Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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was not even all around. In sonic dUlslons
the drop \\as only nbout 5c , and on sonic
Fordt ( lie drop was only fie , as for instance ,
light and parkhu sorts cost 81.40 to-day , ni
ngaln&t S4.45 Sittirtlay. Good to choice
lioavy , clovolj nsstrtc.1 and pihno butcher's
pigs , sold at ? 4.40 < ? l.l ) , Inr.'cly at 4.40 :
itilxed nnd packing sorls sold at f20 4 t" ,
and llK'ht at l.lX'iJ.4 % largely at $ J. : rf4.j ! ; .
The Murphy Paeklns company resumed
operations Unlay , and U Is said one or two
others of the big concerns will resume should
Urn inn of hogs remain nt the pie etitoluine. .
Jtotuh and tiilxu-d , ° -l.(5@I.JV" ( : paokltiL' and
U.VJ oiVH : ) > , 8l.sow-j.50 ; light
83.ft 5fe4.40 ; skips , 53.0 < ( } J.OO.
New York- . April 12. JIonr.Y On call ,
cnsy atl VfrjJ pur cont.
PiinuMinr : : VNTILBPAPKII IffW percent.
.STIMIMNO KscirA.voK-Dull liut sleadj :
8I.H1K for sixtj days , and Sl.b3 on tfe-
S Dull hut ptcadv.
s- Stocks unpointed | ) roiup'.ly lo the
generally favorable outlook In nil lines of
business. At Hie oneiilug prices were nHiunll
fraction higlier , nnd vvitli linrdly any reac
tion * tlio innikct continued stionx until tlio
tlo'O. Some of the stocks which have been
neglected for ailing tltiio were conspicuous
lor HIP gains' made , Including Milwaukee.
1/ikc Shore ntid Westcin. Common opened
nt r/Vsnnd io < o to file while pidciied ad-
vnticid from 75c to * 0Mind closed nt J"Jfc. ;
The mniKcl clo'o.l active und strong.
STOCKS oxvr.t < sriiKKT.
10l,0. &N. W . . . .
U.S. \ V1preferred. \ . 13'J '
Now 4' * 120'rN.Y. 0
PacllicO'sof 127 ? < Oiccon Trail.
Central Pacilic. . IMcilin Mall. . . f > 8
C.&A . , .
' ' ' ' " ' '
nrcfeued. . . . IBS'l | ! V.'o. . . . . . . ! liil'
3. , it. > k ( ) j.i.pf4HucK ' | l-laiui. . . . 120
. , KW 1273/lst. L.tS. F. . . . 1
1) . ifc R. 0. , prcfened. 44
SO \ ( C. , M. As St. P. . .
prelened. . . . piefened. . ll'.t '
Illinois l > ntrnl. SUV. itO OJ
Texas Pacilic. . .
LnUuShoio Union Pacilic. . .
h. & N 7. , St. L. & P. .
Mlcli.Ontml. . . . 07 preferred. . .
.Mo. Pncllic 1in Westetn Union
Noitliuin I'.ic. . . CO O. K.A ; N 101 . .
Apill 12. Klour Whiter wheat ,
S4.40rZ..47 ) ; soiitliuru , SLOOCi .W ; Wisconsin ,
51X0(91.75 ( : MtclilcansoltspiIliK , SJ.'Ortl.OO ;
Mlnnuiotii baU-tv , S.l.foui.r , ( ) ; patutits , S .Rj
Wn.OO : low uratlcs , SJOW-KWU ; rjo Hour ,
& , l.-0b.W : ) , In ljanels0)fti : ! : ) : < ) lii sacici.
\ Kiriu and a sli.ul.i hlglici ; opened
rfc lilfiliur. ndvaiRtd J c , icmlod % c , ad-
\inncd J OC c , loll oir c , i tiled ntiiet and
weak , niul closed MO above Batuida > ;
: ! ? ( @ ! clorca-li7iJi@7lofoi ; : Ajull ; 7b ( < 5
78J < u lor .May.
Coin ( Juli t , steady and n sliadu liruu'i ;
ploswl Jc ( , bftti'r than fcatuiday ; 3SJfl : ! ( c
for cash : .Vio foi April ; : \ Xo for Jiay.
Oats ble.ulv and i.illici liiin : no tuatriial
cli.umo ; aKj4"3Vc lor c.iMi ; "Gc lor April ;
a Ve lot May.
K\c Khiii at 57E.VJc. ( ?
IJ'uli'v Dull atljOc.
Thnotliy I'rimc , Sl.bO.
KliixSwd No. 1,81.00.
Whlskv-Sl.ll. '
Poik Iiit' , easy , but ruled steady ;
iyc wi'.ikt'r , dorllned 7JfffilO ( < 1 , and closed
qitfulatn Hdiulioii ; Si.l5 ! 'J.o : for cash ;
and A pi II ; ? ! WO < a'JaK lot Mav.
L.ud Kaslui and 'J > jc Io\\ui ; 5".UO lor cash ,
Aiuil and Jlav-
Hosed Meats Quiet and unchancpd ;
RhoiildcH. b 1.00 ® 1. 15 ; .slioit clrar sldut ,
S.KBgj.wo ; hlioitilbs S" . : xi ( < r"5.i.- ! .
Uuttur Dull and | O\\LT ; ciuaiuory , 2o@
r,0o ; dahy , I4f.t'.2c.
ClitH'Mj UnchniiKud : full cream ched-
dais.lO ( illc ; Hats , ll&U e\ \ young Aiuuil- , IKVpiUc ; sldms , 4giic. !
Hides Unclmiiccd ; crccu , 0 } c : heavy
I'ri't'ii hulled , 7'sfe ' ; liKlit , ! ! : damaged , O. ' c ;
bull hides , i/c : div salted. 12 > c ; dry Hint ,
iK3l4e : ; call skills , io@i : c ,
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 countiy c.
llacolpts. Sliipuients.
Flour , bbls . 14.C03 0,000
Wheat , on . 14,000 2-,000
Coi n. DU . 09,000 40,000
( ) ats.bu . 57,000 41,000
lyebll { . 1.0CO 7,000
Unrlw.bit . S , OJO 10,000
Now York , Apill -Wheat Weak ; ic-
ceiuK 1)5,000 ) , exports , HiC.OOO ; spot a shade
MioiiKci ; options ojiuned stiong but closed
\\cak ; uimraik'd led , b''Jjc ' ; Mo. a led , U2c ;
Jiay , closiuL'at iHMc.
Com Spot iiiodeiatcly active ; options
opened higher und closed steady ; iceelpK
! UOCO ; expoits , iRI.OtO ; uimrmlcil 4-4rH ; ;
No. 'J , Itic in ele\atoi , 47 c afloat ; May 40 , '
Oats Illchcr. but closed weak ; receipts ,
fiflOi , > ; o\poitri , none : mixed western , yc@40c ;
white \\estfiu. 40@17c.
Petroleum Klrm and unchanged ; closed at
Kdcs Didl and caslci ; western 12J @
I'oik Dull and nominal.
hard Modwately nctl\o ; westein steam ,
spot ,'HQVi'i ; May S0.17g.ii ( ( ; ) .
llutter I'll in with lali deiuaudestcin ,
l f-Jc ; KlRin rre.iiuciy , 34 ( < fJ5c. :
Cliche Quiet but linn ; custom ,
lO e.
e.Mllwnukoo , April 12. Wheat Weak ;
cash , TU'ifo ; May , irj c ; Juno 7c.
