Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1886, Image 1

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Wild Winds Work Desolation nnd Destruc
tion in Their Furious Course.
Many Mangled Victims and Ghastly Corpses
Lying in Their Wake ,
With Twice As Many Persons Seriously
and Fatally Injured.
St. CloiK * nnil Bank KnplilH Almost
\Vlpisil Out of HxiHicncc Hx-
tonsive Damage In West
ern lotvn.
A Fearful Calamity.
ST. PAUL , April II. St. Cloud and Sank
liaplds , Minn. , were swept by a terrible and
iliwtrtictivo cyclone nbontr:30 : o'clock this
afternoon. The first knowledge of the dis-
nsterwas contained In the following tele-
uram sent to Mayor Ames from St. Cloud
asking help :
"ToMAvonA.MKS , Minneapolis : Terrible
destructive cyclone passed ovcrSt. Cloud and
Sank Rapids late tills afternoon. Terrible
destruction here. Plcaso send up all tlio as
sistance youcan Immediately by fpsclal train.
Send physicians and surgeons. "
Telegrams to the following effect wcro re
ceived from Sank Kapids :
"To MAYOII AMK , Minneapolis : Can you
send special train with physicians to this
rlty' . ' A cyclone passed over the city tills
afternoon. A. areat many arc believed to
have been killed , but the number is not yet
known. ( Signed ) SACK KAPIDS. "
Immediately upon receipt of this news
preparations wcro made to respond to the
call for help. A train for St. Cloud loft nt G
o'clock. Information is very meagre , nnd
.sensational reports nro current. It is re
ported that ono hundred people were killed
at SI. Cloud. It is believed at least forty
persons have been killed , and about
seventy-live wounded. It Is Impossible to
get much information at this hour.
All Is excitement nnd the streets are filled
with excited men , frightened and weeping
women and children. The disaster is cer
tainly very appalling. Scores of houses have
been entirely wrecked and tlio'cxtcnt of the
loss of life cannot now bo slated. Tlio city
is lull of rumors and It is very difficult to ob
tain reliable news.
The term struck St. Cloud between the
round house and freight depot and swept a
path 000 yards wide through the city , level
ing between 150 and 200 houses.
N. It. Clark a well-known lumberman who
lives in St. Cloud , says ninety persons were
killed In .St. Cloud and more than a hundred
in lured , many of them seriously.
Superintendent \Vnkomnii of the Manitoba
road says that between thirty and forty per
sons weio killed at Sank Kapids , a small
town on tlio Manitoba nnd Northern Pacific
roads , a few miles southeast ot St. Cloud , nnd
nearly double Hint number injured.
The telegraph wires northwest of tills city
nro nil down , and no news either direct from
St. Cloud or Sank Hiplds lias been received
since 7 o'clock.
A terrific thunder storm passed over St.
Paul and Minneapolis about 0 o'clock , and n
heavy hail btorm followed , though of but
hlmit duration. In fact , ono storm cloud
after another has swept across the state ever
Hlneo last evening , niultho rain fall has been
heavy. The storm Is the worst ever known
in the Btato since ISS-'t , when 11 ichestcr and
J'lsln were devastated by a tornado.
The latest reports give the number killed
In St. Cloud as fifteen and the injured at
nbout twenty-five , and at Sank Rapids fif
teen lulled and twenty Injured. Another
terrific thunderstorm Is no v prevailing horn
which Interferes irrcatly with the wires.
jioni : OK TIM : niri'An.s.
CHICAGO , Apr ! ! lit The Inter-Ocean spo-
clal says the cyclone began about 3 o'clock In
the bosom of tlio Masonic cemetery , forming
n whirlwind about l.OCO feet in diameter. It
took almost every tieo In the circle from the
ground or twisted It elf at the trunk. Great
stones wcro torn up nnd can led along with
the wind , moving slowly along in a north
easterly direction. It wrecked the Catholic
chapel nnd several houses In Its course
across the prnlrlo adjoining the town. It
completely demolished John Schwartz's
large brick house nnd fifty or moro smnller
frame houses like so many feathers. In
most eases nothing was left to mark the situ
of the dwellings but the cellars ,
The prairies were strewn with timbers ,
furniture and clothing. The freight depot of
tliu Manitoba was n total wreci\ , Numerous
ears , loaded with freight , were blown hall a
uillo and the rails wrenched from the track.
It passed the limits of thu town Just west
of Lieutenant Governor Oilman's residence ,
killing ; several horse.- ' .
It crossed the Mississippi at the Sank RapIds -
Ids wagon bridge , which It demolished. It
hero widened to CCO feet and levelled Stan-
ton's grist mill. From ( hero It swept throned
the centre of the town , taklnt : the best of the
business pti ; I of it , Including the court house ,
hotel , public school and every Important busi
ness building In town except Wood's store.
The village Is virtually wiped out , four-fifths
of tin ) buildings being levelled ,
The fatalities In St. Cloud , ! though great ,
nro not equal In number to those In Sank
Rapids. In every house the Inmates were
moio orles.j hint ,
Tin ; IIAD ) AT ST. ri.ot ! ,
so far as known , nro ns follows : Nick Jun-
mnnii ; Mrs. Wclsmnn and little girl ; n son ,
1 years old , of B. O , Werskl ; n son , 7 years
old , of Frank GelnskolTski ; Mrs.
Stein , a widow ; n son , 4 years old , of P.Wai-
doif ; Slioitrhlgo Younga railroad mnn ; his
brother William hnd both legs smashed , since
amputated ; Vnnlioiisen , nn unknown rail
roadman ; two young children of Mr. Cens ;
baby of August Knott.
J. Berg , merchant , and two children ; John
Kcnard , co.unly auditor ; George Lindloy ,
county treasurer ; two children of C. G ,
Wood , merchant ; Abnor St. Cyr , fatally
hurt ; child of Carpenter , cleik of court ; P.
Jlcauporo , judge of probate court , badly hurl ;
Julgnr Hill , President of Qcrinan American
National bank.- , ,
iuum.Y wbnif'AT itiru's. ST.vrio'N . ,
From Sank Kapids thu storm btriicl ; Rica's
Nation , Bcnton county , demolishing the vil
lage ami killing or Injuring nearly thqcnUro
population. Wires are down ami no dcflnuo
Information Is obtainable from here ,
Am AsKhn FOR.
