Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
PI THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FRIDAY. APRIL 1(3 ( , 1836. THE DAILY BEE Fl COUNCJL BLUFFS. FRIDAY MORNING , _ APRIL 10. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAKI. STREET. pcll ttctl l < y cnrricr In nnrpnrtof the city at twenty cents per week. 11. W. TII.TON , Malinger. TKLI'.I'HONKS : OrriCB , No. { T , NmiiT KniTon. Ko. a. _ MINOlt aiKNTlOX. Sttibbs , the Imttcr. Now sprniK goods at Rultcr's. U. 1 * . Rccdcr was yustcrtlny fined $14 forb,1found ! ! ) / in a coon house. Miss I'oppk-ton delivered the last of her terlcs of lectures last evening. Ladies boar In mind tlic opening at the I'nrifiiaii millinery store April 23 and 2t. ! Harmony mission held n social last evening ut this homo of Mrs. D. O. Drown , on Bunion street. Ladies , Bee the line linn of ribbons in ricot cdjrcs and jrun/.o uH'uuts at the 1'u- risinn millinery store. Rcunhir meeting of Fidelity Council No. IfiO R. A. this ( Fiiday ) ( svening. A full attendance is desired. The iigalnst William llohninp for keeping his saloon open Sunday has been dismissed for Inek of evidence. Permit to ued lists been granted Louis Lori'iit/cn and Mingaret'Jonnehon , both of this city : ( it'orgo E. Fisher and Annie E. Cnrrie , both ot Underwood. Simeon Dodge died at his residence , i No. 172i5 Seventh avenue , Wednesday night. Ho was 07 years of ago and bud been a resident of this city since 1874. MrH. Under , alias Mrs. Frank , is to have a hearing before Judge Aylesworth to-day on the charge of enticing the Mercer girl into a hoii'-o of prostitution. Sam ( lolVand E. T. Mugeo were given a chance to work for the city , they bi-eni- ing to have nothing to do but to hang about the railway yards and sleep in box cars. cars.Last Last evening ! i reception was given Mrs. W. ( J. Spetman , Miss Li//.io Spet' limn , Chris Stranb , Fred llcrman and Dick Hoist at the Kiel hotel , on their re turn from a four weeks trip to the Pa cific slope. The entertainment given last evening by the children of the Homo of the Iricndlefs proved an interesting one , and very creditable. The proceeds go to the support of tie ! .school run iu connection with the homo. The work of cleaning the mud off Broadway is progressing. If such clean ings were more frequent and regular , they would be less expensive , anil the streets would bo in a much more satis factory condition. The board of health has decreed tlmt the mar.-ihal shall enforce the ordinances in regard to cleaning up the alloys. Ono of the places to commence is on the alloy ne.Nl to the city building. The work should not stop there though. Hans Jensen was yesterday brought to the front to answer for his dog , who was charged with malicious mischief. Ho oxprcsseJ a willingness to kill the oHending animal , and pay the costs , and the matter was dropped with that under standing. J. Ryan is to step into court to-day to answer to the charge of threatening the life of Captain Anderson , of the Mer chants' police force , lie is the fellow who was caught prowling about the rear of stores late at night , and who proposed to shoot the ollicer full of holes rather than be taken. The expenses of the recent investiga tion of the institute for the deaf and dumb hero amen " " J" * " 22. " . Tito GtcilO rap'hct' , Miss" Laura Flic'kinger , gets $2 ! i.50 of this amount , the commit- tep get $23 each , and the balance is for witness fees , there being fifty-one witnesses - * nesses at $1.25 each. Thomas Martinus , who has been cm- ployed us cook at the Ogden house , and who has held other similar positions hero nnd in Omaha for some time , died yes terday morning after an illness of about ten days. Arrangements are being made for his funeral this afternoon. Ho was a single limn , a Mexican by birth , and hud no' relatives hero. A man named Hicks , of Glcnwood , was yesterday taken in charge by the police for vigorously encouraging the violation of the prohibition law. It seems that Hicks should get posted on the ways of Council IJluU's without much more exper ience. Only : i short time ago he had his watch stolen when visiting the city , mid had no little trouble about it. Each day brings u different report as to what Judge Conner has decided to do in regard to the saloon injunction cases. Yesterday thn reporter of the evening prohibition sheet was