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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1886)
THE OtfAHADAIlJT BBS. THE SO AY , APliiL 13. " 183S. 'THEIR MARRIAGE A MOCKERY A Bad" and Wicked Unsband and a Gold , Designing Wife , SEEKING TO BE SEPARATED. Creditors Pottnco Down on Dr. In n tiCKal Way Fighting Tor n license State Capital News anil Notes. tFJlOM THE DEB'S UNCO ! . * Man's inhumanity to woman finds ample illustration in the records of Lan caster county divorce courts. At nearly every term the docket is burdened with applications for legal separations , find in the large majority of cases tlio injured parties are women. Cruelty , neglect to support , and unfaithfulness nro the causes commonly sot forth for the grant ing of divorces , nnd the offense lias to bo very flagrant and unbearable before tlio wife will step into court and m.ako public the burdens she is bearing. An Instance of tiiis is shown in the petition filed by Jennie Gilbert in the district court yesterday. The plaintiff , by her attorneys , Messrs. IJillingsly and Woodward , alleges that fiho was nmrrird to John Gilbert at Hush- ville , Ills. , on July 4,187H , and that soon afterward ho began a systematic course of persecution and abuse , cursing at and eiiiarrelllng with her at every opportu nity. On the Ifith of February , 18S1 , Mrs. Gilbert joined the church at Burlington , which so incensed her husband that ho varied his customary treatment by boat ing her with a fence board nnd calling her vilu and opnroblous names. Thrub children have boon born to this illy- mated pair , and the husband has been so far neglectful of his duty as to utterly refuse to provide for their support , the mother being compelled tone no to work as a house servant to knop them from starving. In addition to this bail treatment , Mrs. Gilbert says that in February , 188. > , tlio defendant com municated to her a loathsome disease from which she suffered until the Juno following , when , being cured , she took her children and left him. Mrs. Gilbert asks for a divorce and liberty to resume her maiden name of Jcnnio Uoss , which she should have without debate. A case of an entirely different nature is that of Albert E. Brunson vs Lillie N. Brunson , which was entered on the same docket yesterday. . In March , 1833 , Brim- son , whoso wife is an ox-school teacher , and seems to wear tlio pants , bought 1GO acres of B. & M. lands near Cheney , in Lancaster county. Bruuson swears'that the defendant harassed and tormented him so that to got a little peace ho gave her a promissory note for $1.000 , secured by a mortgage on his stock and growing crops. Some time after , on the promise that she would surrender the note and mortgage , Brunson assigned to his wife the contract for the land , on which only a small payment is duo and which has become a very valuable property. When ftlio had secured this assignment Mrs. lirunson quietly sat down on Albert and refused to rccogni/.o his rights as pro prietor , soiling oft'the crops and pocket ing the proceeds , and otherwise con ducting herself as the boss of tlio ranch. Brounson now asserts that the transfers were made without consideration nnd nsks the courts to have thorn cancelled. He did this , however , yesterday when lie was out of the reach nnd influence of hit stronger half. Whether ho will weaken when she gets her linger on him ngain , remains to bo seen. ON UU. IXXIOK'S TnA.II , . The boldness of Dr. Doggo , in birying 68,000 worth of real estate in this city , nfter virtually swearing on his trial that lie was a bankrunt and claiming to bo unable to give § 3,000 bail , has brought the creditors of Hcrold down on him in a drove. Abraham Hart and about fifty others liavo begun an action for the ap- pointmen.t of n receiver nnd the sale of JJoggo's property to satisfy their claims. They allege that their judgments against Horold remain unsatisfied , and that as Ihoy believe Doggo obtained $15000 in cash Him valuable real estate in Plattsmouth from Herold without consideration , part of which at least was used in purchasing the property in this city , they ask that Iho courts give thorn an equitable relief. Doggo , it will bo remembered , pleaded poverty when asked to give bail to stand trial , and became an inmate of the Hotel JUelick until the judge reduced the bond inquired to $1,500. Now ho blossoms out as the owner of an $8,000 piece of property. nnicii' MHNTION. The light over granting a license to George Brown to sell intoxicating Jiqnors in the town of Bennett , has cot Into the district court. Brown made his application to the town board in good Bhapo , and presented a petition signed ny thirty-four freeholders assorting that 'jiu is a good citizen nnd a responsible > nan. This was offset by a memorial from twenty-six men and , twenty-four Indies , contending that Brown Is not en titled to n license because ho has fro- nuoutly violated the law , a man of bad reputation. And now tlio district court is asked to stop in and decide be tween tlio two papers. The papers of the Lincoln Base Ball association have been recorded in the Bocrotary of state's ollleo. 11. B. Durfoo Is manager and E. 1 $ . Durfoo treasurer. The capital stock amounts to $ auO. Governor Dawcs will issue to-day a proclamation appointing John McClel land , Hamlin Whitham nnd Alfred S. Allun commissioners , and John C , Hayes clerk of Chase eountv , in complinncu with n petition of the electors for organiza tion. The county .scat is located on the northwest quarter of section ! , town ship 0 , north of range 119 , and southwest quarter of section ! W , township 7. north of range B ? , both west of the Oth principal inuriilnin. Editor Druse , of the Nebraska Farmer , received a letter from Congressman Laird yesterday stating that a memorial tons boon lilud with Commissioner Col- man , of the dnpnrtmunt of agriculture , asking that tin experimental station for the investigation of animals diseased bo established in Nebraska. Mr. Lain ! says that the rawer is signed by the entire Jiouso committee on agriculture , and the frolld delegation , and lie lias every reason to hone that Commissioner Colcman will take favorable action Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bing celebrated their silver wedding Satur- imv u&htiit their homo , No , 800 , F street , is largo number of fr' ' rts