Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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The "Omaha Manufacturers' ' Trust Com
pany" Materialized ,
If ' Articles of Incorporation Adopted
By tbo Hoard ofTrortonntl Ilusl-
t I ness Mon Imst Nlclit Cap
ture of Iiarconlsts.
afons' Meeting.
An adjourned meeting of the board of
trade was held last night , the principal
object being to meet business mon and
capitalists of this city and confer with
them ns to the advisability of organizing
n stock company to assist in building up
the manufacturing interests of Omaha.
Although not a largo mi tuber were pres
ent , those thcro were composed of men
who are well known as being greatly in
terested in the welfare and advancement
of the city. The articles of incorporation
submitted at the last meeting , although
having been revised by legal authority ,
were laid aside , and a now sot submitted
nnd approved.
Tlio affidavit plan of voting was taken
up , and now plans proposed , but nothing
was done bchido showing that it was a
system detrimental to the interests of
law. nnd that tlio present system should
bo abolished.
Mr. C. E.Mayno , chairman of the com
mittee appointed to have the articles of
incorporation revised , reported that they
had attended to that duty , and the cleric
road thorn as corrected.
Mr. E. Rosewntur hero arose and stated
that on lirst thought bo had been favor
ably impressed with the idea of organis
ing a stock company for the purpose of
aiding manufacturers who desired to
come to Omaha , in loaning thorn money
nnd furnishing property on which to
build works. "But , " said ho , "on more
mature consideration , I have como to the
conclusion that thu incorporation articles
submitted to this board last week are im
practicable. Should sucli a stock com
pany bo organized , eacli stockholder
would not only be responsible for his
own stock , but if this company should at
any tinio ( "and this is undoubtedly what
they would do ) invest in the stock of
any other company , they would also bo
liable for the losses of that company.
Now , yon know that many people would
coma to Omaha , should suoh a scheme bo
carried out. to start factory projects.
Some would bo perfectly feasible and
successful ; others might mil. Since tlio
lost meeting I have considered a plan
that would bo more practicable than the
ono proposed by Mr. Maync. I have
drawn up articles of incorporation for a
company to bo called the ' 'Omaha Man
ufacturers' Trust Company , " which pro
vides a certain amount of money sub
scribed bo used in fostering manufactures.
The main point in this scheme is tlio cre
ation of atriwt company whoso business
it will bo to solicit , rccoivo and convoy
lands which property owners may desire
to donate as a bonus to parties who will
establish mills and factories in Omaha ,
The owner may designate tlio partic
ular manufactory ho desires to
encourage , or ho may leave
it optional with tlio company to
choose what they doom most desirable.
The company will go into no partnership
with any one , but will only act as trustee.
The capital raised will bo nominal.
The company will employ some man
competent to compile- ail tlio facts with
regard to our resources and advantages
ns a manfaeturing center , and describe
the various lots and lands which arc of
fered as a bonus to factories , mills , etc.
Wo shall also want to employ a good
lawyer to investigate titles , draw con
tracts and papers and make legal inquiry
into the financial condition of parties
wjio may apply for substantial aid. Tbo
outlay need not exceed 3,000 a year.
There is no risk to stockholders in such a
company. The trustcomnanv will sim
ply convoy lands which may" bo offered
as a bonus and raise money at low inter
est for manufacturers who need linancial
aid. An enterprising man coming to
Omaha , and wishing to start into busi
ness , but not having sullicicnt capital ,
becomes embarrassed and goes away , be
cause ho cannot borrow money at a low
enough rate of interest. Now , my plan
is that wo help such men by procuring
loans at such n rate of interest as will
make it advantageous to them. This
company will luivo for directors seven
men , good , capable business mon , whom
wo can trust implicitly. They can keep
n corresp.ondenco with eastern capital
ists , and by exorcise of proper discre
tion can readily ascertain who is
and who is not to bo assisted.
To bo sure no person can bo directly
bcnclitted by becoming a member of the
company , but the whole city of Omaha
will derive material benefit in the end.
As my plan seems to cover the ground
intended by the other and remedies the
errors in that , it seems to mo more
feasible. "
Thq following are tlio articles of incor
V i poration :
Articles of Incorporation of the Omaha
rMniiufncttiicis' Trust Company.
County of Douglas , f ss.
The undersigned do hereby nssoclato our
selves together nnd declare that \\o , together
with our associates and successors , nro nnd
Blmll be n corporation , under and by vlitun
of tlio statutes o the ntnto of Nebraska , by
tlio mime and style of the Omaha Manufac
turers' Tuist company.
The piInclpal place for the transaction of
' the business of said corporation shall bo In
thocity of Omaha , In tlio county of Douglas
and state of Nebraska.
AitTicr.r. HI.
The general nnttiie of llio business to bo
tiansacted by such corporation shall bu to ro-
celve titles to and personal property In
tiust.and to convey the s.imo to such persons
orussoclntlons ns may be designated bv its
boatd of dlreetoiH , for the purpose of aiding
nnd encouraging tbo establishment of fnu-
torles and mills In nnd near the city of
Omaha , Nebraska , and also to nld In the
H/ iirocuiliiL'iind making of loans of money for
the establishment and opciatlon of nianufac-
The amount of capital stock nuthorlzml Is
thu sum of littv thousand dollars ( S.W.OOO ) In
shares of twenty-live dollars ( i35) ) each ,
lltty per cent thereof to bo paid within
thirty days fiom date of subscription
and the leniaiiider In Installments of not
loss than 10 percent nor moie than 'J5 pur
cent , thirty duys titter call theiuof shall have
boH ) Hindu by the duly authorized oflleers of
such coiporat ion.
AHTiri.r. v.
Tlio time of commencement of this corpora
tion shall bu thu Hint day of June , A , ! > . , IWJ ,
nud the period o Its teimlnntlou shall bn the
lirbt day of June , A. 1) . , liws.
