Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1886, Page 3, Image 3
YHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FRIDAY. APRIL IQ , 1836. Uoxcd Merits -Shoulders , 84.00. 1.10 : short rlo.irsldc , ; short ribs S .tvawo. Unltcr Weak ; creamery , SOftS-c ) dnlry , JifSSOc. Clucso Quiet and slow ; full cream ched- ; Young America , H@12c ; skims , . Hides unchanged ; green , tMci heavy crrcn palled , 7 > < c ; light , SJfc : damnged , OJfo ; bull hides. Co : dry finltod , 12 > < c ; dry Hint , ISffliHe : calfskins , lo@itc. : Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 counlry , 4J c. Ueccipt' ' " . Shipments. Flour , bills . , UK ) 9.000 Wheat , 01 . 10,000 30.000 . 02,000 10,000 Onts.bu . 02,000 41,000 Hye.bu . imiio 8,000 Unrfev.bu . So.OJO 10,000 Ht. I/nnlq , Aurll 15. Wheat Firm and higher ; No. 2 red , cash. HMfffttSVc. Corn Steady and holier ; No. " mixed , cash , : < c bid. Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , GO c bid. Itvc FlrmntOOc. Whisky SI. to. 1'ork Lard SS.7J5Mft.FO. r Hutter Fnlrly active but weak .creamery , 23 @SOc ; dairy , sMXff.iV' . Afternoon Hoard Wheat , weak and K ( < 5 &c lower ; Corn , , c lower ; O.xts , > 6c lo\ver. Now York , April -Wheat Itecclpts . ; ( sxports , ICO.COJ ; spot nslmdn strong er ; options r.prtird heavy , ruled stronger , weakened and closed lower ; nnmiuled led , 8U S4c ; No. 2ml , tt # cnlloat ; May closing at v\c. \ Corn Spot steady ; options weak ; receipts , 4.000 s oxpoits , 101,000 ; ungraded. 41-llc ; No. It , l5r .l5K ( ! ; No. 2 , 45Xc in elevator , 40 > fc afloat ; .MnY/fZIO / < cl Oats Dull ; ivccipts , 15,000 ; exports , l.rxw ; iiilxe < l western , MXMIWJ C ; white western , Petroleum Firm ; United closed at 75J c. I't'iis Finn ; westoin , 12-Sfe. INiik Steady ; family mess , S Lard Opened n shade hiirhcr , but closed weak : wtwteiu steam , spot , 0.17Jtf(2l.0 ( ( ! ! ; Mny , 8 < U3 < HO.H. Butter Quiet and weak ; western , 15@82c ; Klein cruamurv , KK&ilc. Cheese Dull ; western , Milwaukee , Apill 15. Wheat Easier ; cash , 7ilc : May , TTJ/c ; .hum 78 c , Corn Steady ; > , o. 2 , ro , ! e. Oats-Dull ; No. 2. nic. Uye-Qulet ; No. 1. ( HKc. Hai lev Kusy ; No. 2 , Me. I'lovislnns Steady ; mess pork , cash and April , 89.03 ; May , SlUO. KntiHnn City , April 15. Wheat Steady ; rasli , nuicuhl , r.2 e asked ; May , GU ( < i03.fc- ! ; June , ( Vi 'e bid , fiOc nskcd. Corn-Quiet ; cash , 27tfc asked : May. 27 fc hid , B'.Jfo. nsked : .June , 2sc hid , SM c asked. Oats-May , liS fe asked. Toledo , Api 11 IS. Wheat-Easy ; cash , 85 @b7c. Corn Active : cash , SSJ c. Oats-Firm ; May , : ; .fe. New OrlcniiH , April 15. Corn Quiet but steady at 45 ( < WGc. Oats Kasv at IKlc. Corumeal Steady and in fair demand at 82.10. Hog Products Demand light , but holders Him. Him.Pork Pork Easier atS10.12K. Lard Itetlned tleieo , 35.li7j ( ? . < i.r 3J < f. Hulk Moats Shoulders , scarce nnrt lirm at S4. CO ; lom ; clear and clear ribs , 85.50. Liverpool , Apill 15. Wheat Poor de mand , no .stock. Flour Fair demand ; steady at 8sId. . Corn ( iood demand for spot , futures , fair demand : spot , Him at 4s 2J < fd ; April , steady at 4s ' % dMnrnnd ; June , steady at 4s 2d. Olnolnnntl , April 15. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , STfJZbSc. Corn Knsy ; No. 2 mixed , ! ? 0fi ( < 37c. Oats Firmer : No. 2 iiilxcd.iUc. Hye Firm ; No. 2 , GC@C'Jc. Barley Unchanged. Poll : Quiet mid unchanged ntS0.75. Lard Quiet mid unchanged ntSj.7lfi5.S5. ( Whisky 51.10. AtinncnpoiiR. April 15. Wheat Quiet ; No. 1 haul , cash , fcOJfc ; May , 81'tfc ; June , KiJ u ; No. 1 northern , 7 < U4c lor cash ; 77efor May ; 78Kc for June. Flour Dull ; patents , S1.55S1.80 ; bakers , . . . Receipts-Wheat , 00,000 1m. Shipments Wheat , 7,000 bu ; Hour. 23,000 bbls. LIVE Sfocic. Chicago , April 15. The Drovers' Journal repoits : CatUe-IteeelptB , 8,200 : active but Tsliado lower : shipping steeis , S4.00 ( 0.3. ' > ; stockers anil feedeis , 32.75681.50 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.00 1.00 ; bulk , S2.50@l.oo. Hogs Receipts. 20.000slow ; and We lower : rouch and mixed , S4.00@4..0 ; packing and Bhlpnlng , $4.203 $ 1.40 ; light , SS3.U5rfl.iO ( ) : ; skips , 82.1KJ@3.7. > . Sheep Keceipts , 4.COJ ; steaily ; natives , S2.50r$0.00. ( St. Louis. April 15. Cattlc-llccelpts , 000 ; shipments , 800 ; market active and steady on shipping , shade lower on butchers' ; choice snipping and expoit. 85.00(35.50 ( : common to good , 84.2.X < M.b5 ; butcheis1 steeic , S3.f > 0@l.50 : cows and heifcis , 83.50 ® H.8S ; stockernnnd feeders , g .00@.40. ) Hogs Itocolpts , 0,000 ; Hhipmi'iits , 2,000 ; market ra)10e ( ) lower ; butcheis' , Sa.00fff4.i : : ) ; VntV.-ri . ; ± ! ' 'WWa-l-WS "Slit packing | " - " ' " ' " * SI.CO4.10. Kalians City , Api 11 15. Cattle Receipts , 1-UX , ) ; shipments , none ; maikct lOc lower ; choiSo to fancy , 5. 20(35.40 ( ; common to coed , S4.00@5.10 ; stoelcvrs and feeilers , $ f.1.40C < ? 4.20 ; cows , 82.50@.1.CO. lings Kecclpts , 11,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; maikct weak and 0@10c lower ; good to choice , 84.0004.16 ; common to medium , 83.70 @a. 0 ; skips and pics , S2.oo@8co. OBI All A STOCK. Thursday livening , April 15. The receipts of cattle were slightly heavier than on yesterday , but nio still too light to supply the demand. The class of stock on the market was very ordinary , there bolug nothing that could bo clnt-scd as eliolee. The market continues about steady. Thcie Is considerable Inquiry for choice butchers' block , but theionro very few fat cows nnd heifeis coming In. Everything In the pens was sold out onily In thu dny. Quotations for to-dnv are : Clioico to extra steers , averac- IIIK 1.400 to 1,500 pounds , S4.avg5.00 : coed , averaging 1,200 to IBO : pounds , 84.25 ( < J4.fiO ; medium , averaging 1,100 to 1,200 pounds , | s 83,85(1 4.25 : good to choice cows nnd heifers , Ha averaging lloo to 1200 , 8H.ax8a.75 ; medium , II- * averaging 800 to 1000 , $2.75(23.15 : choice to uxtra bulls , averaging 1500 to 2000 , 83.00i7i ( H.25 ; common , averaging 1200 to 1500 , 82.00 ® 2,75. 