THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY. APRIL 15 , 1836. HE'S ' GOT 'EM ' ON THE LIST , The Names of the Participants in the Glove Oontesti DISASTROUS RAILWAY ACCIDENT It Happened on tlio O. It. V. Ilond Oilier Itnllrrmd MixttcrH A Gcr- iimn's Dlflnppoliitniciit No I'OtB In Oinnlm. The ShcrKr in "On. " Thorc has been considerable specula tion ns to whether or not tlio authorities would tnko any action in regard to tlio contest with hard gloves which occurred n few miles outside the city late Sunday nlpht or early Monday morning. Tlio matter has been brought to tlio notice of Sheriff Coburn , who has received a par tial list of those who wcro present. Ho understands , however , that the contest was in no scnso of thu word a prize light , that it was conducted in an orderly man ner , and that nlether of tlio principals were injured to any great extent. Whether tlio shcrlfl's ' list is correct or not is uncertain , but it probably comprises at least 80IHO of those who wcro present. Under no circumstances will action betaken taken until District Attorney Kstcllo re turns , and it is exceedingly doubtful If ho will , under tlio exiting circumstances , bo inclined to give tlio matter any seri ous attention. The compiled statutes of Nebraska road as follows upon tlio sub ject : . Sec. 7 If any person shall actually cnRatje as a principal In any preinuditatuil light or contention commonly called a prize % ht , cveiy poison so offending .slmll bo Iminls- oni'U in tlio penitentiary not less titan ono year nor inoie than ten years , and pay the costnof prosecution. See. 8 If any person shall bo engaged or be concerned or attend any sucn light or ran- Icntlon us Is described In tlio last prcmllng koctlon , ns boxvr , trainer , second , umpire , assistant or reporter , every person so ollend- Ing shall , on conviction , bo llilcd In any sum not li'bs thiin $5 nor mom than S100 , and im prisoned In the jail o tlio county not less than ten days nor more than thieo months , and ) > iiy tlio costs of prosecution. Sec. 10. If any two puisons shall agrco and wilfully light or box at fisticuffs , tlio pur- bens so offending shall bo deemed utility of an affray and upon conviction thci oof shall In ) lined each In tlio stun not exceeding § . " > u , or bo Imprisoned la the county lull not ex ceeding 10 days , or both , at the discretion of thocourr. It will bo scon by this that glove con tests of any description whatsoever nro forbidden by tlio laws and that all partic ipants arc rendered liable to line , impris onment or both. The matter is to a largo extent , however , in the discretion of tlio county autlioritios who , unless they see lit , need pay no attention to the uU'riir. UAH ; NOTES. A Disastrous Accident on tlio O. Jt. V. Other Muttcra. Telegrams were received yesterday in the oflico of the general superintendent of tlio Union 1'acilic announcing that the Lincoln express ( No.12) ) on the O. & II. V. branch , bound for Mury.svillc , Kansas , was derailed that morning near Barncston by some cause unknown. The cars wcro badly used up. Ono child was instantly killed , and a gentleman had an urn. broken. No further particulars of the allair are yet known. t i , The evening overland train"stlllgoes in two sections , both heavily loaded with passengers. I'ASSKNGEIt AGENTS MERT. The general passenger agents of roads in Nebraska hold a meeting Tuesday at the B. & M. otlico in this city , for the wirposcof organizing a pool on Nebraska business. There were present , Messrs. Eustis , of.tholJ. & M. ; Stebbins , of the Union Pacilio : Unchanan , of the Sioux City and i'aciiic ; Toasdalo , of the C. , St. r. , M. &O. ; Gowan , of the St. Joe and Grand Island , and Townscnd , of tlio Missouri Pacific. Nearly the entire day was devoted to n general discussion of the project and all agreed to enter into n. contract for the muintonnnco of pooling rates. Matters are constantly coining up between the lines in this Ktalo requiring joint action to adjust and settle , consequently quontly the suggestion to form an asso ciation for that purpose was rccoivjul with approval and has boon almost con summated. Another meeting will beheld held in a few days to complete anil adopt the agreement. TIIK MO1IMONS DON'T "WANT I1A11KOWS. Salt Lake Herald : It is generally un derstood that Mr. Urrrows , thu now joint ticket agent-oleet , who camo'on to us- BHino charge of tlio Union I'aeilio and Denver iVJKio Grande combined olliccs , and who , since his arrival , has been con spicuous from hi.s hob-nobbing with ox- Cov. Murray , and his numerous state ments relative ) to his "inllueneo" and "power" in a political way. will bo re turned to the seclusion that Omaha grants , and that the local business will bo combined ns intended , but cqnducted by Mr. Jicnson , the present Union Pacific agent as chief , with Mr. F. F. Kcclcs , the present Denver & llio Urando man , as his assistant. Mr. Shelby and Mr. S.V , Kcclos hold a con ference over the matter yesterday and it "is nn open secret" thatMr. Harrows' ap pointment was reconsidered. Mr. Shelby , who was called on by a Herald reporter , said hu could say nothing whatever about the mutter at present , and the lessor Union Paollio people are equally mum , either from reticence or ignorance. There was . \ freer spirit across the way , how ever , as well us around the Utah Central olllce , and the prevailing impression in both places was thatMr. Harrows would not count pasteboards in this section in ny considerable hurry. UK AVAS DISAPPOINTED. Story of n Ocrmnii who I3x { > cctctl nn rhlicrltauco. Ono of thu most disappointed , not to say maddest muii in Omaha yesterday was ( Jcorgo Henry SwirUlamlor , an employe of the smelting works. His sad stale of feelings was caused in this way. About tlireo years ago , George Henry was drafted to enlist in tlio German ar my. Ho gave up his calling and entered upon the life of a soldier. After -short time ho grew tired of his lot and deserted tro army , slipping over to America. Ho landed shortly thereafter in Omaha , Where ho lias since been working , A few weeks ago Swart/.lander saw by nn advertisement in a St. Loais paper that the German consul at Chicago had nn ofik'ial document addressed to him ( Sivart/.lamlor ) . Ho came to Judge Weiss nnd told him of the circumstance , re marking at the same time tlmt he had no doubt hut tlmt the advertised luttor con tained information that ho had fallen heir to a fortune in Germany. "You are sure of that , are you ? " asked tlio judge. 'Tea ' , " replied Swarl/.lander , "I am _ ? nro of it. I have been expecting the in- Ficrilance for * .omu lime unu now I am * positive It has come. " Judge Weiss wrote to the consulate in Chicago , and Tuesday the ollleial docu ment oamo. H was enclosed in a rt > gis torcd It'tlur , It looked very important indeed. Sw.uU'.laiuU'r was-hi-nt lor. Ho came into the room with it smile of cagor expectancy on his face. 'J he u-al of Iho nvelopo was broken , and Judge \ \ cus commenced reading. Gradually the smile on Swartzlander's face vanished. Gradually it was displaced by n look of anguish , and inch by inch nis jaw fell , until , by the time the judge finished readIng - Ing tlio document , his face had assumed the proportions of a very long collin. The document was nothing more than an olllcial summons for Swart/- lander to appear in Anspach , Havarin , on Tuesday. Nov. 0.1830 , to an swer to a charge of desertion from the German army. The papers were duly made out In the name of his royal high ness , the king of Havaria , and wore regu larly stamped with llio high seal of state. Judge Weiss has written to the German authorities , stating that Swart/.landor will not answer the summons on the date indi cated. The court at Anspach will consequently quently pass sentence upon the deserter bv default , and confiscate his properly , If aiiy can bo found. In this way Swartx- lander will lose the inheritance ho is ex pecting , and furthermore , will bn pre vented from returning to Germany , lest he should be arrested and made to borvo out the sentence hanging over him , NO LEGAL LOTS IN OMAHA. Owlnc to Iho Non-O)9crvti' ! ) co of a Imw Pnspetl lly the lm t Legislature. "Do you know that the city of Omaha Is without a monument or record to re veal its location on the banks of the Mis souri , or to show its legal lots , streets , al loys and blocks , and length and breadth of the same ? " asked Gen. Kstnbrook of a UIB : representative. "And It seems strange , " continued he , "that Mayor Hoycl should have failed in his message to call the attention of the council to this fact anil to impress upon that body the importance