Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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making aboutrx,4C3 ) head for the week so far ,
ns against 53,520 head for the same period
lost week. The market was active , with n tllght
up turn at the opening , but closed easier.
Some strings of packers wcro bought a nickel
cheaper , and others a nickel higher than yes
terday. The best lieAvy sold nt S4.4rx24.50 ,
nnil best mixed at S4.2.VJM.40 , largely at 54.85 :
rough and mixed at .iv , : packing and
shipping , wo to sogvug
New York , April 14. Mount-On call ,
IJftaa pur cent.
1'itiMEMEiirAjmr.K PArr.n 4@5 percent.
STKUMN'o KxciiANOB-Uull but steady ;
S4.SCJf for sixty days , and S4.8S > { on de
OOVMIXMRMTS Dllll btlt StCAdv.
STOCKS Slocks were very du 1 and gen
erally linn , excepting after midday , when a
raid was madn on n few stocks. Including
Union Pacific , I'aclllc Mall and Wcstcin
Union. The maikct was particularly dull
Into In the aftci noon , and closed dull and
from © ! .fc different fiom last evening's
, April 14. Klour Winterivliont ,
( f/5.00 ; low crade's , 82.1XX < $3.'no ; rye 'Hour ,
$ : ! . : ! OQ3.50 , in barrels , S3.00@3.o : : In sacks.
Wheat Oulet ; opened weaker and Ji'c
lower , ruled stionger and lmpro\ed Xc ,
and closed } fc above yesterday ; 72 ( < l70c for
cash ; 7c ! ! for April ; 77@77JA ; for May.
Corn Quiet anil closed } < c above yester
day ; 8HUJCc ( for cash ; 'JS c for April ;
Sl-Xc for Slav.
Oats Dull and heavy ; no material change ;
2ray8 ( c for cash'Gc ; ! lor Apiil ; 2l > Xe lor
Jlye Firm at 57iZ59c. (
llarley Dull at COc.
Timothy Prime , 51.70.
Flax Seed-Sl.OG.
Pork ( Juiet ; averaccd 5@7) < c lower but
closed steady ; S ! > .05@ ! > .10 for cash ; S'J.05 ®
0.07" for Apill ; S'.UO.r'.i.l2K ( for May.
I.ard Unchanged : ? 5.72 > j for cash and
April ; S\87K ( . 5.1X ) lor May.
lioxi'd MeatsQuietsteady and unchanged ;
shoulders , $4.00(3.1.15 ( ; slfort clear bides ,
S5.05'iC.70 | ; bhoitrlbs ,' @lj.r : .
Uutter Crcameiy , 20@aSKc ; dairy , 1C@
Cheese Steady ; full cream cheddais , 10 ®
lie ; Ilatsl0@llc : skims,4@iic.
Hides Unchanged ; green , OXc : heavy
crnen sailed , 7 > c ; light , 8 > c ; damaged , Gtfe ;
bull hides. Oc : dry salted. 12Wc : ; diy Hint ,
13ffll4c : call skins. 10@Wc.
Tallow Unclianircd ; No. 1 country , 4J c.
kecclpts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 13,000 7.000
Wheat , ou 18,000 2 ! ,000
Corn , till 1(55,000 ( 47,000
Oats.bu 00,000 44,000
Kyebu 3,000 4,000
Uarley.bti 'Jo.OOO 18,000
Now York. April 14.-Wheat Receipts ,
8,000 ; cxpoits. HOMO ; spot a .shailn lower ;
options opened depiescd. but closed firm ;
unciadedied , Sl tO-Jc ; No. 2 icil , Wc In
stoieOOJYo f. o. b. ; May , closlnc at 'JI-'HC. '
Corn Options opened lower , but closed
Btionger ; receils | ) , 7,000 ; oxpoits , 2 ,000 ; 1111-
. ,
Petroleum Firm ; United closed at
Egirs ( inlet but gunenilly steady ; west
ern , 12Ke.
Pork-Quiet but firm.
l.nrd l.eis active ; western steam , spot ,
0.17 } ; May ? 0.11Ci0.12.
ButU'i Dull nnd deelinlng ; westcin , 15@
32c : KIgin cieameiy , ' ! ii@Mc. :
Cliccso Quiet and baiely steady ; vscstcin ,
Milwaukee , April 11. Wheat Stiong ;
cash , 74'jft1 ; May , 775 < c ; Juno TOJiC.
Coin-Steady : No. 'i.'Mg )
Oats Firm : No. 2 , 31e
Jtye Dull ; No. 1 , Wc.
Bnrlcv Dull : No.
Provisions ICasitTr ; mess pork , cash and
April , SIMT : May , S'.MO. '
Cincinnati. Ainil 14. Wheat Easier ;
No. 2 led. bfi@bS > jfc.
Corn L'luur ; No. 2 mixed , SOJ e.
Oats Unchanged ; No. 2 mi.sed,31J c.
IlyiStiong : No. 2 , C7@0c. ;
llai ley Unt'liaiigpd.
Pork- Dull ut 8U.75.
Laid-F/asipr nt S5.7-liit5.S5.
Whisky Sl.tO.
niinnonpoiiH. April 14. Wheat Dull
nnd lowei to sell ; No. 1 hard , cash and Auill ,
NV/B ; .May. blc ; Jimp , W iNo. ; . 1 northern ,
7 < V lot wish : 70 c for May ; 7Sc tor June.
Flom Dull ; patents , .55@.bO ! ; bakers , : ( . :
Heci.'ipts Wheat , 44..VX ) bu.
Shipments Wheat , 10,500 bu ; flour. 10,000
St. IjoulH. April 14. Firm nnd
higher ; No. 2 led , cash. Wttflgwygc.
Corn Steady and higher ; No. 2 mixed ,
cash , ! 12Jc bid.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , fxy c bid.
lt\o Fit mat OOc ,
Porlc S'J.fO.
Jjiid-9S.7Ati . l
IJntier Steady ; creamery. 2C@32c ; dairy ,
Altci noon Hoard Wheat , strong nnd % @
; ' higher , Corn nnd oats unchanged.
Now Orlt-nitH , April 14. Coin Quiet
butRirailvat nwidc ,
Ont Knsv at ii'Jc.
Ccinmcal Steady nnd in fair demand at
Hog Pi oducts Demand light , but holders
Pork Kasler nt S10.12K.
l.nid-Hoiined tleipo , S5.57@S.GS ) f.
Itulk Mi'.itSlionlilory , scarce and firm at
E4. 00 ; long and clear libs , S5.50.
Unions City , Apill 14-Wheat-Weak ;
rnsh , WP asked ; May , O fc ; Jiinu , C. ' > > c bid.
COu asked.
Coin-Steady ; cash , Wijfo bid , 27' ' p. asked ;
May , 2se : June , 2bAo bid , 'JSKc n ked.
Oits--Nomlmil ; May , 2be bid , 2Uc asked.
Toleilo. Apiil 14. Wheat Firm ; , 65
G *
Com Steady : cash. Sbj
Oats-Dull : ilay , il'e. .
Mvorpool. Apill 14. Wheat Offered
spaiingly : now No. 2 winter , no stock hero.