2,75.Thohoginaiki't opened strong at yostcr- ilnv't. prices and everything on the market hold readily. Later in the day It weakened. The iceelptseio very light and hardly enough to ninko a maikot. Quo tations for to-day were : Choice light nnd mo- mum weights , 83.80 ( 3.X ! ) ; choice heavy , 83.75 63.85 ; good to cliou'o mixed. S3.70g3.bO ; common lough grades nt S3.45i ( ' : ) . < V > . Choice sheep welching 75 to 100 ] ioiuiils nro quoted at 8i.75Q1.00 ; averaging 100 to 125 , nt 84.25t 5.W. itr.ciui'Ts. Cattle 400 Hogs EOD itKi'iisixTATivi : : : : SAI.IS. : hTiina. : : No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 1220 83.50 10. . 2 13D5 .1140 4.55 10. . . .1010 4,00 15. . . .1230 4.55 UUI.I.H. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.o No.a ' * 3.10 1. . . ,1700 a ! ! . 1 ! 1455 .Ib55 Vs&b ! COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 14. . . . .1053 83.40 . . . . .1150 83.G5 6 1 1UX ) 4 1120 8.75 HOOK. No. Av. Pr.HOOK. . Av. Pr. 24 IbS 8.fcO 105 , 112 a.b.5 69. . . .108 ! J.fcO 10 103 8.W 77. . . . .213HIGHEST HIGHEST AND LOWEST. Showing the blithest and lowest prices paid on this market for mixed packing hess uur- linr tno uast seven days and for tlio corresponding spending period last month. Warcli April Thursday S3.60 @ 3.tC Friday. . . 8.W ) § 4.00 8.70 Batnrday. . . . . . . 3.60 S.3PO 8.75 Monday 8.60 6ta.W S.b5 Tuesday 8.60 © 3.00 3.77K$3.00' Wednesday. , . . , 3.80 & 3V5 Thursday 3.80 (53.85 ( All Bales of stock In this maikot are made pcrowt , llya welfht unless otherwise stated. lead liocb sell at le per Ib for all weights. "Skin's,1 ror hogs weighing less taan 100 Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 10 Ibs and btats ; bO Ibs. ' ' . Notes. Frank Chlttcndeb , who represented Mai- lory < fe Sons " * "I0 Vftnls ln < ! t summer , has iPturned in tlie i'ulcrU of Gco. Adams & Utirke. Cattle pens cleared. -\s No liotfs left over. . ) . O. Hall , Hilda , sold 17 hoes. No choice cattle on the market. Clark Hros. shipped 5 cars of hogs. P. Unlit , Scwaid. marketed n load of 03 C.V , Hoffman , Genoa , marketed a load of hogs. Lobman & K. , Schuylcr , had 110 cattle on the market. H. Qllmnro it Son , David City , had 33 cat tle on the market. Gco. W. Carleton , Chicago , Is registered at the Stock Yaids hotel. C. Abrams , West Point , was at the yaids with a load of cattle . H. C. Itollonc , North Bend , was at the yards with 101 cattle. Gco. Hoetel , Millard , was on the market with a load of cattle. 11. S. lining , New York city , Is stopping at the Stock i arils hotel. L. S. Powell , Gibbon , was nt the ynnls nnd marketed a load of cattle. A. Siittou , of Mclntosh Jtt , Stilton , Phillips , was at the ynruN and sold n load of cattle. H\V. \ H. Kldd , Winchester , Ky. , superin tendent lor U. H. Groom & ( o. , was a visitor at the yards. They arc feeding 1,500 or 2,000 head of cattle nt Ciete. Frank Dowry left lait evening on a trip west , lu the Interest of Keeimn Ac Hancock. Mr. l\\cy ) has been with the lirm of Trc- inalii iV Treiimin for some time and Is well nud tnvainbly known by stock men. The folloulnn letters iccelved In' Draper Smith , manager of Kccimn < Vs Hancock's branch house at this place , will bo of general inteiest to sheep men. CHICAGO , April 13 , lbb < i Dear SiiVo take pleasure In Inform ing vou that our efforts to wcum cheaper ti.iusportntlnn on bhrep Iroin the mnllmcst havuat last met with partial success. Wo ha\i ! been striving for years to Induce the N. W. loads to icrelvo and iorwnid double deck cars of sheep Irom bt. Paul and Omaha. This they steadily rettii-ed to do. J.aht Feb ruary wo brought the matter before the Chicago cage Live Stork Exchange. A committee , Including our Mr. Kecimu , was appointed to confer with the railway olllclals. The on- nlnncd copy of a letter written by Mr. 11.0. Wlrkor , tralllc nuimiger , oxiilains itself. We aru soiry the nijieeinent tlocs not include other states and territories \\hlcli would DO gi rally benelitted by a reduction of transpor tation charges on sheer , and licpu thu rail ways may extend the scope ol'thlsarrnneo- niont lu the near futuie. Yours tally , KIIKAX : : & HANCOCK. CHICAGO. April o.-c. & M.V. \ . Ollicu Dear Sir Hcfeirlng to your favor of Febru ary 20th and convocation had with youi > elf and Mr. W. T. Keeimn. with reference to tiauspoitation of sheep in double-deck cars : Wo understand that nil lines Interested in thu transportation of sheep from St. Paul , Council lilull's and Omaha , havn agiucd to name lates of SI5 nor car on sheep In double- deck ears from St. P.iul. Minnesota Transfer aud Council Hlulfs to Chicago , when coming i mm Montana , Idaho , Oiegon or Washing ton Territory. Very ti uly , 11. C. WICKI-.B , T. M. OMAHA WlIOIjESAIjlS MARKETS. General Markets. Thursday Kvenin ? , April 15. Eons The receipts arc llbcinl and tlio demaiui .stiong. i.argo shipments to the west have made eggs hcarce In this maiket , Sales nio being made at U > @ 10 c. Uniisi : : : Faucv full cream Cheddars. Octo ber make. HJ c : Hats , I'JKc ; young America , 14 ! c ; lirst quality Swiss chece , l.'c ; second quality , I2j @l4c ; Llinburger. llfi)12e ) ; skim flats V&lOc. IkiTTKii The iccelpts arc very light and the mniket good for . the choicer grades. Choice cieameiy,2.'j@:50c : ; choice Iresh table , lOSflSc ; good fiesh table , 12@14c ; fair , 8@ lOc ; poor. ! l@ . c. GAME The receipts of ducks are not qulto MI heavy ns hist week. They me quoted at POULTHY The market Is nearly bare and the demand is good , especially for chickens. As tlio warm weather appioaches there Is moio inquiry for live chickens than for ( licssed. Good live chickens bell leadlly to S3.fO@3.75 ; dressed , 10@lle ; ducks nnd " " , lOrtBllo : turkeys , diessod. choice. K - _ -s : , JII.I.TSK : ETC. Preserves , all kinds , 20-lb. palls perlb. lOc ; do in pail lots , perlb. Sl c : assorted5-lb.palls percnito , palls , 83.75. Jollies , all kinds , ilrst grade , 20-lb. pails , per lb. 8c ; assoited , first grade , Mb. pails , per crate , 0 palls , 82.50 : do 1-lh. pails , per case , 2 do82.25 : do , tumb lers , per caic , B doz. , 81.40. Jolly , all kinds , second grade , 30-lb. pails , per lb. 5c. Mince meat , best grndoi \ bfal. perlb. 