G THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY. APjRILl.4 , 1886 ; i-Hl THE DAILY BEE COUNCUTBLUFFS , WKDNESDAY MORNING , APRIL 11. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEABL STREET. Eclhcred by carrier In nnypartof the city nt twenty cents per week. II. W. TILTON , . . . Malinger. TCLRI'ItONKd : JltisiNFPS Omen , No. 43. NIOIIT 1'DiToit , No. S3. M1 N'Oll MKXTIOX. Stubbs. the linttcr. New spring { roods nt Roller's. "A gotnl fumloy liors for sale , " tlcco- rnlcs u llionilwny allow window. Griind opening nt lliu Parisian millinery elorc Knstor wock , April 22 and 2U. The funeral services of Miss Kmmn Uarrelt were hold yesterday nftcrnoon. Ladles , bctir in mind the opening : it the Parisian millinery htore April 22 and ' , ' . ' $ . DTho Gorman Ladles' Aid society will give a grand Ksister bull in Ucno'u hull Monday , Airil ) 20. OA11 call and sco the line display of mil * llncry K ° odH ut tlio' Parisian millinery store. Spring opening April 22 and 23. The linest line of millinery goods ever brought to Council Hliiffe will lie found at the Parisian millinery fctore. Opening April 22 and 23. The store of Henry Eisuman & Co. is now supplied with an elevated rapid cash Hysiuni , us IH also tliu Bankrupt store uud John lU'tio it Co. TTE. " Daniels , late of Iowa City , n brother of Mrn. J. 11. Carso , lias bought the grocery store of J. I' . Filbert , and will take possession the first of May. Those who desire to attend the enter tainment to be given to the cbijdren of the school of the Home of the Friendless can secure tickets at BuslineH's. The doings of the council last evening , ns well as of the board of trade , were necessarily crowded oil' this page , and will be found on another page of this issue. Charles liaitghn goes to Crawford County to-day to close n $0,000 , business transaction , lie exchanges six houses in this city with u Mr. Mnnson for n 210- ncro farm near Deuison. Wanted Room and board in the city , for lady and 8-year-old child for the sum mer ; private family preferred. Address , for one week , stating terms and locality , Q.P. X. Ucic ollico , Council Blufls. A lurgo number of the grain men on the lines of the Milwaukee ifeSt. Paul and the Chicago & Hock Island , were at the Ogden house yesterday , consulting about matters of special interest to them. Their doings were secret. Dick Webster and Joe Webb , two boys , are to have n hearing before Justice Hcndricks to-day , on the charge of steal * ing two sheep from Pace & Schmidt's , and a lot of meal tickets from Taylor Woolsoy's restaurant , fa The county auditor has wearied of doing nil the telephoning for the county offices , and has concluded to take n , vaca tion by removing the instrument to the clerk's olllco. There should bo an instru ment In each of the olllccs , so as to make it handy all around. At the entertainment on Thursday night , given by the children of the Chris tian Home , at the Scandinavian Baptist church , corner Seventh avenue and Seventh street , the price of admission will bo 25 cents. Fifteen cents to chil dren. Doors open at 7. Exercises begin at 8 o'clock. The fence about Bayliss park is to bo removed at once. This will deprive nu merous summer loungers of an old roost ing place , but will add to the beauty of the park. Some of the lumber will bo used in building protections to the high ways at dangerous places in Fairmount pa rk. Henry Jamison and William Wallace , the two colored fellows from Omaha , ar rested on suspicion of being connected with the robbery at Boquct's barn , were * -yesterday released. They wore given duo warning not to bo soon hanging about the city and getting into such suspicious nearness to crookedness again. Itis probablothat arrangements will bo made by which n running and trotting meeting will bo lield on the track hero August 81 , September 1 , 2 and 8 , to bo followed by a like meeting in Omaha from the Uth to the llth 01 September. The two associations arc planning to gether on such a programme. The police have arrested several parties as being suspicious characters , but still there are several whoso characters arc beyond suspicion who ought to be run in , their record being known to bo crooked. These follows have been notified to leave the city , but while some have flown , others linger still. It was stated the other day that William Dakan , of Logan , a prominent stock man , had disappeared , and that his cred itors wore jumping on to his property , believing that no had absconded. It is now claimed by his friends that his 'debts amount to about $12C09 , and his assets about $18,000. He is expected to return homo soon , and it is said that ho will t . make some sort of n settlement with his r creditors. rI rt The ladies of the churches are specially t entitled to praise for their enterprise and t pluck. The work done by the Episcopal jadics has been ono of the chief causes of the success of that building enterprise. The Presbyterian ladies are alike enthu- elastic , self-sacrificing workers , and by their influence it has ucen decided to go ahead with the building of the addition to the now Presbyterian church , thus completing it according to the original plans. The expressmen are agitated over the license question again. Some time ago the common carriers agreed on the kind of an ordinance they wanted , and hired nn attorney to draw ono up , which was duly passed by the city council as by their request. Now it is claimed that some are not living up to the requirements of this ordinance , and particular stress is laid upon the fact that no license is being collected from the 'bus lines. Yesterday some informations were filed , and it is proposed to have the ordinance rigidly enforced , Last night , nt 9 o'clock , Officer Unthank nrrcstod "Soapy" Brooks on general principles. Brooks was considerably in ebriated when arroited , and had entered Jim Snoddorly's store on Broadway and was about to leave as Unthank laid hands on him. It is said that "Soapy" Urooks has been the means of getting a 10-yoar-old girl in a compromising condi tion , and that she now lies in a critical condition not a block from the Broadway dummy depot , and fears are entertained of her recovery , Gentlemen , Ask your dealer for a wine-colored rub' ber coat with velvet collar. Wo sell them at wholesale only. Z. T. Lindsey & Co , A. ! ' . & A. SI. Excelsior Lodge No. 251) ) , A. ! ? . & A. M. , elected the following olllcers Moutinj night : W. M.-C. M. Harl. 8 , W. Wailo Cary. J. JJ * IP. Stepnenson. Tr , gF. 11. Wind. cuP-3nt Sheperd. Dressmaking , cutting and lilting bj Miss Uleason , No. 81 Pearl street. Substantial abstracts of titles and rca estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 10 Pearl btrout , Council BlutTs. STRUGGLING vSE A Woman Tells a Gauzy Story of Being Murderously Assaulted. COFFMAN AGAIN FOR BLOOD. A Strnnucr Hurled Like n Dog Per * BtmtilH of lownns Visiting the BlulTH Tlic Doings of the Day. A Fizzling Sensation. Yesterday n rumor was set going that a woman had been attacked in her house the night before , and had been horridly cut with a hatchet. The report , like most of the kind , proved to bo greatly exaggerated. The woman referred to was Mrs. 11. C. D.uiiels , who lives in a little house in the alloy running west of Pearl street and south of Broadway. The IKI $ : man , in company with Officer Cous ins , yesterday made inquiries at the house as to what had really occurred. The husband of the woman seemed quite nervous , and could not , or would not give a very clear statement about It. His story , in effect , was that lie had bee.i at work during the day painting for James Burns at No. 1010 Tenth avenue On re turning homo about 0ilD : o'clock Monday evening ho found the front door of his house partly open , and his wife lying on the kitchen lloor unconscious , her head bloody from a wound , and blood upon the lloor and upon her clothing. He picked her up , placed her on the bod. and running out of the house found his little girl , whom he sent alter Dr. Mel. Bell inger. The doctor came and dressed the wound , and pronounced it not a very serious one. It was a scalp wound about two inches back of the right ear. The husband claims that when his wife was able to talk she said that a man hud como to the house about 5 o'clock that fternoon and had asked her if she had ny money. She told him she had not nero than ton cents or so in the house , .lo then choked her and struck her with he blunt end of a lather's hatchet. She enow nothing after that until she eamo o herself on the bed. When the husband 'ouud her the blood was dry , and the latchetwith which the sensational attack ivas claimed to have been made had been washed free from blood before any ono utsido of tlie family saw it. The hus- and , on being asked why he did