Flom Olfi'icd niodeiately.
Coin-Spot and April , steady nt 4s 2 > d ;
Jlnv nnd June , sti'.uly at 4s 2d.
lavia STOCK.
ChlcaKO , Apill 14. The Drovers' Journal
tepoils :
Cattlo-ltecolpts , 0,300 ; shipping steers ,
? 4.00M.IK ) ! slockeib nnd feedeis , W.75M.50 ( ! ;
ciiw , liulKs and mixed , tl,1 1.00 ; biillc.Sil.OO
Hogs Hecclpts. l'J.000 ; slow and 5c lower ;
loimh and mixed , S4.00i.W : ; packing and
Bhlpulnit. S4.-J5dJ4.50 ; light , S3.00&4.40 ; bkips ,
SS.liOiW7S. (
Sheen Iteeelpts , 2raj ; steady ; natives ,
S2..t\ < iO.OO ; Texas , S2.50M4.25.
KansnH City , Ajirll U.-Cattlo-Uecelpts ,
2COv , ) ; shlimients , 1,800 ; maikut strong and
active and a bhadu higher ; choice to lancy ,
& 5,2U < ! i5f > 0 ; common to good , S4.00QXOO ;
stoclitTb ami feedfis , S3.tXtJ-l.SOcowti ) ; , S2.50
@ 3.40.
Jlogs lUcelpts , 0,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ;
mm let \\eak and f > yiOc lo\ser ; good to
choirtf4,0X ( I.20 ; common to medium , 93.70
(33.M ( ; skips and pi Kb , S2.00Q3.CO.
St. Ijouls , April 14-Cattle Kccelpts , 400 ;
Ehlpinent > , 100 ; market active- and lirm ;
clioic'i shipping and export , S5.IXK75.50 :
common to good , 4.00 t4.b5 : butcliers'
BtesiF , Sfl.fiGQi.fiO : co s nu heifers , g2.50@
4.00 ; b'ccknrs and ferdeis , SS.OO@.20. |
llogs-lUvuinis , 2,000 ; Ehinments , 1,000 ;
market opcuud tirm , but cln oi .XfflOu lower ;
biiMborb'nnd Philadelphia urndes. S4.25i ( ! 1.40 ;
mlxvd packing , S4.00@4.l5 ; light packing ,
Wednesday K\enlhg , ApUl 141.
' The receipts were lighter to day ou both
cnttlo and hogs.
' . The caltlo market was active and substan
tially higher than yesterday , and fully 20c
better than on Monday. The llKht receipts
have stimulated the demand and all H ; nd of
choice stock meet with ready ? ale.rl here Is
considerable Inquiry for choice butcheis'
stock , but there arc vcrj few fnt CO Y3 ftuti
heifers comiiiR In Kvoi ) thine In the tiehs
medium , averaslng 1,100 to 1,200 pounds ,
Sil.fc&iHQ.ji eoodto choice cows and heifers ,
avcrngluKlfooto 1200 , 83.sog3.75 ; medium ,
avrrnitlne fcOO to 1000. S'A75J.15 : : choice to
extra buMs , a\erailnB 1500 to aooo , SXWM
3.ffii ; common , averaging 1200 to 1500 , SiW )
2,7ft.The hog market was Inclined to lx > n-
stea ly to-day , FOIIIO sellliiK weaker
and others stronger than un yrsleiday. One
load of cvtra choice boss UroiiRlit
53.U3 , which was the highest for
this Jnonth , with the exception
of a load hold "on Thursday of last \\eck
which brought the same price. The demand
wai coed and the pens were cleared t ome
tlmauefnio the cltso of the niaikel. CJuo-
tatlons for totlavero : Choice llzht and mo-
aiuinweluht.s,5i.80C'ti. : : " ) ; choice heavy , 33.75
13:1.8.good : ; to choii-o mixed. S5.70 ! ( < i3.bO ;
common loughgiadesat SUMXiJit.r ) . ' ; .
Choice sheen welching 75 to 100 pounds arc
quoted at SJ.7501.03 ; averaging 100 to 125 ,
at 54.SX35.W. .
niciirTs. : :
Cattle . SOO
Hogs . , . COO
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
fi . tMrt Sl.OO T2 . 110-J SJ.iO
14 . 1270 4.45 0 . 12Wl.W *
1 . 1170 4.50 10 . lf.01l..O
10 . 1150 4.50
. .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 . 1400 sa.25
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
71 214 S3.M ) 07 211 83.85
Cf 217 3.M ) 74 218 3.h"
84 ICO 3.b5 SO 211 3. ! J
50 3W 3.b5 M Ib'J ' 3.U5
SKir .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
10 115 83.25 4 1'JT ' SUO !
inoiir.sT ANII I.OWP.ST.
Showing the highest nnd lowest prices paid
on this market for mixed packlmr hoes dur-
Inir tlio uast seven days and lor the corre-
spondlng peiloil last minitli.
March April
Wednesday . .
Thin hday
Filday. . .
Wednesday ) . . . . .
All sales of stock in this maikct arc made
per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ic per Ib lor ail weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less taan 100 Ibs ,
noiliie. : . Piegnanthowsaio docked 40 Ibs
and stags bO Ibs.
Cattle higher.
Everything sold.
Aliens A : K. Howard , sold 77 hog0
Vail & Co. . Hennett , so'.d hlty hog .
Seven cai.s of htock wcie shipped to-day.
A. Jenkins , Mauley , uiaikcted a load of
110 'S.
V. Wolf , Albion , came in with 15S head of
A. H. SliPlton , of Noilh l.oup sold a. loal
ofb2 hoys.
A. SUmui , HeatritP. was at the yards and
maikeied a load ot oixltlo
J. E. White , Plattsmoulli , was at tlie yaids
and maiketod a lead of hogs.
II. H. Kyman , of the linn of Yoakum As
Kymaii , lieneva , was at the
J. Wllhclinsen , DannebiOtj , Fold another
load ot IIOKS n tin * market to dny.
A load ot hogs hulonting to Black & JCK
cnson , Minden , sold on the market.
Mr. Milton was in with four loads of cat
tle belonging to J. K. Stout , ol Louisville.
P. McMullcn , Onkland. came In with a load
of cattle which brought a veiy fcah.-mictory
W. P. Anderson , representing tlio Drove 's
Journal , Chicago , was at ( ho jaids to-day ,
looking alter the Interests of hi.s pap * .
Mr. Towksbuiy , of the Him ot Cooper &
Ti'wksbinyVeepint : Water , was at the
yards and sold a load of cattle and a load of
K. Cicnshaw. Mondamin , maikotPd a land
of SS hogs which was Riven the credit ot bd
ing one ot tlio linest that has bun in the
yaids in a good many weeks.
Frank Yatcs has dispose I of his Intcrc st in
the Stock y/jmls hotel , to Mr. Canlield , and
Charlie Spragne has asiumctl management of
the house. Mr , Sj.rague Is a jovial good fel
low and will add to the popularity ot the
General Markets.
Wednesday Kveninar , April 14.
