Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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'Advertisements under th'sbcad 10 concapor
Ino for the first Insertion. 7 cents tor cnch *
BUngtrrnehtlnsortlon.nnd $1.5C n line pcrmontb.
Ko advertisement taken for lea * thnn 25 cents
for the first Insertion. Seven.worda will bo ooun
toil to the line : Ihoy must run consecutively
and muetboptld In ndrnnec. All nJvorllso-
rncnts must bo hnndod In before 1 6'clock p. m.
mid under no ciroumstances will they bo Ink-
on or discontinued br tolcplionc.
rnrtlcsndvortlslnif In these columnsand , hiv-
Ingtho answers addressed mcnro of Tun Hen ,
will plcneo ask for chock to enable thorn to got
their letters , nsnono will bo delivered except on
presentation of chock. All answers to a
tlROincntsMiouldbornolofcd In envelopes.
MOXIJV to lonn nt rtmsonnhlo rates on
tiorsoa , furnlturo , wntches and other per-
Fonal property without rcmovnl. Small pny-
mrntft tnltonninny tlmo nnd Interest reduced
In proportion. llHslnpM confidential. G. .I.Cns-
woll.lloom lo.lron llnnk llulldlnir , 12th nnd 1'nt-
nam. Tnko clovnlor. 400 ,
MONin" TO LOAN on real rstnto. Iwcst
rales. No commission. Mnhonoy & Hnr-
rls , Hooin 11,1MB Fnnmm. inflmB *
to lonn on businosi property in
iVl Omnlm 'nnd Improved fnrms In Doiipln *
nnd hdjetlng counties ; low rnto. C. .1. Cnswell &
Co.Itoom IP. Nebraska National Hank llulldlng ,
12lh nnd I'limnm , 2" ' >
ON1IY to loan on good security. J. H.
M Frcedmnn htSloman llros. , 1207Douglas 81.
T/rONKY / To loan on Improved farms or rosl
JWi dcncn lots , on ono year's time. Homo l.lro
Instiranco Co. , 1515 Douglas SI. 183
TO LOAN On residence proporty.
8percent. No commission. C. J. Caswoll
&Co.llooml9 Iron Dank llulldlng , 12th and
Farnnm. . * * >
TITONKY to loan on moitgngo security. Itnal
J-Tlestnto nnd commrrclfll paper bought , J.1I.
I'roodman , euro Bolnmu llros. , 100 N. 13th Bt.
110,000 : to loan. Hums * 5UO nnd upwards.
$ Lowest rules , llomls , 15lh and Doufilassts. _
TlfONKY TO T.OAN on liuMncs < i property.
aI Opposite Postollleo. W. G.Bhrlvcr. 194
r)0ooo ( to lonn on business nnd rosldonco
$ property In sums of $1,000 nnd upwards.
Ames , 1507 Farnnm St.
[ > tnoonoto lonn on city residence properly
$ Goo. W.Dny , 1500 Fnrnnm. WJ
rpo LOAN Money in any amount
JL On all classes of security.
Phorttimo loans on real ostnto.
[ Amu tlmo loans on rcnl estate.
Wnnoyto loan on chattels.
Money to loan on collaterals.
Jtoiicy to loan on any good security.
Terms ensy , tlmo tosiilt.
Apply atthoOmnlm Flnanclftl Fxchnnff ,
llHrkor's bnlldlnir , SW corner of
Tlftccnth nnd Pnriinm sts. upstairs MO
for ovcryhodylou can borrow
MONKY on furnlturo , horses , wagons ,
pimps , dock of all kinds , diamonds and flno
watches on your own tlmo. Payments received
nt 'nhy tlmo , nnd interest reduced pro rata.
Property loft in your own possession. Terms
l w ns the lowest. Call nnd BOO mo. nuslness
confidential. No advantage taken. W. lU Croft ,
Itoom 4. WIthnoll's NowBulWlng , Northeast.cor
ner I5th nnd Harnoy. " ' -
TO T.OAN O. F. Davis * Co. Heal
MONTTV and Lonn wonts , 1505 Farnnm St.
. TO 1OAN On good securities. A
MONF.Y , room 7 Kodlck Block , 1509 Farn am
Bt. " 44
1ONKV TO LOAN On real cstnto nnd chat
M tols. D. I * Thomas. P15
MONKY TO LOAN In auma of $200 nnd up
wards on tlrst-rlnss renl estate security.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm St. t'40 '
ONF.Y tOANKD nt C. F. Heed & Co's. Lon
offlco , on furnlturo.-plnnos , horses , wngons
pcrsonnl property of nil Kinds nnd all other nr-
tlclcsof value , without removal. 319 8. 13th ,
ever lllnghum's Comm/sslon / store. All bus-
jncss strictly confldcntnl. 017
TTIOII SATJ1C A well paying business , general
JL' hardwnro with tin shop connected. In n flrst-
rate location , or partner wnntod with capital.
For particulars apply to G ustuv Ilencke , Omalm ,
1513 Jack-on St. H14-20
FOR SAT.K Mnniifncturlng business paying
Inrgn prollts ; owner lias other and more Im
portant nllalrs to nttend lo. Call Itoom 0 , Frcn-
zor lllock. 411
EOlt SAI.K Music , stationery nnd book
Moro In ono of thabust towns In the west ;
will sell or rent building ; best location In the
city. Al o hind for nxclmngo or snln in Cho-
ycnno Co. , Neb , W. W. Lndd , Albion , Nob.
440-21 *
' ! Grocery stock nnd fixtures and
' building for rent or sale. Address D 70. Hoc
Ofllco. 410-14
T71O11 SATiG A flrRt'-clnsS paying business ,
JU with an established It-ado : coed reasons for
Felling ; would o veil mi go for city or farm prop
erty. Address D 71 , Uco Ollico. 4Oi7 ! *
Tnoil SALE Carlond of largo fresh cows nnd
JU calves : splendid mllliors : $35 to ffifl ; ono full
blooded Jcrtoy,3SO. At Hrldgo Stock Yards.
. . . . j nl North Plnlto , Nob.
Itostaurnnt , well patronlyod by llrst-olass
people , run In connection with store soiling
luncy giocorlos , fruits , fro h vegetables , etc. ;
business tmylng nnd increasing ; nmountcd In
vested , 5700 ; good rcnsons for Follluff. Address
Shuiiiion Irro ? . , Noitb I'jnllo. Nob. 4T5-17
" "
jinn SALI-f Cheap Onq parlor sot , cofn nnd
_ L ? chairns coed ns now ; nlso ono lot In Bears
& Thomas' addition. A bargain lor same nno ,
Address (122 , HcoOflloo. 113-15 *
T7\OIl SALK Coutov , fihow capes and Ftocl :
JL' of Mrs Folgor % fancy Btoro nt 303-N 15th st.
Short t lino'onj- ( . 417
TTUMl SALi : IJakcrv nnd lunch stand In town
JU of nbout l.'OOInhiibllnnt chnnco for n good
baker. InqiUvO ot Kopp , Drolbus & Co. . 1100
Fin nain Bt. 15-15
FOR UXCIIAWJU Stocks of goods of ovm-y
Kind , for farms nnd Innd ; also lands to ex
change for goods. If .you wnnt to trade , no
mutter what It in you have , wrltn , with full do-
Milptlon , to C. U. Jlnyno , icnl estate broker ,
Omaha Neb. 1C8
"TT'ORSALU Cronmcry will bo Bold cheap , on
JU easy terms , lo anyone who will run 11 the
comingECUSOII. 0.21. Carter , Ashland , Nob.
) To ovelmniio for stock ot hard-
wnro niidsonnrnlmorchnndlso , 500 ncrosot
flno Thayer Co. , Neb. , Innd : 5 lots In Genoa ,
Nob. , good Ftnre building ( host corner ) : good
duelling ( best locution ) In 15 sox , In. , also 83
ncies ' . , ' mile from town of Kssov , la. , seeded in
bum ernss. , For further i > artloiilars nddrcss
John Lindorliohn Central Cltv Nobrnskn. 050
I UItSONAl. Wo have two oasl fronls in
llnnscom pluco nl $1,000each and thrco west
fronts at f'.fcW ' eiioh , docldod bargains , nil of
thdin , for n few diiys only. Money talks. Itleo
iV.Mooio , n o cor li'lth nnd Douglas Bis. over
Cmnmeiclnl National bank. 5111-15
10URSONAI. ToporsDiiswho wish to build n
homo In Orchard Hill , 1 will poll lots upon
payment of thu nominal sum of ton dollar nnd
uiuunro at the end of llvo years , lnturos.1 at H
tier cent , payable ecml-annuuUy , This is the
Ilcst offer over inailo to any home-seeker In this
city. Cull and see me. C. n. Mtiyne , S. W. cor.
