Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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    > - , v , . V
NRW YoiiKOrncKHooMC5Tmnu ; liuit.mNa
Orncs , No. 613 FOUIITEF..NTII Sr.
Published every morning , nxecpt Sunday. The
only Monday morning tmpor published in tlio
One Vcnr . $10.dOTlirpo Months . $2JVI
EUJIontlis . C.XJIOna ( Month . 1.00
IUE VtT.EKiT BEE. Published Every Wcdnosdny.
One Vcnr , with premium. . . . J2.00
One Yrnr , without premium . . . . . 153
Hlx Month * , without premium . 75
Ooo Month , on trial. . . . . . 10
All communications relating to new * and odl-
lorlnl matter * should bo addressed to the Hut-
von OFHE Ilnr. .
AH'lii ) si now loiters and romlttnncos should bo
nadi-ffteil to THE HKK Ptntuninxo COMPANY ,
OMAHA , Drafts , checks mid poMnlllco orders
to bo made pnj able to the order of the company.
TUB survoyorslilp of customs 1ms boon
fllkiil. "Jordan , it's a hard road lotrnvul ,
I bcllovc. "
Tin : bill to admit Washington territory
ns .1 stnto 1ms passed the scnnto and goes
to the house , where the Dakota bill still
lingers in a convenient pigeon hole.
There is n very dimly prospect of either
measure becoming n law at the present
WE nro pained to learn from our ex
changes that lr. ) T. S. Hrackctt , tlio twin
brother of General Albert O. Itrackett , U.
S. A. , has recently died at lily homo near
Crawfordsvillo , Indiana , at tlio venerable
ngo of 1)3. ) Ho was much respected and
beloved by nil who know him.
paign" will shortly bo brought out in a
uecond edition. American ethnology
owes much to the hard labors of'such
brilliant army olllccrs as IJourko , Clark
mid Military , whoso study of the life , lan
guage and customs of tlio Indians , has
formed a valuable contribution to Ameri
can science during the past ton years.
Tun funeral ot the gallant Emmet
Crawford at Kearney was an imposim ;
ono. The protest by Nebraska's delega
tion against tlio slowness with which tlio
state department is investigating bis
murder should bo prompt and emphatic.
Apologies and indemnity should bo wrung
out of tlio treacherous Greasers who de
liberately assassinated ono of the bravest
and most beloved of olliccrs who wore
the United States uniform.
is trying to stop
the military bands trora competing with
other bands at picnics , balls , parades ,
celebrations and other public entertain
ments , and ho expresses the belief that
nn order will bo issued by the war de
partment which will forbid any further
such competition. This measure strikes
n responsive chord in the heart of every
musician outside of tlio military bands ,
which have frequently underbid the civilian -
, ilian organizations.
IF a vacancy can bo made for that purpose -
pose Commissioner of Pensions Black
ought to promptly resign his present
oflico and accept a berth in the civil ser
vice commission. A man who can boast
that ho made "seventy-seven appoint-
'taonts under the civil service rules , of
which number seventy-two wore demo
crats and live politics unknown , " is a
man after the administration's own heart.
Ho is too valuable to the party to bo
hidden behind the musty rolls of the
pension bureau when , the active labor of
reforming the civil service in strict ac
cordance with Jacksonian principles , yet
with mugwump methods , awaits his
Coming. _ _ _ _ _
Tun train men on. the Union Pacific
Imvo eyory reason to bo satisfied with the
result of their friendly conference with
the managers. They presented their
grievances , wore nflbrdcd full opportunity
to discuss them , and after several confer
ences , practically won their point bv a
compromise mutually satisfactory. There
wore no threats on cither side , but a busi
ness like and conciliatory spirit on the
part of the employes , which was mot by
nu equally friendly spirit on the part of
the company. Such a victory is worth
inoro than appears on its face. It is n
triumph of peaceful methods of settling
labor disputes without a costly warfare
And a struggle whoso antagonisms lust
long after the conllict lias ended.
Tnr.iiK is n fooling of poorly concoale d
melancholy in Washington among demo
crats over the results of the spring elec
tions throughout tlio country. The heavy
republican gains everywhere reported
are n depressing surprise. They fail to
how that democratic administration
has strengthened the party or that the
distribution of olHces has increased the
vote ixs expected , ' After n year under a
clmnrjo of administration the voters of
llio country have decided npaltibt the
Wisdom of the chungo. The weight of
the decision is admitted nt tlio national
capital and fnars are expressed that tlio
oomliiR congressional elections will
ghango the political complexion of the
bouse. ,
Wuu.u the Omaha & Nor thorn railroad
BOhcmo is slumbering peacefully the
proposition for inoro direct connections
between the Klkhorn Valley and this
city by a branch of the Northwestern
road does not seem much more active.
Surveyors have been over the line from
Ttonnurd south but the public has not
Jonrnod whether n final decision has or
has not boon reached in regard to the
construction of the proposed lino. WhM
would pay the Northwestern people and
Omaha bettor than n short line connec
tion would bo au extension cast from
Fremont dlrnct to Omaha mut
ing this city the eastern Mis
souri river terminus of thu
road , Suoh a move would result in re
moving nil the irritation of the past be
tween our merchants and the flovth-
western , and would throw a heavy
Irafflo with the Klkhorn Valley and the
northwest under their control. Now thai
the road is pushing Itself into the in
terior of Wyoming > nd reaching for
jgwcutwator Pass uml the Hookies , a di
rect connection of the future great trans
continental line \nth tbo metropolis of
the Missouri bccoTua * more dcMrnblo for
oncurned , Wo boiler * that If Messrs.