7c ; do. 5-lb pails , per crate. 0 nails , 82.75 ; do 40-lb palls per lb , 7 } < fc ; do , 5-lb pails , per crate , U pails 82.75. Peach nnd plum butter , 40-lb palls , 75- Ib. 9J < te ; pencil plum and qulnco butter , as- soitod , 511) pails , per crate , 6 pails , 83.75 ; horseradish , pint bottles , per doz 81.50. PHIS' FKET. TIUPH , KTC Pigs' leet , peryt bbl , 84.00 ; do , # bbl. 32.00 ; do. per kit , DOc. Lambs'tongues , per& bbl , 83.25 ; do , per kit , 82.50 ; do. qunitjars per doz , 85.25 ; do , pint jars per case , 2 doz. 86.75. Tripe , per K bbl , 84.00 ; do , per &ubl , 82.00 ; do , per kit Uoo. BAu SO..W ; 15 gal bbl. S3.73. CoMullo.vEr California 3 ID frame BO Ibs , In case per Jb , , 13o ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska , . CiDEit Michlcan refined , per bbl. , S0.50 ; do. half bbl. , S4.00. VINEOAU White wine , lOe ; cider , 12 > c. UANANAS The market Is well supplied. Quotations are S2.00@4.00. accoidlnc towlcz. Ari'i.r.s Tlio market Is well stocked and sales aio dingglng. Western stock , S2.00@2.25 ; Michigan apples , 82.50 ; choice Missouri stock. 82.50 per bbl. CnANBKiinir.s Bell ana liucle , per bbl , S0.505 ; bbl lots , SO. 00 ; Jersey , per bush box , S2.00. OIIANOES lUversldn jjeedllngs , per box 83.75 ; Mcditeiranoan Sweetsjer box. 84.00 ; 5 tit 10 box Jots , per box , S3.75 ; San Gabriel Navels , per box. 84.M ) ; Los Angeles , per box , S2.7& ; clo5-box lots , per box , S-.00 ; do , 10-box lots , per box , 82.50 : do , 25-box lots , per box , u.-to. Li.Mo\8 : Fancy Messina , per box,83.50 , ; choice Messina , per bov , 85.00. NEW Fias , DATES , ETC. Layer flgs , 8 and 10-lb boxes , per Ib , iCc. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , He ; Persian , 50-1 b boxes , per Ib , lOo Prunelles , 30-lb boxes , per Ib , 18o. 18o.MAPI.K SIIOAII Bricks , strictly mire , 69-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc ; penny cakes , 2 > lb cases , 12Xe. HONEV Fresh California comb honey put up In 2-lb frames , GO-lbs In case. California comb honey , per Ib. , 15o. OvsTinis Now York counts , 45ot extra sclcots. 40e. selects , B5c ; standards sOc ; mediums. 25c. Niw : VEOKTAiu.ns California cabbage , per Ib. , 3Xc ; cauliflower , per doz. , 82.50 ; cel ery , per doz. , 81.50 ; ndimragu.s , per Hi , , 15o ; smnnuh , per bbl. , 3.00 ; gicen onions , per doz. , S5e ; radishes , per doz. . ( Xc ) ; lettuce , ) > ur doz. . OOn ; plenlnnt , iier Ib. . I5c. PnovisioNS Ham , o > @ 10c ; breakfast ba con b@8Ko ; clear side bacon , 7i7 ( } < ) C ; dry salto sides , ivj , < ) ) jo ; shoit rib sides , o } c : shoulders , 5o ; mess pork. 812.50 per ubl ; dried beef , ham pieces , 13c : lard , tierces , 0 } < ; e ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ; 70 Ib cans ( Falibnnks ) , 7 c : 5 Ib cans , do , l e : 3 Ib cans , do. . 7c ; boneless ham , lOc. DEANS California and Michigan are sellIng - Ing in n small way. Callfoinla liayo , per bu. , 81.05 ; do IYa. prrbu. , 81. 85 ; Michigan Medium , per bu. , 81.75 ; Country , pcrbu. , 75 © 31.25 COCOAXUTS- Per 100 , S4.50 ; less than 100 , 85.00. Oi.u VioETAnus : Onions , Mlchliran , choice yellow , per bbl , , 83.50 ; rutabagas , per bbl. , 82.00 2.85 ; carrots , per bbl. , 1.75 ; hoiso rndlbh roots , per bbl. . 5S.OO ; do nor Ib. , 7o ; sweet potatoes , per Ib. . 4o : parsnips , nor bbl. , 82,00 ; beets , pur bbl. , 82.00 ; Salt Lake pota toes , per bu. , 60c. POTATOKS The maikct Is very dull and thera is little or no stock moving. Retail dealers are only buying in small lots to sup ply their present needs , and It would bo no easy matter to place car lots. The choicest stock Is only quoted at 50e , nnd mixed or fair to good stock 40g45c. ( Inferior stock Is not wanted. UIIAIN On the streets and at the mills : Corn. EJo ; oats , 2dXo ; wheat , No. 3 , 60o ; rye , 150600. FLOUR AND HII.T.STUFFS Win terwheot flour , beat quality patent , 83.00@3.10 ; aecond quality. 83.60 < ji3.00 ; best quality spring wheat ( lour , patent , $3.50(33.75 ( ; buckwheat flour , In barrels , 85.75 ; ready raised t > Ib pack ages , Si , 00 ; olb packages. ? : H,90 ; bran , Mo per owt ; chopj > ed feed , 70o per cwt : white corn meal. BOc ; yellow corn meal , 70s , per cwt ; Bcjeeulng , 60o i > er cwt ; hominy , 81.50 per cwt : bhorts , OOe per ewt ; giahaui , S1.75 ; hav , in bales , $6.00@700 per ton. HIDKS Uroen butchers , OHc ; green cured , 7fcdry ; flint ; Il@l3c : dry salt , & ' < ilOo ; dam- aeed hides two-thlid price. Tallow 4c. Grease , prlino wUitu. SKd : 'yellow , 8c ; > fc. . Sheep PelU-25GJ7ic irns AKD SKISS Mink. each. mu'krnt , winter. 25c ; do. klt , < . lc ; Otter , S2.50@5.00 ; skuiiK , short striped. ISf/MVstdo. broad striped , 10Q15 : bwlger. 35@.V ) ; It o coon. No. 1 larco , 4XS ( .0 : do. No. 3. D0 30 ; do. Mo. 3 , 10 2-V ! ! wolf , nralrin . do. mountain. ! > 2. OOQ.'J.OO ; wildcat , 1540 ; bea ver , S1.50@2.50 per lb : fox. each. < 0c@i.75 : deerskin u drv winter , n@l5c porlb ; do. fall nnd sunnnor , LVoj 'Jc : aiitcjopo. WUO pet b LiATiir.n : No. l pjttsbnrg harncsi , i. C , leather. 2S$33c : prSli'3 67t& sole leathers. 