Eons The light icceipts and inciea > ed de
mand has caused an advance in the market.
Salt's were being madn to-i'ay atlJ ) @ 10c.
UuiTKit The receipts arc very light and
the market good for tnu choicer grades.
Choice cieameiy , 25 ( .SOc ; choicotiesh table ,
IC lSc ; good fiesh Table , I2@14c ; fair , b ( >
lOc ; poor. ttfiMc. Fancv full cream Cheddars. Octo
ber make. llKe : Hats. l2Kc ; voiing
America , 14Jfc ; lirst duality Swiss cheese ,
15c ; becond quality , ! 2 } @Uc ; Llmburger ,
ll12e ; skim flats IfelOe.
GAMK The icccints of ducks are not quite
so heavy as last week. They aic quoted at
Poui/riiY The market Is nearly baio and
the demand Is good , especially for chickens.
As the warm weather appioaclie thcro is
more Inquiry for live chickens than lor
diessed. ( ! oed llvo chickens sell readily at
S3.r.O ; dressed , 10@llc ; ducks and geese ,
lOfallc ; turkeys , diessed , choice , 10@12c.
PIIKSEIIVKR , JKI.MIS : , r.TC. Pieseives , all
kinds , 20-lb. palls perlb. lOo ; do in pall
Jots , per Ib. 9 } e ; assoited5-lb. palls pei crale ,
pails , 3.75. Jellies , all kinds , lirst grade ,
20-lb. pails , per Ib. 8c ; assorted , lirst grade ,
Mb , pails , per crnte , 0 palls , 82.50 : do
Mb. palls , per case , 2doz. 52.25 : do , tumb
lers , per rase. 2 doS1.40. . Jolly , all kinds ,
second giado , 30-Ib. palls , per Ib. 'HI. Mltico
meat , best grade } / bbl. perlb. 7c ; do. S-lb
] iilll , per ) uititu. 0 11111vw.fu ; do 40-Ib pails
per Ib , 7J c ; do , Mb palls , per crate , 0 palls
52.75. Peach and plum butter , 40-Ib palls , 75-
lb. HJl'c ; peach plum and quince butter , as
sorted , 511) palls , pur crate , fl pall.s , § 3.75 ;
horseradish , pint bottles , per doSI.50. .
Pins' FKKT. Tnii'n , KTO 1-igs' teet , per } <
btl ) , S4.00 ; do , X bbl. 82.00 ; do , per lilt , tWc ,
Lambs'tongues , perjtf bbl , 53.25 ; do , per
kit , S2.50 ; do , quart Jars per do$5.25 ; do ,
pint jars ppr case , 2 do ? . § 0.75. Tripe , per J < "
iibl , .4-t.OO . ; do , per # bbl , S'J.OO ; do , per kit
Due.SAtir.uKiiAUT Hcst quality , 30 gal bbl ,
80.50 ; 15 gal bbl. ? : i.75.
COMII HONKY Calllornia2 iDfmmoOO Ibs ,
Incasopcr Jb. , IS ? ; 10 Ib. frame ) , Nebraska , Mlchlcan rclined , per bbl. , 50.50 ;
do. half bbl. , S4.oo.
ViNBOAU White wine. lOc ; elder , 12Uc ,
HANA.VAS Thu inaiket Is well biipplied.
Quotations ro S2.00 ( < 74.00. ; aecoidliii ; tojile/ . The maikct Is well stocked
and sales ate dingplng , Westoin stock ,
W,002.a * > ; fancy Allchigan apples , S3.00 ;
choiru Missouil stock. 52.50 per bbl.
CiiANiinniiiKS Hell and Duule , per bbl ,
50.50 ; 5 bbl lots , 50.00 ; Jeisoy , per bush box ,
CHANGES Hlversldo .Seedlings , per box
83.75 ; Medlteirancaii Sweets , per box. 51,00 ;
fl to 10 box lots , per box , 53.75 ; Sun ( itiliilel
Navels , per box. 84.60 ; Los Angnies , per box ,
S'J.75 ; do5-box lots , per box , S2.CO ; do , 10-box
lots , per box , 82.50 ; do , 23-box lots , per box ,
-.40. .
i nuoNS Fancy Messlnn , per boxS5.50 ;
cholco Mi'silna , per bo5.00. .
NEW Kios , DATKS , KTC. Lajer figs , 8 nnd
10-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Faul ,
12-lb boxes , per Ib , Ho ; Puisiun , 60-lb boxes ,
perlb , lOc. Piuuulles , 30-lb boxes , per Ib ,
MApt.r.SuaAR Uilcks , strictly mno , 50-lb
boxes , per Ib , ICc ; penny cakes , J5-lb cases ,
HOSBV Fresh California comb honny put
up In 'Mb names. CO Ibs in rate. Calilornia
comb honey , per Ib. . 15c.
OVSTKIIS New Yoik counts , 45c ; extra
selects. 4 ( > o. selects , S5c ; stnudaidR UOc ;
mediums. 25c.
NKW VKQKTAIU.KB California cabbage ,
l > cr Ib. , 83 < c ; cauliilower , jmr ifor. , $2.50 , cel
ery , per doz. , SI.50 ; asparagus , per Ib , , 15c ;
emnacli , per bbU. 63.00 ; green onions ,
per | tit'fc. , S5o ; .M dlsTies , per dot , OOc ; lettuce ,
per dor. , 60c ; ptcnlnnt , per Ib. . 15c ,
I'ltovisioNS-Hum , OHGtlOo ; breakfast ba
con t sXc ; clearsldo bacon , 7@7Kc ; diy taltu
blile ? , < Xjf > Kc ; shoit rib tde.s SWc : shoulders.
5o ; mess poik , S12.0 per obi ; dried beef , Iiam
pleofs , 13c ; lard , tierces , flji'c ; 60 Ib cans , 7c ;
10 Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) , TMfc : 5 Ib cans , do ,
7Vc : 8 Ib cans , do. . 7 } < rc ; boneless ham , lOc ,
UKANS California and Michigan are gell
ing in a small way. California Kayo , per
bn. , 81.05 ; do Pea. perbu. , 81.85 : Mlchl ran
, per bu. , § 1.75 ; Country , per bu. , 75
COCOAS UTS- Per 166 , 04.50 ; less than 100 ,
OLD Onions , Michigan ,
choice yellow , per bbl. , S3.50 ; rutabaga , per
bbl.SiOO < k2.2 > i ; canots , per bbl. , 1.75 ; horse
radish roots , per bbl. . 85.00 ; do per Ib. , 7c ;
s\\cct potatoes , per Ib. , 4e : parsnips. t > er bbl. ,
52,00 ; beets , per bbl. , § 2.00 ; Salt Lake pota
toes , per bu. , tOc ,
POT.VTOKS The maikct Is very dull and
there Is little or no stock moving. Retail
dealers arc only buying In small lots to sup
ply Ihflr present needs nnil It would bo no
easy matter to place car lots. The choicest
stock Is only quoted at 50c , and mixed or fair
to good stock 40 ( < i4oc. Inferior stock is not
OITAIN' On the streets and at the mills :
Corn , Sic ; oats , 2S' c ; wheat , No. 2 , We ; rye ,
r'l.ouit AND Mn.t.iTtTTTi Win ler\\iicat
flour , beat quality patent , Si.00@i.lO ! : ; second
quality. S'J.KXgiOO ; best quality spring
u heat Hour , patent , S2.50ii2,75 ; buckvheat
Hour , In ImiicH So. 75 ; ready raised 3 Ibpack-
age" , S4.00 ; r , Ib packages. 3. 0 ; bian , . *
per cut ; chopped feed. 70o per c\\t : vhltu
corn meal , bOo ; yellow corn meal , "Oc. per
c\\t ; set cenl ug , iXc ) per cwt ; hominy , 81.50
perrwt : shoit , Wto per c\\t ; graham , 51.75 ;
liav , In ball's SO.WH.l700 per ton.
lltiiKS-Uicen butchers , 0 > * c ; prcnn cured ,
7'/cdry ' ; lllnt.liWUic : dry salt. ttrfioct dam-
aecd hide ? two-thirds price. Tallow 4c.
