, .THE DATOY BEE. OMAHA OFFtcnNo. 14 AND oioFAntf AM ST New YoiiKOmcr.Ilooit Cu.TninDss HUII.TJINO WASitiJaroN OrncK , No. 613 FOBUTEESTII ST. Published-every mornlnfooTcnptSnndnr. Tlio only Monday inurnlnir paper published la the ftntc. lEIUtfl HY MAIIX Ono Yenr , , . . , . , . . $10.00 Three Months $2/0 Blx Months 6.1/O.Ono.Mouth / J.09 Tnc WEEKLY line , 1'ubltehod nvory Wednesday. TEIIMS , rosTPAio : Ono Ycnr , with premium J2.00 Ono Year , without premium 1.2 > Fix Months , wlthom premium 75 Ono Month , on trlnl 10 connEsrormr.xcn : All commnnlcallons rolntlna to ncrrs nnil odl- lortnl matter * Bhould bo addressed tollioliui- touor fiiBllnp. . All Iniilnn'slettcn and remittances should bo nndirc.Mod to TIIK HFK I'uitMBiirNO COMPANY , OMAHA , Drafts , checks nnd po tofllco orders to bo mndu ptiynblo to the order of the company. m m poBiisHiiclipAii , PBOPHitioes , E. 1103EWATKII. KoiTon. A itAiutoAD scliomo n day is now tlio nvornKo. The woods of Nebraska nro full of them. \ Tin : Herald lias ixt last got oven with President llcclicl of tlio city council. It lias "illiisti-utcd" liim. Jilt. lionr.i ! : < xvas ro-clcctod president of tlio city council by a vote of 9 to 2. This was n liltlo too unanimous to suit the Herald. Own report of the city council proceed 5 ings fails to show Hint Mayor Hoyd sonl-in his resignation. Ho Is probably resigned to the situation. MK. W. F. 15i'.cini. : got there once more. The plot to "down" Ucchcl lias not boon what our theatrical friends wouldoall "a howling .success. " OMAHA is to Imvo thrco more lellor car riers. Sonio of those days the postollico dgpartniont will discover that a growing city of 75,000 population deserves postal facilities at least equal to eastern towns of a third of its si/.o. JUAN BOYLK was in Omaha yesterday and his remarks about the present ad ministration would iill several largo sized volumes. Mr. Uoylo on the whole would prefer a republican president to what ho calls "the outfit" at Washington. MAY Cth is the day set for the decisive vote on tlio homo rule bill. The interval will bo filled up with debates on the land purchase bill and the budget , on either of Which the government may bo thrown out if Ihocoalition , which Salisbury and Hartington are attempting to form comes to a head. TIIEUE is u demand on the part of citi zens in the neighborhood of Ilanscom park that the streets in 'that ' vicinity bo given more tittonliou 011 tlio part of the city council. Some of them are in n wretched condition and require more or less grading to make them readily acccs eiblo as avenues to Omaha's pleasure grounds. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE Atlanta Constitution perpetrates a base libel upon the rural humorists of this state by asserting that "tho so-called witticisms printed in eastern papers un der the jiead of 'French Irivolities , " are taken bodily from the local columns of the country weeklies in Nebraska. " This Is a southern outrage , and should bo reEdited - Edited in no uncertain tones at the next meeting of the Nebraska editorial asso ciation. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE city counciljmt the right man in tlio right place when they ro-olected president Uocliol as their presiding oiU- cor. Mr. Bccliol has made a good record both as a councilman and as an execu tive , lie is cool , clear-headed and de- -tormiued , with excellent business capa city and sound judgment upon 'matters of public interest. It must bo gratifying to President ISechol that ho received tlio unanimous republican vote in the coun cil and the votes ol every democratic member with but two exceptions. No moro intoi'osting study can betaken taken up in Omaha nowadays than that of the daily transfers of real estate. They toll an interesting story of the growth of Nebraska's metropolis. Property is now constantly changing hands , for purposes of private improvement , at figures which ni-yoar ago would have been considered excessive , but which to-day promise handsome and safe returns on the in vestment. Population and wealth are Tjoth increasing rapidly in Omaha. The city is steadily gaining in men of moans , who BOO iu its location qml business ad vantages brilliant opportunities for the investment of their capital. A very largo "proportion of the sales o'f property within the corporate limits are made not for speculative purposes but with an Tivowod intention on the part of buyers 'to improve for the rents which they will Urlng. While there is without question an undue Inflation of speculative values in 'some of the property laid out miles irom the business center , lots in the city limits when compared with property'in other cities of our size are changing "Lands at moderate prices. Omaha real estate is a good investment , and that this fact is understood may bo seen from the largo purchases which are being made fovory week by foreign capitalists who buy to retain. .SEDAUA'B Knights of Labor Imvo paSsocl resolutions endorsing Master Workman Powdorly , douoiinolng huv- Jossncss , disonlor nnd the destruction of property nnd ftivoringthoprcsontutiouof a petition to the gonoml executive board which will take the power of ordering strikes nnd boycotts out of tlio hands of dlslriots nnd pluco it in those of the gen eral axecntivu committee. This is sound Eenso from sensible workingmcn nnd .Uicclumlcs , If tholovol-hondod 1'owilorly hatlhfld tlio illroQlion from the Blurt of , the wovklngmoh In the southwest , mill. Ions