8C@ Sue. Upper leAlher , per jpot , CVivhem. ! . kip , 75&is > To : oak kip , W@53 < 3 ! Ticncli M'I'I 51.00 ® 1.35 5 llCJn , calf , 31.tkx31.10 ; onk calf , S1.00@l.3.i ; Frcitclicalf , Sl. i@l.B.i ; Morocco boot leg , 30fl3-2c ; Morocco oil pebble , SSCifcia toppings nnd linings , 80.0010.00 per doz. ! o CoAi , Anthracite grnto. 58.85 ; epg , 88.25 ; ranee , 8350 ; chostnivt , 88.50 ; 1 own , 83.25 ; Walnut block , S3.50Illlnols ; , 85.00 ; Missouri , ilKAW HAimwAnE Iron , rates , 83.35 ; plow steel , special cast , -Ic ; cniflblo steel , Cc ; cast tools do , 12 < 3lSc ; wagon spokes , per set , sl.75CcKi.oo . : hubs , per set , SI.IKIO felloes , - " . cell Iron Wire , in car lots , SJ.OO per 100 Ibs. Iron Nails , rates , 10 to CO. 83,00. Shot 81.50 : buckshot , 81.85 : oriental powder , kegs , 88.50 ( $4.00 ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs , S1.50 ; blnstlng , kegs , 83.33 ; fuse , per 100 feot. We. Lead liar. 81.ftf > . PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omnhn , P. P. , 7Wo ; whlto lend , St. Louis , pure. S7.SO ; Mar seilles green , 1 to 5 tti cans , v0c ! ; Fioneh v.luc1 green seal , 12e ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; Fiench zinc , In vainlsh asst , 20e ; French zinc , 7. * > c ; vcrmilllon , America. 18c : Indian- red. lOc : lose pink , 14c : Venetian , red. Cook- son's , 2Jfc ; Venetian , red , American , 1 5fc red load , 7 > < c ; chrome yellow , ircniiino , 20c ; chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochie , rochelle :5o : , ; ochre , French , 2c ; oclue , Atiierlcnn , 2c ; Winter's mineral , 2 0 : Lehlgh brown , UVc ; Spanish brown , awfc : Prince's mineral , : > u Dnv PAINTS White lead , 8e : French zlne , 12c : Paris whiting , Bc ; whiting gilders , IJic ; whiting , com'l. l'j"c ' ; Inmphlack , Ger- niantown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , So ; Prussian blue. We ; ultramarinep ISe : vandyke - dyke , brown , 8c ; umber , buint , 4e ; umber , ra\v , 4c ; sienna , burnt , -le ; sienna , raw4c ; Parlsgreen , genuine , ffiic : Paris uret-n. com mon , 20c ; chrome green , N. V. , SOc ; chrome gioeu , K , 12o ; vormlllion , Kngllsh , In oil , 70e ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c ; Vandyke , blown. 13c : rollned lampblack. 12e : coach hlacK and Ivory black , lOc ; droj ) black , lOc ; Prussian blue , 40c ; nltinmarlno blue , ISc : chronio grocu , L. , M. it I ) . , ICc ; blind and shutter creen , L. , M. it IX , Ific ; Paris gieen , Ibc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan , B2c ; American vcimilllon , 1 . & D. , 20c yellow ochre , He ; L. M. < kO. D. . ISc ; godes , ochre , Ific ; ] > atent dryer , Sc ; grain Ing colors IkMit oak , dark oak , walnut , ciiestnut and ash. 12c. Dnuns AND UHEMICAT.S Acid , carbolic , 34c ; acid , tartarlc , 63c ; balsam copaiba , per Iti , 45c ; bark , sassafras , per lt > 10c : calomel , per lb , 72c ; chinchonldln , per oz , 0o ; chloro- lorm , per lb , OOc ; Dovers powders , per lb , 81,25 ; epsom salts , per lb , 3J < fe : glycerine , pure , per lb. 18c ; lead , acetate , per lb , 20c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per pal. , 81.rX > : oil , castor , No. S , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gnl. , 81.40 ; oil. origanum. 50c ; opium. 83.75 ; qui nine , P. it W. , and It. it S. , per oz , 8. > c ; po tassium Iodide , per lb , 83.00 ; sallcln , per oz , 40u ; suiphato morphine , per oz , 82.70 ; sul phur , per lb. 24c ; strychnine , per oz , 81.40. Oir.s 110' carbon , no gallon , lOc : 150' headlight , pergalion , Ho ; 175" headlight , per gal , 15c : 150 ° water white , 14c ; linseed , hard , sperm , W. B. , per gallon. 81.00 ; lisli , W. H. , per gallon , C5c ; ncatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 70c ; No. 1. GSc : lubricating , zero , per gallon , No. 1 summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , SOc ; No. 2. 2."jc ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 75c : turpentine , per gallon , 55o ; gaso lene , per callon. I4c. VAHNISHES iJarrels , ncr gallon : Furnl- tuie , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Damar , extra , & 1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphaltum extra , GSc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsli , 81.50. bi'iniTS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 81.12 ; do 101 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.12 : do , 188 proof , 81.11. AIco- liol , 188 proof , 82.10 perwlno _ gajlon. Kedls- tiiicti wnisicies , Si.Ccwii.nO. ! " , Ir-M.'il ! : , S1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00KO.OO ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 53.00@0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , S1.50@3.00. Hraudics , imported , S5.00g8.50 ( ; domestic. S1.HO@.00. : ! Gins. Imported , 84.50 fjffl.OO : domestTc.81.2.rif < § : ! .00. Hums , Im ported , 84.50(38.00 ( ; New Kngland , S1.75@2.00 ; domestic , Sl.'i" > @ 3.00. Champagnes , Import ed , per case. S2SOO@34.00 ; American , per case , S10.00@10.00. DBKUlNaS. . . . iww vrarT . UACKKRKU LAKE nsir. iiii > oiiTEn Grocers' Lilat. Svnur No. 70. Sic , bbls ; No. 70 , 4-jrallon koRs , 81.0 > ; New Orleans as@4"o ! per gallon ; Maple byrup , } 6 barrel , strictly pure , 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , S'J.riJ per doz ; Yi gallon cans. S5.25pordoz ; quart cans 3.00. I'IOKLKH Medium. In utils. Sll.tX ) ; do In half bbls , S3.M ; small. In bbls. 87.00 ; do in half bbls. S4.00 ; chcrklns , In bbls , S3.00 ; do. In half bbls. 84.50. ( iooiS Oystors. standard , per case. 83.00 ; strawberries , a Ib. per case , S2.K5 ; raspberries' , B-lb , per case , S.i5 ! ; California iicara , per case , S5.CO ; apilcnts. porcaho , g-J.CO ; peaches , per case , 84.75 ; wlilte cherries , , 85.00 ; plums , per case , 84.00 ; whor- Uuberrii'H , per case. 83.40 ; CBK iilums , .Mb , jiorcase. S-.SO ; green gaues , s-lb , per case , S'.WD ; pincnpjili'K , 1Mb , per case , STAIIOII Allrror gloss , 1 Jb , Gc ; Mirror 0 Ib , 7Kc ; KliiKStord's pure , 3 Ib , 5c ; Kings- ford' Bbiilk.4c. Pr.uo TOIIACCO Climax , 42cper Ib ; Horse shoe. 37c : Star , H7c ; Spearhead , H9c ; Uold Holl.SUo ; Piper HeiilHick. COo ; Punch , 88c ; young Fritz. 