Coui-fetfady ; No. a , so c.
Oats Ste lvNo. : S. aic ,
lyo-QuiPtNo. ! ; 1. We.
llarlcy-Knsv ; No. 'J.nOc.
I'lovlslons Lower ; uiebs poik , cash and
Apill , 80.16 ; May , SU.2J.
Oinelnnatl , Apiil 12. Wheat Fair de
mand ; No. a led. Ki ( < TJOJ c.
Corn Moderate deinaiul ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats Dull and low 01 ; No. 2 inked , 81 } < fc.
U.Ne-l'iim ; No.a.fOUObc. ,
llailov Dull ; extia No. Uupi lug , nominal
at , W@.Wc
I'oikSteady at SO.W.
I.aid-Qtili't at 5" > . ( > Vjr(505.
Whihkv-Steady at 61.10.
MlnneniioiiH. Ajull 12. Wheat lircg-
. .
Heceipts Wheat , 01,000 , bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 0,000 bu ; Hour , 00,000
In Sloie-Wheat , 4,022,7JSbu , ; at St. Paul
la , , ( XO bu.
Now OrlcniiH , Apill 12. Corn Quiet
but stiwIVHt r > ( iMOe.
Oats Kasv at h e. hteacly and in fair demand at
Hog 1'iodurts Dematul light , but holdois
hi in.
I.nul Itelint'd ticico , . „ .
llulU MiMts Shoulders , SiW ! ; long clear
nnd cleiu ilbs , 55.50.
Toledo. Apill 12.Vhcat l.owci nnd
quiet : cash , H5jfiJb7Jijc' ( .
Corn Finn : cash , a'Jc.
Oats May , lUU'e
, MI-KV Flimei at Sl.10.
1'oili-Hiisynt SlUO.
Laid Wrak nt S.\bO.
llutter Finn ; eic.iinejy , 27@2c ! ! ,
AItoinoon Hoard Wheat , weak , nnd ) @
} c lower , Coin , easy and .H'c lowei , Oats ,
Liverpool , April 12. Wheat In fair do-
nmud ; new No,2 winter , no stock here.
Flour Steady , but In poor demand , at
SsUl. .
Coin-Fair demand { spot , steady at 4s 2d ;
Ajitll , dull nt 4s'Jd ; May nnd June , easy nt
KaiiBns City , April 12. Wheat Steady ;
cash , ( Ulj'c bid. G.s > < c asked ; ilay , uSVic ;
June , GSJ/e bid , fiSKc asked.
Corn btiH'ly ; cash , 27)fe asked ; May,28e
Oats-May , 'Jb.Vc bld' . 2Ve nskc'd.
, April 12. Tlio Drovers' Journal
reports ;
Cattle Receipts , 8,000 : nctlve and &SlOc
lowei ; bliipiilut'btooib. S-UOC'iS.lO ; stocKCis
nnd feertt'i.i'VKaMi'i ; cows , bulls nnd
mixed , 5J.yO ( ( .iW ; bulk. 83,00 180.
JloRs-Uefcipts. 20.000 : blow and 5@10o
low.'r ; roueli and Mixed , S1.OM4.35 ; pack >
hijrnnd slilppliiL' , S4.'X ( 4..1iO ; Ifglit ,
4.4X1 ; kliw. eiiHxil-4.00.
SlicPp Heceiiits , $ .1.00J ; m'lUoaii
lo\\er ; nutUcs , 5ji.O-sJO.A ( : ; Tcxuub , 53.00(3 (
The Drovers' Journal's cablegram
from Liverpool quotes supplies moderate nnd
the cnttlo market steady ; bjst American
steers , 13J < c dressed.
OKnnsnn City , April 13. Cattle Receipts ,
1,110 ; shipments IM ; market weak and n
shade easier ; coniimn to fancy , S.\10@ * > .40 :
common to good , S4.UO < ? * > .00 : stockers and
feedets S3.fl..10 ; cows , S2.40@3.10.
Hois Receipts , 4,005 ; shipments , none ;
market weak nnd lower ; good to choice ,
S4.1XM > I.15 ; common to medium , 83.053.W ;
skipsand pics S2.000J3.CO.
St , Iio'iK April 12. Cattle Receipts , SCO ;
shipments l'-0 : market linn on all grades ;
common to choice shipping , S4.00WS.40 ;
buteliers' slcei-s1.50@l.50 ; cows nnd heifers ,
S3iu@ . 0 ; stockers and feeders , S3.00@4.15.
IIu s Receipts , 1XX : ) ; shipments 200 ;
market fairly nctlvc ; butchers' selections
S4.2-VN.4) ) ; mixed packing , S4.00gi.20 ;
lights , § 1.1031.30.
Monday Evening , April 12.
Tim market\vas unusually dulleven lor
n Monday. Thcio were not enough
caltlu to make n market , though the de
mand was good. Values remain unchanged.
Cliolcu to extra stccis , averaging 1,400 to 1,500
pounds , Sl.OViM.bO : good , nvciaglng 1,200
to l.sioO pounds , § 4.2.ViM.r > 'i ; medium , av
eraging 1,100 to 1,200 pounds S3.Wrfl.20 :
good to choice cows nnd hellers , 8'l.Wl ! < i3.75 ;
medium , S'.i.7.1 < cW.2.1 ; choice to cxlrn stags
and bulls S-.noc l.OO.
The lecelpts of hogs were light nnd the
market quiet , The buyers were not nt nil
nn.xlous to buy nnd weie inclined to hold
back. Veiy little business was transacted.
Advices from the east indicating n lower
market , which caused n corresponding drop
heiooffictolO , ? . Unuloadof extra cliolcu pigs
broiitfht gi. : < M > { . Quotations for to-dav weie :
Choice light nud medium weights. 83.bOfW.flO ;
choice heavy , S3.7.niZ3.8.1 ; good to choice
mixed , S3.iOJi3.bO ( ; common lough grades nt
53.45(33.0.1. (
The'sheep nmiket is In better condition
nnd pilecs mo stiongcr. Choice to extia
sheep ate quoted at S4.CO ( < ? 1.t)0. )
Cattle 100
iir.pnusr.XTATivi : SAI.KS.
cow H.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
42 1121 83.75
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
5'J ' 2 < St.H" n .213 SK ; ! ! )
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
0 140 3.50
moiiKvr AND I.OWT.ST.
Showing tlio highest and lowest prices paid
on this market for mixed packing hoes dur-
Ins tlio rust seven days and for the corresponding
spending period last month.
Match Apill
Monday S3.CO
Tuesday , 8.7.1 ( a3.S)0 )
Wednesday . . , 3.7.1 (0,3.00 ( ,
Thmsdny , 3.bO ( iflU,1 )
Filday 3.70 M3.85
Sattndny 3.50 W.IlfO 3.7.1 ( JtfUK )
Monday 3.bO
All sales of stock ill this market are made
per ewt. live weight unless otherwise .stated.