of dollars of tliimugo nnd Joss would imye been provontcd. There would have 'been ' no strike in nil probability , nnd the difloronccs would have been settled en the basis of n peaceful arbitration just as the labor differences in Omakn have bcou adjusted in Onuilia by tin worklnjjmcn nud nioolmnics of the Unloc r oifio. Strikeslot , it never bo forgotten , L should bo the last resort , only to bo ns teed when all other methods have failed U the underlying principle of the , Jiti of Labor who have won a him tfred otner victories In the east without the IOM of an hour of work or a dollar ol UY. SAdelU's knlghta have experienced fcvAfl'toti or dtfltrt-at poliov , Bnfo Investment. The increase in loan and building as sociations throughout the state is gratify- ng. Scarcely a week passes that now articles of incorporation for these bone- icial organizations arc not recorded in our exchanges. Under honest and pru- lout management they are the safest and the readiest method by which men of nodcralo means may procure a homo by small savings and regular payments , Omaha has n number of such institutions all in prosperous operation. No city has nero thoroughly tested the merits of ) uildlng associations than Philadelphia , which counts them by the hundreds. It s largely in consequence of their success hat Philadelphia boasts to-day of hav- ng more homos than any other city In America. Over 1,300 permits wore taken out in March for the erection of now drt'cllings nlono , the largest number on record in any one month of Philadel phia's history. Last year 5.-100 dwellings were erected in that city , an unproco- tented number , and the chances arc that 1880 will improve upon 1885. Commenting on these figures the Cleveland - land Leader says : "Thero can bo no Ijolter ground for public satisfaction and thankfulness than such statistics as these. The immense number of now dwellings is not duo to the rapidity of Philadelphia's growth , for the same in crease of population would have caused Iho construction of very few private houses , comparatively speaking , in JNow York or oven in Chicago , Boston , or al most any other largo city. It is the great blessing of the Quaker metropolis that Its people liayo long had the habit of buy ing and living in their own houses when ever possible , nnd the workingmen of tlio city are so largely skilled mechanics , who earn good wages most of the lime , that they have been able , in an immense number of cases , to gratify their laudable dcsiro to possess homes. It is hard to exaggerate the value of suclun state of affairs in any community in which it exists. Where homes are nu merous local pride and public spirit , obedience to law , love of good order , fidelity to the duties of Citizenship , and all the qualities which make men valu able to a city , ti state or a nation , are sure to llourish to an extent utterly impossible where the poor live in tenement houses and the well-to-do in flats. The man who owns his house , however humble it may be , has a sense of security , of being rooted in the town or city of his choice , and of having a per sonal interest in its future welfare and its growth which are only less valuable to the community than to himself , lie has a powerful incentive to industry , so briety and prudence in order that ho may adorn and improve his homo , and in all respects ho is influenced in just the way which leads to private happiness and public prosperity. "Way Tor the Fanners. The rapid manner in which the stock ranges of Nebraska arc being taken up by the rush of settlers in northern and west ern portions of the state is resulting in a general movement of herds to the north. Within the past six months arrangements have been made by a number of western cattle companies to transfer their stock to Montana. Several have leased ranges across the line in the British possessions. In the section of northwest Nebraska , which two years ago was occupied on- tircly by the cowboys , scarcely a thou sand head of range cattle remain. South in Cheyenne county preparations arc also making for the coming exodus. Settle ment and ranching cannot go hand in hand , and the stock owners appreciating that fact are gracefully submitting to the inevitable. The change from largo ranges to enclosed pastures will have been accomplished before the close of the present decade. Nebraska , even with the largo herds gone , will still be a heavy cattle grower. Iowa to-itay with no free range has nearly a million and a half of cattle. Nebraska with closer proximity to the ranges and an unlimited amount of cheap food in the shape of corn will before long surpass these figures. The largo stock ranches are making way way for the small stock farms. LLonio grown meat oilers great possibilities for the industrious farmer. The day of turn ing immense herds out on the plains to battle with the snow and sleet is chang ing to that of providing ample shelter and food with a steady market for the su perior meats produced by superior moth- oils. Improved stock , well bred , well cared for and in a condition to bo held safely for a favorable market is an ave nue for acquiring wealth which is open ing itself to our people and which will bo promptly seized and turned to advan tage. . . - . Mayor lloyd's Mess ago. Tho-message of Mayor Boyd to the council is a brief and comprehensive sum mary of the condition of city finances and the condition of municipal allaird in Omaha. Omaha's public debt is now