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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1886)
PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , APKIL 14 , 1886. NUMBER 333 FURIOUS AND FUNNY FINALE , Wild Scenes During the Closing Hours of Iowa's GeneraLAsasmbly , BUT THE CLERK STILL READ ON. Jf ) ! Ki-nccful I'rocpcellnjjs In tlio House Over tlio Hcport of the Ilny'a Invcstltfntlim A Dcnio- crntlc Stnmpcelo. lUltl Scenes of Confusion. Dis : MOINKS , la. , April 13. [ Special Tele- Kiam.J The twcnty-Ilrst general nisembly has explicit , but the closing hours in ono branch were dl giacoful hi tlic oxtrcino. The house of leprcscntatlvi's 1ms been a bad body fioni Iho beginning. It has had a lot of tur bulent statesmen , most of them licio for the liist time , nnd nil determined to make a cheap icpnlntlon for buncumbo nnd dcina- UOitituiy. Without proper oiganlzallon niut utteily devoid of leadeishlp , it has proved itself a K'gular beer gaidcn on nmnyocca- hloii ! < , but nuver so much M > ns to-day. A1J tlnoiiglt the foiunoon tlieut was a geneinl disposition to obstuict business , of which n largo ninount had been postponed for the closing hoius. Members paid llttlo attention to the spiiakci's avel , ami cnteitnlnnd themselves \\ltli all the dlsotdcr they could I'oiuenlently lalsc1. 15ut about 1 o'clock the show began in earnest , \\hon the ropoit of thollnys Investigating committee was read. 'I'hcio was first tlio majoiityie- poit , setting foith Ibo tacts wltli coinments by thoicpubllcnn niombei.s ot thccommlttcu ; liio then mlmiillyiepoit , showing the dissent of the democratic members of tlio commlttco ; nnd thlid , a supplemental repoit by lleprc- hcntatlvo Finn , \\lio also signed the mnjoitty icport , but made ono of his own iccommend- ng Impeachment. Then tlio excitement be. jtmi. llulf a do/cu nioinbois vvcto on thu lloor at once screaming at the chair. Ono wanted to move the adoption of the majoilty lepoit. Another , a dein- ociat , wanted to substitute the inliioilty icpnit , with the lecommendatlon tint the chaiges against Judge Hays bu dis missed as not piovon. Somebody clso wanted to icfer the report to the judlciniy coiiunlltuc , and still another statesman wanted to postpone Indefinitely nil finther proceedings. It was app.uent by this time that the matter was last becoming a p.uty question , \\ith thu icpubllcans unoiganl/cd and nuceitaln what , to do , nnd the demociats thoioughly oiganl/eel and deteiminod to picventany censuiu oranywoiso action on llajs. Finally the roll call began on the demociatlc schemes lordcleiilng the whole matter , which \\ns the Mine as killing it , for the luitlshiliiia was under contiact to ad join n at a o'clock. The lopubhcans , by tbls time , began to collect their wits and vote solidly against tlio filibustering mo tions , boating each of thrm. Then tlio loll was called on the adoption of tlio majoilly or lepubllean jeport , and belore many names VVGIO called the demociats saw they woio going to bo beaten , and they became - came st.unpcdeel. Following the usual cus tom , thu clock had been stopped. Although it was ten minutes past 2 , the hour of linal adjournment , tlio hands seieiiely pointed to 1:15. : Half a doyen demociats were on their feet yelling at tlio top ot their voices to the speaker that the vote being taken was illegal , as the hour for adjournment had passed. "Regular older , " "Regular order , " shouted the republicans , and the cluikkcpt on calling the ioil. "I piotrstpgalnst tlilspiocscdlng , " shouted Ranch , of Iowa City , "and insist on filing a n resolution against it. " The chair paid no attention to him , and the cleric kept on. "I denounce this pioceeding as illegal , for tlio hour of adjournment has passed , " routed out Cnlbcitsnn , of lUnliugton. Thocleik road on. "I won't vote on sucli a loll call , " thnndeicd old Father Oniiett of Mnscatlnc. The clerk kept on. "Ipiote-itiiuu lofnsotovoto.aud yon can go to hell \vlth yonrtupoit , " plued out Linehan , of Dubmiuc , as ho lett his seat nnd st.uted for tlio i oar. Fied Lehman , a democratic lawyer of this city and attoinuy tor Hays , at this junctuio lushed fiantlcally mound to tlio democratic mcmbeis , ciylng : "Don't vote I don't vote ! " And the usually sed.itoi , olbrook , o afaron- go , screamed at the top of his voice : "I hope the minority will lofuso to vote. Tills Is a lovolutionary proceeding. " Tlio cleric kept on. Thereupon young Jfr. Itobb.of Cioston.who 1ms a habitof going oil piematmely , lose , and waving Ids nuns over ills he.ul alter the style of Custei' chaigo , shouted to hlb dcino- ciatlcbietlnen : "Comu on , boys , let's leave the loom. " And the doinocuits like a Mock of sheep nil niadu a break lor the door and wiuo soon outside thii ehamber. liy this time thu roll call was llnlshcd , and the chair dcclaicd the Jnajoilty tepoit adopted. Tlien the republi cans , having gained so much , didn't know vhatelso they did want , and woio soon In an InuxtiIt-able contusion. Two thirds ot them weio tlmnving waste baskets and paper tiles nt each other , nnd in thu contusion Walker of Van iumi ! h.ul a icsoluilon read demand ing tlio Imiicnchmcnt of Judge 1 lines foi luKilumeanois and malfeasance in olllco. Tim ipsolutlon was cauled yeas 21 , nays 0. Hivingeauled it , tlio icpubllcans did not know what in the woild to do with it , as the hour had ulic.uly passed when the house bhould have adjourned , and would if the cleik In du't boon stopped. Thcio was no iiuiio uiunco to Impeach Hayes than thcio was to Impeach the c/ar of Russia , but the republicans had no leadetshlp and won ! holler skelter on the ihbt Impulse that eanio up. Happily bnmeoiiu discovered that the ii'solutioii was passed'without a quorum anil BO was null and void , Then the waste baskets and stationery Lo gan to lly again , and pandemonium broke loose. The democints , FOIUO of whom hail DPfrun to leturn by this time , Joined In the fun. Ono member binupht Irom die cloak loom a pitcher of water , and showe-red It over the otheis. Other members chased cad other at omul tlio room with stacks of pilntct bills , and all the tlnio some unhappy member was hying to call no some pet measure for a final vote , but \\ithout success. Conrludliu : It wnstlmo to adjourn n last , the ciislinimiy icsoltitlon pioposln ; , thanks to thu speaker and