IJead lion's sell at le per lb lor all weights.
"SKlus , " or hogs welshing less taan 100 Ibs ,
no value. I'tegnaiit sows aio docked 40 Ibs
and stags bO Ibs.
A dull day.
Light iccclpts.
Backwaidbu\ei- > .
Cattle maiketsteadv.
Chlcairo 10 to 15c oil on hogs.
Upward tendency in the Miccp market.
( iood cows and lielfeis in active demand.
J. Lansing , Faulield , niaiketud n load of
ho s.
D. Andet son , Columbus , had IbO liogg on
Bliss & Bliss , Schuylcy , had a load of hogs
on themaikct.
Tineu loads of cattle anlved too late tor
to-daj's maiket
S. It. Black , lloldtese , sold a load of 57
hojrs on the market.
Win. Cook , Noith Lotip , had a load ot IS
cattle on the maikot.
Lobman & It. , Columbus , were on the
inaikel with 102 hogs.
A load of hogs was iccelved from Daillug
& Utibli. Central City.
The Comerso Cattle company , Butnett ,
sold two loads of cattle on the market.
One load of hojrs was received from Gutli-
rle A : Osltamp Cattle company , Clarks. .
Cards have been laid aside , e\ci > bodv Is
piaying that there may be nostiikes to shut
out the stock coming to maiket.
General MnrkctH.
Monday Evening , Apiil 12.
Eons The market continues about steady
at ! i@Kc. ! )
Hun KB The leeciptsaiecryllglit and
the maiket good for the choicer grades.
Choice creameiy , 2" ! ( tnoc : choice fiesh table ,
10C < ? lSc ; goodfiesh table , 12@t4c ; fair , b@
lOc ; iioor. 3f&5e. Fancv fullcream chcddnrs. Octo
ber make. llKo : Hats , la 'c ; voung
America , 14cK ; lirst ouality Swiss cheese ,
15c ; second o.uality , 13)4@Uc ; Lluiburger ,
llfii)12e ) ; skim liatb UftiilOe.
( AMI : The leceipts ot ducks are not quite
so heavy as last week. They aio quoted at
Pour.Tiiv The market is nearly bare nnd
the demand Is good , especially for chickens.
As the warm weather approaches there is
more Inquiiy for live chickens tlmn for
( liessed. ( iio ( I live chickens sell readily nt
SJ.fO ; dressed , I0@llc ; ducks and geese ,
10 ( illc ; turkojs , diesscd , clioice , 10@12c.
I'jir.&EiivKb , JII.IIES : , F.TC. Preserves , nil
kinds , 20-lb. palls per lb. lOc ; do in pallets
ots , per lb. 0 | c : assoited5-lb. pails per crate ,
palls , $1.75. Jollies , all kinds , lirst grade ,
20-lb. pails , per lb. 8c ; assorted , first grade ,
6-lb , palls , per crate , 0 palls , 82.50 ; do
Mb. palls , per case , 2 doz. $2.25 ; do , tumb
li'is , per case , 2 doz. , SI.40. Jelly , all kinds
second gi ado , 30-lb. nails , pei lb. 5c. Mince
meat , best giado ) { bbl. perlb. 7c ; do. 5-lb
palls , pei crate. 0 palls , 52.75 ; do 40-lb pails
i > ei lb , 7 } c ; do , 5-lb palls , per crate , 0 palls
82.75. Pe.ich nnd plum butter , 40-lb palls , 75-
Ib , ( We ; peach plum and quince butter , ns-
soited , 5lb pails , per crate , 0 pails , § 3.75 ;
homo indish. pint bottles , per doz 51.50.
Pins' FUIT. : Tnii'K , ETC 1'igs' tcct , pertf
bbl , S4.00 ; do , tf bbl. 82.00 ; do , per kit , OOc.
Lambs' tongues , pei )6 bbl , 83.25 ; do , per
kit , 82.50 ; do. quint jars per doz , 85.2. ' ; do ,
pint Jam per case , 2 do ? . So. 7.1. Tripe , per K
1)1)1,84.00 ) ) ; do , per tfbbl , S2.00 ; do , per kit
IWe.SAUIU KIIAUT Best quality , SO gal bbl ,
80.50 ; 15 nl bbl. 83.75.
COMII HONKY California 2 ID frame DO Ibs ,
In case per JL > . , 15o ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska ,
1C 17C.
Cmnit Michigan refined , per bbl. , 80.50 ;
do. hall bbl. . S4.00.
ViNr.oAU Whlto wine. lOc ; cider , K c ,
HANAXAS The maiket Is well supplied.
Quotation- ) S2.00S4 00. nceoiding to sl/e 'Iho qiuntity of cholcestock held
by dcnleis has ocun giently dlminlsliedand
the demand for choice or fancy Michigan and
Missouri stock Is strong. Western stock ,
SU.OO i22. * ; fancy Michigan apples , 83.00 ;
choice Missouii block. 82,50 per bbl ,
' ' : " " " "s ' 'bbl
cnrii' " " " } - - "u Uuglo , per ,
IM.v-- , ' "in lots , 50.00 ; Jeuey , pei bush box ,
OHAKOES Ulvcrsldo Seedlings , per box
83,75 ; Mediteiranean Sweets , per box , 83.75 ;
5 to 10 box lots , per box , S8. > 0 ; San Gabriel
Navels , per box. $4.50 ; Los Angeics , per box ,
52.75 ; do5-box lots , per box , 82.00 ; do , 10-box
Jots , per box , S3.50 ; do , 25-box lots , per box ,
LI/MOXS Fancy Messina , per boxS.r > .f > 0 ;
cliolcu Musslnn. per box , S5.00.
NEW Kios , PATHS , ETC. Layer figs , 8 and
10-lbboxe.s , per lb , lOc , Dates , fancy Fnrd ,
12-lb boxes , per lb , 1 lo ; Persian , 50-lb boxes ,
per lb , 10 < % 1'ninelles , 30-lb boxes , per lb ,
18c ,
MAi'LKStJOAn Hrlcks , strictly pure , 50-lb
boxes , per lb , ICc ; penny cakes , 2.Vlb cases ,
HO.NEV Fresh California comb honey put
up in 2-lb frauus. CO-lbs In case , California
comb honuy , per lb. . 15e.
OVSTKH3 New York counts , 4" < s ; extra
selects. 40e. selects , 85c ; stnndnrdH 80c ;
mediums. i5c. !
Nisvv VKUKTAUI.ES California cabbage ,
PIT lb. , 3 } < c ; eauliilower. per doz. , 82.50 ; tel-
cry , per dot , 81.50 ; asparagus , per lb. , 15e ;
biunach , pur bbl. . $3.00@3.50 ; green onions ,
per do * . , : LIU ; nidislics , per doCOc ; lettuce ,
jier'do/ . , i > 0c ; plculant. perlb. , l5o.
