Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA 13AldY"BEE , W & . ) # § ! 3 DAY , APRIL 14. 1835.
Serious Charges Against the President of
Lincoln's Law and Order League.
Both nn n Kcformcr anil an n
All the News of the
Day nt the Stnto
far. TIEB'S M scout ncnr.Atil.
President Sawyer , of the LAW and
Order League , has been iniulo dufemlnnt
In n litigation which , if the allegations of
Ilio plaintiffs arc true , will destroy his
Usefulness as n reformer and seriously
Impair his standing and reputation as n
lawyer. Tiio title of the action is "Albert
'G. ' E. Holmes and Huby L. IIolme < by
Leoniilas K. Holmes , their guardian , vs
F. A. W. Shimcr , Oco. II. Walker , An-
ilrow S. Sawyer and Winoiia Sawyer. "
1'ho original defendants when the suit
\vas commenced last winter , were Shinier
and Walker only , butyesterday Ilio plain-
tin's Hied an amended petition making
the Sawyers the real defendants , and ex
pressly stipulating that they have no
cause of action against Walker directly.
The facts sot lorth in the petition arc
that in August , 1877 , George II. Walker ,
of Harlan , Iowa , was the owner of lot 4 ,
block 89 , In the city of Lincoln , which was
leased for a term of years by Anna J.
Holmes , mother of the minor plalntili's.
It was agreed In the lease that Mrs.
Holmes should pay a certain rental , and
erect buildings on the land , and that
when the lease expired the improvements
should bo appraised , and an opportunity
given Walker to ' purchase the prop
erty. If he refused to take it
at the prlco then Mrs. Holmes was to
, have the privilege of buying it at the
* prleti named. Mrs. Holmes creeled a
line two-story brick dwelling , and since
her death a similar house has been put
up by the heirs. In 187U , thinking it
would be safer to hare the title in her
own hands , the plaintifis engaged Saw
yer as their attorney to buy the realty
Irom Walker , and instructed him to pay
as high as $ l-10l ) if necessary. After a
long delay Sawyer informed them that
AValkor would not sell , and Holmes sug
gested that ho had bolter go over to Iowa
and sue him. Sawyer said it would bo no
use to do so , as Walker , if inclined to sell
nt all , would make the deal through him.
Some months after this Sawyer reported
that Walker had sold and deeded the
laud to one F. A. W. Shinier , who was
tlion in Florida.
Hero the matter rested until about the
middle of February last , when Holmes
applied direct to Walker for information
about the sale , and was told that Sawyer
had conducted the negotiations in the
name of thu plaintiffs , and that Walker
supposed the sale was made to them , as
ho did not know of any party named
Shinier in the transaction. Mr.
Walker further said that Saw
yer told him the Holmes would
not pay over ? GOO for the land , and that
he had duelled it to them at that figure.
in April , 1883. the deed being delivered
to Sawyer. The plaintiffs then tendered
Sawyer the money ho had paid Walker
and demanded that the property bo
transferred to them. This Sawyer re
fused , on the ground that the sale was
made to Shinier , and the Holmes had no
claim or interest.
The plaintiffs' attorneys , Messrs. J. R.
Webster and Hillingsly & Woodward ,
assort that if a deed to Shimcr is in ex
istence it is a forgery or an alteration
from the deed originally made to Holmes
by Walker , or was obtained in blank by
false pretenses from Walker and
Shimcrs1 name inserted in lieu of
Holmes' . As the matter standsSaw.ver , is
not only accused of unprofessional con
duct in boating his own clients , but is
charged with having got the land . 'rom
Walker for $000 less than it was really
worth , and than his clients wore willing
to pay.
The Morris Lock company , of Seward ,
Neb , , has filed articles of incorporation
with the secretary of state. The stock
holders arc W. 15. Barrett , L. G. Johns ,
Henry Morris , J. II. Culver and John H.
Morris , who with a capital of $30,000 in
tend to manufacture the Morris lock , a
combination machine of the keyless va
John Lanham received an order from
the board of public lands and buildings
yesterday on the state auditor , for
43,177.18 , being the amount due on his
contract for milting up the addition to
the Homo for the Friendless.
Sheriff McCuIlom , of Otoc county , came
in j'cstorday with James Anderson ,
Tliomas Houhilan and James Simpson ,
of Nebraska City , sentenced to one year
in the pen for attempting to outrage
an old colored woman.
The bitterness of personal journalism
found full vent Monday night in an at
tack by the Democrat on Editor Wossolls ,
of the' Capital City Courier , which was
alike unwarranted and unprofessional.
Mayor Uurr was chewing the bitter cud
of reduction yesterday , anil figuratively
kicking himself for bouncing Ollleoi
Litttulield , and thus putting a club in the
hands of his political enemies with whicli
to pound the life out of his gubernatorial
Landlord Carder , of tha Howard house ,
Is offering "a liberal reward" for the ar
rest of Daniel Williams , a painter , whr
loft town last week without settling hh
board bill.
II. J. Whltmoro and Frank Eastordnj
have returned from atrip to California
looking much brighter and bolter for r
healthy bath in tlio 1'auilio oil' Lei
'Inn newly elected police judge , Alfoori
I'arsons , lilod a bond of ifTi.OOO yeslordaj
morning and took possession of tin
Some time ago Mary Kauffnian exchanged
changed real eslato in this city valued a
1,500 with 1) . L. Hraco , taking from tin
latter loascs on school lands in thu west
urn part of the stato. Mary now want
the trade annulled , claiming that Brae
represented that the school lands WOP
valuable for agriculture and grazing
while in reality they consist wholly o
worthless sand hills.
