Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BBS , yjJBSD AY. APRIL 13. 183f > . SPEOIALNOTIGES. _ Advcrti'omonta under th ahead 10 cents pot Ino for tlio first Intertlon. 7 cents tor each eubicqucnt Icscrtlln.mia 11.50 d Hno per month. No advertisement taken for les than 25 cents for Iho nrst insorUon.Bovenwordg will ho ooun ted to the lines they tnuet run consecutively And mutt bo paid In advance. All advertise- tncnla must bo handed In before 2 o'clock p. m. and under no ciroumetnncos will they bo tak en or discontinued br telephone. Parties advertising In these columns an I hir ing the answora addressed in cnro of TUB HEK , Will pletifo ask for chock to enable thorn to got their letters , nsnono will bo delivered orcopt on presentation of check. All answers to advrr- tlsomtnts should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO LOAN-MONEY. MONHY to loan at icasonahlo rates on horses , furniture , watches and other por- Foitnl property without removal. Small pay ments taken at nny tlmo and Interest reduced In proportion. 0. .T.rns- well , Itootn IB , Iron Hank Ilulldlng12th ixnd 1 or- nain. Tuko elevator. 400 , ONKY TO LOAN on real citato. Lowest mica. No commission. Malionoy & Har ris , Uoom 11 , Vm Fiirnam. aTdiu ! ) * to loan on business property In MONIJY and Improved farms In Douglas and ndjolngcounties ; low rate. O. 3 , Cnswoll & Co.Hoorn Hi , Nebraska Notional llank Ilulldlng , ] glh and Fnniaiu. S > t ONKY to lonn on peed Frourlty. .1. II. M Frcodmnn at Sloman Ilros. , 1207 Douglas St. 210 T\TONKY To loan on Improved farms or rosl Ail. dcnco lots , nn ono year's tlmo. Homo I'lro Insurance Co. . 1515 Douglas St. 153 TO LOAN On rcsldonco property. MONKY cent. No commission. C. J. Cnswoll &Co.ltoom'10 Iron Hank IJulIdtng , 12th and Farnam. > < to loan on mortgage security ; Koal MONKY and commnrclnl paper bought , J. II. Ficednun , care Solmim Ilros. . 100 N. 13th St. to loan. Sums $ , Vjo mid upwurds. lowest rntos. llcmls , 15th and Douglussts. _ II1 C1NIJV TO r.OAN on business property. 1V1Oupoglto 1'osloniro. W. O.Shrlvcr. IDt r.onooo to loan on business mul ro'lilonco $ property In Bums of $1,000 and upwards. Ainrs. 1507 rariiain st. M8 IfiOnooo ( lonn on city residence property $ Pro. W.Day , W Farnnm. OJI ! ONKY on chattelo , Uoo m 10 , Hcdlek Illock. .liio. C. Thompson. fpo LOAN Money in nuy amount L On nil classes ofEccurlty. Phorttuno loans on ronl ostato. Long tlmo loans on real citato. Monryto loan on chattels. . Money to loan on collaterals. Money to loan on any irood security. Terms ensy , tlmo tosult. Apply at the Omaha Financial Hxchane , Marker's building. SW corner of Firtuentli mid Farnatn sis , upstairs HID for rvcrytiodyt \ \ can borrow money on furniture , horses , watrons , iO" ! , stock of all kinds , diamonds and flno watches on your own tlmo. Payments received nt any tlmo , and Interest reduced pro ratu. Property left In your own possession. Terms law as thr > lowest. Call and POO mo. lluslness confidential. Noadvantaco taken. W. 11. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthndl'H Now HullOIng , Northcant cor ner J5thandnarnoy. _ _ _ T- 'ONHY TO LOAN O. F. Davis & Co. M Entato and Loan agents , 1505 Farnnm St l 4o ONr.T TO WAN-On ( rood securities. A McQavock , room71lodlck Block. 1503 Farnam 8t. _ _ ONKY TO LOAN On real estate and chut M tcs. ! D. L. Thomas. 015 MONKY TO LOAN In ailing of $200 nnd up wards on first-class real estate security. Potter & Cobb , 1615 Farnam St. Oil TOANKI > at C. F. Reed & Co's. I/las oflleo , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagon pcrsonaf prnpoYty of alf 'kind3 and all o'thcf ar ticles of value , without removal. 31D S. nth. over Dlnih'im'R rommlsslon store , All bus- moss strictly confldontal. 047 DUBIZTCSS CHA17CES. T71O11' SA1,12 A flrst-ola < > ' ( payltiff business , JJ with'nn 6 < tribllshod trade ; good irnsona for pclllntr ; would o\chango for city or f aim prop- cry. AilUiQFS I ) 71. lloo Onico. 4SO-17'1 SAljlt Carload of lanro fresh cow ? and FOH calvoii splendid mllkor.j ; S.TI to JV ( ) : ono full blooded Jersey$80. At lliidfro Stock Vnrds. cfjioilSALK liiTsmess at North Platte , Nrh. J2 Itostaurnnt , well patronl/cd by flrM-c'ass jiooplo , run In connection with store Rolling fancy groceries , iluits , fie h vegetables , otc. ; liuslnoss paying and Increasing ; amounted In vested , fiOfl ; good ronsons for Felling' . Addr-ss Shannon Hrop. . Noilh Platlo.Nob. 4Vi-17 FOK SAlTi : Cheap Ono parlor fot. FOfa and ohali" < us good us now ; also ono lot In Fours & Thomas' addition. A bargain for some ono. Address O 22 , Heo OHlco. 413-lfi * SALE Coutor , Fhow CIIFOS nnd Ftocl : FOH Mrs Folgor's fancy store ntUOT N 15lh st. fihort tlmo only. 417 T71OH SAI.K drocory stock nnd fixtures und Jv building for i out or sale. 410-14 \"N otitoTprWmr , ' prosperous mnnufiicturlng V company is dcslious of associating with Hicin n voung , enterprising buplnoss man hav ing flf00 | or moio to Invest to represent Ihi'm in other cltlcB. Liberal sularv nnd Interest nr- jangoil. Address D ( ID. Heo office. 393-12 OH HALK Hnkorv and lunrli stand In town F of about 1 , 'tfX ) Inhabitants ; chnncn for a good ImUer. Inquire oC Kopp , Drolbus & Co. . 1103 Furnnmst. _ _ 2i5-15 _ _ FOH KXOII ANOK-Ptocks of goods of every kind ) for farms nnd land ; also lands to ex change for goods. If you want to trade , no matter what It t" you have , write , with full do- r-crlptlon , to C. 11. Jlayno , estate broker , Omaha Nch. 103 TT'onH.VI.I ! Creamery will bo Fold cheap , on JL } easy terms , lo anyone who will rim It the coming season. O. 1. Carter , AEhlund , Neb. B18 \ " \ ANTKD To cxrlmnrfo for stock of hard- i ware and gonnral merchandise , SWacrosof flno Tlmyor Co. , Noli. , land ; T > lots In ( Jonoti , Neb. , good Moro building ( l > cst corner ) ; goo 1 dwelling ( best location ) In Kt-sox , la. , also B ) acres ! J nillolromtownof HPSOX , la. , seeded In blno irm s. For further particulars addi-oss John Lludcrholm Central Cltv Nebraska. CO Pr.HSONAI , To iiorsous who wish to build n homo In Orchard Illll , I will soil lots upon payment of the nominal sum of ton dollars and bnlanrout the end of llvo yours. Interest at 8 iior cent , payable poinl-annunlly. This is the licet olfi'r over madii to any homo-seeker In this city. Cull and RCO mo. 0.15. Muyiio , S. W. cor. 1Mb and Kainiun. f'7'J ' \ArANTii-lloardors ntliUlN. . 