less than a million of dollars , or $957,050 , , which will bo reduced in a few months by tiio payment of $100,000 , school dis trict bonds. This indebtedness , as the mayor notes , is small for a city of our size , and still smaller in comparison witu other cities of tlio same population when the largo amount of public im provements secured for the money is taken into consideration. Owing to the overlap of past years the city was unable during the last twelve months to do much grading , but the next fiscal year will find us in n position to moot all the pressing requirements in this particular. The mayor estimates that Omaha will bo able to safely expend during I860 $930,000 for public improvements , Of this amount the city will bo called on to pay about ono-tifth , not one-third as stated by Mayor Boyd. It Is a mutter for congrat ulation that Omaha's financial standing is of the highest character , Our five per cent bonds now find a ready sale at from thrco to live per cent premium and are rated as gilt edged municipal securities owing to the safeguard thrown around the mcurflUK " 6f Judgbtciluess by the charter provisions. Mayor Boyd calls attention to the amount annually expended for street re pairs , which ho suggests should bo kept to the lowest limit. Ho advises an in crease in the police force mul a now or ganization , with control under a board of commissioners. This would , of course , require a change in the charter by leg islative enactment , There is no ques tion that our police is entirely inadequate for the proper protection of Omaha , but until the city secures by an honest assess ment EuQlcieut funds to conduct the gov- munt ns it sh uld bo conducted , there is little hope of Improve ment in this particular. In direct ing attention to the water supply for lire protection and its oflloioncy in cer tain parts of the city Mayor Boj'd touches a vital subject. Ho suggests special in vestigation of means to remedy the de ficiency in pressure at the highest points and those most distant from the pumps , and notes the reckless manlier in which hydrants have been located where they nro practically useless. This is in a line with 1'iro Chief Butler's report , which opened up the subject in a manner most Interesting to our taxpayers who are payIng - Ing a round sum every year for the best service. The public schools , tire department and sowornges are briefly touched on in the mcssngo. For the first increased accom modations are asked for the increasing school population. This is a matter Which lies entirely within the control of the board of education whose funds nro ample for all the necessities of the situa tion. Like Chief Butler , Mayor Bovd thinks that Omaha is paying too much to insurance companies in premiums , in which theory lie will bo of course opposed by every insurance agent in the city , lie pays a deserved compliment to our sowerngo system and calls for its exten sion. The $100,000 , in bonds voted at the last election will bo expended in extend ing the north and south main sewers while the Waring system will bo increas ed by the addition of several districts during the present year. Mayor Boyd closes his reports by assur- the council of his co-operation in all measures for the good of the city from which wo judge tntit ho has dismissed from his mind any thoughts of giving up the oflico of mayor until the close of his term. Goiiltl'fl Perfidy. The press of the country with but few exceptions hold Jay Gould responsible for the sulloring which lias resulted from the continuance of the strike upon his southwestern system. When Powdcrly had finished his famous interview witli Gould the impression was general that the great railroad wrecker had consented to submit the dispute to arbitration. I'owderly was so certain in his belief that ho ordered the strikers to resume work , the stock market at once rose in sympa thy with public belief that the trou ble was over and everyone re joiced over what seemed a termination of the long drawn out dilli- culty. But no sooner had the order for resumption of work been issued than Gould repudiated his agreement and dis avowed his promises. Ho pretended that ho had been misunderstood , and ho declined to instruct his subordinates to meet his workingmen half way. Stocks at once fell and Gould reaped the benefit of the fluctuation in the market. Tlio perfidious little man , whoso entire wealth has been accumulated through dis honesty , chicanery , trickery , fraud and bold defiance of law , added to his laurels as a schemer and to his wealth as a millionaire by this last piece of treachery , but he has also added to the store of public indignation , against which some day ho must run counter. Ho has sacrificed the public so of ton on the altar of his grasping ambition that another ex hibition of his habitual duplicity may scorn a trifling matter. A reckoning , however , is certain to come. The man who'dcluged Erie with water , against the mandates ot the court , and purchased , an entire Icgfslaturo in order to legalize his iniquity , who saddled Union Pacific with a debt of millions , who threw Wabash into bankruptcy , and swindled Wall street on Manhattan , is reaching the end of his tether as an operator at the expense of public endurance. The 'Interstate Commerce Bill. The prospects for the rassago of any bill for the regulation of interstate - commerce merce at tlio present session of .congress are not lUuteving. The old game of worrying and delay is still in progress in Washington , and bids fair to bo as suc cessful as over. The Reagan bill has been passed by the house , with no pros pect of its passage by the senate , while that body of wealthy corporation attor neys is amusing itself with pottering over Cullom's anti-discrimination meas ure , whoso milk and water provisions are thoroughly endorsed by the corporations as harmless to tlioirintorcsts. A few days ago the senate committee on interstate commerce reported tin amendment in creasing the penalty for violation of its provisions from $1,000 to ? 