15th and I'm . '
Foil HKNT-Ituoin and board for two. 1013
Cnpltol uvo 142
U board. 1010 Dodge blreet.
7C < np21
I OST Two Itooks of Bpcclflciitloiis for build
* Ing fordco. I. Glllioit. mndo by Sleiulels
fhon , V Fiher , between 15th and I'tli ' SIB. on
rurnumoillniney sis. rownr.1 will bo
utvpii tortho return of Pnmo to Kennedy k Oil
ben's olllre , Wlihmll bulldliiir. 4M-1I *
LOST A kllvor watch , between S. lOlh nnd
Park nvo. Leave at this ollico or Thos.
llowon'sMrat Miukct,20lh ur.J Pieice , mul gu
rowai-d. 45)-15'
LOST $5 toward. The tinder of a bundle
oontnlnlngnwulklngstlck nnd two 0fOlk )
\\lille-liiui Jl < vd , um'jrelliH ' murkod rcfprullvul )
II. K. Unwell , 1 % S. A. , " and " 15. P. Husfell , '
will ircrlvuthonl'ovo lewaid by leaving tbcii
nt thoilcakof the Paxton lion e. Thu bundle.
was loll in Iront of the 11. li M. pasfongcrdepo
nl'out II 11. tn. Sunday. 40VU *
LOST A big rod row , largo horus ; uotlty H
llcnl , lUth nnil Uoclfofcts. Ubl-it *
STRAW Hnts nnd Ilonnots , ehnped nnd 10
pu-SKOdin thulutosi stjlcs ut 1115 Howard
Agdcs McAusluiul. 4.H-24 . *
i : Corner Cnsos in w.ilnut or cherry
fl.GS per foot. Nectar domes , f.imo inico
Spring hinje . Dureliii Show Cosu Co.
Luke at , Chicago.
TmoilRUNT Why do roil pay lent when
JU Hlpglns & Pnik , 1513 Douglas street , wll
sell you u nloo homo by payiui ? only $10 nnd * 2
per mouth.
.VRlUNlNi-AU Ulndsof garden orkdoiiii (
by a pnielicul cardcucr. I'r'ank Nliutz
1121 B. 10th tt. ailrn ; *
A .PPMdATIONS for U S license made out
. by John C. Thompson , Itoom 10 , Itcdlck
Block. 228
"TAllTins wishing furnlturo clennoil , plcnso
JL address mo through P. 0. l"rcd Grny.
197-23 *
Pniw nnd Cesspools cleaned by E. Twlng , P.
O. llox 427. C40np21 *
FOH IliNT A ftoro on n good retail street.
Apply the Omaha itcnl Kstnto nnd Lonn
Co. , , 107
FOK UINT Square Piano , ft monthly. A.
Hospo , 1513 Uoiiglns. 810
T71OK UKNT Organs , ? 2 per month. IIospo ,
JLA 1513 Joupliil. ) W
11011 IlKNT-Squaro Plnno , * 3 monthly. A.
1 Hospo , IMS Douglnd. ull
Ton BAI.E ansoni.tA7nouB. :
Foil SAI.n-Car loud or No. 1 fresh milch
tows. Call at our yards , Win and llurt Sis.
Penny & Jester. GIB-CO
"J71OU HAI.i : Ono Improved Prnflold brick mn-
JL' chine ; al o otic Philadelphia hand pro ? * . In-
qulro Hooin 20 , Wlthnoll nullrtlng. 475-20
.i : A Hare Chance Stock nnd fix-
J-1 turos of a grocery Btoro doing n Rood btitd-
ness ; cheap rentRood location : reason for poll *
tog , other business. I3i" > Sivundors st , 481-10 *
"I7IOH. SAI.K-Flfty sharoa Nnb'rnskn ' nnd lown
J- Insurance compnny'ssttick , also fifty shares
Western Homo Insiirnnco company's Block. I.
A. Mlllor , Council Ulufrs. 471-Sl
IA MILMvll I wilt buy your Nebraska
and Iowa Insurance stoofc and pny you
forty per cent premium on your cash Invest
ment lor the sntno. J.T. Hart. 472-W1
T7\ORSAIE Cheap ; road onrtnt 1507 N IDtli
JD street. 225-17 *
Tmoil .HAI.K First-class furniture , nearly
JP now , consisting of two bo Jroom sots , parlor
sot , dining room sot , illshos , cto , carpets , kitchen -
chen rnnuo , and utctisllB ! also hard coal stoves ,
onsy chnlrs , pictures , hooks , clocks , etc , etc.
These will bo sold ns a wholoor In lots lo suit at
surprisingly low prices. J. 1) . Evans & Co. , 1513
Dodge * t. 447-15
FOR SALE 1 span drown mnros. Inquire nt
Ugan and Lou von worth. ta
F IOH HALI'V A 6-borfio poxvor holler and on-
Blno cheap , at Omtiuu Safe and Iron Works.
2t > 3mav7
; ono good liorso. liilO Fnrnam.
Foil SAT.K The best general morohandico
1)118111018 In northwest Nebraska. For par-
llculurs address McCord , HruJy & Co. , Omiilui'
Nob. 028-14
FOUSAHC Snuaro piano , $ . " > 0 , monthly nay-
in on is. Hospo. 1513 Douglas. 007
Foil SVli : Lunch counter and rostaurnn
llttlngs , gas llxturos , and largo hoatlng
ntovont the Senate , 1505 larnam. Inquire at
ollico of J..I. O'Connor , 14th street , between
Douglas nnd Farnam. 100
F HAl.i : Mutch loams and horses of al
L' kinds to suit customers at Star Sale Stables ,
20th and Ciimlng. M. Ciuinon , Prop. 777
TTIOIl SAI.K A'now steam roller mill In No. 1
JU business locality : line wheat countrv : but
llttlo competition : $17,500 ; cost more. W. H.
Grcoil , 215 S 13th St. 829
Foil SALE Upright piano , $103 , monthly
payments. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. DOS
J Girl for general housework.
5Irs.II. S. Smith,2210 California St. 611-15
WANTI2I1 A good cook , wnshcr nnd Ironcr
by Mrs. F. 1 . Kenunnl , N. K. cor. Itth nnd
Dodge sts. C1S-10 *
1T7-ANTKU A girl ntDornn Houso. 013 Far-
V > iiam. 499
WANTKD 2 first-class laundresses , nUo girl
to assist hi kitchen. Apply nt Co/ons
House ollico. 450
WANTKD A dining-room girl nt the Atlan
tic Hotel , S. 10th et ; Scandinavian pro-
foiTcd. BOMB
TT ANTKD Good competent girl for gcnornl
V > housework ; good wages. Apply 1813
Howard st. 504
WANTKD L'idy canvassers for the Vnn
Ordon Corset ; no stylish bidy will do with
out this corset ; commissions cood. Apply nt
once for term ? , etc. No. 315 North 1.1th htrcct ,
this city , or Charles Prlnglo & Co. , Knncns City ,
Mo. Agents wnnted everywhere. 494-20 *
w ANTKO Dl'bwnshcr nnd second cook.
Apply Emmot Houso. 401
ANTKD A good seamstress. 812 N. 17th
stroot. 470-14 *
WANTii : > A capable and obliging girl lo do
second work nnd assist In taking cnro of
children igood wages for satisfactory service.
Call at brick rosldonco , 1210Soulh llth el root.
WANTED A good woman cook. Applv to
W. C. T. U. , Buckingham Homo , 12th . st.
" 1X7"ANT KD VV'omnn to tuko care of fur-
V > nlshod rooms. Mrs. Kendall , Uoom 2 , Odd
rollows' lllock. 485-15 *
WANTKD A German or colored woman to
do washing nttho house. Apply lo 9 ! ) Cent
Floro , 1203 Farnam. 487-14
"TTl7ANTlsn Hxpenoncod trlmors. Aiiply 1.
VV Oborfcldcr&Co.l213HiirnoySt. 4M-15
WANTKU Immodlntoly A llrst-clnss cook ;
wages S-5 per wook. Hnferoncos required.