19th Ft. V\ i)70-13 ) * M VVllI.i ; boaiil In private family. 411 N' . 17lh. L sro-iii * TTIOH HKNT-Hoom and board for two. ion jjCii ave Gr ( ion day board , 1U03 Fnruam st. : board. 1010 Dod o street. tosv. LOST ( lold eye ttlnpsos with gold chain at- tuohoa. Lost ttatmdar ovenlng between Uitli nnd IDtli ft room on Capital ave , Finder will bo rowimlril by icavlnir I hum at Mrs. C. A , Mli-st. 4JJ-12 THAVKD-A cow A 6-ycar old red. ehot liorn ov , Lonvo Information nt No. "J10 Itamllloiitt. O. Wick. lOO-l'-i1- _ LOST S5 toward. The Under of a hunillo coiitnlnlnsuwalkhiffbtlcU and two C-'i silk , whlto-lumdlod , uiiiliiolltii nuirkod ruspocvlvvlv 'H. K Iliiesoll , i' . 8 , A , , " and "H.I' . Uu M-il , " will u'cfivot'iuuhovo ipwuid by Ictiviiiff llu'in at the ( teak uf the I'mlnn boiiio. The huiullu was lolt lu front of the 11. & M , passenger dunot iibdiu II ijnilay. IQVll * _ _ STHAVIID Wbltneronmiolarod cow , fresh , without unlf. Finder iciuni to b7 ! Uodto Bt .1 nil ri'fi'lvu reward. _ 3'.U-I1' ! IO- A bhf red cow , lar o horns : notify II. I llriil , Uth und DoJuo t-ts. ilU * OST llliirk CUIIIPO cm ring" . Finder louro nt J 1015 California St. UI3 13' rouirn. TTUHIND A few yards or silk. Owner can J- have fjuuo by cr.lUni. nt Nu. " 10 N , I7lii-st. 120-13 * t OTl.v\V ! 1 futs uiul lloiinctf , shtipcd and i T- ljiri'6 | u.t iu thclaloil blylrs ut 1113 liowurU. ' i MoAusinnO. 431-SI * _ _ T71OH HKNT Why ilu jou | ( OV ICUtvlicn J-1 lIWului & Vnik , DouKlus street , will cell you n utco hon : l > y only J-1U iind S--M | mr month , ' ' HOt'SKS rented : rents collected. Hodman & Thompson , Hoom 10 , Hcdlek Ulock , 1511 Farnam gt. giS _ APPLICATIONS for U 8 license made out . . by John 0. Thompson , Hoom 10 , Hodlck lllqck. _ _ _ _ _ 228 IARTIE8 wishing furniture cleaned , plcaso address mo through P. O. Fred Gray. _ 107-20 * IJHIVY and Cesspools cleaned by E. Hwloir , P. 0.110X427. _ ClOopal * "I71OH HKNT A store on n peed retail street. * ' Apply the Omaha Heal Kstato nnd Loan Co. 107 FOH ItHNT Pqunro 1'lano , ? 1 monthly. A. IIospo , 1513 Douglas. BIO T71OHHRNT Orgnns , J3 per month. Hospo , JJ 1513 . T Sqtiaro Piano , $3 monthly. A. IIospo , 1513 Douglas. VII Foil LKASK-lSlots In Parkn's addition on Clark and Eaundors Sts. Amos , 1007 Far nam. 350 BAHOAINS in improved and unimproved property. W. II. Green , 215 8 l.ith st. KM BAXE-MISCEr.r.AlIEOUS. 3T oH HALi : Horse and buggy , cheap at 1421 Howard street. 318-12' TTum SAI.K 1 span Drown mnros. Inquire at J- ? Egan Ilros. . aid and Loavonworth. FOH SAI.K AMiorso power holler and on- Hlno cheap , at Omaha Safe und Iron Woiks. . ginnv7 TJ OH HALK Ono good liorso. 1010 Farnam. J : 200 _ T71OH HA LiAt a but gain , furniture and lease J- complete , of the 6t Paul hotel : btst hotel lo cation on this road ; Oakland , Neb , A 0 Smith 247-lZp TJ1OH 8ALI3 1 flno parlor set , 1 bed room sot : Ju good as now. Apply A. A. A. 172 T31OH SALK Tlio best general merchandise Jbuslno < s In northwest Nobrus < < u. For par ticulars address McCord , Umdy & Co. , Omaha1 Neb , U214 T71OHSALE Squarn piano , $50 , monthly pny- Jmonts. . IIospo. lull ! Douglai. 107 tfi1OH.SALl5 ] Luncli counter and rostauran J- fittings , gas llxturos , und largo boating stove , at the Senate , 1505 Furnam. Inquire at olllco of J. J , O'Connor , llth street , between Douglas and Fariuuu. ICO Tj""bH SA"Li : Match teams und hordes of al J.1 kinds to suit customers nt Star Sale Stables , 20th and Cumlng. JL Cannon , Prop. 777 T710H SALIA now steam roller mill In NoTT J- business locality : line wheat country ; but llttlo competition ; $17,500 ; cost more. w. II. Urcon.ai5813th st. O T7 > OKSALE-Chcaproadcirtnt ; 1507 N IUth -T street. 2 > > 13 FOH SAL13 ITprlifht piano. SW ) , monthly payments. Koipo , 15111 Douglas. TirANTIJIl A good nrst , and pastry rook. 11 AddressTrcmontllotisu , Lincoln , Neb. 438- " 1 17ANT1 < D A girl for general housework. TT Work easy. Family of two. l'loaiuit homo for aioliablo gbl. Itoforcnccs required. Apply at once at 201V O.iss street. 43'J-K ! * WANTii : ) Competent clrl for general house worlc Call git N. ICth-bt. 428-12 TVTANTi : ! ) 13 good gills for general houso- Vt woik ; gnod ngea ; places given free. Call Omnhit KinployiiiciH lluteau , 1120 Farnam st. WANTKO A competent middlo-agod wo man ns uurso for small children ; refer ences loqulicd. Apply ut residence of J. G. Chapman , No. 1115 Puik avo. 410-15 TTAN'Tii > A woman who understands TV housekeeping : satisfactory references re quired. Apply 2201 Dodgu street. 415-14 \\TANTKD-A good cool : at 210 North Sith \ > strcet.Addi-ossD 70 , Ilco olllco. 42J-KI * A"\7ANTKI U\iicrlcncoil gill for general > T boii'cwork. Apply ut n o cor. ISth mid Loavemvortb. 373 TXr.VXri : ! ) GUI forKenoml housouork , U.14 W Douglas st. _ & > 7-12 WANTKD A good grl ! for goncral hoii"o- woi k 2443 Capitol uromio. US5 W ANXii > 1 shirt maker and 1 basque ma- kcr. Apply ut BUN IStli struct _ IJ20 \X 7AJfTiil A girl for general housework ; Binall family. At Itll" Cuss st. SOI WA NTUD First-chiefs second girl. 20th St , 1 block Eoutli St. Jlury'snvo. ills , llowcu. * - _ M7ANTiil : A good girl for general house work : must lo a good plain cook. Apply at onco. Sill ) St , Mary's. 211 _ W ANTii : > A gill for general housework ; Danish preferred ; nt 1S17 Cass st. 2J1 7AXTiii ; A good woman cook ; good wages. Address City Hotel , I'nlrmoiit , Neb. 447 WANTED MA-tTJ HELP. WANTUD A snmrt boy to learn the print- liiB business : apply U o'clock a in. Oniaha Lilhofrriiphlng and Stationery Co. 4o7-li ! \\7ANTKH-A sober , rellnblo man to sell M goods ; steady employment ; rol'cienco ? . Call at IL'l S. 10th st. 41-M4 * _ WANTKn Two good advertising solicitors. Call at Commorci il collciro on Farnam street. Liberal p ly. lit'J- WANTED Pnrtnor A man with SIM or 200 In u good paying business. Address I ) El , llcoolllce. 