AliriCI.K VI.
The highest amount of Indebtedness or
liability to which thu corporation Is nt any
time to Mihjeut Itself shall bo two thousand
' , ' dolfiiis.
( S',000) )
* - , The affairs of thu corporation nro to bo con
ducted by aboard ofdheclois ot seven per.
sons , lioni among whom ate to bo chosen n
president , vleo-piesldout nud seciotnry nud
uvnsmx'r. An executive committee or live
poisons shall nUo bo chosen tiom the boa id.
Aisnci.i : viu.
As soon as one-tenth ot thu capital stock
bos been subscribed the slciifis hcicof shall
"call ( meeting of stockholders for the purpose
of dueling otllecrs , of which meeting tun
days notice shall bo given.
In witness wheivot the undersigned have
lioieiuito set their hands this day of
April , A. 1) . one thousand eight bundled and
Air , | M'uyno said ho would support the
BOW | ropoMtion , as also did the others ,
llio question was raised by Mr , G.V
, Ur y that possibly 'it Would bu uoUcrto
charge more than $23 for each share , but
after some argument H was decided that
the article was as nearly correct as
possible , and by unanimous vote the
members approved the now ones.
The question of allowing people to
vote on an affidavit was spoken of by
Mr. Gray. Ho said that it was a very
bad practice. Last year the aflldavit plan
was irrcgulrrly carried on , and this year
it was almost , if not quite as bad. There
were many illegal votes cast , and ho
stated that lie had witnessed tlio ballot
box grossly , outrageously cheated. Ho
thought a revision should bo made of
the law. The question was argued at
length. Mr. Gfr.iy suggested as a good
way to get out of the dllllculty that the
judges , or oven the two contending
parties , agrco to a set of questions to be
asked of nnd properly answered by an
applicant to vote without having regis
After some little other work the moot
ing adjourned.
Institution of Oumlia Legion No. O ,
A. O. U. W.
On Saturday , April 10 , 1830 , Deputy
Grand Commander A. Waddingioti insti
tuted tlio above legion , with twenty-four
members on the charter list , assisted by
comrades of Crescent Legion No. 8 , of
I'lattsmouth. The following officers were
elected nnd installed :
A. S. Harmon Past Commander.
L. A. Merriam Commander.
M. T. Anderson Vice Commander.
G. E. Wright Lieutenant Commander.
U. E. Reynolds Recorder.
R. M. Taylor Rccoidlng Treasurer.
W. C. Powell Treasurer.
C , J. Dawbach Marshal.
H. II. Bright Standard Bearer.
J. D. Roll-Senior Workman.
\Vm. Turner Senior workman.
L. D. Holmes Guard.
lrs. Morriman and Ralph Medical ex
M. F. Anderson Trustco ono year.
J. U. Ralph Trustee two years.
F. C. Ayer Trustee three years.
The "Select Knights" is a fraternal and
benevolent order with additional protec
tion to the widows and orphans of deceased -
ceased members , and aims to he to tlio A.
O. U. W. what the order of "Knight
Templars" is to Masonry. Only master
workmen degree mcmburs of the A. O.
U. W. are eligible to membership. The
organization consists of a supreme legion
and the grand and subordinate legions
its members are uniformed and subject
to military drill. It has a book of tactics
especially prepared for the order by
ono of the best known tacticians
in tlio United States , H. B. Grant. The
society was organized in 1879 and now
numbers over ton thousand (10,000) ( ) mem
bers. The Soleot Knights have two bqn-
oliciai departments , ono co-extensive with
the grand legion jurisdiction , for $1,000 ;
one co-oxtonsivo with the United States
and Canada , for § 2,000 , , making the whole
amount a Select Knight can have tvs fol
lows :
A. O. U. W S2.COD
Jlellcf society l.OUO
Supreme Legion 8,000
Granu Lotion 1,0JO
Total . 80,000
In all $0,000 , fully as much as most.mon
desire to carry. It is optional with these
who join a legion whether they take a
bonoticiary ccrtjlicato or not , and they
can take a cortilicate in tlio grand or supreme -
promo legion department or not. Assess
ments are made the same as in the A. O.
U. W. There is no limit to the ago at
which members of tlio A. O. U. W. are
admitted to the order of Select Knights ,
but they cannot enter the beneficiary de
partment if over 51 years of ago. The
medical examination is very strict and
candidates must bo in good health at the
time of joining tlio order. Every mem
ber of the A. 0. U. W. ought to become a
Select Knight.
Will ProBConto Her.
Special Ollicor James , of tlio Law and
Order League , procured recently a requi
sition from Gov. James W. Uawcs , for
the arrest and removal to Iowa of Mrs.
1'rank , the Twelfth street bagnio keeper.
The warrant was sworn out against the
woman on the charge of "enticing a vir
tuous female into n house of ill-fame. "
The female referred to is Lucy Mercer ,
whoso case has been given considerable
notoriety of late. Mrs. Frank has boon
taken to Council Blull'd , wlicro her trial
is to como oil' . The Mercer girl is now liv
ing with her parents on the other side of
the rivor.
The Omaha ( Jim club holds its annual
meeting this elect oilicers.
The city treasurer was kept busy yes
terday paying oft' tiio lire department ,
police , laborers , etc.
D. S. Capron , supervisor of tlio * Union
Pacific tracks , took the west bound train
for Grand Island yesterday.
Mike McCabe was arrested Sunday nighl
to answer to a charge of assault and bat
tery. A warrant had boon issued for
The case of Bunko vs Peters was tried
before thh city clerk yesterday and judg
ment rendered for plaintiff in tiio sum of
In the clerk's oliico
city yesterday tes
timony was being heard in tlio suit of the
National Tube Works vs the Sf. Joe
Boiler Works ,
> v The funeral of Mra. Anna Thomson
will bu hold Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock at the residence ) Oil South 18th St.
All friends invited.