5uOO , , as if either of these amounts had any terrors -for the railroad managers. Cullom's bill is intended solely to block Mr. Keagan's measure. It does not aim to force the railroad companies to perform their du ties as common carriers. Its author is entirely in sympathy with the monopo lists ] and is entirely opposed to any legislation which would afford redress to the publlo from the grievances under which they are suffering. The Culloni bill was framed as a sop to public sentiment. If passed It would have about as much effect In preventing the evils of railroad mismanagement in their relation to the public ns a paper wad would on a two-turrctcd monitor. No one expects it to pass. The senate attorneys for the corporations find it valuable as a bar rier to the passage of other and moro affective measures ami are using it for this purpose. IOWA'S ' legislature adjourned yester day amid scenes of disgraceful confusion. The bcnato will sit as a court of impeach ment in the case of ox-Auditor Brown on May 10th , when the old points nt issue will bo thrashed over again for the bene fit of the public. Tlio attempt on the part of the house to impeach Judge Hay us failed in the closing hours of tlio session. The legislature , amid a shower of waste paper , spittoons and profanity , finally adjourned , much to the satisfac tion of the good people of Iowa who will now have a short respite from such per formances at the capital. ASIDE from the Southwestern railroad strike the general industrial condition of the country has materially improved dur ing the week. The number of persons on strike has been decreased 25 per cent. ; higher wages have been conceded in a largo number of manufacturing estab lishments ; moro capacity is at work , and manufacturers give more Hopeful reports than last week. illustrates the now council. The only recognizable picture is tlmt of Pat Ford , to whom the artist has douo Justice. This is nccqiinteil for by the fact that Pal is the especial favorite of that ' paper. , , JJJoYD is still mayor , rioohol is still pres ident of the council , and Tom Cummlngs is still marshal. . ' IT is generally understood that Mr. Lecdcr has retired from1 politics. The man who wouldn't 'pay ' his tailor was non-suited. That is , Iho tailor took the clothes back , The preen grocer In London Is one who sells vegetables. In this country It Is one who trusts. A man In Illinois was killed whllo singing "Tit-willow. " Why ho was let oft so easily Is difficult to explain. "Why docs the doctor smell of his cano ? " asked the llttlo girl Invalid of her wick cd brother. "Ho Is probably making the dlag- nose sls-sald the bad boy. "Tho weather Is over mo a little this morn ing , " remarked iccontly n Frenchman who Is zealously studying the Idioms of the Kngllsn language. Ho mount to say that ho was a little under the weather. "Father , " said Hello , "what Is meant by the Intoxication of wealth ? " "Means that money Is tight , " icplled Hollo's father , who had been shinning around all afternoon \\l\\i \ \ a piece of paper , looking for an autograph. A striking point of losciuhlanco between the busy editor ami Iho indushious buiclar Is the common dislike ot long sentences. And another point of irscmblnncc l.s the ficqiiuu- cy with which both get what they so much dislike. "No , " said the unsallcd youth , "I don't ' In- tcnil keening a regular dlarv. 1 only want a book In which to bet down my dally thoughts. " "Ah ! I understand , " replied the intelligent shopkeeper ; "then , of comae , you want a much smaller book than this. " Once in n AVIille. Chicago Trfbinif , Another Chicago pawnbiokcr will go to the ponlteiitlaiy for receiving etolen goods. Once In a while justice gets in n mood for business. _ Ijovcrs of the Old Soldier. Maiic/i / Clmnli Democrat. Experience proves tliat some ot the most prominent utofessors ol love for the dear old soldiers ate the most confirmed demagogues , hypocrites and thieves. Distasteful as a Steady Diet. Clitcaan Times. Senator Fryo is making too many speeches on the fisli question. A lisli Fryo is well enough once In ahile , but It becomes dis tasteful as a steady diet. Had Considerable Fun With Sum. Cliteaao Ilemld. Once again in ( leoieia at his old homo llnv. Sam Jones declares that ' ( Chicago has done him much good , " Itot to be outilono in comtcsy , we may say that Chicago had con siderable tun with Sam. ' Moro Unfortnnato'thnh Incompetent. Denver Trtliwioltcpulillcan. General Clock's reputation as an Indian fighter has sullcred bovciely during the past two years. We cannot help believing that he has been moro unfortunate than incom petent. Iticmains to be'seen ' whether his successor can do any better. In Bnrmnh and lit America. 