Httghltt dud Keep would sorimwl * con-
* l4er the Idea which has before 'r e ti yrv
paced by thfi HKK , that ways nnd means
ould bo fouud to curry the plan to a
Two Important Decisions.
The Minnesota supreme court has just
handed down two important decisions re
lating to the duties of railroads in con *
ncction with municipalities which nro in *
tercstlng because of the wide application
of the princiulcs involved to every largo
city in the country.
The first point involved was the power
of cities to extend and open streets across
railroad rights of way. The road ob
jected to the proposed extension on Iho
ground that the property to bo con
demned was intended by it for
other public uses and thai to
establish a crossing over it
would bo to entail additional and bur
densome trouble nnd expense upon tlio
company. The court held that the use of
land by n railroad company was not in
consistent with the use of it for street
purposes , nnd confirmed the right anil
power of city councils to order necessary
street openings without regard to right of
way. This decision is founded on com
mon scnso nnd on a duo regard to the ne
cessities of municipal growth. Omaha is
new encircled witli railroads. Tlio belt
line sweeps around the corporate limits
from the river to the stock yards.
The Union Pacific and Uurllngton
roads beset tlio city on the south.
In tlio future development of our public
improvements the question involved in
the Minneapolis decision is likely to
arise hero. The considerations of law
and public policy , contemplated by the
law , would undoubtedly result in tlio
&nmo decision , and a like case oven be
taken to the Nebraska supreme court.
The other decision is an equally import
ant ono , although not at present appli
cable to Nebraska , as the ground is cov
ered by statutory enactment. Tlio supreme
premo court of Minnesota decides that
railroads must bear all the expense of
bridging over and tunnelling under their
tracks. In the case in question , as quoted
by Iho Pioneer Press , "tralllc upon a
given street had so multiplied that a
crossing nt grade could not bo tolerated.
It stopped travel and was certain to
bring annually a plentiful crop of acci
dents. The council lowered the street
grade at that point , and ordered the com
pany to construct the work required to
support its tracks. The company refused ,
alleging among other things that it
would bo compelled to occupy private
property in the construction of ap
proaches. The court decides that n rail
road company has this power
nnd must exercise it on demand
of municipal authority. If the con
venience and the safety of the public
demand a crossing above or below grade ,
the obligation to supply it rests upon the
railroad. It must occupy and pay for
necessary property , and must bear tlio
cost of what the judges decide to be , in
ell'ect , not a passage of the street across
the railway track , but a passage of the
railway track across a street. " Under
the Nebraska law , passed by the hist
legislature , the cost of viaducts is
divided between the city nnd the rail
roads , the companies paying three-fifths
and the city and property own
ers nflbctcd the other two fifths.
This measure was passed to facilitate
needed improvements in Omaha without
the expense and delay of a long-drawn
legal contest to determine the responsi
bility and convoy the power to enforce
viaduct construction. Without it , tliero
can bo no question that the railroad com
panies could bo made to bear all the ex
pense of providing adequate approaches
and safe crossings to and over their
The East St. liouls Mnssncro.
Wo have carefully refrained from
comment on tlio bloody all'ray which
took place in East St. Louis on last Fri
day , because wo desired to know the de
tails as related by both sides. From the
full accounts printed in the St. Louis
papers'Which are certainly not partial
to tlio strikers , wo are forced to the con
clusion that the shooting of six men nnd
ono woman by the deputies of the sheriff
was nothing more nor less than a wanton
nnd cowardly massacre. These deputies
were illegally imported from other states
on an advertisement by the railway man
agers for men who , for $5 a day ,
were willing to assist the shorill
in moving their trains. The class of
men that enlisted under this call wore
notorious dosporadocs and their presence
was in Itself an incentive to disorder.
While it is claimed by these deputies that
the first shot cnmo from the crowd that
gathered near tlio tracks , the preponder
ance of testimony shows that the bravo
deputies fired a volley from their Win
chester rifles Into the crowd without pro
vocation nnd then took to their heels
across the bridge to put themselves under
the protection of the St. Louis police.
Tlio tact thnt the victims of these hired
ruillnns wore spectators , and not strikers ,
shows within itself how reckless and un
called for was the shooting. The wonder
is that It was not followed by u general
destruction of llfo nnd property.
In this view , wo are in full nccord with
some of Iho most conservative papers of
the country. The Cleveland Leader ,
which certainly cannot be classed as an
organ ot dynamiters nnd anarchists , has
this to say about the alVniy nt Enst St.
