Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1886, Image 1

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Iiatcr Details of the Deadly Work of the
Devastating Oyclono.
Tlio Loss or 1,1 fo and Destruction of
Property ApallhiK Tlio Dam-
ngn lit Iowa A Mis
souri Hurricane.
The Cyclone Track.
Bio LAKI : , Minn. , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram. ] Drs. lllEbceand Dalllver , of Minne
apolis , have just boardid tl.e south-bound
Missouri P.iclllc train completely exhausted.
The latter told jour icporter that new bodies
were beingrecoveicil hourly liom thodcbils
and being brought In fiom the country In
the track ot the tornado. Twelve Injured
people were brought In. Several of the'-o
will die. Four have died of wounds since
moinlng. At a chinch cast of It.c2's , thii-
tcen Instead of ten of a wedding party wcio
killed , Including the officiating minister.
At Sank liaplds thiity-one nio alieady
dead. 1 ho list vv ill be swelled lo forty.
Dr. Ames , of Minneapolis , who Is on duty
at St. Cloud , told Di. Dalllvcr that at least
thirty deaths can but result fiom tbo visita
tion tlieie.
Captain Follcy , an old settler of Sank
Ilaplds , weighing'AO pounds , was blown -100
feet In the air , but was only bruised , and
vvoikcd with the wounded all night. Ho
says the water In his sl.xty-tlvo loot well was
all sucked out , leaving only the sand at the
bottom ,
The force of the storm was such as to
wicnch elf the door of the sate in the post-
office nnd cat ry it some distance from tlio
building. A dim eh bell weighing 1,500
pounds was found among the debris ol the
building-ICO lect away from any building.
The remains ot the dead aio almost un-
recognl/able , being completely flushed and
blackened. There are a remarkable number
ol Injuiles about the hip and spine , and
many of the sin vlvois will bo disabled for
Tlio delegation of doctois from St. Paul and
Minneapolis worked all night under the dis
advantage of liav ing no splints or dings , as
the drug stoie was completely demolished.
The splints aie all made from shingles , with
which tlio ground was strmvn in the track of
the storm lor miles.
Ono foi tunato thing was tlio fact that school
had been dismissed on Filday or the lutnllty
among the chlldicu might have been appal
ling , the school building being i.izedlo the
AT Till : SCHNH.
ST. CI.OUD , Minn. , Apiil 15. [ Special
Telegiam.J The woik of devastation in the
distilet visited by the cyclone Is complete , as
the littered and shivered icmains of what
\v 010 once fiamo buildings vv ill testify. The
fccene this moinlng after dajbiealc was ono
to appall the strongest hcaited. For a width
ot about COO Icet , i mining isouthwest to noith-
cast , the toinado had leveled almost eveiy-
thing betoio It. An occasional building ,
paitlally wrecked , being left to tell the talc
of devastation , as it by contrast with the
iiiln to be seen on every side. Scaicely a
vestige of any structuio icmalncd so as to bo
iccognUcd , the gionnd being liteially cov
ered with all kinds ot Umbeis luomiscuously
tangled together.
It Is estimated that 400 structuics wcro
blown down , all frame , and by no means
costly. Tlio Manitoba depot was nntootcd
and wiccked , thus almost cntlicly cutting oil
all telegiapblc communication. The only
building of any conscnuenco , aside liom the
depot Injuicd was the breweiy , and this \vas
badly watpcd and twisted. The small icsl-
denrosaio mostly occupied by foreigners ,
whose names it has been Imuosslble to se-
cuio with any degico of accuiacy. Tlio
Catholic hospital is filled with the wounded ,
but only Ilvo 01 six ot them are considered
dangeions. Otheisaio a little hurt. Theio
vvcio litty-tonr wounded In the hospital last
night , besides a nnmbci that vveio taken to
pilvato icsldentes. To day theio aio about
foily thcie , two having died and tlio otlieis
having been lemoved.
The colllnspiovldcd for Iho dead aio ly
ing at the engine bouse. The bodies were
neatly diessed to day and placed within
them. Tholuiiond will probably occur to-
monovv and it will undoubtedly bo a largo
public alla'.r. The scene in the engine
house , wheio the dead bodies are surrounded
by people of various nationalities , jabbciing
In theh native tongues , is a peculiarly stilk-
ingone. It is impossible to say anything
about rebuilding , but It Is not believed theio
will be much delay In loplaclng tlio struc
tures as tenants , for bouses of the laboring
classes aie in demand. The loss will
baldly go above § 50,000 to 500,000.
DIII : ) or iNJUitins.
Aimer Styr , who had a latgo silver driven
tbiongh his head , llngeicd In great agony
until to-night , when bo died. Ho was com-
mamlei of the ( iiand Aunypost , npioinlnont
Mason and an old pilot on the Missis
sippi , Theio aio to-night twelve coffined
bodies at Mice's , and hfteen maimed , a num
ber of whom cannot recover. A child's
bloody dress was found this nfteinoon In
Jiuckman's township , twenty-two miles
noithwest of Sank Itaplds. Mrs. Maggie
Dlerdled at the hospital this aftm 111,011.
sKAitcm.Nd I'oit TIII ; UIAI : > .
S.VUK UAi'ins , Apill I1) . The dismal woik
of scaidilng for the dead among the debits
ot this stoim-swopt section still continues ,
while thu lecovcred icmains , blackened and
mangled , aio being sluouded for the grave ,
while the wounded aio iccelvlng every possi
ble attention. Physicians f i om neighboring
cities am still on duty , tiiulessln theh ell'oits.
AH the icttii us como In tiom tlio country In the
tiaclcof the toinado now latalltlcs aio dls-
covcied , and otheisof tlio maimed mo being
biought in lor treament. No pen can depict
the liouois of tliu scene. The final muster
of casualties will stncly swell the total of the
fatalities tu ono hundred , and the wounded
toovei two bundled.
Sr. PAUiAptll 15 , Reports of tlio cyclone
at St. Cloud , Sank liaplds , Hleo Station and
othci points In the v Iclnlty.last nightvv eie not
oxagKciatcd. At ! i o'clock this moinlng In
these places theio weio lOdead and very neaily
200injmed , with many still missing vvhosj
bodies will piobably bo lecoveied to-night
Just enough houses weio left In Saul ; liaplds
to form n ring mound the village limits.