giving him hi ; chair mid gavel \\as Intioduccd , It callci out n storm of opposition , the democrats es peclallv being nngiy at the speaker for 10 fusing to ii'fognlzu their points of oulgr The je'as and najs weio called tor , but the temporary speaker icfus'd to listen and tlio resolution \\cnt tluough wltli SON era ! vigor cms nay. Then the speaker iismned the duilr and dcchm-d thu hunse iidjonrnvd. Quito In contiasi was the clo-ilng lion acioss the ( otundi. The senate concluclce Us last iltes vvlth moper duoium am dl nlti , wlllmidal TU | ilmenl- ; for all tli oflU'i'rfi and I'wpliji'a , and in iti I'sceivdliij urbanity almost passed n i ( 'solution of thanK tor thu tible , iud courteous manner la which lie lobby representing the various corpora- Ions had performed Its worK. TUP. HAYS INVESTIGATION. The majority report of tlio Hays Invcsllga- lon commttleo holds that "tho evidence nlrly establishes the truth of the material allegations In the memorial on which the In- cstlgatlon was ordered. It recites the main > olnts In the charges made , such as the re- luctlon of fines in cases of old offenders , and condemns other practices of Hays' as lot conducive to the ends of justice. The minority repoit dissents from the conclu sions of the majority , nnd holds that there was nothing In Hays' conduct to deserve 1m- icaclnni'iit , or even reprimand. Kopresenta- Ivo Finn's report holds that Hays was Kiilltv ) f malfeasance and misdemeanor , nnd thcrc- 'oro recommends impeachment. Till : HUN.VTll AS A COUNT. After the senate hud adjourned It pro ceeded to oiganl7o ns a couit of Impeachment for thu trial of Auditor Urown. The sergcant- it-aims was sent for him , and accompanied by his counsel , ho appeared at the bar of the senate. Ho filed an allldavlt stating that ho lad no money to pay counsel , nnd asking hat the statu pay his counsel fees. The sen ate voted that ho bo allowed three attorneys , o be paid ? 0 per day from this date. All the iicmboisof tlio senate weroswoin as mem- beis of the Impeachment couit , and the senate - ate then elected as special olllcers , ho piesent secrctaiy and his assist ants , the picscnt sergeant-al-aims , and 1. G. Grlswold , of Atlantic , nnd Uallllt lokay , of liuiltngton , as assistant sergeants , also other .snboidiimto ollicers. The senate leclaed to adjoin n till May 10 , giving counsel for the defense till May IS in which to llle nn inswcr to the Indictment. By vlttuo ot' Jrown's Inipe.ichment hu Is suspended fiom olllce.and the governor to-day appointed to ill the vacancy as auditor Ch.ulos Ueaidslcy , > l liiirllngton , late fouith auditor of the icasiny at Washington. Ho took possession of the ofllco at once. T1IU 11UOWX IMrr.ACHMKNT. The maiiageis of the Uiown Impeach- nent case repoi ted articles of impeachment o the house this forenoon. They include substantially the old ones , with further specl- ications and details. The Indictment con sists of thhty nitlclcs and contains about ten housand words. After reading , the liouso adopted the articles of impeachment , with only thliteen dissenting voles. Thoboaidof naimgcrs then appeared bofoio the bar of the senate and pie entedthelrindictmcnt , which tead theio. A Dontlo Trajtedy. MAsoxCiTV , Iowa , Apitl ii. : A double ragedy occuned at Ellington , twenty-flvo niles fiom lioie , last night. Two fanneis , Josejli ) A\rhite , aged 50 years , and F. S. tfoitlnop , aired CO years , onaireiled about the attci's attention to a lady named Waul , a sistei-in-Iaw ot the former. Tlio men went to the barn , whuio White stabbed Xortlnop dead and then diow a pistol and killed him self instantly. THIS SUBSIDE PLAN. The Knllromls I'tircliasliiK Peace from the Pacific ainil. Nr.w YOIIK , April 13. [ Special Telegram. ] The Tilbuno says : Thcio lias been no set tlement ot the differences of the transconti nental lines , although negotiations have not been abandoned. The Pacilic Mall company Insists that it will not accept less than § 100- , 000 a month with a provision that the con tiact cannot bo tennlnated In less than six months' notice. It Is undeistood the rail- toads have offeied 570,000 , a month. C. P. Hnntlngton said , in toply to inquiries : "Tlieio is no settlement in sight. I have pro posed a soil of sliding scale for the i'aellic Mail subsidy to bo vailed according to the conditions of business. It begins at 570,000 per month , and under no clicumstances Is it to exceed SS.1,000 , the amount of the piovious payment. V/c would never consent to taiso the amount to § 100,000 , for the tendency is towaids lower lather than higher raloi. A pioinlncnt dliector ot the Steamship company said : "I am sure that there are not over two members of the boatd who would vote to accept 570,000 per month , and it is doubtlul if amajoiity could bo obtained in l.ivor of the former subsidy. " The Now York Police Make Another ICxtcnslvo Haul. Nr.w Yor.K , April 13. Thomas CIcary , Michael Duffy , Louis Wendcl , Uudolph Xoll- pialf , Arthur J. MeQuade , Thomas Sniels , 1'atiick Fat ley , John O'NcIll and Henry Savles , James O'Ucllley , mcmbcis of the boaul of aldcimen of lbl , were all ui rested this moining about 0 o'clock. The charges against them nio sinillai to those against the aldcinien pre\l- onsly attested , namely , "acceptance of billxs for their votes on the 111 oaday i ail way lian- clllSO ( HlUstiOII. At ll0 : tills moining , cx-aldctinan Fian- cis MeCabo was niicated by a iletecti\o. Al derman Fink of the Ibb4 boaid is now tlio on ly ono in the city not attested. When Dlhtilct Attorney Martin placed the wauantsfor thoaiicst ot nldernien and ex- aldciinen In Inspector IJynu's' hands last evening , It was decided to place them under suncilhincc , but not to ai rest them untlithis ; moinlnir. At 7 o'clock orders weio Issued liom the ccntial olllco to In ing the accused aldciiucn in. Tlio iirct ono who passed tlnouglihatlsjiow known as "tlio aldei- nianlegate , " was Mlch'.cl Dully. Ho was In- dlcnnnt , but his wiath changed to nnia/e- mcnt when , ono atter another , his cx-col- leagues weio led in after him. Colonel O'Hyino , counsel for ox-Aldeimaii Sltlels , went boloii ) Judge Andrews 1. 