Louis :
itTutun ! ! ! " ! ft - a Ryyd. * ' ? ! ! ? a null up
on tliogtmrds eoulil Justify tmfli.'insJiteJi Uy
udvortlslnir fur unU employing "mon of
nerve , " "who mean business. " nrinlnj ; thoni
with repeating rlltcs and revolvers and in-
strut-tin ; , ' them to use tboso weapons If the
propci ty under their protection was menaced ,
the i\llroiul company was guilty or I no ! to-
incut to murder and ni rotated to Itself an-
thnilty that belongs only to the city or state
govi'iiimeiit. It Is rvldent that the men thus
employed v.vra clivspeiato chameters who
\vould hobltiil * at in ) atrocity , anil that they
tooU ( tin titst opportunity to demonatute the
lad. IfvufT > oy believe tlie news scutovor
tl'o es-nn4 ; tlioio appears to bo no rrn-
sou to Joist its truthfulness the out-
ratro VIM oae ot tnu most unprovoked
Ir. tbk hUtnry ) f U'w troubles. The re
sponsibility thurflfone8tdii | > nii the employe-is
of tliess guards a ra > ich HI upon the luWnns
tuemeelvox X * : vrulnily { organized pnllro
or j&nituj ; ferro f onW bnv been peimltteil
HI ire cpuo Oio "B > O.'I" excant nt'lrrduo no-
tier , and thi f U ir of aveiy ether menus to
ri'iii'&A ) It. TbU would ) n been line In tlio
face of u UT re tituuu bv tt.o soctllo ; < .l
salkeis. Hi t In ihls CMS uo tuch atlacK ap-
ic.-.ia to him bcoo icadu , and Ike IJooilshMl
Is therofoie 11 tbb 010110 Oc condemned ,
Tir ! > ferlonOile iftalr still furtlur eoinplicnfos
an atteAdr 4r > perale ktatn < \ ' . affair * , and
wlmt < lie < nd tr ; 7 ba art whoa It will comt
Is inipnssUit to ( ojfw. * l ThU srmct is cer
tain ; Thu prlneJi > uh Jn tbp dsitl.udly out-
raiu ttiould b ummaitly , and
their Ali'.tis and abettors the rwbni ) who
ivcOUpcslv luuHrri U by emiiloj-hiji ilesper-
dues foi n work i qulitat lh Kmitctt ( ur-
nhd discretion should bo i
and brought to trial without delay. Thtro
Is now In n Pennsylvania Jati n millionaire
nnmcd Wcston undergoing a five years' sen-
tehco for manslaughter , who Is no more
pullt7 , If ns much , as the railroad officials
whom ptib'lc sentiment will hold responsible
for ths bloody deeds nt Kast St. Louis yester
day. Justice will not bo satisfied until they ,
too , have been placed behind prison bar *
They linvo dally denounced the strikers for
alleged violation of the laws since the
troubles commenced. By tlieso same laws ,
tlio majesty of which should bo equal to the
occasion and apply to all alike , they should
bo judged , and quickly judged.
IT Is pleasing to note that the nttompt
of some bumptious "Irishman" in Now
York to raise a difleronco In the ranks of
the National League by reports of a quar
rel between Jlr. Patrick Egan and Ir.
1'nrnoll has signally failed. Air. Kgan
wns represented ns being opposed to
peaceful methods and dissatisfied with
Pnrnoll's parliamentary manngcment.
Both statements have been denounced by
thu liberal and patriotic president of the
National League ns being unqualifiedly
falso. What the object of the
"prominent Irishman , " who has
carefully concealed his name , was
in endeavoring to stir up trouble in
the league can , only bo conjectured.
There are excellent reasons for believing
that ho is no friend of Ireland in her
hopes for liberty. ParnolPs greatest suc
cess so far has been his signal ability in
hnrmoni/.ing Irishmen and collecting
around him such ablolieutenants nsJohn
Dillon , Patrick Kgan and William Soxton.
Mr. Kgnn has already expressed himself
as favorable to Mr. Gladstone's homo
rule bill in its loading features , and as
thoroughly in accord with Mr. Parncll.
What tlio league thinks of the Irish leader
may bo seen from the princely contribution
$00,000 , scut by it the other day across the
water for the Parnell parliamentary fund
for the support of Irih members at West
minster. Now is the time , if over , when
Irishmen should sink all difTercnces and
stand shoulder to shoulder in the support
of thu man whoso brilliant leadership has
forced Ireland's claims for justice before
the world , and raised ns their champion
tlio strongest advocate among English
speaking nations in the person of Mr.
Gladstone. Whether home rule is to bo
the gift of to-day or the far distant future
depends largely upon the earnest anil
united efforts of the men whose country
is to bo bcnofiUed.
THE contract has been lot for the Choy-
cnno depot of the Union Pacific , but
there are no symptoms of a desire on the
part of that company to accommodate
Omaha with a substitute for the wretched
shed which acts as au apology for n
depot on Tenth street. When the ques
tion of changing the location of the
Eleventh street viaduct was under dis
cussion General Manager Callaway sug
gested that the proposed change was in
timately connected with plans for n grand
union depot then in contemplation.
Since then the matter seems to have
dropped out of sight. Omaha has done
enough for the Union Pacific rail
road to entitle her to better
depot accommodations. The present
dilapidated structure is a positive
detriment to the city. Travelers passing
through its dingy walls "are 'unfavo'nibly '
impressed wUh the surroundings 'and
gain a false idea of the size and enter
prise of the community. A handsome
union depot would pay handsome re
turns on the investment. It must come
some time , but all our people would bo
delighted to learn that the time is in Iho
near future and will not bo delayed until
the now bridge is completed anil all the
trunk lines are running into Nebraska
A MOVKMENT is on foot in Germany tote
to improve the present system of legal
education , and to adopt ono similar to
that in vogue in Great Britain. A similar
movement ought to bo started iu the
United States. At present the legal pro
fession is tlio easiest for a man to enter.
