Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA OFFicr.Mo. 914 AxnoiflFAnjUM ST
1 NEW YOIIK Omen , HOOM c5TnintiNE ncir.mso
rtibll he < 1 every morning , except Sunday. Tlio
only Monday morning impor published In tlio
One Yfflr . $ iaooTliron ; Months . * 2.M
Blx Months. . . . . . . . G.0oono ! Month . 1.00
i THE WEEKLY HEK. Published Kvory Wednesday.
One Vcnr , with premium . . . . . . . . , . . . . . >
One Ycnr , without pi ninlum . . . . . . . . . . 1.2. >
HLt Months , without premium. . . . . . . . . 75
One Month , on trial . 10
All communications rclntlnir to news nnd mil-
torlal mutter * should bo luldrosscO to tlio Hut-
ion OP nit : line.
HHSISEPS t.r.rntns :
All Iwjlnrsn letter ) mill romlttnncr"j Rlionld ho
n < idi-e ! Cl to TUB HER PimufuiiNd COMPANV ,
OMAHA. Irnfl. , cheeks nnd iiostolllco onlors
to bo nindo pnynblo to the onlor of tlio company.
m m puBLismiifcipJiiiT , PROPRIETORS ,
OIIAIIA cnnnot Imvo any too many
JAY GOULD always did dotcst the
umoll of powder , mid Ills dlsllko of 1'ow-
dorly Is but natural.
IT begins to look llko the genuine old
fashioned article of spring. Business
wtll sprout with the buds.
CYCLONE collars arc becoming quite
fashionable. Pcoplo do not laugh at the
idea quito so much as they did when it
was originated.
FIVE heavy guns for sea coast defense
have been cast in IJoslon recently. The
next question confronting the war depart
ment is to ilnd a sea coast defence strong
enough to stand their recoil.
Mil. GUILDS , of the Philadelphia
Ledger , has presented $100 to the Now
York Press club to aid in the purchase
of a burial lot. This ought to secure to
Mr. ChiUls the honor of writing the
obituary poetry and epitaphs for the
Now York newspaper men.
Mu.PowDiniLY'soompliinonls to Gould
are of n pointed character. The master
worKiuan. who was so confident a few
wcoks ago that a conference with the
railroad spider would cause him to re
lease his grip on the Hies caught in his
net , has found ample reason to change
his opinion.
THE Asphalt company should begin at
once the work of replacing their broken
pavement along the street car tracks on
Sixteenth street. The experiment made
lias proved a failure and stone should
bo promptly laid between the tracks
nnd along the rails. In its present con
dition tlio pavement is dangerous nnd
unsightly. _
THE striking epidemic has at last
struck the school children. Five hun
dred school boys at Troy , N. Y. , struck
for a single daily session of four hours ,
and endeavored to force their demand
by throwing stones and mud at the po
lice. They succeeded in compelling the
school board to listen to a statement of
their "grievances. " It is now in order
for the teachers to do a little striking
With their ferrules.
CAIJFOHNIA is liable to feel a reaction
after the rate war is over which will have
a very depressing effect upon her com
merce and industries. The cheap faros
Lave glutted the California labor market ,
and the merchants have overstocked
themselTcs in their anxiety to take ad-
yantago of the cut-throat freight rates.
When the artificial boom which natural-
iy follows the influx of vast numbers of
tourists and [ slght-sccrs subsides a collapse -
lapse will follow that will paralyze
everything in the way of business on the
Pacific coast. Thousands who will bo
unable to find work will lack
\t\io \ means of returning to their
former homes , and when the bills ma
ture for the immense stocks of goods the
merchants will find themselves hard
pushed by their creditors. The Pacific
jailrond wnr , which lias foolishly benn
regarded by some as a great blessing for
California , is liable to bo moro dam
aging than a grasshopper invasion or a
CHICAGO has a genuine dramatic sen
sation in the person of a young colored
tragedian , named Wood , who is sup
ported by a colored company and a
colored orchestra. Mr. Wood , who re
ceived his tuition from Prof. Lyman the
gentleman who lost his teeth at Boyd'g
opera house in this city made his debut
in Richard III. Ho combines all the
qualities of the eminent tragedians of the
past and present if any depend
ence can bo placed upon the
Chicago Herald's critic who says
lie is ponderously resonant in declama
tion , which suggests a study of Forrest ;
mnd , again , ho is softly winning and so-
fiuctiro , ( ia in his scene with Lady Anne ,
which would indicate a familiarity with
the methods of Lawrence Barrett. In the
great battle scene ho shdoks to the limit
of a youthful voice , and there , of course ,
Wo liavo Tom Kceno. Mr. Wood really
created a very favorable impression upon
the critic , and perhaps ho Is the coming
tragedian. At present , there is plenty of
jroora for him , notwithstanding the prejudice -
dice of color may work against him. His
next attempt will bo Otltollo.
IF the laws rotating to pro-eruption ,
timber culture , and desert-laud are re-
'Denied ' , as they are very likely to bo , the
homestead entry law will bo the only one
under which settlers can secure land.
