G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THURSDAY , APRIL 15.1886,1 . . _ THE DAILY BEE COUNCflTBLUFFS. THURSDAY MORNING , APRIL 15. ! OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. ncllvctcd liy cnrrlcr In nnypnrtof the city nt twenty cents per week. II. W. TILTOX , - - - Manager. TitFl'HONE3 ; : ntJCiNEFsOrriCK , No. 43 , NinnTKiitfoii.ya.g ) . M1NOU MKNT1O.V. Stiihbs , the Iisittor. Now spring ooils at Keller's. I/ndies , bear in mind the opening at the Parisian millinery itoro , April 22 and 23. "Soapy" Hrooks was yesterday lined a double iioitlon for carrying concealed Weapons. The son of J S. Liilgctt , of Hnnlin lownahip , died on Tuesday , and will be buried to-daj' . All call nnd sco the line display of mil linery goods nt the Parisian millinery store. Spring opening April 22 and 23. William Helming has been complained of for keeping the beer garden open last .Sunday. Ho says the bar wus not run ning. Chief of Police Pat .Shnrmnn , otTopoka , Kim , arrived hero last evening after the two fellows arrested hero for burglar/- ! ing : i jewelry store there. Ten deserters from the regular army passed through hero yesterday , en route for Lcnvuisworlli , Kan. , penitentiary. They were under the charge of colored guards. Some improvements are being made in the Pacifiu House. New roofs uro being added to some of the buildings , n new range lias been put in place , and oilier needed changes will follow. In Justice Scliur/ ' court yesterday , a. case , Slate of luwavs Rose uu Vurgio , for alleged larceny , was started. George Holmes appeared on the part of the stale and Mynsterte Limit for the defense. An luljournment was taken until Saturday afternoon , An insane man from Sr.lt Lake , being taken through to his old homo in Michi gan , stopped over hero last night , and was placed in the county jail lor safe keeping , thus aflbrdlng bis keener an op portunity to get a little needed rest and sleep , Ins ward having been quite wild and troublesome- part of the time. There having been the usual lull in the liglit between the city and Mitchell Vin cent regarding the sewer ditch contract , and the usual amount of time having been used in a fruitless attempt to settle , war will bo resumed in the courts this morning , the mandamus case being vailed on again before Judge Ayles- worth. The track on the alley near Thomas Whito'u house on Tenth avenue has been laid by the railway company , and now Ihero will come more litigation. Air. White obtained an injunction , but the railway company has appealed , filed a bond , and the iust'ce ' ot White's claim for dnmagcE will have to be settled in the courts. Miss Popplctqn will close her course on , Shakespeare this evening , at 8 o'clock , at the liaptist church , corner First ayenuo and Sixth street. The subject of the lec- tnro will be Shakespeare's "Julius t'a'sar , " illustrated by readings from the play. Those who have attended the af I ternoon luL'turcs will please notice the change. Tickets , 50 cents. For sale at Ihishncll's. ' C. Van ISurcn , of San Francisco , ar rived hero yesterday. Ho has charge of Governor Stanford's celebrated stables. The horses are expected hero next week. There are 113 on the road , bound for the cast , to be exhibited , and then divided among the various circuits for the com ing season's meetings. They are all tlioroughbreds , aad many of them are very lino. The horses will remain at the track hero for : i week before proceeding to Now York. The city attorncv , ( } . A. Holmes , was aroused from his nappy dreams of in junction suits , Tuesday night , by the noise made by some midnight prowler , who was evidently searching for some easy egress into his sleeping apartment. The prowler finally struck a match to see his way along the hallway of the build ing , and the attorney then concluded it was time for action. He jumped out of bed , Koixod his trusty gun , and the fellow hearing the movement wont down the sfairs on the jump. The material for the American Dis trict. Telegraph company has arrived , and work will commence in a day or twot and will be pushed forward to com pletion at an early dato. There has been