, I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY. APRIL 14 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. DJfAitXOFi'irr.No.Vl4 ANnotoFAiwAM ST KEW YonnOmcnHo&v C&.TntnusB Iictt.mNO t\/snt.varo. < OrncB , No. 613 FOVIITEKNTII ST. ruMtehod OVCIT mnniliiR , except Sunday. Tlio dnlj" Monday morning pnpor published la tlio ltd to. iriuifl nr MAIM Ono Venr.i..tlO.OOiThrm Months , . . . . . $2JV > Elx Months. . D.UWno Moutb . 1.03 , PuMMiod Kvcrjr Wednesday. TKItMJI , I-OSTPAIDI One Ycnr , with premium . $2.00 Ono Ycnr , without premium . 1.23 HI * Montln , without premium , . . . . . 75 Ono Mouth , on trlnl . 10 All comrmmlcntlnn * relating to nevn nnd oill- tortnl mnttor * Miould bo addressed1 to tlio IJui- von or fiiB HER. i.T.Ttr.nst AllmHlnnwlottcrsnnd romlttnneca MionM bo nndrc fed to Tim IIKR ruiiMRiitnn COMPANY , On Ail A. OrnftK , checks mid iM ) < < lllico onion to bo inado pnyiiblo to tlio order of tlio company. 1HI HE , PBQPRIE10HS , E. liosuwATKU. nniTon. AN exchange editorializes upon "llo\v they make b ! guns. " Some of tlio big guns in Una country huvo buon inado by tlio newspapers. THE latest quotations fix ! ) " > cents ns tlio value of the autograph of Huthorford i ) . llnycs , Tlioro was a time , however , when Ills autograph wiw considered of great value by tlic ofltco seekers. TUB BEE published a long special from Kearney in its morning and evening edi tions of Monday. This dispatch was ap propriated bodily by the Herald of Tues day and labeled "Special. " That Is what tlio Herald calls enterprise. We call it "brass-mounted audacity. " THE Now Orleans Picayune maintains that public economy In the government of all cities demands that stealing as well as salaries should bo reduced. If the stealing were stopped , llio people would not demand any reduction in salaries. On the contrary , wo believe they would favor Increased salaries , if such 11 stop Would promote honesty. AN exchange says that if doctors would nltend writing-schools occasionally drug clerks would make fewer mistakes. Wo would add that if doctors would write tliolr proscriptions in plain English in- Btcad of hog Latin the drug clerks would bo more likely to fill their prescriptions correctly. A dead language for pro scriptions ought to bo buried beyond resurrection , oven if it is necessary to pass a law to that efl'uct. A onr.AT many people have been at n loss to know what the filing of articles of incorporation of the Omaha & Southern railroad meant. It means a great deal for Omaha. It means an extension of the Vandalm road to this city. Tlio rep resentatives of that great road will in the near future present n proposition to this city , which involves not only tlio exten sion of the line from Fort Scott to Onmha , but from Omaha into northern and northwestern Nebraska. GEKONIMO is still nimbly skipping about about among the rocks of Sonora , but -when ho rolurna to Arizona ho will miss several of his old friends and companions who are now on their way to Florida un der armed escort to spend the rest of their days several thousands of miles away from the sconces of their former exploits. The bravo codeo-coolcrs of tlio territory who fight principally with their mouths arc highly incensed that Crook declined to turn over the captive Apaches to the loca } authorities for summary execution. THE defeat of Bland's silver bill and the proposed amendment leaves the coinage - ago question whoroit was before-tho ses sion opened. The present congress will not bo apt to disturb it again. The country did not permit itself to get frightened over the horrible predictions of the single standard shriokors. They wcro told that if the coinage law was repealed that gold would bo driven out of the country. The fact is the other way. When the present silver coinage law was passed , tlio stock of gold in this country was about $200,000,000. Its stock to-day is about $000,000,000 , a gain of $400,000,000. England and Germany , whore silver has been demonetized , have , on the other hand , great dilliculty In keeping their stock of gold at the sta tionary point. Tnr annual report of City Attorney Connell presents some interesting in formation concerning the city's litiga tion. Ho has during the year reduced Vie number of pending suits from 188 , involving claims to the amount of $149- 3t)7 ) , to 48 , the aggroffato claims of which are $50,817. The ninety suits disposed of , the claims amounting to $03,070 , have been settled at a costof only $13,359. The total number of suits now pending , in- eluding the now ones commenced during the municipal year , is MO.uiut the amount Involved Is $373,423. While this is a largo mount , no fours are entertained , as Mr. Connell will no doubt succeed in reduc ing It witli but comparatively small cost to tlio city. He Is certainly vigilant and antlvo in protecting the city'u interests. .His success so iar demonstrates this fact , audit is evident that tlio legaldepart ment is in safe hands so long as ft is conducted - ducted by Mr Connoll. TiiKiti : Is much jubilation union" ; the i JoBg-luiirod men nnd bhort-halrod women ; ' over the passage of the senate bill for the , Admission of Washington territory with- ' 'out Senator Eustis' amendment limiting the suffrage to male electors only , As > women have now the right of stifVriigo in T the territory the woman sullVago advo cates claim that when statehood is at tained the same