Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    P j-rf P ?
- -
EtlHeitd by cnrrlcr In any part of the city nt
twenty cents per week ,
, - - - Manager. OrriCE , No. 4T.
HiniiT I'.iMTOii , No. 23 ,
Stubls ) , the Imttcr.
New spring Roods nt Roller's.
Tlio board of ( ratio meets this evening.
The council will meet as a board of
equalization to-night.
Four drunks were before the police
court yesterday. Business is improving
in that line.
Work on the. now coiuitv court house
began yesterday' There will bo a largo
force thus employed for the season.
The frame building ot the now canning
factory is rapidly approaching comple
tion. ' 1 ho work on the brick building is
nlso progressing well.
Permits to wed hive been granted to
William II. Thomas and Mary A. PeterSon -
Son , both of tins city ; Charles 11. Bantlier
jmil Elizabeth A. Altrop.
George Schltidolo is making extensive
Improvements to his Homo laundry ,
one of which is the raising of the rear
half of the first lloor which will give light
Jo the collar in which laundry work can
bo done.
Tjio American District Telegraph com
pany has everything ready to proceed
with the construction of its lines , but is
waiting for the necessary ordinance to bo
tiassct ! by the council. This will proba
bly bo done at the meeting this evening ,
BO there will ba no further delay.
W. B. Fisher left yesterday for Lcaycn-
worth as a representative ol the Council
Bluffs' Typographical union , to attend
a meeting of the representatives of the
unions in this section of the country ,
called for consultation on some questions
ol interest to the typographs.
Judge Ayleswortlt has decided that
there was not enough evidence to war
rant the jttstico in holding Makepeace on
a charge of horse stealing , but that the
evidence in the other case , that of em
bezzlement , was enough. Makepeace
has therefore got out of jail on one
habeas corpus case , and got back in
ngain on the other.
A colored boy iiamcil Wells , aged about
10 years , fell a victim to the practice of
stealing rides on the cars , lie jumped
onto a moving freight train in the North
western yards , and in getting off his foot
got beneath one of the wheels , which
crushed his toes so badly as to necessitate
The first installment of a novel en
titled "Everard and Eulalia , " bv Edward
Wright , of this city , appeared in Satur
day's Herald. This work is being pub
lished in book form by the Herald print
ing company , who ( luring the process of
publication , will present it to its readers
as n serial story through the columns of
the paper.
There arc a great many damage claims
filed against the city , and the new ad
ministration is having its time pretty
well taken up with investigations of
these. It seems that there is little use of
n man trying to be in fashion unless ho
Jias at least two or three claims for damages -
ages and petitions before the council , and
at least one suit started.
The county board lias decided that
there has been too much laxity in regard
to the collection of personal property
taxes. The delinquent list is quite largo ,
nnd the amount is considerable. The
board now instructs the county treasurer
to proceed with the collection of such
Sorsonnl property taxes , nnd to enforce
10 law to the full extent.
Mrs. Christie is again nlllictcd. It will
bo remembered that she adopted some
trrno ago one of twins , who were de
serted by their unnatural mother It
, -Ucd , and since then she adopted another
orphan. This little one has now died ,
nnd the funeral services were held Satur
day , conducted by Rev. Mr. Fisk.
Emma Barrett , daughter of Mrs. S. M.
Barrett , died at 2 o'clocK yesterday
morning of consumption. She was 14
years oFago , and had been ill for ten
months past , although not confined to
her bed only for the past three weeks.
The funeral services will bo hold at the
residence , No. 111 ! ) Third street at 2
o'clock this afternoon.
The entertainment to bo given by the
school of the Homo for the Friendless
Thursday evening at tiio Scandinavian
Baptist church , should be largely at
tended. The proceeds go for the benefit
of the school , which is educating a class
of children who need these advantages
greatly , nnd the exercises will be of an
interesting nature , as it is the first time
the public lias had an opportunity of see
ing what advancement these children
nro making.
Money to loan by Forrest Smith.
Money to loan on city and farm prop
erty at 0 and 7 per cent interest , by F. J.
Day , successor to Odell & Day , No. 8'J '
Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Dr. MoLcod , oculist nnd nurist , No ,
603 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
I'orHonnl Paragraph * .
J. W. Hutchinson , of Sioux Falls , is al
the Ogdon.
Thomas McFarliuul , of Momlamin , is
At the Pacific.
IT. N. McCJrow , ol Dcnnisou , is rcgis
tcrcd at the Bcehtelo.
Sheriff J. 1) . Garrison , of Harrisor
county , is at the Pacific house.