Koine delay caused ingetting the needed ordinance passed , ami now comes the death of the motlicr-m-lnw of Mr. Khcims , who has the contract for con structing the lines. His absence in Cedar Rapids attending the funeral causes a little further delay. The mes senger boys are alreadv engaged , the mam ollico is being lilted UP , and before the close of the month the lines will bo working. Dressmaking , cutting and fitting by Miss Glcason , No. 81 Pearl street. Personal ParuurnptiH , 1) . F. Kielier lias returned from Coifax. Mrs. O. M. Urown has returned from Ohio. Ei . Ncrria. oi Juui ( lair. VnH,0 ; , Bluffs yesterday. Frank Sliinn , of Carson , was in the city yesterday. K. Chase , of the Omaha Smelting Works , was in the IMulTs yesterday. J. M. Shea went to Fairfield yesterday to serve as a witness in some case being tried there. Conrad Geiso is Improving rapidly , and It is to bo hoped that ho will bo able to bo out ere long. J. J. Sullivan , ono of the live boot and shoo men of Missouri Valley , spent yes terday In the city. E. W. Hart , manager of the Now York Plumbing company , who broke his leg omo time ago while on lior.su back , is out on crutches. . Sol. Bloom , of Deadwood , is in the city on ills return from Now York , stop ping over hero to shako hands with some uf his old friends. J , W. Haldano , of Canada , is nt the Pacih'o house , taking a brief rot hero on bis way to San Francisco , from which plnco ho will go to Oivgon. Cy , Parker yesterday received a tele gram informing him of the do'ith of his father-in-law , Mr. Perry , nt Logan , Mrs. Pnrko. wont there several days ago. J. II. Green , traveling passenger agent of the Union Pacifio , was in the Hlull's ycstorduy , distributing some elegant tourist bonks , illustrating Rocky Moun tain and other western scenery. \V. T. Van Kirk and F. O. Cook , two ol the best known business men of Janes- vlllo , Wis. , stopped over hero yesterday to sco the growth of Council Ulntl's , and then passed westward tor the California ellmo. Short anil Sweet , The city council hud a brief session yesterday morning as a board of cattail- nation and then adjourned further lousi ness in that line until 7 o'clock this even ing. Thu council meeting was then hold. in accordance with the adjournment ol the night previous , but this was alsu brief. The ordinance in regard to the change of grade o ( Bluffs street was read a second time , and laid over until this evening at 7:30 : o'clock , to which time ad journment wus taken. Hois Brought Back From the Far West , But Without Money. TROUBLED BY AN OLD V/IFE. The Watnnn'B Exchange Boys Gixtli- liurglnr Tools Prof. Ijcrcli Sent to the I'cii The JlnrotiB Affair. Traveling Crnokctl. SlicrltT Reel arrived homo yesterday morning with his prisoner , Harry Wall- bridge , the absconding snlcsnirm for L. Kirscht & Co. , wholesale grocers , of this city. Wallbridjro entered the employ of this house us a traveling salesman about August , 1835. Ho came highly recom mended , and seemed to bo worthy of confidence. He had been in business for himself In Springfield , Dakota , and later had been employed in Omaha. In Jan * uary hist ho started out one Monday morning to make Ids trip , and at Mis * souri Valley ho collected about $000 duo the house. This ho reported , and push * hit ; on to River Sioux , collected about $ 100 moro there , reporting that also , but not sending In any money. In his anxiety to collect money it seems that in some instances lie oflercd discounts not author- i/ed by the house , and having got all the cash ho could , he ran into Omaha , where his wife wus , and with her started for the east. The lirm not receiving the remit tances as expected , became suspicious and commenced telegraphing for him , but lost trace of him. It seems from later developments that ho deliberately planned to got away with a big roll , and that ho succeeded well. It is said that ho had held back and covered up about $200 or ? 