"Old Unolo Neil. "
Johannes Factotum in St. Louis Glob
Democrat : This old song , which lives
like many similar melodies in ever ,
house in the Christian world , and neve
grows old , was composed jointly b
Clias , 1) ) . Shims and Stephen ! osier , twi
literary and musical geniuses , \vli
nourished in IMtsburg , Pa. , forty year
ago , The former composed , it is said
the words , and the hitler the music
The production was sold to a 1'ittsbur ,
house for $100. Shiras and Foster wer
bosom friends , and with the money the
received "Old Uncle Nod" they bougli
a small piano and sot it up in the litll
back parlor of "Aunt Uecky" Shinu
mother of Charles , and it is related o
this diminutive instrument was aftoi
wards played musio which has gen
around the world. "Old Uncle Nod"mad
its appearance about thu your 1850. am
immediately became popular. Withi
throe years later Shiras and Foster , tc
gather , produced "Old Folks at Homo ,
"Susanna , Don't You Cry , " "Geutlo At
nio , " "Hard Times Come Again N
More , " "Massa's in do Col3. Coh
Ground "Old Doc Tray1 "Willie , W
Have Missed You1 "Coma Where M
Love Lies Dreaming , " and others full
as popular. It is certain that Shir :
ivrolu the Hivoa ot nearly these songs , e :
ccpt "Como Where My Love Lies Dream
ing. " Foster was willing and anxious to
share their authorship with his friend
Shiras. but the latter often laughingly
told 1'oster that ho was welcome to all
the reputation he would get out of their
publication. Shiras was a litcrarr gen
ius. Ho was well-educated , _ brilliant ,
and possessed of a fertile , active mind.
Ho wasanibitlous.andanimatcd by the no
blest pnrpo3cs. F r some years , and atiho
Umo of his death , ho was connected with
the I'iltsburg Commercial Journal. All his
literary work was full of merit.and many
of his productions gained wide attention.
Ho published two small poems , the best
known of which nro "Dollars and
Dimes , " "Kcdcmption of Labor , " and
"Tho Iron City. " i'liuso ho considered
his best work , but he strangely refused
to acknowledge the authorship of the
beautiful soncs which would have given
his name , with that of Foster , world-wide
renown. Foster was a natural musician
and composer. His soul was full of the
poetry of sound. lie had a line , clTi'in-
Hiate face , ami his nature was as soft and
yielding as a maiden's. Ho was a
dreamer , often sad and melancholy , and
every bar of his beautiful , simple
music is marked with the charac
teristics of his nature. Ho found
close sympathy in the line ,
poetic mind of Ins friend Shiras. The
two had been intimate friends from boy
hood , anil all their Icisuro time was spent
together , later in life , in "Aunt Hccky's"
little back parlor , where were given birth
these beautiful songs whicli nave since
been sacred to millions of hearts Poor
Shiras died nt the ago of 20 years. His
obituary , from which most of these facts'
were obtained , was written by Jane Gray
Swissholm. Foster died some year after
the death of his friend. Ho went to
New York city , where bodied in 1801 ,
from Hie effect of a fall in the Uowory.
He was widely known and very popular.
His funeral was attended largely by the
literary , theatrical and musical classes.
A chorus of voices sang over his grave
"Come Where My Loves Lies Dreaming. "
She Itnil Keen Insulted.
Pcoria Transcript : "Indeed , marm ,
anil 'Ivu come to give you warnin' , " said
the help of an tip-town Pcoria , lady.
"Why , Hridget , what's the matter ! "
said Mrs. McJoncs.
"Hnkaso I've ' been insoolled. "
"Who insulted you , Bridget ? "
"An1 if you must know it was none
other than Mr. McJoncs. "
"Hridget , you astonish me. In what
way did mv husband insult you ? "
" 'Well , ho came in this marnin' , and
he says to me , says he , 'Bridget , have
yon washed yor face ? ' Av eoorse I told
him I had. 'Well , Bridget , have ye
combed yer hair ? ' Av coorso I had.
Then siys he , 'Bridget , wipe your
mouth. ' I did so. 'Bridget , ' says he ,
'throw ycr arms around my nock , and
turn up vor lips toward mine. ' I didn't
know what ho was aftlier , out I did it.
And llien the mane naygur put his thumb
up to his nose and wiggled his lingers ,
and said , 'April fool , Bridget. ' An'
faith , miirin , an' I'm not goin' to stop
and bo insoolted in that way by any
man. "
The new railway route to Norfolk ,
down the easlorn shore of the Chesa
peake , requires a long ferriage across the
lower part of the bay. Some time ago
half a dozen loaded freight cars were lost
from a barge in rough weather , and ,
though a wrecking expedition has been
making diligent search , no trace what
ever has been found of cither cars or
freight , which wore , perhaps , drifted out
to sea by the tide.
Scrofula diseases manifest themselves
in the spring. Hood's Sarsaparilla
cleanses the uioocl and removes every
taint ot scrofula.
The City of Pokiu , which sailed from
San Francisco for China recently look
1-JOO Chinese. Many of llicm were old ,
diseased , crippled and poor , and there
were a number of women and children.
The Chinaman in charge said that it was
necessary to send all such hemp , because
they feared trouble this summer and
wanted to got all out of the way who
might bo a Diirdcn to those who remain.
Many of them went at the expense of the
Chinese societies.
The efficacy of Red Star Cough Cure is
vouched for by Unilcd States Architect
It is not likely thai Dennis Carney , an
inmate of the Sloughlon , Mass. , poorhouse -
house , will thank Nathaniel Wales , who
is trying to got the town to pay Carney
for work that he done on the poor farm.
Several years ago Carney cut off his
wife's head with an ax. Ho was thought
to bo insane , and was sent to the asylum.
Ho showed no signs of insanity there.
and was removed to the poor house , and
had been quite forgotten until Mr. Wales
called atlcntion to him.
The best life saving apparatus St. Ja
cobs Oil the conqueror of pain. Fifty
A young colored woman called upon a
Lincolnton.Ga. , juilgo recently and asked
for a marriage lioonso. When the juilgo
asked for the name of her intended hus
band she said she hadn't decided yet , but
thought it would bo a good thing lo have
a license in case some man should offer
himself. She didii't got it.
PYLK'S PEAHLINE in their washing
and save time and labor. It may bo
used without injury to the flnost fabric
As a cleanser it is unsurpassed. For sale
by grocers. _ „
A prosperous farmer of Owingsvillo ,
Ky. , a well preserved widower of over
llfty , has two sons who were both in love
with the same girl. Shu found dilliculty
in deciding winch to take , and the old
man solved the problem by sending the
boys oil'on business and marrying the
girl himself while they wore away.