1 tlio snpiemu couit chanibeis and obtained n wilt of habeas coipus in bithalf ot his client , rcquliing him to bo loithwlth pioduccd In the court of over and tci miner and the cause of his detention inquued into. Itecoider Smith fixed bail at 825,000 In each caso. At 10 : ! ! o'clock the grand jury entetcd the couit ot t-esslons with an indict ment charging twelve of the boaid of aldei- men of IhS-t with bribeiy. Tliu Indictments nio similar to those piosuntnl against .laeline , n Somber ot lb ) , and Kx-aldermun Khkand 1'o.usoii. For the Glory of God , I'mr < .vr > iu'HiA : , Apill 13. The will ot the late Ann .Inno .Mcicer , who died on thu 5th instant , leaving nn estate of , was ad- in It tea to piobato this afternoon. The will bequeaths her estate in Montgomriy county , known us "Tho Mount , " eighteen buildings , tmnittiie , horses , caulagcs , etc. , to establisli a homo for tint support and maintenance of selected elergj men ot thoPiesb > terIan faith wjioaiodt'cajuil by ago or disabled by In- lirmlty , and who do not usu tobacco in any f 01 m or hhape. It fuitlior bequeaths the Bum of 100,000 to maintain the homo. Alter directing the payment of n number of pri vate bequeaths , sha bequeaths the tcslduo to her executor , to ba by him applied and appro- pi luted to suctuehglous and benevolent uses and puiposes tor the "glory of ( Sod , " and for the extension of His kingdom In the world , nnd forthocaie ot suireilng Immunity as hu may see lit. _ _ Improvements For Old Solillcrs. Si'niNOKiEt.i ) , III. , April 13. The board of hiibtccs of the Soldiers' Homo held Its tegu lar meeting hero to-day nnd passed upon the plan of const met ion of tlio proposed build- in cs. Tliciu Is to be ono headquarters buildIng - Ing of stone , which will temporarily bo used to accommodate 100 veterans ; also sixteen brick cottages , with dining loom attachments for each , In nit to hold 400 veterans ; a boiler honso and n tunne-l connected with its sruoku Mack \entil.itlon ; umpla sewerage , gas and water ; a commissary and culinary build ing of hutliciont capacity for all Inmates. In addition them will uu a laundiy building , Thu estimated cost for all the piojccted plans complete will bo about felbO.OOO , The boaul autliori/ed ptoposltlons for conducts for work to be opened at Quiney on May is. MADE HIS MAIDEN SPEECH , Dorsoy Talks to the House on the Unrcl- Homois Contest AND MAKES A GOOD IMPRESSION A rtqjcctcil Cnmliilato for nn Iowa Postollloo Seeking Vindication The AVnsIiltiRton Gns Monopoly Investigation Other Notes. A National Debut. W vsm.voTo.v , April 13. [ Special Tele- Brain.J l'our members of tlio house commlt- : co on elections made their maiden speeches on the Hurd-Homlcs contested election from lie Sixth district of Ohio. These who spoke .verollojle . of IVnnsylvnnla , 1'ayno of Now York , Dorsoy ot Nebraska , for the majority , nnd Ciockston of Virginia , Martin of Ala- > ama and lloburtson of Kentucky for the Minority. Those who spoke for the Hist line in the house were Uoylc. Dorsey , Crock- ston and Robertson. Mr. Doisey was hear- lly congiatulatcd on his able speech , and the self-possessed and forcible manner in which 10 delivered It. Ho was thoroughly at homo ) ofoic ills vast audience , nnd his colleagues nnd friends nio much pleased at his debut. The committee icpoi ted against Hurd , who is the frco-tiadc democrat , nnel It Is irobablo that the house will concur in the ro- joitby a decided majority. AKT1IU VINDICATION. "Sleeping Angel" Hell , of Webster City , Iowa , Is In town. This celestial patilot is .ho gentleman whose nomination as post- naster was recently rejected by the senate , llo comes hcio for vindication , and claims to lave a petition signed by numeious icpubll cans of Webster City asking a rehearing of ils case. Hell says ho docs not caio for the olllce , but ho elooswant vindication. It is solely a matter of personal pildo with the gentleman , and ho just wants the senate to coHlirm htm so that he will bo set right In the eyes of the world. Ho Is so anxious for this : hat ho would almost agree to leslgn at once .f confirmed. The "Angel" will have to go : o the piesidont , as the case Is now entiiely out ot the hands of the senate , nnd that bod/ is not at all disposed to listen lo his appeals. A DisAPi'oijrrr.o CANDIDATE. Dr. McCoy , of Algona , Iowa , Is lieie to se cure the pension agency. Tins riimmastcis are not with the doctor , however , and he Is icieonly in time tocoiigiatulato Lake and 'rovvn ominously upon Fredericks. Dr. McCoy had moio cndoisemcnts than any othci applicant for the place. Ho had an ex cellent army iccord , too , but unfoitunatcly lor him ho was not in tlio contedeiato auny , ind consequently failed to secure the sup port of Mr. Weaver. Tlio good doctor feels vervbine and tlieio are low growls in his nelghboihood , which ate regaided as an in dication that he may make things hot for some members of congiess who failed to tender him their suppoit TUB COST or GAS. This evening's Star says : "Tho appoint ment of Senators Pike , Spooner anel Ulack- burn as a sub-conimittco of the senate distiict committee to conduct tlio inquiry as to the price of gas In Washington , oulercdby Mr. Van Wyck's resolution , seems to give general satisfaction. The mcmbeis of the subcommittee mittee , they say , intend to make a thoiough investigation of the subject committed to them. The snb-committeo will meet in n day or two to begin tlio inquiry , and though the mode of coneluetinc it lias not been posi tively determined , it will probably be with open doois. MOXBY FOIl INDIAN SCHOOLS. Senators Mandcrson and Van Wyck and Representative Dorsey called upon Indian Commissioner Atkins to-day to eliiect his at tention to the necessity of securing an ap propriation of § 10,000 for repaliing the build ings at tlio Indian schools at Genoa , Neb. The commissioner will recommend congress to make the nppropiiatlon , and it will no doubt bo made. Tno supeilntendcnt of the schools has also asked that thu appioptiation be made. Kr.Aii.vnY CITIZENS IT.TITION. The senate committee on postolllecs and post toads is being delmred with petitions from citizens of Keainey , Xeb. , asking that the nomination of Watson to bo postmaster at that city bo confirmed. The cause of this inundation of sentiment tor Watson is sari to bo tlio impiession at Kc.nnoy that Mr.Win Uoylo is hcio trying to defeat the coiiliim- ation. runciA" A PAIITV issun. Juelgo Harris , counsel for Govcinor Campbell - boll , in the Campbell-Weaver contested elec tion from