7ViucIfia ( / < / ) ) ( lle.conl. Ono of the ministers , ! ! ! the government o the late King Tlieebaw added to the emplu- ments of his oflico by selling licenses to om- mlt highway robbery' In this country li censes 1'or a lllce purpose are sold under the name of chartcib , and whole communities ara made to stand anil deliver by the coipor- atlons which obtain them. Advice to a Boy. Clttci'jo Newt. .President Porter , ot Yale , IH writing an ar ticle entitled ' 'Advice to n Boy Entering College. " We hope the good old gentleman will not forget to iccommeiul the youth to take witli him the spoon oar nnd at least two bats , lie should mention also that tlio latest base ball shoes have three spikes , nnd ho should'certalnly be told to stick to the Clip per Almanac. With these aids a boy ought to pull through with n diploma in four years. A tlrcat Mnn. Lynn ( Afnss. ) Union. Ho had studied with devotion old Demos thenes and 1'lioclon , nnd lie had a Inlty notion ho could speak as well as they ; And ho thought that ho could sully .all . the fame ot Koman Tully. leave in cold ob livion's gully Itulus Cho.ito and ilonry Clay ; And ho said that Alexander was an anti quated eauder. and in modest , serious candor ho could lightns well ns ho ; And ho'd raise his Kbcnczcr nnd say Hanni bal and Ciusar never could enthuse or plcaso a fellow with nu eye to see ; Ho could give a regular beriiion on tlio faults of Gen. Sherman , and could lec ture like a German on mistakes ol' Gen. Grant ; And ho'd spout ; tiio chronic gusher , anil in flict a regular crusher on Napoleon ill Ilussla , or the war In tlio Levant ; Said , 'twa'sfplly ' ' to.bo . taken by Qopomlcus turn Bacon. Gild his foluivaij sadly shaken In SUCH shallow men as they ; Said ho towered like n giant over Emerson und Bryant , and ho shook his li st de fiant at Addlson and Cray. But who Is tills mttthty being so omniscient and far-seeing , who wo cannot help agiooiug Is Humanity's ' chief hope ? Ahl this favorite of Apollo lives In poverty and squalor , and lor just a paltry dollar works all day making soap , STATE AND TERRITORY. Nebraska Jottings , The bank of Kushvillo , capital $10,000 , has been organized. Tlio toniporanco ticket swept every thing in Howard. Hastings pretends lo bp the Paris of ' America , in n moral'way ; A lunatic named fTnck Ilartmtm at- tomntcd to commit suicide by ill-owning himself in thu Republican river at Uod Cloud on Saturday. "Ho was rescued by some bystanders. ( The now railroad ) from Aurora to Hastings is getting down .to solid work. Trains ai\d sjiovcloru uro J dally arriving jit Howard and goitu ; across tlio country. They don't intend to fltnvvo themselves , us they generally go'.bmuod. ' The contract Is about to bo lot for the now roller mill to bo erected at Howard this season , nt acost of $12,000 to $15,000 , , with a capacity of lifty to seventy-live barrels per day. A largo school house is to bo built on the bouth side of the track. Thnrman is the name of a now town recently started in Brown county which expects to bo the county seat at nn onrl.y day in the future. There are live land ofllccs in the town , two banks , two roller grist mills , \\lth hotels , stores , oto. A creamery has been started there which utilizes the product of 800 cows. The Methodists and AdvontisU are building chUJChes. The surrounding country is rich in all the elements { hat make farm ing profitable , nnil the crops of gram and vegetables raised last year wcro equal to any in thu stato. A special convocation of the Young Ladies' Protective association , of Fremont - mont , will bo hold in the castle parlor , with closed doors , Friday night. The ob ject of this extraordinary gathering is said to bo the discussion of a number of plans proposing radical changes in the prevailing style of dress , especially BOIUO improvement that will facilitate the shed- ding of outer garments. The present methods of lifting the dross over the hoail Is the height of discomfort nnd Iho ruination of the tender bang. The re sult of the convocation will uo eagerly grabbed by the fashionable fcmmtuo world. The farmers of Greenwood precinct , Caas county , have organized a Van Wyck club , with Isaac 'J eland president and \V. S. Gregg secretary. Tliu club is strong in numberp. nearly every voter in the precinct having joined. It is the inten tion to hold meetings in every school house in the precinct , ami , through an executive committee of seven , confer nnd co-operate with similar clubs in Cass and adjoining counties , The members in tend to thoroughly organize and scp to it thtit no man opposed to the re-election of Senator Tan Wyck shall go to the legis lature from that county. To secure the support of the club every candidate must sign the following agreement : "That I will work for the best interests of my constituents ; that 1 will not take any money or other valuables of any nature whatsoever from any corpo ration or monopoly , or any one else , un der any consideration , intending thereby to pass any bill of n sullislt nature ; that I will support lion. C. II. Van Wyck for United States senator in tlio legislature of Nebraska of 1887 , and no other man if living ; if dead , then such a man as the Van Wyck club may direct ; that 1 will introduce or .support a bill to repeal the present railroad commission law , created contrary to the wishes of a majority of the legal voters of Nebraska ; that I will support any bill to rcduco or regulate freight rates to , from and in the slatts of Nebraska to some reasonable charges , as HID present rate is too high in proportion tion to the farming interests of Nebraska. " lawn