James Barrett , who has charge of the
government teams nt the fort , and whoso
homo is on Nortli Sixteenth street , is a
happy man. llis wife presented him with
a iifteoii-pound baby Sunday morning.
The county troasuror's ollleo was a
scone of hustle and liveliness yesterday ,
A largo number of taxpayers are now
liquidating their indebtedness to the
county , On the 1st of May all taxes will
bo delinquent.
Contractor Fox paid oil his hands last
night. His oliico is opposite the Union
Pacific building , on larnam street , and
when the men were waiting for tluiir
mono } ' many people thought that a strike
among the Union Pucilic employes had
boon inaugurated.
Judge Steiiborg said last night that ho
proposed at once to have a complaint
liled agpinst Smith and Ilroudy , the two
colored pugilists , for prize lighting.
Botli mon are not to bo captured on short
notice. Broiidy is now on his way to San
Francisco , while the other is iu seclusion
out ot the reach of the county or city
Mrs. C. A , Ringer has returned from
tlio oast.
Mayor Boyd has returned from the
Mr. and Mrs. O. Rolmers , of Yokaho-
ma , Japan , are at the 1'axton ,
N. 0. Suaton.Uhir ; A. E. llol nbacklo
Platt&inouth , are at the Canliold ,
Will G. Jonas , of Fullortou , Nob. , and
John W < Waltz , of Now York City , are
at the Paxton ,
Mrs. Richard Stevens and daughter
leave to-nijjlit for tlio Paeilio coast to
visit relatives.
William Kublo and Charles F. Fuhrman -
man , of York , Nob. , are jn tbo city , the
guests of Mr. M. O. Maul. TJioy intend
to locate in thin city. -
" F. B , Gillman , representing the Willow
Springs distillery and ler | & Co. , has re
turned from a three months trip on tlio
Pacific coast and territories.
- Mr. E. B. Branch , of Branch & Co. ,
wholesale dealers in fruits and produce ,
hns gone to California (9 ( arrange for tlio
shipment of .large invoices ot fruit dur-
jug the present summer ,
Reform drib Kntertnlnmcni.
The W. C. T. , U. Uuckingham hall was
the scene of n rousing mooting Saturday
night , it being the regular Reform club
entertainment. A largo audience was
present of botli ladies and gentlemen.
After reading of scripture and prayer the
president of the club Introduced Mr.
Powell as the first speaker , who addressed
the audience In well chosen words 6f ad
vice and encouragement , urging all the
young men to join the Reform club and
work with the W. C. T. U. in the grand
fight for the homo. His remarks' were
listened to with close attention. Mr. C.
J , Holt , who was present by invitation of
the club , followed , giving an account of
the rapid advance of the blue ribbon
army in tlio dill'ordnt parts of the state in
which ho had worked ns organizer for
the W. C. T. U. during the past months.
The Reform club has been n success , and
has boon the means of the overthrow of
the saloon power in many towns in the
state nt the late election. The temperance
people of the state are looking to the
Omaha Reform club for grand things in
the temperance work this year. The in
jury to the cause could not bo estimated
should the work stop hero at the Buck
ingham. Mr. Holt paid a deserved
tribute to llio press of Omaha for the
liberal space that had boon given to re
ports of the temperance work done by
the W. C. T. U. in the city , and the great
good which has been accomplished there
by , tlio reports being copied not only by
the press of our own state hut of others.
Mr. F. A. Proctor then gave a recitation ,
the mooting closing with n speech by
Judge Edmund Bartlett , during the
course of whoso remarks a number came
forward nnd signed the pl&dgo.
A llobbory Frustrated.
Officers Matza and Whatcn arrested
James Kelly , a suspicious character , Sun
day at about 830. ; It seems that Kelly ,
who has been in Omaha for some time
living off his wits , had , Saturday , in
duced a young bootblack named Gcorgo
Abel , to go in with him on a schema to
rob Annlo Wilson's house , on Douglas
street. The plan was this : Last even
ing at about 8 or half past , the two were
to go to tlio house and get in the back
yard , whore Kelly was to open a window
and assist young Abel to gain nn en
trance. Then , while the boy was "going
through" tlio houso. Kelly was to stand
guard on the outside , and take the
stolen goods that the boy would hand
out. Abel scorned perfectly delighted ,
and made Kelly think ho had caught a
bonanza , sure. As soon us Kelly loft ,
however , the boy liuntodup a policeman
and gave away the whole snap. Ho was
told to acquiesce fullj in the plans and
allow himself to bo arrested. IIo did
this , and Sunday night at the hour named ,
on getting into the uaok yard , Kelly was
dumbfounded by the two policeman tell
ing him ids"name was Donnis" this
trip. IIo was locked up. The boy was
also taken to the station-house , but was
not locked up , being kept merely as a
Kelley was found guilty in police court
yosterdya and sentenced to thirty
days imprisonment , and to pay a line ot
s20 and costs. IIo trujd to deny having
formed any plot to rob the Wilson man
sion , but upon cross-examination broke
down completely.
Violating the Sabbath.
Sunday afternoon Lena Rivers , ono
of tbo demi-monde inmates of Nell 16
King's house on-Capitol avenue , jwnnt
out to have a goojl time While away
she met n commercial ' { mVclcV,1 whoso' '
name , however , could not bu learned ,
and together they started out for a bucgy
ride , stopping at every sjiloon to imbibe
moro "red lickker. " At about 8 o'clock
that night they wore both decidedly in a
' " " condition and while
"how-comc-you-so" ,
a short way out of town the team became
frightened and ran away. Th'e man had
no control over the animals , and they
stopped suddenly against a board fence.
Both occupants of tlio buggy wore thrown
out , Lena getting decidedly the worst o f
it. Rumors were rife that she
was Killed , but investigation brought
out the fact that she was not seriously
hurt , although terribly bruised. Nothing
is known about the results on the * man ,
as ho immediately loft. The woman was
brought homo arid a doctor called. Her
face is terribly scratched up , and it will
bo some time" before she will desire to
paint Omaha reel or any- other color.