right will ensue in re gard to state and federal ollicors. This remains to be seen. When the now state comes to adopt u constitution its conven tion will have to pass upon this question , AS n now matter. This is the view taken by the senators who yoted agam&t Senator Kustis' amendment , and whoso votes were cast as they were because they believed tlmt this was a matter with which congress hud nothing to do , It Way bo safely left with the people of tlio territory to determine. Woman suf frage has not cut muoh of n figure in lections in thut territory up to the jre cut time , und it will cut even less of a tieuro , judging from past experience , $ um stjituhood is acquired. The slrug- for state und national honors will leave the bhrioking sisterhood on the . ' ! d , There ia uo danger that the now tttt , should It become n eUto , will be represented in controls by n female rep- Mf.TiTr'lT" or senator. Parties find Homo Unlc. Tlio end of the present week will prob ably determine the fate of Mr. Glad stone's Irish measures. The homo rule bill is still under discussion. It will be followed on Friday with the land pur chase measure , which promises to bo still moro radical than its predecessor , The situation is a complicated ono. Parlia ment is divided into at least four distinct groups outside of the Irish members , and tlio attitude of each of those and their ability to unite with each other in oppos ing the Irish bills must be taken into ac count when weighing tlio chances of success or defeat. The con servatives oppose Mr. Gladstone's schemes on grounds of tradition and principle. Separation and dismem berment are in their opinion ono and the same thing , and the establishment of an Irish parliament moans the forging of weapons which ultimately will give Ire land complete independence. To falter with the question is , they aflirm , merely "moral cowardice. " Tlio conservative party Is , however , hampered by a lack of affectiveleadership. . Lord Salisbury , its nominal leader , is undoubtedly a man of ability ; but he is not popular , and ho lias not the power of convincing masses of men. Lord Handolph Chin chill , who Is the animating spirit of tlio younger men , lacks discretion and perhaps sincerity. It is tlio gene ral belief that during the recent elec tions hu tried to form an alliance with Parncllltes , ono condition of which would of course bo the granting of homo rule ; but he has since denounced both Mr. Gladstone and the Irish members in the most unsparing terms. Ills course lias therefore boon too "meteoric" to com mand a largo permanent following. The second group , the "moderate lib erals" or whlgs , like the conservatives four the experiments of homo rule. They behove that Ireland should bo satisfied with the liberal promises of the present ministry and the era of good feeling which it lias intro duced. They assume that the time has not yet como for wide sweeping meas ures of governmental reform. At tlio same time they have a strong party feel ing for Mr. Gladstone as the accredited liberal leader , nnd they naturally hcsitato to combine with Ids enemies against him. Lord Hartington is recognized as the leader of this faction. Ho is a man ot aristocratic predilections and moder ate opinions ; ono who is never brilliant , but usually esteemed safo. That ho has a good deal of influence among the whig nobility and gentry cannot bo denied. The third group is composed of the dis affected radicals under Chamberlain and Trovelyan. It is an uncertain quantity both as to its strength and convictions. So far as can bo ascertained from the speeches of its leaders in opposition to Mr. Gladstone's bill its attitude is moro the result of antagonism to the forthcoming land purchase bill than to the extension of local government proposed m the homo rtilo measure. Mr. Chamberlain is considered to bo a power in Birmingham , and ho has long boon hold the real leader of the radicals. Ho has long boon identi fied witli the politics an. d the industries of Birmingham. Ho represents a class that is a growing power in English life generally the wealthy manufacturers. The conservatives like to reproach Mr. Clmmborlain for the introduction of the "caucus methods" into English politics. Mr. Trovelyan is a nephew of Lord Macaulay , and , like his uncle , ho lias inado his mark as a writer upon histori cal subjects. Ho is a man of fine educa tion , and a lawyer by profession. Ho lias held the post of Irish secretary. The mass of the support for Mr. Gladstone outside of the Parncllitcs must come from the liberal party remaining after the whig and radical secessions. This includes many distinguished men , and has without question behind it the bulk of liberalism in England , Uesido Mr. Glad stone llioro are Lord Itoscbory , Mr. John Morley , the now Irish secretary , Earl Spencer , formerly viceroy at Dublin Cas tle , not to mention Earl Granville , Sir Willium Harcourt and other members of the present cabinet. Those men are probably bettor known to Americans than almost any others , perhaps because of their natural sympathy with the prog ress of liberalism. Mr. John Merely is moro a man of letters than a politician , though ho gained a valuable expo rionco in public affairs when editor of the i'all Mall Qazctlc. Lord Rosobory belongs to the younger aristocracy , so largo a part of which is oven radical in its opinions , oven Lord Randolph Churchill , though nominally a conservative , choosing to pose as the loading spirit of a "tory de mocracy , " whatever that may bo. Mr. Labouchcro , the accomplished editor of Trnlli , though nominally unattached to any party , is another aristocratic radical , and is at present an earnest supporter of homo rule. Those are the elements out of which Mr. Gladstone , unless ho suffers defeat , must carve a parliamentary majority for his Irish measures. Wnon it is considered that the British house of commons con tains 070 members , of which 8iiO consti tute a majority , the dilliculty of predict ing the result can readily bo scon. The liberal party has 330 members , and the tones muster in round numbers 350. The Parnellito strength is eighty-six. The question is , whether the liberal loss will bo moro than seventy members. If it is , the government will bo defeated. flojjiis Divorces. The cablegram of a few days ago which announced that tlio English court of high justice had refused to recognize a Montana divorce as valid calls renewed attention to the disgraceful frauds which ro daily being perpetrated in this coun try under the name of legal divorce. In the cuso In question , an Englishman moved into Montana , resided there six months , secured divorce from his English wife at the expiration of that time nnd returned to England with an American brldo. Ho served no notice on his wife except through publication in an obscure paper , and the first information slio obtained of the dissolution of the marriage tie was the return of her hus band with a new bride. The laxity of our divorce laws , espe cially in tlio west , is shameful. There is no question Unit hundreds of divorces ore obtained every year by bra/.en per jury , In which the Injured wives or hus bands are afforded no opportunity to de fend suits brought njrainst them without their knowledge. Only a few days ago , in Douglas county , Judge Wakoly dis missed a suit where ho hud learned only by accident that the notice of the petition was published in a Swedish paper in order to hide it moro thor onghly from the defendant. Scarcely a term of court passes where divorces are not granted to non-residents who como to Nebraska temporarily to obtain legal separation from their wives and husbands , nnd institute suits in our courts hundreds of miles from their homes to nrevcnt a fair trial of the cause. Divorces by default are much too common. In nine cases out of ton they mean that the defendant has not received notice of the suit. Proceedings are begun sccretlv , the lawyer who has the case in hand takes dire that the notice of petition is hidden In some obscure sheet wnero it will never meet the eyes of the husband or wife interested , nml when the day for thn hearing of tlio cause is sot there is naturally no defense and the decree ob tains by default Divorces are proper when based on justifying f.ic'.s nnd when obtained openly nnd without deception. The fault in our laws seems to bo that personal service is not required when possible , and that actual citizenship and the intention to retain It Is not a necessa ry to bo shown ns a prerequisite to secur ing the operation of our courts In dissolv ing the marriage tie. Mounted Audacity , The bellowing Itto will bellow longer and louilor about the cliuulntton and tclcgiaiihlc news service of The J/cniM a llttlu later. But for brass-mounted audacity Its "London special" of lart evening , tl.atwas itmnufnc- lured out of one that \\as printed In T\c \ Her- fid ? sovoial days ago , and is cnlleil news , Is entitled to special attention and contempt. ircmhl Talk about brass-mounted audacity 1 The audacity which prompts the Herald to make this retort surpasses in hardness Bessemer steel or oven adamant. The idea of our copying the stale cable ser vice of the Herald when wo are paying for moro than 4,000 words of special every - ory day , is certainly moro than auda cious it is a piece of sublime impudence. The cablegram , which the Herald claims was manufactured from an old dispatch that appeared in the Herald some days days ago , came by wire Sunday night and first appeared in Monday morning's edition of the HUE , which edition our con- tempory is at such pains to ignore. The most audacious piece of brass- mounted impudence is the Herald's at tempt to rival the BEE'S circulation , when it knows that there is sim ply no comparison to bo made. If the Herald has any money to contri bute to any charitable institution wo will wager $1,000 that the BIE circulates in the city of Omaha moro than four papers to the Herald's ono , nnd wo arc ready to wager an equal amount that the general circulation of the DAILY Bin : is moro than three to ono of the Herald , with its Sunday addition dumped in to make up the aggregate. If the Herald were to contract to print our daily and weekly editions it would keep its newspaper presses grinding night and day , and then fail to do the job , oven if wo paid a dollar a copy for every paper turned out. This is no idle boast. Wo mean just what we say. Stick a pin there , if you please. DELAY in reaching a decisive vote is greatly favoring Mr. Gladstone's homo rule measure. His opponents have made a weak showing in their attacks on the measure. Sentiment in parliament is still trembling in the balance , undecided in what direction to turn. The premier alone seems undisturbed as ho awaits the result. If he succeeds , the victory