , horses , wnRonq
perdonnl property of all kinds nnd all other nr-
llclesof value , wltliout removal , ill a S. nth ,
over nimrtmm'fl Comni/sslon / Btoro. AH hus-
jncss etrlctly confldontal. 017
TJIOU hAI.i : Or Tindo In the town of Weop-
J Inpf Wntor , Nobrnskn , n blackstnltli nud
wapon shop. Itensons for sflllnvr , poor hcnlth.
Addicss Qco. W. Lambing , Wcoplnir Wntor ,
. JN ob. C29-22 *
'iTloit SALII-rSoda fountainJlrnt-olaw , price
JJ ? 100 on monthly payments. Iiujulio at 1JOU
DoujilnsSt 62317 *
. ) To IMIV rctallciirnr stand. Ilu h
WANTI.l , llenl Ilstnto'on Com.U'lSS. Ifith.
OR SALK A well paying business , genrrnl
hardware with tin i-hop connected , in n first-
rate location , or partner wanted with capital.
1'or particulars apply to Gustnv llencko , Omaha ,
1513 .TuckRon St. 5H-20
FOR SALK Mniiufacturlnir business paying
Inigo profltfl ; owner has other and moro Im-
poitnnt nllalrs to attend to. Cull lloom 0 , Fren-
yor lllock. 414
EOR SALK-Musio. stationery and book
Ftoro In one of the best towns in the west ;
will sell or rent bulldlntr ; best location in the
city. Alco land tor o\chaugo or snlo In Cho-
ycnno Co. , Neb , W.S' . I.add , Albion , Nob.
TTJIOR SALH A flrst-olass paying business ,
JJ with nn established trade ; good icasons for
Felling ; would exchange for city orfuunpiop-
crty. Addiossl)71 , lleo Oineo. 430-17 *
T71ORSALK Ilusuiess ntNoith I'lnttu , Nob.
Itostmirant , well putronl/od by llrst-elas ?
people , run In connection with store soiling
Inncy groceries , litilts , fresh vogetnblcs , etc. ;
business paying niid Incicnstng ; nmoiinted In-
vobtcd , 8,00 ; good loasous for eolling. Address
Shannon Uio , Notth Platto.Nob. 4T5-17
TjIDR SALK Cheap One pailor pot. sola and
J3 chairs as peed as now ; nlso ono lot In Soars
&Thomas' addition. A baigaiu for some ono.
Addicss O 22 , lloo Olllee. 413-15 *
F OR SAT.K Center , show cases nnd ptocl :
ol Mrs 1'olifor'B funoy store nt 30J N 16th st.
Short time only 417
TTUMl RAT.K Unltorv nnd lunoh Rtnnd In town
JO of nbnut 1,200 IiihabltnntH ; chance lor Ufrood
linker. Inqulro of Kopp , Uroibus & Co. , 1100
rni mini st. _ -Jl'15 _
rno KXCIIANOIJ ronnnjeliaiidlio,030iieros
JL Innd In JeIVcion county , Noli , nnn-linlf
mile tiom county sent 0 .1 Cnswoll & Co , lloom
IU Nebt nsldt National bank. 31-1'Jfl
Olt KXI1ANK ! Stocks of woods of every
kind , for farms nnd land ; nKo lands to ov-
chanpo fnrifondq. If you want to trade , no
inattt'r \ lint It H jott have , write , with full do- C. K. Mayno , rcnl estate bioknr ,
Oinaha Neb. 103
FORSAr.K Cioumoryvill bo sold chonp , on
on1 ; } ' terniB , to anyone \\\\n \ \ will nm It the
comlnif season. 0. M. Cat tor , Ashland , Nob.
Tooxc'hancn for ftoelc of hard-
\\n\o nnd ifouorul morehniidlso , MO norosoE
fine lhaj'or Co. , Nub. , lund ; 0 lots In Gono.i ,
Ncli. . ( rood Ptnui bullilliiu ; U > est cornet ) ; ( rood
dnollliiir ( best location ) In I'.ssov , la. , nKo 8J
ncics JS mile fi-om town of I'ssox , In , , seeded In
blue mass. For further particulars nddrnss
John Undorholm Central Citv Nebtnskn. OJ1) )
1)i : SONAI. Wo have two oust fronts In
HaiiRCom place nt fl.OCQunch nnd tlueu west
ft outs nt $ IHiO each , decided hnnrnins , all of
them , fora few days only. Money talks. Itloo
iVMioii ) , n o i-or 13th nnd Douglas Sts , over
Coimuuiolal National bank , 613-15
T > l'.RHONAL Toporrtonswho wish to build a
J homo In Oi chard Hill , I will sell lots upon
immout of the nominal sum of ten ilollarg and
Immnco at thu end ol' live years. Interest nt 8
iicr cent , puyahlo eoml-annually. This Is the
1 > t t olToruyer mailo to nny liomo-pookor In this
city. Call nud feu mo. C. K. Mayno , S. W. cor.
IDtlianil ruinam , C79
THOU UKNT-itooninndbotirdfor two. 101 j
JL1 Capitol ave 112
m.VIH.K board. 1010 Dodge street.
J. 7fllnii21 *
IO&T A silver Match , between S. 19th ami
J Paik nvo. Ien\o at ibis oilloo or 'Ihos.
llomi n's Meat Maiket,20lh and Pioico , nnd get
icwai-U. 45l5' *
ST1IAW Hats nnd Donnots , tluined and 10-
ptesseillti the. liitest stjles at 1U5 Hnwaiu.
Agdob McAuxlund. 431-24 *
"Vflt'ItLK Comer Cases In walnu or cherry ,
J$1IS ( pel foot. Nectar f 11111103 , same mice.
Spilughiutros. Euicka Show Case Co , 20210
LiiLust , Chicago. ltEUu3
AISUKNl Ni ( AU liludsof gut-den w ot k done
by a practical gaidoucr. Friuik Nluiu ,
1121 S. 10th bt ailiu7
Al'l'LIOATlONS lor U B license made out
by John U. Thompson , Itoom 10 , Kodick
1 Hock.
_ *
_ _
IJAKl'IKs wishingluinlturo cleaned , please mo thrauxli 1 * . O. FioJ Otttv.
IJUIVY mid Cesspools clcaucd by E. Rwin'ir. 1 .
0. Doii4in' , CjOuiu'l *
Foil ItKNT A store on a good ictull street
Apt > ly tlio Opiuhu Kcal Ustatu und l/inu
Tj > OUHKNT Square Plnno , 14 monthly. A.
JU Hospo , 1511 Douglas. UIO
T71OK ItKNT Organs , $3 per rnonth. Hospo ,
JJ 1513 Douglas. KB
FOIlttliNT So.naro Piano , $3 monthly. A.
Hoipo , 1511 Uouglna. till
r Olt MALI : Car load of NoTTTrr-'li milch
I cows. Callnt our jnrds.ZCtli and Hurt Sts.
Penny * Jester , 5l6-2o
171OR SALK Ono Improvcil I'mOold brick ma-
JL chlncj nl o ono 1'hllndelphla hand pro , In
qulro Hoom SO , Wltnnoll IJulldlng. 475-23
Poll SALK A Hare Chnnco Stock and fix-
lures of n proccry store domic a peed buil-
io"S ! ehenp rent , ( rood location ; ronion for fell-
tig ; , other buslno s. 132. > Saundcra st. 48MC *
T710R SALi ; Fitly shares Nebraska nnd lonn
JL' InMiinncocoinpnnj'sstock , nl'oilftj'shnres
Westoni Homolnturnnco compnny's stock. I.
A. .Miller , Council lllu 119 , _ 471-21
T A. JIILLKR-I will buy your Nebraska
nnd Iowa Insurnneo stcck nnd pay jou
forty per eont premium on your cash liiroot-
ment tor the snmo. J.T. Hurt. 47J-21
FORSALE-Chenpsrondcartnt 15C7 N llitli
street. S2V17 *
Foil HALK rirst-class furnltuio. nearly
now , conslftlntrof two bedroom fcts , iiarlor
Fot.dlnlnif room set , illshos , etc , carpets , Kit
chen raniroand tituistls : nl ohard coal stoves ,
easy chairs , plcluio * , books , clucks , otc , etc.
J'neso will bo sold ns n whole or In lots to suit at
surprisingly low prices. J. 15. Enns & Co. , 1513
Dotlffost. 417-15
FOR SALK A 5-horso power boiler nnd en
gine chonp , at Omaha Safe and Iron Works.