busy announcing to passers by on the street that Judge Conner had refused to grant tlio injunc tions , but this proves to bo premature , no such order having been made. George Washington Makepeace , the sensational attorney , after having liis habeas corpus hearing before Judge Aylesworth hero , was taken back to the jail at Logan. Monday ho was released on bail , but was immediately rearrestcd by Shorili'Moonoy of Crawford county , on the charge of ombcx/.lcmcnt committed there. Ho was placed in jail at Denison , bail being fixed nt $ GOO. Makepeace has sent a blank bond to Dtinlap to have citi/.ons thcro sign it , and has also prepared a petition to he signed by business men setting fortii his persecutions , as ho considers them. If he can secure the necessary signers ho will forward the petition to Judge Loofbourow. The two young men arrested hero ns being wanted in Topuka , Kansas , for bur glary , prove to bo the sons of very re- Hpectable olliclals of that state. One was Daniel Lawhead , whoso father is super intendent of public Instruction in Kansas , nnd the other was Leo Curtis , whoso father is the county jailer nt Topuka. Curtis was in the employ of a jeweler named Payne , ami with the assistance of Lawhead got away with about $1,100 worth of linu jewelry. Part of tlio goods were placed in a pawnshop in Topeka , nnd the rest planted in Omaha , where the young men have been the past two weeks. Chief Sherman , of Topuka , took the pris oners back yesterday. They apparently feel the disgrace greatly. The olllcers hero are entitled to u credit mark for their clover capture. Wanted , n Flro Alarm. Among the great needs of this city is a good lire alarm. Thu present system , or lack of system , is expensive at any price , and its unreliability has uucn generally conceded. Yesterday the tire depart ment and some other citizens and olliclals had an opportunity of seeing the Richmond mend fire alarm operate , it being exhib ited hero by Mr. William Mondcnhalltho secretary and treasurer , The showing was made at the Rescue engine house , nnd the workings of tlio peculiar box thoroughly explained. It Eccnied to im press all favorably. It can bo used for a patrol system in police service , and for various signals. The city has not de cided what it will do as to a fire alarm yet , and in view of other needed improve- "ttients , there has been a disposition to move slow in the matter. It is also ex pected that other propositions will soon bo uiiulu to tlio city in regard to fire alarms , und the hope is entertained that tome cheap arrangement may be se cured which will antwer the purpose for several -years to come ufloust. FOR SEWERING AND PAVING , Jlccent Changes In the Modes of Paying for Snob Improvements. THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR SPEAK. Showing a Fire Alnrni-hyinnn's Jlrltlgo. Hill A Note4 HOMC- Dr. Plsh's Lectures Notes About tlic BlutTa. Sewers nucl 1'nvlnc. f n the closing hours of the legislature two bills , drawn up by Senator Gatch , iu regard to sewerage and paving wore passed. The paving bill was so drawn that it is really a special bill for Uos Monies , as it is matlo to apply lo cities of tliu lirst class having a nopulation of 00,000 as shown by the last census. Ono of its provisions is interesting , ns it touches upon dill'icnltics already felt hern. It provides for the issuance of bonds , and giving seven years for the property owners to pay , in equal annual installments. When the city has reached its constitutional limit of indebtedness , it provides for the issuance of certificates to the contractors , stating the amount of the assessments for such work , and trans ferring to the contractor and his assigns , till of tlus right and interest of the city in regard to such assessment. Whenever tlio owners of sueU lots shall agree , in writing endorsed on such certificates , to make no objection to any irregularity or Illegality in these assessments , they shall have the benefit of the long time , paying in annual installments , if they ngreo to pay interest. If the property owners refuse , then they are compelled to pay the entire amount according to the kt la.v. In view of the possible complica tions which might in the future arise here , some people are in favor of getting such a law passed for Council IHull's , anil regret that the bill was not made to in clude