I'ltovisioNs-lUin , 9K@10o ; bieakfast ba
con t hHeJf'earsIdob.icon.TMTKc ' : dry salte
sides , O'jUXc ; shoit rib sides , OKc : shoulders ,
5c ; mess pork. 812.50 pei bbl ; dried beef , hum
pieces , ic : ! : laid , tlcrces , fij 'c ; 60 lb cans,7c ;
10 lb c.uis ( Fairbanks ) , 7)iu ) : 5)bansdo ) ,
7 u : 3 Ibc.ilih , do. . 7j c ; bouell-ss iiaui. 10i\
' Mlcbigau ate bull-
Ing In a small way. California Il.ixo , per
tin. , 51.C3 ; do Pen. pcrbu. , Sl.M : Michlenn
Medium , per bu. , S1.75 ; Country , per bit. ; 75
( gSl.25
COCOANUTS- Per 100 , S4..10 ; less than 100 ,
Oi.ti Vr.nirr.vni.KS Onions , Michigan ,
choice jeilow. per bbl. , SH.fiO ; rutabagas , per
bbl.SXXXtt2.So ( ; carrots per bbl. , 1.7. ) ; boise
radish roots , per bbl S5.00 ; do per lb. , 7c ;
mvect potatoes. porlb.,4e : parsnips , ncrbbl. ,
$2,00 ; beets , per bbl. , S2.00 ; Salt Lake pota
toes , per bu. , Me
POTATOES The market Is \ cry dull nnd
there Is little or no stock movingllctail
dealers arc only bn > lnt ? In small lots to sup-
plj * their present needs and \\ouldbo no
easy matter to place car lots. The- choicest
stock Is only quoted at rx > c , and mixed or fair
to good stock 405o. . Inferior stock Is not
GiiAiN On the streets and at the mills :
Corn.SJc : oats , 2Sc ; wheat , No. 2. cOc ; rje ,
1(250c. (
FLOW AJfn Mn.i.sTwrrs Win tcr\\iieat
flour , best quality patent , S3.00@3.10 ; second
quality , sAWiirtOO ; best minlltr spring'llour , patent , S3.AOffl3.7ri ; buckwheat
Hour , In barrels , S > .7. > ; le.uly uUcd : 1 1) pack
ages , 4.00 ; ( ilb packages S.'UK ) ; bran , file
per cv t ; chopped feed , 70j per cwt : white
com meal , We ; yellow coin meal , 70cper
cwt ; screening , OOo per cwt : hominy , 51.60
per cwt : short" . fc per c\vt ; graham , SI. 75 ;
hav , In biles , "O.OOdSTOO per ton.
llinr.s Urccn liutulicrs , OJ < c : croon cured ,
7 o 5 dry Hint , H@l3e ; dry salt , iv 10c : dam-
need hides two-thirds price. Tallow 4c.
Grease , prime white. K'.c : jellow , 3c ;
brown , 2Hc. Sheet ) 1'elU axa'oa
runs ANI > biuxs Mink. each. 1040c ;
muskrat , winter. 2@Vs : do. kits , lo ; Utter ,
S2.MXiW.00 ; skuiiK , short striped , lB@3.rxjda. :
broad'strlood. . 11X315 ; badger. 25@50 : lUo
coon. No. 1 large.JO ® 0 : do. No. 2. B0 ( 30 ;
do. No. 3 , loirttttc : wolf , malrln fioca'jc :
do. mountain , S > 2.0033.uo ; wildcat , 15@40 ; bea
ver , S1.602.6U per lb ; fox , each. 4Ui@1.7G :
di erskln : . drv winter , 1 ' ( atSc per lb ; do. fall
nnd sumtwr , liVou' c ; ante.oiio. fi'jiMOj pel I )
] ji.VTinit : : No. 1 I'ittsburg Iwrnrs * . J. 0.
} , . & lions ; ; 0a ; No. 1 IMttslmrg. K. & S. JJC.a . ;
No. 1 lace leather , 05c : prlmo slaughter solo
leather , 28 u.Ue ; prime oak solo leatheis. ! :
boot leg , iWM.TJc ; Moiocco oil pebble ,
lopi > lnis nnd linings , ? ( > .00t)10.0) ( ) ) per dee !
UOAI , Antlnacito grate. S8.2.1 ; egg , PS-ffii ;
ranee , 38 50 : chestnut. ss.50 ; Iowa. § 3.25 ;
Walnut block , S3.,0 ? ; llllnols , § 5.00 ; Missouri ,
UIIAVY llAimwAiin Iron , rates , 83.35 ;
plow sleel , special cast , ) c ; crucible steel , tic ;
each , 7.1c ; siiu.uo nuts , per 11) ) , Tycue ; cell
chain. | ) Br lo , G ( < ? 12o : m.illeabl" . < 5@be : lion
wedges fa : crowbars Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c !
spilng steel , 7 ( < iSc ; lUudcn's horseshoes.
S1.4D : ntuden's mule shoes , S > .40. liaibud
AVIic , in lots , 84.UO per 10J Ibs. Iron
Nails , , lales , 10 to CO. § 3,00. Shot SIM :
buckshot , Sl.bS : oriental powder , kegs , ? 3.50
(5 ( > I.OO ; do , half kegs , SiOO ; do , quartet kegs ,
P1.CO ; blasting , kegs , ga.35 ; luso , per 100 iect ,
DOc. Lead Hat , S1.0.T.
On , White lead , Omaha , P. P '
7 > < c ; whitu lead , St. Louis , puie , S7. ) ; Mar-
sciilesgiei'ii , I toft lb cans , 20c ; French zinc'
green seal , I''e ; French yinc , ted heal , lie ;
Fionch zinc , hi varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermilllon. Amerlc.i. Ibc ; Indian
led. lOc : lose pink , lie ; Venetian , ted. Uoolc
bon's , 2-Jfc ; Venetian , red , Ametican , 1 % c
red lead , 7Hc ; clnome yellow , genuine , 20e ;
chrome yellow , K , 12c ; oclne , lochcllu : ic. ;
oclne , Fiench , 2c ; ochic , , 2c ;
Wlntei's mineral , 2J oLehlgh blown , * } c ;
Spanish brown. 2' < te : Prince' :
DIIY PAINTS White lead , tto : Fienchhie ,
12c : Paris whiting , 2J < e ; whiting gildeis ,
IJfe ; whiting , com'l , IJ c ; lampbl.icK , ( . ! ei-
mantown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Piussian blue , BJC ; ultiamaiinep Ibc : vandyke -
dyke , bio\\n , be ; umber , butnt , 4o ; umber ,
rav , 4e ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , iaw4c ;
Pans eieen , genuine , ! T > c ; Paris green , coin-
moii , 'Me ; eliiome gieen , M. Y20c ; cliiomo
gtcen , K , 12cpnnlllioi ; ) , Knglibh , in oil ,
OOc ; law and butnt umboi , 1 lb. cans , 12c ;
raw nnd burnt sienna , I'lo ; Vandyke , brown ,
18e ; lolincd lamjiblack. 12c ; coach blaclc and
ivoiy black , IGc ; drop black , KV ; Piussian
blue , 40c ; nltiamaiinu bine , ISc : clnome
green , J . , M. ite IX , lOc ; blind and shutter
urccn , Ij. , M. & IX , lOc ; Pails gieon , Ifcc ;
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rcdte ) ; Tuscan ,
2ic : Ameiican MJiniillioii , L. it 1) . , 20c
yellow ochre , Oc ; h. M. As 0. 13. , ] 8c ; godrsl
ochre , lite ; patent dryer , 8c ; giaining colois
llirht oalc , daik oak , walnut , chcbtnut and
ash. 12c.