2' ' mnv7
MU SALli uno good horso. 1010 Furnnin.
; _ zoo
FOKSALK Square piano , $ .W i , monthly pay-
mcntg. Hoapo , 1613 Douglas. oof
TTIORSALK I.uticli counter and rostauran
JL' Uttlnns , KOS tlxturos , and larKO liontltn ?
storeat the Senate , 1505 lurnnm. Inquire at
nlllcoof J. J. O'Connor , 14th street , between
Doiwlas nnd Fnrnam. 1C6
FOR SALK Match loams find horse ? of nl
klnda to null customers nt Star Sale Stables ,
20th nnd Cumin ? . M. Camion , Prop. 777
"I71OII SALK AnewBtoam roller mill In No. 1
JL' business locality ; line wheat country : but
little competition ! 517,500 ; cost tuoro. w. H.
Green , 215S13th st 829
FOR SALi : Upright piano , $105 , mont
payments. Ilospo , 1513 Douglas. DOS
W ANTKD Good dluliig loom girl "at Can-
Held house' . K8
V\7A > TKI > A ttlrl to do general housework.
T > Sl.fiO per week to ( rood irlrl. S 13 cor. 21st
and Lcnvonworth St , Mrs Martin. 610
WANTKIi T.ndlcs and gentlemen In elty or
country to take light work at tholr homos.
SI.00 to $3.00 a day easily mndo ; woik gent by
mall , no canvassing. Webavoti geed demand
lor our work , and furnish steady employment
Addrcts , with stamp , Crown M.1'g Co , ! 4 Vine
Street , Cincinnati , Ohio. 625uili'
"IT/ANTKD A Rood cook , washer nnd Ironer
T > by Mrs. P. 11. Kenunrd.N. E. cor. inth and
Dodge sts. 603-10 *
WANTKD-A girl at Doran House. Oil Tar-
nnm. 4UO
\\TANTii > 2 first-class laundrosso * . alio girl
to nowlst in kitchen. Apply at Co//ons
House ofllce. 4' > 0
W ANTKI ) A dining-room girl at the Atlan
tic Hotel , 9. 10th st ; Scandinavian pre
ferred. C0i-16
T\7ANTii > Good competent girl for general
T housework ; good vagus. Apply 1013
Howard at. 5U4
W ANTKI ) Lady canvassers for the Van
Ordcn Coisot ; no stylish lady will do with
out this corset ; commissions good. Apply at
once for term" , etc. No. ill5 North 15th stioct ,
this city , or Chnr'os Prlnglo & Co. , Kansas City ,
Mo. Agents wanted ovoiywhoro. 491-20 *
ANTii Dishwasher and second cook.
Apply Kmmot House. 491
WANTUO-A jrood SCUIUStrcss. 812 N. llth
stroct. 470-14 *
WANrCI > A capaMo andobllitliiK'Bill to do
Eocond woikund assist In taUiUjr cure of
chlldrmiifrood asos for satlsfactoiy service.
Call nt brick residence , 1210Southllth street.
WANTED A irood v oinan cook. Applv to
W. C. T. U. , nucklngham Homo , I2th st.
48J-15 *
W ANTKI ) Woman to take cmo of furnished -
nishod rooms. Mrs. Kondull , lloom 2 , Odd
Fellows' Illoclc. 4b5-15 *
TtTANTUI ) Expoiionced trhnots. pply I.
V > Oberfeldor&Co.,1213HimioySt.
WANTKU Immediately A first class cook ;
w ajr s 55 per week , llclctcnees requiiod.
Apply nt M. Patrick's , S W cor. Suumlci s nnd
Lake street. 40 > 15 *
" \TTANTiD A. Rood first , and pastry cook.
TT Address , Tremont House , Llneolii , Nob.
T\7"ANTKD 13 good girls for penornl house-
T > woik ; good WURCS ; places Riven free. Call
Omaha Cmployuiontliureau , 1120 Farnnm st.
WANTi : A competent middle aged wo
man as nurse for small children ; refer
ences loquliod. Apply at icsldoiico of J. O.
Chapman , No. 1115 L'utk nvo. 410-15
" \TrANTUn A good woman cook ; peed w nprs.
V > Address City Hotel , Fairmont , Nob. 447
V17ANT1SIJ Tiniipr ; apply ESnvuco.reoS loth
V > or 13th and Hickory KIMI *
ANTii-Flist-clnss ndveitlslng solicitor.
Aildioas. D'J. HhU Olllco. 5-0-li ( *
TT7-ANTii > TAlioilins For now rnlliond
tf woik. Steady employment E S. Al-
bilglit Labor ABOiioy.liOa Faiuoin atieot , 510-21
TJl7 A T : l Book Agents. Local nnd travel-
TT ing book agents wanted to soil Htiimlnnl
Biibscriptloii books ; any ono can take endow ,
bother ovpoileiici'd or not. The merits of our
books nnd our private pamphlet , "Success In
Canvassing , " free to agents , always assures sue-
eoss. Niunotrrtltnry wanted , mid nddie s or
call on H S .Smith , Publisher nnd ( io.ioral West-
0111 Agent , Omaha , Neb , lotlS 14thht. 510-10
WANTKU A man of good address to luiiullo
llfcsizo cnijou and oil poitralts ; must
glo his entlio time nud attention to the work.
Cull litlot'l i > in. Collins & ShmiU , 1513 Doug
las Bt 48C-10 *
W ANTKI ) T o Intelligent buys , with horses ,
to cany the Dally lice. 4W
" \T7ANTJ2n A wood canvasser to sell furnl-
turo on wooldy payments. Omnha Tlmo
I'll ) ment Co. , 013 buutii 10th St. 45t
" \VAJ Tiii : A tlrst-tlass shoomnkor , able to
i > maku Houcil itntl peg woik , can Mud situa
tion nt 11J H. lUth struct. C. J. 1'alnuiulst. 440 15 *
AWANTKIJ Salesmen for u staple sldo line ;
11 be ml commissions : Knights ol Labor
brnnd ; latest gift inducements with the goods.
Union U. 1' . Co , , 48 J.ako stioet , Chicago. 1S22-11I *
\\7"ANT1.'H Tnofliet eiass coat miikoia and
TT ono ppntaloou maker , at onou. Hlgliost
wages pnld. lliuimby & GlllIcK , 103. ) O btrcct ,
LJucoln.Nob. 28J [
W ANTKI ) A young man or tollable boy
with uhoiso to carry a route on Evening
DUIy lloo. 223
\YrANTKn Two nrst clans co itmakors. Ad
TT ilrchsJohnMorrl&onLincoln , 230
WANTKU 20 young men untl mdlo3 to on-
gngolntho tologrupli sarvlcu , Adtlross
W. J. Iioom 1 , Crotiuso block , l th st.
WANTKD 3good caiivuB-cn to sell furni
ture ou Installments , Call ou M. F. Mar
tin , 31U South 15th st. 573
WANCKD SKtoon Harness mtiKors at Sb-
man Jlros , , 13th and Do ago sts. 213
vtrANTJUJ Position by a young mini as cluik
in cither diy goods , gioeerlcs , boots tun !
shoos 4) oars oxporlenco CUM glvo uood ret-
uiuiicos Willing to suut on email stiluiy Ad-
E Itettnis , Dollunce , Iowa 517
WANTKO Ily a imslilug jouug man , potl
tlon as tra\cling a.ilobiuiiu lor liutihuuo
bouse. Has oxiioilenco in thu business and can
furnish best ot loluroiices , Addicss I)7b , lleo
Olllco , 5J2-I5 *
ANTKD-Posltlon by young lady short-
hnnd , tpu-wilter uuJ coiijtst. Addro g
Alice ilton , 1U21N. 2Jrd. 47U-15 *
\\rANTKI ) Position by young lady as book-
T > Keeper or asttiut. | Hetuieiues giiou ,
Aildrotg M , Hostile , P. O. 615-17 *
\VfA Sri : I felt uatlon bj picscriptlon ill up-
TT gist , ( Germunl ; U > oart > experience ; Chicago
cage i efoi encca * Address U 10 , lice Oiluo.
"V\7ANTKU aeutlomanioom-nwto in private
T T Inmlly , with ImiudtTeuna inoiierato ,
Addrots Dt-Q , lleaolUco , 64H-21 *
\\\Ni'inA : ( tirnUbed room with clothes
T closet or sullp of rooms fpr gontlumnn
end > tifu , South Oniuhuitliitil blocksbf U.
