Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Irish Homo Rule Bill Passes Its First Head
ing Without Division.
Cosohcii Spoakn Agnlngt It nnd In An-
B\vcroil by Ulnitalono The Enrl
of Sliaftoslniry Com
mits Btitulilo.
For Irish Sclf-Oovcrnmcnt.
, LONDON , . Anril la Sir William Vernon
Hnrcoiut , chancellor of the exchequer , to
night resumed the debate on the Irish bill In
the house of commons. Ho said that those
Who condemned the government's measure
failed to state an acceptable alternative
"Reference , " said the speaker , "has Dcon
made to the Irish In Amcilca. This liouso
cannot for a moment be Influenced by the
notion of dastardly assassins like ford
and others , but the Iilsh nation In
America Is as numerous as the Iilsh are at
home. All possess the Ramo Instincts and
the same sympathies. They have not been
- parties to the actions of assassins [ heart
licarlj. These actions of assassins receive
universal condemnation from the people of
the United Stales [ Irish and liberal chccrsj.
lint If you reject this bill do
you bclievo , are you sure , there will
not bo sympathy with those assassins
-nnd their schemes ? [ Hisses nnd cries of Oh I
Ohlj I believe there wilt bo universal con-
demnatlon and disapprobation from right-
thinking people Irlsn and American of
such treatment of the Irish people. " [ Irish
cheers. ]
In the course of an energetic speech , Mr.
Ooschen contended that there was no anal
ogy between the position of Ireland
and Kncland , and that of Norway
or Sweden , or Austria and Hungary.
Irish and English Interests , bo bald , woie so
Inteilaccd that when they came lo the
finance question they would linil it difficult
to decide whether the Income to bo taxed was
. .English or Irish. Their interest could
not bo disassociated. In conclusion
( joscheu denied Ihat liruiness could bo
called coercion , and said there would bo no
repression If thcio was no crime. The re
sponsibility ot weakening the ties which
unite the British islands tested with the pre
mier nnd his followers. Those resisting a
break up of thu enipho must close uu their
ranks , and shoulder In shoulder resist the
bill. [ Knthuslastic cheering. ]
Mr. Gladstone replied' considerable
length. Jlo denied that the safeguaids pro
vided In the bill were dictated by distrust of
the Irish people. On the contrary , they were
insetted In conscquciios of the mistrust
that was felt by otheis. Sir. Gladstone
argued that the lundiiinental fear
of those who attack the homo
rule measure was that the Irish people would
necossa'rily do wiong ; that the adniinistra-
lion of llio country would necessarily bo
changed. [ Cries of hear , hear.J In regard to
questions as to the power of the veto as pro
posed by the bill , he stated that there was no
limitation to that piopositlon , and
In lefetenco to the Income tax ,
that it would neccssaiily bo as separate In
Ireland as It would be In Knclaiid. Of the
bill generally , ho said It proposed to give to
the IrWi people a icasoimblo satisfaction to
their demand without imitating the example
set by llio former government In the
case of America. He ildiculcd the
fear that has been expressed as
lo llio future demands on the
part of the Irish members if this bill were
passed , and as to the question of there hav
ing been no mandate tor this measure , ho
contended that inasmuch as there had been *
no inundate lor coercion or for maintaining
the law , so no mandate was necessary
for proposals lo strengthen the means
of maintaining tlio law. He compared the
criticisms on the bill , and pointed out that
rpo one speech agreed with another , and
speaking of the measure as a plan , ho re
marked that It might bo improved , lint at
any rate It held the Held , as also did the
subject. [ Loud chcers.J
Tlio motion that leave bo given to Intro
duce was tint by the speaker and agreed to
without division amid protracted and en
thusiastic cheering.
, v. * An English Noble's Suicide.
LONDON , Apill IS. The Karl of Shaftes-
bury killed himself this afternoon , lie was
In a cab riding through Recent street when
lie took his life. Ho diew a revolver and dis
charged the contents of Its several chambers
Into his person. The corpse was conveyed to
the Middlesex hospital , 'llio suicide was51
yearn of age. Ho was the eighth Karl of
ohatte.sbury , succeeding on October 1,18S5 ,
to the time of his death , his lather , who was
a noted philanthropist. Ho leaves a widow ,
Lady Harriett , daughter of the third Marquis
of Donegal , and one son and live daughter ) .
The carl had latterly been unwell , aud had
complained of montaf depression.
Lord Slmftc.slmry tired the tirst shot at his
right temple , but missed his aim. The cab
man descended from his scat and refused to
piocecd further , as ho feaied ho would bo
bhot. Lord Slmflesbury tiled to persuade
him to continue the drive , and otrcrrd him a
f notu. but the cabman was Immovable. A
constable who had heard the shot tired ap-
fe proachi'd the cat ) at this moment , when Lord
ohnfti'.ibiiry liicd again , the ball talcing effect
In his temple. The constable , seeing thai ho
was about to Hie. tried lo scl/.e his aim , bul
failed. Lout Slmt'teshiiry was driven in
haste to the hospital. Ho did not speak after
llio shoolinir , and died ten minutes after his
arrival. _
Xho IIcllicoso Grecians.
- CONHTANTINOPI.K , A pill 18. The porto
p has pout to the powers a chcular note declar
HI ing that as Bulgaria has settled Its dispute
with lliom. it becomes necessary to put astou
to Hie beltleoMi conduct ot Uiccue. as It Is
compelling Turkey lo suppoit an immense
military outlay ,
The Now Zcnlnml Wreck.
'Wr.i.r.ixaToy. Now Xoalaml , April 13.
Lnler reports from llio BCCHO of Hie wicck of
llio coasting hlcamorTalaro.v show that lour-
leeii persons were baved Jiom the vessel
The number drowned was twenty-four.
Accepted the BUI.
Bintu.v , April lJ. ! The upper liouso of the
Prussian landsUig has accepted the ecclesias
tical bill with the amendments offered by IJr.
Kopp , bishop of Kiilda.
Pence in the Soudan.