Apply tit M. F. Patrick's , S W cor. Saundois nnd
Luke stroot. 40M5 *
\T7"ANTiil : A good first , nnd pnstry cook.
T T Address , Trcmonlliouso , Lincoln , Nob.
\\7ANTED : 13 good girls for gonornl houso-
TT work ; good.wngcs ; places given froo. Call
OmnhA Employment llurouu , 1120 rarnam st.
D A competent mlddlo-ngcd wo-
mauasnurso for small children ; refer
ences required. Apply nt rosldouco of J. G.
Chupmnn , No. 1115 Park nvo. 419-15
WANTUD A womnn who understands
housekeeping : satisfactory refoioiicos re
quired. Apply 2231 Doilgo streot. 415-14
\XrANTKl > A good girl for general house-
'T work ; must bo a good plain cook. Apply
ntonco , 231 ! ) St. Mnry's. . 2ll
ANTIin A good woman cook ; good wages.
Address City Hotel , Fairmont , Nob. 4)7 )
WANTKn Flrst-Hnss advertising Eollcltor.
Address. D 0. HEK ollico. 520-in *
) TAnoHiitS-For : now rnlhoad
woik. Steady Pinploymoiit. E. S. Al
bright Labor Agency , IXis Furnnm street , 510-21
WANTUl ) Hook Agents. Looul nnd truvel-
ing book ngcnta wnntod to tell standard
subscription books : nny one enn tnko ordord ,
whrtlicruvporionoedor not. Tliojnoritsof our
books nnd our private pnmphlot , "Success In
Cnuvusslng , " tree tongontH , always nssuifgsuc
cess. Nnmo territory wnnted , nnd nddicss or
cull on H S Smith , Publisher and General West
ern Asent , Omiilin , Neb , luusHthst. mo-ia
\\7"ANTUI : ) A boy nt Wilklo's piipor box fuc-
VV lory. 100 South 14th Bt. 602-14 *
NTUlJ A man of good address to > < nndlo
T llfe-sl/o cntyon and oil portraits ; must
pivo his onllro time nnd attention to the work.
Call niter 1pm. Collins & Shuutz , 1513 Doug-
Ins it. 4810 *
w ANTUH Two IntelllR-ont boys , with horses ,
to carry the Dully Hee. 400
" \X7"ANTKU A arood cnnvnssov to soil furnl-
T > lure on weekly payments. Omnha Tlmo
Tnymont Co. , 013 South 10th St. 451
" \T ANTUU 2 competent dry e-oods Knlesinon.
Must have coed references and Biieak
either ( lormnn or ScHurtlnuviun. Apply tn John
It. r. Lohmnmi & Co , 61UU
" \\fANTUll-A flrst-clnss Bhoomnkor , able to
mnko sowed nnd jiog work , can llnd situa
tion nt 11L-B. IQtli eli-ccu U. J. 1'alnm.ulsl. 413-15 *
Tir.VNTUl ) A sober , rtllublo'ra m lo eel
it t'ioils ; steady uujploymont ; rofcrencod.
CiUlilH2l8. lOthbt , 412-U *
"V\7"ANTiil : Two peed advertising Bollritors.
T > Cull at Commercial tollefo on 1'nrimm
Eticet. Liberal pay , lb'J- !
\\rANTiu : Sulosmon.for n stnplo etdollno ;
> > liberal conimltfilontii Kulglits of L-ibor
lirnii'l ' : latest gilt Inducements with the goods.
Union II. P. Co. , 4b I.siltu street , Chicago. UIU *
\\r.VNTl'JI > Tno lli-it class < xint makers nnd
T 1 one iH'iiluloon mnKor. nt onco. Highest
\rwci puld. liurnuby & Ullllck , 10J3 O street ,
Lincoln. Neb. 2ij
"r\7ANTin : A young man or rellnblo boy
11 with n horbo to catvy u route on livening-
Ilnily lleo. 22J
"TATANTUl * IVo first clnss rontruukers. Ad
il diess John Muu-isonLincoln. " J
\\rANTUD 20young mon and ladles to en-
it trace In tlio tulOKinpu sorvloo. Addicss
W. J. P.loom 1 , Ciounso ulock , lath st. 03J.121 *
"ATrANTJ.'U 3good euuvasiCM to soil furnl-
> I turo on Insmllincats. Call ou M. F. Martin -
tin , SIU South 15th fit. 67
l"l r VNTiu-Sljtcea : ; hanuns nmuer's at 8)3. )
> l mnn
\y.VN.Tii : > - Position , by young Indy shdrt
> . buhJ , tjpo-Mi-iter. uaj copjJSt. Address
Alice \ \ llsou , IftU K. SJrU. 9-15
\TCTA.VTr.n-SituMlon by pre'crlptlon druggist -
gist , ( Germany ; 0 years' oxporionco' CUi-
cngo rclorcnecs' Address I ) ' 0 , lloo onicf ;
COJ-11 *
-\ArANTiD-ptuRtlonbyyouiur : | Indy to tnko
> > cnro of chlldton nnd do sowing. Address
H. II. , Ooncrnl UoUvcry City.601-U *
Situation by young min
. . Ing for whososnlo whisky or clgnf nnd
tobacco house. Will dcposlto $100 ns n bond nnd
clvo reference. Willing lo start on commission.
Address U CO , Hoe pfllco. 4jM4' :
\\TANTii-A : younp tnnn from the onst
would like a position ns clerk In mcrcnn-
tile holiso ; can glvo good recommendations.
Address D 81 , llco Onico. 44S-14 *
WAXTY.iTwrfurnfoicd room with clothes
closet or suite of rooms for gontlcmnn
nnd wife , South Omntin , within 4 blocks of U.
P. depot. Address A. II. C. , cnro Mail Cnn-lor
No. 15. 015-10 *
ANTT.l ) To rent small house in irood location -
. . cation , $12 per month. Address I ) 77 , Dee
Office. 503-15 *
Houses to rent within onomllo
WANTlin postolllco. Stockdalo & llunolior ,
A NTK1 > Moro vacant lotsrm California fit.
Stockdalo & llunchor , 1511 Dodge si. 4D7-10
- contractor to build
WANTKD-ltollnblo l.fiOO to $2,000 , nnd take
Hanscom 1'mco lot for part payment. Address
1)7- , line ofllco. 4i8
- and board for gontlomnd
WANTKn-llooms child of 3 years. On high
Innd and In private family preferred. Address ,
1) , 7u , 11KK ollico. 4,0-15 *
To purchase 8 lots on a corner
WANTKn a th and 83d , and between Hnr-
noyand Dodgo. Igrou & Wilde , Hooin 10 ,
Ornnlto Block , 45rl5
-tl'ANTKU-Evorybody to buy ffronorlps ,
V fresh offers , bnttor , nnd green vegetables
nt Holmrod's , N ieth. 4B7-17
Teams for railroad work. K.B
WANTUD , Labor Agency , 1303 Farnnm-st
> 3 unfuriilshud rooms not fur
WANTin nnd llarncy at onco. Artdrosa
I ) 08 , Boo Ollico. 400-15 *
: 103 houses nnd cottnjoa to ront.
WANTJu you good tenants ut oneo. Mahoney -
honey & Harris , Uoom 11.150 ! ) Farnixm iKTintl *
To nny n second-hand type
W writer. J. B. Ilnyncs & Co. , Omaha.
11CNT Nicely furnished room with
Foil . 714 N. lUth St. 017
Ti ) lt UKNT Suloou , nnd axturcs for snlo.
J 103 South loth t. COJ
KKNT Now ton room house and bam ,
Foil lot , city water and ga , cistern : 111 teen
minutes walk from opera house. Prlco Sf ; > .OJ. P
O. box 303. 403-15
UKNT Nino-room house on Capitol
FOR ; all modern improvements. O. F. Davis
&Co. 412-17
Tmon 11KNT Odlco suitable for real estate :
Jj nlso ollico furnlturo for sale. Call Boom ,
Fron/cr lllock. 413C3
T71O11 HUNT Two cottages , 5-rooms , now
JU Apply to Charles Ogden , 13th and Douglas.
T71O11 HUNT 10-room house , modern Im-
JD irovomonts , good location , tdivln Davis ,
Heal tstato and Loan ngont , 1530 Fprnnm. 42-14 ! )
KENT 3 stores. H12S.-13th Bt G. H.
Foil . 7il
neil HUNT 2 orioK stores on South isth St.