ST , PAVI. , April 1L Nearly all the build
ings In St. Cloud demolished by the cyclone
were small frame houses occupied by work-
ngincn who were nbsent , and only their
wives and children were In the houses.
The pecuniary loss wilt reach about 500,000
t St. Cloud. , ,
Moro damage was done nt Sank Rapids ,
whoic the property destroyed was of a moro
valuable character. It Is Impossible to ob
tain details trom there to-night.
Governor llubbanl to-jilght received the
following message from Stnto Senator Buck-
man :
SAUK ItAPins , MINNESOTA Our town Is
In ruins. Send us aid. [ Signed. ]
Governor Ilnbbnrd at once sent messages
toiwiyors of nil cities nud lnr o towns In
the stnto asking that steps bo taken
to at once secnio money nml things needed
nnd forward them as speedily as possible to
Senator Buckmnii for the destitute.
A brief dispatch has just bejn received ,
saying that between forty nnd lh\y
nonius HAH IIIIN : : ni-covr.niii : :
from the ruins nt St. Cloud , nnd the search is
not completed. The town presents a scene
of the utmost desolation ns seen by the
light of lllckeiIIIL' lanterns , nnd the gioans
of tlie wounded nud lamentations of these
who have lost relatives are heart-lending In
tlio extreme. Not before daylight will the
full extent be known. Among the in-
jnreil is ox-Senator Kly llalhert , formerly
of Biimhaiupton , N. Y. , but at present tlio
northwestern agent of the New York Mutual
Lite Insurance company. Ho is not expected
to live.
The Vlllnfjo of Conn Unplils Denior-
nll/.cil Ono Fatality.
PANAMA , Iowa , April 1-1. [ Special Tele
gram. ] A frightful cyclone struck Coon
Rapids at1:00 : o'clock tills afternoon , doing
widespread damage and utterly demolishing
the east side of the town. Ono boy was in
stantly killed , and many persons badly In
jured. Twenty-livo residences were leveled
to tlio ground , beside two churches , the
school house and a blacksmith shop. A
freight train going west was lifted from the
track by the furious wind and blown Into an
adjoining field. Only the locomotive and
two cars were loft on the rails. The cars and
their contents were badly wrecked and scat
tered In all directions. A number of cars
standing on the sidetrack were also thrown
oil' and demolished.
Devastation Marks Its I'ntli.
ATLANTIC , Iowa , April H. [ Special Tele
gram. J A devastating cyclone , accompanied
by hail and rain , passed east of Atlantic a't 4
o'clock this afternoon. It is supposed that
the cyclone started about three miles cast of
Griswohl , then passed north and slightly
cast , then after going about nine miles north
west of here , turned west and passed two
and a half miles cast of Bragton. Tlio
cyclone was very peculiar in appearance.
tV largo revolving cloud was soon , one-tonrth
of a mile wide , winch sent funnel shaped
shoots , resembling an elephant's trunk ,
down to the ground. Tlio whole cloud , how
ever , was very destructive. Southeast of
Atlantic , about live miles , Henry Rogers'
ho'iso was blown to atoms and the hired man
badly Injured. John Kirk's barn , "OJ feet
long , was shattered and the house partially
destroyed. The storm then passed northeast ,
taking everything In Its path. In Benton
township ten houses were totally destroyed ,
one woman was badly hurt , and piobably
will not iccovcr. Tlio storm passed twenty-
two miles east of Bragton , destroying the
dwelling * of Jmnes Iteynolds , William
Biintncr , and Donald , and the Brlntner
school house. The scholars escaped by run
ning with tlio family into Brintner's cave.
Mr. Woi thy raves' was dangerously hint.
Much stock was killed.
] > ainauo nt Story City.
DKS MOINKS , April H. [ Special Tele
gram.J Advices from Story City , Story coun
ty , foity miles north of here , say a tornado
passed over that region , moving north , nt r
o'clock this afternoon , and unroofed several
houses and blowing down barns. Some per
sons wcro slightly injured , but no deaths.
The cloud was accompanied by n frightful
roaring as it moved north along tlio line of
the river.
A Dishonest Hallway Clerk.
BI.OOMINOTON , III , , April H. J. L. Biggs ,
clerk In the auditor's office of tlio Lake Krio
& Western railway , was arrested this after
noon on his return from Sandusky , Ohio.
His house had been searched during Ids
absence and a lot of missing tickets found
there. * The company claims to have hnd
stolen from them ' , ! % " > California and other
western tleki * , worth from 3 * > , OJO to ,
together with an official stamp. It Is charged
that Blags had sold twenty-live tickets to
Kansas City and bt. Louis scalpers , and that
ho was receiving registered letters under the
name of "L. James.1' Ho has a wife and
two children.
IncreiiHcil Haton to California.
CIIICAOO , April 11. The Atclilsin , Topeka
& Santa Fo made another advance in Its
schedule of passenger rates to-day , the rea
son for It being given out as tlio imposlbllity
of handling tlio present rush of traffic over
the road. The rates over that road will now
1)0 ) as follows : First class S'M. with S15 re
bate , or net § 15 , from the Missouri river to
California common points ; second and third
eludes S'iO , with $10rebate : round trip tickets
from tint Missouri river to San Francisco and
return , ninety days limit , SIM an advance
of S'i'J on the present rates. Neither the
Union Pacilio nor B. A ; M , have yet paid any
attention to the advance by the Atchison ,
Topeka & Santa Fe.
Give Him a Modal.
CINCINNATI , O , , April M. Alanzo P ,
Kendall , 70 years old , living In ncottago nt
Lockland , Olh | > , shot and killed a burglar
who with two others was entering his rooms
shortly after midnight last night. The
mayor will not arrest Kendall ,
DoHtriiotivu Kirn.
PAITA , Peru , April H. A destructive fire
occnricd hero Monday night. Seven houses
were destroyed nnd two women weio burned
to death.
Memorial Service.
A memorial service in memory of the
late John B. ( lon h was held in the
North Presbyterian church last Sabbath
evening by the Good Templars of that
part of the city , The devotional ceremo
ny was conducted by the pastor , Hov.
Henderson , in a most beautiful ami im
pressive manner. The speaker , Mr. G.