Items. There are CiO patients in the insane asylum at Mount Pleasant. A boot and shoo factory with a working capital of $50,000 is to bo started in Sioux City.Martin Martin Moore , a Cedar Hapids masher , addressed Mrs. A. E , Fowler , of that cityin an indecent and insulting manner , and is now the defendant hi a suit for ยง 5,000 damages. The mayors of Davenport , Keokuk and Dubuquu nave been riven thu veto power by thej legislature. The cities had been organized under special charters , and the right of veto has heretofore been denied them. William E. Robbing , aged about 80 years , left his farm in Hamilton county , March J ) , to go to Webster City for his mall , and has not been heard from since. His wife , now residing at Webster City , suspicions foul play , and is anxious to re ceive information concerning the missing man.- Dakota. The farmers of Stutsman county Imvo organized a horse-thief protective asso ciation. Rapid City is already making prepara tions to celebrate the advent of the rail road. The soldiers from Fort Mead will participate in the festivities. The artesian well at Ellondalo is 1,080 , feet deep , has a maximum pressure of ninety pounds to the square inch and an estimated flow of 400,000 gallons a day. There is in Dakota nuito a sprinkling of Fins , Laplanders anil otlior people who live up near the north polo. There are few tribes or people in the known worjd that do not have representatives in Dakota. Ono of the most popular preachers and even an editor in largo was born in India. A singular phenomenon occurred at Yaukton Friday afternoon. It became suddenly very dark , and for a few mo ments grew cold rapidly , and a great groaning was heard overhead a noise like a cyclone , creating dismay. Soon , however , light came from the south , the clouds floated off northwest , and all was quiet. The darkness lasted but a few minutes. Tlio Price of fcife. CMcaun Tribune. Iii yesterday's Tribune appeared an as tonishing article from Bradstreet's , in which Mr. Edward Atkinson , of Boston , explains and illustrates to the young men o * the country how they may support life , V. $172 a year each , and how , for $200 a year , they may enjoy not merely an economical existence , but a "comfortable subsistence. " Mr. Edward Atkinson is , beyond doubt , a thoughtful man , and ho may bo a close student , but he lives as suredly in another age the ago of our forefathers the ugo ot butternut or buck skin suits , and corncob pipes , and of shooting squirrels for dinner. Ho fails to recogni/.o the social conditions of tlio present ; ho does not perceive existing absolute necessities. Let us consider tins doctrinaire's esti mate of the needs of life with the young male of the period. Mr. Atkinson pro vides for a place in which to sloop , for a moderate amount of clothing , but very little or any washing , and for beans and codfish sufficient to repair the daily waste of tissue. But Mr. Atkinson docs not grasp the situation. What young man , lor instance , could exist todayvithoiit his regular supply of soothing nicotine in one form or another ? Thirty cents a day would bo a moderate estimate of what this nervine costs the average young man. And there is , well the nips to "brace him up , " costing at least a quarter a day. And base-ball there is 50 cents for admission to the game ; and then there are the losses in smtill wagers for the young 1110.1 ; is usually not in the ring and knows not how the tame is go ing ; and there are the extra drinks and tho''treating" incident to the afternoon say sjl.no a day for forty days in the season ; $ (50 ( in all. The fascinating game of billiards and similar enjoyments to dissipate the cares which infest the night could scarcely come below $1 a day on the average. Theio are the so- orut societies the Noble Order of the Knights of the Star Spangled Banner and kindred organizations membership in which cannot involve loss than a monthly outlay of $3 to ? 5. There is carfare - faro for what American will walk when ho can ride , oven in plmisant wouthor ? And there are thu thousand-and-one in cidentals , down to the newspaper , the latter a moro trifle but amounting to seven dollars in the year. There tire two or three canes ; there are shirt studs and a ring ; there is a watch they don't throw in a Watorbnry watch with the suit of clothes Mr. Atkinson recommends ; and there tire a score of otlior needful tnllc3v all costing cents or dollar , * . HO tnu ligt of wniit fl young matt of to day must have might be extended ; but attention need here bo called to but ono feature more , Tliu greatest omission of the Boston pundit has yet to bu alluded to , In thu spring ( and at all other times ) a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of what ? No need to ask the question. Man was not made "to live alone , " What dons his best girl's ice creiim oost the too trusting woour in the golden sum mer time" Wnat does ho pay for buggy ridosV What for the church festival oys ter when there is snow upon tlio ground nnd the appetite is sharpuncd ? What for theater tickets , and lor cloves , and all the amenities when ho goes out between the aoU "to bee a man ? " How easily , how certainly is $200 a year absorbed in this one branch of the alFoctionato young man's expenditures. Yet no allusion , not thu slightu&t , is made to this by the learned Bostonlan who writes for Brad- fatrcot'ri , though best girls exist us in all ages , and are as much an absolute