assisting thorn on tlio happy occasion , A liltlo girl named Siobcr , wandered away from her home on Ninth and B streets Sunday afternoon , and AVOS picked up by borne employes of the Medi cal Instltuto , and turned over to the po lice. Several hours later her parents struck headquarters on a hunt for her. The cold storage house of the Dick Brothers' Uruwingcompany took n little tumble Sunday , and bottle ueor and ice wore mingled in tin unrollshablo mas.s. . Foreman Charles Wunderllehs , who has charge of the Job of building the elate capitol under Contractor Stout , will put a foroo of twenty masons at work to-day on thn main part of the building. With good weather Mr. Wundorllclis expects to bo able to turn the ontlie structure over to ths roofers by early fall , ami per haps got the porticos UP. rst Bophlu Bw&wan has begun suit against the oitjof Lincoln for f5,000 damages for a 'pralnod ankle received by falling ' through < Uftctivo sidewalk on F street near i'.igb.tetmtU. in November last. Tweutv Ore liquor licenses were granted ojr l& o'ly ' oouncll lint night. V TUo Od I Fellows have abandoned their. scheme of an excursion to Omaha on the 20th. The best rate they can get for the round trip is fi75 which they think is about 70 cents too much. NK\V YOUIC"C1TY. Sights of tlio Metropolis ns Viewed By an Omntm IJoy. NEW YoitK , April < J. Wo liavo been in Now York only n few days , but have seen many things of interest. Having n. great dcsiro to sco an emigrant ship land , our first trip was to Castle Garden. Wo wcro fortunate enough to bo tlioro just as a ship bringing passengers from Norway landed. The emigrants left the ship in numbers and came trooping through the Battery park with their eyes and mouths wide open , staring at everything and everybody they came across. Tlicro are usually a lot of confidence men who can speak the language of thcso people , and they pretend to bo their friends anil tell them to como with them and they will get work , but they are soon robbed ot everything they liavo and loft almost heir.Tho . The next attraction was Coney Island and Brighton Beach. Wo went there principally to sco the hotel , which is built in exactly the sliapo of an elephant , trunk , tall , and all. It is roofed with tin and painted tlio color of the animal it represents. It lakes its name from its sliapo. Coney Island is a famous resort for Now York , Brooklyn and Jersey City people during the hottest days ol sum mer. On this account a hotel of extra ordinary size lias been built there , the veranda facing the ocean being 13,000 fool ( moro than two miles ) lotte. It has the appropriate name of tlio Hotel Mam moth. Our attention was next turned to Central park. Wo took ono of the wagons which are provided to tnku vis itors to the principal places in the park. Wo rode from ono end of the place to tlio other , passing the famous Egyptian obelisk , ilio lake , the menagerie , and In fact all the places that visitors would cure to see. The Metropoli tan Museum of Art , which is in tlio park , anil Museum of .Natural History which is just outside , are free to till. All the carriage and equestrian drives are nicely kept , and are the favorite after noon rides of many of the fnshiotmblo ladies of the city. Iliad long ago heard ofVall street nnd the stock exchange , and , though I had seen the former , I never expected to sco the latter. But , luckily for mo , I happened to run across an eleventh cousin by the uncommon name of Smith , who was kind enough to take us through several lanro buildings , ono of which was the stock exchange. Our visit to the bulls and bears happened to bo on the mem orable day 01 the 1st of April. Wo hero saw this day commemorated as never be fore. Ono of the bulls or bears , I can't say which , had a placard on ids back with the words "Kick mo hard. " This was an invitation which tlio greater part of the members could not resist , and heroforo wore heartily accepting it. After leaving this place we wont through the buildings of the Mutual Lifo Insur ance company , the produce exchange and the Equitable Trust company. These rank among the foremost buildin&rs in New York , ono of thorn being of white marble. Though there is nothing much to see , it is a pleasant trip to go across the bay to Staten Island , on which the Bartholdl statue of Liberty is being erected , the pedestal of which is now built. On the cast end of Staten island is the old Fort Wndsworth , from which is obtained a comtnamliu < r view of the harbor , and the neighboring cities. It is a pleasant walk out to the fort , the road all the way being along the water. Fort Hamilton on Long Island , is dircctlv opposite , and Fort Lafayette is in the middle of the narrows , , between the other two. While speaking of islands , wo will say that Governor Island , the place where General Hancock died , is plainly seen from Castle Garden. Anoth er place of interest which wo visited was the Toombs. My friend happened to know an officer , through whom wo ob tained a permit , otherwise it would have been difficult to have gotten admittance. The place has art appropriate name , for the interior has not a very lively look. There is not much danger of the prison ers escaping , for the walls are twelve feet thick. There is a special corridor used for murderers. It id called "Mur derers' Row. " In the court between the two parts of the prison , stands the "Black Maria. " It differs from a patrol wagon because the prisoners are locked in , and cannot look out , there being no windows. Only the worst class are put in this. In this same court is the beam from which the doomed prisoners meet their fate. Another thing which is 6f interest to vis itors is the elevated railroad. In the up per part of the city ono line runs very nigh above the ground ; its heighth fs equal to that of tlio top of the six-story buildings. Space forbids mentioning many other points of interest. I am anxious to got Wile to Croighton college. GEOUQE MUUCKK. AiiRosturn Bitters were prepared by Dr. J. . II. Slegcrt for his private uso. Their reputation Is such to-day that they have be come generally known as the best appetising tonic. Beware of counterfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist for the genuine aitlclo manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Slcsert & Sons. Hero is a little romance of democracy