W. Kyle , was then introduced by the \V. \
C , T. , J. W. Taylor. IIo held tlio audi
ence in rapt attention by his eloquent tri
bute paid to the illustrious dead. Mr. O.
II. Ballon , representing the Good Tem
plars , inailo n short nnd well appreciated
speech , Tnoolioir , composed of fifteen
young gentlemen and ladies , members ol
thonvuor. sang most ' beautiful and appro
priate selection's. A crnvcm portrait of
J. Ii. Gough was heavily draped in
mourning , as well as tlio charters ot both
subordinate ami district lodges. Flowers
and-plnnU wcro profusely and artistical
ly iirra'nged. The Uluo Itibbou club
joined in..the service , also the colored
Good Templars. , .
Powderly's ' Letter to Gould Urging a Set
tlement of tlio Strike.
Tlio Itntlrond Magnate ClmlleiiRcd to
ISrliif ; ( lie Matter Into the Courts
Tlio Linttcr'.s Lengthy
Powdcrly to Gould.
Nmv YORK , April 14 , A voluminous cor
respondence lias passed between Gould and
Powderly , consisting of one letter from Pow
dcrly dated Scranton , Pa. , April 11. and a
reply from Gould of this date. Tlio following
Is tlio substance of Powderly's letter :
JAV Goi'i.n. Esq. , President Missouri
Pacific llallnia'l. Dear Sir : The events of
the pnH ioity-clghl hours must liavo demon
strated to yon the absolute necessity of
bringing this terrible strusglc In the south
west to a speedy termination. Yon have the
power , authority nnd means to bring the
strike to IMI end. I Imvn done everything in
my power to end the strike. The gentlemen
associated with mo have done tlio same.
Kverything consistent with honor
and manhood has been done in tlio Interest
of peace. No false notions of priilu or dlir-
nlty have swayed us with our dealings with
you or the gentlemen associated with yon.
Powderly then refers to the celebrated con
ference with Gould on Sunday , Marcn US ,
and reviews the already published features
of that conference , together with his ( Pow-
derley's ) constructions upon Gould's Ian-
uiumo nnd the telegram Mint by him to
Hoxle ; tohlsown orderdiiectlni ; the strikers
to return to work , and to the misunderstand
ing and complications which ensued. In
this connection Powderly declares that
Gould's after-statements that the letter sent
Powdcrly on the day of the conference , on-
clusliii : the dispatch to Hoxle , had been pre
pared several days , was not correct ,
inasmuch as Gould had changed It in ono
paitlcular after the matter had been talked
over. Powderly reviews other features of
that conference , and also one held March 'M ,
and then says :
" 1 did not hear cither von or Mr. Hopkins
say that the present troubles along your road
would be arbitrated with men who were not
at work. It was my firm belief , whmi I left
you that night , that you meant to have tlio
entire affair submitted to arbitration at the
first possible moment. That belief Is shared
In by McDowell , who was present during the
interview. When you sent the telegram to
Huxio , yon sent It as president of the Mis
souri Pacific railroad company. 1'ou
sent It as the chief sends a
mcssaeo to an inferior officer ,
nnd it meant ns much to a sensible man as
the most Imperative order could possibly
moan. When I , as chief ollicer of tlio
Knights Of Labor , send a message
such as that , It Is understood to
bo my wishes , and those wishes are
respected by tlio subordinate ollicer to whom
they are sent. It is not ills place to put a
different construction on them and give them
Ills own interpretation. His duty is to obey
tlio spirit of the instructions. Tlio man in
power need not bo an autocrat In outer to
have his wishes respected. That was the
idea I entertained when I left your house
that night. "
After devoting some space to defining the
relation 01'a district assembly to the general
assembly , Powderly says : "When on Mon
day-March 29 , von " sent mo a letter marked
'personal , ' you"at tlio same time told the
newspaper correspondent that you had done
so. What your motive was in marking your
letter 'personal' and at the same time inform
ing representatives of tlio press that you had
done so , 1 do not know , nor do 1 question
your motive. I felt it to bo my duty to let
the public s > ce tlio letter , which contained
notmngof a personal nature Whatever. Thcro
are people wno might bo uncharitable enough
to say that your intention was to give the
impression that ( bore was something between
you and me which would not bear tlio
light ol public scrutiny. 1 have nothing to
conceal. Ton can settle this strike. Its
longer continuance rests with yon and von
alone. Kvcry act of violence , every drop of
blood that may uoslicd from this time forth ,
must be laid at your door. The Knights of
L'ibor were not founded to promote or shield
wrongdoing , and to-day the order ot the
Knights of Labor stand between your prop
erty and ruin. Vim have said that the order
of the Knights of Labor was n conspiracy , a
secret menace , etc. I am willing , as cliiof
officer , to lay everything connected with our
order bare to the world if von will on the other
hand , lay open to the publictliu means and
methods whereby you have piled up the
wealth which you control , and allow the
tribunal of public opinion to pass judgment
on thutwo nnd say which Is conspiring. Do
you accept the challenge ?
"You have instructeit your legal adviser to
proceed against every man connected with
tlio Knights of Labor for damages sustained
since tins strike began. Two weeks ago 1
said : 'Do not do tillsToday I say : 'Bogin
at once ; ' lay claims for dam
ages in every court within
whoso jurisdiction a knight exists ;
proceed at once , and In every .state where
you can recover dnmaucs , do so if tlio law
will sustain you. Let the majesty of the law
bo vindicated. It is just and rldit that it
should Ins so. Wo are willing to face you be
fore th'j law , and will use no oilier weapons.
It'you Imvo at nil times obeyed the law in
vour dealings. In the methods by which you
have acquired your immense fortune , then it
is time that tlio many offenses
witlt which you aio charged should
bo refuted. Yon Imvo remained
silent under the many damaging charges of
injuring tlio state. Wo will bo your avengers.
If you have been wronged , wo will let U bo
known to the world through tlio medium of
thocomts of justice , and let mo say right
lieru that no money will buy a verdict nt the
hi'.nds of these courts. This certainly means
warbut It'b : i war between legitimate capital ,
honest enterprise nnd honest labor on the
ono hand , nnd Illegitimate on tlio other
hand. There will bo no mobs in tills supreme
premo hour to silence any man's opinion.
