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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1886)
8 THE OMAHA 'DAILY BEE , TUESDAY. APRIL 13 , 1833. OM.A.H.A. : : : : Crne Bro's. Manufacturing MANUFA CTURERS OF AND JOBBERS IN Wrought Iron Pipes , Pumps , Beltingand Hose And every variety of materials for Steam and Gas Fitters and Plumbers , Ele vators and Factories. ZDoc5.gre St. RUMORS FLYING IN THE AIR That the Mon on the Union Pacific Will Walk Out. EVERYTHING SERENE TO-DAY. Hall Notes PcrsoimlH Mlilnljjht Ma- ranilcra Tried to Find the Prize Fighters Shaving Corpses Po lice Court liocal , Etc. Vnjjuo Humors. There was n monster K. of L. meeting held Sunday afternoon , at which many representatives of the order In this city were present. The object of the meeting , of course , was kept so far as possible a secret. Ono of the things ac complished , however , wag the voting of further financial aid to the strikers on the Missouri Pacilic system. A system of assessment was arranged therefor. Sonio of those who claim to bo on the inside look mysterious and hint that thcro is soon to bo a general strike among the shopmen and trainmen on the Union Tacilic in support of the Missouri Pacilic strike. Nothing definite about the matter is known at headquarters , though quo gen tleman of high standing in railroad cir cles , said that he would not bo at all sur prised if such n thing wore to occur. "Tho strikers on the Missouri 1'acilic who are trotting worsted , " ho said , "feel dmvii in the mouth , and naturally enough will resort to desperate means. I believe that if our employes strike it will bo purely in sympathy with their brethren in the south , and not because they themselves have any grievances to complain of. " The conductors and brakeman , al though they wore paid lor last month's work on tlio old system , claim that they have not yet secured a satisfactory ad justment of their grievances , and will ykrobably return to seek another con- lonyico witli the ollicials. * " NOTKS ANU I'EHSONALS. i The Union Pacific sends out two sec tions of the overland train every night now , both heavily loaded with passen gers , first-class and emigrant. General Tratllo Manager Kimball , of the Union Pacific has gone to Denver to meet the Adams party. The part } ' will probably travel westward over the lines , returning to Omaha in about ten days. J. T. Clarke , general manager of the St. Paul road , is now in the city. Gco. Stcrnsdorrf is once more at his his desk in the freight department , and the shadows which have hung heavily over that section of the building arc dis pelled. There wore vague rumors of a strike in the Union Pacific shops yesterday but investigation proved the report to bo 'groundless. MIDNIGHT / An Incident "Which Might Have Fur- ' nlshcd Corpses For the Coroner. > Early Sunday morning , shortly after , the hour when "gravo yards yawn , " etc. , H ludicrous thing happened at the corner of Thirteenth and Howard , which will furnish pleasant recollections lor certain of the Union Pacilic headquarters clerks for several years to como. , Some of the smooth-faced members of the headquarters force who had just iboon paid oil' had started out early in the evening to have a "good time. " Most of jthoin , as already intimated , wore of .tender ago , and of that particular class whoso highest ambition is to bo con- ( aldcrcd "hlgh-rolloraj" who go about saluting ono another with a " 'ow arc yo , chappie , me boy , " after the manner of the real sports , and otherwise conduct themselves as characters on the turf hould. 1 The members of the gang had bowled up at a lively rate during the evening , 'and as Sunday morning approached , ftrow more and more hilarious. Shortly after midnight some of the more sober in the party proposed that a drug btore be visited for the pur. porso of procuring emetics. All agreed , , &nd a bco line WIIH struck for the nearest drugstore , which happened to bo Spaf. ford's ' , on the corner of Thirteenth and Howard. They rattled and banged at the door , but no answer came. The boys \yoro determined to procure relief , ami crow boisterous in their dosiru to get into the drug store. The night clerk , roused out of a sownl slumber , saw the mob at tthudoorand concluding that burglars had iBwitptdown upon him ma band , jumped \fromhis \ bed and liral several shots in quick succession. The U. P. clerks were thoroughly frightened. They lost no time in dispersing , Eomorunnlng in one direction and some in another. The police cametime just in tinio to cap * lure ono or two of the lleoing youths. but upon haring their story released them at once , Wore Not Given Pointers. The police olllccfd were unable to stop 'the prize light Sunda } .tight , although they Would gladly have done so , if they had .given a correct pointer in time , to in Iho evening vagno rumors of the jiiiH-to-bo began to lloat into police head quarters , but notl ing of a delinito char acter. No ( illbrts at that'tlmo were made to ferret out the matter , and though the Urge gathering of spoiling characters bout ono of the down-town suloons , and the sight of loaded hacks departing for tw west shlo uveiy lu\y moments , gave confirmation to the suspicions of the police that "something was about to drop , " not until the spectators returned from the scene of the light did Captain ( Jormnck learn positively of what the "drop" was to be. Ho secured a number of men and searched every resort in the city high and low , but failed to find the light , and , of course , after an hour or so of bcarching gave up the chase. Sneak ing of the matter yesterday , Captain Cormack stint that if ho had Known the light.wsis to bo outside of the city limits , ho would have endeavored to stop it just the same. It transpired yesterday that Sheriff Coburn issued orders Sunday to his deputies - putios to the olleet that the prize fight must bo stopped tit any cost. Some of his men were scouring the country during the en tire night , but were finally compelled to give up the search. A more disgustcd- looking lot of men than the deputies it would DO dillicult to find SHAVING J > EA.D MEN A Loquacious Barber Toll ? Ills Ex perience With Corpses. "There goes a $5 job , " saidjv barber at the Millard yesterdayr "J wish' ho was my customer , because I'd take tap job if ho was. Sam , though , ain't got no use for shaving dead people. " The reporter who had overheard the re mark , took his seat in Sam's chair , and while his face was being lathered the bar ber began. "It's hard enough work to shave Vive men. I often have to shave tlrunkcn men , but I draw the line at stiffs. " " \ \ by so ? " inquired the reporter , opening his month wide enough to got a good taste of tno soap. "Well , in the first place , it's unpleas ant and then I don't like to monkey around corpses. Uesides , it dulls your razors. Do you know the regular prjco for shaving a dead man ? Seventy-live cents ? Not much. Wo charge * K > , anil don't ' hanker for the work oven at that price. Why , n dead man's beard es pecially if ho has been dead a few hours is just like so much wire. It will nick your razor every time. And then , just think of it , shaving a man who can't un derstand n word you say ! Why , it makes you have the blues for hours. I shaved a stiff once , and may I never got a good edge on a razor again if I didn't talk to him for fifteen minutes without realizing that ho was dead. I just thought ho was a cranky customer who didn't ' like to speak to a barber. There is ono good tiling about it , though , customers of that kind never kick when you happen to make a blip and cut their cheek. "Say , " continued the barber leaning over in a confidential manner , "do you know that 1 believe that lots of people are buried alive. I shaved a dead man once and before I'd got half through the razor slipped and cut a deep gash in his neck. I don't know whether it was nervous action or not but the man opened his eyes and blame mo if ho didn't try to speak. 1 dropped the razor and skipped and have never shaved a dead man since. Ho Saw the Elephant. Charles Nelson and John Fcely are two rustics from the vicinity of Rule , Neb. They came to Omaha last week to see the town. Thoysawit. The sight cost them exactly ? 180. They foil in with some disreputable French women on Twelfth street , and en tered upon a protracted sprco. Fcely soon spent all the money ho had. Sun day afternoon Nelson squandered his last money , but four or live dollars , upon a livery rig , and took a young woman- Viola liusha by name , out for a ride. Tlioy were arrested soon afterwards , and tried and lined in polled court yesterday Nelson paid over all the money ho had to liquidate the line , and departed with his comrade Feely , a sadder , out it is to be hoped , a wiser man. "Tho next time you come to town , " said Judge Stenberg , as ho released the man "don't spend your money on women. As long as you have cash , they treat you mighty well. lint just as soon as that's gone , they throw you overboard. " Confidence Man Caught. Saturday morning William Maxwell , who was on his way to San Francisco , was accosted by a slick-looking fellow , in a saloon on Tenth street , who n&kcil him where ho wasgolng. On being told , the fellow , wliose name Is George Dell , said ho was going to the same place ; that he had no small change , but did have a big cheek ; would Maxwell let him have some money , take the check and then go to the depot