DPlIj59I ! PILI33
A sure cure for Blind , Bleedim * , Itcliin
anil Ulcerated Piles has boon discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( mi Indian remedy ) , called Ir
Williams' liulliu ) I'llo Ointment , A single
box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or
SO years stiuuliiiK. No one need suffer live
minnow after amilylug this wonderful sooth
Ing medicine. Lotions anil Instrument * do
mnro harm thnn good. Williams' Indian
1'ilo Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the
Intense itching , ( particularly at nlclit after
pettlnz warm in tot ) , nets as a poultice , elves
instant roller , and is prepared only for I'llcs ,
Itching of private parts , and for nothing olso.
Dr. Krazlcr's Magic Ointment cures as by
maslc , Plmnlcs , Ulack Heads or Giubs ,
illotcho.s and Eruptions on thu face , leaving
, thosKin clear anil bi'.intlful. Also cures Itch.
1 Salt itbouin , Sore Nipples , Soru Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
.Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt el
DO cents.
3 Kctailod by Kuhn & Co. , nml Schroetcr &
Conrad. At wholesale by C. F. Goodman.
The thirteen states of Arkansas , Call
fornia , Colorado , Connecticut. Delaware
Florida , Nebraska , Nevada , Now Hanip
shlro , Oregon , Rhode Island , Yormoni
and West Virginia , with an uggregat <
population which docs not exceed that o :
Now York alone , hnvo twenty-six Unitei
States senators to New York's two. Fron
the iivo states of Now York , Pennsyl
vania , Illinois , Massachusetts and Oliii
the government derives one-half of all it
postal revenues.
TThen B by wu tick , we gvre bet CutorU ,
When ike wu a Child , she cried for CutorU ,
When the became MUs , she clone to CutorU ,
Wtm the hid ChUdnn , the gate them CutorU ,
Events of the Diamond , Tnrf , Stream ,
Gymnasium and Yachting Oourso.
Great Hall Teams or thu National
League Cracks or the llnclng
Season Single Scull Cham
pions Knights or
the Gloves.
CHICAOO , April 11 , 1880. [ Special Cor
respondence of the BEE. ] Rarely , if over
before , has the great doaiain of Ameri
can sporta presented a brighter outlook
than it docs at the present time ; and be
fore another thirty daysshall have passed ,
many of the greatest athletic and sport
ing organizations of the country will
have taken the field , and the track for
another season of outdoor sports. The
llrst of these will bo the crack base ball
teams of the country , and it is safe to say
there is not ono lad in ono hundred , in
cither country or city , whoso heart docs
not pulsate a tritle more rapidly , and
whoso eye does not glisten with expectant
pleasure at the crack of the bat and ball ,
and the accompanying cry of the um
pire. The great games of last year be
tween the Now York and Chicago teams
raised a degree of enthusiasm over the
national gave never before known ; mid
the sight of 20,000 people in attendance
at thu games between Ihcsu two crack
clubs in the Chicago grounds last Fouclli
of July was unprecedented in the history
of base ball. With each year , slnco the
formation of the National League in 1870 ,
the game of base ball has steadily grown
in pu'-ity of character , in popular favor ,
in point of creditable management , and
uspcctnblo patronage , until to-day it is
ermcd the National Game of America ,
ivilh every claim to the titlo.
What last year gave us in brilliant play-
ng , closely contested games and rcmariC-
) le victories , this present year promises
10 duplicate , if , indeed , it does not excel.
The two great loams of last season Chi-
ago and New York are much the same
11 their personnel this year. Chicago
ivill possess fourteen players , viz : McCormick -
mick , Clarkson. and Flynn. pitchers ;
Moolic and Flint , catchers ; Anson , first
jasu ; Pfoflfcr , second base ; Williamson ,
.bird base ; Ryan or Burns short ; Sunday
or Kelley , right lield ; Gore , center Hold ;
and Dalrymplc. loft Hold. Thus it will
bo seen that all of the old players have
been retained , three now ones added ,
namely : Flynn , Mcolic , and Rj-an. The
Irst two named , last year formed the
jraok ballory of the New England
League , and came highly recommended
by Burns , Clarkson , and Williamson ,
iviio had scon thorn play. Flynn is a Hi
de fellow , slight of build , and not much
bigger in staluto than Larry Corcoran ,
our old-time pitcher , now with the Now
Yorks , but ids muscles are as linn as
tempered rubber , and ho is as quick as a
; at upon the Held , besides having a cool
.lead , and an accurate delivery.
George Moolie , who will hold down
Flynn's delivery , is a short built , muscu
lar follow of 2:5 : , with a hand and tin arm
capable , so far as apperanccs go , of
slopping any ball that every Ictt a
litchcr's hands or tipped a bat. He is
thoroughly acquainted with Flynn's style ,
and the two are said lo work together
with the accuracy of a machine.
Ryan displayed his ability _ as a ball
player in our closing games with Phila
delphia last year. Was at that time
stamped by Alison as "a good one. "
All these are looked upon as valuable
acquisitions to the club , and but little
doubt is expressed but they will prove
themselves such , before the season lias
far advanced.
Mr. A. G. Spaulding , president of the
club , sent the entire loam lo Hot Spring ,
Ark. ; March 18. for a preliminary season
ot exorcise and systematic treatment in
the baths , and they are now playing ex
hibition games with the Southern league
teams of Memphis , Nashville. Savannah ,
Atlanta and Macon , in order to put
themselves in thorough shape for the
championship games , the first of which
they will play in Kansas City , April 29.
All arc confluent that the pennant will
como to Chicaco again this year.
Now York will also enter the lield with
its old team , via : Welch , Keofp , Deal-
soy and Ewing as the batteries , big
Roger Connor at first base , Joe Gcrhardt
at second.Johnny Ward at short , Rich
ardson or Estorbrook at third , Dorgan at
right , O'Rourkc at center and Gillespio at
left. Thus the great batting strength
and admirable fielding qualities of the
team will bo preserved with the proba
bility that with the advantage of ono sea
son's practice , they will play bettor ball
this season than ever before.
