il THE OMAHA DAILY BE B. WJJJJDNE SO AT , APRIL 14. 183(5. ( SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements under thsbcnl 10 cents per Ino for the first Insertion. 7 cents for each rubscquent lrBcrti nnnd J1J/C ft line pormonth. Ko advertisement tnkon for less tlmn 25 cents for the first Insertion.BOTCH words will bo ooun tcrl to the line ; they must run consecutively nd must bo puld In advance. AH tulvcrtlso- ments must bo handed In before 3 o'clock p. ra. nnd under no circumstances will they bo tak en or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In these columns an 1 hav ing the an wen addressed jncnro of THE DEB , trill please ask for chock to enable them to got their letters , nsnono will bo delivered orcopt on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO iOAH-MOHET. to loan nt reasonable rates on MONKV horses , furniture , watches and other per- poitnl property without removal. Small pay ments takf-n nt any tlmo and Interest reduced In proportion. HuslnrFwrontldcntMI. C. J.Cns- well , lloom 19 , Iron Hank Ilulldlnir , 12th and Far- num. Take olovntor. * 00 , * TO LOAN on real c toto. T-owest MONEY No comml lon. Mahoney & Ilnr- rls.lloom 11 , Um Farmim. 37dmD * to lonn on hn lnos * property In MONKV and Improved tarms In noiiirlin nnd ndjolng counties : low rato. C. .1. Caswoll te Co.Room 111. Nebraska National Hank llulUling , 121 li mill 1'nriinm. ' ONKr to loan on jrood cpcurity. J. H. M I'rcodmnn at Blorann llros. , 1207 Douglas st. To lonn on Improved farms or ro l MONKV lota , on ono year's tlmo. Homo 1 Ire Insurance Co. . 1515 Douglas St. IM * TO LOAN On rnsldonro property. MONEY . No commission. C. J. Caswoll 4 Co. , lloom ID Iron Hank Ilulldlnir , 12th and Farnnm. * n f ONUY to lonn on mortgage security , llnal iTlostato and commnrclnl paper bought. .1. II. Frcedm Jn , care 8olman llros. . 100 N. 13th St. .10,0(1(1 ( to lonn. Bums $ .V nnd upwards. Lowest rates , llomls , 15th nnd Douslajsts. TltONKY * TO r.OAN on business property. lU Opposite Poslolllco. W. O.Bhrlvcr. lot nonooo to lonn on buslno nnd rcsldonco $ property in sums of $1,000 nnd upwards. Ames. 1507 Farnam st. ' " " l 0OOOto lonn on city rcsldonco property $ Oeo. W.Day , 15 ) Farnam. Ji t Id LOAN Money many amount On Ml cla f.cs of security. Pliorttiniu loans on real ostato. Lonp tlmo loans on real estate. Money to lonn on chattels. Money to lonn on collaterals. Money to loan on any peed security. Terms eiisy. tlmo tomilt. . . _ . Apply atthoOmnha Financial Kxchanw , Ilnrltor'R building , BW corner of Fifteenth nnd Fnmam Bt . upstairs MO " " ONiV'"for ovorybodylou can borrow mnnoy on furniture , horses , wajrous , , ptock of nil kinds , diamonds and Ono watches on your own tlmo. Payments received nt nny tlmo , nnd Interest reduced pro rata. Property left In your own possession. Terms Inw ns the lowest. Call nnd BOO mo. nuslncis confidential. No advantage taken. W. R. Croft , lloom 4 , Withnoll's Now Uulldins , Northeast eor- nor llitli and Hnrnoy. - TO LOAN O. F. Davis * Co. Koal MONKT nnd Loan Brents , 1505 Farnpm St ONRr TO LOAN-On rood securities. A McQavock , roora7Kedlck Block , 1509Farnam 8t. " " VONiv TO LOAN On real estate nnd chat M tcls. D. L. Thomas. B4B MMONKV MONKV TO LOAN In sums of $200 nnd up wards on flrst-clnss real estate security , rotter A Cobb , 1515 Farnam St. 1 > IO LOANKD nt C. F. Herd & Co's. Loa MONKV , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons porsonnl property of all Kinds nnd all other nr- ticlos of vnluo , without removal. 319 S. nth , over Itlnirlmtn's Commtssion store. All bus iness strictly confldontaU 07 HUB1HES3 CHAITCEB. rOH SAIjK Manufnoturln ? btislnnsi paying largo pinQtR4 owner has other and more Im- poitant airalrs to attend to. Call Itoom 0,1'rcn- ? or lllock. 444 TT1OU 8ALK Musio , statfonory and nook -C store In ono of the best towns In thowoit ; will soil or rent bulldlnor ; best location In the city. Al o land for oxcluuiiro or snlo in Cheyenne - yonno Co. , Neb , W. W. Ladd , Albion , Nol ) . "ITIOK HALU Grocery stock nnd fixtures and J building lor rent < ir sulo. Addiess 1)70. Heo Olllco. 41014 TT OU RALK A flrflt-clnss paylnp- business , J ? with an oMabllslied trndo ; jrood reawns for pclllng ; would oxchanffo for city or farm jnop- crty. .AddiossD Tl.Iloo Olllco. 430-17 * T71OK RAI.K Carload of Inrcn fresh cows nnd J- calves : Hplpndld mll.nrf35 ) ; to fOO : ono full blooded Jcrfoy80. At Uiidgo Stock Yards. 410-J * FOUSALK-Ilusinoss at North Plntto , Ncl ) . lti > stn\irnnt , well pnlronbod liy flrst-olnos j ooplo , run In connection with fitoin selling liinoy Kiocorlos , fruits , fro'h voffotablcs , etc. ; buMnnsApaylnirniid Increnslnfr ; amounted In vested , $7110 ; peed reasons for solllnff. Address Shniinon Hros. , Noith PlnttoNob. 4W-17 ( lt SAM : Clienp Ono parlor sot , ? ofu and chnli-s ns ( rood as now : also ono lot In Soars s' addition. A bargain for porno ono. Address O 22 , Iloo Olllce. 