None of her friends knew the fellow 01' how
she got acquainted with him , but think
that while out , they mot , and being of
convivial natures , determined'to see the
elephant together. When brought home
she was unconscious , and nothing could
bo learned of her about the matter.
Sent to the "Pen. "
Sheriff Coburn loft yesterday for
Lincoln in charge of tho'pVlsonors sen
tenced at tlio present term of court. Ho
takes with him Jake llamgo , who is un
der eighteen months' sentence for ob
taining money under false pretenses ;
Gcorgo Thompson , who will'servo
eighteen months for stealing a liargos.
from Joe RowlestfAdolph Peterson , tlwho
will bo confined for eighteen months on
account of stealing a pair of horses from
Mitchell Grillln. Pat Boylim and Clms.
Tracoy also got eighteen months for bur
glary , while Max Reese , who mortgaged
horses which wore not his own , is lei oil'
with ono year's imprisonment.
Judge Neville wont to Burt county yes
terday to hold court. JIo is cxyoctcd
to return Saturday when lie will sentence
the boy prisoners , Van Ness , Todd , and
Martin , who pleaded guilty to the charge
of obtaining money under false prdtoses.
Deputy United States Marshal Major
Slion alter got in from Fremont yester
Officer James , of the Law and Order
league , ia particularly desirous of im
pressing upon now saloon-keepers the
Importance of complying with the pro
visions of the law with regard to procur
ing licenses. To-day Is the .first of , the
now fiscal year , and all licenses should
bo procured only in accordance with the
legal provisionswhich the League mpans
to sco are strictly enforced ,
The news papers now published in the
United Kingdom number 2.093. England
claims 1,031 109 of those belong-to Lon
don''alone ; Scotland , 103 ; Ireland102 ;
Wales , 83 , and tbo various isles , 31. 'Tho
dailies roach 141 in England , 21 in Scot
land , 15 in Ireland , and ono in the small
isles 167 in all , while forty-years ago
there were only 14 daily papers in the
whole kingdom .13 in England and two
in Ireland , Within those forty ycarq thu
newspaper press has almost quadrupled ,
considering Hint in 1810 there wore but
051 journals published. Now , also , I,3i3 (
magazines are published In the year , and
3U7 of these are of distinctly religious
Within a few weeks n jewelry firoi in-
Newark has been ordQrcdf by Attorney
General Garland to desist from the man
ufacture of ft certain noveity-untilf the
matter is thoroughly considered \Vashv \
ingtoii.Thu articles ; in quo&tion have
the appoarnnco of honoat § .0 gpjd pieces
and silver dollars , and in either case ! are
more \aiuablo than the coin tliey ropro-
sont. A person unused to toying with the
fiill-woVht coin might carry around'ono
of the Newark novelties for months with
out suspecting that it was anything' but
what the Uce indicated. By touching a
8levery-eo | coaled spring on the face of
tiio coin , ho\vover \ , thq inner fuco opens
en a hinge oUd discloses u photograph.
Tho'.Rov , Mr , Bitlo1 ! Conducts Another Sue-
fyssfjul Meeting.
Nearly 1BOQ People Gathered In tlio
ExposlllonHnllln ) to llcspoml to
tlio EviuYjjclist's Eloquent niul
Fervid Appeals.
"Redeeming sould from sin , " "Hood
and your souh shall live , " read a liugo
while banner stretched upon tlio cross
beams ot tlio exposition building last
night. "Sing 'All hall the power of
Jesus'name1 , " said Rev. Mr. McKnlg , as
ho looked at the quotation.
Nearly 1,600 people wore present , em
bracing all sorts and conditions of mon ,
Old mon and boys wore seated side by
side , pretty girls cast sly glances at the
handsome young men ensconced at their
side. Religiously inclined women sat in
rapt attention drinking in every word
spoken , and crying amen at every pleas
ing expression. Some came for curiosity ,
Bomo for pleasure and some from
a sense of dutv. It is an indubitable
fact , however , ff thoughts can bo read In
countenances , that all present wont away
with better and more exalted feelings
than they had before the mooting began.
The stage , which was placed in the south
part of the hull , was well filled with
ministers of nearly all denominations
who did their utmost both by pra.vcr and
exhortation to stir up the emotions of
the audience. Tlio choir , which was
placed behind the row of clergyman ,
was superfluous , as the people present
wore intent upon singing , which they did
in the most hearty manner. "Tho Lily of
the Valley" called forth their best
efforts. >
"It makes no difference , " said Mr. Bit-
lor , "whether you know the words or not.
We don't want words , its melody and
volume that wo are looking for. " lie
started the hymn to the air of a well
known plantation song and the refrain
was taken up in such n hearty manner as
to make the building ring.
"We've got three workers hero from
Lincoln" said Mr. Bitler , "and will have
twenty-live more on Wednesday. " In
asking for the usual collection the
evangelist thanked , the Lord for the
money that had boon contributed
but did not deem it necessary to descend
from first causes to immediate agents ,
and express his gratitude to the real
A few minutes of silent prayer , when
every head was bowed , was then had and
concluded with a fervent amen from
Brother Bitlor. > "God lias put his stamp
on this work , " said the speaker , "and its
imprint can Mlhiiiljr be seen. " In speak
ing of Sam Jones' , lie said that in Chica
go the battle l\ad \ .Already been prepared
for'that man of God , ' but that Omaha
could bo congcatnintiid on the success of
the meetings being ) held. Ho said that ho
was not afraid'of 'llio ' ministerial breth
ren upon tlio "rtlatform. Ho did not mean
to state that itjiyaabccauso their functions
were purely liiinigJLorial , but his remark
was open to that construction.