F bot. Howard and Jacksou. Paulson & Co. ,
1513 Fat-liana St. S83
oil KnNT Tirlcliyard. T. Slurrny.
TTIOll RUNT Farmot 100 acres , twelve miles
JU from Omaha. Apply nt the Omaha Finan
cial Exchange , SW corner of 15ih and Furnnm.
TjlOR 11I2NT Uoslrablo rosldonco , 0 rooms ,
JU Shlnn's2d add ; house of Orooms , South 5th ,
also 2 barns with lofls. J. Phlpps Hoe , Uox557.
T7OR SAtE At a bargain , nno H-oom house
J. ! with modern convcnloncos ; full lot : on
Harnoy St. , near 25lh ; $5,233. I > olt0i' & Cob.b , ,
1515 Farnnm st. " < > J '
IlENT-Gnrdou t'nrm. 303 S. llth St.
Foil 720
OR KENT Nice C-room cottago. 6. T.
F Pcturson , S. U. cor. 15th and Douglas. nSJ
HUNT Lnrgo furnished front room
FOR closet ; $10 per montlu 2J1U Capital
nvo n no. 5l8-li > *
T71OK IlKNT Nicely located 'unfurnished '
JU rooms , single or ou suite , nt o or 1037 How
ard street. 424-14 *
OK KJNT Furnished room , 401 N. (15th Bt.
F (
Tnoil RENT Newly furnishedrooms wltli
JU board. 523 Pleasant st. Ilofcrcncos re
quired. 480-10 *
OR RUNT Hooms in Unrkor Block. C. E.
F Muyno , 15th mid Farnnm. 455
Foil IlKNT Store room on 13th. C. E.
Slayno , S W cor 15th and Farnam. 4(11 (
HUNT Ono furnlMiod and ono unfur-
FOR room nl 40.1 Chicago -and 15th
street ; rotorcnccs required. 451-14 *
RUNT Desirable furnished room In
FOR two-story brick ; all modern conveni
ences : short block from 2 cur lines ; breakfast 1
desired. Apply 2222 llurt St. 452-19 *
RUNT Nicely furnished Brooms with nil
modern conveniences. BIO N 17th. 432
TTIOR RUNT-5-ro'om house , S 15 oor 10th iint
Jtfnnd Pnciflo. Owen WhalCn. 41HJ4 *
FOR RUNT For light housekeeping , rooms ,
furnished or unfurnished , lu llooinor'u
nioek cor Eighth nnil Howard. _ 43'1
TjltfR RI2NT uTifunilshcd' room on reason
JU nhlo toriiis , 1815 Cass et.
I OR RUNT Furnished front room 2 blocks'
from depot. 1011 South llth Bt3IO1C *
ORRENT Furnished rooms. C07 N. 17th St.
oii RUNT-Furnlshod rooms. lC21CnTilTol
avenue. 110-15 *
T71OH RUNT onico and store room , Grattou
JU &Drummond , 131 j Hnrnoy. ? 99
" | 7OR ( RUNT Two nicely liirnlshod rooms ,
JU with board , with nil modern convcnionccs.
222. ) Dodgo. 71
Y7 > lJll RUNT r.legiint nnd doslrutilo roonisT
J1 furnished or unfurnished. IU07 Douglas
fct. Hcforcncos required of applicants. CC5
T71OR RUNT With board , ono Inrgo nicely
JL' furnished front room , gas and bath room at
1409JonosSt. 27(1 (
FOR RUNT Furnished rooms , single ami on
Biillo. with or without board. AiMrosa U 51 ,
Boo Ollico. 21U
TT1OR SALU Special Bargain House am' lol
JU In Piuriek'n id midon ear line : only $1,1,00
on onsy torms. Call imily on lllco & ilooro , n o
cor 13111 and Douglas St. 512-15
1'AIUC 3tf mlloa from Court
x Houeo.
PATTJSKSON 1'AIUC Acres nt $175.
"p ATTIUlSON 1'AHIC Acres ut $200 to $3W.
N 1 'A 11 1C Acres on easy lerma.
JATTKKSON 1'AIUC Acres llio chcnpcst.
iATTKl'SON 1'AIUC the best place to buy ,
ITHlltS.VLK-Ily D. C. 1'nttorson , Iron llnnk
.1 imiiding. - 4a-ai ;
N YOU consider the .locution of Hod-
lok's Grove , thu chnructor of burround-
, tlio nonnieta to aeliuol , stoies , ehurches ,
oars , etc. , when cnu you matoh tlicio lots !
Amos , 15071''auinin. ' 4bl
BA1UJAINS 8-room house ij inilo irom P.
O , f3,2JO ; 4-room house , Yiitrlnla nvo
il.'tW ; 0-room hou e , Georgia uvo , ? 3 tW ; 4-ioon :
liunso , IyO\vo'ti ndilltlon , 1XW ( ; 3 houses , 4.5 iim
Pi'ooiue. 18th , nourl.onvcmvorth , fj,5W ; T-ivoin
lioybc , Shormiui nvonuo. f 'J.IW ; 4-ix > om house ,
17tni > t , blocKQl'curs , SI.SOU ; .7-room house on'
lots , llunscoiu 1'luce. J5,5W : 4-room house , pom
1'nrk nvenuu cai-s , S.1M. All above hou es und
lots can be bout'ht on easy terms , most of them
on monthly pnjiuents. Cull and oxnmlno out
list. Hodmuu & Thompson , 1511 Furnnm , up
stairs. 411-15
Few I.EASU-1S lota In IV e1 * aadltlon on
Clurk uud Sauudvrs gte. Ames , 1W7 Fur-
num. 300
I > AltGAINS in Iraproved nhd unimproved
JJ property. Vf. H. QroonTgl5 B tSlh st. VU
A JIES i'LACK-Cbenpcst city lots .
* * - , 411 .
_ _ _
vrnwroiiT ncrcs tuuko 6 city lofi Ames ,
- l1007 Furnaai. ill
SAT.r Having rondo arrangements togo
go west I will sell the following described
renlo tnto ! House nnd lot op Cnpltol Hill lit
most desirable location ; liouso nnd lot on How-
rrr Hill ; iwo lots nonr llnnscom Park. Ad
dress Henry T. Hhonlos , northwest cfifnCr
Eleventh nnd Arbor gtrOcts. j,4ffi3
Foil SAIR Hy Lovgron & Wilde , II oem 10
Grnnlto lllock. Telephone 753. .
All persons wishing quick sale * of property ,
should list with us. Tlio o Wishing homes
should rend our lists carefully.
Imiiroved Property
174 1/tt on S. 18th st. with 3 good houSDS.ono Ot
0 , one of 5 , nnd ono of 4-rooms. 3 cisterns
nnd well , JIustbo sold by May 1st. Cheap
for cnsh.
172 Good lot on 9. 10th st. with lanro 10-room
house , well , cistern , coal house , collar.
Terms to Pint. $1.200.
171 lt 63x115 on Cnpltol nvo. , good 6 room
house nnd modem improvements. Terms
en y. $ : i , 50.
170 Hast front on Vlrglnln nve. . Rxl50 ) , 7-room
house ; proltlesl location In Omnhn. 54,050.
1C9 Ucautltul propeityon 10th near Hurt , with
Il-room hou'o and 7-romn bou o , modern
Improvements In both houeos , fnpyj.
103 Doslrnblo property on S. 12th nonr Castollar
4-room hoiuo , cistern , oto. $3JOO.
167 Corner lot on Chnrlos St , 7-room house
with Improvements , very cheap nt $2,200.
ICO H half lot ono blk from Lonvonworth on
3-'iil ( St.C-room house , cheap nt $1,500.
153 Good 4-roam bouse on Charles St. nonrSCth
well , clslorn , good comontcd cellar. $25)
flown , hnl. cnsy. $1,550.
157 0-room IIOUBO on Davenport nonr llth ; nlso
0-room house , rent for jii nnd $2i ) . H.OOO.
25C Cor. lot on Cap. nve. ami 25th , U-tooul house
In good condition. $3.750.
253-lo-room houpo on California St , ncnrl7lh.
with Improvements ; nlso2-room house , nil
for $4 2 ? > 0.
21 2 lots , enst front , In Hnnscom Plnco with
largo now house. A bargain. $4,310.
117 Good 4-room hou o on lllondo Ht , ncnr
34th , barn , clslorn. shndo Ircos.oln , ? 1TOO.
119 2 lots , south front , on Franklin St. , double
house on ono. both for $2,1on.