413-15 * Coutor , Pow cnpes and stock J.1 of Mrs roleor'g fancy store nt UOU N llitli st. Bliort tlmo only. 417 Foil HA Lit llnknrv and lunch stand In town of nlx > ut1,700Inhabitants : chancofor ajrood baker. Imnilro of Kopp , Droibus & Co. , 1100 Fnrnnm nt. Sir > -15 TTWIl KXCHANOK-Stocks of ( foods of every J Itli'd , for farms nnd land ; iilso'lnnils to ox- chnniro foiveoods. If you wnnt to trade , no matter whnt It is you ha\o , write , with full do- lorlptlon , to C. R. Mnyno , rcnl estate broknr , pmalia Nob. 103 Foil 8AI.I5 Creamery will bo sold cheap , on easy terms , to nnyono who will run it the coming season. O. M. Carter , Ashland , Neb. V\rANTii : > Tooxcbnncn for stock of hard- ' wnio and ffomiralmorcliandlso , MO acres of fine Thayer Co. , Nob. , land ; 5 lots In Genoa , Ni'b. . wood stern bnlldlnir ( best corner ) ; KOO 1 flwolllnir ( best location ) In I'.ssov , la. , nl o 81 nctes Vi milo fioin town of r.ssov. In. , wooded In blno Kni s. For further partloulara address .lohn Llndorholni Ceutrnl Citv Nolirnskn. < 1VI PEKSONAI , . ] } UIIMNAI , To pottsnns who wish to build n homo in Oiclmnl Hill , I ulll soil lots upon jiiij mont of tlio nomlniil sum of ton dollars and tmlanio at tlm end of live yonro. Interest at 8 jicr rent , pnyablo Koml-annually. This Is the best otTi-r over mailo to any homo-seeker in this city. Call nnd see mo. C. U. Mnyno , S. W. cor. 15th and Farinun. 67V BOAKDIHO. WANTUU Uourdora nt 12J1N. lUtb st. U70-13 * MlAULK board In private family. 411 N. 17th. 1. 280-1II' POK UUNT-lloain and board for two. in Cnpllol ave 142 ( OOI > Uuy board , WO Farnara st. 2Ti9.13 board. 1010 Dodfc-o street . . * I.OST. LOST A cilvor watch , liotwoon 8. lUth and Park uvo. l.eiuo at thin oillcu or Thus. llowtMi'8 Mont Market,20th and Pierce , nnd trot reward. 453-16 * LOST $5 rownnl. The finder of a bundle oontnlnlniru walking elicit and two (2) ( ) silk , vhlto-hnndli'd , umbitfllns mur < < od rcMioctlvelr ItK. Ilussoll , U. 8. A. , " nnd "K. P. llussoll , " vlll icctlvu the nbovo imvnid by loavlntr them nt tlio desk of tlio PiiMnu ImiiM' . Tlio bundle vi lolt In front of the 11. & M. passontrordepot nbout 11 u. in. Sunday. 40VU * STIIAVKD Wtilta oreani colored row , fiosb , without calf. Finder loturii to 617 Dodge Bt and ruonUo niwiinl. 3Ti13' LOST A big red cow , Inigo horns ; notify IT Dual , 10th und Dodge bts. ttei-14 * JOST lllnck cnmro cnn'iiiff. Finder lonvo at 1615 Ciillfornla SU UI2-13 * * U\OITSI \ > A few ynnis of llk. Owner c * ' ! liavo winio by cailinif nt No. 216 N. Kth-st. * tu * STIIAW lints nnd llounots , ehnpod and 10- I c6' < odln thclatoit stjlos nt 1115 Houunl. ' ' 4JI-'i4' _ NICK Li : Corner fusel In w.ilnut or cherry f per t oot. Xix. tar fi tune j , same price. eprlturhliigei. Eurcku tiliow CaaO Co , 2il-210 Jnkc it , Chicago. atom : ) T7IOK KNT Why do you par rent vhcn 4lllufc'liis & I'uik. 1512 DdiiKlus ( .treut . , ull | sell you u utcu homo l > y jiaylntr only $10 und f2t ) ] iur month. 'jlJQ-H GAHDEMNQ-All Undsof KHrdcn work doiip by a practical jnirileuer. Frank Nlmtz , igtb U Ulliu7 * Housns rented : rents collected. Hodman .VThompion , Itoom 10 , Kodlck Dlock , loll Farnnm st. 2U3 APl'LTCATIONS for U S llccn o mn-lo out by John C. Thompson , Itoom 10 , Ilodlck lllock. 223 T > AKTIis wishing furniture cleaned , plenso J- address mo through P. O. Fred Urny. 197-20 * PHI VV nnd Cesspools cleaned by E. Kwlnz , P. O. llor 487. ClOnpJt * TT oit ItKJiT A store on n good retail street. JJ Apply the Omaha Heal Estate nnd Loan Co. 107 J7 < OIl HUNT Square Piano , ? l monthly. A. J.1 Ilospo , 1513 Douglas. 10 Foil HUNT Organ ? , 82 per month. IIospo , 1613 Douglns. WB POU HiNT-Snunro Piano , (3 monthly. A. IIospo , 1511 Douglns. nil ron T71OII 8AIK Fifty shares Nnbmskn nnd Iowa JL. ' Insurnncocoinpany's stock , nl o fifty shares Western Homo In uruuco company's stock. I. A. Miller , Council llluffs. _ 471-21 A. Mli.L.iril-1 will buy your NobrnMw and Iowa Insurance stcofc nnd pay > ou forty per cent pronilum on your cash Invest- iniint lortbo gnmo. J. T. Hart. 47221 _ T OUSAMJ-Cuonp ; road cart nt 1M7 N lth ! ) X1 Btrcot. 225-17 * _ T71OH SAM : First-class furniture , nearly -L1 now , consmiutfof two bedroom pels , purlor sot , illnlnR room pet , dishes , otc , carpets , kitchen - chen ranuo , nnd utensils ; al o hard coal stoves , easy chairs , pfctuiot , books , clocks , oto , etc. Tlioso will bo sold as a whole or In lots to suit at surprisingly low prlcus. J. 11 , Kvaus &CO. , 1513 Doilgo st. 447-15 _ FOHSAI.i : 1 spnn Drown mares. Inquire nt Kgan llros. ,2M ; and I.o wonworth. 53 FOH NAtK A6-horfo power boiler nnd on- irlno cheap , at Omaha Safe and Iron Works. JjOU SALlxino good tiarso. 1U10 Farnam. Jj 2UO "TXTANTKD n tonms and 0 scrapers. Corner T * 13th nnd Hickory. At ouco. L. DiigRiin. 4C3-1J _ _ _ - FOIt SALK Tlio best Ronornl merchandise buslnc < isln northuost Nobra a. For par- tlculais address McCord , Ilrudy i Co. , Omaha1 Nob. _ P28-14 TJ\OHMAI.U \ Square pinno , $50 , monthly pay- J monta. llospo. 1513 Douulns. _ IHlf IJ\OU.SAI.K \ Lunch counter and loituurnn Jllttlngs , gas llxturos , and largo boating Btnvo , at tlio Scnnto , 1 )5 ) Fiirnam. Imiulro nt otllcoof J. J. O'Connor , 14th street , between Douglnsnnd Farnnm. _ ITO FOH SALU Match teams and hordes of nl kinds to suit customers at Star Sale Stables , 20th and Cnmlng. W. Cannon , Prop. 777 T7IOU SAM : A now steam roller mill in No. 1 J- business locality : Hue wheat country : but llttlo competition : $17,500 ; cost more. W. H. arcon , 215 3 13th sU _ 8.1) ) Foil SAI.U Unrhjht piano , J105 , monthly poynicnts. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. IKJj WAHTED r3GMAI.E HEl P. 7" ANTED Experienced trimors. Apply I. > Oborfcldcr4Co.,1213HariieySt. 4U4-15 WANTKD Immediately A first-class cook ; wattes 85 per vcek. llcfcroncos roquliod. Apply ut Jl. F. Pntilck'8 , S W cor. Saundcrs nnd Lake street. 403-15 * W T ANTJCU 3 first-class laundresses. nl o iflrl to assist in kitchen. Apply at Coccus. 450 WANTED Six dressmakers at Jliss Kate McCabo's , Room 15 , Ciounso lllock. 4CG-13 * WANTIill Plain Ironers , washwomen and Kirig at the City Steam Laundry. 446-13 17"ANTKI > A good llrst , and pastry cook. I Address , Trcmont House , Lincoln , Nob. 433- Vl/'ANTKU A iflrl for general housework. V Work easy. Family of two. Plonsniit homo for a tollable frlrl. llofcicncos required. Apply at once nt 2011' ' C.tss street. 439-13 * "fXTANTKIl in good girls for penoral houso- V > woikrood ( wnpcs ; placesRlvpii fieo. Call Omaha Employment ilurcau , 1120 rarnam st. 423 " \\7ANTKn A competent mfddlo aged weT - T > man as nurse for small children ; refer ences icqiilred. Apply nt rosldoiico of J. G. Chapman , No. 1115 Park nvo. 410-15 CTtTANTIJD A woman who understands i houselieoplnR : satisfactory rofurentcs re quired. Apply 2201 Dodgu stiect. 415-14 WANTKIl A good cook nt 810 North S5th V > BtrcoUAddroi-s D 70 , co Olllco. 42J-K1 * Experienced ( rirl for jronernl housework. Apply at n e oor. 18th nnd Loavcnworth. 373 WANTKIl A peed girl for general house work 2443 Capitol a vouuo. B25 WANTr.H Flrft-cla s second girl. 20th Bt. 1 block eouth St. Mary's nvo. Mrs. Itowen. 1 A. peed fflrl for general house- i work ; must ho a good plain cook. Apply at onco. Kill ) St. Jlary's. 211 l'ANTUIJ A good uomim cook ; good wages. > Address City Hotel , Fairmont , Nob. 447 WASTED-MALE HELP. WANTKIl Two Intelligent boys , with horses , to carry the D.iily lice. 4 < WANTED A good canvasser to soil furni ture on weekly payments. Omulia Time Payment Co. , 013 South luth St. 451 WANTED 2 competent dry goods salesmen. Must hnvo good lolercnees and sneak cither Got man or .Sciiiiclliiixvian. Apply to John H. F. Lolimium & Co. 61'J-H ' \T7ANTUU-A llrst-class shnomakor , able to TT make sowed nnd peg1 woik , can llml situa tion nt'113 S. 10th street 0. J. Piilinqulst. 44015 * \irANTUIi Two laborersono to take caio i T of horses , and ono farmer ; good wuges and steady employment. Ono milo w cat of lair grounds , Spring Vulloy Stock Farm. N. I. D. Solomon. , . 415-13 * A sober , reliable man to sell goods ! steady employment : reference" . Cullai421S. lOthst. 412-14 * WANTKIl Two good odvoiUsing solicitors. Cull nt Commercial college on Farnam street. Llbornl p ly. DS'J- WANTUD Partner A man with $150or $200 in a good paying business. Address D 84 , Hcoollicc , 3UOI3 * \WANTUD Salesmen lor a staple alilo line ; llboial connnl-slons : Knights of Labor brnnd : latest giltlmlnconioiits with tlm gooda. Union O. P. Co.,4S Lulioutieet , Chicago. UJ-j-lu * WANTIjn Grocery salesman for sldo line ; Btiiplo article : ) wltli cost gilt inducement on the market ; llborul commissions ; on the market 8 yours. Chicago WoiKs , CO Lake street iai-U * WANTED Two llrst class teat makers and ono pantaloon maker , nt onco. Highest wages inilil. llarnubjr & Gilllck , 1U33 O street , Lincoln. Nob. S8J WANTUD A joung man or reliable boy with u horse to'eurry a route on Evening Dally Iloo. 223 T\TANTED Two first class coatmakors. Ail Y T di csa John Morrison , Lincoln. 2SO WANTUD 2U young men und iudlos to on- gngo in tlio telegraph eorvlco. A'ldrosj ' W. J. D.iroom 1 , Promise block , 10th Bt CJJaJl * \X7ANTKD-3good cnnvaaieM to soil furnl- TT turo on Installments. Call on Jl. F. Mar tin , 3IU South 15th st G73 W Sixteen liarno&i maEord at Sla- man llros. ,13th and Dodiro ats. 243 BITUA.TIOV WANTED. V\7ANTKD Pltuatlon by youiiif lain travel- 11 inn for wlioscsnlo whisky or olvar and tobacco house. Wll lleposliu J 100 as a bond und Kit o lufuronco. Willing to start on coibinlsak n. Addro63 D (15 , Iloo olllce. 45.114 * \\TANTUD A younir man fiom the east \ > ould like iipoflunii aa clerk in mercan tile IIOUMI ; can brivu good rccomuiondatlong. Aijdrcsa D bl. Heo onico. _ 44S-14 * \\7ANTii Ily a jounir Dane , situation as a i > bartender or coachmuu. Addros > a D oi , lice olllco. 4U-13 * " \TTANTUD Uy oxiiorioncod di work In fiuullli's bytUo day. il. lNo. K1X. Ifith stioct. 407-1J * _ MISCELLAirEOUH WAJJTS. WANTUU Itooms and board for gcntlcmae and lady , with child of 3 yours. On high hind nnd in private family pri'fcricd. D , 75,11EB Qllics. 470-15 * V\7"ANTKD To purcbtt o3 lots on o corner * T botuoou 25th and U3J , and between Har tley and Dodge. Lovjreu A Wilde , Itoom 10 , Granite lllock. 457-15 VANTKDKvoij body to buy Brocc-rlog- , > > fresh rggs , butter , and green vegetables at Helmrod' , N lutlu. ' 4B7-17 ANTUD Teams for railrrtnl work B fi Allirlgtit , Labor Agency , 1301 Farnuiu-st 431-17 "XHTANTKD Desk room : offlco on ground > lloor'piffcHcJ - - Address N. W. J. . Hco. OiUcc. i23-lJ' - unfurnished rooms not far WANTUD-3 and Hnrnoy at onco. Address D ft" , Boo Olllco. 