of taking action upon this matter. " Gen. Kstnbrook , upon being asked to explain , stituVTIio matter arose and was put in issue in a case in which I was con- corned. The court decided that the law was such that there wcro no legal lots on which taxes could be lawfully col- JocteU , but said it was against public pol icy to so pronounce and establish the law , and it found something bettor and superior to law to base its judgment in that case liryant vs. Kstabrook , re ported in the Kith Nebraska. Mr. lias- call , comprehending the situation , asked mo if there was not some way out of the intuldlu. I told him that San Francisco had been in a like condition , and that we could get out of it as that city had. Ho asked mo if I would prepare an amend ment to obviate the difficulty. The council passed , a resolution that this should bo done , and I did it. Andrew Itosownter and James Creighton changed the amendment slightly , but the essential features remained the same. The amend ment provided that the council should have the power to create or organize a board of engineers to go out and Hnd all the lines of the lots as they had been un derstood and agreed upon the occupants and owners , to .sot stakes and establish monuments by which tlio location could bo learned , and report the same to the city council , where the report would bo subject to examination for throe months , and if tnere were no objections such re port was to bo and remain the record of the city in all courts. It was then to bo a matter of record. Nothing whatever whatever has boon done by the city un der that law. There wore several amend ments to the charter , one of which gave power to the council to compel the street rail way to do certain tilings , and another gave the council the right to con trol .rail way crossing. The railroad and street car companies united to resist the law , and they made this very point , which I have raised to kill tlio entire bijl.- At a meeting of the street car and rail road officials , ono of them said it was a scheme of mine to get rid of paying taxes. In nuothcr bill pending the same question is involved with another .very important point , to-wit.tho fact that after the Jones' survey , Byors was retained to extend the Jones' survey , and under the Myers' survey a new map was issued , and Poppleton & livers' map was made to conform to that. Jn that map the lots wore changed on Ninth and Tenth streets so as to front north and south instead of cast and west. That question is involved in u suit now pending and entitled Rhodes vs Easta- brook. It has been submitted to Judge Wakeley on briefs and arguments. Tool ing doubtful as to some of my views , I called on Thomas M. Cooley , of Michi gan , who lias given an elaborate opinion on this and other questions involved in the case , sustaining mo in every particu lar. That opinion is now in the hands of the printer to incorporate into the brief. Similar cases have arisen in Wis consin , Illinois and Louisiana. In view of all this , it does seem strange that the officers of this city can bo persuaded to go ahead without paying any attention whatever to the law in regard to menu ments. It is too serious a matter to bo longer neglected. " TUB PAMIIiY MARKET BASK El1. AVImt the Thrifty Housewife Can I5ny In the Local Marts Prices. New caulillower is ono of the delica cies at present obtainable , though scarce , selling at from 20 to 05 cunts per head. Onions are selling at ! JO cents a poclc , while yellow Salt Lake onions bring 40 cents. Parsley is sold at 5 cents a bunch. Parsnips at 25 cents a peek. Now hot-house radishes 00 cents a dozen. Lettuce live heads for a quarter. Now Cal ifornia celery in mammoth bunches sell from in to 20 cunts per bunch. Spinnucli from the southern states has now made its appearance and sells for ! 