110 Corner lot on Chicago nnd 21st Sts , 0-room
bouse , well , cistern , nnd shade trees , n bar
gain nt $0,000.
105 I t 50x140 on Park nve. A big bargain ht
$2,000. Knsy terms.
C21 Lol 50x150 , cnsl front , on Vlrglnln nve. ,
$1,125. Olio-fourth cnsh : 1ml. easy. A rnro
210 Cor. lol In Hnmscom's plnco , CO.vluO. $100
cnsh ; bnl. easy. $8i" > .
305 Kn < a front on Virginia nve. ncfirPopplcton
St.noxloO. r.asy torms. $1,500
217 Loir > 0xirlliuisooiu ) Pluco , $300 cnsht bal.
to suit. $1,000
241 2 Ints , Isaacs & Scldcn's add , eornor , $800 ;
Inside $7f > 0.
I Lots in Douokcr'.s ndd$350 cnch ; $50 down ,
bnlunco HO per month.
200 Lots In Grnndvlow odd , rnuglng from $350
up. Knsy terms to buyer.
237 A prnnd lot In Snunflors & Illmohnugh's
ndd , $ I2.i down , balance $5 per mouth , 400.
233 Lots In Klrkwcod , " 4 down , bnJnnco cnsy ,
$ fiOU
251 Lots in Thornbiirg ndd , $150 down , bnlnnco
ohiior , $15) ) .
248 Lots in llnwthorn add ; terms to eult pur-
clmscr , $ t" > 0 nnd tip.
243 IIloKiuit lol In Cortlnndt Pluco , terms easy.
SUMK ) .
220 Cor lot 111 Lowe's 1st addS150 , ciish , bnlnnco
cnsy. $52 , " ) .
SOS 2 lots In Prospect Plnco fronting on Hnmll-
lon ; n big1 Imrgnln. 'bolh lor $1.700
120--2 lots , ono corner lot , 25th street near
Dodge , 2 clpht room houses on ono lot , flno
bnsoraoiits nnd modern improvements , nil
for SS.OOO
130 Full lol Shlnn's 1st ndd , 3 room house clos
ets cistern and out houses , with good burn ,
SSOOdow'n , balance to suit , $ lfiOJ (
147 0 room liouso on full lot fronting on Qoor-
gin uvo , with olstcm , out houses , cto , $4,000.
119 Full lot , Georgia nvc.'J loom house , nloclorn
improvements ; $500 ddwn , balance monlhly
payments , extremely cheap nt $3.000.
237 llouutllul lot fronting bouthto Walnut Hill ,
$100cloWn. bnlnnco $10 per month ; $400.
Lovgron & Wilde , Uoom 10 Ornnlto block.
:5ou-i4 :
RC. 1'ATTKltSON , 13th nnd Douglas Sts.
Three no\v cottiiKos und lots , monthly pny-
lloiuitlfiil ncrcs. Illmobnugh's addition , $509
Two llvo aero lols ( beautiful ) , 51.500
Several line residences throughout the clly for
sale on onsv terms
Abstracts furnished and prunrnntood.
It , C. Patterson , 13th and Douglas. J03
RESK11VKI ) NUWrOKT lots now for Piilo In
Ito 10 or 0 nero tracts ; per-aero , ? 300 ;
terms to suit buyer. Ames , 150i Pnriinm. 4 ° 4
mitAOKA < ! K-ln fi ncro lots , for salo. ItuaU
J. & Solby. 21815th St. tBG-l
: rKS I'LACK No grading needed ; level
A lots.Anror.lSTr Farnam st. 411
15,000 FoiVTJills , 3 dwellings ; prpnin of lo
i cations ! lhia & Bolby.2J3 ISth st. 352-15
TjlOR 8ALK Lots in Lowo's 1st addition ,
JU south fronts , easy terms , only 5533. Potter
&Cobb,1515 Farnam si. 851
) Alow oftho best ots In Wllcox'a
JU ndd.at6JOonoh. Potlor * Cobb , 1515 Far-
cam st 855
IiOU SATEy Boll & McCandlish , 1511
I ? .Dodgo street.
Cottage and lot , Lcavenworth Bt , $3,500
House , barn and two lots near Leaven-
worth , 53,500
West Sldo lots , Loavcmvorth St. exten
sion , 8100.
Laigo house , cast front , near Park
uvo , $4,100
Etory nnd hnlf cottngo , full lot ntnr
Park avo. , $3,500
, Two houses nnd lots on Park nvo. , ono
f 4,000 nnd the other 5,000
East front lot on Virginia avo. noarSt
Msiry's avo. . 75 foot Iront , 13,000.
West Side lots , 8300.
Pnlrvioiv acres $300 , on long time.
lloiifu and lot on Charles btrcut , $3,009.
West Sldo lots , f330. 315-15
FORSALi : Ilosl5-aorolraolsln the murkot ,
only JUOO per aero. Inquire nboat thcin.
Potter A : Cobb , 1515 I'limam. 853
I > AVii > STKnUTS within 110 foot of Hod-
ick's Grove inalto this addition especlnlh-
ilosliablo ; low pilcos , easy torms. Ames , 1607
FIJI mini si. . i l
itSALi : AGIO lots , Cilso's udd. , only 81,330
Potlcr & Cobb , 1515 Farnam. 857
rmvi'OUT hns sold faster than nny ncro
1 property over ollorod. Ames , 1607 I'limnm.
Foil SAI.C Imiiroved tnrms , hy Humllii &
IIrown.311 S. mil street , Omaha , Neb.
Cass County. Nebraska :
KM S13i ! , 27.10 , IS. W ) ncros , nbout three miles
from Avoca51 ; ncres under cultivation.
Oton County , Nebraska :
NWU , 31,0,13,180 ncros , linprovomonts ; 120
ncros under cultivation nnd now com eilb.
NKl,31n ( , ] 3 , 100acres , iiiipiovomrnts ; 3w
ncres under cultivation , with n double corncilb ,
SWK , 31,0,13 , ICO ncrcs ; 00 ncrcs Under culti
8WU,88R. 13 , IjSncros.lmprovoniQnts ; IB nors
unaol'cultlvntion , and a rfcAIfcUgo lonco all
nrniind the farm.
8WJi,5l ) , 12,100 ncros ; 100 ncrcs under cultl-
S\V 4,4R , 12 , ICO ncrcs : 120 under cultivation ,
with n good dwelling , hlableoutliousos and corn
Allot Ihoabovo lands within I miles of Dun-
bar.N 54 no U. 19-8-11,80 aerosro V 6 TV > { , lO-B-ll ,
80 acres ; so li 1U-S-11 , 180 ncros ! RO ncrcs ono
and ahull'milest > oiithu-ot Syriieuso , known ns
the Chorn liirin , 30) ) ncros under cnlllvation ,
hns two gooil dwellings , barns , cribs , etc.
All tlio above lauds will bu sold unfavorable
For prices nnd further information call on or
nddicss Humlln & llrown. roul estate dollars ,
Dlltioutli llthst , OiuuliH , Nub. VM-M *
T UD1VIOIC * , fjK/VV , Ilcal Estnto llrohcrs , B.
* - ' I. . Cor ir > lh undiDouglus.
Hiuiscom I'laco.rutldoneosfor pule ,
( I room coltiltol li. F. .blojlc 10,100x150. Will
lilognnt cottiwdi E. F. block 3,100150. , Will
7 room cottntro K. F. . block 8,50x181.
4 room cottajr W ) 1\ , block 15,150x130. Will
dlvldo. X JHt \
5 room coltufro L. V , block 19. SOxlS1) .
Five 0 roonuixMui'os , north 17th. Slonthly
14 room liousJjy'I. ' KoJick'a sub-dlv. , Park
nvo. , 75x140. ol m > '
10 room housoj Torruco add. W P. , 111x110.
Will divide. ' ! L
Flvocoltuifoi.BhuU's ndd. N. T , , 00x103.
Klegant ies.llcncp ( , Wobsler Bt , , 8. F. , S3X1U ,
between Itth | nll'.clj. '
2 olpffunt lesldencos between AVcbstcr nud
Hurt , 6H132North Wth.
i-2 elegant i osldcuocs , Chicago St. , 03x133 , each
between lEtli imdflUth.
lluslnoss pibnorty , corner on Douglas , Im-
pi oved , 44x13 : . ' .