400-15 * lOJhouscs nnd collates to rent. WANTUD you good tenants at once. Mn- honey A Hnrrls lloom 11,1509 Fnrnam n7'mQ * ANTUD To buy a ( rood substantial seo- W ond-lmml top buptry and bnrnoss. Address .Uillui , llox 825 , Omaha. fllO-13 To nuy n second-hand typo- WANTUD J. 11. Hayncs & Co. , Omahn. . MStplO JTOft BEWX HOUSES AiJIJ iOXS. HUNT 7-room hou o ; modernimtirovc- Foil . 24J2 Davenport st. 45S-13 HUNT Nino-room house on Capitol FOH : all modern improyemonW. O. F. Davis & Co. < -tt HKNT Oftlco snltablo for real potato : Foil onico furnitui-o for sale. Cnll Itoom n , Fronzor lllock. lllock.T T Two cottages. 5-rooms , now Apply to Charles Ogdcn , 13th mid Douglns. HUNT 10-room house , modern Im- Foil provcmonts , ( rood locntlon. irdwln Davis. Itcnl Kstato nndl onll ngontt ISUJFyrnam. 423-14 FOKllUNT-5 houses , nush&Solby , 21815th Bt , 347-15 Foil SALE Two story hou o of 7 rooms , lot 40tl.lO , In the bolt of locutions on Hod Cnr line , f3GOO cash. Inquire Pnctflo Tclo raph offlco. J3 t-13 * F ° It KENT-7 room house SOU JJUrt stroo . B.'MS * POU UKNT 2 stores. 1412 S. tilth St. O. II. Peterson. 72 * HUNT 2tirlck stores on South llth tit. Foil . Howard and Jackson. Paulson Sc Co. , 1513 Farnam Bt. 6&i UICNT-Urlck yard. T.Murray. Foil 531 THOU UENT-A tract of 5 acres of excellent JC land sultablo for market purdenliifrj imall housu , stable , etc. , olio up. Tlio laud lies uoar Fort Omaha. Inquire 1310 Jones St. UW-l * 1115NT Farm ot 100 acres , twelve miles Foil Omaha. Apply at the Omaha Finan cial Exchange , SW coiner of 15th and Farnam. OK IIUNT 400 acres of fine farm land near Ft Omaha , In quantities to suit. Will rent on shares or lor cash. .Marshall iLobeck. 1511 Farnam st. 401-13 Tjioil HUNT Dosliablo ro idonco , 0 rooms JD Slilnu's 2d add ; house of 0 rooms. South 5th , ulso2 barns with lofts. J. 1'blpps Hoe , Uox557. SAI.I2 At a bargain , nno U-oom nouso FOH AVith modern convonloiices ; full lot ! on Harnoy su , nonr CJth ; f5 JO. t'ottor& Cobb , 1515 rarnam st. 'J3t jlOUHKNT-Gardonturm. aOOS.llth St. 1OH HUNT NIce 8-room cottago. 8. T. 1 Peterson. S. E. cor. IStlrnncl Douglas. fiSl OH RKNT lloom In n.irkor Block. C. E. F Mayno , 15th and Fnmam. 455 T71OH 11ENT Store room on IHtb. C. E J Mnyno , SW cor 13th nnd Farnam. 401 HKNT Quo furnished nnd ono unfur- Foil room nt 4ro Chicago and 15th street ; references required. 45M4 IinNT Desirable furnished room in Foil two-story brick ; all modern conveni ences : short block from 2 cur lines ; breakfast If dtslicd. Apply ! 2 Hurt St. 452-10 * KENT Nicely furnished rooms with nil Poll modern conveniences. DION 17th. 4IJ2 Oil KKNT G-room house , S E cor 10th and F and Pacific. Owen Whalon. 418-14 * Foil HUNT For light boiisokoeplnir , rooms , furnished or unfurnished , In Uoomor'a lllock , cor Eighth and Howard. 433 Foil RENT Nicely located unfurnished rooms , elnslo or en suite , nt o\or 1007 How ard street. 424-13 * Foil HUNT Two nicely furnished looms , _ 2011 Ciws.St. . . , 375-1. ) KKNT Unfurnished room on reason- Foil terms , 1S1G Cans st BS5 OK KENT 3 rooms , collar , city water , at F COS N 13th St. 403-13' IOIl HUNT Furnished front room 2 blocks F from depot. 1011 South lltli St34010 * T71OH KUNT Pretty little furnished room SO JC per month. Hreakinst if doslrod. Apply B W corner 21st nnd IJurt. Horse cnw hnndy. : iu-i.i FOU RENT Elegant furnished rooms with unexceptionable board. Address 1) U3 , liuo offlco 342 13 * HUNT Furnished rooms. C07 N. 17th St. Foil 341-1(1 ( * F OH KKNT Furnished rooms. 1021 Capitol avenue. 110-15 * FOH HUNT Neatly furnishPd rooms ; mod ern conveniences ; near stioet car line ; References given nnd icquirodl Address Bcaro Ilullou llros , city. 204-13 * TjlOR HUNT Ofllco and store rooig. Gratton JJ & Drummond , 1315 Hnrnoy. 8UO 171011 HUNT Two nicely filinisliol rooms in J. coiner house on street oar line , 2227 Dodge Street. 878-13 * Foil HUNT Two nicely "furnished rooms , with board , with all modern conveniences. 2225 Doilgo. 738 Foil HUNT Elegant ami desirable rooms , furnished or unfurnished. 1GU7 Douglas st. Koforcncca required of applicants. 105 T710H HKNT WUh.bojli.-d. one largo nlooly JL1 furnished front.rooui. K.iiiluJ at 14W Jones St. " ' J " ; r/- " 78 Foil HUNT Furnlshddroo'ms , smglo and on suite , with or without board. Ac'dross ' O 51 , Iloo Olllco. . 240 TOU SAI.E-nOtJSE3-I.OT3. BAHOAINS 8-room. house 2 milo from P. O , $ J,230 ; 4-iooin hound , Virginia ave , $1,700 ; U-ruom lieu o , Goorglu nvo , $ a,200 ; 4-room house , Lowe's addition , $1,000 ; 3 honpcs , 4 , 5 mid 0 rooms , IBth , noarl onvonwortli , $5,600 : 7-ioom house , Shoimaii nvcnuor. $ 'J/WO ; 4-ioom house , 17tb blooK of SI M ) TroomIIOUK 2 ht , cur * , -T-room- ; - > on lots , Iliuipconi Place , $5,5'X-l-rnom ' ) house , near I'ark avetiuo cars , $2,2JO , All nbovo houses nnd lots can bo bought on easy torniF , most of them on monthly payments' Cull and oxuinlno our list , llcdman ia 'Thompson , 1511 'Farnam. ui > - stalis. . 411-15 _ _ FOHSALK Hiiylnif made nrrilngbmonts to go wi'st , I wlll'soll the lollowlng do crlbc > d loiiloUnto House nd lot-on- < Jtol-Hill : i > - - | - In most di'nhnhlo lOL'iition ; bou'jo and lot on How- cry Hill ; two lotsiipnr llnnscom i'ntk. Art- ill ess Hcniv F. Hlioales , northwest corner Eleventh and Aibor stioets. 