300 of previous collections , so that when ho gathered in on his last trip he had a snug little roll of over § 1,000. Ho seems to have had the usual excuse of having been drawn into some gambling game , or having been on a spreo. With his plunder and his wife ho went to Chi cago. am { then to his old homo in liattlo Creek , Michigan , but for some reason ho only staid thuro over night , and hurried west again. His wife went to her old homo in Yankton , and he went into Mon tana , stopping at Hoxeman. Ho loafed about the place for some time , and then got employment in a hotel. Hu was plan ning goin > ; to work on a ranch in a few days , thhiKing that would be a more re tired place for him. Ho was wearing an assumed name , but the traeo was fol lowed up and his location became known to the ollicors by watching the corres pondence with his wife. Wallbridgo was Hitting in a saloon when an oilier name til ) to Mini and ordered him to throw up his hands. Ho was disposed to show light at lirst , but the oflleer poked a big "persuader" under his nose. He threw up his hands , and in this way was marched through the streets to the city jail , at the point of a revolver. He obsti nately denied being Wallbridgo , but after Sheriff Reel arrived he acknowl edged the fact. He had but $5 in his pocket when arrested. Wallbridgo is ( mite communicative. Ho admits that ho has done a great wrong , and that he should be punished. He ex presses some hope that by the aid of friends ho will bo able to make restitu tion for the money taken , but others take little faith in any such prospect. Besides his wife Wallbridge has two children , one of whom is with his wife , and tiio other with his folks in Michigan. Ho is n man about 30 years of ago , and as a salesman and business man seemed to have ability enough to have made a suc cess by honest means , without resorting to any such crookedness. Ho seems dis posed now to give all the information desired - sired by the house , as to what money ho collected , and all the details of his ac tions. He says his sample cases wore left by him at the Windsor house in Omaha. Ir McLeod , oculist and aurist , No. CO'J Broadway , Council Bhills. The Woman's The Woman's Exchange held its an nual meeting yesterday afternoon in the Presbyterian church. This organization has done a grand work , and ' has con tributed greatly to the success of the building of the now church. The follow ing oflicors were elected for the coming year : President , Mrs. George T Phelps ; vice president , Mrs. P. C. DoVolj secre tary , Mrs. E. U. 1 ( . Fisher ; treasurer , Mrs. Roberts. The reports presented for the year prpvrd very gratifying. The gross re ceipts for two years past have amounted tof4,500 , and the net receipts ? 2,1 > 00. The success already attained has sug gested the idea of opening an exchange store for thrco months at least , long enough to determine whether such an en terprise can bo made successful. The purpose of such a pl'ico is to put on sale the various articles made by women. At the meeting yesterday Airs. J. U. Reed toad a very interesting paper concerning the modes of organizing and methods of conducting such an exchange. Money to loan by Forrest Smith. Troubled By an ExAVI re. Th.9 2lIiaoffh by ail as rnaay \Vmto claims to bo greatly annoyed by Mrs. White , from whom ho obtained a divorce some time ago. Ho got his divorce on the ground that she would not stay at homo but would go off and leave him. Now she seems to be equally deter mined to stay by him. Ho says ho locks UP his house to keep her out , but shu in sists on coming in , breaking a window if necessary to gain admittance. Yesterday ho applied for an injunction to keep her away , this seeming the popular mode of procedure in all kinds of cases. Ho set forth in his petition that * ho was insol vent , a spendthrift , given to strong drink , and a persistent bother to him , and he know of no way of getting relief except by an injunction restraining her from continually trespassing upon Ids proper * ty. The injunction was granted , and she will have to seek shelter somewhere else. For the latest style ot dressmaKing see Miss Glottsou No JH Peart street , Voiinu Thlovos. Joe Webb and Dick Webster were ar rested the other day for larconoyand are to bo given a hearing before Justice Hemlrieks to-day. They are boys , aged about 17 , but they seem to have got a good start for the penitentiary. They were arrested on the charge of stealing a sheep from Pace & Schmidt , and seine meal tickets from Taylor Woolsoy , The Webb boy has been sleeping in a little building near his mother's housu , and yesterday the otlicers went there on n search. A number ot chisels and otliet tools wore found hidden there , and be tween thirty and forty keys of dltlercul kinds. 