The debris was not piled In heaps , but
hcuttctcd far and wide. At fcUuk Kaplds
depot a basket full of books vets picked up by
the storm and dumped at Ktce Station , several
oral miles distant. This t&ows the teirlblo
povverof thustoim. Noioportsyet lecelved
liom outlying dislrists , where It Is believed
prcat desuuctloa at pioperty and loss of life
has been vvrcujJtt. The stai in extended from
JumcstOiTB , Dak. , through Minnesota and
Into 7/t coiislii , though Us most disastrous
t'ffrctsaro to bn lound In the tlueu places
Mentioned ,
The city council this morning voted S-i.OOO
hi cash to aid the cyclone sutleicis , and Gov
ernor Ilubbard dispatched a car load of pin-
visions to tiiuik Kaplds. Thn car vva > ac
companied by a commilU'o of the JoblciV
union , who will offer all assistance In their
imwer. Dr. Denslovv who , vvitn others , went
last evening by special tialn to St , Cloud , re
turned this morning. Upon re.ichlng St.
Ciond. he said , the physicians from St. Paul
nnd Minneapolis divided , a part going lo
bank Itaplds. Dr. DenMovv was on the force
sent to the St. Benedictine Sisters hospital ,
and they were kept busy until : o'clock this
morning. 'I hero were twenty-five Injured In
the hospital alone and ho does not know how
many moro were cared for in private houses.
The follow Intr nro the additional names of.
lioso killed at St. Cloud :
C. P. Aiidiovv.4 , so years , railroad man.
MltsShoitz , 20 years.
Unknown man , no voara ,
hd. Median , 2.1 years , railroad man.
Mr . bemnls and two clilldtcn.
Anna Xlebold , 4 yeais.
Jacob Shortrago.
Jennie Jnnglln , 1ft years.
Mary Jmiglln , 14 yeais.
AmyJmiKlln , Ojears.
Tlio Cyclone's Devastating U'orlc in
Mills nml I'Yeniotit Counties.
MAI.VIUIN , Iowa , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram. ] News icached hcio to-day that the
cv clone of last evening had devastated portions
tions of Mills and Fremont counties. The
Hist place that the furious storm struck was
Llcksklllct , a litttlo town seven miles south
ofPlitm Hollow. Thosloun made Its appear
ance from the soitlhvvest , completclv demol
ishing a farm house about a mile from town ,
then making a bound did not again stiiko the
ground until the town was icachcd , where It
vv recked tlnce lesWonces , a blacksmith shop
and the poslolllce , scattering their contents.
Prom Llcksklllct the storm moved on to Ban-
dolph , vliero the cj clone wrecked
a barn In the southwest part of
town , moro or less destroying a number of
small houses , a Inmberyaid , Implement shed ,
and jumping over the Presbyteilan church ,
stiuck the M. E. church , leveling the side
wall and leaving Iho building to icst ou the
end walls. The structure was moved about
one and one-half feet and damaged to the
amount of about 5100 or S500. Pas
sing Randolph Iho stoim continued
its destructive coniso to Stinhan ,
where It completely demolished Kay-
tan's store , implement house and sta
bles , and blow the M. K. chinch to atoms. A
number of smaller residences wcro more or
less damaged and the town gcncially shaken
up. The tclegiaph vviies weie twisted into a
lope , cars blown fiom the switch onto the
main tiack and many moio mlnoi fieaks In
dulged In by the maddened elements. So far
as icpoitcd no lives wcio lost nor anyone In
jured. The storm was accompanied with or
lucceded by heavy hall and rain and more
or less thunder and lightning. Tlio bicadth
of tlio Ktoini track vailed fiom 100 to 200 feet
and whenever it readied the eaith it cairied
destination in its path.
In the Track of the Tempest.
ATLANTIC , Iowa , Apill 15. [ Special Telo-
giam.J Finthcr paitieulais of the storm
which devastated so much countty jestenlay
have been icceived. It Is the general opinion
that the stoi m was as great as any that over
occurred , and if it had passed through this
city would have caused gieat loss of life.
The stoun traveled about eighty-live miles an
hour , going Irom Gilswold to Coon Uauids
in about tlihty minutes. Bepoits have been
received coveting tlio territoiy fiom Grlswold
to Aniliibon , foity-sK mllus. In that distance
fifty-livo dvv clings vvoio demolished , nine
poisons wounded , ono moitall.v wounded
and one killed. Besides lids a number of
school childien wcio bacHy hint at
the sclioolhouso beyond Audubon. F. M.
Phillips , of Omaha , lost his mammoth stock
barn in Bciiton township , in which 350 head
of cattle were fed , but only tlneo cattle were
killed , and all the loss is coveted by § 10,003
insuianco in the State Insurance company ,
of DCS Moines. Half tlio people in Atlantic
liavo been visiting tlio path of tlio cyclone.
Everything in tlio tiack of the stoim was de
stroyed. Fences , outhouses , bains and stock
pens wcie levelled , and trees and orchards
were torn down. The loss of pioperty be
tween Gilswold and Audubon is estimated
ntSlGO.OOO , but this is a low estimate. Veiy
little of tlio loss is covcied by Instiiance.
The icason the loss of life was so small is
that cveiyono had a cave.
The Cyclone In
SKIDMOIII : , Mo. , April 15. A fcartul cv-
clone passed over Monioe township , Noda-
w ay county , last evening , dcslioylng dwell
ings , buns , outhouses , and killing thousands
of dollais vvoith of stock. Thrco peisons
weio killed and many injuied. Many of the
wounded aic not expected lo live.
ST. Loins Apill 15. Dispatches from St.
Joseph , say a destiuctivc cyclone passed
over Builington , Mo. , last evening. The
railway station was blown to atoms and
gicat damage was done In the town. In the
suiiouiidlng countiy farm houses and barns
wcio blown down. Two boys named Filer ,
living neat Iho town were killed and many
other pcisons weio injuied.
The Cyclone at Shulicrt.
SiitniKiir , Neb. , Apiil 15. A small cyclone
slinck ( hell. AM. station house and adja
cent property last evening. Splinters fiow
In every direction. Ono child was killed out-
light nnd two women , ono man and a boy
scveiely Injincd. Tlio damage to prop
erty vv as not v eiy gioat.
Itlttcn Hy n Mud Do- .
Nnw YOIIK , April 15. Amola Moroslnl ,
daughter of Jny Gould's old paitncr and
youngci slsterof Mrs. Schelling-lluclskamp ,
was bitten by a rabid do. ; jestciday. She
was walking In tlio giounds surionudlng
her father's icsldeiiee at Biverdalo , Now
Yoik , when she saw a dog running toward
her. She ran , but the animal pursued and
ovm took her. llei screams were heaid bv
Policeman Finegan , who killed the dog with
a shot tiom his icvolver. Miss Moroslni ,
however , had alieady been bitten.