ne cessity us when that verdant fellow , Adam , awoke from troubled dreaming and saw something charming in the gar- don. It is not worth while to illustrate this Hub man's omissions further. No more is required to fahow that he is un familiar with his subject. He sys lh t n young man may have "corafortnhlo feub- sfstcnco" lor $200 yearly. About $1,000 , ns a matter of fact , may pull the young man through. Only so near the proper lignro does this would-bo teacher of the price of life come. Ho moans well , per haps , but ho should not make himself ridiculous. Ho is as bloodless as the her ring caught oft' his rock-ribbed coas.t'and smoked. Ho Is a dodo ; ho is n great auk ; lie is n bustard ; ho is anornllhorhynchus ; ho is anything which within rccont ages has found , or should have found , its time for disappearing , lie is almost annoy ing ; but a guide-board that points to a road the average j-oung man can travel with satisfaction or safety ho is not. IitxmiAltV NOTES. Cnsscll's "National Library" bus touched n chord that a moro pretentious series might fail to sound. Not only has the public at largo proved Us apprecia tion of these delightful llttlo volumes , but it is individually enthusiastic over them , and the publishers are in receipt of let ters from distinguished men and women congratulating them on what they have douo in this series. Kdniund C. Studman , the poet , writes : "That the Masterpieces of Standard Literature , edited by Prof , Morley , printed with good paper and typo In handy volumes ot 200 pages , can now bo obtained at thu price of a dime for each work , is not only a matter for present congratulation , it is moro It is a convincing proof that a system of in ternational copyright in now works will not debar our people from enjoying all literature that lias stood the test of time at a cost within the means of the lowliest reader. Among the numlmrs so far ibsued are Childo Harold's ' Pilgrimage , Autobi ography of Benjamin Franklin , Isaac Walton's Complete Angler. Henry Mac kenzie's Man of Feeling. The Rivals and School for Scandal , Hugh Lalimur's Ser mons on the Curd , Plutarch's Lives of Alexander the Great and Julius Ciusar , Horace Wai pole's Castle of Ontario , and the Voynjrcs and Travels of Sir John Mandcvillc , Kt. Lee & Shepard , of Boston , have issued an elegant Easier brochure , entitled , "Tho Message of the Bluebird , Told lo Mo to Toll to Others. " by Irene E. Jerome. It is printed on line Bristol board sheets , encased in handsome covers. The illustrations are in tlio highest style of art , while the text is en graved iii an equally attractive manner. "Easter Messengers" is a new poem of the flowers , by Lucy Larcom , with de signs of lilies , white daisies and grasses , jonquils and crocuses , and sweet peas , by Susie Barstow Skelding , whoso reputa tion was made as the designer of Easier Bells , Easter Flowers , The Flower Songs' series , etc. "Easter Messengers" is beau tifully bound and handsomely printed , and is an attractive parlor table orna ment. This work comes from the house of White , Stokes & Allen , New York , who make a specialty of this clat.s of works of art. Another very bountiful Easter publication from the same house is "Golden Words of Holy Men , " edited by Louise S. Houghton. "Our Sensation Novel , " published by Cassoll & Co. , professes to be edited by Justin II. McCarthy , M. P. If this gen tleman , journalist , essayist , ovclist mid statesman intended to burlesque the style of Wilkio Collins , Guboriau and other writers of sensational fiction , ho has suc ceeded admirably and given us a niece of mosaic work the dillurcnt portions of , , al novels , Old Fulkerson's Clerk , by Mrs. J. H. Walworth. It is the ( story of a young woman who , having been married to a man who embezzles his employer's money and escapes to Canada , finds her self compelled to accept a position as nurse to a paralytic , but disguises so that she looks to be an old and a deformed woman. The invalid is the man who was robbed by her husband , and a number of dramatic complications spring out of this fact. The incidents are ingeniously ar ranged , and the story is worked out with considerable skill. "Haphazard Personalities" is the title of a very interesting volume by Charles Lauman , Lee & Shepard , Boston. Mr. Lanman's career embraces the experience of a niurchant's ' clerk , a newspaper man. an author , an artist and an ollichil , and he numbers among his friends and ac quaintances of the past many noted men , and it is of these that ho has written some charming reminiscences. Among the most noted run-sons of whom ho writes are Prof. Henry Longfellow , Irving , Bryant , Henry Clay , -Edward Everett , Park Benjamin , Greeley , James Brooks , Lewis Cass , John Howard PaynoCliarlo.s Dickens , Samuel Tyler , Winfield Scott , Martin F Tuppcr , Alex. 11. Stephens , Gco. B. McCIollan and many others. "The Shop Girls of Paris , " just pub lished by T. B. Peterson & Brothers , Philadelphia , is the striking title of Emilo Zola's last and greatest work of fiction. The heroine is a young and beautiful sales lady in a lingo Paris dry goods Btoro and her varied experience is the pivot upon which tlio entire fascinating mu-ra- live turns. Contrary to Zola's usual method of procedure , ho paints her as a model of innocence and purity , Of course , she has her temptations , but her natural inclinations enable her to pass through them ns fipotlcss as the driven