Business property cor. on 9th and Ilurucy , car
13 ,
Corner on Harnoy neurlRlli , 00x77.
li. feet front on Douglus near 15th.
41 feet ou loth between Jiickbon und Fnrnam.
Lots In Amhloi'sPlace , Hmilliorm' ,
l itsin Huuscoin PlucoTliornblirar
l.oU in Oortlund PJneo , Isuuo < t riliulJen'a.
Ixit.s In I'aik Place , Shlnn's add.
Lots in HlUnbeth Pluco , Omnbu View.
l > ots in illllurd , K. V , BuiitliVi.
"To bo sold in ton days , " I lots In Thornburff.
"To bo tola in ten days , " I lot on Cumlng bt.
"To bo gold lu ton dujg , " 2 lots In Liko'a add.
"To bo soil in ton days , " 2 lots In Bunny Bide ,
"To bo gold In ten dnys.i \ lot on Suuiulors St
"To bo sold In ton day , " 1 block in Uoyd'sndd.
For Im wiliis call nnd see us. Ludn tck , V Seuy ,
S.L'.cor. IMhDouglna. 100
"pKDIOK'.S oitO Vi-l bloclc from28th street
Jv Echool houdo , 1 nrnam tu-eoi , to be paved C
blocks bi-yond , bringing Uedlok't ) Grove 140 le'et
frpm Pnvud btreofd uuU cars. Amie , 15ul Fur-
nnmst. , 411
( hi,400 Only for full lot , now housewell
tp cistern , ull.eoiapicto , nw part city. Hustri ; '
6elby,2i8 et. " 853-15
CKN'TSji suuaro foot will buy HilUtdo Ipt
' " ' ) , 21 ! > Fiflccntu street. DOJ-1
f ot.tjr---- , t
' CAN you find nern to mntch our
Newjiort lots ? Wo now olTcr the best part
oNowport. Amoj , 1S07 Fiirnnm. 411
E A SKI.HY imvo for snlo nil the H V
' Uhodos property. Ask about It. 213 S 15th
"T7 * A UNAM ST. will bo paved 5 blocks beyond
Jlledlck's Grove. Cnn you find lots ns near
ns this nt the price nsked ? Ames , 1537 Fnrnnm.
TTUm SA1.K Lot In I'olhnm Place , $575 , cusy
JL terms.
Lots In Hfinscotn Plneo , 875J to JLOOX
Lot on Vlrglnln avo. , $ JOJO.
S lots In Sunnysldo , $ . ; iio. (
2 lots on West Fnrnnm St. , $13,303 ,
Lot In Lowe's add. , S 50.
Corner lot In IAJWO'S hdd. , $530.
IiOton Hnmllton St. , $ TOO.
2 lots on Hamilton St. , $1,000.
Lot on Howard St.OJ.
Corner lot In Pro'poct Plnco. $750.
Corner on fnrnnm St.iOxUt ( ! ff. $20OM.
2 hnuso.snnd full lot , 10th nonr Webster , $ ,0000.
2 lots In La to'sndd.$1,175 nnd $1W ouch.
H lot nnd 0-room liouso , Iznrd at. , nonr 20th ,
% *
1SS feet on S 13th St. , $11,003.
8 lots on 84th St. , $ WWO.
2 lots on Deostur St. . $1,000.
Ixit tn Nelson's ndd. , $1,700.
House ami full tot , barn , well , etc. , on Hamil
ton St. , $1,000. Knsy terms.
Oeo. P. UcnilS IStiinnd Doilglns Sts. S73
$3f,000 ( For business corner 10th nnd How-
anl. ltU3h&Solby,21S ISth st. IBS-IS
TVT liWPiTi ft 'commands uiisiu-pnssed views or
JLi town nnd country. No property sold on
easier terms. No propoity bctlor worth tlio
price. Amos , 1507 Fnrnam. 411
A SIUS FLACK Xo such lots In nny other lo-
. cnllty at the prices nskcd. 411
A MKS ri\OI > -iasy : terms ; bettor prices
than nnv other addition gives you. 411
SU.onii property to trade for $2.000 farm In
nonplus or Burpycounty. . Hush & Solby ,
8 Flftcoclh street. H57-15
/1IIOICI3 business lots In best locations on
VFarnam , Hnrnoy and 10th streets , for lease
on longtorm of years. Apply to 11. F. Smith ,
U. 8. National llnnk. Omaha , 147-14
' 2.700 Omaha propmty to trailo for fnrm.
Hush S Selby , 218 Filteonth strcot. 355-15
$250 cash will buy n small bouso with grocery
Storo. Address D 73 , HeuOnico. 477-20 *
RKOICK'S OKOVE-Ncarost and most do-
JLV slrablolots in thlscltv : convenient to cars ,
paved streets. Mores , cmirohcs , nnd schools.
See llcdick's Grovo. Ames , 1507 Farnam St.
NATIJHAT , SlIADi : in IlcJIck's Qro Near
est riuslnililo residence lots. Am .1507
10 OKNTS n square font will buy lot ' flans-
com Plnco. Hush & Solby , 218 S loth 8iM5
VTATUIIAT. OROWTH ghado trees such as
1\ 3 ou find In Itodlck's Grove nro n rarity In
Nebraska. Secure your homo lot in Hcdlck'a
Grove before prices ndvnuco. Ames , 1507 Far-
num. 411
JTJ. 15YANS CO. , 1513 Dodge St. , have
for snlo :
1R2 ft , south front , on Lcnvonworth Rt. . . $ 7,003
132 ft square , corner , on Lcavonworth st 2 , ( > 00
151 ft , corner , on Lcavonworth st 12,000
CO ft fxmaro , corner , on Lcnvonworth st.
and 15th 0,000
350 U , trackage , on Loavonworth ft.
2 West Sldo lots on Leavonworth st , cnch MX )
3 lot , Richmond , on Lenvoiiwortli st , " COO
111 It. south fiout , corner , Loavonworth
J ] . KVANS A : < ! O. . 1513 Dortgo St. , have for
sulo In Hniiecom Plnco :
101 fl , cast front , Delaware st $ 3,400
10011. wcstlront , DuiuiQ st . - . . . . 3,203
Doth face the ic orvo.
200ft wvatliont , Paik nvo.
150it , confront , Sheridan st 2,501
inoft.oiift front , Bhoiidan st , corner 2,501
100 It , east front , Sheridan st 1 , 00
W ) ft , west front , Virginia nvo , . , C50
ICO It , west Iront , Virginia nvo IWO
50ft , east front , Virginia eve , choice. . . . l.COO
100 It , east front , Virginia nvo 1.C01
100 ft , west front , Georgia i\\o , . . . 2,100
Or wilt Poll 50 ft of any tract.
50 ft , west front , Georgia nvo , dwelling ,
lonco , fruit , oto 4,200
60 ft , cast front , Georgia nvo , well-lm-
proved , n choice bargain , cash 0,003
50 ft , east front , Georgia avc , 10-rooin
house , now nnd line t > ,3W
100x300 tt , oust front , nil elegant homo. . . 10,003
J . 12VANS & CO. , 1513 Dodge.
A now cottngo , Virginia ave , north. . $ T , ! > 03
50ft , west fiont , Georgia ave north 2,700
75 ft , east front , Park ave , finest spot In
thocity 4.010
2 flno cottages with about 10J foot east front ou
Park nvo. 4811-14
T710II fiVTK-A 5-room bouso , 710 N. 17th Bt
JU Inquire at G. A. Llndqnl-t & Co.'s , 1200 Far-
imm. 4115-10 *
( T CUNTS per sq. ft. for lot In Lowo's add.
U Hush & Solby , 218 S. 15th. 305-15
FOK SAtK Cottaco on Cndwoll St. , 0 rooms.
f.3,100 to ? 2i'5J ; ? M3 cash , bnlunco small
monthly payments.
Cottage ' on Saunders St ; $233 nscash payment
wlll'liuy It.
! ? 'iOO us cash payment will buy you an elegant
homo on Lnko St ono block from street cars.
$100 ca h payment will buy you n nice house
on Highland stthroo blocks fioni street care.
$1(0 cash payment will buy a nice homo nortr
Popploton's place.
If you want to buy real est ate call on Higglns
& Park.
If you want to sell renl ostnto leave number
oClot with us and wo will sell It 1 or you.