Ai.ixANnuiA ; , Apill in. An emmlssary Is
bolluvt'd lo have left Khaitoum for Cairo \\lth
a pionosal of peace fiom K ! Mahdl's suc
Ono Hotly In the llulns.
MII.WAUKKIWIS. : , April 1:1. : Specials from
lorrillan , Wla. , announce the burning of the
Oiluntul hotel aud several adjoining build
ings this morning. The charred remains of
Bett Aldrldi , aged 16 , a guest at the hotel ,
liavo been removed from the debris. II Is
believed thai all the other guests and occu
pants of tlio hotel escaped. The loss on the
property Is SS,000 ; insurance not staled.
The origin of the lire Is unknown.
A Short Oaslilor.
SAG llAiinoit , L. 1. , A-pill IS. II , H.
Harris , treasuicr of the S as Haihor Savings
bank , was dlscovcied lo bo SS.OOO siioit In his
accounts yesterday.
Weather Tor To-day.
Missouri VAI.I.KV Light local rains ,
southeily winds , slightly cooler.
The Toy Savings
Uurdotto in Brooklyn aglu : Down
with the little toy divings bank ! I be
lieve it touches eliildren to be seliish. I
hate to sea u child , a sweet , innocent
child , with dimplnd hands nnd a laugh-
jug lace , clutch the penny or the nickel
.yoirKivo it olosoiu Its little fingers , and
run lirst to drop it iu the greedy , miserly
"savings bank" and then eomo back to
{ hunk you. Wo teach the child lo bo
jullish whim wo give it a penny to drop
M. lt > the missionary bov anil 00 cents to
U . Tniy n toy for itsi'lf ; to dolo'out a penny a
> * * ici week for charity , and keep the -savings
bank rattling full. But haven't I a
savings bank in 'my own homo ? Indeed
1 have , . Aud I'd like to sue you or uuy
other man , except one of my dear
friends , the Vandcrbllts , pour money
into the ton of that savings bank as fast
as the Prince can draw it out at the
bottom. That's the wav lo run a bank.
Make her useful Milk horl "Mr.
Speaker , " said the California legislator ,
"may I ask how much money there is in
the Stale Treasury ? " The Speaker
estimated about JO,000. "Then , * ' said
the member , "I move lo rnko her. "
What good docs the money do locked
up ? Ifyou don't spend it some thieving
alderman will got hold of it.
Ati Accommodating Judge.
Texas Sittings : There is in Idaho
Tcrrilory n judge who is well known aq
"Alee Smith. " A woman brought suit
in his court for divorce , and nad the
discernment to select n particular friend
of her own , who stood well with the
judge , as her attorney. Ono morning
the Judge called up the Case , nnd , ad
dressing himself lo the attorney tor the
complainant , said : "Mr. II. , I don't
think people ought to bo compelled to
live together where they don't want to.
and I will decree a divorce in this case. "
Mr. II. bowed blandly. Thereupon the
judgcturning lo another attorney , whom
no look to bo the counsel for the defend
ant , said : "Mr. Mr. , I suppose you have
no objection to the decree ? " Mr. M.
nodded assnnt. But the attorney for the
defendant was another Mr. M. , not then
in court. Presently ho came in , and ,
finding that his client had been divorced
without a hearing , began to remonstrate.
"Alec" listened a moment , then inter
rupted , sayiui ; : "Mr , M. , it is too late.
Thu court lias pronounced the decree of
divorce , and the parties are no longer
man and wife. But , if you want to argue
the case right bad , tlio court can marry
them over again and give you a crack at
Rent Estate Transfers.
The following transfers wore filed
April 13 , with the county clerk , and
reported for the BEU by Ames' Real
Estate Agcncv :
Barclay \Vhlio ( guardian ) to Omaha &
North Platlo Railroad Company , 12 60-100
acres of nwK o sec l'J-14-lii , Douglas county ,
w d 81,575.
1'hlllp Cassldy and wife lo Omaha & North
I'latto Rnlhoad Company , SOO feet of wK ese
se } ol sec 5-14-13 , Douglas county , w d
Kdward Cassldy and wlto to Omaha < fc
North 1'latlo Railroad Company , ptrt ot wK
of se > f bee 5-H-ia , Douglas county , w d
HA Nolle and wife to Mrs Frederick Hess ,
It l , blk 1 , town of Klkhorn , Douglas county.
\v d § 100.
Bdwtud Reeves and wlfn to John Smith.
Its 1 , 'J and : i , blk 59 , City of Florence , Doug
las county , wd SI3.
Chas E Davis aud wife to Frederick H
Davis , nK of It 15 , blk 0 , Kountzo's 4th add ,
Omaha , w d $2.
Chas E Davis and wife to Ficderlck 11
Davis , It 1 , blk 7 , Reed's First add , Omahaw
d 82.
Clara E Wlllmascrto Louis D Cairlcr , It 3 ,
blk 17 , Hanscom Place , Omaha , w d
Morris 11 Sloman and wife to Meyer Hell-
man , pait of lot t ) , Capitol add , Omaha , w
d 81.
Alice D Redman ana husband to Ounuinc-
liam A : Dietitian , It 4 , blk 15 , E V Smith's
add , Omalia , w d 35,000.
Samuel R .Johnson and wife to Chas W
Gibbs , Its 0 and 10 , bile 4 , Shull's 1st add ,
Omaha , w d-SH.SOO.
City of Omaha to William P Carlln , 3.J2
squaio feet of It 4 , blk lbl > , Omaha , q c
5 1.08.
John O'Donohuo ( widower ) to Gcorco
Kiral , nW of n'iof Its 5 ami 0 , blk U , Im
provement Association's add , Omalia , w d
SCSI.Larmoii P Pruyn and wife lo Fiederlck F
Schuako , It 5 , 1'ruyn's subdivision of lots 1 ,
3 and ! 5 , blk C , Lake's add , Omaha , w d
Dexter L Thomas and wife to Jean Will-
lams , outlnt 1TJ , City of Florence , Douglas
county , o c 875.