snow. She receives her reward at last in happiness , wealth and social position , Shopgirl and salesladies life has novcv before been so completely and effectively exposed to the public gaze. * A Thrifty Golonol. San Francisco Chronicle : Colonel Maple-son was beaming over his white tie on Thursday night at "Faust" when i met him in the vestibule. "Why are you always putting up DeAnna Anna to sing , " I asked , "when he doesn't sing ? " lfAly boy , " said the colonel , "I have to announui ) him ; I am bound lo put him on tbo bill. " "But " why ? "Because , my boy , every time ho is called upon iiiul announced to slug and doesn't no's lined a week's salary. Ev ery time ho is called to rehearsal and docs not come , bo's fined ; and now , you see , lie owes mo ' , ' 00 moro than I owe him. " Sneezing Catarrh. Tin ; distressing RUCO/O , sncciu , biicczo , thu ncrlduitory Uboluuxi. I'rom thuoyos nnU 11030 , the jnilnfii ! inflnmiiiiit'lun vMomllng to ( ho h rout , the swelling of the mucous lining , onus mu clioKln ? sunsntlona , coutfh , ihijrUiK nolsos In the head mid bpllttlnir lioailnclies hotr tiuii- lllur thcoo eyinptoim uro to tliousainlt who suitoriiorloillcally fiom honil colds or Inliuon/.n , aiidwholtvu In l noiunco of the fuel that u tlnglo application or.SiNHWii's HAIJIC.M , Cum : ion C.VT.UIIIII will utloril Instuntuncoiib ifllof. llutthh treatment In cusosof blmplo t'utmili Hlvcsljuta lulnt liluuof wluit thla luinoUy wilt do In tlio cluonlo forms , whoiu tlio liroutlilnx is olistrnolod by clicking , putrid mucous no cuniniuliitloiin , ll.o iiuurliiir ullcolol , smell mul tusioKonu , throat uluerutediui'l ' ImulJir-ouinh gnuliuUly Instoiiliijf itBulf upon Iho tJulilliliiKit bybU'in. Tliou It Js Unit the iniirvolloua power Ot iJANlOIUl'a JUIHU.U , CUltB immllCStb IttclC 111 liiMantnnoous und erntoful roller. Cure liovlns from thu llri > t upplhmloii. It U nipiil , r.ullcnl purmanunl , oroiiuiuloul , t > ufo. BANHJUII'S UI IOAI < Cum : consists of onu liot- tlu ot Ibo Itmltcul Cure , ouo box Cutuvilull Sol- vuul , and an Impiovcd Jnlmlur , pi-itu t'lJU. 1'OrTEII UltUa \ ( JllLlllDAl. CO. , IIOSTO.V , WonU Hacks , 1'aln , Weakness .ind In flammation of tlio Kidneys , Shouting I'ulni tluuu h tliij 1,01113 , Hlriuml SlUe I'nliit , l.ucU of HtiniKlh and Autlvliy i > JN o.Nii MISUTI ; und kjiocdlly cured bv the Cu-nooit * ANTI-TAIN rr.Asrm , a now , oilflmil , clctront und lulalllblo uiitldoto 10 pnln and Inflammation. Al druuglits. 0 ! live lor fl.OT ; or poitaze fre of foxu UCO > ' Cuiu- NULCO .JJOnCA , W-l fc , ' I tsr PERKY DAvia1 PAIN-KILLER IS lltCOMMBtf DKD Y Physicians , Ministers , Mlsslonnrfos Mnnafrors of rftototfos , Work-shops , l'lnntntlons ( Nurses In Hopltnla In short , every body everywhere who hns over given It n trial. TAKIS IStEtltfAtAYIT VTIM , HE FOUND AJTCVCtl I-A1L1NQ CL-HE I'Oll SUDDEN COLDS , CHILLS , TAINS IN THE STOMACH , CUAMl'S , SUM- AND HOWEL COMPLAINTS - PLAINTS , SORU THROAT , &c. EXTKIINAI.t.Y , IT IS THE MOST Kf FKCTIVK AM ) 11KST ON iiAitiH ron SPKAIN8 , miUlSES , IIHBMATISM , NEURALGIA , TOOTH-ACHE , UUKNS , FUOST-B1TES , tfo. Prices , 26o , , 50c. and $1,00 per Bottle. FOR SALE BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS , CST'Bownro of Imitations. . , , . , , , , e wo ij .g , > n | jt < t r rai ttdlnlh pt liillr li it r CHWMC , Huron. il J ULOOD DiiDitu Honour olbtr PhtileUn lusi. L iil . * tllr r p r , > hon oJ u old rt.l JiniAnoir. us Proslrnllon. Dobllltv , Mental and Physical Weakness : Mercurial and other Afloo- lions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Dlood Polsonlnfl , old Sores anil Ulcers , tro trtitti iih . . iicij uDi..t tB M , , al.Uiiifl iWjtinelpl./s | / f.lr.rilr.i.iJ. Diseases Arlslnn. Jrom Indiscretion , Excess. . m ll free. Inrlle A MARRIAGE GUIDE. STHMfl ln > tanlly i Ulo t violent I ntul ImurcM i Inhalation , tbus rearliin * tlio dlsoano SlrocV. t en the epaain , facilitate free f\tlOf Mpootontlon , and ifrKOT8 : VrUK | - - III olhrnmrdlri fill. A < rl.l c.ol f tS . Veflu'lnm > dl l' > c" " t i > Htr-nilllii i. i- . . I'rlririOo. ndVl.llO | or Ormmliu i > f fcj mil , PMerre ror.umi. . . Dr. 11. sclnyrnAN.1'1. ' I'm PAUL E , WIRT FOUNTAIN PEN BEST IN THE WORLD , 8s ; WarrnntoJ to irlvo Batlsfnp- tlon on uuy woi-ls uua lu uny bunds. Price $ 2.50 JBTrickey&Co WHOLESALE JEWELEllB , Lincoln , Solo Wliolosnlo ngonts for Jt'obrusku. i Surpu&D AT FACTOUY KATES. N. 11. This Is not n Stylo- grnph pencil , but n Ural class flexible gold pen ot any do- eli-cU Onottoss of point. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , , State Agents FOIl THE DeckerBio'sPiaflos ' Omaha , Neb. rniTJaaj IrVTiiwo VITALITY fi faHntt ) > , Brain ItHAIJi Fit and EXIIAUhTl'.ll or I'owor I'llKM Ai IIHH.Y WAH1 > I'.U may nnil a jiorfect anil rollsljlo euro la tbo . . , rvipcruniUnirtlcr.lenBurwmMiw.AitT . . lloiionl < ooi-ljy nmlDulltisU cinlianl. doctors CIVIAI.E AUENCY. No. 174 Fulton Street New York. Do you want n pure , bloom ing C'oinploxioii i 11' so , a i'ow nnirifuntlous of Hngim's HAtiNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your Jienrt's COH- tont. It ( lees invay with Sal- lowiiftss , Redness , 1'ininlos , IHotdieSjnml all diseases am ! imperfections ol'tlio skin. .It ovorconiGstliolliisliotl appear- nnco of heat , I'uliguo and ox- uitomont. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWliN- TY ; and so natural , gradual , and perfect are its effects , that it is iinpossiblo to detect its application ,