"Jesus only/ ! / wore the words which ho
used as groundwork upon which ho
built up his Sfirmon. His words were
earnest and fervid. ' 'With many men , "
said lie , "tho "animdl " is getting the better
of the angle ofthghr being. "
"A man may jj < Tsick of sin and yet )
stop at some o'f ' the ordinances without
having his heart , madd loyal toLGod , "
were the words with which ho condemned
the religious formalists. "I have seen
men , " ho continued , "carried away by
Hoods of wickedness and for whom
there seemed to bo no hope , completely
saved by the grace of God. " lie said
that men used Ingersallism to
stillo the pangs of their consciences so
that they could enjoy their debauchery
and revelry to the fullest extent. Ho
mentioned a man who used to be in the
habit of getting up at daylight for the
sake of getting into the saloons that
opened the earliest , and who had to-have
four or five drinks of whisky before ho
could eat his breakfast. "Tho lash of the
devil , " continued the speaker"was not a
scourge powerful enough to cause his
complete ruin. Ily < God's help ho over
came his fatal appetite and became a
sober , industrious man. How licen
tiousness , like an awful storm , is sweep
ing over the country , " continued ho ,
speaking of another great evil. "God's
grace can save us from our appetites ,
and is the only thing that can. Human
resolutions are too weak to stand against
the frailties of human nature. "
Mr. Hitler's appeal to the audience to
accept tlio sublime tenets of Christianity
was made in an eloquent manner , and
was listened to witl\ \ great attention. He
called upon ' all Christians to
rise to their feet , and about two-
thirds of the nudicnco left their
chairs. Those who desired to be Chris
tians were then called upon to arise , and
about twenty responded to the invitation.
Mr. Bitler made no effort to make con
verts by appealing to the hearts or emo
tions ot thu audience. Ho said ho wanted
the people to act with deliberation and
calmly chose whethpr they would bo on
Gnd's side or against him. The converts
were then invited to taKe places in the
front row oh scats. Two pretty littlq
girls about five years old were the first to
respond. A young man , with tears in
his eyes , next came forward , accom
panied by n friend who knelt by his side
HI silent prayer. This example encour
aged others , and while the congregation
sung "Tlio Glorious fountain , " the row
of scats became nearly filled. The min
ister descended from the platform and
individually pleaded with tlio converts.
Thuir efforts mot with hearty responses ,
and the meeting was one of the most
successful which the evangelist has over
The League TuUis a Hand In the
The Law nnd'Ordbr ' League iilcd-a doc
ument with tliilj licence board Saturday
evening denouncing the way that licensoa
have boon gruulbct saloon-keepers in llio
past. They sn&tliat it is not in accor
dance with IjWJftid order that non-
property owners should bo taken as
bondsmen for T ilbin-koopors , and wish
an invcstlgatioiv nd revision of this
practice. They day : '
The leasuo wi3nldljfurtlicr represent that
heictofoiu It bastoem customary for bondsmen -
men to bo on mow than 0110 bond a plain
violation of law which should bo piovented
In the future. To tliw wo call especial atten
tion and renuc-it that an examination ho
mndo of bondsmen woduced by applicants
fur license.
The interests of our ellfoens demand that
the sale of Intoxicating liquors should bo
confined to reputable business men and not
entrusted to lawless , reckless Individuals , who
seek to sec it 10 licensebv misrepresentations ,
perjury and violation of law. Your houoi-
able board has' tull control in the piemlses'
and a fair regard Iqrjliu good name nud pros
perity of Omaha demands careful and con-
sclentiotiB action on your pait. Nothing less
than this will batlsfy our law abiding citizens
or the largo business interests which this
league repiescnts.
AH Three in Jail.
"Mrs. Murtagh , Michael McCabe , lar
ceny , " is a register on the police book
for last night. It seems that Mrs. Mur *
tagh was chief laimdrywoman at the
Millard H short time -ago. Some few
weeks ago McCabe , who is her brother ,
was night steward at the same hotel.
They have had some family troubles
lately , as McCabe could not got along
with Mr. Murtagh , the woman's ' hus
band. On Saturday Murtagh had McCabe
Cabo arrested , but his sister got him out.
Then tlio two caused Murtagh's arrest
last night. This made him mad , and ho
told the police that his wife and McCabe
had stolen a lot of things from the Mil-
lard. A search of the liouso revealed a
largo amount of stolen goods , such as
shirts , pillow-caacs , dresses , silver knives
and forks , etc. , aggregating , it is esti
mated , $200 worth. The woman and her
brother were arrested , and the trio will
have a chance to plead to-morrow before
Judge Stcuborg.
The Bnttlo nnil Its Results Pointed
Out by "A WorktiiRiiinn. "
To the Editor : In the editorial columns
of Saturday's Hcc is an article headed
"Boyd and Bechel. " On this subject I
wish to say a few words. Wo have been
told by the Herald that the democratic
party failed to elect their candidates in the
interest of good government. Mr. Boyd
failed to receive the indorsement of law
abiding citizens at the polls for the rea
son that ho failed in his pledges and
promises of a year ago , when ho pledged
himself to handle the Interests of this city
as if they were his own. The citi
zens' nomination for mayor a year ago
was a failure and a disappointment ,
and will have to bo admitted as such on
all sides , oven by its most sanguine
friends. The action ot Mr Boyd in try
ing to blackball and rob an honest man
of his character when ho could not re
move him from ollice for no other reason
only that ho was an offensive partisan ,
and ho could not use him as a tool , lias
called forth tlio condemnation of all good
citizens. It called into life the Law and
Order league , which to a man was bound
to support the marshal in the perform
ance of his duty. Tom Cummings has
been the most faithful and honest man in
this position that over held the ofllcc in
the history of this city , and ho has the
support and good will and respect of
nil law-abiding citizens.