Upon this subject of the lr.nd laws , the
Chicago Herald says :
Tlio right of pre-emption has been in force
elnco liMd , ami was \\\o \ \ \ thstof the general
laws under which people might ncQiilio title
to the pubho domain , Under It tlio gicnter
portions of the vast territory cinbrnc-
ng tlio states of Illinois , Iowa , Kansas , Ne
braska , Wisconsin and Minnesota liavo boon
settled. There is no special icason for the
reucAl of the law now , cave that tlio homo-
toad law Is practically identical with It , anil
therefore It Is thought to bo unnecessary to
wlalu the older act. The timber culture act
Was loosely drawn In the first place , and has
'Jwen made the vehicle of gross frauds and
buiai , but linger It thousands upon
thousands et ncroa have beoii taken
up by the people who , not being re-
4ulte < t to eottlo upon the laud , Imvo no
tstentlon ot violng It , The desert land act
WftMtjobin ths nm place , aud under It
oint ) 'California grobbtus got title to laud
enough for an. empire at the ridiculous price
pf 99 cotU ) 4i ) aare , The "desert" lauds tliat
ft * good lor anything have long since been
absorbed , inl thure | a 110 longer any need
t the J\Yt
Homo llulo'f ) History.
A few yearn ago homo rule and Irish
abstraction wore considered as one and
the same thing. The history of the
movement extends backwards scarcely
moro than a decade , The beginning of
the agitation for local government in
Ireland by Irishmen arose partly in con
sequence of the disestablishment of the
Iristi church under Mr , Gladstone's
great "reform" administration which
ended in 1871. The year 1873 saw the
lirst organized advocacy of the move
ment. In the Irish elections of that year
the "homo rulers" were successful in
several boroughs. The leadership of the
new party In parliament fell into the
hands of Mr. Butt , a man of ability and
culture , who had once boon a conserva
tive opponent of O'Donnoll. The move
ment was one which English statesmen
failed to understand. Mr. Gladstone , in
deed , shared a disposition to understand
the now agitation ; and this disposition
did not help his popularity with those
Englishmen who wore inclined to disre
gard It altogether. Homo rule made no
headway in English polities then , al
though Mr. Butt and his followers had
begun what was destined to grow with
singular rapidity.
The accession of Lord Bcaconsficld to tlio
premiership checked the onward march ,
of the homo rule agitation , but Mr. Butt
and his party kept themselves before the
public by obstructionist tactics which
made them a sharp thorn in the conserv
ative flesh. In 1870 Charles Stewart Par-
ncll entered parliament as representative
from Meath , and at once took Mr. Butt's
place as the real leader of the homo rule
agitation , and his brilliant tactics an
noyed and discredited the government.
One of Mr. Parncll's lirst practical move
ments toward tliu furtherance of his
schemes was the organization of the
Land League , which the distress
caused by the bad harvest of
1878-80 greatly aided. Previous to this
time his influence among the Irish people
had not been particularly marked , but at
the many meetings which the league
called forth he grow to bo the most popu
lar speaker , and his power increased to a
wonderful degree. The agitation which
was now developed into a movement for
wide reaching reforms in Irish govern
ment and land tenures swo pt all Ireland
south of Ulster botoro it. The objects of
the league wore , in the first place , a re
duction of rents , which were not to bo
paid at all in the event of refusal , and in
the second place , an entire change in the
land laws , by which peasant proprietors
were to succeed the landlords. The
league was suppressed in 1881 , tlio 5'car
in which Mr. Gladstone's government
transformed the whole system of Irish
land tenures , but it was immediate ! } re
vived as the National league. During
the previous year Mr. Parnoll visited , the
United States and collected funds for the
object of the league. Despite every effort
of the government the outrages con
tinued , culminating , in 1832 , in the mur
der of Lord Frederick Cavendish and
Mr. Burke , in consequence of which the
stringent crimes act .was brought into
force , apiece of legislation since repealed.
But coercion and renewed "outrages"
could not stay the progress of the na
tionalist cause. The last general elec
tion was a remarkable evidence of the
results of Parncll's genius for leadership.
The nationalists carried five-sixths of the
Irish scats , taking in all Ireland except
in the extreme north , where Orange sen
timent prevails. "Homo rulo" was the
battlo-cry of the electoral campaign , and
the result was the return of 80 national
ists to 18 conservative Irish members , the
former representing four and u quarter
millions of people , the latter less than a
million. With his accustomed shrewd
ness , Purncll saw that the more even
the balance of British political parties in
parliament the moro effective would bo
the Irish vote , and Irish ballots in Eng
land wore cast to further that end. The
result was the election of a parliament
consisting of 033 liberals and 251 con
servatives. With the introduction of a
bill renewing coercion , the conservative
ministry foil by the Irish vote combined
with that of the liberals , and Mr. Glad
stone cftttie once morn Into power , under
pledges to deal with homo rulo. How
well ho has carried out his pledges is
seen in the introduction of the measure
whoso advocacy all England is now pre
dicting will result in his downfall.
Tlio Prospects or Turin" Hoforin.
Within a few days at the farthest Mr.