( Jreaso , jirlmu w'llte. ' : tKi" H'llow. 3c ;
blown , 2 } < c. Sheen Pelts 25 ( < J76e
rims AND buiNs Mink. each. 10iWOc ( ;
inuskrat , winter. 25c ; do. kits. lc ; Otter ,
M.riOfijs.00 ; skunk , short striped , 15 < < fcBc : do.
do. mountain. b'J.OO@3.oo ; wildcat , 15@40 ; boa-
\er , S1.50@2.50 per Ib ; fox , each. 40@l.5 ; :
( ki'iskln : . cliv winter , I. ( < l5c perlb ; do. fall
and summer , liXcojic : : mu ope. fi iiilOj pei b No. 1 I'lttsbiug harm's * . J. C.
L. A Lions , GOa ; No. 1 Pittsbiirg. K. A S. "Oc ;
No. 1 lare leather , < MC ; pi line slaughter solo
leather , 23 < iv5c : ; inline oak solo Icatheus. 3(5j5 ( (
3-.K ? . Upper leather , per lont. 20WJ5j ; hem.
kip , 75 ( s5c : oak kip , Ki@ru ! ; Fiench kip ,
Fl.OJfa 1.2.1 ; hem. call , S1.03@1.10 ; oak calf ,
81.00@1.U5 ; Kienchcaif , S1.25gl.S. ( < i ; Moiocco
boot lea , 30SiWu ( ; Moiocco oil pebble , 2b@5J
toppings and llniims , 8n.OOielO.OU ( per doSe
COAT. Anllnacito grate. 58.25 ; egg , 88.25 ;
ratnrc , 8850 : cho-itntit , 88.50 ; Iowa. 83.25 ;
Walnut block , Sa.iOlllinols ; , 85.00 ; Misbotiil ,
UKAVY llAHDWAni : lion , rates , 82.35 ;
plow steel , spe < iul cast , 4c ; cnuilblo steel , Cc ;
cast tools do , 12 ; i > l8c ; wagon spokes , per set ,
ei.75 3.oo : hubs , per set , 81.25 : . , felloe * ,
sawed dry , S1.4U ; tongues , each. 75p ; axles.
cach,75c ; siiuaro nuts , per Ib. 7@tlc ; cell
chain , per Ib , 0l2c : inallcabK TiQfbc : lion
wedges , Oc : ciowbais fie ; hauowTceth , 4c !
spilng steel , 7@Sc ; Huiden's here hoes.
SI.40 : Bindt'ii's mule .shoes , 85.40. Bui bed
Wire , in car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron
Nails , rates , 10 to GO. 83,00. Shot S1.50 :
buckshot , 81.b5 ; oiiontal nowder , kegs , 83.50
© 4.00 ; do , hall kens , 82.00 ; do , quaitur kegs ,
S1.50 : blasting , Ki-irs SW3 : ; lute , per 100 leet ,
50e. Lead Uar. & ! . ( ! . > .
1'Aixis i.Ou. . White lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
7 > $ e ; whitulead , St. Louis , 111110,87.61) ) ; Mar-
seillesgicen , t to 5 > cans. 20c ; Fiench zinc'
green seal , 1'Je ; Fiench zinc , led seal , lie ;
Fiench zinc , in vainish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 7. > c ; vermllllon. Amciint. Ibc : Indian-
Wintei's mineral , 'J,1 ! : Lehlgh brown , 'JJ.e ;
Spanish blown. 'J'c : Pi luce's mineial. : < J
DHY PAI.VJS White lead , Sc : French /ine ,
12c : P.iris whiting , Sjje ; whiting gilders ,
l iu ; whiting , com'I. life ; lampblack , Ucr-
inaiitoun , I'Jc ; lampblack , oulinary , be ;
J'li siiin blue. Me ; nltnimailncp Ibc : vandyke -
dyke , blown , be : umber , buint. 4c ; timber ,
iav , 4e ; hlenna , bnint , 4c : .sienna , raw4c ;
Paris iricen , genuine , 25c : Paris mecn. com
mon , 20c ; ehiomegieen , N. X. , 20p ; chrome
giceu , K , 1'A : ; veimlltion , Kngllsh , in oil ,
lOc ; law and buint umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12c ;
law and buint sienna , 1'ie ; Vandyke , blown ,
luc : leiined lampblauk. 1-c ; coach blade and
ivoiy black , Kie ; diop black , 10c ; Prussian
blue , 40u ; ultiamailne blue , 18o : ehiome
green , I * , JF. it I ) . , Ifie ; blind and shutter
L'locii , li. . M. fe IX , Kic ; Pails gieen , Ibc ;
Indian icd , 15c ; Venetian led , Oc ; Tnwan ,
2-V ; AiiK.'iic.ui veiiiiilllon , J , . & I ) , a'c. '
yellow oclue , ! ) c ; 1 * . M. A : O , IX. Ibe ; godesl
ochre , Ific ; jiatentdiyer , Se ; giain ing colors
Ik'lit oak , dailc oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash , I'Jc.
Duucm AND UHKMICAI.S Acid , carbolic ,
IMc ; sicld , taitailc , .Vte ; balsam copaiba , per
Iti , 45o ; balk , sasiatras , per Ib lOe : calomel.
per lli , ? Je ; ehlnehonidl ; ! , per OA 4Ue ; chloio-
101 m , per Hi , COc ; Doveis po\\deis , per tb ,
S1.25 ; epsom salts per Ib , lUi'u : glycerine ,
pure , per lt > , ISc ; lead , acetate , pet Ib , UOc ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , Sl.fiO : oil , castor ,
No. a , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
S1.40 ; oil. oilgaiium.oOu ; ( ijiiuiu. $ : i,75 ; qui
nine , P. it W. , and ] { . it S. , per o85c ; ] > o-
tiissium iodide , per Ib , SU.OO ; salicln , per 07 ,
I0c ; Milphalo moiphliie , per oSi. . 70 ; bnl-
plinr , uer Ib. I24c : strjclinine , per oS1.40. .