City ot Omaha to Btnigt Nelson , part of
old Market sticet , East 10th streel , Omalia , < i
c S1EO.
Au Englishman , writing about the stage
in. France , says : "Stage jewelry now 1,5 , a
regular manufacture , nuil , though many
actresses wear real diamonds , it need not
be said that the mimic stones arc more
effective. Sham furniture looks more
like furniture on the stage than the finest
that could bo ordered. It would take _ too
long to expound this , but in illustration it
may be said that at tlio Theatre Francois
there is a properly clock for a boudoir ,
eleganllv painted and made of papier
macho "which cost 500 francs or GOO
francs. "
A law enacted in Denmark compels
all makers and sellers of aduiturated ,
imitation and bogus buttnr to nack it in
elliptical tubs , conspicuously marked
"margarine. " and punishes infractions
of the law by a line of from 200 to 2,000
kiouos ( $51 to ? 510) ) . The enactment
was forced by the agricultural clement of
the country , despite the opposition by
the bogus butter people.
Of tlio thirty-three and a fifth miles of
the new Croton tunnel , eight and a half
miles have been opened , and the present
weekly rate of advance is one-third of a
mile. Over 400 men are atvorkt and
RO.OOO pounds of explosives are consumed
weekly ; Probably 000,000 pounds of explosives -
plosives will have been consumed in the
entire work of shattering 00,000,000 , , cubic
feet of rock" .
The entire ofllux through the sewers of
Paris is ascertained to amount , on an
average , to 003,000 , cubic metres a dav ,
or about 00,000,000 gallons , this being al
most exactly three-quarters of the total
amount of water furnished by the aque
duct ; and the rainfall , thu other quarter
being carried oil' by evaporation , absorp
tion of the soil , or uy How over the sur
face directly into the Seine.
A young Swede makes a living in Bos
ton by washing dogs. Ho goes from
house to housu in the fashionable quar
ters , and for 00 or 75 cents , according to
thu size of the dog , gives the pots thor
ough bath's. It is said that the plan was
the thought of a well known charitable
woman. She wanted to help the young
follow , who was out of worL , mid inter
ested her friends in tlio scheme , and now
he has about all the dog washing ho can
attend to.
Providence Permitting.
If it rains to-morrow wo will sell ladies' ,
misses' and gents'
for 4o ! ) each ,
Remember Provided it rains to-mor
000 and COS S. llUh St.
Oration & Drummoiid's ' Faclory.
Buggies , Business aud Delivery Wagons ,
1817 HurnoY Street.
Jewelry and Music Store
Removed to
1512 Douglas st , opi > . Falconer's.
Estimates furnished on Plato and Win
dow Glass by Kenuaril & Power's , 1510
Dodge street.
Jewelry and Music Store
--Removed to
1513 Douglas s > t , , opp. Falconer's ,
And has largely increased ills stock of
Pianos and Organo and Sheet Music ,
Oration & Druniniond's Factory.
Buggies. Business and Delivery Wagons.
1017 Harnoy Street.
, i
Extra heavy Calcium .Brushes & Paint
Brushes at Konnard & " Power's , 1010
Dodge street ,
Rough'.Plato Glasi anil Window- Glass ,
.at Kcuuard & Power's.
The Eov , Mr. Bitler' ' * Work of Evangeliza
tion Meeting With Success
Two Council nicotines-Speeches by
Some of the Members The
Mayor's Jlcssncc The
New Council.
City Council Meetings.
Novcr more , probably , will the inoli-
lluous and excited voices of Messrs.
Thrano , Lccder , Furay and Belnn bo
heard in the council chamber. Their
race is run. Their law-making days are
o'er , and with sad hearts and subdued
feelings they took thoir'seftta last night
in the last , very last mooting of the old
city council. A largo number of specta
tors assembled to see the death If such
it may bo called of this body , and if
they expected a tumultuous one , they
were doomed lo disappointment , for ,
with a few gasping slgha , they blow out
the candle and vanished. Among those
present wore Mayor Boyd , City Attorney
Council , Marshal Cummlups , Messrs.
Broach , Gray , McShanc , Crelgh-
ton , Riley , Young and all the
newly elected members of the council.
Following is the city councll-as , they
answered to the roll call :
At large Terms expire April , 1&S7. ,
First ward C. F. Goodman
Second ward Michael Lee
Third ward Louis Schroccfer
Fourth ward C. S. Goodrich
Filth ward Thos. II. Dalloy
Sixth ward Francis K. Ualloy
Ward councilnien Terms expire April , 1838.
First ward Thomas Lowry
Second ward Frank Kaspar
Third ward P. Ford
Fourth ward W. F. licchel
Fifth ward Clms. E. Cheney
Sixth ward F. W. aianvllle
Mr. Carl C. Tliram took his downfall
gracefully , his face having a pleasant ,
kindly look , and his conversation beiuc ;
as llucnt and interesting as over. Mr.
Behm acted as thoueh ho had read the
maxim , "What must be , must be ; " but
still his eye emitted a dangerous sort of a
look when he glanced toward Mr. Leo.
Mr. Lecdor's disappointment was prob
ably made up by the thought that Mr.
Furay was also compelled to step down
and out. Mr. Furay's countenance
looked benevolent and friendly. It
showed that his feelings were not very
badly wrought up , and ho seemed to
think the better plan to forgive and for
get. All of them , however , felt that they
had lost a little of their power , but
should remember that the "rising geaera-
tion" must have a chance.
Lobbying was going on with vigor , and
expressions of belief in the truthfulness
and capability of the new members were
heard. The old council received many
commendations for their course , and
hardly a murmur was heard against
them. The new members present list
ened in wrapt attention to the proceed
ings , although few , and took in with
avidity all the "pointers" possible to be
picked up. The business of the meeting
was very light , the members secminji to
wish to finish up as speedily as possible.
A resolution was introduced by Mr.
Furay by unanimous consent of thu
counsel. It was a resolution of thanks
to the president , Mr. liechcl , for the
cfllcicnt manner in which lie has presided
over the meetings of the council.