Quiet Wedding at Fullorton.
Fui.i.unroN , Neb , , April 15. [ Special. ]
11. E. Wilson and Miss Maiy Mullord weie
quietly mauled hero j esterday , greatly to the
turpilso of their many fi lends. Thoceio-
mony took place nt 10 a. in. , and at 10SOthoy ;
lelt for Omaha. Wilson traveled in Ncbiaska
for j ears nnd Is well known thionghoiit the
state. Miss Mulfoul was ono of Fullciton'u
most popular young ladles. The happy
couple have the best wishes of all.
A Thief Caught nt rhetor.
Exr.xini , Neb. , Apill 15. [ Special Tele-
pram. J A man , giving his name as Chailcs
Blown , was airested for the laiceny , last
night , ot a ect of hainess and a gun , He had
a team of lioises , which he claimed wcio his ,
tied to a wagon belonging to Bennet Kvvln ,
but while stealing the harness to complete
thooutlit , was caught , Ho was sentenced to
fifteen days In the county jail.
Cheaper Kates from Chicago ,
Cinr-ACir , April 11. There was a slight
dccieaso In the passenger Kites to the west
to day. The SU Paul claimed that it had dU-
coveud that tlio Huck Island had sold second
cla& ticKeU to Council Blntf : , for gJ.73.
The St. Paul notified the Bock Island
of tills and U'dnccd its second class rate from
g7 to SO 75 on bu-lness to St. Paul and Coun
cil Bluffs. The Noithwestein load at once
made a similar ii-duetlon. The Hock Island ,
however , insists that It is > maintaining rates.
Weather for To-day.
Mo. \ vi I.Kdealing cooler weather.
\\imUlitltinj \ ; to
The Army of the Knights of Labor Will
Grant Them Aid.
I'owclerly Makes n Grand Appeal Cor
Hclpatttils Trylnc Tline Jlls
Opinion iF ) Gould's
Money Tor the Men.
CntcAoo , April n. [ Special Telciam. ]
"I have just letnrned from St. I.otils , " silil
J. J. Mahoncy , member of the state executive
board of the Knljjlits of Labor , "lain well
pleased with the outlook. The men aio in
the best of spirits and determined to fight it
out until our oidcr Is recognized , nnd until
Oould and Hoxlo agree to nibltrate the dltlei-
cnccs that exist. There will bo no violence
In Kasl St. Lonls. The state , district and
national executive boatds will see to it that
no excuse Is alloulcd for an attack by the
militia. The rallio.ids aio doing noth
ing , and can do nothing until
they make peace with their old employes.
Tlio stoiiiM sent out by lloxio about a
hundred cats being moved daily are simply
pure fiction. I think it Is sate to picdlct that
the stiiko will boovei Inside of two weeks.
Tlio business men of St. I/ouls aio brlnglnga
pressuie upon Hoxlo that lie cannot long
withstand. Lest , however , the fight may bo
prolonged , the Illinois state executive board
will begin at onca to lalso money tor the sup
port ot the sttlkcrs and their families.
"Tlio Knights of Labor , " said Worthy Fore
man Klcliaid Griffiths , "made , a j ear ago , n
general assessment on the cntlie eider tor
the benefit of the Wabash strikcis. The
assessment was only 33 cents , but over
8100,000 was raised and the stiIke was won.
I don't know vliat assessments will be made
this time. 1 think theio me 500,000 moio
knights in good standing to-day than there
were n year ago. An assessment ot CO cents
would , I think , lalse at least 5300,000. The
method of assessment is , of cotuse , easy , and
is thiough the ditleicnt lodges.
Appeal For Aid.
PiiiLAnm.rniA , April 15. Uoncral Mas-
tei Workman 1'ovvdeilv , of the Knights ot
Label , to-day addressed the following cir
cular to the members of the older :
To the Noble Order of Knights of Labor of
Ameiica To the Older wherever lottud
( ticeting :
Yon have all read of the great stiiko on the
( lould lines of i ail way in the southwest. Its
histoiy is being wiitten day by day. It
makes but little diffoienco now vv nether the
men of the southwest acted wisely or not.
Let us pass that part of the affair over , for
it , too , lias passed into history. Tlio
gcncial executive boaul ot our eider
attempted to settle tlio double and
ie- > tore haimony. Agreements weio made
with them by Jay Oonld , Esq. , but when the
board leached St. Louis Iloxlo would not
ticat with them. Not that alone , but IIP posi
tively lefused to employ Knights of Lnbor ,
whether they had been active in the stiike or
not.It now becomes the part of evciy man and
woman in the order to take up tlio light of
the men of the southwest and asilst them to
the lull extent of their means. They have
been idle lor neaily two months. They have
had a most ttj Ing ordeal to go through and
aie in need of luiuls. It requires
no eloquence or rhetoric to plead
the cause of these suffering people. They ic-
nuiro aid , and it becomes 0111 duty to extend
that aid as quickly as is possible tor us to do
so. Send eveiy dollar yon can spaio to the
general secictiuy-ticasuier , who will at once
torwaul It to the men at St. Louis lor dlstii-
bution. lleincmber the men out tlieio do not
ask for chaiity. They do not ask
at all. It Is your executive board
that makes the appeal in their behalf.
Ho who gives quicklv gives doubly. Act at
once. Anothei aupeal may bo sent to you ,
and wo ask of you to picpaie tor It now.
We must l.e judged by our actions in this
matter. Do not pass resolutions condemning
capital , for wo are not lighting capital.
Do not antagonize the contest we have
hefoions. Lotus malto a iiiend of every
man who has suffered thiough monopoly ,
This balllo against the man who icpiesents
monopoly must be tonght manfully. Watch
his actions everywhere. Keep an eye on tlio
doings ot congiess. Uige the committee
that has been appointed to do its duty fear
lessly. Stiengtlicn their hands. Give them
every aid.
In conclusion , let its again ask that you
send at once every dollar that yon can at
picbdit lalse to uphold the men who aie now
out on the lines of thn southwest system of
the ( ioiild lallwuvs. Do not dclav , and at
the same time make icaily to bilng the whole
power of the order to bear upon the man
who wrecks raihoads , homes , fortunes
and lives In Ins giced lor gold.