3bc : JTJ. ate. OANDV Mixed , OKOl-Jc ; stick , OKcSllc. SALT Dray loads , nor bul. 81.55 ; Ashton , In sacks. 88.35 ; sacks , Ashton , BCo ; bbls , dairy , 8ioo'J.75. SODA In Ib papers. 83.25 a case ; salsoda , keg , per Hi. ' - ic. IniiiU ) FituiTS No. 1 nuartpr apples , d evaporated box cs , tdifc ; lihukluo na xerl lOo ; peaches , eastern. 4S5 ( , : c ; pe dies evaporated , lriK@17e : ball Lake , new , 7K ® 8c : raspberries , now. 22W33o ; currants , 1 % ® 7 fc ; prunes , new , 4(3 ( Jto. : SUOAKS Powdered , 7kc : cut loaf , 7j < c ; granulated , OKc ; coufoctlouers" A , C o ; standard xtra O.O o : extra C , 6Ho\ \ medium yellow , Oo ; iMew Orleans. 6 ? ( ( < iCc. MATCHES Per caddie , asc ; round , per casn. 45c ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule square , SOAPS Kirk s oavon Imperial. 82,93 ; Klik's satinet , S3.15Kirk's standard. 83.80 ; Klik's \vhito Hussiau. S4.aa : Kirk's Whltu Cni > , 50.M ; Dome , 84.S5 ; Washboard , S3.15 COPFKES Ordlnarv grades , 6 ; < c ; fair , 10 ® lO fc ; prime , llU12o ; choice , W ( < 518 > fc ; fancy green and yellow , 13 } @l4Ko ; old cov- crnuient Java,202Cc , ; interior Java , lC.lui ( CANDLES Jioxos , 40 Ib , Cs , lie : 8s , lie ; boxu3 , 401b , 18 oi , 6s , lie ; half box , 01b , lli/c. Bi'iCES Oi-ound Black pepper , boxes. IB < 2W2c ; allspice , 12@lCc : clnnuuioii , 16@25c ; cloves , 15@25o ; sing-jr , 15@25o ; nntstartt,15@ TEAS Gunpowder , fair , 20@37c : good , , @ 55c ; choice , OO& Sc ; good luipuial , ' CK'I ' " " " ( " _ * * " - iTiVM * " * . i l 31JiMH - . M SttiftOc ; choice. 00 < 3G5c : Souchong , cood.80 ® 45c\ \ choice , : i5Ml.KJ ; , Japans , fnlr , SXra > c ; cood. avaisc ; clfolco' , Cx-i75c ; Ten Dust. 15c ; CiiACKnuV Wiirncaii's soda , buttc-r and Picnic.We : creams , 8xVc ; ginger snap 8fc } ; city soda , 7'fc. Fisr. CUT Hard to Beat , 70o : Chnrni o. the West , COc ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thread- C7c ; Favorite , COc ! Huds 60c liooky Mo tin tain , 50ct FancyHSc ; Daisy , 40c ; North Start Oe ; Good Luck , 55c } Our licst , C2 ; c ; Good Dry Goods. American , . " > X ; Arnold's. Oo ; Cc- checo , Oc ; Mancllest . Gc ; Lyinnn , r > c ; Glou cester , r > wc ; Dunnell .lacquard. Co : Dunnell , ftkc ; Windsor , Oc : Pacillc. Co : llarmon , 4Hc : Anchor bhlrtlntcs , 4 > fc ; Merrlmay Slilrtlng.i , 4 < < e : Uerwlck , 4c. Ii.i.vcnii ) : : ) COTTONS Farmers' choice , O'/c ' ; Cabot. CKc ; HODC , 7c ; Hill 4 4 , 7l < c ; itill , K , 0fe ; Lonsdale , 8c ; Fruit , Be ; Wain' ButUViO ic. Conir.T Jr.Axs Kc.irsnrce , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; Peppcrrll , 7 > ej Indian Urchnid , Oj ; Naumkeair , 7c. Unow.v COTTON Lawrence LIGc : Slmw- nuit , LL. 5c ; Ucavor Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic LL,5c ; Indian Head , 7c ; Wnuehussut , ( lfc ; Crown XXX , OKc-i Clifton CCU , Cite ; Utlca C. 4 fc ; Atlantic Pr > Kc. TICKINOS Amoskeair AOA 12Kc : Thoin- dvke OOO , 75c ; Ihorndyko lancv. 0 ! < c ; Yorklo c : York fancy , I2j < fc : Mllbury , 12)c ) ; Pwul lUver , ll > fc ; Hamilton , 12c ; Swift Ulvcr , 0c ; ShetuckctS. 8l < cShctuek- ; rtSS. > ifc : Montauk AA , I''c ; Montauk HU , lie ; Oinetra ACA , l e. DINI : S Heaver Creek AA. lie ; Heaver fancy , 18 > c ; Everett , 13e ; Haymaker's blue and brown , 7Kc. DUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 oz. Mactnolln. lOi c ; 10 oz. Magnolia , 12c : 8 oz. Wnst Point , lOk'c ; 10 o/ . West Point , 12 > { c. DUCK ( coloied ) Hoston toz. ) brown and drab. 13tfc ; Hostoti O II brown and drab , PC : Hoston XX brown and drab , lOc : Hoston XXX brown and dr.ih , ll'fc ; Uoston O P blue , HKc ; Watreii Tiicot , ICc. CitnvKirs AmoskcaK , clicck' , OJtfc ; Amos konir , strliics , SJ c ; Slater , stripes , So ; Kdin bun ? . o ; < c ; Whlttendon. stripes , He ; Glen- lost1 , Oe : Otis , checks , 0) < ; c ; Otis , strliics , PC ; ] toyalGfc ; Amoskeair , nnnped , lOJ c : Lu- ray , book fold , 12c : Ubcrnn. book fold , Kmluraiicc , book fold , l c. ad Beans Dry linmuor. rmtr.NsioNa AND TiMnnns. HOAltUS. No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. W , U and 10 ft . 817.00 No. 3 " " 12 , 14 ami 10 1 1 . I5.0U No. 3 " " li ! , 14 and 10 ft . 13.00 No. 4 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 11.00 . . No. 1 , 4 A6 Inch , 12 and 14fect , rough. . 10.60 No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 1(1 ( feet , rouiih . 17.03 No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 ami 14 feet , rough. . M.OO No. 3. 4 & 0 inch. lOlcet.rough . 15.03 8ID1NO. 1st Com. , 12 , 14 nnd 1C feet . S22.50 2ti " n n . 2003 8(1 " ' " " ; . 15.03 Fence , " " " . H.oo cr.iT.myn rAitTiTio.v. 1st Com. , ? .f in.Vhlto 1'ino Partition. . S.n 0 aiulCoiii. , X\n. \ ' "i " " ' - " . o Clear , -k in . N'mrway- " " . H. 5 Slid Com.Kin. . , . . 13.5 , FLOOniNO. A Cinch , wliitopino . $3"K ( ) 150 Inch " " . 3i.K ( ) CO inch " ' " i . 29.f > 0 D Olnch , " " . 20.50 E Cinch. " " . 17.53 STOOKillOAUni. A 12 inch , S1&12 , naiidiuicct . S-1C03 ] j ii " ii . 4'J 00 G " " ii ii-u . BO 03 D " " 11 u Ui . - < 03 03 No. 1 Coin. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 ixriiVidft ! 18 00 No. 1 " " i ' . ' 10 , 18 and 20 tt. 1800 No.2 " " . " 12. , U and 10 tt. . 1000 , smp I.A.P. No. 1 , Plain , 8 n rt 10 incli . 817.50 No. a. Plain , 8 and.ld iucli"G ; * A * Standard . S2.C5 5incli , clear , S1.53 ; G Inch , clear . No. 1. . . . . . . . . 