Mr. Furay spoke as follows : "As I
shall soon pass out , and my gentle
voice will not bo heard again , I wish to
say that our thanks are duo to Mr. Bechel
for the manner in which ho has presided
over our meetings. In the lights of mem
bers and I was generally "at homo"
while they wore going on he has pre
sided with justice and pleasure. I esteem
him for the excellent judgment ho has
shown in rulings rulings that have given
this council thu dignity w/iich / it has at
tained. I am passing away-my ; sword
will soon be turned into a plowshare or
horse-shoo or something else , and I do
not regret a single , , measure that has
come up in the council. To no one are
the ncoplu more indebted than tq Mr.
Bcclicl for the good we have done. CHd
will bo here next year to uass along the
good work he has dono. The conductdq- (
portmout. etc. , of the president is 9110 Of
things indelibly iniprintoriidhfniy heart. "
Mr. Bchin spoke , eulogizing other
chairmen of the council ; "but , " sajd ho ,
"I remember that many a time wo had to
appeal from their decisions , but wo never
have had to from Mr. Beohol'sr1 Hjj has
been kind to mo in every mannerand I
thank him personally for the assidtancc
he has given mo. "
Mr. Leeder then took the floor. "My
friends , " ho said , "wish me. .Lo 'say a
fuw words before I pass in my checks.
For the good work.that I have , dojid for
my constituents , the records will shqw.
But one thing I point to with pride is
that I am the every 'liibor
measure passed by this council since I
have held a scat in ttr.Twas sent herd !
by the laboring classes back to ( them
will I go. I defy any ono-to gay anything
to the contrary. My friend fro. 1)1 ) - the ;
Sixth ( Furay ) and myself , have had
bovoral tilts , and I will say right here
that 1 don't retract anything , and if any
one wishes to have any explanations
from mo they can incut mo on the public
highway. There was a plan made out in
the last primaries that some should got
that , and some the other , and I got left.
My successor is a young man , and
capable , and may do uotter than I have.
Politically , I have achieved success. "I
don't have any hard feeling "toward any
gentleman , As I said bclore , if anyone
1ms anything to say to mo , now that the
shackles of the council are oil' , I want
them to say it. Mr. Bechel has boon a
good and elliciont president , andlboliovo
lias done his full duty. "
Mr , Leo eulogized the out-going mem
bers , saying that although many wordy
spats hud passed , it has been a busy
council. He also spoke of Mr , Bcclicl in
the highest terms of commendation.
Mr. Bcclicl said ho felt deeply the , testimonial
menial of respect. "If in my duties I
have done right it is for you to decide.
[ 'You have ! You have ! ' spoke up several
of the members. ] In going I wish you
all a hearty God-snood. "
Resolutions of thanks were ulso passed
as to the city clerk and his assistant.
A motion was then passed to adjourn
without day.
"Hero wo go go go , " said Mr. Furay ,
as ho took his hat ami coat and left his
There wore many expressions of regret
among the councilman , from the mem
bers who stay , to those going , and many
petty feuds were amicably settled be
tween them.
The now council was called to order by
City Clerk J. B. Southard. The roll was
called , and the now members ot the coun
cil were sworn in , and took their seats.
Messrs. Bechol and Uoodric'h wore
nominated to servo as president of the
board during the ensuing year. A ballot
vote was taken , the returns showing the
vote to stand : Bechol , U ; ( ioodrich , 3.
One of the councilman withdrawing his
Vote for Mr. Goodrich , Mr. 'BecUePs
election was declared uilanimous.
J , B. Southard was elected by ucclama-
' city clork.
The mayor's message > vas then read
i - i ! - i i , . < - . in i H
andordotcd c6U'on file. It is as fol
lows : , ' r <
( lontlcmpn of/the v Ity Council In accord
ance with an established custom , 1 ta\o \ this
occasion to commfruieato with your honor
able body and i > rvoi , t j on with reports from
thoscvcinl departments , giving nn account
In detail of thelto | > eratlons for the past jear.
During the years 1SSJ and 1834 , the clause
In our charter prohibiting the mayor and city
council trom Incurring any liability In ox-
ccsa of the aniodnt authorized by law was 10-
pealedly violated nnn an Indebtedness was
created for whtoh SlOO.UOO In tHinds wcro
Issued. The amount (310.5.53460) ( ) realized
from the sale of those proved Insufficient to
pay said indebtedness , and the sum of 53.1,000
was taken from the general fund to liquidate
the rcinnlndcr , For this reason but llttlo
eroding and other work , the payment ot
which has to bo made from the general fund ,
wai done the past year.
There Is always a disposition on the part of
the council to contract Tor and do more work
than there nro fund * to pay for the same , nnd
to this I especially dcslro to call your atten
tion. On' the 10th nnd 20th ult , during the
absence ot the mayor , special meetings of the
council were oillcd , contracts for paving
were entered Into nnd approved lor about
515,000 In excess of the amount of S'AOOO of
bonds voted forsuch purposes. Indeedunder
the present assessed valuation of the city
but $ ' 28,000 of the 550,000 paving bonds voted
can at present , bo Issued.
* # * * * *
This morning after the nbovo was printed I
received a cooy of the annual report of the
city attorney but too lute to make any note
of It except to say that 1 consider It n very
satisfactory and favoiablo showlne.
Very respectfully ,
JAM its E. Uovi ) , Mayor.
The mayor sent in u communication
advising the appointment of John Moore
as n policeman. Referred.
The city attorney's yearly report VMS
read , and referred to the committee on
A communication was received from a
pas oomnauy , making an offer as to light
ing the city , giving the amount for which
they would put up and maintain street
lamps , etc. It was referred to the gas
and electric light committee.
Homo other minor business was done ,
and the councjl adjourned , to meet again
at 8 o'clock Friday availing.
The rtov. Mr. nitlcr's "Work of Evan-
Kclizntloii Meeting With Success.