No converts will bu niailu by physical fou-e.
You have been warned thai your lllo Is In
danger. Pay no attention to such talk. No
man who has tlio Interest of his country at
heart would harm a hair of your head. But
the system which reaches out on all sides
gathering in millions of treasure , nnd keep
ing them out of the legitimate channels of
commerce , must die. 1 have taken counsel
fromthubostlegal mlndsof the UnitcdStnlc.s
Woaio prepared to face you before tlio courts
and now await your action In tlio matter.
This is not a threat. 1 speak for .100.080 or
ganized men , who nro ready to pa ) oat the
last furtliing In order that justice may prevail.
You have it in your po\\er to make liiends of
these mo'i by acting the part of a man , nnd
bv taking this matter Into your own hands.
Will you do so , nnd end this strike In tliu In
terest of humanity aim our common coun
try ? "
Powdcrly's letter wns sent to Gould
throuirh W. O. McDowell , with Instructions
that If Gould , to whom these written Instruc
tions weio also submitted , did not cuiisunt to
an honorable settlement of the difficulty ha-
fine , r > o'clock of the day the letters were de
livered , or at that hour htill preserved silence ,
to allow the letters to bo published.
( iori.t's ANswini.
At tlio opening of his reply to 1'owderly ,
Gould quotes this letter of instructions to
McDowell , and acknowledges the receipt of
Powderly's letter , the substance of which Is
given above. Gould then proceeds to con-
btmo Powderly's letter ns an olliclnl declara
tion that the Knights of Labor
hnd determined to pursue him per
sonally unless the Missouri Pacific
company should yield to its demand
In what they called the strike on that road ,
In answer to these personal threats ho would
say that ho wns still a free American citizen ,
Gould then refers to his low beKlnnlnir in
life and to his success throuih habits of tem
perance and industry , and that if , as Pow
derly bays , ho is now to bo destroyed by the
Knights of Labor , it .Is fortunate
ho has retained his early habits
of industry. Gould then says
ho U quite content to leave his personal
records' in the hands of his neighbors and
business asrociates. If they have might .to
compUiln-of ho will bo glad to submit tu any
arbitration. Gould then recounts the tact
that when the strike commenced ho was far
away from the sec no of the trouble ,
and quotes a telegram from his subordinates
describing the difficulty nnd other messages
licrctof.qre miblUrjed during tlio carly part ot
tub trouulesV TUG lost dispatch quoted Isonq
IromA. L. Hopkins to 1'owderly earnestly
nrclng that the strike Is unjust to both , sides ,
ns the road is In tliqhiimls of receivers.
"This dispatch , " ' savs Gould , "yon
never answered. . .This correspondence
places the continuance qf tliq strike on your
< honldcr.4. Yon sat still and was silent after
Mr. Hopkln's urgent appeal , nnd allowed the
strike logo on allowed the company's prop
erty to bo forcibly seized , and the citizen ! ) ot
four states anil ono territory to bo deprlvcit
of their rightful railroad facilities. Thus
forced , the board of directors , before my re
turn , jilnced the matter In Mr. llovlo's hand
by a formal resolution , nnd that disposition
IMS never boon changed. "
Gould then enters into a long review ot
the features of the difficulty already pub-
Ishcd nnd ropubllshedmaintaining that the
company's offer to take back the strikers
who had not destroyed properly had been
strictly lived up to , and adds that the com
pany Is still ready to live up to Its agreement
in that regard.
In conclusion Gould says : "In the face of
nil this , you notify mo that unless by fl o'clock
1 personally consent to do something pre
cisely what , 1 di ) not sco , then personal con
sequences of a sort vaguely oxpicssed ,
but not hard to understand , will ,
nt the hands of your older ,
be visited upon me. Let me again remind
you that it is an American citizen whom you
nud your order thus propose to destroy. The
contest is not between your order and mo ,
but between your order and the laws of the
land. Your order has already defied these
laws In preventing , by violence , this
company from operating Its roads.
You held , then , that this company should
not operate its roads under tin ; conditions
prescribed by the law , but only under the
conditions prescribed by you. You now de
clare , in ell'oct , that I hold my Individual
prroperty und rights not as other
men hold theirs , but only at
tlio peril of your lettliiK loose
irrevocably , after 5 o'clock , your order upon
me. If tills Is true of tills company , and of
me , it is true of nil other men 41111 ! companies.
If .so , you and your secret order are the law ,
and nn American citizen Is such only In
name. Already for weeks your order has , In
your attack upon this company , not hesitated
to disable it by violence from
rendering Its duty to the imbl'o , and
from doing work nnd paylne wages to men
at least three times your own number , who.
working as they were by your side , wens nt
least deserving of your sympathy. Havinc
published this violence beyond even the great
f jrbearance of the phblic , and found in this
direction the cause to hesitate , you now turn
upon me and'propose' that wronsrs you have
hitherto inflicted upon the public shall now
culminate in an attack upon an individual.
In tills , ns I have said , tlio
real issue is between you and
the laws of the land. It may be , before you
are thromrh , those laws will efficiently advise
you that I , ns an Individual cltl/cn , nm not
beyond their care. Very respectfully ,
Aid for the Utrikors.
SCISAXTON , Ia. ! , April M. Master Work
man Powderly nas written to Secretary Tur
ner , of the Knights of Labor , saying a spirit
ed circular should go out at once to tlio order , '
asking them to turn every dollar they can
rnlsu Into the hands of the southwest
Knights In support of the lislit against the
Gould system.
ST. Loris , April 14. The situation in
East St. Louis Is unchanged , with the ex
ception that various roads are iiv better shape
to do business ; > nd nro doing more , bwltch
engines in the. 'various yards are busy
and n resumption of business seems
more probable than , at any time..since
the beginning of the strike. The great draw
back to the various companies tuliv-rcsum- '
ing is tlio inability of'the St. Louis Bridge
company and Beit line to afford sufficient
traiiblerriiiK facilities across the bridge and
river from tlio levee to the various yards.
The Bridge , company employed a few moro
men yesterday and a few more this morning.