Let us detcimino to have It go into history
that tlio men of 188(5 ( struck as giandly for
llueity as the men of 17TO. Tlio men of 177(5 (
broke the pnvver of monarchy nnd dethroned
the king. The power which they wrested
fiom the bands of the king was not so gieat
as that which Is now held by ono man , who ,
tlnougli the corrupt use of money , has
brought mamifactutcis and workmen to
ruin. The power of the king has passed
away. The power of wealth Is passing
away , and it must now bo determined
whether man shall rule or whether illegiti
mate wealth shall rule.
[ Signed ] T. V. Pownnni.v-
Oencial Master vYoikiimn.
I'owdcrlyou Gould's Jjettor.
SCIIANTON , 1'a. , April 15. In an inteiview
this altornoon I'ovvdeily , when nskcd what
he thought ot Coidd's icply to his manifesto ,
said : "I have not bad much time to think of
It , for this has been nit unusually busy day
with mo. 1 don't think , however , that jlr.
Gould has answered my letter. Ills reply Is
a quibble and an evasion , and ho fairly
slops over on some points. All theio
is in his communication has been said
befote. Ho evidently wants to pose befoio
the countiy in the light of a maityr , but the
Knights of Labor don't pioposo to honor
him with inartjrdom. Wo have Invited him
to cairy his threats of prosecution line the
conits , and wo are ready to meet him thete.
He announced some tlmo ago his intentions
tocommence a scries of prosecutions against
us , and wo want him to proceed at once. Wo
shall not bo swayed from our course by
.anything bo may say or do. Wo shall appoint -
point a committee of the order to Investigate
the stiike , and If the knights are at fault
they shall not bo screened. Wo are anxious ,
however , to have a concessional committee
Investigate the stiiko first to ascertain the
cause leading to it , and then make It public
without delay. Gould acts , or talks rather
HUe n man who teais hov 111 be injtne.I. If
bo should be punished legally for unlawful
acts ot his , that would not be unjustly Injur
ing htm. It would bo merely upholding the
law , If any of our men are amenable , let
them al o suffer. "
Mi. 1'owdeily was called to Chicago late
to-night on impoitant business.
The Stiiko .Situation ,
KT Lot'is , April 15. The letter of General
Master Woikman I'ovvderly to ] Secretary
Tinner Is said by tlio executive committee to
bo thuiesultof a uniinlmous demand upon
him by assemblies of the order to place the
strike upon a bioad , and ask the suit-
port of the entire oigani/atlon by fouual ch-
cular , Contiibutloiis aio tunning up.
Thousands of dollais liavo been icccivcd
eveiy day by the men. For tlio last week ,
they liavo averaged over S'.OOO a dav. All
this inoney bas been bent out to be distrib
uted among the stiikers at eveiy point on the
jsjbtciu where it Is needed , ana It has been
fcufticicnt to meet all demands bo far without
calling upon the reserve fnnd ot the order or
orneilns an nssessaicrit. Hut I'owderly'n di
rection for n call for contributions moots
with the appioval of tiir btfard.bccattso It will
prove to the pnbllotlmt tip stiiko has the en
dorsement of the onli r Hi general.
One of the mllltniy sentries in the Van-
dalla vards , In Kast St. Louis , was hrcd upon
by an unknown man. Thosentry llred and
woke up another man In ambush. Tlio mis
creants both escaped. Two rails wcro re
moved from the Cairo Short Line road near
Ucllevllle by unknown parties last night.
ST. Louis , April 13. A special from Atchl-
son , Kansas , states that the strike at that
point Is virtually over. Out of 113 men who
stopped work thereby order of the Knights
of La i ) or , 78 have returned to woik. as they
say , lor good. _
Another Street Car Strike.
Nr.vv YOIIK , April Ifi.-Klovcn bundled
emploies of the Thlidavenut' , Lexington
avenue , Hundred and twenty-fifth street and
cable lines met to-night to decide the ques
tion of the contemplated stiiko on account
of the icfnsal lo dlsclmtcc seven non-union
iMiiplojes. At mldnlgnt It was decided to
tie up the roads at 4 o'clock in the mom-
ing. If tlio demands aic not met It is
tlncatened to tlo up all the roads In the city.
Street Cir Strike at Hnltliuoro.
UAi.'iniom : , Md. , Aptil in. At noon to
day the olllccis of the Knights of Labor
ordeied tbo Heine up of all cars of the Union ,
Peoples and Cential companies and the work
was done asiaiildlyus the cats leached their
icspectlvo stations.
Canadians Kmlorso Home Rule.
Quimc : : , Apill 15. In the local legislature
ycstciday Leicerler , leader of the liberal
paity , gave notice that ho would bilng tip the
following motion :
"Wheicas , The ilclit of self-government Is
sacred to the Canadian people ; and
AVheicas , They believe and know from
actual experience that constitutional govern
ment brings strength , peace , union and
piospcrlty to the nation.
Therefore be it resolved. That this bouse re
gards with great satisfaction and sympathy
tlionoblo elicits of lit Hon. W. E. Glad
stone to peacefully solve the problem of
homo rule in Iioland without disintegrating
tlio empire.
And bo it further resolved , That thu speaker
of this house bo diiccted to communicate
these resolutions to Kltfht lion. W. E. Glad
stone. "
Irishmen of this city are jubilant over the
action taken by * the Icglslatnie. The motion
'will piobably bo unanimously adopted.
TheBurtjiet Adopted.
LONDON , April 15. Sir William Haicourt ,
chancellor of tbo exchequer , introduced the
budget in the bouse of commons this even
ing. Ho stated that the expenses for 1SS5-SO
vveio E1,3UJ,837 less , and the icceipts 81,208-
CiKlless than the estlmito made by Chlldeis a
jearago , making an actual deficit ot 2(542- ( ,
Ul'i instead ot : } , b27,171 o estimated. The
budget was adopted by the house.
Killed by Falling Walls.
1'Anis , Apiil 15. Nine persons wcie killed
and a number injtned to-day at Ajacclo , the
the capital of Corsica , by the collapse of a
mansion. _
Poland to bo Germanized. , April 15. The upper house of
the diet has adopted the bills lor Geimani/-
lug 1'oland. i
Sensational Developments.
COLUMIIUS , Ohio , Apill 15. The legislative
committee appointed .to Investigate-
charges of bribery In electing II. B. Payne
senator In January , 1884 , icportcd this even
ing. The majority icpoit , slgnen by the
three lepublicans , is lengthy nnd somewhat
sensational , and has caused a gicat stir ,
especially the evidence o L. A. Russell ,
vv ho tclls'of picking up a 5-0 bill on the floor of
Di. Pago's loom , Page being Payne's man
ager , and J. .1. Hale , who told ot entering J.
lluntington's 100111 nnccicmoniously
and liudlng stacks of bills moro
iiieney piled up than ho over
saw in the bank of which ho Is director. Tlio
committee sets forth tliatHuntington , who Is
ono of the diiectois of the Standard Oil
company , was icgaided as puiserot theal-
lezed Payne fund , and as soon as this com-
mittco was appointed ho lied to Cuba and has
not been available.