55 cents a peck. New green onions , three bunches for a dime. Watercress 1 cents a bunch. Pio-phint 15 cents a bunch. Oyster plants , three and four bunches for S5 cents. Wisconsin cranberries , 10 cents a quart ; choicest Capo Cod , 10 cents u quart. Jersey sweet potatoes , CJ cents nor pound. Turnips 20 cunts , a pock. Hutubagas 3 cunts per pound. Carrots 2.1 cents a pock. Salt Luke potatoes , 85 cents iior bushel ; Nebraska potatoes , from ft ) to 75 cents. California aspara gus soils ut 25 cents ycr pound. KKU1TS. Now California oranges from 25 to10 cents a California seed less oranges sell from 45 toTficVitsn do/s- en. Lemons bring from 25 to U5 cents , the outside price being for very choice ones , Hummus are worth from 25 to 35 cunts a dozen. FISH , White fish and trout are soiling for 15 cents a pound. Salmon steaks are worth 23 cents u pound , Fresh codfish is to bo purchased for 15 cents a pound , while Halibut steaks are worth 25 cents. Eels are worth 20 cents a pound , Flo mi tiers are worth 121 cents a pound. Striped bass are so scarce as to be unquoted. Sea perch are worth ISJoa pound. Suit codfish tongues sell for 13 cents n pound. Frosli lobsters are just coming in for thu season. They sell at 25 cunts per pound. North river shad are now to bo purchased ; they are arriving in liner condition than this market has over seen thorn. They sell ut $1 each for rou and 03 cents each for bucks. Fresh perch are now in the market , and sell at 12 } cents a pound. Fresh catfish also on hand , sulliing ut 15 cents n pound , Uuflulo is just in season ; fresh caught , 10 cents a pound. Pickerel are now in the market , fresh , and Bull at 12) ) cent a pound , Oysters , of standard quality and size , arusu'lllngai 40 cents a qt. The selects bring til ) cents a qt. Cans 20 to 40 cents. MKAT , rOt'I.TItV 4NII GAMU. The best cuts of sirloin sell lot 15 cents ; rumps and upper part of round steak at 12 } . Hoasting ribs , linn and juicy , can bo bought from 10 to 12 } cenU. Veal is extremely scarce and comes high , from 15 to 20 cents , according to the cliolccncss of the part. Sweet breads can bo pur chased at 25 cents n pair. Corn beef is. selling at from S to 10 cents , according to" cuts. Prime leg of mutton can be had for 12 } cents ; mutton chops 12 } to in cents Ham is worth 12 } cents in bulk. 20 cents sliced. Porl. , 10 to 12 } cents. Sausage , 10 to 12 } cents. Venison , rich and juicy , can bo purchased for 20 cents. HUTTnil AND EGOS. Uuttcr , from 20 to 80 cents a pound. The latter price is for the best croamory. West Point butter , of the finer brand , sells for.Vm. Eggs have n standard price of 10 and S cents a dozen. Wanted to exchange for stock of Hard ware and gonural merchandise , 500 acres of line Thayer county ( ) ; live lots in Genoa ( Neb. ) ; gooil store building ( bust corner ) ; good dwelling ( best loca tion ) in Kssox ( Iowa ) ; also eighty acres one-half mlle from town of Kssox ( Iowa ) , seeded in blue grass For further par ticulars , address John Limlcrliolm , Cen tral City , Nebraska. ODDS AXI ) I-A'DS. Stray Leaves Gathered from the Re- portor'fl Note Hook. "Do you knows how I got tlicso clothes ? " said n bright llttlu newsboy who appeared resplendent in a neat now suit. suit.The The reporter pleaded ignorance and thu continued ' 'Yer ' Mores boy ! see more ways 'n ono uy making money in every pcrfcsb. Do printers lias wat doy call shylouks , who buy up do strings in ad vance , and dcso same sort uv fellers in all de trades. I don't thinks ot quite on do square , but I started in a month ruro to gut some now clothes. After buyin' my papers I had just fifty cents loft , and will dat as a starter got $3. Ycr sco some of the boys shoot craps and play kcrds , so sometimes doy'll ' come round in do moruin' dead broke , and won't have I enough stuff to buy doy'ro ' papers. All I does is justtorstuko xmi. Givo'em 50 cents in do morning on condition 't give mo 75 cunts when doy guts sold out. Sometimes used tor have $1.50 out In do morning , and would make a nice little boodle. I had tor give the stun" I made from my pa pers tor my mother ; but what I cot on do side was mine. Didn't let the folks know nothing bout it 'dough 'cause doy might make mo give it up. At nights I use to keep do stuff in a hole in do wall and would take her un in do mornin' . Counted up yesterday and found 1 had just $11.80 ? 