will bo a stupendous ono ; if ho is defeated , on tlio other hand , ho may not bo com pletely demoralized. In the case of defeat - feat , there are several courses open to him. The heroic remedy would bo to dis solve parliament on this issue , and ap peal to the country ; in other words , to take tlio course of asking the kingdom at Iarg9 if it were willing to try the experi ment of homo rule , through the simple process of issuing writs for a now elec tion , in which the homo rule question would would bo the paramount object of discussion. This was what Mr. Gladstone did in 1874 , and then ho failed to secure popular support. Another course open to the premier would bo to resign. In that event the queen would send for Lord Salisbury , as the recognized conservative vative leader , and ask him to undertake the task of forming a ministry , and , as tlio phrase goes , "carrying on her maj esty's government. " Should ho refuse or find it impossible , a coalition ministry , including men of all parties united to re sist home rule , under the premiership of Lord Hartington , is by no means impos sible. In either of these events Mr. Gladstone would become simply the leader of the opposition and could carry no scheme of his own , but only fight tlio government nutil , perhaps , an adverse vote against it put him into power again. Which course will tie follow , in case he cannot carry his ho mo rule scheme now , it is impossible to predict. THE Herald says that it is not able .to answer questions in respect to the ante cedents , character nnd qualifications of West , the now governor of Utah. The Denver Tribuno-ltcpublican answers the questions as follows : "Caleb West , the now governor of Utah , is a judge , not a journalist. Ho hails from Cynthlana , where Blaine once taught school , and is said to bo a lover of horses and a good judge of whisky. These qualifications are probably all that are needed in a gover nor of Utah so tlio president evidently thinks. " GEN. O. O. IIowAun loaves to-day for Ids now command in San Francisco , This closes a four years' station in the department of the Platte , which has been mutually profitable to the general and the department. During his sojourn in Omaha General Howard has nmdo many friends who will deeply regret his de parture and whoso best wishes for future success will follow him to his how field of duy. _ _ Now that n proposition for the organ ized encouragement of manufactures lias been accepted by the board of trade , there should bo no delay in pushing the matter to a successful issue , Omaha's future development is largely dependent upon the promotion of industrial outer- COMMISSIOKUH Si'Aims has no intention of resigning under the tire of the railroad laud sharks , who are attempting to use "tho honest settler" as a cat's-paw to take tholr chcstnuta from the lund-oflico fire. BUSINESS houses with signs "To Rent" hung from their fronts are as rare In Omaha to-day as the fabled heti's teeth. No Slrtko on the Ifnlon Pacific. A prominent Knight pf Labor assures the liKti that the various rumors to the effect that n general'strike ' on the Union Pacific is being ngltited and threatened are without foundiAlorj. Tlio men gen erally are well satisfied All their griev ances , ns they have been presented fiom to time , have been adjusted by the com pany's officials who hn'yo ' met the com mittees fairly and ? quaroly and ttono ev erything In their po\yor to avert any slrlko. As a mattcnof { net nearly every thing demanded has been conceded In full or compromised on n basis satisfactory' to all parties Interested. Mr. Thomas Ncnsham , of Denver , the district master workman , is said to be u cool-headed man , somewhat after the style of Powdcrly , and docs not believe in slrikos. That a strike has not occurred on the Union Pacific is greatly duo to his lovcMieadcdness , nnd th probability is that nor.o will over occur if ho can prevent It. This statement , coming from good autliontj' , is certainly a gratifying assurance to the people of Omaha and Nebraska that tlio present prosperous condition of affairs will not bo disturbed by any strike on the Union Pacific. The Omaha employees of the company are generally satisfied , and are as anxious as anybody to share in the prosperity of this city. Among them are some of our best citizens , who will not countenance a .strike unless some out rageous imposition drives them to it , Dit. Minxu endorsed no ono for post master at Hastings. This probably means that ho endorsed no moro than throe candidates for the position. EVKHYTIIIXO remains quiet in the south west , but the final settlement is not yet in Fight. POIjtVlOAh POINTS. Allan ( i. Tlnumrm , It is hinted , may yet "warm his toes in the cabinet. " Dr. A. 0. Hamlln and ( Jen. diaries Ham- lin , mo seeking the icpublican nomination for governor of Maine. Lieu * . ( iov.ChauncoyF. Black , of Penn sylvania , Is mentioned ns probable demo cratic nominee for goveiuor. Ex-Uov. Long , of Massachusetts , Is re ported to look with longing eyes upon the senatorial toga bo grncofullv worn by Senator Dawes. The Wnshtncton coircsuondent of the Now Yoik llciald announces that civil-service re- lonn , about which so much fuss has been made for some j-ears , Is now dead and burled. ( Jen. McClernand , who was ottered and de clined the governorship of Utah , has do- leimlned to enter the field as a candidate for the congressional