the Sixth Iowa district , said to-day that the friends of Campbell would maka no effort to call up the case In the house after it is icpoited , ns It has been madoapuicly paity issue , and it would bo a waste of time to ask the house to consldei it since all the democratic members of the commlttco on elections voted for "Weaver , and the elcmo- ctatlc majority In the liouso Is so large. IOWA I'EOI'J.i : iJlVOUCEn. To-day In the coiuts of this distiict , a de cree ot divorce was enteicd In the case of Kdela lUuelctto against John W. Duulette. They weio married at ISmllngton , Iowa , In February , 1871 , and came here a month after- wait ) . She chatges that he failed to suppoi t her ; that ho was addicted to drink ; at tempted to stab her , and for her safety she was obliged to give up housekeeping. J'ATJINTS TO wivniiN : iNvnNTons. Patents weio Issued to the following to day ; James M , Kdwards , Audubon , Io\\n , car coupling ; Albert F. Hess , assignor to Iowa Klectilcal company , DCS Molnes , hotel annunciator , nnd Hie alarm ( iclssue ) ; Wil liam Iloin , Jr. , Keokuk , Iowa , water cut off , tor clsteins ; Luther 0. Jacques , Stimit , Neb , , plow ; llliam Mandunlial ) , Audubon , Iowa , Held trough ; Ouiando M. Pond , Independ ence , Iowa , vvhlllletreo hook ; Albert Van- ness , Tecumsph , NCD. , wind wheel. I'OSTAI. AFFAIHS. John W. Hunter has been appointed post master nt Ilodaic , a now oflico In Sioux county , Nebraska. Commissions have been issued for the following postmasters In Ne- biaska ; Luclan II. Temple , at Itlchmond ; Charles Kiatt , at St. Paul ; W , II. Gideon , at Doniplian. Thu following In Iowa : John W. Jamison , at Newport ; John M. Hcdluud , at Uiircoiiir. SIOIIE i.nrrnn cAiinmns FOII OMAHA. The postmaster general has decided to allow tlneo more letter caulcrs at Omaha. CAI.I.II : ) ON TIII : i'jiisimNr. : : Ilepicsimtatlvo Weaver and Captain Dell of Iowa , called upon President Cleveland to-day. roUTY-NINTU CONGRESS. Senate. WASHINGTON , Apill 13. Mr. Plait tooh the Hoar on his tesolution lelatlng to open executive sessions. The question was a po > litlcal one , ho said , but in no sense was it n question of partv politics. It rose above all patty questions. It was the most Important question of administrative reform to whlcli the senate could at tills time devote its atten tion. Mr. I'latt read the senate rules re latin : ; to executive sessions , including the ruin which prohibits the disclosure by cither senators or senate ollicers of the secret ; of executive sessions , the penalty of which 1 : hat senators render tncnisclvcs liable to ox- mlslou and ofllccrs to ellscbargc. No senator , 10 said , could hear this rule without a sense of personal elcffrcdatlon. The first instance ot secrecy hav Ing been imposed on senators , Mr. Platt said , occutrcd In January , Ib20. Mr. Morrlll asked whether It was not a fact hit prior to that time all sessions of the senate - ate had been held witli closed doors. Mr. Plntto said ho would come to that by nnd by. Ho said the public sentiment ot the country demanded that the senate doors should bo opened , as the rule for the consid eration of executive nominations. Ills pres ent resolution was thftt executive nomina tions bo considered with open doors , except when otherwise orelcrcd by the senate. The scnatois themselves ought to dcslio their constituents should know what the sen ate was doing. The principal objection to : ho proposed eliango was that It was against the custom of the senate. That was no argu ment. No great measure of reform had ever uade progiess that It did not make it over .lie ramparts of tradition and custom. Mr. I'latt lev-lowed the history of secret legisla tion. He spoke on the icsolutlon to con siderable length. Public sentiment , ho said , and the sentiment ot the press , was 'or oion sessions. It was the sentiment of he people that the scnatois should desire to enow. The public wish was to bo law. After follow ing in this fctiain lor some time. Mr. Platt took the stand that elv 11 sen Ice was i mockciyand sham , without even a coil- ildciutlun of the nominations for olilcos undo to the senate. SWlicn Mr. Platt had concluded his 10- narks Mr. Itutlci obtained unanimous con- -.pntto . address the soiiatu after the moining business to-moriovv on the subject of open executive session1 * . Mr. Locati desiied to follow Mr. Butler on .ho same subject. The fisheiles lesolutlon was then placed bofoio the senate nud Mr. Five took the lloor. After considerable debito Mr. Kijo's icso- utlon was biought to n vote and agiecd to yeas M , nays 10. On the atllimative vote twenty-six weieie- nihlican and nine dcmociatlc , the democrats jelnir Me'ssis. Drown , IKitlei , Pair , ( lotman , Hauls , Mel'heison , Maxoy. MoKan , and Payne. Tlio negative votes weio all demo cratic , being Messrs. Call , Corkrcll , Coke , Colqiiltt , KustlH , Gray , Pugli , Vance , Vooi- ices , and Walthall. A numb'rot pairs with absent scuatois wcic announced. The resolution dcelares It tobu the Reuse of : ho senate that congress should not provide lor any joint commission to consider nnel settle tlio lislieiies question. The inter-state commeico bill was then placed bofoie th-s senate in order that it may lave light ot way at'J o'clock to-moriovv. After an executive session the senate ad- lomneel. IlOUBC. The Ohio contested case of Hind vs. Ito- meis was called ns a special order. Mr. Dovlo opened the debate In suppoit of the minoilty toport. and quoted from the ovidencu to sup port him In his position. There was not only no giound foi unseating llomcis , but scarcely uiy ground foi contesting the seat. It has been alleged somewhere that the action of certain members of the committee has been contiolled by a dillerenteot opinion with the contestant upon certain questions upon which the dcmociuHc pirty was not a unit , if he thought that hnd thu slightest weight in tlio determination of this question ho would despise hiniselt loievor. Atter the debate , including speeches by Messis. Doiscy and llovvoll in advocacy of the lights of the contcSteo. nnel by Mr. llen- elerson of Noith Carolina , infavoi of the seat ing of the contestant , the house aeljourned. The Fishery .Question. WASHINGTON ; Ajrll W.Tho house com mittee on foicign affairs tonlay consleleicd Dingle's resolution relative to Canadian fishery