P. depot. Addicts A. 11. C. , tare Mall -Carder
No , li. . 613-lii *
- rent small house In good lo
cation , $12 per month. Address r > 77. Hoe
Offlco. 60M5 *
WANTKO-Housos to rent within ono milo
of the postofflco. Stockdftlo * llunchor ,
1511 Dodge st. 49JI8
ANTKIJ Morn vncnntlotson California st.
W Stockdnlo & Uunohcr , 1511 Dodgost. 497-10
ANTKI ) llrllablo contractor to build
W houo $1,100 to $ .1,000 , nnd take
Hanscom 1'inco lot for part payment. Address
D 72 , lloo office. 478
ANTKI ) llooins and boixnl for gentleman
W nnd lad- , with child of 3 > enrs. On high
land nnd In pmnto family preferred. Addro s.
D,75llEEOinco. 70-15 *
ANTKI ) To purchases lots on n coiner
botwonn Kith nnd 33d , nnd between Hnr-
neynnd Dodgo. Lovsrou & Wilde , lloom 10 ,
Uriuilto lllock , 407-15
Hi-ANTKI ) Everybody to buy groceries ,
Ti fros'i egg < . buttur , and green vegetables
nt Holmrod' " , X IBtli. 407-17
ANTKI ) Teams for rnllroid work , 15. 8
w Albright , Labor Agency , 1303 Farnam-st
W ANTKI ) 3 unfurnlMiod rooms not far
from lilth and Ilnrnoy at onco. Address
D 03 , Dee Olllco. 403-15 *
ANTKI ) Itrthouoos nnd cottages to rent.
W Can llmljou good tenants nt onco. Mahoney -
honey & Harris. Itoom 11.15'J9 ' rarnain 377m3
ANTKI ) To tmy n Bocond-hand tjp ° -
W wilier. J. 11. Haj ncs & Co. , Omaha.
[ 7\on \ IlENT Nicely furnished room with
V board. 714 N. lltlist. ) 517
iTiriTKNT Snlbon , and nxtures for sale.
103 South 10th st. 600
KENT Now ten room homo and barn ,
Foil lot , city water and as , cl torn : tllti'on
minutes walk from opera bouse. 1'ilco smoo. I1
O. tx > x303. 4W10
UKNT-Nlnc-ioora hnuso on Capitol
FOU ; alluiodcru lnipio\ouionts. O. r. navU
&Co. 42-17
UKNT-onico sultablo for real estate ;
also olllce furniture for solo. Call Boom 0 ,
Hronzor lllock. 4ttCZ3
I71OH HUNT Two cottagca , 5-rooms , now
E Apply to ChnilosOBdcu , 13tU ana UoiiRlas.
OR nnNT 3 stores. 1412 S. 13th st. G. II.
Peterson. 724
HKNT 2oncrc stores on South 13th St.
Foil Howard and Jackson. Paulson ACo. . ,
1513 i'arimm St. 585
: RKNT Brick yard. T. Murray.
Iir.NT rannof lOOncics , twelve miles
Foil . Apply nt the Omnha Finan
cial Kxchttiige , SW corner of 15th and Fnrnarn.
itl NT Io5ltallo ) residence , 0 rooms ,
Foil ' add ; house of 9 rooms. South 5th ,
also 2 barns with lofU. J. Phlpps lloo , 110557.
SALE At a barpaln , fine 0-oom house
with modern conveniences ; full lot ; on
Harnoy st , near 25th ; $5 iJ. ) Pottoi' & Cobb ,
1515 Farnam st. V- >
lOlt ItKNT Garden tarm. 303 S. llth St.
> OIt itUNT Nlco fl-room cottuso. 8. T.
F Potcraon. S. 12. cor. 18th and Douglas. 531
itKNT Nicely furnished room * . Lo
cality lino. Tounsiousouublo. 714 S. 18th.
517-17 *
KENT-4unfurnished looms , CJt N 16th
Foil 614-17'
\TrANTm Two or three looms for light
IT housekeeping' , for family of two. Addioss
D 83 , Boo Olllco. 548-17 *
T71OK HINT Two unfiirnbhrd front rooms
JP to man nnd wife without chlldion ; be tof
rofoi dices. Apply UIO N 15th St. 61M1 *
TmOK JIKNT Xowly lurnlshcd rooms in suite
-I ? or single. Street carl puss the door. Honid
If desired. 113 S Jefferson St 5J.M7 *
ItENT Desk room , Exposition hulldlnpr
Western Pottery Co 5--M-17 *
FOR ItKNT Nicely furnished-front looms
nt 23)4 ) Farnam M. Ilro.iktnat and supper
if required. Sirs \Vm Vounjr 607-17 *
ItKNT Po hable furnished rooms in
FOR two-stoiy hrlck ; nil modern com onl-
cncos : short block fiom2car lines ; bioakfastif
dcslied. Apply 2222 BuiUt. 453-1'J *
TT'OR IlKNT Lnrio furnished front loom
Jj with closet ; S10 per niontli. 2 1'J Capital
avenue. 618-15 *
T7 OK KENT Furnished room , 401 N" 15th St
Jb 48015 *
HUNT Newly furnished rooms with
board. 523 Pleasant tt. Uofoioncos 10-
nuirod. 480-10 *
OR JtUNT lionms In Barker lllock. C. C.
F Mayno , 13th and Faiiiam. 45"i
ItKNT Store loom on 18th. C. E.
Mayno , S W cor 15th and Fnrnam. 4fil
TTIOR HUNT Nicely furnished looms with all
JJ modern conveniences. 810 N 17tb. 4.T2
T71OR ItKNT For light housekeeping , rooms ,
-K fmnlBliod or unfurnished , lu Doomer's
lllock. cor Eighth and llowiutl. 433
JtKNT Uiifiirnishud roomon reason-
FOR terms , 1815 Cabs st. ! H5
ij-'OR ' RKNT Furnished front loom 2 blocks
C liom depot , 1011 South llth St34010 *
IORRUNT Furnlshott lodms. 007 N. 17th Bt.
_ _ JL4Ml _
171(111 RKNT rurnishctl rooms. IbA Ciipltol
.1 ? avenue. 110-15"
F Olt ItKNT Ofllco and i toro loom. Gmtton
& Diummond , 1315 Harnoy. , , W )
FOR RENT Two nlcclv furnished looms ,
with board , with nil modern conveniences.
2225 Uod&o. TM
FOIt RKNT iiejaiit : nnd desirable rooms ,
lurnlshod or unfurnished. 1007' Douglas
Pt Hofuicntoa required of iippllcanta. 165
FOR RKNT With board , one lanro nlooly
furnished front room , gas and bath room at
llOUJonoiSt - K70
FORSA1.K 3 flno lots on ( fiado , Ponnoek-
ens udil. on Cumin ? St , at iflW. Theo.
015011,21881011181 CST-St
1BOR SACK r.otson GnorKia nvo for 51,800
-I ? that will briiiff $ , ' , WO uofoio fall. C. K ,
Jhiyno , S. W , eor. 15th and I'm nam. CIO 20
T71OR SALK Special Ilarsaln House am ? lot
J In Patrick's2d aidon ear line : onlyt , OJ
on eusy toims. Call early on llico & Motnti. n o
cor lUth and UoiiKlus bt 512-15
1'ARK ,
rjATTKKSON i'AUic-3Ji miles from Cuuit
J5ATTUIISON r.VltlC Acres nt f 175.
ATTKUSON I'AHIC Acres at $ JOO to f3U.
TDATTJJHSON L'AIUC Acres ou easy terms.
T | 3A1TKUSON I'AHIC Acres the chenpL-st.
ATTKltbON 1'AUK the best place to buy.
i : lly D. 0. Patterson , lion Hunk
3 llulldlng. 4iti24
\TI7-IIKN-YOIIconsldor the location of Hod-
> I ick'a Orovo , the character of burrotind-
Ings , the ncni ness to school , etoies , churelies ,
cms , etc. , when can jou matoh these lots ?
Amos , 1507 Furnara , 481
FOK SAI.K 3 lots with good house , 1'iuk ae
Hunscom I'lnco , f 5,000 , Uhco. OUen , 21tl S
15th bt 527-24
FOKSAI.K 3.'Oft'Ot trout on Farnnm st ut
corncrof UUt for ? W ) per tiout loot ; this Is a
chance lor some one to maku a t > take. C. K.