Dituos AND UIIKMICAT.S Acid , carbolic ,
SOc ; ncld , taitaiic , Me : balsam copaiba , per
ft , 50o ; balk , sasbair.iR , pei It ) , 12c : calomel ,
per lb , ? Jc ; chlnchonldla , per oz , 40c ; chloio-
loim , peril ) , COc ; lJo\eis powdei.s , per lt > ,
81'ii ; epsom halts , per lb , ! 5 e : gljceilne ,
pure , per It ) , IBc ; lead , acetate , per It ) , 20c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , Sl.CO : oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
S1.40 ; oil. origanum. Me ; opium. 83.75 ; qui
nine , P. ite W. , and II. Ac S. . per o , 85c ; po
tassium iodide , per 11) , 83.00 ; salicin , per 07 ,
40c ; sulphate morphinp , per 07 , § 2.80 ; sul
phur , per lb. 24e : stoehnine , per o , 81.40.
OILS 110 * eaibon. po gallon , lOc : 150 °
headlight , per gallon , lie ; 175" he.idiiKht. per
gal , 15c : 150 * water white. I4c ; linseed , haul ,
speim , W. 13. , per gallon , 81.00 ; lisli , W. . ,
per gallon , C5o ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon ,
70c ; No. 1. OSc ; lubricating , zero , per gallon ,
Icno , per gallon , Ho.
VAHNISHES Uarrcls , per gallon : Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No 1 , 81.20 ;
Damar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphaltum
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linisli ,
bi'iniTS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 81.12 ;
do 101 proof , 81.13 ; sililts , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.13 ; do , Ib8 proof , Sl.ll. Alco
hol , Ib8 pioof , 82.10 pci wine gallon. Redis
tilled whiskies , S1.00@1.50. ( Jin blended ,
S1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00 0.00 ;
Kentucky andPounsylvaniaiyes , 82.oo@.50 ) ;
Colden Sheaf bourbon and tyo wliKkics ,
S1.50@3.00. Urandies. imported , S.r.00@8.50 ;
domestic , Sl.RO.t.OO. (51ns , Imported , S4.fX )
Cffl.OO : domestic.81.2.ri.OO. : . Hums , Im-
potted. S4.50@b.OO ; New England. S1.75@2.00 ;
domestic , Sl.'i'iWl.OO. ' Champagnes , import
ed , per care. S2tJ03@14.00 ; American , per
case , 810.00@10.00.
Dbl8 ' ' ' '
6J 40 I U I 1U
No.l Whlto Fish T 00,0 , < JO,3 , bO , I 1U , 1 Ul VO
Family 3 60 J Ifi's ' OS 1 70 02 B5
No. 1 * Trout. 4 60 4 OU2 K2 10 74 < V >
No. 11'ickurel. 4 00 J BO J JOil U)1 ) OS 60
Grooerc titst.
Synui No. 70 , 2 c , bbls : No. 70 , 4-callon
kegs. S 1.0i ; NewOileans as@4o ! per gallon ;
Maple bynip , } i barrel , strictly pure ,
70cper gallon ; 1 gallon cans , 9.25 per doz ;
\i \ gallon caus , S5.25perdoz ; Quart caus S3.00.
PICKLES Mvdluni. In bbls. Sti.oo ; do In
half bbls , S3.f)0 ) ; small. In bbls. 87,00 ; do in
half bbls. 84.03 ; gherkins , in bbls , 86.00 ; do.
hi halt bbls , 84.50 ,
CANNEU ( ioons-Oysters. standard , per
case. 83.60 ; 8trawbeiries,2 lb. per case , S2.75 ;
raspberries , 3-lb , per ease , S2.85 ; Catitornla
yeam , per wise , 85,00 ; apricots , per case ,
84.60 ; peaches , per c.iso , 84.75 ; white cherries ,
per case , 85.W ; plums , per case , 84.00 ; vvhor-
llebeules. per case , 82.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
percase , $ a.50 ; giwsn gates , 2-lb. per case ,
82.60 ; plneapnlet. . 2-lb , per case , 8i205.50.
, lrAJtc"cT > { ; K'0.- ' , 11 , .0 ? ; MI '
gloss,8lb SKc. MirrorBoss6 | lbOXc ; Oraves'
coin , 1 lb. ( > Ko ; Klngsfurd's corn , lib 7e ;
KlnKiMrd'julQ'.s , 1 lb , Tu ; Klnnsford's uloss ,
f " { j7 05 , 1"1-510'11 spure , a lb , 5e ; Klugs-
I'i.foTonAcctM-Cllm. ix,4X porUi ; Horsc-
Slin ? , 'Re ) : Stan 30o ; Speirhead , St(5o'd \
Roll , 30c : Piper lrjeid lelf. tea ; Punch , SSc ;
Voting Kiit7 , Sxr : .IT.l. .INC.
Ill- - . . . . . .
daily , Si , . . . .
SOIIA Iiflb papers. 53.25 a case ; salsoda ,
ketr , per lb. 22c.f i
UniHtt FntnTSj-Op. 1 quarter apples , d
evaporated box r ; , Itgfc ; VlrcXlcto n xerl
10o ; peaches , eastern , 4Vrfy ( e ; peaches
cvnporntcd , iJXQUci-b.ilt Lake , now , * } ( ( $
Sc : raspberries , new. 2i ac ; curnints , ? l ( &
7Kc ; prunes new.Ijf ( < i41 c ,
oUOAiw Powdered , ( Jtfc : cut loaf , 7J e ;
granulated. OJfcf confectioners' A , OKc ;
standaid extra U.C.Vc : e.xtraC , OJfo ; medium
jellow , Oc ; JHCW Qrtenns. fiWGiOc.
MATrncs-Per cartdle , : ttc : round , per
ease. 45c ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule square ,
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Impcrhl , S2fl3 :
Kirk's satinet , 83.15Kirk's standard , S3.30 ;
Kirk's whlto Russian. S . : H : Kirk's Wlilto
Cap , 50.50 ; Dome , 84.25 ; Washboaid , S3.1' .
COKKKKS Ordinalvcrades , U c ; fair , 10 ®
lOjjc ; Mime , llMCWo clioice , 13j @liJ4c : ;
fancy . . . .T.t green _ - anil _ i > / ) ellow > 4 /t- . , f. 13Jf@l4 . . _ rl > fe ! . . ; . . _ old * gov- ff *
) llwortli's , 13Ue ; Red Cross , jo/tu.
CANDU-.S Ifoxes , 40 lb , cs , lie : 83 , lie ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Os , lie ; half box , 201b ,
s ( Jromid Hlnck pcppot , boxes , 15
@ 22c ; nllspue , 12@irxj : elunnmoii ,
cloves , 15@26c ; ginger , i5(325c ( ;
TKAS Gunpowder , fnlr , 20@37c : good , 45
( iJMc : choice. bOftJToo ; good Imui'ilnl. 40i ( 4'J ;
choice , ( iOv. 70ouiii : ; ll jsou , . good , o
" "
Tea Slftluirs. IHc.