Morrison's bill for reforming the tariff
will bo the subject of debate in congress.
The measure as agreed upon in commit
tee is a decided improvement over that
introduced at the last session. Under its
provisions the tariff taxes will bo re
duced by about $31,000,000 a year. The
reduction is largely in the duties on
articles of general necessity and general
use. The free list is largely extended
and luxuries are forced to boar the
greater portions of the custom's
import. With a view to stim
ulating American manufactures a
modified tariffis retained on most articles
of domestic production which would fool
most heavily the competition of foreign
labor. Taken as a whole the measure is
well considered and adapted to the de
mands of the time. It possesses the ad
vantage over last year's bill that it is
capable of division so that if the whole
cannot bo carried through parts of it can
bo saved. For all this the prospects of
its passage are not cheering. It will not
receive the support of Mr. Morrison's
party despite democratic professions
of revenue reform which have
decorated all their party platforms for
the last twelve years. The fact ia patent
that the democracy are as badly aplit on
the question of the tariff as the republi
cans The south , which for half a century
was the stronghold of free trade has now
so many industries bolstered up by tariff
discrimination * that it can no longer bo
counted upon to support a movement for
tariff revisions , Mr. Randall nnd his fol
lowers tire as btrong us ever in their op
position to any measure which
will affect unfavorably the man
ufacturing monopolies of Pennsylvania ,
Mr. Hewitt may bo expected to "protect"
the protected wire industries in which ho
is heavily interested. Senators Jones and
Beck have also interests to look after and
u score of other democratic senators and
representatives wilj bo on hand to oppose
any provision of Mr , Morrison's bill
which , will take money out of their own
pockets ,
So far us the republicans are concerned
the tariff reformers will find few com
forters. Specific interests find their supporters -
porters eTon more generally in the re
publican than in. the democratic ranks.
While both parties are pledged io reform
the glaring irregularities in the present
tariff each is too fearful of parly disad
vantage to commit itself to a measure
which may lose voles In different sec
tions of the country. Hero lies the diffi
culty of tariff reform.
Light tlio Streets.
Next to making a largo increase in our
police force , lighting the streets is the
best moans of protecting our citizens from
foot-pads and prowlers. In many re
spects the money expended for moro
lights will bring bettor returns than moro
policemen. Thirty or forty policemen
added to the present force would only
have one policeman to about every ton
squares. The high price of electric lights
prevents the use of that Illuminator to
any great extent , outside of the business
center. The gas mains cover a compara-
ly small area of the city with its three
hundred additions. The use of gas must
tnercforo also bo very limited if the design -
sign is to have n lamp at every intersec
tion on our residence streets.
The only cheap nnd available medium
for street lighting where electric light
nnd gas cannot bo used is gasoline. It is
used in some of the very largest cities in
the country. The city of Philadelphia
which owns nnd operates its own gas
works , uses five thousands of gasoline
street lamps. They servo all purposes
which a gas lamp does and cost but a
trillo. The people living in the outlying
districts are now left entirely in the dark.
They have neither police protection ,
lichted streets or pavements. It is all a
man's life is worth sometimes to traverse
thorn in the night. Those property
owners pay their full proportion of taxes
and there is no good reason why they
should bo deprived of the advantages
which the lighting of the streets would
confer. Quito apart from the conven
ience of lighted streets for its residents
comes in the general convenience of the
public , and the avoidance of damage
suits by parties who suffer injury from
broken limbs and smashed vehicles.
Money invested for street lighting : will
pay handsome returns.
THE idiotic dispatch in the licpnbli-
can , about the so-cnllcd Van Wyck con
vention at Columbus , is in full accord
with the course which that paper ha1 ? all
along pursued. According to that vera
cious sheet "tho Van Wynck syndicate of
political wire pullers held their long ad
vertised district convention at Columbus
Wednesday , and proved itself to bo a
very feeble affair. " The truth is there
was no Van Wyck convention , district or
otherwise , called at Columbus , nor was
it ever advertised. The gathering was
made up of members of the State
Central Van Wyck clu b organized at Hast
ings some weeks ago. The object was the
adoption of a. 'constitution nnd the clco-
tion of oilicors. The attendance was as
numerous as usual at state central com
mittee meetings. It was a purely pri
vate business gathering of a club designed -
signed to promote the re-election of Sen
ator Van Wyck. There were men pres
ent from every congressional and judi
cial district. This is all that was desired
or expected. In duo time , when the
feeble efforts of this gathering make
themselves felt all along the line , the
Republican will go into a spasm of im
potent rago.
THE imports at the port of Now York
for March show an increase of nearly
? 3,500,000 , , , nnd the exports a decrease of
$3,000,000 , while nearly $1,000,003 in spe
cie was exported. For the month
the duties on foreign dutiable
goods thrown on the Now York market
were within $10,000,000 of the value of
our merchandise exports , or within less
than 50 per cent.
Omaha a port of immediate delivery for
dutiable goods has passed both houses of
congress , and will now become a law.