this city. The bill in regard to sewers applies to all cities of the lirst class , and therefore applies to Council IMull's , and > vill inako pome changes in the system of assess ments hero. The chief points of this sewer bill are : In nil cases whcicln it shall bo determined to assess tlic whole or anv part of the cost of any such scvtoron the lots adjacent thereto , such determination shall bo by icsolutlon ot the council , and It pait only oi the cost Is to bo assessed theiesoliitlon Muill lix the proportion tion theteof to the \ \ hole coal , and In either rase shall also lithe location ot the sewer , designating the teinilnal points , ami the council shall tiom the freeholders of the cor poration appoint three assessors whose duty It shall bo to make , with the assistance of the city engineer , a cairfal estimate of the ajrjrc- pile cost so to ho assessed and icporttlio same to the council , together with an esti mated assessment thcroot on the ailjacont lotsto be charged thoiowith In pioportlon as nearly as may bi > to the benefits which In their opinion will Jesuit from such sewer to such lots. Uetore adopting the assessment the council Isicuulied to publish notice lortlueo con secutive weeks. Any poison objecting to the assessment must file his objection In wilting with the cloik within two weeks after the expiration of the notice , the council shall appoint tlneo disinfected lieeholdcrs of the city to act as an equalisation board. On a day to bo fixed by the council , the equall/.atlon bbaul , being liist swoin , shall liear and determine all such objections , cqimli/.o the assessment as they may think pioper , and repoit their action to the council , wlicicnpon tlm council shall have power to couth m their icnoit or to set it aside , cause a new assessment to bo made , and appoint anew now pqunll/ntton boaul. Assessments shall be rustiictcd as that the same teiritiuy shall not , within any period ol live , be assessed exceeding , in the ngeiPi'alii 15 nor cent of its , "n oTIinpiovcmcats ; all assessments to bo pre sumed to he within that limit unless ques tioned In wilting by the owner or owners of any lot or lots , in which case the value to bo determined by the swoin nppialsemcnt ot two or moio of the assessors , tno cost of the appraisement to be borne by such owner or owners , in case the picsciiocd limit , accoid- Ing to the appraisement , has not been ex ceeded ; and if not paid to bo included and collected with the assessment In estimating the benefits to the lotsto bo assessed , no account shall bo taken ot 1m- piovement , each lot being treated as If wholly unimproved. _ _ Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Hrlil c Bill. The bridge bill introduced by Con gressman Lyman early in the session , and which passed the house last Satur day , provides that the Now York & Council lilulls Railway company may construct a bridge across the Missouri river at any point between the north and feouth lines of 1'ottawattamio county , at least one-third of a mile from any other bridge. The company may or may not have a wagon bridge attachment , or may build a wagon bridge alone. The rest of the bill pertains to the usual provisions as to how the bridge shall bo constructed , and under plans to bo approved by the secretary of war. There are enough bridges being built on paper to make the connections between Omaha and Coun cil 11 ! nil's very convenient. If some of these bridges can only bo built some where else than on paper , the people will bo still better satisfied. There has been a great change in the sentiment of Coun cil lilnffs within a few years. The oppo sition against bridges across the Missouri ut this point has almost wholly died out , and now there are many anxious to have such connections made between the two cities. _ _ Dressmaking , * cutting and fitting by Miss Gleason , No. 81 Pearl street. The niunV At a mooting of Local Assembly 1000 , Knights of Labor , held Wednesday night , a lengthy preamble and series of resolu tions wcro adopted setting fortii the statement that the government had be come an oligarchy of corporations , and the majority of its citizens the wage- elaves of a plutarchy. The enumeration of the remedies desired are embodied in the following resolution : licsolved , M'liato demand of rongiess that the pioper stops bo at unco taken , to create as soon as