Probably no team in the league has
been strengthened and improved to a
greater extent than has that of Detroit ,
Its absorption of the Indianapolis club ;
its acquisition of Baldwin , now looked
upon as one of the likeliest young pitch
ers of the country , and its scoop of the
"big four" from the Buffalo team , to say
nothing of the half dozen promising
young players it has signed on trial ,
places it high in the ranks in almost
every point of playing. The team as
now stoned consists of Manning , Brouth-
ors , \V hito , Richardson and Rowe ( the
big four ) , Crane , Lawrence , Twicholl ,
Baldwin , Hall and Fitzsinimons ( a now
battery ) , Getzoin , Thompson and Ben
nett. It is generally conceded that if
past records are to show for anything ,
Detroit should have the heaviest batting
team in the country. They are now
playing exhibition games in the south.
Philadelphia will prove n popular and
attraclivo loam this year , for its players
arc all young , good-looking athletes , ca
pable of milking vo'-y interosling any
frame into which they may participate ,
The team now consists of Fogarty , An
drews , Mulvey , Ganzol , Sotelo , Bignall ,
Titcomb , Guehror , Arthur Irwin , Cloii-
onts , Casey , Farrell , Ferguson anil Me-
Guiro. The veteran Harry Wright will
manage the team.
St. Louis is another team which is
showing up particularly strong , and the
internal bickerings and unpleasant fool'
ings which did so much to injure it las )
year soum to _ have been lorover dispelled
uiulor the vigorous management of tin
manager. Mr. Sohmulz , formerly of the
Atlantic team , Capl. Dunlnp will again
handle the team upon the diamond anil
will play his old position at second base ,
wilh Denny , Glasscock and McKinnon tc
make up what is looked upon as tlu
crack in-field of the Icaguo. In additioi
the club will play Cabin , Qiiinn , Saner
Scery , Dohui. Healj\ Howard , Boyle am
Kirby. Much moro is anticipated of this
team than they did last.
The old Bostons will show up will
much the same team they played las
year , and with Nash , Poorman , Johnsloi
and Stommoycr as the young blood o
the team promise to hold their own ovei
agajnst thu crack teams , they are to g <
The now teams , Kansas City and
Washington , nro made up largely of oh
League players who have been releasei
from the old League teams to make ii ]
the new clubs , and judging from the pros
out outlook , they will eaon show up wit !
very credilablo aggregation.
Washington will have Barr ami Hine
and Shaw and Gilligan as batteries. Tli
iine work of the last named pair will
Providence last year will bo remembered
Baker , Knowlus and Gludman , of the oh
Nationals , will play in the now team
and Paul Ilinos , of the old Bostons , Dav
Force , Jutu of Butl'alo , Carroll , of tn
Prorldencc and Eif L'ranc will form the
backbone of the nine. Kansas City Is
boiling over with flathuMnsut over her
Lengtio tcttm , wbiclv under the manage-
tncnt of Uavo Hojv.e.Js blossoming finely.
They will have yhino.v { and Hackctt , Iho
old Boston Hattory/NVeldnian , of the Do-
trolls , and Hrimiy , fat St. Louis , as their
remaining battery ? Comvav , of the old
Hullaloes , Al. Myros.-of the Phillies , Don-
nellv and McQuorry , of the Dctroits ,
Lillle. of the HulJ'alocs , with Uavo Rowe ,
of last year's' ' Maroons as captain
and short-stop. It Ii scarcely expected In
view of the energy and enthusiasm which
the now cities have' entered the League
circuit , that cither. Providence of IhilTalo
will bo missed during the coming season
In addition to the teams of the jJational
League , which Is the parent orcanlzation
of its kiml in the country , Ihoro arc those
of the American Association , at Hrook-
lyn , Stiten : Island , Haltimorc , Philadel
phia , I'iitsburfT , Cincinnati , Louisville ,
and St. Louts , and those of IhoVestcrn ,
s'ortliwcstprti , Eastern , Southern , Now
2nehinil , and the various state Leagues ,
mbracing nhno.'t every state in the
Union. Verily , the game of base ball Is
ighlfully termed the .National game.
The American Association will bo the
Irst of the two principal organizations
0 open the championship season this
ear , the inaugural games being played
\pril 17 as follows : Louisville at Cin-
innatl : Pittsbnnr alSt. Louis ; Motropoli-
tins at Philadelphia ; Brooklyn at Haiti-
. .oagiio season closes Oct. ! ) ! ) ; that of the
\morican Association Ocl. 11 , the former
lubs playing sixty-three games at homo
.nil llip same number abroad , or ISO
lames in all for each club , and Iho latter
ilayinp seventy games at homo and sev-
nly abroad , or 1-10 games in all for each
TIIK Turn * .
Second only lo baseball in American
ports is horse racing , and of this thu
great racing organizations and stale fair
.ssocinlions will give us our full share
luring the comiiiirsoasou. Couimnncing
vith the 28th of this mouth at Nashville
ho spring season will commence in
jarnest. Tito eircttit really begins at
Mobile , Ala. , April II ) , and goes from
hero lo Now Orleans April ! i4 , but it islet
lot until thu boll taps tit Nashville and
Memphis that the great cracks of the
vest will score for a start. At Memphis
U the present lime Ilio great stables of
Jorrigan , Green B. Morris. Gray & Co. ,
mil others are training lor the coming
events. Last year's favorites upon the
mining track will , with a few exccp-
ions , appear again Ihis year as candi
dates for future honors. The great Free-
ami and Miss Woodford will in all pro-
lability como together again during the
coming season in a milo and a quarter
ace for big money , § 5,000 or perhaps
' 10,000 a side. It now looks as though
, his meeting would take place in St.