31M-18 * _ V\7ANT15D Competent engineer nnd ma il chlnost with trcod references desires situa tion. Steam , PJutts- mouth , Nob. lEIJ-lU * \l7ANTKD-Salosmon for a Rluplo slilollne ; TT Ijbcral commissions : Kn'irhts ' of Lihor brand : latest gift inducements with the goods. Union n. P. Co. , 48 Laho street , Chicago. U ± J-1U WANTKll Oroeery salesman for side line ; staple articles v.ith uost gilt indticomunt on the niuiUot ! HbCi'iU commissions ; on the market 8 roars. ChlcujoVoiks , CO Lnko street. T.IT'ANTISD Two first ciass coat maki-rs and TT one ppntnloon miilior. nt unoo. Highest wages paid. Harnaby ft Ollllck , U'Si O street , Lincoln , { tob. 2& : WANTUD A younjf nitt'i or rollnblo boy with u borso to curry a route on Kvunlna ; Dally Ik'o _ SM TT ANTEii-Two ilr'it class contmnkora. Ad TT dress Johnilorrjbon , Lincoln. 2 1 WANTED 20 young mon and ladlo' to on- gage In tho'telegraph sorvloc. Address W. J. J , Crounso ulock , ICth st. OUi.'l * WANTKDUgood canvasjorj tti soil furni ture on Installments. Cull on M. F. Mar tin , 310 South IStli fit. tin ANTUD Sixteen Imrnoss nmxorj at Bto. W man llras , , I'Mi and Do l.iro au. ii BITUATIOJT WAIfTED. WANTED lly a young D.ino , sltuutlnuasa bartender or coachniHii , Address I ) 09 , ncooplco. 41I-13 * \ \TANTKD .lly experienced dressmaker , > > ork In families bytUu day. M.I.No. KIN. 16th stioot. 407-la % \ \ 7ANTiA situation In any Kind of olllco. by a young man : ono year's experience in a law olllco ; uddrcss II , 2iiJ Cuininir st. i'iS-U. " WANTliD Situation by young man just from the east lu wholesale or retail luisl- Kofcroucu , .Address I ) 03 , Ilcu ollleo. 303-12 * WANTKD Situation by n , yountr man azoj 22 , la any wholesale or rotull business. Ac. dross I ) . fcJIleo olllco Ui4.11 > LiiGCEr.r.Ain3ous WANTS. ANTKD-Tpumsfor railroid work. K. 8 AlbilKlit , Labor'Agency , 1JJ3 Furnam-st 427-17 WANTKD Desk room ; olllco on giound floor preferred , Addro&s NV. . J. , Itco 0111 co. 423-13 * a unfurnished rooms not fur WANTKD mil Ilurnuy at onco. Address I ) Of , Heo Olllco. 400-1.1 * \TT-VNTJ : 10J houses Mid collates to rent. IT Can Hnljou good tenants ut once. Mn- lionoy.VJhrrii , Itoom ll.iruu Farnnm ilTiin'J * W.VNTKU 'l\i lluy , a nicely located cattogo of 5 la 7 rooms , and pay lu monthly In- Elnlliucius of not to cioed twice Its rental ; btato jinco unJ losatloi ) . Address I ) C7 , Ilco otlico " \\7ANTIJ11 To buy n good EUbetautlal sco- i T oiid-huud top bngg ) and harness. Addrces Julius. Uox S23. tlmnha. CtO-lJ' W7V.N I'KM-UVaius. ' steady \vprk. li. 3. AU brlfht , U.-It-'lJibor Aeet.oy , 1303 I rnam tticct. isa-io * \ \ , ANTKD Toiont n residence with 0 or 10 > ' vooini , ilrct c-lttsj housuhold cojtvunleuces nnd situated near the center of the city. Ail- drcssC. K. Mnync , B , W. cor. Faruam and 15th BIS. 1'JO ' " \\rANTKD-To nuy v second-hand typo. M wrlli-r. J. U. llayncs & CX < . , Ornuha. - \\7.\NTin : 'fo trade , lot in I'ialnvlow add for > i a fulr of young her oathut ntu good single ilr.VL'i-s , r ono g-ood horto , hanicbj i\u < i butrgy. J Icuu < x Mourn Li. I'uruiuu. til REHT HOCBES A1TD I.OTS. _ t _ _ _ _ , , , V THOU HUNT Two cottngcg , Jrrooms , now JP Apply to Charles Ogden , 18th nna Douglas. _ 131-1 1 KENT 10-room house , modern im provements ) good location. Vdwln Davis. Heal Estate and Loan agent , 1503 Viunani. 429-14 Oil IlENT-S house ? , Hush It Solby , 21S ISth 347-15 St. _ SAI.K Two-ltory hou o of 7 room" , lot FOIt , in the test of looitlono , on .Hod Car line , J3.&JO cosh. Inquire PaclOo Tolcgranb * 581-13 oflleo. 1J1OII IlKNT 7 room house 2014 Durtstroo . Jj 8 13 * _ IT KINT : House with 8 rooms. Inquire J.1 2510 Capital avo. 221-13 _ Fen ItKNT 2 stores. 1412 8. 13th st. O. II. Peterson. W4 _ _ _ _ ' inruiTNT i brickTtbres on SotitU lath St. -I ? bet. Howard and Jackson , Paulscn & Co. , J513 1'arnam St. 6K > TT OU HKNT Urlck yard.T.'Murrayi 531 HKNT A tract'of 5 nerea of excellent Foil land suitable for market gardening , small house , stable , etc. , cheap. The land lloa near Fort Omaha. Inquire 1310 Jones St. 880-13 * HUNT Farm of 100 acres , twelve mlles FOH Omaha- Apply at the Omaha Finan cial Exchange , S\V corner of 16th and Farnatn. . OH HKNT 400 acres of flno farm land near J.i 1 Omaha , In quantities to suit. Wilt rent on shares or for cash. Marshall fcLobook. 1511 Furiinmst. 401-13 TTitm HUNT Doolrablo residence , 0 rooms , -I ? 8iInn's2d ! add ; house of 0rooms , South fith , also 3 barns with lofts. J. Phlpps Hoe , Box 557. 4o4 SAT.B At a bargain , nno 0-oom house FOH with modern conveniences : full lot : on Harnoy st , near 25thi f3A > Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnamst. _ 058) ) HKNT A 4-rootn house ; comfort ; good Foil , east Iront 8 38 18th St. 3bl-12 ( * OKHKNT-Gnrdonlurrn. 00) S. llth St. 729 _ OR HKNT-Nlco 0-room cottage. S. T. Potorson. S. E. cor. 15th and Douglas. 581 rOE BENT-BOOMS. OH HKNT Nicely furnished rooms with nil modern conveniences. 010 N 17th. 432 TT ! OK HKNT B-room house , SE cor 10th nnd J- and IMclllo. Owen Whalon. _ 118-14 * EOH HUNT For light housekeeping , rooms , furnished or unfurnished , lu lioemor's Ulock. cor Eighth and Howard. _ 43J OH HUNT Nicely located unfurnished rooms , single or on sulto. at o\oc 10J7 How- aril street , _ 421-13' ItKNT Parlor bed room with use o 1 parlor two ffontlomon. llororoncos ronulrod 714 a UtU street. _ 403-12 * lfiNT : A n'cely ' furnished largo fiont FOH room , with alcove. Mis. filuy Hess , 323 northwest cor. Sixteenth and llari oy. :107-12 : * HKNT Two nicely furnished rooms , FOH _ 20UCassSt. _ _ " _ 875-13 _ UUN'r" Unfurnished room ou reason- Foil terms , IfrlG Cosa st. _ 3 5 OH HKNT Furnished room with board for two gentlemen at 701 S. Ifcth 8t. 371-12 * HKNT Hooms nt S201 Farnnm st , , nicely furnished , modern Improvements. Hoiird f UPS Ircd. Hcfciciicosruqulrod. _ 3iV-10 * HKNT 3-rooms , rollar , city water , nt FOH N 13th St 403-13 * HKNT Ono furnished bod-room with Foil of parlor.510 per month , 1511 California , 21HJ-10 * OH IIKNT Furnished front room 2 blocks from depot , 1011 South llth St340111 * HKNT Prottj' llttlo furiilshdii loom ? 