J. B. Christian , of Hamburg , came n :
last night , and Is at the Beehtelo.
J.S. Wood , of Burlington , came in or
; last night's train , and is at the Ogdon.
A. Overtoil loaves this morning foi
Texas to look after his lumber interests
David Friedman , of Tabor , is in UK
city being treated for an affection of tin
i eyes.
Charles Adolph loft last evening foi
Kansas , to look after his landed interest ,
John Oilman , of Gilman , Idaho , odito
of the U. S. Farm Register , is at tin
James Amy , of Missouri Valley , brothc
of W. S. Amy. the city woiglnnitbtor , wa
* in the city yesterday.
F. W. Voswiukul , now of Falrbury
Neb. , arrived among his old friends hen
yesterday , for only n day's stay.
S. T. Smith starts out to-day on hi
spring trip in the interests of his electri
bolt. Ho expect * to bo away a couple c
The "Kids" nro divided at the hotels n
follows : Ezra F. Kendall , A. II. Wooc
hull ami Lotta Bordeaux at the Ogdei
Charles Htmtington , Percy Gaunt and J
' B. Kontlall ut tbo Beohtolo.nnd Hug
* Mack , Peter Randall , M. J. Sullivai
r Wm. Kcqgh. MibS M , Crocker , Jenui
Cray nnd Miutio Fox nt thu Pacillo.
V. M. O. A. Election.
The officers and directors of the Y. IV
tO. . A. for the ensuing year wore clccte
lulnst evening. They nro ns follows : J
, P , Dodge , president- , N. Brown , fin
vice president ; Frank McMahon , scoon
vice probtdeut ; K. D , Sicv , rccordin
' .scorctnryi A. B. Walker , treasurer , an
/for director * , W. S. Homer. O. A. Louck
/ J4. W. Fleming , J. N. G. Wyllo.
Ho Shoots at His Wlfo Several Times But
Fails to Hit Htr.
The New Steeper , cm the Sioux City
Itoail City Council rroccclln s
Science nntl Philosophy
Other lllunV Ncxvs.
Aljlttlo Pnlncoon WlioclH.
One of the new sleepers just built for
the Sioux City road rolled into Council
IJInfl's yestcrdny morning on its lirsttrlp.
Two other now ones nre to ho put on nt
once , and if they nro as finu ns this the
passoiiRcrs on that line may well con.
pratulnto themselves. The one which
arrived here ycslenlny is n hnd'ot sleeper
nindo by the 1'iilltnan compnny , nnd Is
christened "Lotus. " It is elegantly
linlshcd , richly upholstered , nnd is pro
vided with all the latest improvements
and conveniences. The scats have much
higher backs , with head bolsters. Tito
drawing room is a gem of beauty , and
the smoking room is in keeping , bcinp
finely upholstered in leather. Heated
with steam , furnished with electric call
bolls , all needful conveniences lor fur
nishing lunches , hot cofl'co , tea , etc. , nt
the will of the passenger , there seems
nothing lacking. It is u palatial little
home on wheels , and the Sionv City
should be proud and its patrons happy.
It makes the trip between hero and St.
Paul by this line so comfortable that there
can bo no chance for n semblance of a
grumble. It is such moves its this which
make the Sioux City route so popular.
Dressmaking , cutting and lilting by
Miss Ulca&on , No. at Pearl street.
Science ninito ISnsy.
The Young Men's Christian association
has arranged for n course of lectures to
bo gtvcd at their rooms in this city by
Everett \V. Fish , M. 1) ) . , on Monday ,
Tuesday , Thursday and Friday evenings
ot next week. The lectures nro scicntilic
nnd philosophic in their nature , but pop
ularized by tv simplicity and by a vivid
ness of illustration , so that they can be
readily comprehended by all. The nu
merous press notices nnd the commendn-
thins given by prominent men who have
heard these lectures give assurance that
Dr. Fish is nvery interesting , entertain
ing speaker , us well as a very scholarly
man. Uy securing him for such a series
of lectures hero , an excellent opportunity
is given the public to inform thenibclves
on topics of great interest and import-
ancct and at the same time bo really en-
tertaincJ. The subjects of the four lec
tures are : "Tho World Before the
Flood , " "Star and Animal Worship , "
"Tito Origin of Man , " "Tho Science
of Creation. " The admission to
each lecture is placed at the low
price of twenty-live cents , while tickets
for the entire course are seventy-live
cents. Dr. Fish recently delivered this
course in Sioux Citv , and the people of
that place were delighted , and sucli has
been the expression in many other cities.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. .7. W. & E. L. Squire , 101
Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
The Council's Grist.