8 for a suit uv clothes , ijli for a pair uv shoes and eighty cents fer to blow in. " The ruling .passion for saving was strong on the little fellow's mind , however - over , tor ho was seen a few minutes later driving n hard bargain with a boy less fortunate than himself , who was endeav oring to negotiate a small loan. There is ono beggar in this city at least who has a novel method of proce dure. He is n very ordinary looking tramp and there is nothing about him to suggest that he is n "departure. " Ho has an old cigar of the "two-fer" brand that 1 o carries in his vest pocket. When meal time approaches ho accosts some kindly looking stranger with the ones- " tion : "Mister , do you smoke ? " Whether the answer bo yes or no , the tramp thus proceeds : "Now , sir , I tell you. I am a poor fel low out of work and haven't had a bite to eat to-day. I've got a cigar here that's ' nn imported Havana , and if you'll kindly give mo a little money I'll ' give you this cigar. " The "imported Havana" does not look particularly iuteresting.und in nine times out of ten the stranger , who is touched by the plea , gives up his money and refuses the cigar. This beggar , withal has a novel method of doing business , has no memory for faces , and frequently ho will try to work the same victim twice with the same cigar. One well- known business man in this city who responded to the beggar's first plqa , upon being approached a second time and of fered the same cigar , blurted out : ' 'Why , you d scoundrel , that's the s\mo ; stinker you wanted to civo mo yesterday ! Stand ell' ! " "I have some little faith in lotteries , " said a well known Danish citizen the other day , and I regularly invest in them. No , 1 have never made any great stake , but can say that the total of my winnings ex ceeds the total of my expenditures for tickets. I shall still continue to invest , hoping some day to draw a big prize. "I knew one man in Denmark , " con tinued the speaker , musingly , "who had most remaikablo success with his lottery investments. Ho bought a ticket three years in succession in llio government lottery , and every ho drew the capi tal prize , which was about ! ? 150,000. The total of his winnings was $450,000. Ho was a poor painter when ho struck it so handsomely , and his success completely turned his head. He started in upon n , life of extravagance. Ho spent money lavishly for fast women and fast horses. Ho gave banquets which were noted for their elegance. In fact , ho lived like tiio wealthiest member of tlio noblesse , and would not bo distanced even by the king himself. In a short time his money gave out. Ho has never drawn anything in the lottery since , and to-day ho is as poor as a church mouse. " Chicago , Rock Island & Pacilio Il'y. freight and ticket ollico removed to ItJOCi Furnam street. Telephone No. 78J. Hniihcns Talks About Lance. 5 Henry Hnubous , tliB.clork in the First National bank who was lined $10 and costs by Judge Stcnbcrg Tuesday for assaulting II. C. Laago , svns asked this . morning for his version of the afl'alr. "I've got nothing to say about the mat ter , " said he. "You can publish what ever you please. " "How did you happen to hit him ? " "Oh ! just because ho got In my way. Ho hud no business down by the cracker factory. I live there , he don't. 1 know what he was doinc there , because he's been there before. I won't say what ho was doing , but if he ever gets in my way again I'll give him another licking. Let him sue tor damages. 1 can pay him all the damages ho'll get. If ho wants my money to keep him it won't be the first time no's lived on his friends. " Mr. Haubctis said that there was not a woman in the case , and instead of being accompanied by a lady ho was alonu when the afl'alr occurred. Public sale of Short Horn cattle at Lin coln. Nob. , April 14 , 1830. Fifteen cows and heifers and twenty bulls. For cata logues apply to Col. F. M. Woods , Lin coln , Neb , , or Williams & Lacy , Lacona , Iowa. THE G1CANO LODGE. Knlclits of Honor Now In Session- Some of the 1'roecoilliiKs. The grand lodge of the Knights of Honor , of Nebraska , is now in session In this city. Tile first session was hold Tuesday , at which time a committee on credentials was appointed and reported the names of those entitled to scats in the lodge ns delegates from subordinate lodges throughout the state. Committees were appointed and n number of reports wcro referred to the proper committees without reading. DAbont twenty visiting Knights wore present , and n very instructive and en joyable session was held. The lodge mot again yesterday and proceeded to business of n secret nature. Latu in tlio afternoon the election of officers took place. The grr.nd lodge adjourned last evening , and visiting members departed for homo. The Gnn Club. ; The