CiiAcunns ( Jarncau's soda , butter nnd
picnic , 5J < fo ; cicaius , sjtfcj ginger snaps ,
Kc ; cltv bodn , 7 > < c.
Fixi : CUT Maid to Heat , 70eChaim ; o ,
the West , OOc ; rountnln , 70c : Golden Thread-
07c ; Favorite , O0c : Huds , GUc Rocky Jloiin.
tain. We : Fancy , c ! Daisy , -We ; Noith Stai t
Oc ; Good Luck. oScrOtir liest , C'J e ; Good
News , 65c , _
Dry Goods.
PIIINTS American , 5K ; Arnold's. Gc ; Co-
clieco , Cc ; Manchester. Cc ; Lymaii , fie ; Glou-
cestei , " > Kc : Dunnell Jncntiard , Oa ; Dunncll ,
5)30 ) ; Windsor , Oc ; Pncllie. Oc ; Ilariuonv ,
4Ke ; Anchor ShlrtliiL's , 4) ) c ; Meirlmack
Slilitlngs- : BorwIcTle. .
CoT o s rnrmers' choice ,
0e ; Cabnt. uVo ; llopu , 7c ; Hill 41 , 7 u ;
Hill , X. "Xc ; Lonsdale , be ; Fuiit , Sc ; Wain-
sutta , lOc.
Ali\ft11 V V/I IVS > 1 - 1 Jll t ) i VJIIU J AJ IJ ( OU * tJlllV
unit , LL. 5c : Heaver Dam LI5c ; Atlantic
LL , 5c ; Indian Head. 7e ; Wmiohiibset , tifo ;
Ciown XXX , CKe ; Clltton CCC , O e ; Utlca
C. 4'fc ' ; Atlantic l',5Xc.
TicKisos Amoski'aj : ACA 12Kc : Thorn-
d\ko OOO , 7Jfc ; 'Ihoindyko fanc-v , O c ;
Yoric , lei c : Voile fancy. 12Kc : Mllbtny ,
12) ) < fc ; Peail Ktu-i , HJfc ; Hamilton , 12p ;
Swift U\cr ! , nj o ; ShetuckctS. 8' ' < c ; Shotuck-
etSS.d c ; Moutauk AA , 12c ; Montaitk I1B ,
lie ; Omeua ACA , lc. ! !
DIMMS : Ifeavcr Cicek AA , lie ; Beaver
Cieek IJU.lOu ; Heaver Cu-ok CC , Oc ; JalVroy
XX , lie ; JallieyXXX , 12o ; JalTroy V < V ; T ,
12Kc : Columbian , 12X : Yons. 13c : Yoik ,
fancy , l > % c ; Everett , 13c ; Haymakei's blue
and biowu , 7Kc. I
Dt'CK ( Unblpaclicd ) 8 07. Mncnolin ,
Kc ; 10 oz. Mau'tiolla ; 1'Jc : 8 oz. WestToint ,
lOKc ; 10 oVtst 1'ollit , 12.
DttfK ( colored ) Uoston 007. brown and
diab , ii : ) c ; Hoston O 11 blown and diab ,
DC : Boston XX browil'mid ' diab , lOc : Boston
XXX blown and dud ) . HKc ; Boston O 1'
blue , HKc ; WaiTen Tiicot , 15c.
CnnVi ) T8 AtuoslkCftK , checks , 0 > < c ; Amos-
keaz , stripes. KWq ; Slater , htilpes , 8c ; Edln
burg. 9 > ifc ; Whlltendpu. stripes , 8c ; ( ! len- , Oc : Otis , tliecks , vytc\ \ Otis , Miipcs , DC ;
llojal , CMc ; Amoski-ai ? , napped , 10' c ; Lu-
iny , book fold , 124 : Oheion. uook fold ,
Eniltiiauce , boolp fold ) 12c.
ad 13eans , .
Drr liurabor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. IS , 14 and 10 ft . S17.00
No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and K ! It . 15.00
No.3 " " 13 , 14 and 10 ft . 13.01
No.4 " " 12,14andl01t . 11.00
No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , 13 and Hfeet tough. . 810.50
N o. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 10 feet , rough . 17.0 )
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 and lllcet , rough. . 14.00
No. 2 , 4&G inch. 10 fuot , rough . 15.03
1st Com. , 13 , HaudlOlcct . S2-2.50
Ed " " " "
. 20.00
lid " " " " . 15.09
Fence , " " " . 11.00
1st Com. , % in. Whlto 1'ino Partition. .SU 0
2nd Com.i in. ' " " . . 27.0
Clear. } ( in . Norway " " . 14.5
2nd Com. ft ' , in. " " . 13.5
A Glnch , white pine . S35.00
" " 3UX )
IJGinch , .
C 0 Inch , " " . 29.50
D Cinch , " " . 2050
EGinch , " " . 17.59
STOCK iioAuns.
A 12 Inch , s 1 s 12 , u and 10 feet . 540 00
B " " " " ' . 42 00
0 " " " " " " . 8000
D " " " " " " . 2300
No. 1 Coin. 13 In. s. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10 ft . IS 00
No.l " " " 10 18 and 20 ft. . 1800
No.3 ' " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. 1600
No. I , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 817.50
No. 2 , Plain , 8 ana 10 inch . 15.50
No.1,0. G . 1 .00
* A * Standard . . . S2.05
5 Inch , clear , S1.55 : ' 0 Inch , cleai . 1.B5
No. I. . . . . . . . . I.2.1)
Lath . 2.25
Qujncy whlto limo ( best ) , 85c ; cement.
Akron , $1.7& ; plaster , S2.H ) ; lialr , per bushel
'M ; tairedfelt , per cwt , 81.05 : straw board ,
The Millard ,
B. Shears , J.E. ilarkcl.Thos. Swobo , Froprlotcrl
Omubu , Nebraska.
. . , , .
cuctCSfioTslq Jckou Slemsson & CO.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importcra of Forbljrn Wsh , Nos. 011-013 Jonoi
t = s = ; Street and Ur 1' . _ aelt. _ , Omaha. Nob. .
Job fainting ,
_ _
Job Printers peek Binders ,
And Blank Book Munujucturois. 100-108 South
_ Fouitccatb Btrco _
Flour a'iid Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. Welshans & Co.'s Quick
Italelnir Buckwheat flour and proprietors Omaha
City Mills , tor. Etb und Furuum Streets , Omaha.
Leather , Hides , Etci
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Saddlery and Shoo rindlnt'X. Hides , Wool , Tun ,
I'elts , Grease , Tallow , Etc. , Omaha Not.
F. I > . FAY & GO. ,
. Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , NuU andCigaia. 1211 Far-
Ham bt . , Omaha , Neb.
Book Binding , Etc ,
" *
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook Manufacturer1' . Noi. 109 and
IBS South Hth Street. Omnha , Neb.
Bridges Steam Pile Driving.
Engineers niul Contractor ? .
Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nnd HOMO Tru < 9 llrlduM ,
Plllutr mid Onk Timber. Ifith 8t. , ncnr rnrunui ,
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n
Special brands 1'aust , lludwolsor ,
Cor. Oth nml Cnpltol Avo. , Omnhn.