0 FOH month , llrouklust if doslrod. Apply B \V eoruor 21st and Hurt. Horse cars hnnd . HKNT Elegant lurulshod rooms with unexceptionable board. Address I ) ! . Ileo ollieq . | MS-13 * 17)011 ) KENT Furnished rooms. C07 N. 17th St. Jj 341-10 * TnoR HKNT IVo . .luinT so'iuoly' fiitnhhod JA parlors ; bay" WJn'dQWa modcrnionvpn : ioncca. 1720Cnpitol live. 1T4-10 * HKNT Furnished room 4U1 N luth st. FOH aiU-18' ' HKNT 3 unfurnished rooms suitno o FOH houi-ekevplng ; roforenceatcqulrnd ; a | > - plyjit N\V corj9th and Clmrles street. _ : ; -0 * _ FOli HKNT Furnished rooms. 102fCaitol | avenue. 110-15 * HKNT Nloolv fnnilshe'd. rooms with or Foil board. 710 South 14th 6t. 2P510 * "I71OH HKNT A'largo front room , furnlohc'i , J3 suitable foi-2 gentlomeii , 2112 llarney. 313-10 TT1OH HKNT 2 ntocly furnished rooms. Cnll Jt ? on Jlr. lloyd/1510 Douglas. ' 277-10 HUNT Two looms upstairs or one largo front room down ftnlrs , on Chailos bticet , second door from Buundors street. 207-12 FOH HKNT Neatly furnished rooms ; mod ern conveniences ; near street cur line ; Itoforenccs given nnd required. Addioss Il.caro llullou llros. , city. 204-13 * TTIOH HKNT A nicely furnished room , with -U or without board , lor ono or two gentlemen 1171S DodgoSt. lifJ TJ1OH HKNT OITlco ami f-toro room. Gratton Jj & Drtimmond , 1315 Harnoy. SW ! FOH HKNT Two nicely furnished rooms In corner houeo on street ear line , 2227 Dodge Bticot. 873-13 * Foil HKNT Two nicely furnished rooms , with board , with fill iiiodoru conveniences. 8223 Dodgu. ' 73fl " 17011 HKN'r Kloguiit and deniable rooms , J1 liirnlshod or unfurnlsbod. 10U7 Douglas Bt. Holercncos roqtilro I of applicants. ( .05 TT10H HKNr With board , ono largo nlooly JU furnished front room , n'ld bath room at 140U Jones St. 878 l HUNT Furnished rooms , single an ! on v suite , with or without AOilrossOBt , Ilco Olllco. 810 1-OB BALE-KOlTSE3-IOT3. A BIKS I'LACK-Chcapest city lots. 411 ' PLACK BKUI'OKD Insldotho city limits. Choice lets WiJO. Cunningham tc Hrounan , IDH Dodge. ) I'IACK-Is what yoiithouldsoo BKltroiii . Tlio lota in this addition nro pluc.M at prices that will enable you to make u lurtjo pro lit on your Investment. ' I'l.AC'K Como and see this now BKIM'OHD addition Inside the city llinltK , and secure ono of the best lots lor f TO. Wudo not reserve any lots. Take your choice. Cumiirnlmin & Ilioniuui. BKIH'OHI ) I'l.AOIO , if you want u good ill- VOBllllOllt. BT1)FOH1J ; PLACi : Is r.oarlto street car l ljio. . KDI'OHD 1'LACK s Inside the city limits B rjEDlOUD I'LACK- 13 Choice lots JJOU. Cunnlnvluuii & Ilronimn , 1511 Iod o. SALE Lots In Ur.nscom Tlaco EOH from M23. Cunningham A : llrennnn , 1511 DO > IK . FOH SAl.U-Chenp houses and lots In all purls of the city. Cunn'ngham & ilionnan , IMlhodgO ; \\7AAII1NGTON HILL > i Cheapest uqroj , Good Imostrnaut. Cuniilnghuin A ; Hrounan , 1511 Uo'go. . FOHSAI.I5 Ten asros near Walnut Hill Just the thlm ; to pint I'd ) ) tin iiero. t'ou this nt oiicu. Cunnuife'lum At Hroiuian.HU Dodge. inon SAM : Thirty acres justnoith of city limits wlll'b ? for ? J5) un acre , Cun- nlnghmn t : Ilioiinan , i'lll Dodge. BARGAINS ' ' See o ir ' List. iiKhuBi 'Hionnan , ' > 1511 Dodge , 'i. "ji t.892-10 JONAS' AVIUT/ON VI09 Furnatn'Strect. 1110-10 BAHUAINS 3 good nouses , Jllllurd I'lacu , Very chpui- ] Cunnlughain k Prennan. 1511 Dodge , 305-8 FOH BALK Or. Trade-Improved and unlm- lirovpd lands In Furnas und ether western counties. Addrosi Wm. Slmoral , Araiiahoe , Furnaa Co. , Nob. _ a75 RKDIUK'S dltOVK-Only $800 to J1.201 for lots in this location Is exceptionally ohoap. All the rixiulultoi for u tlrbt-clues liomo locution. See Itcdlck's Grove. , Uues , 1507 Funwiu. 411 lots , for sMo. Rush J. & Sclby.JilSjSth st. 85W5 T7\OH \ SAL > tK < rU > 7. U. Urons * o.,1613Doi JJ street ! i , . " Ifargoinslri . ' Lots with trackage , llcsldeneo .property , Acre propbHn LotswithcOttifaes , Lotswlth bouses , I/ots with warehouses , Lots with uttek blocks. Pnrtlot.cctttnfro , Mason , near 10th , 81,590. ' Corner lot. IStli ft , CfixlSW. $1V > 0. Choice residence lots , Marsh riaco. Klcgnnt hainoon | Pleasant st , S7'WO. ' 124 foot , can Wont , Itugan'g add , $1,800. 132 feet , cast'thint ' , llagan's ndd , fl. " ) . Flno cottage , barn , otc , KV Smiths add , , Now cottago.clstorn , otc , Prospect , ! > 50 Corner lot , Arbor Placo. near school , f GvO. ISth st , corner , 140x12) . $1,100. 15lh st , 120 foci front , $3(00. ( Bunnytldo lots , choice , $ WX ) to $1.W > . Fine lot and cottigo , Clarendon , $1,251. t2 feet front , Castollar st. with cottage , $2,53a Ilcautlful half ncro , Glso R ndd , $1XM ( , Acre lots , Fatrvlow , on 10 years' time , $303. Half aero , Park Place , $ lm 10 foot front oich on 2 streets with g d cottage tago and barn , $1,200. Corner , half lot good cottage , Shlnn's add , Full'lot , two cottages , Shlnn's add , $2,100. 132 foct , south front , Nicholas st , with track- ago , $0,00.1. lots In Shlnn's add , $750. Ixits In Loavonworth Terrace , $750. Hast front. Virginia nvo , now 7-rooin house , cistern , oto , $3,500. Full lot , Georgia ave , north of street car line , "Full lot , 2 cottaffos. Hoggs & Hill's 1st , 82,530. Lots in South Omaha. Lots In West Sldo. Lots in Walnut Hill. Lots In any addition nt original prices , nnd terms to suit purchasers. Consult you own Interest by consulting our lists. J. II. Evans & Co , , 1513 Dodge street. 