OILS 110 ° caibon. no gallon. lOc : 150 °
headlight , per gallon , lie ; 17.V headlight , per
gal , 15e : 150 * water white. Me ; linseed , haul ,
ur gallon , 4lc ; linseed , boiled , per gallon ,
? Te : laid , winter btr'd , pcrc.illon , f > 0a ; No. 1 ,
4'Je : No. a. 4ic ; castor XXX , per callon ,
S1.5S ; No. 3. 81.44 ; sweet , per nallon , 81.00 ;
speim , W. B. . per gallon , 81.00 ; lisiiV. . U. ,
per gallon , 05(3 ( ; neat.sfoot , extra , per gallon ,
70e ; No. 1. OSc : lubricating , zero , per gallon ,
No. 1 summer , lf > c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per
gallon , : ! 0c ; No. 2 , a5c ; hperm , signal , per
gallon , 75u : turpentine , per gallon , 55c ; gaso
lene , per gallon. Me ,
VAII.VISHKS Uarrels , per gallon : Furni
ture. extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1 , 81.20 ;
Damar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asnhaltnm
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil linish ,
briniTS Cologne sjiirlts , 168 proof , 81.12 ;
do 101 proof , 81. l.'l ; t.pii Its , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.18 ; do , IbS pioof , 51.11. Alco
hol , IbS proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Hodts-
tllled whiskies , 81.00 < 2il. . ' > 0. Gin blrnded ,
SI.50@2.oo ; Kentucky bourbons. S2.00.00 ( ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00o < i0.50 ;
Ciolden Sheat bourbon and rye whiskies ,
S1.W3.00. llrandtes. imported. S5.00@8.r,0 ;
domestic , 81.054'.00. ! ! ! ( ilns , imported , 84.50
( yp.OO : domestic , S1.25@l.OO. : Itiims , im-
poited. 84.50OT8.00 ; New Kngland. 51.75@2.00 ;
domestic , tfl/i a.OO. Champagnes , impoit-
ed , per care. 82800@34.00 ; Amctlcan , per
case , 810.0016.00.
llll'B.H'f 'ls OV nblgll'ls Kts
. .
W .
K wan.
aoO 100 W 50 40 12 10
Munn'sB'tNo.l L'lfi 00 3 503 W ) 1 831 DO M 60
I/go Ulb'tid I'linoylA 60 3 i.1 U 117 1 07 1 40 6.1 47
I/go U'U Sli'ru K't-rlfi RO .1 a , g U7 1 U7l , 40 63 47
SVTUIP N > . 70 , a'x : , bbls : No. 70 , 4-gallon
kegs. 61.0 ; Now Oilcans 3S@43c per gallon ;
Muplo bymp , K barrel , strictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , g'J.25 per aoz ;
gallon cans , 85.25perdoQuart ; cans 3.00.
1'icKi.ics-Mcdluiu. In bbls. 0.00 ; do In
hall bbls , S3..V ) ; cinall. In bbls , 87.00 ; do In
half bbls. 84.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , SS.OO ; do.
in half bbls. S4.f > 0.
CANNKD ( loops Oysters , standard , per
case. 3.rx ) ; atrewberries,2 Ib. pprca . fc'J.N'i ;
riispbeiiie ! > ,2-lb , per case , sa.35 ; California
neais , per case , S5/rt ; apricots , per case ,
64.00 ; puachos , percn , 84.75 ; whltocherries ,
iurcasoS5.W ) ; plums , j > er case , 84.00 ; whor-
llcben ies , per rase , S-i.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
tier case. $2.50 ; grwji gaires , 2-lb , per ease ,
82.50 ; pliKMpples , 2-lb , per ease , S3.20@5.fiO.
0 Ib. 7' < c ; Kliusfod's pure , 3 Ib , 54'c ; Kings-
ford' | MnilMe. .
SODA InlO papers. 53.25 a case ; salsoda ,
koc , per Ib. 22c.
luiKn FKUITS No. 1 quarter apples , d
evaporated box cK ttlTc ; wntkltie nn xcrl
lOc ; peacheseastern. . 4f@r > ) { cpo \ clics
ovaporntoili I5 > sjj.l7c ( ; Salt Lake , new ,
8c : raspbenle9. new. 2-2ttc ; curnints , l ? ( , ( < s
Kc ; prunes , new , -iJfffUKc.
SuoAns-Powdcrert , i'ic ; cut loaf , 7 > { c ;
granulated , * > ; < c ; confectioners' A , OKC ;
standard extra UflVo : extra 0 , 0 c ; medium
yellow , oc ; Now Orleans. ,
MATCIIKS Per caddlo. : c ; round , per
case. 45e ; square cases Sl.70 ; inulo square ,
SoArs KIrk s oavon Imperial. S2.0H :
Kirk's satinet , S3.1.V Kirk's standard , 53.80 ;
Kirk's \\hltoltussian. S4.r : : Kirk's White
Cap , S0.50 ; Dome , 54,25 ; Washboard , S3.1. '
OoFFKr.s Ordinary trades U c ; fair , 10 ®
; prime , HKl''c ; choice , l2W
fancy green and yellow , Itt' MUKc ; old gov-
eminent , lava , SOci Oc ; interior Java , "
20c ; Mocha , S Mle ; Artmckle's roasted ,
13Wc ; McLaushlln's XXXX roasted , \'Mv
Uflworth'.s , 13Kc ; Ued Cross , WJfc.
OANin.Ks liovcs , 40 Ib , cs , lie ; S.s , lie ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oOs , lie ; half box , 201b ,
SPICKS ( Jmund Ulaek pepper , boxes. 15
( < t22c ; allspu-e , 12@lOc ; cinnamon , lS@2r > c ;
cloves , 16 < Js25c ; glngT , 15g25c ; mustard , 15 ®
" '
"T'IJAS ( iiinnowder , fair , 20@37c : good. 45
iirrjc ; choice , GO ? c ; good Imperial , 40i(43 ( ( ;
choice , 1X1 70 : Young llyson , good , : ; o.ii-rc . ;
dialer , f > M70c : Ooloii ) ; . qood , IViftjIOc ; Oo-
lonir. choice.40QiKci ( ) Kiigllshbreakfast , udnil ,
rxMciOc ; choice.7iOjt ( 5c. Soiichonc , nod. "a
t4.'kj ; choice , HSjlftc ; .Innans. Infr , 2.5 < tJ > iio ;
cood. aifSUSc : choice , 5X < 4T5e ; Tea Dust , ISc ;
Tea Similes , ISo.
CiiACKr.its Oaincau's soila. butter anil
picnic , fij o ; creams , SJtfc ; ginger snap
aKc ; cltv soda , 7j < c.
l-'iNi : Cur Haul to Heat , TOc ; Charm o.
Now , Me , _
Dry Goods.
PitiXTS American , 5J ; Arnold's. Cc : Co-
checo , Oc ; .Manchester. Oc ; Lyinan , r > c ; Glou
cester , r > ) * c ; Utuinell .lucquaul. Co : Dnnnell ,
5 ; c ; Windsor. Oc ; P.xcllic. Cc : Il.iriuou ,
4 > < c ; Anchor Shillings , 4J c ; leirlmay
Jjhlrtlnijs , 4' < c : Berwick , 4c.