The mlnoiity report , signed by the two
democratic members , is devoted to aigumcttts
to impeach most of the damaging witnesses.
Tlio matter will inobably be befoie the house
all the week.
Disemboweled With a Dirlc.
HASTINGS , Neb. , April 15.-Special.j-Pat [
Mouissey was aiialgncd in theuolico couit
to-day on a charge ot assault with a deadly
w capon on John Connor , a shoemaker , at the
B. A : M. depot , yesterday afternoon. Thoex-
amiiiatiou was postponed pending tlio icsult
ot Connoi'ri wounds.
Mouissey and Connor got into a dispute
about a woman. Hot wouls followed and
vile epithets weio fieely used. Suddenly
Morrlsscy pulled adhknnd plunged It Into
Connoi'.s bowels , making a filghttul wound.
Tlio doctois say the chances of iccovciy arc
not assuring at present.
"VcBterdaj'H IltiscHall UamcH.
The base ball games pltij cd by the loading
clubs of the country yosteiday lesnltedas
follows :
At Washington Nationals 10 , Portlands 1.
AtChailcbton , S. 0. Atlantas 0 , Charles
tons A.
At Fort Moiuoe , Va. Hochestcrs 10 ,
Hampton Nationals 2.
At Philadelphia Athletic 0 , Philadel
phia 8.
At Baltimore Boston 2 , Baltlmoio 1.
At Pittsbmg Dctiolt 8 , Pittsbuig 1.
Atllaittoid Haitfordl ! , Metropolitan 1.
Iowa's Now Deputy State Auditor.
Dis : MOINKS , Apill 15.-P. II. flrlstow , of
this city , was to-day appointed deputy state
auditoi , vice Hammond , suspended with
Mary Walker and tlio Western Con-
A small , smart , esthetic lookine ; young
gentleman , drcsacd In n neat suit of
ulaulc and n shining Imt , walked briskly
into the lile-room of the house and shook
hands with Dr. French , Harry Sinitlk ,
Jne o Rogers , Jtulga WijiKins anil ollmr
well-known nml faithful olllcers who
there do congregate. Unt there VVUH in
the loom at tnu tlmo u : inembcr from n
western btnte who was not known to the
young gentleman , tuid to whom the
young gontlomaii was unknown. The
member was smoking a cigar , ami the
young gcntlcman'fl entrance did not in
terrupt nis pleasure. Soon the young
gentleman made n roinark which the
vvestoin member had reason to believe
was an allusion to him. "There ought to
bo n sign , 'no smoking allowed , ' put up
in this room"said tlio young gentleman
saicasticnlly , The western representa-
tlvo looked around , nnd , finding nobody
smoking but himself , took the remark to
Jiimselt. "I never tmoko aloud , sir , "
buid lie , good-lmmoredly. Hut the young
gentleman vvus not to bo put oil' with u
joke. "Only u hog would smoke in the
presence of a lady , " ho said. "I'm with
you there , " replied the western member.
r"J'hon you admit it * " "Admit what ? "
"Tliat j on nro U hog. " ' 'Hy no means.
I never binolo in Iho presence of n lady. "
At this remark the young gentleman ( low
into n passion mid told tlio icpiesentutivo
that he was no gentleman. "You're no
gentleman , sir ; no gentleman , no gentle
man , " ho repeated over nnd over.
"Neither are you , sir ; neither nro you ,
neither are you , " the congressman re
plied , The young gentlemanin n parox
ysm of lussion , Vanished out of the room ,
Then the congressman from the webt
learned that he had been talking to Dr.
Mary Walker.
How the Scnata Will Reconcile Itself to
Confirming Nominations.
To Many Now Appointees In the "West
Tlio Administration's Square
Diiukxloxvii Views uu
Anrloits SInttcrs.
The AVfty It AVorka.
\\AoittNaToN , April 15. fSueclal Tcc- !
gram.J-lt Is not likely that tlieic will be any
more delays over a cei lain class ot nomina
tions that will come before the senate. When
tlio president makes n nomination to till a
\acaney created by suspension , If the term of
the suspended otllccrevplics before the sen
ate acts upon the nomination , nndEtlio presi
dent withdraws It and rcuomlnatcs the
nominee to fill a vacancy tuado by expira
tion of term , the senate will treat the renonil-
nation as If It was an oilglnal nomination to
llll a vacancy made by an explicd teim ,
nnd die matter of suspension will not
enter Into the c.iso. In other wouls , It will
then become a simple question of the Illness
of tlio man appointed. The \\IlhdiawaI of
the name for the pin pose ot making a lenoni-
inallon , withdraws whatever chances tlieie
may have been filed , and lea\cstho case
without political prejudice. This announce
ment will bo hailed with joy by a laige mini-
bnr of postmasters In Iowa , sonio in Nebias-
kn , Minnesota , Illinois , and In other
noithwestern states. The new regime In
sures their prompt conllnnatlon.
A & < } UAIti : 1IACK-DOWX.
A good deal of comment was made to-day
In lepubllcan elides upon the action of the
senate committee on tlnanco In iclntlon to
nominations of collcctois of Intcinalrevenue ,
as Is disclosed lu a resolution made public by
the senate In o\ccutl\o session yeslerday
afternoon. That icsolntion uncovers a coni-
plelc back-down by the administration liom
tlio position it some time ago assumed in ro
insing Information healing upon removals or
suspensions of icpublican olllee holders. It
declares : "That the letters of the secrctaiy
of the tioasury to the committee on tin a nee ,
dated Maich 10,18bO , or subsequently , in re
lation to the suspension of collectors of
Internal icvomie should bo recel\cd and held
as honest declarations , made in good faith ,
that there arc no charges or papers on Hie In
the department icllcctliiK In any manner
against their moral or olllclal conduct or
chaiacter. "
This icbolutlon was supported by every
democratic as well as lepubllcan member of
Iho committee on finance , and it was under
stood at the time of its adoption thai it would
\eiysalisfacloiy to the administration. In
deed , the dcmocials suppoitcd it Knowing
It was dcsiicd by the administiation and
realMng that it was a gentle way of "letting
down1' the administiation acknowledg
ing , as it so liiinly at lust refused to do , that
these republican Internal icvenue collcctois
were suspended 01 removed on puielv polit
ical grounds. Tills completely Hits the blockade -
ado and probably Indicates the coniso which
the republican senators propose to take in
the future in regard to nominations to lill
vacancies made by removals or suspensions
upon political gidiinds , vU : Whei6 chaiges
arc not piofeiied against the nominee , con-
tirmations will bo made. So the administia-
tion has been soundly thrashed at Its own
"There is going to be a tcirilie light at the
polls this fall , " said a Virginia member to
your correspondent to-day. "I have been
talking with members of tlio house , and .scna-
tois. too , icpiesentlng all political paitics ,
and there is a dcteiinitiation 'to make the
fur Hy , ' as one republican Dnt it. "
'What will bo the contest ? " I asked.