from London Truth : 1'An M. P. had a cook. She was an excellent servant , but she gave warning a few days ago. Upon being asked for the reason she explained that now that her own lather was an M. 1' . her family thought that she ought not to remain in service. " The only effect remedy for throat and lung troubles is Red Star Cough Cure. Germany has eight schools of forestry , where live years' training is required of those who book positions under the gov ernment , although a course of study luilf as long may bo taken by amateurs. A recent careful calculation shows that England owns nearly three time as largo an extent of colonies ns all the nwt of Europe together. Her colonies nrooighty < live times as big as the mother country. PILLS Shi foeatcat Medical Triumph of tUo Agel " SYMPTOMS OF A ' TORPID LIVER. Iioiiornppotlie , llow Ucoill c , 1'uVnlu the head , > rllh a dull cntntlon In llio bacU pnrl , J'uln unrlur tUo iUoalJer- blade , I'ullDSiS ofler nAlloE , wllU udU. Inclination fo exertion of liodr orinlod , Irrltnbllliroflumper , Ionr ilrlU , wllU u fooling of bavlnE neglected omodutr , Wcuriueii , Illztlneii , fluttering at tbo lioarl. Dot * bofurotho eycit Uendaob * over the rlabl eye , llettUitnen , with fltful ilrcnmt. HUblr colored Urlue , ana > CONSTIPATION. . . ? ' Ttrrr'8 Fil/r.8 nr e p doliy adapted to snob eatott one dosa effects eucli a cianffaofeollngaatoniloniittho8uirerer. | Tb T Incrtmo the AputtUe , nd cauao Iba body to T UB ou fe-Ulto.tliui tba Mttem Is uonrUhed , ana by tholrTonlo Action oa TUTT'S ' EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA HeoaratM the bodmaku bealUijr tlesli , ttnDztbiai Uia wik. rtpalra the * r9t i of Ui6 ijritem witb pur * blood nd hard muscle ; cuno th * DwfOVi iTitem , tarizoratcs the bivUc , and lmp rU ( ho rigor of manhood. ai. BolJbr dnigeli . . . OE it Murrmr S . . Now Vork. ' IDE OLD MAN ELOQUENT , Gladstone's Oratory A Pen Picture of the Oroat Liberal Leader. The Tremendous Power of I'crsunsloii the Key to the Whole Man. London Correspondence of the New York Times : But go some night when the premier Is there ami nolo the iliilbr- encol It is such n change as the fairy prlnco wrought on the enchanted palace. The benches are well tilled , nnd the mem bers especially the now members sit upright and with eyes wide open. The occupants of the front opposition bench look nervously conscious and apprehen sive. Every speaker and particularly if ho bo a new man evidences by his manner , his voice , his delivery , that ho is chielly anxious to impress Mr. Gladstone favorably , and that ho is really speaking to no one else. If there is a cliunqo thnt the premier is to speak , yon will fl ml few oungors in the lobby fewer still m the smoking roe Tlicro is an indescribable fascination in watching the great man as ho sits towards the outer end of the govern ment bench listening to a debate. It may bo that tht ? is not Ins invariable rule , but nt least I have never happened to sco him in the house in any other garb than evening - ing dress with n wider expanse of shirt front than is ordinarily worn oven hero , whore very much linen is the fashion. Ho leans buck comfortably , with ono thin lug over the oilier and with his eyes mus ingly lixcd on the great mace on the table belorc him , when in repose. The full toj ) light shines on Ins long , bald crown , his clustering gray side locks , and _ his stiirt front , and makes him the conspicu ous object of every e.yo. About 10 or 11 o'clock in the evening ho always writes hi * daily letter to I ho queen , using a pad on his knee and a quill pen , and it is ono of the most familiar of his curious ways that this occupation never prevents his hearing acutelv all that is going on. All at once you will sco him stop writing and screw his head to ono side like a very wise old bird , and you may know that ho has heard something which interests him. If the sneaking happens to bo unusually good no will turn and look at the orator steadily , as if delighted at the discovery of now'talent. When lesser lights of the opposition and the name of these is le gion are attacking him. ho customarily draws his head down into his collar and looks stonily at them ; but if the assault bo from somebody wortli listening to , say Churchill or Smith , he listens more graciously , expressing on his strikingly mobile face as the indictment goes on all Ins emotions amusement , interest , dis sent t , indignation , scorn , elation. No great actor over knew better how to .show lorth more varied feelings in all their In tensity on liis face. Anil then to sec him nod his head , or slowly shako it , in . re sponse to spmo controversial assertion I Lord Dnrloigh's nod could not have been more subtly eloquent. When he rises to his feet a great hush falls over the house. It would not bo exact - act to say that all eyes are turned upon him , because he is at all times the foous of observation , butalightof interested ex pectancy comes into every face. Ho be gins in alow tone of voice , but there is such absolute silence that his iirst words nro never inaudible , and rarely indis tinct. Ho has been making notes during the speech he is to answer , but ho will not refer to them once he is on his feet. His fcrm as ho stands at the side of the table , upon wliichxhe , lightly rests one hand , does not suem as lall'its it really is , so delicately is it proportioned. I wisli there wore words in which to convoy the sound and libro of his voice , for until you arc able to associate this with your imago of the man the mental picture fails. It is unlike any other voice , just as Saraii Hornliardt's is ; it has in itself the power of generating now sensations , new thoughts in the listener's mind ; it seems to have S9mething of primordial weirdness - ness in its suggestions like the ocean or the "forest primeval. " Of oratory , as such , there will not bo much. Tlicro will bo nothing at ail to recall Wendell Phillips or Webster , or to sug gest Castolar or Gambotta. It is not oven the eloquence of Bright or of Joseph Cowon. There are no gestures , save limited movements with one hand ; there are no swelling outbursts of the voice , no tricks of rounded elocutionary po riods. Ono feels only at the outset that a great man is terribly in earnest ; then , as the slow , careful , logical sweep of speech goes on one feels that this earnest