and watch his buggago ? Yes , Maxwell was obliging and wouluuo BO , giving him all but * ! tfiOot his money. On inquiring at the depot for Hull's baggage - gage , ho was informed that noonebv that name had anything atthodopot. and was advibcd to report the matter to the police , lie did to , and tlioy have betm on the lookout tor nlm over since. Snndas night Ollleor O'Gradyspotted [ him and took him to the lockup. Yesterday Hell was lined $20 nnd costs and sentenced to imprisonment for thirty days the full limit of the law. His victim lias been suddenly taken with the measles and has been taken to the poorfarm. Arhor Day Observance. Prof. W. II. Smith , the well known weather prophet of Montreal , Canada , writes to Gen. E. F. Test advising that Arbor Day this year ousht to bo observed in Nebraska on May 4th. On that date , Prof. Smith says , the lunar intluonccs will be so combined that trees planted then will have unusual chances of growth and development. Public sale of Short Horn cattle at Lin coln. Neb. , April U , 1830. Fifteen cows and nuifors and twenty bulls. For cata logues apply to Col , F. M. Woods , Lin- con | , Neb. , or Williams & Lacy , Lucoiia , Iowa. THE OIIAHITV llAMj FUND. llcport or the Committee in Whoso Hnmlt ) it Was Placed. The following is the report of the dis tributing commit too of the charity ball fund , which shows to whom and how assistance was given with the means pro vided for that purpose : The rooms wcio opened for dlstilbullon Febiuary 0 , anil coal , giocoilcs , clotliln ; ; and medicine given out In February and the lirbt week In Maich toSOO applicants. It was then thought host to close the rooms and tilvo only after visiting the poisons askinc aid. The visiting committee it-port 300 families as re ceiving assistance ot nit kinds during the month of March. The charity union asked for blankets and comforts , which were given them ; also $ J.0 , with which to start a wood yard. Two hundred ami lifty dollars weio clvtMi to establish a woman's exchange in this city. The industrial school icceived 150 yaids ot tlanncl and two tons of coal. About 'JOO tons ot coal were given out. the Hock Spilngs Coal company very kindly charging but halt pilcc for the same. Miss. .FAME * . Mus. 7 . 13. KNIOUT , SecieUrics. The treasurer's report is as follows : Expenditures of charity ball fund for Feb ruary and 31nrch : Dry goods nnd shoes. S GiU 10 oioceiic ? swat Meat Iai7 ; : Co.d 501 75 For sick and destitute families through the waul committees 403 00 Toclmnty.union to establish wood . yaid 50 00 To W. C. A. to establish woman's exchange 250 00 Kent for dispensing loom 1700 Stutlonnry ami printing 5 CO Medicine and suudilcs 5 00 Total. § 3,050 03 Mns. 11. D. iiiu.s , Tiuasurer. Wanted to exchange for stook of Hard ware and general merchandise , 569 acres of line Thayer county ( ) ; live lots in Genoa ( Nob. ) ; good store building ( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( best loca tion ) in Essuxiowa ( ) ; also eighty acres one-half mile from town of Essex ( Iowa ) , seeded in blue grass For further par ticulars , address John Linderholm , Cen tral City , Nebraska. Supposed Co iifldcnco Hen Four hard men have been run in by the police and jailed on a charge of being suspicious characters. They arc sup posed to belong to n gang of confidence men who have been operating in Omaha lately. MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla , l/mon , Orango. Almond. Hoso. etc. , flavor as delicately and naturally as tlio trult. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. BT. LOOTS. OEV3AMA 13th StCor.Capitol Avcnuo , FOB TUB TI1BATMEKT Or AIL Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. MoNIENAWY. Proprietor. bitlfeniurn' ! Jlosimal nnd Vriyato rractlce Wo Imvo tlio futilities , apparatus anil runi-OIcs for llio succcsnfill trcalnicntof omjr form of din- taso requiring cither medical or EUrglcal treatment , and luvitaalfto come ami Investigate furtlicmeches or correspond I 111 us. Long experience in treat- licenses by letter enables us to treat many catef eclintiDcnlly ultliout tiei'lng them , WltlTi : FOR riliaULAK on Doforrnltlci and Ilraccv , Club Pett , Curvatures of tlio Spine , DisKinta or V-'njiEK , 1'llee , Tumors , Cancers , Catarrh , Ilroncliiti * , Inhalation , Electricity , rural' y t , Epilepsy , Kidney , Kye , .Uar , bkin , Wood and all operations. ItutTcrlrs , Inhalers , Timers , Trusses , nnd nil Unda of Medical and Surgical Appiiancee , man ufactured and tot sale. Tha only reliable Medical Inttitute miking Private , Special f Nervous Diseases rA bl'ECIAI/TY. ALL CONTAGIOUS ANU 11LOOD DISEASES , from whatever cnuee produced , successfully treated. " \Vc \ Cfiu rcmo\ Sypullllio poleou from tug eyttein without incrcury. New restorative treatment for lots of Thai power. ALL COMMUNICATIONS L'ONPIUliNTJAL. Cull an J consult us or cend name and poit-otllco address plainly written enclose etamp , and we will send yon , lu plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO ME * L'l'O.N I'IU4TH , brtCIAL AND HKnTOtlS DlBUiHiK. SKMISAI , WEJLUNEI * , Si'tiMATOiimicKi IMFOIBM. cv , SYIMIIUS , tloxonnuuu , GLEET , YARICOCELK , BTl'JCTUr.K , AND All. U1I-K18EJ OF THE OlNlTO. UntNAitY Ono ASS , cr tend history of your case for an opinion. 