xMiis , and should itilo _ so the eyes of the
racing world will , for the time being , bo
' urned toward the named city. Mod-
; sly Ten Queen , of the western turf ,
mil the great favorite at Washington
) ark lastseasonf is largely entered at the
coming meetings , and it is said , is in
irimo condition/ Pearl Jennings is not
spoken so well of , while Lizzies Dwycr is
ivowedly lame , butmay como through
n proper form. Favor and Bersan , of
the Morris stablps , is said lo bo as line
is .iilk , and really fbr anything , while
Joe Cotton , one of the Williams stables ,
was Hie winner 6f last year's. Kentucky
Jorby is being spokwn of highly by all
lorsumon as dangerous iu whatever
events ho may enter Jhis year. Of course
the great Kentucky 7Derby , which takes
) laeo at Louisville ; ilurmg the spring
ucotjug there. May 14th lo 20th , is at-
.racting atlcnlion "everywhere. Already
ho greatest llyers of the prescribed ago
n the country , west , south and Cali
fornia , are entered , and Ihc event will
loubtlcss prove Iho grandest racing car-
ivnl of llic year. The favorites in t'ho
jelling for mis great event thus far arc :
Mr. Cassidy'fl Lon'glight , Messrs. Cliiiui
ind Morgan's Ten Thousand , and Mr ,
jrccn Morns' Con Cregan , Iho books
'laving been closeil on all three. Down
jast every preparation is being made for
: ho opening of Iho season there , and
race tracks are being put in condition ,
and horses trained for the coming racing
L'ho cracks attracting ; the most alien-
lion there are the live which the Dwycr
Bros , paid 870,000 for at the recent Lorillard -
lard sale , viz : Politico , Dow Drop , Pontiac -
tiac , Winfrcd andDaruna , a half sister of
Dow Drop _ . All are in first-class condi
tion , and it is said that Dow Drop , the
great § 29,000 filly , will have all of the
three-year old stakes at her mercy , if she
continues in her present goodhhapo. The
Palo Alto and Santa Anita stables of the
Pacific slope district are expected to show
up particularly stroii" ; this year. Bald
win's acquisition of Isaac Murphy , who
will ride the Santa Anita cracks this year ,
and who is unquestionably the greatest
of all American jockeys , has madu that
? reat stable more formidable than over
uoforo. After the close of the season at
Memphis the cracks will go to Lexington ,
Louisville , Labonia , St. Louis , and Chicago
cage , which great mooting from June 20
to Aug. 14 , will , with $00,000 in added
meeting , practically close the r.iinniiig
meetings in the west. In the meantime
of course the meetings at Rockaway
Beach , Brighton Beach , Jerome Park ,
Sheopshcad Bay , Monmouth Park and
Saratoga , will bo under full blast.
The trotting season will bo opened at
Philadelphia May 4 to 7 by the meeting
at the Gentleman's Driving Park , and
soou after the different trotting circuit *
in all sections will have opened up for
the season. Like thu base ball season ,
tno racing season this year promises to
bo one of unprecedented brilliancy.
Affairs in the aquatio world also
promise much for this year. The great
race between John ' 1 comer and Jake
Gaudaur , for the single scull champion
ship and stakes of $1,000 a side , will take
place at St. Louis Juno 1 ; uud Hanlon ,
Ross , Gaudaur , Lee , Tcomur , and all of
the great professionals are ex
pected to moot in grand con
test at Oak Point , N. Y , , on Decoration
day. ! 'J
Beach , the Australian champion who
won the world's single scull champion
ship from Hanlon .last summer on the
Paramctla couriio 'near Sydney , will
reach England this month , and will sland
defend iipbntho Thames , ,
ready to , JIKMIK course
his claim to thowo/Id's , ' championship.
It is quite pcokiblo that Teenier ,
Gaudaur , Ross and' , Hanlon will cross
the Atlantic to measure blades with Mr.
Beach. " '
The English yacht Galatea will reach
Now York some ) time in August to try
during the folio\yng } nionth to wrest the
Queen's cup from the Now York Yacht
Club in posscsiiom i > f whicli it has boon
since the creat victory of the "America"
over the Knglisli yacht in 1835. The at
tempts of the Genusla , thu crack English
cutter to win the cup last summer against
Puritan , will bo remembered by all
lovers of aquatic sports. This year the
Puritan mny again bo the bearer ol
American colors in the nice , although
the new sloop Atlantic , now building at
Boston , it is said will prove her right in
the trial races to bear the American
pennant in this great event.
Foot-ball , lacrosse , lawn tennis , sprint
ing and general athletics , are alrcadj
commencing to enjoy a boom , whicli it is
said will be greater than in any season
heretofore known. In Chicago during
the past winter , there have peen a grcatui
number of. athletic events with the glove
and in wrestling , than wo have enjoyed
iu any season past. The great wrcotliiiE
matches at St. Louis between Evan Lewis
thu' Wisconsin lumberman , and Mutstuk
Sorlkichl , the Jap , wtsro the most nota
ble events of the year in wrestling , and
wore witnessed by over 0,000 people.
The great success of Lewis is remarkable ,
and thcro are these in athletic circles
who do not hesitate to pronounce him
the John Sullivan of his time in his line
of athletics.
In matters of the glove , thomomorablo
battles of the year have not been confined
to Chicago , but have extended from
coast to coast of this broad country ,
and no past year has witnessed the
growth in popularity and fame of so
many young knights of the glovo. Jack
Burke , J.nok Dcmpsoy , Tommy Warren ,
Frank ( } lover , and so many more have
arisen like wonders in their calling , ami
never before have such skill and science
been attained in lliu cultivation of the
manly art. On May 3d next Jack Burke ,
who I look upon to-day as the cleverest
man of his weight in the world , will
meet Frank Glover , the Illinois cham
pion heavy weight , nt Battery D in this
city. The battle promises to bo a mem
orable ) ono in Iho history of the ring. It
is understood that soon after ,
Jack Deinpsoy , the famous mid
dle weight , whoso recent battle wilh
George La Blanche , was telegraphed to
almost every prominent newspaper in the
world , will meet Charlie Mitchell , the
champion middle weight , also in lids
city. To those who have not seen these
great exponents of the fistic art in a
"battlefor blood , " further details of their
style , achievements and history would
doubtless prove interesting , and if lean
find space in my next loiter , 1 promise to
give it. For fear that I have already
crowded too much into this letlor , how
ever , I will put the pin in here and slop.