not lotify the police , or some one , when he bund that such an attack had been made , eplied that he thought he had bettor ceep .still about it , and that by doing so' 10 might find out who the man was. Ho jcomcd satisfied that the woman know rory well \ylio the man was , and said she lad told him that slio would not "givo lim away. " The husband claims that ho nad loft his wife about $15 in thn house , nit that he cannot now find a single cent. .lo conlidentially told the doctor that ho bought his wile knew more about it than he would tell , and got the doctor to question her , while he stepped out of the house. The woman evaded all questions of this sort , and said she would not tell the name of her assailant. Then she would declare that she did not know. On being urged to give some description of the lejlow , she said she believed ho ivas a white man , wearing a full beard. . ) ne time she described linn as probably 85 years of ago. and later she said ho was quite a young follow. She claimed that her memory had boon affected by the blow , and quite likely it may have boon , together with other ex periences of the afternoon. Several heorics arc held by those who have stoned to the tangled and sensational statements made by Daniels and his wife. Few take much stock in the story that any stranger made the assault , and there , seems much doubt as to whether the as sault was made at all with a hatchet. The most plausible theory drawn from the statements and the actions of the nan and woman is that she was entertain- ng some friend or acquaintance during ier husband's ' absence , and that they had some difficulty , resulting in blows. The anxiety of the husband to get her to tell the name of her assailant , and her determination "not to give the fellow away , " together with the fact of the husband keeping so clohe-moutlicd about the affair , rob tlie sensation of its proba bility as a brutal assault by a tramp or peddler , and give rise to the suspicion that there is more yet to bo told. An other suspicious point learned is that the woman went out in the afternoon to a neighboring cigar store , and bought a cigar to take around to her house. Per haps she smokes cigars herself , but pos sibly she had some smoker in tlie house. Boor and Shoo Dealers. Remember wo duplicate Chicago prices on rubber boots and shoes.Vo have a complete stock. 'L. T. Lindsey & Co. "Only a Pauper. " There was recently found in Honey creek the body of an unknown man , who bad evidently perished there in wander ing through the fields during some of the storms of the last winter. The coroner hold an inquest , but could learn nothing to point to the identification of the body or throw light upon the manner of death. It was decided to bo best to have the body buried right there , and the coroner made an arrangement with a farmer living near there , named Bybco , to bury the re mains , for which ho was to receive the munificent sum of $3.75. The funeral took place , and nothing more was done about it , except to get the county board to allow the funeral expenses , until the latter part of lust week , when it became noised about that the man hud been bur ied like n dog , not oven a rude box being given him. Sunday the coroner , learn ing of these reports , wont out there with an express wagon and took up the body. It did not require much taking up. ac cording to reports. It seems that a liolo had been dug about two foot deep , and the body dumped in this , then two rough boards were put over it , and a llttlo dirt shoveled in. The body was taken by the coroner , placed in a county collin , and decently interred in Fairview cemetery. If thefiionds of the unknown over iden tify him , as there is a possibility of doing BO by the clothing , etc. , they will nat urally feel that he died in an uncivilized section of the land. Dealers. Dealers in ladies' and gentlemen's rub ber clothing are invltod to send for sam ple garments of our wino colored goods , Chicago prices duplicated. / . T. LINDSEY & Co. , No. 41 North Main street , Council Bluffs , Avoca's Sensation , Arch , ( 'oilman , who is resting undoi the cloud of having killed a man at Avoco last summer , is reported as having go ) into still further trouble , and to have caused quite a little sensation in Avocc Monday night. As the statements arc given it appears that Coll'man had beer drinking , and got wild with his recoul troubles with his attorney , Fremoni Benjamin , who has sued him for $3,50C fees. It is suid that Cotlman in his ex cited state went into the house of Mr Ashboy , who is n railway man , ant throwing upon the table $120 , declarei that he would not need the money anj more as ho was going to kill a man tha' ' night. Ho then started out on the street gun in baud , to .hunt for Fremont Bonja mill , ihe guuuinpexpedition was inter rnptcd by tlio appearance of a constable , who arrested him on a charge of threat * oiling to kill. Coflfman gave bonds in the sum of ? 