members of the Omaha sun club hold their annual meeting Tuesday ami elected officers and board 'of managers. The result is as follows : President , JeiV. W. Bedford ; Vice Pres ident , Geo. W. Smith ; Secretary and Treasure ) ; , C. M. Lane ; Board of Alanii- eers. Tom Cotter , Gco. Kay , Goodly Brucker. The club has decided to oiler an elegant badge , and a $125 gun as pri zes for thn first ai.d second best averages made by the members during the coming season. . The annual tournament of the club will bo held on the llth , 12th and 13th of June. _ To Enforce the Sale. The case of Paul Waack against Lovett & Woodman was on trial in the district court yesterday before Judge Wakclcy. The suit is brought to compel the specific performance ot a contract selling a piece of land in Wiicov's addition to Omaha. The dcsptitc arose on the question as to what land was actually pold. DR. HAI&'S Asthma Cure. Tills invaluableepeclflo readily and perma nently cures nil kfiuls'of Asthmn , The most pbstimito nnd loner fitundln ( , ' cuso3 ylold prompt ly to its wonderful curlUK properties. Jt It known throughout tuo world for Its unrivaled cfllcney. J. L. CALDWELL , city of Lincoln , Nob. , TTriles , Jnn. 25 , 1M1 : Since uslnir lr. Hair's Asthmn Cure , for moro than ono your , my wife has boon entirely well , nnd not even n symptom of the disenso has npncivrcil. WILLIAM 11KNNKTT , niclilnnd , lown , writes , Nov. 3d , 1683-1 hnvo been mulcted with Hny Fever nnd Asthmn since 18.VJ. 1 followed your directions and nm happy to Buy tlmt I never elept bolter in my life. I am glad that I am nmoiiff the many who can speak BO favorably ot your remedies. A vnlunbloOt pasro treatise containing slmlint proof from every gliito in .lie U. 8. , Ciuiada aad Great Urit.nlnwill bo mulled upon application Any drutfglst nothavins It in stock will pro- ou It. An rttIt at tvrrllilnrfenld cfeiiulilu etTer.tivwuwlotrrtM tooU rH. eur i Pn r > * l * . DlurUo-t. Fmr Ml Aeu . tnl til . di.orj.ri of tilt ni Mitc Orrtll. A Kir d > r * lupirt ft | K1OB.U Hirer 19 e lluf of cbucp u. . and to ftll umD > .r driakf. Try It , Bed Iwvtr. err.uBtrif.lti. itk Tour Kixtr r dfimi.l fit tbljm - * KlU , u > uuUrii.ri.ll > rUl./a.II IUG1 KT i tOM * . J. W. WffPFISaAlUT , C5L2 AOEUr , Bl UllOAUWAY N. r. _ / F. M. ELLIS & CO. Architects and Doing Superinl's ' OMAHA , HEB , and DBS MOIRES , to , OIllco , Cor. Hth und Fornam Strcotfl , Uooinll Gconnc BiuiLiNOiiOK wltli V. M. Kills. filG8T PERFECT Prepared with t jieclnl re gnrd to hc li. No Amnionl.1 , Lima or Alum. PRICE BAKING POWDfn CO. , CHICAGO. ST. I.OIIIO O Ell A HA 13th St. Cor. Capitol Avonuo. Fen THE TIirATMKNT OP ALT , Chronic St Surgical Diseases. DR. KlcWSENAMY , Proprietor. Sixteen yc.iru' Hospital nml 1'ilvnto ' rrnctlco Woliiuo llio facllitlcD , ni > ) iflrntu nml remedies for tlio success fill treatment of every form of ills- tn o rcqulrlit" cither medical or surgical treatment , ami InMtu ( ill tocoiuotitiil Invcstlgntufor themselves < ir correspond \Utli us. I.onj ; experience In treatIng - Ing cncs by letter enables in to treat many casca tc.enttilc.illy without seeing them. WIUTK FOH CIROUtiAU on Dcformltlci and nrnccs , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spine , DisKA E3 op WOMEN. Piles , Tumors , Cancers , Cntnrrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paral ysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Eye , Kar , Skin , lllooil and l operations. ItnttorlrN , Inhnlcrn. Urncrn , Truaqps , and nil kinds of Meillcnl and Surgical Appliances , muu. ufflctured and for pale. The only reliable Medical Institute mklng Private , vSpeoial $ Nervous Disease : rA SPKCIAI/rY. ALT , CONTAGIOUS AND UI.OOD DISI5ASES , from hatcvcr cause produced , successfully treated. \Ve cm remove Syphilitic poison from the eyetcm without mcrturr. New restorative treatment for loss of vital power. ALL , COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENT/AT * Call and consult us or send name and po t-ofllco address plainly written enclose stamp , nndve will fund you , In plnln wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN uvox I'nivATD , SPECIAL AND m.nvo < js DIEBASI.H , UKMINAI , WEAKNESS , SPESMATOIUUKIU I.Mrmitx. cr , SYPHILIS , UoNonnmnA , OI.EET , VAUICOCEI.E , STItJCrUllE , AIIC ALL ni EASBa OP THE GEN1TO- UniKAnr OnaANS , or eeud history of your cuso for an opinion. Persons unahlc toKl us may lie treated at their homes , by correspondence. JU'dlclnes anil Instru- inentH tent by mail nr express SECUUKLY PACK. ED FUQM OUSUKVATIO.V. no marks to Indicate contents or ponder. Ono persoit.if Interview yiro- ferrcd If comcnicnt. Fifty rooms for the accom modation of patients. lioard and attendance at rcasonible prices. Address nil Letters to Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute. fnr. 13th St. and Caoltol Avo. . OMAHA. N.