This is good news for Omaha merchants
who have long boon subject to annoying
delays in importing foreign goods , which
are usually delayed at the port of
entry from * heep ( gjs weel > a.
NOW they will bo able to receive
their imported goods by immediate trans
portation , without delay at the port of
entry , and they will bo on equal footing
with the importers who are located at the
seaports. This is a great advantage and
will benefit this city in many ways. This
law makes Omaha really a port of entry
for Nebraska and all the territory that is
commercially tributary to this city.
THE usefulness of the cyclone cellar as
a place of refuge was demonstrated dur
ing the cyclone on Wednesday afternoon
near the town of Bray ton , Iowa. Tlio
pupils in a country school house saw the
funnol-shapcd cloud approaching , and
with the families in the immediate ! neigh
borhood ran into a cave , which had been
built for such an omereonoy. They had
hardly Beached this shelter when the
cloud struck the school house and several
dwellings and swept them away.
the advisability of making a trip to Ne
braska this summer on the urgent Invita
tion of General Thayev. From recent
reports on good authority , the president
will make a wedding trip about the same
time as our G. A. K. reunion. Ne
braska is a charming climate in which to
spend a honeymoon and Mr. Cleveland
will not act wisely if ho passes over the
advantages of a prairie schooner for a
trip on the Tallapoosa.
WK publish elsewhere the annual re
port of the oity qnginoor In full with the
oxooplionof tubulated matter and draw
ings , and commend it to the careful readings -
ings of interested tax-payers. The report
is full of moat nnd contains a comprehen
sive review of the engineering operations
in Omaha during the past year with many
valuable suggestions which wo shall take
occasion to comment upon moro nt
length in n subsequent issue ,
THE first appointment prollered the now
council by Mayor Jloyd Is a coloicd police-
man. Now , here's a chance to buglu opposi
tion ,
If this , colored man is competent , sober
nnd respectable ho bhould bo confirmed.
If ho is one of those wretched bummers
who delivered their votes to Pat Ford on
election duy for $3 apiece ho should bo
Pjnuurs if moro section men were em *
ployed on the Omaha & Republican Vul-
loy railroad , such an as that of
Wednesday morning a.t the Blue river
would bo less liable to happen * Too
much economy sumetlmes is very costly ,
particularly in the case of railroad
tracks. I
Du. MILLER calhfupon the democratic
party in Nebraska 'to ' ' 'organize. " Com
ing from the man who jias done so much
to disorganize the obrasKa democracy ,
this advice will douiitlcss bo received
with enthusiasm by the' rank nnd file of
tlio party throughout tlio state.
to marry. Senator Jones of Florida is
dead in love , and now it is reported that
Secretary Lamar is abont to lead a Geor
gia widow to the altar. Cupid is ovl-
dently getting in Ills work among the big
guns of the democracy.
A DEMOCRATIC liouso has refused to
give Frank Hurd the scat in congress for
which ho was defeated by his Ohio con
stituents. For the remainder of the pres
ent session Romcis will bo seen , not
SENATON LOGAN has promised to at
tend the reunion of the Grand Army of
the Republic of Nebraska. Ho will liml
Nebraska a great soldier state , and the
"boys" will give him a hearty welcome.
Mu. HUUD , of Ohio , now knows what a
congressional bounce is.
Tlio lialMiollilny movement 1ms taken deep
root In Now Yoik.
In I'lilliulolphla but n small fraction of It ?
great labor aimy is on strike.
The estimated number of idle wagowoikers
in the United States is SOO.OOO.
In Cinclnnattl most of the organizations
have resolved to work only eight hours.
Now knitting mills are projected In New
York in suite of the complaints of no profit.
Even the grave-diggers of Now York and
Brooklyn have organized against graveyard
A federation of bookkeepers and ofllco
clerks In Now York has already become n
strong organization.
The number of unemployed in Now York
city is estimated at 50,000 , or less than oue-
lialf tlio usual number.
Most trades throughout the country seem to
have compromised upon n nine-hour instead
of nn eight-hour day from May 1.
The printers In the calico-making mills of
Connecticut refuse to impart the secrets of
their trade to any but their own sons.
Louisiana farmers are organizing a general
movement to plant less cotton and raise
mote hoi ? and hominy until such time as tlio
price of cotton advances.
A good many New England textile manu
facturers are Improving their plants , putting
hi new machinery , buying stock , taking or
ders and preparing for a btyr fall production.
A Fitchburg ( Mass. ) firm has just secured
an order for 500,000 projectiles from the En
glish government. $01110" of the most sub
stantial men of England aio members of the
company. *
Owing to the allowed oppression of the
Pennsylvania railroadj tho'National& Amer
ican Tuba works ai'e to , bo removed to
Youngstown , Ohio , wliere n SCO,000 plant will
bo erected. c
The master builders' of Washington will
not accede to the eight-hour day , but the la
bor unions have considered the subject and
Intend to make the eltort. They have strong
financial backing.
The New York Central Lhbor Union , com
posed of upward of 1 0 brooches , ims J(1QP (
O&llg&l to make a how cbustiuiiiou tor Itself
in order to transact the enormous amount of
business which is being crowded upon it.