The people were lute in assembling at
the exposition building last night , and
it was after 8 o'clock when the services
began. The audience was composed
largely of women , in whom the religious
sentiment seems to bo most strongly de
veloped. The ushers wore resplendent in
bright yellow badges and had all they
could attend to iu seating the crowd that
came surging in. The music was not as
good as on previous evenings , as there
was a woeful lack of male voices
to sound out the harmony. The
people , however , sang with spirit
and earnestness. During the singing
people continued to come in , and when
the Kev. Mr. SUankopened the meeting
with a fervent' prayer there were about
1,203 in the hulL , " ) The opening prnyor
was listened toiM'UU deep attention , and
met with hearty responses in the way of
nmcns. - " '
The Rev. Mr. 'M"oKaig announced that
Mr. Bitter wottld 'deliver ' his "private
talks" Sunday afternoon. The lecture
was written exp usiycly for young mon.
"Our God is ( Marching On"was then
sung to the air ofiltbo famous old war
song , and. stioeecde'd in stirring up the
audience to sncU'an'extont ' that the ush
ers who had Upun "flaking a tour ot the
hall during the singih'g camq back with
baskets heavy-vrith gold and silver coins.
Together witht tliec money the baskets
contained slip3jof.paper upon which a
number of those present had written re
quests for the prayers-of good people for
their friends. " .Pray for my papa , " wrote
a little girl iri large scrawling letters
" for " asked mother
"Pray two boys , a
Requests for prayers for various relatives
and friends were also read , and then the
real work of the evening the Rovi Mr.
Biller's address begun.
His exhortation was prefaced by a few
minutes of silent prayer. "Think on
these things , " moaning all the things that
pertain to the higher nature
of man , was the subject upon which
ho spoke. " 1 know many people
think a revival meeting is a more surface
agitation , and speak of it in a sneering
way. " said ho "Wliona people begin to
think of God , eternity and ttic welfare of
the human soul it is a solemn tiling and _
is not surface agitation. It isn't wildfire -
fire , it isn't enthusiasm , it's the spirit of
God settling down over the congrega
tion. "
In speaking of the success of the re
vival , ho said that the spirit of God was the
topic of conversation on the streets and
in the street cars. Mon were beginning
to think. His idea of agnostics and
skeptics was to send thorn among the
Hottentots and advisothcm to leave their
mother country who made them all they
wore , and whom they requited by a
stab in the back.
"Tho policy of the devil"hct continued ,
"is thoughtlessness. When God is striv
ing with people the evil one steps in and
says , away with all this saying , thought
lessness is my kingdom. Over all the
haunts of vice thoughtlessness is written
in blazoned letters. In those places of
'sin where the women appear to bo angels
of light , but whoso foot take hold on hull ,
all is as thoughtless as hell wants it to bo.
At this point a jeering voice was hoard
from the outside yelling out , "Hi there ,
take a beer1'
"Havu you policemen in this city ? "
asked the speaker quiotly.
"Yes , " rejoined Mr. McICaig , "but
mover mind , goon. "
The interruption made no break in llio-
.speaker's tram of thought , and ho con
tinued to relate in a graphic and eloquent
way the depths of degradation to which
mon were brought by more thoughtless
ness.Tho evangelist concluded his powerful
address by an eloquent appeal to his
auditors to prepare themselves for death
and their future , for they "know not
what a day may briiig" forth. "
The invitationifor all the Christians in
the liouso to rMd to their font was re
sponded to by aboutthreo-fourths of ( ho
audience.i < J ' ' >
"Now all whd irant to bo Christians
rise , " continued , Mr. Hitler. The choir
sang "Jesus noXv'S Calling , " and thirty
or forty peoj/lfi / , % incd the Christian
ranks. Instead" , of-usklng them to take
the front row of scats , as heretofore , they
were invited into the inquiry room. The
call did not inGllco nany ; to avail thorn-
solves of the bjvitrition , but a miflioioiu
number responded to maKO the meeting
a success , fit ifjl
A Now C'faUfoli for Gcnnn.
The Methodist iof Genoa dedicated
their new church edillco on Sunday last.
Bishop \V. X. Wiml3 delivered a very im
pressive sermon in the morning , which
was followed , in the evening , by a very
able sermon from Rev. Dr. Pillabury , of
Fullerton , A special train was run from
Cedar Uapids and Fullerton to accommo
date the people wishing to attend the ded
ication. About $900 was pledged , which
places the church in very comfortable
circumstances. The edilico is a credit to
the town , and ono that the Methodists
may bo proud of. Its audience room is
1)3x55 ) feet , with a class room 0x18 feet ,
and n side tower 10 foot square and 05
feet in height , The interior is neatly
liiiished , thu seats being of polished ash ,
The big snowstorm in Maine packed
the principal streets in Dixmont with a
drift fifteen feet high , and so-solid that
horses could bo driven over it. The
young men and boyo of the village tun
nelled this drift , and , after two days'
work , made a tunnel 175 feet long , 7 foot
high , and 8 feet wide , through which
teams were driven for several day's.
t'otcr Vnnco ChnrRcd with Inhuman
Cruelty to Ills Wife.
In llio back room of a small frnmo
house on Fourteenth street between Wil
liams and Hinkory a woman named Mrs.
Vance is lying in agony. The neighbor
hood is considerably excited over her
condition , but no two people can bo
found whoso views arc the same. Yes-
terdny a s\vcdo plasterer came into the
coroner's oflico and made the statement
that Vance , the woman's husband , had
kicked her in the .stomach , and that from
the results of the blow she gave prcma-
turo birth to n baby , which cited
before seeing the light of clay.
The coroner anil Ollicor Turnbull
at once wont to the house nnd made an
investigation of the facts in the case.
Vance domes that ho over struck his wife
and claims that a meddling woman , who
has spite against him , is the cause of thu
whole transaction. Mrs. Vance states
that her husband kicked her in the back
but not hard enough to produce any
serious results. It seems that last Thurs
day Vance came homo nnd found the
doors to his liouso house locked. His
wife refused to admit him nnd when ho
did effect an entrance , the neighbors
state a quarrel ensued. Mrs.