The city council met yesterday nftcr-
noon in pursuance with adjournment ,
the mayor presiding , and Aldcrmans
Danforth , Shugnrt , Bennett and Ham
mer being present.
A petition of business men on Main
street was presented , there being thirty-
four signers , asking that the scales at the
intersection of Main nnd Pearl streets bo
not interfered with , claiming that the
sualcs wore a bcuelit to the businessmen ,
nnd n convenience to the public ; that
being free from political complications
it was better to keep them so. .Referred
ID committfo on city property.
W. H. Montcith claimed damages to
property by the sewer ditch , llct'erred
to committee on claims.
S. T. Walker laid claim for damages
for change of grade at corner of Fourth
and Story streets. Referred to com
mittee on claims.
On motion of Alderman Shugart the
committee on printing were instructed to
see Colonel Kcatloy and see if ho would
go ahead with the codilicatiou of the or
Complaint being mndo of the defective
surface drainage on Scott street between
Broadway and the creek , the committee
pa streets and alloys worp instructed to
'nvcstigato , nnd remedy if necessary.
Alderman Shugart desired city engi
neer to giyo him the grade between
Broadway and First avenue on Sixth
street , nt the intersection of the alloy.
The engineer is instructed to look up
the data to help the committee in regard
to the claim of J. M. Palmer for damages
for part of his lot taken ns n part of Pierce
An ordinance was presented providing
tor n chance of grade of lilufT street , nt
and near 1'iftli avenue. Head a first time
and laid over.
The council then adjourned until E
o'clock this evening.
For the latest stylo-ot dressmaking sec
Miss Ulcnson. No. 31 Pearl street.
Bhootmg Wild.
On Sunday night the residents of Vine
street became somewhat alarmed by i
number of shots being fired from n re
volver , nnd yesterday morning hearing
moro shots notified the nolico.
Investigation wont to show that about
11 o'clock Sunday night Ben Long on ar
riving nt his homo , n two-roomed cot
tag , No. 230 Vine street , began abusing
his wife nnd her sister , Ida Atitnnreith
who has been living with the Long fain
ily. After showering much nbuso on tin
two women , it Is said Long drew his revolver
volvor and tired a couple of shots , and hii
wife ran out of the honso anil tool ; rcfutrc
with one of the neighbors , where she ro
punned nil niglit , her sister Ida remain
ing in the rooms with Lonr ; ,
It is said that Long fired several shot !
after his wife's absence , and left the
house on Monday morning , only to return
turn about 10:30 : ololock , and finding hi :
wife in the house , ngain pulled his rcvol
vor nnd Jiml two moro shots , making it
nil seven shots fired without fatal results
Miss Ida , who is 10 yours of ago , nnd
has been living at Long's for three years
bus a scar on her forehead which it it
said was made by a blow with the but
end of his revolver.
The t'vo women were sent in a back tc
the residence of their parents , No , 133 !
High btroot , aud the police began i
search for Ben Long. Ho did not at
tempt to cluilo them , however , and hini
around his usual haunts all yesterday
morning , until arrested by Marsha
Uuanolln nnd Chief of Pollco Muthows
who , after taking away his revolver
brought him into court. Ho plcndei
guilty to the mild qlmrgo ot disturbinj
the peace , and was linedfS and costs.
The Mcroor dine ,
Mrs Elizf.buth llubcr , known better n
Mrd. Frank , who has gained some note
rlety by being charged with having * ei
ticed the Mercer girl into n house c
shame , was brought hero from Omaha o
a requisition , ilvr cuso is to be heard i
fudge Aylcsworth'a court Friday. Bail
ins been fixed at ? 1,000.
The driver of the hack in which Lulu
ilcrccr , It Is claimed , wns taken to a
icuso of ill fame in Omaha by Mrs.
'rank , is nervously expecting Hint ho will
> o dragged into the case , lie says thnt
he Mercer girl wanted to go to just such
n plnco , nnd thrt there was not much en-
iccment needed. *
The details al the- affair hnvo been
> rctty thoroughly given already , and
hero romnttis little to bo learned moro
tntil the evidence is produced in court ,
vhcn it is predicted there will be some
cnsntionnl developments.
Mlsi Fuller's Success.