Tlio nine hour system has been largely
adopted In Boston. .New York , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Plttsburg , Memphis and Kan
Francisco. In the latter city some trades
have been running on the nine hour rule for
three years.
The molding of car wheels by machinery Is
likely to attract widespiead attention amoncr
railroad men. A machine has been made at
Scranton by which COO wheels can bo com
pleted In ten hours. By the old process two
men made eighteen wheels a day , attcr
which axle wheels liad to bo bored. A com
pany has been organized to push the manu
Organized labor will bring a Stronir influ
ence to bear upon congress to pass Senator
Blair's bill to Incorporate trades-unions. Tlio
Federation of Labor Is taking the lead in this
movement , and the National Association ot
iron-workers , miners , clgarniakerfl , coopers
and other crafts have promised their support.
Tlio hardware manufacturgrs pjJliorUuIled. |
* } Yiiioporfc6t. \ . iuclu'dYng firearms , agricul
tural implements , nails and ornamental iron
work. Connecticut makes about one-third.
Foreign countries send us about as much In
a year as wo make in a week. A great deal
of money Is being put into hardware estab
lishments , ami the export of hardware
"Yankee notions" Is increasing.
Want to bo Jjot Alone.
Providence Star.
Tlio motto of some employers of labor is
that of Jeff Davis. They want to bo let
Ought to bo Arbitrated.
lloston Ilecortl.
It would save a great deal of .suffering If
the base ball cliamplonhhli ) could bo settled
this year by aibltration.
Straddling is Plnyod Out.
Philadelphia Record.
The democratic party has cither got to "llsli
or cut bait" In the struggle for tax reduction.
It cannot always sUaddlo the fence.
A Hint to Florida.
IiKltanajioKs Sentinel.
When the Florida legislature elects an
other senator It should elect a man with a
wife and at least nine children ,
On a Naughty Little- Boy , Sleeping.
lint Unite ,
Just now I missed from hall and stair
A joyful tieble that had grown
As dear to mo as thatgiavo tone
That tells the world my pldor care.
And little footsteps on the lioor
\Voro stayed. 1 laid asldu my pen ,
I'orgot niy tlicmo. and , , intoned then
Stole softly to the library door.
i i
No Bight I no sound I a/moment's freak
Of laney tlulllod my puhes thiough :
"If no , " and yet , that fancy diew
A father's blood tram heart and-cheek.
And then 1 found him I Th ere ho lay ,
Surprised by sleep , caitsht In the act ,
The lObV vandal who had sacked
His little town , aud thought ) t play.
The shattered vase ; th&'brok'cn ' iar ;
A match still smolderDig on tlio lloor ;
The inkstand's mirploi > ooof { coio :
The chessmen scattered ficar and iar.
Strewn leaves of album < i'lightly ' pressed
Tills wicked "Habyoftho Woods11 ;
In fact , of half the household goods
Tins son and heir was seized possessed.
Yet all In vain , for sloop had caught
' 1 ho hand that reached.ho ! feet that strayed ;
And tullen in that ambuscade
The victor was himself o'urwroupht.
What though torn leaves and tattered book
Still testified his deon disgrace 1
1 stooK-d | and klused the Inky face ,
With Its domuie and calm outlook.
Then back I stole , nnd half begullod
My guilt , in trust that when my sleep
Should come , there might bo Ouu who'd
An eaual mercy for His child.
The Difference.
Atlanta Constitution.
A Chicago paper has n regular Saturday
depajtmeut headed "TheYcek in Kuiopc. "
It should bo distinctly understood that t >
week in Europe is equal Io about seven min
utes nud a half In Chicago.
Always Coin I up to tlio Front ,
Trnlftburv AmeriMn.
The constitutional objection Is always the
first to bo brought nnd the hardest to main
tain acalust popular legislation.
Also AVItli the Tclcurnpli Company ,
Boston Htrald.
There Is considerable icason for believing
that dispatches from.Tcxas are not altogether
and absolutely Impartial. Mr. Gould has a
good deal of Influence with some pcoploldown
That Should ho the Cnso.
Peorta Trawcript.
It must DO icmoinborcd by capitalists nnd
laboicrs that , while their separate Interests
are of gieat importance , above each stands
the law of the land. In Its majestic presence
both . ) ny Gould and Martin Irons , the dweller
In palatial's ' end the luhabitantuf the
must stand uncovered.
Nebraska Jottings.
There are 141 parsons of school ngo in
An $8,000 hotel is to bo built at Tal
ma go this summer.
Another daily threatens to bloom in
in Grand Island next month.
There nro seventy cases in the district
court dockclotl in Johnson county.
The corn area in Gage county will be
much greater this season than heretofore.
Hastings is on the brink of a mayoralty
contest , in which Fraud ( with a big F )
will pose as a chief iiguro.
G. M. Harris , of Pawnee Cily , has in
vented n m.ichmo that will chow until
and turn out 00,000 bricks a day.
George Downey , a Pierce county far
mer , living in the southwestern part of
tlio county , was struck in tlio head with
nn ax by a Frenchman named Krsktno ,
Saturday , and will die.