The Belt line nnd the Bridge company re
quire sixteen switchmen on each side of the
river , and the number of men now employed
Is inadequate. Tlio officials say tills state of
affairs is not because the men do not desire
to return to won ? , but because they are afraid
to do so for fear of the consequences after
the militia is uwny. The
business of the various roads yester
day exceeded that of any previous
day since tlio strike , and from appearances
to-day it is .safe to predict still moro complete
resumption of freight traffic. The Chicago ,
Burlington & Quincy , and Chicago & Al
ton roads seem to bo in tlio best condition so
far as their ability is concerned to handle
freight , and the men in these yards have been
busy all morning making up trains. Fifty
men , eight of whom aru old hands , returned
to work this morning , giving this road a full
force of platform men. Ono freight train
was sent out over this road this morning.
At the Burlington & Quincv yards and
freight depot the condition of affairs Is the
same as nt the Alton ytuds nnd depot , and
freight trains on that road were sent out this
morning. Men inother yards , executing tlio
Louisville & Nashville und Cairo shoit line ,
are busy making up trains , and it is
expected they will succeed in sending
them out Inter In the day.
Tlio situation at the Indianapolis it St.
Louis yards in East St. Louis is reported to
lie in a promising condition. The company
had all the men nc-cdcd , and was doing busi
ness in earnest , ono train having been sent
out. The Carlo Short line has two switch
engines at work making up trains nnd mov
ing freight. The Vnndalla asront claims they
are receiving and handling largo amounts of
iioxir.'s JIOHNINO m.ow.
Nnw YOKK , April M , A dispatch was re
ceived at the Missouii Pacific offices to-day
from lloxio. in S.t. Louis says : The follow
ing dispatch was'received tills morning from
Springiiold , HI. : "There Is llftlo or no
probability of the coal miners making any
trouble as they nio anxlnus to woik. "
Ainonu' the persons killed ntEast St. Louis
last Friday was "the ringleader of tlio last
strike at thu Springfield iron works and tlio
leader of the riot In which thrco. iron works
men were killed.
STIIIKK roil A it.visn.
KITTANNINO , Pa. , April H. Tlio employes
of thu Kltlanning Iron company's llebecca
furnace struck lor an advance or 10 per cent
in wages.
PiTTsnt'iio , Pa. , April ll. The furniture
manufacturers received formal notice that
tlio cabinet makers and upholsters demand
an advance of i0 ! par cent on nil piece work
nnd a reduction of daily labor to eight hours
a day after May 1. Thu movement is goncral
throughout the country , The demands will
bo granted and the pried of furniture ad
vanced. ,
CAII nmvr.iis' STIIIKK.
BAI.TIMOIIK , Md. . April H. Tlio drivers
employed on tlio Bilrk line street ears struck
to-day for fc'J per day of twelve hours work ,
nml at U nil cars wuro "tied up , " The men
wcro making but Sl.fiO per day.
Bin.i.Kvii.i.E , 111. , .April H. The city
to-day is peifectly quiet. All trains nro
running as usual , Onl. who caused the out
break last night , was not arrested ,
Hooslcr Ilnnna OCTunds n Nation.
Nr.w YOIIK , April H-rSpccial ; [ Telegram. ]
The World'/ / * Washington special says : A
private letter was received here to-day Iroma
prominent gentleman dimmed In business In
the Argentine Republic. It says that the
president of tlio republic has just sent a note
to Secretary Iluyard asking him to have Min
ister llanna recalled. Hanna has , It Is said ,
taken pleasure In trampling on what are con
sidered the forms of necessary poiitcnes B between -
tween a lady aud gentleman In the Argen
tine Itepubhc. Ills business ventures In the
republic and his Invitation to Indiana finan
ciers to come down there and reap a harvest
of dollars has outraged polite officials anil
have made the request for his recall a very
urgent one.
Confirmation * ) .
WASHINGTON , April H. The scnnto to
day confirmed the followlnc : To bo col
lectors of Internal revenue : G. A. Wilson ,
Fifth district of Illinois ; It. Stone , First dis
trict of Illinois ; Maurice Kelly , Fouitli dis
trict of Illinois ; W. B. Anderson , , Thir
teenth district of Illinois.
A Oall to the Dairymen to Arise and Ex
terminate Imitation Butter.
General IIOR.III to Attend tlio Ne
braska (3 , A. R. lie-union , nnd 1'oa *
sllily President Clcvclnnd May
lie Present Capital Gossip.
Drive Out. Oleomargarine.
WASHINGTON. April 14. [ special Tele
gram , ] Joseph II. Itcall , president of the
American Agricultural nnd Dairying associa
tion , Issued a circular to-day addressed to
the farmers nnd dairymen of the United
States , in which ho says : "Tho enemies of
the dairy and of consumers of butter nro or
ganizing to defeat our movement In behalf of
honest Industry nnd puio food. Manufac
turers of counterfeit butter have held a
meeting and agreed to raise 5500,000 to de
feat our bill now before congress. Iteallzlng
a prollt , ns they state themselves , of 55,000,000
per year on the manufacture , they could well
afford to do this , and retailers of the stuff
could give ten times ns much , for their prollts
arc ten times greater. Thank God that wo
have a congicss of the United States
that recognizes the Importance. In the
value of the agricultural nnd dairy In
terests of the country ns paramount to nil
others , and that , so far as ascertained , nro In
full sympathy with our demand. There Is
no mnn in either the senate or the house who
could bo bought to assist in tills monumen
tal fraud , and the purpose to raise money for
this object should of itself bo sufficient
grounds for condemning the whole enter
prise. On the contrary , 1 believe the mem
bers all want to protect dairy farmers and
consumers of butter. No sum of money
could have placed our measure In the favora
ble position It now occupies , nor secure its
passage , and no amount , however great , can
defeat it on a square Issue. But the trickery
nnd sharp practlc , that surrounds the entire
tralllc In imitation butter will bo resorted to ,
and nothing left undone that rascality nnd
shrewdness caii accomplish. The sharpest
and most unprincipled lawyers and lobbyists
In the country will bo employed to conspire
ncainst us , and every known method'resorted
to that could defeat or delay us. Dairymen
of America , wo have a terrible enemy to deal
with. He strikes In the dark as ho works in
the dark. Arise In our might and crush him
out. Meet in every village , town and hamlet
at once , and organize to assist ns by bringing
your direct inlluence to bear upon congress.
iVdopt resolutions-showing you feel and
suiter. Demand that the fraud bo extermin
ated root and branch. Denounce every ar-
tlclo produced or sold by the concerns mak
ing or selling tlio stuff , and taboo all inter
ested In * any way , or who sympathize wither
or countenances them. Those who make or
sell Imitation butter are enemies square
enemies of the public weal , and' should bo
classed as criminals of the lowest and most
dangerous order. "
-WIIKN co.vmiEss WILL Anjounx.