-B. * Best Goods in the Market Aslc for OUT goods anil sco tiiat the bear our trade niai-K. DKS3 SI. & MAUL , ( Successors to J. O.Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER S , AND EMIJALMEIIS. At the old stand , HOT Farnnm St Orders by tult'Krnpli Kollcited and romtl titt Telephone Is'o. " > ON AFKIL 1st , Wo will open our Horse and Mule Market Cor. . Howard and Hth Sis , , Omaha , tleb , With Bovernl car loads of good stock , and will keep ron'tantlv on limid a full us-ortinciit of lltAltvr and DltlVIKG HOUSES In car lots or nt " " " " ' MAKE & PAI gEK. ESTABLISHED 187D. LincolnSteaiDyelorks W. D. HOHKRTSON , Prop'r. Offlco No. 1105 O St. , Works S.1J. Cor. P. & Oth. Lincoln , Neb. Contb' Clothing Cleaned and llo paired. Crne Bro's. Manufacturim MANUFACTURERS OTT.AND JOBBERS IN Wroughtlron Pipes , Pumps , Beltingand Hose And every variety of materials for Steam and Gas Fitters and Plumbers , Ele vators and Factories. ± -a = tlx St. , " BEATRICE , NEBRASKA , - THE LEADING ASSOCIATION OF THE WEST. CASH CAPITAL , PAID UP IN FULL , $100,000.00 GROSS ASSETS , DECEMBER 31st , 1005 1CO.OS0.30 A certificate of membership in tills Association furnishes benefit nt tlio lowcs cost. cost.Men Men nnd women , between the ages of 17 and 03 years , who are in good health , may become members. There is no changing from one class to another , and assessments do not increase with advancing upo. The Company lias a guaranlco fund of $100.030 paid tip in cash , which is an ad ditional security to that furnished by nny company in thn united Status. It has a Reserve fund which provides for a non-forfeiting pollov and a paid-up policy. Uho Company is located in the West : its business is con lined to llio healthy West , and applications from persons residing ( n malarial districts ace not accepted , which will in nro few nsscs-uncnts , and a consequent exemption from nny onerous liability. A local Advisory Hoard , composed of not less than live leading citi/.ous of oaoli vicinity , may b formed , who may act as advisory counsel in tlio settlement of claims by Iho death of iifiiiboro mid as to the admission of applicants to membership. A member who lapses his certilicntu may re-instate tlio aamo at nny limo upon satisfactory evidence of good health , by tlio payment of nil delinquent dues and assessments. JNoiiisuranco company in this or any other country has cvor failed by reason of of the death-rate' ovporieueo Tlio failure in each instance has boon canned by pecu lation or sncctihition. The snfu guards introduced render both impossible In this Association. Our business is confined to tlio endowment for old age , nnd the payment of the widows anil orphans after death. The policy is more liberal , and the plan more secure , than any company in tlio United Stafs. Co-operativo Fusuranco Companies existed in England 000 years bofor.j . the slock plan was thought of , and the same companies exist to-day , some of them having nearly ono million members. When managed judiciously , they cannot break , Wo guarantee every imnniso wo maked with § 100,000this being in addition to the $100- 000 provided for as a Reserve Fund which is a more liberal provision and oiler than any oilier company makes. f h3 Strength of This Association Consists of GUARANTEE FUND , ENDOWMENT PLAN , RESERVE FUND , NON-FORFEITING POLICY , GRADED RATES , PAID-UP POLICY , SELECTED RISKS , A DEPOSITORY TO PROTECT THE TONTINE SYSTEM , RESERVE FUND , LIFE PLAN , CAPITAL STOCK. The cost of lifo protection in tins company is less than any company in the / United States. The company is good and payments prompt. * fj This Association is now entering its third year , and lias a. largo membership , which is constantly increasing. At dcatli or maturity of endowment the member receives his interest in the Ucscrvc Fund in addition