possible a department of labor in the executive branch of our national government , endowed with all the powt'is and attributes usually belonging to a cloit.irt- ment ; that all lallways and telegraph lines bo taken possession of by the government and opoiutcd by it In tlm soivlco of the people ple ; that the title to all lands now held by corpoiatlons bo rt'Mimed l > y the gov- uinment , together with nil iiauchlses held by them ; that a plan bo adopted by which citizens of the United .States who 10 to occupy the public lands as settlers may be assisted by the goveinmcut In doing so ; that laws bo enacted which Khali prevent persons not citizens of the United Stales from owning land In the United States , and piovlding by expropiliUton , If necessary , for acquiring by the government of tlio ownmshlp ami pos session of all lands now owned either wholly or In part by aliens ; that laws bo enacted which bhall prevent any Individual from ao quiring the owni'ibhip of moio llmu one hundred and sixty acics of the public lands ; that l.iwa bo enacted to pio- vide tor the abolition of the national banking system and for the issuance of a legal tender curiency by the govern ment iu sufficient quantities to meet the te- qulrements of trade ; that laws be enacted to provide for loaning to laud holders by the government , of such sums of money as may be prudently done on the sec wily of their land at fair valuation , at an Inteicst rluuge sufficient only tocoyvr the actual expenses of the creation and furnishing ut the money ! that the bo-callwi iulereat rev tax bo abolished and the expenses of the government bo provided for by a graduated Ineomo tax equitably adjusted j that the laws to prevent the Importation ot foreign labor under contract bo supplemented by legislation to clTeetually provide for their enforcement ; that effective laws proMdlng for arbitration of questions arising between employers and employe' ) , mnklmr arbitration compulsory , and moudine for tlic enforce ment of the decisions ot Ui tribunals : and that the uatcut laws bo amended so that the people may receive the bcnelits of Imentlons and flic it-ward for Inventions bo paid fioin tlio national ticasurr and not be a monopoly * . . . Oi il0. Other action wa ? taken to Imvo copies of the document forwarded to the repre sentatives in congress , and to secure the co-operations of Kindred organizations. All the latest shapes in bonnets and hats found at the Parisian millinery store , No. ail Broadway. Tr Tlio course of lectures to bo delivered hero next week by Dr. Fish promise to bo both interesting and Instructive. Tlio Voting Men's Christian association lias taken hold of the arrangements , and the lectures will be given under Its auspices and in its rooms. These lectures consti tute an Interesting review of tlio most prominent features of modern research and discovery in seicnco and philosophy. Many arc so busied by the various occu pations and duties of every day life as to leave them little time or opportunity to acquaint themselves with these important and interesting questions. To such this opportunity presents rare advantages. Dr. Fish lias devoted much lime and study to these questions , and those lec tures give the public the bnnolit of his labors. Ho has hit upon a happy popu lar way of presenting this information , his lectures being pronounced entertain ing , and in some portions really eloquent ami thrilling. The opening lecture will be on Monday evening , tlio next Tuesday evening , and the other two Thursday and Friday evenings. The tickets tor tlio entire course are but ? ! , tlio admission tea a single lecture being 25 cents. This brings them within the reach of all who desire to enter tlio scientific and phil osophic fields under the guide of so able a scholar and pleasing informant Iowa Gains a Jewel. Mr. Theodore Dray lias returned fro m Kentucky , where lie has been looking over some line horse flesh. He is en thusiastic over the hospitality and court esy shown him , especially at Lexington , He had an opportunity of seeing there fully fitly horses with records of 3:30 : or better , among them such as Harry Wilkes , with a record of 2:15 : : Jay Gould , record 3:21 : ; Lump , the smallest trotter in the land , record 2:21 : ; Sultan , Harry Medium and others. He also saw some of the most noted thoroughbreds , such as Tcnbrocck , Longfellow , Spendthrift , Pat Malloy , sire of O/.ark , owned by Ira Planter , of this city , John T. Stewart's Little Buttercu ) ) , anil others. Mr. Bray was bent on busi ness as well as pleasure. While there he purchased for Mr. William Tompkins. a stallion , "Dillard's ' Alexander , " and also bought a well bred 2-year-old stallion for himself. The Lexington Daily News thus speaks of the stallion : "James C. Hughes , of Paris , to-day sold Mr. T. Bray , of Iowa , the standard bred stallion , 'Dil lard's Alexander , ' for a long price.Vo \ were present at Rochester , N. Y. , in 1881 , when his sire , Francis Alexander , won tlio great stallion race defeating the best of America's stallions , making a record of 2:19. : In the departure of this stallion from Kentucky , we lose a gem and Iowa gains a jewel. ' Imported hats and bonnets at the Parisian millinery store. Spring open ing , April 22 and 28. No s-il Brondwnv Personal Paragraphs. C. A. Barnard , of St. Joe , was at the Ogden yesterday. I ) . B. Lyons and Thos. Ilatton , of DCS Jiioines , were in tlio Binds yesterday. Mrs. G. D. Meyer , of Ainsworth , Neb , was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Judge Wilson , of Washington , Kansas , is in the city visiting hur mother , Mrs. James Jackson , at the Ogdon. Charles Stewart left last evening for Chicago. General Babcopk , of the Northwestern , is expected homo to-night from the east. W. S. Farlow , of Beatrice , Neb. , was a visitor to the Bluffs yesterday , a guest of tlio Pacific. Mr. Miller who travelled forZ.T.Lind- sey & Co. , is dangerously ill. B. Zevely , special pension agent , has returned from a short trip east. John B. Bcall , who travels tor M. E. Smith & Co. , came in off the road yester day.Patrick Patrick White , who has had so much trouble with his divorced wife , was com plained of yesterday before Justice Frainey for assaulting her. Ho will hayo : v hearing this afternoon. Andrew Burncll and B. Walters , charged with stealing a horse , will have a hearing before Justice 1-raincy this morning. . Dr. MoLeod , oculist and nurist , No. G03 Broadway , Council Bluffs. The Council Meeting. At the meeting of the city council last night , the most important business was the passage of ordinances in regard to the change of grade on Bluff street. The owners of powder houses wanted 00 days more time in which to remove them. This request was refused. The council adjourned to meet again at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Money to loan by Forrest Smith. For the latest style ot dressmaKing see Miss Gleason. No. 81 Pearl street. Sophia Rhodenberg , aged about 17 years , died yesterday at her homo on Pierce street , of typhoid favor. ONLY HOTEL Iu Council Bluffs having Fir © Esoei-p © And all moooru Improvements , call bora , lira Iurm bolls , oto. , la tlio CREST ON HOUSE ! HOB. 215,317 and 219 , Main Street , J1.\X JIOHN , I'roprloto Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Go. Lewis & Ariul , Props. Focsoncrers and baggavo taken to and from all trains. Ilusses , carriages and Ijagungo wag- ona inako connections with all trains. Prompt attention ( riven to all calls Special rates to theatrical troupes und commercial men. Car riages i un day und nlffht. Otllco ut Oydon House. Telephone 121. Also at Ucchtelo'a Hotel f.i'HM-oiUdrson thn luted. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Novelties of the gfe&son .are now Open at IHIESS GOODS. NEVER SO CHEAP. For lOc worth 12 l-2c For 20c wortli 27 l-2c For 25c worth 35c For 35c worih 50c And liner fabrics in the sumo proportion. Good LAWNS , fast colors , attc. . llnndsomo Plaid Muslins from lOc up wards , nil at oiio-third less than last year's prices. Choice Cretonnes , Embroidered Suits , Canvass Dress Goods and other Novelties. Laces by tlta yard and in k.css Pat terns. Space forbids enumeration , . it wo have the goods , and our low pi ices will tell. tell.CARPETS. CARPETS. Tlio i.ew styles in Carpets are now in stock and SOIIIR fast. Call early anil select your Carpets and have them put aside for you. CURTAINS. Our Curtain Department is complete in all varieties of uice , Turcoman and Silk Draperies. We make a specialty of Drapery Work by Skilled Workmen. Call Immediately And sec the New Goods before the as sortment is broken. ii i Orders by Mail receive prompt atten tion. ' No. 401 