1'irion * ucnUo tjlst us may bo treated at their noaief , by correspondence. Medicine * and Instru ment eut by mull or t-iiirets SECUKGLV I'ACh Ul ) niOM onar.UVATlON. nomarVstolndlcaU contents or Bender. Ono personal interview > uc- fmollf convenient. Fifty rooms for the accom modation of patients Hoard and attendance at rcaionabla prices. Addrtta all Letters to Omaba Medical and Surgical Institute- Car , 13U > $ L > mJCajlUIA e ? OMAHA. H.iB. ' BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. THE LEADING 'ASSOCIATION OF THE WEST. CASH CAPITAL , PAIK OT IN FULL , $10OOOO.OO GROSS ASSETS , DECEMBER 31st , 1880 160,820.30 A certificate of membership in this Association fumtshos bncofit at the loivcs cost. cost.Men nnd womon. between the ngcs of 17 ami 05 years , who nro In good health , may bccomn members. t Tlipro is no changing from ono class to another , and assessments do not increase with mlvnnGing apo. , . . , Th9 Uon | iiny : has n guarantee fund of $100,030 paid up In cash , which is an ad ditional security to that furnished by any company in the United States. U has a Reserve fund which provides for a non-forfeiting policy and a paid-up liio Company is located in the Wests Its business is confined to the healthy West , and applications from porsDns residing in mUarial districts ace not accepted , which will Jnsuro few assessments , and a consequent exemption from any onurous liability. A local Advisory Board , composed of not less than live loading citizens of each vicinity , may ba formo.t , who may act as advisory counsel In the settlement of claims by the death of mombora and as to the admission of applicants to mouthers hip. A member who lapses his cortllicato may nnitslalo the same at any time upon satisfactory evidence of good health , by the payment of all delinquent dues nnd assessments. IMoinMiranco company in this or any other country has over failed by reason of of the death-rate experience The failure in each iiutaneo has been caused by pecu lation or speculation. Tno safe guards introduced render both impjssiblo In this Association , Our business is confined to the endowment for old ago , and the pavmant of the widows and orphans after death. . , . ' -I'lio policy is more liberal , and the plan more secure , than any company in the United States. Co-oper.Uive rnsnrnnco Companies cxisto I In England 200 years before the stock plan was thought of , and the same companies exist to-day , some of them having nearly one million members. When inatuigo.l iudielonsly , they cannot break.Vo guarantee every promise we makcd with ! ? 100o03tliis being in addition to the flOO- 000 provided for as a Reserve Fund which is ; v more provision and offer than any other company makes. The Strength of This Association Consists of It GUARANTEE FUND , ENDOWMENT PLAN , RESERVE FUND , NOIT-FOBFEITING POLICY , GRADED RATES , PAID-UP POLICY , SELECTED RISKS , A DEPOSITORY TO PROTECT THE TONTINE SYSTEM , RESERVE FUND , LIFE PLAN , CAPITAL STOCK. The cost of life protection in tins company is less than any company in the United States. The company is good and payments prompt. This Association is now unttning its third year , and lias a largo membership , which is constantly increasing. At death or maturity of endowment the member receives his interest in tlu > Reserve Fund in addition to the amount duo on the policy. All policies become nou-forfeiting aftjr the third year to the extant of the mem bur's interest in the Reserve Fund. AGENTS WANTED in every town and city whore not supplied in all of the states west of the Mississippi river and north of Kansas. Good reliable canvassers can obtain most favorable rates by writing to the company. The Wojtjrn Mutual hasconsolidatcdthemombnrshii > of the "NebraskaMutual , " "Farmers' and Mechanics' " and "Lincoln Mutual , " and with its own members in sures perfect protection. "Wo regard the Western Mutual as ono of the very best life insurance associa tions in tnis country , and expect to sob , at no very distant day , it covering the entire lioid of the healty West with its active , gentlemanly agents. " Daily Express , March 2t 2.S&G , OFFICE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS , ) STATI : OP NIHII.VSKA ; , > LINCOLN , February 1,1883. ) It is hereby certified that the Western Mutual licnevolent Association Insurance Company , ot Beatrice , in tlm State of Nebraska , has complied with the insurance law of thh stat'j , tin I is authorized , to transact the business of life insurance in this st t for the current year. i' ' j Witness my hand and the seal of said of said office , the day and i SEAL. } year lirst above wiitten. 