The requirements amount to nothing ,
and the applicants for admission to the
bar are generally whitewashed in the so-
called examinations. This condition of
nll'nirs accounts for the numerous shysters
and blockheads that are crowding into
the ranks of the legal profession , which ,
it has been alleged , is tlio most honorable
and most lonrned of all professions.
JODGE WIST , the now governor of
Utah , hails from Cynthiann , Kentucky ,
nnd is a lawyer by profession. Although
he is not n man of extended reputation ,
even in his own state , ho is said to pos
sess considerable horse scnso. Ho has
served ns county judge nnd has boon
mentioned occasionally as n candidate
for lieutenant-governor nnd congress
BOTH houses of congress have passed
the bill providing for n now congressional
library building. The aged nnd encyclo
pedic librarian , SpoiTord , now feels that
"tho present session is most ofliciont so
far as work is concerned , of any which
ho litis known for yoars.1'
Tun fact that between 8,000 and 10,000 ,
people were In attendance nt the rovivnl
meeting in tlio exposition building Sun
day evening shows that Sam Jones nnd
Sam Small are not needed after nil to
create a religious nwnkonine in Omaha.
Giro London special lakas a despond
ent view of the prospects for the passage
of Gladstone's homo rule bill. ICnthusl-
ustio homo rulers , however , predict a ma
jority of forty for the bill on the second
rc.iding and n hundred on the final vote.
now Jny Gould is trying to brcnk
down Powderly by false reports of pretended -
tended conversations with the master
workmen. The great railroad wrecker
will not succeed Jn wrecking the great
labor organization.
JOE PUUTZKJI has resigned his scat in
congress , being unable to rldo two horses
nt tlio fimo time , Ho lhinlv the World
requlros more of his attention than the
house of representatives.
Tin ; trouble with Mr , Jarani is that ho
hulls from Cleveland. If ha onine from
Fremont there would bo no question
n\joiit his fitness for superintendent , bnso-
lucnt or no busomout.
A CHICAGO firm has published n novel
entitled "Love's Ladder. " The success
ive stop * in Chicago nre Courtship , Marriage -
riago nnd Uivorco.
WHEN Gould 1ms finished bearing Mis
souri Pacllio stock the labor troubles on
the southwestern system will bo wound
up iu short uoMco.
a The
Tbo first Omaha-Jcdcm ! oflico to open
its nrms to a domocVat Is the surveyor-
ship of customs. SIrf Robert C. Jordan
is the fortumito ifbmlnco who wilt suc
ceed Surveyor Ca'n'/pb / H in tlio federal
building nnd perform , , the by no means
arduous duties of tlio position. Mr. Jor-
dnn is ono of OUT 'most respected nnd
nmiablo of citizens ; olio of Nebraska's
oldest residents , anil n man who needs no
introduction to ouc < poQplo. In succeed
ing Mr. Campbell in the customs service
Mr. Jordan will proslddovnrtho destinies
of the port of Omaha by Inspecting nn
occasional steamboat nnd chocking up
hero and there a floating invoice. If tlio
law passes making Omaha n point of immediate -
mediate transportation the duties and the
compensation of the olllco , neither of
which are now excessive , may bo ex
pected to increase.
Mr. Jordan may congratulate himself
over beating Mr , Pritchctt , Con. Gal
lagher and several other worthy but
ambitious gentlemen in the race for
federal oflico.
Mu. Bnciiui. will bo the president of
the now council nnd Mr. Boyd will re
main mayor for another year.
Ir Now York aldermen coutinuo to
"skip" there will not bo a quorum left in
a few daj's.
Mnry Walker , 5f. 1) . , has been hit with n
bi ick : but no brick can crush Mary.
Thomas Xast has made fame , llo now
thinks of drawing iortuno fiom n Colorado
William K. Vandcibullt Is gradually get
ting out of business entanglements , nnd will
ttilco his life easily.
Mrs. James Biovui Totter Is rchearsIiiR a
cliarmlnir little play which she will produce
next summer at Newport.
Webb Hayes , son of the ox-iircsldont , Is
visiting Washington for the first time since
his lather left the white house.
Ex-Oov. Bookmaker of Ohio will soon sail
forKuropc , where ho will devote himself
solely to scientific studies and to literature.
Mr. Winston , United States minister to
Persia , Is engaged to marry Miss Calhoun. a
grand-daughter ot the great South Caroli
James Ilussell Lowell , Just previous to his
ilepaituro for Europe , Is said to have declined
oilers to write magazine articles nt 51,000
each ,
Ex-Mtnlster Lucius Falrctilld says that his
oxpcileiico 1ms led him to the conclusion thnt
Spain h n sifcr country to live In than the
United States.
Phillip Brooks , thoinostpiomlncntpreach
er InlBoston , Is a bacli'clor of fifty , who , with
out being handsome , ( ias a noble head and
n frame of masslvo prpporjtions.
Carl Schnrz is acting asi attorney for cer
tain boiulholdlnc inteiosts of the New York ,
Philadelphia & Bullalo nlilroad , a position
he secured through tile irlfcmUhlp of ilcnry
Yillard. J } j
Mr. W. W. Corcorai | , the Washington mil
lionaire , spends his declining years In dis
tributing checks. It , is a pleasing and nu
honorable way ot squaring accounts with
humanity. 1
Miss Nellie Arthufjis ndt the belle of the
white house at present , although there is no
knowing \\hathlio innycomo to some day
should she marry a dcinpcint But she loves
Washington and Washington loves her.