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. "MURDER MOST FOUL" To Allow Anyone to Die ol Diphtheria ! DURINO the last six years thcro has not boon ndoath from Diphtheria in any case wliuio DH. THOMAS jr.I'TIUUES' PnKVENTlVE and CUIIKvos used. It has been the means of sav ing : thousands of lives and nihrht have paved hundruOs or thousands more. Indlspensiblo in putrid sere throat , in mullRniuit flatlet fever , chaiiRlnir It In 4S houis to the plmplo form. In- falllblo euro for all Inflammatory , Ulccrative , 1'utrld , Cancerous Ulcoratlon of the Womb and all Catarrhnl conditions. I'rleo & 2. Full printed instructions how to use the utcdi- cine sent with It. No doctor required. Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! Dyspeptic , why live In misery , and dlo in tlis pair with cancer of the stomach 7 Dr. Thomas Jollorlcs euros every case of in.Mgestlon and constipation in a very shoit time. Bcstofiof- ercuces ( fivon. Dyspepsia Is the cause of ninety per cent of all diseased conditions. I'rico } Ti lor two weeks ttoatmcnt. From the Council DluHs Dally Herald : Mrs.Ij. M. Gerard , wife of Engineer Gerard , of the Union Vaciflo , this city , has boon a ( front sulforer for many years , with what was sup posed to bo cancer of the throat. It was BO bad that she was threatened with starvation- Her general health was completely broken down. She could only swallow liquid food , and even that her stomach could not digest or assimilate. Physicians of Council Bluffs and Omaha gara no relief Dr. Jcfforls , of this city , was called. In four weeks' time ho cured her throat , and 1ms completely restored her General health. Had Mrs. Gerard not obtained relief soon she would Imvo died from blood poison , the tame condition that destroyed the life of Gen. Grant * Dr. JolTcrlos' dlptheria medicine Is infulllblo in all kinds of sere throat. DR. JEFFERIES' REMEDIES Can only lx > obtained at his OIHcc , No.a S. iiRhth : St. , Council llluirs , Iowa , Or sent by Expiesi on Ilpselpt of Pileo. China , Glassware and Lamps , W. S. Homur&Cj. , No. 23 , Main St. , Council Wall's , la. Looking Bracke for Fences AND OTHKIt HAILS , 110D3 , ETC. FENCES HUILT WITHOUT NAILS. Any part readily taken out or replaced. 1'or picket or rail fences , lion or wood , cannot bo ex celled lor railing of any sort. For particular wrlto C. J. I&CJCMAN , Imuntor. Council IlltilTs. Stnto and county rights for salo. t TIMOTHY ; SEED. I have a quantity of Eound , well cleaned seed which 1 offer at roiieonablu flguice. Keodof tlio crop of 168X Corrcspoudcnbo bollclted. F. a , 1IUTU''H , SchalliT , Iowa. Q. & N. W. Hy. MRS. 0. A. BENEDICT HAIR ( leeDS WIGS imi TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , THE CAfiTER WHITE LEAD GO'S ' , DIAMOND 11IIAND OF 5TRICPY PUBB LEJD , ZIKC J D OIL. Aio absolutely pure , ns represented. Ono gal lon will cox or two hundred und fifty equtiro feet two coats , and will stay on longer than any other paint manufactured. For btilo by S. KC. KIElLiniiir , ' Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc , 607 'Ham Street , Council Bluffs. WHOLESALE AND J03DIN3 zsorrsss 0 : = COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEEM : , WELLS & co. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Babies , Carriages , Kto , lHo. Council llhilTg , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Cillers , DlscHarrows , Seeders , Corn Planters , FooJ Cut ters , tto. : Factory , Hock Fulls , Ills. Nos. l.'OI , 151 , 1505,1557 Main St , , Council HluT ( . DAVID UUAULUY & CO. , Mnntif'rs an 1 Jobbers ot Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Carriages , ami nit kin Is of farm'ilnory. ' 1100 lo lllo South Main Street , Couusll lllu fi , loir a. .1x1 : F.O. ai.msiN , T. II.l > ntmii\s Ono.F. Wiitntir. I'rcs. VTroa > . V.-l'ios.&M in. Soi&Counsol. Council Bluffs Haidla Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Mnnufactmcranr Axle , Pick , Slolffo and Smnll llnticlli'of every iluicrlptlon. CAHPKTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAUl'KT CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Ctlrtnln Fixtures , Uphol tery OooJs , Etc. No. 405 llroiulwny Council muffs , Inwn. CMAltS , TOItACCO , ETC. PEREGOY & MOORI5 , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco SL Pipes , Nos. 28 Main and 27 1'carl Sts. , Council muffs , Iowa. COMMISSION. SNYDKR & LKAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. 