"Oh , there are to bo some legislatures
elected in California , Indiana and oilier
donbtlul states that will elect United
States senators ; then the contest for tlio
next house of repiescntatlves is to bo fierce.
You see tlio lopublleans are calm and confi
dent of success. They have oiganized their
concessional campaign committee out of
their \ery best nmteiial , and aic , as they
openly fiay , going in to win now. Wo expect
lo have some say In this thing. 'Iho odds
aio largely in out favor. Tlio number ot
dcmociatic concessional districts in the
country exceed the lopubiican ones by twenty
to thlity ; and then wo have the macliineiy of
goveinmcnt , If that is any benefit. "
"Do you really believe your paity will have
the next house'1"
"I do not like to say , " was the evasive an
swer , "because 1 cannot tell what clfect the
Morrison tariff bill will lm\o on the coimti v.
Taiiff bills make and unmake icpicsonta-
ti\cs , you know , moio than any other of-
ficeis. Hut the contest will bo spirited. "
run invnii AND iiAiinon HILT , .
A geat deal of fear Is cnteitallied in con
gressional circles about the fate of the river
and haiboi lull In the house. A large number
of mcmbcis have expressed the belief that the
bill will not bo passed , ami that the longci It
is delajcd the less will bo Its chances of suc
cess. The last congiess icportcd a river and
harbor bill that failed of passage , and ono
of the sessions of tlio piovious congiess
missed"file on a ihcr and haibor bill. The
tioublo with the o mcasiuos , however , was
that they wcie topheavy with Mississippi
ii\cr piovlslons. The object in the picpaia-
( ion of the bill now on the calendar of the
house has been to so dlstilbntc thoappro-
piiatlons or amounts in It as to catch
a general suppoit. blnco tljo dis
aster wrought by the passage
of a liver and haiboi bill by Iho first session
of the Foily-eighth congress , by which , many
believe , tlio dcmociats elected the last con
giess , theio has been a very chary manner
about members In reference to appropiiatlon
bills of this character , and although neatly
all river and harbor bills have been passed by
a log-rolling piocess they have como to
shudder at such a thing. Undoubtedly moio
men ( republicans ) were defeated tor re
election four j ears ago on account of having
voted for a liver and harbor bill of largo and
unwise dimensions than weio evei defeated
at any ono election for any ono cause. This
makes men cautious now.
JADS' : snu1 JIAJUVAY jiu-r. .
It Is expected now that the senate com
mittee on commeico will soon act on I'ads'
Eld ] ) railway bill. The committee lias been
tied lor a month or moro by the absence of
Senator Jones , of i'Joilda , and has been
unable to break tlio deadlock. Now , how
ever , that Senator Gibson has been appointed
to act In Jones' place it Is expected that the
bill will bo taken up and acted on. Gibson
Is supposed to favor the bill ,
"What are yon going to do about your
silver blll'i" ' Your correspondent asked of
Hlnnd , of Mlssouil , father of the proposition
for Ireo coinage.
"Letltioot for a while now , " he said.
"Wegotaveiy encouraging vote on It. Wo
will let it rest for a n Idle and may do better
next time. "
"If yon would add a clnus-e putting.n del :
lai's worth of silver Into the dollar you could
pass U couldn't you ? "
"Yes , I buppo o t > o , but that would bo just
Increasing the obligation of the debtor cla s
CO per cent , and 1 don't think wowould bo
justified In doing tint , wo will let the matter
rest a while , and let congress hear from the
people. They will bo he.iid from. "
"What Is Rolnt : to bo done with your bill
for the admission of Dakota ? " your corre
spondent asked ot Congressman lllll of
Ohio , chairman of the house committee on
"I think It will pass" ho said. "It Is a
prellmliiaiy stcit looking toward the admis
sion , and I think everybody will lavorlt. "
"Do 1 ou think tlio bill for the admission ot
Dakota will pass at this session. "
"That Is lather doubtful. I am not so
sure about that , however. Nobody can say
as to that , but 1 think the division will not
bo objected to by either party. "
cjur.nt rnuuKs or nnromir.ns.
For some time the local conits have been
agitated over the closing of bniber
shops In this city. Theio has been
no rjnes-tlon about the baiber shops
opening on Sunday hciitofore , nnd
they have been dolmr a Halving business on
that day ; but some strange movement has
come about by which the b.iibcr shops aio
foiccd to clo o , and the theatiesand the great
panoiama of Hull Hun open simultaneously
on that day. What this means the good cit
izens are becoming o.xclted to learn. Theio
may bo little wrong In opening the Hull linn
panoiama , but no ono questions but that the
woik of baibeis Is far less haimfnl , morally ,
than that of theaties , A veiy pccular fit ol
icform seems to have sel7cd Washington ,
and the people aic talking about the remark
able Inconsistency connected with It nil.
Tin : Apriiorni V.TION mi.i.s
which have been repotted from committees
to the housn aio nearer the estimates than
wcro those of the Hist session of tnu last
congress , it has been obscivcd , and theio will
bo less likelihood of deficiencies than then.
The republican mcmbcis say this Is owing to
the fact that the majority of the house aio In
accoid with tlio administiation nnd tbciofore
deficiencies are undesirable , while tlio demo
crats say It Is because the estimates wcio
moro satisfactory than they have been for
years ; that the specifications In the estimates
were more definite than they have over been ,
and the necessity ot allowing the iccom-
mcndatlons moio appaiout. No one claims
that any economies have been Instituted. It
Is tlio aim of the present administiation to
maintain the service In all blanches ot the
TAitirp nnronM.