DIIACIIII > COTTONS Fanners' choice ,
fiifc ; Cabot. OJfo ; Hope , 7c ; Illll 4 1 , 7 } < je ;
Hill , H. 0 fc ; Lonsdale , Sc ; Fiult , Sc ; Wain-
sulta , 10c.
COKSKT JIAX : < < KcU.snre ! , 7c ; Armory ,
7o ; Punpeipll , "i o ; Inillan Orchard , 03 ;
Natitukeni ; . "o.
JJitow.v COTTON Lawrcnoo IjL , So ; Shaw-
unit , IjL. fie ; Heaver LL , fie ; Atlantic
LIj , 5c ; Indian Head , 7e ; Waucbiissct , 03/e ;
Crown XXX , OKc ; Clifton CCC , O c ; Utlca
C.4ifc ; Atlantic P.oKc.
TicKiNos Amoskcair ACA 13 } c : Thoin-
tlvke OOO , 1c ; 'llioindyke tiincv. DV-Tc ;
Voric , li ( ) c : Yoik fancy. VJi c : Mllbttty ,
l2Kc ; Peail ] { i\er , ll' < Tc ; Hamilton , 12c ;
Swift Ulvcr , 0c ; Slietucket S. 8 c ; Slictuek-
ctSS , ( % ci MoiitaiiU AA , 12c ; Montauk 1JB ,
He ; Omecii ACA , 18c.
DKN-IMS Hi-aver Cieck AA , lie ; Kc.iver
CipekUlJ.lOu ; Denver Clock CC , c ; Jiilln'V
XX , lie ; Jairrev CXX , 12o ; JalTioy D AT ,
12Ke : Columbian , l ic : Yoiic , inc : YoiU ,
fancv , I'Vic ' ; Kverctt , lite ; Haymaker's blue
and biown , 7ttfo. '
DITK ( Unbleached ) 8 oz. Mapnolla ,
lOKe ; 10 Magnolia , I''c : 8 o/ . West Point ,
10'tfc ; Wo/ . Wet Point , l'J < c.
DITK ( coloied ) Doston iioz. blown and
drnb , IHJtfc ; Uoston O 11 blown and drab ,
! ) c : lioslun XX brown and ilr.ib , lOc : Uoston
XXX blown and diab , llKei Uoston O P
blue , HJ \ytiiron ; Tiicot , 13c.
Ciinviors-'AiiioskeaK , checks O' c ; Amos * ! , ilpes. Hi cl Slater , htiijips , Sc ; Killn
bint , ' . ' < rc : WlfitteiHloii , stripes , Sc ; ( Slcn-
iosi > , OefOtls , chcck-i. Dj c ; OtN , Milpcs , ! c ;
Kojal , OS c : Amoskeai ; , naniied , 10' c ; IM-
lay , book told , 12u : Obeion. book fold ,
Kndurance , book fold , 12e.
ad Heana _
" "
i i
"Dry liumbor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s.12 , Wand 10ft 517.00
No. 2 " " 12,14 and 1(1 ( ft 15.00
No. 3 " " 12 , 14 * and 10 ft 13.00
No. 4 " " 12,14 and 10 it 11.00
No.l , 4AOInch , 12nnd Mfect , i-ough..Sia50
No. 1 , 4 & Cinch , IB feet , roujih 17.03
No. 2 , 4& 0 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . 14.00
No. 2. 4 & 0 inch. 10 fcet.rough 15.00
1st Com. , 12,14 and 10 leet S22.50
2d " " " " 20.00
: id " ' " " I5.oo
Fence , " " " 11.00
1st Com. , Jf lii. White Pine Par till on. . 533. 0
" " " . . 27.0
2nd Com. , % in.
Clear. f In. Norway " " 14.5
2nd Com. ? tfln. " " 13.5
A 8Inch , white pine $3 .00
HO Inch , " " 31.00
C 0 Inch " " 29.50
D Cindi " " 20.50
KOInch , " " 17.50
A12inch , BI , W nnd 10 feet.,540 00
c " " " " " ' i. . ' ! ! . ' ! ! . ' sooo
I ) " " " ' " " . . 23 00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 nnd 10 ft. W 00
No. 1 " " " 10,18 and 20 ft. . 1800
No. a " " " 12.14 and 10 ft. 1000
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch 817.50
No. a , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 15.50
No. 1O. ( i 18.00
* AStnndard S2.G5
filnch , clear , 51.55 ; 0 inch , clear 1.05
No. 1. . 1A * >
Lath 2.25
Qulncy white Hmo ( best ) , 85c ; cement
Akron , 1.75 ; piaster , 82. * > 0 : nalr , per btisliol
30u ; tat red felt ' per cwt , S1.U5 : straw board ,
The Hlllard ,
6. Shears , J. E. Mnrhcl.Thos. fiwobo , Proprietor )
Ouiubu , Nubraeka.
Fi h , Ltc.
Successors to Ickcn Slumtscn Sc Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of tForolKii Fish , Nos. 011-013 Jonoi
< = ; Blrect niiJ U. P. Track. Umana , NuU.
- - : rr f - - - '
Job Printing ,
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illank Hook Manufacturers. 100-108 South
_ I'oiiitocnUi Stico _
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Manufacturers ofV. . J. WcUlmns & Co.'e quick
HnltlMK lluckwhcat flour und proprietors Omaha
City MUU , cor , bth and I'urnam Stroela , Omaha.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
EacWlory und Bhoo Flndlnps , Hides , Wool , Fura ,
1'olts , Orcubu. Tallow , Ltc. , Uaiuhq Not ,
F. P. FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
t > r l-'iulth , iNxjtt uud Ci erk. 1 I ) I'M
n ,
Book Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illsnk Hook Mftinifncturers. No . 108 and
108 South Uth Street. Otnnhn , Neb. _
_ Bridges Steam Pile Drivmg. _
lIiiBlnccrs and Contractors.
Brgos , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Comlilnntlon nnO Howe Tnus HrklRrs ,
PMna nnd Onk Timber. 15th si. , near I'armun.
Beer ,
_ _
Agent for Anlicnser-Bush Brewing Ass'n '
Speolnl brands 1'aust , Iludnclsor , Urlnngcr
Cor. Oth nml Capitol Avc. , Omnhn.
* Cigars and Tobacco , _ .
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Onn nml Aniiiiiiiiltlon. 21S lo 223 South llth
Strict , ltt.'u to 10-'l rurnani Street , Oiniilm , Nub.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholc lo Donlcrs In I.cnf Tolinceos. Noil.
IPS mill 110 X. 14th Slrcct.Oinnhii.Nuti.
for the Muuufauturcrs niuTmportors ,
Crockciy , Glassware ,
Lamps , Clilinncjs , t'.lc. onieo , illT South mh
Bticct. Oinnlit , Nob.
Afe'cnts roK. : . \Vhltniy Ciurhigo Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
Jewell's Colcbiiitcil Ho Htfuintors. Send
d n or pilccl fsls. 1415 I'mimm st. , Omnhn.