Vance afterwards came out of her
liouso and told a woman living next
door that her husband had kicked her in
the breast. She then wont to bed nnd
has not risen since , Upon her arms are
largo black wolts.which look like bruises ,
but which nro claimed to bo caused by
hemorrhage of the Ilesh. The doctor
states that n6 other marks are visible
upon her person. The woman is said to
bo a hard drinker and a great many people
ple blame her for the trouble.
Rail Notes.
The rumors of a strike on the Union
P.icilio still continue to iloat through the
air , but still the walk out cometh not. It
is believed by those in a position to know
that , there is nothing in the rumors.
"rou may take my word for it , " said n
prominent K. of L. man to a reporter yes
terday , "that there will be no strike on
the Union Pacific. All these ru
mors arc the merest nonsono.
The men have nothing to strike for. To
be sure , they , have had grievances , but
then have presented them to the olhcials
and have been met half way and treated
in a square , manly stylo. It would bo
foolish , consequently , for the Union Pa
cific men to strike. Thomas Ncnsham ,
the district master workman at Denver ,
is a cpol-hpaclod man and ho will do ev
erything in the future , as he Las in the
past , to avert a strike. "
C. K. Wilbor , traveling agent of the
Union Paeilic railway , and ono of the
most popular officers 01 the saekliammor
brigade , is in the city for a day.
F. Milligan , general passenger and
freight agent of the St. Joseph & Grand
Island railroad , is in the city.
There is no change in the passenger
situation , and from present prospects
there is but little hope of the diflieulties
between the warring roadsboing adjusted
in the near future.
W. II. Firth , general agent of the Bur
lington road with headquarters in Kan
sas City , is in Omaha.
The latest railroad on paper , the Oma
ha & Southern , is causing considerable
discussion in local circles. The scheme ,
which will at once bo proceeded with ,
moans a good deal for Omaha , and
nothing more nor loss than an extension
of the Vandalia to this city. 1 1 is under
stood that the representatives of that
road will shortly submit a proposition to
this city which contemplates the exten
sion of tlio line into northwestern Ne
braska. The routu of the road is to be
from Omaha to a point on the south line
of the state in Jefferson county , running
through the counties of Douglas , Sarpy ,
Uass , Otoo , Johnson , Lancaster Gage
and Jefferson. The capital stock is
i2,000,000. ? This extension will give
Omaha a short line of seventy miles to
Beatrice. _
Interesting Lecture.
Dr. Everett W. Fish delivered the second
end of his course of lectures at Unity
church last evening. It was an analysis
of aucipnt records , cxtcmting into the
glyphs , and into the barbaric religious
formalisms , to show the ultimate religion
of all races , religions and 'cults to
Noaclnan theism. Such an investigation
demands a wide philological acquaint
ance , find a varied scholarship. 'llio fact
that the doctor talked with unusual
rapidity , even at the sacrifice of clearness
, a'tctimc > , ; using no manuscript or notes ,
and also 'that he was unquestionably com
pelled , .to select from more facts at dis-
ppsal than the hour and thirty minutes
would permit him to use , gave evidence
that thl ) lecturer lias devoted a life-time
in these fields of study. Soi 'o of his
statements arc not a little startling as
that the most abject of the human race
in Polynesia and Australja ( as the Fijians
and Australian blacks ) still continue their
death festivals on the sidereal date of the
flood , as'give'n by the culmination of the
P.lciados ( in Taurus ) . The most import
ant deduction , however , is that all animal
and .star worship is derived from this
sidereal date Of tlio Hood Apis , the bull.
and the God Thor ( ) being the original
thprcof. The fact that the primitive
No'uhs , as Monos , Minns. Manes , Menu ,
Mann , Nau.JKo , Maul , Bulu , Bulo , and
Uulotin , weregiyphcd by the bull and the
-warcrpotr was an interesting develop
ment. To-night Dr. Fish lectures upon
the "Origin of Man" from a geological
btamlpoint. The doctor is a prominent
representative of the "catastrophic"
Onuihit Glee Club. "
Yesterday afternoon about twenty
young gentlemen mot in a room
on Harnoy street and formed a
club of the above name. The
oflicora elected were Mac A. Kenney ,
president- , Will 51. Abbott , secretary and
M. F. Durano treasurer. After some
minor work the club proceed to the busi
ness in 111111(1 the learning to ping prop
erly together the popular songs of the
time. They all showed marked talent ,
and a pleasant afternoon was passed ,
The noxt'mceting will bo on Saturday
afternoon at ! J o'clock. This is a com
mendable society , tlio prieo of ad
mission being nominal and having as an
object the advancement of musical culture -
turo among young mon. The members
arc quite enthusiastic and say that in a
few months they will have a series of en
tertainments that will show the people of
Omaha that they mean lo advance , and
rapidly , too.
Tlio Boat Club.
The Omaha Boat club hold its annual
meeting Monday at Hudson's hat store
and elected ollicers as follows :
President Gco. W. Holdrcgo.
First Vice President J. U. Clarkson.
Second Vice President F , N. Conner.
Treasurer W. C. Wakeloy.
Secretary W. H. Crary ,
Contain James Brown.
First Lieutenant Guy It. Do-mo.
Second Lieutenant G , W , Tillson.
Directors Messrs. Hudson , Conner ,
Crary , Clurksou , Wakeloy , Deuel , and
White ,
. A resolution of thanks was unanimous
ly voted to dipt. Connor for his faithful
sorvieo and tireless devotion to the inter
ests of the Boat club during laht season ,
It is" the intention of Uie organization
to push onward this year and achieve a
brilliant record. It is thoroughly
equipped for the season's sport , and cer
tainly it will bo surprising it some good
crews nro not turned out this year. Ills
the intention of the club to send a crow
to the Molina regatta If possible this
year , nnd men will bo put in tiaining at
once. The crying need at present is
"moro members. ' '
Ills Resignation.
The following is the letter of resigna
tion sent to tlio war department by Gen
eral Howard :
O.MAU.V , Neb. , April 13 , oTK'
General Orders No. 5.
In compliance with Ocneial Orders No.