301-12 MKS PLACK-No grading needed : level lots. Amos , 1507 Fnrimni st. 411 inono For2 lots , 3 dwellings , cream of lo cations. Hush ASelby , 218 15th st. | / < OH BALK Lots In Lowe's 1st addition , J2 south fronts , easy terms , only $503. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam st. 851 ORSALK-Atow bftho best ots in Wllcox's add. at $000 ouch. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Far- namst 855 NKWPOHT acres make 5 city lots. Amos , 1607 Fariiam. 411 Iron SALK lly Hell & JlcCniidllsh , 1511 . Dodge street. Cottage and lot , Loavcnworth St , $3,500 House , barn and two lots near Leaven- woith , $3.501 West Side lots , Loavcnworth St. exten sion , S300. Liu go hou o , east front , near Park i.vo. . $4,100 Etorv nnd half cottage , full lot near Park uvo. , $ n,500 Two houses ami lots on Park avo. , ono $1,000 and the other $5,000 East front lot on Virginia avc. near St. Mary's uvo. . 75 feet front , ? 3OUO. West Sldo lots , $ .100. Talrvlow acres $300 , ou long time. Hoi o and lot on Clmrlcs street. $3,000. WoH Side lots , $ -00. ! SI5-15 . FOH8ALI2 Ilojtfj aero tracts In the market , onlj' $ SM per acre. Inquire about them. Potter it Cobh , 151" > Farnam. 859 FOHSALi : Aero lota , Glso's add. , only 3I.5DO Potter & Cobb. 1J15 F.lrnam. 857 WlllCIti ; CAN jou llnd acres to match our No port lots ? Wo now olfir the best part of Newport. Amo' , 15'J7 ' Farnam. 411 T7UJH SALi : First-class residence property Jon St. Mary's live. : largo lot , good house and o.lor innrovctnonts : price reasonable : terms easy. Coahriin Ilros. 15J ! ) Farnnm. 705 RKC'K l.iss people pay ? 8 , XX ) for a v.icnnt lot when they can buy the ta-no kind of a lot of us back ot high school with cottage and nlcclv improved for ? 5OOJ. Ask about this. Hush & Si'lby , 21S Fifteenth street. 359-15' iiICK'S GHOVK , Ames , 1607 Farnam. 411 Foil SAtK Imiirovod larms , by Ilnmlln & llro\vn,311 S. llth street , Omaha , Nob. Cass County , Nebraska : KV Slil4.27,10 , 12. bO acres , about throe miles from Avoca ; ry ) acres under cultivation. . , Oton County , Nebraska : ' NW4 ! , 31,9,13,1BO acres , Improvomontsn 120 , acres under cultivation and now corn crib. NE'i,31 , n , 13 , 100 acres , impiovoments ; 155 acres under cultivation , with a double coriicrlb , now. SWH , 31,9,13 , ICO acres ; 00 acres under culti vation. SW4,28,8.13. ! l ! > Sttcroslmprovomonts113 ; ners under cultivation , and a now hedge fence all around the farm. S\\'h,5 , U , 12,100 acres ; 100 acres under culti vation. SWK.4,8,12,100 acres : 120 under cultivation , with n good dwelling , stubloouthouses and corn crib" . All of the above lands within 4 miles of Dun- bar. bar.N Yi no U. 10-S-ll , 80 acres ; o li a w W , 19-8-11 , 80 acres ; so H l'J-8-11 ' , 100 acres : KO acres one and uhiilf mlles southwest Syracuse , known us the Chorn farm. 30J acres under cultivation , has two good dwellings , barns , cribs , otc. All the above lands will bo sold on favorable terms. For prices further Information call on or mlilre.-s linmlln & Itron'ii. real estate dealers , 311 South llth st. Omahii , Neb. 910-20 * 131KS PLACK Not u poor lot in the addl- A tion. 411 AL L AUK'S ADDITION Askabout $1,600 homo. Hush & Sclby , 218 15th tt. 35U5 US1I & 8L-L1JY Imvo for pulo nil the II V Hhodcs property. Ask about it. 218815th 348-15 - N KWl'OHT IIM sold faster than any ncro properly over oflcrod. Ames , 1507 Farmim. Lumvioil K HKAY. Itcul Hstato llrokors , S. E. Cor llth and Douglas. Hmiscom Pliuo losldoncesfor sale , Uioom cottngo li F. block 10,100x150. Will divide. Klogunt cottage E. F. block 3,100x153. Will divide. 1 room cottage n. F. , block S , 50x181. 4 room cottage W. F. , block 15,150x150. Will divide. 5 room cottage I * r , block 19,50x110. Five o room cottages , north 17th. Monthly payment * . 14 room house , J. I. HeJIck's sub-dlv. , Park ave , 75 \ 110. 10 room house , Terrace add. W i111x110. , . Will divide. Five eolt'igo * , Bhull's add. N. F. , C0xl03. Klugiint losldaneo , Wuhstor St , S. F. , 33x13 ! , between IMh iinlUth. 2 elegant inslilunciH between Webster nnd Hurt , OixliBNorth Illtli. 2elegant lujldonoos , Chicago St , fflxlM , each between Itlli and IUth. nublnoss property , corner on Douglas , improved - proved , 44x13 ! . Huslncss property cor. on Oth and Ilurncy , COx Lot 2 , block 10J , fiflxISS Corner on Harnoy near 18th , 64x77 , 22 foot front on Douglas near 15th. 41 loot ou 10th between JuckBon and Fnrnam. Lots In Aniblur'H Plucu , Hawtliorno , IxJts lu HaiiSL'om 1'luco , Thornhurg Lots liiCortland Place , Isiuio & Sheldon's. Lots in Put k Place , Shlim's add. Lota in Elizabeth Place , Oniuhu Vlow , lts In Mlllurd , li. V. Smllh'8. "To bo sold iirivn days , " 4 lots In Thornburg , "To bo sold liuton days , " 1 lot on Cumlng Ht. "To bo soln In ton days , " 2 lots In Lake's ndd. "Tii bo oM fn'leii ' days , " 2 lots In Sunny Sldo. "To ho told'in'tim days , " < A lot ou Sauudors St "To bo sold In ton day , " 1 block In itoyd's adiL For bargulns q il and see us. Ludwlck & Soay , . li. cor. 15 t Dopglaa. 1UO _ UDICK'ft.cjfOVi : 1 block from28lh street school lipuWt'tarnam strrot , to bopuvedS blocks beyond , Bringing Uodlok's Grove 140 feet from pin oU ttruots uuu cars. Amos , 1507 Fur- llttlll Bt \ " ' . I ( 411 > l,40oliyifir full Iqt , now house , well > cistern , nllcopiplotomv part city. Hush if Sl'lhy , 218 15th ft > f U53-15 OKNTS u Fauaro lo ° t w'l' ' ' huy Ililljldc lot HuahJ jj1hy,8IB Fiftccntli Blrcct. bCU-l , FOH H.XAIVy r oxchaugo , Wood Lund for Omaha ciljMironerty , 177 acres Wood Laud sltuuloil iieuvttoitMissouri Ittvor , about 1 mile toiith of U 1 ! 