ness is contagious ono catches its spirit , Jiangs approvingly upon its development , thrills with enthusiasm at its climax of conclusions. The great orators whom I have named could electrify a legislative assemblage , play upon its emotions at will , blanch its cheeks , quicken its pulse , command its wildest plaudits but after the spcccii was over the votes would bo cast just as if it hud not been made. There are no such physical excitements in listen ing to Mr. Gladstone. He docs not storm your senses lie conquers your reason , convinces your judzmimt. This tremendous power of persuasion is the key to the whole man. It accounts for both his stron th and his weakness. Ho is so superb , so matchless un arguer that lie can load English sentiment around after him wherever ho wants to go. But lie is also so wonderful a casuist that ho persuades oven himself out of his own judgment sometimes , and then loader and led alike po into the ditch. Sentiment anil shrewdness are curiosity mingled in his mental control. Ho may bo as cautious as Machiavclli up to n certain point ; then ho will be for a time as open and unsus pecting as Lady June Gray and Uicii ivl ! at once llama forth with the passionate fervor of a Loyola. Yet ail the time ho will bo , in his intentions , deeply consul ontious and sincere. Toward whatever point of the compass his steps may really be directed , his moral vison will bo fixeii upon the north star of political enfranchisement chisoment and advancement. Hence i has happened that while the clover moi of his party , able at least to sou that lie was temporarily in the wrong path , hnvo often hold aloof from him , the masses o the English people , having supreme faitl in his intentions , have followed blindly through good ana evil report. And uo\\ whim Mr. Goosohon and Lord Hurting ton fcol constrained from one point o view to part company with him , am Messrs. Cliumborlin and Trovylan from a widely dltt'wont standpoint are threaten ing to desert him , I believe that the pee plu of England are more uultc'lfy ' ) avi" pathy with hinj uml su " ,0ii 01 him than tliny hnvo OVw peon before. 130 that ns it may , and the question will soon bo put to the test , there will bo no dissent to the proposition that the house of commons will bo another and dillercnt body when it drops out of it. Since Djsrnujl loft the house Gladstone has been a sort of horoio survival in it the last of his race. In ollice or out of oilico ho 1ms so monopolized attention as to literally dwarf his associates , col leagues and opponents aljko. There has been nobody to gharo Attention by his faitto , much loss to stand against him. Ho la a veritable Gulliver among Lillipu tians. Lone since the query became familiar to liberals , "Who will lead them when Gladstone dies ? " nnd the ef forts to answer it has only served to show the measure of Hartington's incapacity , side by side with Chamberlain's unfit- ness. But a more general question still forces itself upon a student of par liament here , "Who will render the housu of commons intellectually respect able oven when Gladstone isgoneY'1 And tlore ) seems to-bo no answer at'all to this question , CHANGING COLORS. \ Mountain SToatt Which Can Mnko Itself Klther White or Itlack. Now York Jqnrnnl : A southern hunter hus describes .n curious freak of nature. Vo had taken to the bed of the motin- ain stream that in1 tons of thousands of rears had made thb mighty canyon. It vas tilled with lingo bowlders , strewn nut tumbled about in chaotic confusion , ns if a stream of rocks had done the vork , and wafer was altogether n sec ondary consideration. The vooka had been polished by the rush and spray of years , and to bound from ono to another vithntit slipping or falling required no ittle skill. As 1 was about to take a leap , ind had my gun well in hand as a help , ny companion seized mo , and in an ex cited whisper told mo to look. "A rattlesnake ? " I asked , hauling back nnd sitting down heavily. "Mo , " was the reply , given in such a nanncr that I became convinced Unit ho saw either a grizzly or a mountain lion. 'Don't ' move , " ami reaching around ho latiled out , not a weapon , but a pocket uicroscopo , which , with great caution , lie npplleto a small bump on a bowlder be- "ore him. "Is that what you are breaking a man ill up for ? " said I , as the bump became a "rog. "fs that all ? " retorted my friend. 'Why , man , that frog , or trco toad , 1 am jonvinced , is a now species. If I should dcscibo it as Hyln Jone.sli , you might , jorhaps , think it of some importance , rt'liy , look at ill It's one of the most ro- nnrknbln examples of protective rcsom- ) lance you over saw. " A close examination of the diminutive cause ot the excitement showed that it ivas , indeed , wonderfully protected , and [ had almost stepped upon the animal that safe in its disguise had not moved. Vt a casual glance the toail would have jecn taken for a prominence on thp jouldor , and now that attention was di rected toward it , the mimicry seemed sill the moro striking , as the animal almost ixactly resembled the stone in color. The utter was a spotted granite peculiar to ho mountains here , the spots being quite argo and pronounced and of irregular shape , evidently deposits of dark mica , ho remainder 9f llio rock being white or nearly so. This mottled surface was re- > reduced on the toad's back as if painted , md even the delicate legs , with their Hsk-tipped toes , shared the ornamenta tion. tion."I've "I've scon green tree-toads on green caves. " said my companion , "but this jeats them all. It is evidently a tree- toad adapted to a life among the bowl- dors of this stream. Now , to show you the perfection of this protection , I will start it up and sec what the result will bo. " The toad was forthwith touched with a , wiir , and with a mighty leap landed upon i rock that was nearly white , round and smooth. Wo sat down upon a neighbor- 'ng bowlder and waited for the change .hat nature was to make in the little har lequin. In live minutes by the watch this lad taken place. The black spots that mil represented the mica were rapidly lading out , the other portions also losing their uark tint. ' Quickly the change went on , and in ti comparatively short time the spotted toad was of' almost the exact hue as its new basommt as inconspicuous as t had been bopreand ( | would , as in the former case , htjvo J > eon passed by as n ncrc prominence upon the rock. Another touch , and the little crcatnrn sprang upon mother bo\vldei'frdm which ittwns driven Irani ono almost bl'aelc. Again the curi ous change Was noticed , ( lark patches coming aiiil the kin assuming the same tint as it had while on the granite. The spots continuedto , grow , increasing their diameter until. at last they all fusoil to gether and tlietoad , became almost black iml equally as incopsuicnoiis us before. In an attempt tb'drivo it upon an alder ib finally escaped.1 "I have no doubt , " said the lizard hunter , "that it would adapt itself to changes of color equally well. How is it done ? Well , there are different opin ions. The method is found in a large variety of animals , especially lizards , tl.ougli tishcs have it to a certain extent. The skin ot animals contain : : pigment , and the cells are moro or lops under the control of the nerves , so to speak. That is. under certain conditions , some cells expand , while thoae containing a pig ment of another color contract , and thus if pigment cells are arranged in the skin in layers you can easily see how certain changes take place. You must bear in mimC however , that these changes are intuitive on the part of the animal ; it cannot help it. It does not deliberately hop onto a white stone when black and contort itself in any way to produce a change , yet the oyu is really the medium , and the secret is , according ; to _ mv ideas and they are not mine exclusively thnt the cells are extremely sensitive to Varia tions of color. " The Root of the Evil. To thoroughly cure scrofula it is nec essary to strike directly at the root of the evil. This is exactly what Hood's Sarsaparilla - parilla does , by acting upon the blood , thoroughly cleansing it of all impurities , and leaving not oven a taint of scrofula in the vitaHluid. Thousands who have boon cured of scrofula by Hoods Sarsaparilla - rilla , testify to its wonderful blood-purify ing qualities. Sold by all druggists. Do Not Prot. Good Housekeeping : ' "Every ono of these doors creaks so horribly that it al most sets mo wild , " exclaimed a thv.d housekeeper who was trying to rest a lit tle after the labors of a wearisome day. Now this was not the first , perhaps it was the twentieth time , she had made the same , or a similar remark , about the creaking of the doors , when with the aid of a bottle of oil and u feather she might have made them swing noislessly anil saved herself all the annoyance she had suffered. It is a great deal easier to make suggcs ions than to follow them , but it seems tome mo thattho "goldou rulo" f.or housekeep ers might bo this : "If anything goes wrong for which there is absolutely no remedy do not fret , but ruaka the best of it. " I bolioyo that often it is not the work that makes us feel so thoroughly weary at the end of the wuok ns worrying over it , I romombor/pf 'fretting a good deal over some Thanksgiving pies , complain ing that I nlwnw spoiled them by puttin in too much ot , ono/ thing or another , when piy sistoi ) ' quietly remarked that perhaps I put/too 'much anxiety into thorn. I saw the point , and resolved henceforth to do Uiji host I could witji my cooking and to wqr'fry less over results Of course I had nftfrrward butter sucpySS and fur more peace of m'nul , Theninrodav , oxjorionco of every \ housekeeper wnon everything seems determined , tb go wrong , and a porfeot iivnhuich.a of litllo troubles and perplexities segm ito overwhelm ono. Then indeed is she that ruletli her spirit "butter than ho'tliiU'tiikoth ' a city , " But How often nt Iho close of such a day have wo looked back and soun Hint all cnmo right at last in spite of our forebod ings , and wo have wished so much that wo could have been self-controlled and Bwcet-tomporctl through it all. It is so natural to magnify little troubles instead of remembering that they are not worth fretting about. If at breakfast tlio biscuits - cuits nro a llttlo too yellow and the steak n trillo overdone , in almost every case no one will bo troubled about it if you are not. not.If the coffee is not just exactly right no one will notice it unless you callattontion to it by some disparaging remark. Es pecially should wo guard against a habit of fretting because of tlio discomfort it causes those about us , and the bad influ ence it has upon them , It the housekeeper frets the children do the sumo , and the servants also , for nothing is moro con tagious , and wo have anything but a happy household. However badly things I may po nothing is gained by worrying over them , and If wo cannot bo always iright and cheerful wo can at least endure - duro naticntly till the storrrt passes over and the sunshine returns , ns it surely will in duo tirno. OUT FOll A3 * AIRING. Omnha Humanity Takes Advantage or a Pleasant Afternoon. * Sunday was n bright , beautiful Ne braska spring day neither lee cold nor .oo ' warm. As a natural consequence , n argo portion of Omaha humanity took occasion to air itself. Sixteenth street , the boulevard of Omaha , was thronged in the afternoon with nil manner of vehicles [ roni the two wheeler dog cart to the liaroucho or olcgant "family carriage" the occupants of all bent on cnjoving a good time. Some of the Hoot roadsters of Ihc city handled by their respective owners were out for a spin , though the crowded condition of the thoroughfare oven as far out as the fort , precluded nny great speeding. Far into the evening the driv ing continued , and it was well on to wards midnight when the last rig turned in. in.The The Athletic park on Sixteenth street was well patronized too. In the after noon several of the members of the Union Pacific team were driven out. there , nnd indulged in a little practice play- Ing. They wore joined in the sport by local amateurs. There wrro hardly enough players present to afford two good nines , ami the boys were obliged to content themselves with knocking "flics , " base throwing , etc. Several long "Hies" were batted during ho afternoon , notably by Handle , who several times sent the sphere whirling within a few inches of tlio north fence. In the northwest corner of the park several members of the Omaha Gun club wore engaged in practice rifle shooting. A new-stylo trap , to operated as to throw tip into the nir pasteboard rapid occasion , furnished opportunity for soy- oral of the crack shots to display their skill ntofl'-hand shooting. Some good shots wcro made during the half-hour erse so of practice , and the men re turned from the field well pleased with their afternoon's sport. A Jlcotlnjj of Ministers. Ill accordance with the call issued by Bishop Worthington , a meeting of the ministers of the city was hold at 10 o'clock yesterday in the Episcopal rooms in the 1'axton building. The object of the gathering was to discuss ways and means to secure a moro general observance of the Sabbath in this city. Among those present were Ilov. 