sea't now held by Jlr. Springer. ' , ' Among the candidates fqr the democratic nomination tor governor iij Georgia is Hon. A. O. Bacon , who was a close competitor for the place four years' ago when Alex. II. Stephens was nominated. > ' The New Haven News says honest and respectable men whosonly interest In poll- tics is adcslro for the pubjic goodoughtto help the administiatlun by finnishing Information mation about candidates for olllce. The Philadelphia Press says : "The mug wumps seem to bo in hiding. Isn't It about time lor tlicui to bo lixnigallnto for a nation al conference ? The earth' fs turning regular ly , the seasons come anil go the sun shines , and flic moon , as well as thd stars , mo all on deck and doing duly , and not a mugwump at the wheel. " atieorgo William Curtis puts It In this way : ' It must bo n source of poienant grief to Amcrlcnii citizens who decline to support unlit candidates tor olllce , although nomin ated by the party to which they belong , that Mr. Ingalls , a lupubllcan candidate from Kansas , thinks that they ate politically neither men nor women , and announces his opinion in such vivid terms , according to the repoils , that ladies lly from the galler ies and republican senators lear with laugh . " ter. _ _ No Kcttuctioii. Chicago Times. The ganc aldermen have been re-elected , and thoie will bo no reduction in the price of aldciiuanic legislation. No AllldnvitH Attached. Chicago Herald. Mr. Hoxio's dally telegrams to Mr. Gould about the number of trains moved on ' the southwestern system have no affidavits at tached to them. Publish Them iu Brooklyn. Western ir < ilc/imaii. / Becchcr says the ton commandments were not first published on Shml. No ; they wcro rcpubllshod thcic. It would not bo a bad Idea to rcpubllbh them in Brooklyn. Signs of Progress. Macon IVIcoraph. When the descent upon a Mormon's house at Salt Lake City to mnkeariosts for poly gamy | s called a "raid" by the matter of fae telegraph , it docs seem as if the woi Id moved. Alike In Ono Thing. St. Louts Globe-Democrat. It Is announced that the president has formed no docit'ed plans for tlio summer , which shows that In one respect , at least , he Is in agieemeiit with his party. Good ITso of Special Features , Hie Current. Mr. Conkllng.as prosecutor for the people In the Broadway railway investigation , scorns to bo the light man in tlio right place. Ills famous and Inimitable scowl and sneer are now employed to their best advantage. Farmers' Principles. National Advocate , Independence , Iowa. The Knights of Labor have already In corporated Into their platform and principles all the most Important mcasuics which In telligent farmers throughout the rounlry have been for many yeaib advocating. Never Mind. llmcr Journal. Never mind If your clothing Is thread-baro and worn , And Its colors beginning to fade , Such trifles are easier fac to jju berne Than the thought of a bill tfi bo paid ; For debt is a master relentless and grim , JIo grants you no robt Or repose , If once you are sold Into-bondngc to him No pcncllcan picture your.\\ocs. Never mind If your neighbors .vonder and guess , * , „ Cher tilings you dop't coooso to make known , " Your motlvesund action's wonld tioublo tlicm loss i 'i If they would attend to.thelr . own. Them's naught to require oue to make his affairs Of neighborhood gossip the theme ; If a man breaks no Taws , what ho cats.Urlnks and wears Is his own special business , 'twould seem. Never mind , let the \soild move along as It will , Life's changes nro certain , wo know. And the man that's at the top of the hill May soon grope In the valley below ; Live lightly , nnd slander and gossip will fall Tolmrm you , and soon you will nnd That tlm very best armor whene'er they assail Is to say from the heart , "Never mind. " * STATE AND riOllUITOUY. Nebraska Jottings. Work , has begun on York's $50,000 court house. The salted coal craze in Wheeler coun ty has dissolved. The grade stakes have been set for the Holdrogo and Blue Hill extension of the B. & M. Buttermilk , pop and lemonade will bo the principal stimulants \Vahoo \ for the present year. Tiio postmaster of Burnett has boon sued for $1,000 for falling to forward the letter of onoEdnoy. Hon. II. II Moses , for many years a circuit judge in Ohio , and the author of u standard work on mandamus , will here after boa citizen of Wayne.- Charley Ross ia alive nnd kicking ngainst the report of his burial In a well in Cuslcr county. Ho has just been elected city engineer of North Platto. Liquor licoiibo lins been raised to $1,000 in Blue Hill , nnd sMoon men threaten to shut up shop. Yet the prospect of n spiritual draught possess no terrors for the obdurate license board. G. W. Sage , of Ponca , nnd Ins two sis ters , Mrs. D. S. ( loodkiii ! ) and Mrs. John F. Glbbs , of Ionia , Dlxon county , have come Into possession of property worth $1',000 , through the decision of an Iowa court. This Is the way a Polk county paper puts it : "Hallelujah ! God reigns , and thu government at Osceola is still sate. Praise God from whom all blessings How. The ticket headed by the democratic post master snowed under by n majority of 150. " A Grand Island small boy with the Im ported mimn of Moinc Mix Ilnlllo , shied ix brick at old man Bordix Picn , breaking his jaw and several front teeth. Ho es caped with n light line and a tongue tan ning , yet Ids basement aches for a help