13y the looks of the lay-out it an pears that the boys were getting read } to do a general pilfering and burglary business. _ _ Tlio Marcus Shooting. The announcement of the shooting ol the farmer Harry lirontz , by Mr. Marcus , of this city , in Grand Island , given in u special In the DEI : yesterday wa. ? a sur prise to tiio frlumls of 'Mr. Marcus. A BEU uiau called on Mrs. M. Marcus' but that lady had already been Informed by Mr. Sibley , the butter packer , whoso place of business is a couple of doors JlWflV ' Mr.'Marcus has owned a hltlo second hand store and pawn shop at No. 540 Uroadway for the past live years , and has accumulated by careful saving enough money to purchase the frame building in which his business is run and the build ing adjoining , No. r,13. Ho loft on Tues day , April 0 , for Grand Island to open a branch establishment , taking with him a boy named H. Grecnburg.whois the clerk mentioned as sleeping in the store with Marcus when Drontz attempted to get into the store early Tuesday morning and was shot in the eye by Marcus. Mrs. Marcus with her brother and sister are attending to the business hero. They wore greatly surprised to learn of the nfliiir. Mrs. Marcus seemed satisfied in her mind Hint her husband had done the shooting in self defcn.su or to protect his nropcrty , as "ho always tried to get away from a light , and would rather run than to get In trouble. " Mrs. Marcus telegraphed to her husband yes terday. Ills reply was : "I have bonds. Everything is all right. " Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council HlulTs. In the I'cn. Prof. A. Lorch.wlio created such a sen sation hero by stealing some checks from Conrad Goiso's ollice , is now reported as being safely landed in the penitentiary. Lcrcn was a German editor , and when the startling revelation came that ho wus a common thief , or rather a very uncom mon one , his acquaintances could hardly bcliovc it. Ho pleaded so pitcously for mercy , that at last n number of citizens went on his bond , and he was released from custody. Ho jumped the country , leaving the bondsmen to pay the amount. Later came the news that he had been ar rested in Kansas City for burglary , and now follows the news of his conviction ami his sentence to the penitentiary for ' five j'cars.J Card of Tlinukn. Mr. Barrett and familydesiro to extend their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for sympathy and many , kind nesses shown them during hmma's ill ness and at her death ; also to teachers and schoolmates for the beautiful llowors , tokens of their love and sympathy for the loved one who has gone. IMnHonlc. Harmony Chapter No. 25 , O. E. S. , will meet in regular session this ( Thursday ) evening at 7:30 : o'clock. By order of the W. M. CAKUII : HUNTINOTON' , Secretary. How Ijot Brown Acquired Ills Nlcfc Naino. Chicago Herald : ' 'Dp you know Tony Brown , of Chicago ? " inquired one rail road man of another on a western train. "Never hoard of him. " "What , don't you known Tony Brown , who travels Montana and Idaho for the C. B. & Q.V Thought everybody knew him. He used to bo called Lot Brown. " "Why didn't you say so before. Of course 1 know Lot Brown. But how did he become to bo called Tony ? " "There's a little story about that. Out our way they call him the railroad dude from Chicago. Ho is a dandy. Oh , yes , about the nickname Tony. Ho got that on his last trip to Helena. On the train was the little trick skater , Miss Tony Berneau. Of course Brown feet out to have a llirtation with her , and show us wjld barbarians how hearts are smashed by the experts from Chicago. Ho seemed to get along very well ut it , too , and when the train had arrived at Helena she roguishly invited him to a seat in