If one Is to judge fiom general expression
the minority has got the best of the aignmont
on the Moiilson-Hewitt tariff bill , and tlio
measure Is not as stiong as It was when re-
lei ted lo the huusc. The administiutho
portion ot the bill that portion which pro
poses to disentangle some of the questions
in the piescnt taiiff law is icccivcd witli
consldeiablo favor : but the common princi
ple of thoMoiilson poittonof ( he bill Is not
in as good lavoi as it was a week or ten days
This nppai on t disfavor of the bill is likely
the result ot the near approach of its consid.
cialion , when members must meet It fairly ,
and the opinions cxpicssed now aio consequently
quently more In accoid with proposed action
than they wcio a short time ago , when the
destiny of the bill was entirely unknown.
A laigo attended mass meeting of woiklng-
men was held bcielast night , at which icso-
lutlons wcie adopted callinglor the enforce
ment of the elcnt hour law In government
woikshops , tcndeiing sympathy to the
woikingmen overjwhoio in their elfoils to
secuie shoitcr woiking days , decai ) ing that
the lallroad slilko row in piogicss In tlio
southwest emphasises the injustice of the
relations at piesent existing between capital
and labor , and that , as suupoitcis of law and
oidei , condemn all acts ot violence and the
dcbtiuctlon ot piopcrty , but at the same
time d'jnouneo as minder the cold blooded
shooting down by hiicd tjmgsof innocent
and unarmed men , women and childien , and
thee dastardly ninideis , instead ot retaiding
or impeding the woik of unification among
the industrial classes , will only bind moro
lnmly In one univeisalbrothcrhood the wage
caineis ol the countiy , and that oiganl/ed
laboi will not lest until the pcrpeliators ot
thoao diabolical and mmdcioiis outia esbo
brought lo trial , conviction ami adequate
punishment administered.
lleniosontallvo O'Neill , of Mlssonii , pie-
sided and on the platform wcio a hugo niim-
bci of members ol congiess.
Van Wyclc Wants to ICnovy.
WASHINGTON , April 15. Senator Van
Wyck has Intioduced , and the senate has
agiced to the following :
Itesolved , That the committee on public
lands bo dnectcd to a ceitain by what an-
llioiily timber cut on the public domain by
the consent and knowledge , and under the
iiilings ami instruction ot tlio inteiior and
land ( Icnaitmcnt , is sei/ed by said depart
ment vvitnoul duo piocess ot law and or-
deied to bo sold without any judgment or
execution dliecling tlio same.
Favorlnu Abrogating the Treaty.
WASMINOION , Amll 15. The house com
mittee on ways and means to-day decided ,
by a vote ot nine to one , to icpoit lavoiably
the lesolutlon recommending the abrogation
of the Hawaiian treaty. Mcssis. Moiilson ,
Mills , Hewitt. McMillan , Hairix , Hicckon-
ridge , of Aikansas , Maybmy , Kelly and
Hlscock voted in favoi ol ilia icsnlutlon , and
Kopiesentatlvo Hicdcomldgo. ol Kentucky ,
cast the negatlv o volo.
A Fraud Slopped.
WAPIIINOTO.V. April 15. The sutvoyor
geneta ; to day issued an older dlicctlng the
postmaster at Qulncy , 111. , to withold pay-
menls ot money oidcis to the
Nathais Incnbotoi company , do
ing business at that place , and
the United Stales attorney has caused the 111-
icstof Haivcv S.Waldo , oilginlttor of the
scheme on a chaige ot using the malls to do-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For Tlilrd-CIiiHH I'ostiiuiHtcr.s.
WASHINGTON , April 15. Mr. Wilson , of
Iowa , otlcrcd a lesolutlon in the senate to
day , dliectlng the senate committee on post-
offices and post toads to examine and repoit
what legislation Is necessaiy to anthorl/o the
postmaster geneial to lease piemlses for
thlid-class poslolllccs. The resolution was
agreed to.
The Santa FC'H
HOSTON , Apill 15. annual leport of
the Atchlson , TopekaAr Santa Fo rallioad
for Ib > b5 gives the following infoinmtlon ;
Gross Gainings , STJOOJ ! ; total Inteicst ,
dividends and other fixed chatgos , including
S291.0CO foi the sinking funds , 5-flb59,000 ;
net Biuplus which has been added to tholn-
como accounts , 8501,000 , This surplus does
not Inclndo the piollts of the Atchlson land
giant dcpaitment , which last year amounted
to _
Scabs Must Go.
NEW Yomc , A pi 11 ! > . 10 : 0 a. in , As yet
tlieio has been no llo-up on the Third avenue
sticet car lines. ThoKmplre 1'iotectlvo as
sociation held an all night meeting. The as
sociation wants seven non-union men In the
employ of the company dlschaiged , It the
officers do not consent to tills a tie up vv 111 be
ordoicd to-moirow moinlng ,
Uoyoottcrr * Arreslcd
NKwYotiK , Apill 10. Eight boycotting
bakers who peddled clrcnlais bcloio the
bakery of Mis. Gray on Hudson sticet tor
several da > s past , weio last night aiiontcd
lor disoideily conduct. .
Death of tt Millionaire.
UUFFAI.O , April 15" . Fiank W. Tiacy ,
tlio millionaire husband of Agnes 1'thel , the
actress , died this moiulug.agcd47 ,
Senator Logan's Long Argument for Benato
Open Executive Sessions.
For tlio Newspapers Ilnvo the lro
ccciHiija Just the Same Oma
ha's limited Into Transport a-
tlou 1)111 Passes ,
lu the Hcnato.
WASHINGTON , Api II IB. air. Logan took
the Hour In suppoit of the movement for
open pNocntlve sessions. Ho picfoiied his
own icsolntiou , ho said , because It provided
bioadly for open sessions on nil matters oC
nomination nml continuation without poliiK
Into the story of scciot sessions. In dm
ciu i so of his rcmaiks Mr. Logan said the
sceiets of executive sessions weio lot out In
some way , ho w onld not say how cotieetly.
Was theio over an c.\ccntl\o session to con
sider an Important matter fiom which tome-
tlilng hail not leaked ont't' Ho acquitted the
officers of the sunnto of any fault In this mut
ter. Hi > did not believe they let any scents
out. Still the newspapers were full ol state
ments oftho things that happened or weio
said to happen In executive .sessions. If they
did not make coueet statements they pro-
lessed to do so. 11 the senate would
not open Its ( loins was It not
cncouiaglni : mlsiepiesentatlons on the pint
of the nowspapois'i' Was It not hettoi to
liavo the conntiy know \\hat transpires ?
Nc\vspaicr \ men did the best they could.