2,000 , , and Is to have a hearing to-morrow. , The other side of the affair 13 quite dif ferent. It is claimed that the arrest of Coir-nan is but n continuation of a deter mination on the part of Fremont Benja min , CofTman's former attorney , to bother and harass Coll'man. Ou Monday morning notice was served on Coll'man thatW. U. Cuppy. as administrator for the cstnto of Main , whom Coflman killed last summer , had commenced suit for $10,030. Main was a man who had no property , and was buried at public expense. To Cofl'm-in's mind this suit was started by Benjamin and Cuppy to further irritate him. The woman , who is the chief witness as to threats made bv Coll'man. and who claims that Coll'man tried lo kiss her , rente a house from Itanjamln , and is said to be friendly lo that side. ( Joflnum had been arranging some business with Iho woman's husband , and ho had been lo Iho house once or twice to talk to him about it. Soon after thu notice of the $10,000 suit was served Coll'mau was told to look out for some thing more , and as ho feared sudden ar rest on some trumped-up charge , ho hur ried to get rid of $120 which ho hail In his pocket. lie went to the house of Mrs. Acton , and handing her the $120 , told her they were after him , and for her to keep tlie money until he called for It. She claims that while In there ho tried lo kiss her , anil caught hold of her , btlt she resisted him. Shu hits llled a complaint , jharging rape. Tlum oamo the charge ilso of threatening to kill Benjamin. There is to bu a hearing this afternoon , mil Coll'man claims that lie will be able o show that It is a "put up job" to get liiu Into more trouble. City Council. The city council met last evening. The committee on police reported tha hey had contracted with Mrs. Bradbury 'or meals for thu city prisoners , at 15 cents , cash , a meal , the food to be such as lad been furnished. Extra good mcals- 'or prisoners working on the streets , voro to be furnished at 18 cents. The city engineer reported a change of ; radu on Bluh" street , and an ordinance n conformity therewith presented , ac companied by tlio written agreement of property owners interested. The ordi nance was read the first time. The ordinance changing grade of HlufT slrect near intersection of i'ifth avenue , was given a second reading , and referred to judiciary csmmitteo. The ordinance giving rights to the American District Telegraph company to construct lines in tlio city was passed. The city engineer was instructed to su perintend the erection of poles and desig nate the places of locating them. The city engineer , > vho had tabulated bids on sidewalks , reported that for six foot and four foot plank walks. G. S. Miller and Phillip Beta wore the lowest bidders ; on three foot plank walk , M. A. Mooru was the lowest ; on six foot brick walk , and grading , William Sicdcntopf was the lowest. Thcso bids wore side walks already ordered , in different parts of the city The city engineer was hi- struotcil to prepare contracts. t Tlio city engineer and street commis sioner were instructed to look after the flushing of sewers , and to call upon the lire department for s > uch aid as might bo necessary. James Gouldcn requested that his con tract for filling on Eighth and Ninth avenues bo extended until next fall. Referred to committee on streets and alloys. The council then adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. The council then met as a boarJ of health. It was ordered that properly owners clean and fill the alloy in block 10 , 15ay- liss' second addition. The city marshal was instructed to give a general notice for spring cleaning of alloys. Tlio city marshal was instructed to strictly enforce the ordinance forbidding throwing manure , etc. , on the banks of Indian crock , and cause such obstruc tions to be removed. Adjourned. You can find the wine colored circulars at Huvorstock & James' , also at Hark- nes ? Bros. For the latest style ot drcssmaKing' ' see Miss Gleason. No. 81 Pearl street. Personal Paragraphs. Roy S. Tuttle loft yesterday on a six- weeks business trip through Nebraska. George Consignoy , of Cedar Rapids , is in the city for a orief visit to friends. Mrs. Cy Parker has been called to Lo gan by a telegram announcing the ho- rious illness ot her father , Mr. T-3. Perry. 