! . " > , current scries from thn headquarters of
the army , the unrtcrslKned rellmiulshcs this
day the command of the department of the
1 doslro to extend my thnnks to the depart
ment stuff , nnd to the olllcnrs and soldiers
whom I have had the honor to command for
the clllcient discharge of thn duties devolved
upon them. In some cases most delicate nnd
dlflicult. The response of the troops to the
calls of duty a\\av from their stations , even
at the shortest notice , has always been
prompt and worthy of the service to which
wo belong. ( ) . O. How Ann ,
Major General , U. S. A.
A Blow In the Kyc.
Henry Haubcns , n clerk in the First
National bank , pleaded guilty in the
police court this afternoon to an assault
upon II. C. Lunge , and was fined $10.
Mr. Lange says that ho was going by tlio
cracker factory night before last about 8
o'clock , when UauboJis , who was * stand
ing upon the corner , sprang at him nnd
hit him in the eye with his fist. Lnngo
demanded an explanation for the attack ,
but his assailant refused to give him any
satisfaction. He intends to institute civil
proceedings to recover damages.
Will Retire in May.
Collector of Customs Campbell said this
nioniing that ho would probably retire to
make room for his successor , Mr. Jordan ,
about the first of May. He will turn over
every thing in good shape , ana leave Mr.
Jordan a volume of business to attend to
much larger than when ho first took the
olilcc. Mr. Campbell has been collector
of customs since 1878 , having served
under four difleront administrations
those of Hayes , Garlield , Arthur and
The Canning Works.
Mr. J. T. Bell , of the newly organized
canning company , said yes
terday that the work on the
buildings would pro baby bo com-
nicnccdabout May 15. The toj-1 cost
of the buildings and machinery will not
exceed $10,000. The company already
has men out on the road making con
tracts with the farmers for fruits and veg
Our Host Drive.
On those bright , sunshiny days the
prettiest turnouts in the city may bo seen
taking advantage of the beautiful drives
out to Newport , northwest of the fort.
This is the fashionable drive of Omaha
and Newport is already destined to be
come one of the most popular residence
places around Omaha. C. E. Mayne , wo
understand , is selling acre lots there
from ? 250 to $300.
Iron Shutters.
The case of llrrtigan against Catlahan
was on trial in the district court yes
terday. Tlio suit ia brought to recover
$104 which the plaintiff claims is duo him
for iron shutter placed upon a building
owned by the defendant. Tlio latter
slates , however , that the shutters were
not made according to contract and that
thu bill was not a just ono.
She Was Released.
Mrs. Frank , the woman accused of en-
ticinjr Lucy Mercer from her homo in
Council BlufTs , has procured bail , and
once more presides over her mansion on
Twelfth street. The date of trial has not
yet been fixed. The father of Lucy has
commenced against her a civil Hint for
$10,000 damages for enticing tho. girl
from home.
The regular rehearsal for the Juno festi
val was held Monday at Meyers hall.
About 185 ladies and gentlemen were
present. The rohearnul passed oft' smooth
ly and satisfactorily. At three o'clock in
the afternoon the ladies mot for practice
and at live o'clock the gentlemen had a
separate rehearsal.
Mrs. A. Muiidolburg has gone to Balti
more to visit friends.
AVilliam D.ill is confined to his house
by illness.
Kev. J. W. Shank , presiding elder of
the Grand Island district of the M. E.
church , is in the eity.
Mr. C. II. Bunco , of Omaha , yesterday
procured in Council Bluffs a license to
wed Miss Katie Roe , also of this city.
Dr. 11. A. Blackburn will display his
card as hoinoopalhic physician at head of
St. Mary's avenue in a low days. Ho is
a brother of T. W. Blackburn of the
U. P.
f IJrcvitles.
The bank clearances yesterday amount
ed to $10U.a8J.Cl. (
Freight is getting lighter on the rail
roads now-a-days.
Juan Boyle , the well known newspaper
correspondent , is at the J'axton.
James Wuro , Ognlluhi ; F. C. Oroble ,
Kearney ; J. W. Huywoou , St. Paul , are
at the Pnxton.
II. II. Kyman , Ronoa , J. A. Kelioo ,
Pintle Centre , T. Clark , Weeping Water ,
are at thoCunliold.
A petition was being circulated yester
day to obtain money lor the relief of T.
F. Kennedy , a drug clerk , who Is danger
ously ill.
F. B. Gillman , representing the Willow
Springs distillery and Her & Co , , has returned -
turned from a three months trip on the
Pacific coast and territories.
A deputy marshal from Sjoux City was
in Omaha yesterday looking up two
boys who recently ran away from their
homo in Unit place.
The will of the late Matthew McNama-
ra was probated in the county court
yesterday. By the terms his proper *
ty is divided between his wife and his
1OOO New City Maps or Onmhn ,
Showing belt railway , ( ho new additions
of Orchard Hill , Highland I'urk place ,
Mt. Pleasant , and other additions , with
streets and blocks , JJGc. J. MVolfo &
Co , , 120 South Fourteenth street , Omaha ,
A New Addition cm hake .Street ,
Will bullu houses if desired. Thin prop
erty is located within ono block of street
cars , is well located , and commands a
line view of the city. If you want a
( rood homo , make n selection at once.
W. H. GKKEN , Solo Agent.
315 South Thirteenth street.
Low freighls and largo purchases al
low Bradford to sell lumber low.
Dr. Bryant. Uuuiibt and Aurist. has re
moved to S. E.1 cor. . lUth and Douglas ,
opposite Millard hotel. .
. Get our prices Dufore- you buy- your
paiuta. KimiiHrd'&PbwurX 151U Dodge
Lower Prices nnd Comparatively Littli
Trading on the Chicago Boards
The Cnttlo Market StronR nml
Iilttlo Nebraska Steers Iu
Grcnt Dcninml The Trans-
nctlotiH Yesterday.