to llio amount duo on the policy. All policies become nomforfuitlng after the third year to llio extent of the mem ber's in the Kosorvo Fund. AGENTS WANTED in every town nnd city where not supplied in all of the states west of the Mississippi river and north of Kansas. Good reliable canvassers can obtain most favorable rates by writing to the company. The Mutual hasconsolidntedtho mombnrshiiiof the "NebraskaMutual , " "Farmers' and Mechanics' " and "Lincoln Mutual , " and with its own members in sures perfect protection. "Wo regard the Western Mutual as ono of thu very best life insurance associa tions in tuis country , and expect to sec , at no very distant day , it covering the entire lioid of the hcalty West with its active , gentlemanly agents. " Daily Express , March 2 , ItiSU. OFFICE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS , oTATH OF W Kit U A ICA t LINCOLN , February 1,1880. II is horobv ccrtifie.'il lhat the Western Mutual Itanovolont Association Insurance Company , ot IJcatrice , in thn State of Nebraska , has complied with tlio insurance law of this state , and is authorized to transact the business of life insurance in this st t for the current year. , , Witness my hand and the seal of said of said oflice , llio day and I SIAL. : [ yar first above wiitten. < , ' II. A. 1JAHCOCK , Auditor Public Accounts. Omaha National Bank , the company's financial agent , al Omaha , Nebraska. Hi-fur by permission to lion. J. II. Millard , Omaha , Nob. All communications should bo addressed to ox-irvEiR. o. S-A-Binxr , Secretary and General Manager , BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. OTIS HAYWES , Agent at Omalia. Fine Business Lots at tlie South End , and In tlio north cnil of this Town. Two and one half miles from the Omaha post- office , ± 9OOO flies © a ? © Quarter tae Lots , . ( Taking Into consideration the ttrcots nnd alleys ) , nnd are > old One Quarter Down , llalanco In 1,2 nnd 3 years at 7 per cent. The Finest Suburban Lots , Around Omnlm. 2JO feet nl > eve the Missouri Itlvcr. Nonhcro CBO about Omalin uro located gncli eonio eltcs for HoJcst , siuillum orKlex ml home * . Investltfnto tun nnd tucuro tome of tills line property. Before a Higher Appraisement is made. DON'T 1IICUIJVK a word of this until you Imvo thoroughly Investigated It. Tlmt this property In only two nnd one half miles from Omunii'a builncss center. That tlio iiUltudo U hliili. Tlmt the location la bountiful , That muplo trees uro planted on cacb side of the streets. Tlmt each lot contains 'J,00d 9'iunro feet with 20 foot ulluy. That the streets are 80 nnd 100 loct wide. Tlmt there are six dummy trains each wiiy , besides the regular trains. Tlmt the street cars run to within ono half mile of there. That the street ears will run there this your , . - " . . ' That the prlco Is ono third less man la uikod for property thu same distance la otbcr directions. That the lots aru ono tlilrd lawr thiin most others. That they are Lucked by a eynillciite rei > resontln t I0.030.0W. Tim- there hus ah eady been expended uotweoit H.U3I.01) ) nnil iJ.OM.OOJ. That tlrcro l u tlno system of waterworks , f urnlaMnu puio sjuliig water , That Iho rullways all ccnlor there. Tim t South Umaliulsu town of Itself. That it hus Its own railway station. That It has lu own newspaper , In Fact It hns ovcryOiIng to make tlio p H crty the very best paying Investment In Itcul-cstate today. Look Into It. Examine It Carefully Don't Buy SL Lot. Until you Are convinced tlmt there Is noposilblty of Incurring n lots. The hnndsomo residence lotsnru one mile this sldo ( directly north ) of the UMO.N STOCK V.uius wueru arc located llio Immense IDrecsed. Beef , arxcl Beef OazvM.iM.rj Es Which In ten years will be the T.ARQKST 1NDUSTRV In the weit and will make property worth per foot what Is now asked fora lot. The drainage ot the above Institutions I * perfect and Hews south from llio town THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOTS ARE SIMPLY PERFECT. Any real estate utent will sell you lots. Man with horse nnd carriage at the ( llobo-Jonnml once , it the "gummlt , " South Omaha , hu maps and price Hits and \t \ always ready luahuw property , Kor further In formation maps , prlco lists nnd descriptive circular ! , address , IVL A , UPTON , Manager MILLAKD HOTEL BLOCK. . . Ojnaha , Nebraska.