1Cit bitdgo , Iowa side , For fur ther | iartlcuturs"iiiriuiioof W 1 linker , 1001 27h street. SlilmrVadd. Oniaha , Noli. siT-lii * "I71AUNASI hT. will bo paved 5 blocks bryond JJ Hodtck's Grovo. Can you find lots IH uuiir ns this at the prlco asked ? Ames , 15,7 Farnnm. " 17UW h.VLi-jUtlnPoIhum Place , $375 , easy 11 torms. . liunscom I'laco. $750 to S1.003 , Ixit on Virginia avo. , fci.OJO. 2 lots In Hunnysldo , jiSUO , 2 lots on West Furnatn St. , Ix > t In I.owo's add. , { 150. Coiner lot lu Lono'budd. , Lot on Ilatnlltou St. , i'JW. 2 low on llumlltoii St. , f 1,000. , . Corner lot in Prospect Place , t7W. Coriicron tiiriiaiut3t..ivJxl > J ft. f. 0.000. 2 houses und full lot , 1 9th near \Vohstcr , f ,9JM. Zlots in Liiio'sudd. , * 1,175 and * 1.20J each. li lot and Oroora house , Izurd St. , uear 20th , Li5 feet ou S 13th fit , f 11,001 3 lots on 24th St. , ( X > , OUO. 2 lots on Decatur St. 61,600. Ix > t on S3rd St , S1.500. I/t In Nelson's add. , f 1,703. . House and lull lot , barn , well , etc. , on Ilarail- , tpn St. , t l.BOO. Easy terms Goo. P. Iloinla 15th und Douglas SU. 873 ' , ' 5 , oou- For business corner 10th und How $ ard. Uushi ; Sclby , 218 15th St. POR SAT.r ny J. U. ntloy , Rooms 4 nnd 6. Oranltn HlooK. Slots In Itaitletfn addition $1,030 nnd l , ja B lots , Ilurr Oak , JOJ lo $ ! UO. 3 lots , Jtoyd's addition , f 300 each. 81otsNs. 'ottago.20thSt.near Knrnam , 3,000. House - i : lot , 9thStnotr Farnam , $2,000. Wl feet oil llarney near Ktth St , r22.r > X > . 10 lots near ItcdandQrocn oar lines , JOoO to $750. It feet on Oth and JonosSK , $3,00X ( 1 feet on llth St. , at end viaduct , $13,099. 25 lots , llnnseom Place , $7JO to fl.s.V ) . SSIots , Hawthorne Place. $400 to $ < ViO , 8 lot" , HillMJo addition. $7.vl to $1,40) . Slots , Lake's addition , $1,175 to $1.200. 5 lots , Marsh's aildltton , $775 to $2,3J3. 1 lot , Nelson's addition. $2IWO. Mots , Polham Placo. Jo.O to $ : v5a f > lots , Potter's addition , $000 to $700. 3 lots , J. I. Kodlck's addition , $1,500 t firoom house and lot , S. 15th St. r-V. HOUJO nnd lot , barn , oto. , S. I5th St , 3,500. lint on S. 14th St. . near Caotcllnr , $1 Ul foot front on Campbell Bt , { 1,500. lAits In Shull's addition $1,2i > l. 6 lot ? . Shlnn'sSivl addition. 9T&9 to $1,503. Lots In Thornhurg , $550. 7 lots , West Omaha addition , cheap. n lots , Walnut Illll , $175. House of 4-roonn.2 lotn , Watcwt Hill , f 1,450. Acre lot , Washington Hill , $750. B aero lots , Mavflold , JXiO per acro. In addition to the ubovo , I have n largo ll't of holco rcsldonco and business lots , also subur ban acre property. For snlo by ,1. B. Hlley , Heal Kstnto and I/oan Ilrokor , Rooms 4 nnd 5 , uranlto Block , 15th St. near Furnam. _ P3t ! Ij'OH SAlK A first class now 10 room housa r with all modern improvements , and a good barn , chlckun house , &e. , all In lluo order , with three lots , south front , commatulln ? a tine view , Walnut Hill adJIllnn. Terms oa y. In- quIrooftXL. Urlcksou , of Edholm & P.rlokson , opp. P. O. _ 645-apr31 FOHSALH-Tn-olotsIn Plain view , ? 453 each. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Farnam si. 1 53 _ " " "oil SALE-Thrco flno lots in Shlnn's 3d odd. ntSSJO ouch. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnatn. 847 _ $5ooo for full lot with house , back high school , east front ; must foil , party going to leave. Hush At dolby , 218 St 840-15 _ FOHSALK Illsrllargaln Corner In Isano * Soldon's addition , only 3 blocks from Loav- onworth St. , 132x121 , only $1B3J. Potter * Cobb , 1515 Farnam st 853 40 ( ) for lot In Lo o's nldltlon. Itush & Solby.218 3. Fifteenth stioet. IMM5 _ TT1OH SAI.K Special ll.lrgilln 3 story storo' Jt : new , residence ubovo : corner on 8 13th St : pavement ; 25 foot lot ; ? -'l,0Xl ( : rents for 20 per cent. W. II. Oroon , 215 S ISth. U l _ iCKiTK Corner Cases In walnut or cherry , $1.05 per foot. Nectar fiamoi , same price. Spring hlngos. Eureka Show Case Co , 20S-210 Lake 81 , Chicago. IKJmS $1,100 will buy nrgo store building on 10th St , nnJ a ten year loao. Look nt this bar gain. Hodman & Thompson , Hodlck Block , 1511 Farnnm , up-EUIr * . 8'Jl ' KKDICIC'S GHOVK Nearest and most de sirable lots In this city ; convenient to cars , paved streets , stores , eliurches , und schools. Bco Kodlck's Grovo. Ames , 1507 Turnum st. 411 VTATUHAI , HHADK in Hodick's Grove. Noar- i- > est dcslinble residence lots. Amos , 1507 Futniun. 411 FOH SALK-By W. H. Grcou , 215 S. 13th Btteet. 08 feet ou rnrnnni business $22,000 CO loot on Howard business corner 20.0CO 33 feet ou Haruey business corner 2.1,000 22 loot on Farnam with 2-story brick stoio 25.0JO Gfl.vlS'J Farnam st. corner 25,100 44 feet on rurnnm near 18th with flno house 12,000 105 foot corner on Farnam 2J.OOO 44 feet on Furnam 7,700 110 loot on I'urnam 17,400 liU ) feet corner on Farnain 20,000 22 foot on Farnam fi.OO ) 60 feet on Farnam , good house 7,250 132x132 corner on Farnatn ' . 10,500 20J foot on Fnrnmn 10,000 The above nro all great bargains. Itcsldcnco lots In every part ot the city at reasonable prices. Low-ptlccd lots for poor mon whore It will make them money. Hosldoncos from S-CO.OOO to $1,200. See our list bolero buying. W. II. Green , 215 S. 13th st 384 NATUHAI , GKOAVTII shade trees such as you find In ItoJick's Grove are u rarity In Nebraska. Secure your homo lot in Itodlck's Grove before priced advance. Amos , 1507 Fur- num. 411 OKNTS per sq. ft for lot In Lowe's add. ItusU & Solby , 218 S. 15th. 363-1D TjlOIl SALE Cottairo on Cadwoll St. , 01 corns. JJ S2.100 to $2A'5J ; fi'OJ cabh , balance small monthly payments. Cottage on Saunders St ; $230 ns cash payment will buy it f 300 us cash payment will buy you nn elegant homo on Lake St ono block from street cars. S100 cash payment will buy you u nlc'e house on Highland st three blocks trom street cars. $1(0 ( cash payment will buy u nice home near Popploton's place. Jf you want to buy real ostnto call on Hlgglns & Park. If you want to sell real estate leave number of lot with us and wo will soil It for you. lllj.