1 . ' H. A. BABCOCK , Auditor Public Accounts. Omaha National Bank , the company's financial agent , at Omaha , Nebraska. Refer by permission to Hon. J. II. Millard , Omaha , Nob. All communications should bo addressed to , - > OLrvEiR. o. s siisr , Secretary and General Manager , BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. OTIS HAYNES , Agent at Omaha. TKEBESTTHREAOFORSEim SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON , Full Assortment for ealo to the Trade by VINYARD 8r SCHNEIDER , CJE ] IN- 1O IS EY , * p-3 B One of the Best and Zi ryest 8tocrcs it the U.S. to Select from. a No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , GEO. DUHKE , Manner , UNION1STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : AlerclmnU * and Farmers' Haul : , Davlil City , Nub. ; Kearney National .Rank , Keainoy , Neb. : Columbus SUtu Hunk. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Hank , Noitli 1'Jattc. Neb. ; Onmlia National liank. Omaba , Neb. . . , . . , , , Will i > ay customers' draft with bill ot ladlnc attached for two-thirds value o stock. F. M. ELLISife CO. Architects and BuildingiSuperint's ' OMAHA , NEB , and DES1HOINES , IA. OUIco.Cor. Uth nnd Farnam Struts Uoomll GCOIIQB DnuuNQiiox witliF , M. rilti. ESTABLISHED 1673. Lincoln Steam Dye Works W. D. UOUEHTSON , Prop'r. Ofllco No. 1105 O St. , Woilta S.H , Cor. V. & Oth. LliKMiln , Ncli. Gents' Clothing Clenne 4 and Ko paired. HEN. You era allowed a free trial of thirty davt ot the use of Dr. Uje't felttraltil Voltaic Pelt with Illcvirlp bu - pemory . .ilaacca , for ttoa fpcedy n-llif and manentoul BC"J tfemnti lability , loss of " - - - - jfaiihoad , aiid'olfklmlreii troubles. Also for . other diseases. Complete restoration to Health , Vigor , and K-'anliooi t-uaraiitei l. u risk 18 Incurred , lllu- tratcd pamnhlrt In ttattJruivlave mallevl frif.brad. Best Goods in the Market ' , III. Ask for our goods and BCO that the Lear our trade mark. . . i 8 ad Butup far nUd ifticlwi. dd.i , Dr , WARD & CO , . LOWSUKA , UO. . SOUTH OMAHA ! Beautiful Residence Lots IffCBR On the largo innp of Onialiu nnd observe that the two niul one-half ; mile belt from the Omaha postofiico runs south of Section 33 and through tin north end of South Omaha. TAKE A STRING A.nd pencil , then get one of J. M. Wolf & Co.'s maps of Omaha and South Omaha combined , PUT YOUR FINGER On the string at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's business center , and 3'our pena on the string at where Bellevue street enters South Omaha from the north , THEN DRAW A circle and note where SOUTH OMAHA Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" are fur OUTSIDE ; This magic circle , THEN STOP And think a moment what will make outside property increase in value. THE GROWTH OF OMAHA Is ALL that will enhance the value of real estate other than at SOUTH OMAHA. At the latter point we have three important factors to build up and make valuable the property : ' First The growth of Omaha , which ha ? and always will follow tli transportation lines. ( Second All the great railways center there , thus making it the best manufacturing point of any in or nuar the city. Third THE IMMENSE STOCK YARDS INTEREST , Dressed Beef Business and Pork Packing Industry Will make a town of themselves. TWO NEW PACKING HOUSES Going up this year. A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment ; To bo put into operation by that prince of mcai ; producers , Nols Morris oj Chicago. Awny your day of grace when you do not got an interest in South Omaha before < fore a higher appraisement is inado. The best locations arc being lakeu. Make your selections now. Lots that sold for § 300 in 1881 cannot now bo bought for 51,009. Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between till city and South Omaha. < A STREET CAR LINE Will run to the Stock Yards this year. Tlio minute it does lots will double ( n value , as this will afford cheap and quick transportation either by Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars. Agents to handle this property on good commission wanted ANY REAL ESTATE AG-EHT * , IIas authority to sell lots. For further information , miipi , price lUt * , and descriptive circulars , address M.AB UPTON ter Jr MILLARD. HOTEL 'BLOCK ,