The town of Hickumn has shed its win
ter clothes and donned the toga suitable
for spring activity. The roads in the vi
cinity are rapidly drying up nnd farmers
arc now able to come to market. Fully
100,000 bushels of corn are cribbed there.
There are live grain merchants and two
largo elevators in the town , and all
branches of trade and professions nro
fully represented. A cheese factory , a
bank and a doctor are wanted to hll her
measure of happiness. A newspaper will
bo launched there next week.
The BEE correspondent at Burnett
writes a quarter-column correction of a
three-lino mistake which crept into those
jottings fiomo days ago. It was stated
that tlio prohibitionists of the town were
boycotting the saloons nnd tlio business
men who supported them. An invcsliaa-
tion proves that there is but
one saloon in the town , nnd that
has no.t boon boycotted nor has
a disposition been shown by the temperance -
anco people to injure tlio business. Tlio
town is now enjoying a season of unpre
cedented prosperity , and all residents
are united in upholding the material and
moral interests of the town , hoping to
make it the banner burg of the Elkhorn
valley. _
Iowa Items.
The estimated expense of the schools
of Davenport for 18S7 is $70,000. ,
An Ackloy saloon man was taxed $000
for bucking prohibition , and was sent to
jail in default.
A. II. Perry , superintendent of the
Eureka Coal Mining company , of DCS
Moincs , is short $7,000 in his accounts.
Several Salvation army brigadiers and
female lieutenants wore jugged in Clin
ton Sunday for indulging m a scrapping
Mrs. Phffibo A Bu rt , wife of the vener
able Judge Jiuiies jlurt , iljed nt her horrio
Ti Dniruojiio , Saturday ntternoon , aged 77
years. Mrs. Burt had been a resident of
Dubuque for thirty-five years.
Mrs. Nancy Frazee , one of the oldest
settlers ol Cedar Rapids , died Saturday
afternoon , aged 78 years. She has re
sided at Cedar Rapids since 1810 , and has
been bedridden for the past six years on
account of paralysis.
.The grand jury in the United States
district court , now in session utDubuque ,
found a bill of indictment against N. M
Pago.for fourteen years postmaster at
Fort Dodgo. His ollbnso was tlio embez
zlement of funds and falsifying his ac
counts. .
John Ryan , a Dubuque tailor , died
from strangulation Sunday evening.
While at the supper table at his boarding
house ho suddenly stopped eating and be
gan to breathe hard. Ho was placed on
a lounge , but died before a physician Ar
rived. A oljunjk gfJoCf w-J ! 5u la ms
- a
The arrivals at Buffalo Gap average 100
a. day.
A baby show is squalling at Wbon-
Yankton's skating rmk will bo turned
into a canning factory.
Bcadlo county has 1,300 male candi
dates foimatrimony. . Now , girls , don't
all pop at onco.
Iowa capitalists will build and'operato
a Hour mill , capacity 1,000 , bushels per
day , at Buflalo Gap.
The pursuit of tin is the principal occu
pation ot Black Hills , prospectors just
now. The restof mankind are similarly
The Custcr County Chronicle- thus pic
tures the mineral outlook : "It is gratify
ing to know that the spell is broken , that
the long period of comparative inactivity
has reached its close , and that wo are
merging upon the advent of , a progressive
era , that will advance iu to a standard of
commercial prestige , unsurpassed by any
mining region under the , canopy of
heaven. "
Seventeen Inches of snow fell nt Laramie -
mio on tholUth ,
The court liouso and jail in Laramie
are lighted bv electricity ,
A Chinese pugilist offers to polish off
any sport in Buflulo for n small stack of
Lander , the county seat of Fremont
county , is full of strife over the proposed
$25,000 court house.
Fred Hugornmn , the alleged wholesale
horse th'uit , has been hold to appear be
fore the di&tnct court in bonds which ho
caunpt give.
A Mrs. Beach , of Cheyenne , has
created a social sensation by taking her
children , deserting her husband and
leaving for purls unknown.
The affairs of the Rawlins Savings.
Loan and Building association wore
wound up on Monday , an ass6ssmont of
85 cents per share providing for the out
standing shares. This association , was
iu existence lifty-eight and three fourths
months , the monthly assessments
amounting to $58.85 , for which each
shareholder received $100 , less the pre
mium paid for his loan ,
Utah and Idaho ,
A fire destroyed $12.000 worth of prop
erty in Kutchum , Idaho , last week ,
The llvo-voar-old son of Harry McCar-
dell was killed by the cars at bait Lake
last week ,
Cnldwoll , Idaho , will soon ship 600,000
pounds of wool , and Ontario about 800-
( XX ) pounds. The clip of that portion of
Idaho is steadily increasing ,
A company of Wood River capitalists
has been organi/.od to explore the Lucky
Bar chums , and will nt once put on the
ground a $27,000 plant of machinery.