It Should 15o Generally Known
that thu multitude of diseases of a scrofu
Ions nature generally proceed from a tor
pill condition of ths liver. The blood becomes
comes impure because the liver docs not
act properly and work oil'the poison from
the system , and the curtain results are
blolcltos , pimples , eruptions , swellings ,
tumors , ulcers and kindred affectionsv or
soUling upon Ibo lungs and poisoning
their uclicalo lissucs , until ulecration ,
breaking down and consumption is es
tablished. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical
Discovery" will , by acting upon the liver
and purifying the blood , cure till these
TH67 1)cst' ) ' jlbcoratca man in Prussia is
tlie crown prince of Germany , who has
.seventy-two orders and Iccorations to
plant nn his breast , which makes him
look as if ho wore a breast-plalo. Count
Pucklor , the marshal of the palace ,
comes next with fifty-one ; Bismarck fol
lows with a modest forty-eight ; Count
Pcrpouchcr , marshal of the court , forty-
six ; Count do Moltko , forty-four , and so
on down to an hutnblo thirteen , which
Count William of Bismarck wears.
Nelson H. Baker , District Attorney ,
Wcstchcsler Co. , N. Y. , office at While
Plains , writes Juno 20,1885 : "Fiveyears
ago 1 , my two sons and wife were very
liable to colds. We woi'o the heaviest
clothing , wrapping ourselves very warm ;
but it was colds , coughs and catarrh all
the time. Finally wo commenced wearing
Allcoeks Pourous Plasters as chest pro
tectors. The first year we got rid of our
heavy flannel as well as all coughs and
colds. Wo each were two Plasters on the
chest and pit of the stomach for three or
'our weeks at a time , then washed the
> nrts with alcohol and put on fresh ones ;
hey appeared to warm and invigorate
.ho whole body so that wo never took
cold. "
Tickets only S3. Shares in Proportion.
l'Wo do lioroliy cortlty tlmt ro supervise thu
nrrnnfroinonts for all tlio Monthly mm Qunrtcrly
JlrnwiiiKS of Tlio Loiilslnnn Stnto Lottery
Coiiiptuiy nml In poreon IIIHMIIRO nnU control
tlio DrnwliiRB themselves , nnd tlittt tlio s"ino nro
conducted with honesty , fulrnoss nnd In peed
fnith townrd nil mirtlos , nnd wo nuthorlzo tha
Company to use thlacortlflciito , with fuc-slmlius
ol'our elirnnturos nttaohoJ In Us uilvnrttamcut
Wo. the undorslRnod lliinka nnd Bankers , will
| my nil I'ri/.ca drnwn In The Louisiana Stnto Lot
teries whlcu may bo presented at our counters
j. ii. OGLESIIY ,
Fres. Louisiana National Bank.
J. AV. KII.imiJTII ,
Fres , tate National Bank.
Pres , New OrleansNational Bank.
Incorporated In 18C8 for 25 ycnra by the lols-
laturo lor Uducntlonnl nnd Clinritnirio purposoj
with it cupltul of $1,000,000 10 which u reserve
fund of over $5.'iO,000 ' hna slnco boon nddod.
IJy nnovorwholmlnsrpopulnr vote Its frnnchlso
wns mndo u part of t ho present Stuto Constitution
adopted Docom Dor 3d , A. I ) . 1STJ.
Tlio only lottery ever voted oa and endorsed
by the people of nny atnto.
Jt novnr sculos or postpones.
Itairrund single number drawings tnko place
monthly , nnd the o.xtraonllnury drawings regu
larly every throe months Inutond nf aoml-unnu
ally im norototoro , uoglnnln ? March , 1880.
A 8rl.E l > II ) Ol'l'OHTUNlTV TO WIN A FonTUNR.
fith Qrnnd Drawing , Class K , In the Academy ot
Musin , Now Orlunng , Tuesday , May llth , 1833
10M Monthly Uruwmir.
CAPITM. PRIZE $75,000.
100,000 TlcUots tit Klvo Dollars Koch. Fractions
In Filths , in Proportion.
I.IKT OF I . . .
P1UZI3 $75,003
i do do- r > , ooo
1 do do 10,000
8PHIZI53 OP CU.OOO 12,000
G do 2,000 10,000
10 do 1,000 10,000
M do MO 10,000
10U do 00 20,000
! WO do 100 W,000 )
WO do 60 , ,23,030
1000 do 25 ' 25,000
0 Approximation Prizes of { 750 8,750
U do do 600 4,500
0 do Uo 2iO.
llJ7 Prizes , nmountlnpr to
Application for rates to clubs should bo made
only to the olllco of thu company in Now Or
For further Information wnto clearly , mvln ?
full address. POSTAL NOTUS , Hjcpre .s Money
Orders , or Now York Kxclmnxo in ordinary let
ter , currency by express ( all bums of $5 and up
wards nt our expense ) adilresson.
WewOrluaus , La.
Washington , D. 0.
Make P. O. Money Orders paynblo nnd nddross
registered letters to
New Orleans , La.
Or M , O1TCN3 U CO. , 1503Farnam st.Omitha
Royal Havana Lottery
Drawn at Havana , Cuba , April 17' , 1886
Wholes ? 5.00 , Fractions Pro rata.
Tickets in Fifths : Wlioloa { A ; Fractions pr
Subject to no manipulation , nut controlled by
the parties In interest. It U the fairest thing Iu
the nuturoof chunco. in existence.
Fortlcketn apply to BI1IPSKYi OU,1213nroad
way.Nl V. City : M. O1TKN9 & CO. . C19 Haiti
ttrcet Kansas City , Ho.
, .
The Bwcct Rum. ns gathered from n tree of the
Hum ) namo. growlim nlonc the flmMl Mroxins la
Iho Southern mnto , contains n BtlmnlRtlnu ex-
poctormnt principle thnt loosono tlioplilcRni _ pro-
unclng the rnrlr morning cotiRh , nmt BtlmulntM
Uiochlkl to tlirowoirtbefftltoinonibrnnotn croup
and wuooplnii-couKli. When combined with the
doalins nmclmKlnoun principle In the mullein
plant of the olil field * . prpBontB 111 TAYI.Oirs
l.itis the llnest known remedy for Coughs , Croup ,
Whooping-cough nml coiiKumptloni and BO pain-
tnblo any child Is plcnucd to Inlio It. Aek your
t for It. I'rlco tf\f. nnri 91. OO.
Or the Liquor Habit , Vonttlvely
Cured by AiliuliilHtoriiiK Ur.
Unities' tioldcii Ni > oclllc.