Maynu , 15th und I'uriiam. 537-20
T7IOU SA I.K lleautiful lots one block south ot
-I. I.uuvetmotlli ; Uio inoct bouutllul lots iu
thiitnelghboihoud , $1 , 00 tilth. C. B , Mujnu ,
15th ana I'ainnni.
FOKb.VI.K llnyliiL' itiado urraiigt > nients to
go \\obt , 1 will bt'H thu lolluwing deci Ibod
real estate : House itnd lot on Cnpltol Hill In
mostdesliublo locution ; hoiibo and lot on Jlow-
t-ry Hill ; two lot * near Hnitscom I'urk , Ad-
dicss Henij 1' . JthouJc'j , nortltMOst corner
' Albor stro-ts , ' 4U
IT O. i'A'l TiHSOX : , Uth nnd Douglas Sts.-
J i Three now cottages naJ lots , monthly pay-
lleautiful acres , Hlmcbaugh's addition , 500
Two ih o acre lots ( botititlluli , tl/jOO
baerul tine residences tluoughout the olty for
eulo ou oasv terms
Alistratts furnlshod and guaranteed.
It. C. I'attersou , 13th and Douglas. 103
RKijiTuVEirNM'mwT ' lots now for bale in
1 to 10 oriO acre tratln : per ncic , fjJU ;
terms to suit Du > cr. Ame , 1507 i'arimm. 4S1
rpltAClCAGi- 5. ncro lots. forwUe. Hush
X & , Belby,2U15tU6t. 86 < J-1
AMES rtAr-No grading ncetled ; level
lots _ mfe livy rnrnnm t. _ 411 For21ot' , 3 dwrlllnps , cream oflo-
ip entlons. Hu h Sc Solby. 218 15th . a' > 2-15
1,1OR SAfjKE-jJbls In l/owo's Ut addition ,
-U south fronts , oaiy terms , only $505. I'ottor
&Cobb.ni5Knrn m8t 8S1
. o to best ots In Wlcot's
add. Rt $ OM caelu I'ottor & Cobb , 1513 Far-
nnmet . . . 855
_ _
TfJUMi SAI.K roll lot , fi01ectpa t front on lOtli
J St , near future llrow neil Hnll , with nearly
now 10-rooin house , JJ.SOO. Ihoo. Ol cn , 21S S
Kth St t . _ 527-24
OK. 9L\iftKf < now irmp of Doujilns county
Is complete In every detail ! It tills a long
felt wnnt. TUo ptlco Is low , considering thu
niuount ofworknoaessary to produeo it. Tor
nlo nt C. E. Jlnyno's ronl o'tnto olllce. M2-mI4
iron SAI.K-lly neil & McCandllsh , 1511
JJ IJodpo Pti-cot
( ottnironiid lot , Ienvpnworth St , $ .1,500
House , barn and two lots near l.cnvcn-
worth , 3,501
West Sldo lots , LoavcniTortli St cxton-
Lnrgo hou o , cast front , near 1'ark
hvo , $4,100
Story nnd half cottage , full lot near
1'nrk nvo. , JSjVJO
Two houses nnd lots on Pnrk txvo. , ono
1 4,000 nnd the other $3,000
East front lot on Virginia nve. nonr St.
Mftry's nve , . 75 loot front , $3,000.
West Sldo lotf.MOt ) .
1'alrvlow norcs $ .WO. on long time.
Hoi : o und lot on Charles street. $3,000.
West Side lots , ( .100. Q4.V15
FOnSAI.K Dcst5-noro tracts In the market ,
only * 3X ) pnr ncro. Inqulro about them.
Potter & Cobb , 151 } Farnam. 853
STKKKTH within 140 feet Of Hcd-
Ick's Grove mnko this ailditlon ospoelnlly
floMrablo : low prices , easy term ? . Ames , I50f
Fnrnnm st 484
TGIOKSALK-Aero lots , Ulso's add. , only 41,503
JL ! Potter It Cobb. 1515 Fnrnnm. 837
OR HAI.1132 feet on Loa\onworth St.
with Improvements worth o\cr $0,000. If
( told nt once $7 nno will take the whole. C. E.
Muync.lMli and rninnm. G3o-20
GKT ONE of C R Mayne'B new maps of Doug
las county It Is the only complete mail
over made of the couity. Th eprico is $7 50.
NKXVI'ORT has sold faster tlmn nny ncro
property over offered. Ames , 1507 Fnrnam.
TT10U SAIi-A lot C0xl40 foot on Virginia ne
- - between Lotvonworth and Faruatn for
$2r > 00 : this Is a bnrgnln. 0. E. Mnyne , 15th nnd
Fmnnm. - 63917
T710U SAI.K-F.ust front lots. Shull's ndd. 23rd
JL ? and Pierce , Jl.lUO. Thco. Olson , 2ISS 15th St
FOIt SAr.K improved tnrms , by Hamlln St
lrown,3Il ! S llth street , Ouinha , Nob.
Cass County , Nobraskn :
KS4 SKU , 27 , M ) , 12.80 acres , about three miles
from AvocajfiQ acres under cultivation.
OtooCounty , Nebraska :
NWJ $ . 31 , ll , U , 180 ncros , Improvements ; 120
ncros under cultivation nnd now coin crib.
Niil,31,9 : , 13 , 1TO acres , Impiovcuients ; 15 ?
acres under cultivation , w 1th n double coincrlb ,
SW'i , 31,9,13,100 acres ; 60 ncros under cultl-
SW > 4,23,8.11.15Sacroslmprovomonts : 118 ncrs
under cultivation , and a now hedge fence all
around the farm.
S\VU,0,0,12,100 acres ; 100 acres under culti
SW'4,4,8,12 , ICO acres : 120 under cultivation ,
with a good dwelling , stnblo.outhousos nud coin
Allot the nb.ovoland3 | within i miles of Dun-
bar.N Vno H. 10-8-11,80 ncrosjoil s w M , 10-8-11 ,
80 ncros ; so H 1911 , 100 ncios J-JO ncres one
nnd ahnlfmUes southsost Syracuse , known as
the Choi u farm , 303 acres under cultivation ,
has two good dwellings , barns , cribs , otc.
All the above lands will bo sold on favorable
For prices nnd further Information call on or
nddiess Hnmlin.Wmrown. ronl estate dealers ,
itll South llth'st. ' Omaha , Neb. 030-20'
FOIt SAMJ S frout lot with frroom house ,
stable , clstoiu , well , otc. Itoom for another
house , 'i block from meet car , Parker's ndd ,
$1,750. 'Ihco. Olscn , 218815th St bX-li
LTjnwiCK& BEAY , Heal Estnto Hrokcrs , S.
B. Cor 15t nnd Douglas.
Hnnscoin Place residences for sale ,
Urooin cotlngo B. F. block 16,100x150. Will
Klegant cottagr E. F. block S , 100x150. Will
divide. ir.AJ ? *
7 room cottifefyK.1 r. , block 8 , 50x181.
4 room cottage' ' W. P. , block 13 , 150x130. Will
C room cottage I * F , block 10. 60U59.
Fho 0 room cottages , north 17tb. Monthly
pa > ments.
llionnt house , J. I. KoJIck's sub-dlv. , Pnrk
nvo , 73\110.
10 room house , Terrace add. W T. , 141x110.
Will divide.
Five cottages , Shull's add. N. F. , 00x103.
Elegant residence , Webster St , S. F , , 33x133 ,
botnocnlbth uniutli.
2 elegant residences between Webster nnd
Buit , GlxUJ.Noith 19th.
" elegant lasldeuuos , Chicago St , 3Jxl33 , each
between 1Mb nnd 10th ,
IHisinesB moporty , corner on Douglas , 1m-
pioved , 11x132.
lluslness property cor. on Oth and Harnoy , C6x
132.Lot 2 , block 102 , 00x133
Coiner on Harnoy near ICth , C0x77.
22 feet fi out on Douglas near 15th.
44 foot on 10th botwoou Jackson and Farnam.
Lots in Ambler's Place , Hnuthornu.
1.0(3 ( In Hanscom Place , Thorubuig
Lots inCortlaiid Place , Jsnao if Sholdou's.
fata in I'm k Placo. Shlnn's odd.
Lots in Ellnibetb I'laco , Omahti View.
Lots In Millurd , K. V. SmlthV.