The many friends and admirers of Miss
\nnn L. Fuller , the lown songstress , who
o enthused Council Blnfls audiences re
cently , will bo glad to learn thnt she is
creating equal enthusiasm in California ,
i'ho nppcnrcd in n grand concert in Los
Vngcics lately , calling forth the follow-
ng from the Times of that place :
Miss Anna L. Fuller MUIC the scene and
irhi of "Froysehutz" in a s'tylo ami voice
he like ot which Los Angeles has rarely ,
f ever , heard , causing the entire house
o break out in plaudits. As an enooro
ho sang "Comln1 thro' the llyo" in a
nest spirituclle and accomplished man-
icr. lltsr greatest success , however , was
n Ilossmt's "Inllamatus , " which was in
comparably rendered. Mis Fuller's
olco in clear , pure and brilliant , and
hews a thorough training.
Railway I'romlnouts.
J. T. Clark , general manager ; F. W.
Cimball , assistant chief engineer ; A. J.
Stirling , assistant general supcrinten-
lent ; II. B. Campbell , superintendent
Chicago nnd Council Blufl's division ; M.
B. Beardsley , assistant superintendent
ame division of the Chicago , Milwaukee
t St. Paul road , were in the city yester-
lay. accompanied by Colonel .lolmijon ,
iroprlotorof the depot eating IIOUMS in
Milwaukee. The party had been on a
msincss visit to Dakota , as the St. Paul
road is talking of building from Mitchell
o Scotland. They left in a special car
nst evening over the St. Paul road.
Money Hidden 111 n Jug niul Found
liy n i'cildlcr in aStmnjio Manner.
It was only twelve or fourteen years
igo that n queer thing happened near
Medina , for a linn in Cleveland was
aken sick one day in summer as ho was
Iriving on the highway , says the New
fork Sun , and ho sought shelter in a
armhouso. He had a run of fever for
oven or eight days , and when able to
get out again ho said to the owner of the
arm :
"I am satisfied tiiat there is n sum of
noncy buried on your farm. I have seen
ho snot several times in my dreams. "
"On , " replied the tanner , "if you can
hid any treasure here you nro welcome
oil. "
"How much will you take to waive all
claims ? " persisted the peddler.
" ' of . "
"Five dollars' worth milk-pans.
"If you will go to town a.nd get n law
yer to draw up the papers in due form I
vill give you 25 in cash. "
The farmer tried to laugh the peddler
out of his notion , but the man was so
earnest in wishing to buy nil rights to
vhnt bo might find that a paper was
Irnwn up , the ? 25 paid over , and no was
told to go ahead. Ho replied that ho
vas in no hurry , and mounted his wagon
and drove home , but in about a fortnight
10 returned with a horse and wagon and
v companion. Giving notice that he had
come to claim his owii ho proceeded'to '
lig in a corner of the front yard , and
) ctore the hole was three fcdt 'deep ho
ind unearthed a small stones jug , tightly
corked. It was broken on the grnss plat ,
xnd lying among the fragments were
J3.000 in gold and silver coins. None of
: ho pieces had been coined within less
, han fifteen years , and the then owner of
the place had occupied it for nine years ,
md knew that nobody could have buried
, ho jug there meanwhile.
The peddler said that a very tall ,
dark-complexioned man , having a seat-
on his forehead and a limpin his gait ,
md repeatedly come to lii.n in his
dreams and pointed out the spot. The
description exactly answered thnt of n
inrd case who had been in the county
inil for liorsc-stoaling , and who had sub
sequently died in the penitentiary at
Doinmbus , however , the peddler h'd :
jeon so careful to purchase all rights in
idvnnco nnd had walked so directly to
the treasure that the ollicials of the law
made up their minds to investigate him.
ills find was seized and his record was
ookcd np , but when nothing could be
shown against him he got possession ol
the treasure and used it to buy an inter *
est in tbo house be worked for.
How a Rival Manufacturer Learned
an Inventor's Process far
Making Steel.
A little more thnn 100 ycnrs ngo the
mnnufncturo of steel may be said to have
had n beginning in England. About thai
time there was living in Sheffield , Eng.