Hlgglns & Park ,
831-11 1512 Douglnst St ,
$3,500 for model homosouth part town , com
plete conveniences. Hush k Solby , 21815th
St. 350-15
T7OnSAt.T-AlotO | < JYl49 , nnd duelling 23v23 ,
JL ! noarfuturo llran-noll Hull , ohoiipj half ca < ih ,
balance small montblj' payments. V , L. Vo-
dlcka,523 B. 13th st. ( ill
FOR SAT.K-Tly J. T , . Plorson & Co. . 1500
Farnam Pt , 'M lloor.
Four cholro lots , Jloyd's addition.
UOxlB. , conior , Jackson St. , husluoss.
00x14' ' ) , Hnrnoy , unimproved.
IClxHO , Chicago , house , 4 rooms ,
r/ixlio. Cajiltol avenue.
Ifx-I20 ! : , Cujiltol nvoniio , 2 houses.
IPOxlOO , Bliorman avenue.
40x140 , North 2'd tt , nuar ciu * line , bouso , S
rooms : n complete homo.
OJxl40 , now hoiiso , nnnr buslnossi on Cnlitor-
ilia 6t. ; possession Immc'dlately.
Pattnivon Pnrkacro lots.
Lots in Klrkwood.
Lots In SunnyMilo. - ,
Lots In lluwlhorno.
100 noros , near city , n line farm , nt n bargain
If sold ut onco.
Thu best 10-ncro tract In the market.
Call and ECO the chances wohnvo for good n-
vestments. 47M7
KAVI3 YOU peen llodlck's Grove ? If not ,
L'oino mid look nt the buit rcsldcnco lot In
west purl ol town. Ames , 1507 Fnrnam. 4ll
FOR RAU : Chcnp lots In llurr O lit , Just east
of llanscoin Park , nourstrootcar.753 , ouy :
terras. Potter & Cobb. 1515 I'urunui t > t. Ul
KALft t no cur mules nnd 10 head of
horses , at2)7 10th St. BttS-23 *
OOMK AND SHU the ncio lots \vo offor. They
cuiinot bo mntclird in location , piico or
turms. Ames. 15j7 Fiirnam. 411
FOR SAMS i > our lots , oor , l/ahfornla nnl
ROtli 6H. , 2 blocks from proposud paving on
Cunilngst.8)0iuid $353osch. Potter & Cobb ,
U15 rnrnam st. 61'J
A MIS : I'liAon iMtk sold to these who wnnt
homos they can pay for. 411
-I O CKNTS per Sftun'-o foot will buy lot In
JLO Hnwlliorno. Hush A ; Selby , 218 B. 15th.
POlt HAM-nibson has for sale low In Hnns-
com Pluco. f SdO to $ ISO ) .
Gibson has lor sale houses ami lots In limn-
coin Phioo ,
G llisoii hns for snlo houses nnd lots in nil parti
f the city.
Gibson 1ms Improved farms nnd land ? In all
ports of Nebraska for sale or onchnnno.
Gibson bus thousands ot 110103 of land In
Weslcru Nebraska tor sale from SJ to ttpar
Gibson would HUe to see you If you \7antto
Glbson'sU the place to llsl your property. Cull
nnd BOO him nt Itooui3 , Wlthncll lllock , cor. IJHli
nnd 1 Inrnorsts. SSI
Kli ICK'S ( iltOVJ : Nuturnl growth shndu
lots just n mllii fium postolllee , fS < ) to
Allied , 1507 rarnam fit. 411
Foil KAl.i : Or Trade Improved nnd unim
proved lands In rurnns und ether western
counties. Addrob-i Wta. E ) moral , Ainpulioc ,
1'uinnsCo , , Nob. _ 215
"TJKDICK'S OHOVU-Only (830 to $1,20) foi
-it lots ill this location In exceptionally cheap ,
AH the requisites for n lli-at-cliiss hoinolocatlon ,
Bee Itodlck's Grovo. yVmcsvn Farnam. 411
ONI2 JIIMJ fiom the postolllco , over paved
btirete. will brliif ( you to Hodic'i's CJruvt- ,
Ames , IS'j'i'jiiiKm. ' 46t
_ _
A m US VLAC'U Kot n nor'lot ; lu
lion. ' ,
AKK'S AIHHTIOV A6k.nldUt gJ.OMhomo.
Itueb li Sclbr , SIS I'Ah a. 'U51-15
FOUSAT.E-TlioOmMmTlenlEst. . . „ _ . .
Co. do not nilvoittso us largely ns some , lint
they hnv * Just ns largo n list of property ns nny
other firm , nnd It will pay you to ceo t iiem before -
fore buying. It Is mautmcil by old nnd well-
known residents of the city , nnd nothing but
bonornblo nnd upright doallng is Indulged In.
Tholr ollico Is ltoom2J Wllhnoll lllock. 37
" * "
ixit.s $ m
Auburn Hill
lots SiVJ.
Wn h'nton Hilt
Avenue lots.
YMy terms.
Cunningham A Hronnnn , 1511 Dodge.
"TOOK HAtiKroom house , largo lot , south
JL1 front , $2,500. A bnrgnin. Cunningham &
Drcnnnn , 1511 Dodire.
"TOOK SAI.K 0-room bouse , good lot on North
J22nd street $ JJ9. Very cnsy term ; . Cun >
lilnirlmni & lirennnn , Ifill Dodgo.
nni lot ,
I-envonivortli St.
Pee this.
Cunningham & Drcnnnn , 1311 Dodge.
11 ISIKVW : : > I.OTS m Newport nowforcnloat
$300pcrncie. Amos , 15U7 rarnam. 411
"TOOH SALIC M nero lot , n good 0-room liouso ,
-L agroccrvstoro , wlthstnblos , out-liousos iiiul
oltywator , 22d iinnr Loavonworth , rent VUJ )
or mo. , prlco $ ,50D. This Is n first rule Invest
ment. Oninlm Itenl Kstnto & Loan Co. , lloonis
22nnd23AVIthliell block. 740
FOU SAt.r Flrol-clnss rosldonco property
ou St. Mary's nvo. ; largo lot , good house
nnd o.hori murovomotits : prlco ronsonnblo ;
terms ensy. Couhrnn llros. 1509 Fnrnnrn , 705
TTKOKI.KSS people pal" JO.liOOfor R vncnnt lot
JLX when they can buy the snmn kind of n lot
of us back ot high school with cottngo nnd
nlcolv improved for $6,000. Ask about this.
llush & Bolby. 213 Fltn-oiith street. ! J15M5
KDICK'S GKOVK , Amos , 1507 Farnnm.
TTUnNAMSTKKKTstrnlBht out to 2Sth street
J ? school liouso brings you to llodiok's GroVe ;
linndsonio ground , splendid natural ptmdo.
Amos , 1M7 Fnriiaiii. 481
WHY pny $800 for a poor lot In llurr Ouk
when wo will sell not only n good ono but
the very best on complete grade , nst front ,
5750.Uush _ it Selby , 218 16lli Bt. U51-15
Ni\V POHT nearest , best ncres. See lor
yourself thnt thncliolcoot Newport wo now
offer. Amos , 1507 Fnrnnm. 51
* : sovornl desirable u\islnoss lots
JU on IC.tli St. , and business and roelduncn Ion
In all parts of the city. Also warehouse , hotel
nnd farm property , llouaosto rent Property
phown free ot ehawo anil a lanro list to soloot
Iromat prices rau lnn irom f > 3 to $10,030. Par
ties doslrlmrtn Invest should look ever our list
nnd prices before buying. Correspondence so
licited nnd Information nbout the cltr trooly
plvon. Omaha Koal K.stiUo & Loan Co. , Itoom 33 ,
Wlthnoll Ulock. Omaha. 727
AMI'.S VI < ACI2 Ilcst lots for the money In
Omaha. Bold so that the man of moderate
moans can not a homo on easy tunn ? . Koo
Ames Place. Ames , 1507 Fnrnnm. 411
LOOK nHllIJ List your property with us ,
wliethor Improved or unimproved city
property , fnrm , ranehos.stocks of coods.whlcu
you ileslro to sell or oxoluuipo forother propci--
y. Mahony Sc Hurrls , room 11,150U Furnam.
FOUSAT.K ItyJ. U. KIloy , nooms 4 nnd D ,
Granlto IllocK.
Slots In Harllotfs addition $1,030 andl0.
5lots , llurr Oalt , SSOJ to f'.tM.
< i lots , lloyd's ndilltlon , fJOO each.
2 lots and cottiwro,2nth st. near Knrnam , f 3.000.