"To bo said In ton days , " i lots in T/homburg.
"To bo pold lu ton days , " 1 lot on Cumins1 St
"To bo sold lu ton days , " 2 lots In Lake's add.
"To bo soli in ten days , " 2 lots In Sunny Side.
"To behold In ton days. " V lot onSaUudojsSt
"To bo sold in ton day , " 1 block In lloyrt'tt add.
For bin gains oill and see us. Ludwiuk & Sony ,
S. E. cor. llith Douglas. 10J
KmOIC'S OKOVK-1 block fiom 2Slh sticot
school house , 1'iumuii ttiuut , to bo paved 5
blocks beyond , bringing ItedicU's Qrovo HO feet
from paed streets and tats. Ames , 1507 Fur-
nnin st 411
ch I , I on Only for full lot , now house , \\oll
ip cistern , all complete , inv part city. Hush If
Selby , 21815th Ft. 3VM5
20 CK > T n smiiro font will buy HilUkuTlot
Hus'.i &So by,218 Fiftcontli street ! > 00-1
FOIt SALK Flue lot 187 feet deep fiontmc
east ou Mioriniin uve , west on 17tb ! jt. i
block 11 oin sticotcur , near Popploton's , Si,5x ) ,
Tlico. Olscn , 218 S 15tli St 627-21
T71OII SAIK--Ono largo lot , sotitli front , in
J. Lawo'a addition \ory cheap on fn\omblo
toims Inquire nt 1" M. p A rooms OJ1-21 *
FOU SALK Hoautlful lots on Iiwlu Bt In the
cast slduof Itcdlck't ! ( licvu for $ IWO ouch ;
they will bo worth $ JOTO Inside ol a > oar. < \ E.
MIQ no , 15th and Fin nam. 610 20
BAHOAINS 8-room house H mllolromP
O , $ J,2)0 ) ; 4ioom bou e , Virginia nvo ,
( > l,7UdU-iooinhouso ; , ( Ju'Hgla avoJ OJ ; 4-iooiu
houto , Lowo's addition , f 1,000 ; J hoiif-ts , 4,5 and
dooms , Itith , noarloa\eii ortli , $5oij ) 7-ioom
lieu o , Sboimaii a\uuuo , $ JUUO : 4-room hou e ,
17th ht , blocKot curs , Sl.NW ; 7-room IIOUFUOII"
lots. Hunscom Place , # 5,5UO ; 4 mom hoiibo , near
I'nrk nvonuo cars , J2.2JO All ubovo hou es and
lots can bu bought on eusy tuiniR , most ol thu in
ou monthly pajmeiils. Cull and ouunltio our
list Itcdmuu & Thompson , 1511 Farnam , up
stairs. . 'O 10 , 441-15
I.KA.SK 15lots lu Pnrkn's addition on
Clark andSounders ! Sts. Ames , 1507 Far-
nnm. 35'J '
BAliOAINS ut luipioved and uulmpiovod
propoi ty. S l. Liieuu , .15 S 13th bt 8.12
MES PLAUK-Cueapcst city lots.
* "
br v
„ ' iiclres make D city lots Amos ,
x-i 1507 I'm i | [ > i.f ; | , 411
T OH SALKr-TJiDbKSteaetfiontlotsln Haw-
' ' tboinu tula , at $750 Tituu. Olson , 21H S 15th
bt 5,7-24
A Ml'.S PLiXiK No such lota 'n ' any other lo
cality nt the prices asked. 411
A Eusy tunuu ; butter prices
r addition ghos > ou , 411
to tiado fof l ooo turm in
. 5 loun'liB ) or buipy county , Hush if felby ,
I8FllteoiUhhtreot. _ L'57-15
/ 11IO10K business lots in bust locations on
VV Fninaiii , Hiirtioy und lilthbtrepts , tor Iciisu
on long- term of j o irs. Apply to H 1' . Smith.
U. 8. National jlank. Omatio. _ 147-14
$ ! i,70O Onialrn propoily to trade for farm ,
Hush & bclby,21S Filluoutli stteet. 33 > 13
$ 3ii cash ill buy small hou o with giocery
stoic. Addioss D 73 , lleo Olllco 477-20 *
Kii ; > IClC"5 ( iltovi : Nearest and most do-
sirublo lots iu this city ; tomenleiit tocnrs ,
pu\td tttects , ttotcs , Lliurobcs , ami ( schools.
See Uodlck'D Uro\ . Ames , 1507 1 uriiara bt.
[ 411
_ _
1 > ort desirable residence lyts. Am .1507
Fttiuaui , H
t A CKNTh a square foot will buy lot Itans-
JLU com Placo. llush i. Selby , 218 S 15th U1M5
OHOVVTU ehado trees euch ns
> ) ou dnd in Hodlck'g ( ! io\o 1110 u larlty lu
Nclruhku. Seetms 5 our homo lot iu Hoditk'i
Uio > boforu prlco i advance. Ainos , 1507 Fur-
UBM. ' ill
\-\r II. 5IOTTEII , HPM EstfttO Apcnt , S1I S1
T T i 15th St , offora for sixlo real o t xto In Ml
parts ot the city , llelow I quote n few bargains !
For Sixlo 8 ncres In West Omaha at a bargain.
For Sale 1 aero and 0 room house , Park placo.
For Snlo 3 lots In IHmobiuiRhplnco.
For Snlo 1 full block In I incs & Scldon's ndd.
For Snlo 2 elegant lots In Ilnnscoiu place at
nbout two thirds their % able.
For Snlo Corner near Uth nnd Howard with
$ lujNO north of Improvements , renting for
$1,300 : can cosily bo made to rent for $0,000.
For Snlo An elegant cottnuo nnrl full lot In
Hnnseom place , at n sacrifice for n few days
only. Mottor , 211 S 1Mb St
For Sale 2 rcrcs within two blocks of street
cars ; run bo subdhlded nud jour money
doubled ; small cash payment : Invettlento
this. Mottor. 211 8 IMh St.
For Snlo OcottngotO rooms oicli , beautiful lo
cation ! overj thing now nnd In flno Minpo !
oulv ? - , - " > fl , $2t < 0 cash , bnlnnco montbly ;
those nro bargain ? , every ono ol them.
Mottor , 211 SlSthSt
For Sale 1 nowcottajfo and lot,0 rooms , $ , : K > 0 ,
$ \X1 cash , balance monthly ; will take peed
house or cows In exchange ; call nnd ice mo ,
_ 402 Motter , 211S 16th St.
"JTIOII SAI.K A Hue 4-room Tiouo tiot quite
J- finished with porch , ili ( i > ts , pantry , collar ,
cistern , well , outhouses. Walk nil mound house
and picket leneo , everything neat nud complete ,
3 blocks from Nail works , nt $1,201 on very omy
payments. If sou wnnt to socuronnlco homo
In center of town come soon. Thoo. Ol en. 218
S 15th St 627-21
WilUHIi CAN jou Ibid acres to match our
Newport lots ? Wo now offer the best part
of Nc port. Ames , 1507 ramam. 411
KISU&.SKi.llV have for sale all the II F
llhodus proporty. Ask about It. 218 S 15th
FAUNAJI ST. will bo paved fi blocks beyond
Kodlck's Grove. Can you lliul lots ns near
as this nt the price asked ? Amos , 1507 Fat nnm.
IfilOH SALE Lot in Polhnm I'lnco , $575 , cosy
JU terms.
Lots in Hanscom Place , $750 to 11,000.
Lot on Viiglnla avo. , $2,000.
2 lots in Suunyflldo , $3.300 ,
2 lots on West Farnnm St , $15,504.
Ixit In Lowe's add. , $13' ) .
Corner lot In Low o's ndd. , $553.
Lot on Hnmllton St. , S'WO.
E lots on Hnmllton St , $1,000.
Ixit ou Sowurd StSOJ.
Corner lot In Prospect Plnco. $750.
Corner on tnrunni St.tWxI.B ft. $ M.OM.
S houses nnd full lot , 10th near Webster , $ ,9000.
2 lots In Luce's ndd. , $1,175 nnd $1,200 each.
Vi lot and 0-room house , Iznrd St. , iioar 20th ,
125 feet on S 13th St , $11,001
a lots on 24th St. , $20,000.
2 lots on Decutur St. , $1,000.
Lot on 23rd St , 81,100.
Lot In Nelson's ndd. , $1,700.