1.25 Lath . 8.23 I.IME , RTC. Quincy white llmo ( best ) , 85c ; cement , Akron , SI. 75 ; plaster , S2. 0 ; hair , per bttbhel BOo ; tarredt'elt , per cwt. 81.05 : btraw board , 81.05. Tlicy Wearied Him. San Francisco Chronicle : "Life , " said the c.ynio , "life is not worth livins. " "No ? " said the damsel by his side ; "why ? " "Life is a bore ; human nature is so tame , insipid , ridiculous in all ex cept the vicious classes. Society in the accepted sense does not live , my dear Miss Jones. It passes the time. " "And has lots of fun sometimes. " "Never ; it believes it has fun ; but it's ' very sorry , stupid , dull fun. I am a cynic. People bore mo to death. Of course there ave exceptions , mC ; ; : : " - t-othcrs. They talk , and talk , amf talK , find D l sit and listen and think what empty , brainless things men and women arc. They weary me. " "Well , why don't you take your revenue ? " lYIIo\v ? " H'alk back to them. " And the cynic grinned n sickly grin and dropped the subject. _ _ Threatening Mrs. Washington Special : The latest instance of threatened "boycotting" is said to bo in an anonymous letter received by Mrs. Logan. Mrs. Logan is ono of he ladies interested in the Gariiold mem orial hospital , for the bcnellt of which it is proposed to give the calico ball at the Chinese legation building- The writer warns Mrs. Logan that for her to go under the roof of the Chinese minister will bo an indication that she sympathi/.cs with Chinese immigration , and tin labor ing men of the country will , in consu- qumico "boycott" Gen. Logan in his political aspirations. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Millard , B , Shears , J. E , Markol.Tlioa. Swobo , Proprlotcrs Omuhu , Nebraska. Fill ) , ttc , ' CO. EucceFBors to Icjcen FIcmBbcn & Co. Wholesale 'Fish ' Dealers , Importers of Foroltro Fish , Nos. 011-911 Jonei ; = : = : Btioct and U. P.'Traok. ' Umaha. NoU , ) ob Printing , I5EES'PKINTINJ ' ( CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , And Illank Ucok ManuTacturure. 100-108 South i'oimcuntti Strco flour and Feed , j. WELSHANB & Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of W. J. Welshans & Co.'s Quick liaising lluckwboat flour and proprietors Omaha City Mills , cor. Bth and Karnatn Streets , Omaha. Leather , Hides , Etc. BLOMAN DUOS. , Wholesale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eaddlcry and Shoo Finding" . Hides , Wool , Furs , Pelts , Create , Tallow , Etc. , Oinuhtt. Mot. Confectionery. P.P. FAY A : GO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , HAHI HAMUFACTURERS. Book Binding , Et : . Printers , Booi Binders , And Illank Hook Mnnufncturers. Nos. 100 and _ IDS South Htli Stroct. Omnhn , Neb. _ _ Bridges Steam Pile Driving. _ RAYMOND & CAM PJ EIL , , Knglnccrs anil Contractors. Brgos , Roof Trasses , Steam Pllo Driving IronCninblnntlon and Howe Truss llrldgos , IMllmr mill Oak Timber. 15th M. , near Fauiaui. Telephone No 731. Beer. M. KKA'riNG , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Breving ? Ass'n ' Spcolnl tirnuJs Fnusl , lluilw clscr , Krlanpcr Cor. Oth and Capitol Are. , Omnhn. Cigars nnd Tobacco. MAX MEYKU & CO.7 Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Onus nmi Ainmtinltloti. 215 to 223 South llth Street , WX ) to ltt4 ! Fnrimm Strcot , Umnlm , Nu'j. iNTKIl-OCEAN CllUll FACTOIir. WEST&FIUTSCUKU. Manufacturers of Flno Cigars , And Wlioluwdo Dealers In Lent Tobnccos. Nos. 108 nna HON. 14th Strcot.Oinuhn. Nob. uocKery , L winal Ajrcnt for the Manufacturers nnd Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Lampf , Chlmiioys , Kto. Onico , 317 Soutli 13th Struct. Omalia. Nub. Carriages , o. s. Goonmcn & co Agents for V. A. Whitney Cairlago Co.'s Children's Carriages , Jewctt'a CVlobratcil HorrlKcrators. Pond dn or price lists. 1415 I'lirnam st. , Omaha. Cornices. _ Eagle Corulce Works , John Kpenotor , Proprietor. Mnnufnr.turcr of OnlvnnlzoJ Iron niul Oorniro. lUi Dodge anil 101 ami 105 North 10th Street , Omaha , Neb. & MnnufacturorQof OniuiuontnJ Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , Etc. , .110 8. 12th Ht. Workdono in any part of the country. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECHT. Proprietor. ( jalrnnlzcd Iron Cornice ? , 15tc. Spocht's Im proved Patent Motall'.e ' Skylight. KW nnd CIO a. 12th St. . Omuhu. Nob. Doors , Sash , Etc. The Gate City Pian'cg Mill. Doors , Snsh ami Illlnils. Also nil l > imls of turning. Scroll und Stair work ot every Uo- ecriptlon. A. ItOSBNIlEUV , Manufacturer and Denier InDoors Sash Blinds Etc. Doors , , , Mouldings , . Stnlr Itnlls n specialty. Telephone No. S3 _ _ IDthatiJ Ilaroy St § . . Omaha , Nub. _ Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOWB & 'CO. , Electricians ) Electrical Supplies , Mnsonlo Dlock , Omaha. Burglar Alarms , Hells , , Kleetrlo Mnttinif , SiicuMuir Tubo3 , Iron Works. PAXTON & VIEULING 1110N WOKKS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work Iron Stairs , ltallliir ) , Hulled I'cams and Ulrilerfi , Stcaiii Knirlnps llrace Work. General Foundry Machlno and IllacliRinlth Work. OIlIco and Works , I ) . P. Ity. and S 17th st. Iron ar d Nails. Cat Kails and Spikes , Fire Hulls r. Gpr jlaltr. Omaha , Neb. Safes. _ ' ' Omata Safe Works' , Q. ANDHEEN. Manufacturer of Flro nnd Burglar Proof Snfos , Vnult Doors , Jail Work. Shutters and Wlro Work. Cor. llth nnd Jackson Sta. , Omaha , Neb. Wagons and Carriages. I - A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factorj , 1109 and UU Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission , Etc. > . 11UHK1S k SONS , Live Stock Commission Oco. Ilurko , Manager. Union Stock Yards , S. Umaha. Tolo hone 583 vr. F. IIHOWN & co. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Offlco Exchange Ihilldinir.Unlnn Stock Yards. South Umaha , Nob. Telephone No. 603. W. L. PATHICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , . ' .ddrcsH all communications to us at Union Stock 1'urds , South Omaha. Advances iinulu on stock. ; Union Stock Yards Company , . OF OMAHA. | Limited. John F. lloyd , BupcrlntondonU SAVAGE & OHEKN , Live Stock Commission Merchants. of any and allklndaof stock solicit I ud. Union btcok Yuida , Omaha , Nub. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS nilADFOUD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Eafib , Doors , Etc. Yaids Cor. 7th and Cor. OtU and Douglas , BOHN MANin'ACrUIUNO COH ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood FinUh. Jiifct opened. N. 13. cor. bth and Leuvon- wcrtb BticotB , Omaha , Nub. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY , Y/holesale / Lumber , nt a 14tb Street , Omaha , Nub. F. Colpctzor , Mana ur. C. N. D1ETZ , Lumber , ISth and California Streets , Oranlm , Nob. FIIED W. QUAY , 1 Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc , Cor. Cth uud Douglas Streets , Oioaba , Neb , CEO. A. HOAGLAND Y/holesalo / Dealer in Lumber , Otnaha , Kobrubka. CHA8. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , nrcn Stock , Fancy Woods , Dridge Timbers , &c. , a. W. Cur. Vtlt and Uouglua.tmmha , A'cb. O. S1. LYJ1AN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , aulldlwrl'ujicr , Utc. ' South Wtli - OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. * ilNIXOBK JiMBTO > VLV CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Implements. co , Corner ClH nnd Paclflo St , Omaha , No' , OUKNTXJHVF & MAUT1N. Wholpiialo Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd lluprgk' ! ! , Omaha Nob. _ ' CllUUClllLh 1'AUKKH , Wholesale Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cairiagcs mul Ituq-Rlos. Jtnc3Pt.bct. llnxnd 10th , Omalm , Not ) . Boots and Shoes. 'w. v. MOVSI : k co.r Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 Farnam Strcot , Omaha , Nob. Manufactory , Summer Street , Huston. Carpets. a A. ouciiAim , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MattitiL'B , Curtnln oods. Ktc. . HI3 Varnani _ Sticct , Otimha , Nob. _ Coal , Lime , Etc. Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. lSa 14th ft. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , Bill nnd Diwcnport Streets. _ COUTANT & SQU1UIJ9 Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal. Best varieties. OnicoS13P. ltthPU : Telephone No. W..Oiualm.Neb. _ NEBRASKA 1TJE1. ( X)7 Shippers of Coal and Coke , 814 S. 13th Ft. . Omaha. Neb. GKO. 0 , TOWI.K , Prcsidonh CEO. PATTEUSON , Sec. and Trcas. _ 3. H. 1' . A. , Propilotor. Jlanagor. Hebraska Coal and Limo Company , OMAHA , NinillAStCA. c.yiTS. Will Street. Telephone 49. _ OKO. P. LAnAcm , Pros. C. P. OoomtAX , V. Prca J. A. SUNl > iiu.AM : > See. mid Tiens. Omaha Coal , Coke aud Limo Company , Jobbers of hard ami 'oft coal , AS ) S. UtU at. , Omaha , Nub. OMAHA COAL AND PUODUCG CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Eiclueivo dealers in IJmildor Colorado Coal , 217 i-outh 14th btrcet , Coffee and Spices. GATl'S , COLB & MILES , HomeCoffoj and Spice Mils MTgCo. ColTco Honptcrs nnd Sploo OilnUcrs. inntiu- facturorsof Ilnklntr r , riavcr.iuf r.xtraclH , Hilling , ole Try ono CIKII of our l-It > vacliaRO Homo 1 bnd Itoiistod Colleo. 1000 Howard Et , Cniuha , Nch. "CLAIIKE ilKOS. &CO. , Omaha Coffco and Spice Mills. Teas , Coirccs , Spices , linking Powder Vlnvorlnn Kxliacts , Laundry liluci. lult , olu. 1411-10 Har- ncy Struct , Omaha , Nch. Commission , Etc. BRANCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruits ; , Produce , Oysters , J121 Farnam St.Oinahn. Apples-Our own i.aek- liiir Platt * s Co.'s TlKor lliand Oybters , Butter , Eggs , Gatno , Poultry , 1'otatocs. JOHN F. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , 1'rovMoni , Fruits , Flour and Feed , 105 6.14th St. , Omalm , Neb. ConblauincntB bolicitfcd. Kcturna made promutly- W. E. Storage and Commission Merchant. BrECiALTins Clii'oco , Bullor , E s , Poultry nd CJiiine , IB S llti. , Omaha , Nob. Telo- hone No 39i. n. MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT. BIB 12tb Street , Onm'ia , Nob. Spccliilllos : But- tcr. Er ; 9. and CliluUuiis- 4 = = = " winbcJIAN & co. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Butter , Game , Fruits , Kte. S20 S. 14th _ St. , Omaha , Nebraska. WESTEUFIELD BROS. . General Commission Merchants , 1400 Dodge Street , Otnaha , Neb. Consignments Solicited. WEEKS & .MlLI.AIM ) , Storage and Commission Merchants. Foreign and Domeatic Fruits tifucclalty. El egant Ktnrago facilities. Warehouse and office , .10 North ISIh bt. Tolopliono 775 , D. A. HUHLEY , Commission and Jobbing flutter , Egfs and Produce. A full line of Stonc- wmo. Coiiblifumoiita solicited. HU Doduo St. , Omaha. E. MORONY , General Commission Merchant , Butter , KRPP , Cbecso and Country Produce gen- urally , 'WJ S. 12th St. , Omaha , Neb. McSHANB & SCHHOEDER , Bayers of Butter and Eggs. Bofrlffcrator and I'acklnir House , 14th & Leaven * worth St. , on U , 1 * . R. It. Ttack , Omaha , Neb. Established 1870. KOBEHT PUltVIS , General Commission , C11B. 14th St.Omaha , Neb. Specialties Butler Hygn , Poultry and Game. FEYCKE miosii Commission Merchants , Vruiti , Prcduco and Provisions , Omaha , Neb ISAAC OltlKIMTJI. Commission Merchant , and vrholesalo denier In country prodiicti , friiltB , butter , egpH , etc. Uooda on consignment n specialty. M N. ICtli bt. , Omalm , Neb. KIHSCHBRAUN & SONS , ( Succoi'ors to A. P. Fehaek. ) Produce Commission Merchants , No. 313 South 12th Stieot. Omaha , Neb. Dry Goous , ' j7j. BROWN' & co. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Motions , irj Dou laa Strout , Omuhu , Neb. L. GINSBERO & CO. , Wholesale Duulcrain Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , J.aecH , Einl > roidery nmi Whilu C cois , ICC'U Douglas Ktieet , Onmlw , Neb. White Lead , CAHTI'-lt UJll'lK LHAD CO. , Strictly Pura Whita Leal. 0th Bt- , and U. 1' . Ry. , Oiimhu , Harness , Etc. WELTY & LAXDnOCK , Manufacturers and Jol/bcraof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , lllankcu mid Holjes. 1121 i'urnaio Stici't Otimliji , Neb. _ Mattresses. _ _ _ E. M. Mattress Company , Manufacturlnu' Mf-ttrrs.srs , Bcddinar , Feather 1'illciwu , Cot , IHc. 1UOU uud mia Uouylua Street , Omaha , Neb. _ _ Overalls , _ " " " ' " " CAxVlCLn"7l. ? tlPAOTUIUNQ CO. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pcuu , Shirts. Etc. . 1103 u'idl'9l Douelai Btitjut. OmrJiu , ' OMfiHA OIREQTOR OMAHA I.'MHKKCO , , Dealers In All Klmls of Building Material at Wholesale , ISth St ! < ( 'I and i .i.oa I'ac II i Track , Omahltt OKltMAX D. WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , SOth niul Izard Street * , Omaha , Nebraska. J. \VAKKFir.I.D , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , "MiiR Papers. Sash. Doors , IlllmU , Moid * . . . . . PicXpis , POM * . l.lmp , Piaster , Haf i CVnicnt. Nlmn ami Jonet , Omaha Nol ) . Millinery , i. oitr.urr.i.iiiVit , , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1213 nsul liU ! Harncy Strcot , Omalm , Nch. Musical Instruments , "r.UHOIM & P.IUCKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Strlmvay 1'limon.Vlxir. . Decker , llalnoi anil IIIIK \ * Pianos , Packard Organs , Clmso Urfivms. 1U1 niul IB ! 16th ft reel. Notions , Etc , J. U IlKANUIUd & SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry floods , Notions , Gouts' rurnlshliKr Oooilo , (1'ioilslrom New York , Trndu sales daily , 603 and ( OS South Kith HI. , Omaha. Furniture , Etc. " oii.vui.Ks t-nn i-tinc : ? , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors , Kic , I'.ld , iJk nud Ulo Tain in Sticct , Oiuaha " " " v nnwEV * STONI : . Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , _ _ _ I'aimini Slrcct , Omaha , Neh. _ _ _ Groceries. " " * AM.KN 1)1103. ) , Yi"holesale Grocers , 1110nnd HIS Doujflug Strcot , Omaha , NcK _ _ K. U. CHAPMAN & CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Smokers' Articles , li17 ! Howard St. " XICYKH & HAAPKll Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Splcts , Cigars nnd Tobaccos. 1317 and 1310 DDUff- las Street , Omaha , Noh. llcCOltD , HUADY ft COMPANY Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th and 1'ariiam Stioots , Omaha , Nob. PAXTON , QALLAOllBU A : CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707,7l uud 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , NoU Hardware. " W. J. HKOATCIt , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Eprlnps , Wmron Stnok. llardncod lAimhcr , oto. 12U9 and 1"I Harncy slrocv. Ouiaha , Nob.r KDNI'A'i GI111ION , Wholosala Iron Steel , , Wagon And Carriage Wood Stock. Heavy Hnrdwaro , Ulc. U17 anil Ul'J I.cuvo'.m orth Street , Ouiulia , Neb. ilAI KI1 ATJ ( ! 11 &TA Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1405Oous lasStivet , Oaialia , Nob. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , KU,1. Ajrentsfor Hovrn Scales and Miami Po der Co. , Omaha Neb. MILTON IlOQEllS & SONS. Stoves , flanges , Furnaces , Tilas , Mantles , Orates , Brass poods. 1821 and 1U ) Ff r- nnm Strcot. ItEC-l-OR & WILHELMV'cai Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th and 1/urnejr / Slrcuts , Omaha , Nrb. Harvesters , * " ' WM.'DEERINO & co. , CHICAUO , Manufacturer of the Deering ; Harvester Goods , Write to Win. M. Lorlmer. flonornl Agent , Omaha. Telephone ( JIO. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STHANQ COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. : Steam. Water , Hnllivay nnd Milling Supplies , Et VM , 023 and ir.'l Farnam St. Omaha , Nob. , CIIUKCHILL PUMP aj. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Btcam nnd Water Sniiplles. Hoailqunrtcrfl to * MiiHt I'ooat Co.'s Goods. 1111 Farnam Street , Omaha , Nob. , Jewelry , EDIIOLM & i Wholesale Jewelers. Dcalora In fillvorwiirc , Diamonds , Watch as Clocks , Jcwolot A' Tools and Materials , Etc. , 10J and 1U ) , 15th Street , Cor. Dodgy , Omaha , Nob. i Notions Etc. VINYAUl ) < k SCHNEIDER , Jobboiu in Notions , Hosiery & Gents'Furnislilng ' Good 1000 uud 100B Farnam Bt. , OmahaNob. J , T. Robinson Notion Company , " ' 401 and 405 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Nob. s Wbolceolo Dealers In Notions and ( loots' Fur. Dialling-Goods. Oils , Et"c , CONSOLIDATED TANIC LINE CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , OnEolInu , Mica Axlu Giensn , I'.to. A. II , Bishop , Manager , Omalm , Nob. Pork Packing , ' _ _ _ "JAMES E. HOVP , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omalia , Nebraska , HARRIS It. FISHER , Packers and Provision Dealers , Office , Union Market , 1S17 Dodiro Street. Packing IIOIIFO , U. P. R. R. Truck , Omaha , Nob. Tolo IihoiioNo. 1&7. _ _ _ _ _ Safes and Locks , ° " * * * P. BOYER & CO , i Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 Fire and Burglar Proof Snfos.Tlino 1/ookflVault * nnd Jull work. ltiu ( Farnam btiool , Omaha , Neb Seeds , ' J. EVANS , Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in Seeds , Agricultural , Vcaetal.lo , I'.lo. Odd Kollowa * Hall , N. W. Cor. llth llld : Dodge St . , Omuhu , Nob. Drugs , Etc , THE GOODMAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggist' , And Dealer in Palntii , OIU and Window Olas * Omaha , Nob. , Winei and Llquort , 1LKR & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And l.liinori ; . Bolo iminutuclurunot KciniiO'lj i : t Indlu llluord. 111 ilunicy Strcot , Ouiab Neb. untl. w. r. Successor to MONAMAKA & DUNfMN , Importer , and Wholceula Doaluiii In Wines , Liquors and Cigais , gHaiumaa. ItlUSt. , Om a , NoU