rcgulntlons. ' . After striking out thu jireamblo reciting tlio acts on the part of the Canadian government in contravention of the principles of Intel national law , the com mittee duected a" fav Diablo lepoit on the reso lution ns follows : Resolved , That the president be lequcstcd lo f mulsh the house , if compatible with pub lic interests , with any information in his possession iclativo to the exclusion of Ameri can fishing vessels from poitsot enti v ot the Dominion of Canada tor the purpose of tiading , purchasing , supplying or landing lish caught in deep water for shipment In bond to the United States , or doing other acts which Canadian and other Ii ! lush ves sels are permitted to do in the ports of the United States , anel also to infonn the house what steps , if any , have been taken to bung such unwnrrantablq and unliicndly acts of the Dominion authoiltlcs to thu attention ot the Diltlsh ( jov eminent. Porelsn Mall Appropriation. WASHINGTON , April 13. The committee on commeico repotted favotably the amend ment Intended to be proposed to thn post- oflico appiopriation bill. It Increases tlio appiopiiation for the transportation of foiplgn mails from § 375,000 to 51,000.000 , and provides that tliis amount shall include the cost of transit acioss thu isthmus of Panama. Thu amendment fuither changes the bill seas as to diiect tlio postmaster general to enter Into contracts with Ameilcan built and registered steamships , whenever possible , for tlio transportation of any part of said foreign mails , after legal ndvcitlsemciit. with the lowest reasonable bidder , at a rate not to exceed fifty cents a nautical mlle on the tiipeaeh way actually traveled between the teiminal points ; piovldcd , also , that the acrgiocato ot such contracts shall not exceed the sum theieby nppiopiialed. Confirmations. WASHINGTON , April 13. The following nominations weio confirmed to-day : M. L/ / . McCormlck. Dakota , secictaiy of Dakota. Postmastois T. A. Ueaid , Crete , Neb. ; O. 1) . Itippoy. Ainswoith. Neb. ; II. D. Davis , ; , III. : IS. IS. Miller , Pii'iie , Dak. ; M. W. Uyan , Mcilfoid , WIs , ; V. Kliiirlc , Marshlleld , WIs. ; S. M. Stiead. Kondu Lac. WIs. ; 11. C. Mooie , Uioadliead , WIs. Manning ; Rnplelly Improving. WASiii.voroN , April 18. Secretary Man ning is today leported to be progressing favorably toward complete recovery , nnd It Is believed by those nearest to him that If Ho has no set back ho will bp able to icsumo the general direction of the treasuiy department bofoio the hot weather bcgms , nnd to take up ills dally oflico work.agaln Immediately after the summer vacation. These favorable an ticipations weio confirmed on Sunday by Dr , L. A. McHrldo , of New' ! Yoik , whom Dr. Lincoln had invited top.ihs tlio day In Wash ington to consider and.ievlow wltli him the tieatmont of the case. Nominations.1 ! WASHINGTON , Apiil ) S. The president sent thotollowlngnomlnatlonsto the senate : Postmasteis Win. K. n.akpr , Fairbuiy , 111. : Clias. II. Blown , Stcriiiig , Kan. ; Marsha liirdsall , Emporla , Kan.- ; ' . li. Uavln , Corn ing , Iowa. The senate committed on commerce re ported favorably Itrnresentatlvo James' bill. Tlio bill piovidcs tint no tax shall bo levied upon commeiclal travelers as a license. The Ijnnel IjiivvH llepcnl. WASHINGTON , Apill 13. The public lanel committee of the house to-day agreed to re port tlio bill icneallng the pre-emption , thn tier culture aim desert land laws , and the bli forfeiting certain lands granted the state of Isconsin for railway puiposes. Unanimously Selected. WASHINGTON , April 13.Hon. . F. G Johnson , of Ordway , Dakota , was unanl niously selected to-night as a member ot the national congiesblonal committee by a join caucus of the democrats' of thu senate ) ant house of representatives. . . A Nomination. IVithelrnwn. . . WASHINGTON , Apiil 13. The president ha withdrawn thu nomination of'H. P. Albei lo bo postmaster nt Stuart , ( Jut hi le county Iowa , MISTOOK HIM FOR A BURGLAR , A Grand Island Merchant Shoots Down a Drunken Farmer , SIMPSON TAKES UP THE NOTES. Otoo County's Ex-Treasurer Stops Any Criminal Proceedings , But is Unilcr a Cloud An Im portant Decision. Shot Down AVhllo Drunk. ( .HAND ISLAND , Neb. , April 13. [ Special 'clcgram. ] A peculiar and possibly fatal hooting occmiedhero nbont4:30 : o'clock this lorning , the victim being Hany Ihontz , a miner of Hamilton county , liiontz had icen drinking heavily alt night , and was onsldorably under the Influence of liquor. About 4 o'clock ho started to find the hotel vhcio ho was stopping , but in his muddled oudltlon was unable to do so. Ho wan- ered around the sttects for some time , and Inally seeing a place which ho took for a lotel , ho attempted to elfect an entrance. In- lead of being n hotel It was lie clothing store of Maicus & Co. , ana the proprietor and clcik veto sleeping Inside. Tlmyworo awakened > y the noise made by Biontz , and taking htm or a burglar , Mr. Marcus seized his tovolvcr mtl started for the Intruder. I3efoie shoot- ng , however , ho warned UionU to leave , but ho latter did not realize the situation and ) erslsted in his elforts to enter. Maicus hereupon liicd at him through the glass leer , the bullet striking 1)1011(7. ) ( In the left eye , making an ugly and dangcious wound , jaicus Immediately Informed the police , \ho visited the place , and found Rront/ lying > n the stieet in front of tlio stoic in a pool of ) lood. Dr. Grahan was at once summoned ami attended the wounded man. lo found that the ball had edged near the base of the biain on the left side , and succeeded In removing t. Brontz , however , Is In a very critical condition , and Ids i ceo very Is doubtful. After the discovery of the dangcious con- litlon ot the wounded man , Marcus cave ilmsclf up to the authorities and was locked ip at the police statlpn awaiting cxamina- lon. Ho claims that the shooting was done n selt defense. Marcus came to ( hand. Island fiom Council Bluffs only a few days ago , and opened a bianoh clothijig store. There is considerable excitement over the affair. _ These Forfjcil Papers. NmniAsicA CITY , Neb. , April 13. [ Special I'clegram.J As tlio 13nn reporter predicted , ho three notes claimed to bo lorgcrles , and hat were lett by Duke Simpson at the bank ascollatcial , weio taken up and paid this iftcrnoou. Tlio tiansaction