House nnd full V > t , barn , well , etc. , on Hamil
ton St.Sl(100. ( Easytoinm ,
Ooo. P. llemU IMh nnd Douglas Sts. 873
, 1'or business coiner 10th nnd How-
nrd. Hush itaollty , 213 15th st 355-15
K\V17O"HT commands xiusuipas od vlows of
town and countryNo property sold on
easier terms. No piopeity better \ > orth the
piloo. Amos , 1507rarnam. 411
r' YOU have nny property for sale or rent
list with mound It will hnvu prompt uttun-
tloa llico. Ol3CliL'18 515th 8t 627-24
FOIt SALK-A G-room house , 710 N. 17th st
Inquire at G. A. Lindijulst Jc Co.'s , 1200 I'at-
num. ll 5-lb *
CUNTS per sq ft. for lot In Lowe's ndd.
Hush As Sclby , 218 S. 15th. 31.5 15
$ ! J,50o for model homosouth part town , com
plete conveniences. Hush & Solby , 21815th
St. 350-15
-A Iot00\140 , nnd clwclllilfr 2Dx23 ,
- * noarfuturo lirownoll Hull , cheap ; half cash ,
balance small monthly payments. V. L. Vo-
dicka,520 S. 13th at. till
Tj > OIl SAtK-By J. L. I'lorson & Co. , 1500
JD 1'arnam st , 2d lloor.
Tour choice lots , lloyd's addition.
W\ir.coiner ) ; , Jackson St. , business.
G0\140 , Hnrnoy , unimproved.
33\HO , ( "hlciiKO , house , 1 looms.
nOxlM ! ) , Cnpltol uronuo.
l.Kxl'JO , Capitol a\anuu , 2 houses.
ISOxlW , Shormnn ineuuo.
40x140 , North 22d Bt , near car line , house , 8
rooms : a complete homo.
00\110 , new 110110 , near business , on Califor
nia st ; posbPiolon Immediately.
1'nttoit.on Park aero lots.
Lots ill KlrHuood.
I.otp in Suniiyplilo.
Lots In Hawthorne.
100 ncros , near city , a flue farm , nt n bnrgnln
If sold at onco.
The best 10-ncro tract In the market.
Call and see the chances wo have for Rood n-
vestments. 474-17
HAVK YOU peon Itodlck's Grove ? If not ,
como nnd look at the bo t lesldonco lots In
west part of to n. Ames , 1607 Farnam. 411
FOR SALE Cheap lots In Burr Oak , just east
of Hanscom Park , near street can , ? 750 , easy
terms. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Kuinam st 8ot
T71 Olt SALE. One car mules and 10 head of
.T hoises , nt20710thSt 3(18-23 ( *
003IU AND SKK the ncro lots wo offer. They
cnnnot bo matched In location , price or
terms. Ames. 15'J7 1'arnam. 411
FOU SALE Vour lots , cor. California nnd
31th sts. , 2 blocks from proposed pavln ? on
Cumlngst , T830und 959 each. Potter & Cobb ,
15151'arnam st 849
A MUS J'LACi : Lots sold to tuoao ho aut
Xi-homos they can pay lor. 411
13 OKNTS per satins foot will buy lot in
Hawthorne. Kush & Selby , 218 S. Ifitli.
FORSAl.K-oibson baa for sale lots in Ilans-
com rineo , $ * X > to 81,500.
Oibson has for sale houses and lots In Han3 >
com 1'Inoo.
Gibson has for sale houses and lots In all paru
1 the city.
Gibson has impiovod farms nnd lands in all
parts of Nebraska forsalo or exchange.
( iibson 1ms thousands of acres of land in
Western Nebraska for sale from $3 to Jl per
Gibson would Hko to BOO you 1C you want to
buy orhfcll.
Glbsou'slstho plaeo to lint your proporty. Call
and see him nt Itoom ; ) , Wlthuell lllock , eor. 15th
andlluinovsta. S80
RKDICK'S OJtOVK Natural growth shade
lots Just a mile tiom postollice , $600 to
f 1,200. Ames , 1507 1'ariium St. 411
FOR S/VI.K Or Trade Improved ami unlra-
pioved lauds iu I'umn ? nnd other westoin
counties. Addtoss Win. Slmoinl , Arapahoc ,
rurdusCo. , Nob. 275
EKDIOK'S ( DROVii Only ? 800 to $1,201 for
lots In this locntlon is o\ceiitlonnliv alien p.
All the ieiiilsltos | lor n Ilr.-l-.liif s homo location.
See Hedlek's Gro\o. Ames , 1507 rarnam. 411
OVK .MIM : fiom the po toirico. o\er paved
streets , will brlu ; ? jou to Uodlck's Uro\o.
Amos , IS'jrrm num. isl
A3IES PLACE-Not u poor lot In the addi
tion. 411
AKT..S AUDITION Ask about (1,000 homo.
L' Hush A , Polby , 218 15th ft. H51-H
SAI.K Tliroo line lots in Shlnn's 3d add.
FOIt each. I'ottor A : Cobb , 1515 1'nrnam.
lots In Itodiek's Grove command
mand the attention of those desh Ing olegl-
bio home locations. Bee Uedlck's Qiove. Ames ,
1507 rurnnm. 481
$ anne for full lot with hnuso , bade high
school , east front : must soil , party going M
leave. Kush to Selby , 218 15th bt , 310-15
| 7 OKSALK ni > rBargain Corner In Isaac &
U Boldon's addition , only 2 blocks trom Lee
n worth tt.JII-IxUJ , only Jl.GX ) . Potter if Col
1510 rai nam at. BiJ
Moo for lot iu Lowe's addition. Hush &
Sulby,2IS S. riftoenth stiout , 311-15
: OKNTS tier gtiuaie toot Mill buy
SIVKNT Place lot. HusU& Solby. 218 H.
15th. UC-M6
17 OIt SAI.K Lots lu Mnjiio's addition Knuth
' of the rnlhoal lor STO that ciiniiot bo bunt
lor biuutv and chonpnrss nniuheiu ; citsj
terms. C.i ; . Miijtiu , BV , cur , 15th and Fnr-
imtu. 611-2U
"ITIOK SAlK-Or Kent T-ioom boubo on
-I. Cliutlcsbt cor ot James , Htuts for $15 U )
permoiith Lovgien d Wildo. fril-15
\ \ 7I1V pay S800 for n poor lot In IltirrOak
ii bun o M ill bull not only n good ono but
thovciy liebt qu coiuiiloto gtudu , fust liont ,
$75'J. Hubh .Vtlby , 218 15th St. C31-16
"M"E\VI'OKT nenrcst , best acres See foiL
-L > jonrtUt tliut tlio choice o ( Newport nu nuw
oiler. Amti , 15'J7 Fnruuni , 71
AMK& 1'I.ACK Hc-at lots for the money In
Oiuuhit Sold go that thu man of moderate
means can got u homu ou easy terms. Sie
Aiue Place , Ames , 15'J7 ' Furiinm. 411
IWmiiKUKUst our ptpiioity with us ,
\\htthur linpro\ud or uiiliupioxod city
pioporty , fm ms , rnnelie.s , stocks of H0od9 , > > hlcu ,
jou doslioto sell or oxchuugo for other prop'
y , Muhouy & Harris , ruom 11 , 150UFiinuiu.
NAM hTHIJKTstralglit out to gethstH'Ct
-L tchool house brings jou to HuJlck b Grovu ;
huiidaomu ground , cpleudlj natural Miutlo.
Atucs , 1507 F urnam. . 151
Fen s.vrK-ny rvgrc Jk Anuo , no om 10
Ornnito lllock. Tclophono T5J. .
All persons -wishing quick sale * of property ,
should list with u * . Thofo wishing homos
should road our llMs carefully.
Improved Propoity
174 l/t on 8. 18th st. with 3 good hougo , ono of
0 , onoot fi , nnd ono of 4-rooms 3 cistern *
nnd well. Must bo sold by May 1st Chonp
for cash.
ITS Oood lot on P. 10th st. with larpo 10-room
liou'o , well , cistern , coal liouso , collar.
Terms to unit. $5,200.
171 Ixit 65x115 on Capitol nvo. , good C-room
hotiBO nnd modern Improvements. Terras
on y. $ .t , 50.
170 East front on Vlrclnln nve. , C0.xl50 , 7-ronm
liouso : Vretlirst local Ion in Omnlm. $4.0X1.