JRlpo for the 1'ciiltentlary.
CMcaao Times.
Julco Sharp says that everything that ho
clone wns under legal advice ; audit would
eeeni ns if some of the New York lawyers
nio about ns ripe for tlio penitentiary ns the
New York aldeimcn.
War on .Liquor.
Denver Trtimnc-Itepublfniii.
The Knights of Labor propose to make
war upon liquor drinking. Their motive Is
purely pi actlcal. They say that n man who
is n slave to liquor Is of no use to organized
labor. This Is true ; ho is of no use to any
thing or anybody.
English History.
C/iteiflO Nciri.
It would bo reassuring now to hoar from
these London gossips who some time ago
told us that Mr. Gladstone was going Insane.
The old gentleman has reserved his reason
long onoueh to make some of the most im
portant history that has been made in Eng
land for many n day.
A Goiitlo Hint.
Fremwt Tribune.
Prohibition Is coming to the front In south
ern Nebraska as quite a force In politics , It
being n lending Issue In most ot the south
Ncbiaska towns in the municipal election
this spiing. The people who do not \\ant
prohibition forced upon this stnto need to
Imvo n care In selecting members of the next
Little lioft for Miles to Do.
St. Jtaul PlonetrVMS. .
Gon. Crook has broticht Into Fort Bowie
nnd shipped to Florida , for poipetua ! exile ,
seventy-six of the hostile Apaches. It Is be
lieved that tliero nio only thirty-four hostllcs
loft , and nearly half of these are sauaws ,
who light on a pinch , so that Gen , Miles , by
employlni : all the available troops In Ari
zona , may bo able to bring the Apache busi
ness to n satisfactory conclusion. These
thlrtv-four squaws and bucks should bo
bagged at all costs. A dead Apache repre
sents an expenditure of several thousand
dollars by tlio government , nnd the sooner
they are all run down the better will It bo for
the tioasury.
Tlio Master of the House.
Jahn Dennlt ,
llo cannot walk , no cannot speak.
Nothing lie knows of books nnd men ,
lie Is the weakest of the weak ,
And has not strength to hold a pen ;
Ho has no pocket , nnd no purse ,
Nor over yet has owned penny ,
IMJms mnro.rlehp9jlinu ls | | nurse ,
ha W
Ho rules his parents by'a ' cry ,
And holds tliem captlvo liy n smile ,
A despot , strong through infancy ,
A king , from lack of guile ,
lie lies upon his liaclq a ; id crows ,
Or looks with grave qyes on his mother
What can homo.inV IJutl. suppose
They understand eacii Otcr. ) |
In doots or out , early er Int6 ,
There Is no limit to his pwny ,
For wiapt In baby robes of state
JIo governs nlglit nnd d $ .
Kisses ho tikes as right ful duo ,
And Turk-like , has his hMvcs to dress him ,
Ills subjects bend beforb hlhi , too.
I'm ono of them. ( Joil btess him.
A Striking Contrast.
t'ilonfieiii Ilcnwl.
The contrast between the way In which
the Union Pacific company has treated the
United States government and tlio dealings
of the Canadian Pacific company with the
people of the dominion Is almost enough to
make a Phail&eo out of the humblest and
most unpretending Canadian. The Canadian
company lm\o not only taken no advantage
of tlio Canadian taxpayers , but they have
done better than they promised. They have
clven the company n far bolter road than
their ngieemeni compelled , nnd they have
completed It in a shot ter tluio than was set
domi in the bond.
Van Wyck autl the IJUmunds' Rcsolu
FVcmont Tribune.
The attention of our renders Is called to
the letter published to-day from Senator Van
Wycfa Tlio brass-collared newspapers of
this state have been hounding htm ever since
ho voted upon the Edmunds' resolution * !
they have maliciously lied about and misrep
resented him nnd still persist In It when they
might know the truth If they were not i-ur-
poscly deaf to IU Senator Van Wyck voted
on the right Rldo of these resolutions nnd In
the very beginning was wlso enough to place
himself upon grounds that conld bo main
tained nnd not assume n position ns many
did , which was untenable and from which
ho would bo compelled to retreat. Wo ask
ovcrjbody to read the senator's letter ( which
ho has written In self defense ) and judge
him by what ho actually did nnd not byliat
npack of prolific falsifiers say ho did.
Block niul lioml
Chtcauo Tribune.
Thn consideration of tlio bill authoriz
ing the construction of n railroad through
the Indian Territory brought out in the
senate some ratbor singular views about
watering railroad stocks and bonds. Thu
act provide for n road from Fort Smith ,
Ark. , to Arkansas City , Kas. , running
through the Indian Territory nnd con
nected by a branch line with the South
ern Kansas railway near CofToyvillo. The
company is authorized to take n strip of
land t00 ! feet wide through the Indian
Territory and ! ) ,000 feet in addition every
ten miles for stations , on condition thnt it
will compensate the tribes for the ground
taken in accordance with an award to bo
made by nrbilrntors nppointed by the
United States courts , niul nlso pay tlio
secretary of the interior a specified sum
for the benefit of the Indians. All these
provisions nro proper enouuh nnd calcu
lated to secure a needed railroad in the
Indian Territory nnd protect the rights
of thu Indians. Hut the senate defeated
other sections of the bill which were in
tended to require an honest construction
of the road and prohibit the watering of
its stock nnd bonds.