141'onrl St , Council Illtilfa. _ _ _ CltACKKltS. _ McCLUUG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Ca'ioi , Council lllufg , CHOCK mi Y. MAURER & CRAIG , Importers & Jobbers of Crockery.GIasswara . Lamps , Fruit .laru , Cutlery , Stonowaro. liar Goods , Faticy Goods , Htc. Council Itlults , _ Iowa. _ nnaaoisrs. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , stP' Sundries. Kte. No. 2J Main St , and No. 21 1'unrl St. , Council lllulla. Ditr aoons. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goads , Notions , Etc. Nos. 112 and 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 and 115 Pearl St. . Council lllntrs , Iowa. 0. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Gcncrnl Commission. No. 6t3 liroadway , Council niulfs. WIHT & DUQUETTE , - ' WliolcsuTo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. in and 18 Pearl St. , Council Illuir ? . OnOCKRTBS. GUONEWEG & SCI1OENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. L. KIHSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Honiara. No , iW Broad way , Council UlulTs. ILlttD 'Alte. P. C. DE VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , liofrigcratora. Noi. 611 llroadway , and 10 Main si root. Council DIulN. HAHNESS. KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Manu'ncturcra of and Wholesale Doilora In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 625 Main St. . Council DluHs , Iowa. I1AT3 , CAPS , ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. : U2 and nil Tlroadwny , Council HEAVY HAltDWARB. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wooil Block , Council Illulfg , luwiu ///DBS AND WOOL. I ) . H. McDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , roJlHlrun ° o mid Kurd Council llliilfH , Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers ( n Illuminating SL Lubricating Oils , EJTO. , BTO. 8. Theodore , Auent , Council lllulffl. Iowa. LUMliKIt , I'lLIKO , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southard Lumber , Piling , And Hrlcluo Material SpecialIns.Wholosalo ) Lum ber or uU Kinds. Olllufi No. 130 Mulii 61. , Council llluffa. Iowa. 1VIKKS ASP LIQUOllS. JOHN LTNDER , Wholcnalo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for St. OotthRro's Herb llUtrrd , No. 13 Muln bt. Council tllulls. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , ATu COO Main St. , Cvunctl llluflt. N. SCHURZ , Justice 01 ° the Peace. Office Over American Express Company. Farm at a Bargain. Well Improved farm of 107 acres for sale ; > miles f-oiu Council Uluifs. Atldioss JISA SCOKJKLD , Couuull .I/IT. MOVER AND RAISER Hrlek b.illdlm ftnvMnd tnlwri nr jnovod and sntlsfnctlon guaranteed. Frainoliouaca movoi ) onUUloOlaattruoka-tlie bwt In the \rorU. 803 Eighth Avoiuio nutl Eighth Stroofc , Council .BlulTs. FIRST CLASS IH ETERI RESPECT In 1S77. CINCINNATI , OHIO. Sfyiss. JOOO ( Vehicles Annually. Send for Catalogue , I'rlcew , E'reiglit and Testimonials. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTIOl ! . Special ivlvcrtUomonH , such i\9 I.ost.Found , To Loan , Fo3alo , To lljat , W.i'i Boardlnff.otc , , will bo lasurtod In thU coltimn.1t tliclotr rate of TRN CKtTTS PKtl LINK for the flrstlnsortlou and FIVK OI5NF3 PKU LINK for cnch subsoiuont Insertion. Loivo alvortha mctitsat our oillco , No. 1Po.ul ! street , uoar Uroadway , Council Rlutrs. WANTS. WANTED Two stilctly Ilrst-class coat and irnntH maknrs. J. 21. Smith , No. ' - , Ilioadwiiy , Council Illufls Tj OH SALE A very tlo lr.iblo drill'sloro In a JL1 cliolt'o loiation. Can tiohul at n biup\In cm easy paymunts liy applylnj to Oeurjfc llcaloii , Counull Illulfs , louu. FOU SAt.E Oldtmpois , In qunntltlus to suit , at lloo offlco No. J2 1'carl aticot. Foil HUNT Pivo room oottatre. Inqulro at I'M I'ourth street , or of McMlckun , U1U 1'latnorrtroot. SWAN WAr.lCnit , No. Ul Mala itreet , ( under CltUon'a lli'ilc ) , < > 3tUo an i mer- chandlap oxehanaru brol > ra. Our books are full of special burenliM , but It Is lnio | siblo to pub lish a icluiblo list tiom thufuet of so nriny Oally cluuiKos. Whnt la : If you want to sell ortriiJonnythlnjr In our line , wi-ilo us and wo will send youuplloof biiijriilns lo soleet from. Lands Improved or unlmpiorol , city or town property , stocks of rroods of any Kind In any pluce. it such you Imvo or such you want let us hear from von. Swnn & Water Council lll.ilfs METE O POLITAN CtofEiIng BlafH , D > rc > .ses , SJsaivl.s E-cicis , Eie. , and Dyed. ISryanl Street , < > iti > n IlcCily .Bail. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL IlLUl'FS. Tlio following ia the tlmo of arrival and departure of trains by central standard tlmo , lit the loeal depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton minutes curlier and arrive ten minutes later : 0:2.3 : A. H . Ma" and Kxpross . fi:50p. : M. 12:40r : M . Accommodation . 4Mp. : v. CDOP. : M . Express . 0:05 : A. M. CI1ICAQO ft UOUK IKIAN1 > . B-0 A. M . Mull and Hxpru&s . 0:50 : P.M. fas A. M . AceS2 ! " < l'itl ' ° n . f' 5 p. M. CCOP. : * * . fixpioss . ytOA. ) XL CIIICAOO. MIl.WAUKUli ft ST. I'AUI. 0:20 : A. M . Mull and Ktproas . 0SOp. : . GDU1'.U : . Kxpiess . 0OGA.M. : CIIICAOO. mmi.i.NoroM A QUI.VCV. 0:40 : A.M . Mall anil Bvprtss . 0WP. U:50i : > . M . UxpiosB . < J:03 WAHABII , ST. LOUIS ft 1'ACIFIC. Zir : > p. M. Local St. Louis Express Lounl . aCO : P. M.Trniisfor St. Louis Kv. Transfur.l.tO ! : P. u KANSAS CITY , ST. JOU t COUNCIL UI.UFFrf 10:10 : A. M . Mall and Express. . . , ri'JU I' . . WOBP. : M . Kxproas . 0:25 A. M. SIOUX C1TV & PACIHC. 7:15 : A. u . . .8loux City Mail . FMp. : M. GUU : . St. 1'HUl Hxiu'033 . 8:25 : A. M. . 10:35 : A. W . lo > ivor UxprosS . (1:43 ( : P. M. 2:13p. M. . . Lincoln rHss.Om. & K. V..2)5 : ( ) p. M. 7WiMi : . Overland Express . S:15 : A. M. DUMUV TIIAINS TO OMAHA. Leave Council llluirs 7:05 : 8U3 : 0:30 10:10 : iiao : a. m. ; Jao-2:30-aao-4:30-5J5-naj : : : : : : blri-ll:45 : : p. m. Sundays 7:03 : 'J:3 : * ) 11:1)0 : ) u. m2M ; : : . - 6:25 : 0w : : 11:45 p. m. LeavoOma- ha-aai-7i5-BW-lOiOO : : : ) UtWa. : ra : 1:00-2:00- : : it)0-l:00-5:00-nn.- : ) : : : : * ; | D-ll:10p. : in. Sundays D.t5-7:60-s:4o : : : 11:00 : u. m. : 2:003:00 : : 5OJ- : 0:05-3:15-11:10 : : : p m. STEAM DYE WORKS MRSCL.GILLETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp. Postoflke. B. BICE , M. D. riWfPDO or ether turn > rs rninovod without ualluuIliJ the knlfo or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of all klmli spoclalty. Over thirty yoard' pructicitl oxporiouoj. No. 11 1'onrl Struct , COIIIK II lllulTi Oialia Dntal Associ a'n ' Cor. liHIi and Douglas Sts. Filling it lowest price , with cold , illrer and other romblnnlloni Uolrt plato uncl coiitlniioui ( Jum ' 1'eeCU a ipetlulty. ipetlulty.Best Best 3oto of Teetli. , $ S , Former price (15. I'crfcct Ut und bent ualcrlul. All Council Bluffs Office , 2jJ ; UUOADWAY. WEST SIDB. _ I1IOS. OFFICKB. U3BT . OPPIGER , & PUSHY , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IQWA. Choice IXhplay of Latest Pat- , All Grade * . Council Bluifs A Select Stork ol' Choice IVovclIicN in. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW COTJNOIIj BrjUmFS. Practices In State and Federal CourK Uooiu3 7 and 3 , Sniuart IJloclc. Horses and Mules For nil purposes fcoiiffht nnd sold , at lotallnnd in Iota Lar o quantities to select from. MASON WISE , 6th trel , Hear Pacific House , Council BlufTs. TteSgi8StM ! ! t Price For all kinds of secondhand household goods and andSTOVES. . M. DBOHLICH , 008 Broadway , Council Bluffs. A.C.UUKMIAM. I'res. L.W. TULLBYS , Vloo-Proi. JAMCS N , UIIOWN , Cashier. National Bank 102 MAIN STREET , Capital . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 250,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 Do nKonoinl banking uuslnns. Accounts of banks , bunkers , merchants , man ufacturers and Individuals rocolvoil on fuvora- llo ) torina. Domestic and foreign exchange. The very best of attention given to all bust ness committed to our euro. KIEL SALE STABLES HorRcs unit Muloa kept constantly on hand forfiilo at iclull or In carloitdri. Ordeig proindtly Illlod by contract onshoit notice. Htoukhold on coininlstloii. BllliUTIiU 4 1IOI.I5V , I'loprli-torg. Btablo Coinur Filth Avenue mid Konitli Ht Council Illulfs IOWH. KUSSELL&OO Manufacturer * of all sizes of Automatic Engines Especially Designed for Hunnlasr MILLS , ( JKAINiKLKVATOKS , AND JCLKCTR10 LItJIITS , Tubular and Locomotive Hoilord. New irnssillon ThreslioM. . Carey and " \Voodbury \ Ilorso Powers. STATIONARY" , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW .MILLS , ETC. Factory MassHlon , 0. Branch UOIHC 510 Pearl St. , Council JJlufU. BEND roil 1380 ANN U A I * . -