-gius & Park , 091-11 15LJ Douglast St , $3,5OO for model homosouth part town , coin- ploto conveniences. Hush A : Solby , 218 St. 350.1fi , und dwelling MYH. near future Hrownoll Hall , cheap ; half cash , balance small monthly payments. V. L. Vo- dlcka.020 8.13th st. Oil HAVK YOU soon Hcdick's Grove ? If not , come and look at the bout residence lots hi west part of town. Ames , 1DU7 Farnam. 411 POH SALE Cheap lots in Burr Oak , lust east of llnnseom Park , noarstrootcttr3$75J , easy terms. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Farnam st 854 Il SALh. uno cur mules nnd 10 head of hoiscs , at2J7 10th St 3QS-23 * OOMK AND SKK the aero lots wo offer. They cannot bo matched In location , prlco or terms. Ames. 1507 Farnam. 411 FOHS.VLC 1-oiir lors , cor. lyihfornla and iUth sts. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on Cumlngsti > SMuiid f359 euoh. Potter & Cobh , 1515 Furiium st. S19 SIKS I'LACK Lots sold to those who want A homes they can pay lor. 411 13 CKNT.S per snuai'O foot will buy lot lu Hnwthorno. Hush & Solby , 218 S. 15th. iWl-15 FOHHALK-nibson 1ms for sale lots in Huna- com Place , S3H to $ l,8l)3. Gibson has for sale houses and lots In Hans- corn Place. Gibson has for sale houses and lots In all parts f the city. Gibson has improved farms ntrl lands in all partu of Nebraska fors.ilo or oxchansro. Ulbson bus thousands of ucros at land in Western Nebraska lor sale from (3 to $1 per acre. Gibson would like to BOO you If you want to buy or sbll. Glbsaii'als the place to list your property. Cull and see him ut Itoom3 , Wlthnoll llloclc , cor. 15th nnd llaniOYSts. 333 KD1CH'8 OHOVK Natural growth shade R lots just n mlle irom poetolllcc , 800 to f 1,200. Ami1 ! ) , 1537 Farnam st , 411 SA LK Tha Omaha Itoal Estuto and Loan POH . cio not advertise ta largely ns some , but they have just us larKO a list ot property ns any other linn , und it will pay you to nee thorn bo- forobuylna- is mnmwd by old nnd well- known residents of the elty , and nothlntr but bonorablo und upright deallni ; Is Indulged lu , Tliolrollloo lslloomiri _ Wltlinoll IUoolt.iWT _ _ _ _ . _ IT KSIJHVliUi.OTSln Newpoit now I'ormluiU yiuQ per acie. Amos , 1507 Farnain. 411 FOH SALIS Vi aero lot , a KOO 1 c-rooin bouso , aurocory store , with stables , out-liouses an 1 city water , d near Loa von worth , runt ttft.O ) or mo. , prlco $3,5a ) . This U a Qr3t rate Invost- mont. Omaha Koal Estuto & Loan Co. , Itoom ) BS and 23 , Wlthnell block. 710 IIY pay J800 for a poor lot In Ilurr Oak when we will eell not only u good ono but the very best on complete urudo , fust front , 6751) ) . Itush dcSelby , L'J ISth Bt , _ 351-iS N 'KU'l'OliT neiiest7 best acres. See lor your&ult that thucholceot Newport wo now ollur , Ames , 1577 Furnuin. _ SI TT1OH8ALE Several doslrublo buslnubs lots JJ on 16th St. , and bualuoss and rosldeuco loU in nil parts ot the city. Also warehouse , hotel and farm property. Houses to rent. 1'roporty ghowu fi'ou of charKO and u larva IUt to select iroinnt prices runsjmsf from f J3) ) to ? 10,00) . 1'ar- tlesdeslrlmr to Invest should look over our list nnd prlQys before buylnu. Correspondence solicited - licitod and Information about the cltv freely given. Omaha Uoal Kstato & Loaa Co. . o ° ' aJ , Wlthnell niook. Omaha. 7 1 _ A 5fi5rr'irACK itttlots""fortho money lit JLOmaha. . Sold so that the man of moderate moans can get u homo oil' easy terms , bco Ames I'lnco. Ames , 15'J7 FurnAm. _ ill i A OKNTH"a siiuuro foot will buy lot In Hans- 1U com 1 Ijoo. Itus1 ! & . Scjby , 18 a 15th. 8ftM5 IIKHK LHt your property with us , LOOK Improved or unfmprovod city property , farms , ranchei.stocks of goo Jswhich ou tloblroto soil or oichungo for other proper- yy , Mahony & Harris , room 11 , 1609 Fiiruam. 10 AOHliS Near city limits. Justthu thing topai ] , 1X ( ) J per acre. CuunuiKhuin & Dr nun ' , 1511 Dod/o. i UJi-8 NMrrORT oommnndfl unsurpawed views of town and country. No property sold on easier tenns. No jiropcity bettor worth tlio irloo. Ames , 1M7 Farnam. 411 A Mis : PLAOK-Xoluch lots In any other lo- -CX. enllty nt the prices asked. 411 TT1OU SAI.M An Improved 5-aorn lot in Tut * JL1 tie's subdivision. M , E. James , Fort Omaha. _ _ IffS-lO * AMis IM.AOli-Kasy terms ; bettor iirlccs than anr other addition gives you. 411 property to trade for $2,000 farm in p Doujrlns or Htirpy county. Hush & Pelby , 218 Fifteenth ttroct. ys7-i5 CK business lots in best locations on \J Tarnnm , Harnoy and 1 ltd streets , for lease on long term of years. Apply to II. F. Smith , U.S. National Hank , pin aim. _ 147-lt $ s,700 Omnhn property to trade for farm , _ UuOi Jl Sclby. 218 V lloonth slix-ot. JViir. . Sr.VKN CKNTS per square foot will buy Tbornburg Place lot. Itush & Solby , S18 8. 15th. t&15 > _ A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK FORYOUNG AHD MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONLY 81 Y MAIL , rOSTPAHl , ILLUSTRATIVE SAAll'LE FHIiE TO ALL Kihnn te < lVltnlltTNflmmi nnil rtirjleil rremntur I' ollnoln Mnn , 15rr0rs of Voiith , unit tin untold mljfrloi reuniting from Imllscrctlon unit ccmos. X boo * for nvcrj num. yount , - and old. . It conl'ilns Hi proicrliulotu for nil nnito nn.l chronic ulKonscj.raeh ono ot which I * Inrnfnitblo. So toiimlhytjioiuitnorilio 9 OTporlonc * for tl r nl < rnch m prohnbly never DOfornfflll to the lot of nr pliTMclnntSMpiiKoi , bnunil In beautiful French mut- lliicmt > o * oil cover * , full Bill. trunrnnlPiM to bonllnnr work la ovcrf contu mcclmnlcnl , lltorurr na j proloi. BlonM th nnnr other work In this country fortl-H or the money will bo rofimd In ernrr lnl ac . Prlia onlr II by mMI. po tpslrt. llhutrntc.l mmple. Or , Pcndnotr. Qold modnt nirnrtloil IhniuthorBTtht Nv ttonnlMedlatl Association , to the Hon. A. I' . IllMnlt , anU iijswlntB offloors of the boird the ronilor It r - linctfiillrrefcrrJ. . ThnSclonrnof f.lfal * worth more to th o youivjimrt mlddlo-nitett men of thlj eonomtloa ttmn nil the Roll mines of Cult Corn In a nil tuo allior mlnoa of NotjJ.i comblnpd. S. K. Chronlew. The Science of I.lfo points out the rooks nnd quick- ennds on which the con'tltutlon