A word , now , in regard to Mr. Bcchol' '
Ho lias been a lirtn friend and advocate
of the marshal , bonce the opposition of
Mr. Boyd to him. Mr. Bcchcl has been
faithful in tlio discharge of his duties in
the past , and ho will uo faithful to the
trust reposed in him in the future , doing
his duty without fear or favor : and ho
received the indorsement at the polls
that ho riulily deserved. The writer docs
not think that Air. Goodman will allow
himself to bo made a cat's-paw to drag
the Boyd-Millor chestnuts out of the fire.
Ho has top much good common sense for
that. His record in the council during
the last year speaks for itself , and ho
will bo true to his principles and. party ,
and also to the men who elected him and
intrusted their honor to his keeping. In
regard to the newly elected republican
members of the council , Mr. Kaspcr
needs no introduction from mo to the
citizens of this city. Ho is well and fav
orably known as a faithful and efficient
ofliccr while n member of the police
force , and ho will bo a faithful and effi
cient member of the city council , per
forming his duties fearlessly and un
flinchingly. Mr. Cheney has grown to
manhood among the boys of the Union
Pacific shops ; ho is a young man of sterl
ing qualities , honest , sober and temper
ate , loved and respected by all who
know him. Ho is a man who cannot bo
made a tool of under any cire.
umstances whateves , and his
election was a compliment to
himself : and his friends , and a proud
-victoryfoi'tho''reriubHcaiis of the Fifth
ward. Ho will bo an honor to his party
in the council. The member from the
Sixth ward , Mr. Mnnvillo , is an honor
able and respected citizen and a repre
sentative working man. Ho has been
our absessor for several years honest and
faithful in the discharge of his duties ,
treating rich and poor alike. The en
dorsement ho received at the polls speaks
tor itsolf. The cowardly action of a few
paid loafers calling themselves mem
bers of the Plasterers' union in try
ing to down him at the polls called forth
the indignation of the honest workingmen
mon of the ward and received a fitting
rebuke. I don't think they will bo will
ing to try on their little game again.
Those arc the same men who , a year ago ,
as the hirelings of a certain party wont
into a workingman's convention as dele
gates and made all the efforts that laid in
their jiower to prevent that body from ex
pressing itself or making a choice. The
working men of the M\th ward wore
disgusted with the action of these dis
gruntled follows and we would
advise the Plasterers' union that
hereafter as a Boyd factor it
would bo well for them to keep their
posters at home , for the whole thing was
a failure.
In conclusion the workingmcn of this
city wish to return thanks to John B.
ITiiray and his associates in tlio council
who stood by their principles , and wo
will not forgot them in the near future.
Wo are happy to think that the scenes
enacted in the old council will not bo re
peated in the new , and wo sincerely hope
that harmony and good feeling will
prevail. A WOKKIKGMAX.
Their liast Mooting.
The old city council hold its last meet
ing at llio usual time and place last night.
Tlio only business' transacted was the offi
cial canvassing of the vote cast at tlio last
municipal election. Owing to the fact
that the third ward returns were not
signed by Ihd judges or clerks , through
some oversight , the canvassing was de
layed. Consequently tlio work was not
finished until late in the evening.
Tlio certificates of election were or
dered made out to tlio following success
ful candidates ;
1'iret word , Thomas Lowry ; second
ward , Frank J. Knspur ; third ward , Pat
rick Ford ; fourth ward , W. F. Buchol ;
fifth ward , Charles Cheney ; sKlii ward.
F. H. Manville , The vote for school
board was declared in favor of T. B.
Blackburn , W. li. Copeland and 11. J.
Tlio now council moots to-night for the
first tifuo.
A Humor Denied.
A rumor was rife yesterday
that Pat Ford's son had skipped
to Colorado witli some of his
father's money , which ho came by
unlawfully. The parents , however , deny
this , and say that ho had started for the
west , but us they wished him to go to
college hero , ho will bo back to-morrow.
Ofliccr James arrested Charles Hansen -
-sen last night. Hanson was noting in
such a manner as to justify the oflloer in
"pulling1 * him for insanity.
An office has just boon opened at Brus
sels for tlio sale pf orders , Four hun
dred francs'aro to bo paid on application ,
which will bo reluniud if the order bo not
procured , The following is tlio tariff ;
A commander's cross , of a Papal ordur ,
0.50' ) francs ; niqliain ( Tunis ) round the
nefck , 4,500 francs ; niclmin ( Tunis ) in the
button-hole , 4.QOU francs ; St. .Sylvester
and SU Gregory ( Italy ) , 4,500 fmncsi
Order of Christ ( Portugal ) , 5,000 frahcs ;
Isabella tiio Catho'ic ' ( Spain ) , 4,000 francsj
Order of Venezuela. 3,000 francs. The
most absolute discretion is guaranteed ,
A rongo pot full of rouge still fit for lisa
was lately nxcayated at Naucratis , so that
the .modem young lady might appear
witluitt tlio. color qf the Grecian belle , jf
she could borrow the rougj pot. ' , , . . .
WANTED 2 or 3 rooms 'for light house
keeping. Addrcss-F. , , r redericks | , 15th St ,
nicotine of the Irish National
Views or the Speakers.
The above organization was called to
order Sunday afternoon In Cunning
ham hall , on Thirteenth street , by Pres
ident pro torn E. 1) . Bronnan. Very few
were present , it being such a beautiful
day that people Boomed to prefer to bo
out of doors instead of there. After
some preliminary business , speeches
were In order. Mr. Moriarty spoke at
length on the Irish question and the vic
tory now almost won. lie said : "Things
are now transpiring in England that
give us hope of bolter days for the Irish
and Ireland , Only n few days ago Mr.
Gladstone , 'that grand old man , ' as ho is
called , introduced in tlio British parlia
ment , a bill providing that Ireland shall
have a parliament of her own made up
of Irishmen , and that they shall make
laws governing all that is Irish in Its na
ture. The introduction of this measure
to which I have just alluded
1 say it again , a parliament for
the Irish , with power to regulate the af
fairs of Ireland is a great stop toward
doing what all of us have been trying to
do these many years , oven should it not
pass. It is more than wo could hope for.