'llarsha of the First Presbyterian , Hall of the Southwest Pros- bvteriau , Fowler of the 'South M E. , Savidgo of the Seward street M. E. , MoKaig of the First M. E. , Scott of the St. Marv's " avenue Congregational , Copeland - land of "Unity church , Sliorill of the First Congregational , Ingram of the Christian church , Pelton of the Second Congrega tional , Bishop Worthington and Canon ? Patterson and Pierson of the Episcopal parishes , and Messrs. _ Joplin , Gassman , kruegcr and Landrick. An association for securing a uniform observance of the Sabbath was formed , with Bishop Worthington , president ; Rev. A. F. Shcrill , vice president , and Uov. W. J. Har.sha , secretary. The associa tion will at ouco enter upon a crusade for Sunday observance , though it is not ready as yet to announce its plans. QUEER ADVICE. An Old PliT I ' ! n BATH Drlnlc Vonr VVhliltuy Slralelit. To THE EDITon : In several of your ro- ceut Issues , I have observed the articles or n whiskey concern In Baltimore. Md. , W licli , whllo written from an Interested motive , coutulu some very sensible state ments , ejpeclnlly their remarks about no- callcd blttors , couph syrups , cod liver oil , etc. Now , whllo Jlo not ngree with thorn In some of Ilielr c Via inn , still , us to the throe mixtures nbovii montlonad , no truer w ords could have been spoken. Every day In my practice I come across people whose nmlmllesnre tnicenblo direct to these nox ious compounds. Tnko , for Instance , the widely ndveitUod "bitters" of to-day. In nine cases out of ton , they consist of SO percent , ( tlio amount the government al lows ) ot whut Is culled "commercial alco hol , " thnt Is , an alcohol of the viltst and most poisonous gruile. The remaining In gredients consist ot various foreign sub- Etnuccs ns flavoring extracts. These decoc tions ara consnnwl principally by tlio con sumptive , the debilitated , tlie convalescent and others of wenlc stomachs. Now , whllo alcohol , especially In the form of whis key , is the beat known stimulant , and is prescribed dnily by the profession everywhere , and while whiskey nnd glycerine is the best thins for coughs , I con't conceive why people will Insist upon tnkluR this nlcohol In the form of a decoction or n nostrum. It would bo far better if they would take It "strniaht , " no In that form , as the articles state. It passes Into the blood vessels direct , without ell- Kestlvo etrort on th part of the inch , nnd affords mnro nntriment thnn nny other known substance. If the concern In Bnltimore hnvo discovered n men us of ells- tilling nn nrtlcln of tlio kind they claim , that Is , whiskey , absolutely pure nnd free from fusel oil ( which I very much doubt ) , they have solved one of the urentoet scien tific problems of the 10th centurj" , nomo- thlnR thnt has been the source of moro , In vestigation nmoiiff scientists and chemists dnrlng the Inst half century than nny other one nrtlolo known to the pharnmco- oaln , and tbo fortunate discoverers will hnvo In it a greater monopoly than the harfio qnlnltio operators hurt a few years nee , which latter monopoly Is now jrrnnn- ftlly Tallinn , throuch the grent Inrondn whlakoy in mafclOff on it Jn the cure of ( Reewdlnn the doobt oxprnv iwl \ > f tlis eral- nent doctor us to wbetUrr Duffi' " ; jmw malt whiskey la alttolntalr tree from fw jl oil , n olnlmcd bOie rropristor ! " , v wpojd Bay to our readow that Hw compxpy eutraitp thPti artloletosinolysUbv WY Inlffllltont ehe-- orphys'olan. n 'l It has eireaiTy been anw : by the most * mtnent'ehflT > t'tiw lua country , uoU M Mott. Mtnxe. Ar ndt. dp , In making the assertion tha Pozaoni's ' medicated complexion powder is entire ly free from injurious or deadly poisons , wo do it upon tlio authority of a thorough chemical analysis , It is ono of the old. estfaco powders in the American man kot , ami is used in the families of some ofoiir most prominent modioal m en who have purRoimUy acknowledged to the proprietor that they not only consider it harmless , but esteemed it highly banufi- ciaj in every rosnuot , not only for the use of ladies and ghildron but for thu 'lord of creation * himself. Sold by druggist * } . How to Wliorio Allpott0f | w.Tr XQi-kTIinos : "You seem to bo hungry to-niglit , old man , " said a gentle mall to friend who was seated in Dohnonico'rt before a dinner that nearly comprised llio bill of faro. " 1 am ; ravenous. " " 1 wish I could cat n dinner like thai , ' wont on the ! ir t speaker , enviously , "What do you take , cocktails ? " "No ; butter appetizer than cocktails.1 "Well , what is it ? ' "I've been out with my wife to a r o'clock tea , Hero , waiter , moro bread and bo quick about it. " At Darien , Conn , , the olhor day , one Martin MoLaughlin , who was stealing a ride , was ordered to jump oil' by a brake man. Ho did fco , and striking against a rock bounced baok under the moving wheels and w s cut in two. The theory that the Indians are dc creasing in number is not sustained by In formation from Sitting Bull's ' people During the month of February , among those enrolled at Standing Kook , Dak. , there were seventeen deaths and twenty- ono births. Marvelous and magical nrp the effect/ / of St. Jacobs Oil on rheumatism tun neuralgia. The First of the Bonson. The snake story season begins early this year. Horace Dodd , of Millviow , Vn. , killed a six-foot moccasin snake last week that had a wire collar around its neck , to which was attached n button with thcso words : "Don't tread on mol" As this was the motto of the famous revolu tionary "Culppppcr Minute Men , " nnd as the button was probably from ono of their uniforms , the question arises as to the probable ago of lids particular sor- Pont. P1UE9 ! A sure euro for Hllml. Hloctlln < ? , Itchln and Ulccrntvd 