'Congressman Blunt , of-Gcorgia , says ho be-
llovcs congress will atljouru in about' ninety
days. _ ' "rbclieve , " ho said , talking of the
work of congress , "that we are through now
with silver and labor legislation for this con
gress. The tariff and Intcr-htnto commerce
bills arc the only measures that are liable to
consume any more time , nnd I think the
former stands a pretty good show of being
passed by the Forty-ninth congress , as there
are propositions in it which commend them
selves favorably to the majority. The ap-
propiiatlon committee in the house has been
backward in reporting some of the bills re
ferred to it , and naturally the naval commit
tee has peen forced to adopt the same course
on account of tlio agitation regarding the
Improvement of the navy. Still , I do not
.sec any necessity for the session of congress
to bo prolonged beyond the middle of July at
the furthest. "
TIM : I'opri.Aii srxECiir.s.
There Is a greater demand for speeches on
the silver question than for any speeches
that have been made in the senate on politi
cal issues. The largest eiders received at the
government printing office this session was
for William L. Scott's speech in support of
the compromise on tlio silver question. The
next largest order was for Black's speech
attacking the financial policy of tlio adminis
tration , which was for by members of
botli parties.
Ex-Senator Thayer , commander ot the
Grand Army of the Republic for Nebraska , is
here , and in company with Representative
Dorscy called upon President Cleveland to
day and extended to him an Invitation to the
reunion of tlio G. A. Jt. ; 't ' Grand Island in
August next. Tlio president received his
visitors very cordially and said that ho would
like very much to visit Nebraska ; that ho
had heard a great deal of the
growth of the state nnd had n
desire to meet tlio enterprising people there ,
but ho could not promise to-day to do so. It
his business was In a condition to ad
mit of his absence , ho would bu present
nt the reunion he said. Messrs. Thayer nnd
Dorfioy called upon ( Senator Logan nnd ex
tended him a similar invitation , Ho imme
diately replied that lie would try to meet his
old comrades in Nebraska nt their reunion ;
that ho had made several ell'oits to do BO
heretofore , but had been disappointed each
time. Ho hoped sincerely that ho could bo
present , nml stated that It was altogether
piobabln that ho would bo. Tlwyijr and Dor-
soy arc well satisfied with their work in this
direction , and nro confident of at
least the attendance of General Local ) .
It Is probable that tlio work of the tariff re
formers has had some effect in the liouso ,
and it Is not altogether improbable that the
Morrison bill will bo passed. Every measure
has been relegated to give advantage to the
tariff bill. Trades upon everything and for
everything have been Hindu to get votes for
the bill and it is htatcd that It will bo sup
ported by nearly nil of Hie democrats all ex
cepting eight or ten In Ohio , who will op
pose It on account of Its black cyo to wool.
Some surprise was expressed to-day when
It was announced that Mr. Itandall
had consented to vote for the bill ,
lam toldhowever , ho hns not promised to
supported the billbut on thoconlrary has been
thinking of pouring Into the house a num
ber of appropriations bills , nnd defeating the
consideration of the measure for some time ,
and then finally rallying his forces nnd de
feating It on a voto.
Many believe that Mr. Itandall cannot
maintain u sincere and consistent attitude on
the tariff , and vote for tlio Morrison bill ; that
If he votes to reduce protection on tliu ar
ticles enumerated In tills bill , ho cannot con
sistently ask anti-reformers to help him defeat -
feat bills which may heretofore bo brought
In Jiffectlnz iron ore and metals generally.
Mr , Kamhill Is placed in.somewhat embar
rassing situation by this bill , and many people -
plo are wondering what he will do , for ho
lir.s refused to express an opinion ono > vny or
another. '
A. 1C. McClure , edltor-of the Philadelphia
Times , who has been hcie studying the'situ-
nllpn regarding tlio tariff bill , telegraphs his
iapcr that wllli the determined opposition of
the Ohio wool men , the Louisiana sugar men
and the Michigan members , all lead by Kan-
ilall , the defeat ot Monison's new tariff bill
s assured. Ho says Itandall will certainly
oppose the bill , ho regarding the attack upon
salt and sugar as unjust and uncalled for nt
; ho present limp , and that In his opposition
10 will have the assistance of Michigan ,
Ohio , Louisiana nnd Pennsylvania.
Friends of the bill confirming titles of land
n the DCS Molno.s ilver valley hope to get
: ho bill up In the scnnto this week , nmt will
.ry to pass It.ovor the president's veto. They
; hlnk the chances of Its passage are very
: ood.
The time schdulo on the Star route from
Axtell to Kocnc , Neb. , has been ordered
changed ns follows : Leave Axtell daily , ex
cept Sundays , at 10 n. in. ! arrive nt Kccne by
11:30 : a. in. ; leave Kcena dally , except Sun
days , at 8 a. in. ; arrh eat Axtell by Hi.'iO a.
in , John 11. Moiehi'ad has been commis
sioned postmaster at , Neb.
The president to-day nominated
Wm. B. Beck to bo postmaster at Tekamah ,
Neb. , and W. 1C. Comb nt Guthrlo Center ,
The bill to reconstruct the navy , build now
shins , complete these partially finished , etc.
will not come up for consideration' In the
liouso till sometime in .May. It Is calculated
that It will occupy nbout two weeks' time
when the debate Is begun , although It is not
known that It will encounter any formidable
opposition. A disposition seems to prevail
to give the country n great deal of Informa
tion on the subject of tlio navy In justifica
tion of what congress proposes to do spend
nbout S' 0,000,030 , finally , for now ships. The
arrangements that are being made for a long
debate make n presupposed acknowledgement
that the propriety of tliu work is questioned
His MnrrlasoAVItliMiHs Volsoni
for Next Summer.