ing hand. George Rico attempted to pass a forged check on a Grand Island bank , but wan grabbed in the act. George had put tlio autograph of Crawford , a Morrick county stockman , to the check , and besides had secured some ready cash , an overcoat mid a horse. The Tokamah band of hope , 120 strong , tinned with wooden guns and canvas banners , attempted to storm the polls nnd capture the saloon clement on election. The latter , however , were loaded for boor , and foamed and fumed with victory at sundown. It Is among the possibilities ot the coin ing summer that Columbus will bo con nected with the main line of the Elkhorn Valley railroad , and in that event Hast ings is almost sure of catching on. It is not settled yet whether the road will parallel the Union Pacific from Fremont west or from Leigh southwest. J. it. Hoag has platted and started anew now town in the Blue Valley , which bears his name. It is midway between Beatrice and DcWilt , in the richest grain and stock section of Gngo county. An ele vator has been completed there und cat- tloyards built. A board of trade has bcnn organized and a splendid water power awaits an enterprising miller. The town slarts out with u fair compliment of bus iness houses , managed by men of energy and vim , who expect to make it one of the best towns in the South Platte coun try. try.An An enterprising insurance agent , with that respect for truth so conspicuous in tlio prolossion , advertises in the state press that "Bishop O'Connor , of Omaha , who lately died in Ireland , had a $10,000 policy" in the company rcprescntert by him. The reverend bishop , However , is enjoying the best of health and is zeal ously looking after the wants of bis people ple in Nebraska and Wyoming. The ad vertiser doubtless refers to tno dnath of Father O'Connor , lalo pastor of St. Phil- omona's Cathedral , in this city. Iowa Items. The Brush County News has been swept up by the sheriff. Kcnkuk is sighing for Sam Jones to spur its latent pietv. The ground nroutul Fort Madison is alive with grasshoppers. Missouri Valley is moving to secure the location of the county seat. Tlio DCS Monies Boat club , capital $10,000 , has been incorporated. The "sweet girl graduates" of the Ames' high school fluttered and. flustered in calico drosses. The Odd Follows of a number of sur rounding towns will celebrate the mini versary in Sioux City. The Carroll county courthouse was burned Thursday night , but all records and papers wcro saved. D. G. Paist , of Lisbon , was caught by a falling tree and his breath stopped. Ho was 73 years of ago , and evidently a "journalist. " The saloons are nailed tight in Dos Moincs. but the sand-bagger is numer ous and nimble at night , and as treach erous and sneaking as ever. Cedar Rapids grocers , who handle bog us butter , have bcun boycotted by neigh boring farmers. This in ix commendable ) phase of the war on grocers. A Davenport man who played convert at a revival , groandod so loud and long under a weight of sin that the police rim him In and relieved him of $10 and costs. A number ot Davenport ladies have or ganized a society for the protection of birds from millinery butchers. The ladies propose to boycott all bonnets ornament ed with birds. Miss Isabella Do Spain , of Fairficld , attempted to pre-empt a castle on the bhining shore , but a stomach pump and a doctor extracted the rat poison and pre vented serious injury. Five hundred dollars have been sub scribed to enforce prohibition in Calliope and Hawardon , and to stop gambling , ball playing and horse racing. Puritan ideas are prospering. Dakota. Mndisqn expects to improve $150,000 worth this year. Twin babies are a growing fashion in Sully county. The climate is wonderful. It has been decided to organize a fair association at Rapid City , and negotia tions are now pending for grounds. Ton business blocks are now going up at Sioux Falls. The city will spend $ 10,000 in building sewers this year. Buffalo Gap is to have n grist mill with a capacity of 1,000 bushels n day , to bo completed and ready for operation by the middle of August. An artesian well , put down on the farm of Ole JuiiKcr , near Meokling , Clay coun ty , lias proved to bo a success , Flowing water , of a good quality , was struck at a depth of 208 feet. Frank Kiso , son of the mail carrier be tween Deadwood mid Empire , with three companies , tried to touro a man named Tway by firing over his dwelling , Tway did not hcaro but returned I ho lire , fatally wounding young Kiso. There are in tlio city of Yankton twen ty-three licensed retail dealers , four busi ness places where llnuor.s are bold for medical purposes and three wholesale houses there is not a city of its sixo in the territory that is moro orderly and quiet. "Wyoming. ThoLaramio rolling mills arc now run ning full time. Fort Russell will bo the first station on the Cheyenne & Northern road. Choyonnc is getting a cut rate benefit. California goods are hauled there atl per hundred the rate to Omaha. The site for the capital building iti Cheyenne l.as been cluuon , The ground adjoins the northeast corner of the city park. The force of men employed at Soda Lakes , near Larnmle , lias bcun doubled , and tno product correspondingly in creased. Real estate values are on the jump in Cheyenne. The big depot , the capitol , and tlio Northern road have tent prices skyward. Colorado. R v. Mrs. Vim Cott celebrated