n man by the name of Huntsman. He
was a watch nnd clock maker , nnd lit
had so much trouble in getting a steel
that would answer for his springs ho de <
termincd to make some steel himself
Ho experimented for a long time ir
secret , nnd after many failures ho hi )
upon a process that produced a snperioi
quality of steel. Iho best steel to b (
obtained at that time was made by the
Hindoos , and it cost in England nbonj
i50,000 a ton ; but Huntsman's steel coule :
bo nnd for f 500 n ton. As ho found r
ready market for all the btccl he conle
make , ho determined to keep his in
vention secret , and no one was nllowci
to enter his worKs except his workmen
and they wore sworn to secrecy. Bu
other iron nnd steel makers were deter
mined to find out how ho produced tin
quality of steel ho nuulc , and this is liov
they accomplished it at Inst : One dnrl
and bitter cold wintoy night a wretched
looking beggar knocked at the door o
Huntsman's works und asked slielto ;
from the storm that was rnjring without
The workmen , pitying the supposoi
bcggnr , gave him permission to como n
aim find warmth and shelter ncnr one o
the furnaces. In n little wlulu tin
drowsv bcggnr fell nsleop , or nt leas
eoomod to do so , but bonontn his torn am
.shabby hat his half-shut eyes watched
with eager intent every movement inadi
by the men about the furnaces , and ai
the charging of the melting-pots , heating
the furnaces , and at last pouring tin
steel into ingots took several hours to ac
compiish , it is hardly necessary to adi
that the forgotten beggar slept long
and , ns it seemed , soundly , in the conic
whcio ho lay. It turned out aftorwan
that the apparently sleeping beggar wn ;
a well-to-do Ironmaker living near by
und the fact that he goon began tin
erection of large steel works similar t <
Huntsman's was good evidence that hi
was u poor slcoper but a good watcher.
AVhat is a Imily ?
Saturday Review : The definition of i
simple idea , is the great diniculty o
lexicographers and others. To judgi
from dictionaries nnd treatises on nthlcs
it is almost or , according to some , quit
impossible. But some very compllcatei
ideas nro almost equally incapable o
exact definition , Five hundred year
ago Muie Barnes , of Sopwcll Priory , o
the writer of the Boko of St. Albans
whoever she was , endeavored , will
singular wnnt of success , to tell ' 'hov
gentlemen should bo known from un
gentlemen , " Tint virtuoso ! chivalry nr
enumerated without giving us a vcr
distinct idea of knighthood , und then w
como to the ui&o urtiulua of geutlencsa
which are those : Ttn8 * n gentleman
should bo lordly ot countenance , treat
able in lanfftmge , wiwi in his answer ,
perfect in govornnco , ohsirful io faithful
ness ; that ho MioiiKt Use few oaths in
swearing , bo "boxeiin to tioddis byd-
ding , " Knowing his own birth , nnd bear
ing , nnil dreading to oflen'd hi ? sovereign.
No doubt these arc nlHnurks of "gentle
ness,11 but most inqWcjs WJH want a
little more' Dr. Johnson is not moro
explicit. According io htm , breeding
Is the ebicf thing. A geiilleinnn , ho says ,
Is "a man of birth , a man of extraction ,
though not able ; " but ho allow * , ns a
secondary mcaninc , "a man raised above
the vulgar by his clinracter or post. "
Dame Julians avoids any attempt to tell
us "what is n lady " although in her
"process of linking" she teaches us that
"there is a mcrlyon , and that hawk is
for u. lady , " mid informs us , moreover ,
that "gentlemen nnd honest persons
have great delight in hawking. " John
son says n lady is "n woman of high
rank. "
This Spnoo is Reserved for
Ilnrkncfta Bros. ' Sprinjr An
' 0 ' "I )
< Ct .
tft ;
+ Tlkn1J ,
' .itr 7L .
IB1in.i , i
To Allow Anyone to Bio ol Diphtheria !
the last six ycari there has mt been
DUHINO from Ulphthcrlu in nny case where
Cum : was used. It has been the means of Bay
ing thousands of lives nnd mluht have saved
bundruJs of thoustndB more. Indispcnsiblo In
putrid sere tin oat , in malignant film let fever ,
chanjringr It In 48 hours to the Flmplo form. Infallible -
fallible cure for all Inlliimmntory , Ulccrative ,
Putrid , Cancerous Ulcoratlou of the.Womb and
nil Cntarrunl conditions. Price $2.
Full printed Instructions how to use the inedl-
clno sent with it. No doctor required.
Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia !
Dyspeptic , why live in misery , nnd die In dls
pnlr-wlth cancer of the stomach 1 Dr. Thomas
joirerles cures every case of Jnilgcstlon and
constipation Inn very shoit tlmo. Bestof ref
erences Riven , Pyspupsm Is the cause of ninety
pr cent of nil diseased conditions. Price $5
for two weeks treatment.
From the Council Bluffs Dally HornU :
Mrs. H. H , Oorard , wife of Kngmoor Gerard ,
of the Union 1'aclllo , this city , has been a great
sulToror for mnny years , with what was sup
posed to bo CRncur of the threat. H was so bad
thatsho was threatened with starvation- Her
general health was completely broken down.
Buo could only swallow liquid food , and even
that her Etoinach could not dltcst or assimilate.
Physicians of Council llluffs and Omaha Rayo
no relief Dr. Jeiroris , of ( bis city , was called.