the landau which was waiting for her. You ought to have seen the smile on Lot's face as ho took his seat. Ho thought ho was great , but ho didn't know that there was to bo a procession in honor of the fair skater's arrival. The band struck up and the small boys gathered around the carriage and the procession took up its march. Brown slouched his hat down over liis eyes and resigned himself to his fate. When the procession reached Main street he was recognized by many of his friends , ami they followed on foot and made it very pleasant for him. Through the principal streets of the city the caval cade drove , and when it finally stonped in front of the Cosmopolitan hotel the handsome representative of the C. B. & Q. was in a cold sweat. When he alighted his friends wore there to receive him , and they had a good deal more fun than ho had. Ever since that incident Lot has been called Tony Brown up our way , but for goodness sake don't say I told you. " Ci Too Mnny GlrlH Going West. Chicago Herald : The low rates of faro to California have started a species of emigration from Chicago which threat ens , to become a serious .matter. In some way or another word has been passed around that there is a great demand for servant girls on the coast. Wages are from $20 to ? 30 a month , according to the reports , and a Chinaman is always kept to do the heavy work and the wash ing. On the strength of these reports hundreds of young women are leaving good places in Chicago and buying tickets for San Francisco. The girls have also heard that there are many opportunities to marry rich men on the coast , rich men being abundant and good looking girls scarce. Of course , this adds fuel to the llanio , and the ni iiornt * ' * * * * ' " * ' co * * ' * * " " uini riti . . _ . . tl 1B , nnuMr > v..UMn iruiMi.- tibmi. One morning last week while she was clearing away the breakfast table the cook employed in a North Side family heard of the great inducement ottered in California. She also heard that the railway faros were likely to go up at any minuto. By 11 o'clock her trunk was packed , and when the Pacific express pulled out of the Union Depot at noon she was on board. It is Mild to bo a fact that servants wages on the coast nro 50 per cent higher than in Chicago. The Chinaman is a failure as a maid of all work , though ho may do very well as a scrub or washer-woman. ONLY HOTEL In Council Dluttfl bavin ? Fir © Esoa-p © And oil moderu Itnnrovotaonla , cell buys , lira alarm bolls , etc. , Is the CREST ON HOUSE J Nos.215 , SIT and 219 , Main Strest , .M.AX ilOHN , 1'ropriuto Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Co. Ijowla & Anul , I > ro)9. rofsongcrs and bnsii ( o taken to and from all trains. Ilusses , carrlagua and ItagjaHo wax- one nmUo connections with all trains. Prompt attention elvon to ull calls. poclal rales lo theatrical troupoj nnd commercial men. Car- riugus run day and night. Olttco at O duii Houso. Telephone 1 3. Also at Ltcchtulo's Hotel. Li-uvenidnrtton the lutrs. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs This Sptico Is Reserved for ( Hai'kticss lU-os. ' Siiflnc Aim iiouiiccincnt. Vt "U / : { , ( , . i . Il I "MURDER MOST FOUL" To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria t the last six years tlicro 1ms not been DUHINO n death from Dlplitborluln uny cuso whuro DH. THOMAS JEFKISIUES' PIIEVUNTIVB niul Cunc wns used. It 1ms been the means uf Eav- thousands of lives nnd mlirht htwo Buvod humlruJs of thousands moro. Imllspcnslblo In putrid sore throat , in malignant Mai let 1'cvcr , changing It In 43 hours to the plmplo form. In- fiillibln euro for all Intlammutory , Ulccrntivo , Putrid , Cancerous Ulcoratton of the Womli and nil Ctitarrhul conditions. Price J2. Full printed Instructions how to use the uicdl- clno bent with It. No doctor required. Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia I Dyspeptic , why llvo In misery , nnd die In dls pair with cancer of the stomach t Dr. Thomas JoITories cures every case of Indigestion nnd constipation Inn very short tlmo. Best of ref erences ( riven. Dyspepsia Is the cause of ninety per cent of nil diseased conditions. Price 5 for two weeks treatment. From the Council muffs Dally Hornl 1 : Mrs. E. M. Gcrnrd , wlfo of Knfjmcor Gerard , of the Uuion Pacific , this city , has been n great sufferer for many yonrs , with what was sup posed to bo cancer of the throat. It was HO bad tlmtEhowns threatened with starvation- Her general health was completely broken down. She could only swallow liquid food , and oven that licr stomach could QOJ , digest or assimilate. Physicians of Council I Huffs and Omaliu garo no relief. Dr. Jcfforls , of this city , wns called. In four weeks' time ho cured her throat , and has completely restored her general health. Had Mrs. Gerard not obtained relief soon she would have died from blood poison , the snmo condition that destroyed the Ufa of Oen.Ornnf Dr. Jclfcrles' dlpthoria medicine Is infallible In all klliils of sere throat. DR. JEFFERIES' REMEDIES Can only bo obtained nt his Ollice , - SJivM' " ; - . , liin ! ! Ui"lE.I- ! , Orscnl DyKxpfess on lloeipt ot Frlco , China , Glassware and Lamps , \V. S. Homor&Cj. . No. 23 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. Locking Bracket for Fences ANIJ OTHEIl HA 11-8 , HOD3 , ETC. FENCES BUILT WITHOUT NAILS. Any part rcndlly tnken out or replnco : ! . For picket or rail fencos.lron orwooil. cannot bo ex celled for ralllnif of any sort. For particulars wrlto C. J. HECKMAN , Inventor. Council UluU * . State nnd county rights for sale. TIMOTHY SEED. I Imro o quantity of'foutid , well cleaned seed which 1 otfor at roasomiblq figures. Seed of the l , Bcluillpr , loWtt. 0. & N. W. Ky. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , HAIR GOODS WIGS K1ADE TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. DIAMOND IIHAN1) OIT STRICT ? PURE LEAD , ZIKC AK D OIL ZP-A-IZCsTTS Are absolutely jmre. as represented. Ono Kal- Ion will cover two liunUrud and nlty square feet .two coats , and will btiiy on lonKtr than any other paint manufactured. Korailo by S. HI. iKZEX-.I.jir . , Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc , 507 Huin Street , Council Bluffa. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ESOXTSJPS OF OOITNOIL BLUFFS. DEEUE , WELLS & CO. , \Vhoksfxtd Agricultural Implements , Bngglas , Carriages , ito : , Ktc. Council IMiiffa , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , DIscHnrrows , Seeder * , Corn Planter * , FooJ Cut ters , Ktc. Factory , Hock fulls , Ills. you. 11501 , 1W , l.V)5 ) , 1507Multi St. , Council muffs. DAVID UKAiJLKY & "cai Mnnufra nil 1 Jobbers of Agricultural Iniplenients.Wagons . , Buggies , Carriages , and nil klnis of Knrm Mnolilnorjr. 1100 to 111(1 ( South Muln Street , Counell Illurfs , F.O. UMUSOS , T. H.Dotrm.As , URO.R WIUOIIT. l're3.iTrcixg. V.-l'ros.&Mnn. Soc.&Counsol. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of Axle , 1'lck , Slodsro nod Small _ llmiillcg , of every description. ' . CAtll'KTS. _ _ COUNCIL HLUl'TS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixture * , Upholstery Goods , lite. No. 405 lirondiray Council muffs , _ _ Iowa. _ ciOAits , ron.icco , KTC. _ PEREGOY & MOURE , Wliolesnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. NOB. SS Main ana S7 I'oarl Sts. , Council llluffe , _ lown. _ COMMISSION. _ SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wliolesnlo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants , No. 14 I'onrl St , Council Illuira. _ _ _ CIlACKKltS. _ McCLURG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Catoi , _ Council lilujff , tinea. cnoc KK in : _ _ MAURER & CRAIG , Importers&JobbersofCrockery.Glasswara . Lumps , Fruit Jura , Cutlery , Stonowarn. llnr Good ? , Fancy Goods. Ktc. Council lllulls , lown. I1ARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries. Ktc. No. 23 Main St. , and No. 21 I'onrl St. , Council Mulls. Ditv ooons. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Liiwters and Jobbers of Dry Goads , Notions. Klo. Nos. 112 and 114 Mnlti St. , Nos. 113 nndllj I'cnrl St. , Council liluIVs. Iowa. FltriTS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fraits a Specialty General Commission. No. Gt'J Broadway , Council Illuirs. _ _ WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wliolesnlo Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 and 18 1'oarl St. , Council aiiacEit uis. GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and Ml , Main St. , Council Illuffa , Town. L. KIRSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Grocerls3. Also Wholesale I.tquor Dealers. No. 410 Hroud- way , Council Hlutfs. ] ' . C. DB VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Hefrigcrators. etc. Nos. 534 llrou Iwiiy , and 10 Mnin street , Council lllulTi' . HAHXESS , KTC. HECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 625 Mnln St. . Council muffs , Town. HATS , CAPS , K'fO , METCALF HROTIIERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. : ) l''nndil : ( llroadivny , Council ' . ' . 11KAV1' It.lltDtt'AHK. KEELINE & FELT , Wholosulo Iron. Steel. Nails. Heavy Hardware. ? i - t - < j And Woo.l Slosk. ( V/jnoU : il.ilfa , IOTP. HIDES AXD WOOL. D. 11. McDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , I'oltB , (1 ( reaso nnJ Kurd Council Illiiirn , Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL KLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oil ; , Gasollni E3TO. , E3TO. B. Theodore , Anent , Council lllutfs. Iowa. , arc. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And llridtfe Material Spoclaltlr'S.WIioIosnlo Lum ber oj nil Kinds. Olllco No. MO Main St. , Council illullri. lown. JOHN UNDER , Whok'sido Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , Agent for St. ( lottliArri's Herb Hitter * . No. 13 Mtilntft. Council lllulld. SCHNEIDER & RECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , KuCOO J/cKn SI. , Council Illuffi. N. SCHUH.Z , Justice of the Peace. OfflcoOvcr American Exprcas Company. Farm at a Bargain. Well Improved farm of 10T acres lor sale ; J < miles fiom Council Ululls. Address lltA BCOI'IELD , Council Ulutfs. . 3P. > II HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER tlrlck lulMlrm nnv Vlml rnl t > < l or moved nnd satisfaction Rimrnntecd. Frnmo houses raovaJ . onUtlleOlnat trucks the tjoH In the \rorll. 803 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. YOU BUY BUGGIES ? 1ST CLASS IN ETER1 RESPECT . DAVIS & CO. Eat : > llNlic l In 1S7T. CINCINNATI , OHIO. M ovsr § 0 Different Styles. 20OOO Vehicles Annually. Seiul for Ciital < > ( tiic , I'rlvcN , Freight IlatcsfitiHt Testimonial * . SPECIAL NOTICES NOTION Special ndvcrtlsomonu , such a ? LoBt.FouuJ , To Lo n , Fo * S.ilo , To Kant , W.xntj Ioiirdlnffoto.rill bo Itisartod hi this columnat thclo-r rate or TEN CRXTS PKIl LINE for tin flrBtlasortlonand FIVB CBMl'3 1'KU LINE for ench subso.iuoiit Insertion. Lo.ivo ii'lvorlUa montsat our ofllco , No. U 1'ourl etroot , uo-lr LroaUwuy , Council mutts. WANTS. WANTUU Two strictly tlrst-cliiss rent nnil imutrt inul ; irs. J. JI. Smith , No. SJ3 , Ilrondw.iy , Council lllufTs OIt SAI.R A very dcslrnblnilrutr store In cliotco lo.-ntlon Can bo Irul ut liarffii on onsy piiymonts by applyingto George Heiiton , Council Itltill's , lu\vu. FOHPAI.K OMni'.pors. In qiinntltlos to suit , nt llc-0 ofllco No. li 1'oarl street. FOIt HBXT Klvo room cottnpo. Iiuiulro nt ISO I'ourth street , or of MoMlckoti , aid 1'latnerstrcot. SWAN tt WAMCKIt , No. IH M.Un sttcut , ( uailor Ultfzoti's Ilinkl , roiil ca itc iitui mur- cliamllsu t'Ac'.mu o brokers. Our books are full oi' special hnr uliH , but it I * liupo > altilo to pub * 1NU a rolmblu list from lliofuct of so nr.uiy dally cluniKUS. Wlmt wo U9k Is : If you want to sell ortradoimythlntf In our line , write us mill wo will Bond you a pllo of bargains to soluct from. Lands Improved or iinirnprovii.l , city or town property , stocks of nooM of liny liind In any plitcu.lt aiicli you have or such you w.int let UH hear from you. Sivdn & Wulkor Counr-il lllitira METROPOLITAN Clothing BSii ( , I > rrs'es , Clonk * , Scarfo , K'eiilliers , Eetiovatcd and Dyed. ISrynni Street , ttiipoKltc City Jtuil. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL 11LUFF3. The following Is the time of nrrlval uirl dcpnrturoof trains by central standard time , ut the locnl depots. Trains leave transfer depot tun minutes oarlicr and arrive ten minutes later : DWAIlT.CIllOAno HOIITIIWIMT . . > 0:3) : ) A. W . sl11" ontl Express . 