1'llcs has been dlscovcretl by Mr. Williams ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr Williams' Indian I'llo Ointment. A single box 1ms cured the worst clironio rasooC 25 or SO years standing. No ono need stifTer llvo minutes nttur npiilylni ? this wonderful sooth ins nutllclno. Lotions and InstrumrntM demote mote harm tlmn pond. Willlnnis' Indian Pile Olntmont absorbs the tumors , nll.tys tlio Intense Itchlnc , ( partlculnrly nt nlcht after ccttlnsarni In bed ) , acts as n poultice , civos instant relief , nnd Is prciaied only for I'lloj , Itchln ? of iirlvftto i > nrts. and for nothing else. SKIN DISKAHKS CUIMI2O. Dr. Kra/.ior's Jfaclc Ointment euros us by mixtjic , Pimples , Ulnck Heads or Grub. " , Ulolches ami Kritptloiis 'on the face , leaving the SKln clear and uoautlf ul. Also euros Itch , Salt itl'otun , Sere Xlinilos , Sere Lips , mut Old OlHtlnnto Ulcers. Sold by diuggUts , or mailed on receipt ot GO cents. Hetnlled by Kuhn & Co. , nnd Schroder * Conrad. At wholesale ) bv C. K. ( ioodman. Nebraska national Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. ? airt up Capital $350,000 SuplusMfiy 1 , 1885 25,000 II. W. YATT.S , President. A. E. TOUZAI.IN , Vice President W. H. S. HUGHKS , Cashier. tIIIEC'101 W. V. Moion , tIIIEC'101JOHN S. COLLINS , H. W. YATUS , LEWIS S. UBRU , A. K. TOUZALIN , BANKING OFFICEi THE IB ON BANK. Cor. 12th itnd Fnrnnm Streets. General ItanMnit Uusliuu ) Tmiu.utsl. WEAK , Ami < .llipr * milTcrlnit from nervcna ilclillltjr , mhnu > llna clironlo Utoeugs , pit ntnturo tleclInn of jounir or old nro 't ' gUlTCly cuittl by Dr. llnrrxi'ft famous Klcttio * v Blnenrlla licit. Tliouiuiuli In CTO-T t/MsStit In thn union line lirrn enrol. lilcolrllfVj < 'S' ) tlinllyrflt > 1'Kli'iilwlanil fold 10 ji'ais.Vlinlo fnmli iy can wear puno belt. I.lcctrlc sunncHfturlt'ffrro Him in llo hill * . Avotil tvunhle slm > It.-ufoin Aim lingua companion. Electric Tru o for ntinluro. 700 cured ln'83. wcnrt Mump for pnmiililrt. DR. W. J. HORNE. INVENTOR. 101 WflBASH AY. . CHICAGO. "CHICKESTER'S ENGLISH. " The Original mid Only Weiinlnc. P fr ind lw j ! lti-lliM . ncirin ot norlhlr n ImlutloDl. lodlirtimtle to LA PIES. A k your UfUBilit fur * C'hlchcotcr' rntll ; li ud Uk no otheror lutloie . riunil'H ) to 114 for rartlcutin fit Ittttr tiy return raulU NAME PAPEfl. CMehCTtcr Chtmlral Co. , aSl ifAInJI.un Hanaro. , i'fe * old by I > HIBR | | A everywhere. Art for Clilchc * tcr'i KutlUli" 1'cnnjrojul I'lllt. T te no otter. i j P CTHS ! 6PSPI K ' H " ! alTOa tnrxtlEitictmla tf . Otolt wwtld , cum Pjep-pn * . Diirthwt. l > itr nl > " . nl finufder * of lh IHUTO OrcJM A fr dro | > tinrart a diln.i ui CIT tn f el * * * * > f chunpitt , * 4 ( o Ul tUciTtr drnxi Tir ' ' tr ir cf OHinutf.iu / h your n r cr < "p.-ti t fet Ui 5vkU rua , ianmrrturtdbr MUj 0. II. t. ftERTibOyS. j. 17. urrz KAvu , cc-3 AC : : : ; ? , 61 jutoj/ > : ; vr , .x IT. DR. MAIlt'S Asthma Oure. This Invnlunblo specific readily nnd perma nently euros nil kinds of Asthma. Tlio most obstinate nnd loiw stnndintr cnsus yield prompt- y to 1U wonderful curlnti properties. It U mown throughout the world for Its unrlvalo J cttlcacy. J. L. OALDWELL , city ot Lincoln , Nob. , writes , Jan. 2J , 1681 : Slnco uslnir Dr. Hair's Asthma Cure , for moro than ono year , my wife has boon entirely well , nnd not oven n symptom of the dlBcnso has nppcarod. WILLIAM UE.VNETT , niehlnnd , Town , writes. Nov.Jld , 1R83 : I liavo boon nllllctod with Hey Fovcr nnd Apthmn since ISM ) . I followed your directions nnd ntn hnppy to say that I never slept bolter In my life. I am glnd thnt I um nmoiiK the ninny who can sponk BO favorably of yourromodlos. AvnlutibloOlp.ioro treatise containingslmllai proof from every state In the U. 8. , Canada and Great Drltain. will bo mailed upon application Any druggist not bavins It In stock will pro- cu It. Cure without modi- A POSITIVE cine. 1'ntontol Octo ber 10,1870. Ono box will euro the most obllnnto cnso In four days or loss. JglBS No nnuEoous doses ot cubebs , copaiba or oil of fandnlw'ood thnt nro certain to produce dyspep sia by ( jpstrovlnir the contlmr * of tlio stomach , 1'i-lco 31.50. Bold by nil driiffiflsts or mailed on receipt of prleo. I'fie further particulars sent forcirculnr. 1 > .0. HorlSU. fTTDD ( ST. c. - TJIJN - co. , IjlJ Kr , w * w KJ John ! . , Now York. tuea-tli-Kutlvin&o Railway Time Table. OMAHA. Tno following Is the time of arrival and depart - part tire or trains bjr Central Btnndsrd tlmo at tlio local depots. Trains of tbo U , St. V ; M. & O. nrrlvo nnd depart from Uiclr depot , corner ot 14th nnd WobiUor straots ; tralmon the I ) . He M. , C. , B. & Q. nnd 1C. 0. , St. J. & C. n. from the I ) . & JI. depot : nil others from the Union I'acltla depot. uitlDQE TttAINS. IlrldKOtrnlns Will lonvs I' ' . 1 * . depot at fl5 : nT:3a8UO8ilo8:6UJQ:0011W : : : ; a. pa. . U l:00 : la-l:60-S:00-a:09-II ; : : : 4 ; < M-5W : & ; JO 0:10 : 7:00 : 11:10 : p. m. Loayo tramfur for Omaha at 7:12-11 : 8:15-0qq : : -tinsi-'i ioXi-ian7-iiin : , . : m.'i:3r-2ii- : : : Arrival nnJ iiomtrttiro of trains from the trnnsfcrdonot at Council lilulta : IlEl'AIT. AlttUVE. CIIICAOO , HOCK ISt.ANLi t I'ACinf. n TJJS A. M I JJ , ° , ! 1'a iini5A. : i /JS'S1'M / ' ? C : lUr. M I J7:00 ? : i' . M cnicAao k KOHTHWKSTKIIN. n 0:15 : A. M I ' fl:15 : A.M 00l'i' : ' . M I 117:00 : p. M CHICAGO , imilMNOTO.N i ( JUINOV. A I.0.1 ) A. M ' i Ai'liA. ' H Oslo f , M I ; itwui' ' i - A"YCO : I- , M CIUOACIO , MIM7AUKR2 ft ST. VAlir , . n nir ; > A. M u U15 ; A 0 0:101' : . M I HTlOJi' , M KANSAScrrr. ST. JOB t COUNCIL iuurr . 0 8:631' : ! M .1 A 6:10 : I' ! M \VABASH , BT , I.tlUlS Si PACiriO. A (1:00 ( : r. > i I A 0:3) : f. M SIOUY ClIX * PACIFIC. A 7:01 : A. M I A 0M : A. M A 0:25 : 1' . M j A HM : r. u WIJSTWAltli Arrive A.M. TlSlOX l'"iCII''IS ' A. .M. I I' , tl. b:3ja : . . . .I'AcllloKJiiuoss , . . . .Dnnvor O. i : IlUl' . VA1.LUY. . . .Mail nnil EMintss. . . liltA H. & M. IN S13II. 610n ; . , .Miillnnd Kvpioss. . . . 0:10ft : . . NlMlll Kjtll38 | . . . . lUMOn SOUTTlWAHI ) . Arrive "A".M. I-TM.jMfbsouni VAoirm A.M. r. M. O.-i'M ' , . .fti i ui t. i'iuaan t * R.ST.J. * c. 11. D:0n : H:15b : | . . . 1'lattstnouth. . . 7fAl 7:10 : Depoit. NOHTHWAlta Arrlva A. M. r. M. Biaoa1 . .Biou * city I Ciil'KJOakland AfCommoU'u lUOOa : UABTSVAIUJ. Arrlva A.M. i r. M. | 0. , li. Ay. i A.JI. 111. u. V 2U ! 