In four weeks' tlmo ho cured her throat , and
has completely restored ilier general health.
Had Mrs. Cloranl not obtained icllof eoon she
would have died from blood jiolson , the tiiino
condition that destioyol tlio.llto of ( ! en. Grant'
Dr. JelTcrlos' dlptherla iiuiliclho is Infallible In
nil kinds of bore throat ' )
Can only bo obtained at'hls Olfice ,
No. tsi $ . HlKhth bt. . Cotmoll Illnll ? , Iowa ,
Or sent by Ktpross onlldrtlpBbf Piico.
Council Bluffs Bus
Carriage Transfer Co.
Arnrl ,
I'assoiiitt'H nnil Imwu'fotaktn to nnd from
nil tiuliis. Hushes , turrtiim.'B a'ld ' liuif nir * wag
ons ninko connection. } with all trains. Prompt
attention \\-on \ to all calls. Special rules to
theatrical troupes nnil commorolnl men. Cur-
rloKes run day mid nlsliU Olllco ut Ojnlon
Houso. Telephone 123. AUo ut licclitelu'a
Hotel. Ixuivi-oidersoii 'tin lutes ,
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
zsorrsEs o&
DEE1113 , WELLS & CO. ,
Agricultural Imploniants , Bn&lu ,
Can-luges. ito : , rtc. Council lllulTa , loreo.
Cora Shelters , Stalk Gutters ,
Ulsellnrrows , Seniors , Corn Plnnters , FooJ Cut
ters , IHa. Factory , Rock rails , 111 ; .
No ? . If 01 , 15M , 1503 , 1537 Main St. . Council Ulugs.
Manufrs nn 1 Jobbers o !
Agricultural Implements.Y/agons . / , Buggies ,
, nn 1 nil klnU of farm Mna'ilnDrir.
1100 to lllfl South Mnlu Stroat , Coutwll Ulurt * .
I'.O. UMUSOX , T. H.UauatAs , Uico.F. Wiitnnr.
Prog.&TroiM. V.-l'roa.&M.ui. 3o3.&Uouti3ol.
Council BluiTs Handle Factory ,
( Incorporated
Manufacturers of Axle , 1'lck , Slotlyo an j Smill
_ llanJli'3 , of ovcry tlosctlptlon.
' .
_ _
Carpets , Curtains , Wicdow Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Cortitn Fixtures , UpholMory QooJa ,
lite. No. 435 llroiiJwny Council lllulTj ,
Wliolcsiilo Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Kos. " 8 Main mid 27 Pearl Sts. . Council Bluffd ,
' .
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
_ No. lll'oirl St. Council llluITa. _
_ CItACKKltS. _
Mnmifncturors of
Fine CracXers , Biscuits and Cakes ,
Conned lilit iouu. .
Iraporters&JobbersofCrocXary.GlasswaTa .
Lamps , Vrult Jaro , Cntlory , Stonmvnro , Uar
Goods , Fancy Goods. Kto. Council Bluffs ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries. Kto. No. SJ Main St , nnd
No. 211'cnrl St. , Council lllulls.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods ,
Notions , Htc. Noa. 112 and lit Main St. , Nos. 113
nnd 115 Pcail St. , Council Ulii'ls , lown.
Wholesale California Fralts a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5U Broad\vny ,
V ' ; Council BlulTg.
Frnlts , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
No. ? . 10 and IS Pearl St. , Council Ulu'Jft.
Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
Nos. 117 , 119 nnd 121 , Main St. , Council Bluffs.
L. KniSCHT & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Doalora. No. 410 Broad
way , Council Bluffs.
P. C. 1)E VOL ,
Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves ,
lief ilgcrntors , etc. Nos. 601 Broadway , and 10
_ J.luln street. Council Bluffs. _
Manufacturers of and Wholesale Boilers In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. K5 Main St. . Council Bluffs , Iowa. _
_ _
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves ,
Nog. 3 < 2 unJ 311 liroadway , Council Blulla.
Iron , Steel , Halls , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock. Council liluffd , Iowa.
D. 11. MeDANELU & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
TullowWool , Pelts , Orea'oatU I'UM Council
_ Bluffa , Iowa. _
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oft , Gi lla )
. , E3TO.
B.Tlicodoro.AtfUiit , Council lllnlfj. luwa.
it , PILINO , arc ,
Hard Wood , Southern Limtor , Filing ,
And Ilrldtro Material Si > oolaltii'sWliolosalo Lum
ber or ull Kinds. Olllco No. 1JJ Main St. ,
Council Illulfri.
Imported and Domastlo Wines & Liquors.