House nnd lot , fclth St. no ir 1'arnum. f2WJ.
fif feet on llnvnoy near Will St , S2i.O SO.
10 lots near Hcd and Green oar lines , f050 to
$ 750
44 foot on Oth and Jones Sts. . $0,033.
11U teot on llth St. , at end viaduct , 812,033.
> lots , Hnnscom Plnco , $7M to fl.SM.
8 > lots , Ilawthorno Place , $ 100 to jr.TO.
8 lot" , lllllsldo Hdclltloil. $750 to $ 1,401.
Blots. Lake's addition , $1.170 to S1.2JO.
11 lots , Maish'B luldltlon , $775 to 2,331.
I lot , Nelson's addition , S2K)0. ( )
fi lots , Pclhnm Plnco. $500 to J.TiO.
filote , Potter's addition , 5000 to 5703.
, ' ! lots , J. 1. llodlck's addition , Slr > 00 to $2,030.
r > room house and lot , S. 15th St. J.'ML
House nnd lot , barn , etc. , S. 15th St. 83,503.
IMI on S. 14th St. . near Custcllnr , tl,2 0.
121 foot front on Campbell St , S1.81X ) .
Lots in Shtill's addition $1,200.
6 lots. Slilnn'uSnd addition , $750 to $1,503.
Lots in Thorntmrg , jriVl.
7 lots , West Oninha addition , cheap.
II lots"Walnut Hill , $475. . ,
House of t-rooms.2 lots , Walnut Hill , $1,453.
Acre lot , Washington mil , $750.
fi nero lot 6 , Mayllold , $350 nor aero.
In addition to the above , J have n largo list of
lioleo residence and business lots , also subur
ban ncro propci ty.
Forsaloby J. B. llllpy , Estate and Loan
Broker , Hooms 4 and 6 , Granite Jllock , 15th St.
near Fnrnam. r > 0
FOnSAt.n Two lots In Plnlnvlow , 6153 each.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Panmm st , 05S
TSTIGATK the Ilcson-cd Non-port ncro
lots now ottered for the llrrt time. Decide
for yourself us to the merits of tbls very popu
lar location. Amos , 1507 Futnam. 4ol
SAI.E Tliroo nno lots In 9hlnn's 3d add.
nt$30D each. Potter to Cobb , 1510 Fnrnam.
\\T n. JIATTEII , Hcnl Tstato ARcnt , Ell S.
V > . intbSt , oilers for saloronltato ( In all
parts ot the city. Ho'owT quote n 1'ow bargains :
For Palo acres in Wosi Omalm nt a bargain.
Fof Side 1 acre and 0 room house , Park pluco.
For Snlo 3 lots in IHmcbnush place.
For Sale 1 full block in Isnuos A : Soldcn'fl add.
For Piilo 3 olojnmt lots in Ilanscom pluco at
about two-thirds tholr value.
For Sale Corner uoar 12th and Howard with
§ 15,000 woiIh of improvements , rentinsrtor
f3)00 : ) ; can easily bo inodo to rent for $ l,000. )
For Sale A'U elegant cottnpo nnd full lot in
JIanscom place , ut n gacilflco lov n few < lays
only. Matter , 211 S 1.1th St.
ForSnfo 2 rcios within two lilooUs of street
cars ; ran bo subdivided and your money
doubled ; Finall cash payment : invcstlpato
this. MilUor.811 S 15th St.
ForSalo OcottngosO rooms ouch , bcautllul lo
cation : everything now nnd in line Phnpo ;
only $2,2')0 ) , $21)0 ) cash. , bnlftucc monthly ;
these are bargains , every one ot them.
Matter , 211 B 15th St.
For Sale 1 now cottage and lot.fl looms , $2,330 ,
3200 cash , hnlnnco monthly ; will talco good
hoiiBoor cows In oxoIiatiifQ ; call nnd sco mo ,
19J Matter , ailS 16th St.
KKSIDKNOK lots ill llPdick's Oi-ovo com
mand the attention of these desiring cleg- !
bio homo locations. Bco llodlck's Gioro. Ames ,
16U7 Fttrn.1111. 481
$ nooo for full lot with house , back blpb
school , oust front ; mufct soil , parly going to
leave. UushA(30lby,21B ( 16th Bt. 3IU-15
FOllSAIU lllgllawaln Oornor In ISHOO&
Soldon'B addition , only 2 blocks from Loav-
onworth St. , 13M2J , only $1,5U Pottoi'i : ( -'obb ,
1515Fu.rnamst. j' '
(1100 ( for lot In Louo's o'ldftloii. Hush &
T pclby,218B.
SiiviN OUXTS per Bauaio foot will buj-
Tliornlmnr I'Jnco lot. ilusliitSeiby. 218 B.
15th. iW'MO
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tno only ronfl to tnko fur 1)03 Memos , Mnr-
hulItoivii.CednrHupIds , Clinton , Dixie. Clilcu o ,
Milwaukee and nil points oast. To the people of
Nebraska , Colorado , Wyornlnif , Uiuh , Idiilm
N'cvuiln.Orctfoii , WashlnKton nnd Cullforiiln It
oilers superior udvuntusos not possible by any
other line
Aniontr n few of the numerous points ot BUIIO-
rlority enjoyed by the pntrons of this romi be
tween Oinulia und Chicago , tire Its two trains a
cloy of DAYCOACIli.SvliicU : nrutho linen that
human nrt and ingenuity run create. Itsl'AI
ACU KLKI'.I'JNO OAKS , whlcli are modoU of
romfurt undoleaanco. Itsl'AKIXJUDUAAVlNO
ItOOM CIAUS. misuruassod by miy. und Itn wide-
Jy celobrutod I'ALATIAJi DININQ CAKS , tlio
( xiual of whiohcannot bo tound olsowliere.
Al Council BluUn thu tnilna of the Union 1'aci.
Colly , connect in Union tic-iol | with these of Ilia
ChleuifOA ; Northwcbtorn Ity. InClilcugo the
trains of this line mukocloso coiinoctlon with
thokcof nllta tcrn linos.
1'or Detroit. Columbus. Indianapolis. Cincln
nntl.Nluenra VnlN , llulfnlo , 1'Jttnburjr. Toronto
ilontrcal , liofton , Now York , Phlludelphhi , llnl.
tlmore.WnehlnKloil nud nil points In the east , ui' <
the ticket agent for tickets via the
If you wish the bust iieeommodntlQn ? . Alltlokot
pcOntEEiill tickets via thlsHne. k , „ . . . . . .
if. UUCUU'IT. " „ ll. B. 1IAIU ,
Ooncru * * '
S , W , Cor , 16th and Parnam.
Men of Wealth
Who are now investing in real cstftta
For Home
Or Speculative Purposes
Are flocking to these choicest sites ,
Orchard Hill ,
And Newport.
The reason of this is bocnuso thcso
places return more ou thu invostmontot
the rich , nnd afford a better homo for
the poor man than nny other property
near Omaha.
Look at ( lie Prices
Orchard Hill ,
Near the horse cars and on the Belt line ,
with all the advantages of the city , but
without its expense and disadvantages ,
beautifully open and shaded lots run bo
$450 and $650 ,
10 percent cash , balance in monthly pay.
Situated upon an ascent nnd nppn the
same pJain , wlnuh has mndo Ft. Omahu ,
the prattiost parade ground in the ( jonfi
try , and with tin unobstructed view , dolls
in aero lots at
Only $350.
Onc-qtmrtor dotni , with deed , balancf
n three yoara. . „
Is like tlio fanion" " ? snlnirh of Cllfton.Cin-
cinnati. It is beautiful in itself nnil
gives an cnlranoinjj vio\v of tlio valley of
tlio Missouri for thirty niilos , And yet it
sells in
$250 to $350 ,
One-quarter down , balanoo In 8 years
Thcso two delightful sites make up the
niobl atlractlvo places nbout Omaha.
They are reached by the most LEVKI *
ROADS AND DHIVKS and will soon bo
encompassed l > y llio proposed
Lots are selling in Ihoso places daily
nnil but fuw remain. If you want to iht
vest don't delay. If you want lo buy for
u. homo make luiilo. See mu before it la
too late ,
I have property in all parts of the city
nnd my lint- ) ave tlio largest and most
complete over made in Omaha. They
comprise houses , lots , und all kinds of
goodi which will bo sold ort'Xf'hangejL
the lowest and most satisfactory prices * 3
C..E. MAYNE , ,
and Farnam ,