Eagle Cornlco Works.
John Kpcnotcr , Proprietor. Mamifnoturcr of
ful\unlcl ! Iron ntul Coinlfo. 02.1 Dodge nnd 101
nnd 105 North Uth Sticet , Omaha , Nob.
Jlninifr-ctuicrsof Omnmcntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Kinnl , Ulc..110S. 12th St. Woikdono
In nnypnrtof the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Sl'ECHT. Proprietor.
Unlvnnlred Iron Cornices , Etc. Fpecht'Rlnv
pro > cd I'nlentMi'tnll'oiiUyllBlit. f S uud 6103.
12th St. . Oniulm. Nob.
) oors , Sash , Etc.
Doorp , BnMi nnd llllnds. Also nit l.lmls of
tinnlnt' . Scioll iindStuir work of u\ury do-
Mnnurncturer nnd Dealer InDoors
Sash Blinds Etc.
Doors , , , Mouldings , .
Stair Italia a Hpoclntty Teloiihono No. 02
_ IMh nud Murcy Sti. . Omnlin , Nub. _
Electrical Supplies ,
L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Omaha. nurglar Alarms , IlclU ,
Flu ) Alarms , Hlcctiiu Maltinif , Spoalclny Tubas ,
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
Iron Stul I'M , Itiillliur , Hollcd Ho mis and GlnluiM ,
Steum Kn Int-s. llrncs Work , Cicni'iul rmmdry
Muclilnoiind Illiicl niltli Work. Ollloo and
Works , U. P. Hy. nnd S 17th fit.
Iron ard Nails. .
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Tire Nulls p PIVjlnltv. . Onmhn , Neb
Safes. '
_ _
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnnufncturcr of Flio and llurBlnr Troof Snfcs ,
Vault.Doors. .Intl Work. Shutters and Who
Work. Cor. Hth and Jackson Sto. , Oiniiliu , Neb
Wagons and Carriages.
Established 1853.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
KC9 and Ull Dwlt-o Street , Omaha , Nob.
Com mission i Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
GPO. Ihiikc. Manager.
Union Stock Yards , H. Omaha. Tolo.ihono S83
vr. F. nnowN & coii
' Commission Dealers In Live Stock ,
Office Exchange niilldini ? . Union Stock Yards ,
South Omaha , Nob. Tclcpbonu No. 003.
W. L. I'ATKICK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Address all communications to us at Union Stock
V'uida , South Omaha. Advances imulo on stock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
i Limited , John F. llo > d , Superintendent ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shlj montB of any and nil Kinds of Mock solicit
i ed. Union buck VuidsUumlm , Nob.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bneh , IJoors , Etc. Yards ( 'or. 7th and
Cor , Uth and UougUa.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Work and Inteilor Hard Wood
Finlt-ti. Jubt opunud , N. E. tor , bth and Lcuvcn-
\rorth Stiucts , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
ei a llth Strict , Otnuhii , Nok F. Colpouer ,
Lumber ,
18th and California Strouls , Omabit , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor , Ctb and Douglas Streets , Oraaba , NuU.
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
CHA8. It LEE ,
Hardwood Lnmber ,
Woron Block , Fancy Woods. Ilrldge Timbers ,
& .O. , B. W. Cor. Vth und Douglas , ( Jiuulm , Nob.
0. P. LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
llUldlwr I'ajicr , Etc. Bouth UUi 8tr tCSUazs.
Agricultural fmplemems. "
V >
Dealers In Agricultural Implements.
Offlco , Corner Cth nml I'ncllloSto , Onmhn , Nc'v
Wholcsalo Dealers la
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd lluggirs , Omalm Neb.
CIlUUClllLli 1'AIlKEll ,
Whole s.Oo Dcirfor In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrr.ages and HUBRICO. .It ntPt. . , bet. Vth and
lot n , Oraohn , Ni b. _ _
Boots and Shoes.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1111 Fornam Rtrcct , Omnhn , Neb. Manufactory ,
Summer Sticet , lloston.
Carpels ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Untunes , Cuitnln Good ? . Ktc. . H2J Mvrnatn
Street , Omalm , Nob.
Coal Lime Etc ,
, , ( _ _ .
, uuDj-onn ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 213 S. HthPt.Omnha , Neb. Yards , Bth
nnJ DivttipoilStructs.
Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
Best varieties. Onioo.2138. Win St. Telephone
No. UK. , Omalm , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
S14S. 13th St. , Omaha. Neb.
OKti. C , TOWI.E , 1'rcsldont.
GKO. TATTrnsON , Bt-c. anil Truas.
J. II. , F. A. H ,
Proprietor. Manneor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OIHcc , 217 S. 113th Street. Tclephono 49.
GEO. r. LAnAon , Pics. C. r. GoomuN.V.Prcs ,
J. A. SUMiniiLASD Sec. and Trcag.
Omaha Goai , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of huid and oft coal,2t9S. Uth St. ,
Omnlm , Nob.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Excluelvo dealers In llouldcr Colorado Coal,21J
toutb 14th ttrcut.
ColTee nnd Spices.
HomeCoffej and Spice Mils MTg Co.
CoIIco HoiiFtois and Kpk'e IjilndDif. inaiiu-
riictitrci sol IlakliiK t't w ! .r , rinvnr.ntr l'\ti aoli ,
Hilling , iitc ! Tiyono nisi * nl our Mb pacltiiKO
Homo II nil Itoastcd Colfcc. 3Gd ! ) Howatdtt ,
Cinalui , Neb.
CLAlilClifrtUOS. iCO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ton' . Coffees , Spiers flaking 1'owdur KlavorlnR
Kxtrncts , Laundry IJlun. lulc , etc. 14U-1U liar-
ney Street , Omnlm , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Taimini St. , Omaha. Apples Our own pilot
Inif 1'lalt A CO.'B TlRi-r lliand Ojstuis , Iluttor ,
CPUS , ( Jamo , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , I'lovlslonp , Fruits , Hour and 1'ced , 105
S. Htli St. , Omaha , Nub. Consignments bollplttd.
iluturns uiudo inomotly.
W. K.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
S I'ECiAi.TiLS Cliff-c. Iluttcr 1'jr s , Poultry
nd Hiimi' , lUI S. Htli. , Omahii , Neb. Ti'li-
' '
31D 12tb Street. Onm'in , Neb. Srccialtlos : nut
_ ter. I ix , and ClilcKuns * "
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , llutti-r , Onmo. Fruit sKto. 220S. Uth
St. , Omaha , NubinsKii.
D 11HOS. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
llCODodeoStieet , Omalin , Neb. Coiiblt'iiinonts
WJ.l-KS iMJllL
Storage and Commission Merchants.
ForolKii nml Domostiu Fiiiits iihpocially Ul-
uvaiit Btoin u faclllllcM Waitiliou&u and o'litu.
10 North Hitli M. ' 1'c'lniilioiiy 775.
D. A. liUHLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , EKRS and Produce. A full line of Stonc-
waio. Coiibignments bollciteU. 11U UocJfO bt ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Duller , KITKD , Checso unil Country 1'rodueo iron-
ci ally , awS. 12th St. , Utimlm , Nub.