NKW YOIIK , April 14. [ Special Telegram. ]
Tlio Tribune's Albany correspondent
writes : Assemblyman John 1. 1'lalto re
turned from Buffalo to-day , where lie 1ms
been nt tlio head of an Investigating commit
tee. He said : "While in Buffalo a leading
lawyer said to mo : ' 1 have just received a
letter In which you , as a newspaper'"man ,
may have an Interest. ' 1 took the letter arid
lead It. It was from Mrs Folsom , wife of
Prcsiuent Cleveland's law partner. In this
letter , which was dated nt Genoa , Italy , she
said that her daughter , Miss Folsom , would
be inariieil to President Cleveland next sum
mer. "
It Is said that Mrs. Folsom and her daugh
ter are. poor , and that their expenses in Ku-
rope are paid by President Cleveland. The
marriage , it is rumored , will take place dur
ing the prcsiuent's vacation next summer.
Tlio Pension Investigation.
WASHINGTON , April M. The senate com
mittee on expenditures of public monies
resumed the examination of Commissioner
Black to-day. Senator 1'ltimb called up the
case of Lieutenant Eastwood , of the Twenty-
second'KenluoKy volunteers. General Black
said , In reply to Plumb , that the claimant's
regiment > vas mustered In for thirty days ser
vice. Twenty days later the claimant was
allowed to go homo on account of illness ,
wlicro ho remained until ho was mustered
out. IIo was never in action , and never in
tfie presence of tlio enemy , nnil never slept
out ii oors but ono night. Tlio records of the
adjutant general nml surceon general's office
bbow no record of any disability. Tlio claim
was not filed till 18SO. The evidence secured
In a subsequent examination showed the
man had rheumatism before ho entered the
service. In 18.MJ ho cut himself sevorelv with
nn nd/.e , and later ho fell from a house and
Injured himself permanently. Tlio ease was
allowed by Commissioner Clark.
When the present administration canio
Into power , tills man liad received as arrears
of pension > . . Among the papers In the
the case was a letter written oy a man named
Kwlng , to General J. S. Williams , then sen
ator , urging speedy action on the case. The
letter concluded : "By giving him this as
sistance you will favor one ol ycur warmest
friends in past contests. " General Williams
endoised tfie letter : "I liopu the commis
sioner of pensions will make this a special
case. "
Black stated that there was absolutely no
valid cviden o in support of the claim , and
the $10,000 might as well have been allowed
for any other character of traud. lie stated
Ills understanding was that Kwlng was n
strong partisan , but in reply to a series of
searching questions by Mr. Plumb , said there
was nothing in the records to show whether
Ewjng and otJicr claimants were republicans
or democrats , or that the knowledge of their
politics over reached the pension ollico , nor
was there any evidence that the letter of
Ksvlng , with tlio demands of extortion , over
gut beyond the- decision of the pension ollico ,
or that it inllucnced the decision of the case.
During' the progress of tlio inquiry there
wcro .several controversies butweun the mem
bers of the committee us to the scope and
course of the investigation. The majority of
tlio members claimed that the proceedings
should bo confined to the examination of the
records until they were disposed of , while tliu
minority maintained that Black ought to bo
allowed to bring in such outside matters as
hnd led or assisted him In the formation of
liis opinion that the ollico , under hta picdo
lessors , was nninagod as a political machine. .
What these outside i tatters are have not vet
transpired. Tlio committee will probably
meet lurain Saturday nnd try to bring the ex
amination of the record eases submitted by
Black to an end very .soon.
JfHCllR8lllp DllkolU'H AlImlHBloil ,
WARIIINOTON , April H. The proposed ad-
inlHsIon of Dakota into the Union was con
sidered by the hoiiKO committee on territories
to-day without conclusion. The Harrison
bill , which has already passed tint senate , to
divide the teirltory on the forty-slxlh-paral-
lel ; the Springer bill , to dlvido the tenltory
north and south on the line of tlio Missouri
river , and various other proportions , nil
lound adherents to press their favorable re
port , During the discussion homo republi
can members sulil they regretted to find u
disposition on the rait of democratic iniiiii-
bors not to admit Dakota as a state , for politi
cal reasons , The democrats took exception
to this-- , and an animated discussion took
place , The committee then adjourned until
Wednesday mornin ; ; .
Nominations and Lund
WASHINGTON' , April U. The president
sent the following nominations to thoRcnntn
to-day ; Postmasters Gnthrlo Center , Iowa ,
W. H Camp ; Warren , III. , Jacob P. Kerlln ;
Tekamah , Neb. , William B , Beck ; Dell Kup-
Ids , Dak. , H , C. Briefly.
Special Agent Do Llgoro , of the geneial
land office , stationed In Minnesota , reports
to the commissioner ( hut im per cent or the
homestead and pritumption entries of that
state oio made us prctaxts lor obtalniii ! ; the
timlHir on tlm land , with no Intention ot per
manent settlement.
for Imitation nnttor.
WASHINGTON , April U. Kepioscntatlves
Hatch , Green , of North Carolina , amiVhitu ,
of Minnesota , were to-day appointed a sub
cominlttco of the liouso committee on agri
culture to dralta bill regulating the halo o !
oleomargnilne , but before tills was done a
discussion occurred upon the proposition ,
upon which the members of the committee
generally itxpicssc.d themselves ns favorable ,
to the taxation and labeling of imitation but
ter ,
Ucatli ofnu Illinois Pioneer. '
BI.OOMINOTON. 111. , A'piil'U. Lewis Bunn
tiled this , morning , aged Si. He came to
Bloomington fifty-thfcoyc'nrBugo , w'as intlici
of Postmaster T.I , Bmui.'anil onu of the
oklest Masons In HllnoU . < . . . ' ,
Many Passengers Injured in a Wreck on the
Republican Valley ,
Pnrtlculnrs of tlio Accident The Iiv
Jurcil A lliul Man Disappears
With Two Mnrrloil AVuniou
Other State News.
Kollril Into tlio Ulver.