It is the Irish sentiment of not only the
people of Ireland , but America , whore
perhaps there is not n man through
whoso blood Hews not some little pure ,
heaven-beloved Irish blood , that has
caused this. And it seems to bo getting
a strong foothold in England , so strong
that Gladstone's bill is more than likely
to pass , 1 do not believe that Gladstone
would have presented the bill had ho not
boon sure that it would pass. The result ,
however , cannot bo forcast. There may
bo objectionable features in the bill , but
taken as an entirety , is n God-send to
Ireland and Irish people. But do not
forget one thing. And that is if this bill
docs pass it will bo through the efforts of
our standard bearer Parnoll. Ho has
stated that ho believes it will confer sub
stantial benefits to Ireland. Ho has gone
so far as to stale in the British parliament
that with a few clauses stricken out the
bill will have the unanimous support of
of Ireland. I say that it is the best thing
that could pass lor our people. "
Mr. Larkin then made a short address ,
of which the following is a synopsis : " 1
am not prepared to make a speech to-day.
I am feeling to unwoll. But wore 1 sick
in bed , without the power to moyo my
hands , i would raise my voice in tlio sup
port of Ireland. There is one great
beauty about our fight. It is not , Catholic ,
it is not Irish , but it is humanity and
right. It is not counties , or religion it
is a united Ireland. Gladstone's bill
seems to bo to ino one of barter and sale.
It is the same thing over again that the
American colonists had to bland in the
early days taxation and no represen
tation. That man who had boon laying
down his life for the cause
Parncll will do his best , however , and
finally clear old Ireland will bo freed from
the bondage she lias endured so long. "
Mr. Malionoy wished to say a few words
in regard to the great Irish victory. "It
has been something wonderful. When
Parnoll and a few others took the reins
and the championship ot this cause , not
so very long ago , they were denounced ,
both in England and America. They
wore called 'Obstructionists. ' It was said
that their only desire was to ob
struct legislation. They had no money ,
and no influence. What has the end
been ? A great and glorious victory. It
matters not whether Gladstone's bill is
passed or'not. If it is not , the victory
will bo lessened , but nevertheless some
thing for Irishmen llio world over to hail
with joy. Every Irishman in Omaha , and
the whole country , ought to fool happy
over the great victory in England and
they do. "
A beautiful steel engraving of the origi
nal of Tom Moore's harp was presented
the league by President John A. . McShano.
It is a very beautiful picture , tlio original
of which is in tlio lnuids of Goo. W.
Chillis , of Philadelphia.
All those in arrears to the league for
tickets to the St. Patrick ball are re
quested to cither rolurn the ticket or pay
llio money duo by next Sunday. An ex
cellent poem , entitled "Will My Soul
Pass Through Ireland ? " was recited in a
masterly way by Patrick McAdlo. Many
matters of interest were talked of , and
the mooting adjourned to meet next Sun
day in the same hall.
It Will Fall Through.
A good deal of talk is being made on
the streets about the latest scheme of
Mayor Boyd that of forcing some re
publican councilman into tlio noting
mayor's chair , by an alliance of the
democrats with ono or two republicans ,
and tlion resigning the oflico of mayor
himself , so as to defeat Mr. Boehol. Mr.
Goodman , who has boon urged by Mr.
Boyd to kneel down and permit the load
to bo placed on his back , has "declined
with thanks , " The situation lias so
shaped itself that it lias become- evident
that neither Mr. Goodman nor any other
republican member of the council could
secure the undivided support of the dem
ocrats in such a scheme , to say nothing of
getting the extra republican vote or two
Mr. Cheney ami Mr. Manville , it is said ,
arc opposed to allowing Mr. Boyd to use
them for n cat's-paw. Unless some now
and unexpected turn is reached , it is
quite evident hizzonor will have to forego -
go the pleasure of seeing Mr. Bechol aim
Marshal Ciimmiugs downed by the pie-
bent council.
Wants ii Hlvoroo.
Minnie Massey began suit in the dis
trict court yesterday , asking for a di
vorce from her husband , Thomas Mas-
soy. The couple were married in Topeka ,
Kus , last July. According to the peti
tion the wedded life was not happy , as
Massey began to abuse his wife within ix
week after their marriage , 11 is staled
lhat ho resorted to personal violence ,
from no cause except his ill temper.
Honoring a Hero.
Company E. , and the military band
from Fort Omaha returned from Kearney
yesterday. They went to attt'iidQ tlio
obsequies of the late Captain Crawford ,
who was killed in Mexico several weeks
ago. Captain Crawford was very popu
lar with the troops , and the funeral ser
vice was very impressive.
The city olork yesterday issued licenses
to marry to Peter Eggurs and Augusta
Mawdo , and Andrea Porsson to Anna
Porssoii , ull of Omaha.
The Great Invention ,
Without Ilarm to FA liltlOur I1.1NDS ,
and particular/ ! adapted to If n rm Clttita ( c * ,
No family , rich or poor , ( should be without It ,
Sold by fill Grocers , but beware Ot vlJo tral
Utlona. rjtAlilZ.yE is raonulactiird
That's the Way the Market Opens , But It
Takes a Tumble ,
Corn. Oats ami Provisions Hympw
thlzo Strongly With tlio licntllutt
Cereal The Cnttlo Market
liowor But Knslor.