4U Foil lU.YSlS-151otfl in Parkr.'s addition on Clark and Saundor * gts , Atnud , 1W7 Far nam. S.'il ) AiKiAiNS in ' iipprgvvd and unlmprovod pioporty. W. II. Urccn , 215 8 UtU st. Kti SIES I'LACE-Cheapoat city lot s . 411 _ FOK SALK Or Trade Improved and unim proved lands in Furnas ami oilier western counties. Addrosfl Win , Slmoiul , Arupuhoc , FuinasCo. , Nob. _ 275 Rr.muit'B nitovK Only t&io to $1,201 for lots in this location is exceptionally cheap. All the icqulsltoa for a MnH-chu-a homu location. Boo Uodlck'a Orovo. Ames. 1507 Fai nam. 411 R' O. 1'A.TTKKfiON , 11th nud Douglas Bt * . Tlneo now cottages und lots , monthly pay ment B. Beautiful acres , Himebaugh's addition , (500 Two live ncro lots tbcuutlful ) , $1.500 Several line resiliences throughout the city for Biilo on easy terms AlistraetH f urnldhcd and guaranteed. _ 1L C. Pattorson. 13th and Douglas. 103 miiAOKACB In 5 acre lots , for ( nlo. Hush J. Ac Sulby. 218 15th et. _ 351.1 A' I'LACU No grading noctlcd ; level lot8.Aiiios. _ 15j7Farnani _ at. _ 411 _ 1,1,000 For2 lots , U dwellings , cruam of lo- $1.1,00 . Hush \ Bolby.218 15th st. Ifti-is svr.K-Iot3 in l/iwo's 1st addition , goiith fronts , easy torim , only 1530 , I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Farnainst. B51 _ T710H S.VlTu-A low of the boat ots In Wilcox's JJ odd. M JOJO each. I'ottor & Cobb , 1511 Fur- lioin St. 855 _ Ninvi'OKT Bcros inako G city lots Ames , 1507 rarnam. 411 r-OH SALK-lly lloll & McCuudlish , 1511 " llodgo btreot. ( Vittngo and lot , Loavonworth St , $1V)0 ) House , burn und two lots near Lcavvn- woith , * aWJ West Side lots , Lctn en worth St. cxten- Largo lioiito. cast front , near Park uvo. . $1,100 Etory ana half cottage , full lot near Parknvc.$3Aju Two houses nnd lots on Park avo. , ono $4UUO and the other $5,000 East front lot on Virginia uvc. near St. Mary's avp. , 75 teet Jropt , . Falrvlew acres $ ToO , on long time. ' House und lot on Cuiulcs itrect , $3,000. _ West Side lots , $ JOO. & 45-15 FOItbAI.K Host 5-acro tracts In tlie market , only $ JUO pur aero , luqulro about tuom. Potter i Cobb , 1515 i'oruam. 803 T71011SAT.1V. ro lot . Olso'sndd. , only sl M JL1 Potter about ? . 1515 Farnam. 857 WIliili ; ; VAtf you find acres to match our Newport lifts ? Wo now offer the best part of Newport. ' , Atnp , 1507 Farnnm. 411 Foil SAI.K-'rirst-class residence property on St. M rrs ! avo. : Inrjro lot , jrood house nnd o.hor mproremonts : prlco reasonable : terms oosr. clirau llros. ISOOFarnnm. 705 RUCKIKS < * p"coiplo pay I , txx ) f or a vacant lot when they emi buy the same kind of a lot of us back < ot Jtlffh school with cottnuo and nlcelv Imprafnd for $5no. . ) . Aik about t'llj. ' Hush & Solbj/2H Fifteenth street. ! SW-IS UDlCirs OROVJJ , Ames , 1507 rarnam. L > 411 FOIt SATii : tmnrorort farm * , , by Hnmlhi * Drown , 311S. llth street , Oranlm , Nob. Cnss County , Nebraska : r.H SUM.27. ID. 12. SO acres , nltout thrco miles from Arocnfy ; ) acres under cultivation. Oton County , Nebraska : NW4 , 31t > ,13 , ISO ncros , improvements : 120 acres under cultivation mid now com crib < NK',31 , 0 , 11. 100acres , improvements : 1" > 3 ncres under cultlvntlon , with a double cornorlb , now. S\VM , 31,9,13 , ICO acres ; CO acres under culti vation. 8W4,28,8.n. ISSacro3lmprovomontS ! U9 nors under cultlvntlon , nnd n now hedge fenoonll nround tlio farm , swy,5,0,12100 acres ! 100 ncros under culti vation. SU'H , 4,8,12.100 acre1 ! : 120 under cultlvntlon , with a good dwelling , stnblo.outuousos and corn critic. All of the aboro lands within i miles of Dun- bnr. bnr.H H no U. 10-8-11SO acres ; o K s w K , 19-8-11 , 60 acres ; s o H 10-8-11 , 100 acres < J20 acres ono and nbalf mlles southwest Syrnoitso , known as tlio Chorn farm , 300 neros under cultivation , has two jrood dwellings , barns , cribs , oto. All the nbovo lands will bo sold on favorable terms. For prices and further Information call on or address llamlln & llrown. real estate dotlnrs , ail South llth st. Omnlm , Nob. D30-20 * MBS 1'LACE-Not a poor lot In the nddl- L tlon. 411 LAKK'.S A1 > DITION-Askabout 81,000 iiomo. Uush & Sulby , 218 15th St. 3AI-15 RltSH&SKMtY hnro for snlo all the H F Hhodos property. Adk about It. 218315th 318-15 N i\Vl'OllT has sold faster than any acre property over olloiod. Aincs , 1&07 I'arinttn. LU1IWICIC A > SKAY , Heal Estate llrokcrs , S. B. Cor i : > th nnd Doualna. Ilanscom I'luro roildencos for sulo , Oioom cottix o K. F. block 10,100x150. Will divide. Elopant cottaso K. F. block 3 , IOO.X150. Will divide. 7 room cottage B. F. , block 8 , AflxlBl , 4 room cottage \V. F. , block 15 , ISOslSO. Will divide. I , 5 room cottagro I * F , block IB , 50xl."iO. Flvo fl room oottag-es , north nth. Monthly payments. , Uroom house , J. I. Ko.llck's subnllv. , Park ave , 75x110. 