MCSHANB & sciiuoin > iu7 :
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
IteTrlfrcrntor and Paeklntr Hcnibo , Mill Ac Loavon-
worlh St. , on U. I1. U. U. Truck , Omaha , Nub.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
2118. llth St. , Omaha , Nob. Rpoclnlllcs-IIutlor
K , roulliy ami Oamu.
Commission Merchants ,
I'rulta , l > roducci and Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale denier In mutiny piodiico , friillH ,
butter , IKHK , i-lo. Goods on conhlfe'iimcnt a
BjJCiHUty. IC.M N. 10th tt. , Omalm , Neb.
< Pucf ossors lo A , 1" " . fieliuek.l
Produce Commission Merchant ? .
_ No. 213 South tilh Street. Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goous.
J. J. IIHOWN & CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Motions ,
1S3 Douglas Street , Oiuulm , Neb.
L. OlNPItniiO & CO ,
Wliolcfiulo Dciileralii
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Liccns , I.acos , Ilml'io.'iicry ' nml Whllo < oois.
_ _ ll 0 Doiitfh'h ' blruct , OniaU't , Nub.
White Lead , _
CAUTI'lt UJI11I'1 LKAI ) CO. ,
Strictly Pure Whita Ljil. '
iOtli .Stami V t' , It ; , in 111 ,
Harness , Etc ,
XnnuractureiH and Jobber * of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goodd , Hlmil.cts ami liulivs. 1121 Furnam
Sjitet Omiihii , Neb.
Mattresses ,
* " "
"K. M. HUI45K ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Muttressoj , llcddinK , Fonthor
l'illi\ , Com , itc. : 1XM and 1-W Duuylas btrcct ,
cANFJirjM.KTrrACTUKiNO : co. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jtaual'uutehhliis , iit" ; . , lliu anJ l"t
De.ilers In All Kinds ot
Building Material at Wholesale.
ISth Sti ? ot nnd In on P c fl Track. Omnhft.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , \
" SOth anil Izanl Slrcots , Omaha , Nebraska. j
J. A. WAKKFir.U ) , >
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , .
rtulldlng 1'njicrj , SnMi , Door ? , lllliuls , Moul |
Intr" , rickets , ro tn , i.lnip , i'lii ior ,
Cement. Nlntn nnn Jono. , Oinntiu Neb.
Millinery ,
i. ,
Importcis ami Jobboiaot
Millinery and Notions ,
12U llarnoy Street , Onmlia ,
Musical Instruments ,
" "
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , J
BU'luwny I'lnnopVelicr , Decker , llalncsnml
ItrlfL-s l'i.ino , I'liclinul Organs , Chnso Orir.ins.
101 r.nil KM 15th ftrcot. I
_ Notions , Etc.
J. T ! 1WAND1KS & SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Oooil , Notions , Clouts' Furul liln < r flooJi.
Utuiild lixjm Now York. Trade sales daily. 6J1
mid W3 South VHh SU , Omnlm.
_ Furniture. Etc. ,
Fnrniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors ,
iio : . I.H ! , i i. , Hint 1210 Fainnin Mievt , Oinnhn
" *
Wholesale Dealers In Furnitiira ,
Fnrnniu Street , Omnlm , Nob. _
Groceries ,
AM.KU nuos. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
lllCnndlllS Douplns Street , Omi\haNr-b. _
" " '
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and Smokers' Articles , 1217 HownrJ St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Eplces , Clgari nnd Tobaccos. 1317 nnd 1310Dauff >
Ins Street , Omnha , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Comer 10th nnd Furiuuu Strocls , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 705,707,7tfl and 711 S. lOlh St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hardware ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Bprlnps , Wiipon Stock , Hardwood Lumber , cto ,
12tu and 1211 lltuuey btieev , Ouiiilm , Nob.
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And C rrlno Wood Stock. Heavy Hardware ,
Etc. 1217 and 1219 Leavuiiwoith Street , Omaha ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools and UulTalo Scales. HOuTotiff
I IIB Street , Omaha , Nob.
i.un , FUIED & co. ,
scbbsrs of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Stc. Agents lor Ilowo Scales and
Miami Powder Co. , Omnlm Neb.
Slo6G , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Kr.ntlco , Uiatcs , IITUBS Roods. 1K1 und 11KJ Ft > r >
nam btrcut.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Nulls. Cor. 10th nnd llarnoyj
fctrcots , Omaha , Nob.
Harvesters ,
Wil.'nEKRINd i : CO..CIUCAdb7
Manufacturer of the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Wrlto to Win. if. Lorlmcr. Gonornl AjontS (
Omalm. TelophonofllO.
Iron Pipe , Etc ,
A. i , . sritANO COMPANY ;
Pumps , Pipe and Engines. , Watnr , linlln ay and Milling Supplies , Eta ]
ii-'O , P ! iind 1CI1 Farnain St. Omalm , Nob. i ;
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies. Ilcadjuurtora ( fori
Must Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 Furuam Streets
Omaha , Nub.
" '
Wholesale Jewelers.
Ucnlcrg In Bllvorwuro , Diamonds , Watch as.
Clocks , Jewelers' Tools nnd MatorluU , Etc. , 10 ]
and 1U1,15th Struct , Cor. Dodgv , Omaha , Nob. :
Notions Etd
Jobbois in
Notions , Hosiery & Gents'FurnlsMng ' Good ?
lOUl nnd KKW rainam St. , OmahaNob.
J. T , Robinson Notion Company ,
4U ( nml 4 i S. 10th Bt.,0innhu , Nob.
Wholcsalo IJualum In Notions und " " '
nlBblnir Cloods.
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers iu Oils ,
Gasoline , Mica A.\lo Grua p , Klo. A. II. i
r , Onmlia , Nob.
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Nubraska.
HAHitis & nsinii : ,
Packers and Provisiou Dealers ,
OflUc , Union .Market , 1517 I ) il u Rtrout. I'aoklnf
liouto , U. ] > . JL It. Tiuc'k , Uiimini , Nob. Tola *
phone "Kit . 157. I
Safes and Locks ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
I'll o nml HuiKlttr 1'ioor Suros.Tltnu rxolisVnult4
nmlJiillwoik.jUJO _ _ Kaiimm fcticet , Uinalui , Neb
_ _ ' " " _
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
AKrloiiltiual , Vojji'lablo , T.lo. Odd Tollows' Hull.
_ N. W , Cor. llth ami Joilfo Kt . , Uiuahii ,
Drugs , Oc ,
Wholesale Druggist3 , '
And DeaJcr In I'.ilnts , O1U an < l Wludoir Glasv
V/ine / : arid Llquort ,
ii.r.u & co ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And J.lnuorH. Solo iiianuiauturors of Kennedy
Iusiliiillallltloiii. 11U lluuicy btioctjOn
. . . u ,
Sutccssor lo MC'AHAIA : . ' . I > U.UAN , Impor
UIUIVllolubltlU JJflllOrd 111
\Vines \ , Liquors apd Cigars ,