CmcAoo , April 12. [ Special Toloirnm- ]
WIIKAT Wheat opened strong and higher
this morning , nnd for Mny delivery It nd-
vnnced from 73Vc to 78 jTc. Cables \\cro
rather bolter , llio surrounding markets felt
bullish , nnd news from the seaboard was ot
nu encouraging diameter. The estimates ot
the decrease in the visible supply jumped
1,400,000 bushel ! , nnd thcro was n continua
tion of the bullish export talk heard on the
floor Saturday. The temper of the crowd
WAS bullish , but the bears wore out In force
nud contested every Inch of the ground vig
orously. Scalpers were working the long
side early , however , nud besides thcro wns
n very persistent buying by strong commis
sion houses , whoso brokers followed the
market but did not seem disposed to put on
the pressure , their policy seeming to be a
repressive ono. Judging from surface
appearances. The strongest boar card of the
morning wns the news from Minneapolis
that the milling capacity had boon reduced
materially on account of Inability to Cud a
market for any but the best
grades of flour , stocks of In
ferior grades having ncctimmulatod
on millers' hands to uncomfortably largo
proportions. Some traders wcro uncharitable
enough to associate the ( .hutting down of the
mills with the reports nlloat during the latter
pnit of las t week that the northwest bad gone
short In this market 45,000,000 or 50OMOM
bushels , but others took no stock In that scut
of gossip , as the scnlpcrs wcro quick to solzo
upon the news from Minneapolis nud use
It for a down turn. From 11 o'clock
a. m. until 1 p. m. llio market was weak nud
at times nerveless. The price for May was
down to 78J < f@7S c several times , nnd trade
grow dull. Shippers of wheat wcro quint
nnd apparently Indllforcnt to the couiso of
events. They wcro not trying to do business ,
nnd gradually the bull talk about oxpoit
shipments nnd foreign absorption oC stocks
ceased. The sentiment of the room traders
began to change , and the drift seemed to bo
ngnln downward. "Wo must have steady
and largo depletions on locals or wheat can't
advance , and wo can't have an essential re
duction If there is any lot up to the foreign
demand , " said nu active trader , nnd the oft
repeated assertion wns applauded. The clos
ing at 1 o'clock was nt 78 c for May and
80@SOVe for Juno. Just before the ending
of tlio morning session It was reported that a
foreign order for 200,000 bushels had been
filled , but It could not bo verified. *
Mixon GRAINS Corn and oats were in a
rut to-day , and cash as well as speculative
business was almost at a standstill. Quota
tions scarcely moved , and the inaikct scciocd
.PROVISIONS Pork declined 7tf@10c , and
lard and ribs 2 > jc up to 1 o'clock. The
scalpers had fun with each other In pork ,
which bobbed about vivaciously until towaid
tbo last. The market was heavy as a whole ,
with offerings In excess of Inquiry.
AKTIUXOON : BOARD On tlio afternoon
board wheat broke % c , nnd the close wns very
weak nt 77i c for May , and TO c for June.
Ono boat load was reported taken from Now
York for export , nnd the fooling was ono of
croat depression locally. Corn nnd provi
sions slid down a peg or two In sympathy
with wheat
2:10 : p. m. Puts on May wheat , 70Xc ; calls ,
Chandler-Drown Co.'s Report.
The following report of Chicago's spcculi
tlvo markets Is furnished the BKR by W. 1 * .
1'cclc , Omaha representative of Chandler ,
Brown Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee :
Wheat opened linn. Now Yoik inaikct
bullish. Our Mr. Miller whes ; "I have good
icasons forbolloving the bottom has been
i cached and a good advance started. The
docreabe In the visible supply of wheat Is es
timated at about 1,400.000. " During the
latter pait of the morning session the bcais
tried to break wheat on report that Minneap
olis mills had closed , but the statement was
not credited. May closed at 03 % at 1 p. in.
Corn lu in.
Provisions weak. 2:30 : p , m. Nothing
taken for export. Wheat weak , J @J c off.
Corn steady.
Tori : weak
CHICAGO , April 12 , ( Special Telegram. ]
CATTLK The receipts of cattle for the dny
were 8,000. The market was fairly actl\o ,
with prices rather easier than Friday anil
fully lOc lower than Saturday. Thodeinan.l
wns largely for nlco light , little , cattle such
as como from Nebraska , ana when a buj cr
tot his eye on such a lot ho did not leave tlio
pen if a good stroujr bid would gel thoni ,
Plenty of this class , baiely averaging 1,0 0
Ibs , sold at 64.5001.80 , while Illinois and
lawn steers of the snmo average would ii' < t
sell for over 8t25@l.CO. The next cl'M
that seemed to bo In denial d
were good to cliolco 1,000 , to l.-'O
Ib steers , such ns would suit cither t n
dressed beef or shlppingtrndo. Buch sold 1
the way IromSl.Ooigl.OO , on occasional n d
or so at 5.10. Them wns not nn ovur nun ) ] y
of big eat tie , and the demand was rather Hi i-
ited. One or two of the Now York shlpii n
paid 85.003S.55 for 1,405 to 1,600 , Ibnvcine > .
but tlioio weio only a few of this tit
would mnku outside quotations. Cow &to '
nnd coarse butchcis' block was nbo t
the same ns last week. 'J <
&tockcr and feeder t ratio open I
rather dull. Light , little things or )
nut wanted , nnd good to choice feuduis cin :
bo Imd unless at fnt cattle prices , as diuss d
beef dcaleis quickly pick up antliluc tli t
cnrrlitt a fair per cent of llcsli. Shipping
Btuers , 1850 to 1600 Ibs , S5.10@5IK > ; l ui ) ( o 1 ' )
Ibs , S4.50@5.40 ; OSO to 1200 Ibs , SMO < " ) ,
Eioclccrs and feeders , $3.5034.33 ; cows , 1ml , t
nud mixed , 83.80@l.20 ; bulk : S3.00@D.OOi slot.-
fed bulls , S3.00Ql.'JO. :
HOGS The icceluts of hogs for the dnv
were --7,000. The nitukct opened will ) n shnui
dmyn turn to5@10o on about nil soils , } et at
tlio dip ] ) trade was brlbk , the general mnik' I
closing eoiiblduiably stronger Hum at H. (
opening , aud about all bold. TUc dccllu <