lior fifty- sjxth birthday In Denver by loading forty sinners into the ronlma of salvation. Tlio presents bestowed ilpon her wcro n bas ket lull of elegant specimens from the mines , some line photographs of moun tain scenery nnd nn clo nnt oil painting of the Mount of the Holy Cross. Virtue on tlio Dcni'tr Titbunt Kfj > tiM/c / < ui. Misi Mary Anderson plajcd to more money in thrco performances in Denver than Salvini did in the same number , It is worth while to discover why this was so. Snrcly it was not bocanso Miss Andersen is the greater genius. Wo doubt not that this will bo admitted by her most enthusiastic tulmlrors ; nnd it cannot bo entirely explained by the fact that she has been advoitised and talked about In the newspapers as no other actress , with the possible exception of llernhardfc ever wtti. We think her wonderful success as an "attraction" is duo entirely to thrco causes ! lirat , that she is an American ; second , that she is beautiful , and third , that she is good ; and the last cause is the first in eon- tributing to her success , for thouah she were twice nu American and twice as beautiful , she would not have won the position she occupies were she lacking in virtue. It is a withering commentary upon the American stage to say that a woman has won fume upon it because she is virtu ous ; nnd yet wo do not question its just ness. The stage lias Ueon brought to M > low a iihtno by the looseness of its repre sentatives that tlioM ) who look upon act ing more ns u source of amusement than as an art and there can be , no quc.stion that nine theatre-coers in ton so regard it are disgusted with it , and they are glad to show their appreciation of an no- tress whose moral life is above reproach. In Miss Andersen they find beauty and goodness and a mediocre talent for act- fiig. This mediocrity , supported by actors of capacity and trained inmagnili- cent stage settings , and enriched with beautiful colouring , presents a dramatic performance that is pleasing to the eye , and deceives those good people who know nothing of acting as an art into the belief that it is not mediocrity but true genius. How happy then , would the people of America bo to bestow unstinted patron age and praise upon an American actress , whoso genius should be pre-eminent , and whoso virtue.should bo as sterling as her genius ! The stage can no longer say that it is under a ban. Society recognizes it , and is doing all in its power to elevate it. It is tin unhappy fact that lee many actors are worthless follows ; gootl for nothing but to play parts before the foot lights ; witli no interests in the aflairs of the country or of society , and deserving of having their citizenship taken from them ; and that too many actresses tire loose in the moral lives , There is no reason why an actor should not bo a gentleman , an actress a lady ; and the stage is indeed degenerate when a. woman ot ordinary ability 'can com mand the attention of the theatre-going world chiefly because of her virtue. There is something of retributive justice in it ; and it woultl bo better for the stage to reform and cease Us complaints that it is ostracized. In all professions this reformation is taking place ; mediocrity , that is honorable , is pushing genius , that is dishonorable , to the wall. The result will bo to train genius in the way it should go dramatic genius ns well as other kinds. Hoxio'H Folly. Cleveland Leader. First Vice President Hoxio , of the Mis souri Pacific , who has all along managed the strike contest for the Gould system of railroads , is taking exactly the course to make himself ono of tno best hated m en in America , lie sfoms to be as hard and merciless as his master Gould , and to be far inferior to that wily millionaire in dis cretion. To treat the members of the executive board of the Knights of Labor as ho did Saturday is to strengthen the turbulent and reckless faction in that order who are disposed to follow the violent leadership of such men us Irons , nnd to weaken the power and the inllu- once for good of prudent , law-abiding nnd rcasonablo men like Powdcrly. It is contemptible in lloxie , or any man in his position , to spurn fair propositions for tlio termination of a great strike , and it will never pay him or the company ho repre sents to insist upon every technical right and to grasp all the doubtful honors of his victory. Hoxio ought to understand , as every intelligent man docs who has watchbu the course of events in the south west , that it was largely if not chiefly Powdorly's first order to the knights to return to work , which broke the back of the strike , and that , had the Knights of Labor and their lead ers been as arbitrary and uncom promising as the active head of tlio Missouri I'noiiiq , that railroad would now be struggling in the midst of a des perate strike instead of running its trains with comparative ease and regularity. Ho owes if to the heads of the order to rccpfriii/.o what they have done to set his trains in motion and retire the peaceable and regular order of business in several states. His present course is technically but not in spirit what the people of the country had a right to expect , and sooner or later the Missouri Pacific company will have reason to regret it. That cor poration is not so well fortified in right eousness and popular approval as to be safe in the hands ot a Hoxio. ITCHING. Bltlu Diseases