Tobacco ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns nnd Ammunition , si ? lo 23 ! South llth
Street , lO-'O to Itt-'J rarmun Street , Omahn , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dcnlcrs In Leaf Tobaccos. No * .
108 nnd 110 N. 14th Stiect , Oiunlui. Neb.
wTfrWHI 01177" "
Atcnt for the Mnmifucturors nnd tinportors ,
Crockeiy , GIassvaro ? ,
Chlmno > 8 , Etc. Olllco , 317 South 13th
Street. Omaha , Nub.
c. s. nooDititiii & co
Agents for I' . A. Whltnij Cnirlngo Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
Jewell's Celebrated Ro'ilserntors. SenJ
du or prlcel iats. 14t'i Farimnift. , Omnlm.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Eponotcr , Proprietor. Manufacturer of
Gol\nnl7cd Iron ami Coiiilre. IWJ Dotlgu nnd Ul
and 105 North 10th Street , Omnhn , Nob.
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Flualo , Etc. , 310 S. IHth St. WorUdono
luaiiypaitof thotountiy.
Western Cornice \Yorks ,
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
( Inlvnnlzcd Iron Cornices Etc. Spccht's l-n.
proM-d PnlentMttnll'oBkyllsht. AOb tmd 51U3
Igth St. . Omuha.j.'ob.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
The Gate Cily PlQn'ng Kill ,
Doors , Snsh nnd llllnds. Also ull Kinds of
turning. Scroll und Stoic work of o\ury do-
Mnnufocturor and Dealcrln
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouloiugs , Etc.
Stair Halls a specialty Telephone No. 03
J5th aiU Maicv St . Omr.ha , Nob.
_ Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnfonlc Block , Omaha. Dur lur Alarms , llolls ,
Vlio Alarms , Eloctiio ilattln , Spcultliitf Tuboi ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
Iron Stnlrs , Ilnlllnir , Rolled Ho ims and Girders ,
Stcain Engines , Hra'B Work , ( lonoral Foundry
Mnchlnound Itlncksnilllioik. . OIIlco and
U. P. Ity. nnd 8 17th St.
Iron ar d Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Fire Kails p. Dpf jlalty. Omnlia.Nol )
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnnufncturerof Flronnil Iliirulnr Proof Safoi ,
Vault Doors , Jail Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Omaliu , Ntb.
Wagons and Carriages
Established 1853.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
14C9and Ull Dotlgo Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
Goo. Iluiko. Manager.
Union Stock Yards , 8. Omulm. Tolo.hono 583
VT. F. I1ROWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Offlco-ExchanKO Building Union Stock Yards ,
_ Eouth Omaha , Neb. Telephone No. OQJ.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Address all commiinlcatlonsto usut Union Stock
i-'arfs. South Omaha. Advances nitulo on r.toclc.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Umltod. John F. Ilo > d , Superintendent ,
Lie Stock Commission Merchants.
Shlprocnta of any and all hinds of Block solicit
k cd. Union btcck Yardd.Uuiabu , Nob.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
SttBh , Doors , Eto. YanlB Cor. 7th anil Douglas ,
Cor. OtU and Douglas.
Manufacturers of Sash
, Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood
Finish. Just oponocl. N. E. cor , blh und Leaven-
worth Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber ,
811 a llth Street , Omaha , Nob. F. Colpotzcr ,
, Manager.
Lumber ,
13th and California Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Cor. Cth nnd Douglas Streets , Omuba , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Waron Block , Fancy Woods , Urklg-o Tlrabers ,
Ac. , H. W. Cor. 'Jill and Douglas , Uinahu.Nc b.
0. IT. LYMAN. '
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blind ; , HoaJfilsAs ,
Uulldliur 1'upcr , Ktc. South 1SU > Sucet caasst
' '
? / " ' - . " " oV. .
" ; > ! ' :
k Agricullural implements , _ _
Dealers In Agricultaral Implements ,
Ofllco , Corner Oth ntul 1'ntlfio St , Uinnlia , No ! > .
\Vliolcs.o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnJ llupglos , Omnlm Xcb.
\Vholsala ( Dealer hi
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrra : < ; cs nnJ Uupgle < > . .1 ( n s ft. , bot. Cth and
_ Iptb , Omaha , Neb ,
Boots and ShocSt
_ _ _ _ "
V. v. jtoi'sr & co. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1111 Farnam Street , Onmha , Neb. Manufactory ,
SuuiinprSHcctHoston. _ _ _
Carpets , _ " _ _
a A. onciuifn ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Huttings , Curtnlii Ooods. Ute. . IW Fnrnani
_ Stictt , Omnlm , Neb. _ _
Coal , Lime , Etc. _
.n-TpK w. nr.nronn ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone ,
Oflice , S13S. lllhRt. , Omnhn , Nob. Yards , Dili
imJ Dr.'eupoilStH-cts. _
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Doet varieties. Otllrr.SIIS. IllhSt. Tclcphono
Ko. Hl
rtir.ii co
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
811 S. 13tb St. , Oinnln , Neb.
Gt o. 0 , Tow i.r , 1'rcslJonf.
CEO. PjlTiTtisoN , Soo. nmlTreas.
J. 11. HutiiEtiT , 1 % A. II.M.CII.
1'ropilPtor. MnnnBcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Office , il" S. IJlh btreet. Tclcphono tD.
GKO. r. Luott. . Pics. . C. r. GnomtAN , V.
.1. A. SUMiKltiAKn bcc. and Ireas.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers uf hard niul ion com , * 09 S. Utli St.
Hard and Soft Coal.
EicluBlvodcnlorsIn llouldor Colorado Conl,21I
touth JUli strcot.
CofTce and Spices.
GATES , C01-K A , J1ILKS ,
HomeCoffos and Spice LIllj MTg Co.
I oirci Uniitois anil Splto ( iilnduie. inniiu-
fnotuiutsol Hnkimil'ow.lir , I''\titie's ,
Illulnif , ( Mi : TIJ ona inso of our 1-tb
Hunio I 1'nil Roasted ColTco. 1000 Hownidbt ,
Cmalm , NUi.
CLAUKE niios. i. co. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . Cotrcos , Spices , lliikin ! ? IVmdor I'lnvorlnff
Extmctg , Lnundry llltin. luU , uto. 1111-lu lliu-
noy Street , Oiunlui , Nub.
Commission , Etc.
Wholesale Fruitb , Produce , Oysters ,
J121 rnriiiini .SL , Onmlm. Apples Our o n i > .ick-
iiiK 1 lutt li Co 'a 'J Ijjcillinnd Ojsteis , Uuttur ,
, ( jiiiuu , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Tiodiico , PioNlslons , 1'rults , Hour mill Teed , 103
S. 1 1th St. , Oii.ulm , Net ) . Consifc'iiiucnts sollcitod.
itctuina inudo uromutly
W. K.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIES Chccso , Hutter. Ks s , Poultiy
ml ( Jiuiiu. 11J S. lltb , Omnlm , Nob. Tele-
liouo No. yJ5.
815 12th Street , Ouiu'ut. Nch. Spccialtloa : Du
_ tor. IV'tzs , nnd ChlcKuns.
Produce Commission Mercknts.
Poultry , lluttor , numo. Fruits , lUc. S20 S. 14th
v. SI. , Oiuali.i , Nebraska.