The first amendment , proposed by Sen
ator Van Wyck , would forbid the .issuo
of any more stock or bonds than would
represent the actual cost of building nnd
equipping the road. Mr. Platt offered a
second amendment , providing that no
share of stock should bo transferable un
til lifty per cent , of its par value was paid
in and the amount sworn to by the ofll-
cers of the company. Both these amend
ments were defeated , Do the senators
wish it understood that they would char
ter this road only on condition that it
should bo loft free to swindle its creditors
and tax its future patrons double rates in
order to pay illegitimate profits on water
ed slock and bonds ? Senator Ingalls
thought the company would refuse to ac
cept a charter "burdened with conditions
imposed on no oilier nornortion , " but it
is clear thnt these "conditions" put on
the company no other "burden" than
common honesty. An individual who , bv "
misrepresentation , would mortgage fo"r
! ? 15,000 a farm worth only $10,000 , nnd
then make a default , would bo guilty of
obtaining money under false pretenses
nnd punishable by imprisonment : but the
transaction would bo essentially the
same ns the net of a
company building a railroad which
would issue more mortgage bonds than
the road cost , pocket the surplus , anil
then pile on stock , bull the market , nnd
unload the worthless , swindling cliromos
on the public. This very rascality the
scnato of tie ! United States , under In
galls' lead , has sanctioned.
It may bo that the burden of common
honesty has been "imposed on no other
corporation , " but if so it is certainly
time to begin making such requirements.
The practice of issuing bonds represent
ing a greater value than the cost of the
road has indeed been general in the last
twenty years , and it is the main cause
why these corppratlons breed discontent
and disdrdor by levying extortionate
charges on the farmers' produce and pay
ing their employes inadequate wages.
The watering of railroad stocks lias
brought in n train of abuses ; nnd its con
sequences nro ficen in the angry feeling
of the overburdened farmers , nrtibans ,
traders and producers , as w < 11 as in the
occasional violent outbreaks of workmen.
It is strange that the senate would not
establish at least ono precedent whore a
railroad corporation wns held to the rule
of fair dealing.
Jny Uonlcl.
CMcaao Ihralil.
Who is Jay Gould ? Ho is something
moro than the little black-eyed , sallow-
laced mnn with whoso features and name
the public is familiar. The potentiality
known as Jay Goulct is $000,000,000 , of
capital , more or less watered , which ho
controls. It is n power in many states a
sovereign in a few. It represents rapno-
ity , pcriury , theft , bribery , nnd all un-
charitableness. It is n conspiracy which
has no end , and whose manifestations
are over before us. It is nlort , crafty ,
tireless. It is bullied by no law when
the laws nro in its way. It is quick to
take refuge under the law when it is
menaced. What is known as Jav Gould ,
therefore , is not simnly the man , but the
power which ho wields , nnd the methods
which he adopts.
In thirty years ho has scoured control
of corporate wealth in America amount
ing to $000,000,000 , , and is the nbsoluo
owner of more than $100,000,000. The
men who earned this money are not the
present owners of it. They may bo
tramps , or their families may bopnupora.
Gould earned as the thief earns his
money , ns the gambler earns his , as the
conspirator earns his , and as the swind
ler earns his. Ho worked for it , but ho
worked as the burglar works. His vigils
astcd long into the night , ho ran fonrful
chances , lie played double , ho lied and
cheated mid betrayed , but of honest toil ,
of conscientious endeavor , ho never know
a dav.
Ho became a director nnd nftorwnrd
president of the Erie railway with the in
tention of wrecking the property under
his management , and with tlio assistance
of Fisk the bonded debt of that road In
creased In n few years from $1)1,000,000 ) to
$115,000,000. During his shameless mismanagement -
management ot thnt property lie bought
legislatures nnd courts ns ho would spikes ,
nnd one judge , the notorious Jiiirimrd , ho
owned body nnd soul , kept him in hi.s
opera house surrounded by bedl/oncd
wantons , and on moro than onn occasion
Hia.dehjjii hold1 court whore corks were
nying And sirumDOts wore disporting
themselves. Operating under C-'V'i ol
the law whore It was possible , and bub-
verting the law by the corrup
tion of its ministers when such n
course became necessary , ho bank
rupted hundreds , and nt length
was , with his entire crow , forcibly ejected
trum mo Erie oillcos by a band of armed
men in the employ of ( Swindled English
stockholders. Hero was n case where
law wns on the mdo of Gould , thief nnd
conspirator , and violence and disorder
on the side of the men whom ho hud
robbed , but the latter triumphed. Hav
ing gained possession of the company's
ofnees ( hey undertook to appeal to the
law to punish the robber. Gould was not
prepared for a contest of thnt character ,
nnd onn day ho appeared before his vic
tims with a.ino box , from which lie drew
? 8,000,000 worth of bonds. Those wore
turned over to the stockholders in sottlol
mcnt , and no criminal proacoutou-
Notwithstanding this restitution of
stolen goods , Gould IIHS made hi.s foitimo
in Kriu. He had other millions which ha
did not restore , llo onpini'i'rctl the gold
corner which culminated in Ulnok Friday.