The Huiloy Times says t.hcro are in
Idaho for every twenty men not moro
than one woman , and urges that an
otl'ort bo made to induce female im
migration. This would furnish wives
for the hoys , and clomosHo help , whereby -
by the Olnncso would bo driven oiit of the
Oniahn cracksmen rifled Sadlo Noblo's
dive In Salt Lake city recently , nnd cur
ried olT every thing portnblo. They did
not disturb tlio reputation of the house.
Farmers along tlio Sovlcr river in south
ern Utah are ottering live cents per head
for the destruction 01 jack rabbits in or
der to protect their crops. Boys corral
thousands of them In u bunch and drive
them into the river and drown them.
John Conloy , n poverty stricken polyg-
amlst , who could not pay n line of $ v00 ! ,
swore in court that his two wives wore
worth 57,000 each , and that ho worked
for them at a salary ot $50 a month.which
they paid promptly. They would not pay
his line , and ho was sent uack to jail to
work it out.
Loadvillo is enjoying n real estate boom.
Fort Collins la talking of establishing a
canning factory. One gentleman stands
ready to put up $1,000.
Mrs. Van Colt's in Denver ,
which closed last week , netted 000 con
verts. From Denver slio goes to Kmniets-
burg , Iowa.
Tlio plan of driving a great tunnel
under the city of Londvillo , to drain the
wet mines to the eastward , is daily gain
ing in populuritynnd the possibilities are
that work will oc commenced In a few
Sterling is having * building boom.
The lumber dealers report heavy sales
this month. They are sending out moro
building material In a week than they
sold in a month during the busy season
of last year , nnd it is with dltu'culty they
keep up their stocks.
The Pacific Coast.
"Tho knife seems to Imvo taken the
place of the revolver over in Virginia
City , and its use has bouomo somewhat
A pig was born near Dixon , Cal. , re
cently which is a great curiosity. The
head resembles that of an elephant , hav
ing a nose nbovu tlio eyes similar to an
olonliant's trunk.
Work on the now Catholic cathedral at
Sacramento will , bo begun the last of
April or the lirst ot May , and it is thu in
tention to push the building to as early a
completion as possible.
During the past four weeks over 500- ,
000 gallons of wine and brandy have
been shipped from ho1 ! Angolcs. Tlio
United States gangers are busy from
morning till night in gauging California
brandy before it in placed on the cars for
overland shipment.
The ladies of San 1'rancisco liavo hold
a meeting and decided that the "mash-
ors" who liang about street contort ) to
annoy and insult ladies who pass must
go. They passed resolutions denouncing
tlio corner loafers , and appointed a com-
mittco to wait upon proprietors of stores
and persuade them to discountenance
the "living statues. "
"Tho Vicar ol' AVnkofleld. "
Saturday Review : Every ono knows
Boswcll's carefully worded account of
the romantic circumstances in which
Johnson relieved Goldsmith's distress by
soiling the manuscript of his novel to
some unnamed bookseller for GO. Bos-
well's story is professedly Johnson's
"own exact version , " and corrects what
ho calls the "strangely misstated" facts
of Mrs. Thralo and Sir John Hawkins.
With these varying accounts , Austin
Dobson collates that of Richard Cumber
land , and observes , in conclusion : "Bos-
well's story alone wears an air of vorac
ity , and it lias generally been regarded
as the accepted version. " The
novel was pnbhshcd March 27th , 1700 ,
and was advertised in the Publio Adver
tiser of the same date , together with
"TJie TiaVQjpr , " wjij li.wjis JiuWifilied in
1704. Trough the indefatigable research
of Mr. Dobson , a matter ot great interest
that has hitherto remained obscure is
now clear. Possibly through mere care
lessness , though probably because she
recollected the date of the publication of
"The Vicar of Wakoficld5 Mrs. Thralo
thought the eventful dinner with John
son , interrupted with Goldsmith's urgent
message , could not have occurred later
than 1705 or 1700. Johnson , however ,
told Boswcll that the novel "was written
and sold to his booksellers before his
"Traveler , ' but published after. " Although
Boswell unfortunately gives no date of
the famous interview , it is clear that Mrs.
Thrale's memory served her badly.
There is now no need to attempt to re
concile Mrs.Thralo's date and Boswcll's
account of Johnson's version of the inci
dent. Mr. Dobson has discovered that as
far back us October 38 , 17 < > 3. Collins. th
Salisbury priiitOT , ha'u purchased of "Dr"
Goldsmith , the author , " for 21 a , third
share in "The Vicar of Walceficld. " Tins'
interesting fact is disclosed by an old ac
count book once belonging to Collins ,
and now in possession ot Charles Welsh ,
11 member ot the firm of publishers sue
ccsso 'S to John Nowbury. Several cur
ious items connected with the sale of tlio
novel are communicated by Mr. Welsh.