was under the auspices of Mr. Simpson's counsel. The inblicaio waiting now to see it suit will be ) rouglit by Simpson to make the payers , as specified on the notes , pay the same. If not , a dark cloud will , for a time at least , hang over his ( Simpson's ) once blight name. No , aircsts now are likely to follow , though ho tlueo men who claimed to bo in ured weio in tlio ciiy this morning bright and early fiom their fauns , and what would have followed might have been en tirely diflei cut if the notes had not been paid. paid.Mr. Mr. Simpson , in an Interview with tlioBnn reporter this evening , appealed nervous and depressed , and when asked plainly if thcio ivas any moie such notes out answoied "no. " Continuing , he said : "Iain neither addicted , o gambling nor to strong drink , as all who mow mo cau testify. STes , about a year ago 1 felt that my financial condition was some what ombarasscd , but had hoped to meet all ny Indebtedness before it became due ; anel even attlio last , when tlio time forscttlement came witli the commissioncis , I did not liink the shoitago would be as much as It low seems to bo. I never did intend to in ure any ono , and no onu shall ba Injuicd if ny life and health nio spaicd me.1' To a question of the Bin : lepoitor of why , when ho saw this black cloud hanging over ilshcad , which was sure to burst , ho had not nade known his circumstances to his fi lends , 10 replied : "I did not have tlio nci ve. I ought to have done it , but I could not. " Though the notes have been taken up there ; s jot much talk on the sheets , nnd the News of this city is demanding that a speedy settle ment sliall bo made between the commission ers and Mr. Simpson or his bondsxcn. Other talk Is that the worst Is not yet , and the ques tion is otten being asked why no official or legal notice Is being taken in the matter if all is tiuo that Is charge-el. As regauls the oiigln of the notes claimed to bo foigcd , Mr. Simp son temalned teltccnt. Unto Ijlncoln News. LINCOLN , Nob. , April 13 , [ Special Tele- jiam.l In settling up tlio estate of James lllll yesterday afteinoon , Judge Parker , of the piobato court , held that moneys paid to the deceased on account of pensions were ex empt fiom attachment. Hill died , in 18SI , owing considciablo money and having a claim for back pension pending against the soveinment. The claim was nftorwatds al lowed , anel his huiis were paid Sl.COO , which was attached by Hill's creditois. Judge Talker's elcclslon dissolves tha attachment , and nlllims the iiilit ; ol tlio hulls to tlio pos session of tlio money , The hoel-carricis' assembly of the Knights of Labor lm\o published a notice to contrac tors that on and after May 1 they will de mand 82 per day , which they hope will bo clvcn without fuither tioublo. Twenty-four thousand dollars was paid Into the city school fund yesteiday by tlio saloon men. The contiact for pulling up abiick b'ock nt " 0"and Sixteenth stie-ots was let by S. S , Chase yesterday to Mcfilnmpkeiy for SJ5OJO. , Ilio Congressional Campaign. AVASHWiTON , April 10. The following notice was Issued by the chaliman of the congressional democratic committee : The following names have ) been icportod mo by various elcle ales in compliance with the within Instructions of the dumocintic caucus to composcthocongiosslonal democrat ic commlttco and the committee Is requested to meet In the hall of the House of Heprusen- tatl\e-s Tuesday evening the 13th Instant , at six o'clock : Messrs. Mitchell , ot Now Jot- bey , McAdoo of Delaware , Mooio of 1'ennsyl' \anla , Kimcntiout of New York , Spiig sol Ohio , Welkins of Totas , Craln of Iowa , Muinhy or Tonnessee. McMillan of Mis- sour ] , N. Hums of ( ieoigla , Chandler ol Aikansas , Dunn of Florida , Davidson of South Carolina , Dlbb'y ' ot Kentucky , Ko > beitsonof California , Henley of Michigan , Maybury of Mat viand , Common of Wiscon sin , Bragg of Indiana. Ford of Illinois , Woitlilngton of Louisiana , lilanchard ol Mississippi , Catchlnes of Alabama , Mai tin of North Carolina , ( Jreen of West Virginia. ( Signed ) J. It. TucKKit , Chairman. > "Wreck of an Unknown Schooner. ' SAO lUiinon , N. Y. , Apill Ki. Captalr Conklln , of the Georgia * llfo saving station dlscoveicd the broadside of n schooner lyim on thu beach about tlneo miles east of Has Hampton. Tlio bow was evidently smashed and apparently was a poltion of a .schoone of about 600 tons. Another niece ot wreckage ago was. seen walking townnl the shore. N < name is tonnel jet , but It is supposed she I the schooner which iunl ; the steamship Ote ton. TWO MINORITY UKPOllTS. Opinions About tlio Government's Power to Annul Patents. WARHINOTON , April 13. Two reports by tlio minority of the judiciary committee , upon the resolution submitted to that com mittee Inquiring Into the power of the gov ernment to Institute suit at the Instance of private coiporatlons to annul patents , wore presented to the house to-elny. The first re port , which Is signed by Messrs , Barker , Taylor , Hepburn and Caswoll , after nn ex haustive review of precedents , arrived at the following conclusions : Kit st. That the authority lo cancel or an nul the patent of an Invention or discovery In a suit between private parties , on tlio ground that the same was ebtalned by fraud ulent collusion with an olUccr of the govern ment , or surreptitiously by or upon false MIR- gestlon , does not exist. Second. That the public Interests icquho that the authority should e\l t In the gov ernment , under inoper icstilrllnn , to bilng suit In the name of the United St.tte.s to lepeal and annul any such patent .so ob tained. Thiid. That under the statutes and deci sions of thu United States It Is a matter of gin\o doubt whether the authoiily now exists peimlttlng suit by the United States to annul any patent as aboui stated , which doubt can only bo deteimlned by a decision of the couit ot last lesoit. 