It can bo Riven In n cup of coffee or tea without
the knowledge of the person Inking It , Is absolutely
liaruilcvi , and will cffrct a permanent and f needy
cure , whether the patient Is n uuxU'rnto drinker erin
in alcoholic wreck. It has been given In thou-
n&nds of cases , nnd In every Instincor. jicrlcct euro
has followed. It never fall * . The system ouco
Impicgn&ted with the Hpccl.'lc , It becomes nn uttci
Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist.
KUHN A : CO. , Cor. 15th nncl Uannlax. nml
18th & Cnmlnic Stn. , Omaha , Nob.l
Council ItlufTM , lomu
Onll or write for pnmphlet containing hundreds
cl testimonials from the bet women and men from
el Bf-rta of the countrr.
lly reason of Its central position and close relation teen
on principal linen Kutt and West , at Initial nnd ter
minal points , constitutes the most Important inul
fjontlnuutal link In that system ef through transport
tfitlon whicli Invite * and faitltltatfs travel and traffic
between cities of the Atlantic nd I'Aulflc Coasts. It
IK also the fnrorlte nnd bpit route tn and from polnta
Ea , Northpii.t and Houtlioast , and corresponding
points W st , Northwest nnd Bonthwest.
The Great Rook Island Route
Guarantees IU patrons that sense ot personal locn-
rltr afforded by a solid , thoroughly ballasted road
bed , smooth tracks ot continuous steel rail , substan
tially built culverts and bridges , rolllnff Block as near
perfection as human skill cun make It , the safety
appliances of patent butrcrs.ptatforins and alr-brakea ,
nnd that exacting ? discipline which governs the prac *
tJcn.1 opsratloll nf all Its trains. Utncr Fpeclaltles of
mis route are Transfers at all connecttnar polnta In
Union Depots , and tlio unsurpassed coiufortj and
luxuries o ( Its Poasongor EQulpment.
The Fajt nipresa Trains between ChlciRO anil
Peorla , Council lilulls. Ranaag City. I/'urrnworlh and
Atrlilson are composed of well ventilated , flnolr up.
tiolatered Daj Coaches. Jlnenlflcent rullman I'alaco
Bleeperaof the latest design , and sumptuous Dlnlnff
Cart. In which elaborately reeked meals are UJsurely
eaten. Hetween Chlaaeo nnd Kansas City and Atculsuu
are also nm the Celwuratod ItecllnliiK Chair Cars.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
Is the direct and favorlto line between ChlcsKo and
Minneapolis andflt. ram , where connections are made
In Union Depots for all polnta In the Territories and
lirltlsh 1'rorlnccs. Orer this route Fast Riprees
Trains are run to the waterlncr places , summer re-
orta , iilcturoiquo localities , ami hiintlnir and nshlni
grounds or Iowa and Minnesota. It la alfo the raovt
dunlrablo route to the rich wheat Holds and pastoral
lamls ot Interior Dikoti.
btlll another UlllEOT MNK , Tla Benaca and Kan.
kakuo. has been opened between Cincinnati. Indlan-
npolls and Lafavntte , and Cunncll lllurTs , KanrasCltr ,
Utnnoapolls and tit. I'aul and Intermediate points.
For detailed Information sra Maps and Folder : ,
obtainable , as well aa tickets , at all inlnclpnl Ticket
OIHces In tue Uattiiil Butoj and CalnUa ; or by ad-
R. R. CABLE , E. 8T. JOHN ,
Frcc't & Ocn'l ' ' ' * ' . '
SI'R'r , Oen'l Tkt & 1'acs. Afr't ,
Red Star Line
Carrying the Belgium Uoynl nnd United States
Mail.Biitllnir every Enturdny
Between Antwerp & New York
Bnlon from | 60 to $ 100. Excursion trip from
(110 to $180. Second Cabin , outwnrd , ( U ;
prepaid , * 45 : excursion. $ UO. SteornRO nassago
at low rntoa. 1'otor Wright & Sons , Goncrnl
Agents , 55 llroadwuy. MOW York.
Umalm , Nelirusku , Frank B. Moores , W , , St , L
* P. ticket agent.
Enelanil , France & Germany.
ThoEtoamehlpsof this well known line uro
built of iron , In water-Unlit compartments , and
uro furnished with orory lorjuUlto to make the
pnnsujro both sufo nnd uKreenble. They curry
the United StnttM and Kuropenn mulls , nnd loitvo
Now Vork Thursdays nnil Saturdnya for Pl .
mnulh.d NDONJ.Chorbouff.d'AUIS . und HAM-
UUUO ) .
Itcturnlng , the steamers leave HamburK on
Wodnosdnys nnd Sundays , via. Havre , taking
passengers at Southampton and London.
FirBt cabin 8W , f UJ and $7 : Stotirago SM. :
Ilallroail tickets from Plymouth to Ilrlstol , Car-
rlltf , London , or to any place in the South of
Enirlnnd , 1'HI'K. Stoeruue from Uuropo ouly
" "
General I'ussoiiKcr Agents ,
01 nrondwny , Now Yorkj Wasblnnton und Ln
Bullotts. Chicago , III.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $200,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1885 25,000
H. W. YATKS. President.
A. E. TOUZALIN , Vice President
W. H. S. HyatiES , Cashier ,
Cor. 12th and Farnam Strooti.
General Ilauklntr liuslueii TruueootaL
I Pree. A victim . Itemed of youUi- i
Manhood ful Imprudrnco causing
I Premature Decay , Ncn
- - 1 TOIU UoblUty , Lofct ll n.
hood , 4-c. Uavlnu tried In vatn Oferr knowu rpmedr
In * discovered a ulruplt 8eli-car .vrlilch uo will seaa
FtllSKto hU fellowut7erer < . Addrtu. *
I , U. BEEVliS. 13 Clulhantri t. New Vork Citr.
ONLT 81 11V MAIL , roSTPAlD.