11. S. McAllister , of Kansas City , of the American Refrigerator company , and II. S. Nelson , general freight and passenger agent of the Humcston & Slionandoah Hallway company , were iu the city yes terday , lowans in the city yesterday : George Fagun , Adair , N. Hodgson. Avoca ; I ) . 15. Harrison , Anita ; G. J. Wagner. Adair ; C. D. Dillin , Neola ; T. S. Campbell , Noola ; W. E. Simpson , Mnrno ; W. Wheeler , Casey ; D. S. Kinsella , Panama ; B. H. O. Meara , Cedar Rapids ; H. En- rccksen , Davenport ; II. J. Klenzo , Adair ; 1. L. Dudley and wife. Atlantic ; J. W. Chase , Red Oak ; E. A. Abbott , Marshall- town ; H. C. Colvor , DCS Moines ; Charles S. Burr , Tuma City ; George A , Fry , De fiance ; C. A. Brace , Persia ; G. II. Dougherty , Eurling ; J. B. Christiun , Hamburg ; L. Sherett , Panama ; W. W. Crawforil and wife , Aston l.T. Spungler. Walnut ; W. H. Neirley , Walnut ; Frank Glass , Persia ; B. P. Lewis , Atlantic ; J. H. Scofield , Walnut. Money to Joan by Forrest Smith. Money to loan on city and farm pro- ) ) crty at o and 7 per cent interest , by F. J. Day , successor to Odoll & Day , No , 80 Pnarl street , CounciUUuffs. Rooming the Blurt's. The regular monthly mooting of the board of trade took pluce last evening in their rooms , No , 103 Pearl street The report of the secretary and treas urer was received and placed on file. Several reports were made by different committees , which wore read , approved and placed on iilo. Several parties are in the city looking for locations for factories , and conferred with the board lust uyening , and it Is thought substantial encouragement will bo given them , in which case the names and kinds of factories will bo made pub lic in a few days. Dr. McLcod , oculist and aurist , No , 502 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Nabbed For liuri-Iary. Tlie police yesterday afternoon arrested in Council Bluffs two suspicious fellows , giving their names as Edward Milehan and Dan Franks. They answered well the description of two men wanted at Loayenworth , Kan. , for the burglary of u jewelry store there. Both denied having Leon fa that state nt all , but a Leaver worth pawn broker's ticket , found on one of them , told a different story. The sheriff has been telegraphed to conic after them , uud will arrive to-uight or to morrow. An artist Disj-utitoU With Hnnsne City. Chicago Herald : "Yes , I've boon oul west , " saiil a natty , cigarette-smoking big-oravuted young nuin on un bound train , r'but 1 dou't hke'it. Yoi sec , I'm an artist oil portraits are my specialty , though I do dvcrything in my line. Well , two weeks -ngo I settled in Kansas City. Rented a studio , put up my sign , and wa'tc < J for cuslomors. Didn't want lo put on lee much style for a new place , so I * hnd my sign read ' minlcr'iintc.idof 'artist. ' Waited about ton days , and never a rai at my door. Finally a man callcda big , strapping chap , with muddy boots and an enormous slouch Itat. " 'Air ye a painter J' he inquired , look ing mo over. 1 " ' " 'Yos , sir,11 replied , modestly , thinkIng - Ing him some cattle king with a big slack of money and a big heart ; 'Is there any thing I can do for yoji ? ' " 'Air ye a fust rate painter ? ' ho in quired , still lookinzr at mo curiously ; 'kin yo do a good job at 'most anything ye turn ycr hand to ? " " 'I will try to suityou. ' savs I , 'if you will be so kind as to favor mo with your order. ' " 'Wall , young man , I don't take slock m ye , but if ye'll promlsu me good , hon est work 1 uiicss I'll get yo to come out in the country 'bout four mlle and put two coats o' while on my hess barn. ' "I slarled for Chicago the next day , and hero 1 am. " This Bpnco is I'tjacrved for Ilark : ess Hi-o's. " Spring An- iiounccment , U i n i n b J- n > i tt 115 ' V I 11 . . t - 'If U. it 1 t /J ti f I 1- . d "MURDER MOST FOUL" To Allow Anyone to Die o ! Diphtheria t DURING the Inst B\x \ years tlicro has not boon aduath from Dlphtboilu In any cnso wliuro DIl. THOMAS JEFFKHIUS1 PKEVK.NTIVB nnil Cunc was vifod. It lias been the means of sav ing thousands of lives anil .mltrht have saved liumlruJsor thousands moro. Indlsponsiblo In putrid EOI-O throat , in timllgnnnt slnilct fever , changing It in 4B hours to the clmplo form. In- falllblo euro for all Inflammatory , Ulccrnttvo , Putrid , Cancerous Ulconitlcm of the Womli and all Catarrlml conditions. 