1'Vunth. That In case It shall bo authora- tlvely decided that the light to hi Ing suit for the cancellation ol.i patent claimed to have been obtained by fiuudulent collusion with olllcers of tlio government , or suiieptltlously by or upon ialso suggestion , now tests with nh olllei'r of the government acting upon ills own motion or nt the instance ol another , accoullng to ids judgment , oral his pleasuio to attack , in tlio namu and at the oxpe'ii o ot tlio United Statesany patent now In life , or such as may nt nnytimu exist , with no re straint or limitations except such as shall an- nettnin to judicial proceedings alter tlio suit is commenced. It is a power and responsi bility that congiess should place , deliuo and restflct. That in case It shall bo decided Unit no authority exists on the part of any oniccr or dcpaitmont of the covcinmcnt to institute such a suit , It is equally the duty of congiess to establish and limit such power. This minority recommends the enactment of a bill confeiiing the necessaiy power upon the at- toiney gonuinl to bring suit at the leanest of the secietaryof tlio Intel lor , In which no issue shall bo litigated that can be deter mined In a private suit. Messrs. Unnnoy and J. W. Stnwait unlto in tlio second ininoiity leport , holding that tlieio is noantliinity for afiiit In the name of tlio United States biought for the muposo ot vacating a patent lor an Invention , ex cept when ( t is based upon a statement of lacts wlileh cannot be icgaided by the couit and nmdo available In nn intiingcmi'iit suit ; and that in no case tlio name of the govein- ntent bo piopcilv lent to a suitiu the Inteiest only of piivato paities. DICKERING AND ST1UFE. A Pathetic Plcturo of Prcslelent Cleve land Struusliiitf for the KlRUt. Niw : Yotuc , Apill 13. [ Special Telegram ] . JjnwieneelBarictt , the tiage lian , Is reported In the Augusta , ( Ga. ) Chioniclo as giving a lather pathetic pietuio ot President Cleveland - land , liaiictt says. "I spent a day with him a shoit time ago , when I was In Wash ington , niyl teally ho presents a pathetic picture of a strong man fighting niono the great battle to which hp lsj > lerlged. Ho Is ridculed by Jills' enemies "and doubted by his friends. lie feels his position keenly. Ho said to me : 'I ' have mmlo mistakes. I see them , many of them , and could kick myself when 1 think about thorn , but I am only human and am as liable to cir as other men. I3utlgetno gratuitous sympathy and hon est patriotic counsel. Alllhearls blckciing and stiife and fault-finding among scheming politicians who have no aim but to get them selves and fi lends in oflicc. lint for the oc casional wave of popular endoisement that breaks Us way over the icsf of olllcescekers nnd politicians that hedge mo about and comes to me like a season of lefieshing rest and tlio ciy of God speed fiesh Irom the people ple , I should break down , hcailslck and dis- coiuageel. " The Sunken Oregon. Niw : YOIIK , Apiil 13. Tlio Mall and E.x- piess asserts that on Sunday last a diver of the Menitt Wrecking company went down and niado nn examination of the sunken steamer Oiegon , nnd asceitained bejonel a question that she was sunk by a collision. Ten feet below the main deck , nnd about twenty teet foiwardof tlio bridge , the diver lounel a hole in thu steamer's side , the hewy iron plates being ciushed in , The hoiu is six feet deep and tlneo leet In bicndtli at thu widest pait. The steamer is broken in two , and her upper decks pat tea over twelve leet on top. The most ot hei cargo will bo.saved. Now York Dry Gooels Marker. Niw : YOIIK , Apill 13. The cxpoits of do mestic cottons the past week have been be low the avciago , but that Is a fcatnic usual to this pcilod of the season lor shipments. Tlio movement tor the week was 2'ilii pack ages , and since January 1 , Ot,8TG packages , against55yJ packages lor the same time last jear , nmU'i.biH packases In 1SS4. The tone ol Iho ninikct continues veiyisteady , with new business rnnllned to actual ship ments. In underwear thoio is a fair ti.ide. whilu clothing woolens aio In steady demand lor Immediate and later dclivciy. A Quarantine on Texan Cuttle. CIUCAOO , Apiil 1H. The Intel-Ocean's Spilnglleld , III. , special bays : Tlio Illinois livestock eoiiimlssloiieis U'commund to-day that le'stiictlons In the natino of quaiantlno bo commanded by executive pioclamatlon against the Impoitatlon Into the state , of Texas cattle lor gra/inc anil feeding pur poses till thoautumn liostiemovcs the cause lor apiiiehcnslon of possible danger iiom Spanish le\er. A Cronm bcpnrutor Itursts. MIMVAUKIII : , Apiil 13. The evening Wis consin's Klknoin special says : That by the explosion ot acontilpltal cieam hcpnititor In thei Hlg Kootcioameiy , Jami'S I'Pteihon was killed and a bov dually Injuml. Suvrial men weioH'iiously cut and biuiscd by JailIng - Ing flagmen ts. CITIZENS ON THE SITUATION , A Mass Mooting Hold at St. Louis and a Oonforcnco Committee Appointed , TO TRY TO END THE TROUBLE , Trainmen Grnilunlly Returning to Work The Coroner's Jury Ilolils the Deputies IleHonsibto For the Killing. The Htilke Situation. ST. Lotus , April 13. Ala massmcetlncof citizens hero to-night , called to order by ChauncyF. Flllcy , and at which Dr. Thomas O'ltellly acted us chaliman , a lone pica'nblo ' nnd ir solutions were load and unanimously adopted selling forth the depressing effects of the strike nnd lerommcndlng the ap pointment of a commlttco of citizens of St. Louis , three from resident dliectors of the railways Interested , tlneo fiom the losldcut laboicis , nud tlueo discreet and recognized icpiescntatlves of the mer cantile , maiiufactuilngand prolcsslonal ele ment , to confer and niiange1 , If possible , to end the existing trouble's. The committee was oidercd to tepoit at an adjourned meet ing to bo called by the chaliman lor that pur pose. Tlio inquest on tlio body of 'Ihompson , killed In the Has t St. Louis i lot , was com pleted to-night , The jury finds that the shooting not justified , nnd holds Iho deputy shciltls who participated In the shooting jointly responsible for the deaths occasioned. ST. Louis , April 13. Grand Master Sar gent of the lliothi'ihood of Locomotive Fiicmen , said last night that the grievances of the fircmon , would bo icdrcssed and that thcio was no probability of the men striking. The gi and master said : "Tho whole matter Is just as good as settled ulicady and thcio will bo no nioic tioublo about gilovances as soon ns wo get them Into shape and picscnt them. Tlio general grievance coin- niitteo I have called will meet at Parsons and I will appoint a committee from its nicinbeis , which will como hcio with me , take chat go of these St. Louis dlsehaige's and pii'sent the cases ot ( be men to Supeilntendcnt KeiriKun. They