carrying rum to thousands and dc-ath and
insanity to many. Ho had Tweed's Turn-
many behind him , and the courts niul
legislators in plenty , but on thnt day of
panic , when tlio wires melted under tlio
lire of electricity , men went mad by their
losses , roamed the streets in eoareh or iim.
prunared to dispatch him as they would
a doer. Ho secured control of the West
ern Union telegraph by menus thnt wore
characteristic of the mnn. In the ono
case his lover wns n pretended
rival , in the otl'cr a corrupt judge ,
Wcstbroko by name. Hoth wore
conspiracies intended to fasten monopo
lies upon the people nnd to place himself
in control of thorn. With these grcnt In
terests nt his bnck ho once moro branched
out ns n railway mnn , nnd before many
months bud elapsed ho wns iu control of
the Southwestern system , the principal
owner of all railroads local to Missouri ,
nnd almost the sole owner of tunny of the
moro Important transportation facilities
nnd interests of St. Louis
On such foundations rest the Jay Gould
power in America , and by such methods
hns it been built up. Never thwart-
oil but once , nnd then only by
the lawlessness of the mon ho was
robbing , it is a question for people of
n serious turn of mind whether it is not
tlmo for a bettor undprstnndingwlth him
than has yet been had. When such ns ho
have the law on their side , then the law
hns been used for purposes never con
templated byits mtttiors and expounders.
Property fights are sacred , but fraud
vitiates everything which It touches , nnd
there is not a dollar of Jny Gould's fortune -
tune which is not spotted with it. If
there Is no power anywhere to protect
the mass of men against sueh crimes ns
his , it is time that it was conferred by
the people. They have hedged the
Goulds all about with legal safeguards of
the most solemn nature. Lot them pro
tect themselves as well.
Atkinson , in Holt County , hncntcil
in tlm llleh nnd Kertllo
KlKlioru V alloy.
ATKINSON , Nob. , April 11. [ Corres
pondence ) of the HKK. ] Six years ago
tlio northern , central nnd northwestern
portion of Nobrnskn wns comparatively
unknown to the outside world nnd but
few people know what rich agricultural
Innd these northern Nebraska counties
wcro composed of. Since that time ,
however , the western tide of immigration
has been turned toward this country nnd
all the land of any importance in the
county of Holt , nnd the counties lying
cast of it has been monopolized by thu
homesteader ana is now valued nt from
0 to $15 per acre anil rapidly increasing
in value. "And the desert shall blossom
as the rose. " It has been the popular
but erroneous impression that this
country , nnd thnt lying westward , was
the poorest portion of the stato. All
northern Nebraska was pronounced a
sand desert nnd the easterner
who had never viewed the
county west of the Missouri , had his
idea that nothing but sand hills
glistened for miles all through the north
ern part of the state and to his eye to
raise in this country oven white beans
would have been n miracle. Not till people
ple settled here nnd placed the land in u
state of cultivation was the tfuth made
known. But now it has boon tested , and
u more fertile agricultural country could
not possibly bo found , nnd especially that
of which Holt county is composed.
Would that there were more sand uescrta
of the same kind tcattered through the
states. This county ( Holt ) was first
settled by a colony from the NowKiiglnml
states in 187-1 , but remained very thinly
settled until the railroad reached it in
1880. This , of course , created nn influx
of immigration. Strangers came , viewed
the country nnd wore satisfied nnd re
mained , or else desired their neighbors
niul friends in the cast to share the for
tune which awaited them , and traveled
back nnd with eager interest
unfolded great resources und ad
vantages of this country. The
colonies came , newspapers were
established nnd the wealth and nnt-
ural advantages of the supposed great
desert was made known to the world.
Towns which now linvo a population of
from IMO to a 1,000 wcro commenced to
bo built , and business enterprises of all
kinds wcro established. Atkinson is , and
hns been , ono of the foremost towns of
Holt county , both in population nud bus
iness enterprises. The division of the
county at no distant day will make the
town the county seat of the new county ,
and give it u commanding" commercial
and political importance. U already hns
three churches , a good graded school , etc.
Two well patronized papers , the Uco nnd
the Graphic , are published hero. Among
the wide awake business men to whom
the town owes n great share of its pres
ent prosperity , wo had the pleasure of
mooting Sturdovant Bros. , A. P. La Clair
& Co. , and Dulfor & Co. , all dealer in
general merchandise nnd pi sneers of the
place The first hardwaio store wns
established here by Graham &
Owings in 1882. C. L. Sturdovant ,
M. D. , opened the first drug store in At
kinson , and now has ono of the loading
drug houses west of Omaha A bank
called the Exchange wns erected in about
1883 , with a paid-up capital of ifciS.OOO.
This at present is one of the leading
banking institutions in Holt county. The
legal profession has been from the be
ginning well represented by J. W.
liarger , B. L. Snow , nnd Whitney &
Johnson. Ono of the wealthy men of
the county , Gcorpo Graves , has a magni-
liecntly-stockcd lumber yard at this
place , and it is said lumber can bo pur
chased ns reasonable here us nt tlio
eastern mills. This , if n fact , is a balm
to the settlor. Tlio hotel accommodation
of Atkinson nre equal to these of any
town along the lino. The Metropolitan ,
conducted by Mrd. M. A. Meals is run on
the European and American plan , and it
well deserves the title which is applied to
it. A person stopping in town could done
no bettor than put up nt this hotel. Wo
mention the nbovo because they ombrnco
the leading business houses ot northern
Nebraska. Atkinson is well supplied
with business houses nnd local enter
prises usually found In n town of live
hundred , but needs something moro.