Ak'out for St. OotthBrrt's Herb Ilittfrj. No. 15
Main St. Council lllulls.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
AbOMjrjdi St. . Council
Justice of the Peace.
Offlco Over American Express Company.
Farm at a Bargain.
Well Improved farm of 10T acres for saloj
Jf miles from Couucll Hlutfs. Address
HtA aCOKlKJ l ) ,
Council Blulls.
UrlcTc D.ilUlm nnv fclnrt rn'iort ' or moved ni
ont.ltiloOI.ut tras'iJ-tho Inn U the \rorU.
803 Eighth Avemio and
. Special clrcrtlsomeiu : , suo'.i al
tost.FouaJ.To L3A ! , l''o'3ilo , To , W.viti
Bowdlnff.otc. , trill bo InsortoJ In this column U
tholow rate of TBS OBNM 1'UU LIMB Mr f >
flrttinsortlon an ! FIVB CH.VF3 1'Ult U.V13 tat
each suusoiuont liuartloa. Imvo ulvorUu
mcntsat our o'.Use , No. U 1'o.ul strjot , imr
Hrosidway , Couticll Hlutrs. _ _
Two pooil tinner. ' . Cooper & Me-
WANTED , . 41 Main stiooM-Jpmicll itlulia.
-vT ( rood clrl to do liousoVurTt
No. 711 Seventh slrcot. Council lllulla.
T71011 SAI.12 Olil vwpors. In nunntltlos to suit ,
J3 nt lloo oflleo No. 1" 1'cnrl slroot. _
1U5NT 1'lvo room oottnao. Inquire nt
IflOK ' I'ourth street , or of McMlckon , 1110
1'lntnor ft toot.
CJWAN & WAMCUK , No. ! 3 Main street ,
k-3 ( under Clllzon'8 llink ) , ronl estate mil mer
chandise exchange brol M. Our books nro Tull
ofatioclal linruiilu * , but It Is Impossible to pub
lish n reliable Mot from the fuel of BO raiiny dally
clmiifros. Whnt wo iwlc Is : If you wnnt to soil
oi-truilounythlmr In our line , write 113 mid wo
will send you n po | ! of Imrtrnlns to select from.
I.nniH Improvoil or unlmiirovol , city or town
propoity. stocks of Roods of uny kind In nny
place. H Buulij-on have or 6ueh you wunt lot us
hour from you. Swim & Wulhor Council limits
' TUAYIJI ) I'roinNoTWs.l'tlfgtfcct ' , on F.-7-
S' dny nfght lust , uiliuk buy pony-homo. Tore-
top cut ol s'limio , black main nnd lull , rlirlit
eye blind A suitable ro.viml will bo paU the
Under. N. II. Olds. _
I liavo a quantity of sound , well cleaned sooJ
which J oiror ut lousonnblo flgurca. Seed of the
crop of 168't. Correspondeneo solicited. F. Q.
HUTLFlt , Schallcr , lowu. C. & N. W. Ity. _
Railway Time Table ,
The followlns la the tlmo of nrrlvnl nnil
departure of trains by central standard time , at
the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton
minutes earlier and arrive ten minutes lutor :
0-"JA M . Mall mid Kxpross . 0:50 : P.M.
J2-4QP M . Aecommodiitloii . 4Mp.M. :
CtOP. M . Express . . . . .0:03 : A. M.
S-SO ) A. M . Mull nnd Uxproda . 0:50 : P.M.
7:15 : A. M . Acenmmodatlou . 0:15 P.M.
iitinp. H . IJxprcss . UODA. : M.
O'OT A. M . Mall and Impress . UjOp. : M.
0:60 P. M . Uxpress . :05A.M. :
0:40A.M : . Mull and Uxprcsa . 0MP. :
0:50p. : M . i\pius3 : . 11:03 :
2:16 P. u.liacal St. I < ouls n\jrcss ) Local .
8:00 : P. M.TransforSt. Louis Ux.Trnusfur.3JO : P. M
M:10A.M . Mall and Impress . ri : : P. " .
UODP.M . Kzpross . 0 : } A.M.
BIOU.X CITV & pAciria
7:15 A.M . . .Sioux City Mall . 8:30p. : M.
6:50 P.ll . St-I'nul Express . 8a : ! A. M.
UXION rAinno.
30:35A.J1 . JJo-iver Kxpros" . BM5P.M.
a:13 p. M. . . Lincoln Pas ? . , Om. & U. V..2OTi P. M.
7:50r. : u . Overland Kruross . 8:15 A. M.