nndhopei of many rouitR man h.iro been f ntnlly wrockod. MaaehMtor The Bclcnco of I.lfolsof printer vnlua thin nil tin mcrtlrnlnurksputillahodln this country forlhopist Wrcnr ) . Atlnntii Ooimlltutlon. Thosclcnooof Lltuls tt superb ixnd mnstorlr trait- Ixo on nervous and physical doblllty. Detroit Fros Ad5'ro the Poiholy Medleil Instltuls. or Dr W. II. 1'nrkor , No. 4Uullflnch itroct , lloilon , Mm. , who mny baconsultedon nil diseases requiring skit land experl- euro. Uhrnnlannd ubjlriiito illsei tf < Unit li ITO b if < Hod the f kill of nil othorphyslol.ius u spoclnltSac'i trcntcd successfully without au Imtaucoof fullura Mention Uiualm Uoo , VALENTINE'S Short-hand Institute LINCOLN , NEBRASKA , The largest , beat and cheapest short-hand and typo-writing school In the west. Learn this valuable art and secure a lucrative position. Short-hand taught by mail to those who cannot attend the Institute. Wo keep on hand a full supply oC Pitman's short-hand text books , also typo-wrltor supplied For particulars send for circulars to Valentino's ' Short-Hand Institute 1118 and 1120 O street Lincoln , NobJ ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , CIVIl & oAlilTARY EKGIHEERS Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block , Grade Systems and Soworacro Plans for Cities and Towns a specialty. Plans , Estimates and Specifications for Public and ether Knglnoorins works furnished. Surveys and Ucport inado on Public Improvements. ANDREW nosnwATKn , Member American Soolo- C3ty Civil Engineers. City Engineer of Omnliu EO. U. CiiuuTiE , Clril Lugluecr. Or tlio I.lquor llabii , 1'osltlvoly Cured by Adntlnlstcrliig Dr. IIulnoM' Oolilcii Spccilic. It cnn be given In a cup of cofTee or ten without the knowledge of the person inking It , is absolutely harmless , and n ill effect a pnrmancutund speedy cure , whotbrr tha patient Is a moderate drinker 01 in alcoholic wreck. It has bocaTelvca In thou * nv.ids of cases , and In every Instanoo upertcct euro bos followed. It norer fnlln Tha oystcin once Impresnated nlth the HjiccI.Ic , It becomes an uttcl lmpo 3lblllty for the liquor appetite to exist. FOR SA.LE BV FOLLOWINO DnUGOISTS : KDIIN & CO. , Car. 15th mid DaasI.iH , nnd ISth A ; CinniiiB StH. , Omaiic , Kcb. A. D. 1'OriTEH M mil ? . . Council HlufTn , Call or write for pamphlet contalnlnc bundrod * C ? tc.-tlinoiiliH fromthubct women and man from ell V ? l3 of the couctrv. ESTABLISHED 1803. CHAMER-BROWO. GRAIN AND PROVISION Coiinission Merchants OFFICES : Boftrd of Trade , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago. Milwaukee. . C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor , W. Z9E' * Local Business Solicitor , P. BOYEB & CO. DUAI.EUS IK , and Ml Work. 1020 Farnam Street , Omaha , Nob. CHICAGO Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago The onlr road to take Dos Monies , Mar- ballt own , Cedar Itapids , Clinton , Dixie. Chicago , Milwaukee and all points cast. To the people o ( Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho Novada.Orffion , Washington nnd California It offers superior ad vuntiigos not possible by any ether Una _ Among ft few of the numerous point ? ot supo. riorlty enjoyed by the patrons of tliU loan be tween Omaha und Chicago , uro Its two trains a day of DAY COACHlvrf which nru the flnim that human art und liigunulty can cicato. lUI'AL- ACIS 8LBBPINO OAItd , whlon mo model * of comfort und clegunco. Its PAltLOlt D1IAWINO HOOM CAltd. unsuria sed by any , and its wide ly celobrutod PALATIAL DININO CAitS , ho equal of which cannot bo found olsowhoro. At Council Illn li the tr.iln of the Union Pact do lly. connect In Union Depot with tlioso of Iho Chicago & Northwestern ley , ' In Chicago tha ( nil ns of this line make close conucutlon with those Of all eaetorii lines. For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cincln natl , Niagara Full * . Uulfalo , Pltuburg. Toronto Monti cil ; , lloston , Now York , i'lilhidolphln , Il'il- tlmore.Wushliigtoii and all points lu the east , iuc ! If you wish the bolt iiccoinmodatlons. Alltioktt itHAIB. . G uor Mauaatcr. , , . , LIllLAUU. REAL ESTATE S , W , Cor , 16th and Faraia , Men of Wealth AND MODERATE MEANS , Who nro now invcsttug lu real estate For Home Or Speculative Purposes ! Arc flocking to those choicest silos , Orchard HillJ Belvedere , AndHewport , The reason of this is because those I places roturu more on the investment of I the rich , and nflbrd n better home for I the poor man than nny other proportjr | near Omaha. Look at the Prices Orchard Hill , . * -v * Near the horse cars and on the Belt line , ! vrith all the advantages of the city , but ! without its expense and disadvantages , ! beautifully open and shaded lots run b'o- trcon $450 and $650 , 10 percent cash , balance in monthly pay mcnts. BELVEDERE , Situated upon nu nsQcnt nnd upon thol simo : plfiin , which has iniulo Ft. OmahnJ the prettiest parade ground in the coun ; | try , and witluiu unobstructed vio\y , solla | in aero lots nt Only $350. Ono-quartor down , with deed , bnlanco | ' n three years. NEWPORT : Is like Iho fninous suburb of Cllfton.CIu- cinnati. It is beautiful in itself und I gives an entrancing view of the valley of | tlio Missouri for thirty miles , And jot f' sells in FOR $250 to $350 , i One-quarter down , balance in 8 yearsI Those two delightful sites make up Ihe'l most attractvu ! places about Omaha. ] They uro reached by tliq most LJIV LI UOAUS AND D1UVKS and will Boou b | encompassed bj' the proposed BOULEVARD. Lots are Bolllnf ; In these places dally , ] arid but few remain , Jf you want to vest don't delay , If you want to bujr fo a homo make ha > te. Sou inu before'it j too Jato. , A F1 * I have jropcrty ) in all parts of thtrfij nnil my lists tire llio I argot I nnil complete over made in OnuUmf comprise houses , lots , and all goods which will bo sold orexchnntj Iho lowest and most satisfactory pri c. E. .MAYNE ; ; 15th anil Farnam , Omihii