BRATiiin : , Nobr. , April M. [ Special Tele
gram. ] This morning , about 7 o'closk ,
sengcr train No.12 , Coiuluclor Rogers , wns I
ditched two miles north of Ouela , ix station
twenty-live inlle.ssontliof here , by the spread
ing ot a rail. Where the accident occuned
Is n curve with a high bluff on ono sldo of
( ho track and the Blue river Immediately on
the oilier sldo. Tlio engine and whole train
of four cars left the track nnd the smoker
nnd conch oveiturned nnd rolled Into the
river , the other cars nnd engine lying on the
dump. John Brady , hrnkcmnii , was slightly
hurt , Bridge Division Supt. .Inscn Alar-
ledge , ha-l nn artery In his arm cut which bled
frcoly.A boy and girl named Smith of Wymoro
were hint. The boy will probably die. 11. A.
Kostor of Cleveland , salesman , had his right
leg knrt. Ho lost n gold watcli nnd grip. A.
Itayslmel of Detroit , salesman , had his left
arm badly bruised. A Groscup of Freeport ,
Ills. , salesman , was slightly bruised , An
unknown man had his arm broken , There
were fourteen passengers on board , most oC
whom went Into tliu river. One hundred
yards of truck were torn up. Tlio third coach
was demolished entirely. The smoker Is
bottom sldo up in the river. Tills Is Con
ductor Rogers' third accident this spring.
Union Pacific. Surgeon D. A. Walden , o
Bea trice , went to the wreck ns soon as the
news was known with a special train. Thu
wou nded weio moimht hoioand cared for by
the compa n y at the Grand Central hotel. All
the passe ngeis lost their grips and hand-
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 11. [ Special. ] The
north bound passenger train on the Omaha l\ la \
c Republican Valley branch of the Union a I
Pacific , due here at U"iS : a. in. , loft Barneston
on time yesterday morning under charge of
Conductor Rogers. When about midway be
tween Barneston and Okoto , the train was
suddenly derailed , and the two forward
coaches , a smoker and day car , rolled down
asleep embankment into tlio river. In the
smoker wcro Foreman Morrldgc , and a gang
of bridge men , all of whom were moro of less
injured. Morridgo was caught In 'tho ' wreck ,
and had Ills left "arm nearly cut oil at the
shoulder , so that amputation will bo neces
sary. Six other men , badly Injured , wcro
taken to Beatrice for treatment. One or two
of them are In n serious condition.
A little girl named Smith , about ten years
of age , who was riding in the day coach , had
her head .smashed , and was dead when taken
out. All-tho passengers were bruised consi'd-
ably , and It Is feared that some of them have
sustained severe internal Injuries that have
not ynt conic to the notico'ot the physicians.
Tlio accident was caused by the spreading
of the r.iiis , ono on tliu outside having been
split in some unknown way.
Later The girl killed lives at Olcelo. She
was but four years old. Conductor Honors
wus ; hurt about thu lo s severely , but did not
give up until all the passengers wcro cared
for. Following is tlto full list OL tlio injured :
Ida Smith , aged SO , injured Internally.
- Paul Smith , chest and back hurt.
George Heath , back hurt.
J. M. Conn , shoulder dislocated.
E. 11. Aldcn , ribs broken.
J , A. Grnsscitp , general bruises.
11. A. Koster , general bruises.
A. Raphael , general bruises.
Fred Hiiysenbacli , general bruises.
It Is Impossible to get the places of resi
dence of the Injured , most of whom wcro
left at Beatrice. The place where tlio acci
dent occurred Is on a sharp curve near a
bridge. The embankment is only six feet
high , but tlio cars rolled over on their tops in
going ilown , nnd are still stuck in the creek.
Itallway men in talking about the accident
say that it Is the first time a passenger was
killed on the Union Pacific except through
gross contributory negligence.
The Now City Oillccrs Determined to
Strictly Knl'orco tlio Law.
HASTINOB , Neb. , April ! ) . [ Special. ]
The new mayor and city council were Inaugu
rated last evening. Tlio city government , as
now constituted , is as follows :
Mayor Samuel Alexander.
Councilmcn W. 11. Stock. E. Lnngovln ,
C. C. Rlttcnhouse , O. Oliver , T. 15. Farrell , E.
11. Lewis nnd R. Covert.
The latter two , Lewis nnd Covert , wcro
elected by the temperance party. I'lio first
business of any Importance to come before
the council was the question of granting sa
loon licenses for the ensuing year. A for
midable remonstrance against the granting
of licenses was piesontcd , but on n strict
party vote It was laid upon the table.
Nine parties made application for license.
Four of them had compiled with the law and
so the council granted their petitions. Five of
the applications iwcro found deficient In nil
the icfpilremenls of law and were laid over.
Although the high license party were vic
torious In llio recent election , it Is quite evi
dent that limy are moro disposed to follow
tlio requirements of the law moro strictly
than they have In the past.
Mayor Alexander Informs the Bui : cot re
spondent that ho proposes to enforce the
laws against the saloons , the gamble rs , ami
the social ovll , and see that tlio laws nro
strictly obeyed , There has been entlicly too
much laxity in the enforcement of the laws
In the past , and Mayor Alexander will have
the moral support of the business men and ,
citizens generally.
Tlio main tople of interest In Hastings to
day Is the proposition to bond the city for the
purpose of constructing a system of water
works. Thojilcctlon takes place Thursday ,
nnd the amount of bonds to bu voted Is ? , -
000 , A canvass of the business pmtlon of
the community Indicates that the bonds will
carry by a good majority.
A Democratic Postmaster Installed In
Itoiitrlun Tlio School COIIHUH.
IlKATiiioi : , Neb. , April H. ( Special Tele-
graui.l S. 1C. Rhig , our now democratic post
master took possession of his ollico to-day.
Ho will bo assisted by his brother , ( . 'has. M.
lligg , Mrs. r,1 , Wetlieruld nml some minor
help , Jacob Drum , whom Mr. Rlgg succeeds
ns postmaster , is nt present helping In tlio
The school census of Beatrice just taken
shows 1.W3 children of school ago in this city ,
Wo notice that Hastings leturns only MS
inoio than this. This would show that Hna y
Inn's population Is only about 2.10 more than
.Beatrice In stead of over 2,000 which she
claims. \ \
Another Good Man Oono AVronc.
AIIAI'AIIOI : , Nub. , April H. [ Special Tul.
egrnm.J G. T. Webster , editor and proprlo.
toi-ot" the Homurvillo Boanerges , has skipped
out under u linuudal and social cloud , , "