Lcavo Council Illuffs 7:03 : 8 : OJ 'J :30 10M :
11:30 : n , m. ; 1:30:30 : : 3:30-JUO : : 5Jrnza :
H:4ri-ll:4E : p. ra. Sundnys 7:03 : 9:3-ll:3D : : .
m2M ; : : iio-0:25-MJno : ! : : il:43p. : m. LonvoOma-
ha-fl : S-7S5-8:50 10:00 tl : Jn. m : 1:00 2:00-
il:00-4:00-5OD-0:03 : : : : : :15-11:10 : p.m. Sundays
:33 : 7:50M 11:00 : a. m. : 2:033:00 : : 5:00 :
0:05 : 3:15-11:10 : : n m.
No. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp. Poslofllce.
or other tumors removed without
tbo kntfo or drawing of blood.
CHROMIC DISEASES of all kind ! a specialty.
Over thirty yoara' praot.fal oxporloiuj.
No. 11 1'curl Street , Count 11 Ululli.
Omaha Dntal Associa'n '
Cor. 16th and Doiifflas Sts.
rilllnz at lowest price , with Bold , llrpr nnJ other
combliintloQi ( JolJ pl.ito Hiul continuous Uum Teeth
eiieclalty ,
Best Seta of Tcctli , q3S ,
Konncr price } 1S. Perfect tit und best material. All
Council Bluffs Office ,
THOS. omcBib „ iHtr.
ratnbllshod ISiT.
337 Broadway , Council BIuHs , low ,
Aio absolutely pure' . n loiircnantoil. One gal
lon lll cover tn-o Inunlio 1 am ) Ultv bquiiro
tout iwocouts , niul will Mil ) ' on longer limn uny
other pulm inumifaciuidt. 1'ortato by
Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc.
07 Haiu Street , Council Bluffs.
I satisfaction guaranteed. Frame houses move 1
lith Streat , Council Bluffs.
Practices in State ami Federal Courts.
Rooms 7 aiul S , Siiiunrt Blank.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes. boiiKht and sold , at rotnll nnil
In lota Largo iiuantlttoa to select itoiu.
Glh Str33l , Near Pacific House , Council Blufl's.
TheHighestlarM Price
For all kinds of secondhand household
goods and
andSTOVES. .
008 Brortdway , Council Bluffa.
A.C.UuitNilAM , 1'roi. L.W. TUI.LKVS , Vice-Pros.
JAMES N. llitowx , Cashier.
Council Bluffs National Bank
Capital . $100,000
Authorised Cnpital . 200,000
Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000
Ilo n ffonornl banlclntr buslnnss.
Accounts of banks , bunkers , merchant" , man-
ufncturcrs and Individuals rozolvo.l on fuvora-
bio torms.
Domestic and foreign exchange.
The very best of attention Kivcn to all bust
ness committed to our care.
Horses and Mules kept constantly on hand
for sale at retail or In car louds.
Orders promdtly filled by contract on short
notice. BtockBold on conimlsilon.
SHUJTEll 4 HOLEV , I'roprletors.
Stable Corner Fifth Avenue and Fourth 8t
Council Illuffs lown.
Bugs , Mattings ,
Window ShatlesEta <
Wholesale and Retail. !
S Our stock la now come
plcto and contains the newest design ?
und colorings in all grades of Carpets ,
Curtains , Klips , Upholstery Goods , ck.
POPULAR PRICES-JIail orders attended -
tended to prompt'y. ' Flue Upholstery
Work to order.
4.05 Broadway.
Mnnufncturcra of all slzosof
Automatic Engines. .
Especially Deeljrnod for Running
Tubular and Locomotive Boilers.
New Mnssillon Threshers.
Carey and Woodbury Powem
Portable nnil Traction Engines ,
Factory Inssiilon. O. Ur.i'.ich Houst
.old 1'oari tit. , ' ' " ntcil ! 5liilH.
1 > 1. , M * , ftl.
i < * * : r y-
! ) ' M.C' .
! ' : % ' : : : . . : > jr NAILS.
A i. , .c. : r u i . .i ' . K i 11 : ic'.lai'ol. For
p.ckfi o. i ml I u i j i "t ( i i.l , n.iiiiiot lie ezi
celled lor Mill'iif "f nny uift. Kor p rliculuri
> u-.tu \ , J. lll'X'iC.-JAN. inventor.
Council Jllutfa.
Mcloun J ( ouniy ili-Jta for sale.
Iu Council BluiTa having
Fire 3Usoa/pe
And all moaoru Improvumoati , cull bor * llri
larm bolls , eta. Utho
J Noi.215'IT and 219. Main Street ,