1'rlco (2. Full printed Instructions how to use the mcdl- cine sent with It. No doctor required. Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! Dysroptlc. why llvo In misery , and dlo In dla pair with cnncor of the ( stomach f Dr. Thomas Jellerlt3 011103 every case of In.Mtrc'Sllon nnd constipation In \cry short timo. Best of icf- crcncos Kiven. Dyspupsiu Is the cnuso of ninety per cent of all diseased conditions. I'rlco $9 lor two weolts treatment. From tlio Council Muffs Dally Horall : Mrs. E. M. Gerard , wlfo of Rnginoor Gerard , of the Union 1'nciflc , tlijs1 olty , bus been n KI cat Bulforer for mnny ycura , rwlth what was sup posed to bo cancer of ihp ihr'oat. It was eo bad that she was threatened ] with starvation- Her general health was complpfxily broken down. She could only swulkn UfRiia food , and oven that her stomach could not/jugest or assimilate , I'liyslclans of Council Jiluffil and Omaha t'avo no relief Dr. Jofforls't , > f Jll9 | city , was culled. Infourwoeks' time he'iurjjd her throat , and tins completely res tort * ? lif < r gencml lionlth. Had Mrs. Gerard not obtained relief soon she would have died from lijoo * poison , the same condition that destroyed the lfo of Gen , Grant' Dr , Jolferlcs' UIitliorlii | > ( oJiclno is infallible in oil kinds of sere throat. t DR. JEFFERIES' REMEDIES Can only bo obtained' his Olllee. No. : u S. Eighth bt. , CounWl HlnuV , Iowa , Or Bent by Exprcsj on llozolpt of 1'ileo. TIMOTHY SEED. I hare n quantity of sound , well cleaned seed which 1 oiler at seasonable figures. Seed of the crop of 188) . CorrcEpondcnoo solicited. F. 0. 11UTI.FH , Bchallcr , lowo. a & N.V. . Ky. Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Go. Lewis & Arnd , Props , Fasscncrcrs and bagao taken to and from all tialns. llussee , cuirlaeos and bag-jiipo wag ons make connection } with all trains. Prompt attention slven to all culls. Special rutcs to theatrical troupes and commercial men. Car- ' riugesrun uuy and 'nltfhu Olllco at 0 rderl House , Telephone 1-i. Also at ( Iechtclo'8 Hotel. Lcutcoidursou the hue * . WHOLESALE AND JOBBING .EZOtrsES or COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEERE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Buggies , Carriages , Etc , Etc. Council llluffs , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shellcrs , Stalk Cutlers , Dlscllarrows , Scodors , Corn Planters , 1'ood Cutters - tors , ito. : Factory , Hock Kails , Ills. Nos. U.01. 15J ) , 1605. 1507 Main St. . Council niuffj. DAV1I ) DUAWLKY * CO. , Mnnuf'ra an 1 Jobbers of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Carrl ffo . and nil kin 13 of Farm Mno'ilnory. 1100 to 1113 South Main Street , Council lllufc , Iowa , AXK HANni.KS. P.O. OMUSON , T. H.Doum.vi , Oeo.R WHKIIIT. 1'rcs.M'rcns. V.-I'ros &Min. 8o3.ftCoun.3ol. . Council Blti'Is ' Handla Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of Axle. Tick , Slo.Uo nnd Small llandlcn , of otory description , CAHI'llTS. COUNCIL HLUl'FS CAlll'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtiln fixtures , Upholstery OooJs , Kto. No. 105 llro'tdway Council Ululfs , Iowa. CMAIIS , ron.iccp , ETC. PEKKOOY & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers In tlio Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. 23 Main nnd 27 1'o.irl Sts. , Council llluffs , Iowa. COMMISSION. SNYDEIl & LEAMAN , Wholesale FruiUnd Produce Commission Merchants. No. 14 Voarl St , Council CltACKRItS. McCLURG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Craciers , Biscuits aai Ca'w , Council ItlHff * , 7oio.i. cnocKvnr. MAURER & CRAIG , Importers&JobbsrsofCrockery.Glassware . Lamps , Fruit Jars , Cutlery , Stonownro , IJar Goods , Fancy Goods , Etc. Council Ululfs , Iowa. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Yftolesaie Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , p' Sundries , Etc. No. 23 Main St , and No. 21 Pearl St. , Council lllutls. DIl T GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , IdipDrters and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions. Etc. Nos. 112 nnd 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 nnd 11 j Pearl St. Council IllulTH. lotvn. FRUITS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. 613 Broadway , Council Blairs. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pearl St , Council Bluff ! ! . ailOCEUIKS. GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Main St , Council Bluffs , Iowa. L. KIRSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Broad way , Council Blnirs. P. C. UE VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Itcfrlgcrator- ! . Nos. OW Broadway , and 10 Inln stioot. Council Blulf * . UAltNKSS , ETC. BECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Doilors In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 25 Main St. . Council BluUa , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS. Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 3K nnd 311 Broadway , Council BluCfc. HEAVY HARDWARE. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council Blairs , Iowa. HIDES AND WOOL. D. H. MoDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Pelts , Grease nnd Fura Council lllulii , lowu. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Ucnlois In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , EJTO. , E3TO. 8.Theodore , Agent , Council BlutTa. Iowa. LViWISH , PILING , ETC. A. OVEUTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , Aud Bridso Material BpocliiHlPS.WIiolusalo Lum ber of all Kinds. Olllee No. 1JO Muln St. , Council Illuirs. Iowa. WINKS AXD LIQUUK3. JOHN UNDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Winas & Liquors , Agent for St. Gottlmrd's Hern lllttora. No , 13 Main St. Council illutls. SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Ko COO Main Ut. , Council Uluffi. N. scuuaz , Justice of tlie Peace. Office Over American express Company. Farm at a Bargain. Well improved farm of 107 mica tor t > ale ; > i miles fiom Council HUilIs. AiMicss UtA SCOFIELD. Council Bluffs. : w. .P. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER ji Brick lulldliii ? anv kind rnl p < l or moved ami satisfaction Rimraiitecd. Frnmo homes raovci onUttlelllfiat trucks-tho best la the worll. 803 Eighth Avenue mul Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICK. Special ndvortlsomonU , such ai tost.Fountl , To Loin , Po 3il3 , To Uont , Want ! noarditiff.oto. , will bo Inserted In Dili column at thclow rate of TBN CI5NT3 I'RU LINK for tlu flrstlnsortlon and F1VU UI5NT3 1'KU LIMU for each subsequent Insertion. LO.IVO alvortUj tncntsnt our o.llco , Ko. U 1'oarl struct , no.u Uroadwnjr , Council Bluffs. WANTS. " 17UK SA1.K Old impors , In quantities to suit , - - ? nt tloo olllco No. 11 ! 1'earl street. HUNT Five room eottimp. Inquire nt FOU Fourth stioot , or of McMlckon , Ultt 1'lntncr sticot. JS WAI.Kini , No. U3 Mnlll stioot , SWAN ( Citizen's B ink ) , real estate ami iner- chandUo oxohiuiRO brokers. Our books tire full of special tmraulitx , but It Is Impossible to nub- llsh a icllablo lli-l iramthofnut of so many dally changes. Wlmt wu ask is : If you want to sell ortrailo anything In our line , write IH and we will send you n iitlo of bargains to select from. Lands Improved or unimproved , city or town property , utosks of ( TOO U of any kind In any place. 11 such you liavn or such you wnnt let us uoarfrom you. Swan & Walker Council 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Railway Time Table , COUNCIL 11LOFFS. The following Is tu ° I"0 ° r arrival nnd departure of trains by central standard time , nt the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot toil minutes earlier and arrive ten minutes later : 0:20 : A. M . Mall and Express . 0fiOp. : M. K:40P. : M . Accommodation . 4flOi : . M. CIOP. : M . Bxpiuss . : ttA. M. CHICAGO & ItQCIC ISLAND. Oi00 A. M . Mull and Express . OifOp. M. 7-15 A. M . Accommodation . 6:45 : p. M. ( ior. : M . ExpiesrS . OOJA. : M. CHICAGO. MlI.WAUKKi : It ST. 1'AUI. 0:20 : A. M . Mail and Uvpress . 0:50 : p.t. . 0:101' : . M . Kxpress . 0:03 : A. M. CHICAGO. UUIlMMirON S QUtKCV. 0:40 : A. M . Mail and I3x press . 0:50P. : U0r. : M . Uxpioss . 9:03 WA11ASII , ST. 1.OU1H & PACIFIC. 1:15 : P. M.Iocil ; SI. Louis KxnroSH Local . UUO : p. M.TrmisferSt. Louis Kx. Trunsror.'J.iO : p. M KANSAS CITY , ST. JOB 4 COUNCIL I1LUFM 10:10A.M : . Mall and Kxpress . fiOTP.M. UU5P. : M . Kxpross . 