0:00 : ! , . . , YlttI'Mtt6iniiU 1 U : 0 I ? 19 Will leave U. I' , depot. Omuha , ut 00--8J5- | : 10 : < 5TlOMa. rn.i aua-JW-5:25p. : : ro. licavoStoclc Vnrdi for Omnhu at 7W : IOJJ : . ' lS:01-IJ9- : :105:07:20o.Jn. : : : . Norc A trains daily ; I ) , dally except Sunday I n dally except Baturdtyi U , d&lly .oic pt Moa- . S. L. Jii > . If roar liter li out of enter , then font whole * y * t m lid emnRKl , The Mood li Impure ) tli brciilh of- fcnslvp ) yon Imo htndnche , f * l Uncnild , attplrlted * nd norroui. To rrorcnt a inor lerlous condition , tiiVe t once , S. Ic tl , If jou l ad a edflntnry life or tattf r with Kidney fc fectlons , avoid stimulants and tnVo 3. 1 * It Sure to rollers. "If you hnvo enten nnytlilng tinrd of digestion , or f ol henry utter meals or ftlooplM * . nt nletit , laid S. U1U and you will fcol relieved nnit sleep plcnumtly. If you nro ml < cntbt uffered with constipation , dr pcpslnnndblllounw , ( cck relict atonca InS. I * II. U does not requlro continual dosing and costs but a trifle. It will cure you. If you wnko up In llio mornlrut with n bitter , bitd tflsto In It corrects the bil ious stomach , tweotons the breath and cleanses the furred tongue. Simmon * t.tver Regulator Is clTPn with safety nnd the happiest result * to the most dcllcnto Infunt. For nil dlscn o In which Inxntlro , nltcrntlro or | nirpi tire Is needed It will giro the nm t perfect MtUfic- tlon. HI * the Dhcni'OM , pure l ntiil best. Milwaukee & St. . Pal The Slioi'ix.iiie and Best Houte From 1 Omaha to tlie East. TWOTUAlNSDAlliY IIUTWRUN UMA1IAAND CliionKO , Jllimunpolls. Mlhvmikco , St. I'nul , Cixlnr UiipUi Dm jnport , Clinton. Dnbuciuo , Itockford , UoeU tsianui I'Yeoiwvt , Jmxwlllo , ElKln , Mmll'on , La Crease , llolDlt , Winonix AnJiUI other Impoituut ( toliita East , NortUoii nnd Southeast. Ticket onico nt HOI Fnritnm stioot , ( In 1'rtxton Hotel ) , nnd nt Union 1'nclllo loiot. | I'ullnmn Sluopura tutil tlm niiilng Cara In tliu WorUl mo run on thn main lines ot tlm diiCAanMti.wAUKin&tir. : 1'Aiii , UAiuvAV.nuJ every itttuntlon Is paid to imssoneora by ooutto- oils employes of tliocnmpiuty. U. MII.I.KH , acnoriil Miiitniror. . . . J. K. TtrcitKit. Asslstiuit Oouornl Mannijor. A.V. n. CAiii'iiNicit , aoiicnit I'nasousor aal OKO. if IlEA'FOuo , Aaslstnul Ooaorull'iisaoa BcmndTlokotABOiit Cnrrylnff the Dclfflura Itoyul mid United States Mull,8ulllnff ovcry Snturday TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. Solon from tOO to $100. Excursion trip from fill ) to $180. Second Cabin , outwnnl , $13 ; piopnld , M5 ; oxruralun. J'.K ) . Stcorniro pnssiiffo nt low rules. 1'olor WrlRht & Sous , ( Jonoral Agcntx , 55 llrondwiiy. Now York. omnlm , Nubruslm , i'rimlt G. Mooros , W. , St , li & V. ticket ngont. REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITERS , Law Reporters nnd Copyists , State fonts for Kcbiusku. Typo-writer supplies nnd pnpor Uopt In Block. Komi for catalogue. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK Buu.mMi , OMAHA. HAMBURG -AMERICAN A DIUBCT LINE FOB England , France & Germany. . Tlio steamships of this well known line uro bulltof lion , In wntor-tlsht compartments , ana. , uro furnished with every requlilio to make , 'jo ] iupsiitro both gafo nnd utrrocnblo. They carry the United HtnloH and European mallsand lonvo Now York Thursdays nnd Saturdays for Plv. mouth. ( LONDONt.Oliorbouir.d'AKIa . and HAM- UUKOJ. , UuturnlnpT , the steamers leave nnmburpc on Wednesday nnd Sundays , via. Iluvro , taking im < Kengors at Southampton and London. Flrot cabin $5U , UJ nnd 576 ; Stoorngo fcSfc Railroad tickets Irom Plymouth to Urlstol , COr- illir. London , or to nny place In the South of EiiKlnnd , l''HKK. ' BtooiiiKO from Kuropo only General rns3cnger Agents , 01 Broadway , Now York ; Washington and La BalloEts. Chicago. 111. DBEXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to J. O. Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKERS , AND EB1IJALME118. At the old stand , 1407 Fnrnum St. Orders by telegraph solicited and promptly uttoiiJoJ to. Telephone No/iW MHO II UNACO MISTED WITH THE OCOQIUPHV OF THIS COUNTRY WILL 0CE D ? EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THB GHIOIiGO.nOGX . ISL&HD a PACIFIC RAILWAY _ _ . _ _ . tf ItiitUhatrnftlo tietwnen clllsi ot Ilia Allitntlo nnd I'vclno Coaiji. It I Htto the faroilte anil bottt toutv to and from Point * Ctit , Horthotnl nJ Southcant , nrt corr > vt > ndliin | iolnt w tt , MoitUwoit and BoutliweK. The Croat Rock Island Route Otinrantees ll patroni ttiat rent * of p reonftl teen. ty a i-olld , " ' - - .n. ulncr [ ) cl ltlci ft ' all connecting tiolnlf In Union' lit l ! > ot > . and the nniiirp > u d cuuiu.rU aad f It * ra enifer Ei . , , . - , hlerpriiof tlie aluit ilrilgn , and iunipti > m LilnlnK Car * . In wlilch cUI > urately reeked Inrali MB Itdviirvl i.iK-n. UrtwutnUhleairu nnd Knnt K.1lri ure ulio run tlio Celebrated necllDlnu L'lmlr C r . The Famous Albert Loa Rotlto iBtliDdlrnct and farorlU Una bttncrn ChlcKfeana Mlnni | .i.ll unUSt. 1'aul , wluru L < jnnuctlon we mad In Union ) e poll fur all polot In tlio IrrntoilM and Iirlllib I'rovlncei. Our thla rcuta Fait KipitM Iralni are run to the wat < * rlntr placet. Bmntuor ce * orti , pIcluret'itK loenlttliri , on ] Iinntlnir and llthlna Kromuuof low n ami Jllnnocjln. It l > Jliu tue moil jp | > lrabl routa to tlia HciiHlieat llrlJi anil paitorai lndv of InUrlor | > nknt\ . Bllll mother blWIOT MSH. tla SfnMa and KiB. ktk < i > , um bxn cprnol bctwnrn CliKlnnntl , Indian. aiolll r.liil Larartlln. ami CouiKll Illulfr , KiniaiUtr. mui-aioln | and Ht. Paul and liitermodUtu polnti. For c olalU.I Inforniatliin tn ilap > and Koldin , obttlnthle , ai < trll ai ticket ) , at all principal Ylckri Onicn In lli Vultod Btatm aji < i Canada ! ur if ad- R. R , CABLE K. ST. JOHN , ' rt'p. A viciltacf youth , ul Iruprndcnca cnuilor I'reuiatiiro Ueciy , N i > liaad. La. latlii ; trlcl lu vilnartrr kue'wu i eroeil / > n dlirorcttd i ilmpl * ifilf .riiit.wulch he will niift rllRlfto lit * felow ] > fuffercrt. AdaMM. t. u , IIKEIB : , i ) uu > tb&iatttt. * Vork Cltr. out In the vroild Rtncrotlo _ i > c nllauoui t'ltctrlt ttaanttft S avrrnil. BcleiUHlc.l'oawful. boiabl * . -omtortiUe and Uaetllr * . A Told fraud * . frrn.oao cured. 8indt > Uimirorpani > hlet < _ AIAI ) EI.COT)1IO lU'LTH t'UII iAB'a Di. V'jRHE. i . 191 WABSJH Avt. CHICACD.