They ( jot secrets liom somebody , Mr. Logan
did not know tiomhoui ; probably fiom the
spittoons or desks of the seimto chamber ; of
course not 1 1 0111 any senator. Wcio not the
senators cncouiaglng the newspaper mon testate
state things that \\eio not triio'i' The senate
was not directly lesponslblo lor any Incor
rect statements as to scciet sessions. It the
doois weio onuncd the speeches In o\ecntl\o
sessions would bo shorter , Iho proceedings
inoio oidcily and the debates butter and
of a more elevated character. As to the pub
licity of votes , Mi. Logan was pcilcetly will
ing that his constituents and everybody clso
slionld know how lie \oted in executive BCS-
slnns ; nnd If. ho dated ho would lull u\uiy
day what his vote was , but ho ne\oi did.
Mr. Hoar asked Mr. Logan \\hcther his
logic would not ico.ulio the uiooceodlugs ol a
committee also to be open to the public.
Mr. Logan leplled : "Not at all. But why
should not the committee. meetings bo open
to the public , itj anybody warned them
to be ? "
Mi. Hoar said that baldly any proceedings
were of moro Impoitiincuorol public Inteiest
than the proceedings of the committee on
ways and means ot the house of representa
tives , 01 the tlnanco committee of tlm senate ,
and especially Impoilant wcio the proceed
ings ot Iho onfeionce committees on ques
tions of tuvonne. Mr. Hoar asked Mi. Logan
vvhcthci ho would have the pioceedlngs o
such committees open to the public.
Mr. Logan had known the astuteness of the
senator 1 1 om Massachusetts ( Hani ) In at
tempts to throw the people oil the track In
debate wheiicvci n pionosltlon was made
which did not ngico vvith Ills notion. 13ut
the senate was not discussing on the ques
tion ot open committee moctimjs. The
people woie not demanding open committee
meetings , but they wcio demanding open
doois lor the pioceedlngs ol the senate , and
the doois will bo opened. Mr. Logan
pointedly added : "Mark what I tell you , and
It will not bo long cither. , '
Atter fuithcrdebato Iho senate took up the
Intel-state commeico bill.
Tlio senate w cut Into executive session , and
when the doois reopened adjoin neu.
On motion ol Mr. Brockemldgc the senate
bills weio passed extending to Omaha , Neb. ,
and Poitland , Oicgon , the provisions ot the
law iclativo to the immediate tianspoitatlou ,
of dutiable goods.
The house then went Into committed of the
whole on the liver and limber appiopihitlou
Mr. Ilcpbmn chaiactcil/ed some of the
anpropiiafioiis as piodlgal. wasteful , a.
tin owing away of the people's money. Jlo
especially opposed the Gidveslon Imibor ap-
pioprlatlon on Iho ground that the plan for
{ ho fmpiovcnicnt of that haiboi had been
shown lo bo defective. Ho also criticised the
appiopilation fo i the lower Mississippi river.
Jlo would like to ECO navigation on that
iher impiovcd , but ho had no lalth In the
pietenso that It was lei the tmpiovcmcnt ot
navigation that these oxncndltuies weie to
he made. Slilko out ol the plan of the com
mission the levee Icatnre , and tlieio was not
a membei fiom the legion ol the lower Mis-
Hlsslppl who would laibo his hand to hcciuo
The bill was then lead by sections for
amendments , and some little PIOKIC.JS wirn
made hetoio Iho committee rose and the
house adjoin ncd.
Secret a of tlio Senate.
WASHING ION , Apill 15. In tlio senate's
ONCcntivo session Iho Ycne/nolan licatvvvaa
taken up , lead and ratified without debate.
Jt piovides for the icopcnlng of
claims ot citi/.cns of the United Slates
against the government of Vene/nela. ThcbO
iiio to bo considered by a commission oE
thiee , onolo bo appointed by each goveui-
meiit , and tbo thltd to bo selected by those
tw o.
The senate then proceeded to the consider
ation ol nominations , and a number of inlei-
estlngiepoits liom committees wcio icad.
Motions wcio made in respect
to ol them that the
Injunction of scciecv bo lemovcd ,
Mr. Saulsbuiy ilioiight the icpoits wuio o
a political mitiiie , and pioto'tcii against sup-
piecing that which waslavoiabln to the
dcmociatlc paily and publishing that de
signed to make capital lor tlm icpubllcans.
The Injunction In live lepoits was icmovcd ,
desnltotho piotcst.
That upon tint casonl 1'alilck Gibbons , to
ho postmaster nt Kcnkiik , Iowa , vice S. M.
Clnike , was made by Mr. Wilson , ol Iowa.
and says that the suspension of.
Walk was made on purely
political giounds. that theio Is nothing on
iilo affecting his clmiactoi In the slightest do-
gioe , and that ho does not dcslio to letain the
olllee. 'Jho conimltleo thcinlniu icconi-
mended the conlirmatlon ol ( ilbbons.
New Grain ItateH.
ST. PAW. , Apfll 15. This iiltoinoon the
icpicscntntlvcs ol tlio height dcp.ntmcntsof
tlio Milwaukee , Omaha , Minneapolis it St.
Louis and Wisconsin Cential held a meeting
at the Omaha olllecs and discussed
gialu rates and tinn.sll mtittciK ,
It was linally decided to innLo
a rate ot ten cents pei IniMdied on gialn and
all gialn pioducts to Chicago. The last late
In existence was I'j' ' e vvailo tiaiiblt was 10u
and HKc. This virtually does away with no shlppci would gain an v thing
by milling In tiauslt.
Tlio JVIcxIcHiiH J > pleated ,
SAN FiiANCihco , Apill 15. Advice * from
( iiiaymas Htate that two skirmishes with
Yaqui Indians this week icsnltcd In the do-
Icat of the Mexican tioops with the loss of
three Killed ano eight wounded. The Indians
also captnicd aims , ammunition and lia'ratro '
ot the Mexican tioops. The Mexicans have
li,00'J men , The Indianb unilci ( Jajunirr aio
repotted to nnmliei 4.0JO , A gcncial ndvam.0
Is to be made on the Indians on the 17th
Inst ,
Jlo AVns lillco tlio I'lovvors Tliut IJIooni
in tlio Kprlng- .
Boston ( Jlobo. "Hello , , Johnson , " said
a pi inter to a former compositor , 'T
haven't seen you for u lon time. "
"No. " roilie < l Jolmson , "an old undo
has left mo $40,000 , and now 1 am like the
llowcrs that bloom in the spring. "
"I have nothing to dovith the C.UB , "
Parcel Dolivei r company removed ( Q mj are how jiicpnrcil ly
chock bu ya ; u to and ti out rallioud U