She needs mills nnd factories , and badly
needs a flouring mill nnd creamery.
(3rain ( raising is curried on in the sur
rounding country extensively , nnd a
llouring mill could hero be erected nt a
profitable Investment. Atkinson is sit
uated on tlio F , K. & M. V. II. U. , and
lies In the beautiful Elkhorn valley ,
which is 11 valley broad , sweeping and
f ; < , 'Anriijn { ; il valley which attained n
wefl.merituu notoriety 5 comm'lsing the
linufit farming country in the btnto. J. ' ! ?
Elkhorn river and its tributaries drain n
bcoro of the most furtilo counties in
northern Nebraska , covering an area of
twelve thousand square miles , with a
grain product greater than nil Now Eng
land anil agricultural possibilities equal
to the sustenance of n million people ,
The traveler may look In vain for u
country whoso topographical chances
excel those of the Eikhorn valley , which ,
from end to end , is a region of marvelous
beauty , und the farmer 111113' look In vain
for u richer und moro fertile country.
The invalid sighing for health should
certainly visit here. But as our pen fails
to picture to perfection the charms of
this excellent country or the inducements
oll'ercd to the poor man , business man or
capitalist , wo will dr.iw a veil over the
beautiful nnd picturesque- scones of this
charming nnd fertile valley. A.
Wben JUbj waa iok , ire care her Cottoria , *
'When the tru a Child , eho cried for Caatorla ,
\Thtu ahe bocimt Ml , iba clou ; to CaatorU ,
Vn o | U bad Children , the gartthem Oaitoria ,
O KCEN I ES ftro put up for the n
/SuJtcomm nil who Ocslro a goo
Rnd low priced
Couch , ColdandGroupHemedy
THOM : in SIIIINH x nr.MK.ur roil
BhouM secinu tlio IHIKO , f I liottloi. IJIrootlou
nccoinpntiyliiir onoh bottlo.
Bold by all Medicine Doalora.
GIT frit. Chnrlci Nt. , Ht. Louis , Mo.
A t u ! rtrtlniti of Iwo Utdleil Colltrtt , bi , ttn tooc r
tinted In lhiiitcl | > ltr lii l of C io ic. N m of . Run
nd Mieoo Diici.i ) il.ininr tberriitilc ! lnSl.loijl .
airily r > Iriihow ntlftllolart.MrniikDcw.
Ncrvout Proilrallon , Debility , Mental and
Phfslcal Weakness : Mercurial and olhorRffec.
lions ol Throat , Skin or Doncs , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , r uetird ith nnrirtiitUi
IH MI , en Ul t ilf nine rrlnelnUi. S f tr. PrUmlr ,
Diseases Arlslnn Irom Indficrellon , Eicosi ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which rredne. .om.of ibi
followlm tiretlu nertouincii , debllllr , dlmrm or ilhl
nddrrMllt in morr. pimple.onlli. , phMlwiaeclj ,
Terilonlolh i.elelrot frntUi , BonhiiloiV lltu , tit. ,
rondorlna MArrlnno Improper or unhappy , t
rernuncntlT enr.d. ramphlet ( SO rmil on lli .boVe.'ienl
In riled enteljpe. uddren. Coniulltllontlor.
Oceor b/m ll rre .Intlied > nd itrlellj unndenllil.
- > 0 < 3 PAOEa , PINE FLATKS , lefnnl etoth ud tilt
Mod or. jftltJfor COo. Inroiuc.or.urrtnej. Ofer IUIT
wonderful renpleturei.lrue l. lif.i.rtlcl.i on Ihefollowloi
fuWotU : llorinrm rTJ-.wboii L h7in ! olie d , om n.
-id. pbrilrtl > l deot . oaeclt ofecllb ej > nd CIMII , the phji.
Jtrortrpr.Juellon , < t nunr more. Thoie inirrleJ -
ilinplnUnii m > rrln > iboul.l . rend It , 1 nrUr edltlo.
t mo , paper cotcr. 23o Addreu i > bo t O'.WUtller.1
WnrrnntciJ to trlvo sntisfno-
lion on nny oilc mill In nuy
Price $ 2.50
Lincoln ,
Bolo Wholosnlo ngont3 for
Nebraska ,
N. U. This Is not n Style
graph pencil , but uQrst class
lloxlblo gold pen of nny Uo
sired fineness of point
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
i Imnedlitr.dlretl mil Btter-f HI tniL
dtl.OOl ofdriiKrlit * or \ > J riiull Trial
uinD. Dr. K.BnilKrdlK.Hl. I'.ot.Hlco.
Adoptccl h Bll Krcncli I'liriScUns und fielnc rai'Uly ' ft 4
luccisifully Introilucetl born. All eolicnlnitlo caftna
rlmekoil. TltKAiJHI ) rhlnff newft *
drains iuomi . . > < tly Jlc lc.MJorrfrni1U.A .Flir.K. Con ulu.
liononiua or hy mull ) with > lz t mh.Vnt iloctui J IIKE.
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