10 room house , Terrace add. W f. , IHxHO. WllldMde. Five cottncos.Sluiirs add. N. F. , 00x103. Klotrnnt residence , Webster SL , S. F. , 33x133 , between 18th anl'Jth. " ok'Kiuit rojidonccs between Webster nnd Hurt , GI\1.K , North 10th. 2 olcBant rosldoncos , Chicago St. , 33x133 , each betwc'cn IS-th nnd 19th. Duslno s pioporty , corner on Douglas , 1m- piovcd,41xtti. : Huslness property cor. on Oth nnd Hnrney , OOx Lot2 , blocftli)2l't30xl32 ) Corner onrllamoy noarlCth , 68x77. KJ foot front on Douglas 15th. 41 feet on luth between Jackson nnd rauiam. Lots in Atubloi'sPlace , Itmvtbornc. Lots in Himscom Place , Thoriibiuir Ixits In Cortlniid Pliioo , Isaao & Sheldon's. Lots In I'ui-k 1'laco , Slilnn's add. Lots in 1511/abcth Pluco , Omahii View. Lots in Mlllavd , B. V. Smith's. "To bo sold In ton days , " 4 lots In Thornburp. "To bo sold in ton days , " 1 lot on Cumins St. "To bo sold In ton days , " 2 lots In Liko's add. "To bo sold In ton days , " 2 lots In Sunny Side. "To bo sold in ton days , " V4 lot on Snundors St "To bo sold In ton day , " 1 block In Hoyd's add. Forbarirnln * oill and scous. Ludwlck & Soar , . K. cor. Ifith Uouirlns. IfiO GHOVK 1 block from 28th street EUDICIfH school house , inrnam street , to bo paved G blocks beyond , bringing Uodlck's Orovo 140 loot from piivod streets and cars. Amos , 1507 Far- Hum st. 411 d > I.4OO Only for full lot , now house , well u > cistern , nil complete , nw part city. Hush Ac Selby , 21815th st. 3VI-15 CENTS n snuiro foot w.ll buy Hillside lot 20 llush &So [ liy,218 Fifteenth street. .TCu-l FAKNA3I ST. will bo paved 5 blocks beyond Hodlck'sGiovo. Can you iiud lots as iicnr as this at the price nskcd ? Ames , 15 7 Farnam. Foil SAMJ Lot In Pollinm Place , $575 , easy terms. Lots in Ilanscom Place. 8750 to 51,003. Lot on Vhjrtnln avo. . $2,0X ) . 2 lots In Sunnysldo , $ .J ituu. 2 lots on West Ftirnam St. , $15.rM. Lot In Lowe's add. , S150. Coi nor lot In Low o's add. , $553. Lot on Hamilton St. , $ IKX ) . 2 lots on Hamilton St. , $1,000. Lot on Suward St. , $303. Corner lot In 1'rcwpoct Plnco. $750. Corner on nirnam St.UJxU ! ft. $ . ' 0,000. 2 liouec * and full lot , 10th near Webster , f. 2lots in La < o'sadd. , $1,175 and 51,201 each. Vt lot and C-room house , I2urd St , near 20th , 52,500. 125 feet on S 13th St , Sll.OOD. 3 lots on 24th St , $ . ! 0UOO. 2 lota on Decntur St. $1,000. Lot on 23rd St. , $1,500. Lot In NoKon'H add. , $1,700. House nnd full Vt , barn , well , etc. , on Hamil ton St. , Sl.tiOO. I'nsy terms. Goo. P. llonils mil and Douglas Sta. 871 SOOO ( For biiBlnoss corner 10th and How $ ard. llnsh&8olby,2IB151hsl. iioVlSi ' ' ' ' coiuniaiulf' unsurpassed views of N'UU'1'OHT country. No propoity sold on onslor terms. No iiropoity bettor worth the price. Ames , 1507 nirnuni. 411 A Jir.S PLACU No such lots In any other loc - - ccallty at tlio prlcoa uekod. 411 Foil HALE An improved 5-acio lot In Tin- tie's subdivision. M. E. James , Foil Omaha. 1PJ-10 * A : MUS 1'LAOI ! Easy toims ; butter piluos tlmn nnv other addition gives you. 411 tooi ( nroperty to Undo for $2,000 farm In DoiighiB or Surpy county , llush & Fclby , iFlltconthstruot. 57-15 /1IIOICE buslnoss lots in best locations on Vy i'nrnam , Harnoy nnd Ultli streets , for lease on long term of ycaia. Apply to H. F. Smith , U. S. National lluillc. Omnlm. 147-14 , Omaha property to trade Tor f'nrni. $3,700 & Sclby , gisriltconthsti cot. ,35 15 OH SAMV-Ily J.E , Hlloy , Rooms 4 nnd 0 , Uninlto IllocK. 2 lots In Ilaitlott's addition $1,050 and 1,257. r. lota , llurr Oali , gNJJ to JlMO. Jllots , Hoyd's addition , $ JiKoaoh. ) 2lotsnmfcottngoJtli : : r > tiu > ar Fnrnnm , $1,003. House nnd lot , 2Uth St. no ir I'anmtn , , U03. tw feet on Hnrnoy neur Kith St , $22,0 X ) . 10 lota near Hod and Gioun oar lines , S050 to $753. 44 feet on Oth and Jono3 St j. , $11,003. JIB loot on llth St. , at end viaduct , ? 13,03X 25 lots , llnnscom Place , $750 to $ lSjf ) . 2.1 lots , Hnw thorno PJaco. $400 to $ tlVJ. H lots , lllllsliloiuldlllon , $ ; . > [ ! to f 1,10) ) . 2 lots , Laku' # addition , $1.175 to $1.2JO. Slots , MarsU'sAjaitlon , S775 to $ J,33J. 1 lot , Nolsnh'rfffrt lltlon , $3,000. ,0)0. u ruum iHHiBq itnu IUL , o. mill ai. , ivj. House andTt'harn : ' , etc. , 8.15th Ht , ? Jr.U , lxt on S. 14th Bit , near Custellnr , Cl,23U. 124 footfumtoji Campbell St , $1,8X1. Lota in aliiU'saiVlltlon ) $1,200. 5 lots. ShlmtY&ia addition , $750 to 1,5) } . Lots in ThiirnbUfK , tAVJ. 7 lots , WustUulnha addition , choap. .1 lots , Walnut Hill , $175. Hmisu of 47rpoU. 3 lots. Walcut Hill , $1,450. Acre lot , Washington Hill , 8750. 6 acio lots.'Ma ' Rold , $ J50 nor ucio. In addition to the above , I liuvo a largo Hat of holt'o roaldoncuiniid business lots , also subur ban aero propcrtvi ForsRlobvJ.E.Jllloy. Heal Kstato and Loan Ilrokor , Hoe sJ/nd5 / , Clranlto lllock , 15th St. near I'm njmgj j _ _ r33 Foil S.uTft A Urot class nuw 10 room nouso \\llh all uH lnrn ImpiovomonU , nud u good bam , chicken homo , c. , nil in flue order , with three lots , smith fiont , commaiulln ? a fine view. Walnut Hill addition. Terms easy. In- quhoof C.L. Crlckaori , of ndhulm & I'liokson , oj.p. . P.O. Foil SALn Ttro lots In Plain view , 13) each. Potter i Cobb. 1515 I'm nani st 858 Foil SALE Thrco flno lots In Stilun's 3d add. at $300 ouch. Potter & Cobb , 1513 Farnam. 