K h n t ( > it TtUtltT. JJctTOTii ttnj rtirslMl n Mtltf
V iniitnr Decline in M n , Krror of Yonih , nn.l th
ntoln mtscrlpa roviUlnirrom InJInoretlon nml
nrti i i > rotinblr noror before fell tnthn lot of nf
ihTMclHiu.WimeM , bound In bomillfni Krench mat
in , mit'O eil roT n , ( nil Kilt , minrnntoivl to be n flnsr
wotklnetcrT'Pntu mocnnnloil.lHeMrr nJprntot-
lonnl thuminr other work In thli eonntrr t or I I.5X
crthe money will bo wfnml In ctrrr Innnnc * . lrl ?
nlr II bjr null , | m tMM. | IllnMrMM Mmpl * . ftlx
lendnnw. nolilmoilnlnvnnloil thonnlhnrbrtb.9 tfiv
lonnlModlcnl A ocl tlon. to Iho linn. A. 1 * . lllMoll ,
ml BMOCIMO offlforj of the b < wl th rosilsrl.irj-
| i ! > riiiirrofprrpi. ,
Thesclonroof Life It worth mnro to IBs rounjnnl
mlittllo-niinilmpnot this ROnorallon tlun nil tlisstoM
mine * of OslirnrnliiHul tno llrcr mines of Ncv.tiU
omblnpit.S. . K. Clrronlolo.
The Sdcnoo nf l.lfn polnH out tlio rockt unit qnlclt.
nnda on which Iho comtlluUon mm hop nf munr
young rnnn Mvo boon futnllr wrackoil.-Mftnchojlof
The science of I.He l of groMer vnlua llnnnltlh )
tncdlr l works | nibll > ! ia.1 In this country forthepist
) rnr . - AllitntnConMllulloii. ,
t ho Jioliuicoof tilfal * n nporb nml mmlcrlr trait.
50 on ncrroua nnil ph ) dcbllltjr. Dotrolt Kraj
Artd'rcMttin I' Institute , or Ilr W. II.
'nrker.No.i llullilncli mront , llojion , Mns < . , wnoim r
l > ooniult < lon nil illjo.uoi requiring ikll Innd erparl-
ni'o. Clmmle mid ntxinala iU3.i : < i > l tint Imro b.if-
rd thdiiklll of nil othoriihr lolnn < tpoclitltr. Such
rented ntircovfnllr without nn Instanoa of fallurJ
Mention Oniahn UJD.
Short-hand Institute
Tlio Inrsost , best nml olionpost ahoil-hnnil nml
yiie-wrltlnjr school In tlio weft.
l.cnrti tills vahmblo nrt nml soouro n lucrative
position. Bhort-lmnd ttuiplit Viy mull lo these
vhocnnnotiittcml the Institute.
Wo keep an linnil n full supply of Pit mint's
liort-lmml loxt books , nlso typo-vrrltor supplies
Tor pnrtloulars send for circulars to
Valentine's ' Short-Hand Institnto
1118 nml 1120 O fltrcet I.lucolu , NotC
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block ,
Orndo Systems nnd Sowornuo Plans for Cities
nml Towns n epuclixlty. I'liuis , Kstiniutos nni
peoillcutlons Tor Public mid otlior linglnoorlnif
vorks furnished. Surveys nml Koport mnUo
on 1'ubllo Improvements.
ANtinuw Hosi\VATr.n , Member American Soolo-
Gty Civil KiiRluocrs. City Kngliieor of Oinuuu
EO. U. CuniSTiE , Civil Eiurluoor.
Commission Merchants
OFFICES : of Trade , Chamber oC Commcrco ,
CUicngo. Milwaukee.
C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor.
Local Business Solicitor , 1UOA Doug
I PAT all ciprri-s chargpn to all points within 300
miles. I , OOO tinnlaKcs to select from. Bend t * o cer *
stump for Illustrated catalogue. Mention tlitupnpcr.
Hcll'sSafesVaulisTimcLocks ?
and r. Work.
1020 I'anmm Street , Oinalm , Nob.
Milwaukee & SI , Paul
The Short Line
and Best Route
From Omaha to the East.
lcngo , Mlnuoupolla , MllwnuUeo ,
1'aul , Cedar Hu ) > ld4. Dm'juporc ,
Clinton. Dubuque , Itochford ,
Hock Island , Freeport , .Imiotvlllo ,
Bleln. MudUou , LaCrosio ,
Hclnlt , Winonn
Audoll otlior important points East , NortUoai
nud Southeast.
Ticket offlco at HOI Farnnm straot. ( in Paiton
Hotel ) , and at Unlou 1'aolflo Depot.
1'ullmnn Slcopurs und the Finest Dlnlujf Can
in the World ure run on the main lines of tba
every attention la paid to passengers by couito *
ous employes of the company.
K. MILI.BII , Qonoral Manager. . .
J.F. TUCK mt , AHslstant Qencral Mnnngor.
_ A. V. II. OAiu'BNTKR , Qontrnl Passonsoraal
TlokotAgont. ,
UEO. 15 llKAfFOUD , ABSlstaul Qonorull'itajut )
gor und Ticket Ajront
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tno only road to take for Don Moinns , Mftr-
built own , Cedar Hapld.s , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago.
Milwaukee and all points east. To the people ot
NobrneUa , Colorado , Wyomlns , Utah , Iduho
Nevudiv.OreBOii , Washington nnd California It
offers superior iidviintneos not possible by nny
other lltio
Among a few of the numerous points ot euno-
riorlty enjoyed by the patrons of thU rouabo-
tweonOitiiihn nnd CliluuKO. nro its two trains a
day of DAV COACIID.S which ure thu llnt-M tlmt
huiiiiin art und ln t > ntilty can crt'utu. lul'AI/-
ACI2 BI.KKI'INU CAitS , whlcn are models of
comfort nnd ologunco. Its I'AHlXXt DHAWINQ
HOOM CAH5. unauriti sed by any , and Its wide-
Jy celobruHid PALATIAL DINING OAItS , tlio
oiualof which cannot bo found elsewhere ,
At Council lllutrri the truliuof the Union Pact-
flc Ity , connect in Union Depot with these of tba
Chicago Ii Northweslern Ity. In Chicago Iho
trains o [ this line make close connection witd
thosoof nil eubtern line * .
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cinoln
natlNluinra FulU , llulfnlo , PltUbtirtr. Toronto
Montreal , lloston , Now York. Philadelphia , Uul-
tlmorr.WaBhlngton und nil points In the east , a.i'f
thu ticket agent for tickets via the
If you wif h the best ucoommodatlona. All tlokot