CIUCAOO , April 1 ! ! . ( Special Telegram- ] *
WIII\T Values touched lower points to
day than tlievdld yesterday , nut withstand *
I UK' a decrease In the visible supply , accord-
hip to the ofllclal llguios , of over 1,000,000
bushels. The market , however , was not
without strength. At the opening , prices
wcio quite linn at nn nitvanco of la or so
over Monday's latest quotations. Tills came
from the public cables reporting an mlvanco
of ! ? d for wheat on cargoes off the coast. Hut
the advance could not bo explained In any
way and failed to meet with general belief.
For a time this , with local buying , that always
roinos out In response to higher cables , kept
the market around the opening figure. There
were few shorts to take the vast quantities
ottered and the later cables came tit weak nnd
dcpiosscd. This , oven In splto of the state
ment that Minneapolis millers hail ad
vanced their bids lo all around ,
Induced May wheat to settle bank to 74Jfc ,
but It went there very quietly and during
the sagging process no partlcularattcmpt wan
made to support the market. Fo\v outside
orders were secured , which loft the control
of the market largely , If not entirely , In the
hands of the local crowd. Hut they saw so
llttlei In the wheat market from a spcculatlva
stand point , that they were rather Induced to
remain out than to enter It. llccoverles and
declines after the market touched the bottom
for the day were within limits of © 0 ,
and wore attended with rather moro anima
tion than maiked the downward course oC
prices. The close ot the morning session
was quiet and easy at the decline.
COKN The corn pit witnessed a moderate
dado , but opeiations were lamely In the way
of changes , and for this reason tiiulluc was
unattended by any Icaturo of intcicst what
PitovistoNS Pork ranged pretty steadily
downward within the limits ot lOe. At times
the provision pit was about deserted and at
othcis moderately active. The decline was
quiet , easy , and steady.
Chandler-Brown Co.'s Report.
The following report of 'Chicago's specula
tive markets Is furnished the Bin : byV. . P.
Peel : , Omaha representative of Chandler ,
Brown Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee !
Wheat opened firm at 77J c for May , but
heavy boiling by leading bears soon weak
ened the market and May sold to 70c and
closed at 77 , ' c at 1 p. m.
Mr. Miller wires as follows : "Nothing to
bear wheat on at present. Note the decicaso
hi the visible , supply will bo much larger than
last week. is said that a lot of long wheat
must come out before the advance takes
place. It may bo forced to 70c for May , but I
don't bclievo It and from all I oan learn look
for a big advance this week ; 300OUO , bushels
of cash wheat just sold for prompt shipment.
Would buy wheat on soft spots. "
Com and provisions weak , but quiet.
2 :30 : p. m. Everything a shade lower and
CHICAGO , April 13. ( Special Telegram. J
CATTia : The cattle market was active mid
price ? substantially higher than Ifopdiiy and
fullySSo higher than a wcolc ago , ospoulnlly
In light and medium cattle , while tlJe advance
on big , heavy steers Is" barely 10 150. Tlio
highest pilcod cittlo ( and best for tbolr Hlzo
and weight ) are these IlRht little Nebraska
steers that average trom 073 to l.ltib Jba , mid
along there , A buyer seldom Icavos a lot o {
this sort If ho can cct themby malrliiK liberal
bids. Huch aio making 81.50-l.75. The
next most deshnblo class wanted lust nov/ /
are Rood "killing" steers of 1,166 to 1,250
Ihs. They are wauled by both ship
pers and dressed beef dealers and
are selling at § 1.60(215.70. ( Big export steers
of 1,400 to 1,500-lbaro least dusliablo just
now. A cargo of about 100 head was umdo
up hoio last week for the liiltlsh market with
a ranjto of $ S.W@5.75. ! Fancy , 1,000-lb Klocrs
are not called for to any great extent. When
they are wanted It Is only In a small way ,
Three loads of stock were all that were on
this market last week , and they sold for SV.'O '
( S3.00. Cow stock and coarse butchi-m'
stock continued to sell at vciy
high figures. Bulls , when Biiltuulo
In size and quality , will make good piiccs ,
say from ? 3.00@5.75. The tookora nnd
feeder trade , after an unusually active sea
son , has come to a halt , and so fur this vioclc
business lias boon very quiet. The urlnclpal
cruise of the quietness Is tlio lack of suitable
stock. Llcht little things arc not wanted tind
big heavy feeders can not bo had unless at fat-
cattle prices , as dressed beef operators can
outbid fanners and feeders on Unit class.
Shipping steers , 1,350 to 1,500 Ibs , V5.'WQ\m\ \
1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , S4.bO5.60 : 030 to 1,800 His ,
SiK4.SO. : )
Jlous The market was actlvn and a shailo
higher than Monday. Last week there was
a remaikably active business for the season ,
The run was heavy and prices varied only
about 5@10c during the week 84.00 was the
top price last week for a top sort and Sl.M
was the top to-day , while lowest tor a similar
quality any tlma last week was only JU1) ) .
The outlook fora steady market Is fulr , pio-
vided lheielsnota"ilood" of hogs ; lOO.OjO
lo 125,000cau be comfoitably disposed 01 c.ith
week at or near thopicsent raiiRo of price * .
To-day the best assoi tea heavy aold within a
range of 54.40(31.53 ( , mid mixed
and light SH.2S@-1.-15.
Chicago , Apill 13. The Diovcib1 Jourii I
lepoits :
Cattle Itccclpts , 5,400 ; stronger and actiu ;
Miipping steers. Sa.WXad.OO ; htoekerH mi I
teedcnf , SU.7Uiii.O < ) ; cows , hulls uiul ml.s I.
82.00ig-j.00 ; bulk , 'J.90J3.SO.
Hogs-Uceehits , 10,000 ; strong and Cc ) i , !
er ; icucli and mixed , S4U'i < 3-MO ; pack i g
and fshlpping , 5-1. ' ! . ; Hgilt , W.WWM ;
skins , $ iw.W.
ijheup Itccelpts , S.COOj weakundCoc lower- ;
City. April 13. CattUi UccelpK Jr
1UOO ; bpiueiis , ! < 00 ; market Mrnug iiiiJ
active and 5' < 10c higher ; common to
64.0j@ > .ou ; HtocUerg aud feeders ,