6:50 : P. M. 32:401' : . M . Accommodation . luUp. M. CtOl' : . M . Express . UOiA..M. : CIMCAUO & HOCK ISLAND. SI-23A. M . Mall mid Uxpress . 0rtr. : M. 7-15A.M . Accommodation . 5:4ii : ! > . M. CUP. : ) M . Express . 0:03 : A. M. CIIIUAUO. MIUWAUKEU * c ST. PAUL , (1:20 ( : A. M . Mall and Kxpio s . flrfQp. M. 0:00 : J' . M . Kxprt'ss . UiUjA. M. CHICAGO. lIUUl.l.MOrON & QU1XOV. 9:40 : A.M . Mull mid Express . n-J Qs ? . 0:60 : p. M . Express . 0:03 : WAIIASn , ST. 1,0 U IS A PACIFIC. Z:15P. M.I < ocnlSt. I.oills EvpreH4 I/ocal . 3X ( ) P. M.TrnnsforHt. Ixiuls K.x. Trans fer.iiW : : P. M KANSAS CITY. ST. JOB & COUNCIL , llLUrKS 10:10 : A. M . Mall and Express . 6 : : i' . M. UUOP. : M . Kxpross . G : JA. .M. BIOU.X crrv & PACIFIC. 7:1RA.M : . . .Sioux City Mall . flTOp. : M. CiO : ; v.ll . HUl'aul Kxpruss . 8:2oA.it : UNION PACIFIC. ] 0:35A. : u . Ihmvi.T Kinross . r > : < ! iP. M. 2:1U : P.M. . .Lincoln Pass. , Urn. & V..2:05 \ ' . M. 7:60 : P. M . Overland Ilxuresa . 8:15 A. M. DUMMV TIIAINSTO OMAHA. Lcnvo Council Illuffs 7:05 : HaS : a:30 : lom llao : a. in. : lao-2:30-330--40-5 : : ; ; ! : : - < U3- 8:4r-ll:16 : p. m. 8iindays-7:05-0:30-llJO- : : : : . m ; U:30 : tlIu5:25 : : : 0io ; U:45n. : m. Leave Oraa- ba6r7i58 : : : : : ) -IO:00-UOOa. : m : lOU-3iX- : ( : i00-4X-fiM ; ; ( ) : ( : 0:05 : iis : 11:10 : p.m. Hundnya : J5 7:60--S:4 : : ! ' 11:00 : a. in. : 2:00Ii:00"GOJ : : : STEAM DYE WORKS MRSC.L.GILLETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp. Postoffice , " " B. BICE , M. D. fiKNPDPQ or other turners rnmovod without tfiHuDIlJ the knlfo or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of nil kinds a spoolaltr. Over thirty yours' prict.ail : evpurlonua. No. 11 1'earl Street , Con in U lllulfd. Omalia Dntal Associa'n ' Cor. HUli nnd Douglas Sis. , /C * . > " Flllliik' ut lowctt price , with fold , silver and other comliliiiitlons Gold pinto and continuous ( ium Tcetli a specialty. Best Sets of Teetli , f3S , Former price Its. 1'cr/cct 111 unJ licH material. All work Kiiarantced. Council Bluffs Office , SIM HHOADWAY , WEST SIDE. OFFICES & PUSEY , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. KstubllshcJ.loiT. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW COXJNOILj BrjtTjrtjPs. Practices In St.ito nnd Federal Courts , llooais 7 aud 8 , Simrort Horses and Mules For nil purposes , bought nnd sol.i , at lolall and In lots Large quantities to select fiom. MA.SOKT WISE , 6thStre3tNear _ , _ Pacific Jjouse , Council Bluffs. The Highest Market Price For nil kinds of second hand household goods and andSTOVES. . M. DB.OHLICH , G08 Broadway , Council Bluffs. A.C.IlUHNIIAM.l'rOI. I\V. TlH.t.fiVf ! , VlCO-PrOS JA.MIS N. HUOWNCashier. Council Bluffs National 103 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 260,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Ho a general hanking1 buslnns * . Accounts of banks , hnnkors , merchants , man * urnctiircrsand individuals roiolvo.l on favora ble terms. Domestic and forolun exchange- . The very best of attention ffivon to all busl nessvominlttod to ourcaro. KIEL SALE STABLES" HOI-BOS and Mules kept constantly on hand for pulo nt retail or In car lotvJs. Orders promdtly tilled by cant mot on short notice. Stock sold on commlflilon. BIIMJTKK & IIOLBV , Proprietors. Stable Corner Kiltli Avenue and Fourth St Council DlulTs lown. CARPETS , CURTAINS , Bugs , Mattings , Window Shades , Etc Wholesale ami Hcttill. Spring ittlJU Our stock is now com plete and contains the newest dcHigim and coloring in all gnuloH of dirndls , CiirtiihiH , Kii s , Upholstery Goods , etc. POPULAR I'UKJES-Miiil ordorH at tended to promptly. Fine Upholutcry Work to order. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAUI'ETS CO. , 4.05 Broiulwny , RUSSELL&Co Manufacturer ! of nil elzoiof Automatic Engines Especially Dcsljrnoil for Kunnlaz MILLS , GKAINiELEVATOKS , AND ELEUTItlC LIGHTS , Tubular nnil Locomotive Hoilor.1. Now Iftssillon Threshord. Carey and Woodbury Ilorso Powers. STATIONAUY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch If oiiso 510 Pearl St. , Council Blufft. BEND FOR 1680