817 _ $ n , < ) ( i ( ) for full lot with house , buck high school , east front : must tell , party going to leave. Hush H del by , 218 18th t-t. _ ilt'J-15 Foil SALK nig Ilarffuln Corner in Isaac * BeMiiii's addition , only 2 blocks from Iav I - onworth 8t. , 132xUi , only $1,533. Potter & Cobb , 1515Faruumst S53 ' $ Wo for lot In Lowe's addition , ituah A ; tk'lLiy,218B. ntteentli stiect UU1-15 Foil KAn-8pcoial : llaranln 3-story etoro1 new , rosldoiico above : corner on S 13th St ; pavement : 25 foot lot ; $ .1,000 ; rt-nts for 20 nor cent. W , ILGioen,215aiJth. U51 $1.100 will buy argo store building on ICth St , nn'UUen ' ji'ar leiwe. IxioU in tuU bar- train. Kedman & Thompson , Ilcdlck Dlock. 1511 I'uraam , up-italrs. 331 KUDICK'S OTiOvu-Kcnrest nnd most df- Slmblolots In thiscitv ; convenient tocars , paved streets , stores , churches , nnd stlioolf. See Hedick's Grovo. Ames , 1607 Farnnm st. 411 NATUHATi SlIADi : In Hodlck'aOro Nrar- est doslrnblo residence lots. Am .1507 Farnam. 11 1 A CENTS n snunro foot will buy 16t Hftn * * JLU com I'lnco. llngli & Polhv. gs | S IRtli Rft.MS "ITlOll SALU liy w , ji , urcon , silo mitlT JL1 Mrcct. CO fret on Fnrnnm business $23.000 RO feet on Howard budlness cornor. . . . . . S\WO T3 feet on Hnrney buslnmscorner. . . . . . . 2oooo 22 rent on Farnam with 2 story brick store 25,0X3 BflxlJJ Fnrnnm Ft. corner 5,103 4 < fret on Farnnm near 18th with line house , 12,000 1U ( > foot corner on Farnam. . . SJ.WO 4 ( feet on Fnrnnm , . 7,7W 1 IB fee ton Fnrnam 17,400 110 foot corner on Farnnm. . . . . 20/KX3 22feotonFanittm 11,003 BO feet on Fnrnam , good houso. . . 7 , ' fl 152x132 conior on Fariiam , IB.fOO 201fcoton Knrnnm lO.O'XI ' The nl ovonroall great bargains , llosldonco lots In every part of the city at reasonable prices. Low-priced lots for poor men whoio it will mnko them money. llosldonrcs from $20,000 to $1 AW. See our list before buying. W. II. Green,215 8.13th St. ! W2 NATURAL OHOWTII slmdo trees such as jou find In Hedick's Orovo nro n rarity In Nebraska. Secure your homo lot In HoJIeh's Grove before prices ndvnuco. Ames , 1307 Far nam. 411 CENTS per sq. ft. for lot in Lowo's add. Hush & Sclby , 218 8.16th. 3(13-16 ( TfriOIl SALU-Cottnso on Cndwoll St , 0rooms. J ? $2.100 to $2"59i $200 cosh , balance small monthly payments , Cottngo on Saunders St ; $300 as cash payment will buy It tJW as cnsh payment will buy you nn elegant homo on Ijiko St ono block from sticot curs. $100 cash payment will buy you a nice house on Highland st three blocks from stioot cars. $100 cash payment will buy a iiico homo near Popploton's place. It you want to buy real estate call on Illgglns & Park. If you want to sell rcnl estate lonvo number of lot with us and we will soil It for you. Hlirgms & Park , 31)1-14 ) 151J Douglast SI , (1J3,500 for modd home , south part town , comP - P ploto conveniences. Kush ic Solby , 21815th Bt. U50-16 T71OR3ATn-AlotOarl40. and dwelling 20xH , JLA nehr future llrownoll Hall , ohonp ; half cash , Imlnnco smnll monthly uaymonts. V. I * . Vo- dlcliaC2i3S. 13th st. Oil HAVi : YOU peon Hodlck'B Grove ? If not , como and look at the host residence lots In west part of town. Ames , 1507 Farnam. 411 FOR BATjR Choip tots 111 Durr Oak , Just east of llnnscom Park , nonr street cars. 8750 , easy terms. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Farnnm st. 85t K DUO car mules and 10 head of horses , at207 10th St. 508-23 * 003115 AND SUU the ncio lots wo offer. They cannot bo mntohed In locution , price or terms. Amos. 1507 Farnam. 411 "filOK SAI.E l t > iir lots , cor. Cnlifornla anil JL1 30th sts. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on CumingSt. , $ S)0 and.$950 each. Potter & Cobb , 16151'uuium st. 84'J A BIKS : PLACK Lots sold to tlioso who want homes they can pay for. 411 -f q CUNTS per snun'O foot will buy lot in J-O Hautuorno. llush & Solby , 218 S. 15th. 301-15 FOKSALK nitison has forsilo lots In Ham- com Place , S300 to Jl.KOO. Gibson has for sale- houses and lolslnllanv com Place. Gibson has for sale houses and lots In all part * t the city. Gibson has Improved farms and lands in all parts of Nebraska forsnlo or cnchauyo. Gibson has thousands of ncros of land In Western Nobrasiui tor sale from $ j to ( I per acre. Gibson would like to BCD you If you want to buy or Shll. Gibson's Is the place to list your property. Cnll nnd ROD him at Room ; ) , Wlthuell lllock , cor. 15th and llaruov sts. 380 BUIlICK'S OllOVE Natural Ri-owth shade lots just a mile lioin postolllce , $600 to Sl-m Ames. l.'iOT Farnnm st. 411 SAT < K iTha Om.iha Heal rMato and Loan FOH Co. do not advertise as largely as some , but they hao Just as large n list ot property us any other firm , and it will pay you to MOO them be fore buying. It is managed by old and well- known residents of the city , and nothing but honorable and upright dealing la indulged in. Tholrpllico la ltoom2J Wlthnoll lllook. H87 R KS1IIYKI > LOTS In Newport no wf or snloat $300 per act e. Amos , 1507 Farnam. 411 Foil SALK Kl acre lot , n gootl 0 room Home , agrocory store , with stables , out-liousoJ and oRy water , 'ISA near Loavonworth , rent t > J.OJ or mo. , price ? iG9J. This Is a llrst rnto Invest ment. Omaha Itoal Bstnto & Loan Co. , Itooms 22and2J , Wlthncil block. 740 pay $800 for n poor lot In nurrOtik when wo will sell not only a good ono but the very best on complete grade , fast trent , $750. llush Jc Sclby , 2l8 15th St. S5M5 Nli\vrIlT nonrcst. best ncros. 800 for yourself Unit thochoicoof Newport wo now oiler. Amos , 15'J7 ' rnrnatn. 