LD nuosii
General Commission Merchants ,
HCODodgo Street , Oinalm , Neb. Consignments
_ Solicited. _
Storage and Commission Merchants.
FOIO.'KM nnd Domoitle I'mita afpoelnlty. Kl-
i niit storag-o fucilltlca Wainliouso and oflico ,
) ( > North 1.1th Bt. Tclophono 775. _
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , EBBS und Produce. A full line of Stono-
Auro. Coiiblgumonta bOlicltuU. UU Dodfo St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Umrs , , Chccso und Couutiy Produce trca-
eraily , you S. l.'th fat. , Omuhu , Ntb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ecfripcr.Uor nnd I'utkln House , 14th & Lunven-
worth fat. , on U. 1 * . 11. i : . Tiaclc , Omuhu , Neb.
Kbtabllshod 1870.
General Commission ,
118. llth St.Oinahu , Neb. Spocialtles nuttor
B , Poulliy nnd Guiuo.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Prcduco and Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and -wholesale denier In count i y piodnco , frultp ,
uutter , esp-H. elo. Goods on coiislgnintnt u
Bpcclalty. KM N. 10th tt. , Oumlin , Neb.
( Successor * to A. 1" . Rclmck. )
Produce Commission Merchant
j Jll2 S-.IMI Kin Stioot. Oimihn , Nob.
Dry Goous.
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
133 ! Douglas Street , Omaha , Nub.
L. GINSmuiO & CO. ,
Wholesale IJenlcrsIn
Dry Goods , Hosiery , notions ,
Idneni , J-upts , Kinbroldury und Whllu Ccods.
11OJ JJout'lus btreet , Oinului , Nob.
_ White Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Leal.
20th bt- , und U , P. lly. , Ouia.ii , I
Harness , Etc ,
Mnnufucturoia and Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Oooda , lllankc'ls niul Itobea. Ifl Furunto
btictt Oiiiiiliq. Nob.
Mattresses ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mattresses , Ilcildln ? , Feather
Pillows , Cots , Kto. las iiufl ISOa IJoutlai Street ,
Omahu , Neb.
Overalls ,
cANrEtn jr.lNTirACTujtiNa co. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Punts , Hhirts , ito.r : lite nnd 1 1i Dowrlm
-'u , Not ) .
lcnleralnAllKlml < oC
Building Material at Wholesale
lth Sti cct nnd i < i o i I'nc fl TmoOnnhi
\Yliolesale \ Dealer in Lumber ,
J. A.
Wholesale Lumber , Lath ,
" "lie Papers , } 5 h. Peers Hllntl * , Moulf
in - < , I'lchcts , POMS iJinp , Piaster , llnf t
ttuu-nt. N'liitn mm.liim"Onmlm Nob. '
_ - -r
Millinery , , " T *
Importers ami Jobbers of '
Millinery and Notions ,
llin nntl 1214 Hnruoy Street , Omnlin , N'ch. )
Musical Inslrumcnts ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Ptolnway Piano * . Wobpr , Decker , Ilnlnosaml
Jtrlirirs l'miio , 1'ncknnl Uranus , Ctmso
Notions , Etc ,
" J.ll nUANDIUS * S (
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Gnoil * . Notions , flouts' ruriilshliiT Ooo > 1 ? .
Oooili from Now York. Tindo sales dally. 6'jJ
niul W3 South Uth St.Oiunlvi.
_ _ _ _ _ _ Furniture , Etc.
Fnrnituro , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors ,
Klu. 1.X1 ) ! , 1UOS nnd U'lH rniuiuu Street , Omnhn.
nr.wRvSTO.n ,
Wholesale Dealers la Furnltara ,
_ I'nrnam Street , Omnlm , Nob. _ _ _ _
Groceries ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ 1110 and 1112 Douglas Street , Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco unit Smokers' Aitlelcs , 1217 Ilownrd SU
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Eplces , Clgnrs nud Tobnoco * . 1317 and 1311) ) Doug"
_ Ins btreet , Omaha , Nob. _
McCoYlD , 11UAUY & COMPANiri
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th niul I'mimm Elrccts , Omahn , Nob.
" "
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707 , 709 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Onmlm , Nob.
Hardware. _
' "
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Eprlnpg , ( Vuooii Stock , Ilnrdwood Lumnor , oto.
I'M ) nnd l.MI llurney Gtiuex , Ouuilm , Nob.
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnriinjro Wood Stock , llcnvy llurdwnre ,
Ktc. t'17und U13\cnwoitliBUcet , Omnha ,
HlMnilAUOI ! & TAYLOlt ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools mid llutlulo Scnles. l(03Oou ? <
. Oiiuilm.Nob.
LLE : , TRIED & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Etc. Apcuts for Hoxvo Scales and
Miami Ponder Co. , Omaha Nob.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Giatos , llrn ° s floods. 13-1 nnd UilPM >
nnin Stiect.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emcreon Stcol Mnlls. Cor. 10th mid llarnoy
bticotB , Omnha , Nub.
Manufacturer of tuo
Deering , Harvester Goods ,
Write to Wm. M. Ixjiliiior. Gonornl Agent , _ l
Omaha. Telephone 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Unllivuy and Milling Supplies , Et J
ISO , OSiumlUUFainumbt. Omuliu , Nob. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btenm mid Water Supplies. Hcndciunrtcrs for
filust Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 Viuunm Street ,
Oiuahii , Nob. t
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dcnlcrs In Sllvoiunro , ninmonds ,
Clocks , Jowelois' Tools und Materials , Etc. , 10J
nnd JU ) , 15th Street , Cor. Uodgo , Omaha , Nob.
Notions Etc ,
VJNYAJ11) Jc SCIINiif : > EH.
Jobuots in
Notions , Hosiery & Gents'Furnishing Good
1000 und 103S I'mmim St.OmnhnNob.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ' '
403 and 405 S. Kith fit. , Omaha , Nob. >
WliolesiUo Dealers In Notions and Gents' Fur.
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ,
Gasollno , Mlcu A\lo Gienso , Bto. A , II. Illshop ,
Mnnuffcr , Omuhu , Nob. ,
Pork Packing ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
HAItltIB & riSHKIt ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onice , Union Marketlr71)o ! < l o Htroot. Packing
boiibu , U. 1' . It. It. Tunic , Omaha , Nob. Tolo.
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' ' '
Tire und IluiKlnr Pioof f-aregTlino U > oksVault !
cud Jail work , lO'-'U ruiimiu street , Omabii , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
Agricultural , Vegetable , Uto. Odd Follows1 Hull ,
_ N. WCpir.J4tli and DodiroSt . , Omaha , Nob. _ _
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggists
And De&ler In I'nlnts , OIU and Window GlA V
Omaha , Neb , i
Wines and Liquors ,
11,1:11 : & . tx > .
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And I.Uiiir.rxilo | ( iniinufaciurursof ICcnnodr'i
l.tst JnUUBItlfjs. 111J Hiirrtey Street ,
urt ) . w. uunRAH ,
Suttfssor to McNAMAiu & DUNUAK , Iiaporterl
uud Wholcalu Donlerdlu
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
JUlaud1Ua.ltlugt. : , OraahuNCh. , _ .
jil" '
? n