It appears from the memoranda of
Collins that the fourth edition started
with a loss , and Collins sold his
third share for 5 guineas. "This
unhopeful view , " says Mr. Dobson ,
"is borne out by the circumstances at
tending the production of the ilfth edi
tion , which is generally supposed to have
been issued in 177U , the date upon the
title page. As a mutter of fact , its
issue was deferred till April , 1774 , the
month in which Goldsmith died ; and not
withstanding 1119 statements of Forster
and others , the sixth edition was not pub
lished until March , 1771) . " The impres
sion has boon general that this immortal
work enjoyed a brisk Kale , at least in the
early editions , and that the original pur
chaser delayed its publication for some
fifteen months , The strange truth is now
revealed that for moro than three yours
did its three owners agree to keep it from
the light , and that oiio of them was f > o
hopeless of its permanent value Unit ho
sold his slmro for a paltry sum four years
after its publication.
It Doesn't Pay to JBo Too Familiar.
Chicago Herald : "I have only been
away from home three weeks , " remarked
a young man in the smoking-car , "but in
that time I have learned one lesson , and
that is that u man shouldn't bo too in
fernally famlliiir with people with whom
ho is not well acquainted. I've boon
traveling out In the mining regions of
Colorado for u couple of weeks. The
lirfet night I stopped in ono little town 1
was in the bur-room of tlm hotel , where
I got acquainted with a mine owner , and
wo had several drinks together , 1
thought I know the man pretty well , nnd
so , next morning , when 1 saw him walk
ing along the street a llttlo ahead of me ,
I quioknnod my stop and caught up with
him. Slapping him vlgorou&ly on the
back , I oxolaimcd :
" 'Where ? '
are you going
" 'None of your d d business.
What dp you want1 ? was the roply. Ami
in the sixteenth of u .second my friend
had turned toward mo und put tlio
muzzle of his shooting-iron into my
" 'What do 5'ou want ? ' lie repeated
" 'Oh , nothing'says I , us t snoaUcd
back to the hotel. Ho didn't scorn to
recognize ui'nt all , and when I ulnp a
man on the buck after this it will be when
TTQ uro us well acquainted as brothers. "
When IUbf wla elt * , "a fi"e h Oittoria ,
When ilie vrta Child , the cited for Coatoria ,
When ike became Ul > * , &ho clang to CutarU ,
) , ? ho giro thun Oaitorfa ,
n CONTAINS ivooricst i w Asrrona
ffJKCEN I BOTTLES.iu put tip for tlio A
rfWlJIcommodatlonor oil who dcslro ft BOO
and low priced
Gfiueh , ColdandCroupRemedy
Should BCCUVO tlio lur to ? l bottler. Direction
nccompnnylnir onch bottlo.
Bold by all Modiclno Doalors.
017 St. ClinrIcsH < . , .SM.onlHMo.
Nervous Prostration , Deblllly , Mental
rnjslcal Weakness ; Mercurial nnd other I
| L ° , it.ltole"l1M ; * " \ " ' " " ' " / 1" Ml * | ' jSA
I > l ° r7 ° > . rrmoiluttlon , od minj-moto , Thoie mirrltd „ .
eonlcmfl.triii . ! n rrl r ttoulif r. ' 4 k l'-VrUr * aillnSf , MPtrcotcr.gao. AHH ( i > C C..WhlieI-5
Inttiintly relieve * the
moil Tlolrnt utucli * .
ana lnurt rnmftrt.
inhalation. thu > narhtng lh
09 the pMin , fncihutirt free
oipoctoratlon. and KPITOTfi
"hew ill . etbtr r rdln Ml. A Irl.l , , | nm ( b >
IfHIr.l of It , InmedlitMlrrrt indntTFr-hlUn * tlf t
nil 1.1)01 of , lru ill , or hr nail.TflO
WnrrnntoJ toglvoentlafno-
JIoii on miy work mid hi any
Price $ 2,50
JBTricl < ey&Co
Lincoln ,
Solo Wholesale agents for
' '
' - *
N. U. Tills 13 not a Btylo-
grnph pencil , but n flrstclnsi
Iloxlblo ffolJ pou of tiny do-
elrod fineness of point.
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
VosUlVflTeL. _ nGU da > byjr ,
Homo flKlrot -MuiincCI < ilU-lt.
[ JS only ono In tlii > worldr > nnr tinjf
acontlnuout ttlntrlo tt Maanttlj
'current , Kclcntlllo ' 1'owerful , Duiaklo ,
KComtarUlila ftiul KfTfcllTe. Avoid fn
Over n.onn cured. Hon'l ' Stamp rnriminuhlut.
KLKUT11IO JIUM'H Toll Jlf UAM't. !
RESTORED. 11 nnrtly
Jf rru. A > Ictlm of youth.
ful tini'inidonco cnu-lnir
I'lomiturn ltc r , Men
TOIIS J > cl'lllty.Jwt SUn-
Do you wnnt a pure , bloom *
iug Complexion { 11' so , a
low nnplicutlouK of Hngun's
JLYGMM4 BALM will grat
ify you to your heart's con
tent. It does inviiy wJUi Sal-
lowucss , Ilcdness , Pimples.
Dlotclics , nud till diseased and
imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes the Hushed appear *
nuco of heat , fatigue uud ox *
ollomont. It makes n lady ot
THIRTY appear but TWl5N
T Y ; and so natural , gradual ,
aud perfect uro ifa elfects.
that ft is impossible to delect
its application ,