109 Henittltul propetty on IVth near Hurt , with
11-room bou o nud 7-nHim hou o , modem
Improvements In both homes. SH.OOO.
ICS-Dosli nblo propoi ty on 8. UHhnoai Castcllnr
4-ioom lioUfofl < lorn , clo. $2,700.
107 Coiner lot on Charles St. , 7-room liouso
with ttnprovomonts , vmy elioap nt JJ.'AXX
ICO H hnlt lot ono blk fi-om l n\onwnitli on
32ud St , C-iooiu house , ohoap nt f l/jtXl.
153-Oood 4-rooin liouso on ClmrlosSt. nenrSOth
well , cistern , good cemented collar.
down , bnl. on y. $1,5)0.
157 'Vroom house on niuonport. nonr Uth ! nlso
6 room house , rout for $ S5 nnd J20. $ iliXK ) .
230 Cor. lot on Pap. nvo. nndSSth , 0-room house
In good condition. $ .1,750.
25S10room house on L'nllfornln St near 17th.
wlthlmpro\cmonts ; nUoU-room house , all
for $4A > n.
121 Blots , east fronMn Han com llaeo with
largo now houso. A bargain. . 4,3W.
117 Oood 4-room houoo on lllomlo Ht , nonr
3 tilt , barn , cistern , Bhado treoi.ctc , $1.500.
110 2 lots , south front , ou Frnnultn St. , double
hou o on ono. both for f 3,10f > .
110 Corner lot on Chicago nnd 21st St , B-niom
house , neil , elstorn , and shade trees , u bar-
gnln nt JC.OOO.
103 Ixit 50xHO on Park nvo. A biff bargain at
$2,000. Kmy terms.
821 Lot 60x150 , oaM front , on Vlrulnlft avo. ,
$1,123. One-fourth cash : baL easy. A rare
219 Cor. lot In Ham comfl place , 60x150. $100
cash ; bill. easy. $825.
205 East front on Virginia arc. near Popploton
8tGOxl60. Easy terms. tl.Wi )
217 1/5150x150 Hnnscoin Place , MOO cash ! bnl.
to suit. $1,000
241 8 lots , Isaacs * BolJon's add , corner , $800 ;
Inside $750.
201 Lots In Doucker'8 add , $339 each ; $50 down ,
balnnco $10 per month.
200 Lot * In OrnmUtflw add , ranging from $350
up. Ensy terms lo buyer.
237 A grand lot In Snundora St Hlmobnugh's
ndd , $1J3 clown , balance $ . " 1 per month , $400.
233 Lots In Kirkw oed , U down , balance easy ,
fi > no
251 Lots In Tliornburg ndd , $150 down , bnlnnoo
chaser , $153.
243 Lot * ) In Hawthorn ndd ; terms to suit pur
chaser , $4iOnndup.
243 Elognnt lot In Cortlnndt Place , terms easy.
220 Cor lot In Lowo's Ut add$150 , cash , balauco
cn y. $ W > .
"OS 2 lots In Pi oapcct Plnco fronting on Hamil
ton ; nblg bnrgulu , Dolh for $1.700
120 2 lota , one corner lot , 25th stioot near
Dodge , 2 eight loom houses on one lot , line
bnscniouts nnd modern Improvements , all
for $ J ,000
13G-- Full lot Shlnn's 1st mill , 3 loom house clos
ets cistern and out houses , with good bain ,
$800 down , balance to stilt , $1,000
147 o room liouso on full lot fronting on Geor
gia a\o , vlth cistern , out houses , etc , H.OOO.
HU Full lot , Gooijfin nve.D room house , modoi n
improvements ; $500 down , balance monthly
pinmenlH , oxtiomoly chonp nt $3.0 W.
237-lloautllul lot troiitlng south to Walnut III11 ,
$100 down , balnnco $10 per month ; $100.
Lovgron & Wilde , Hoom 10 Qranlto block.
F OK SALK The Omnlm llonl Estate and Lonn
Co. do not advertise is largely ns some , but
they have Just as huge a llstot property as tiny
other flun , nnd it will pay jou to see them be
fore buying. U Is managed by old and well-
Known icsidoiits of the city , aud nothing but
houoiablo nnd upright ilciulug 1s Indulged in.
Theli ollico Is HOOH12J Wltuuoll lllock. Kff
TJKSKUVKDLOTSin Newport now for snlo nt
-IX $330 per acie. Amos , 1607 Farnam. 411
FOB SALK } nero lot , a goort 0-room house ,
ngrocorv store , with stables , out-bouses and
olty water , 22d near Loavonworth , rent VT > .00
or mo. , price $3,50J. This is a first rate Invest
ment Omaha Itonl Estate & Loan Co. , Rooms
22und2j , Withuell block. 740
FOU SALK First-class residence pioporty
on St. Mary's live , ; largo lot , good house
nnd o.liorl mprovoments ; price reasonable ;
terms easy. Cochran Hros. 1500 Fnrnum. 703
"klillLKSS people pay ? 0,000 for a vacant lot
when they can buy the satno kind of a lot
ot us back ot high school with cottage nnd
nloolv nnpiovcd lor 85,003. Ask about this.
Hush & bclby. 218Fifteenth street. | JI53-15
lODICK'S GKOVE , Ames , 1507 Fnrnam.
FOR SALK Dyj. E. Illloy , Itooms 1 and 5 ,
Grnnlto BlocK.
Z lots in Duitlett's addition 51,053 and 1,230.
5 lots , Dill r Oak , $80J to SWO. !
Biota , lioyd'saddition , fJJOonch.
2 lots ami cottmro,2'lth ' bt , near Knrnnm , $3,000.
House and lot , 89th St near I'urnam , S-.OOJ.
00 feet on Harnoy near 13th St , ? ± . ' , OUO.
10 lots near Hod nmlGieen car Hues , SG50 to
44 feet on Oth and Jones Sts. , $0,000.
I'll foot on llth St , nt und viaduct , S12.0DO.
25 lots , Hanscom Place , 750 to S1.S50.
25lots , Hawthorne I'lneo. $100 to $150.
1 lot , Nelson's addition , $ iUOJ.
5 lots , I'olhnm 1'laeo , f aJO to $530.
Slots , Potter's addition , ? WJO to § 703.
3 lots , J. I. Itodiek's addition , fcl.WI ) to 53.0D5.
5 loom house untl lot , S. 15th St. 92WO.
House nnd lot. barn , otc. , S. 15th Bt , 53,503.
Lot on S. 14th St. near Castcllqr , $1,25'J. '
121 foot fiout on CampbollSt , ? lbJO.
Lots In Sliull's addition $1,200.
n lots. Shlun's2nd addltlouS750 to $1,533.
Lots ( iiTnornburff , Sr > " ) ) .
7 lots , West Oinnhu uddllion , obuap.
3 lots , Wulnut Hill , Sltf.
House of 4-rooin . 2 lots , Walnut Hill , $1,459.
Aoiolot , Wn hlnBton Hill , 6750.
6 ncio lots , Muylleld , f J50 nor ncro.
In addition to the above , I have a largo list of
holoo residence ami business lots , also subur
ban ucio property.
For sale by J. B. Hlley , Heal Estate and Loan
Hrokor , Uooms 4 mid S , Otanlto Uloclt , 15th St.
near I'm nam. VSO
T7\onSALE \ Tn-olotsln Plalnvlow , 5133 each.
J3 I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Kainamst 033
INVKSTIOATU the Hosorvod Newport aero
lots now ollored for the Ihbt tlmo. Decide
far yourself ns to the mot its nt this voiy popu
lar location. Aincs , 1507 I'lirnini. 4o4
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block ,
Grade SyFtoins and Sowornq-o Plans for Cltloa
mid Towns a 8ioelulty. ] I'lans , Uitlmatos aud
Specifications forl'iililloimd other KiiKlncoriiig
\\oiks furnlahed , Surveja nnd Uoport made
on Publics Iinpiovemonts.
ANDIIKW IlosiswATKn. Member American Boole-
Gty Civil Kutflnepra. City Engineer ot Omaha
KO. H. C'musm : , Civil Lnglnuor.
Commission Merchants
Hoard of Trade , Chamber of Commerce ,
Clilciifjo. Milwuukcu ,
, C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor ,
-W. 2 = . E'ECK : ,
Local niiBluosa Boliultor , IIJOI
and Jail Jork.