0:2oA.M. : SIOUX CITV & PACIFIC. 7:13 A.M . . .Sioux City .Mull . 8:30p. : M. tiO : ; P. M . St Paul Express . 8:23 : A. M- UNION I'AOIim lOiiKA.M . Denver Uxpross . 5 : < 5P.M. 2iap. : M. . . Lincoln l'ass.Om. & H. V..2:05 P. M. 7:50r.M : . Overland Kinross . 8:15 : A.M. DUMMY TIIAINS TO OMAHA. Leave Council llluirs 7:05 : 8:0.1 : U:30 : 10:33 : 11:30 : a , m. : 1:30 : 2:30 : 3:30 : 4M 5J3 : fl : * ) 8:45-11:45 : p. in. Sundiiys-7:05 : 0:3J-ll:30--u. : : m ; 2UO : ; ioD5 : ! : 0:30 : 11 :43 p. in. Leave Oinn- ha-0 : 5-7a3-8:50-10:00 : : : 11:00 a. m : 1:00-2:00- : : y:00 : 4:00 : 3:00 : : 0:05 i:15 : 11:10 : p. in. Sundays Uii : 7BO-Si : : : 11:00 : a. m. : 2:03U:00 : : 5OJ : (1:05-3:15-11:10 : : p. in. STEM DYE WORKS MRS.C.LGILLETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp. Postoffice. R. BICE , M. D. or other tumors removed without the knlfo or drawing of blooi CHRONIC DISEASES or on kiJ3 , 8peoiaitr. Over thirty yours * practical oxnorlousj. No. 11 Pearl Street , Count 11 lllull'i. Oiiuiiia Dinal A 'n Cor. iGtli and Douglas Sts. Filling nt lowest price , with rolil , Mlvor nnd oilier oomLImttluna Oohl pluto nnd tontlmiauB ( ! um Toctli Best Sets of Teeth. , Former price tH. 1'crli-U lit nnd l/ost material. All work guuriintt'ctl. Council Bluffs Office , 231 BROADWAY. WEST SIDE. OFFXCSH , & PUSSY , NKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Fetubllshc-l 1857. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS WS3S K.ADE TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. THE CABTER WHITE LEAD CD'S ' , DIAMOND llltANU OP STRICTYPUHEIB\DIZIHCAMDOIL \ Are absolutely puru , as represented. One K > ! Ion lll cover two liumlioJ und Illty iect two coutf , and "III stay on longer than uny other paint manufactured. For bale by Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc. CO7 Itfftiu Btruut , Council 'Bluffs. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices In Slate nnd Fodor.il Courts. ltoom.3 7 and B , Slmzart Block. Horses and Mules For all pui poses , bought and sold , ut retail and in lutR Large qimntlltca to select num. MASON WISE , Gih Street , Near Pacific House , Council Bluffs. The Highest Market Price For all kinds of second hand household goods and andSTOVES. . v % M. DBOHLIOH , 60S Broadway , Council Bluffs. A.C.lluiiMi.VM , Prea. L.W. Toi.i.r.vs , Vice-Pros. JAMES N. Iliiow.vCiishler. Council Bluffs National Ban , 102 MAIN STREET , Capital . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 200,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 Do a ffonoral banking busln si. Accounts of banks , bankers , merchants , mim- ulactuicisand Individuals rosolvo.l on favora ble terms. Domestic and lorolgn exchange. The very best of attention ulvcu to all bual ness committed to ourcaro. KIEL SALE STABLES . = * Horses and Muloa kept constantly on hand for Frtlo at retail or In cur loads. Orders promdtly lllloJ by cvitract on short notice. Stock ooUl on commission. . SHLUTUIt & linUiY. Proprietors. Stable Corner Kiftli Ave uio unit fourth St Council lllulfs lown. CARPETS , CURTAILS , , Mattings , Window Shades.Etc Wholesale and Retail. Sprint ? 18U6 Our stock ig now com plete and contains the newest ( Icsi fiB and coloring's in all grades of Carnota. ' Cnrtains , Hups , Upholstery Goods , ctci POPULAR PRICEB-Mail orders ofcr tended to proinpfy. Fine Upholster1/ ; Work to order. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPETS CO. , 405 Broadway. RUSSELL&Co Manufacturer * of all elzos of Automatic Enarines Especially Designed for Hunnln ? MILLS , GKAI ELEVATOllS , AND ELKCTIUC LIGHTS , Tubular mid Locomotive Hoilera. Now Mossillou Throalujrj. Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffo. SEND FOR 1880 ANNUAL. China , Gltisswnro untl Lninps , N1S. . Homer & Co. . No. S3 , Main Si. , Coimoil mufTi ) , In. Locking Bracked far Fences AND OriiKIl MAILS , UOIJ3 , KIU I-'KNCKS UUJLT WITHOUT NAILS , Any pint rea'llly litken out or luplacoil. I'ov pluku or rail feuom.lion orwooJ , uuiniot bo ox * coiled lor railing of any eort. For pailloulurii wilto C. J. IIIX'KMAN. inventor. Council lllutra. Pluto and county rights for sale. ONLY HOTEL In Council muffs harlnir HTire Esoa/pe And all niuaeru ImnruvorauutB , call buTi ' , Ur ulitrin bells , etc. , istuu V&ESTON UOUSEt NCig.au , 111 and S19 , Hftln Btreat , 41 XV linilKI U > n- l 4 * ' , . '