51 Foil SALI ! sovorai "dbsirablo Duslno s lots on 10th St , and business nnd rosldoiico lou in all partsof tlio city. AUo warehouse , hotel nmlluimpronorty. Houses to rout Property show n free or chiirgo anil n lararo list to select from at prices rnnglnir from $ .15) to $10,033. Par- tiosdoslrinir to Invest should look over our list and prices before buying. Correspondence go- .llciteil . .and information about the city freely plvoiu Omaha Real Estate &Loan Co. , Uoom2) , WitlinclUliook. Unmlia. 727 " \ SIHS I'lTAOi : Host lots for the money In -ii- Omaha , Sold so that thb man of moderate means em : got a homo on easy terms. Sco Ames Placo. Ames , 15'J7 Farnam. 411 LOOK IIKKK-Lin your property with us , whether Improved or unimproved city piopoity , farms , runchcs.stocksof goods.whlch you desiiotp sell or oiclmngo lorothur proper- y , Mahony & HiirrlH , loom 11,150'J Fiunnni. TOH \ SALK-IJy J. U. Evans * o.,151UDod J3 * Btroet : llargnmsln Ixits with trackngo , llcsidcnco piopoity , Aero piopoity , Lotswith rottnues , Ixitawlth houses , Ixjts with warehouses , I ots with brick blocks. Part lot. Lotia o , Mason , near 10th , $1,600. Cm nor lot. 16th Rt.lMAlM. fcl.VX ) . CliolcoiDaldcnco lots , Mui-oli Plnco. Elegant homo on Pleasant st , ? 7OJi ) . 1-MIoot , onst I rout , Itugnn'a add. 51.800. ItU loot , cast I rout , Itagan's a.ld , 61,801. Flno cottage , bain , otc , K V Smith's add , $3,200 Noweottngo.clstorn.oto , Prosjioct Placo. lV ! ) Cci ner lot , Arbor Plucn , near school , $600. 16th st.uornur , I40jl20. $1,000. 15tli Bt , UO loot front , $3,000. Siiiinyf Ido lots , cliolce , $ 'W to $1 ,20X Flnq lot mid cottage , Claicndon , $ i,251. H' foot tiont , Castollnr st. with cottage , $2,500. lloaullful half aero , Giro's add , $1MX ( ) . Acio lots , Fall vlow , on 10 years' limo , $30) . Hnlfncio , Park Plnco , $1,2JO. ito toot front ouch on 3 etieots with g d cot tage and barn , $1,200. Corner , half lot good cottage , Blilnn's add , i'ull lot , two cottages , Bhlnn's add , $2,100. 13J feot. Boutli tiont , Nicholas et , with track age , $0.001. Ix > ts In Shlnn's add , $7fiO. Lots In Leavcnwnrth Tor ratio , $750. Kust front. Virginia ao , now 7-rooin house , cistern , oto. $3,500. _ Full lot , Georgia uvo , north of street car line , "Full lot , 2 cottauros. Hoggs & Hill's 1st , j,500. Lots In South Dm iilui. I/its In West Side. Lots In Walnut Hill. Lots In any addition at original prices , and to nn 3 to suit purchasers. Consult you own Interest by consulting our lists. J. II. Evana &Co , , 1513 Uodgc stioot ' * IUVUN CUNTS per samuu foot will buy f15th. Thornburg Place lot. llush & Selby. 2IH 8. 15th. REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITERS. Potter & Nh&eafh , Law Reporters and Copyists , State Agents for Nebraska. Typo-writer supplies and paper kept In stock. , Bend for catalogue. OMAHA NATIONAL , BAM ; liim-mxa , OMAHA. . umr. A Ilf UW. Seed Hump foe talcd mrtlwltri Aditcu , Dr. WARD * . CO , . LOUISIANA ; OUTH OMAHA ! Beautiful Residence Lots Also Business Lots On the largo ranp of Omnlui nnd observe that the two nnd one-hnlf milo belt from the Omaha postoflico runs south of Section 33 and through the north end of South Omaha , TAKE A STRING pencil , then get ono of J. M. Wolf & Co.'s maps of Omaha and South | Omaha combined , PUT YOUR FINGER On the string at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's business center , and your peuo | on the string at where Bellevue street outers South Omaha from the north , THEN DRAW A circle and note where SOUTH OMAHA Is and also that "Additions " " " " " , many , "Places" and "Hills" are Car OUTSIDE This magic circloj THEN STOP And think a moment what will malce outside property inereaso in value. THE GROWTH OF OMAHA < Is ALL that will enhance the value of real estate other than at SOUTH ] OMAHA. At the latter point we have three important factors to build up | and make valuable the property : First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow th transportation lines. Second All the great railways center there , thus making it the best | manufacturing point of any in or near the city. Third THE IMMENSE STOCK YARDS INTEREST , Dressed Beef Business and Pork Packing Industry ] Will make a , town of themselves. TWO NEW PACKING HOUSES Going tip this year. A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment ! To bo put into operation by that prince of meat producers , Nols Morris of ] Chicago. IFOOL Away your day of grace when you do not get an interest in South Omaha be fore a higher appraisement is made. The best locations nro being taken. I Make your selections now. Lots that sold for § 300 in 1884 cannot now bo bought for $1,000. , Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfare ? bet weou tlii : city and South Omaha. ' A STREET CAR LINE Will run to the Stock Yards this year. Tlio minute it does lots will double in' | value , as this will afford cheap and quick transportation either by Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars , Agents to handle this property on good commission wanted ANY REAL ESTATE AGENT Has authority to sell lots. For further information , miipa , price Hat * , jiucl descriptive circulars , address M. A , UPTON , Manager | MILLAKD HOTEL BLOCK.