will bo dis posed of in thu right way , lam conlldent , " Tlio whole loico of stilKoisof the St. Louis transfer company rctiuned to vvoilc this moining. Conlidcnt of protection of the militia , the ioicoot switch and yaid men who letuined to woik yesteiday was inei eased this moiningby nianv moie , nnd thosu who ' availed tliem9clve.ii of mllltaiy piotectlon to.'l sewne employment. Most ol the roads novuf liav. ! lull crows of switch and yaid men , nniU it is expected the resumption of opci.xtlons j by a nmjoiity ot thn loads will ho com plete to-day. A number of the bildgo com pany's men icsuiiied work , " and tlio company Is doing almost ns laigo a busi ness ns bcfoio thestilKein Kast Si. Louis. Two height tialns havu bce-n sent out by the lliullngton road without Inti'ife'ieuce. The\ Wabash sent out one tiain. No distuibanco occui red dining last night or this moining beyond the tiring of n shot by n sentry at ft man ciavvllng along the ground bctvvccn'two height trains In the Indianapolis anel St. Louis yards , anel who would not obey the ) outer to halt. The man escaped ns the shot J did not take effect. liAhr ST. Louis , April 13. The Inquest was continued this morning , but took n re cess awaiting the nnlval of some witnesses. Tin1 coioncr announrod that ho sent vvonl to thodcpulyishoilflsin the St. Louis jail , giving them an oppoitunlty to testily If they -so du- shed , but iccelvcd no icply horn them. It was announced that James Scollaul , who was wounded Friday died last night in the St. Louis hospital. Two strikers who at tacked a tieiglit train at Klikwood , on tlio , Caiondclct blanch of tlio Missouri Pacliia road yesterday , and foiced the engineers te > take It back to Kiikwood.vero ancstcd this mom Ing. buiiAi.iA , Mo. . Apill 13. The strike Is dying out here. New men aio going to vv orW dally , Kcncially the class most needed. Machinists and many old men nio leaving tor other places In search of work. Several go to California. The master car bulluor says he has all the men ho needs at piesent , and his depaitment Is equally well supplied at Paisons and Hannibal. At a meeting ol ! tlio Knights of Labor , Sunday , icsolutiony were adopted hcaitlly endoiMiiQ ; Powdeily and ills a"ts , condemning all violence anil lawlessness that tins been committed amv favoring tlio pieseiitatlon of a petition to tl'o gencial uvrciitlvu board tor modification ot the constitution and by-laws ot the order so that no strike or boycott can bo ouleted ex cept by diie-ction and under the supeivlslon of the gencial executive committee. An exhibition of Native Fish. CincAao. Apill 13. The sixteenth annual meeting of the Flsheiy society , and the liist ever held In the west , began' hcio this foionoon. Fifteen state llsli corny mlssioners weio picsent. No business oft public iinpoitanco oecuued nljtho opening of the session. The meeting will continue three days , nnd during that time an exhibition oC native lisli will bo given at the exposition building. Two car loads of fish fiom tlio government hatching giounds at Washington - , ton and Dcholtwcio placed in class tanks at noon to-day. Specimens of all kinds of fish taken liom Illinois walcin me also on exhibition. , Hates. CHICAOO , Apill 1U. .The ge-ncial fic'ght committee ol the Ohio Ithci pool met heiol to-day , and thu Wabash load entoiedu pio-JJ test against the lates aiilhoil/ed Match 10,1 upon shlpini'iils ot flout , giuin and mcrts liom Chicago , It was shown , however , that the reduction was owing to the low nites al lowed fie in Hast St. Louis and Pcoiiu on similar shipments. Tiie meeting ngiccd that Iho intPH should theieloioiumaln lei Iho picsent undlstuihed. , " - HoiirH Adopted. ' CHICAOO , Apill Hi. The Daily News Pcoila , 111. , special says : The IVoila city council this evening adopted the eight-hour system lor atiect woik. S i & * * 3a Bto3i MI 11 * i H2 > citrb ipcisri iid , Is prepared from Barsapnrilla , Pawlcllon , Is tlio best Wood purifier bcfeiro tlio Mandrake , Rock , J'ipslsscwa , Juniper Her- It eradicates every hnpuilty , and cures Hcrof- rlcs , and other wrll-kncmn and v aluablo vege ul.i , Bait Itliouin , lloll.s , rimpicH , all JlinnnrH , table remedies. Tlio combination , proportion Dyspepsia , HlllouHiicss , Hick Jleadatlic , Indl- and prcpiratlon are peculiar to Hood's Harsa- ccstlon , ( Iciicrnl Debility , Catarrh , llbeiiina- parllla , giving It curative power not possessed tlstn , Kldnuy nml I.lvcrComiil.ilnts , Hover- by other medicines. It cUttls remarkable comes that cxtrrino tlicd feeling , and liulMs cures where others fall. up the system , " 1 consider Hood's Sarsnpnrllla the best "Hood's Ha rsaparllla was a God-send to me , mecllclno I overused. Helvciiinoniiappctlto for It cured mo of djfipeiisla and liver com and ref resiling sleep , and keeps the cold out. " plaint with which I hnd suffered SO jcars. " J , 3. Foea ; , 100 Hpruco Street , 1'ortlniid , tic. J. 11. IIon.viiKCK , South Kallsburg , N. Y , " Wicn I bought Hood's Barsaparilla I made "Hood's Barsaparllla takes less time and a good Investment of ono dollar In mcdlclno quantity to show Its effect than any other jircjw for thei first time. It has driven ofT ilieuma- arallon. " Htm.C.A. IIumiAnn , N. Clilll , N.Y. tlsin and iiiqirovcd myappctlto so much that "Sly wife had very poor health for a long my boarding mistress hays I must kcrp It time , Mitlcrlng hum Indigestion , poor appe locked up or she will bo obliged to raise my tite , and constant headache , Hbo tried ovcry- board with every other boarder that takes thliic vv o could hear of , but found no relief Ull Hood's Barsaparllla. " THOMAS IUIIIELI ! : , , hliu tried Hood's Sarsuparllia. Slio Is now m Tillary Btrect , Ilrooklyn , N. Y. taking the third bottle , and never felt better " I OmI Hood's BarsajiarlMa the best remedy luiierlifc , AVu feel It our duty to recommend f or Impure blood I ever used. " M.H.IAXTtii ) ! , K to every ono v\c Know. " eir.onoit Bontiv ticket ugt-nt , I * . & K. ltd. , Hound Drool : , K , J , viLi.r ; , .Mo'rcland , Cook County , 111. . Hood's SarsapariUa Hood's SarsapariUa ' Bold \ > f all ilrueRlitf. 1 ; lt for J > 5 , Bol'.l IY all dttiKclitf. tl ; ilz for f J. l'rrrare4 1 > 7 0. 1. 1IUOI ) A , CO.At > ollicCarlei , Ixincll. Ma . tjr a ) . HOOD i. ( XIAl > ulliecartcfIx > wnnUail. IOO Doses Ono Dollar 100 Doses Ono Dollar