1020 I'mnuin faticot , Omaha , Neb.
Peiter 6 HsgeriJh ,
Law Reporters nnd Copyists ,
Btnto Agents for Nebraska.
Typo-writer supplies and paper Kept In stock.
bend fur dialogue.
Short-hand Institute'
The largest , best nnd cheapest short-linml nnd
typewriting tchool In the woit.
Learn this \ nlunblo art anil secure a luorntlro ,
position. Short-hand taught by mall to those
who cannot nttond the InMltutp.
\Vo keep on band n full supply of Fltm n'i
shoit-linnd text books , also type-writer supplies
Tor partlculftts send for olruulnrs to
Valentine's Short-Hand Institute
1119 find 1 120 O street Lincoln , Neb !
Milwaukee & St , Paul
The Skortfliiiie
aucl Best Route
From Omaha to the East
ChlcoR-o , Mlnnoapoll * . Mllwaukoo ,
t.Pnul , Cedar UapldL Vatjnport ,
: ilnton. Dubuqtio , llockforJ ,
Hock Island. IVoonort , Jnnoirlllo ,
tiffin , Mndl an ,
IH-lolf , Wlnona
AnJollothor important points East , Northo i
nnd Southoast.
Ticket offlco at U01 Farnam sticot , fin raxton
Hotpl ) . nnd nt Union Vacltlo DopoU
1'ulliniin Slocpois nnd the b'lnost DlnlnjrOArs
In the World nro run on the main lines of tha
otery attontlon Is pntil to imssonsors by coutt * *
ou i > mployos of the companj- .
11. MII.I.KH , aenoral Maimeor.
J.F. TUOKBII , Assistant Otmoral Mannjar.
A. V. II. CAIII-ENTBII , General Passenger ml
Ticket AROIU.
OFO. R. UttAFFOtiD , Assistant Qonorall'agsoa
eor and Tlckot Ajrouu
itality. Nerrons and Physical DuMlltr
Prcmntnro Decline in Mnn. nrror of Youth , nd t\i \
nntoW rul orlei romltlnitirom Indiscretion nnd OK-
ccmof. A book for ororf man , young , mlUille-BROtl
nnd old. Itconfilngli > iiroscrlptlonJ far all ucuta and
rhronlcilinoascs. cnchono or which Is Invnlimblo. Ha
laumt br the author who'O cxpcrlanco far 33 rent Hi
fnch us protmblr novcr ucforo foil totbo lot of anr
nhynlclnnt.'WOiinKo , Imnnd In baitutlful Froncli mill-
mi , I'mljof ccl covers , full cut , cunrnntooil to Ho a tlnar
workln oToryecnw moclinnlonl , lltomry nndnrnra *
eloml thnnnny other work In this country fortt-51
or the money will iiorof mid In every Initnnco. Prlsa
only fl by mull , pontpiM HliKtrntnd nnmnle , fllj.
Benanow. Uolilme < lnln\Tttrdod tlienuttiorbTtha M *
tlomil Medical Ansoclatlon. to llio Hon. A. l { . HIsnolT
mid msoelnto onicera ot the board the reader Is ro-
fpcrtruUr rcfcrraJ.
1 lie Science of Ufolii worth morototlia youuitana
nilililloiiccilmcnot thin concrntlon thin all tliouoli
inlnoi of California nnrt tuo tllrer mines of NovaJa
combined S. K. Chronicle.
The Hclcncc of Mfo points oat the rocks unit qnlclo
anil on which tbn constitution an < hopoj of mlinf
n young man Imvo boon iiUAllr wrockoa. Ilauohoitar
'llioscicnpoot Llfolsot nreiitor Tftlua than Hll Hi )
medical works publlnharf In thli country for Uio pail
H ) vcuni Atlttiittt Constitution.
'Ilia Sclc.ncu ot Life Is n superb nnd mastorlr trait >
Ino on nervous and phjrslcut dcbllltr. Detroit Fro
Add'rcnsthe Poaboilr histltuto. or Dr W. Q.
Pnrkaa.No.4 UullUncli street , llojton , Mass. , wn < 5 imv
bocoasnlteU ou all dlauoses requiring ikll land xperl-
onao. Chronic ana ubslnnla Olnuasoi thai UUVB bat-
lied the skill of nil othcrphralctana a specialty. Hitch
trcntnd successfully irUuout out ostuuco 01 JttUura
Mcutlun Omaha lloe.
BT troton of IU central petition nnd close relation tt
all principal Ilnej I ! l HIUJ vVcst. ut luilUt Buillcr-
ftlnV poU. , coniMtut . most IpjpmUnt -
The Great Rooli Islnntl ' ttfiuto
- ' - ' - c - -
OunranteealU pittrohi f
riry nirorJM by a eotm ,
iieit. uniontli traoki ot cqntli
ttiilly lnilt culverts urn ) In Id
ms ruttte nr innittn nt nil conntctlne nolnn In
Union Dojxjti , and the TinsttrL'BRxed coutiarts AUd
laxtirlei at lt > I'aasenKir Kqulputolt. ,
The Kajt Ezprxia Train * batw Cbtctca and
Peorln , Council IllulT. , K n. 8 Clty . vemvoilli Sad
Atchlauli are ( .otnpiiitd < it wall Tf iili
" '
uram oi nng jir t\
The Famous Albert Loa Route I
la llie dlr ct nnil favorite Una betnetn Clilcigaand
ttliinBapnllaandRt 1'njil , where connec tlona ure inado
In Union pemta for all poliitu la the IcnltorUa and
litltlili l'ro lncfj. Ovir thli rout Fait ! : < preu
Trnlna nro nm lo the vntoilng rlaics , euinmor te
ortH , plctiiroJTOO loralllloii , unrt luintln anil n liln
rotiuiliot Iowa and JHnnpiula. u It elsa tb > moi
: lf liubloroutnto the rich wlieat tltlJi nJ rnstorij
laiiMiof Interior DuLoli .
Still oiiotlitr liiKLor MSB , Tla Bcnsca and Kan'
fenkie , bun brra opeiuJ between < ; lnclnn tl , Indian-
uiiolli an I I.Rluvnttu.anil Ci.nni.ll liluirc , KaniaaCltr.
Iliiiie polli n.lbt I'milnndiiitrrn dl.itopoInU
( or ilctallul Inronnitlon tea Jlnni and KuldtrHi
phtaliiablo.aa well ni tlukutj , at all iirluclpal'lltkot
Ofllro In tbi > United tititca ami Cuiadai or b J ad-
1'rcs't & Cen'l H'c'r , Oen'l T'lit I'usi. Atft ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only road to take f.jr Dos Alomas , Mar-
ha It on u , Cedar tapldi , Clinton , Dlilo. Chicago ,
Milwaukee and nil points oust To tlio puoiileof
Nebraska , Coloindo , Wjoniltig , I'mli , Idaho
Nouulj.Oreiion , Wasulnxton and Cnllfonilalt
otrci s superior ad vunttues not possible by any
other liny
Among n fuw of tlio numoious : points ot supo-
iloiityiuijovedby thu pinions ot thU loitaba-
t \\uinDnml.a and Chicago , me ita two trains a
day ot DAV COACH F.SJ uliich are the finest that
human nit nnd Iniruniilty can uicato. lUPAL-
An : SLEEI'INO CUtVvhloii iiniT models at
coiiiloitaiidolognucu. ilHl'AHUJUUKAWINQ
HOOM CA1IS , uiisurpiiiuil by any , und Its wide-
Jy telobvutod PVLAT1ALD1NI.S6 UAU3. tito
equal of MI hieli cuiiunt be found olsowhero.
At Council IllulfH the tuilns ot the Union Pact ,
flo Hy , conm-ct In Union Depot with those of tha
Uiluigo & Northwostun Uy. In Chicago the *
tjaius of this line make close toiiuutiqu vrKU
tlif of > f ulloasternllucs.
For Dt'lioit ' , Cohiinlnts. Indianapolis. Cmola
null , Niagara FalU , llulfalo , Plttsbmir. Toronto , liostoii , Now > 'oi k. Philadelphia , lial.
tlnioie\Vii hUiifton nnd ull points lu tuu-oast , ajk
tlio llckot nirent fnt tlolti > ts vluihu
. . "NOUriJ-WKSTBUN. " '
If you wiih the bust uccornmodutlous. AlUiclctt
" ! lWlSM-ft" ' V'a ' tUW Mnfc
- H. a HAIR ,
Oouom iluuurfcr. Ur ' '