Instantly Ilellovctl by Cutioura. A warm Imtli with Cutlcura Jtioup. . inn ] a slnilo application of Ciillcurn , tlio grout Skin ( Juro. Thlx rcpimtnil dally , wllli two or tin i'o dOBusof Uutluiiiii ItoFolvnnt , tlio Now Illood 1'inltlur , to l < cii | > tlio blood coo ) , tlio poinplrntlrm puio anil iinlriltntlnir , tlio liowulu open , tlio I Ivor anil IdtlnoyH iiutlvn , will ppooillly euro Kwoinn , Totter , Klmtwonn , IVorlnala , Lie-h ull , 1'iuiitiiB , BcuUI-Hcail , DiuidnilV nnd outry sjCclii ) ot ItLliln ? , Senly nml I'linply Ilumomor tno Scalp nml Skin when thu bust phyblulans nnd I'uuiudlca lull , F.CZKMAON A CHILD. Your most viilunlilo Cutlcurix Homprtlos hixvo ilono my child so much gcmil thut I feel like miy- liiK I Ills lor the liumitlt of Ilioso who nru troubled u Illi skin ilheufio. Mv llltlo irl wu tionbltnl with Itocnm , und I trlud Hovorul doctor * nml inoillcluoK , biitdld not du liur tiny good until I usud the Cutlunrii Humoxlloa , which upooillly uurod her , for which I ewe you muny thatilu ami many nliflits ol rest. ANTON HOSSMIEII , IlJInburfh , Ind. Tirrrnu oi' THU SOAW. I win nlinost porfoclly buld , eiiusoil IiyTottor nn the ton of UK Bonlp. I nsoj your Ciitlonni HcinodluA iiliout six > ooks , nnd thuy oinod my scalp perfectly , und now my lialr Is coming back us thlcl , 113 U ever wits. J , J' . CIIOICK , Whltosboro , 'Jcxus. COVKHCD WITH W.OTCHHS. I wnnt to tell jou thut > our Cutlcuru llosol- voni U lutiiniltlcoiit. About thrco mnnthri nye my turn wns covonxl with blotchus , mm ntlcr using Unco bottles of Itosolvunt I uus jiurfoctly cured. l-'ntiUKiiiCK M.unu ; . last. Chailcs St. , Now Orleans , Ui. JIEST roil ITCHING UISRASRS. Ono ol onr customers iiya your Cutlcura mm cellos are the biMt lie ami llnd lor Itohln ? ol' tlio tfhin. Ho tiled ulPotbura uud lonud uo lullut until ho used JOIII-H. 1' . J , AI.PH1CH , Druggist , Itblnjr Sun , O. Bold ovcrjuhoro. 1'rlce , Cullcuru. 60 eta ; Cutlcurn Soii [ ) . 2i els. ; Cutlcura Jlowiivrnt , JI. I'lomuod by 1(10 ( I'orrKii Dnuii AND CIIKHIOU. Co. , llobtou. Sand lor "How to Cmo SUu Dls- tusss. " S , JlUekhcad,8Un IlleroUbesnnd Uuby Jlumoia iieoCutlunmSouii. JIOW LIKi : OIL ANU Wl.NU to the fmulshndfif old Is n Cntlciun Antl- U'nln I'limvrto the luhlujr clJos und /buck , the ttiMiknml painful mutt'lc-a , Itlio soia cliosl und lincUuv cough , T nnd uvery unlit and nrlio of dully loll. iu. i\oryn-bcju : STRICTLY PURE. IT CONTAINS NO ovivat in AKV ron.it IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 GENTS , 50 CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLE flfiCEN I BOTTLEs.nro nut P for the n ( Jcommodntlonot nil who doslro n tree nd low prlcoit Cough , Gold and CroupRemoily IIIO'K DrillUNO K IIRMKUT TOR CONSUMPTION AKT LUNG DISEASE. Should eccuro thu IBIWO $1 bottles. Ulrootlon ncoompnnylniroAoli bottle. Bold by all Medicine Dealers. TTB 617 St. ChnrlcaS,8MontsMo. ( A rrtnltr irilaiU ft two Mtdlnit Collrin , hi. Win lanrtr i&d BLOKD Dtittiti ItutniDT othtr rhviteiii lnsi ij6U , ' " ' " ' " . * ous'Prostraflon. "ueblll't "Mentil and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Afftc * tloniot ThroatSkin or Bones , Blood Polionlnn , old Sores and Ulcers , e ir..id with noF.r.n.iIi luKt.nl.l , litlntlll rMoelnln.8 flTPrlr.l lj. Diseases Arising trom Indiscretion , Excest. Expois uro wlndulBCnco.wbieii rrcJan i.m. rth , adiltr lltjraeBorr , plmM.'oD II. . r.r. , flfi\n\tinj \ \ , Tirilonlelhe .otUirot riinitlti , cooruil. ! * tfldin , M. . I5m""u' " . " ' " 'eo lm"r ° P"1 or unlKPpy , " In rfrtled enTfMpe , rrtoloftnj tddren. CoD.alutl oVtor Cctei t > r m.ll rrt .lnvll.a n J ittltllj maOdratlit. A Posltlvo Wrllton Guarantee Hr.n in .r.rrra. rtwe < M . uiaulDt igDt CT r/wber bmtll f cxprfii * MARRIAGE GUIDE , SOO rAQES. PINC PLATEO , t nnl clclk ill till MnairtjieilM f.rBOo. In ro.l.s.orcnrt.nrj. Ot r OftT end rul | joplet r i. Iru. ID llr < | trllcUi on tb follo.lnj nW clM nom jrtn rrj.nh.uol | h7ini oheod , worn.a. booJ. | htilfnl ilrcir , cllreti iifMlllxer od clou..ib phn lol < Hjofrem < lii llin , nj u.or , iu.r. . Tht , , tuatrlrt . cenltiupttUuff marrl. ( ihnuM nnd It. l'"ri'Ur edition nod. fifer tour. 33o. JlJlr i i b PTklllUr. . > T FOUNTAIN PEN , BEST IN THE WORLD. TVnrrnntocJ to nlvo satisfac tion on any nork uud In any ImnJs. Price $ 2.50 JB.Trickey&Co WHOLESALE JEWELEItS , Lincoln , Solo Wholesale njjonts for KobrasUa. DEALKUS SUPPLIED AT FACTOUY RATES. N. 1J. This Is not a Btylo- grnpk pencil , but n flrst class Uoxlblo BOM pen of any do- Blrcd flnoncsj of point. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , , State Agents FOR THE Omaha , Neb. PTho.oVITAI.lTV la Mllnft ran ! WIIMNKU > a ? KxiiAy Tji > or ronor I > UIM A'irliJ1'Yii , i Aria . , , * 'Jhi' . < . . pan-r andiufdlt lendor.emfnt * i ! 'Jhi'VPA.v . : . lion fonlce or by mall ) wllli > lx emliftut Uoctori I'ltJ. t. CIVIAI.E AOENCY. No. 174 Fulton Street. New Yortu Do you mint a jiuro , bloom * ing Comjiloxlou f Ji' so , a few nnplicnlioiiH of Hngan's MAGNOLIA JiALM will ify you to your heart's con tent. Jt docs away with Hal- lowncss , Redness , Vim pics , JllotchoH , nnd nl ) diseases and impci'lcctions ot'tlio skin. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat , fatigue and ox- uitemnnl. It makes n lady of TJIlllTY appear but TWliN- TY ; and so ualiiral. gradual , and perfect nro its eilcuLs. that it is impossible to detect its application , - * ' " "I